E-Governance Through Semantic Web

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E-governance through Semantic web

Anamika Rana, Amit Prakash Singh

University School of Information Technology
GGS Indraprastha University, Delhi – 110 403
[email protected], [email protected]

citizen needs and responsibilities. Its objective is to

Abstract— In Many countries the government engage, enable and empower the citizen. In simple
organizations have a very distributed structure. terms Electronic Governance can be defined [4] as
Different organizations that are organized at different giving citizens the choice of when and where they
levels provide different services to the citizens. The access government information and services. While
level of a government's service is one main factor that e-governance entails the processes used to provide
can affect its international competitive power. services to the public, e-government is the tool to
Several developing countries are realizing the role of accomplish e-governance.
ICT (Information & Communication Technology)
can play in the governance sector and are putting into Objective
practice innovative e-governance models that may be With the sole mission of bringing public
technologically simple but are drastically changing administration closer to the common people thus
the way information is distributed in the society. This offering efficient and effective services, e-
paper depicts a model of e-governance. The main governance is evolved with the following objectives.
objective is to implement e-governance in an easy • To ensure greater transparency, efficiency,
and cost effective way to suit with existing ICT objectivity, accountability and speed that can
infrastructure to provide better information and help tackle most of the problems of the
service delivery of government to the people. The government by providing efficient services to the
complexity of government-to-constituent interactions public.
needs to be analyzed comprehensively.
• To provide responsive and transparent
services to the citizens of the state.
Keywords: Information & Communication
• To provide cost effective service and at the
Technology, G2C (Government to Citizen), G2B
same time improving the quality of service.
(Government to Business), G2G (Government to
Government) • To provide a single window for government
services at different level.
Introduction • To improve Government processes so that
openness, accountability, accuracy, speed of
E-governance may be defined as the performance of operations, effectiveness and efficiency may be
the governance via the electronic medium. In order to achieved.
facilitate an efficient, speedy and transparent process • To provide IT enabling the government
of disseminating information to the public, and other functions – something similar to back-office
agencies and for performing government automation.
administration, ICT explore the possible way for • To provide Web-enabling the government
implementation. It includes the publishing of policy functions so that the citizens will have a direct
and program related information to transact with access.
citizens. e-governance is the public sector’s use of
information and communication technologies with Typically, this would mean web-enabled
the aim of improving service delivery, encouraging applications, but e-governance would also provide to
citizen participation in the decision-making process automated applications for the government sector,
and making government more accountable, which helps in achieving SMART governance which
transparent and effective. e-governance is generally some define as:
considered as a wider concept than e-government, • Speed
since it can bring about a change in the way how • Moral
citizens relate to governments and to each other
through electronic medium. e-governance can bring • Accountable/Accurate
forth new concepts of citizenship, both in terms of • Responsive and

• Transparent Governance • Governance that is cheaper: producing the
same outputs at lower cost.
Need of e-governance • Governance that does more: producing
Government cannot exist or function in isolation. For more outputs at the same total cost.
a government to operate effectively, a government- • Governance that is quicker: producing the
community-citizen infrastructure should be in place. same outputs at the same total cost in less time.
This would result in a secure and meaningful
information flow between the government and
• Governance that works better: producing
the same outputs at the same total cost in the
citizens of a nation. A close-knit infrastructure would
same time, but to a higher quality standard.
yield two fold benefits, which would save time and
money for all concerned: • Governance that is innovative: producing
• Citizens can enjoy faster, effective and new outputs.
timely government services. This would also
evolve a culture of self-service wherein citizens When governments, citizens, and private sector
can help themselves wherever and whenever partners redefine and reengage their roles, better
required. government—better governance—will be the result.
• Government can become more
integrated into the community itself. Also An e-governance model
government can focus its resources where they The three main target groups that can be
are needed the most. distinguished in e-governance concepts are
government, citizens and businesses. The most
Also, mankind has taken a big leap with the advent of common interactions in e-governance, G2C, G2B and
Information Technology and Information highways. G2G, are presented schematically in Figure1 below:
Both information technology and information
highways are here to stay and impact our lives in the
years to come. So, government has take into account
these facts and gears itself to create Simple Moral
Accountable Responsive Transparent governance.

Governments across developing nations worldwide

have more challenges and responsibilities to bring
their nations at par with the developed nations. To
face such challenges, government can bring in e-
governance reforms. e-governance offers a new way
forward, helping improve government processes,
connect citizens, and build interactions with and
within civil society. e-governance provides three
basic change potentials for good governance for
Figure 1
• Automation: replacing current human-executed
processes, which involve accepting, storing, Gartner, an international consultancy firm, has
processing, outputting or transmitting formulated a four-phase e-governance model. This
information. For example, the automation of can serve as a reference for governments to position
existing clerical functions. where a project fits in the overall evolution of an e-
• Informatisation: supporting current human- governance strategy. Most governments start by
executed information processes. For example, delivering online information, but public demand and
supporting current processes of decision-making, internal efficiency soon require more complex
communication, and decision implementation. services. Of course this takes effect gradually; some
• Transformation: supporting new human- services will be online earlier than others. In some
executed information processes. For example, cases the public demand is the driving force, in other
creating new methods of public service delivery. cases, cost saving aspects for the government are
leading. According to Gartner, e-governance will
These change potentials, in turn, can bring five main mature according to the following four phases:
benefits to governance for development: 1. Information  Presence

2. Interaction  Intake processes In phase three, the complexity of the technology is
3. Transaction  Complete transactions increasing, but customer (G2C & G2B) value is also
4. Transformation Integration & change higher. Complete transactions can be done without
going to an office. Examples of online services are
The model does not imply that all institutions have to filing income tax, filing property tax,
go through all phases and all at the same time. On the extending/renewal of licenses, visa and passports and
contrary, in the Western world, government online voting. Phase three is made complex because
institutions are in phase 1, 2 or 3. of security and personalization issues. E.g. digital
(electronic) signatures will be necessary to enable
legal transfer of services. On the business side, the
government is starting with e-procurement
applications. In this phase, internal (G2G) processes
have to be redesigned to provide good service.
Government needs new laws and legislation to enable
paperless transactions.

In the fourth phase, when all information systems

are integrated and the public can get G2C & G2B
services at one (virtual) counter. One single point of
contact for all services is the ultimate goal. The
complex aspect in reaching this goal is mainly on the
internal side, e.g. the necessity to drastically change
culture, processes and responsibilities within the
government institution (G2G). Government
Figure 2 : e-governance Maturity Model (Gartner, employees in different departments have to work
2000) [3] together in a smooth and seamless way. In this phase
cost savings, efficiency and customer satisfaction are
The differences can be huge: the tax department can reaching highest possible levels.
be in phase three, while the department of public
works is starting phase one. It all depends on where Semantic Web and information management
the benefits are highest. Semantic Web started out with a document oriented
approach; the basic idea was to make Web pages
In the first phase, e-governance means providing the identifiable as informational resources and to
relevant information to the public through web (G2B, annotate them with semantic markup. For systems
G2C). The format of the early government websites developers, mastering the different kinds of Semantic
is similar to that of a brochure or leaflet. The value to Web technologies is already quite a challenge, and
the public is that government information is publicly new technologies will continue to appear in short
accessible; processes are described and become more cycles; so it remains a constant battle to stay
transparent, which improves democracy and service. reasonably up-to-date. But still, this is not enough:
Internally (G2G) the government can also the semantic markup requires also a computer
disseminate static information with electronic means, supported strategy for generating the markup, i.e. any
such as the Internet. markup tool must relate to some computer readable
representation of what concepts (terms, relations)
In the second phase, the interaction between should be used for achieving the markup. This is the
government and the public (G2C & G2B) is most important link to the conceptual modeling of the
stimulated with various applications. People can ask application domain, and it has become state-of-the-art
questions via e-mail, use search engines, and to employ ontologies for this purpose.
download forms and documents. These services help
the user to save time. In fact the complete intake of Ontology-based approaches seek to define common
applications can be done online 24 hours per day. domain terminologies. For ages, the term “ontology”
Normally this would only have been possible at a has been used in singular mode, relating to a long
counter during opening hours. Internally (G2G) tradition of philosophical discourse on metaphysics.
government organizations use LANs, intranets and e- With the beginning of the construction of artificial
mail to communicate and exchange data. (virtual) worlds, research within Artificial
Intelligence has focused on exploring and producing
“ontologies”, each of these applying to selected

domains. The most frequently quoted definition of markup, to provide (or generate) the appropriate
ontology is provided by Gruber “An ontology is a markup, and to understand the processes which will
specification of a conceptualization.” While this use those objects and the related semantic markups.
sounds much as conceptual modeling, the However, in systems development projects not only
metaphysical background is still somewhat relevant: the life cycle of resources and their markup come into
“The subject of ontology is the study of the focus, but also the organizational aspects of
categories of things that exist or may exist in some information provision and use as well as the
domain. The product of such a study, called an reasoning behind identifying, organizing and sharing
ontology, is a catalog of the types of things that are information. Actually, many authors in the area of
assumed to exist in a domain of interest D from the Semantic Web see a strong connection to knowledge
perspective of a person who uses a language L for the management and believe that those new technologies
purpose of talking about D.” Therefore, ontologies will bring a quantum leap. In consequence, most of
are means for communication. But successful support the envisioned applications related to Semantic Web
is possible only when the concepts included and their rely on advances in knowledge representation,
relations are agreed on by the users and/or a group of intelligent retrieval and facilitation of
experts, in relation to what the purpose of the communication.
communication is.
Semantic Web started out with a document oriented
The degree of formalization may differ significantly approach; the basic idea was to make Web pages
which has consequences for the options of identifiable as informational resources and to
automation. Basically, it is important to distinguish annotate them with semantic markup. However,
between designing and using informational resources is not
• Informal ontology: may be specified by a only a technical and organizational challenge, it must
catalog of types that are either undefined or also take into account the social aspects of
defined only by statements in a natural language, information. “In fact the concept of a unit of
and information is central, not only in the technical
architecture, but in society's concepts of information,
• Formal ontology: specified by a collection as a document is not only the unit for reference,
of names for concept and relation types
retrieval and presentation (typically), but also the unit
organized in a partial ordering by the type-
of ownership, license to use, payment,
subtype relation.
confidentiality, endorsement, etc. so we can’t mess
with it too much.”
The degree of formalization usually corresponds with
the complexity of the conceptual modeling: a simple
keyword catalogue can be quite helpful and is easy to
E-government approaching the Semantic Web
implement, while e.g. thesauri and topic maps need
The domain specific research and real-life projects in
far more support for construction and use. To
organizations both are only starting to integrate the
represent ontologies as knowledge objects on their
diverse technical and organizational issues focused
own there are several languages available.
on information management, knowledge
Meanwhile there are a number of methods and tools
management and Semantic Web. This applies also to
for ontology construction, as well as a various
the field of e-government.
options on how to employ ontologies in systems
development and how to construct “ontology-driven”
In practice, there are strong efforts in information
information systems.
management to support also e-government issues,
mainly through defining
Ontologies are also regarded as a key to solving
metadata standards and interoperability frameworks.
interoperability problems. The standardization of
Just recently there is a growing interest in Semantic
ontologies used within a network provides a common
Web technologies which are reckoned to be a key to
frame of reference for cross-organizational
solve many e-government interoperability problems.
applications. And if such an agreement is not
possible, there is still hope to bridge semantic gaps
From the administrative point of view, Semantic Web
through mapping and reconciliation of ontologies.
and ontology-based approaches seem to promise
support for at least the following objectives:
From the perspective of information management, the
• systematic management of dealing with all
main challenges related to Semantic Web are to
kinds of (electronic) informational resources
identify the objects which will need semantic

• support for administrative processes • formalization of governmental business
crossing borders of organizations, systems and processes in an unambiguous structure
infrastructures • better support to front line by allowing one-
• improving service quality: e.g. responding to stop, customer focused and multiple view-point
requests, information retrieval and knowledge access to services and shared information.
management with respect to different actor
In all of these, each of the local administrations has Conclusion
its own understanding of the domain (e.g. of the
The term e-governance is of recent origin and has
services to be given to the citizens and other clients)
become the buzzword in all developing countries. In
as well as of the interoperability needs. Domain
fact, it is the use of Information and Communication
specific standardization as well as methods and tools
Technology (ICT) for redesigning the traditional
may certainly help, but they will not unify the
mode of governance, through better coordination and
perspectives and the (professional) language of the
sharing of power among different components of
actors involved. The variety of perspectives and
government; thus taking care of the traditional
interpretations will even increase since Semantic
problems of governance. The lack of information and
Web technologies and the use of ontologies enable
communication infrastructure results in people
the treatment of informational resources on a far
having to waste time and money. Lack of clarity in
more fine grained level: now any bit of information
processes, and corruption and mismanagement in
or any knowledge object could be given an identity
systems and operations, is rampant. In this context,
and assigned attributes (metadata) allowing for more
Information and Communication Technologies
sophisticated applications and services also in e-
(ICTs) can play a significant role in making
information available at a reasonable cost. ICTs
promise to provide innovative solutions to the
Therefore, the main challenge of applying Semantic
problems of poverty and inequality by accelerating
Web technologies for e-government services is how
development and introducing transparency into
to support corporate as well as cooperative
systems and operations. Thus from above discussions
information management (and partly even knowledge
we conclude that a long term and a short-term
management) taking into account the increased
strategy for e-Governance implementation is the need
granularity of informational resources and the
of the hour. For successful implementation
manifold semantic differences in dealing with those
Standards, Infrastructure, Legislations, Strategy all
resources. In the next section we examine a case of
needs to be in place. It also requires establishment of
developing a prototype for an ontology-driven e-
various institutions under the Ministry of Information
government application based on Semantic Web
Technology. It requires a Global Vision and local
technologies in order to learn more about how to
implementation. And above all it requires e-readiness
interrelate systems development with the tasks of
in the minds of citizens and the Government
information and knowledge management related to
employees. For e-Governance to make a tangible
the e-government service provision.
difference to the lives of the millions of un-served
and under-served in our country, the government has
A few of the promising advantages of using Semantic
to switch from a mindset of procurement where
Web Services in e-Governance are,
technology is seen as input to one where it is focused
• reduction of cost and risk on outcomes and services. Therefore, use of
• increase in flexibility technology in government has to be less about
• automated integration, reasoning and ordering PCs and servers but rather what one can do
mediation among heterogeneous data sources with them in terms of making government more
and processes available at distinct government efficient.
• discovery of new or previously unknown
• aggregating services on the basis of user
preferences i.e. personalized services [1] Turban, Efraim. Electronic Commerce: A
• better services to community partner Managerial Perspective, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle
organizations and individual citizens River, NJ, 2004.

[2] Alter S, “ Information Systems: Foundations of
E-Business”, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ,
sep 2009)
[4] www.idmigoyo.com/.../Overview%20on%20e-
Governance.pdf –(20 sep 2009)
[5] http://egovstandards.gov.in/
[6] http://www.egovindia.org/
[7] http://dqindia.ciol.com

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