EDUC 2220 Tech Activity Plan
EDUC 2220 Tech Activity Plan
EDUC 2220 Tech Activity Plan
Activities written for previous classes cannot be re-used and must be the original work of the student.
Ohio Early Domain: Language and Literacy
Learning &
Strand: Writing
Standards: Topic: Writing Process
The children will have tablets and styluses to practice writing skills. They will practice tracing and
then writing on their own each letter of their name.
Estimated This lesson will take about 2 hours. I plan on dividing the lesson into 30 minutes per day for 4 days.
Preparation What preparation is needed?
of materials Gather tablets and styluses, create the writing app with each student’s name
environment What materials will be used?
Smartboard, tablets, styluses
Day 1:
First 10 minutes: Introduction of the activity- I will explain that we are going to use tablets to practice tracing the
letters of their names and then practice writing them on our own. I will explain the vocab words and I will
demonstrate all of this on the smartboard for everyone to see.
Next 15 minutes: The students will be working on their tablets and writing while I sit close by and observe. I will be
available to assist the students If needed.
Next 5 minutes: We will review as a class and I will ask them about their thoughts on the activity and explain we will
keep practicing the rest of the week.
Day 2:
First 5 minutes: I will remind the students of the activity and do a demonstration on the smartboard for the class.
Next 15 minutes: The students will be working on their tablets and writing while I sit close by and observe. I will be
available to assist the students if needed.
Next 10 minutes: We will review as a class and discuss what we need to work on. I will ask them about their thoughts
and how they feel about the lesson.
Day 3:
First 5 minutes: I will remind the students of the activity and do a demonstration on the smartboard for the class.
Next 15 minutes: The students will be working on their tablets and writing while I sit close by and observe. I will be
available to assist the students if needed.
Next 10 minutes: We will review as a class and I will remind them that tomorrow is the last day for the lesson. I will
ask them if they think their writing skills got any better and how they think their names look.
Day 4:
First 5 minutes: I will remind the students of the activity and do a demonstration on the smartboard for the class.
Next 15 minutes: The students will be working on their tablets and writing while I sit close by and observe. I will be
available to assist the students if needed.
Next 10 minutes: We will review as a class and ask them if they liked the lesson and what it was like working with the
tablets and styluses. I will print out their final name prints and save them for their portfolios.
This website shows developmentally appropriate approaches for language and literacy in early childhood. It has
books, articles and blogs on why it’s important and how to incorporate it in the classroom.
Differentiated Instructional Support: Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the
needs of gifted or accelerated students: This can be extended by giving them their full names, or by giving them the
full alphabet or even different words to trace and write.
Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the material: If
there are students struggling, we could check out the tablets for them to take home for practice and bring back to
school. I could also extend this into a writing game with the tablets for more practice.
Vocabulary: Tablet, Stylus
For teachers Smartboard – I will use this to demonstrate the activity to the students
Printer – to print their final name print to save in their portfolios
For students Tablet, stylus