Revision of DNV Standard For Offshore Wind Turbine PDF

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Josef Kryger Tadich
Det Norske Veritas, Tuborg Parkvej 8,
DK-2900 Hellerup, Denmark
[email protected]
Phone: +45 39 45 48 00, Fax: +45 39 45 48 01

Knut O. Ronold
Det Norske Veritas, N-1322 Hvik, Norway
[email protected]

Tove Feld
Det Norske Veritas, DK-2900 Hellerup, Denmark
[email protected]

Det Norske Veritas (DNV) was the first institution in the world to issue a self contained standard for design of
offshore wind turbine support structures in June 2004. The standard DNV-OS-J101 Design of Offshore Wind Turbine
Structures represented a condensation of all requirements in DNV standards for the offshore oil and gas industry which
were considered relevant also for offshore wind turbine structures. The requirements were in many cases supplemented by
necessary adaptation to the wind turbine application.
DNV plans to issue the next revision of DNV-OS-J101 in 2007. The revised standard now implements the
requirements of the coming IEC 61400-3 standard, which was presented as a committee draft in 2006. Numerous practical
guidelines have been included to help designers of offshore wind turbine structures to develop cost optimal designs. The
present paper summarises the proposed revisions of DNV-OS-J101.
The most important revisions cover new formulations for design load cases, modified partial safety factors, more
information on wave loads in shallow water and a revised chapter for design of concrete structures.

risk assessment, maintenance planning and occupational

DNV has a staff of about 7000 employees and is
represented in a global network of more than 300 offices
in 100 countries. More information about DNV is found
DNV has been a market leader in certification of
offshore installations since the 1970es where the first
development of oil and gas exploration in the North Sea
took place. Maintaining this position has been possible
because the technical basis for certification in the form of
standards has been carefully maintained through
scientific collaboration with industry, research centres,
and universities and through systematic experience
feedback from certification of individual projects.

DNV is an independent foundation working to
safeguard life, property and the environment. DNV was
established in 1864 and the first services involved
classification of ships. During the years DNV has also
provided a long range of certification and consultancy
services to the oil and gas industry and within renewable
energy, information technology, transportation, food and
beverages, defence and health care.
Among the most important competences shared
among DNVs specialist are: structural design, materials,
geotechnical engineering, wave and wind loads, machine
electrotechnical engineering, control and safety systems,
welding, corrosion engineering, non-destructive testing,
quality management, environmental impact assessment,

Based on the extensive range of standards for the

offshore oil and gas industry, DNV compiled all the
relevant requirements for offshore wind turbine
structures in a standard DNV-OS-J101 Design of
Offshore Wind Turbine Structures in 2004 [1]. The oiland gas-related requirements were in many cases
modified since offshore wind turbines are unmanned
structures where collapse will have only a modest impact
on the environment. The standard was readily
acknowledged by the industry and is the basis for
certification of more than 10 offshore wind farms.
the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) completed the committee draft for the
IEC 61400-3 standard [11] with principles and
requirements for design of offshore wind turbines. The
IEC standards have world-wide recognition as the
technical basis for design and certification of wind
turbines. All major wind turbine manufacturers, research
institutions and certifying bodies participate in the
development and maintenance of the IEC standards
relevant for wind turbines.
In order to facilitate the design and certification of
offshore wind farms in the future, DNV-OS-J101 [2] has
been subject to a revision which includes a
synchronisation with the coming IEC 61400-3 standard
[11]. In this paper, we describe the major elements of this
revision and outline the numerous changes that have
been made to improve the value and the implementation
of the DNV-OS-J101.

speed where the wind turbine delivers full power. The

rated wind speed is typically about 14 m/s at hub height.
Important control and safety system functions
protect the rotor speed of the turbine from exceeding a
level, where the turbine is overloaded or operation and
braking cannot be controlled. If the limit is exceeded, the
safety system will bring the turbine to a stop and
disconnect the grid. Such emergency stops can also be
activated manually by service personnel in the turbine in
case they observe a condition which is critical for their
own safety. Emergency stops will typically lead to large
turbine loads, in particular when the stops occur at the
same time as a wind gust.
Modern offshore wind turbines pitch the blades
during storm conditions to minimize the blade loads. In
this mode the largest tower bottom moments are typically
crosswise to the wind.
Some of the most advanced wind turbines include
tower vibration control by pitching the blades. Such
advanced control systems reduce not only wind induced
fatigue response, but also wave induced fatigue response.
The IEC 61400-1 [10] standard defines loads using
stochastic wind input and transient deterministic wind
input that define worst case scenarios such as extreme
wind gusts, extreme wind shear and extreme direction
change. Load cases refer to not only normal operation
but also to fault conditions such as loss of grid and
controller errors. Wind turbine response used as basis for
design is computed as time simulation by means of
aeroelastic software codes.
In the 2004 edition of DNV-OS-J101 [1] each of the
wind load cases from IEC 61400-1 [10] were modified to
include relevant companion marine loads from waves,
current and ice. Stochastic wind loads were combined
with stochastic marine loads and deterministic transient
events were combined with deterministic marine loads.
Some of the experiences gained after the
implementation of the 2004 edition of DNV-OS-J101 [1]
imply that the water level variation due to tide and storm
surge has a very significant effect on support structure
loads and that a refined description of the relative
direction of wind and wave loads can lead to a more
rational basis for design in particular in storms.
The IEC 61400-3 standard [11] has been developed
with significant input from the DNV-OS-J101 standard
[1]. The wind and wave directionality and water level
issues have been explained in more detail for the
individual load cases and some load cases have also been
The load case definitions in the 2007 edition of
DNV-OS-J101 [2] will become completely synchronised
with those of IEC 61400-3 [11].
In the 2004 edition of DNV-OS-J101 [1], the
emergency shut down was combined with a 10-year
deterministic extreme wave. Based on further discussions
in the industry, this combination has been accepted as
too conservative. In the 2007 revision of DNV-OS-J101
[2] it is accepted that the wave load during emergency

Figure 1. The support structures for the wind turbines at

Kentish Flats are designed and certified to DNV-OSJ101
The definition of design load cases for offshore
wind turbines is much more complicated than for
offshore oil and gas installations due to the significance
of the wind loading, the large effect of control and safety
system actions and the sophisticated aeroelastic response
of the rotor.
For the common type of modern offshore wind
turbines ultimate wind induced loads for design can
occur at the rated wind speed which is the lowest wind

stopping is derived with a stochastic wave environment

which corresponds to the expected significant wave
height for the actual wind speed.
For a stop that occurs when the grid has an error,
the 2004 edition of DNV-OS-J101 [1] prescribed that the
design load case shall combine this scenario with the
same critical wind gust which is used on land as well as
with stochastic waves in a sea state with a 10-year return
period. This load case was also considered too
conservative after it had been discussed with the
designers and the operators of offshore wind turbines.
For onshore wind turbines installed where the electrical
distribution system is carried on masts, grid errors are
likely in storms because the storm also can damage the
distribution system. In contrast offshore wind farms are
connected to the grid on land by a cable buried in the sea
bed. The wind speed in storms at the offshore wind farm
will typically not reach its maximum at the same time as
the wind speed reaches its maximum in the area of the
masts that carry the distribution system. Further, grid
error occurrences for offshore wind farms are not
considered so frequent that they need to be combined
with waves in a sea state with a 10-year return period.
In addition to the two load cases explained above,
several other load cases which include a transient
condition on the rotor side can, according to the 2007
revision of DNV-OS-J101 [2], be combined with a less
severe stochastic wave condition than the deterministic
extreme wave prescribed in the 2004 edition of DNVOS-J101 [1]. Further details of the revision are described
by Wedel-Heinen et al.[19].

values, and that wind turbine structures are expected to

be dominated by wind turbine loads which are of a
different nature than the wave loads which are assumed
to be dominating for structures designed according to
(2) An absolute calibration based on a probabilistic
model in conjunction with a requirement to the target
failure probability. A first-order reliability method as
described in Madsen et al. [15] was used for this
purpose, and it was assumed that a reasonable target
safety level would be between low safety class and
normal safety class as defined in NKB [17] and DNV
and Ris [14] for structures whose failures are ductile
with no reserve capacity.
Since DNV-OS-J101 [1] was first issued in June
2004, significant experience has been gained both with
design of offshore wind turbine structures and with use
of DNV-OS-J101. During the same period of time, work
has been going on to develop an international standard
for design of offshore wind turbines, IEC61400-3 [11].
Based on the accumulated experience and based on the
implications of IEC61400-3, it has become clear that a
revision of DNV-OS-J101 [1] would have to include a
revision of its safety factor requirements. It has been
concluded with consensus in the wind industry that the
minimum requirements to structural safety are identical
on land and offshore. Accordingly, it suffices to design
wind turbine structures to normal safety class as defined
in NKB [17] and Ris and DNV [14] for structures
whose failures are ductile with reserve capacity. This
implies a somewhat relaxed prescribed target safety
level, i.e. an increased acceptable probability of failure.
To reflect this and to bring DNV-OS-J101 in line with
IEC61400-3, the load factor requirements of DNV-OSJ101 have been kept unchanged, such that they remain
equal to those proposed in the committee draft of
IEC61400-3, whereas the material factor requirements of
DNV-OS-J101 overall have been reduced by
approximately 4-5% in the 2007 revision of DNV-OSJ101 [2].

When the June 2004 version of DNV-OS-J101 [1]
was developed, its requirements to partial safety factors
for use in design of offshore wind turbine structures were
laid down based on the conclusions from two different
approaches to calibration of partial safety factors:
(1) A relative calibration based on safety factors
required by DNV-OS-C101 [3]. This approach implied
adjustments of the partial safety factor requirements of
DNV-OS-C101, warranted by differences in type of
loading, differences in definitions of characteristic values
and differences in failure consequences between
structures designed by DNV-OS-C101 and structures
designed by DNV-OS-J101 [1]. DNV-OS-C101 [3] was
developed for design of offshore steel structures for the
oil and gas industry and aims for design to high safety
class as defined in NKB [17] and Ris and DNV [14].
Wind turbine structures are unmanned and imply much
less risk to human life, and they can therefore be
designed to a lower safety class. Essentially, to obtain
safety factor requirements for DNV-OS-J101 [1], the
safety factor requirements in DNV-OS-C101 were
lowered to reflect the lower safety class allowed for wind
turbine structures. At the same time as it was kept in
mind that DNV-OS-J101 defines characteristic loads as
50-year values, whereas DNV-OS-C101 uses 100-year


The 2007 revision of DNV-OS-J101 [2] includes a
number of improvements and amendments with respect
to modelling of waves and wave loads, in particular in
shallow waters.
The 2004 issue of DNV-OS-J101 [1] provides
guidance for representation of the short-term distribution
of wave heights in deep waters by means of a Rayleigh
distribution and only states that this Rayleigh
distribution model may be conservative if applied to
wave heights in shallow waters. The new revision of the
standard [2] includes guidance for use of the composite
Weibull distribution proposed by Battjes and
Groenendijk [13] for representation of wave heights in
shallow waters. Guidance is included for when the model
can be used, and for its limitations.

jointly. The use of a slamming coefficient in Morisons

equation is just to be considered as a first approximation
and may in critical cases be followed up by more detailed
analysis combined with experimental testing.
The term "ringing" is used in the literature for
higher order transient action effects that may occur when
steep, high waves encounter vertical components of
structures with eigenperiods in the range from about 2 up
to 8 seconds. See also DNV-RP-C205 [18].

A new subsection about wave theories and wave

kinematics is included. Three wave parameters determine
which wave theory to apply in a specific problem. These
are the wave height H, the wave period T and the water
depth d. These parameters are used to define three nondimensional parameters that determine the ranges of
validity of different wave theories,

Wave steepness parameter:

S = 2

gT 2 0

= 2

Most European designers of steel structures are
familiar with EN 1993, Eurocode 3 [8]. The Eurocode is
to a large extent similar to the standards which
traditionally have been used in the offshore industry such
as DNV-OS-C101 [3] and DNV-RP-C203 [5] but
includes also very detailed requirements to advance finite
element based buckling analysis such as the analysis of a
tower door opening illustrated in Figure 2. To ease the
implementation of DNV-OS-J101 [2], it has been
decided to refer more extensively to EN 1993 [8].
Eurocode 3 [8] is considered a recognised design
code according to IEC 61400-1 [10] and IEC 61400-3
[11]. This implies that Eurocode 3 [8] can be used for
design according to DNV-OS-J101 [2] when the total
safety factor product exceeds the minimum required level
specified in IEC 61400-1 [10]. Accordingly, Eurocode 3
[8] design procedures can be used for offshore wind
turbine substructures when the following material factors
are applied together with load factors and consequence
of failure factors from IEC-61400-3 [11] and DNV-OSJ101 [2]:

Shallow water parameter:

Ursell parameter:

Ur =

1 S
2 3
k d
4 2 3

where 0 and k0 are the linear deepwater wavelength and

wave number corresponding to wave period T. The
ranges of application of the different wave theories are
given with reference to these three parameters. This is
followed by presentations with descriptions of the
following wave theories,

Linear wave theory

Stokes wave theory

Cnoidal wave theory

Stream function wave theory

Various orders of Stokes wave theory are dealt with. The
presentations include expressions for the sea surface
elevation for the different wave theories, except for the
stream function theory.
The recommendations for the hydrodynamic inertia
and drag coefficients CM and CD for calculation of wave
loads, given in the 2004 version of DNV-OS-J101 [1],
have been adjusted to bring them in line with the
recommendations given in ISO 19902 [12] and in DNVRP-C205 [18], see Nestegrd et al. [16].
For evaluation of load effects from wave loads, the
new revision of DNV-OS-J101 [2] includes a
requirement to include possible higher order effects.
Various types of higher order, interrelated high frequency
wave actions may occur and cause extreme or repetitive
action effects if the action frequencies coincide with
natural frequencies of the structure. Such high frequency
actions occur, among other things, due to slamming and
due to the non-sinusoidal behaviour of large waves in
shallow waters.
Since the theoretical knowledge of these
phenomena is limited, it is important to assess them

Yielding: 1.1
Buckling: 1.2
Fatigue: 1.0 (above the splash zone and accessible
for inspection and repair)
For several years, there has been a discussion
among designers of offshore structures about the best set
of parametric expressions for stress concentrations in
tubular joints. Consensus has now been reached to
generally recommend the use of the expressions
originally proposed by Efthymiou [12]. All parametric
stress concentration factors for tubular joints in jacket
structures for support of wind turbines, given in the 2007
revision of DNV-OS-J101 [2], are now in line with those
recommended for jacket structures for the oil and gas
platforms in DNV-RP-C203 [5] and ISO 19902 [12].

Figure 2. Buckling analysis of tower door opening.

3. With free corrosion

The SN curves in air can also be used for steel with
an intact coating for corrosion protection.
For steel jackets for the oil and gas industry the
splash zone is protected by paint. Due to the harsh
environment in the splash zone a significant breakdown
of coating during the service life must be taken into
account. As an approximation to the average fatigue
condition between in air and with free corrosion, the
fatigue curve Submerged in seawater with cathodic
protection is used in the plash zone in the oil and gas
industry, see DNV-RP-C203 [5].
For offshore support structures for wind turbines it
has been found relevant to draw the attention of the
designer more closely to the selection, application,
inspection and necessary repair of the coating for the
splash zone. To provide a rational basis for this, it is now
specified in the new revision of DNV-OS-J101 [2] that
the basic fatigue curve for unprotected steel in the splash
zone is free corrosion and the basic fatigue curve for
coated steel is in air. It is acceptable to carry out
fatigue life calculations in the splash zone based on
accumulated damage for steel considering the probable
coating conditions throughout the design life intact,


There is a significant difference between design of
steel structures for traditional offshore oil and gas
installations and design of support structures for wind
turbines with regard to design of structural details in the
splash zone. For traditional oil and gas installations, the
fatigue loads from the topside are modest and the fatigue
load effects from wave loading in the splash zone are
normally small. For offshore wind turbines this is not the
case. The fatigue loads from the rotor on the tower and
support structure are normally more important than the
wave loads. Fatigue design of steel in the splash zone is
therefore a very critical part of the design of support
structures for offshore wind turbines. Due to the effects
of tide, the splash zone for some of the offshore wind
turbines in UK waters extends over a significant part of
the support structure.
It is well known that fatigue in steel is sensitive to
the environment. Normally reference SN curves for steel
fatigue design are developed for the following
1. In air
2. Submerged in sea water with cathodic

damaged and repaired. The coating conditions used for

design shall refer to an inspection and repair plan. If the
designer considers the steel surface accessible for
inspection and repair of initial fatigue damage and
coating, this must be documented through qualified
procedures for these activities.
Due to the relatively large splash zones expected for
wind turbine support structures, also the corrosion
allowance in ultimate and fatigue analysis is an important
parameter in design. In the 2004 edition of DNV-OSJ101 [1] a corrosion rate of 0.3-0.5 mm was generally
recommended as has been the practice in the offshore oil
and gas industry based on experience from the North
Sea. It was also recommended not to reduce the
corrosion allowance when a corrosion protection system
is installed.
The corrosion rates for steel in sea water depend to
a large extent on the chloride content which is different
in the various waters around the world. It has also to be
recognised that advanced corrosion protection systems
can reduce the corrosion rate for design provided that
inspection and repair is feasible.
In order to provide the best possible basis for
rational design in various waters it is now specified that
the corrosion allowance in the splash zone shall be taken
according to the corrosion rate for the structural steel in
the relevant sea water and the planned inspection and
repair strategy. It is now made clear that the corrosion
rates recommended in DNV-OS-J101 [2] apply
specifically to North Sea conditions.

series of load effect in relevant cross sections shall

be calculated by simulation with random seeds.
The maximum load effect shall be interpreted from
each of the time series for a particular cross section
and a particular combination of wind and wave
The mean value and standard deviation of the
interpreted six or more maxima shall be calculated.
The characteristic load for the particular
combination of wind and wave climate shall be
calculated as the mean + 1.28 times the standard
For each cross section the maximum characteristic
load for the different combinations of wind and
wave climate shall be used in the crack width
design criterion.
The format for material resistance in the crack width
criterion follows DNV-OS-C502 [4]. However, some of
the interpretations in EN 1992 [7] are found acceptable
when this standard is applied to wind turbine support
structures. The text in the revised DNV-OS-J101 [2]
explains how the EN 1992 [7] requirements are modified
to meet DNV-OS-C502 [4].
Based on a calibration study, the partial safety factor
for concrete and reinforcement strength is reduced by
approximately 5% in the revision proposal. This is in line
with the above-mentioned reduction in the requirement
to material factors for steel when implementing the safety
level inherent in IEC 61400-3 [11].
In the revision it is now stressed that all metallic
components in an offshore support structure including
appurtenances shall have equipotential bonding and
electrical earthing in order to protect against potential
differences, stray currents and lightning. Documentation
for this shall be included in the design documentation.
As guidance, it is mentioned that the transfer
resistance for the reinforcement in an offshore concrete
structure may often be low and could then be used for
earthing. If used for earthing the reinforcement should as
a minimum be tied with metallic wire at every second
crossing and the vertical and horizontal connection shall
be supplemented by separate electrical connections
clamped to the reinforcement at a suitable distance.
It is normally required to protect rebars and
prestressing tendons against corrosion wherever they can
be subject to corrosion in sea water. This is
recommended to be done by means of cathodic
Care shall be taken to make sure that the corrosion
protection system and the electrical earthing do not

The text about concrete design in DNV-OS-J101 [2]
has been revised such that this part of DNV-OS-J101
now serves as an application document for the more
extensive DNV concrete design standard DNV-OS-C502
[4] and such that it facilitates use of EN 1992 [7].
The construction of concrete gravity foundations for
offshore wind turbines is illustrated in Figure 3.
For offshore wind turbine concrete foundations the
crack width requirement is an important design criterion.
The crack width criterion covers degradation of the
concrete and corrosion of the steel reinforcement due to
opening of cracks. An unambiguous reference load has to
be defined. In DNV-OS-C502 [4] the criterion refers to
the load effect that is exceeded no more than 100 times
during the service life. For wind turbine foundations this
definition shall be detailed further. In the 2004 edition of
DNV-OS-J101 [1] it was conservatively specified that
the load used for the crack width criterion should not be
exceeded more than 100 times during the service life. It
has been found difficult to interpret this definition and
the interpretation could be somewhat conservative. In the
revision proposal for DNV-OS-J101 [2] the definition is
based on the fatigue load simulations and specifies that
For each considered applicable combination of
wind and wave climate, at least six 10-minute time

Figure 3. Concrete gravity offshore foundations during construction.

Another topic, which has not yet been incorporated
in the standard and which thus also has to be referred to
a future revision, is the issue of design requirements
which are specific for floating wind turbine structures.
The steel grade conversion tables in DNV-OS-J101
[2] still only cover European steel grades and DNVs
own grading system. It is desirable to include other
national steel grading systems in the conversion tables in
a future revision of the standard.
A further improvement of the basis for design
against ice loads is also referred to a future revision.
DNV is currently hosting a JIP on ice loading of
structures, which will eventually result in the publication
of a DNV recommended practice for ice loading for
arctic offshore structures and which will allow for the
desired improvement of the basis for design against ice
loads in DNV-OS-J101 [2].
Finally, it is noted that requirements to design of
systems for occupational safety are not specified in
DNV-OS-J101 [2], although inclusions of such
requirements in a future revision of the standard certainly
will be desirable. However, such mandatory requirements
are currently not part of the IEC WT01 [9].

DNV-OS-J101 is intended as a living document
which incorporates received feedback in a thorough and
timely fashion with frequent new revisions. Since the
first issue of DNV-OS-J101 in 2004 [1], DNV has
received a significant amount of feedback from the
industry with suggestions for topics to be included in a
revision, either in terms of technical requirements or in
terms of guidance for design. Many of the suggestions
have been complied with in the new revision of the
standard. However, a number of issues raised in the
feedback received have not yet been implemented in the
One such issue, which remain open and unresolved
and which needs to be referred to future work, is the
issue of detailed requirements and guidelines for
assessment of the risk for extraordinary high wind speeds
above the design limits for the potential wind turbine
design in climates governed by tornados, hurricanes and
typhoons. Data to support general requirements and
guidelines for design of wind turbine structures for such
climates are very limited, and designs will have to be
carried out on a case-to-case basis until sufficient
experience is gained to allow for generalised rules for

The DNV-OS-J101 standard for design of support
structures for offshore wind turbines was first issued in
2004 [1] and has now been revised according to the
latest knowledge. The revision has been concluded in a
proposal for a revision [2].
The most important new item is a synchronisation
of the definition of load cases and partial safety factors
with those of the coming IEC 61400-3 standard [11]. The
basis for describing design waves in shallow water, for
designing concrete foundations and for designing against
fatigue in steel support structures in the splash zone has
also been improved.
At the time of writing, the proposal for a revision
[2] has not yet been through the formal hearing process
where specialists and stakeholders in the offshore wind
industry are invited to review the details of the revision.

1. DNV-OS-J101, Design of Offshore Wind Turbine
Structures, 2004
2. DNV-OS-J101, Design of Offshore Wind Turbine
Structures, Revision Proposal, 2007
3. DNV-OS-C101, Design of Offshore Steel Structures,
General (LRFD method), 2004
4. DNV-OS-C502, Offshore Concrete Structures, 2004
5. DNV-RP-C203, Fatigue Design of Offshore Steel
6. EN 50308, Wind Turbines Protective Measures
Requirements for Design, Operation and Maintenance.
7. EN 1992 Eurocode 2 Design of Concrete structures
8. EN 1993 Eurocode 3 Design of Steel Structures
9. IEC WT01, IEC System for Conformity Testing and
Certification of Wind Turbines, Rules and Procedures,
10. IEC 61400-1, ed. 3, Wind Turbines Part 1: Design
11. IEC 61400-3 CD, Wind Turbines, Part 3: Design
Requirements for Offshore Wind Turbines, December
12. ISO/DIS 19902, Petroleum and Natural Gas
Industries Fixed Steel Offshore Structures, October
13. Battjes, J.A., and H.W. Groenendijk, Wave height
distributions on shallow foreshores, Journal of Coastal
Engineering, Vol. 40, pp. 161-182, 2000.
14. DNV and Ris, Guidelines for Design of Wind
Turbines, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2001.
15. Madsen, H.O., S. Krenk, and N.C. Lind, Methods of
Structural Safety, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs,
N.J., 1986.
16. Nestegrd, A., M. Ronss, . Hagen, K.O. Ronold,
and E. Bitner-Gregersen, New DNV Recommended
Practice DNV-RP-C205 on Environmental Conditions
and Environmental Loads, Proceedings, ISOPE
Conference, Paper No. 2006-PT-04, San Francisco, Cal.,
17. NKB, Nordic Committee on Building Regulations,
Recommendations for Loading and Safety Regulations
for Structural Design, NKB Report No. 36, Copenhagen,
Denmark, 1978.
18. DNV-RP-C205, Environmental Conditions and
Environmental Loads, 2007
19. Wedel-Heinen, J., K.O. Ronold, and P.H. Madsen,
Revision of DNV design standard for offshore wind
turbine structures, Proceedings, OMAE conference,
Paper No. 29118, San Diego, Cal., 2007.

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