Listening Section Questions: 1 To 5 Directions

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Listening Section

Part I
: 1 to 5
Directions :
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues and questions spoken in English. The questions
and the dialogues will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must
listen carefully to understand what the speaker say.
After you listen to a dialogue and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which
one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Now listen to a sample question.
You will hear :
: Sally, I lost my wallet. May I borrow fifty thousand rupiahs?
: Sure. Here you are

: You will also hear : What will the woman do?

You will read in your test book :

A. Leave the man alone
B. Drive the man home
C. Find the lost wallet
D. Lend the man money
E. Borrow the mans wallet
The best answer to the question is Lend the man money.
Therefore, you should choose answer (D).
1. A. Buying used books
B. Saving some money
C. Having a science book
D. Selling Todays World
E. Buying expensive books
2. A. Chocolate pudding
B. Chocolate cake
C. Chocolate ice cream
D. Chocolate bar
E. Chocolate milkshake
3. A. Buy a car
B. Fix a car
C. Hire a car
D. Have a car
E. Choose a car
4. A. Their daily activities
B. Their activities on the weekend
C. Their plan to clean the house
D. Their plan for the next weekend
E. Their picnic in the countryside

Part II
: 6 to 10
Directions :
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues and questions spoken in English, followed by five
responses, also spoken in English. The dialogues and questions and the responses will be spoken two
times. They will not be printed in your text book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the
speakers say. You have to choose the best response to each question.
Now listen to a sample question.
: I got a bad result in my test.
: What! You failed again?
A. Let me try again
B. I am fine, thank you
C. Dont worry, Ill move
D. Sorry, Ive disappointed you

: The best answer to the question You failed again? is choice D. Sorry, Ive
disappointed you.
Therefore, you should choose answer (D).

6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part III
: 11 to 15
Directions :
In this part of the test, you will hear several monologues. Each monologues will be spoken two times.
They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speaker
After you hear a monologue and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which
one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
12. A. To the woods to kill the wolf
B. To the woods to talk with a hunter
C. To the woods to play with animals
D. To the woods to pick some flowers
E. To the woods to visit her sick grandmother
13. A. By disguising himself as a hunter
B. By bringing her favorite food
C. By giving her a bunch of flower
D. By telling her that he is a friend
E. By pretending to be her grandmother
14. A. Kenya
B. Sudan
C. Zaire
D. Tanzania
E. Sierra Leone
15. A. Grey brown
B. Bright green
C. Light brown
D. Dark blue
E. Black

Text 1
The following text is for questions 16 and 17.
T/V Vietnam
: Saturday, 25 September, 12 Midnight, for Saigon, Singapore,
Colombo, Bombay, Djibouti, Marseilles
Embarkation : Passengers will embark between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Saturday
25th, via Gate 5, Carton Road, Kowloon. Ship is berthed at Pier
: Will be registered between 9 a.m. and 12 noon, and from 1 p.m.
to 6 p.m. at Hong Kong & Kowloon Wharf Co. s Warehouse No.6,
on Saturday 25th
: Light baggage only, i.e. overnight bags, briefcases, etc. should
be carried by the passengers when embarking, the Wharf Co.s

16. The announcement is about.

A. A ship which leave for Hong Kong
B. Passengers who want to travel by a ship
C. What passengers should do before they embark on the ship
D. What baggage may be carried by the passengers when embarking
E. Hong Kong and Kowloon Wharf Co.s Warehouse No. 6, on Saturday 25th
17. What is the next stop after Djibouti?
A. Saigon
B. Penang
C. Bombay
D. Marseilles
E. Singapore
Text 2
The following text is for questions 18 to 19.
May 21, 2009
Cipinang Lontar No 61 Jatinegara
Jakarta Timur 13420
Dear Mr. Brown
Thank you so much for taking the time to interview me for the volunteer
position. I truly appreciate the opportunity. I believe this opportunity is very
beneficial for improving the quality of my current personal life as well as in the
If you need more information regarding my past experiences, I would be more
than happy to provide you with any information which would be helpful.
Again, thank you very much for the time you spent with me.
Rina Yuliaty

18. What is the letter about?

A. Job application
B. Job opportunity
C. Experience information
D. Appointment for interview
E. Gratitude expression
19. We can conclude that the writer is going to be accepted for position because.


She had experiences

She had been interviewed
Mr. Brown was very kind to her
She offered to give more information
She thought Mr. Brown would give her the opportunity

Text 3
The following text is for questions 20 to 22.
For a holiday course in 2009
Course A : July 2nd July 29th
Course B : July 30th Aug 26th
Course C : Aug 27th Sept 16th
A minimum of 15 hours tuition
a week
Small classes
Experienced staf
Films, parties, sport events
15 minutes from Central
Acomodation in British families
Modest fees
For our prospectus write to :
38 Glandville Road

20. What is the text about?

A. An invitation for a home stay with British Families
B. A schedule for visiting the Hamilton School Of English
C. An announcement from Hamilton School about its activities
D. An invitation for a holiday with the Hamilton School students
E. An advertisement for an English course for foreign students
21. Which of the following is not offered by the Hamilton School of English?
A. Parties
B. Libraries
C. Small classes
D. Sport events
E. Experienced staff
The Woodcutters Three Axes
22. According to the text
was students
so poorstay
he British
nothing except the axe he needed to earn
A. The
as 20
a woodcutter.
It takes
minutes from school to Central London
day, students
by a stroke
ill fortune,
while he was working on the bank of a
C. The
study of
in big classes
D. The
of English
staffand sank in the river. Poor Ivan was
blade ofschool
his axe
flew ofhas
desperately unhappy; now how could he cut the wood which had always earned
him the little food that he ate?
His heart felt sighs were overheard by a strange, old man. As soon as he
was told what happened, the old man dived into the river and re-emerged a few
moments later, holding up a golden hatchet.
Text 4 Is this the one you lost? he asked. No, thats not my hatchet, Ivan
following text is for questions 23 to 25.
The old man dived into the river again and came up holding a silver
hatchet. No, thats not mine either, the woodcutter confirmed. On the third
occasion, the old man came out holding Ivans blade. Yes, thats mine! laughed
the happy woodcutter.
Take it. You owe me nothing for the help I have given you. Rather, since

23. Ivan got his axe back..

In which paragraph is this information found?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 5
E. 6
24. The strange, old man gave both the golden and the silver axes to Ivan because he was
A. Sad
B. Poor
C. Honest
D. Greedy
E. Unhappy
25. What value can we get from the text?
A. We can learn from our mistakes
B. Everything in life has its good points
C. Honestly will bring you happiness
D. If you look for trouble, youll find it
E. It is important to be patient in achieving your goal

An airline plunged 1200 m over Bass street. One of its two engines blew
up. It caused a midair panic among 102 passengers.
A passenger said that the Boeing 717 was about 50 km north of
Melbourne when the passengers and crew heard a massive explosion from the
right-hand side of the plane about 11.30 pm on Friday.
There was a loud bang and the whole cabin shuddered, another
passenger said.
Text 5 According to an airline spokesperson in matter of seconds the plane
is formquestions
to 6100 26 28
The pilot shut down the fuel supply to the damaged engine and steadied
the craft.
The international distress call Pan-Pan-Pan was radioed to Melbournes
The plane flew to Melbourne on one engine and landed safely. It was met
by a 60 strong contingent of fire, ambulance and technical teams.
The damaged engine was being replaced yesterday and the plane would

26. The text mainly talks about

A. An airline crash
B. A damaged engine of an airline
C. The passengers in an airline crash
D. An airline with a damaged engine
E. Emotional passengers in an airline
27. The passengers were panic when
A. They landed in Melbourne
B. The plane reached 1200 m height
C. When there was a contingent of fire
D. The plane dropped from 6100 m
E. One of its engines blew up
28. At the airport, there were.waiting for the plane to land.
A. The manager, the captain and the crew
B. The panic passengers and newspaper men
C. A contingent of fire, ambulance and technical teams
D. The emotional passengers and an airline spokesman
E. The manager, the captain, the crew and newspaper men.

Vasco da Gama is best remembered as the first European to sail from

European to India. The sea route he found helped Portugal build a rich empire
Vasco da Gama was born in Sines, Portugal, around 1469. As young man,
da Gama studied navigation and astronomy. He went on to serve as an officer in
the Portuguese navy. In 1497, the king of Portugal asked da Gama to find the
sea route to India by sailing around Africa. This would allow Portugal to control
the rich Indian spice trade. Could da Gama do it? Earlier Portuguese expedition
had rounded the southern trips of Africe. But these trips were long, difficult, and
dangerous. Was it possible to travel from Europe to India in a single voyage?
In July 1497, dan Gama set sail from Lisbon, Portugal, with four ships. By
January 1498, the expedition reached Mozambique on Africas southeastern
6 But Arab trades in Mozambique disliked the Portuguese. They drove da
is for questions
to 31
north, on29the
coast of Kenya, da Gama recruited an Arab
sailor to guide his ships across the Indian ocean. In May 1498, they reached
Calicut on Indias coast. In Calicut, da Gama found pearls, jewels, and wonderful
spices for sale. But the king and local merchants refused to trade with
Portuguese. Furious, da Gama sailed away. He arrived in Portugal in 1499 and
was honored as a hero.
In 1502, da Gama made a second voyage to India. He returned to Calicut
with warships and soldiers. Da Gama sank merchant vessels and killed many
civilians. The king of Calicut surrended. Da Gama sailed home to Portugal

29. Portugal built a valuable trading empire in India soon after da Gama defeated the king and the
people of Calicut in
A. 1497
B. 1498
C. 1499
D. 1502
E. 1524
30. Earlier Portuguese expeditions had rounded the southern tip of Africa (paragraph 2)
The meaning of the underlined word is
A. Presently
B. Shortly
C. Before
D. Soon
E. Later

31. What did the king do while Da Gama successful in helping his country to build a rich empire
overseas? Giving him as
A. As an empire
B. The best civilian
C. A good soldier
D. One of Portugals merchants
E. One of Portugals governors
Bees are insects. There are about 20,000 species or kinds of bees. They
live everywhere in the world except on high mountains, in the Arctic and
Antartic, and on some small islands in the ocean.
Some bees are as small as 0.08 inch (2 millimetres). However, some bees
big as 1.6 inches (4 centimetres). Bees come in many colours; black,
Text 7
or blue.
is for
32 toMost
35 bees live alone. They are called solitary
bees. Meanwhile, some bees live in groups called colonies. They are social bees.
Bees have three pairs of legs and four wings. Like all insects, they have a
head, chest, and abdomen. They have mouthparts and a tongue for collecting
nectar. They carry the nectar in an organ called a honey stomach.
Moreover, bees have special wings that let them fly like a helicopter. They
can fly backward, forward, sideways, or stay in one place in the air.
In addition, bees have three regular eyes and two compound eyes. Their
compound eyes have many lenses. Furthermore, bees can see colours and
patterns. This helps them find flowers.

32. What is the text about?

A. Bees in brief
B. Bees habitat
C. Kinds of bees
D. Bees and insects
E. The size of bees
33. What do you call for the bees who live as a group
A. Compound
B. Helicopter
C. Solitary
D. Colony
E. Pattern
34. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To describe bees in general
B. To explain readers about bees
C. To tell about bees in a particular way
D. To inform readers about bees in details
E. To entertain readers with a story about bees
35. Which part of the bees body function to carry the nectar?
A. Nectar
B. Mouthparts
C. Honey stomach
D. Legs and wings
E. Mouthparts and the tongue

Text 8
The following text is for questions 36 to 39.
Sea World
Curious about sharks or other sea creatures? Check it out at the world
inside Ancol Dreamland.
Sea World, one of the most modern and well maintained attractions in
Indonesia, has exciting displays of marine creatures. Visitors are shown the
display of various kind of amazing fish, fearsome sharks, and large stingrays
through an underwater tunnel.
At Sea World, you can view not only saltwater but also freshwater fish as
the oceanorium is divided into two sections, saltwater and freshwater. In the
freshwater sections, you can find out about water ecosystem, South American
fish, baby crocodiles and giant robber crabs.
On view in the saltwater section are jellyfish, coral reef, miniature coral, school
fish, dangerous sea creatures, the underwater world and many more. Sea world

36. What does the text focus on?

It focuses on
A. The exciting displays of marine creatures such as fearsome sharks
B. The Sea World in Ancol Dreamland as one of the most modern attractions in Indonesia
C. The saltwater and freshwater fish living in the Sea World
D. The Oceanorium which was divided into two sections
E. The Sea Worlds roomy theatre.
37.Sea World, one of the most modern and well maintained attractions in Indonesia..
(Paragraph. 2)
Which of the following phrases best defines the underlined word?
A. Unforgettable destinations
B. Comfortable cottages
C. Interesting places
D. Full reservations
E. Lovely beaches
38. What kind of fish can we enjoy in the freshwater section?
They are.
A. Jelly fish, south American fish, primitive cartilaginous fish and giant robber crabs
B. School fish, baby crocodiles, sharks, jelly fish, and giant robber crabs
C. Indonesian fish, jelly fish, electric eels, school fish, and coral reefs
D. Water ecosystem, baby crocodiles, giant robber crabs
E. Indonesian fish, jelly fish, electric eels and African fish
39. What does the writer want to tell?
A. The various kinds of fish in Dreamland
B. The benefit of visiting Dreamland
C. The best way to spend the holidays
D. A certain fish living in the Sea World
E. A certain place that displays sea creatures

Faster planes and cheaper flights are making it easier than ever before for
to travel. In the most developed societies, visiting exotic places is a
sought-after statues symbol. The tourism industries of both developed and
The following text is for questions 40 to 43.
developing countries have recognized this fact and are learning to take
advantage of it.
There are, however, some problems associated with this new industry. Firstly,
there is the increasing crime rate. Some locals see tourists as easy prey
because, not only are they in unfamiliar territory and therefore less able to take
care of themselves, but also they carry visible items of wealth, such as cameras
and jewelry which can be disposed of quickly for profit.
Another major problem is health. With greater mobility comes greater danger of
spreading contagious diseases around the world. One carrier returning home
could easily start an epidemic before their illness was diagnosed. Moreover, the
emergence of many diseases which resist antibiotics is causing scientist to be
increasingly concerned about this issue.
Also to be considered is the natural environment, which can be seriously
threatened by too many visitors. Australias Great Barrier Reef, for example, is in
danger of being destroyed by tourists and there are plans to restrict visitors to

40. Why does the natural environment became one of the serious problem associated with the faster
planes and cheaper flight? Because.
A. It is easily started an epidemic before their illness was diagnosed
B. It can be destroyed by too many visitors
C. The health problem will be increased
D. They carry visible items of wealth
E. It can increase crime rate
41. The purpose of the text is.
A. To inform readers about natural environment
B. To entertain readers about the delicate coral cays
C. To tell readers how to overcome the problem in health
D. To expose the disadvantages of faster planes and cheaper flight
E. To describe readers about the beauty of Australias Great Barrier Reef
42. Why is the crime rate increasing deal with the new industry?
A. Some tourists carry visible items of wealth which are easily taken
B. They are spreading contagious diseases around the world
C. They are planning to restrict visitors to some coral cays
D. Visiting exotic places is an increasing issue
E. Scientist concerned about the issue
43. One carries returning home could easily start an epidemic before their illness was diagnosed.
The underlined word means.
A. Found
B. Observed
C. Recognized
D. Examined
E. Healed
1. You can get two kinds of phones : analog or digital. Some phones combine
both types in one. With todays technology, you can have call waiting ( to
receive call while you are already talking) and call display, which show you
on your cell phone the name of the caller.
Text 10
2. The cell phone can be your home office. You can send and receive faxes
The following
for questions
44 to
documents, and other printed material) and
make notes to yourself on the phone.
3. Cell phones are getting smaller and cheaper. People like the convenience
of being able to call anytime from any location. You can use your cell
phone to reach people anywhere in the world. Cell phones are also good in
an emergency if you need to call for help.
4. But is it all good news? Not always. Cell phones dont operate well when
the battery is low. When a communications satellite failed in 1998, some
users lost their phone service. Cell phones are dangerous to use when you
drive. More and more car accidents happen while people are talking on
their cell phones.
5. Cell phone conversations are not private. People can listen to other
peoples conversations when they are talking on cell phones. They do this
by using a scanner that can pick up the same radio frequency used for the
calls. People dont like to have to listen to other peoples private phone
conversation while they are traveling on the bus or standing in line at the
6. Last, but not least, some cell phones companies charge quite a bit of

44. According to the text, we can conclude that

A. Paragraph 2 tells the pros cell phones while paragraph 4 tells the cons
B. Paragraph 2 tells the advantages of cell phones while paragraph 4 tells the pros
C. Paragraph 2 tells the disadvantages of cell phones while paragraph 4 tells the advantages
D. Paragraph 2 tells the disadvantages of cell phones while paragraph 4 tells the cons
E. Paragraph 2 tells the cons of cell phones while paragraph 4 tells the pros
45. Why dont we have to be always at home to get a cell phone?
Because our handphones
A. Have good brands
B. Have many features
C. Are modern technology
D. Have call waitings and call displays
E. Use radio waves and telephone lines
46. What happened in 1998?
A. Cell phones did not operate due to failure
B. Cell phones became dangerous to use
C. Many car accidents happened
D. Some cell phone users lost their phones
E. Communications satellite failed to operate
47. Cell phones can be annoying. (point 6)
The underlined word has the same meaning as
A. Embarrassing
B. Interesting
C. Disappointing
D. Irritating
E. Arguing
48. The cell phone can be your home office. (paragraph 2)
The sentence means that
A. The cell phone is also your office
B. The cell phone can be as your home
C. Your home office is your cell phone
D. Your home is also your office while connecting through the phone
E. Your office work can be done at home through the cell phone
Text 11
The following text is for questions 49 and 50.
: All Department Heads
From : Joan Alexander
Date : May 10, 2009
: Weekly Department Head Meeting, May 30, 2009, 8:00 am. Room
Agenda :
1. Vote on the vacation policy
2. Elect a media spokesperson
3. Introduce the new vice president of marketing, Mark Halpern

49. What is the text about?

A. A personal birthday invitation
B. A high school announcement
C. An office meeting invitation
D. A national seminar agenda
E. A public notice
50. Elect a media spokesperson
The underlined word can also mean someone.
A. Whose job is to speak in public
B. Who speaks on behalf of himself
C. Who likes to speak to other persons
D. Who is appointed to speak in a meeting
E. Who speaks on behalf of other company

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