Certifications of Offshore Wind Turbines
Certifications of Offshore Wind Turbines
Certifications of Offshore Wind Turbines
IV Industrial Services
Edition 2005
This Guideline was compiled by Germanischer Lloyd WindEnergie GmbH in cooperation
with the Wind Energy Committee. The Wind Energy Committee consists of representatives from
manufacturers, universities, insurance companies, associations, engineering offices, authorities and institutes.
The current members of the Wind Energy Committee are named on our website:
Interpretation of the Guideline is the exclusive prerogative of Germanischer Lloyd WindEnergie GmbH.
Any reference to the application of this Guideline is permitted only with the consent
of Germanischer Lloyd WindEnergie GmbH.
Reproduction by printing or other means, even of extracts, is only permissible with the consent
of Germanischer Lloyd WindEnergie GmbH.
Table of Contents
List of Abbrevations
Appendix 1.A
Appendix 2.A
This Chapter 2 contains amongst other things requirements on how the control system and safety system shall react
on sensor signals. Requirements on Condition Monitoring Systems are given in Chapter 13.
Appendix 3.A
Appendix 3.B
Appendix 4.A
Appendix 4.B
Appendix 4.C
Appendix 4.D
4.D Design Parameters for Describing an Offshore Wind Turbine ......................................................... 4-55
4.D.1 Turbine parameters ................................................................................................................................. 4-55
4.D.2 Wind farm parameters............................................................................................................................. 4-55
4.D.3 Wind conditions ...................................................................................................................................... 4-55
4.D.4 Marine conditions ................................................................................................................................... 4-56
4.D.5 Conditions of the electrical power network ............................................................................................ 4-56
4.D.6 Other environmental conditions (where necessary) ................................................................................ 4-57
4.D.7 Limiting conditions for transport and errection ...................................................................................... 4-57
4.D.8 Deviations to Guideline parameters and models..................................................................................... 4-57
Appendix 4.E
4.E Wind Generated and Water Depth Limited Wave Spectra ............................................................... 4-59
Appendix 4.F
Appendix 4.G
Appendix 4.H
4.H Estimation of Design Wave Loads for Rigidly Positioned Structures............................................... 4-67
4.H.1 Hydrodynamically transparent structures ............................................................................................... 4-67
4.H.2 Hydrodynamically compact structures.................................................................................................... 4-68
Appendix 4.I
Appendix 4.J
Appendix 5.A
5.A Strength Analyses with the Finite Element Method ........................................................................... 5-31
5.A.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 5-31
5.A.2 Modelling of the structure....................................................................................................................... 5-33
5.A.3 Loading of the structure .......................................................................................................................... 5-36
5.A.4 Calculation and evaluation of the results ................................................................................................ 5-36
5.A.5 Documentation of FE analyses for the certification of wind turbines..................................................... 5-37
Chapter 6 Structures
6.1 General Requirements............................................................................................................................ 6-1
6.1.1 Scope......................................................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1.2 General design considerations .................................................................................................................. 6-1
6.1.3 Loads on the structure............................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1.4 Serviceability limit state ........................................................................................................................... 6-2
6.1.5 Durability .................................................................................................................................................. 6-2
6.1.6 Model tests................................................................................................................................................ 6-2
Appendix 6.A
8.1.5 Parallel operation with public power supply networks ............................................................................. 8-2
8.1.6 Stand-alone operation ............................................................................................................................... 8-3
8.1.7 Assessment documents ............................................................................................................................. 8-3
Chapter 9 Manuals
9.1 Manuals for Sea Transport and Offshore Installation......................................................................... 9-1
9.1.1 General...................................................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.1.2 Objective and format of the manuals for sea transport and offshore installation ...................................... 9-1
9.1.3 Scope of the manuals for sea transport and offshore installation .............................................................. 9-1
List of Abbreviations
Abbreviation Meaning
A Abnormal (for partial safety factors)
C Condition of the serviceability
CD Chart Datum
CMS Condition Monitoring System
Coh Coherence function
CQC Complete Quadratic Combination
CRP Carbon fibre Reinforced Plastic
DAF Dynamic Amplification Factor
DLC Design Load Case
ECD Extreme Coherent gust with Direction change
ECG Extreme Coherent Gust
EDC Extreme Direction Change
EIS Electrical Insulation System
EOG Extreme Operating Gust
EWM Extreme Wind speed Model
EWS Extreme Wind Shear
F Fatigue
FEM Finite Element Method
FRP Fibre Reinforced Plastic
GL Germanischer Lloyd
GL Wind Germanischer Lloyd WindEnergie GmbH
GRP Glass fibre Reinforced Plastic
HAT Highest Astronomical Tide
HSWL Highest Still Water Level
JONSWAP Joint North Sea Wave Atmosphere Program
LAT Lowest Astronomical Tide
LDD Load Duration Distribution
LSWL Lowest Still Water Level
MSL Mean Sea Level
N Normal and extreme (for partial safety factors)
NTM Normal Turbulence Model
NWP Normal Wind Profile
S Wind turbine class S (S for special)
Transport, erection and maintenance (for partial safety
factors and for the wind speed)
U Ultimate limit state
IV – Part 2 Symbols and Units
GL Wind 2005 Page 15
This list is not entirely complete. Symbols defined and only used in certain sections are not included.
VT 10-min mean of the wind speed at hub height, m/s (cf. Section
specified by the manufacturer for maintenance,
erection and transport. VT can consist of
several quantities.
v coefficient of variation -
v displacement in the y direction m
vboat boat impact speed m/s (see Section
W section modulus of a plane m³
w displacement in the z direction m
X“d subtransient reactance - (see Chapter 4, Appendix 4.C)
x; x’ coordinates m
y parameter for the extreme wind shear model: - (EWS: see Section
horizontal distance to the hub centreline
y; y’ coordinates m
z distance from still water level, m (see Section
positive upwards
z height above still water line m (see Section
zhub hub height of the wind turbine above m (see Section
still water line
z; z’ coordinates m
α power law exponent for the normal - (see Section
wind profile
α generalized Phillips´ constant to be used with - (see Section
the JONSWAP spectrum
αS inclination of the outer flange surfaces ° (see Section
Symbols and Units IV – Part 2
Page 20 GL Wind 2005
Auxiliary symbols
Symbol Meaning
⎯ mean value of the overlined quantity
Symbol Meaning
∆ difference or part of the subsequent quantities
Π product of the subsequent quantities
Σ sum of the subsequent quantities
Rules and Guidelines
IV Industrial Services
Edition 2005
IV – Part 2 Table of Contents Chapter 1
GL Wind 2005 Page 3
Table of Contents
Appendix 1.A
1.1 Scope
(1) Deviations from this Guideline are, as a matter of (2) Additional requirements for the offshore wind
principle, permitted only with the consent of GL Wind. turbine resulting from, e.g.
1.1.4 International standards and guidelines A description of the terms and definitions for an
offshore wind turbine can be found in Figure 1.1.1.
An overview of the international standards, technical The offshore wind turbine consists of the machinery or
guidelines and specifications of the IEC, CENELEC, topsides structure (rotor and nacelle) and the support
ISO and GL Wind with regard to offshore wind structure (tower, sub structure and foundation). These
turbines is given in Appendix 1.A. definitions will be used in the Guideline.
IV – Part 2 1.1 Scope Chapter 1
GL Wind 2005 Page 1-3
topsides structure
tower tower
sub-structure sub-structure
1.2.1 Scope and subdivision of the certification – A – Design Assessment (see Section
The following sections define the scope for Certifi- – quality management system of the manufacturer
cation of an offshore wind turbine or an offshore wind (see Section
farm and the steps necessary for Certification.
– implementation of the design-related
1.2.2 Type Certification requirements in production and erection (see
Section General
– witnessing of the test operation of a prototype
(1) Type Certification shall confirm that the offshore (see Section and Chapter 10)
wind turbine type is designed according to a wind
turbine class in conformity with the design assump- (4) Following completion, GL Wind will issue
tions based on this Guideline and other technical Statements of Compliance on the A-Design
requirements. It shall also confirm that the manufac- Assessment, the implementation of the design-related
turing process, component specifications, inspection requirements in production and erection and on the
and test procedures and corresponding documentation prototype test as well as the Type Certificate.
of the components covered by this Guideline are in
conformity with the design documentation.
(5) The Type Certificate has a validity period of two
(2) Within Type Certification for a type of offshore years. During the validity period, all installed offshore
wind turbine it is allowed to exclude the support wind turbines of this type shall be reported annually to
structure (tower, substructure and foundation). Then GL Wind. The Type Certificate will already lapse
the dynamic influence of a virtual support structure is before the two years have expired if the A – Design
to be considered in the load assumptions. Within a Assessment or the certificate for the quality system are
Project Certification the site specific support structure no longer valid.
shall be assessed.
(6) Upon expiry of the validity period, re-certifica-
(3) To attain the Type Certificate, the following steps tion will be performed on request of the manufacturer
are necessary, see also Figure 1.2.1: (see Section
– general description of the offshore wind turbine (3) The rotor blades and the machinery components
– description of the control and safety concepts in the drive train are also checked for plausibility, if it
is possible to apply the experience gained in the
– description of the safety system and the braking dimensioning of similar turbines. As already
systems mentioned in Section, it may depend on local
– complete calculation of the loads regulations or requirements as to whether a plausibility
check of the tower and foundation is sufficient or
– main drawings of the rotor blade, including whether a complete analysis is necessary.
structural design and blade connection
– general arrangement drawing of the nacelle A- and B- Design Assessment
– drawing of the hub, main shaft and the main Scope and validity
– listing of the primary components to be used (e.g. (1) To attain the A – or B – Design Assessment, the
main bearing, gearbox, brake, generator etc.) examinations, tests and witnessing set out in Section and Section are required; see Fig.
– main drawings of support structure 1.2.2.
IV – Part 2 1.2 Extent of Certification Chapter 1
GL Wind 2005 Page 1-7
(2) The B – Design Assessment may contain items Assessment of the design
that are still outstanding, providing these are not documentation
directly safety-relevant. The B – Design Assessment
has a validity period of one year. During the validity (1) For assessment of the design documentation, the
period, all installed offshore wind turbines of this type manufacturer shall submit a full set of documents in
shall be reported to GL Wind. the form of specifications, calculations, drawings,
descriptions and parts lists. It is recommended that the
documents for the implementation of design-related
(3) The A – Design Assessment is only performed requirements in production and erection (see Section
without outstanding items. The A – Design Assessment, which are to be submitted within the scope of
is valid indefinitely. It becomes invalid when type certification, also be submitted for examination
modifications are made without the consent of GL within the design assessment.
Wind to the design of components which form part of
the design assessment.
(2) Initially, the documents which form the basis of
the design are assessed; these are
(4) The examination of a support structure is
– control and safety system concepts (Chapter 2)
optional within the scope of the A – or B – Design
Assessments. – load case definitions / load assumptions (Chapter 4)
Assessment of loads
safety concept
Certification Report:
Load assumptions
Certification Reports:
- Safety system and manuals
- Rotor blades
- Machinery components
- Tower (and foundation)
- Electrical equipment
- Commissioning
No items outstanding:
A - Design Assessment
(3) Once these have been assessed, design assess- (3) The descriptions of the quality management
ment of the components and subassemblies listed measures in production and in erection shall be presen-
below follows: ted in a summarizing document for the corresponding
component or assembly. The quality management
– safety system (Chapter 2) examinations can be supported by means of drawings,
specifications and specimen documents.
– rotor blades (Section 6.2)
– mechanical structures (Sections 6.3, 6.5) inclu- (4) It is recommended that the descriptions of the
ding nacelle housing and spinner (Section 6.4) quality management measures already be submitted
within the scope of the design assessment.
– machinery components (Chapter 7)
– electrotechnical components, including lightning (5) The documented implementation is examined by
protection (Chapter 8) GL Wind once at the start of production within the
scope of a personal inspection. It shall be decided in
– support structure (Section 6.6) , (optionally) each individual case whether the conformity can be
– manuals (Chapter 9): erection manual, commis- inspected in the component manufacturer’s works or
sioning manual, operating manual, maintenance as part of the incoming inspection of the turbine
manual manufacturer. Witnessing and Tests (6) Changes in the procedure which influence the
production quality or the component properties shall
(1) The scope of the blade tests is defined in Section be reported to GL Wind. In the event of major
6.2.5. changes, the descriptive documents shall be submitted
for renewed examination and, if necessary, a repeated
(2) The prototype test of the main gearbox at the test personal inspection shall be made.
bench shall be completed before issuance of the A-
Design Assessment (see Section 10.7). (7) If information is obtained on deviations or
malfunction in the operation of offshore wind turbines
(3) The commissioning procedure shall be witnessed that must be ascribed to production flaws, GL Wind
at one of the first offshore wind turbines built in the reserves the right to monitor the production
version to be certified (see Section 10.8). surveillance also after the Type Certificate has been
issued. Quality management system
(8) The possibilities for rectifying faults are as
Within the scope of the quality management (QM) follows:
system, the manufacturer shall verify that he meets the
requirements of ISO 9001 with regard to design and – After revision of the descriptive documents, the
manufacture. As a rule, this is effected through the defects that have occurred are remedied. A
certification of the QM system by an accredited repeated personal inspection may be necessary.
certification body (see Section 3.2). – If the defects are not detected, GL Wind can
impose external surveillance on the manufacturer Implementation of the design-related for these components or assemblies.
requirements in production and erection
(1) Objective: It shall be ensured that the require- Prototype test
ments stipulated in the technical documentation with
regard to the components are observed and implemented (1) The measurements within the scope of test
in production and erection. This is shown once only to operation of a prototype generally comprise the
GL Wind by the manufacturer of the components and following points:
the offshore wind turbine. Furthermore, this approach is
generally intended to replace external surveillance – measurement of the power curve (see Section
during normal production. 10.2)
– measurement of the noise emission (see Section
(2) The extent of the surveillance during production
and erection depends on the standard of the quality-
management measures and shall be agreed with GL – measurement of the electrical characteristics (see
Wind. Section 10.4)
IV – Part 2 1.2 Extent of Certification Chapter 1
GL Wind 2005 Page 1-9
– test of turbine behaviour (see Section 10.5) – list of all major damages to the installed offshore
wind turbines
– load measurements (see Section 10.6)
– prototype trial of the gearbox (see Section 10.7) (3) If modifications were made to the structure, these
are examined and a revision of the Statement of
(2) Deviations from this measurement scope are only Compliance for the A – Design Assessment is issued.
possible after agreement has been reached with GL
Wind. 1.2.3 Project Certification
– Site Assessment (see Section – site specific support structure (tower, sub struc-
ture and foundation) (Chapter 3, 5, 6)
– Site-specific Design Assessment (see Section – modifications of the machinery part and rotor
blades in relation to Type Certification, if modifi-
– Surveillance of Manufacturing (see Section
cations exist (Chapter 6, 7)
– stress reserve calculations for the machinery part
– Surveillance of Transport and Installation (see
and rotor blades, if load comparison indicates
higher loads than for the type certified machinery
– Surveillance of Commissioning (see Section components (Chapter 6, 7) Surveillance of manufacturing
– Periodical Inspection (periodic monitoring) to
maintain the validity of the certificate (see
(1) Before surveillance of manufacturing begins,
certain quality management (QM) requirements shall
be met by the manufacturers. As a rule, the QM system
(5) Following successful completion, GL Wind will
shall be certified according to ISO 9001, otherwise the
issue the Project Certificate.
QM measures will be assessed by GL Wind. This will
involve meeting the minimum requirements according Site Assessment
to Section 3.2.3.
(1) The site assessment includes the examination of
(2) The extent of the surveillance of manufacturing
the environment-related influences on the offshore
and the amount of samples to be surveyed depends on
wind turbine, and the mutual influence of the offshore
the standard of the quality management measures, and
wind farm configuration.
shall be agreed with GL Wind. In general, the
following actions and approvals will be carried out by
(2) For the site assessment, effects from the
GL Wind:
following influences are considered:
– inspection and testing of materials and
– wind conditions (Chapter 4)
components (see Section 3.4)
– marine conditions (bathymetry, waves, tides,
– scrutiny of QM records such as test certificates,
correlation of wind and waves, sea-ice, scour,
tracers, reports
marine growth, etc.) (Chapter 4)
– surveillance of manufacturing, including storage
– soil conditions (Section 6.7)
conditions and handling, by random sampling
– site and wind farm configuration (Chapter 4)
– inspection of the corrosion protection
– other environmental conditions, such as: salt
– dimensions and tolerances
content of the air, temperature, ice and snow,
humidity, lightning strike, solar radiation, etc. – general appearance
(Chapter 4)
– damages
– electrical grid conditions (Chapter 4, 8) Surveillance of transport and installation
These site conditions will be assessed for plausibility,
quality and completeness of measurement reports and
(1) Before work begins, transport and installation
accreditation of measurement bodies or institutes
manuals shall be submitted (see Section 9.1), which
establishing reports about the external conditions.
take account of the special circumstances of the site, if
necessary. These will be checked for compatibility Site specific Design Assessment
with the assessed design and with the transport and
installation conditions (climate, job scheduling, etc.)
Based on the external conditions at the site, the site
prevailing at the site.
specific Design Assessment will take place subdivided
into the following assessment steps:
(2) The extent of GL Wind’s surveillance activities
and the amount of samples to be surveyed depends on
– site specific load assumptions (Chapter 4)
the quality management measures of the companies
– comparison of site specific loads with those from involved in transport and installation. As a rule, GL
Type Certification Wind will carry out the following activities:
IV – Part 2 1.2 Extent of Certification Chapter 1
GL Wind 2005 Page 1-11
– functioning of the emergency push button – foundation and scour protection (if appropriate
only perusal of relevant inspection records)
– triggering of the brakes by every operating
condition possible in operation – substructure
– functioning of the yaw system – tower
– behaviour at loss of load
– nacelle
– behaviour at overspeed
– all parts of the drive train
– functioning of automatic operation
– rotor blades
– checking the logic of the control system’s
indicators – hydraulic/pneumatic system
In addition to the tests the following items shall be – safety and control systems
examined during commissioning surveillance by visual – electrical installation
inspection of the entire offshore wind turbine (see also
Section 9.2):
(4) Details of the Periodic Monitoring are given in
– general appearance Chapter 11.
– corrosion protection
– damages A and B Levels of Project Certification
– conformity of the main components with the
certified design and traceability / numeration of
the same The project certificate will be issued after successful
accomplishment of the steps described in Section 1.2. Periodic Monitoring Concerning the surveillance of manufacturing, trans-
port, installation, commissioning and periodic monito-
(1) To maintain the validity of the certificate, main- ring it can be distinguished between two different
tenance of the offshore wind turbine shall be carried levels of project certificates:
out in accordance with the approved maintenance
manual (see Section 9.4), and the condition of the A - Project Certificate: Surveillance is to be
offshore wind turbine shall be monitored periodically undertaken covering 100 % of the offshore wind
by GL Wind in accordance with Chapter 11 “Periodic turbines, which means that all wind turbines of
Monitoring”. Maintenance shall be carried out and the offshore wind farm are to be monitored.
documented by authorized persons. Periodic Surveillance shall cover the support structure and
Monitoring intervals are to be defined in the inspection essential parts of machinery, blades and electrical
plan and to be agreed with GL Wind. These intervals system.
may be varied depending on the condition of the
offshore wind turbine. B- Project Certificate: Surveillance is to be under-
taken covering 25 % of the offshore wind
(2) Major damages and repairs shall be reported to turbines on a random sample basis, which means
GL Wind. To maintain validity of the certificate, any that a minimum of 25 percent of the offshore
alterations have to be approved by GL Wind. The wind turbines are to be monitored. Surveillance
extent to which this work is to be surveilled shall be shall cover the support structure and essential
agreed with GL Wind. parts of machinery, blades and electrical system.
In case the surveillance should reveal major
(3) The maintenance records will be perused by GL failures, deviations from the certified design or
Wind. Periodic Monitoring by GL Wind comprises the deviations in the quality management the number
following assemblies (see also Chapter 11): of turbines to be monitored is to be doubled.
IV – Part 2 1.3 Basic Principles for Design and Construction Chapter 1
GL Wind 2005 Page 1-13
(2) Each document produced by the IEC is IEC 61400-21 Measurement and Assessment
distributed within the European Committee for of Power Quality Character-
Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) for istics of Grid Connected Wind
parallel harmonization. Documents which thereby Turbines
attain the status of a European standard are also
published as a German standard (DIN, VDE). IEC TS 61400-23 Full-Scale Structural Testing of
Rotor Blades
(3) In addition to the standards taken over from IEC,
the TC 88 of the CENELEC also had own EN IEC TR 61400-24 Lightning Protection
standards compiled by several European working
groups. Documents listed in the following section are IEC 61400-25 (Committee Draft) Communi-
mentioned by title only, and not including the dates of cation Standard for Control and
issue and revision. Monitoring of Wind Power
(4) The international ISO standards for offshore
structures referenced in this Guideline are listed in (DIN) EN 61400-1 Safety requirements
Section 1.A.3.
(DIN) EN 61400-2 Safety of small wind turbines
(5) GL Rules and Guidelines to be applied in con-
junction with the present Guideline are listed in 1.A.4. (DIN) EN 61400-11 Acoustic noise measurement
1.A.2 List of normative documents in the area of
wind energy (DIN) EN 61400-12 Wind turbines power perfor-
mance testing
IEC WT01 System for Conformity Testing
and Certification of Wind Tur- (DIN) EN 61400-21 Measurement and assessment of
bines, Rules and Procedures power quality characteristics of
grid connected wind turbines
IEC 60050-415 International Electrotechnical
Vocabulary - Part 415: Wind (DIN) EN 50308 Labour safety
turbine generator systems
(DIN) EN 50373 Electromagnetic compatibility
IEC 61400-1 Safety Requirements
(DIN) EN 50376 Declaration of sound power
IEC 61400-2 Safety Requirements of Small level and tonality values of
Wind Turbines wind turbines
IEC 61400-11 Acoustic Noise Measurement ISO 2394: 1998 General principles on reliability
Techniques for structures
Chapter 1 Appendix 1.A IEC, CENELEC, ISO Standards and GL Guidelines IV – Part 2
Page 1-16 GL Wind 2005
ISO 2533: 1975 Standard Atmosphere – Germanischer Lloyd Rules and Guidelines, IV –
Industrial Services, Part 6 – Offshore
ISO 4354: 1997 Wind actions on structures Installations
ISO 9001: 2000 Quality management systems – – Germanischer Lloyd Rules and Guidelines, IV –
Requirements Industrial Services, Part 6 – Offshore
Installations, Chapter 6 – Guidelines for the
ISO 19900: 2002 General requirements for off- Construction and Classification/Certification of
shore structures Floating Production, Storage and Off-Loading
Units, Edition 2000
ISO 19901-1: 2003 DIS: Specific requirements for
– Germanischer Lloyd Rules and Guidelines, IV –
offshore structures – Part 1:
Industrial Services, Part 6 – Offshore
Metocean design and operating
Installations, Chapter 7 – Guideline for the
Construction of Fixed Offshore Installations in
Ice Infested Waters
ISO 19901-4: 2003 Specific requirements for off-
shore structures – Part 4: Geo- – Germanischer Lloyd Rules and Guidelines, IV –
technical and foundation design Industrial Services, Part 8 – Pipelines, Chapter 1
considerations – Rules for subsea pipelines and risers, Edition
ISO 19902: 2004 DIS: Fixed steel offshore
structures – Germanischer Lloyd Rules and Guidelines, I –
Ship Technology, Part 5 – Underwater
ISO 19903: 2004 DIS: Fixed concrete offshore Technology, Edition 1998
– Germanischer Lloyd Rules and Guidelines, II –
1.A.4 List of GL Rules and Guidelines Materials and Welding, Part 3 – Welding, Edition
– Germanischer Lloyd Rules and Guidelines, IV –
Industrial Services, Part 1 – Guideline for the 1.A.5 Supply sources
Certification of Wind Turbines, Edition 2003
plus Supplement 2004, published by GL Wind IEC standards can be ordered via the Internet page
“www.iec.ch”, EN standards via www.cenelec.org,
– Germanischer Lloyd Rules and Guidelines, IV – DIN standards via www.din.de, ISO standards via
Industrial Services, Part 4 – Guideline for the www.iso.org, GL Wind Guidelines via www.gl-
Certification of Condition Monitoring Systems group.com/glwind and GL Rules and Guidelines via
for Wind Turbines, published by GL Wind www.gl-group.com.
Rules and Guidelines
IV Industrial Services
Edition 2005
IV – Part 2 Table of Contents Chapter 2
GL Wind 2005 Page 3
Table of Contents
Appendix 2.A
This Chapter 2 contains amongst other things requirements on how the control system and safety system shall react
on sensor signals. Requirements on Condition Monitoring Systems are given in Chapter 13.
IV – Part 2 2.1 General Chapter 2
GL Wind 2005 Page 2-1
2.1 General
2.1.1 Assessment documents the function of the safety system is shown. In the
circuit diagrams, the connection between the
(1) For the approval of the safety system and of the electrical and hydraulic (and, if applicable, also
protective and monitoring devices, the following docu- pneumatic) system shall be clearly recognizable.
ments at least shall be submitted as a rule:
k systematic consideration of possible faults as per
a description of the offshore wind turbine (type Section 2.1.2
designation, general layout of the offshore wind
turbine, functional principles, …) l description of any inside and outside monitoring
cameras and microphones if applicable
b description of the control concept and the control
system (structure of the control system, se- m description of measures to be taken, if the off-
quences of starting and stopping procedures, be- shore wind turbine is out of operation for a
haviour of the offshore wind turbine during nor- longer period e.g. because of absence of the grid
mal operation, behaviour of the offshore wind connection. This period has the duration of 3
turbine on detection of malfunctions, …) months as a rule. The measures to be taken could
be e.g. lockage of blade pitch system and/or rotor
c for the approval of the load assumptions, a de- or installing a backup power supply. These
scription of the controller of the offshore wind measures influence the load assumptions and
turbine as per Section 2.1.3 have to be considered accordingly (see Section para 6).
d statement of other parameters in the operation
management (numerical values that have been Note:
set) that influence the loads of the offshore wind The incident that the offshore wind turbine is parked
turbine (cut-in and cut-out wind speeds, rota- without connection to the electrical grid for a period
tional speed values, power values, if applicable of up to e.g. 3 months shall be considered to happen
the control / regulation of the yaw movements, once in the entire life of the offshore wind turbine.
temperatures, …)
n description of measures to be taken, if the off-
e description of the safety concept and the safety shore wind turbine is taken into operation after a
system (structure of the safety system, behaviour longer period of standstill. The measures could
of the offshore wind turbine following activation be e.g. opening of locks and/or drying/heating of
of the safety system, statement of the criteria for components, which need to be dry when re-
which the safety system is triggered, …) powered.
f statement of all parameters set in the safety sys- o description of measures to be taken, during the
tem (numerical values) running in period of the offshore wind turbine
(see also Section 7.4.9 para 1). These measures
g description of the sensors and, if applicable, shall be at the minimum:
measuring transducer of the safety system (type
designation, setting values, time constants, …) – limitation of the maximum power output de-
pending on turbines age
h description of the procedure for clearance of the – additional tests and measuring procedures dur-
offshore wind turbine after activation of the ing the running in period
safety system
– additional maintenance activities during and at
i description of the braking systems and their the end of the running in period
behaviour (structure of the braking systems,
mode of operation, characteristic quantities, time p description of the supervisory wind farm control
constants, …) system and the remote control possibilities on
individual turbines (e.g. alternation of electrical
j electrical and hydraulic (if applicable, also pneu- power output, pitch/yaw control parameters, …)
matic) circuit diagrams, at least to the extent that if applicable
Chapter 2 2.1 General IV – Part 2
Page 2-2 GL Wind 2005
(2) The documents shall show that the requirements (3) The technique chosen for this examination (e.g.
set out in Chapter 2 are met. The degree of detail shall failure mode and effect analysis, fault tree, …) shall be
be so selected that the behaviour of the installation is selected as appropriate by the author of the documents.
adequately defined with regard to the load assumptions.
2.1.3 Description of the controller for
approval of the load assumptions
2.1.2 Systematic consideration of possible faults
(1) For the simulation of the plant behaviour and the
(1) A consideration of possible faults in the associated loads, a description shall be submitted for
all relevant control circuits and monitoring devices
– safety system, that have an influence on the load response of the
offshore wind turbine (e.g. power, rotational speed,
– in the braking systems, and yaw movement).
– if a cut-out yaw error ϕA (see Section, (2) The behaviour of the control of the offshore wind
para 2) was defined, in the yaw system turbine shall be described by a block circuit diagram, if
applicable with hierarchical subdivisions. For each
shall be submitted. In this consideration, all possible block, formulae shall be given to describe unambigu-
faults of these systems shall be specified and exam- ously the input/output response and initial state.
ined. The consideration shall be used for the definition
of load cases of the groups DLC 2.x and DLC 7.x and (3) The block circuit diagram shall include the input
and output signals of the controller and the intercon-
for the evaluation of redundancies in the safety system.
nections of the blocks used. Signal paths shall be pro-
vided with arrows to indicate their direction of effect.
(2) For each possible fault, the following informa- Each signal in the block circuit diagram shall be
tion at least shall be given: named unambiguously.
– designation and description of the possible fault (4) The functional relationship between inputs and
outputs of the individual blocks of the controller shall be
– affected component(s) described in the form of discrete-time static or dynamic
model equations (for linear blocks, Z-transfer functions
– possible cause(s) are permissible) with statement of the time step.
(1) By control concept is meant a procedure aimed at Rotational speed of the rotor
operating the offshore wind turbine efficiently, as free
from malfunctions as possible, lightly stressed and (1) The operating range comprises the rotational
safely. The logic of the procedure is generally incorpo- speed range of the rotor from the “minimum operating
rated into a programmical unit, which forms part of the speed” n1 to the “maximum operating speed” n3,
overall control system. within which the rotational speed lies under normal
operating conditions. The operating range may include
(2) With the aid of the control system, the offshore ranges acceptable only for a short time (e.g. exclusion
wind turbine shall be controlled, regulated and moni- of resonance speeds).
tored. The control system shall keep the installation
within the normal operating limits. (2) The “rated speed” nr is the rotational speed at the
rated wind speed Vr (see Section, para 2). Safety concept and safety system
(3) The “set value of the speed controller” n2 is used
(1) By safety concept is meant a part of the system for variable-speed plants in the operating state above
concept intended to ensure that in the event of a mal- the rated wind speed Vr (see Section, para 2).
function the offshore wind turbine remains in a safe In this operating state, the rotational speed will deviate
condition. If malfunctions occur, it is the task of the upwards or downwards from n2 only by the standard
safety system to ensure that the installation behaves in tolerance.
accordance with the safety concept.
(4) The “cut-out speed” n4 is the rotational speed at
(2) The safety system is a system logically super-
which an immediate shutdown of the offshore wind
ordinate to the control system, brought into action after
turbine must be effected by the control system.
safety-relevant limiting values have been exceeded or
if the control system is incapable of keeping the instal-
lation within the normal operating limits. The safety (5) The “activation speed” nA is that rotational speed
system is intended to keep the installation in a safe at which immediate triggering of the safety system
condition. must occur. Braking system (6) The “maximum overspeed” nmax may never be
exceeded, not even briefly.
(1) The braking system is a system which by its
nature is capable of reducing the rotor rotational speed (7) When defining the rotational speeds, the interac-
and keeping it below a maximum value or braking it tion of the individual components, in particular the
completely to a standstill. A braking system includes vibratory behaviour (e.g. natural frequencies) of the
all components which on demand contribute towards rotor blades, the drive train and the tower shall be
braking the rotor. taken into account.
Chapter 2 2.2 Control and Safety System IV – Part 2
Page 2-4 GL Wind 2005
Rotational speed n
nA Shut-down by safety system
n4 Shut-down by control system
nr Operating range n1 - n3
Wind speed V
Vin Vr Vout VA
Fig. 2.2.1 Sketch of the rotational speed ranges, using the example of a variable-speed offshore wind turbine
Power P
Vin Vr Vout VA Power model NWP”, see Section at which the off-
shore wind turbine starts to produce power.
(1) The “rated power” Pr is the maximum continuous
electrical power (effective power) at the output termi- (2) The “rated wind speed” Vr is the lowest mean
nals of the offshore wind turbine (following a possible wind speed at hub height (for the “normal wind profile
inverter system and before a possible transformer) model NWP”, see Section at which the off-
resulting from the power curve under normal operating shore wind turbine produced the rated power accord-
conditions. At this power, the generator or the genera- ing to Section, para 1).
tor/inverter system yields its rated electrical power on
average as specified. (3) The “cut-out wind speed” Vout is defined as the
maximum wind speed at hub height (averaging period
(2) The “over-power” PT is the effective electrical to be defined by the manufacturer) at which the off-
power at the output terminals of the offshore wind shore wind turbine must be shut down.
turbine at which the control system must initiate a
power reduction. (4) The “short-term cut-out wind speed” VA is the
instantaneous wind speed at hub height (averaging pe-
(3) The “activation power” PA is the instantaneous riod to be defined by the manufacturer) above which the
effective electrical power at the output terminals of the offshore wind turbine must be shut down immediately.
offshore wind turbine at which immediate triggering of
the safety system must occur. Wind direction and yaw error Wind speed (1) The yaw error ϕ is the angle between the wind
direction (instantaneous direction of attack of the wind
(1) The “cut-in wind speed” Vin is the lowest mean at hub height) and the rotor axis of the offshore wind
wind speed at hub height (for the “normal wind profile turbine, measured in the horizontal plane.
IV – Part 2 2.2 Control and Safety System Chapter 2
GL Wind 2005 Page 2-5 General safety concept (2) The functions of the control system shall be
subordinated to the requirements of the safety system.
The safety system shall fulfil the following principal
criteria: (3) The safety system shall have higher-priority
access to at least two braking systems and to equip- Single failure ment for grid disconnection of the generator and, once
triggered by deviations from the normal operating
The failure of a single component which is relevant for values, shall carry out its task without delay, keep the
the functioning of the safety system, e.g. a sensor or offshore wind turbine in a safe condition and in gen-
braking system, shall not lead to failure of the safety eral initiate deceleration of the rotor with the aid of all
function. The simultaneous failure of two independent the braking systems at its disposal.
components is classed as an unlikely event and there-
fore need not be considered. Where components depend Note:
on one another, their simultaneous failure shall be The separation from the grid need not be carried out
classed as a single failure. The individual components at the instant of activation of the safety system. Speed-
of the safety system shall be of the highest specifica- ing-up of the offshore wind turbine and operation of
tion as regards their availability and reliability. the generator as a motor shall be avoided in any case. Redundancy (4) If the safety system has been activated, a clear-
ance according to Section is required in any
(1) With regard to its design concept, the safety sys- case. This clearance of the safety system shall be inde-
tem shall be totally separate from the control system. pendent of the control system and may in no case be
activated automatically. If the safety system was trig-
(2) The safety system shall have access to at least gered before grid loss, then clearance may not be acti-
two mutually and totally independent braking systems. vated automatically after the return of the grid.
Chapter 2 2.2 Control and Safety System IV – Part 2
Page 2-6 GL Wind 2005 External power supply (3) The inside of the nacelle shall be inspected after
the clearance during the start up to make sure, that the
(1) The braking systems shall be so designed that main components are in place and undamaged. This
they remain operable if the external power supply (see inspection may be made by using monitoring cam-
Section fails. If this requirement cannot be met era(s) and microphones(s) or other suitable methods.
by all braking systems within the selected system
concept, then additional measures that ensure the (4) The amount of allowable remote clearances of
safety level of this Guideline in an equivalent manner the safety system shall be limited. In the documenta-
shall be implemented and verified. tion shall be stated for each possible failure
(2) If auxiliary power supply from accumulators (e.g. – the amount of allowable remote clearances per
from the hydraulic unit or from batteries) is necessary 24 h and
for the functioning of the brakes, it shall be automati-
cally monitored that a sufficient amount of energy is – the amount of allowable remote clearances as a
available for at least one emergency braking. If the total for the same failure.
function of the accumulator depends on its tempera-
ture, then the accumulator temperature shall also be (5) It shall be possible to bring the rotor to a stand-
monitored. If these monitoring tasks cannot be carried still by remote control prior to the possible arrival of
out continuously, then automatic tests shall be per- personnel, if necessary in terms of personnel safety
formed at least weekly. The offshore wind turbine shall (e.g. heli-hoist operations, possible collision blade-tip /
be shut down immediately if the monitoring or a test ship).
IV – Part 2 2.3 Protective and Monitoring Devices Chapter 2
GL Wind 2005 Page 2-7
(2) In Appendix 2.A of this chapter, the interaction (1) If the rotor speed exceeds the operating range
of control system and safety system is represented gra- (Section, para 1) (n > n3), then the control sys-
phically as a typical example. tem shall initiate a deceleration of the rotor.
2.3.2 Limiting values, control system (2) If the rotational speed n4 (Section, para 4)
is exceeded, then the control system shall shut down General the offshore wind turbine.
The rotational speed shall be picked up at least twice If the activation speed nA (Section, para 5) is
by separate systems, and supplied at least twice to the exceeded, the safety system shall be activated immedi-
control system and at least once to the safety system. ately.
At least one of the speed sensors shall be mounted on a
component of the offshore wind turbine that runs at Note:
rotor speed.
The maximum overspeed nmax (see Section,
para 6) should not exceed 1.2 x n2 (see Section,
Note: para 3), since this value covers the standard overspeed
Any automatic triggering of the blade tip brakes shall test according to international generator standards.
be reported to both the safety system and the control
system. If that is not possible, it shall be ensured that Behaviour following activation
the blade tips do not engage again and the rotor rota- of the safety system
tional speed then exceeds nA again (see Section, para 5). (1) If the safety system has responded after exces-
sive speed according to Section, the maxi- Operational reliability mum overspeed nmax (Section, para 6) shall not
of the measurement system at any time be exceeded (not even briefly). This shall
be taken into consideration particularly for aerody-
(1) As a matter of principle, the speed measurement namic brakes and for brakes whose action is staggered
systems shall meet the same requirements as regards in time.
functioning and reliability as the braking equipment
itself. In particular, the arrangement on the structure (2) The safety system shall shut down the offshore
shall meet this requirement when considering fault wind turbine immediately and bring it into a safe con-
sequences. dition.
Chapter 2 2.3 Protective and Monitoring Devices IV – Part 2
Page 2-8 GL Wind 2005
(1) Power measurement shall be regarded as an opera- (3) The instantaneous value and the mean value for
tional measurement and treated accordingly. In the case the over-power PT shall be defined by the manufac-
of plants with a rated power of 1 MW or more, an addi- turer together with the averaging periods, and taken
tional monitoring of the power for transgression of the into account appropriately in the load calculation (fa-
activation power PA as per Section shall be tigue loads). During the prototype test, it shall be
provided. Recourse may be had to other physical pa- shown that the defined values are met.
rameters, as long as these have a clear and recognized
relationship to the power. In this event, the relationship Note:
between the operationally sensed substitute parameter As a rule, PT should lie directly above the rated power
and power shall be established by measurement during Pr or be equal to it.
the test phase and recorded in a suitable fashion (e.g. in
the form of a performance graph). Exceeding the activation power PA
(2) The measured power in combination with the
(1) If the instantaneous power exceeds the activation
rotational speed is regarded as a measure of the aver-
power PA (Section, para 3), protective meas-
age loading of the whole plant.
ures shall be initiated automatically without delay by
the safety system. The actual measures depend on the Measurement of power
system concept. In all cases, the offshore wind turbine
for the control system shall be shut down and brought into a safe condition.
(1) Generally, the electrical power (effective power) (2) The value for the activation power PA shall be
shall be used as the measurement parameter. If the defined by the manufacturer of the offshore wind tur-
system concept includes the possibility of the over- bine and taken into account correspondingly in the
power PT according to Section, para 2, being load calculation.
exceeded, the power shall be picked up as a control
parameter and supplied to the control system. Automatic start-up
(2) The power measuring equipment shall be capable
If the offshore wind turbine was shut down after ex-
of picking up both average values (about 1–10 minute
ceeding the over-power PT on the basis of Section
mean) and short-term power peaks (sampling rate at
least once per second)., an automatic re-start may take place without
clearance if this is provided for in the system concept Monitoring the power and there is no fault in the installation. The automatic
for the safety system start-up shall be limited to three times every 24 hours.
(1) The power shall be monitored continuously for Wind speed
exceeding of the instantaneous activation power PA. In
the case of plants with a rated power of 1 MW or Requirements
more, this monitoring and the measurement devices
needed for the task shall be provided in redundancy to If safe operation of the offshore wind turbine depends
the power measurement of the control system and shall on wind speed measurements, or if wind speed is one
act directly on the safety system. of the input parameters to the control system, a reliable
and appropriate means of measuring wind speed shall
(2) An exception can be made from this provision if be provided.
the exceeding of PA is not possible according to the
system concept or if the required redundancy in power Measurement of wind speed
measurement is given in some other manner.
(1) If measurement of wind speed is necessary as de- Exceeding the over-power PT scribed in Section, this requirement can be met
or the rated power Pr by measuring the speed either directly or via another
parameter with a clear and recognized relationship to it,
(1) If the power exceeds the over-power PT (Section which is then processed. As a matter of principle, suitable, para 2), then the corresponding measures shall sensing points and measurement techniques shall be
be initiated automatically by the control system with- selected for operational measurements. The wind speed at
out delay. The long-term average of the power shall hub height – with flow as undisturbed as possible – is to
not exceed the rated power Pr (Section, para 1). be considered as relevant measurement parameter.
IV – Part 2 2.3 Protective and Monitoring Devices Chapter 2
GL Wind 2005 Page 2-9
(2) Selecting a measurement method which leads to not transmitted to the tower, a suitable relative move-
a hazardous uncertainty in case of icing necessitates a ment may be sensed as a substitute.
continuous plausibility check of the measured values
(e.g. by comparison with other measurands related to Operational safety
wind speed) and equipment of the sensor with a suit-
able heating which will be activated in case of the The sensitivity of the sensor shall be matched to the
danger of icing. conditions prevailing. It shall be protected effectively
against all external influences, including interference Exceeding the cut-out wind speed by unauthorized persons. It is recommended that the
sensitivity be set when the installation is running.
If a cut-out wind speed Vout according to Section, para 3, has been used as a basis for the off- Exceeding the limiting value
shore wind turbine design, the plant shall be shut down
immediately and automatically by the control system if If the shock actually measured exceeds the limiting
this limiting value is exceeded. value (to be determined beforehand), the safety system
shall be activated and shall shut down the plant. Exceeding the short-term
cut-out wind speed Operational vibration monitoring
If a cut-out wind speed has been used as a basis for the
offshore wind turbine design, the plant shall be shut General
down immediately and automatically by the control
system if the short-term cut-out wind speed VA accord- (1) By vibration is meant forced movements of the
ing to Section, para 4, is exceeded. offshore wind turbine, caused by imbalance and by
operating the plant in the vicinity of a natural fre- Automatic start-up quency of components. Imbalance may point to dam-
age, malfunction (e.g. asymmetric pitching of the rotor
blades) or other external influences (e.g. icing-up of
If the offshore wind turbine was shut down after ex-
the rotor blades).
ceeding a cut-out wind speed, an automatic re-start
may take place without clearance if the wind speed has
(2) The continuous monitoring of vibrations in ac-
fallen to a permissible value according to the system
cordance with this Section (Operational vibration
concept and there is no fault in the installation. monitoring), is one of the prerequisites for operation of
the offshore wind turbine in the resonance range close Control during faulty to the natural frequencies of the tower (see Section
wind speed measurements, para 4).
If the control system detects that the wind speed meas- (3) In the case of offshore wind turbines for which
urements reveal faulty results, the offshore wind tur- aerodynamically related blade vibrations cannot be
bine shall be shut down. ruled out, a continuous monitoring of these vibrations
according to this Section may be necessary (in Shock addition to the vibration monitoring of the tower, if
applicable). General Measurement of vibrations
By shock is meant forced movements and accelera-
tions of the offshore wind turbine, caused by damage,
(1) The vibrations shall be measured constantly and
imbalance or other influences (e.g. earthquakes).
their magnitude compared with the limiting values to
be determined beforehand. Measurement of shock
(2) The averaging periods in the signal processing
Monitoring for shock shall take place continuously, and sensitivities, as well as the mounting points of the
with the measurement being compared with the limit- sensors, shall be so selected that all loading-relevant
ing value. The sensor shall be located at nacelle height, movements of the components to be monitored are
eccentric to the tower axis. As the shock to be sensed measured reliably.
is generally noticeable as a movement of the whole
nacelle, measurement techniques sensing the total (3) The measurement and signal processing can be
movement shall be used. If the nacelle movement is performed in the control system.
Chapter 2 2.3 Protective and Monitoring Devices IV – Part 2
Page 2-10 GL Wind 2005 Determination of the limiting values Operation following mains failure
(1) The limiting values for the vibration monitoring If there is a mains failure, or if an offshore wind tur-
shall be so determined that an alarm is triggered when bine operating in stand-alone mode has lost its load,
the loads and/or movements defined in the design of this shall be detected by the control system and the
the offshore wind turbine for the components to be safety system, and the offshore wind turbine shall be
monitored are exceeded. The vibration level deter- shut down.
mined during the design of the offshore wind turbine
shall be taken as the basis. Operation after restoration of mains
(2) Criteria shall be defined for short-term monitor- Mains failure is considered an external event. For that
ing (e.g. measurement period up to a few seconds) and reason, the offshore wind turbine may be started auto-
for long-term monitoring (e.g. measurement period in matically by the control system once the mains grid is
the range of several minutes).
capable of taking power again.
Note: Short circuit
It is regarded as prudent to define these criteria in
relation to the condition of the plant (e.g. wind speed, Requirements
rotational speed, or power).
The offshore wind turbine shall be equipped with suit-
The effectiveness of these criteria shall be verified, able short-circuit protection devices (see Section 8.7.2).
e.g. through simulations. Operation following a short circuit
For these simulations, malfunctions (e.g. mechanical (1) If the protection devices detect a short circuit,
and / or aerodynamic imbalance of the rotor, displace- they shall respond and simultaneously trigger the
ment of natural frequencies) can be defined, depending safety system.
on the system concept and tower design. In the simula-
tions, it shall then be shown that these malfunctions (2) The safety system shall shut down the offshore
are detected by the vibration monitoring with the se- wind turbine and bring it into a safe condition.
lected sensitivities, averaging periods and limiting values,
without exceeding the loads defined for the design. Monitoring the generator temperature Requirements Exceeding the limiting value
The temperature in the windings of the generator shall
If the currently measured vibrations exceed one of the be monitored to ensure that it is kept within the allow-
defined limiting values, the offshore wind turbine shall able operating limits. To achieve this aim, a self-
be shut down by the control system. monitoring measurement system that functions reliably
and maintenance-free shall be selected. Automatic start-up Limiting values
Following a shut-down in accordance with Section The limiting value for the temperature in the windings, an automatic re-start may take place without is generally laid down according to information from
clearance if this is provided for in the system concept the manufacturer based on the class of insulation used
and no fault can be detected in the installation. The (see Section 8.2.6).
automatic start-up shall be limited to three times every
24 hours. Operation after excess temperature Mains failure/load shedding If the permissible winding temperature has been ex-
ceeded, the power output shall be reduced, to give the General generator a chance to cool down. This is a task for the
control system.
Should an offshore wind turbine lose its load (e.g. the
mains load), the rotor may speed up very rapidly. This Note:
endangers individual components and the structural Even exceeding the permissible temperature limit only
integrity of the entire plant. slightly reduces the life of the generator; exceeding it
IV – Part 2 2.3 Protective and Monitoring Devices Chapter 2
GL Wind 2005 Page 2-11 Operation for faulty wind direction Emergency push button
measurements General
If the control system detects that the wind direction
measurements yield faulty results, the offshore wind As a means for manual intervention, at least one
turbine shall be shut down. Emergency push button shall be provided each in the
nacelle and at the control and regulating unit. The Active yaw system buttons shall be so arranged and constructed that they
can be operated as their function requires and cannot
(1) In the case of nacelles with active yaw systems, be diverted to other purposes.
it shall be ensured that even straightforward manual
maloperation cannot produce conditions which put the Requirements
integrity of the offshore wind turbine at risk as a result
of stresses not included in the calculations. The drive Activation of Emergency Off is intended to divert
of nacelles with active yaw systems shall be provided danger from persons or the offshore wind turbine it-
with a braking system. Before starting, it shall be es- self. This means the safety system must bring all
tablished unequivocally that the position of the nacelle movements of the offshore wind turbine to a standstill
conforms to the wind direction of the design. in the shortest possible time. The primary aim is not to
effect the gentlest, but rather the most rapid, braking to
Note: a standstill that is compatible with the strength of the
This can be of particular importance for instance after installation. Accordingly, any time delays that may be
a lengthy standstill, if since the time of shutting down present shall be bypassed, provided this can be justi-
the wind has veered something like 180° and the wind fied from the viewpoint of strength.
direction is not followed with the offshore wind turbine
at standstill. Operation after activation of Emergency
push button
(2) If a cut-out yaw error ϕA (see Section,
para 2) was defined in the system concept, the offshore Operation for triggering of Emergency push button
wind turbine shall be shut down immediately when may be identical, for instance, with operation in the
this value is exceeded. Once the yaw error is again event of the safety system being triggered due to ex-
within the permissible range, the offshore wind turbine cessive vibration (see Section Following en-
can be re-started automatically without clearance. gagement, the Emergency push button shall remain in
the engaged position. Passive yaw system Faults in machinery components
In case of a passive yaw system, it shall be established
(1) Machinery components shall be monitored ac-
unequivocally before start-up that the position of the cording to the state of the art. Such monitoring equip-
nacelle conforms to the wind direction of the design. ment shall cover physical parameters which can be used
as a measure of reliable operation (e.g. gear oil pres- Frequency and voltage sure, gear oil temperature, bearing temperatures etc.).
The extent to which such equipment shall be provided
(1) In the case of offshore wind turbines operating in depends essentially on the overall design concept.
parallel with the mains, a fixed mains frequency is
assumed. As a rule, the mains frequency is imposed on (2) When limiting values are exceeded, the control
the offshore wind turbine. Specific monitoring and system shall shut down the offshore wind turbine.
control is necessary to the extent required by the rele- Depending on the type of malfunction, the offshore
IV – Part 2 2.3 Protective and Monitoring Devices Chapter 2
GL Wind 2005 Page 2-13
wind turbine may then re-start automatically or be re- ice from being hurled off the rotating parts. An auto-
started by remote intervention from the control room. matic re-start of the plant is only permissible if it is
The automatic start-up shall be limited to three times possible to ensure that all rotating parts are free of ice.
every 24 hours. Otherwise clearance according to Section is
required before re-starting.
(3) In the design of the control system concept, the
structural integrity of the offshore wind turbine shall 2.3.3 Safety equipment (locking devices)
be given priority over its availability.
for maintenance Operation of a cold plant Requirements
If a relationship between component temperature and
An offshore wind turbine shall be equipped with at
the maximum admissible power transmission is speci-
least one lock or equivalent device each for rotor, yaw
fied by the manufacturer for certain components of the
system and blade-pitch system (see Section,
offshore wind turbine (e.g. gearing, generator, trans-
with the function of locking these against movement.
former), then a corresponding “warm-up phase” shall
Automatic activation (automatic engagement on reach-
be provided in the control system of the plant. The
ing standstill) is not necessary in general.
power provided by the rotor shall at no time be permit-
ted to be larger than the maximum specified for the
momentary temperature by the manufacturer of the
corresponding component. Braking equipment may not, as a rule, be regarded as
constituting the required locking device at the same Operativeness of the control system time. Deviation from this rule is possible in excep-
and data storage tional cases, provided the system design ensures that
work on each part of the braking system can be car-
(1) The control concept is defined as the procedure for ried out safely. Work on a braking system can be car-
operating the offshore wind turbine under the specified ried out safely only if all rotation of the parts of the
conditions (see Section If the control is carried offshore wind turbine which the system is intended to
out by a programmable control system, this takes over brake can be reliably prevented.
control and regulation of the offshore wind turbine. Design of the locking devices
(2) If the control system detects that it has lost con-
trol of the offshore wind turbine (e. g. a demanded (1) The locking devices shall be so designed that
blade pitch is not executed), the control system shall even with a brake removed they can reliably prevent
trigger the safety system. any rotation of the rotor, nacelle or the rotor blade.
(3) The control system shall be monitored by a suit- (2) The rotor lock shall be arranged to act on the drive
able arrangement (e.g. watch-dog). If this is triggered, train near the hub, and shall have form-fit. The design of
the plant shall be shut down immediately. If this moni- the rotor lock shall be based on Section 7.5.3 para 4.
toring arrangement responds more than once in 24
hours, the safety system shall also be triggered. Safety requirements
(4) If the safety system is triggered in the case of The design of the locking device shall be based on the
plants with a rated power of 1 MW or more, the con- assumption that people deliberately enter, remain in
trol system shall store the data of the final operating and work in a hazardous area with confidence in the
conditions. functioning of the device. Particularly high require-
ments shall thus be imposed as regards the operational Automatic detection of icing-up safety, quality and accessibility of the device, as well
as its engagement with the parts of the offshore wind Ice sensor turbine being locked (e.g. rotor blades, hub, shaft).
A device which automatically detects the formation of Activation of the locking device
ice at a component of the offshore wind turbine can be
certified. If work is to be carried out on those parts of the off-
shore wind turbine which rotate during operation, the Operation on detection of icing-up locking device shall always be activated. It shall also
be activated even if the installation is held stopped by
If icing-up is detected, the control system shall shut the brake capable of slowing the rotor to a standstill, or
down the offshore wind turbine to prevent pieces of any azimuth brakes that may be provided. The opera-
Chapter 2 2.3 Protective and Monitoring Devices IV – Part 2
Page 2-14 GL Wind 2005
This sketch visualizes schematically the interaction of the control and safety systems and is intended to be helpful for
understanding the wording in Chapter 2. However, the wording of Chapter 2 is binding.
Activation speed nA
Activation power PA
Short circuit in the electrical
power system
Cable twisting
Rotational speed
Electrical power
Wind speed
Grid failure
Generator temperature
Wind direction
Frequencies and voltages
Faults in machinery
Edition 2005
IV – Part 2 Table of Contents Chapter 3
GL Wind 2005 Page 3
Table of Contents
Appendix 3.A
Appendix 3.B
3.1.1 General – test equipment and materials plus means for their
(1) Manufacturers shall be suitable for the work to
be carried out as regards their workshop facilities, 3.1.3 Personnel
manufacturing processes as well as training and capa-
bilities of the personnel. Proof of this may be provided (1) The personnel employed by the company shall
by means of a documented and certified quality man- be such as to ensure that the components can be com-
agement system (see Section 3.2). If required, GL petently prepared, manufactured and tested to the ex-
Wind will issue a shop approval on request of a manu- tent necessary. GL Wind may require proof of the tech-
facturer, provided the approval conditions are fulfilled. nical qualifications of the staff.
(2) It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to ob- (2) The respective areas of responsibility shall be
serve and conform to this Guideline, the pertinent laws laid down and arrangements made for deputies for
and ordinances, technical regulations, standards and those responsible.
data sheets, such as those from the chemicals industry
etc. (see also Section 3.2.1, para 2). 3.1.4 Shop approval
– appliances for joining-up, and for welding, lami- Approval procedure, period of validity
nating, bonding and gluing
– air-condition monitoring instruments (1) After GL Wind has checked the application for
compliance with the requirements of Sections 3.3, 3.4
– facilities for preheating and heat treatment and 3.5 and has inspected the works, the shop approval
Chapter 3 3.1 Requirements for Manufactures IV – Part 2
Page 3-2 GL Wind 2005
may be granted for a period of three years. If in all the approval may be renewed and extended for a fur-
sections of the workshop work under the surveillance ther three years.
of GL Wind is carried out continuously during the
period of validity, this is extended by a year at a time Change in approval conditions
without further checks. Renewed confirmation of the
approval is then given as a notice in writing, but may GL Wind shall be informed immediately in writing of
be given formally at the request of the company. any changes in the approval conditions that have a
significant influence, such as changes of the produc-
tion facilities, the production processes, quality con-
(2) If no work under the surveillance of GL Wind trol, composition and qualification of the personnel
has been carried out for more than one year, prolonga- etc. GL Wind shall be notified of any new production
tion shall be applied for no later than the expiry of the procedures in good time before their introduction. GL
three-year period of validity. Updated documentation Wind reserves the right to demand validation tests of
shall be enclosed with the application. In this event, such procedures.
IV – Part 2 3.2 Quality Management Chapter 3
GL Wind 2005 Page 3-3
(4) GL Wind shall be notified without request prior (1) As a minimum, the QM system shall meet the
to the introduction of any alterations to the QM system requirements of the QM model according to ISO 9001.
or to production processes which can be expected to ISO 9000 and ISO 9004 contain basic principles and
have a significant effect on product quality. GL Wind recommendations for the implementation of a QM
reserves the right to check these issues (extraordinary system.
inspection) and to review the approval of the QM
system. (2) The QM system shall be worked out in detail in
writing (see also Section 3.2.2, para 7).
(5) Insofar as the certification of the QM system of a
certification body was recognized by GL Wind, the (3) For the manufacturers of products who do not
manufacturer is under an obligation to inform GL pursue their own development activities, the exclusion
Wind without delay about the loss of the certificate’s of Subsection 7.3 (“Design and Development”) within
validity. ISO 9001 is permissible.
(1) The definitions of ISO 9000 apply. (1) A certification of the QM system by a certifica-
tion body accredited according to EN 45012 is, as a
(2) Manufacturer is the organizational unit which rule, regarded as a prerequisite. The general procedure
manufactures a product or independent component of for the certification is described below.
the product, or which assembles and sells a product
consisting of subcontracted components. (2) Certification of the QM system follows comple-
tion of the following assessments:
(3) Quality is the totality of features and characteris-
tics of a product or a service that bear on its ability to – checking of the QM system documentation in
satisfy stated or implied needs. relation to the requirements of ISO 9001
Chapter 3 3.2 Quality Management IV – Part 2
Page 3-4 GL Wind 2005
– successful completion of the initial audit by the (4) The certification is generally valid for three
certification body. This includes a check on years. It commences with the date of the certificate.
whether the QM activities set out in the QM sys- On completion of the re-certification (usually compris-
tem documentation are being implemented. ing the execution of a renewal audit), a certificate may
be issued which again is valid for three years. The
(3) The validity of the certificate is maintained by validity of the certificate necessitates that all the condi-
means of regular audits. These audits are carried out at tions under which it was granted are still being met
set intervals in time (once a year and, if necessary, and no serious shortcomings have arisen in the QM
more often). system.
IV – Part 2 3.3 Materials Chapter 3
GL Wind 2005 Page 3-5
3.3 Materials
(1) The type and extent of material testing depends – rotor blades
on the importance of and stress on a component, and
– blade bearings
on the type and extent of the possible or required post-
manufacture tests. Depending on the type of certifica- – rotor hub
tion, design analyses with all the required material and
– main bearing
component tests according to Section (A- and
B-Design Assessment), an implementation of the de- – brake
sign requirements in construction and erection accord-
– generator
ing to Section (Type Certificate) or surveillance
during production according to Section (Project – rotor shaft and axle journal
Certificate) are required. If nothing else has been de-
– main frame
termined in detail, the following requirements apply.
Chapter 3 3.3 Materials IV – Part 2
Page 3-6 GL Wind 2005
– blade-pitch, rotor and yaw locks ing the remaining lifetime of a component shall be
agreed with GL Wind before use.
– yaw bearing
– tower and (optionally) foundation Categories of structural members
that are important for the integrity of the offshore wind (1) In the choice of materials for the different mem-
turbine and also present a high danger potential for bers of the steel structure the criteria explained below
human health and life, an implementation of the design are to be observed:
requirements in production and erection according to
Section (Type Certificate) or surveillance dur- – importance of the member within the structure
ing production according to Section (Project (consequence of failure, redundancy)
Certificate) is required. For the bolted connections
playing a significant role in the transmission of power, – character of load and stress level (static or dy-
the standard of the quality-management measures shall namic loads, residual stresses, stress concentra-
be shown by a description of the QM measures. tions, direction of stresses in relation to the roll-
ing direction of the material, etc.)
(8) GL Wind reserves the right to extend the scope – design temperature
of surveillance during production accordingly for
special materials, production processes or components. – chemical composition (suitability for welding)
– yield and tensile strength of the material (dimen-
(9) In the case of components not obtained with sioning criteria)
inspection certificates, the scope of the substitute re-
quirements shall be discussed with GL Wind. – ductility of the material (resistance to brittle
fracture at given design temperature)
3.3.2 Metallic materials – through-thickness properties (resistance to lamel-
lar tearing) General
Additional properties, such as corrosion resistance,
(1) The materials to be employed for the steel struc- have to be considered.
ture of offshore wind turbines are to fulfil the mini-
mum requirements detailed below. Beyond this, other (2) Depending on the importance of the structural
codes and standards shall be observed as far as appli- member and on the type of load and the stress level a
cable. structure can be subdivided into the following compo-
nent categories:
(2) Only suitable materials with guaranteed proper-
ties (e.g. strength, toughness – at low temperatures if – Special structural members
appropriate, cold deformability, suitability for welding These are members essential to the overall integ-
etc.), as mentioned in the next section, may be used for rity of the structure and which, apart from a high
the force- and moment-transmitting components of a calculated stress level, are exposed to particu-
offshore wind turbine made of metallic materials. The larly arduous conditions (e.g., stress concentra-
use of materials according to other regulations or stan- tions or multi-axial stresses due to the geometri-
dards requires the consent of GL Wind. cal shape of the structural member and/or weld
connections, or stresses acting in the through-
(3) The material tests shall be performed in accor- thickness direction due to large-volume weld
dance with Section connections on the plate surface).
members, but not to additional straining as men- welding stresses are to be expected, e.g. due to large-
tioned above. volume single-bevel butt joints or double-bevel butt
joints with full root penetration, simultaneously imply-
Note: ing high stresses acting in the through-thickness direc-
tion of the materials. This will normally be the case
These are e.g. tower shells of offshore wind tur- where special structural members are concerned.
bines, all other tubes of tubular truss-work struc-
tures (jacket legs, bracings, piles), girders and
beams in the deck, self-supporting platings, etc. (4) Depending on the structural member category,
the design temperature and the material thickness, all
– Secondary structural members steels to be employed for the structure have to meet the
These are all structural members of minor sig- requirements listed in Section, in particular
nificance, exposed to minor stresses only, and those for impact energy. Beyond this, for steels em-
not coming under the above categories of “spe- ployed for special structural members and for steels
cial” and “primary”. employed for primary structural members, to which
the criteria listed in Section para 3 apply, proof
Note: is to be furnished of the prescribed through-thickness
properties; cf. Section
These are e.g. non-structural walls, stairs, ped-
estals, mountings for cables, etc. Requirements for steels
(3) The categories of structural members as per
Section para 2 are to be fixed in the design
stage and indicated in the construction documentation. Manufacturing procedures Selection criteria of steels (1) All steels are to be manufactured by the basic
oxygen process, in the electric or open-hearth furnace,
(1) Structural steels are defined depending on their or by other methods approved by GL Wind.
minimum yield strength in the following strength classes:
– normal strength (mild) steels with minimum (2) The following deoxidation practice has to be
yield strength up to 285 N/mm2 applied as a minimum:
Higher strength
0.87 0.85 0.93 0.90
High strength
– normalized / normalized rolled (N): Steel structures exceeding the general thickness limits
up to 150 mm may be employed in technically motivated exceptional
cases with additional requirements on material test-
– thermomechanically rolled (M):
ing, with GL Wind’s consent.
up to 150 mm
for normal and higher strength steels
up to 100 mm Chemical composition and
for high strength steels suitability for welding
The thickness limits specified in Appendix B have to (2) The carbon equivalent CEV
be observed if required by the construction detail only
(see note). M n Cr + M o+V Cu + Ni
CEV = C + + + (3.3.1)
6 5 15
(3) The smallest value shall be applied.
High residual welding stresses are normally to be Freedom from defects
expected at butt joints of thick plates, e.g. monopiles of
offshore wind turbines.
Regarding their internal defects (flaws), plates and
wide flats, for which through-thickness property re- Mechanical properties quirements exist, have to at least meet the require-
ments as listed in the relevant standards, e.g. EN
(1) The requirements for tensile strength fuk, yield 10160 quality class S2 or equivalent.
strength fyk or 0.2 % proof stress Rp0,2 and for elonga-
tion at break, as stated in the relevant standards and/or Inspections
approved materials specifications, are to be observed;
see also Section para 1.
(1) Unless otherwise fixed or agreed, the require-
ments as stated in Section shall apply.
(2) Beyond this, for steels with required impact test
temperatures ≤ -20 °C, the yield strength ratio fyk / fuk
respectively Rp0,2 / fuk as defined in Table 3.3.2 shall (2) Inspections of materials for special and primary
not be exceeded. structural members of offshore wind turbines for
which an application for project certification has been
submitted (cf. Section para 5) are to be carried Impact energy out by GL Wind Surveyors or GL Wind authorized
personnel. For materials for secondary structural
The minimum values listed in Table 3.3.3 apply, proof members delivery with works acceptance test certifi-
of which is to be furnished at the test temperature TT cate according to EN 10204 3.1 or equivalent may be
indicated in Appendix 3.B. agreed.
Chapter 3 3.3 Materials IV – Part 2
Page 3-10 GL Wind 2005
(1) All products are to be marked such as to enable Steel forgings and castings are to show adequate resis-
their clear identification and correlation to the inspec- tance to brittle fracture at design temperature. Unless
tion documentation. The minimum components for otherwise stipulated, the minimum requirements for
marking are to be the manufacturer’s symbol, heat No. impact energy, as listed in Table 3.3.4, apply.
and steel grade.
Table 3.3.4 Minimum impact energy
(2) Products which cannot be clearly identified will requirements1
be rejected, unless the properties stipulated can be
determined by re-inspection. Minimum impact Test temperature 2
Kind energy [°C]
All products are to be supplied in heat-treated condi- (2) For cast components that are predominantly
tion. Heat treatment may comprise: dynamically stressed, quality grade 3 in accordance
with DIN 1690 T2:1985 in conjunction with EN
– normalizing 12681:2003 (Radiographic test), EN 12680-2:2003
(Ultrasonic test), EN 1371-1:1997 (Dye penetration
– normalizing and tempering test) and EN 1369:1997 (Magnetic crack detection
– quenching and tempering test) is the least favourable permitted. The quality
grades shall correspond to the assumptions of the
computational analyses as per Section Chemical conditions
(3) The removal of faults through fabrication weld-
The composition of forged and cast carbon and carbon ing or repair welding is permissible only with specifi-
manganese steel grades suitable for welding is to meet cations approved by GL Wind. The qualification of the
the requirements according to Section Al- welding workshop and the welder performing the work
loyed steels have to comply with the requirements shall be verified in accordance with Section 3.4.2.
listed in the approved specification. Material certificates Strength properties
Products to be employed for special and primary struc-
The tensile and yield strength values of forgings and tural members are to be tested in a GL Wind Sur-
castings are to be adapted to those of the rolled steels veyor’s or GL Wind authorized personal’s presence.
employed for the remaining structure. In general, steel For products intended for secondary structural mem-
forgings and castings with yield strength exceeding bers supply with inspection certificate according to
355 N/mm2 are not to be employed. EN 10204 3.1 or equivalent may be agreed.
IV – Part 2 3.3 Materials Chapter 3
GL Wind 2005 Page 3-11
(1) Stainless steels shall be selected with respect to (1) Forging steel shall be produced by an oxygen
their resistance to corrosion, taking into account the steel-making process in an electric or Siemens-Martin
processing conditions (e.g. welding). If nothing else furnace or by other processes approved by GL Wind,
has been agreed for individual cases, suitable steels, and shall be cast killed. On request, GL Wind shall be
e.g. according to EN 10088 (Stainless steels) and EN informed of the melting process.
10213-4 (Steel castings for pressure vessels) may be
selected in the case that no delivery is to take place on (2) Enough shall be cut off at the top and bottom of
the basis of a specification approved by GL Wind. the ingots to ensure that the forgings are free from any
harmful segregations. These are all inhomogeneities
(2) Only those grades suitable for welding with which might impair the required quality characteris-
guaranteed resistance to intercrystalline corrosion may tics.
be used for welded structures. If it is intended to weld
castings without post-weld heat treatment, only grades (3) As far as possible, the pieces shall be forged to the
of cast steel that are corrosion-resistant in this condi- dimensions of the finished part, taking into account an
tion as well shall be used, e.g. cast steels stabilized appropriate machining allowance. Excessive machining
with Nb or containing not more than 0.03 % C. to produce the final shape, which might impair the quality
characteristics by for example exposing the core area, is
(3) Other grades of cast steel conforming to other not allowed. In the case of stepped shafts, forged starting
standards or material specifications may be used, pro- material shall be used for turned grooves larger than 1/10
vided that they are comparable to the grades of cast of the outer diameter. The degree of deformation shall be
steel described in EN 10213-4 with regard to their so selected that the core zone of the forging is adequately
delivery condition, heat treatment, chemical composi- forged through. The total degree of deformation shall not
tion, mechanical properties and weldability, and pro- be less than 3.5 : 1.
vided that proof has been furnished of their suitability
for the intended application. For this purpose, a first- (4) Collars and hollow pieces shall be made from
time suitability test may be required. ingot or cogged ingot sections competently punched,
bored or pierced before the parts are reamed or rolled
(4) The limits for the lowest design temperatures over a suitable mandrel.
according to Section shall be observed. Delivery condition, heat treatment Forging steels
Additional notes on selecting suitable materials can (1) All forgings shall be heat treated in a manner
also be taken from the Guideline of GL (II, Part 1, appropriate to the material. The treatment shall be
Chapter 2, Section 3 [3.1]). carried out in suitable furnaces, maintained effectively
and regularly. These shall be equipped with means for Standards controlling and indicating the temperature. The dimen-
sions of the furnace shall make it possible to bring the
Forgings and bar stock for structures and components entire forging uniformly to the required annealing
as per Chapters 6 and 7 shall be selected to EN 10083 temperature. Where, in the case of very large forgings,
in accordance with the requirements; in the case of the furnace dimensions do not permit total normalizing
larger cross-sections (i.e. greater than 100 mm / 250 in one step, alternative heat treatment processes shall
mm; see EN 10083) according to Stahl-Eisen-Werk- be agreed with GL Wind.
stoffblatt (Steel/Iron Materials Data Sheet) SEW 550.
Further notes on selecting suitable materials can also (2) All hot-forging work shall be completed before
be taken from the Guideline of GL (II, Part 1, Chapter the final heat treatment. If a forging has for any reason
2, Section 3 [3.1]). For tempering and case-hardening to be reheated for further hot working, the final heat
steels, e.g. for the manufacture of gearwheels and treatment shall be repeated.
pinions, the standards EN 10083 and 10084 apply; for
stainless steels EN 10088 applies. Forgings and bar (3) If a forging is hot- or cold-straightened after final
stock in accordance with other standards or manufac- heat treatment, subsequent stress-relieving to remove
turers’ material specifications may be used if proper- the residual stress may be demanded.
ties equivalent to those in the standards listed above
can be guaranteed, and if proof has been furnished of (4) Forgings which after forging undergo large
their suitability for the intended application. For this changes in cross-section by machining may be hard-
purpose, a first-time suitability test may be required. ened and tempered only after adequate pretreatment.
Chapter 3 3.3 Materials IV – Part 2
Page 3-12 GL Wind 2005
The weight at hardening and tempering shall not be forged sample sections; these shall belong to the same
more than 1.25 times the finished weight. melt and be heat treated together with the associated
items under test. The test batch sizes laid down in the General forging quality standards apply as regards sample selection.
(1) All forgings shall be free from any faults which (5) All sample cut-offs shall be forged with the same
may impair use and processing to more than an insig- degree of deformation to that cross-section which is
nificant extent, e.g. flakes, cracks, shrinkage holes, also representative of the forging’s typical cross-
segregations, peripheral blowholes and major non- section. The sample cut-offs shall be large enough to
metallic inclusions. Forgings to be delivered un- provide specimens for any test which might be neces-
machined shall have a smooth surface appropriate to sary as well as those required for any repeated tests.
the production process.
(6) All sample cut-offs and test specimens shall be
(2) Small surface faults may be removed by pointing so marked that they can be clearly assigned to the
and/or grinding. Complete removal of the fault shall be forgings or test units they represent. As a rule, the
demonstrated by a magnetic crack detection test or a samples shall be taken from a point of the sample cut-
dye penetration test. off or test specimen lying one-third of the diameter or
thickness below the surface.
(3) Proof of the chemical composition:
The manufacturer shall determine the chemical com- Non-destructive testing
position of every melt and submit a corresponding
certificate in accordance with Section This (1) If surface crack testing is required, it shall pref-
certificate shall state the chemical composition of the erably be effected by means of the magnetic crack de-
melt which characterizes the steel grade. If there is any tection method, except in the case of austenitic steels.
doubt as to the composition, or if the connection be- The tests shall generally be carried out on forgings
tween certificate and forging cannot be proved, a which have undergone final heat treatment, if possible
product analysis shall be carried out. after machining. If current flow is being used, care
shall be taken that no penetration points are caused by Mechanical-technological testing the contact electrodes. The effective tangential field
intensity shall be at least 2 kA/m (25 Oe) at the work-
(1) Tensile test: piece surface, but shall not exceed 5 kA/m (62.5 Oe).
The mechanical properties shall be checked by means
of the tensile test, in which the tensile strength, the (2) Surface crack tests using the dye penetration
yield point or 0.2 % elastic strain limit, the elongation method are possible in exceptional cases (and for aus-
at fracture and the reduction in area at fracture are to tenitic steels). The tests shall be carried out with a
be determined. testing-medium combination comprising penetrant,
intermediate cleanser and developer in accordance
(2) Notched-bar impact-bending test: with the testing-medium manufacturer’s instructions.
A notched-bar impact-bending test shall be carried out
if this is stated in the standards. Unless otherwise (3) Ultrasonic testing shall preferably be carried out
specified, the notched-bar impact work shall be veri- while the piece still has a simple geometric shape, the
fied on every forging or test piece by notched-bar pieces to be tested having been at least normalized.
impact-bending tests. Provided shape and size of the piece permit, ultra-
sound shall be passed through it radially and axially.
(3) Sampling: Technical data relating to the test, such as method,
As a rule, the taking of samples from forgings shall be type of appliance, testing head, appliance adjustment,
arranged by forging-on sample sections outside the recording threshold and error margins shall be laid
forging dimensions. The sample section may generally down and made known by the manufacturer. The
be separated from the forging only after the final heat qualification of the tester shall be demonstrated. The
treatment. Subsequent stress relieving need not be company shall prepare a report on the ultrasonic test-
taken into account in this connection. Premature sepa- ing, containing the details of the process listed above
ration is permitted only if unavoidable for production and an assessment of the readings.
reasons. In this event, the forging and the sample sec-
tion shall be heat treated together. Cast iron
(4) In deviation from this provision, in the case of (1) For structures and components in accordance
series-production drop forgings, the samples may be with Chapters 6 and 7, cast iron with either spheroidal
taken from items surplus to requirements or separately graphite (EN-GJS) according to EN 1563:2003 or
IV – Part 2 3.3 Materials Chapter 3
GL Wind 2005 Page 3-13
lamellar graphite (EN-GJL) according to EN moved by mechanical means, taking into account the
1561:1997 may be used, depending on the mechanical permissible reduction in wall thickness. All other types
properties required. Furthermore, the provisions set out of flaws shall, if applicable, be assessed separately and
in EN 1559-1:1997 and EN 1559-3:1997 shall be ob- possible countermeasures shall be coordinated with
served. GL Wind.
(2) Without additional verification, cast iron with a Table 3.3.5 Allocation of the flaw class to wall
tendency for brittle fracture (EN-GJS with a high per- thicknesses and quality levels for ra-
centage of pearlite; EN-GJL) shall not be selected for diographic testing of EN-GJS on the
components that play a significant role in the trans- basis of VDG instruction sheet P-541
mission of power and are under high dynamic stress,
e.g. rotor hubs, gearbox housings with integrated rotor
Quality level Flaw classes
bearings, castings of rotor bearing and machine foun-
Wall thick- Wall thick- Wall thick-
(3) For cast iron with spheroidal graphite, the manu-
ness ness ness
facturing processes shall ensure that 90 % of the
graphite in the spheroidal form V and VI (according to
up to 100 > 100 – 250 > 250 – 400
ISO 945:1994) has been segregated. For the determi-
mm mm mm
nation of the microstructure, ISO 945 may be applied.
For the ferritic types, the pearlite proportion within the
grain structure of the metallic base material shall not
exceed 10 %. 1 A1, B1, C1 A1, B1, C2 A1, B1, C3
(5) For the assessment of the casting quality of com- 3 A3, B3, C4 A3, B3, C5 A3, B3, C6
ponents with consideration of internal flaws, non-
destructive testing methods such as ultrasound (ac-
cording to EN 12680-3:2003) and/or radiographic tests (8) For components that are predominantly dynami-
(according to EN 12681:2003) shall be applied. For cally stressed and made of cast iron with spheroidal
radiographic tests, the radiation source shall be se- graphite, a quality level requirement shall be set ac-
lected in relation to the maximum wall thicknesses in cording to EN 12680-3:2003 for indications to be
accordance with EN 444. If no satisfactory rear-panel reported. Here the worst acceptable is quality level 3.
or error echo is obtained for the ultrasonic test, a com-
bination with the radiographic test shall be performed. (9) The removal of sample cut-offs or test specimens
for determining the mechanico-technological proper-
(6) For components that are predominantly dynami- ties and the grain and graphite structures, and for de-
cally stressed and made of cast iron with spheroidal termining the casting quality, shall be so executed that
graphite, a quality level requirement shall be set ac- the typical characteristics of the component are regis-
cording to EN 12680-3:2003 (Ultrasonic test) and tered properly. In many cases, it is necessary to pre-
VDG instruction sheet P-541 (Verein Deutscher scribe varying sampling points on the component.
Gießereifachleute) in conjunction with EN 12681:2003
(Radiographic test), EN 1369:1997 (Magnetic crack (10) All sample cut-offs and test specimens shall be
detection test) and EN 1371-1:1997 (Dye penetration so marked that they can be clearly assigned. The corre-
test). These shall correspond to the assumptions of the sponding specifications shall be submitted to GL
computational analyses as per Section Wind.
(7) The flaw types blowholes (flaw class A), non- (11) The test results shall be documented in accor-
metallic inclusions (B) and enclosed shrinkage holes dance with Section
(C) shall be classified according to their quality after
the radiographic test (see also Table 3.3.5). Here the (12) The removal of faults through fabrication weld-
worst acceptable is quality level 3 according to VDG ing or repair welding is permissible only with ap-
instruction sheet P-541. Dross (Z) or shrinkage holes proved procedure testing. With regard to the qualifica-
(C) cut by mechanical processing are fundamentally tion of the welding workshop and the welder perform-
inadmissible in highly stressed areas and shall be re- ing the work, Section 3.4.2 shall be observed. Prior to
Chapter 3 3.3 Materials IV – Part 2
Page 3-14 GL Wind 2005
the start of welding work of this type, the welding (4) The results of the tests shall be documented in
process, the heat treatment and the scope of the tests accordance with Section
shall be agreed with GL Wind. Mixed welding of dy-
namically stressed components is inadmissible. 3.3.3 Fibre-reinforced plastics (FRP)
(13) The limits for the lowest design temperatures Definitions
according to Section shall be observed.
(1) Fibre-reinforced plastics are heterogeneous mate- Aluminium alloys rials, consisting of a cured reaction resin compound as
matrix with fibrous reinforcing materials embedded
(1) Only aluminium alloys that are suited to the in it.
intended purpose and have been approved by GL Wind
shall be used. If applicable, proof of suitability for (2) The reaction resin compound is a multiple-
welding shall be furnished for the alloys. component mix, consisting of reaction resin and hard-
ener, plus possibly additives.
(2) As regards fatigue strength and sensitivity to
notches, aluminium is comparable to high tensile (3) Reinforcing materials are fibres of various mate-
steels, and therefore demands careful design and rials processed to form various reinforcement prod-
manufacturing. ucts, depending on the intended use. A distinction is
made between:
(3) Proper processing and suitable corrosion protec-
tion shall be applied in order to prevent contact corro- – homogeneous:
sion and particularly corrosion in a marine atmosphere. The reinforcement product contains fibres of one
single material. Wrought alloys – inhomogeneous:
The reinforcement product contains fibres of di-
(1) For the chemical composition of the aluminium verse materials, though individual layers or di-
alloys, the Euronorm EN 573 shall be observed, for the rections in one layer may be homogeneous.
mechanical properties EN 755-2, and for the definition
of the material conditions of semifinished products EN (4) Laminate is produced by layerwise arrangement
515. of reinforcement products with reaction resin com-
(2) Compliance with the tolerances and the require-
ments for the general condition lies within the respon- (5) Sandwich laminate comprises layers of laminate
sibility of the manufacturer. bonded together by an intermediate core of lightweight
material. Cast alloys
(6) Prepreg is a reinforcing material pre-impregnated
(1) The chemical composition and mechanical prop- with reaction resin compound, and can be worked
erties of castings made of aluminium and aluminium without having any more resin compound added. A
alloys shall comply with the values given in Euronorm distinction can be made between wet and dry prepregs,
EN 1706. where the wet prepregs are often known as “indoor
prepreg”, since they are produced at the workshop of
(2) All castings shall be free from any internal or the component manufacturer.
external faults which may impair use and competent
processing to more than an insignificant extent. General
(3) If defects are to be removed by welding, the (1) The properties of fibre-reinforced plastics are
manufacturer shall compile a welding specification strongly influenced by their processing. For this rea-
and obtain the consent of GL Wind. Furthermore, in son, the requirements for manufacturers set out in
the case of doubts concerning the freedom from de- Section 3.4.4 shall be observed.
fects of the castings, non-destructive tests shall be
initiated by the casting manufacturer and performed at (2) Notwithstanding the availability of approvals or
the relevant points. Repaired defects as well as areas confirmations of the quality of individual components
that are critical from the viewpoint of casting technol- (resin compound, reinforcing material, adhesive etc.),
ogy shall be included in the tests. it shall be checked that the properties of the corre-
IV – Part 2 3.3 Materials Chapter 3
GL Wind 2005 Page 3-15
sponding composite material comply with the design tion of fillers in the laminating resins shall not exceed
values. 12 % by weight (including a maximum of 1.5 % by
weight of thixotropic agent). If the manufacturer has Reaction resin compounds laid down a lower figure, however, this shall apply.
The proportion of thixotropic agent in the gelcoat resin
(1) Depending on the purpose and thus on the re- may not exceed 3 % by weight.
quirements, a distinction shall be made between lami-
nating resins and gelcoat resins. For the combination (8) Pigments shall be weatherproof and consist of
of gelcoat and laminating resins, compatibility shall be inorganic or light-resistant organic colouring sub-
demonstrated unless the basic resins are the same. stances. Their maximum permitted proportion shall not
exceed the figure laid down by the manufacturer, or
(2) Gelcoat resins are intended to protect the lami- else 5 % by weight.
nate against external damage and influences. In cured
condition, they are therefore required to have good
resistance to moisture, chemical attack, UV radiation, Reinforcing materials
marine and industrial environments, and to exhibit a
high degree of resistance to abrasion and a low water
absorption capacity as well as a high elasticity. The (1) Commonly used reinforcing materials with con-
only additives permitted are, to a limited extent, tinuous filaments of glass, carbon fibre and aramide
thixotropic agents and pigments. are available in various forms:
(4) For load-bearing structures, the average filament (2) For dry prepregs, the storage conditions and the
diameter of the glass fibres shall not exceed 20 µm shelf life shall be specified on the packaging. Prepregs
without further proof (see Section 5.5.4, para 4). shall no longer be used once the expiry date set by the
manufacturer has passed, unless their suitability for
(5) In the case of carbon fibres, pitch-based and further use has been verified by appropriate tests.
“heavy tow” products are not permissible without fur-
ther proof. (3) For reinforcement materials with intermediate
layers of reaction resin, similar requirements apply.
Note: Adhesives
Heavy tow fibres are carbon fibres with a filament
count of 48 K to 320 K, exhibiting a carbonization (1) Two-component reaction adhesives shall pref-
grade less than 99 %. erably be used, if possible based on the laminate resin
compound. Core materials
(2) Where hot-curing adhesives are used, the maxi-
(1) Core materials shall be proved to be suitable for mum permissible thermal stress on the materials to be
the intended purpose and shall not impair the curing of bonded may not be exceeded. The same applies for
the laminating resin compound. Especially for rigid single-component hot-melting adhesives.
plastic foam, the permissible material temperature may
not be exceeded when curing the laminating resin. (3) The adhesives shall be used in accordance with
the manufacturer’s instructions. They shall not affect
(2) Core materials other than those listed below may the materials to be bonded and shall have a good resis-
be used with the consent of GL Wind, provided they tance to moisture and ageing. The effect of tempera-
are suitable for the intended purpose. ture on the strength of the adhesive bond should be as
low as possible.
(3) Rigid plastic foam used as core material for
(4) The adhesives shall remain servicable up to at
sandwich laminates or as reinforcing webs shall have a
least 60 °C (see Section, para 4).
closed-cell structure and shall be highly resistant to the
laminating resin and the adhesive, as well as to ageing,
and marine and industrial environments. Other re- Approval of materials
quirements are a low water absorption capacity and a
sufficient raw density. (1) If FRP components are manufactured for mount-
ing on or installation in offshore wind turbines and if
an application for project certification has been sub-
(4) End-grain balsa intended for use as core material
mitted, then prior approval by GL is required for all
for sandwich laminates shall meet the requirements
materials. The approval conditions are specified in
below. It shall
[3.2]. Approval by other authorities may be accepted in
certain cases after consultation with GL Wind, pro-
– be treated with fungicide and insecticide imme- vided the scope of the tests on which the approval is
diately after felling based meets the requirements.
– be sterilised and homogenized
(2) Before manufacture of the components, the nec-
– be kiln-dried within ten days of felling essary material approvals shall be submitted in the
above case. If none or not all of the necessary approv-
– have an average moisture content of 12 %. als are available, proof of the properties of the base
materials may in exceptional cases, and with the
Due to the possible water absorption of the end-grain agreement of GL Wind, be obtained in the context of
balsa, it shall be completely sealed in the component. the material tests required for the laminates of the
component. Prepregs
3.3.4 Wood
(1) Fibre reinforcement pre-impregnated with lami-
nating resin compound (prepregs) shall meet the de- Types of wood
mands on its constituent parts. Furthermore, the resin
content shall not be less than 35 % by volume, and Quality grade I pine wood of class S 13 according to
there shall be adequate adhesiveness at working tem- DIN 4074 and quality grade I according to DIN 1052
perature. or wood with equivalent strength properties shall be
IV – Part 2 3.3 Materials Chapter 3
GL Wind 2005 Page 3-17
used, with a laminar thickness after planing which Wood preservatives
does not exceed 33 mm. For solid wood rotor blades,
the board width shall not exceed 22 cm. Wood preservatives used shall have been proved to be
compatible with glues and adhesives in accordance Material testing and approval with DIN 52179. In addition, compatibility with the
surface-protection materials shall be ensured.
(1) All glue and coating components and all wood Mechanical fasteners
preservatives used in the manufacture of wooden rotor
blades shall be approved in advance by GL. Approval
Fasteners securing the wooden blades to the rotor hub
shall be applied for from GL by the material manufac-
shall be made from materials which guarantee long-
turer or supplier.
term operation. If metal components are used, the
design shall be such that it takes into account the great
(2) Approval will be granted if testing under the differences in stress and strain behaviour between
surveillance of GL or a report from an independent these components and wood.
testing body recognized by GL proves that the material
meets all the requirements of GL. 3.3.5 Concrete – plain, reinforced or prestressed
Table 3.3.6 Strength classes for concrete according to DIN 1045-1: 2001-07
Strength C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C
class 12/15 16/20 20/25 25/30 30/37 35/45 40/50 45/55 50/60 55/67 60/75 70/85 80/95 90/105 100/115
fck,cyl 12 16 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 90 100
fck,cube 15 20 25 30 37 45 50 55 60 67 75 85 95 105 115
fck,cyl is identical to the strength class fck used in the Eurocodes.
Table 3.3.7 Conformity criteria for the compression strength according to EN 206-1
Criterion 1 Criterion 2
Number “n” of test results
Production for the compression
Mean Value of “n” results Each test result (fci)
strength of each series
(fcm) [N/mm2] [N/mm2]
15 ≥ fck + 1.48 σ ≥ fck - 4
(5) If the acknowledged standards do not cover all (3) Maximum grain size and grading curve of the
the areas of design, analysis and construction, addi- aggregate shall be selected in accordance with EN 206.
tional appropriate standards shall be incorporated. This
applies in particular to manufacture, testing and quality (4) The combined aggregate should be as coarse-
control of materials. Exceptions can be agreed with GL grained and dense-graded as practicable. The maxi-
Wind. mum particle size is to be selected as a function of the
spacing between the reinforcing bars and of the con-
(6) Principles of construction and design, material crete cover so that placing and compaction of the con-
qualities or methods of stress analysis differing from crete is possible.
those in the acknowledged standards may be adopted if
their practicability is proven by tests, experiments or (5) Aggregates with continuous and discontinuous
theoretical investigations, and if it is shown that they grading curves (gap gradings) may be used.
satisfy the safety requirements of this Guideline. Added water Raw materials for concrete
(1) The added water shall not contain harmful con- Cement types stituents in such quantities as to impair setting, harden-
ing and durability of the concrete or to initiate corro-
The types of cement shall comply with EN 197 or DIN sion of the reinforcing material. In Europe, drinking
1164 or the respective national standards or regulations water from public supplies is in general suitable for
applying where the concrete is being used. making concrete. Concrete aggregate (2) Where there is any doubt about the suitability of
the water, investigation will be necessary.
(1) Aggregates shall comply with the requirements Sea water may be used only in special cases for plain
of the national standards or the regulations applying concrete, agreement on this is required.
where the concrete is being used (e.g. DIN 4226-1).
They shall not contain harmful constituents in such Admixtures
quantities that the durability of the concrete is ad-
versely affected or corrosion of the reinforcing mate- (1) Concrete admixtures may be used for concrete
rial is initiated. and cement mortar only if tests have shown that they
do not produce adverse changes in important proper-
(2) Aggregate with alkali-sensitive constituents may ties of the concrete nor impair the corrosion protection
not be used as a rule. of the reinforcement. Special suitability tests for the
IV – Part 2 3.3 Materials Chapter 3
GL Wind 2005 Page 3-19
concrete to be made may in individual cases be re- (7) The ultrafines content of concrete consisting of
quired by GL Wind. cement and particles up to 0.25 mm is to be so selected
that the concrete is properly workable and achieves a
(2) Chlorides, chloride-bearing or other steel- closed texture.
corrosion-promoting materials may not be added to
reinforced or prestressed concrete. (8) The concrete should contain so much cement that
the required compressive strength, and in reinforced Additives and prestressed concrete an adequate degree of protec-
tion of the steel against corrosion can be achieved.
Additives may only be applied to the concrete mix in
such quantities that they do not impair the durability of (9) The water/cement ratio shall not exceed 0.45.
the concrete or result in corrosion of the reinforce-
ment. (10) Concrete having a low temperature of hydration
should be used in massive sections. Building materials
(11) Consistency of fresh concrete is to be specified Concrete before the start of work, having regard to the condi-
tions for placing and working the concrete.
(1) The composition of concrete shall be so chosen
that all requirements regarding the properties of the Concrete with special properties
green and the set concrete are met, including consis-
tency, bulk density, strength and durability plus protec- (1) Concrete which is exposed to frequent and
tion of steel reinforcement against corrosion. The abrupt alternations of freezing and thawing in a mois-
composition shall be adjusted to the workability neces- ture-saturated condition should have high frost resis-
sary for the construction method adopted. tance. This requires frost-resistant aggregate and wa-
terproof concrete. If the concrete frequently comes into
(2) The concrete is classified according to its com- contact with de-icing salts or similar chemicals, suffi-
pressive strength at the age of 28 days into strength cient quantity of an air-entraining additive shall be
classes in accordance with e.g. DIN 1045-1 (see Table added so that the mean air content in the fresh concrete
3.3.6). The compressive strength is determined with makes up approximately 4 % of the volume.
the aid of standard test procedures (e.g. in accordance
with EN 206) applied to either concrete cylinders or (2) The resistance of concrete to chemical attack
cubes with an edge length of 15 cm. depends to a great extent on its density and its wa-
ter/cement ratio. If there is a strong likelihood of
(3) This Guideline is based on the characteristic chemical attack the concrete should be dense enough
cylinder compressive strength (28-day-strength) fck, to ensure that the maximum depth of water penetration
i.e. fck is identical to fck,cyl as in Table 3.3.6. It is under test (e.g. to DIN 1048) is not larger than 3 cm.
defined as the strength figure above which 95 % of the
population of all possible strength measurements of (3) For concrete which is exposed to attack by water
the concrete in question may be expected to lie (95 % containing more than 400 mg of SO4 per litre, cement
fractile). This shall be verified with a confidence level with high sulphate resistance shall be used.
of 95 %.
(4) Concrete for placing under water (underwater
(4) Conformity criteria for samples as stated in EN concrete) should flow as a coherent mass so as to ob-
206-1 are given in Table 3.3.7. Conformity is proven if tain a closed even texture without compaction. It is
both criteria are fulfilled. Further requirements can be preferable to use continuous gradings and a suffi-
obtained from EN 206-1 [3.1]. ciently high content of ultrafine particles (see also
(5) Concrete exposed to sea water should be of
strength class C 35/45 as a minimum. Concrete-reinforcing steel
(6) It shall be considered that additional require- (1) This sub-section applies to concrete-reinforcing
ments are given for high strength concrete in the rele- steel, from coil and mats, used as reinforcement in
vant codes (e.g. EN 206-1). In EN 206-1, high strength concrete structures.
concrete is defined as concrete of a strength class of
more than C 50/60 in case of normal or heavy weight (2) Diameter, surface characteristics, strength prop-
concrete, respectively more than LC 50/55 in case of erties and marking of concrete reinforcing steels shall
light weight concrete. correspond to the standards (e.g. ENV 10080,
Chapter 3 3.3 Materials IV – Part 2
Page 3-20 GL Wind 2005
DIN 488). If welding is to be carried out on concrete- (2) Prestressed high-tensile bolts shall be used in
reinforcing steels, only grades suitable for this may be accordance with the standards. Only bolts in strength
used (e.g. according to DIN 488, Part 1). classes 8.8 or 10.9 shall be used.
marked as to enable them to be definitely identified on (5) Flame cut edges that are not subsequently
the basis of the pertinent certificates. welded shall be ground to remove nicks and burrs. The
use of flame gouging or “washing” is not permitted.
(2) Non-identified materials are to be rejected,
unless compliance with this Guideline and/or the ap- (6) Where practicable, penetrations through main
proved specifications has been verified by renewed members (e.g. for piping or cables) are to be drilled.
testing. The number and type of tests shall be in accor- Flame-cut penetrations shall under all circumstances
dance with Section 3.3.1. be completely ground notch-free. The edges are to be
chamfered or rounded off.
(3) Manufacturers shall introduce a system enabling Cold and hot forming
to trace the material within the structure. During each
stage of manufacture correlation of the pertinent mate- (1) Cold forming resulting in permanent deformation
rials certificates to each individual component shall be (elongation) by more than 3 % should be avoided and
possible. normally requires performance of a strain ageing test
of the base material with retesting of mechanical prop-
(4) All materials and structural members are to be erties. For welding in cold formed areas, see Section
stored and handled such as to exclude their surface
finish and properties being unduly affected. For the
storage of welding consumables and auxiliary materi- (2) The forming of T-sections into flanged ring stiff-
als, see Section eners of any diameter may require mechanical tests to
demonstrate that the properties required by the appli-
cation are maintained after forming and welding. Surface and edge preparation of
materials and structural members
(3) Acceptance of wedges or other techniques to
assist rolling will be subject to the visual acceptability
(1) When applying thermal (cutting) procedures, the of the product and to acceptable mechanical test results
possibility of hardening of the basic material and - from regions of maximum strain
depending on the materials employed - variation of the
strength and/or toughness values shall be taken into (4) Hot forming should normally be performed at a
account. For flame straightening, see Section temperature not exceeding 700 °C unless subsequent
heat treatment is carried out and mechanical properties
(2) Excessive flame cutting drag lines, (e.g. due to as specified are proved by retests in the final condition.
burner failure) are to be ground notch-free with Hot forming is not allowed for TMCP steels.
smooth transitions. Where possible, weld repairs are to
be avoided and require approval by the GL Surveyor. Fitting and assembly
are performed, are to be protected by provisional cov- agreement based on steel manufacturers recommenda-
erings against the effects of weather (e.g. rain and tions is required.
wind). For welding under low ambient temperatures
and pre-heating, see Section Heat treatment Removal of auxiliary material
(1) If heat treatment is required, it is to be performed
(1) Clamping plates, aligning ties and other auxiliary in accordance with a procedure specification, listing in
materials, temporarily welded on structural members, detail:
shall be limited as much as practicable.
– structural member, dimensions and material
(2) Where attachments are necessary, the following
requirements apply:
– heating facilities and insulation
– Temporary attachments shall not be removed by – control devices and recording equipment
hammering or arc-air gouging. Attachments to
leg joint cans, skirt sleeve joint cans, brace joint
– heating and cooling rates (temperature
can, brace stub ends and joint stiffening rings
shall be flame cut to 3 mm above parent metal
and mechanically ground to a smooth flush finish
– holding range and time
with the parent metal.
– Attachments on all areas that will be painted
(2) The specification is to be submitted to GL Wind
shall be removed as above, prior to any painting.
for approval. For post-weld heat treatment, see Section
– Attachments to all other areas, not defined Regarding TMCP steels, see Section
above, shall be removed by flame cutting just para 4 (heat treatment not allowed).
above the attachment weld (maximum 6 mm
above weld); the remaining attachment steel shall Fabrication tolerances
be completely seal welded.
– Attachments to aid in the splicing of legs, braces, General
sleeves, piling, conductors, etc, shall be removed
to a smooth, flush finish.
Allowable fabrication and construction tolerances shall
(3) If during rough-planing the surface of the struc- be specified depending on the significance of the struc-
tural members is damaged, the areas concerned are to tural members and the loads acting on them. The
be gourged flat and ground notch-free and subse- specification is to be submitted to GL Wind for ap-
quently checked for cracks. Where possible, repair by proval. A general guidance for allowable tolerances is
welding is to be avoided; otherwise, approval by the given in Section to Section, for
GL Wind Surveyor is required. weld imperfections see Section and Section Flame straightening Misalignment of butt (weld) joints
Flame straightening shall not impair the properties of
the materials and of the welded joints and shall be
avoided completely, where practicable. In cases of The misalignment e shall be as follows:
doubt, proof of satisfactory performance of thermal
treatment may be demanded.
Standard flame straightening carried out on higher-
strength (normalized) steels may generally be re-
garded as acceptable provided that the straigthening
temperature does not exceed 700 °C and that localized
overheating and abrupt cooling (e.g. with water) are
avoided. Prior to flame straightening of high-strength The misalignment e may have to be reduced in case of
(quenched and tempered) structural steel, special high cyclic (fatigue) stresses. See also Section 6.6.6.
Chapter 3 3.4 Production and Testing IV – Part 2
Page 3-24 GL Wind 2005 Misalignment of cruciform (weld) joints (2) The deviation of straightness e shall be e ≤ 0.002
L or 5 mm, whichever is greater, for girders or beams
The misalignment e shall be as follows: with hollow cross sections and for all other applica-
tions (but not greater than 25 mm).
The misalignment e may have to be reduced in case of
high cyclic (fatigue) stresses across the plate t3. See
also Section 6.6.6. e2
x1 x2 Roundness of tubular members
(1) The external circumference shall not differ from (1) If the specified (designed) eccentricity x is less
the designed or calculated circumference by more than than D/4, the deviations are defined as follows:
± 0.3 % of the specified external diameter.
– x as built < x designed (x1 in Fig. above):
(2) The difference between the measured maximum e1 ≤ x1, but separation requirement 50 mm min.
and minimum diameters shall not exceed 1 % of the (see Fig. above) to be observed
specified diameter or 6 mm, whichever is less.
– x as built > x designed (x2 in Fig. above):
(3) Lower values and/or additional limitations may e2 ≤ 0.1 x2, max. 50 mm
be required for towers, masts, crane pillars and similar
components of lifting appliances. (2) If the specified (designed) eccentricity x is
greater or equal to D/4, which has to be considered in
(4) The global and local tolerances for circular cy- the strength calculations, the deviations are:
lindrical shells (e.g. of flotation tanks, buoyancy struc-
tures etc.) exposed to outer pressure are to be calcu- – e1,2 ≤ 0.1 x1,2, max. 50 mm
lated and specified in each single case depending on
maximum pressure, diameter to wall thickness ratio – separation requirement of 50 mm minimum (see
and stiffener distance to diameter ratio. Fig. above) to be observed
(5) For limitations regarding buckling, see Section Bulges in plating (deviation from straight line)
max . t
e1 e2
strength. Welding works equipment (1) All welding consumables and auxiliary materials
(rod electrodes, wire electrodes, wire-gas-combina-
The manufacturers (welding works) shall have suitable tions or wire-flux-combinations) intended to be used
equipment and plant for the satisfactory performance on offshore steel structures shall be approved by GL
of welding work. Apart from perfectly functioning Wind or an acknowledged body for the respective
cutting and welding machines and tools, this equip- range of application (base materials, welding positions,
ment shall include dry, heatable storage facilities, heat treatment condition, etc.).
redrying ovens and heated holding boxes for the weld-
ing consumables, and equipment for preheating and (2) Welding consumables and auxiliary materials not
temperature control. approved by GL Wind or an acknowledged body may
be qualified with special agreement by GL Wind - in Welding supervision the course of the welding procedure qualification tests.
In this case, one round tensile test specimen is to be
The preparation and performance of welding opera- additionally taken lengthwise, mainly from the weld
tions shall be supervised by specially trained and ex- metal of the butt welds.
IV – Part 2 3.4 Production and Testing Chapter 3
GL Wind 2005 Page 3-27
(3) Such qualifications are, however, limited to the otherwise contaminated welding consumables and
users’ work in the range of application according to the auxiliary materials are to be discarded.
approved welding procedure specifications and remain
valid for not longer than one year, unless repeat tests Welding procedure specification and
are carried out. approval Selection of welding consumables In general, the specification and approval of welding
procedures for metallic materials shall be in accor-
(1) The welding consumables and auxiliary materi- dance with EN 288. Other equivalent codes, standards,
als are to be chosen such that in the weld connection, rules or recommendations may be used with GL
including the areas of transition to the base material, at Wind’s consent.
least the same mechanical properties as those specified
for the base materials are achieved. Welding procedure specifications
(2) Welding consumables and auxiliary materials (1) Welding procedure specifications (WPS) are to
with a controlled low hydrogen content in the weld be prepared and submitted to GL Wind for review. The
metal (symbols H15, H10 or H5 according to the rele- WPS shall contain all essential data on the preparation
vant EN standard or equivalent) shall be used for and performance of weldings as given in EN 288-2.
welding of higher and high strength steels (yield
strength > 285 N/mm2), for all steels having a carbon (2) WPS are to be submitted for new, as well as for
equivalent ≥ 0.42 % and are recommended for all repair welds. For specifications to be submitted con-
highly stressed and thick-walled components exposed cerning inspections procedures, see Section
to low temperatures as well as for steel forgings and
castings. Welding procedure approval
or working unit, where the test welds were performed. Limits of application of approved
The approval is valid within the limitations of the welding procedures
essential variables according to Section
(1) Approved welding procedures may be used
(6) The approval for the use of the welding proce- within the limitations as specified in EN 288-3. for
dure is normally valid for the fabrication period of the welding above water. For welding under water see
structure. Where this period exceeds 3 years, or where Section para 5. GL Wind may specify other
the fabrication has been interrupted for more than 3 limits if the peculiarities of a welding procedure, the
months, GL Wind may require production tests or material, the joint configuration and thicknesses or
repeated welding procedure qualification tests. other parameters have a considerable effect on the
properties of a weld.
(7) Production tests or repeated welding procedure
tests may also be required if the conditions under (2) Changes of the variables as specified in EN 288-
which the approval was granted (e.g. personnel, prem- 3 are to be considered as being essential and in general
ises) do not longer apply, or in the event of doubts as require performance of a new or additional welding
to satisfactory execution of the weldings. procedure test unless otherwise agreed. When a com-
bination of welding processes is used, the variables
applicable to each process shall apply. Welding procedure tests Qualification for tubular node
(1) Welding procedure tests are to be carried out in connections
accordance with EN 288-3.
(1) For full penetration groove welds between tubes
(2) For the welding procedure tests a programme is and/or plates or girders (T-, Y- or K-joints) forming
to be prepared and submitted to GL Wind for approval. node connections welding procedure tests are to be
The different base materials and welding consumables, performed analogously to the requirements stated
prematerials (e.g. plates or tubes), plate and/or wall above and following the indications given in the fol-
thicknesses, seam forms and weld positions, as well as lowing paragraphs. A detailed test programme is to be
the effects of seam preparation and possibly back- prepared by the manufacturers in agreement with GL
gouging at the workshop are to be taken into account. Wind from case to case.
(3) The base materials for the test assemblies shall (2) The test programme shall cover the different
be of the same type as those used for the steel con- joint configurations, tube diameters and wall thickness,
struction and shall be selected such that the carbon angles included between the axes of the tubes as well
content and the carbon equivalent value are in the as the different welding positions for each in-dividual
upper range of the specified values. The rolling direc- proove type. If not otherwise required, the test pieces
tion shall be parallel to the weld seam. may be formed as a brace to can connection according
to Fig. 3.4.1.
(4) Non-destructive testing of the test assemblies is
to be performed in the same manner as specified in (3) When the diameter “D” (of the can) exceeds 600
Section 3.4.3. Sampling of test specimen and mechani- mm, this tube may be replaced by a plate of same or
cal testing shall comply with the specifications given equivalent steel grade and of relevant size and similar
in EN 288-3. thickness, but not less than 25 mm. When other types
of welding (double side, partial penetration groove or
(5) GL Wind may require additional tests (e.g. frac- fillet weldings) are intended and approved for fabrica-
ture mechanic tests for higher and high tensile steels tion, these types are to be approved separately. Double
and/or heavy welded joints) as well as other test condi- side welding may be covered by single side welding
tions (e.g. test temperatures for the charpy impact approval with GL Wind’s consent in each individual
tests) or may specify other (more stringent) acceptance case.
(4) The joint is to be tested by ultrasonic and mag-
(6) Protocols are to be prepared on the test weldings netic particle method. From each position marked with
and testing and submitted to GL Wind for recognition. a circle (A, B, C) in Fig. 3.4.1 one set of test speci-
These protocols shall contain all welding data, includ- mens as required in EN 288-3 is to be prepared and
ing seam preparation, back-gouging, preheating, inter- tested. Charpy impact test specimen are to be taken
pass temperatures, a possible post-weld treatment and from positions “A” and “C” only and those from fu-
all results of the non-destructive and mechanical and sion line and heat affected zone shall be placed on the
technological testing. bracing side, if not otherwise required.
IV – Part 2 3.4 Production and Testing Chapter 3
GL Wind 2005 Page 3-29
30 d
or in
30-45° m (5) In addition to the limitations and essential vari-
ables given in Section, for underwater weld-
min d
or 300 ing the following variations are considered to be essen-
Fig. 3.4.1 Tubular node test piece
– change from habitat welding to wet welding and
(5) In addition to the limitations and essential vari- vice versa
ables given in Section, for tubular node con-
nections the following limitation shall apply: change – change in water depth (working pressure) beyond
of more than 5° from the included angle between the the agreed range
axes of the tubes or girders to smaller angles requires – change in habitat atmosphere (gas composition)
requalification when the included angle is 45° or less.
– change in welding consumables Qualification for underwater welding
– change in welding current/polarity
(1) Underwater welding, to be used for construction – change in welding parameters (amperage, volt-
or repair, is to be approved by a test, following the age, travel speed) of more than 10 % (mean
scheme given for welding above water, conducted value)
under actual welding conditions at the welding site or
simulated at a test facility. The test is to be carried out Regarding production tests to be performed prior to
at the same water depth or at similar conditions as for actual welding see Section and Section
the actual welding operation.
(2) For underwater welding generally a low hydro- Welders’ qualification
gen process shall be used, carried out in a dry chamber
under pressure equivalent to the water depth or under
In general, the approval testing of welders shall be in
one atmosphere pressure (habitat welding). Underwa-
accordance with EN 287. Other equivalent codes,
ter wet welding, where the arc is working in the water
standards, rules or recommendations may be used with
or in a small gas-filled cavern, is normally restricted to
GL Wind’s consent.
minor or temporary repair work in shallow waters and
requires GL Wind’s consent in each individual case. Qualification rest requirements
(3) Prior to the welding procedure test, a detailed
welding procedure specification (WPS) is to be pre- (1) Manual or semi-mechanized (hand guided) weld-
pared by the manufacturer and submitted to GL Wind ing shall be performed by qualified welders. The
for review. In addition to the particulars mentioned in welders’ qualification tests are to be witnessed by GL
Section, the following data are to be speci- Wind. GL Wind may accept qualification tests wit-
fied: nessed by another independent authority.
– maximum and minimum water depth (2) The manufacturers (welding works) are required
to maintain a list, card index or the like furnishing
– chamber (habitat) atmosphere (gas composition
complete information about the number, names, identi-
and pressure)
fication marks, welders’ qualification levels and dates
– maximum humidity in the chamber (habitat) of the initial and repeat tests passed by the welders.
– temperature fluctuations inside the chamber Copies are to be submitted to GL Wind, the relevant
original documentation (test reports) is to be retained
– electrode transport and monitoring system
at the welding works, for examination by GL Wind on
– inspection schedule and methods demand.
Chapter 3 3.4 Production and Testing IV – Part 2
Page 3-30 GL Wind 2005
Table 3.4.1 Test piece dimensions and – joint type: change from double side welding to
range of applicability single side welding
– welding process: any change
Test piece Range of
dimensions applicability Qualification of underwater welders
up to
0,5 t – 2 t
Plate/wall 20 mm (1) For underwater welding only those welders may
thickness “t” be qualified, who are well trained, experienced and
more than all thickness
20 mm greater than 10 mm qualified for relevant welding above water. Prior to the
welding tests under water, the welders are to be given
up to tested diameter sufficient training to get familiar with the underwater
Tube diameter 600 mm – 100 / + 200 mm welding conditions such as pressure, atmosphere,
“D” more than all diameters temperatures etc.
600 mm greater than 500 mm
(2) The test welds are to be performed using materi-
als comparable in chemical composition (weldability)
(3) Welding operators applying fully mechanized and strength to the actual welding job, and with the
welding processes such as the submerged arc welding welding process in question under actual or simulated
process generally need not pass a welder’s perform- diving conditions.
ance test. They shall have been instructed and trained
for work at the plant and shall mark their welds for (3) Type and scope of testing are to be based on the
later identification. As far as possible, the operators actual welding job analogously to those given above
shall be involved in the welding procedure tests. GL and will be decided from case to case. Limitations
Wind may require production tests to prove their capa- given above apply analogously, the limitation of appli-
bility. cable (greater) water depth for welding will be decided
in each single case. Scope of tests and limitations Validity of qualification certificates
(1) Welders who are to perform welding work on
offshore wind turbine steel structures should be prop- (1) The validity of a welder’s qualification certifi-
erly trained and shall be tested as comprehensively as cate is two years, provided that during this period the
possible. welder’s work is monitored by visual and/or non-
destructive testing. GL Wind may demand annual
repeat tests if monitoring mainly takes the form of
(2) Welders’ qualification tests are to be performed
visual inspections or if the results of NDT cannot be
with the respective welding process for those kinds of
correlated to the welder.
materials (plates, tubes), joint types (butts, fillets, T-,
K- and Y-connections) and welding positions which
(2) A repeat test is required where a welder who has
will be employed during later manufacture, in accor-
been tested in more than one welding process has not
dance with EN 287. The details and further data are to
used the process in question for a period exceeding six
comply with those stated in the welding procedure
months but has meanwhile used another process. A
repeat test is required if a welder has not performed
any welding work as defined in Section para1
(3) Plate thickness, tube diameters and wall thick- for a period exceeding three months. GL Wind may
nesses of the test pieces shall be in accordance with the demand a repeat test at any time if reasonable doubts
requirements given in EN 287-1, Table 1 and 2 as well should arise as to a welder’s performance.
as Table 3.4.1 (the more restrictive requirement ap-
plies). Design of weld connections
(to be mentioned in the drawings, specifications etc.), and Section and are to be approved by GL
e.g. EN 22553, or shall be explained in these docu- Wind. Typical welds of tubular T-, Y- and K-
ments. Special weld (groove) details shall be shown by connections with and without back welding are shown
sketches and/or relevant remarks. in Fig. 3.4.3 and 3.4.4.
(2) It is recommended that standard welding details, (4) The weld contour is to be designed with smooth
symbols etc. including any workmanship or inspection transitions tangent to the parent material in order to
requirements are to be laid down in standard drawings achieve the actual calculated fatigue life. The require-
submitted to GL Wind for general approval. Dimen- ments regarding the weld contour including additional
sions of welding should not form a part of those stan- treatment, such as grinding of weld toes to a smooth
dard drawings, but shall be designated in the contract profile depending on the actual detail category (see
or shop drawings for each individual structural part or Section 6.6.6) are to be laid down in the drawings
welding respectively. and/or specifications. A typical improved weld contour
of a T-joint is shown in Fig. 3.4.5. The cap layer
(3) All welds shall be planned and designed in such should be made with single passes (no excessive
a way that they are readily accessible during fabrica- weave technique), starting at base material and making
tion and can be executed in an adequate welding posi- the last passes in temper bead technique on top of the
tion and welding sequence, see also Section weld to avoid excessive hardness in the heat effected
Welded joints, which are subject to NDT-inspection zone.
shall be placed and designed to facilitate application of
the required inspection procedure, so that tests offering (5) Dimensions (effective throat thicknesses and
reliable results may be carried out. lengths) of welds are to be determined in context with
the static and fatigue strength calculations and are to Weld shapes and dimensions be specified in the drawings submitted to GL Wind for
approval. The effective throat thickness of a complete
(1) Weld shapes (groove configurations) shall be in penetration groove weld shall be the thickness of the
accordance with recognized standards and codes, such thinner part to be joined. For partial penetration groove
as EN ISO 9692 or equivalent. As far as possible, full welds, the drawings shall specify the groove depth
penetration butt or T-joints shall be designed as double applicable to the effective throat thickness required for
side weldings with the possibility of sufficient root the welding procedure to be used (see Section
treatment (gouging) instead of single side weldings. para 2 and Fig. 3.4.7), as well as the calculated effec-
Fillet welds shall be made on both sides of the abutting tive throat thickness.
plate or web. Typical single side bevelled groove weld
shapes are shown in Fig. 3.4.2. (6) The throat thickness of fillet welds is the size “a”
in Fig. 3.4.6. In the drawings, fillet weld dimensions
(2) Weld shapes shall be designed to ensure, that the may be specified by the size “a” or by the leg length
proposed weld type and quality (e.g. full penetration) “A” which is "a ⋅ 2 ".
can be satisfactorily achieved under the given fabrica-
tion conditions. Failing this, provisions shall be made (7) The throat thickness of fillet welds shall not
for welds, which are easier to execute. The (possibly exceed 0.7 times the lesser thickness of the parts to be
lower) load-bearing capacity of these welds shall be welded (generally the web thickness). The minimum
taken into consideration in the dimensional design. throat thickness is defined by the expression:
According to Fig. 3.4.7, the effective throat thickness
of a partial penetration groove weld shall be the depth t1 + t 2
of bevel less 3 mm if not otherwise proved in way of a min = [ mm] , but not less than 3 mm (3.4.5)
welding procedure tests and agreed by GL Wind.
(3) Special weld shapes, differing from those laid
down in the a. m. rules and standards (e.g. single side,
t1 = lesser (e.g. the web) plate thickness [mm]
full penetration groove welds in tubular T-, Y- or K-
connections) or weld shapes for special welding proc- t2 = greater (e.g. the flange) plate thickness
esses shall have been proved in connection with the [mm]
welding procedure tests according to Section
Chapter 3 3.4 Production and Testing IV – Part 2
Page 3-32 GL Wind 2005
not limited
2÷3 ≈3 4÷6
Groove weld with back welding, Groove weld without back welding Groove weld with backing flat bar,
root gouged (double side welding) (single side welding) for minor purposes only
t t
r min
r min
Area A Area D
α > 130° α ≤ 60°
Area B Area C
90°< α ≤ 130° 60°< α ≤ 90°
α t
β2 ≈
β2 ≈
β1 ≈ α
≈ 45
t rm
r min
180° − α
t ≈ 2 in ≈ t ≈
r mi
β≈ 2
r min
Area A Area D
α > 130° α ≤ 60°
Area B Area C
90°< α ≤ 130° 60°< α ≤ 90°
β≈ α
r min
in ≈ t
2 2
bra t
thinh nem temper beads
ner ber
par or underuct not to
exeed 0.3mm
angle ≥ 135°
theoretical radius
body ≥ 135°
grinding line
cap passes (tool radius 8mm min.)
forcement plates or inserts and the plating shall be full
penetration butt welds and the transitions shall be in
Fig. 3.4.6 Effective throat thickness “a” and leg accordance with Section para 3.
length “A” of filled welds
(6) Doubler plates (cover plates) may be used to
reinforce girder flanges or similar components in the Details of welded joints
area of maximum bending moments. Doubler plates
shall be limited to one per flange and their thickness
(1) All welded joints on primary members shall be
“t” shall not exceed 1.5 times the thickness of the
designed to provide a stress flow as smooth as possible
flange, their width “w” should not exceed 20 times
without major internal or external notches, discontinui-
their thickness. The ends of doubler plates shall be
ties in rigidity and obstructions to strains. The transi-
extended beyond the calculated, theoretical start or end
tion between differing component dimensions e.g. of
conforming to Fig. 3.4.12. The fillet welds connecting
girders or stiffeners shall be smooth and gradual. The
the doubler plate to the flange shall be continuous
length of the transition should be at least 3 times the
welds. The welds at the ends of the doubler plates shall
difference in depth, see Fig. 3.4.8.
confirm to Fig. 3.4.12.
(2) The requirements given in Section
para 1 apply in analogous manner to the welding of (7) Local clustering of welds and short distances
secondary mem bers to primary (or special) supporting between welds are to be avoided. Adjacent butt welds
members. The ends should have smooth transitions to should be separated from each other by a distance of at
the main structure, see Fig. 3.4.9. least
(3) Where the plate or wall thicknesses differ more
than 3 mm at joints mainly stressed perpendicularly to 50 mm + 4 t
the (butt) weld direction, the difference shall be
smoothened by bevelling and/or buttering according to where t = plate thickness. Fillet welds should be sepa-
Fig. 3.4.10 prior to butt welding. Differences in sur- rated from each other and from butt welds by a dis-
face levels up to 3 mm may be equalized within the tance of at least
30 mm + 2 t
(4) If a misalignment due to component or plate
respective wall thickness tolerances cannot be elimi-
(8) Where tubular joints (node sections) without
nated by adjusting (e.g. in case of circumferential butt
overlapping require increased wall thicknesses and/or
welds in tubes) and the difference “X” is not greater
special steel in the main member (chord, can) and/or in
than one quarter of the thinner plate or wall thickness,
the branch members (bracing stubs), the separation of
the misalignment may be equalized by chamfering or
the welds shall be in accordance with Fig. 3.4.13. The
built up welding according to Fig. 3.4.11. Where the
larger measures apply.
difference is greater and/or highly fatigue stressed
joints are involved, equalization is to be decided and
agreed upon by GL Wind in each individual case. (9) In overlapping tubular joints (node sections), in
which part of the load is transferred directly from one
(5) Where platings (including girder web and flange branch member (bracing) to another through their
plates) or tube walls are subjected locally to increased common weld, the overlapping of the welds shall be at
stresses, thicker plates are to be inserted in preference least in accordance with Fig. 3.4.14. The greater meas-
to doubler platings. This applies analogously to ure applies. The actual length of the overlapping weld
flanges, stuffing-boxes, hubs, bearing bushes or simi- is to be determined by calculation. The heavier brace
lar components to be welded into platings. The mini- shall preferably be the through brace with its full cir-
mum size of those reinforcement plates shall be cumference welded to the chord.
IV – Part 2 3.4 Production and Testing Chapter 3
GL Wind 2005 Page 3-35
th th
dep dep
ve ve
groo o
f = deduction for incomplete gro
a a
root penetration = 3mm
f (see 5.2.2) f
Fig. 3.4.7 Effective throat thickness “a” of partial penetration groove welds
notch - free ground ≥3 improved shape
where necessary 1
Ends of welds
with smooth transitions
to the main structure
(to be ground if
necessary) 1
up to
up to
up to
reference to the range of stress variations, the global
≥3 ≥3
1 1 loading conditions, the limit stress ratio and the detail
category (proof of fatigue strength). The detail cate-
gory is a function of the geometrical configuration of
the welded joint. It also depends on the proof of the
1 absence of serious internal notches (welding defects).
1 (4) Tubular joints shall be designed using proven
procedures. For non-standard or complex joints, e.g.
ring stiffened or cast steel joints, appropriate analytical
1 1 and/or experimental investigations may be required.
≥3 For all tubular joints which are subject to dynamic
loading, a fatigue analysis shall be performed, see
Fig. 3.4.10 Transition in butt welds of unequal Section 6.6.6.
thickness Welding in cold formed (bended) areas,
Equal plate thicknesses
4x* 4x bending radii
(1) Wherever possible, welding should be avoided at
the cold formed sections with more than 3 % perma-
1:4 nent elongation and in the adjacent areas where struc-
[%] (3.4.6)
1:4 1+ 2
edge chamfered edge built up t
4x* 4x r = inner bending radius [mm]
t = plate thickness [mm]
1:4 Table 3.4.2 Minimum bending radii
≥ 0.5 tR
tR ≤ 25
≥ 0.5t
t > 25
t ≤ 25
w/2 ≥t w/2 ≥ tR
≥ 0.5 tR
tR ≤ 25
t > 25 1
t ≤ 25
1.5 w ≥t 1.5 w ≥ tR
r ≥ 3t
Fig. 3.4.12 Configuration and welding of the ends of doubler plates on flanges
d2 3
50 min 50 min
0m r
d 1 0mi
3 o
d2 or
of branch member
D/4 or D/4 or
300 min 300 min
A Section A - A
d1 2
d 1≤ d 2
t1 ≤ t 2 t t
1 2
d /2
Preheating may be as necessary for tack and auxiliary Weld quality requirements
welds as for fabrication welds except for single pass
tack welds, which are remelted and incorporated into (1) The requirements to be met by the weld e.g.
final, continuous submerged arc welds. seam geometry, surface quality, admissible external
and internal flaws depend on the significance of the
(4) Apart from the measures prescribed in the para- respective welds for the overall integrity of the struc-
graphs above mild steels do not normally require pre- ture. The operability of individual components as well
heating. The following points may serve as a guide to as the kind of loading (static-dynamic) and the stress
the preheating of higher-strength steels: preheating is level shall also be considered.
necessary where the temperature of the workpiece is
below +5 °C. Where the workpiece temperature is (2) The requirements to be met by the welds are to
above this level, preheating shall be applied to wall be laid down in the plans for production, inspection
thicknesses of approximately 30 mm and over. The and testing e.g. drawings, specifications, etc. (see also
preheating temperature shall be between approxi- Section para 4) on the basis of relevant stan-
mately 80 and 120 °C depending on the factors listed dards e.g. EN ISO 5817, quality level B and taking
in Section para 3. When welding, the inter- into account the criteria as stated in Section
pass temperature should not exceed 250 °C. para 1. These particulars are to be presented to GL
Wind for review and approval. For inspection and
testing of welds, see Section 3.4.3.
Note: Repair welding
In case of doubt, the need for and the degree of pre-
heating shall be assessed by determining the likely
(1) For repair welds generally the requirements are
temperature-time curve during welding (the cooling
identical to those applicable to the original weld. Prior
rate t 8/5) in accordance with [3.4] Annex 1, and by
to carrying out extensive repair welds or to repetition
reference to the manufacturer’s instructions concern-
of repair welds, e.g. owing to inadequate results of
ing the most suitable cooling time t 8/5 for the base
non-destructive inspections, consultation with the GL
material in question. For the limit thicknesses for the
Wind Surveyor shall be sought. The kind and scope of
preheating of high-strength (quenched and tempered)
envisaged repair measures have to be agreed with him.
fine-grained structural steels with minimum yield
For examination of repair welds, see Section
points over 355 N/mm2, see [3.4].
para 7.
(5) Preheating shall be applied uniformly throughout (2) Where possible, minor surface defects have to be
the thickness of the plate or component and to a dis- repaired by grinding only, ensuring smooth transitions
tance of 4 times the plate thickness, though not more from the ground area to the workpiece or welding
than 100 mm, on both sides of the weld. Local over- seam surface. Extensive defects have to be gouged
heating ist to be avoided. Preheating with gas burners carefully, examined and welded. Due consideration of
should be performed with a gentle, though not sooty, welding procedure specifications shall be made. If in
flame. The preheating temperature shall be kept con- one seam section several flaws requiring repair are
stant throughout the duration of the welding work. located close to each other, the whole seam section has
to be gouged and welded anew. Welding positions, welding sequence
(3) In general, major repair welds at parts which
have already undergone post-weld heat treatment,
(1) Welding should be performed in the optimum
necessitate another heat treatment of the whole part.
welding position, and welding in unfavourable posi-
GL Wind may agree to local post-weld heat treatment
tions shall be limited to the indispensable minimum.
or - in the case of minor repair welds - dispense with it
For similar and repetitive welding operations it is
completely; this has to be decided in each individual
advisable to use a (rotary) jig enabling all welds, as far
as practicable, to be made in the downhand position.
Vertical-downward welding may not be used to join Post-weld heat treatment
special and primary structural members.
(1) Stress-relief annealing will be dealt with in the
(2) The welding sequence shall be chosen to allow following under the heading of “post-weld heat treat-
shrinkage to take place as freely as possible and to ment”. Should other kinds of post-weld heat treatment
minimize shrinking stresses. In special cases, GL Wind be intended, then agreement shall be sought from GL
may require to set down the assembly procedure and Wind, who will consider the conditions on a case to
welding sequence in an appropriate schedule. case basis.
IV – Part 2 3.4 Production and Testing Chapter 3
GL Wind 2005 Page 3-41
(2) Post-weld heat treatment should generally be repair work at secondary structures only in shallow
performed at structural welds of joint exceeding the water and requires the special consent of GL Wind
thickness limitations given in Appendix B, unless from case to case.
adequate fracture toughness can be proved in the as
welded condition by evaluation based on fracture me- (2) Underwater welding is to be performed in accor-
chanics testing and analysis, e.g. in accordance with dance with a detailed procedure specification to be
BS 7910. For restrained joints of complicated design, prepared by the manufacturers and submitted to GL
postweld heat treatment may be required for thick- Wind for approval. It is to be carried out using espe-
nesses less than given in Appendix B. cially qualified welding procedures (see Section and by special qualified welders (see Section
(3) Any heat treatment is to be performed in accor- The transfer and handling of welding con-
dance with a procedure specification, to be prepared sumables as well as redrying (baking) and storage in
by the manufacturers and submitted to GL Wind for the welding habitat shall be considered in the welding
approval. This specification shall detail heating facili- procedure specification.
ties, insulation, control devices and recording equip-
ment as well as rated heating and cooling, temperature (3) Production test welds are to be carried out prior
gradients, holding temperature ranges and times. to commencing the underwater welding at the site in a
manner which, as far as possible, reproduces the actual
(4) Wherever possible, post-weld heat treatment welding conditions thus checking that all systems are
shall be carried out in an enclosing furnace. Where this properly functioning and results in sound welds. The
is impractical, local heat treatment may be performed production test welds are to be visually inspected and
with the consent of GL Wind. When local heat treat- non-destructively tested prior to production welding.
ment is performed, an area extending over at least 3 Subsequently they are to be subjected to mechanical
times the material thickness on both sides of the weld and technological testing. Type and number of test
is to be kept at the specified temperature. pieces and tests are to be specified and agreed to by
GL Wind from case to case.
(5) Any heat treatment cycle is to be recorded using
thermocouples equally spaced externally and when- (4) Visual inspections and non-destructive testing
ever possible - internally throughout the heated area. are to be carried out on the actual production welds by
The heat treatment records are to be submitted to the competent operators, applying qualified and approved
GL Wind Surveyor. Regarding inspections and testing procedures (see also Section 3.4.3). The methods and
after heat treatment see Section para 5. extent of inspections and testing are to be specified
and agreed by GL Wind from case to case. The fin- Production tests ished welds are to fulfil the requirements specified for
the individual structural parts or welds respectively.
(1) Production tests, i.e. test pieces welded simul-
taneously at specified intervals during fabrication may (5) All underwater welding work, including qualifi-
be called for where the base material, the welding cations, production tests, actual welding data and in-
process or the loading conditions require that proof be spection and test results are to be recorded. The re-
provided of the sufficient mechanical characteristics of cords are to be submitted to GL Wind for review and
the welded joints produced under fabrication condi- shall be kept for 5 years (see Section para 7).
3.4.3 Inspection and testing of steel structures
(2) Production test pieces shall be welded and tested
in a manner analogous to that prescribed in Section in connection with welding procedure quali- General
fication tests. The scope of the tests and the require-
ments to be met shall be determined on a case to case General requirements
(1) Inspection and testing shall be performed by the Underwater welding manufacturers after finishing the steel structures or
parts of it. These inspections and tests shall ensure that
(1) Underwater welding - it may be used for con- the structure and welds meet the requirements of this
struction and repairs - is generally to be carried out in Guideline, the approved drawings and specifications or
a large chamber from which the water has been evacu- any other requirements stated or agreed upon.
ated (habitat welding). Underwater wet welding, char-
acterized by the arc working in the water or in a small (2) Inspection and testing are to be carried out in the
gas-filled confinement, is normally restricted to minor fabrication, construction, and erection phases. For the
Chapter 3 3.4 Production and Testing IV – Part 2
Page 3-42 GL Wind 2005
quality control required during fabrication and con- standards, codes etc. may be used in agreement with
struction, see Section GL Wind.
(3) Manufacturers will be responsible for the due (2) The application of other equivalent standards,
performance of the inspections and testing as required, codes etc. may be agreed to by GL Wind. They are to
as well as for compliance with the requirements laid be listed in the construction particulars, e.g. in the
down in the documents. Inspections performed by GL inspection and testing plans and specifications, and
Wind do not relieve manufacturers of this responsibility. presented to GL Wind on request.
(4) The GL Wind Surveyor shall have the opportu- (3) Where the standards, codes etc. are contradictory
nity of witnessing and observing the inspections and to this Guideline, the latter shall automatically take
tests conducted. To this effect the Surveyor shall have precedence. Any deviations from this Guideline re-
permission to enter production areas and building sites quire approval by GL Wind on a case to case basis.
and be assisted, wherever possible. Terms and definitions
(5) Following inspection and testing by the manufac-
The terms and definitions as contained in recognized
turers the structures or parts thereof are to be presented
standards, codes etc. are to be employed. The standard
to the GL Wind Surveyor for final checking. Parts are
or code used is to be indicated in the inspection and
to be presented in suitable sections enabling proper
testing documentation and presented to GL Wind on
access for inspection, normally before painting. The
request. Any other deviating terms and definitions are
Surveyor may reject components that have not been
to be explained separately in the inspection and testing
adequately inspected and tested by the manufacturers
and may demand their resubmission upon successful
completion of such inspections and corrections by the Testing equipment
(1) The testing facilities and equipment employed
(6) Assessment of defects (e.g. weld defects), which have to meet the latest technical standards and have to
are identified by their nature, location, size and distri- be in perfect condition. If manufacturers do not pos-
bution shall take due account of the requirements ap- sess equipment of their own, they may use test equip-
plicable to the welded joints (see Section para ment of third parties, e.g. testing institutes. GL Wind
4). Inspection or testing results respectively shall be has to be informed accordingly, see also Section
evaluated by the testing department and/or the welding para 3.
supervisory staff and submitted to GL Wind for recog-
nition. The final assessment, together with the right of
(2) The equipment has to be calibrated and/or
decision as to the accept or repair of defects in the
gauged and the respective certificates have to be on
material or weld shall rest with the GL Wind Surveyor.
(7) Reports shall be prepared on all (initial and re- (3) GL Wind may check the equipment or insist on
peat) inspections and tests, and these shall be submit- having the equipment checked in the presence of their
ted to the GL Wind Surveyor together with other representative. Ultrasonic testing equipment and ac-
documentation (e.g. radiographs) for review. The re- cessories may be checked within the scope of examin-
ports shall contain all the necessary details relating to ing the testing personnel as per Section
the particular test method used (see Section para 4.
para 5, Section, and Section, the
position at which the test was performed and the re- Inspection and testing personnel
sults obtained. The reports should at any time, during
fabrication and construction, as well as during erection (1) Inspection and testing personnel have to be
and installation, permit of unequivocal tracing of qualified for and experienced in the respective testing
tested areas and test results. Test reports and documen- method. Qualification has to be proved accordingly.
tation shall be kept for 5 years.
(2) Preparation and performance of testing have to Standards, codes be supervised by higher qualified supervisory person-
nel, whose qualifications have to be submitted to GL
(1) The standards, codes etc. mentioned constitute an Wind.
integral part of this Guideline and require no special
consent. The version in force on the date of publication (3) The testing personnel shall be independent of the
of this Guideline shall be applied. New editions of the production organization, see also Section para
IV – Part 2 3.4 Production and Testing Chapter 3
GL Wind 2005 Page 3-43 Films, intensifying screens shall, for each radiograph, be laid on the side of the
weld away from the film and facing the radiation
(1) The selection of film classes (cf. EN 584-1) used source and shall be radiographed together with the
for radiographic testing shall be in accordance with EN weld. Should this be impossible, the image quality
1435, Table 2. indicator may, with the consent of GL Wind and after
the preparation of comparative radiographs designed to
(2) Front and rear 0.02 mm lead screens shall nor- determine the changed index of image quality, be fixed
mally be used when radiographing steel. During radi- to the workpiece on the side close to the film (i.e.
ography, the film and the screens shall be kept in inti- between the film and the weld). The film image shall
mate contact in suitable cassettes, packs, etc. be marked to indicate that this arrangement was used.
(3) The use of salt intensifying screens and fluoro- (4) Each film image shall be clearly and unmistaka-
metal screens is not allowed. bly marked by lead figures or letters simultaneously
irradiated and depicted on the film. This identification Radiographic parameters shall be the same as that given in the test plan and shall
enable any defects found to be readily located. The
(1) The radiographic parameters prescribed in EN marking is to be located outside the weld area being
1435 for test category A (General inspection proce- inspected (weld width plus at least 10 mm on each
dure) are to be applied. For radiographic inspection side).
using X-rays and a film length of 480 mm, the distance
between the film and the focal point should normally Film processing, density, image quality
be 700 mm and in any case not less than the length of
the film. In special cases GL Wind may stipulate test (1) The films shall be processed in properly
category B (Higher-sensitivity inspection procedure). equipped darkrooms in such a way as to avoid any
blemishes which interfere with their evaluation (e.g.
(2) Any impurities on the surface of the work piece fog density, scratches, dark crescent-shaped marks due
liable to impair the interpretation of the image are to to kinks in the film, etc.). The instructions and recom-
be removed prior to the radiographic inspection to- mendations issued by the film and chemical manufac-
gether with any visible welding defects and damage. turers are to be followed. Premature interruption of the
Traces of auxiliary welds are also to be removed. In developing process and the reduction with chemicals
special cases (e.g. where the surface of the weld is of overexposed films is not allowed.
very rough or where the image quality is subject to
special requirements), grinding of the weld faces may (2) The density “S” of radiographic images shall be
be required. at least 1.5 over the entire area for evaluation. The
upper limit value depends on the brightness of the film
(3) In order to determine the image quality, at least viewers available for the evaluation, but should not
one image quality indicator to EN 462-1 (wire type) exceed 2.5 with 3.0 as the maximum figure. Wider
IV – Part 2 3.4 Production and Testing Chapter 3
GL Wind 2005 Page 3-45
density differences within a single radiograph are to be – type of film and nature and thickness of intensi-
avoided. fying screens
– test category, image quality index and image
(3) The image quality shall be determined with an
quality class
image quality indicator prescribed in Section
para 3 and in accordance with EN 462-3. For category – symbols denoting defects and assessment
A inspection (see Section para 1), image
quality B is desirable for steel, with image quality A as The test report shall also indicate whether the informa-
the minimum requirement. In the case of aluminium tion relates to an initial radiograph or to a follow-up
alloys and test category B, image quality B shall be inspection after repair work has been carried out
attained. The criterion in each case is the smallest wire (cf. Section para 6).
of the image quality indicator which is still visible in
the area of the weld. Ultrasonic testing
(1) Viewers with a luminous density to EN 25580 (1) The staff performing ultrasonic tests shall be
sufficient for the required film density shall be used trained in the special field concerned and shall possess
for the examination and evaluation of radiographs. adequate practical experience. Their professional com-
Stops shall be fitted to enable the field of view to be petence shall be documented by certificates relating to
adapted to the film size for, or capable of, evaluation. courses and tests which they have undergone and/or by
The brightness shall be adjustable. a statement of the practical testing work in which they
have hitherto been engaged.
(2) The viewing and evaluation of radiographs
should take place in a dimly lit though not completely (2) The competence of the testers, together with the
darkened room. Evaluation should only be performed test units, inspection method etc., will be verified by
after a sufficient period has been allowed for adapta- GL Wind or another competent and independent au-
tion. Bright, dazzling areas within the field of view are thority recognized by GL Wind (see also Section
to be screened. The use of magnifying glasses for the para 3 and Section para 4). Applica-
detection of fine details may be beneficial. tion for such verification, together with the following
information and documents, shall be made to GL Head
(3) The reference numbers given in EN ISO 6520-1 Office:
are to be used to identify weld defects in the test re-
port. – documentary proof of the professional training of
testing staff and, where appropriate, of test su-
(4) Initial evaluation shall be performed by the test- pervisors
ing department and/or the welding supervisory of the
manufacturers. Thereafter the films (the initial and the – description of testing equipment (test units,
follow-up radiographs) shall be submitted to the GL probes, etc.)
Wind Surveyor for assessment together with the test – description of the test method (instrument set-
reports. The assessment shall be made with due regard ting, angles and direction of incidence, instru-
for the details provided above by the instructions “ac- ment sensitivity, etc.)
ceptable” or “not acceptable”.
– method of determining size of defects
(5) The following information is to be given in the – form of test report
test report, together with explanatory sketches where
necessary: After successful verification, recognition and authori-
zation may be granted for the independent perform-
– works number, component, test schedule number, ance of certain tests under the responsibility of the
inspection positions works’ staff.
– radiation source and size of tube focus or of
emitter (3) GL Wind reserves the right to carry out random
monitoring inspections to verify the test reports com-
– tube voltage or activity at time of inspection piled by the works’ testers or to require that such
– radiographic arrangement of EN 1435, position monitoring inspections be performed by a second
of wire penetrameter testing body independent of the works. If the results of
these inspections deviate substantially from those of
– thickness of workpiece or weld, as appropriate the initial tests performed by the works, the scope of
Chapter 3 3.4 Production and Testing IV – Part 2
Page 3-46 GL Wind 2005
the monitoring inspections may be extended so far as formed using calibration reflectors of known shape,
to equal that of the prescribed initial tests. position and size (e.g. large flat reflectors, sidedrilled
holes) in accordance with the provisions of EN 1714. Test appliances and accessories Unless otherwise agreed, the DGS (Distance Gain
Size) method of inspection shall be used. With the
(1) The test appliances, probes and other accessories DGS method, the sensitivity setting is to be carried out
(calibration and reference blocks for adjusting the in accordance with the instrument manufacturer’s
sensitivity, reference scales, etc.) shall conform to the instructions using calibration blocks to EN 12223 and
state of the art and to the relevant standards (e.g. EN EN 27963. Flat bottom holes and grooves should not
12223, EN 27963, EN 1714 or EN 583). be used as calibration reflectors.
(2) All possible echo heights within the range of (4) If necessary (e.g. for defects close to the sur-
instrument sensitivity used shall be capable of being face), the sensitivity setting is to be corrected in accor-
determined with the aid of an amplification control dance with EN 1714. In testing unalloyed and low
calibrated in dB and a suitable scale marking on the alloy structural steels and where the sonic distances are
display. The interval between the switching stages not too large (cf. EN 1714), the sound attenuation may
shall not exceed 2 dB. Instruments not equipped with a normally be disregarded. A transfer correction to de-
calibrated amplification control may not be used. termine the coupling differences between the surface
of the reference block and that of the test piece shall,
(3) Stepless controls shall enable the ranges of ad- however, be performed in every case. The value of the
justment available on the instrument to be juxtaposed, transfer correction shall be stated in the test report.
as far as possible without any intervening gap. Within
each individual range the time sweep shall be continu- (5) For more efficient detection of defects it is rec-
ously adjustable. ommended that the work should be performed with a
test sensitivity (search sensitivity) increased by ap-
(4) With regard to the geometrical characteristics of proximately 6 dB over the chosen registration level (see
the sound field, especially the incidence and squint Section However, the registration level set-
angles, the test frequency and the resolution, the ting is generally to be used when evaluating defect
probes shall lie within the tolerances specified in the indications. All echo indications to be registered shall
standards mentioned above. The incidence and squint attain at least 20 % of the display height even at the
angles shall not in either case deviate by more than 2° maximum sonic distance (cf. EN 1714). In the case of
from the nominal value or from the centre line of the electrogas-welded seams, the inspection shall normally
probe. The angle of incidence and the probe index (of be performed with a sensitivity increased by 12 dB, and
angle beam probes) shall be verified. this fact shall be expressly stated in the test report with a
reference to the welding process (e.g. EG + 12 dB). Calibration, sensitivity setting
(1) The distance signal (time sweep) may be option- Surface preparation, coupling
ally calibrated in projection distances “a”, shortened
projection distances “a'”, sonic distances “s” or, if
(1) On both sides of the welded seam (cf. Section
possible, depth positions “b”. Unless otherwise agreed, para 1) the testing surfaces shall be smooth
calibration in shortened projection distances “a'” shall
and free from impurities liable to interfere with cou-
be preferred for weld inspections, or in sonic distances
pling. Rust, scale and weld spatter are to be removed
“s” for parts of complex shape (e.g. tubular joints acc.
so that the probes lie snugly against the surfaces,
to Fig. 3.4.18).
which should if necessary be ground. Firmly adhering
paint need not be removed provided that it does not
(2) For calibrations in accordance with (1) a calibra-
interfere with the inspection and quantitative allow-
tion block according to EN 12223 or EN 27963 shall
ance can be made for the resulting loss of sensitivity
be used for testing structural steels. Appropriate cali-
when evaluating the echo heights.
bration or reference blocks shall be used for materials
having other sound velocities (e.g. high alloy steels).
Bore holes used for calibration shall not be larger than (2) Where angle beam probes have to be applied to
2 mm and shall lie parallel to the testing surface. the surface of the weld for the inspection of transverse
Where possible, calibration should not be performed at defects (see Section para 3), this shall also be
edges. prepared in the manner of the testing surfaces de-
scribed above. Notches, grooves and the like lying
(3) Depending on the intended method of echo across the beam axis which produce false indications
height definition, the sensitivity setting shall be per- and may impair the test are to be removed.
IV – Part 2 3.4 Production and Testing Chapter 3
GL Wind 2005 Page 3-47
Test surface
area 1
when assessible
from inside
(3) Coupling to the testing surfaces prepared in ac- (4) With plate thicknesses (weld thicknesses) of less
cordance with Section para 1 should be as than 30 mm, testing may be performed with an angle
uniform as possible and shall not vary by more than of incidence of 70°. With thicknesses of 30 mm and
± 4 dB. If greater variations are found, the state of the over, two angles of incidence (70° and 45° or 60°)
surface shall be improved. Where greater variations shall be used. Where the surface is curved, the neces-
cannot be avoided, this fact shall be stated in the test sary angle of incidence shall be determined in accor-
report. Flowing water, cellulose glue, oils, fats or glyc- dance with EN 1714. With very large wall thicknesses
erine may be used as coupling media. (above about 100 mm) the inspection shall be per-
formed using a tandem technique (with fixed, me- Test directions, angle of incidence chanical coupling of two similar probes) for different
depth zones.
(1) Unless otherwise agreed or stipulated, testing for
longitudinal defects shall be performed from one sur- Registration level, evaluation of echo
face and from both sides of the weld, as shown in Fig. indications, acceptance limits
3.4.16. The testing area shall embrace the weld metal
itself and an area on both sides of the seam equal to (1) For tests carried out by the DGS method, the
about 1/3 of the wall thickness, subject to a minimum registration level (reference reflector size) for longitu-
of 10 mm and a maximum of 20 mm. The testing area dinal and transverse defects is given by the diameters
shall encompass a width equal at least to the full skip of the disc shaped reflectors specified in Table 3.4.4 in
distance plus twice the length of the probe. relation to the wall thickness (weld thickness). Where
the thickness is greater than 60 mm the registration
(2) Depending on the weld geometry and the possi- level will be determined on a case to case basis. For
ble orientation of defects it may be expedient to per- tandem testing the registration level shall be deter-
form the test from both surfaces or (e.g. in the case of mined by a 6 mm diameter disc shaped reflector. For
bevels) from only one side of the seam. With corner other methods of echo height definition (e.g. the refer-
and T-joints, the test shall normally be performed both ence block method) the registration level shall be de-
from the side of the web using an angle probe and termined in accordance with EN 1714.
from that of the continuous (flange) plate using a stan-
dard probe, as shown in Fig. 3.4.17. Such probe ar- (2) The registration of non-form-related echo indica-
rangements differing from Section para 1 tions which are observed when inspecting welded
shall be especially noted in the test report. The same joints and whose echo heights attain or exceed the
applies in analogous manner to curved surfaces such as registration level (reference reflector size) specified in
shown in Fig. 3.4.18 in case of tubular connections. Section para 1 is required only where ex-
pressly stipulated by GL Wind or where subsequent
(3) Testing for transverse defects is to be performed repeat tests have to be performed. Otherwise only
from both sides of the weld in two directions along the those echo indications shall be registered which ex-
seam as shown in Fig. 3.4.19 or where the test re- ceed the repair limit value specified in Section
quirements are more stringent - on the ground surface para 4.
of the weld. GL Wind may require that testing for
transverse defects be performed with two probes con- (3) For the classification of echo indications it shall
nected in parallel. Where welds are made with a large be stated by how many dB the maximum echo height
weld pool (as in electroslag welding), testing for of the reflections found differs from the registration
oblique defects shall also be performed at an angle of level defined in Section para 1. In the case of
approximately 45° (cf. EN 1714). the DGS method, the size of the (substitute) disc
shaped reflector may also be stated. Further character-
istics to be stated are the registration lengths and half-
value depths in accordance with EN 1714. The loca-
tion of reflexions shall be defined by coordinates indi-
20° cating the ‘longitudinal and transverse distances from
a reference point’ and the ‘depth position’.
due to incomplete penetration or rows of pores) call – indication of any other regulations (e.g. specifi-
for repairs even if the repair limit values are not at- cations, standards or special agreements) appli-
tained. Echo indications which point to the presence of cable to the inspection
cracks necessitate repairs in every case.
– place and time of the inspection, testing body
and identification of the person performing the
(5) Echo indications produced by transverse defects
shall in every case count as weld defects requiring
repair unless they can be unequivocally associated
with the indications produced by longitudinal defects. (3) Test reports shall contain at least the following
specific details relating to the inspection:
(6) Where the evaluation of echo indications gives
rise to doubt regarding the need for repair, recourse – make and type of test equipment
may be had to radiographic inspection to help in the – make, type, nominal frequency and angle of
assessment (cf. Section However, echo incidence of probes
indications obtained with welded seams 30 mm or
more in thickness which exceed the repair limit values – distance calibration (testing range)
specified in Table 3.4.5 invariably necessitate repair – sensitivity setting (calibration reflector used,
even if radiographic inspection fails to reveal any instrument sensitivity, registration level)
defects or fails to reveal them clearly.
– correction values (for defects close to surface,
Table 3.4.4 Registration levels transfer correction)
– test sensitivity
Diameter Shaped
Wall thickness
of dise reflectors – surface preparation, coupling media
(weld thickness)
4 MHz 2 MHz
– testing surfaces, test directions, angles of
≥ 10 up to 15 mm 1.0 mm 1.5 mm incidence
> 15 up to 20 mm 1.5 mm 2.0 mm
(4) The test results - where these are to be stated in
> 20 up to 40 mm 2.0 mm 3.0 mm
the report (cf. Section para 2) - shall, wher-
> 40 up to 60 mm 3.0 mm 4.0 mm ever possible, be tabulated or shown on sketches with
the following details:
(7) During testing of one side welded tubular inter-
section seams as per Fig. 3.4.18 the root area has to be – coordinates of defects with stated reference point
specially assessed. Here, the acceptance limits as per – maximum excess echo height (+...dB) above the
Table 3.4.5 are not applicable. Depending on the en- given registration level (reference reflector size)
visaged seam shape, the details of analysis of indica- or, where applicable, the diameter of the corre-
tions from the root area have to be agreed with GL sponding (substitute) disc shaped reflector
Wind from case to case.
– defect characteristics (registration length, half- Test reports value depth)
(1) Complete test reports as prescribed in EN 1714 Where echo indications below the acceptance limit
and containing the information listed below shall be values shown in Table 3.4.5 are also registered, each
prepared for all ultrasonic tests in accordance with the defect thus identified is to be allocated on assessment
test schedule (cf. Section para 4). The test (e.g. acceptable or not acceptable).
reports shall enable the inspections to be repeated
identically. They shall be signed by the person per- Magnetic particle and dye penetrant testing
forming the test and countesigned by the supervisor. Test methods, test equipment, test media
(2) The test reports shall contain the following
(1) Wherever possible, the magnetic particle method
– clear identification of the test piece, the material, as specified e.g. in EN 1290 should be used for testing
the welded joint inspected together with its di- magnetic materials for surface cracks. The use of the
mensions and location (sketch to be provided for dye penetrant method as specified e.g. in EN 571-1 for
complex weld shapes and testing arrangements) magnetic materials is to be restricted to unavoidable,
and the welding process exceptional cases and requires GL Wind’s consent on
each occasion. Non-magnetic materials (e.g. austenitic
Chapter 3 3.4 Production and Testing IV – Part 2
Page 3-50 GL Wind 2005
stainless steels and non-ferrous metals) are to be tested (5) The testing surfaces shall be free from loose
by the dye penetrant method. scale, rust, weld spatter and other impurities. Notches,
grooves, scratches, edges, etc., which can produce
(2) The test equipment and test media used shall false indications, are to be removed prior to the test.
conform to the state of the art and to the relevant stan-
dards (e.g. DIN 54130, EN ISO 9934 and EN ISO (6) Magnetization shall be effected, as shown in Fig.
3452). The magnetizing equipment shall be provided 3.4.20, in two different directions including an angle
with markings or measuring devices which indicate the of not less than 60° and not more than 90° so as to
magnetizing current and field strength at any time. GL enable variously orientated defects to be located.
Wind may stipulate that measurements be performed
to verify these data. On request, proof shall be fur-
nished to GL Wind of the suitability of the test media
60° - 90°
(3) The acceptance levels shall conform to the state
of the art and to the relevant standards (e.g. EN 1289
and EN 1291).
10...15 10 and 10 6 3 10 6
3 and 20 6
1 10 12
> 40 10 and 10 6 3 10 6
3 and 30 6
1 10 12
10...20 10 and 15 6 3 10 6
3 and 30 6
1 10 12
> 40 10 and 15 6 3 10 6
3 and 50 6
1 10 12
10...20 10 and 15 6 5 10 6
3 and 50 6
1 10 12
> 20...40 10 and 15 6 5 10 6
D 3 and 50 6
1 10 12
> 40 10 and 20 6 5 10 6
3 and 50 6
1 10 12
1 See Section,
2 Where the wall thickness differ, the lesser wall thickness (weld thickness excluding the weld reinforcement) is meant.
3 Where the wall thickness exceeds 60 mm, it is to be divided into test zones, each 60 mm thick, and is to be inspected from both faces.
Each test zone is to be assessed separately. Test zones may overlap.
Continuous echo indications, which point to systematic weld defects (e.g. root defects due to incomplete penetration or rows of pores)
call for repairs even if the repair limit values are not attained.
4 Echo indications of transverse defects are in any case to be regarded as indicating welding defects requiring repair. This does not apply,
where echo indications can be unequivocally correlated to longitudinal defects.
Chapter 3 3.4 Production and Testing IV – Part 2
Page 3-52 GL Wind 2005
(4) Following penetration, the surplus penetrant shall – details of the structural component and weld
be completely removed from the testing surface in concerned
such a way as to leave behind the portion lodged in
possible defects. It is advisable first of all to wipe off – test media (type, brand name)
the surplus penetrant with a cloth and only thereafter – description of the test procedure (temperature of
quickly to remove the remains with sparing use of the the workpiece, penetrant acting time, etc.)
penetrant remover. The testing surface should then be
dried as quickly as possible (max. 50 °C). – test results
– place and time of the inspection, testing body
(5) The developer is to be applied evenly and as and identification of the person performing the
thinly as possible immediately after removal of the test
surplus penetrant and drying. The testing surface
should be just covered. The developing time should be Test reports shall conform to the form provided in
about the same as the time allowed for penetration. Appendix B of EN 571-1.
Visual inspection for defects shall begin as the devel-
oper is applied, but the final inspection can only take 3.4.4 Laminating fibre-reinforced plastics
place after the expiry of the developing time. Para-
graph Section para 8 applies in analogous Requirements for manufacturers
manner to the assessment.
(1) All workshops, store-rooms and their operational
(6) Should an unequivocal assessment of the indica- equipment shall meet the requirements of the relevant
tions be impossible, the entire inspection procedure, safety authorities and employers’ liability insurance
starting with preliminary cleaning, shall be repeated. associations. The responsibility for compliance with
Where necessary, the surface quality shall also be these requirements is solely the company’s.
improved. The repeat inspection shall be performed
using the same system as on the first occasion. (2) The danger of contamination of materials for
laminating shall as a rule be kept to a minimum by Test reports rigorous separation of production areas and other
workshops as well as store-rooms. Only the quantity of
(1) Complete test reports with full details of the materials required for production within the next two
performance of the test and the defects found shall be days shall be stored in the laminating workshops.
prepared for all surface crack inspections in accor-
dance with the test schedule (cf. Section (3) Whilst laminating and gluing is progressing,
These test reports shall be signed by the person per- dust-generating machinery may be operated in the
forming the test and by the test supervisor. laminating workshop only to a limited extent and only
if fitted with a dust collection unit. Painting or spray-
(2) Test reports relating to magnetic particle inspec- ing work is only permissible within the laminating
tions shall include the following details: workshop if the company can ensure that such activi-
ties will not affect the laminating quality.
– details of the structural component and weld
concerned Laminating workshops
– method of magnetization
(1) Laminating workshops shall be totally enclosed
– type of current, and where appropriate the am- spaces capable of being heated as well as having venti-
perage, used for magnetization lation supply and exhaust equipment. An ambient
– test arrangement (magnetizing equipment, dis- temperature of between 16 °C and 25 °C with a maxi-
tance between electrodes or poles) mum relative humidity of between 20 % RH and 75 %
RH shall be maintained as a rule during laminating
IV – Part 2 3.4 Production and Testing Chapter 3
GL Wind 2005 Page 3-53
work and curing. If the manufacturers of the laminat- (5) Quantities of materials due to be processed shall
ing resins or adhesives have specified other processing be brought to the processing rooms in good time to
temperatures, these shall apply. allow them to adjust properly (∆T ≤ 2 °C) to the proc-
essing temperature with the packaging remaining
(2) Thermographs and hygrographs shall be pro- sealed.
vided for monitoring the climatic conditions, whereby
it shall be possible to read off the climatic conditions Note:
directly at any time. The location of the instruments
shall be agreed with GL Wind, their number and ar- This temperature adjustment is necessary to ensure
rangement depending on the operational conditions. that the dewpoint is not reached.
The instruments shall bear valid calibration marks; the
records on the climatic conditions shall be kept for a (6) Packages removed from store and opened may
period of at least 10 years and submitted to GL Wind be returned to store only in defined cases (e.g. hot-
on demand. curing prepregs).
(3) The provision of ventilation supply and exhaust Processing requirements
equipment shall be such that an impairment of the
materials is excluded and e.g. no unacceptable (1) If rotor blades, shafts or other components are
amounts of solvent are extracted from the laminate. manufactured from FRP for mounting on or installa-
tion in offshore wind turbines and if an application for
(4) The work places shall be illuminated in a suitable project certification has been submitted for the off-
manner, precautionary measures being taken to prevent shore wind turbine, then as a matter of principle only
the controlled curing of the laminating resin from materials approved by GL shall be used for production.
being impaired by the light from either the sun or the As well as suitable and approved materials being se-
light fitting. lected, their processing shall be treated with special
care because of its significant influence on the proper-
ties of the product.
(5) The laminating workshops shall be of adequate
size (floor area and ceiling height), in order that the
(2) Prior to the commencement of production, the
components are easily accessible and the intended
manufacturer shall convince himself that the materials
production processes can take place without hindrance.
can be combined and are suitable for the intended
process. Store-rooms
(3) For the preparation and processing of the resin
(1) Laminating resin compounds and adhesives shall compounds, the instructions of the material manufac-
be stored according to the manufacturer’s instructions. turer plus any other applicable regulations, such as
The temperature in the store-rooms shall be recorded those of the relevant safety authorities and employers’
continuously. liability insurance associations, shall be observed in
addition to this Guideline.
(2) Prepregs shall be stored in special refrigerated
compartments in accordance with the manufacturer’s (4) Resin and reaction agent shall be mixed in such a
instructions. The temperature shall be recorded con- way that they are evenly distributed, care being taken
tinuously. to beat in as little air as possible. There may be cases
where de-gassing of the resin compound under vac-
(3) Reinforcing materials, core materials, fillers and uum is necessary.
additives shall be stored within closed containers in
dust-free, dry conditions. The humidity in these spaces (5) If rigid plastic foam is used as the core material,
shall be recorded continuously and should not exceed this shall be de-gassed beforehand and if necessary
70 % RH or 80 % RH for short periods. tempered. In particular for slotted core materials, it
shall be ensured that the material properties which
(4) Storage shall be arranged in such a way that the were established as a basis within the scope of verifi-
designation of the materials, and the storage conditions cation are achieved during the processing activities.
and maximum storage periods (expiration dates) pre-
scribed by the manufacturer, are easily visible. Materi- (6) During production, the processing time for the
als whose storage period has been exceeded shall be mixed resin compound specified by the manufacturer
marked as being prohibited for use and then removed shall not be exceeded. In the absence of such informa-
from the store as soon as possible. tion, the pot time shall be established in a preliminary
Chapter 3 3.4 Production and Testing IV – Part 2
Page 3-54 GL Wind 2005
test and the processing time then laid down in consul- If the attachment or cutting of reinforcement layers is
tation with GL Wind. unavoidable, e.g. in the case of complicated mould-
ings, then cut edges shall overlap or reinforcement
(7) It is not possible for this Guideline to cover all strips shall be provided. In the butt or seam region of
the details of every production process. Deviation from laminates, any reinforcement layer shall overlap by at
this part of the Guideline is therefore possible after least the value specified above for the step length.
consultation with GL Wind.
(7) In the transition region from a sandwich con-
(8) Prior to the start of laminating work, the mould struction to solid laminate, the core material shall be
surfaces shall be treated with an adequate quantity of a tapered with a gradient of at least 1 : 3.
suitable release agent and brought up to the planned
processing temperature. The surfaces shall be dry and (8) Parallel or insert linings shall be free from mois-
dust-free. Release agents containing silicone are inad- ture and impurities. Their surfaces to be bonded to the
missible. laminate shall be prepared suitably (see Section, para 1). Building-up the laminate Curing and tempering
(1) If surface protection is to be achieved by means
of a gelcoat, the resin shall be applied in a uniform
layer of thickness in accordance with the approved (1) Components may only be removed from the
production specification, using a suitable process. moulds after adequate curing of the resin and the adhe-
sive. The required curing time depends on the forces
(2) The first layer of laminate shall be applied as that may occur due to the separation of the component
soon as possible after application of the gelcoat. For from the mould, the curing temperature and the resin
this, a reinforcement layer of low weight per unit sur- systems used. The curing time shall be determined by
face and high resin content (e.g. in the case of glass experiment.
fibre, max. 300 g/m² and 35 % glass by weight) shall
be used. (2) Resin systems which cure under pressure, UV
radiation and/or increased temperature shall be treated
(3) The laminate shall be built up in accordance with in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions or
the approved production specification. The reinforce- the results of suitable previous investigations.
ment layers shall be adequately deaerated and com-
pressed so that the required fibre content is attained. (3) Immediately following curing, the components
Resin enrichment shall be avoided. shall receive post-curing (tempering) at elevated tem-
perature. The tempering time depends on the particular
(4) The maximum thickness of the material that can resin system and the temperature attainable within the
be cured in one step is determined by the maximum component during tempering. This shall remain below
permissible heat generation. In the case of vacuum the heat deflection temperature or glass transition
bagging, the decisive factor as a rule is the maximum temperature. Cold-curing systems which are not sub-
number of layers from which air can still be totally sequently tempered shall be stored for 30 days under
removed. curing conditions. This period may be reduced with
the consent of GL Wind, provided the relevant manu-
(5) If the laminating process is interrupted for more facturer’s instructions for post-curing are available or
than three days in the case of cold-curing resins, the confirmed experimental post-curing values can be
surface of the cured laminate shall be roughened and presented.
cleaned to obtain a surface providing adequate bond-
ing. Deviating manufacturer’s instructions (e.g. in the Sealing
case of polyester resins with skin-forming additives)
shall be followed. (1) Laminate surfaces without surface protection
shall be sealed after curing/tempering, using suitable
(6) Transitions between different thicknesses of agents. In particular, the cut edges of cut-outs and
laminate shall be made gradually. The minimum value glued joints shall be carefully protected against pene-
of the step length L [mm] for a laminate layer with a tration by extraneous media (e.g. moisture).
thickness d [mm] and fracture stress S [N/mm²] can be
determined as follows: (2) The sealing materials used shall not impair the
properties of the laminate. They shall also suit the
L = (S/10 N/mm²)*d (3.4.7) intended purpose of the component.
IV – Part 2 3.4 Production and Testing Chapter 3
GL Wind 2005 Page 3-55
3.4.5 Adhesive bonding of peel ply in the case of FRP, or oxide layers in the
case of aluminium) be removed. Adhesive joints
(4) In many cases, an increase in the strength of the
(1) Adhesive joints for load-bearing parts shall gen- bonded connection can be achieved by the use of spe-
erally be verified by tests to be agreed on for each in- cially matched primers. The use of primers is particu-
dividual case, unless comparable experience is avail- larly recommended for bonded joints which later in
able. service are relatively heavily stressed by environ-
mental influences.
Particularly in the case of highly thixotropic adhesives, (5) The adhesive shall be processed in accordance
prior proof of their suitability shall be given with due with the manufacturer’s instructions; the proportion of
consideration of the production process. fillers may not exceed the permitted limit. When mix-
ing the adhesive, its constituents shall be mixed in
(2) A specification for production and testing shall such a way that they are evenly distributed, care being
be compiled for the adhesive joints of load-bearing taken to beat in as little air as possible.
structures. In particular, the nominal values and toler-
ances of adhesive-layer thicknesses as well as the (6) The adhesive shall be applied evenly and as
maximum size and extent of permissible flaws shall be bubble-free as possible to the materials to be joined. If
defined. The adhesive layer thicknesses, tolerances and highly thixotropic adhesives are used, it is advisable to
the maximum size and extent of permissible flaws apply a thin undercoat of the corresponding pure resin
shall be considered during the computational verifica- to the surfaces to be joined.
tion of the adhesive joint (see Section 5.5.6).
(7) Following application of the adhesive, the mate-
(3) Only adhesives with confirmed properties may rials to be joined shall be brought together without
be used for bonding. If adhesives are used for struc- delay and fixed in place.
tural bonding and these components are part of a pro-
ject certification, the adhesive shall have GL approval (8) A loading of the adhesive joint before the adhe-
in addition. The adhesives may not have any negative sive has cured sufficiently is inadmissible (see Section
effects on the materials to be joined., para 1). For all adhesive joints with thermoset-
ting adhesives, subsequent tempering of the joint is
(4) The possibility of contact corrosion (bond-line recommended; in the case of cold-curing adhesives,
corrosion) shall be countered by suitable means. tempering is necessary as a rule.
(5) If FRP components are to be bonded and a resin (9) After curing, the adhesive joint shall be protected
system differing from the laminating system is used, by suitable means against penetration by extraneous
the components shall be totally cured before bonding. media (e.g. moisture).
(2) The surfaces of the materials to be bonded to- (1) The following sections apply for the production
gether shall be dry and free of release agents (wax, surveillance of FRP components by GL Wind, as is the
grease, oil etc.), impurities (dust, rust etc.) and sol- case in project certification for example.
vents. Especially when using solvents for cleaning
purposes, compatibility with the material and suffi- (2) Manufacturing surveillance of FRP components
cient ventilation time shall be ensured. comprises quality control of the raw material, surveil-
lance during production, and checking the quality of
(3) Smooth surfaces shall be roughened either me- the completed components.
chanically (rough-grinding, sand-blasting etc.) or
chemically by etching. It is absolutely necessary that (3) A distinction is made in manufacturing surveil-
layers on the surface of the materials to be bonded that lance between internal and external surveillance. Ex-
exert a negative effect on the bonding process (e.g. ternal surveillance in the sense of this Guideline means
skin-forming additives in polyester resins or residues regular random-sampling checks of the internal sur-
Chapter 3 3.4 Production and Testing IV – Part 2
Page 3-56 GL Wind 2005
veillance and of the component quality by GL Wind or (3) The individuals entrusted with production shall
a body recognized by GL Wind. be trained in accordance with their task, and shall work
under professionally qualified supervision. In the case
(4) GL Wind reserves the right to make unan- of adhesive joints, the responsible supervisors shall
nounced inspections of the works. The manufacturer have an appropriate qualification in adhesives, and the
shall allow the representative of GL Wind access to all individuals performing the work shall have undergone
spaces serving the purposes of manufacture, storage suitable training.
and testing and shall permit him to examine the avail-
able production and testing documentation. Note:
(5) In the case of companies manufacturing compo- Training as adhesive bonding worker / adhesive bond-
nents in series with a certified quality management ing specialist according to DVS / EWF 3305 is desir-
system, external surveillance is usually limited to able.
routine checks at set intervals to be prescribed (audits).
(4) The batch numbers of the materials used in the
(6) For companies which have production and wit- component shall be given in the production documen-
nessing documentation assessed by GL Wind that tation, in order that they can be traced back to the
exceeds the requirements as per Section, para manufacturer if need be. Reinforcing layers introduced
5, and have concluded an agreement with GL Wind on into the laminate shall be checked off immediately
the reporting of production changes, production devia- during the production process, with indication of the
tions and claims, a works expert can be appointed and fibre direction.
notified by GL Wind to be responsible towards GL
Wind for the surveillance during production. (5) From every batch of reaction resin compound, a
sample shall be taken and tested. If mixing is per- Incoming inspection formed continuously, one sample per batch and pro-
duction step is sufficient. These samples shall be ran-
(1) The characteristic values and properties of the domly checked for their degree of curing. The results
materials shall be verified by the manufacturer by shall be recorded.
means of inspection documents. The following inspec-
tion documents according to EN 10204 (ISO 10474)
(6) On request by GL Wind, reference laminates of
are required as a minimum:
about 50 x 50 cm shall be produced in parallel. This
EN 10204-2.2 Fibre products, gelcoat resins, paints shall result in confirmation of the material values used
as a basis for the strength calculations.
EN 10204-3.1 Laminating resins, prepregs, core
materials, adhesives Component checks
(2) During the incoming inspection, the goods shall
at least be checked for any damage and for compliance (1) The scope of the component checks shall be laid
of the details in the certificates with the requirements. down in consultation with GL Wind before production
Material values should be checked by random sam- commences.
(2) During and on completion of the production
(3) The goods shall be stored in accordance with the process, the component shall be visually checked, and
requirements of the manufacturer and this Guideline. critical areas shall be tested by tapping or by another
suitable method. Attention shall be paid to air- and Production surveillance particle-inclusions, delamination, distortion, whiten-
ing, discoloration, damage etc. In addition, the general
(1) Details of the production process shall be laid quality (e.g. surface finish) shall be visually checked.
down by specifications which also contain specimen
documents for production and testing of the compo- (3) In justified cases and on request by GL Wind, the
nents. The tasks and responsibility of the production fibre content of the component shall be determined in
and quality control departments shall be defined a representative number of spots, to permit conclusions
clearly. to be drawn regarding the quality of the laminating
work. Similarly, the build-up of layers should be
(2) As the work progresses, the individual produc- checked by suitable tests.
tion steps shall be signed by the employees responsible
for each stage on the basis of the prescribed documen- (4) Single or random-sampling tests of completed
tation. components regarding natural frequencies, static
IV – Part 2 3.4 Production and Testing Chapter 3
GL Wind 2005 Page 3-57
and/or dynamic loads plus their geometry shall be circumstances may the variation in moisture content
carried out on request of GL Wind. between individual samples exceed 4 %.
(5) The repair of any defects that are detected in the (3) When boards are processed into solid-wood rotor
component shall be documented. The repair proce- blades, this moisture content is generally achieved by
dures will be assessed beforehand within the scope of chamber drying. Veneers used for the manufacture of
the production specifications to be submitted. moulded laminates shall, if supplied in dried condition,
be stored in such a way that their moisture content
3.4.7 Wood processing does not exceed the stated tolerances. Manufacture of wooden rotor blades (4) For good conformability, boards shall be planed
on all sides. Rough-sawn boards shall not be permitted General to reach the bonding stage.
The glueing of such part-skins shall be carried out possibilities of checking the properties and discovering
following the pattern for gluing boards. Part- and half- possible defects are more restricted at a later stage. It
skins shall be held in the desired position by suitable is therefore not sufficient just to test the raw material
aids so that adequate dimensional accuracy is or the finished product; continuous surveillance during
achieved. production is required.
(3) They shall be mixed in a mechanical mixer until ture and protected for a certain length of time against
a uniform mixture has been produced. heat loss and drying-out. Transport, pouring and compacting (2) Green concrete shall not be added to frozen con-
crete. Aggregate may not be used in the frozen condi-
(1) The type of delivery and composition of the tion.
concrete shall be matched to prevent segregation.
(3) In hot weather, account shall be taken of the
(2) In pedestal- and wall-shuttering, down pipes effect of the sun on the green concrete (e.g. covering it
ending just above the working point shall be used. over).
(3) Discharge pipes for pumped concrete shall be run (4) The temperature of green concrete can be low-
in such a way that there is no break in the concrete ered by chilling the aggregate and the water to be
flow within the pipes. added.
(4) The reinforcement rods shall be tightly encased Concreting under water
in concrete.
(1) Underwater concrete is to be placed uninterrupt-
(5) The concrete shall be completely compacted. edly by means of fixed hoppers in such a manner that
it does not come into contact with the water on the
(6) The individual sections for concreting shall be delivery path. The water in the foundation pit shall be
determined before concreting starts. Construction still.
joints shall be designed in such a way that all the
stresses occurring can be withstood. The surface of the (2) At water depths of up to 1 m the concrete may be
construction joints should be rough. placed by careful forward feeding along a natural
(7) In waterproof concrete the joints shall also be
waterproof. (3) Underwater concrete is, alternatively, allowed to
be made by injecting grout with low segregating ten-
dency from below into a mass of aggregate. Curing Formwork and its supports
(1) In order to attain the properties expected of the
concrete, especially in the surface region, careful cur- Forms
ing and protective measures are required for a signifi-
cant period.
(1) Forms and boxing shall be made as dimension-
ally accurate as possible and tight enough to prevent
(2) Curing and protection shall be started as soon as
the fine mortar of the concrete flowing out through the
possible after the concrete has been compacted.
gaps during pouring and compacting.
(3) Curing prevents premature drying-out, particu-
(2) Forms and their supporting structure shall be so
larly due to sunshine and wind.
dimensioned that they can safely absorb all forces that
may arise until hardening has occurred, account being
(4) In order to slow down the shrinkage of the young
taken also of the effect of the pouring speed and the
concrete and to ensure that it will harden properly at
type of compaction of the concrete.
the surface also, it shall be kept moist. In general 7
days is adequate for this.
(3) If slip forms are used the basic principles of this
process are to be observed, as described for example in
(5) Sea water shall not be used for curing.
the data sheet “Gleitbauverfahren” (“Slip form build-
ing”; Deutscher Beton-Verein e.V.).
(6) Further measures may comprise keeping the
structural member in the formwork, covering surfaces Dismantling the falsework
with plastic foils or using approved curing agents.
(1) Dismantling may only start if the contractor’s Concreting in cool or hot weather supervisor has confirmed that the concrete is suffi-
ciently strong and has ordered removal. It may only be
(1) In cool weather and in frost conditions, the con- carried out after the concrete has attained sufficient
crete shall be poured at a specified minimum tempera- strength as regards the load-carrying capacity and
Chapter 3 3.4 Production and Testing IV – Part 2
Page 3-60 GL Wind 2005
resistance to deformation of the component and the Table 3.4.6 Concrete cover (nominal values)
form is no longer needed for curing purposes.
Reinforcing Posttension-
(2) Special care is requested in the case of compo- steel ing ducts
nents that have been exposed to low temperatures after [mm] [mm]
placing of the concrete.
In the splash zone
(3) Auxiliary supports should be left or be erected and in the atmos-
immediately after dismantling the falsework in order pheric zone sub- 65 90
to minimise displacements due to creep or shrinkage of ject to salt water
the concrete. spray
(2) The steel bars are to be joined in a rigid frame- (1) The anchoring of reinforcing steel shall be car-
work and kept in their proposed positions by means of ried out in accordance with the standards. The usual
spacers not affecting the corrosion protection, so that anchoring elements are: straight anchorages, U-hooks,
they are not displaced when the concrete is placed or L-hooks, loops, anchorage attachments and welded-on
compacted. transverse bars.
(3) Welding of reinforcement exposed to dynamic (2) The anchoring of prestressed members shall
loads should be avoided in general and shall be agreed comply with the official approval for the prestressing
upon by GL Wind. process or be verified by calculation for the stresses
specified in the standards. Concrete cover to reinforcement Splices in reinforcement
(1) The concrete cover of each reinforcing bar or
stirrup shall not be less than the following values on all (1) Tensile splices in the reinforcement can be
sides, see Table 3.4.6. formed by laps with or without hooks at the bar ends,
by loops, by welded-on transverse bars, by welding or
(2) In the case of secondary loadbearing members of by screwed connections.
precast concrete components lower values may be
selected for the concrete cover on the basis of the (2) Tensile splices in cross-sections subject to bend-
standards and with the agreement of GL Wind. ing stresses are, as far as practicable, to be disposed
outside the areas of fully exposed steel cross-sections.
(3) For mobile units capable of being drydocked, a The splices are to be distributed as uniformly as possi-
reduction of the concrete cover may be agreed upon. ble over the entire reinforcement area and should not
to be laid next to each other in the longitudinal direc- Bar spacing tion. Attention shall be paid to achieving adequate
transverse reinforcement in the vicinity of splices.
(1) The clear distance between parallel reinforcing
bars shall be at least 2 cm and may not be less than the (3) Compressive splices in reinforcing bars can be
bar diameter. In the region of splices reinforcing bars formed by laps, welding, screwed connections, contact
shall be interlaced. splices.
(2) The minimum value for the mutual spacing of (4) The specific requirements of the standards are
the sheaths in the case of prestressed concrete is to be applicable to the design of the splices. In the case of
taken from the authorisation for the particular welded splices special standards are to be used (e.g.
prestressing process. DIN 4099).
IV – Part 2 3.4 Production and Testing Chapter 3
GL Wind 2005 Page 3-61 Arrangement of reinforcement in against corrosion in the period between laying down
flexural components and manufacture of the bond. In the case of short peri-
ods it may be sufficient to seal off the ends of the shea-
(1) The arrangement of the reinforcement depends thing and to avoid local accumulations of moisture.
on the line of tensile force, on the magnitude of the
shear loading, and on the type of shear reinforcement. (3) Before the concrete is placed, sheathing or ducts
Reinforcing bars no longer needed to cope with tensile are to be checked for kinks, dents or other damage; if
force may be bent up and may be used for shear rein- there is any risk of impairing the tensioning process or
forcement. if there are any leaks, remedial measures shall be
(2) Freely rotatable or only freely restrained end
supports shall have at least one quarter of the largest (4) Special attention shall be paid to the sealing of
field reinforcement anchored behind the theoretical splices. It is to be ensured, during placement of the
support line. concrete, that the pipes are not damaged.
(3) Intermediate supports of continuous slabs and (5) Welding at prestressing steel is not allowed. Pre-
beams, end supports with attached brackets, clamped stressing steel shall be protected from welding heat and
supports and frame corners shall have at least one falling weld metal (e.g. by means of resistant jackets).
quarter for beams, respectively 50% for slabs, of the
largest field reinforcement led behind the support Application of the prestress
forward edge. In order to absorb unanticipated loads
(e.g. effect of fire, setting of supports), as far as practi- (1) Concrete may only be prestressed when it is
cable a portion of the field reinforcement is to be laid strong enough to be able to absorb the resultant
interlaced through or spliced positively (forcelocking). stresses, including the loads at the anchorage points.
This prerequisite is regarded as fulfilled if the hardness
(4) The shear reinforcement shall be distributed test shows that the strength of the test specimen has
approximately in accordance with the course of the reached 90 % of the characteristic strength given in
shear force. Stirrups acting as shear reinforcement, Table 3.3.6.
shall go round the tensile reinforcement and, where
appropriate, also the compressive reinforcement, and (2) It may be expedient, in order to avoid shrinkage
extend over the entire height of the cross-section. cracks or for early stripping of individual components,
to apply a portion of the prestress as soon as practica- Components loaded in compression ble. This is only admissible if a hardness test shows
that the strength of the test specimen has reached 50 %
In so far as reinforcing bars are used for compressive of the characteristic strength given in Table 3.3.6. In
reinforcement, they shall be made safe against buck- this case the partial prestressing forces and the con-
ling by means of stirrups in accordance with the rele- crete stresses in the rest of the component may not be
vant requirements of the standards. The maximum more than 30 % of the admissible prestressing force or
values given in the standards for compressive rein- the admissible stresses for anchoring, respectively.
forcement shall not be exceeded.
(3) Equipment used for prestressing is to be tested Prestressing reinforcement before first use and then generally every six months in
order to ascertain what deviations from the desired value
(1) Prestressing steels should be clean and free of are occurring during use. Account is to be taken of the
rust when installed. Prestressing steels with a slight extent to which these deviations depend on external fac-
film of rust may be used. (The term “slight film of tors (e.g. on temperature during oil pressing).
rust” refers to a coating of rust that can be removed by
wiping with a dry rag. However, removal of the rust in (4) A precise tensioning programme is to be pre-
this manner need not be carried out). pared and to be attached to the strength calculations.
The tensioning programme shall contain, in addition to
(2) Prestressing steel is to be cut to length and as- the time sequence for tensioning each member, data on
sembled in the dry. Until installation is finished pre- the stressing force and tendon elongation with regard
stressing members are to be stored clear of the floor in to compression of the concrete, friction and slip.
a dry place, and are to be protected against contact
with harmful chemicals and moisture. Kinks or dam- (5) The prestressing sequence is to be so selected
age by machinery shall be avoided when laying out that no inadmissible loads occur. All the measurements
and installing prestressing members. Particular care carried out during jacking are to be recorded in the
shall be taken that prestressing steel is also protected tensioning report.
Chapter 3 3.4 Production and Testing IV – Part 2
Page 3-62 GL Wind 2005
Table 3.4.1 Items to be checked during manufacturing and construction (taken from EC 2 [3.3], Section 7)
Assembly, dismantling
Forms and supports Material properties Deflections
Surface finish on
concrete (inner) side
Dimensional deviations
––– Camber and deflections
prefabricated parts
Deviations from order specification
IV – Part 2 3.4 Production and Testing Chapter 3
GL Wind 2005 Page 3-63
(5) Surveillance of manufacturing and construction – For the quality control of concrete, EN 206 ap-
comprises: plies.
– For all other building materials or other materi-
– suitability tests and methods of control
als, reference shall be made to currently valid
– tests and checks during construction technical documentation.
– final inspections and final checks
(2) Acceptance checks for site deliveries:
If necessary, suitability tests shall precede the start of
construction, in order to ensure that the planned structure – For the delivery note of ready-mixed concrete,
can be erected satisfactorily using the prescribed building EN 206 applies.
materials, equipment and manufacturing procedures. – Aggregate should be regularly checked visually
with regard to its granulometric composition and
(6) The quality and compatibility of the materials other significant properties. In doubtful cases the
with the raw materials of concrete, mortar etc. should aggregate should be examined more thoroughly.
be ensured either on the basis of previous experience
or by tests carried out. – Sieve tests for aggregates are necessary when the
first delivery is affected and whenever there is a
(7) Only standardized building materials should be change-over to a different supplier. In addition,
used. they are necessary at suitable intervals depending
on local conditions. Alternatively, a certified
(8) Prestressing steel may only be used if the certifi- production control of the aggregates can be re-
cates from the steelworks as to its properties are avail- ferred to.
able or if an official approval is obtained. The re- – For each delivery of reinforcing steel it shall be
quirements contained therein, e.g. as to additional tests checked that the steel bears the distinctive mark - as
or special procedures during installation, shall be fol- laid down in the standard (e.g. EN ISO 15630-1 or
lowed when verifying quality. DIN 488) - for the steel group and also the steel-
works mark. If it does not, a yield point of only
Note: 220 N/mm2 shall be assumed for the steel. Excep-
Methods of production, testing and conformity for tions may be approved if the properties of the steel
prestressing tendons will in near futur be topic of a are confirmed by an independent institution.
European standard which is at the moment only avaiv- – For prefabricated parts, the delivery note shall
able as a pre-standard prEN 10138. certify that they were made, marked and treated
in accordance with the order specification.
(9) An approval for the prestressing procedure shall
be available at the site. – The delivery notes for reinforcing steel shall
contain the following information:
(10) The checks required are summarized in Table 3.4.1. – steel in bundles, in coils or under the usual
conditions of structural steel engineering
– Welding on reinforcing steel may only be carried – safe construction of form- and falsework
out by firms possessing the required specialists
and welding supervisors. Only welders who are – adequate quality of the materials used
especially qualified to weld reinforcing steel may – conformity of reinforcing and prestressing steels
be employed. Before welding begins, prelimi- with the examined drawings
nary tests (procedure tests) are to be carried out
under local manufacturing conditions, and during
(2) In case of a project certification, GL Wind is to
welding monitoring checks are to be undertaken.
be notified, as far as is practicable 48 hours in advance
The individual requirements of the standard (e.g.
of commencement of the work, of the planned initial
DIN 4099-1) are to be followed.
concreting, recommencement of concreting work after
– Before inserting the prestressing elements, a any extensive interruption, and of any major welding
check shall be made to see whether any damage work on the site.
has occurred in the works or after arrival on the
site. (3) Depending on the nature and extent of the work
to be carried out, reports are to be continuously pre-
– It is recommended that a general check be made
pared by the contractor’s supervisor on the site for all
before starting the prestressing to see whether the
processes incidental to quality and stability. These
entire prestressing process can be carried out
reports shall be available during the construction pe-
without hindrance.
riod on the site and are to be submitted to the supervis-
– Preliminary tests of the compressive strength of ing surveyor on request.
the injection grout shall be carried out for each
section of the construction before commence- Conformity checks
ment of the injection work on specimens at least
7 days old. (1) By conformity checks are meant all measures
– A suitable number of conformity checks shall be and decisions whose observation ensures that all pre-
made during injection work (e.g. according to scribed requirements, criteria and conditions are en-
EN 446). tirely complied with. This includes the completion of
the relevant documentation.
– The flowability, change of volume, compressive
strength and the resistance to premature setting
(2) For conformity checks for concrete, see EN 206.
of the grout shall be verified for each section of
the construction.
(3) The purpose of the conformity check is to estab-
– A prestressing report shall be compiled on the lish that the concrete made for use on the job attains
measurements made during the individual the required properties. The compressive strength, the
prestressing steps (jack force, extensions, anchor water/cement ratio and the consistency of the concrete
slippage etc.). shall be confirmed.
– The interval between prestressing and comple-
tion of the protective measures for the reinforc- (4) For the conformity check of the compressive
ing steel (grouting) shall be checked and re- strength, a series of three test specimens is to be made
corded. for each 500 m3 of concrete and at least on every sev-
enth day of concreting (see also Section
– During grouting, it is necessary to check the
injection pressure, the unimpeded flow of the (5) Conformity checks for other building materials
grouting mortar from the vents, the amount of shall be based on international standards or, if these do
mortar coming out of any leakage points and the not exist, on national standards or approvals.
amount of mortar injected, as well as to take
samples for checking the consistency and water Inspection and maintenance
loss. If necessary, the strength of the mortar
of the completed structure
should be checked. Supervision of the work (1) Special checks (inspections) to be carried out
during service shall be laid down in an inspection
(1) The contractor’s supervisor shall ensure that the programme.
work is properly carried out in accordance with the
examined documents, particularly in respect of: (2) All information required for utilisation and main-
tenance should be at the disposal of whoever has res-
– accuracy of dimensions of the components ponsibility for the entire structure.
IV – Part 2 3.5 Corrosion Protection Chapter 3
GL Wind 2005 Page 3-65
(1) Offshore wind turbines are exposed to a marine Coating is a collective term for one or several coherent
climate. Corrosion protection is thus to be taken into layers on a base material, which are made from non-
account by the selection of suitable materials and ap- preformed materials and the binding agents of which
propriate coatings and protective films, plus regular mostly are of an organic nature.
inspection. The assessment of mechanical and electri-
cal components shall take into account not only the Reference electrode
integrity but also the influence of corrosion on func-
tioning, e.g. jamming of rusted joints or failure of The reference electrode is a half cell characterized by a
sensors. In particular, freedom from corrosion is as- time-constant potential. In connection with potential
sumed for fatigue calculations. Analogous considera- values the reference electrode is always to be indi-
tions are to be applied as regards the possibility of cated.
erosion, particularly for the rotor blades. Electrolytic solution
(2) Offshore wind turbine components are exposed
to aggressive environmental conditions and not easily Electrolytic solution is an ion conducting medium in a
accessible. Because of the operational conditions, in corrosion element, such as sea water.
many cases repeated protective coating is not possible.
Special importance therefore attaches to the design, Cathode
choice of material and corrosion protection measures.
The cathode is the electrode in a galvanic cell or the
(3) Offshore wind turbines are to be classed under part within a corrosion cell at which reduction proc-
“marine atmosphere” as regards corrosion attack. esses occur. Here, electrons leave the metal and/or are
consumed by discharging of the positive ions in the
3.5.2 Scope, application Cathodic protection (CP)
(1) This chapter covers corrosion protection of steel
and concrete offshore structures. Design, fabrication The cathodic protection is a protective method by
and installation of the corrosion protection system are which the material to be protected is made a cathode,
subject to approval by GL Wind in connection with the by sacrificial anodes or impressed current systems.
overall certification procedure. Corrosion
(2) Additional requirements regarding machinery
components are given in Chapter 7. Corrosion is the reaction of metallic material with its
environment, which causes a measurable change of the
(3) Recognized codes and standards from institu- material and may entail a corrosion damage.
tions such as NACE, DIN, BSI, NORSOK, ISO may
be used for the design, if the classification of risk po- Corrosion protection
tential is applied in a correct manner.
Corrosion damages may be prevented by the following
corrosion protection measures:
3.5.3 Terms, definitions
– by designing the systems and components Anode through the application of suitable structural
measures according to EN ISO 12944 part 3, see
An anode is an electrode in a galvanic cell or the part Section 3.5.5
within a corrosion cell which emits a direct current in
– by influencing the characteristics of the reaction
the form of positively charged ions, mostly with anode
partners and/or modification of the reaction con-
substance dissipation.
Chapter 3 3.5 Corrosion Protection IV – Part 2
Page 3-66 GL Wind 2005
– by separating the metallic material from the vided, which shall be adapted to the service conditions
electrolyte by protective layers applied of the respective structure and capable of being
checked for its effectiveness.
– by electrochemical action, e.g. cathodic protec-
tion, see Section 3.5.9
(4) Corrosion protection in the submerged zone and
in the area underneath the sea bottom shall be designed Splash zone
with a view to the service life of the installation, or
else renewal or repair shall be possible. However, the
The splash zone is defined as the part of the structure duration of its efficiency at least shall correspond to
being intermittently wetted by tide and wave action. the survey intervals envisaged for the components.
The definition of the splash zone is specified in
Section (5) The submerged zone of offshore steel installa-
tions not capable of being docked shall always be Current density provided with cathodic protection. Where unfavour-
able current distribution shall be reckoned, additional
The current density is the current per unit of area. coatings can be recommended. Atmospheric zone (6) Gaps and areas in which cathodic protection is
ineffective shall be avoided and/or be protected by
The atmospheric zone is the area above the splash special methods agreed with GL Wind.
zone, which is normally dry.
(7) Void spaces, such as box girders, tube sockets, Metallic coating etc. for which proof can be furnished of permanent
hermetic sealing, do not require internal protection.
Metallic coating is a collective term for one or several During assembly the voids should be clean and dry.
layers of metals applied on a base material.
(8) In permanently flooded spaces in which water is Submerged zone either not exchanged, or to a limited extent only, cor-
rosion protection requirements may be reduced in
The submerge zone is the area permanently located agreement with GL Wind.
under water.
(9) For novel corrosion protection systems not yet
3.5.4 Choice and suitability of corrosion proven the envisaged application, proof of suitability,
protection systems e.g. by experiments, will be demanded.
(1) Corrosion allowance instead of effective corro- 3.5.5 Design for corrosion protection
sion protection may be granted only for components of
minor significance, for structures having a short ser- (1) A structural design which takes into account
vice life or in cases in which regular checking and corrosion protection and -reduction has a significant
repairs are possible (see Section 6.2.1). For all other effect on the ease of implementing, effectiveness and
structures and components in the splash zone a corro- repairability of the corrosion protection. Basic rules
sion allowance is to be considered together with a are addressed in e.g. EN ISO 12944 Parts 3 and 5.
corrosion protection system. The value of the corro-
sion allowance depends on the used protection system, (2) Surfaces at risk from corrosion should be de-
the choice of the quality of the steel and the environ- signed to be as smooth as possible. Any necessary
mental conditions. The applied corrosion allowance is stiffenings, fittings, pipes, etc. are wherever possible to
to be considered in accordance with GL Wind. If such be located in low-corrosion regions. Inaccessible hol-
special measures are not be taken a corrosion allow- low components are to be welded tight.
ance of 0.3 mm/a is to be considered in the splash
zone. (3) Areas in which water or aggressive media can
accumulate (water pockets) shall be avoided by means
(2) For the accessible area within the atmospheric of suitable measures such as slopes, passages or run-
and splash zone, an appropriate coating or a metallic offs. Condensation shall be reduced by means of de-
coating according to EN ISO 12944 or an equivalent sign measures such as ventilation.
standard is to be taken.
(4) Residues from welding, such as slag, loosely
(3) For all metal parts located in the splash zone, an attached splashes and beads, shall be removed.
appropriate corrosion protection system shall be pro- Splashes or beads melted onto the surface shall be
IV – Part 2 3.5 Corrosion Protection Chapter 3
GL Wind 2005 Page 3-67
removed if the corrosion stress or the coating system (7) Coatings shall be sufficiently resistant to the
makes this necessary. respective corrosion medium under the given service
(5) If the coating system, the stress in the structure
or accident prevention requires it, burrs are to be re- (8) Coatings, including the production coating and
moved and sharp edges rounded off. primings employed, shall be compatible with the ca-
thodic protection, i.e., they shall be resistant to blister-
ing up to a potential of
3.5.6 Material selection
U Cu CuSO4 = −1.1Volt (3.5.1)
For areas which cannot be protected by coatings and
protective coverings, suitable materials shall be used.
The corrodibility of various materials is described in (see Section They shall not be susceptible to
DIN 50930. hydrolysis or saponification.
(1) Coatings can be selected in accordance with EN (10) The coatings in the atmospheric zone shall be
ISO 12944 Part 5 which lists the stressing and the inspected on the occasion of the usual periodical sur-
coating system to be used. Additional information can veys of the structure, according to an agreed inspection
be taken from the GL Rules for Classification and plan and damage is to be repaired.
Construction, Offshore Technology, Edition 1999
Chapter 2 Section 6, and the Shipbuilding Association (11) The coating systems for the splash zone are to be
Guideline (Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft) STG chosen such as to render possible repairs by coating
Guideline No. 2215. substances which harden under water, directly after
application. Damages to coatings in the splash zone
(2) For systems different Guidelines and Standards shall be repaired as soon as possible.
may have to be applied after consultation with GL
Wind. (12) Coatings of cathodically protected underwater
structures are visually checked during the surveys.
(3) Surfaces to be protected by coating shall be de- Repair of damages is, however, only required in ex-
signed to be accessible for the necessary activities such ceptional cases in agreement with GL Wind.
as surface preparation, application, inspection and
maintenance. Surface preparation shall be effected in 3.5.8 Metallic coatings and platings
accordance with EN ISO 12944 or an equivalent
standard. (1) Metallic coatings may have a more positive or a
more negative free corrosion potential than the base
material, in general unalloyed or low alloyed steel.
(4) For all coating systems that are not conform to
They should be free from cracks and pores.
any admitted standard it is possible to apply to GL
Wind for an approval. It is necessary to provide suffi-
(2) With coatings using materials having a more
cient evidence to GL Wind that the coating material is
positive potential (e.g., nickel and copper based alloys,
suitable for the intended purpose. A written application
stainless steel), there is a risk of contact corrosion at
shall be submitted to GL Wind. After successful ex-
pores in the coatings and at the transition to the base
amination of the product datasheet, coating specifica-
material. Therefore, the coatings shall be free from
tions and suitability documentation appended to the
cracks and pores. The transitions to the base material
application, e.g. references and relevant test results
shall be coated. The risk of contact corrosion of the
etc., a certificate is issued by GL.
base metal does not exist in the case of cathodic pro-
(5) Proof of efficiency of coating materials shall be
furnished either by many years’ proven practical use (3) Coatings made of materials with a more negative
under the expected conditions or by well-founded potential, e.g. zinc or aluminium alloys, are well suited
experimental results. for temporary protection of equipment in the atmos-
pheric zone. Depending on their thickness and compo-
(6) The choice of materials, coating thicknesses, sition, and on their working environment, coatings
workmanship, testing, etc. shall comply with EN ISO undergo uniform wear and have a limited life in the
12944 or an equivalent standard. splash zone.
Chapter 3 3.5 Corrosion Protection IV – Part 2
Page 3-68 GL Wind 2005
(4) In the surface preparation and application and Table 3.5.1 Potentials for cathodic corrosion pro-
testing of the metallic coatings, EN ISO 12944 or tection of unalloyed and low alloyed
equivalent standards shall be observed. steels (yield point ≤ 800 N/mm2)
– temperature range General
– oxygen content
(1) Cathodic protection is intended to prevent corro- – conductivity
sion in the submerged zone electrochemically. This
may be done by sacrificial anodes, impressed current – velocity of flow (current, waves)
systems or a combination of both. – chemical composition
– biological activity
(2) Cathodic protection shall be applied to external
surfaces of offshore wind turbines in the submerged – sand erosion
zone and below the sea bottom. Interior surfaces are to
be protected in accordance with the corrosion attack to If these parameters are not known for the sea area
be expected. concerned and if no experience has been gained there
with offshore structures, measurements shall be carried
(3) Cathodic protection may be combined with a out.
coating for reducing the required current density and
above all, in order to ensure a more favourable current (3) Cathodic protection has to be designed and han-
distribution on the structure. dled such that in all areas to be protected the potential
values measured are within the limits given in Table
(4) Secondary structural parts, made of a material 3.5.1 For cathodic protection of high tensile steels
with the same electrochemical properties of the sup- having yield points ≥ 800 N/mm2, the potential range
port structure, are to be attached conductively. If the is to be agreed with GL Wind. For uncoated steel and
materials of the support structure and the appurtenant for thick coatings exceeding 1 mm, values smaller than
structures have different electrochemical properties, it the maximum value can be applied.
is not allowed to connect them conductively. In this
case they have to be insulated. (4) High alloy stainless steels may be protected
against pitting and crevice corrosion by cathodic pro-
tection, through an adequate arrangement of the an- Calculation principles
odes which has to be agreed with GL Wind.
(1) The following parameters and conditions shall be (5) When determining the current required for de-
observed in choosing and designing cathodic pro- signing cathodic protection, the surfaces in the water
tection: and below the sea bottom, as well as foreign structures
having an electrically conductive connection with the
– size and form of the surface to be protected object to be protected, are to be taken into account.
– neighbouring structures (6) The current density varies with time. In the case
– possibility of repair and maintenance facilities of uncoated steel the current density decreases, while
with coated steel it may increase as a result of coating
– intended service life of the structure damage. Table 3.5.2 shows examples for the minimum
current density values for cathodic protection of un-
– coating of the structure coated steel.
IV – Part 2 3.5 Corrosion Protection Chapter 3
GL Wind 2005 Page 3-69
Table 3.5.2 Minimum current density values for (3) For works’ approvals a description of the work-
different sea areas, uncoated steel shop shall be submitted to GL. The workshop shall
have available appropriate manufacturing and quality
Current density control facilities, as well as laboratories for testing of
the anodes. Where, in exceptional cases, anodes have
Initial value Final value to be tested by institutions outside the workshop, these
North Sea (South) till 55° N latitude 150 100 have to dispose of the facilities required. Prior to ap-
North Sea (North) 55° N till 62° N 180 120 proval of the workshop the manufacturing and testing
facilities will be inspected.
Mexican Gulf 150 75 1
US West Coast 150 100 1 (4) The anodes shall be provided with certificates
Cook Inlet 430 380 1 which shall contain the following details:
Arabian Gulf 130 90 1
Indonesia 110 75 1
– manufacturing workshop
NACE-RP-01-76-2003 [3.5]
– type of anode
– chemical analysis
(7) For the uncoated steel surfaces located below the – method of analysis
sea bottom - e.g. pile foundations - a protective current
density of 20 mA/m2 shall be provided. – current capacity [Ah/kg]
– current output [A]
(8) For the steel surfaces located in the splash zone
the current densities stated in Table 3.5.2 shall be mul- (5) In special cases, or upon orderer’s expressed
tiplied by the factor 1.2 according to EN 12495. In the wish, the tests are to be carried out under supervision
splash zone the combination of cathodic protection and by GL Wind. GL Wind reserve the right of carrying out
coating system shall be used. It has to be observed, checks at the consignments furnished with a manufac-
that the coating breakdown factor for a life time of 20 turer’s certificate.
years is approximately 50 %. This value depends on
the execution of the coating system. (6) All anodes shall be marked such as to enable
perfect identification of the manufacturer, and type of
(9) When using an effective coating approx. 50 % of anode.
the current densities stated in Table 3.5.2 are required
for a projected service life of 30 years. The necessary (7) Where special requirements exist for the anodes,
initial current density is approx. 10 % of the initial proof of suitability for the envisaged purpose shall be
value in Table 3.5.2. furnished.
(10) If steel structures are in contact with the rein- (8) Where novel, not yet proven anode materials are
forcement of concrete structures, an electrically con- used, their properties shall be determined by experi-
ductive through-connection of the reinforcement shall ments the results of which are to be submitted to GL
be established. For the external reinforcement - corre- Wind.
sponding approximately to the concrete surface - a
current density of 5 mA/m2 shall be taken. (9) The metallic connection between the anode ma-
terial and the mounting shall be safeguarded, and proof Protection by sacrificial anodes thereof is to be presented to GL Wind on request.
(1) Possible anode materials are alloys on alumin- (1) The calculation of the number and size of anodes
ium, zinc and magnesium basis. In sea water environ- required depends on the parameters mentioned in Sec-
ment, magnesium anodes shall not be used. tion (calculation principles). All relevant
documents on the data related to the place of use, the
(2) In general only materials from manufacturers structure and the anode material are to be submitted to
approved by GL may be used. GL may accept approv- GL Wind.
als granted by other testing institutes or grant an ap-
proval on the basis of continuous quality control on the (2) The required anode weight can be calculated in
products. accordance with the following formula:
Chapter 3 3.5 Corrosion Protection IV – Part 2
Page 3-70 GL Wind 2005
m = required total mass of anodes [kg] (2) For the control measurements Ag/AgCl/ KCl
reference electrodes shall be used.
A = total surface to be protected [m2]
I = required protective current density [A/m2] (3) The reference electrodes shall be carried as close
to the structure as possible by a diver and/or manned
t = duration of protection [h] or unmanned diving device in accordance with a de-
fined schedule.
Q = practical current capacity [A·h/kg]
j = safety factor = 1.1 (4) The state of the sacrificial anodes shall be
checked during the survey of the structure with regard
(3) The anodes shall be shaped geometrically such to passivation and intercrystalline corrosion. At a se-
as to ensure the current delivery required. lected number of anodes the potential and dimensions
shall be established. Installation of anodes Cathodic protection by impressed current
(1) The anodes shall be connected to the object to be
protected, such as to be permanently conductive. Anode materials
Where this is done by welding, the Section 3.4.2 Weld-
ing shall be applied. (1) The anodes of impressed current installations
may consist of lead-silver alloys, platinized tantalum,
(2) Where the anodes are not intended to be welded, niobium or titanium, or of layers of metal oxides ap-
proof shall be presented of a safe electric contact. plied on well-conducting base metal.
(7) The anode surface shall be free from dirt and (1) For calculation of the required current density
coating materials, so that the current output will not be the conditions outlined in Section (calculation
impaired. principles) apply. Control of cathodic protection (2) Owing to the normally small number of anodes
and the concentrated current discharge the current
(1) Potential measurements are to be carried out distribution is not an optimum. Usually the surfaces
after an appropriate period following commissioning neighbouring the anode are overprotected. Therefore,
of the structure for establishing whether the steel is in designing the impressed current protection installa-
provided with the required protection. Potentials are, tion, the calculated total current density in dependence
as a rule, to be controlled once a year. In case of im- of the distance between anodes and steel structure shall
IV – Part 2 3.5 Corrosion Protection Chapter 3
GL Wind 2005 Page 3-71
be multiplied by a factor 1.2 to 1.5 (cf. Section (6) For supervision of the installation, at appropriate points reference electrodes have to be fitted, the values
of which can be read and/or record on board.
(3) It has to be ensured that no areas without suffi-
cient protection exist. Where owing to the shadow (7) The potential of the installation should be auto-
effect of other components surfaces are protected un- matically controlled. In that case change-over to man-
satisfactorily and where installation of additional ex- ual control shall be provided.
ternal current anodes is not possible, in agreement with
GL Wind a combination of protection by impressed (8) For fastening of the anodes to the structure see
current and sacrificial anodes may be provided. Section
(3) The anodes shall be arranged at a distance of not (1) The cover of the concrete above the reinforce-
less than 1,5 m from the steel structure, or else plastic ment that will be applied should have the minimum
shields are to be used which safeguard a corresponding value according to DIN 1045-1:2001-07. For offshore
distance between anode surface and steel surface to be structures the exposition class of minimum cover is
protected. XS3. The corrosion protection system of prestressing,
tendon and their fixing has to be designed by an ar-
rangement with GL Wind.
(4) The anodes shall be designed such as to enable
replacement under water. Therefore, free contacts shall (2) Bonded tendons for prestressing concrete have to
be resistant to seawater and protected against fouling. be protected against corrosion according EN 445 –
447, EN 523 and EN 524. The grout is discussed in
(5) The use of anodes not firmly attached to the EN 445 – 447 and the behaviour and the quality con-
structure - e.g. laid on the sea bottom - shall be agreed trol of the steel strip sheaths for prestressing tendons
with GL Wind. are discussed in EN 523 and 524.
IV – Part 2 Appendix 3.A Steels Suitable for Welded Offshore Structures Chapter 3
GL Wind 2005 Page 3-73
3.A.1 Preliminary remarks: down in the present Regulation and in the construction
(1) Table 3.A.1 contains a selection of appropriate (2) Steels produced in accordance with other stan-
steels for plates and sections, while Table 3.A.2 lists dards may be employed, provided they have equivalent
materials suitable for tubes. It will have to be checked properties. In that case, they will have to be correlated
from case to case, whether the envisaged material to the steel grades listed in Tables 3.A.1 and 3.A.2 in
complies with the impact energy requirements as laid accordance with their properties.
Edition 2005
IV – Part 2 Table of Contents Chapter 4
GL Wind 2005 Page 3
Table of Contents
Appendix 4.A
Appendix 4.B
Appendix 4.C
Appendix 4.D
4.D Design Parameters for Describing an Offshore Wind Turbine ......................................................... 4-55
4.D.1 Turbine parameters ................................................................................................................................. 4-55
4.D.2 Wind farm parameters............................................................................................................................. 4-55
4.D.3 Wind conditions ...................................................................................................................................... 4-55
4.D.4 Marine conditions ................................................................................................................................... 4-56
4.D.5 Conditions of the electrical power network ............................................................................................ 4-56
4.D.6 Other environmental conditions (where necessary) ................................................................................ 4-57
4.D.7 Limiting conditions for transport and errection ...................................................................................... 4-57
4.D.8 Deviations to Guideline parameters and models..................................................................................... 4-57
Appendix 4.E
4.E Wind Generated and Water Depth Limited Wave Spectra ............................................................... 4-59
IV – Part 2 Table of Contents Chapter 4
GL Wind 2005 Page 5
Appendix 4.F
Appendix 4.G
Appendix 4.H
4.H Estimation of Design Wave Loads for Rigidly Positioned Structures............................................... 4-67
4.H.1 Hydrodynamically transparent structures ............................................................................................... 4-67
4.H.2 Hydrodynamically compact structures.................................................................................................... 4-68
Appendix 4.I
Appendix 4.J
4.1 Fundamentals
(2) A description of the terms and definitions can be For the assessment of the load assumptions documents
found in Appendix 4.A and Section 1.1.7. containing the following information shall be sub-
(3) The external conditions are classified according
to intensity and shall be selected to match the desired a) Wind farm configuration charts with the position
requirements of the installation site as a design basis of turbines and bathymetry, as well as the natural
for the calculation of the loads. frequencies of the turbines depending on their
(4) The design of the support structure (tower, sub
b) Site Data, such as environmental conditions,
structure and foundation) is usually site specific, for the
information on the characteristics of the sea
machinery design (topsides structure) a generic ap-
floor, geotechnical data, electrical conditions etc,
proach according the wind classes defined in the follow-
shall be defined for the site or taken according to
ing is possible.
the requirements defined by the manufacturer
and or the generic classes. The design documen-
(5) Special, requirements for loads during transport
tation of the specific data shall at least contain
and installation of the offshore wind turbine are given
the information listed in Appendix 4.D.
in Chapter 12.
c) Description of the models used to derive envi-
(6) For particular elements, components or proce- ronmental conditions and the values of essential
dures not specifically covered by the present Guide- design parameters, where the models in Section
lines, and for floating units, other GL rules and guide- 4.2 are adopted, statement of the values of the
lines may be applied where appropriate and agreed parameters are sufficient.
upon (see Appendix 1.A), e.g.:
d) Description of marine conditions influencing the
structure’s loading and its behaviour as well as
– Guideline for the Certification of Wind Turbines
the methods taken into account to reduce or ex-
– Guideline for the Construction of Fixed Offshore clude them, i.e. scour and scour protection, ma-
Installations in Ice Infested Waters rine growth, corrosion protection and corrosion
– Rules for the Classification and Construction of
Offshore Installations e) Physical environmental parameters (e.g. air den-
sity, dynamic viscosity, water density, salinity
– Guidelines for the Design, Construction and
etc.) at the intended installation site. At locations
Certification of Floating Production, Storage and
with extreme temperatures, the remarks in Sec-
Offloading Installations
tion 4.3.4 shall be observed.
– Rules for Subsea Pipelines and Risers
f) General specifications with an indication of the
– Rules for Underwater Technology design life, environment, place(s) and period of
construction, and the main stages of construction
(7) In the application of the present guidelines it is up to final assembly and/or installation at sea.
assumed that the offshore wind turbine is unmanned. g) Documents on transport, installation and erection
The turbine may include shelters but not permanent procedures: Details on special turbine states, and
quarters. specification of the corresponding maximum
permissible mean wind speeds and significant
(8) Consideration may be given to changed design wave heights for transport, installation and erec-
requirements for the design of structures that are tion and maintenance. Here the dimensioning
manned and have a different design life than the typi- loads for locking devices of moving components
Chapter 4 4.1 Fundamentals IV – Part 2
Page 4-2 GL Wind 2005
(e.g. blade, rotor and yaw bearing lock) shall be t) The braking torque curve of the mechanical
specified. brake.
h) Marine operations may impose additional loads u) Description and, if applicable, a sketch of the
on the structure or structural members. The size coordinate systems used, showing the position of
and displacement of the maintenance boat shall coordinate origins and their orientation (exam-
be specified. ples see Appendix 4.A).
i) General arrangement and design details of moor- v) Detailed description of the calculated load cases
ing system, if applicable. and the evaluation of extreme and fatigue loads.
j) Drawings with principal dimensions and a com- w) The assessment documents shall be accompanied
pilation of the masses, mass moments of inertia, by a description of the functional principle of the
and centres of gravity. For the geometry of the offshore wind turbine and of all parts of the con-
rotor blade, this includes in particular the twist, trol and safety systems which exert an influence
chord length, profile thickness and profile type. on the load response of the offshore wind tur-
bine. The scope and content of the documents to
k) For all main structural components (e.g. rotor
be submitted in this regard are given in Section
blade, drive train, support structure etc.), the
mass distribution, stiffness, natural frequencies
and damping used for the calculation shall be
specified in the case of stresses determined by
4.1.3 Design methods
computational means.
l) The characteristic parameters of those electrical (1) This Guideline is based – explicitly or implicitly
components (e.g. positioning drives, generator – on nominal or design load values (design loads) to be
etc.) which have an influence on the dynamic used in structural analysis.
behaviour of the turbine (see also Chapter 7 and
Chapter 8). (2) If the design loads are determined by computa-
m) A power curve as the result of the calculations in tion, a structural dynamics model shall be used. Calcu-
normal operation between Vin and Vout steady lations may generally be based on linear elastic theory.
wind conditions. However, non-linear relations between loads and load
effects shall be properly accounted for, where they are
n) Aerodynamic data for the profile types used (lift, found to be important.
drag and moment coefficients) in relation to the
angle of incidence over 360° for the Reynolds’
(3) A structure may become unsafe or unfit for use
numbers and profile thicknesses in question. A
by damage or other changes of state according to dif-
3D-correction of the data shall be performed.
ferent criteria. They may be defined by “Limit States”.
o) Description of the soil conditions assumed for The limit states are classified in Section
design and derived values used for load analysis,
e.g. p-y-curves. (4) The load cases are drawn up for general strength
p) Methods to derive the hydrodynamic behaviour and fatigue strength analysis. If appropriate, the dy-
of the support structure and the derived (hydro- namic behaviour of the system (e. g. resonances, dy-
dynamic coefficients) values. The influence of namic instabilities) is to be taken into account in both
the appurtenances has to be considered. cases. The fatigue load analysis shall include the effect
of the distribution of wind speed over the rotor swept
q) A resonance diagram (e.g. Campbell diagram) area in an appropriate manner. This distribution is the
shall be given, containing the natural frequencies result of deterministic (vertical wind-speed gradient,
to be considered (e.g. rotor blade, drive train, tower shadow) and stochastic influences (partial gusts,
support structure) and the relevant excitations turbulence).
(e.g. rotor speed 1P, 3P, 6P etc.).
r) For operation within the resonance range of the (5) Verification of the adequacy of the design shall
support structure, see Section 4.3.6: Description be made by calculation and/or by measurements. If
of the functional principle and criteria for the ap- measured results are used in this verification, the envi-
plication of vibration monitoring as well as the ronmental conditions prevailing during the test shall be
prescribed triggering values (see also Sections shown to reflect the design situations defined in this and 4.3.6 para 3). Guideline. The selection of measurement conditions,
including the test loads, shall take account of the rele-
s) Detailed description of the controller to permit vant partial safety factors to be applied, and shall be
emulation (see Section 2.1.3). agreed upon with GL Wind.
IV – Part 2 4.1 Fundamentals Chapter 4
GL Wind 2005 Page 4-3
(6) For the definition of the loads, the meteorologi- 4.1.4 Safety classes
cal and oceanographic data relevant for the installation
site shall apply. If the actual external conditions are not
sufficiently known, then the offshore wind turbine can (1) An offshore wind turbine shall be designed ac-
be designed according to one of the wind turbine cording to one of the following two safety classes:
classes specified in Section and hydrodynamic
data described. Before erection of the turbine, how- – the normal safety class which applies when a
ever, it shall be ensured that the design conditions failure results in risk of personal injury or eco-
adequately cover the prevailing external conditions at nomic, environmental and social consequences;
the site. For turbines erected within a wind farm, the
mutual influence shall be taken into account. This – the special safety class which applies when the
manifests itself in increased turbulence and non- safety requirements are determined by local
uniform inflow. regulations and/or the safety requirements are
agreed between the designer and the customer.
(7) Semi-probabilistic design methods, usually in
association with limit state and partial safety factor
design, may be applied using adequate codes. The (2) Partial safety factors for the loads for a wind
relevant data and safety factors shall be agreed upon turbine of the normal safety class are specified in Sec-
with GL Wind. tion 4.3.7 of this Guideline. Partial safety factors for
wind turbines of the special safety class require prior
(8) Probabilistic methods may be used in special agreement. A wind turbine designed according to the
cases, after consultation with GL Wind. special safety class is a “class S” turbine.
IV – Part 2 4.2 External Conditions Chapter 4
GL Wind 2005 Page 4-5
achieve wind turbine classification with clearly vary- Vref = reference wind speed
ing degrees of robustness governed by the wind speed
Vave = annual average wind speed over many
and turbulence intensity parameters. Table 4.2.1 speci-
years at hub height
fies the basic parameters which define wind turbine
classes. A = category for higher turbulence intensity
(2) The design of support structures of offshore wind
B = category for medium turbulence intensity
turbines shall be based on environmental conditions,
including the marine conditions, which are representa-
tive of the specific site at which the offshore wind C = category for lower turbulence intensity
turbine will be installed. values
I15 = characteristic value of the turbulence inten-
(3) A turbine designed according to the wind turbine
sity at 15 m/s
class with a reference wind speed Vref is so designed
that it can withstand the environmental conditions in a = slope parameter for turbulence characteristics
which the 10-min mean of the extreme wind speed
with a recurrence period of 50 years at hub height is
equal to or less than Vref . (6) In addition to these basic parameters, several
other parameters are required to completely specify the
(4) The mean wind speed Vave is a statistical mean of external conditions used in the design of an offshore
the instantaneous value of the wind speed, averaged wind turbine. The values of these additional parame-
over a certain period ranging from a few seconds to ters are specified in Sections to
many years. In this Guideline, the annual average of
the wind speed over many years is meant. This value is (7) The design lifetime shall be at least 20 years.
used in the Weibull or Rayleigh functions which repre-
sent the wind speed distribution (see Section (8) The abbreviations added in parentheses within
the headings in the remainder of this section are used
(5) The values as per Table 4.2.1 apply at hub for describing the external wind conditions for the
height, where: design load cases defined in Section
– Vref
50 42.5 37.5
– Vave
10 8.5 7.5
– a (-) 2
– a (-) 3
– a (-) 3
IV – Part 2 4.2 External Conditions Chapter 4
GL Wind 2005 Page 4-7 Determination of wind conditions speed are regarded as fundamentally permissible as the
starting point for a description of the turbulence.
(1) Offshore wind turbines shall be designed to with-
stand safely the wind conditions defined for the site or (9) If the standard deviation of the turbulence inten-
the selected wind turbine class. sity was not determined by measurement, the charac-
teristic turbulence intensity at 15 m/s can be found by
(2) In the design and at the specific site the basic multiplying the calculated or measured mean turbu-
parameters for the wind listed below shall be deter- lence intensity by the factor 1.2.
mined at least (see also Appendix 4.D):
(10) The interval of each wind speed bin may be at
– reference wind speed Vref most 2 m/s, and that of the wind direction sector at
most 30°. All parameters, except the air density, shall
– annual average wind speed Vave
be submitted as a function of the wind direction aver-
– wind speed distribution aged over 10 minutes.
– wind direction distribution (wind rose)
(11) The properties of the anemometer, the sampling
– turbulence intensity I15 at Vhub = 15 m/s rate and the averaging period for the recording of the
measured values can influence the determination of the
– wind shear
turbulence intensity. These influences shall be taken
into account in forecasting the turbulence intensity
(3) The averaging time for the mean wind speed
from measurements.
used in this Guideline is 10 minutes.
(12) The models and parameter values for the wind
(4) Here I15 is the characteristic value of the turbu-
conditions which could be assumed for the design of
lence intensity at hub height for a 10-min mean wind
an offshore wind turbine are defined in following Sec-
speed of 15 m/s. The characteristic value is determined
through addition of the measured standard deviation of
turbulence intensity to the measured mean value of the Normal wind conditions
turbulence intensity. Wind speed distribution
(5) The wind conditions may be determined at the
intended site by measurements. The site conditions
(1) The wind speed distribution at the site is signifi-
shall be correlated with long-term records of local
cant for the offshore wind turbine design, because it
meteorological stations.
determines the frequency of occurrence of the individ-
ual load components. In the following, the Weibull
(6) The measurement period shall be sufficiently
distribution (equation 4.2.1) and the Rayleigh distribu-
long to obtain reliable data for at least 6 months. If
tion (equation 4.2.2) are given.
seasonal variations contribute significantly to the wind
conditions, the measurement period shall take account
(2) The wind speed distribution given in a Weibull
of this influence. The measurement height shall be
distribution shall be based on site measurements which
sufficient to eliminate disturbances from the wave
shall be verified with close-by long term measure-
(7) The value I15 should be determined from the
(3) For design in the standard wind turbine classes,
measured data at wind speeds exceeding 10 m/s, by
the Rayleigh distribution (equation 4.2.2) shall be
means of suitable statistical methods. If other local
taken for the load calculations.
conditions influence the turbulence intensity, as low
frequency trends in wind speed, these effects shall be
included in the data. The frequency of measurements PW (V hub ) = 1 - exp [- ( V hub /C )k ] (4.2.1)
shall be high enough to produce a realistic representa-
tion of the wind power spectral density (PSD). PR (V hub ) = 1 - exp [- π ( V hub /2 V ave )2 ] (4.2.2)
⎧ π ⎫
(8) Alternatively, the relevant characteristic values ⎪⎪C , if k = 2⎪
of the wind may be determined by numerical methods with V ave =⎨ 2 ⎬ (4.2.3)
in consultation with GL Wind. Standard linkages of ⎪ CΓ ⎛ 1⎞ ⎪
⎜1 + ⎟
external parameters, such as effective fetch of the ⎪⎩ ⎝ k ⎠ ⎪⎭
wind, roughness length, mean wind speed etc., to
power spectra and coherence functions of the wind where:
Chapter 4 4.2 External Conditions IV – Part 2
Page 4-8 GL Wind 2005
PW (Vhub) = Weibull probability distribution: cumu- of 0.002 m, the power law exponent α is given with α
lative probability function, i.e. the prob- = 0.14 for all wind speeds.
ability that V < Vhub [-] Normal turbulence model (NTM)
PR (Vhub) = Rayleigh probability function: cumula-
tive probability function, i.e. the prob-
(1) The turbulence of the wind is represented by
ability that V < Vhub [-]
energy carried along by the turbulence eddies. Its dis-
Vhub = 10-min mean of the wind speed at hub tribution over frequencies – represented by power
height [m/s] spectra and coherence functions – can generally be
regarded as an adequate representation of the turbu-
Vave = annual average wind speed at hub height lence over a period of approx. 10 minutes that is in the
[m/s] spirit of this Guideline. The characterization of the
C = scale parameter of the Weibull function natural turbulence of the wind by statistic parameters
[m/s] for the relatively short period in which the spectrum
remains unchanged, leads among other to the follow-
k = shape parameter of the Weibull function. ing parameters:
For design in the standard wind turbine
class, the value k = 2 shall be taken [-] – mean value of the wind speed
Γ = gamma function [-] – turbulence intensity
– integral length scales
(4) C and k can be derived from real data. The
Rayleigh function is identical to the Weibull function
(2) Standard combinations of external parameters,
if k = 2 is selected and C and Vave satisfy the condition
such as the fetch of the wind, roughness length, mean
given in equation 4.2.3 for k = 2.
wind speed etc., with power spectra and coherence
functions of the wind speed are considered as basically
(5) The distribution functions indicate the cumula-
acceptable starting points for a description of the tur-
tive probability that the wind speed is less than Vhub .
From this, it obtains that (P{V1} – P{V2}) specifies the
proportion of the time in which the wind speed varies
(3) The values of the turbulence intensity shall be
within the limits V1 and V2 . On derivation of the dis-
taken at hub height. For other heights, it may be as-
tribution functions, the corresponding probability
sumed that the standard deviation of the wind speed
density functions are obtained.
remains constant, whilst the wind speed varies with
height according to Section, with the turbu- Normal wind profile model (NWP) lence intensity thus also changing. Particular attention
shall be paid to the random change in wind speed over
(1) The wind profile V(z) denotes the average wind the rotor swept area. This aspect, as well as determi-
speed as a function of height z above the still water line nistic wind speed changes, generates together with the
and shall be assumed to be given by the power law: rotation of the rotor the effect of “rotational sampling”
(i.e. repeated passing through partial gusts). This effect
V (z )=V hub (z / z hub )
α can exert a considerable influence on the fatigue
strength. In general, three-dimensional turbulence
where: models, which consider not only the longitudinal but
also the transversal and lateral wind speed compo-
V(z) = wind speed at the height z [m/s] nents, shall be used.
z = height above still water line [m] (4) The site-specific influence on the turbulence
zhub = hub height above still water line [m] intensity actually prevailing shall be taken into ac-
count. The change in the turbulence intensity, the mean
α = power law exponent [-] value of the wind speed as well as the integral length
scale for erection in a wind farm (mutual influence of
(2) The assumed wind profile is used to define the the turbines) shall be considered.
average vertical wind shear across the rotor swept
area. (5) For the standard wind turbine classes, the power
spectral densities of the random wind velocity vector
(3) This model assumes neutral atmospheric stability field, whether used explicitly in the model or not, shall
and on the basis of a constant surface roughness length satisfy the following requirements:
IV – Part 2 4.2 External Conditions Chapter 4
GL Wind 2005 Page 4-9
a) The characteristic value for the standard devia- gitudinal component of the turbulence S1(f) shall
tion of the longitudinal wind velocity component asymptotically approach the form:
at hub height shall be given by:
S1( f ) = 0.05 (σ 1 ) (Λ1 Vhub )
−2 / 3
f −5 / 3
σ 1 = I 15 (15 m s + aV hub ) /(a + 1) (4.2.5)
S1(f) = power spectral density [m2/s2]
σ1 = standard deviation of the longitudinal
wind speed at hub height [m/s] Λ1 = turbulence scale parameter, de-
fined as the wavelength at which
This standard deviation shall be assumed to be the dimensionless longitudinal
invariant with height. power spectral density f S1(f)/σ12
equals 0.05 [m]
Note: f = frequency [s-1]
To perform the calculations of load cases in ad-
dition to those specified in Table 4.3.1, it may be The turbulence scale parameter Λ1 shall be given
appropriate to use different percentile values. by:
Such percentile values shall be determined by
adding the following value to equation 4.2.5: ⎧0.7 zhub for zhub < 60m
Λ1 = ⎨ (4.2.8)
⎩42m for zhub ≥ 60m
∆σ 1 = (x − 1) (2m / s ) I 15 (4.2.6)
where x is determined from the normal probabil- (6) Specifications for stochastic turbulence models
ity distribution function. For example, x = 1.64 are given in [4.14] and [4.15].
for a 95th percentile value.
Values for I15 and a are given in Table 4.2.1. The (7) The following general requirements shall be
standard deviation of the wind speed σ 1 and of observed for load calculations with turbulent wind:
the turbulence intensity σ 1 / V hub are shown in
Fig. 4.2.1 as a function of wind speed for the
specified values of I15 and a. – The simulation period of each simulation run
with the normal turbulence model (NTM) shall
b) Towards the high frequency end of the inertial be at least 10 minutes per simulation run (see
sub-range, the power spectral density of the lon- also Section para 9).
Standard deviation, σ1 [m/s]
– In the fatigue loading calculation, each simula- of N years. Ve1 and Ve50 representing 1
tion run shall be performed with a different ini- and 50 years. The EWM is applied with
tial value (“seed”) for producing the turbulent a steady wind model.
wind field.
Vref = reference wind speed according to Sec-
– Three-dimensional turbulence fields shall be tion
VNred (z) = the expected reduced extreme wind
– The resolution of the turbulent wind fields shall be speed (averaged over 60 s), with a recur-
adequate. A minimum of at least 10 x 10 points rence period of N years. V1red and V50red
(depending on diameter) is recommended. How- representing 1 and 50 years. The EWM
ever, the grid spacing should be less than 10 m. is applied with a steady wind model.
– If tower section loads are evaluated, the wind
field shall cover the entire plant (rotor and (4) For the turbulent extreme wind model, the 10-
tower), or a substitute model may be used after minute mean value of the wind speed is given as a
consultation with GL Wind. function of the height z with a recurrence period of 50
years or 1 year by the following equations: Extreme wind conditions
V50 (z) = Vref (z/z hub )0.14
The extreme wind conditions are used to determine the (4.2.13)
extreme wind loads acting on offshore wind turbines. V1(z) = 0.8 V50(z) (4.2.14)
These conditions include peak wind speeds due to
storms and rapid changes in wind speed and direction.
These extreme conditions include the potential effects of where:
wind turbulence, with the exception of the EWM (see
Section, so that only the deterministic effects VN(z) = the expected extreme wind speed (aver-
need to be considered in the design calculations. aged over 10 minutes), with a recurrence
period of N years. V1 and V50 represent- Extreme wind speed model (EWM) ing 1 and 50 years.
(1) The EWM shall be based on investigations at the (5) For the turbulent description of the extreme wind
installation site, or if no informations are available it model (EWM), the mean wind speed at hub height Vhub
can be obtained as described below. shall be taken as Vref or 0.8·Vref . In the turbulence
model NTM (see Section, a standard devia-
(2) The EWM can be either a steady or a turbulent tion of at least σ1 = 0.12·Vhub shall be applied.
wind model. The wind models are based on the refer-
ence wind speed Vref and a certain standard deviation σ1.
(6) Sometimes extreme wind speeds averaged over
(3) For the steady extreme wind model, the 50-year other periods or with other probabilities of being ex-
extreme wind speed Ve50 , the one-year extreme wind ceeded are available. In the absence of other confirmed
speed Ve1 and the reduced 50-years and one-year wind data, the offshore wind with a probability of being
speed shall be based on the reference wind speed Vref . exceeded once in 100 years may be converted to once
The wind speed Ve50, Ve1, V50red and V1red can be com- in 50 years by reducing the speed by 3 %. The con-
puted as a function of the height z using the following version of the wind speed to a different averaging time
equations: may be performed using Table 4.2.2.
Ve50(z) = 1.25 Vref (z/z hub )
(4.2.9) Table 4.2.2 Conversion factors for averaging
values of the wind speed (based on
Ve1(z) = 0.8 Ve50 (z) (4.2.10) the 10 min value)
V50 red (z) = 1.1 Vref (z/z hub )
(4.2.11) Averaging
1h 10 min 1 min 5 sec 3 sec
V1red (z) = 0.8 Ve50 red (z) (4.2.12)
VeN(z) = the expected extreme wind speed (aver- Factor 0.91 1.00 1.10 1.21 1.25
aged over 3 s), with a recurrence period
IV – Part 2 4.2 External Conditions Chapter 4
GL Wind 2005 Page 4-11
V(z) = see equation 4.2.4 Fig. 4.2.2 Example of an extreme operating gust
(N = 1, category A, D = 42m,
T = 10.5 s for N = 1
zhub= 30m, Vhub = 25m/s)
Chapter 4 4.2 External Conditions IV – Part 2
Page 4-12 GL Wind 2005
⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜ σ1 ⎟
θ eN = ± β arctan⎜ ⎟ (4.2.18)
⎜ ⎛ ⎛ D ⎞⎞ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ Vhub ⎜1 + 0.1⎜⎜ Λ ⎟⎟ ⎟ ⎟
⎝ ⎝ ⎝ 1 ⎠⎠ ⎠
⎧0 for t < 0
θ N (t) = ⎨0.5 θeN (1 − cos(π t/T )) for 0 ≤ t ≤ T (4.2.19)
⎪θ for t > T
⎩ eN
(1) In this case, the rise in wind speed (described by Fig. 4.2.3 Example of the magnitude of the ex-
ECG, see Fig. 4.2.5) shall be assumed to occur simul- treme direction change
taneously with the direction change θ cg , where θ cg is (N = 50, category A, D = 42 m,
defined by the relations in the following equation: zhub = 30 m)
IV – Part 2 4.2 External Conditions Chapter 4
GL Wind 2005 Page 4-13
⎧ 00 for t < 0
θ (t ) = ⎨ ± 0.5θ cg (1 − cos(π t / T )) for 0 ≤ t ≤ T (4.2.22)
⎪ ±θ for t > T
⎩ cg
⎞⎛⎜ ⎛ D ⎞ ⎞⎟⎛
α 1/ 4
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ z − z hub ⎛ 2πt ⎞ ⎞
⎪Vhub ⎜ z ⎟⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ 2.5 + 0.2 βσ1 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜1 − cos⎜ ⎟ ⎟⎟ for 0 ≤ t ≤ T
⎜z ⎜ ⎟
⎪⎪ ⎝ hub ⎠ ⎝ D ⎠⎝ ⎝ Λ1 ⎠ ⎠⎝ ⎝ T ⎠⎠
V (z,t ) = ⎨ α
⎪ ⎛ z ⎞
⎪Vhub ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ for t < 0 and t > T
⎪⎩ ⎝ z hub ⎠
⎧ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ y ⎞⎛⎜
⎛ D ⎞ ⎞⎛
1/ 4
2πt ⎞ ⎞
⎪Vhub ⎜ z
⎜z ⎟⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ 2.5 + 0.2 βσ1 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎟⎜⎜1 − cos⎛⎜ ⎟ ⎟⎟ for 0 ≤ t ≤ T
⎪⎪ ⎝ hub ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎝
D ⎜ Λ
⎝ 1 ⎠ ⎠⎝ ⎟ ⎝ T ⎠⎠
V ( y,z,t ) = ⎨ α
⎪ ⎛ z ⎞
⎪Vhub ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ for t < 0 and t > T
⎪⎩ ⎝ z hub ⎠
in Fig. 4.2.8)
Fig. 4.2.8 Extreme vertical wind shear, wind (4) The wind farm influence can be determined with
profile before onset (t = 0, dashed line) the aid of calculation models, for example by
and at maximum shear (t = 6 s, full S. Frandsen “Turbulence and turbulence generated
line) (N = 50, turbulence category A, fatigue in wind turbine clusters”, (2003), [4.4], or
zhub = 30 m, Vhub = 25 m/s, D = 42 m) “Dynamic Loads in Wind Farms II” (DLWF II), [4.5].
IV – Part 2 4.2 External Conditions Chapter 4
GL Wind 2005 Page 4-15
(5) Other validated calculation models may be used (7) The wave conditions to be considered during
in consultation with GL Wind for the analysis of the design of offshore wind turbines are described accord-
wind farm induced loads. ing to the type of analysis to be performed. For ulti-
mate strength analysis the extreme wave influence (50-
4.2.3 Marine conditions year storm event) and the extreme loading during
operation have to be considered while for fatigue
analysis the normal stochastic fluctuating wave series Waves are used.
mn = ∫ ω n ⋅ S ς (ω ) dω (4.2.25)
(6) The description of the natural sea state (wave 0
conditions) is essential if load simulation considering
stochastic effects has to be performed, while for quasi where:
static analysis the equivalent design wave method may
be used. Sζ (ω) = wave (energy) spectrum
Chapter 4 4.2 External Conditions IV – Part 2
Page 4-16 GL Wind 2005
⋅ C (γ )
crests in a record of stationary sea surface elevations.
α= (4.2.31)
16 g 2
T1 = 2π ⋅ m0 / m1 (4.2.27)
(9) The zero crossing period (water elevation ζ = 0) in
the same direction (upwards or downwards) is given by: γ =5 for T p / H s ≤ 3.6
Tz = 2π ⋅ m0 / m2 (4.2.28) γ = exp(5.75 − 1.15 T p / H s ) for 3.6 ≤ T p / H s ≤ 5
γ =1 for T p / H s ≥ 5
(10) By superposition of elementary waves the natural
sea state may be modelled if the phase angles are taken
random with constant probability density between 0 (13) C(γ) is a normalising factor to guarantee that the
and 2π. The water elevation may be derived from: same significant wave height is used for the
JONSWAP and the Pierson-Moskowitz-Spectrum.
ζ ( t ) = ∫ 2 S ζ (ω ) d ω ⋅ cos ⎡⎣ω t + ε (ω ) ⎤⎦ (4.2.29)
C ( γ ) = (1 − 0.287 ln γ ) (4.2.32)
offshore wind turbines with symmetrical substructures, (3) The value of the zero crossing period of a ex-
unidirectional sea states should therefore be used. treme sea state or the period of the extreme design
wave is difficult to estimate directly by measurements.
(16) In the linear random wave model, the sea state is From experience and theoretical considerations the
completely described by the directional wave spectrum design wave period TD may be estimated as
Sζ(ω,µ) of the water surface elevation. Guidance on
possible use of directional wave spectra is given in 11.1 H s 50 g ≤ TD ≤ 14.3 H s 50 g (4.2.35)
Appendix 4.F.
(17) Application of other wave spectrum formula-
tions, especially for a directional wave spectrum, may Hs50 = significant wave height with the recurrence
to be applied in consultation with GL Wind. period of 50 years
I b
0.4 ⋅ 10 − 8 ⋅ 50 = ∑ ⎡⎣1 − F ( H si )⎤⎦ HB =
1 + a
i =1 d g⋅T 2
⋅ exp − 2 H max1
H si2 } (4.2.38)
(8) The methods of para 2 and para 3 generally ap-
plies to deep water waves, i. e. waves with periods T HB = breaking wave height
that satisfy the condition d/(gT2) > 0.06, where d is the a = 44 ⋅ [1 − exp(−19 ⋅ s)]
water depth.
b = 1.6 ⎡⎣1 + exp ( −19 ⋅ s ) ⎤⎦
(9) Design wave parameters of wind induced transi-
tional water waves, i. e. waves of periods T that satisfy s = sea floor slope, s= tanβ
the condition 0.002 < d/(gT2) < 0.06, may be defined
from information on extreme wind speed and fetch d = water depth
using relevant theories, the methods can be applied in T = wave period
consultation with GL Wind.
(5) Three types of breaking waves may occur in Breaking waves shoaling waters, when the water depth decreases and the
wave height increases (spilling, plunging or surging).
(1) The height of breaking waves is a function of the
water depth and sea floor inclination. Generally no (6) The limits for breaking wave types are deter-
waves higher than the breaking wave height need to be mined via the relation ξ between the sea floor slope
assumed for design of offshore wind turbines. s and the square root of the wave steepness. The steep-
ness of the wave is calculated on the basis of the deep
(2) In depth limited waters, the kinematics of the water wave H0 or the breaking wave height HB and the
waves may change considerably related to the deep length of the undisturbed wave λ0:
water case. Following changes may occur: s
ξ0 = (4.2.40)
– finite wave height H 0 λ0
(2) Spectra for swells are much narrower than stan- raphical boundaries, from differences in water levels
dard wave spectra. They are more or less symmetrical due to storm surge and barometric differences or by
in shape around a dominant modal frequency. There thermal and salinity differences of the water.
are no standard parametric forms for swell spectra in
common use. (2) The tidal currents are regular and predictable and
the maximum tidal current precedes or follows the Currents highest and lowest astronomical tides, HAT and LAT.
Tidal currents can be strengthened by shoreline or sea
(1) The sea current may be generated by different floor configurations.
reasons. Main current categories are
(3) The design velocity is based on the velocity at
– near surface current (current generated by the the surface and is site dependent. Sub surface currents
wind shear force) in shallow waters are assumed to have an exponential
– tide generated current
– barometrically generated current ⎛d +z⎞
1/ 7
(1) Sub surface currents may be generated from the Uc,wind = current speed at the water
tidal motions, combined with the site specific topog- surface
Chapter 4 4.2 External Conditions IV – Part 2
Page 4-20 GL Wind 2005
u(10 m,1 hour) = hourly mean wind speed at level for design may be taken as the lowest value of
10m height either the water depth d due to the lowest astronomical
tide minus water level decline due to storm surge, as Wave induced current applicable.
(1) In the case that the offshore wind turbine is to be (3) The highest wave elevation ξ* above still water
sited near a breaking wave zone, consideration shall be level as indicated above is given as
given to the surf currents generated by the shear forces
of the breaking waves along the coast. ξ * =δ ⋅ H D (4.2.47)
properties and drifting characteristics shall be deter- – sand dune movements (sea bed variation)
mined by a competent authority upon agreement with
GL Wind. – scour
– corrosion
(4) A definition of the parameters to be considered in
sea ice load analysis and methods to derive sea ice
induced forces is given in the GL “Guideline for the (3) The climatic conditions for the design shall be
Construction of Fixed Offshore Installations in Ice defined in terms of representative values or by the
Infested Waters” [4.1]. Within the application range of limits of the variable conditions. The probability of
this Guideline extreme sea ice loads should correspond simultaneous occurrence of the climatic conditions
to a recurrence period of fifty years. shall be taken into account when the design values are
selected. Marine growth
(4) Variations in the climatic conditions within the
(1) Marine growth may be considerable in some normal limits which correspond to a one-year recur-
areas and should be taken into account, e.g. when rence period or higher shall be considered as normal
investigating the wave and current loads acting on external conditions.
submerged parts of the structure or its weight. Rele-
vant information shall be submitted to GL Wind for (5) Normal environmental condition values should
verification. be taken into account as follows if no other data are
(2) Thickness of marine growth should be assessed
according to local experience. If no relevant data are – offshore wind turbines shall be designed for an
available, a thickness of 50 mm may be chosen for ambient air temperature range of –20 °C to
normal climatic conditions. +50 °C. As variations of the constant temperature
components ± 35 K in relation to a mean tem-
4.2.4 Determination of other perature of + 15 °C shall be assumed. Operation
environmental conditions shall be possible at ambient temperatures from –
10 °C to +40 °C. General
– relative humidity of up to 100 %
(1) Environmental (climatic) conditions other than
wind and oceanograhphic can affect the integrity and – atmospheric content equivalent to that of a non-
safety of the offshore wind turbine, by thermal, photo- polluted sea atmosphere
chemical, corrosive, mechanical, electrical or other – solar radiation intensity of 1000 W/m2
physical action. Moreover, combinations of the cli-
matic parameters given may increase their effect. – air density of 1.225 kg/m3
(2) At least the following other environmental condi- – water density of 1025 kg/m3
tions shall be taken into account and the action taken – water salinity of 3.5%
stated in the design documentation:
– normal and extreme temperature ranges (6) Other extreme environmental conditions which
shall be considered are extreme temperature, lightning,
– humidity ice formation and earthquakes.
– air density
– water density (7) The design temperature TD, for selection of mate-
rial qualities shall be established as the lower value of
– solar radiation the ambient temperature at the site.
– rain, hail, snow and ice formation
(8) The lowest water temperature at sea level may be
– chemically active substances
assumed to be 0°. Extra assumptions have to be made
– mechanically active particles for sites with extreme temperature variations or where
sea ice occurs.
– lightning
– earthquakes (9) The atmospheric and water temperatures stated
– salinity of water in this Guideline shall be 1 hour average values.
Chapter 4 4.2 External Conditions IV – Part 2
Page 4-22 GL Wind 2005
(1) Estimates of design temperatures of air and water (1) For non-rotating parts of the offshore wind tur-
shall be based on relevant data that are provided by bine, ice formation with a thickness of 30 mm on all
competent institutions. sides shall be assumed for surfaces exposed to the
weather. The density of the ice shall be taken as ρE =
(2) If the air temperature at the erection site is lower 900 kg/m3. In the case of operating conditions in
than –20 °C or greater than +50 °C on more than 9 days which the rotor is at standstill or idling, the rotor
a year as a mean over many years, the lower or upper blades shall also be verified for this degree of ice for-
temperature limit shall be altered accordingly, and the mation on all sides.
following items shall be observed. It shall be verified
that the offshore wind turbine is operative and structur- (2) Where ice covering is due mainly to sea water
ally sound within the chosen temperature limits. spray, the ice thickness shall be adjusted accordingly. In
absence of any data a thickness of 100 mm at sea level
(3) If the mean value of the temperature over many may be assumed. The ice thickness may be taken to
years at the site deviates more than 15 K from the decrease linearly to 30 mm from a level corresponding
assumed mean temperature according to Section to the highest wave elevation to 60 m above that level. para 5, this shall be taken into account.
(3) With the rotor rotating, the conditions “ice for-
(4) The air density shall be corrected in relation to mation on all rotor blades” and “ice formation on all
the prevailing temperature of the site. The corrected air rotor blades except one” shall be investigated. The
density shall be considered in the load calculation and mass distribution (mass / unit length) shall be assumed
in the determination of the power curve. In addition, at the leading edge. It increases linearly from zero in
the following items shall be observed in particular: the rotor axis to the value µE at half the radius, and
then remains constant up to the outermost radius. The
– The mechanical properties of the materials used value µE is calculated as follows:
shall be selected according to the ambient tem-
peratures. µ E = ρ E ⋅ k ⋅ cmin (cmax + cmin ) (4.2.48)
– Stresses caused by strongly differing thermal
expansion coefficients shall be considered in the where:
case of extreme temperatures. µE = mass distribution on the leading edge of the
– Coolers or heaters shall be dimensioned to ac- rotor blade at half the rotor radius [kg/m]
count for the ambient temperatures and the re- ρE = density of the ice (900 kg/m3)
quired operating temperatures of the various
components. k = 0.00675 + 0.3 exp (-0.32 R/R1)
– Electronic devices shall also be protected against R = rotor radius
high or low temperatures. If proper operation of R1 = 1m
these components cannot be guaranteed, the
plant shall be shut down. cmax = maximum chord length
– If there are components which can fail as a result cmin = chord length at the blade tip, linearly ex-
of extreme temperatures, an appropriate monitor- trapolated from the blade contour.
ing facility shall be provided in the safety system
to bring the offshore wind turbine into a safe Earthquakes
condition in such an event.
(1) For locations where earthquakes may be ex-
(5) It shall be observed that ice formation can influ- pected, a so-called “Design Earthquake” shall be de-
ence the aerodynamic coefficients. fined, using available statistical information. The char-
acteristics of the earthquake (acceleration intensity,
duration) shall be established by a competent authority Lightning
and agreed upon with GL Wind.
The provisions set out in Section 8.9 “Lighting protec- (2) An earthquake analysis is not required for areas
tion” to safeguard against lightning strikes may be where the design horizontal ground acceleration
regarded as adequate for the standard wind turbine (strength level) is less than 0.05 g (g being the gravita-
classes. tional acceleration), provided other significant envi-
IV – Part 2 4.2 External Conditions Chapter 4
GL Wind 2005 Page 4-23
ronmental loads are to be accounted for, so that suffi- of a structure. The addition of manmade struc-
cient resistance against earthquake loading is ensured. tures often changes the local sediment transport
regime that can aggravate erosion, or cause ac-
(3) Tsunami-type waves resulting from sub-sea cumulation.
earthquakes may have to be considered in particular
cases; it will be decided from case to case, depending (5) Scour can result in removal of vertical and lateral
on the probability of occurrence, whether a Tsunami support for foundations, causing undesirable settle-
and the resulting loading have to be considered in ments of shallow foundations and overstressing of
connection with the design earthquake, or as an acci- foundation elements. Where scour is a possibility it
dental load. shall be taken into account in design and/or its mitiga-
tion shall be considered. Foundation and soil properties
(6) Scour prediction remains an uncertain art. The
(1) The foundation (soil properties) at the intended
uncertainty regarding design criteria should be ac-
site shall be analysed in accordance with the local
counted for by robust design and/or operating strategy
situation (subsoil, building codes) by a geotechnical
of monitoring and remediation as needed. Guidance is
report as a rule. For this, Section 6.7 shall be taken into
given in Section
– voltage imbalance: The ratio of the negative- Lu WA = height of wave crest acc. to para 4
sequence component of voltage to the positive-
Ll WA = height of wave trough acc. to para 4
sequence component shall not exceed 2 %.
Lsafety = safety for run up etc. acc. to para 6
(3) Grid failures: Electrical network outages shall
be assumed to occur 20 times per year (see also Sec- (3) The upper and lower still water levels for the
tion definition of the splash zone shall be defined as the
highest and lowest still water levels with a recurrence
(4) Further details for normal conditions can be period of one year respectively (HSWL1 and LSWL1).
found in DIN EN 50160:2000. When different than If no data for the still water level considering tidal
normal conditions occur, e.g. because of regulations by elevation and storm surge exist, the upper and lower
the local utility, they have to be stated clearly. still water levels can be derived from the highest and
lowest astronomical tides and the storm surge with a Risk analysis recurrence period of one year:
Owing the location of certain sites, a risk analysis may Lu SW = HSWL1 or HAT + storm surge(1 y) (4.2.51)
be necessary. This analysis includes the risk estimation Ll SW = LSWL1 or LAT - storm surge(1 y) (4.2.52)
of particular damage events occurring at the offshore
wind turbine with regard to the environment (e.g. (4) The height of the wave crest and trough to be
transport routes, oil pipelines). The scope and type of considered for the splash zone definition can be de-
investigation should be defined in consultation with rived from the height of the wave with a probability of
GL Wind. exceedance equal to P(H>H*) = 0.01. The wave height
can be derived from the wave scatter diagram. If no Corrosion and erosion scatter diagram is available the significant wave height
with a recurrence period of 1 year may be choosen
It shall be checked whether the intended corrosion pro- instead.
tection is adequate for the site. Protection against corro-
sion and erosion shall therefore be taken into account by Lu WA = δ ⋅ H1% (4.2.53)
the selection of suitable materials, appropriate coatings Ll = (1-δ) ⋅ H1% (4.2.54)
and protective coverings, plus regular inspection. For
more detailed guidance see Section 3.5. Special care has δ = wave elevation coefficient acc. to Section
to be taken in the splash zone of the offshore support para 3 (Table 4.2.3)
structure. H1% = Wave height with with a probability of
exceedance equal to 0.01. Splash zone
(5) It has to be considered that in shallow waters the
(1) The splash zone is defined as the part of the value for the maximum wave height and the wave eleva-
structure being intermittently wetted by tide and wave tion coefficient may vary with the actual water depth.
action. The extent of this zone is subject to large local
variation. For special constructions (i.e. floating sys- (6) The height of the additional safety level due to
tems) the variation in draught and the motion of the run up and wave distortion from the structure may be
structure is to be considered. chosen as 20% of the wave height chosen in para 4.
(2) The splash zone is defined by the highest and the (7) The highest and lowest water levels for the defi-
lowest water levels as follows: nition of the splash zone shall not be less than 2 m
above or below the mean sea level (MSL) respectively.
L max = L u SW + ∆ s + L uWA + L safety (4.2.49)
L min = L l SW − L l WA (4.2.50)
The wave height with the probability of exceedance
Where: equal to P(H>H*) = 0.01 may be calculated using the
scatter diagram (long term distribution) and the as-
Lu SW = upper still water level acc. to para 3 sumed short term distribution of the wave height if no
Ll SW = lower still water level acc. to para 3 direct statistics exist.
( ) ∑∑ P ( H > H ) f ( H
∆s = expected settling of the foundation during P H >H∗ = s
L si ,T p j ) (4.2.55)
life i j
IV – Part 2 4.2 External Conditions Chapter 4
GL Wind 2005 Page 4-25
(3) The analysis method to be used will depend on (9) Usually a preliminary load analysis is based on a
the type of loading and the structural response. Time site assumption or a wind turbine class in combination
history analysis, e. g. by direct integration, will have to with assumed marine conditions. Since the model
be used for dynamic problems with non-linear nature. dynamics and the soil behaviour depend on the loads,
Response spectral analysis will be used for structures they may vary during design process. A final load
with a linear elastic response to random loading, e. g. evaluation or analysis shall be performed for critical
due to non-deterministic wave loads, provided a lin- load cases for all support structure configurations and
earisation of the non-linear load effects is possible or the original assumptions have to be reconciled.
to determine dynamic amplification effects.
(10) For the definition of the load cases, the meteoro-
(4) The calculation model (“idealization”) used has to logical and oceanographic data relevant for the instal-
take account of all main load bearing and stiffening lation site shall apply.
components, and of the relevant supporting and con-
straining effects. The degree of subdivision (detailing) 4.3.2 Loads
should take account of the geometry of the structure and
its influence on the load distribution and introduction. (1) The loads described in Sections to
shall be considered for the design calculations. Proto-
(5) Wind conditions are the primary external consid- type tests and model investigations (tests) may also be
eration for the structural integrity of the topsides struc- used as a substitute for load calculation. Any test has
ture, although the marine conditions may also have an to be supervised by an accredited institute and/or GL
influence in some cases depending on the dynamic Wind. In special cases model tests may be required.
properties of the support structure. During the design
of the topsides structure, the structural integrity shall (2) In general a dynamic analysis of the offshore
be demonstrated taking proper account of the marine wind turbine, considering dynamic response for exter-
conditions at each specific site at which the offshore nal and/or operating conditions is required.
wind turbine will be subsequently installed. The dem-
onstration of the suitability of the topsides structure for (3) A quasi-static analysis shall only be carried out
a specific offshore site shall meet the requirements in the case of systems for which it is justified in con-
defined in Section 4.2. sultation with GL Wind. The determination of dynamic
amplification factors (DAF) shall also be agreed upon
(6) The design of the support structure of an offshore by GL Wind. For these cases, it can be carried out
wind turbine shall be based on environmental condi- instead of a dynamic analysis for the sake of simplifi-
tions, including the marine conditions, which are rep- cation.
Chapter 4 4.3 Calculation of Loads IV – Part 2
Page 4-28 GL Wind 2005
(4) Response spectral analysis will be used for struc- applied should be defined in consultation with GL
tures with a linear elastic response to random loading, Wind (see Section para 3).
e. g. due to non-deterministic wave loads, provided a
linearisation of the non-linear load effects is possible. Aerodynamic loads
The method may be appropriate to determine dynamic
amplification effects due to extreme wave loads on
fixed jacket structures and also to perform fatigue (1) Aerodynamic loads are static and dynamic loads
damage accumulations. which are caused by the airflow and its interaction
with the stationary and moving parts of offhsore wind Inertial and gravitational loads turbines. Wave loads (9) In the analysis of wave induced loads the influ-
ence of marine growth and of appurtenances, if not
(1) Derived wave parameters are e. g. wave particle explicitly modelled, shall be considered.
velocities and accelerations. Particle velocities uw and
accelerations aw due to waves are related to wave (10) The extreme loads for the analysis of the off-
height H, period T and water depth d. shore wind turbine shall be based on the extreme wave
(Hmax50) and wind load with a recurrence period of 50
(2) Based on acknowledged standards and text years. In some load cases the extreme wave with a
books, a relevant wave theory shall be used to define recurrence period of 1 year is used (Hmax1).
the design velocity and the design acceleration at the
location of the structural element considered. Guid- (11) The extreme wave shall be analysed based on the
ance on the application range of the different wave assumption to occur once during a 3 hour storm condi-
theories is given in Appendix 4.G. tion.
(3) Linear (Airy) wave theory is applicable to define (12) The extreme design wave during a 3 hour storm
the wave kinematics parameters for deep water and condition may be derived as stated in Section
transitional water waves. Linear wave theory is nor- As simplification the extreme wave height
mally used for the generation of irregular sea states. for design loads may be taken as
Linear wave theory application is exemplified in Ap-
pendix 4.G. H max = 1.86 H s ≤ H B (4.3.1)
(4) Higher order wave theories have to be applied to which is the probable maximum value for deep water
derive wave particle velocities and accelerations for based on 1000 waves and HB is the breaking wave
very high waves or for waves in shallow water and height.
breaking waves. The possibility of breaking waves has
to be analysed in shallow water locations. The applica- (13) The reduced wave to be used to derive loading in
tion of the specific higher order theory shall be applied combination with extreme wind speed (see Section
in consultation with GL Wind. para 15) is associated with a wave height hav-
ing a probability of 0.03 corresponding to
(5) A structure is considered hydrodynamically
transparent if wave scattering can be neglected, i.e. H red =1.32 H s ≤ H B (4.3.2)
passing sea waves are not significantly changed in
shape and direction. This condition is satisfied if for deep water.
D/λ < 0.2, with D being a characteristic dimension of
the structure (e.g. diameter) in the direction of wave (14) In shallow waters the wave height distribution
propagation and λ the wave length. Short description may deviate from the Rayleigh distribution. In this
of the methods to analyse wave loads for hydrody- case the factors shown in para 12 and para 13 may
namic transparent and compact structures is given in change. Different values may be used upon agreement
Appendix 4.H. with GL Wind.
(6) The present Guideline applies mainly for rigidly Sea current loads
positioned offshore wind turbines. For flexibly posi-
tioned structures additional guidance is given in the GL (1) A design value of sea current pressure on struc-
“Rules for the Classification and Construction of Off- tural elements at depth z below still water level is
shore Installations”, [4.2] and the GL “Guidelines for defined as
Chapter 4 4.3 Calculation of Loads IV – Part 2
Page 4-30 GL Wind 2005
q D (z ) =
ρW ⋅ U D (z )
particle velocity in a top breaking wave is given by the
2 expression:
(2) The analysis of breaking wave loads is an uncer- Hydrostatic loads, external or internal may occur if a
tain art. In the following some guidance is given to member or compartment is wetted only from one side of
estimate breaking wave loads. In general model tests its surface. Hydrostatic forces act in a direction normal
are recommended for evaluation of global loads and to the surface. For large structures with empty spaces
confirmation of estimated support structure loading. hydrostatic forces may have considerable influence.
(3) For spilling (top) breaking waves the solitary Sea ice loads
waves can be simulated according to the stream func-
tion wave theory. Time series for shallow water waves (1) Static and dynamic sea ice loads acting on an
(without plunging breaking) in the form of wave eleva- offshore wind turbine are caused by current and wind
tions and velocities can be simulated. The maximum induced motion of ice floes and their failure in contact
IV – Part 2 4.3 Calculation of Loads Chapter 4
GL Wind 2005 Page 4-31
with the support structure. The relevance of sea ice (7) The methods to analyse sea ice loading on off-
loads to the design of the support depends on the spe- shore wind turbine foundations are given in the GL
cific location and characteristics of the site at which “Guideline for the Construction of Fixed Offshore
the offshore wind turbine will be installed. Forces Installations in Ice Infested Waters”, [4.1].
exerted on a structure by ice are to be evaluated for
their effect on local structural elements and for global (8) Extra investigations and analysis shall be per-
effects on the structure as a whole. formed for dynamic ice loading upon agreement with
GL Wind. In a simplified manner it may be assumed
(2) Ice loads are to be evaluated for a range of ice - that the load oscillation period is equal to the support
structure interactions. The range of interactions is structure’s natural period. The amplitude of the load
determined by the ice environment of the area of op- oscillation may be assumed to be about 1/4 of the
erations, and may include: static horizontal ice load with a mean value equal to
3/4 of the sea ice load.
– pressure from continuous first or multi-year level
ice Earthquake loads
– collision with first and/or multi-year ridges
(1) The analysis of the dynamic response should be
within the ice field
performed using recognized procedures such as:
– impact by drifting ice floes (sea ice or glacial ice)
– response spectrum analysis
– impact by icebergs
– time history analysis
– dynamic ice loading.
Generally a three-dimensional model of the structure
(3) Ice load evaluations are to include the forces
shall be used for the analysis. The combination of
exerted by ice on rubble ice or other ice pieces which
earthquake loads with other loads is described in Sec-
are in firm contact with or held by the structure. This is
tion 4.3.5.
of particular concern for multilegged structures and for
structures designed to cause ice failure in modes other
(2) When the response spectrum analysis is applied
than crushing.
for the combination of the modal maxima, the use of
the “Complete Quadratic Combination” (CQC)
(4) The maximum compressive strength of the ice is
method [4.8] is recommended.
to be considered as characteristic of the local loading
of the structure by ice. In selection of the appropriate Boat impact loads
compressive strength the following factors shall be
(1) The operational impact should be taken to be not
less than that caused by the dedicated supply vessel
– temperature or temperature gradient in the ice
coming into contact at a speed of 0.5 m/s. It should be
– orientation of the ice crystals assumed in this case that all the kinetic energy is ab-
sorbed by the turbine structure. The total kinetic en-
– salinity
ergy involved can be expressed as:
– total porosity of the ice (brine volume, gas pock-
ets and voids) E = 1 a ⋅ m ⋅ v boat
– strain rate
– loading rate where:
case for concrete structures. In such cases it is impor- where appropriate. Special conditions of the installa-
tant to analyse the damage caused by the impact force. tion site shall be considered.
(3) The impact force Fboat impact may be taken as: (2) Loads resulting from installation and removal
actions shall be considered in the structural design (see
Fboat impact = P0 or (4.3.7) Chapter 12). These loads may result from:
Fboat impact = v boat c ⋅ a ⋅ m (4.3.8) – buoyancy aids, self floating
– lifting of parts or the of the whole structure
– piling
P0 = minimum crushing strength of the impact-
– launching
ing part of the vessel [MN]
– submerging
c = stiffness of the impacting part of the vessel
4.3.3 Design situations and load cases
m = vessel displacement [kg] General
a = added mass coefficient
= 1.6 for sideways collision (1) For design purposes, the life of an offshore wind
turbine can be represented by a set of design situations
= 1.1 for bow or stern collision
covering the most significant conditions which the
vboat = impact speed of the vessel [m/s] offshore wind turbine may experience. In this section
the construction of design load cases is described.
(4) The vertical extent of the collision zone should
be assessed on the basis of the vessel draft, maximum (2) The load cases shall be determined from the
operational wave elevation and tidal elevation. In combination of specific erection, maintenance, and
practice the vertical position will vary between +3 m operational modes or design situations with the exter-
to -5 m. For local pressure calculation a vertical exten- nal conditions. All relevant load cases with a reason-
sion of 2 m may be assumed. able probability of occurrence shall be considered in
conjunction with the behaviour of the control and
(5) Special attention shall be paid to the strength of safety systems.
boat fender systems mounted at the turbine, which
shall be suitable to carry gangway system as well. (3) In general, the design load cases used to deter-
mine the structural integrity of the offshore wind tur- Operational loads bine may be calculated from the following combina-
Operational loads result from the operation and control
of the offshore wind turbine. They shall be assigned to – normal design situations and normal external
several categories. These are the control of rotor speed conditions
and the torque control by pitching of blades or other – normal design situations and extreme external
aerodynamic devices. Other operational loads are the conditions
mechanical braking and transient loads arising during
the starting and stopping of the rotor, connection and – fault design situations and appropriate external
disconnection of the generator, and yaw movements. conditions
The following influences shall be taken into account: – design situations for transportation, installation
and maintenance, and the appropriate external
– static and load-dependent bearing friction moments conditions.
(especially blade pitch bearing, yaw bearing)
– behaviour of the control and safety systems of Note:
the offshore wind turbine. Normal external conditions are assigned a recurrence
period of 1 year, whereas extreme external conditions Other loads are assigned a recurrence period of 50 years as a rule.
(1) Other loads (such as maintenance loads, extreme (4) If any correlation exists between an extreme
temperature etc.) may occur and shall be included external condition and a fault situation, a realistic
IV – Part 2 4.3 Calculation of Loads Chapter 4
GL Wind 2005 Page 4-33
combination of the two shall be considered as a design (8) The combination of extreme wind and wave
load case. conditions may be performed using time series of
stochastic wind fields and irregular sea states or by Combination of external conditions combining deterministic events of the wind speed and
the regular waves. It is not recommended to combine
(1) The external design situations are built up by stochastic time series of wind with regular determinis-
combination of wind, wave, ice, current and sea level tic waves and vice versa.
conditions. Alternatively a combination of action ef-
fect on the structure with the specified return period (9) It is recommended to consider both stochastic
may be used in consultation with GL Wind. formulations and deterministic formulations of the
extreme events to obtain the extreme loads on the
(2) For the load analysis scatter diagrams (long term offshore wind turbine. Stochastic simulations include
statistics) including wave height, wave period and all frequency components of the wind and wave condi-
wind speed should be used to determine the wind wave tions, but include in general only linear wave kinemat-
combination to be considered. In some cases the ics. In contrary deterministic regular waves consider
evaluation of the directional distribution of wind and non-linear kinematics.
waves or their misalignment may be of importance and
has to be included in the scatter diagrams considered. (10) The combination of stochastic turbulent wind
and irregular sea states shall be based on a sufficient
(3) The combination of extreme external conditions number of different realisations to cover the statistical
(wind, wave, current, sea ice and water level) is per- spread of combinations of single events within the
formed in a way that results in the global extreme time series.
environmental action on the structure with the com-
bined specified return period (50 year or 1 year). (11) In the case that time series of irregular sea states
are used in combination with stochastic wind field
(4) In absence of information on the long term prob- series the statistical properties of the time series have
ability distribution of combined extreme external con- to be corrected for the same averaging time.
ditions it can be assumed that the extreme external
conditions occur during the same 3-hour storm event. (12) For a combined analysis of wind and wave using
i.e. the specified return period sea state is combined the turbulent wind speed model, the 10 minute average
with the mean wind speed and the current velocity wind speed can be converted to the 1 hour mean wind
with the same specified return period, all determined speed using Table 4.2.2. The standard deviation of the
by extrapolation of the individual parameters consid- wind speed and the spectra can be assumed un-
ered independently. changed.
(5) It is assumed that there is a correlation of mean (13) For extreme load simulations using irregular sea
wind speed and significant wave height but no correla- states the significant wave height over 3 hours averag-
tion of the extreme values during a short period. The ing time may transformed to a simulation time of 1
extreme wave height and extreme gust wind speed are hour by multiplying with 1.1.
not assumed to occur simultaneously during one indi-
vidual storm event but are randomly distributed during (14) When deterministic events (stationary wind and
that time. periodic regular wave) are combined the probability of
simultaneous occurrence of wind speed and wave
(6) In absence of information on combined wind and height is reached by combining reduced values of the
wave probability distribution or if wind turbine classes gust wind with the maximum values of waves and vice
according to Section are used, standard rela- versa.
tions for the wind generated wave spectrum and thus
for the significant wave height Hs may be used. The (15) The combination of extreme deterministic events
method described in Appendix 4.E for infinite fetch can be fulfilled if the extreme 1-minute averaged wind
can be applied. speed is combined with the maximum wave height
during a 3 hour storm. Additionally the maximum
(7) In the case that the long term statistics of wind 3-second gust wind speed shall be combined with a
and waves are known, but not their combination, rea- reduced wave height. See Section and
sonable and conservative combinations may be built
up in consultation with GL Wind. In Appendix 4.J one
possible method is given allowing an approximation of (16) For symmetric support structures it may be as-
the long term distributions of wind and waves by pairs sumed that co-linear (mean direction) environmental
of derived combinations. actions are normally most critical. For other installa-
Chapter 4 4.3 Calculation of Loads IV – Part 2
Page 4-34 GL Wind 2005
tions action combinations which involve a large differ- effects or due to influence on the control system. In
ence in the mean action direction need to be addressed. general it can be assumed that a load combination may
be carried out for stiff systems.
(17) Correlation between the wind directions where
the wind load is largest, and the directions where the (4) If separate analysis for extreme wind, wave
wave load is largest, does not necessarily exist. The and/or sea ice loading is performed the total
wave load is normally dominated by the direction with force/moment may be assumed to be:
the largest fetch.
Ftotal ,max = F wind ,mean
(18) In case that no information on joint probability of
wind, wave and currents exists, the sub surface cur- + ( F wind ,max − F wind ,mean ) 2 + F wave
,max (4.3.9)
rents shall be combined with wind, wave or sea ice
events of the same recurrence period. For normal con- where:
ditions a mean value may be used in agreement with
GL Wind or the sub surface current with 1-year recur- Ftotal,max = total force/moment
rence period.
Fwind,max = maximal force/moment due to wind
(19) It has to be stated that the direction of the sub action
surface current is not correlated to the direction of Fwind,mean = mean force/moment due to wind action
wind and waves although it may be assumed that the
highest loads occur when the sub surface current is in Fwave,max = maximal force/moment due to wave
line with waves. action
(20) It is generally assumed that sea ice actions need (5) The combination of the fatigue load may be
not to be combined with any wave actions. Sea ice performed in a similar manner assuming that all com-
shall be combined with wind and current. The ice load ponents have a stochastic nature with normal distrib-
can be assumed to act in the direction of the largest uted amplitudes. The method has to be agreed in con-
current velocity. sultation with GL Wind.
(21) For most sites no correlation of sea ice condi- Load cases
tions and wind speed and its direction can be estab-
lished. The combination of wind and sea ice actions (1) For each design situation in the normal rotational
shall be based on worst conditions possible. speed range, several design load cases shall be consid-
ered to verify the structural integrity of offshore wind
(22) The load analysis shall be performed with the turbine components. As a minimum, the design load
water level resulting in the most adverse loading for cases in Table 4.3.1 shall be considered. This table
the structure. The range of the water levels to be con- specifies the design load cases for each design situa-
sidered should take care of the recurrence period of the tion through the description of the wind, marine, elec-
individual load case. trical and other external conditions. If other realistic
combinations lead to more severe loading these shall Combination of loads be considered.
(1) Load time series from combined external condi- (2) Other design load cases relevant for safety shall
tions include all components required. No further be considered in consultation with GL Wind, if re-
combination is needed. quired by the specific offshore wind turbine design or
by the control concept.
(2) In some cases it is practical and may be permit-
ted to analyse the aerodynamic loads using dynamic (3) For each design load case, the appropriate type
analysis and the wave loads using quasi-static calcula- of analysis is stated by “F” and “U” in Table 4.3.1. F
tion methods. The applicability of the method and the refers to analysis of fatigue loads, to be used in the
superposition of the loads depend on the design con- assessment of fatigue strength. U refers to the analysis
sidered and have to be agreed with GL Wind for every of ultimate loads, such as analysis of exceeding the
case in advance. maximum material strength, analysis of tip deflection,
and stability analysis.
(3) In the case that load time series are calculated
independently it has to be shown by the designer that (4) The design situations indicated with U are classi-
this does not lead to a significant loss of accuracy due fied further as normal (N), extreme (E), abnormal (A),
to dynamic interaction and aeroelastic and hydroelastic or transport and erection (T). Normal design situations
IV – Part 2 4.3 Calculation of Loads Chapter 4
GL Wind 2005 Page 4-35
are expected to occur frequently within the lifetime of maximum braking torque is regarded as a normal con-
an offshore wind turbine. The turbine is in a normal dition and not as a fault condition. The suitability of
state or may have experienced minor malfunctions or the brakes (minimum braking torque) shall be verified
abnormalities. For an extreme design situation a nor- for load case DLC 8.1. The definitions of the mini-
mal turbine state with extreme external conditions is mum and the maximum braking torques are given in
considered. Abnormal design situations are less likely Section 7.5.
to occur. They usually correspond to design situations
with more severe malfunctions, e.g. faults in the safety (7) Where the assessment of site-specific external
system. The type of design situation (N, E, A, or T) conditions determines wind and wave directional mis-
determines the partial safety factor γF to be applied to alignment resulting in higher loads than those com-
the ultimate loads. These factors are given in Table puted based on the preceding generic assumptions, the
4.3.4 in Section 4.3.7. site-specific data shall be taken into account.
(5) In the definition of the design load cases, refer- (8) The multi-directionality of the wind and waves
ence is made to the wind and marine conditions de- may, in some cases, have an important influence on the
scribed in Section 4.2. When a wind speed range is loads acting on the support structure depending pri-
indicated in Table 4.3.1, the wind speeds leading to the marily on the extent to which the support structure is
most adverse condition for the offshore wind turbine non-axisymmetric. For some design load cases the
design shall be considered. For the analysis of ultimate load calculations may be undertaken by assuming that
strength (U), at least the wind speeds Vr and Vout shall the wind and waves are acting from a single, worst
be investigated in the wind range Vin ≤ Vhub ≤ Vout (e.g. case direction. In these cases, however, the structural
DLC 1.1), and at least Vr in the wind range Vin ≤ Vhub ≤ integrity shall be verified by application of the calcu-
Vr (e.g. DLC 1.3). For the analysis of the fatigue lated worst case loads to relevant directional orienta-
strength (F), the range may be divided into a number tions of the support structure.
of sub-ranges; each sub-range shall be allocated the
corresponding proportion of the turbine’s operating (9) For fatigue investigation simulation time length
life. of 10 minutes is assumed to be adequate if the overall
simulation time in every bin is not less than one hour.
(6) If the use of a mechanical brake by the control or The simulations for estimation of extreme events using
safety system is prescribed in a load case, both the stochastic wind field and irregular sea states require a
minimum and the maximum braking torque shall be simulation time of 1 hour; the sum of different realisa-
taken into account. The occurrence of each braking tions shall at least 5 hours. Each simulation shall be
torque in the range between the minimum and the carried out with a different seed.
Chapter 4 4.3 Calculation of Loads IV – Part 2
Page 4-36 GL Wind 2005
Design Marine Type of
DLC Wind conditions1 Other conditions safety
situation conditions analysis
1. Power 1.1 NTM Vin < Vhub < Vout Irregular sea U N
production state with
Hs(V) or acc. to
scatter diagram
1.2 NTM Vin < Vhub < Vout Irregular sea F *
state with
Hs(V) or acc. to
scatter diagram
1.3 ECD Vin < Vhub < Vr H=Hs(V) U E
1.4 NWP Vin < Vhub < Vout H=Hs(V) External electrical U N
1.5 EOG1 Vin < Vhub < Vout H=Hs(V) Grid loss U N
1.6 EOG50 Vin < Vhub < Vout H=Hs(V) U E
1.7 EWS Vin < Vhub < Vout H=Hs(V) U E
1.8 EDC50 Vin < Vhub < Vout H=Hs(V) U E
1.9 ECG Vin < Vhub < Vr H=Hs(V) U E
1.10 NWP Vin < Vhub < Vout H=Hs(V) Ice formation on F/U */E
blades and structure
1.11 Temperature effects, if applicable see Section 4.3.4 U E
1.12 Earthquakes, if applicable see Section 4.3.5 U A
1.13 NWP Vhub = Vr or Vout H=Hs(V) Grid loss F *
1.14 NWP Vhub = Vr or Vout - Sea ice F/U */E
1.15 NWP Vhub = Vr or Vout H=Hmax1 or U N
2. Power pro- 2.1 NWP Vin < Vhub < Vout H=Hs(V) Fault in the control U N
duction plus system
occurrence 2.2 NWP Vin < Vhub < Vout H=Hs(V) Fault in safety U A
of fault system or
preceding internal
electrical fault
2.3 NTM Vin < Vhub < Vout Irregular sea Fault in the control F *
state with system or safety
Hs(V) or acc. to system
scatter diagram
3. Start-up 3.1 NWP Vin < Vhub < Vout H=Hs(V) F *
3.2 EOG1 Vin < Vhub < Vout H=Hs(V) U N
3.3 EDC1 Vin < Vhub < Vout H=Hs(V) U N
4. Normal 4.1 NWP Vin < Vhub < Vout H=Hs(V) F *
shut-down 4.2 EOG1 Vin < Vhub < Vout H=Hs(V) U N
IV – Part 2 4.3 Calculation of Loads Chapter 4
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Design Marine Type of
DLC Wind conditions1 Other conditions safety
situation conditions analysis
5. Emergency 5.1 NWP Vin < Vhub < Vout H=Hs(V) U N
6. Parked 6.1a EWM Vhub=Vref Irregular sea Wind wave U E
(standstill or Turbulent wind model state with Hs50 misalignment
idling) 6.1b EWM Vhub=Ve50 H=Hred50 Wind wave U E
Steady wind model misalignment
6.1c EWM Vhub=Vred50 H=Hmax50 Wind wave U E
Steady wind model misalignment
6.2a EWM Vhub=Vref Irregular sea Grid loss U A
Turbulent wind model state with Hs50
6.2b EWM Vhub=Ve50 H=Hred50 Grid loss U A
Steady wind model
6.3a EWM Vhub=V1 Irregular sea Extreme oblique U E
Turbulent wind model state with Hs1 inflow
6.3b EWM Vhub=Ve1 H=Hred50 Extreme oblique U E
Steady wind model inflow
6.4 NTM Vhub < 0.7 Vref Irregular sea F *
state with
6.5 EDC50 Vhub = Vref H=Hred1 Ice formation on U E
blades and struc-
6.6 Temperature effects, if applicable see Section 4.3.4 U E
6.7 EWM Vhub=V50red - 50 year sea ice U E
Steady wind model
7. Parked plus 7.1a EWM Vhub=Ve1 H=Hred1 U A
fault condi- Steady wind model
tions 7.1b EWM Vhub=V1red H=Hmax1 U A
Steady wind Model
7.2 NTM Vhub < 0.7 Vref Irregular sea F *
state with
8. Transport, 8.1 EOG1 Vhub = VT H=HsT To be specified by U T
erection, the manufacturer
and repair
8.2a EWM Vhub=Ve1 H=Hred(V) Locked state U A
Steady wind model
8.2b EWM Vhub=Vred1 H=Hmax(V) Locked state U A
Steady wind model
8.3 Vortex-induced F *
Chapter 4 4.3 Calculation of Loads IV – Part 2
Page 4-38 GL Wind 2005
Design Marine Type of
DLC Wind conditions1 Other conditions safety
situation conditions analysis
8. Transport, 8.4 NTM Vhub < 0.7 Vref Irregular sea No grid during F/U */A
erection, state with long period
maintenance Hs(V).
and repair 8.5 NWM Vhub < VT H=HsT Boat impact U A
* Partial safety factor for fatigue strength (see Section
If no cut-out wind speed Vout is defined, Vref shall be used.
Meaning of the abbreviations in Table 4.3.1: Hmax50 Design wave height with the recurrence
period of 50 years (see Section
DLC Design load case and Section
ECD Extreme coherent gust with direction F Fatigue strength
change (see Section
U Ultimate strength
ECG Extreme coherent gust (see Section N Normal
E Extreme
EDC Extreme direction change (see Section A Abnormal
EOG Extreme operating gust (see Section T Transport, erection, installation and main- tenance
EWM Extreme wind speed model (see Section Power production (DLC 1.1 to 1.15)
(1) In this design situation, the offshore wind turbine
EWS Extreme wind shear (see Section
is in operation and connected to the electrical grid. The
NTM Normal turbulence model (see Section assumed offshore wind turbine configuration shall take into account any rotor imbalance. The maximum mass
and aerodynamic imbalances (e.g. blade pitch and
NWP Normal wind profile model (see Section twist deviations) specified for rotor manufacture shall be used in the design calculations (see Section
and, para 3).
Hs(V ) Significant wave height corresponding to
Vhub (see Section para 6 and para 7) (2) In addition, deviations from theoretical optimum
Hred(V) Reduced wave height corresponding to Vhub operating situations, such as yaw misalignment and
(see Section and control system delays, shall be taken into account in
the analyses of operational loads.
Hmax(V) Maximum wave height corresponding to
Vhub (see Section and (3) Yaw misalignment and the hysteresis shall be
considered for yaw movement. If smaller values can-
Hs1 Significant wave height with the recurrence not be verified, an average yaw misalignment of ± 8°
period of 1 year (see Section shall be applied
Hs50 Significant wave height with the recurrence
(4) The deterministic wind and wave condition have
period of 50 year (see Section
to be combined in a conservative manner. The phase
HredN Reduced wave height with the recurrence between wave and gust peak may be arbitrary and thus
period of N years (see Section and combined in the most adverse way.
(5) Design load cases DLC 1.1 and 1.2 embody the
Hmax1 Maximum wave height with the recurrence requirements for loads resulting from atmospheric tur-
period of 1 year (see Section bulence. DLC 1.3, 1.6 – 1.10, 1.14 and 1.15 specify
IV – Part 2 4.3 Calculation of Loads Chapter 4
GL Wind 2005 Page 4-39
transient cases which have been selected as potentially – The grid loss occurs at the time of the highest
critical events in the life of an offshore wind turbine. In gust acceleration.
DLC 1.4, 1.5 and 1.13 transitional events due to exter-
– The grid loss occurs at the maximum wind
nal faults and loss of electrical grid are considered.
(6) DLC 1.1, 1.2: For these design load cases, the (11) DLC 1.8: The most unfavourable combination of
discretisation of the wind speed intervals (bins) within the conditions “wind direction change with character-
the wind speed ranges to be investigated shall not be istic yaw misalignment” shall be assumed in the calcu-
chosen to be larger than 2 m/s. lation.
(7) DLC 1.3, 1.5 – 1.9: The rotor start positions which (12) DLC 1.10: The design load case DLC 1.10 con-
lead to the most unfavourable conditions for the off- siders humid weather conditions with ice formation.
shore wind turbine shall be considered. The intervals The conditions “ice formation on all rotor blades” and
between the rotor start positions shall be at most 30°. “ice formation on all rotor blades except one” shall be
assumed. In the analysis of the fatigue loads, the
(8) DLC 1.2: In the fatigue load calculation, 700 manufacturer shall define assumptions regarding the
generator switching operations (high speed / low speed duration of operation with ice formation. The ice for-
and vice versa) per year shall be included, if applica- mation shall be modelled according to Section
ble. Additionally, in the case of horizontal-axis tur-
bines with active yaw control, operation of the yaw (13) DLC 1.13: The transient switching operations of
system during the entire service life shall be consid- the offshore wind turbine triggered by grid failure shall
ered if the yaw speed exceeds 15/R in °/s or the yaw be considered with regard to the analysis of the fatigue
acceleration exceeds 450/R2 in °/s2 (where R is the loads. The frequency of the grid failures per year may
rotor radius in m). Operation of the yaw system shall be dependent on the local grid stability; an appropriate
be considered during 10 % of the service life. Fur- value shall be assumed. If the number of grid failures
thermore, 300 changes per year in the mean wind is not verified in more detail, at least 20 grid outages
speeds from Vin to Vr and back to Vin shall be taken per year shall be assumed.
into account. 50 changes per year in the mean wind
speeds from Vr to Vout and back to Vr shall be taken (14) For DLC 1.1, 1.2 irregular sea state conditions
into account. shall be assumed. The significant wave height, peak
spectral period and direction for each normal sea state
(9) DLC 1.4: In this load case, peculiarities arising shall be selected, together with the associated mean
from connection to an energy consumer (e.g. fre- wind speed, based on the long term joint probability
quency, voltage and load fluctuations in a weak grid, distribution of metocean parameters appropriate to the
operation of mechanically powered machinery, grid anticipated site. The designer shall ensure that number
failure and special requirements of the grid operator) and resolution of the normal sea states considered are
shall be taken into account as applicable. Examples of sufficient to account for the fatigue damage associated
extreme influences on an offshore wind turbine are: with the full long term distribution of metocean pa-
– major frequency, voltage and load fluctuations in
an isolated grid (15) For DLC 1.3 - 1.13 a regular wave with the sig-
nificant wave height corresponding to the mean wind
– interference voltages
speed (Hs (V)) according to Section para 6 and
– short-circuit in the grid 7 shall be assumed
– sudden increase of resistance of a mechanical
processing machine (16) For DLC 1.15 a regular wave with the higher
value of the maximum wave height (Hmax1) with the
– special requirements of a grid operator reoccurrence period of 1 year or the maximum wave
height (Hmax(V)) corresponding to Vhub shall be as-
(10) DLC 1.5: The grid loss can occur at any time sumed.
during the course of the gust. The most unfavourable
combinations shall be considered. At least the follow- Power production plus occurrence
ing three combinations of grid loss and gust shall be of fault (DLC 2.1 to 2.3)
(1) Any fault in the control or safety systems or any
– The grid loss occurs at the time of the lowest internal fault in the electrical system that is significant
wind speed. for offshore wind turbine loading (such as generator
Chapter 4 4.3 Calculation of Loads IV – Part 2
Page 4-40 GL Wind 2005
short circuit) shall be assumed to occur during power (2) DLC 3.1: Per year, at least 1000 start-up proce-
production. dures at Vin , 50 start-up procedures at Vr and 50 start-
up procedures at Vout shall be considered. If applicable,
(2) It may be assumed that independent faults do not further start-up procedures shall be taken into account
occur simultaneously. due to site-specific requirements, such as shadow
criteria or conditions for installation within a wind
(3) DLC 2.1: The occurrence of a fault in the control farm (curtailment strategy).
system which is considered a normal event shall be
analysed in DLC 2.1. Exceedance of the limiting val- (3) For DLC 3.1 - 3.3 a regular wave with the sig-
ues of the control system, e.g. n ≥ n4, (see Section nificant wave height corresponding to the mean wind, yaw error, pitch deviation of the blades to speed (Hs(V)) shall be assumed.
each other) shall be investigated. Normal shut-down (DLC 4.1 to 4.2)
(4) DLC 2.2: The occurrence of faults in the safety
system or in the internal electrical system which are
(1) This design situation includes all the events re-
considered to be rare events shall be analysed in DLC
sulting in loads on the offshore wind turbine during
2.2. Exceedance of the limiting values for the safety
normal transitions from power production to a stand-
system (e.g. n ≥ nA (Section, P ≥ PA (Section
by condition (standstill or idling)., vibrations, shock (Section, runaway
of the blade pitch, failure of a braking system or run-
(2) DLC 4.1: Per year, at least 1000 shut-down pro-
away of yaw) shall be investigated. Furthermore, faults
cedures at Vin , 50 shut-down procedures at Vr and 50
in the power system (see Appendix 4.C) shall be inves-
shut-down procedures at Vout shall be considered. If
tigated. In the case of collective pitch control, Section
applicable, further shut-down procedures shall be shall be observed.
taken into account due to site-specific requirements,
such as shadow criteria or conditions for installation
(5) DLC 2.3: If a fault causes an immediate shut-
within a wind farm (curtailment strategy), see also
down or the consequent loading can lead to significant
fatigue damage, the probable number of shut-downs,
or the duration of this extraordinary design situation,
(3) For DLC 4.1 and DLC 4.2 a regular wave with
shall be considered in DLC 2.3. At least 10 shut-downs
the significant wave height corresponding to the mean
per year due to overspeed n4 (see Section
wind speed (Hs(V)) shall be assumed.
para 4) and 24 hours of operation with extreme yaw
error (value equal to the maximum permissible oblique
inflow according to Sections and Emergency shut-down (DLC 5.1)
shall be considered.
(1) This load case covers manual actuation of the
(6) For DLC 2.1 and 2.2 a regular wave with the emergency stop pushbutton. For this load case, the
significant wave height corresponding to the mean rotor shall be brought to a standstill (Section
wind speed (Hs(V)) shall be assumed.
(2) For DLC 5.1 a regular wave with the significant
(7) For DLC 2.3 irregular sea state conditions shall wave height corresponding to the mean wind speed
be assumed. The significant wave height, peak spectral (Hs (V)) shall be assumed.
period and direction for each normal sea state shall be
selected, together with the associated mean wind Parked (standstill or idling)
speed, based on the long term joint probability distri- (DLC 6.1 to 6.7)
bution of metocean parameters appropriate to the an-
ticipated site. The designer shall ensure that number (1) For this design situation, the rotor of a parked
and resolution of the normal sea states considered are offshore wind turbine in stand-by mode is standstill or
sufficient to account for the fatigue damage associated idling.
with the full long term distribution of metocean pa-
rameters. (2) For design situations, either the steady wind
model or the turbulent wind model shall be used as Start-up (DLC 3.1 to 3.3) indicated in Table 4.3.1. If the turbulent wind model is
used, this shall be combined with a stochastic wave
(1) This design situation includes all the events re- model and the response shall be estimated using a full
sulting in loads on the offshore wind turbine during the dynamic simulation. If the steady wind model is used,
transitions from any standstill or idling situation to this shall be combined with a deterministic design
power production. wave and the response shall be estimated from a quasi-
IV – Part 2 4.3 Calculation of Loads Chapter 4
GL Wind 2005 Page 4-41
steady analysis with appropriate corrections for dy- deterministic design wave. In this case the extreme
namic response. wind speed (averaged over 3 seconds) with a recur-
rence period of 50 years and the reduced wave height
(3) DLC 6.1: In this load case, transient oblique Hred50 with a recurrence period of 50 years shall be
inflow of up to ± 15° for the steady extreme wind used.
speed model, or an average oblique inflow of ± 8° for
the turbulent extreme wind speed model, shall be as- (11) For DLC 6.1c the steady wind model with the
sumed if it is ensured that the average yaw misalign-
reduced wind speed (see Section shall be
ment does not lead to larger values and that slippage of
taken together with the extreme deterministic design
the yaw system can be excluded (in this case, an addi-
wave. In this case the reduced wind speed (averaged
tional yaw error need not be considered). If this cannot
over 1 minute) with a recurrence period of 50 years
be excluded, a yaw error of up to ± 180° shall be used.
and the maximum wave height Hmax50 with a recur-
rence period of 50 years shall be used.
(4) DLC 6.2: In this load case, a grid failure in an
early stage of the storm with the extreme wind situa-
tion shall be assumed. A yaw error of up to ± 180° (12) For DLC 6.3a the turbulent wind model shall be
shall be assumed if no independent power supply is taken together with irregular sea state conditions. In
available for the control and yaw systems that ensures this case the 1 year recurrence value of the significant
sufficient capacity for at least 6 h of operation and a wave height and the 1 year recurrence value of mean
power supply of the safety system of at least 48 h. wind speed shall be taken. The averaging values of the
significant wave height and the mean wind have to be
(5) DLC 6.3: In this load case, the extreme wind adjusted to the simulation time length (see Table 4.2.2
with a recurrence period of one year (annual wind) and Section
shall be assumed together with an extreme oblique
inflow or average extreme oblique inflow. An extreme (13) For DLC 6.3b the steady extreme wind model
oblique inflow of up to ± 30° for the steady-state ex- shall be taken together with the reduced deterministic
treme wind speed model, and an average oblique in- design wave. In this case the extreme wind speed (av-
flow of up to ± 20° for the turbulent extreme wind eraged over 3 seconds) with a recurrence period of 1
speed model, shall be assumed. In this case, an addi- year and the reduced wave height Hred1 with a recur-
tional yaw error need not be considered. rence period of 1 year shall be used.
(8) DLC 6.7: In this load case 50 year sea ice condi- (15) For DLC 6.4 irregular sea state conditions shall
tions shall be investigated according Section be assumed. The significant wave height, peak spectral
period and direction for each normal sea state shall be
(9) For DLC 6.1a and the DLC 6.2a the turbulent selected, together with the associated mean wind
wind model shall be taken together with irregular sea speed, based on the long term joint probability distri-
state conditions. In this case the 50 year recurrence bution of metocean parameters appropriate to the an-
value of the significant wave height and the 50 year ticipated site. The designer shall ensure that number
recurrence value of the mean wind speed shall be and resolution of the normal sea states considered are
taken. The averaging values of the significant wave sufficient to account for the fatigue damage associated
height and the mean wind have to be adjusted to the with the full long term distribution of metocean pa-
simulation time length (see Table 4.2.2 and Section rameters.
(10) For DLC 6.1b and DLC 6.2b the steady extreme (16) For DLC 6.5 the reduced deterministic design
wind model shall be taken together with the reduced wave according to Section shall be assumed.
Chapter 4 4.3 Calculation of Loads IV – Part 2
Page 4-42 GL Wind 2005 Parked plus fault conditions (7) In DLC 7.2, the expected number of hours of
(DLC 7.1 to 7.2) non-power production time due to faults on the electri-
cal network or in the offshore wind turbine shall be
(1) This load case considers the non-stand-by state considered for each wind speed where significant
(standstill or idling) resulting from the occurrence of a fatigue damage can occur in any component. The dura-
fault. Deviations from the normal behaviour of a tion of non-power production time due to faults shall
parked offshore wind turbine, resulting from faults in be determined as part of assessment of the site for the
the electrical network or within the offshore wind offshore wind turbine.
turbine, shall require analysis. If any fault other than a
grid failure produces deviations from the normal be- (8) For DLC 7.2 irregular sea state conditions shall
haviour of the offshore wind turbine in parked situa- be assumed. The significant wave height, peak spectral
tions, the possible consequences shall be considered. period and direction for each normal sea state shall be
Grid failure in this case shall be regarded as a fault selected, together with the associated mean wind
condition (see Section and therefore need not speed, based on the long term joint probability distri-
be considered together with any other fault of the off- bution of metocean parameters appropriate to the an-
shore wind turbine. ticipated site. The designer shall ensure that number
and resolution of the normal sea states considered are
sufficient to account for the fatigue damage associated
(2) The fault condition shall be combined with the with the full long term distribution of metocean pa-
extreme wind speed model (EWM) and a recurrence rameters.
period of one year. In this load case, transient oblique
inflow of up to ± 15° for the steady extreme wind Transport, erection, maintenance
speed model shall be assumed. An additional yaw error and repair (DLC 8.1 to 8.5)
need not be considered here, unless a failure of the
yaw system itself is being investigated. In such a case, (1) DLC 8.1: The manufacturer shall state all the
a yaw error of up to ± 180° shall be used. If slippage of wind conditions, marine conditions and design situa-
the yaw system cannot be excluded, a yaw error of up tions assumed for transport, erection, maintenance and
to ± 180° shall be used. repair of the offshore wind turbine, and especially up
to which maximum average wind speed (10-min
(3) If a grid failure with a duration up to 1 week may mean), for which significant wave height and for
occur and no backup energy system or redundant elec- which oblique inflow the turbine may be erected and
tricity supply is provided, the behaviour of the me- maintained. The maximum wind speed (VT) and the
chanical brake, the safety and yaw system shall be significant wave height (HsT) specified by the manu-
considered adequately in the load assumptions. facturer applies for active work on the offshore wind
turbine. If the wind and marine conditions exceed the
(4) For DLC 7.1a the extreme wind model shall be specified limiting values, the work shall be halted.
taken together with the reduced deterministic design
wave. In this case the extreme wind speed (averaged (2) In the case of conditions for maintenance, par-
over 3 seconds) with a recurrence period of 1 year and ticular consideration shall be given to the effect of the
the reduced wave height Hred1 with a recurrence period various locking devices (e.g. blade pitching, rotor and
of 1 year shall be used. yaw drive) and the maintenance position which may
have been adopted. Even with the rotor locked, the
blade pitching system shall be able to move through its
(5) For DLC 7.1b the extreme wind model with the entire control range. Verification of standstill without
reduced wind speed (see Section shall be the rotor lock activated shall be provided up to an
taken together with the extreme deterministic design oblique inflow of ± 10° (Section
wave. In this case the reduced wind speed (averaged
over 1 minute) with a recurrence period of 1 year and (3) For the verification of the mechanical brake
the maximum wave height Hmax1 with a recurrence (situation after actuation of the emergency stop
period of 1 year shall be used. pushbutton), a transient oblique inflow of up to ± 30°
shall be assumed for this load case. The rotor positions
(6) In DLC 7.1 a misalignment of up to ± 30 degrees which lead to the most unfavourable conditions for the
shall be considered for the mean wind direction asso- offshore wind turbine shall be considered. The inter-
ciated with the turbulent wind model relative to the vals between the rotor positions shall be at most 30°.
mean wave direction. In the case of the steady wind
model an additional 7 degrees misalignment of the (4) DLC 8.2: In this design load case, the situation
short term wind direction shall be considered relative that the turbine has to be left behind in the locked
to the wave direction. condition is taken into account. In this load case, tran-
IV – Part 2 4.3 Calculation of Loads Chapter 4
GL Wind 2005 Page 4-43
sient oblique inflow of up to ± 15° for the steady ex- ating manual shall cover all relevant procedures and
treme wind speed model, or an average oblique inflow limiting conditions.
of ± 8° for the turbulent extreme wind speed model,
shall be assumed if it is ensured that the yaw system is (11) The limiting operating conditions, i.e. environ-
ready for operation during the entire period and that no mental conditions tolerable during specified operations
slippage can be assured (in this case, an additional yaw will generally be defined by the operator or designer.
error need not be considered). If a slippage cannot be The regulations of the competent authorities/admini-
excluded, a yaw error of up to ± 180° shall be used. strations have to be observed, particularly regarding
The requirements for the locking devices according to collisions and helicopter operations.
Section 2.3.3 shall be met.
(12) The environmental conditions, together with the
(5) DLC 8.3: Transverse oscillations due to vortex turbine operating status and largest helicopter type
shedding shall be investigated in the verifications for expected have to be stated by the manufacturer. Safety
the tower as per Section 6.1.3 para 7 and para 8 and aspects of helicopter operations regarding structural
Sections and Vortex shedding due to safety of landing platforms, clearance, fire protection,
current and wave loading shall be considered, too. marking etc. will generally be treated according to
relevant national and international regulations and
(6) DLC 8.4: Long periods with a not fully erected codes.
or assembled offshore wind turbine, or without grid
connection shall be considered in fatigue and ultimate (13) The helicopter load shall be combined with the
load analysis. The period to be considered shall be loads from wind and wave conditions in accordance
defined in consultation with GL Wind. As a guideline a with the maximum helicopter operation conditions
period of 3 month may be used, see Section 2.1.1 allowed.
para 1 m.
4.3.4 Load assumptions
(7) DLC 8.5: An operational boat impact may arise for extreme temperatures
during operation of vessels in the vicinity. An impact
with the dedicated maintenance/installation boat shall (1) The load calculation shall be matched to the
be considered. The size of the maintenance vessel selected temperature range. The wind loads are primar-
(displacement) shall be stated by the manufacturer ily affected by the change in air density. Here it shall
and/or operator of the offshore wind farm project, see be observed that the power curve and therefore the
Section control behaviour will also change.
(8) The maximum permissible significant wave (2) In the cases where the elasticity or the control
height for vessel operations near the offshore wind behaviour of the offshore turbine changes in such a
turbine installation has to be stated in the operation way that the loads are influenced, this shall be taken
manual. Any areas where vessels are not permitted to into account.
operate in close proximity should be specified in the
operation manual. (3) The calculation of the loads for the fatigue
strength shall be performed at the mean temperature
θmean,year determined for the site. If weather conditions
(9) Functional loads occurring during installation
can be expected at the site which leads to prolonged
and maintenance of the offshore wind turbine shall be
operation of the offshore wind turbine with ice forma-
considered, see Chapter 12. These may be:
tion, they shall be taken into account when determin-
ing the fatigue loads.
– weight of tools and mobile equipment
– loads from operation of cranes and other convey- (4) For the determination of the extreme loads, the
ance equipment extreme temperature (1 year recurrence period)
θ1year min/max shall be combined with normal external
– loads from transport operations, e.g. helicopter
conditions (NTM, NWP). For the load cases in which
– mooring/fendering loads from vessels serving the the turbine is in operation and the ambient temperature
offshore wind turbine is monitored, the extreme temperature for operation of
the plant θmin/max, operation may be used as an alternative
(10) Loads, weight of tools and equipment shall be to the extreme temperature θ1year min/max .
specified by the owner/designer. The specifications
should also contain indications regarding permissible (5) Extreme external conditions with a recurrence
load combinations and limitations. Any such limita- period of 50 years (EWS, EWM, EOG, EDC, ECD,
tions shall be stated in the operation manual. The oper- ECG) shall be combined with the mean temperature
Chapter 4 4.3 Calculation of Loads IV – Part 2
Page 4-44 GL Wind 2005
θmean,year . If high wind speed and low temperature at Load case definition
the site are correlated, this correlation shall be taken
into account. The loading caused by earthquakes shall be combined
with normal external conditions. All relevant load
(6) The condition after occurrence of a fault cases shall be taken into account. In the interests of
(DLC 7.1) shall be combined with the extreme tem- simplification, it may be assumed that the earthquake
perature θ1year min/max with a recurrence period of 1 year. load shall at least be combined with the load cases
listed in Table 4.3.3. The partial safety factors to be
(7) The ice formation of the turbine shall be consid- considered for earthquake analysis are given in Section
ered in the load assumptions (load cases DLC 1.10 and
6.5). It shall be checked whether this load case could
become relevant for the site. At certain locations, the Analysis
ice thickness shall be adjusted to suit the conditions.
(1) The loads resulting from earthquakes can be
(8) If a combination of turbine icing, sea ice occur-
determined in either the frequency or the time domain.
rence and extreme temperatures can occur with a prob-
In all cases, it shall be ensured that an adequate num-
ability of 0.02 in one year or higher then this combina-
ber of natural modes (≥ 3) are considered and, for
tion shall be considered.
calculation in the time domain, an adequate number
(≥ 6) of simulations are performed per load case.
(9) The temperature for which the load cases are to
be analysed are shown in Table 4.3.2.
(2) In general, an elastic load-bearing behaviour
Table 4.3.2 Temperatures for which the load cases shall be assumed for the structure. For certain struc-
are to be analysed tures (e.g. lattice towers), a ductile behaviour may be
assumed. The damping to be applied shall then be
Temperature Load case (DLC) determined appropriately for the design in consultation
with GL Wind. If ductile behaviour is assumed, it shall
θmean,year 1.2; 1.3; 1.6; 1.7; 1.8; 1.9; be possible to inspect the structure after earthquakes
1.13; 2.3; 3.1; 4.1; 6.1: 6.2; have occurred. The scope of such inspections shall be
6.3; 6.4; 7.2, 8.2; 8.3 agreed with GL Wind and documented in the manuals.
θmean,year ≤ 0°C 1.10; 1.14; 6.5; 6.7
θ1 year min/max 7.1 4.3.6 Variation of support structure
natural frequency and operation
θ1 year min/max 1.1; 1.4; 1.5; 2.1; 2.2; 3.2; 3.3; within the resonance range
or 4.2; 5.1
θmin/max, operation (1) During the offshore wind turbine’s lifetime the
To be specified by 8.1; 8.5 mass and stiffness of the structure and the soil may
the manufacturer change considerably. Scour, corrosion, marine growth,
soil settlings and sand movement may influence the
turbine’s natural frequencies.
4.3.5 Influence of earthquakes General (2) In the load analysis the change of the support
structures natural frequencies shall be considered i.e.
The loading caused by earthquake shall be taken into by applying the most adverse conditions for load
account in regions at risk of earthquakes. In the ab- analysis. Mean values may be applied for fatigue
sence of any locally applicable regulation, a procedure analysis if no resonant operation modes can appear.
based on Eurocode 8 [4.8] and/or API [4.9] may be
applied in consultation with GL Wind. (3) If the operation of an offshore wind turbine is
desired within the resonance range of the support Acceleration structure with a tolerance of ± 5 % of the structure’s
natural frequency (Section, suitable vibra-
The investigation of the earthquake-generated loads is tion monitoring systems shall be provided (Section
based on the combination of the wind and wave loads Within the load calculation, suitable threshold
and an earthquake acceleration with a recurrence pe- values for permissible vibrations shall be defined and
riod of 500 years. taken into account.
IV – Part 2 4.3 Calculation of Loads Chapter 4
GL Wind 2005 Page 4-45
4.3.7 Partial safety factors for loads [4.7]) may also be used for the blade deflection. An
extrapolation time of 50 years shall be applied. Serviceability limit state
(3) The partial safety factor for the loads shall be Partial safety factors for the loads in the applied as γF = 1.0 in all cases. Observance of the
analysis of serviceability limit states permissible clearance between blade and tower shall
be verified in accordance with Section .
For the analysis of the serviceability limit state, see
Section, a partial safety factor for loads of Ultimate limit state
γF = 1.0 shall be used for all load components. Partial safety factors for the loads Partial safety factor for the loads in the analysis of ultimate strength
in deflection analysis
(1) If the loads of different origins can be deter-
(1) It shall be verified that no deflections endanger- mined independently of each other, the partial safety
ing the safety of the offhore wind turbine occur under factors for the loads shall have the values given in
the design conditions listed in Table 4.3.1. One of the Table 4.3.4.
most important considerations is that no contact can be
permitted to occur between the blades and the tower. (2) In many cases, especially when unsteady loads
The maximum elastic deflection in the most unfavour- lead to dynamic effects, the load components cannot
able direction shall be determined for the load cases be determined independently of each other. In these
listed in Table 4.3.1. cases, the highest partial safety factor of the corre-
sponding design situation in Table 4.3.4 shall be ap-
(2) In consultation with GL Wind, methods of statis- plied for the partial safety factors for the loads γF (see
tical extreme value analysis (e.g. the Gumbel method also Section
Chapter 4 4.3 Calculation of Loads IV – Part 2
Page 4-46 GL Wind 2005 Partial safety factor for the loads Special partial safety factors
in the analysis of fatigue strength
The blade coordinate system has its origin at the blade chord line
M YB to
F ZB blade trailing edge
FY B ZS in direction of the blade pitch axis
YB XB FXB XS perpendicular to the chord, so that
XS, YS, ZS rotate clockwise
XR in direction of the rotor axis
ZR radially, orientated to rotor blade 1
and perpendicular to XR MYF
YR perpendicular to XR, FYF ZF MXF
so that XR, YR, ZR rotate clockwise FXF
4.B.1 Presentation of load case definitions and wind direction, as well as the wave direction be-
longing to the extreme load situation (the sign of the
(1) All calculated load cases shall be listed. For each wind and wave direction shall be indicated in a sketch
load case, the principal simulation parameters (wind or stated in accordance with the coordinate systems
shear, wind model, possible ice loads, upflow, simula- listed in Appendix 4.A). A table of the loads including
tion duration etc.) as well as a description of the con- the partial safety factors and a table of the loads ex-
trol and safety system parameters that are necessary cluding them shall be given in each case.
for the load cases in question (braking procedures,
shut-down procedures, yawing manoeuvres, delay Notes:
times etc.) shall be specified.
From the evaluation of the extreme loads with or with-
out partial safety factors, differing load cases can be
(2) The variations of the load case in relation to the
principal data of the load case definition shall be listed
together with the filename of the time series with the With regard to the blade root, a table shall be com-
associated parameters (e.g. wind speed, gust character- piled with all the corresponding loads from all the
istics, oblique inflow, criteria for the activation of blade connections.
control or safety actions, etc.).
4.B.2.3 Fatigue loads
4.B.2 Presentation of the results
(1) In addition to the time series required in Section
4.B.2.1 General 4.B.2.1, all results of the evaluation shall be submitted
in formats which can be edited by computer.
(1) In general, a distinction is made between extreme
loads and fatigue loads when presenting the results. As (2) For the evaluation of the fatigue loads, it is gen-
a matter of principle, all loads used for the analyses of erally required that all design load cases of the fatigue
the component dimensioning shall be specified. The strength shall be included (DLC 1.2, DLC 1.10,
loads shall be presented in the same way as applied in DLC 1.13, DLC 1.14, DLC 2.3, DLC 3.1, DLC 4.1,
the design process. In addition, the load evaluations DLC 6.4, DLC 7.2, DLC 8.3, DLC 8.4).
shall be specified as described in Sections 4.B.2.2 and
4.B.2.3. (3) The assumptions made in the calculation of the
fatigue loads shall be specified. These include e.g. the
(2) All time series of the calculated extreme and mean annual wind speed, the parameters of the wind
fatigue load cases shall be supplied on computer stor- speed and wave height distribution as well as their
age media (e.g. DVD, CD-ROM). correlation, the operating life etc.
4.B.2.2 Extreme loads (4) For all load components, accumulated fatigue
spectra within the simulated operating life shall be given
(1) The results of the extreme load evaluations, in tabular, and if necessary graphic, form. In addition,
including the partial safety factors, shall be presented equivalent constant-range spectra shall be computed
in tabular form for the positions investigated (e.g. from the accumulated fatigue spectra and also specified.
blade sections, blade root, rotor shaft rotating, rotor Here the reference load cycle number nref shall be stated.
shaft not rotating, etc.). This shall contain a brief de- Equivalent fatigue loads can be presented in tabular
scription of the load case with statement of the partial form for all material-relevant slope parameters of the
safety factors used and the blade angle occurring at the S/N curves, in accordance with Table 4.B.2.
extreme load situation. The following presentation
format is recommended. The extreme values (maxima (5) For dynamically loaded components of fibre-
and minima) of the corresponding load component are reinforced plastic (GRP/CRP), such as the rotor blade,
located on the diagonal. The simultaneous loads of the the Markov matrices (range-mean matrix) shall be
other load components shall be given in the rows (see given in addition at the sections investigated.
Table 4.B.1).
(6) In particular, for the evaluation of the fatigue
(2) For the extreme loads at the support structure, a loads at the blade root, the following procedure shall
column shall be added to the table for the wind speed be observed:
Chapter 4 Appendix 4.B Evaluation of the Loads IV – Part 2
Page 4-50 GL Wind 2005
(7) Apart from the evaluation for the bending mo- for the deformation analysis. Here the deforma-
ments in the flapwise and edgewise directions (Mx and tions of all blades shall be taken into account.
My), the angular sector between these bending mo- The decisive load case shall be specified.
ments and the subsequent sector up to 90° shall be
– Maximum rotational speed: Statement of the
examined, so that a total sector of 180° is obtained.
maximum rotational speed of the rotor and gen-
These bending moments shall be computed in angular
erator nmax occurring for the entire load case
intervals of at least 15°.
simulation, and naming of the corresponding
load case.
(8) Without further examination this examination
can be dispensed with if the fatigue loads for the flap- – Braking load cases: Graphic presentation of the
wise and edgewise directions are multiplied by a factor time series of a braking load case with applica-
of 1.2. tion of the mechanical brake or of the braking
system bringing the turbine to standstill, in which
(9) For the components of the blade pitching system, the maximum torque occurs (rotor torque versus
the drive train (main bearing, gearing, coupling etc.) simulation time).
and the yaw system, the average values from the fa- – Statement of the maximum rotor braking time
tigue loads as well as the distribution of the load dura- that is required when the mechanical brake is ap-
tion distribution (LDD) shall be specified for the rele- plied.
vant load components (see also Chapter 7).
– Operation within the support structure
resonance range: If the offshore wind turbine
(10) For the support structure, the investigated load
is operated within the support structure reso-
components shall be verified with a statement of the
nance range (see Section, the corre-
mean value and the amplitudes, e.g. through specifica-
sponding evaluation and definition of the lim-
tion of the Markov matrices.
iting values shall be submitted and explained.
4.B.3 Further evaluations – Design loads for locking devices: For the
dimensioning of the locking devices for the
– Maximum blade deflection: In the case of off- blade pitching, rotor and yaw systems, the
shore wind turbines with a horizontal axis, the relevant loads shall be specified with consid-
maximum blade deflection in the tower direction eration of the partial safety factors. This con-
(determined for all load cases) shall be specified cerns the load cases DLC 8.1 and DLC 8.2.
Table 4.B.2 Recommended presentation of the calculation results of equivalent fatigue loads for various
slope parameters of the S/N curve
S/N curve m
IV – Part 2 Appendix 4.C Fault in the Power System Chapter 4
GL Wind 2005 Page 4-53
(1) In particular, the case of a short circuit in the MK = tilting moment of the induction genera-
generator shall be investigated, since this may result in tor
very high transient loads. A two-phase short circuit
σ = leakage coefficient
generally leads to higher maximum torques than a
three-phase short circuit, so that the two-phase case is α = angle for two-phase short circuit with α
decisive. In the absence of any proven values that are = arctan (ωg T1)
more precise, the equations given below shall be ap-
plied. ωg = grid angular frequency
t = time
(2) In the case of a two-phase short circuit in a syn-
chronous generator, the following electromagnetic T1 = time constant of the stator
torque (M) shall be analysed:
The values MK, σ and T1 shall be applied in accor-
1.3⋅ M n dance with the information supplied by the generator
M= . (4.C.1) manufacturer. If the required values are unknown, then
X "d
8 times the rated torque shall be taken into account.
(4) For induction generators, the case of a three-
phase short circuit shall also be investigated. Here the
Mn = rated torque
following electromagnetic torque (M) shall be ana-
X "d = subtransient reactance of the synchro- lysed:
nous generator, as stated by the genera-
tor manufacturer M = 2 MK . sin (ωg t ) . exp (− 2 s K ωg t ) (4.C.2)
For offshore wind turbines, at least the following design parameters shall be given in a summary included in the
design documentation:
Number of Turbines
Coordinates for each turbine location
Water depth for each turbine location [m]
Natural frequencies for each support structure [Hz]
Appendix 4.E Wind Generated and Water Depth Limited Wave Spectra
(1) The directional characteristics are often assumed (2) Parametric forms for the wave directional
to be independent of frequency, allowing a separation spreading function are given in the literature. Often the
of variables so that the directional wave spectrum can function has the form:
be expressed as the product of a wave directional
spreading function, independent of frequency, and a π π
G1 ( µ e ) = k n ⋅ cos n ( µ e ) for − ≤ µe ≤
wave frequency spectrum, which is independent of 2 2
direction. The directional distribution of the waves in a
given sea state is considered by: G1 ( µ e ) = 0 else. (4.F.3)
The value for n to be used for wind seas is given with
π 2 or 4 while for swell seas a value of 6 should be used.
∫ G(µ e ) dµ e = 1. (4.F.2)
(3) Alternative methods may be used in consultation
with GL Wind.
IV – Part 2 Appendix 4.G Computation of Wave Kinematics Chapter 4
GL Wind 2005 Page 4-63
0.9 Hb
Shallow water Stokes' 5th or
breaking limit stream function 3
H/d = 0.78
0.0005 > 11 11 9 7 5 3
Stream function
Linear / Airy or
stream function
0.001 0.002 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 2
(3) Linear (Airy) theory should be used only in the the real part leading the wave crest by t = T/4. Maxi-
indicated range. mum velocities (amplitudes) during one wave cycle
may be obtained from
(4) In absence of non linear methods i.e. for hydro-
dynamically compact structures, the estimation of the
⎡⎣ Re ( u D ) ⎤⎦ + ⎡⎣ Im ( u D ) ⎤⎦
2 2
incident wave potential may be based on linear (Airy) u D max = (4.G.3)
wave theory outside the area of application shown in
Figure 4.E.1. where uD component refers to either x or y or z direc-
tions, respectively.
(5) The natural sea state is usually modelled by
superposition of elementary waves with phase angles
between 0 and 2π. The wave kinematics are calculated (3) The reference velocity uR may be used to define
using linear wave theory by summing up the kinemat- a transitional water (intermediate depth) wave refer-
ics of the individual waves. Since linear theory is de- ence velocity uRs as follows
fined only up to still water line, the wave kinematics
have to be stretched to consider the influence of the u Rs = u R (κ Ds ) sinh {κ Ds ⋅ d }, (4.G.4)
actual sea surface.
with water depth d, and κDs being the solution of the
(6) For waves approaching the breaking wave limit dispersion equation
Stream Function theory is recommended. A conver-
κ Ds ⋅ tanh {κ Ds ⋅ d } = ω 2 g .
gence check should be performed to ensure that the
overall solution has converged. The shape of the wave
should be checked, since multiple crest solutions may
occur sometimes. The iterative solution of the wave number κDs may
need several iterations to converge. A first approxima-
4.G.2 Linear wave theory tion may be derived by:
xk = ω ⋅d gd (4.G.7)
ωD = 2π/TD
κD = ω2/g with:
4.H.1 Hydrodynamically transparent structures In the case the structure is moving the relative velocity
u r = u D − x k with x k the member velocity perpendicu-
(1) This method requires separate calculation of lar to A may be used.
local wave loads on all structural elements subject to (4) The second term on the right hand side of the
wave loading. Vectorial superposition of local wave formula for FDki is called inertia term with
loads in a phase correct manner defines global wave
loads on the structure. Global design wave loads are aD = the water particle acceleration at the coor-
defined as FD = (FD1, FD2, ..., FD6). Index i = 1, 2 and dinates (x, y, z) of element “k”, yielding a
3 is used for load components in direction of the x-y-z- complex inertia term of the design wave
coordinate system defined in Appendix 4.A, and index load
i = 4, 5 and 6 for the related moments (normally taken
V = volume of the member
about the sea bed).
In the case of a moving structure the Morison equation
(2) A local component FDk of the design wave load has to be extended by the force of the added mass
on a structural element “k” of volume Vk, with area Aki moving with the member under consideration:
perpendicular to the considered “ith” wave particle
F Dki = C D ⋅ ρ w 2 ⋅ u r ⋅ u r ⋅ A ki
velocity component and with the corresponding hy-
drodynamic drag coefficient CD and a coefficient of + C M ⋅ ρ w ⋅ a D ⋅ V ki − ( C M − 1)
inertia CM, may be estimated from the Morison equa- ⋅ ρ w ⋅
x k ⋅ V ki (4.H.2)
u D max = maximum velocity including current p D ,inst = − ρ w (4.H.7)
perpendicular to the member
D = cylinder diameter
ν ρw = water density,
= kinematic viscosity of water, depending
on sea water temperature and salinity Φ0 = incident wave potential
≈ 1.2 ⋅10 −6 m 2 s
Φ7 = diffraction wave potential
k = average thickness of the “hard” marine
(2) In cases including significant motion of the
structure the potential of the flow due to the movement
T = wave period of the body (radiation) shall be added.
(8) For cylindrical members of length significantly (3) Integration of pressures over the underwater
larger than the diameter, some indicative values are surface of the entire structure yield the global wave
given in the Table 4.H.1. loads FD = (FD1, FD2, ..., FD6). Index i = 1, 2 and 3 is
used for load components in direction of the x-y-z-
(9) Corrections due to marine fouling and current
coordinate system defined in Appendix 4.A, and index
influence have to be made, as applicable. Specially for
i = 4, 5 and 6 for the related moments (normally taken
Keulegan-Carpenter numbers between 8 and 30 the CD
about the sea bed).
value may have to be multiplied with a factor up to 1.5
for rough cylinders. The inertia (added mass) coeffi- (4) Integration over underwater surfaces of specific
cient CM is mainly a function of the roughness and the elements “k” of the structure yields local wave loads
Keulegan-Carpenter number. Additionally if attached FDk. Thus, the six components FDi of FD or FDki of
appurtenances are not modelled their influence shall be FDk are complex numbers.
included in the determination of the hydrodynamic
(5) Estimation of the incident wave potential ΦOD
coefficients and if appropriate a wake shielding factor
may be based on linear (Airy) wave theory, where only
applied. Some guidance is given in Draft ISO 19902
the structure’s surface under the still water line is to be
and API “Recommended Practice for Planning, De-
signing and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms -
Working Stress Design” API RP 2A-WSD, 2000 [4.9]. (6) Using a right hand co-ordinate system x-y-z with
x-y-axes lying in the undisturbed sea surface and the z-
(10) CD and CM values for more complicated struc- axis directed vertically upward, the waves propagate
tural elements shall be provided by competent institu- along the horizontal ξ-axis, µ being the angle between
tions. These values are to be agreed upon with GL x- and and ξ-directions the design incident wave po-
Wind. tential for transitional water waves may be estimated
ω cosh {κ Ds ( z + d )}
4.H.2 Hydrodynamically compact structures
ΦO = − H D ⋅ D ⋅
(1) This method requires calculation of design wave 2 κD sinh (κ Ds d )
pressures on the underwater surface of the structure, ⋅ exp {−κ D z} ⋅ exp {i (ω D t − κ D ξ )} (4.H.8)
which may be estimated from the superposition of inci-
dent and diffraction wave potentials ΦO and Φ7 as where:
ωD = 2 π/TD
Φ = Φ0 + Φ7 (4.H.6)
IV – Part 2 Appendix 4.H Estimation of Design Wave Loads for Rigidly Positioned Structures Chapter 4
GL Wind 2005 Page 4-69
(1) Wave breaking, especially plunging breakers, – Maximum impact force ensues from wave break-
may induce very high impact forces on a slender struc- ing immediately in front of the cylinder.
ture. A detailed analysis of the breaking wave forces is
– At the beginning of the impact very high pres-
difficult, since the duration of these impact forces is
sures occur at the front line of the cylinder but
extremely short.
only for a very short instant.
(2) Due to the short duration, the impact force FI
must be included into the Morison equation as an addi- (6) Considering a cylinder in a breaking wave en-
tional part: vironment the impact area may be defined:
F wave _ break = F D + F M + F I (4.I.1)
where: area of
FD = drag term of the wave force, see Appendix
4.H λ .η b
FM = inertia term of the wave force, see Appen- ηb
dix 4.H Ηb
FI = impact term of the breaking wave force. SWL
(3) The drag and inertia force varies in time in ac-
cordance to the water surface elevation associated with
the wave cycle and may be analysed using a higher
Fig. 4.I.1 Main breaking wave and cylinder
order wave theory.
(4) The impact force can be calculated according to
J. Wienke, “Druckschlagbelastung auf schlanke zylin-
drische Bauwerke durch brechende Wellen – theoreti-
sche und großmaßstäbliche Laboruntersuchungen” C = wave celerity
Thesis, TU Braunschweig, http://www.biblio.tu-bs.de
Hb = wave height at breaking location (see Sec-
(in German) [4.10].
(5) The impact description is based on the following
ηb = maximum elevation of the free water sur-
distinctive features:
face (see Section
– Velocity of hitting mass of water (breaker
R = radius of the cylinder
tongue) is equal to wave celerity (valid for
plungers). λ = curling factor, maximum value is 0.5 for
plunging breakers
– Impact starts with first contact between cylinder
and impinging mass of water and is completed
when the front side of the cylinder is immersed The impact force may be calculated as:
and the immersed width is equal to the radius of
the cylinder. F I = λ ⋅η b ⋅ ρ water ⋅ R ⋅ C 2 ⋅ cos 2 γ
⎛ C ⋅ cos γ
– Deformation of the free water surface during ⋅ ⎜⎜ 2 ⋅ π − 2 ⋅ ⋅t
immersion process of a slender cylinder (pile-up ⎝ R
effect) reduces duration of impact. Since the
1 C ⋅ cos γ ⎞
mass of water is deflected around the surface of ⋅ Artanh 1 − ⋅ ⋅ t ⎟⎟
the cylinder, the immersion process is acceler- 4 R ⎠
ated and the maximum line force is enlarged.
1 R
– Impact takes place simultaneously at different for 0 ≤ t ≤ ⋅ (4.I.2)
8 C ⋅ cos γ
levels of the cylinder due to deformation of free
water surface. and
Chapter 4 Appendix 4. I Breaking Wave Loading on Piles IV – Part 2
Page 4-72 GL Wind 2005
F I = λ ⋅η b ⋅ ρ water ⋅ R ⋅ C 2 ⋅ cos 2
8 C ⋅ cos γ
FI / ληbρwaterRC
1 1
⋅ ⎜π ⋅ ⋅ −4 ⋅ ⋅t '
⎜⎜ 6 C ⋅ cos γ 3 R
⋅t ' π
⎝ R
C ⋅ cos γ C ⋅ cos γ ⎞
⋅ Artanh 1 − ⋅ t '⋅ 6 ⋅ ⋅t ' ⎟
R R ⎟ 0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
t / R/C
3 R 12 R
for ⋅ ≤ t' ≤ ⋅ (4.I.3)
32 C ⋅ cos γ 32 C ⋅ cos γ
Fig. 4.I.2 Time history of the impact force at the
with t ' = t − ⋅
R vertical cylinder (γ = 0°)
32 C ⋅ cos γ
cosγ < 1 for over curling breaker tongue hitting the
vertical cylinder or wave breaking at an in- Hb ηb
clined cylinder SWL
Curling factor λ increases with the cylinder’s inclina-
tion against wave direction.
The maximum impact force occurs for a yaw angle of 0 2π
approximately 25° against wave direction. fI / ρwaterRC2
(7) The above described time history of the impact Fig. 4.I.3 Distribution along the height of the
force is plotted in the following figure: maximum impact line force (γ = 0°)
IV – Part 2 Appendix 4.J Combination of Wind and Wave Distributions Chapter 4
GL Wind 2005 Page 4-73
(1) In the following a method is given allowing an and uTp can be obtained for most points of the matrix,
approximation of the long term distributions of wind since the equation for the significant wave height will
and waves by pairs of derived combinations of u10, Tp result in a different wind speed uHs than the equation
and HS. for zero crossing period will result in a wind speed uTp.
(3) If the standard equations for wind driven seas it will result in a solution for the parameter α and
according to the JONSWAP-spectrum are used on the therefore in the information of the mean wind speed to
wave scatter diagram data different wind speeds uHs be applied for the given set of sea state parameter.
Rules and Guidelines
IV Industrial Services
Edition 2005
IV – Part 2 Table of Contents Chapter 5
GL Wind 2005 Page 3
Table of Contents
Appendix 5.A
5.A Strength Analyses with the Finite Element Method ........................................................................... 5-31
5.A.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 5-31
5.A.1.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 5-31
5.A.1.2 Determining the objective, type and extent of the strength analysis....................................................... 5-32
5.A.1.3 Global deformations and stresses............................................................................................................ 5-32
5.A.1.4 Local deformations and stresses ............................................................................................................. 5-32
5.A.1.5 Locally increased stresses ....................................................................................................................... 5-32
5.A.2 Modelling of the structure....................................................................................................................... 5-33
5.A.2.1 Extent of the model................................................................................................................................. 5-33
5.A.2.2 Selecting the elements............................................................................................................................. 5-34
5.A.2.3 Element subdivision................................................................................................................................ 5-35
5.A.2.4 Simplifications ........................................................................................................................................ 5-35
5.A.2.5 Boundary conditions and supports.......................................................................................................... 5-35
5.A.2.6 Checking the input data .......................................................................................................................... 5-36
5.A.3 Loading of the structure .......................................................................................................................... 5-36
5.A.3.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 5-36
5.A.3.2 Modelling the loads................................................................................................................................. 5-36
5.A.3.3 Checking the load input .......................................................................................................................... 5-36
5.A.4 Calculation and evaluation of the results ................................................................................................ 5-36
5.A.4.1 Plausibility of the results......................................................................................................................... 5-36
5.A.4.2 Deformations .......................................................................................................................................... 5-37
5.A.4.3 Stresses.................................................................................................................................................... 5-37
5.A.4.4 Fatigue strength....................................................................................................................................... 5-37
5.A.4.5 Presentation of the results ....................................................................................................................... 5-37
5.A.5 Documentation of FE analyses for the certification of wind turbines..................................................... 5-37
5.A.5.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 5-37
5.A.5.2 General requirements for the documentation .......................................................................................... 5-38
5.A.5.3 Special requirements for the documentation........................................................................................... 5-38
5.A.5.4 Results..................................................................................................................................................... 5-39
IV – Part 2 5.1 General Chapter 5
GL Wind 2005 Page 5-1
5.1 General
(1) Components of an offhsore wind turbine shall be the offshore wind turbine to an extent which cannot be
subjected to verification of their Ultimate Limit State disregarded, shall be accounted for in a suitable man-
(ULS) and Serviceability Limit State (SLS) (as per ner (see also Sections 6.6 and 7.1).
Section For this, the design loads (see Section for the load cases determined according to
(5) Local plastic deformation can adversely affect
Chapter 4 shall be applied.
the functionality of a component. Both its function and
that of the adjacent components shall be verified (e.g.
(2) By strength is meant the resistance to loading of a
bearings, gear box housings). The analyses to be made
component. It shall be verified in accordance with this
with regard to the limiting of deformation are de-
section (see also the corresponding sections in Chapter
scribed in detail in the relevant sections (e.g. Section
6). The strength depends on the material, on the shape
5.3.3 or 7.1).
of the loaded structure and on the type of loading (ten-
sion, compression, shear, bending, torsion).
(6) In addition to the guidelines listed below, further
(3) As a rule, analyses shall be performed by calcula- requirements for the analyses of the structures (rotor
tion. However, for fatigue analysis, component tests blades, forged, cast, welded structures, housings, tower
under simulated operating conditions are also permitted. and foundation, and bolted connections) and the spe-
cial machinery components (e.g. gearbox, yaw sys-
(4) Dynamic loading, such as resonance effects or tems, brakes, bearings, couplings and hydraulics), as
impact forces, affecting the strain and stress levels of given in Chapters 6 and 7, shall be observed.
IV – Part 2 5.2 Determination of the Stresses Chapter 5
GL Wind 2005 Page 5-3
(1) For the strength analyses, selected loading condi- (1) Strength/stress analysis may be carried through
tions which are decisive for the structural areas being according to recognized methods and standards (cf.
analysed are considered as a rule. For assessments of Section However, it shall be ascertained in
fatigue strength, loading conditions which generate every case that the design fundamentals and standards
dynamic cyclic stresses at the critical regions shall be used are consistent and compatible for one structure or
considered. The design situations (i.e. operating condi- installation, regarding the considerations listed in Sec-
tions) and design load cases are given in Section 4.3.3. tion 1.3.
(2) Loads and loading conditions shall generally be (2) In general, the stress calculation may be carried
treated in accordance with Chapter 4. More specific or out using conventional static theory. Where the deci-
especially adapted load criteria/values shall be well sive stresses cannot be established sufficiently accu-
documented and agreed upon. The load cases and rately using these methods, calculations using numeri-
combinations to be considered in the design calcula- cal procedures (e.g. finite element method) shall be
tions shall cover the most unfavourable conditions made.
likely to occur.
(3) The calculation procedures shall ensure the state
of equilibrium.
(3) Non-linearities in the load components shall, if
relevant, be taken into account. For this, it shall be (4) The state of equilibrium can often be analyzed on
observed that the linear superposition principle does the basis of the non-deformed structure (first order,
not apply here. In certain cases, forces which only linear theory).
arise for particular deformations (for example through
the contact of structural areas) can be analysed in the (5) Non-linearities of the geometry (e. g. second
form of additional load cases and superposed with order theory) and of the material (e. g. state II, i. e.
consideration of the non-linear structural behaviour cracked tension area in the case of concrete structures)
(e.g. radial compressive loads at the bearings). shall be taken into account if they adversely influence
the overall stability of the structure or the ultimate
limit state. For that reason the inclination and deforma-
(4) As an alternative to the approach using general tions of the complete system (tower, foundation,
strength analyses with selected load cases, special ground) shall if applicable in general be taken into
methods particularly suited to the complete considera- consideration when determining the section forces.
tion of the movements and loads (so-called time-series
calculations) can be used. (6) For the strength analyses, the effects resulting
from loads acting on the components are usually de-
(5) In calculations with time series, the loading or termined as the stresses. At the failure-critical region,
stressing process shall be generated from the charac- the nominal stress or the structural stress shall be de-
teristic data of the design load cases (cf. Section 4.3.3). termined according to the currently accepted rules of
The time series and the statistical frequencies for the technology, as reflected in the applicable standards and
structural analysis shall be chosen in accordance with codes. The selection of the failure-critical regions shall
Chapter 4. The validity of selected simplifications for be documented.
the computational objective shall be documented in a
plausible manner. (7) Structural redundancy shall be considered at an
early stage. As redundancy is not explicitly taken into
account in the design methods currently in use, with
(6) Loading conditions occurring during construc- the exception of the grouping of categories of struc-
tion, transport or sea installation have to be considered tural elements (special, primary, secondary - see
in the design, see also Section 6.1.5 and Sections 10.1 Section, the consequence of a failure will have
and 10.2. to be specifically considered.
Chapter 5 5.2 Determination of the Stresses IV – Part 2
Page 5-4 GL Wind 2005
(8) Where structures are not or cannot be suitably chanics. Stress components from the notch effect are
designed to resist wave impact, the latter shall be not included. They shall be considered through stress
avoided, see Section concentration factors (SCFs) and fatigue notch factors
referred to the nominal stresses.
(9) The use of modifications to the analysis proce-
dures listed in the following shall be agreed with GL
(2) The nominal stress concept is limited to slender
Wind. Here it shall be ensured that a consistent analy-
bars and beams and to such structures which can be
sis concept is applied.
idealized with a close approximation as component
details having a strip, bar or beam shape.
(10) Further recommendations regarding the defini-
tion of objective, type and scope of a strength analysis
as well as calculation and details on evaluation and (3) In the case of fatigue analysis of non-welded
documentation are also given in Appendix 5.A components, S/N curves containing the detail catet-
“Strength Analyses with the Finite Element Method”. gories or geometrical discontinuities to be considered
shall be used. If in welded components there is a geo- Design methods and criteria metric discontinuity not covered by the selected allo-
cation of the detail category to the design details, the Choice of design concept/methods nominal stress shall be modified (see e.g. [5.1], [5.2],
(1) Structural strength calculations may generally be
based on linear elastic theory. However, non-linear
(4) In the case of combined types of stresses, Sec-
relations between loads and load effects shall be prop-
tions and shall be observed.
erly accounted for, where they are found to be impor-
tant. Where plastic design is applied, the limitations
described in Section are to be observed. Structural stress approach
(2) Influences that are based on the type of load, the
geometry or the material shall be considered in the (1) Structural stress is understood as the stress which
strength analyses. This also applies for non-linear completely describes a stress condition. It includes
influences of effects from complex component shapes (spatially
curved structures) and from design-related notches
– the loading (e.g. solely compressive loading for (e.g. grooves, steps, drill-holes) and local influences at
roller or sliding bearings), or load introduction. In welded structures, the structural
– the geometry (second order, linear theory; con- stress is known as the “hot-spot stress” (see also [5.5]
sideration of large deformations), or and Appendix 5.A). The term indicates that this struc-
tural geometric stress includes the influence of the
– the material (plasticity theory and yield hinge nominal stress and local effects, but not the notch
theory). effect of the weld seam itself. The determination of
structural stresses usually necessitates calculation with Design criteria, limit states numerical methods.
(1) The nominal stress is the stress determined by (5) In the case of combined types of stresses, Sec-
means of the elementary theories of linear elastic me- tions and shall be observed.
IV – Part 2 5.2 Determination of the Stresses Chapter 5
GL Wind 2005 Page 5-5
(1) A design utilising additional plastification resis- (1) The analysis model (“idealization”) used has to
tance may be accepted provided the following condi- take account of all main load bearing and stiffening
tions are met: components, and of the relevant supporting and con-
straining effect. The degree of subdivision (detailing)
– It shall be possible to establish failure mecha- shall take account of the geometry of the structure and
nisms with well-defined “hinges”. At plastic its influence on the load distribution and introduction,
hinge locations, the cross-section of the members of the distribution of external loads, and of the ex-
shall have sufficient rotational capacity to enable pected stress pattern. Elements or members considered
the required plastic hinge to develop without lo- as being of “secondary” importance may nevertheless
cal buckling. have to be accounted for where they have an influence
– The material employed at the points of possible on stress distribution or dynamical properties of the
plastic deformations shall be sufficiently ductile. structure.
– The detail design and/or the nature of the loads (2) Where modelling is made by means of beam
shall be such that fatigue is prevented. elements, the actual rigidities are to be accounted for
as precisely as practicable, particularly in way of con-
(2) Plastic design may be suitable e. g. for structures nections (joints). The effective width of associated
intended for collision protection, and earthquake design. plating should be chosen according to accepted stan-
dards (see also Section 6.2.2.).
(3) In case plastification has been considered during
seismic analysis, visual inspection of the structure
shall be performed after major earthquake events. Superposition of load effect components
(4) Plastic analysis of concrete structures should be Stresses or other load effects resulting from relevant
limited to discontinuity regions and cases stated in global and local effects shall be added according to
para 2. their degree of simultaneousness (see also Section
4.3.3.). Stresses of different type (e. g. tension, shear)
(5) When plastic design is applied, the safety factor and different direction shall be combined according to
γM has to be increased by a factor of 1.15. recognized criteria (e.g. equivalent stress, v. Mises).
IV – Part 2 5.3 Metallic Materials Chapter 5
GL Wind 2005 Page 5-7
5.3.1 Application Method of analysis
(1) The observations which follow refer to metal
structures in general. Extended requirements are con- (1) When performing the analysis, the general points
tained in Chapters 6 and 7 (e.g. requirements for veri- of Section 5.2.2 shall be observed.
fication of the ultimate and serviceability limit states
of the support structure and foundation in Sections 6.6 (2) The dimensioning of a structure or component
and 6.7). depends primarily on the type of possible failure. If
two or more types of loading occur simultaneously,
(2) The fatigue analysis of steel support structures then combined stresses result. As a rule, the ultimate
shall comply with the requirements given in Section limit state verifications shall be carried out with regard
6.6.6 while Section 5.3.4 refers to fatigue analysis of to the material and loading, using the following
the machinery (topsides structure). equivalent stress hypotheses (see Section
5.3.2 Material properties (3) For brittle materials, the behaviour of the mate-
rial is described by the maximum principal stress hy-
(1) Requirements, analyses and certificates for the pothesis. In the case of semiductile materials, either
materials of machinery components are treated in the maximum principal stress hypothesis or the von
Chapter 3. Additional information is given in the fol- Mises hypothesis (Maximum shear strain energy crite-
lowing sections of this chapter. rion; octahedral shear stress hypothesis) can be ap-
(2) The material parameters required for the compu-
tational analysis of steel structures can for instance be (4) For ductile materials, the von Mises or the
found in Eurocode 3, Part 1.9 [5.1], or in DIN 18800, maximum shear stress hypothesis describes the failure
Part 1. mechanism. Later hypotheses, such as the shear stress
intensity hypothesis for ductile materials can be used
5.3.3 General strength analysis as an alternative, if their usefulness is proven by con-
vincing component tests. General
(5) Minor local plastification is usually permissible
(1) The general strength analysis shall be carried out for components made of ductile and semiductile mate-
on the basis of German or equivalent international rials. If, for structures consisting of such materials, the
codes. local stress values are lying above the elastic limit
(start of yielding), it shall be observed that the local
(2) Machinery components whose dimensioning is stress distribution and thus the local strains have to be
not covered by standard codes shall be designed and considered for assessment of the static component
analysed according to the currently accepted rules of strength. Here it must be taken into account that the
technology. For the dimensioning of bolted connec- local stress and strain distribution depends both on the
tions, the requirements set out in Section 6.5 shall be component shape (e.g. notch) and on the type of load
observed. (tension/compression, bending, torsion). The permissi-
ble strain is dependent on the material. In addition, the
(3) The components shall be dimensioned with the permissible strain depends on the function of the struc-
design loads (see Section with regard to the ture, so that, in the case of permanent elongation, proof
corresponding design strength (see Section of operativeness shall be given for the component and
its adjacent components. The procedure shall be de-
(4) The partial material safety factor γM to be used as a fined in consultation with GL Wind.
basis for metallic components of all load case groups is
5.3.4 Fatigue analysis
γM = 1.1 General
(5) The support structure and the foundation shall be
treated according to the uniform concept of partial safe- (1) For the predominantly dynamically loaded me-
ty factors for design loads (see Sections 6.6.1 and 6.7). tallic components of offshore wind turbines, a fatigue
Chapter 5 5.3 Metallic Materials IV – Part 2
Page 5-8 GL Wind 2005
analysis shall be carried out. As a rule, this applies to load effects is included to adverse effect but with
the drive-train components from the blade connection physical meaningfulness, or
to the generator, the main frame including its connec-
tion to the tower, the support structure, the connecting – with equivalent constant-range spectra as a sim-
elements plus other turbine-specific components (e.g. plified form of the fatigue analysis. Here the
blade pitch mechanism). equivalent constant-range spectra shall be used in
accordance with Section and documen-
ted accordingly.
(2) The fatigue analysis may be effected by compo-
nent testing or by computational analyses. Component
tests shall be carried out with loads relevant to opera- (2) For the second and third methods, the influence
tion and using Chapter 4 as a basis. Evaluation of the of the mean stress shall be considered conservatively
test results shall be such that the effects of those influ- for materials which are sensitive to mean stress.
ences which cannot be taken into consideration di-
rectly (large number of load cycles > 109, scattering of Simplified fatigue analysis
the test results etc.) are reliably covered; cf. [5.2]).
(1) For the simplified fatigue analysis, which is
(3) The analysis of adequate fatigue strength, i.e. the generally applied when considering safety margins
resistance against crack initiation under dynamic op- (e.g. comparison of plant variants with different rotor
erational loads, serves the assessment and reduction of diameters), equivalent constant-range spectra can be
the crack initiation probability of components within used. The elaboration of equivalent constant-range
the scope of the structural design. Owing to incalcula- spectra on the basis of the Palmgren/Miner method
bilities in the loading process, involving material- and will hereunder be assumed to be known. Explanations
production-related variances and ageing effects, crack on this method can be taken from e.g. [5.2].
initiation in later operation cannot completely be ruled
out, necessitating measures such as periodical inspec- (2) When generating the equivalent constant-range
tions. spectrum, the slope parameter of the S/N curve corre-
sponding to the structure shall be used. The decisive
(4) The technical initation of the crack shall be taken slope parameter of the design S/N curve is given in
as a general failure criterion, i.e. a crack that is detect- Section
able on site with the usual non-destructive inspection
methods [5.3]. (3) In this and the other analysis approaches, the
partial safety factor γM shall be applied in relation to
(5) In special cases, the remaining lifetime of an the criteria given in Table 5.3.1.
initiated crack that is growing steadily may, in consul-
tation with GL Wind, be used for limited continued (4) For the stress superposition in the case of multi-
operation of an offshore wind turbine. For this, the axial stress conditions, see Section
remaining lifetime shall be verified with suitable and
recognized analysis methods. In addition, periodical (5) When using the simplified fatigue analysis for
inspections at appropriate intervals shall be laid down considering safety margins, it shall be observed that
in consultation with GL Wind. the assumed reference load cycle number does not
correspond to the actual number. Methods for fatigue analysis
(6) Reducing influences on the fatigue resistance General (such as probability of survival Pü, surface influence
etc.) shall be taken into account analogously to the
(1) Depending on the required computational accu- evaluation of the S/N curves according to Section
racy, fatigue analysis by calculation may be performed
with the aid of one of the following three procedures:
– by using stress-time series and damage accumu-
lation to register the complex interaction between By way of example, instances for the application of the
the external loadings and the structural responses partial safety factor γM are named in Table 5.3.2 for
as accurately as possible, or fatigue analyses which normally apply according to
the criteria listed in Table 5.3.1 for the force- and
– by using stress spectra and damage accumula- moment-transmitting components of an offshore wind
tion, whereby the superposition of the various turbine to be considered here.
IV – Part 2 5.3 Metallic Materials Chapter 5
GL Wind 2005 Page 5-9
Bearing collar of the rotor shaft Cannot be inspected without removing the shaft γM =1.25
Locking bolt Can be inspected γM =1.15
Bolted connection of hub/rotor shaft Can be inspected γM =1.15
σ σ
Cyclic Synchronous
(in phase)
Cycle forms t
0 π 2π
-1 Principal directions
c) Triangular τyx Different
1 frequencies
σ2 σ1 τxy
0 π 2π t
ωt σx
ϕ = constant ϕ = varying
Fig. 5.3.1 Relationship of various terms in the field of multi-axialities according to Liu/Zenner
N = ND(∆σD/∆σ)m0
∆σA N = ND(∆σD/∆σ)m
(2) When analysing multi-axial stresses, it is rec- ally, the presence of a dominating load component, or
ommended that the dominating (damage-relevant) the combination of load components, may lead to a
stress distribution or stress combination be established quasi-monoaxial stress condition. In such cases, this
for the critical regions via consideration of the princi- may allow a possible simplification that is appropriate
pal stresses and principal-stress directions. Occasion- for the problem.
IV – Part 2 5.3 Metallic Materials Chapter 5
GL Wind 2005 Page 5-11
(3) If normal and shear stresses occur simultane- (4) In the case of loading by normal stresses, the
ously in welded joints, their combined effect shall be following agreement applies to the S/N curve as per
considered in accordance with [5.1] or [5.5]. Fig. 5.3.2:
– region I:
(4) The procedure used shall be defined in consulta-
slope parameter of the S/N curve m0, stress cycle
tion with GL Wind.
numbers Ni < 5 · 106 Equivalent stress hypotheses – region II:
slope parameter of the S/N curve m, stress cycle
(1) In cases of multi-axial stress conditions, the numbers Ni ≥ 5 · 106
fatigue-relevant stress components (also as time series)
shall be transformed to a mono-axial stress condition (5) In deviation from EC 3, a threshold value of the
by means of the equivalent stress hypothesis. When fatigue strength (cut-off) is not permissible. Fig. 5.3.2
applying the hypothesis of the maximum shear strain shows the general shape of the S/N curve to be used as
energy criterion (the “von Mises” hypothesis), there a basis.
arise equivalent stress curves that are dependent on the
mean stress and to some degree not conservative, so (6) For predominantly shear-stress loaded compo-
that their damage effect strongly underestimates the nents, the S/N curves of EC 3 shall be used with a
real damage accumulation behaviour of the material. constant slope parameter m = 5:
Independently of the mean stress level, the normal
– region I + II:
stress hypothesis can be applied as a method of the
slope parameter of the S/N curve m = 5
critical plane without loss of relevance for the damage
accumulation. It is valid for brittle and semiductile
(7) When establishing the tolerable number of stress
materials (e.g. EN-GJS-400-18U-LT belongs to the
cycles Ni (see Section, account shall be
semiductile materials). Other hypotheses can be used if
taken of the partial safety factors γM according to Table
adequate proof of their usefulness is given.
(2) For welded joints, the decisive stresses are those
(8) When analysing the fatigue strength of bolted
transverse or parallel to the weld seam. If normal and
connections, whose stress levels are established under
shear stresses occur simultaneously in welded joints,
consideration of the tension and bending in the bolt,
their combined effect shall be considered in accor-
the following detail categories are permissible up to
dance with [5.1] or [5.5].
the size M30 (metric standard thread): S/N curves for dimensioning
– hot-dip galvanized bolts rolled before heat treat-
ment: S/N curves for welded steel structures detail category 50
and bolted connections
– bolts rolled before heat treatment:
(1) The selection of the S/N curves follows Section detail category 71 Detail category shall be in accordance with
– bolts rolled after heat treatment:
Appendix 6.A for plate edges and welded steel struc-
tures and in accordance with ENV 1993-1-1 (Eurocode FS max
detail category 71*( 2 − ) ≤ 85 (5.3.3)
3) for bolted connections not described in this Guide- F0 ,2 min
line. Application of equivalent codes (e.g. FKM
Guideline [5.4] or GL Rules I – Ship Technology, Part where:
1 – Seagoing Ships, Chapter 1 – Hull Structures, Sec-
FSmax = max. bolt force under extreme load
tion 20) is permissible in consultation with GL Wind.
F0,2min = bolt force at the 0.2 % elastic strain
(2) Reducing influences, e.g. because of the material limit
thickness or insufficient alignment of the two joints to
be welded, shall be observed in accordance with Sec- (9) Here the dimensioning-relevant cross-section A
tion and para 10. is the stress cross-section AS in the thread. The influ-
ence of the reduction in cross-section can usually be
(3) For components stressed by predominantly vari- neglected for hot-dip galvanized parts.
able stress ranges ∆σi, fatigue verification is usually
carried out using damage accumulation with the stress (10) For bolts larger than M30, a reduction of the S/N
ranges in accordance with Chapter 4 as a basis. curve by the factor ks with
Chapter 5 5.3 Metallic Materials IV – Part 2
Page 5-12 GL Wind 2005
1000 t
Design S/N curve
Reduction with SPü = 2/3
Fig. 5.3.3 S/N curve for non-welded forged and rolled parts,
example “Synthetic S/N curve”; general shape
IV – Part 2 5.3 Metallic Materials Chapter 5
GL Wind 2005 Page 5-13
Synthetic SN curve
∆σ*A = SPü · Sd · ∆σA
100 ∆σA*
N = ND(∆σ*A/∆σ) m
N = ND(∆σ*A/∆σ) 2m-1
Fig. 5.3.4 S/N curve for cast steel and spheroidal graphite cast iron,
example “Synthetic S/N curve”; general shape S/N curves for the design of cast steel (3) Survival probability
and spheroidal graphite cast iron Usually, S/N curves are assigned a survival probability
of PÜ = 50 %. For the fatigue analysis, the S/N curve
(1) Selection reference value ∆σA shall be reduced to
On principle, statistically assured material S/N curves
shall be used. If such S/N curves are not available for ∆σ∗A = ∆σA · S Pü where S Pü = 2/3 (5.3.6)
the cast material to be used, synthetic S/N curves in
accordance with [5.3] may be used as a basis for a com- which corresponds to a survival probability of
prehensive fatigue analysis (damage accumulation cal- PÜ > 97.7 % (mean value – 2 · standard deviation). If
culation in accordance with Section S/N curves with a survival probability PÜ > 50 % are
used, a reduction factor SPü > 2/3 may be assumed
(2) Influences after consultation with GL Wind.
The following influences on the fatigue resistance
shall be considered (see e.g. [5.3]): (4) Reduction factors
– type of loading The influence of large wall thicknesses and surface
roughness shall be taken into account. In the case of
– significant residual stresses (e.g. shot peening) S/N curves determined from specimens taken from
– stress ratio equally thick component regions, this influence is
included in the S/N curves. When determining syn-
– stress concentration factor thetic S/N curves according to [5.3], both the thick-
– notch effect factor ness-dependent mechanical characteristic values
(guaranteed minimum tensile strength and yield point)
– component size as well as the reduction through the existing surface
– surface influence roughness shall be observed.
– influence of technological parameters (5) In using synthetic S/N curves, the influence of
– survival probability the flaws (e.g. blowholes, non-metallic inclusions,
shrinkage holes; shrinkage holes cut by mechanical
– environmental conditions (corrosion etc.) processing and dross are not permissible without post-
Chapter 5 5.3 Metallic Materials IV – Part 2
Page 5-14 GL Wind 2005
treatment, cf. Section 3.3.2) shall be considered (7) Design S/N curve
through the factor The reference stress range to be used as a basis for the
S/N curve is
S d = 0.85 (j-j 0) (5.3.7)
∆σ∗A = SPü· Sd · ∆σA (5.3.8)
as the ideal fatigue limit at the stress cycle number
j = the quality class for the component or ND (see Fig. 5.3.4). For stress cycle numbers Ni > ND,
component detail to be designed with ade- the S/N curves shall be extended from ∆σ*A with the
quate fatigue strength slope parameter 2m-1 (if corrosion can be excluded),
(1..3; cf. Sections and where m is the slope parameter of the fatigue strength
line (see Fig. 5.3.4).
j0 = constant depending on the material and test
method, with the following values: S/N curves for the design of
aluminium parts
Test method: Cast steel: Cast iron:
(1) On principle, statistically assured S/N curves
Ultrasonic or j0=1 j0=0 shall be used.
radiographic examination
Liquid penetrant or j0=1 j0=1 (2) For detail categories, the detail category selec-
magnetic particle inspection tion shall be in accordance with [5.5]. In cases of
doubt, the procedures shall be agreed with GL Wind.
For the assessment of the casting quality and the test- 5.3.5 Serviceability analysis
ing techniques to be applied, the provisions set out in
Sections and shall be observed. Partial safety factors
(6) The classification into quality levels shall be For verifications in the serviceability limit states, the
documented consistently in the drawings, calculations partial safety factor shall be γM = 1.0.
and specifications and submitted to GL Wind for as-
sessment within the scope of implementation of the Deformation analysis
design requirements in production and assembly or of
surveillance during production (cf. Sections If no special requirements arise from operation of the
and The requirements of Section (cast plant, a limitation of deformations is not necessary
steel) and Section (cast iron) shall be observed. (see also Section, para 5).
IV – Part 2 5.4 Concrete and Grout Materials Chapter 5
GL Wind 2005 Page 5-15
5.4.1 General ment steel and the number, diameter, shape and posi-
tion of the reinforcing bars. Scope
(4) The stability and adequate dimensioning of the
This Section on concrete structures refers to load bear- structure and its components shall be analysed and
ing and stiffening components of offshore wind tur- presented in a convenient and readily checkable for-
bines made from ordinary or heavyweight concrete mat. The origin of equations and calculation methods
with closed texture. It is applicable to plain, reinforced not in common use shall be stated.
and prestressed concrete, normal and high strength
concrete. It is applicable to prefabricated as well as in- Material properties
situ concrete. Characteristic values Standards and safety concepts
The material parameters required for the computa-
(1) The following regulations are based on a safety tional analysis of concrete, reinforcing steel and
concept using partial safety factors. They follow the prestressing steel can for instance be found in Euro-
German standard DIN 1045-1 (Concrete, reinforced code 2, Section 3 or DIN 1045-1, Section 9.
and prestressed concrete structures) and take account
of the special requirements for marine structures. Partial safety factors γM
Eurocode 2, Part 1 [3.3] can be used as well. A com-
bined application of different standards shall be (1) The design resistance shall be determined with
avoided. due consideration of the partial safety factors γM ac-
cording to Table 5.4.1. For calculations of deforma-
(2) Design, analysis and construction may also be tions of towers made of reinforced concrete and
based on acknowledged international or national stan- prestressed concrete according to second order theory,
dards for concrete structures, using other safety con- γM = 1.2 may be assumed for concrete.
cepts (probabilistic or global concepts) than those
mentioned above in consultation with GL Wind. How- (2) The material properties of non-standardized
ever, only one uniform safety concept is to be used products such as grout materials shall be determined
throughout. by testing, see Section 3.3, too.
1.5 1
Concrete 1.5 1.0
(1.2) 2
1.4 1
Spun concrete 1.4 1.0
(1.2) 2
Reinforcing and
1.15 1 1.15 1.0
prestressing steel
For unusual design situations, e.g. earthquake calculations, γM = 1.3 can be set for concrete and spun concrete and γM = 1.0 for reinforcing
steel and prestressing steel.
For the calculation of deformations when taking account of non-linearities of the geometry and/or the material, γM = 1.2 may be taken
(value in brackets).
For the serviceability limit states (SLS) are required: (2) Model tests can be used to verify the strength
and distribution of cross-sectional values if they are
– crack width control in accordance with Section carried out by acknowledged institutions with the relevant experience.
– control of deflection in accordance with Section
(3) Structures in which the failure or defect of one
component can lead to the collapse of further compo-
– limitation of stresses in accordance with Section nents shall be avoided as far as it is possible. Stability of the load bearing system
(2) Zones of concentrated load introduction shall be
investigated in detail. (1) The safety of the load bearing system and its
components against instability shall be carefully inves-
(3) For prestressed concrete the checks according to tigated. If it is not already apparent that there is suffi-
Section 5.4.3 shall also be carried out. cient stiffness and stability, an analytical verification is
necessary also incorporating stiffening by structural
components. Account shall be taken here of geometri- Ultimate limit states
cal inaccuracies in the system and undesired eccen-
tricities of loads.
The analyses shall be performed with the least favour-
able of all combinations of actions of the groups N, E,
(2) Where the loadbearing or stiffening components
A and T according to Section 4.3.3, Table 4.3.1.
are highly flexible, attention shall also be paid to the
alterations in shape when determining the cross- Strength of the load bearing system sectional values (second order theory).
(1) The strength of the load bearing system and its (3) Second order effects and imperfections shall be
components shall be verified by a recognized method. taken into account for slender members under com-
The cross-sectional values may be determined accord- pression in accordance with the standards, e.g. by
ing to the theory of elasticity, disregarding the forma- using the model column method.
tion of cracks in the concrete and the effect of the
reinforcement. Limit load analysis may be applied Safety of cross-sections against fracture
with the simplification of regrouping forces and mo-
ments in the cross-section relative to the distribution (1) The following dimensioning rules apply to cross-
according to the theory of elasticity, provided equilib- sections where the strains of the individual fibres are
rium is ensured. in proportion to their distance from the neutral axis.
IV – Part 2 5.4 Concrete and Grout Materials Chapter 5
GL Wind 2005 Page 5-17
This prerequisite is regarded as satisfied if the distance It may be determined by the following formula.
between points of zero bending moment is at least
γ C′ =
twice the girder height or the cantilever length is at ≥1 (5.4.1)
f CK
least equal to the girder height. 1,1 −
(3) For reinforcement steel the modulus of elasticity (8) Further investigations have to be done concerning
can be uniformly taken as 200 kN/mm2 up to the yield
point. Beyond that point the stress remains constant. – shear forces
Other approximations for the stress-strain behaviour of – torsion
materials are admissible but shall be agreed with GL
Wind. – punching / concentrated loads (e.g. anchorage of
prestressed tendons)
models or FE analyses. Fatigue
porabola concrete
strain [%]
(1) In the case of components of reinforced concrete
0 εc2
-0.2 εc2u
-0.35 or prestressed concrete, fatigue analysis shall be pro-
vided for the concrete, the reinforcing steel and the
Fig. 5.4.1 Design values for stress and strain of prestressing steel using the fatigue loads of Section
concrete (group F in Table 4.3.1). These may be con-
ducted as complete fatigue analyses or according to the
simplified analysis procedure as per CEB-FIP Model
(4) The maximum strain of the reinforcement steel Code 1990 [5.9] (DAfStb booklet 439 [5.7], Section 4.5
in the cross-section shall not exceed a limiting value and 4.4). For offshore wind turbines with a nominal
which may be selected at, for instance, 2.5 %. number of operational load cycles
Nnom = r ⋅ nR ⋅ T ≤ 2 ⋅ 109, a detailed analysis for con-
(5) Tensile strength of the concrete may not be taken crete under compressive loading is not required, if the
into account in any load case condition expressed in equation 5.4.2 is met:
(7) For ULS calculations, except for fatigue, the
γSd = 1.1 – partial safety factor to consider the
material safety factor for concrete γM =1.5 shall be
inaccuracies of the model for stress calcula-
increased by a factor γc` for high strength concrete of
concrete class C 55/67, respectively LC 55/60 (LC:
light weight concrete according to EN 206-1) or σc,max = magnitude of the maximum concrete com-
higher. pressive stress, with the combinations of
Chapter 5 5.4 Concrete and Grout Materials IV – Part 2
Page 5-18 GL Wind 2005
actions of group F according to Section tion with GL Wind, e.g. if the manufacturer can prove, Table 4.3.1 a lower variation of the material properties.
σc,min = magnitude of the minimum concrete com-
pressive stress in the pressure zone at the Serviceability limit states
same position at which σc,max occurs, de-
termined by the lower value of the action Partial safety factors
effect (for tensile stresses, σc,min = 0 shall
be set)
For verifications in the serviceability limit states, the
ηc = factor for considering the non-uniform partial safety factor shall be γM = 1.0.
distribution of the concrete compresssive
stresses as per DAfStb booklet 439, equa- Limiting the crack width
tion (8); as a simplification, ηc = 1.0 may
be set.
(1) Crack widths in concrete structures at working
fcd,fat = 0.85 ⋅ ßcc(t) ⋅ fck ⋅ ( 1 – fck/250 ) / γc ; design loads are to be controlled, by suitable selection of the
value of the fatigue strength of the concrete percentage of reinforcement, stress in the steel and bar
under compressive loading diameter, that serviceability and durability are not
with: affected.
fck = characteristic cylinder compressive strength
(2) Additional requirements shall be laid down for
in N/mm²
water or oil tight structures such as tanks.
γc = partial safety factor for concrete (see Table
5.4.1) (3) Verification of crack width shall be provided for
ßcc(t) = coefficient for considering the time-depen- a theoretical crack width of 0.2 mm. Here, for compo-
dent strength increase in the concrete. Here nents of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete
ßcc(t) shall not be set larger than 1.0, corre- without bonding, the quasi-permanent combination of
sponding to a cyclic initial loading with a actions shall be used, and for components of prestressed
concrete age ≥ 28 days. In the case of cyclic concrete with bond the frequent combinations of actions
initial loading at an earlier age of the con- DLC 1.2. For this, the heat influences as per Section
crete, ßcc(t) < 1.0 shall be determined and shall be applied.
taken into account in the analysis.
(4) For offshore wind turbine support structures, the
(2) On principle, the following shall be investigated quasi-permanent combination of actions shall be cho-
for the simplified analysis procedure: sen from the 1-hour mean value of the load cases DLC
1.1 and DLC 6.3a of Table 4.3.1.
– maximum load range
– load range with the largest concrete compressive (5) Parts of the structure that are permanently un-
stress σc,max derwater or in the earth may be verified for a crack
width of 0.3 mm.
– load range with the smallest concrete compres-
sive stress σc,min Limiting the deflection
– load range with the largest mean value for the
concrete compressive stress (1) The extent of shape alterations of components
under the working load (for instance due to deflections
(3) The damage components of the load effects from or displacements) shall be limited that damage is pre-
erection conditions without the machine shall be con- vented and serviceability is not affected.
sidered in accordance with Section
(2) The analysis can be based on a constant modulus
of elasticity of the concrete for compression and ten-
Model Code 1990 [5.9] gives a separate S/N curve for sion.
reinforcement steel in marine environment. This S/N
curves applies for the splash zone only. (3) The influence of creep and shrinkage of the con-
crete and temperature variations shall be taken into
(4) Safety factors as given in Model Code 1990 for account when determining shape alterations if they
the fatigue calculation may be reduced in considera- have a substantial effect.
IV – Part 2 5.4 Concrete and Grout Materials Chapter 5
GL Wind 2005 Page 5-19 Limiting the stresses (9) The stress-strain curve of the prestressing steel is
to be derived from the official approval or the certifi-
For towers of reinforced concrete and prestressed con- cate from the manufacturer’s works, it is being as-
crete, the concrete compressive stresses shall be lim- sumed, however, that the stress does not increase
ited in consultation with GL Wind. above the yield point or 0.2 % limit. Strain limitations
have to be considered according to the standards or
5.4.3 Prestressed concrete official approval.
(1) The verifications required for reinforced concrete The admissible stresses shall be obtained from recog-
(see Section shall be carried out for pre- nized standards and are to be agreed before use with
stressed concrete taking into account the prestressing GL Wind.
of the steel.
5.4.4 Grouted connections
(2) For towers of prestressed concrete, the concrete
compressive stresses under constant loads the quasi- General
permanent combination of actions shall be limited to a
maximum value to be agreed with GL Wind. For tow- (1) Grouted connections can be used to connect
ers of prestressed concrete with bond, the verification prismatic steel members or to fix piles into bedrock.
of decompression shall be provided for the quasi-
permanent combination of actions. This verification (2) A distinction has to be made between grouted
may be undertaken on the assumption that the relation- connections that are mainly exposed to axial forces
ship between stress and strain is linear. and grouted connections that are mainly exposed to
bending, because the load transfer mechanisms are
(3) For offshore wind turbine support structures, the different from each other.
quasi-permanent combination of actions for this verifi-
cation shall be chosen from the 1-hour mean value of (3) Grout material for grouted connections is gener-
the load cases DLC 1.1 and DLC 6.3. ally characterised by high compression strength and a
behaviour that is comparable to high strength concrete.
(4) The frequent combination of actions shall be
taken from load case DLC 1.2. Ultimate limit state analysis
(5) Limitation of the steel stresses in the unstressed (1) Grouted connections mainly exposed to axial
or prestressed reinforcement shall be verified as speci- forces or axial forces in combination with torsion can
fied in acknowledged standards (see Section be assessed according to acknowledged offshore stan-
dards, e.g. a procedure is given in draft ISO 19902,
(6) The effects of prestressing, constant load, live Chapter 15 [5.10]. The range of validity of parametric
load, temperature, creep, shrinkage, and constrainment formulae has to be considered.
due to settlement of the soil are also to be investigated
separately as far as practicable and to be used to de- (2) Grouted connections mainly exposed to bending,
termine the most unfavourable loading. e.g. connection between monopole and transition piece
shall be verified on the basis of FE analyses or by
(7) The condition directly after application of the testing, because no validated parametric formulae exist
prestress, the condition at the most unfavourable live so far in the relevant codes.
load and with partial creep and shrinkage, and the
condition with the most unfavourable live load after A ratio of
creep and shrinkage have ceased shall in general be
verified separately. L/D ≈ 1.5 (5.4.3)
(3) Normal forces in such connections should be (6) The grout material shall be verified against ex-
taken by shear keys that should be arranged in an area treme loads using the maximum compression stress
with low bending stresses, i.e. in general at the centre from the FE calculation if not by testing
of the connection.
(7) The resistance shall be calculated with the char-
acteristic compression strength of the grout material
(4) If FE analyses are performed, special considera- reduced by a safety factor of γM = 1.5 and γC´ accord-
tions shall be taken concerning the non-linear material ing to Section depending on the material
behaviour, as well as the contact definition between strength.
steel surface and grout material. Detailed guidance on
FE modelling and analysis is given in Appendix 5A (8) The fatigue analysis of the grout material shall be
“Strength Analyses with the Finite Element Method”. performed in accordance with CEB-FIP Model Code
1990 [5.9] under consideration of the mean value of
the oscillation in the same way as for high strength
(5) The possibility of local buckling of the steel concrete, using the maximum occurring stresses from
tubes shall be investigated. the FE calculation or from testing.
IV – Part 2 5.5 Fibre Reinforced Plastics (FRP) and Bonded Joints Chapter 5
GL Wind 2005 Page 5-21
5.5.2 Materials ⎡ ⎡ U p ⎤⎤
R k (α , P , υ , n ) = x ⎢1 − υ ⎢U α + ⎥⎥ (5.5.2)
⎣⎢ ⎣ n ⎦ ⎦⎥ Requirements for manufacturers
(1) The production of FRP components which were Ui = i% fractile (percentile) of the normal distri-
assessed by GL Wind shall preferably take place at bution
manufacturers approved by GL.
n = number of tests
(2) The requirements for the manufacturers of rotor x = the mean of the test values
blades are set out in Section 3.1. Type and scope of the
υ = coefficient of variation for n test values
shop approval are also laid down there.
(2) For the equation, it is assumed that the standard
(3) The requirements for acknowledgement of a deviation of the observed values corresponds to that of
quality management system at the company, as well as the normal distribution. The inaccuracies occurring
the procedure for obtaining the acknowledgement and thereby are covered by the reduction factors.
maintaining it, are given in Section 3.2.
(3) The α = 5 % fractile for a probability P = 95 %
(4) Special requirements as regards production are (confidence level) assuming a normal distribution
included in Sections 3.4.4 to 3.4.6. (DIN 55303, Part 1) shall be applied. This yields:
(2) Requirements and quality verification (certifi- (1) The partial safety factors for the material γMx
cates, test reports, approvals) for the usual structural shall be determined separately for
materials are listed in Sections and,
para 1. – the short-term verification (x = a),
Chapter 5 5.5 Fibre Reinforced Plastics (FRP) and Bonded Joints IV – Part 2
Page 5-22 GL Wind 2005
The reduction factors Cix listed below apply without General
further verification. Reduction factors verified by
experiment may be used as an alternative. (1) The design values for the strains or the stresses
are determined by the requirement to prevent laminate
(2) In the short-term strength verification, γMa shall failure and stability failure with regard to the short-
be determined by multiplication of γM0 as per Section term strength, fatigue strength and stability in all load, para 1, with the reduction factors Cia. To take cases. The discontinuities in the laminate, the load
account of influences on the material properties, the introduction zones and the high load cycle numbers
following reduction factors shall be used: shall be taken into account.
C1a = 1.35 influence of ageing (2) The actual safety shall be documented in the
analysis for short-term strength and fatigue strength by
C2a = 1.1 temperature effect
a failure hypothesis for anisotropic materials that is
C3a = 1.1 laminate produced by prepregs, acknowledged in the literature, e.g. as per VDI 2014 or
winding techniques, pultrusion or Puck [5.8]. The use of other failure hypotheses is pos-
resin infusion method sible after consultation with GL Wind. For the strength
= 1.2 wet laminate with hand lay-up, analysis, a separate verification shall always be pro-
pressing techniques vided for fibre failure and inter-fibre failure.
C4a = 1.0 post-cured laminate (3) The verifications for fibre failure and inter-fibre
= 1.1 non post-cured laminate failure and for stability regarding short-term and fa-
tigue strength can be provided in the form of strain or
(3) In the fatigue verification, γMb shall be deter- stress analyses.
mined by multiplying γM0 (see Section, para 1)
with the following reduction factors Cib : Analysis for fibre failure
C1b = N1/m curve of high-cycle fatigue for the (1) The analysis for fibre failure shall be carried out
load cycle number N and slope pa- for areas under tensile, compressive and/or shear load-
rameter m. ing using the design values of the actions Sd.
m is determined by an analysis
(S/N curve) to be agreed with GL (2) The fatigue analysis is based on the characteristic
Wind. (see Section S/N curve established for the
Regarding simplified assumptions laminate in question and the Goodman diagram con-
for m, see Sections 5.5.4, para 4 structed using this curve. If no S/N curve is available
and 5.5.5, para 6. for the laminate, it shall be assumed to be as given in
C2b = 1.1 temperature effect Section, para 3 (factor C1b ) and Sections 5.5.4,
para 4 and 5.5.5, para 6.
C3b = 1.0 for unidirectional (UD) reinforce-
ment products (3) The Goodman diagram shows the relationship
= 1.1 for non-woven fabrics and UD between the mean and the range components of the
woven rovings component resistances R and actions S (R and S as
strains ε or stresses σ) and may be constructed as in
= 1.2 for woven fabrics and mats Fig. 5.5.1.
IV – Part 2 5.5 Fibre Reinforced Plastics (FRP) and Bonded Joints Chapter 5
GL Wind 2005 Page 5-23
For this, the number of tolerable load cycles N shall be γMa = partial safety factor for the material (as per
determined as follows: Section, short-term strength)
Sk,M = mean value of the characteristic actions (4) For given actions, the Goodman diagram can be
used to determine the permissible load cycle num-
Sk,A = amplitude of the characteristic actions
bers N, which can be used to carry out a damage ac-
( |Sk,max – Sk,min|/2 )
cumulation calculation. The damage D is defined as
Rk,t = characteristic short-term structural member the sum of the quotients of existing load cycle num-
resistance for tension bers ni to permissible load cycle numbers Ni. D must
be less than unity:
Rk,c = characteristic short-term structural member
resistance for compression
m = slope parameter m of the S/N curve D=∑ ≤1 (5.5.7)
i Ni
Rk,A = amplitude of the characteristic structural
member resistances for load cycle number where:
D = damage
The auxiliary variables m and Rk,A are laid
down through an analysis (S/N curve) to be ni = existing number of load cycles of a class i
agreed with GL Wind. For simplified as- of actions
sumptions, see Sections 5.5.4 and 5.5.5.
Ni = permissible number of load cycles of a
N = permissible load cycle number class i of actions
Mean Analysis for inter-fibre failure (2) For the stability analysis, the partial safety factor
for the material γMc shall be applied to the mean values
(1) The cracking can be verified by computational of the material stiffnesses in order to determine the
means at the relevant critical positions as per Section design values of the component resistances Rd. γMc, para 2, for the individual layers of laminate. To shall be determined by multiplying the partial safety
determine the permissible failure stresses and failure factor γM0 (see Section, para 1) with the follow-
strains parallel and transverse to the fibres and for ing reduction factors Cic:
shear that are necessary for this verification, the char-
acteristic parameters shall be reduced by a diminished C1c = 1.1 for massive laminates and the skin
factor (γMa · CIFF). However, the factor resulting from layers of sandwich structures, to
(γMa · CIFF) shall not be less than 1.35. account for the scattering of the
= 1.3 for core materials, to account for
The transverse strains can be determined by computa- the scattering of the moduli
tion or by experiment.
= 1.0 for the core materials, if verified
minimum characteristics are used
(2) If calculation shows that individual layers of
laminate are not able to transfer the stresses assigned C2c = 1.1 temperature effect (see Sections
to them without cracking, the force component ∆F 5.5.4, para 7, and 5.5.5, para 8)
acting on the fractured layers shall be borne by other
layers of the laminate. CIFF is determined by the mag- (3) Where verification is performed by computation
nitude of the force component ∆F that has to be trans- and, as is generally the case, the actual structure can-
fered, in accordance with Table 5.5.1. not be analysed in detail, the assumptions and esti-
mates made shall be of conservative nature.
(3) Precise tracing of the stress changes caused by (4) The stability analysis may be performed with a
the transfer in the individual layers of the partially (geometric) non-linear FE computation. For each load-
cracked laminate is not necessary. ing, a stress-free predeformation affine to the 1st linear
buckling eigenform shall be applied to the structure.
The global scaling of the 1st linear eigenform shall be Stability analysis performed in such a way that the maximum height of
the critical buckle is 1/400 of its largest horizontal
(1) The stability (against buckling and wrinkling) of dimension (chord length). A smaller predeformation
parts under tensile, compressive and/or shear loading can be permitted if its height is verified. Under these
shall be verified on the basis of the design values for circumstances, the permissible stresses shall not be
the actions Sd. exceeded with regard to the design values of the loads.
(5) In the case of a stability analysis using a nonlin- – compression test parallel to the fibre direction
ear FE computation, additional verification shall be (DIN EN ISO 14126), test piece form B with a
provided according to a linear method, in order to minimum of 6 specimens to determine compres-
determine the 1st bifurcation load. This must be larger sive strength, failure strain and E-modulus
than the characteristic load. In addition, it shall be
– tension test for ± 45° laminates (DIN EN ISO
shown that, as a result of the buckling after predefor-
14129) with a minimum of 6 specimens to de-
mation, no damage can occur at the adjacent structural
termine the shear strength
members and structural details (e.g. at the bonded
joints). – compression test perpendicular to the fibre direc-
tion (DIN 65375) with a minimum of 6 speci-
(6) If the stability analysis is performed with a linear mens to determine compressive strength and
FE computation, an additional safety factor of 1.25 failure strain
shall be considered.
(2) For allowable ambient temperatures lower than
(7) As an alternative to the required stability analysis -30 °C, at least the following tests shall be additionally
by means of an analytical approach, stability can be necessary:
verified by testing. In this case, the design values for
the loads and the reduction factors as per Section Matrix and bonding material:, para 2, shall be taken into account, whereby – determination of the dynamic mechanical proper-
the reduction factor C1c = 1.0 shall be applied. If the ties (according to DIN EN ISO 6721-2) for the
tests are to be performed on structural components or matrix and the bonding material with a starting
samples, the conditions for the acknowledgement of temperature which is 10 °C beneath the lowest
these tests shall be defined beforehand in consultation allowable ambient temperature; 3 specimens
with GL Wind.
– lap-shear test following the lines of DIN EN
1465 or equivalent tests at room temperature and
5.5.4 Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastics (GRP)
at the lowest allowable ambient temperature; 6
specimens each. The test procedure and produc-
(1) To determine the strength and the stiffness of tion of the specimens shall be agreed with GL
materials used for structural members at allowable Wind in advance.
ambient temperatures between -30 °C and +50 °C, at
least the following tests shall be performed by a labo- Composite:
ratory acknowledged by GL Wind or an accredited
laboratory: – tension test perpendicular to the fibre direction
(DIN EN ISO 527-5, Type B) with a minimum of
Note: 6 specimens to determine tensile strength, failure
strain and E-modulus for the lowest allowable
The properties of the fibres and size are more impor- ambient temperature
tant than those of the non-woven fabric.
– tension test for ± 45° laminates (DIN EN ISO
14129) with a minimum of 6 specimens to de-
Matrix and bonding material: termine the shear stress and the shear modulus
– determination of temperature of deflection under for the lowest allowable ambient temperature
load (according to DIN EN ISO 75-2, method A,
with at least 3 specimens); minimum temperature (3) Other quantities which may be needed can be
for the glass transition temperature according to derived from the test values or taken from the litera-
Section, para 4 ture. Other standards can be chosen after prior consul-
tation of GL Wind. The test results shall as a rule be
verified every 4 years.
– tension test parallel to the fibre direction (DIN (4) The slope parameter m in factor C1b for the fa-
EN ISO 527-5, Type A) with a minimum of 6 tigue verification as per Section, para 3, may be
specimens to determine tensile strength, failure assumed as follows with consideration of Section
strain, E-modulus and Poisson’s number, para 4:
– tension test perpendicular to the fibre direction – m = 9 for laminates with polyester resin
(DIN EN ISO 527-5, Type B) with a minimum of matrix
6 specimens to determine tensile strength, failure
strain and E-modulus – m = 10 for laminates with epoxy resin matrix
Chapter 5 5.5 Fibre Reinforced Plastics (FRP) and Bonded Joints IV – Part 2
Page 5-26 GL Wind 2005
(5) This value of m applies without further verifica- made according to the following standards for allow-
tion for laminates with a fibre content of at least 30 % able ambient temperatures between −30 °C and
and at most 55 % by volume. For other fibre volume +50 °C:
contents and matrix resins, an appropriate analysis
(S/N curve) shall be performed. – tension test perpendicular to the fibre direction
(DIN EN 2597) with a minimum of 6 specimens
(6) The amplitude of the characteristic structural to determine tensile strength, failure strain and E-
member resistances for load cycle number N=1 may modulus
be assumed as
– compression test parallel to the fibre direction
(DIN EN 2850, draft of April 1998), test piece
Rk,A = (Rk,t+|Rk,c|)/2 (5.5.8)
form A1 (reduction of the free buckling length to
8 mm ± 0.25 mm is allowed) with a minimum of
(7) The factor C2x applies for the influence of ambi-
6 specimens to determine compressive strength
ent temperatures between –30 °C and 50 °C, if the
and failure strain
drop in the shear or flexural moduli of the laminates at
50 °C compared with that at 23 °C is not greater than
(5) For allowable ambient temperatures lower than
20 %.
−30 °C, Section 5.5.4, para 2 shall apply. In deviation
from this, a test shall be made according to the follow-
(8) Structures whose load-bearing laminate is built
ing standards in the case of allowable ambient tem-
up from unidirectional glass-fibre reinforcement layers
peratures lower than −30 °C:
may be qualified with regard to short-term and fatigue
strength by a simplified strain verification. At design
– tension test perpendicular to the fibre direction
values of the actions, the strain along the fibre direc-
(DIN EN 2597) with a minimum of 6 specimens
tion shall remain below the following design values:
to determine tensile strength, failure strain and E-
– tensile strain εRd,t ≤ 0.35% (5.5.9)
– compressive strain εRd,c ≤ |−0.25|% (5.5.10) (6) The slope parameter m in factor C1b for the
fatigue verification as per Section, para 3, may
(9) The mean bearing stress of load introduction be assumed as m = 14 for CRP. This applies without
zones shall not exceed the value of 100 N/mm² in the further verification for laminates with a fibre content
fibre direction without further verification. of at least 50 % and at most 60 % by volume and an
epoxy resin matrix. For other fibre volume contents
5.5.5 Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastics (CRP) and matrix resins, an appropriate analysis (S/N curve)
shall be performed.
(1) The characteristic values prescribed in this sec-
tion refer to high-tensile (HT) reinforcement fibres. (7) The amplitude of the characteristic structural
For the verification of other fibre types (HM, HS, IM, member resistances for load cycle number N=1 may
pitch-based fibres, “heavy tows” etc.) the analysis be assumed as
shall be agreed with GL Wind (see Section,
para 5). Rk,A = (Rk,t+|Rk,c|)/2 (5.5.11)
(3) The mechanical properties on compression paral- (9) Structures whose load-bearing laminate is built
lel to the fibre direction shall be proved by tests. The up from unidirectional glass-fibre reinforcement layers
laminate quality of the test specimens shall be equiva- may be qualified with regard to short-term and fatigue
lent to that of the later production line. The quality of strength by a simplified strain verification, provided a
laminate (direction and waviness of fibres, porosity high laminate quality can be verified. At design values
etc.) shall be specified in the production specification of the actions, the strain along the fibre direction shall
for the component. remain below the following design values for the
(4) For the determination of the strength and stiff-
ness of materials used for allowable ambient tempera- – tensile strain εRd,t ≤ 0.24% (5.5.12)
tures between −30 °C and +50 °C, refer to Section
5.5.4, para 1. In deviation from this, two tests shall be – compressive strain εRd,c ≤ |−0.18|% (5.5.13)
IV – Part 2 5.5 Fibre Reinforced Plastics (FRP) and Bonded Joints Chapter 5
GL Wind 2005 Page 5-27
(10) The mean bearing stress of load introduction τRk = 7 N/mm2 (5.5.14)
zones shall not exceed the value of 150 N/mm² in the
can be used for two-component thermosetting adhe-
fibre direction without further verification.
sives approved by GL. A stress concentration arising
in the structural member is covered by this value up to
5.5.6 Bonded joints
a factor of 3.0.
(1) The strength analysis for bonding shall be per-
formed according to Section 5.5.3, with the necessary (6) For the fatigue verification, a characteristic S/N
changes. Stress concentrations within the bonding curve shall be determined from tests at 23 °C. The test
surfaces and flaws shall be taken into account (see procedure and production of the specimens shall be
Section, para 2). agreed with GL Wind in advance. The partial safety
factor for the material γMe shall be applied to the char-
(2) The application limits for the adhesive prescribed acteristic S/N curve that is determined. γMe shall be
by the manufacturer shall be observed. Bonded joints determined by multiplying the partial safety factor γM0
shall be so designed that peeling moments or forces (see Section, para 1) with the following reduc-
are avoided to the greatest possible extent. tion factors Cie :
(3) If the analyses are based on characteristic values C1e = 1.0 (only a formal placeholder)
obtained in tests, it shall in each case be checked that C2e = 1.1 temperature effect
the findings concerning stress concentrations in the
specimen can be transferred to the actual structural C3e = 1.1 bonding surface reproducibility
members. If necessary, the characteristic values shall C4e = 1.0 post-cured bond
be corrected in proportion to the various stress concen-
trations. = 1.1 non post-cured bond
(4) To determine the allowable shear stress for In the fatigue verification, the influence of the mean
steady stress curves, lap-shear tests or equivalent tests stress shall be taken into account analogously to Sec-
shall be performed at 23 °C and 50 °C for the adhesive tion, para 3 and para 4.
used. The test procedure and production of the speci-
mens shall be agreed with GL Wind in advance. The (7) The fatigue verification for joints that feature a
partial safety factor for the material γMd shall be ap- steady shear stress curve without discontinuities (e.g.
plied to the characteristic value that is determined. γMd connection between web and chord or upper and lower
shall be obtained by multiplying the partial safety shells for rotor blades) is provided for two-component
factor γM0 (see Section, para 1) by the follow- thermosetting adhesives approved by GL if the stress
ing reduction factors Cid: range from the equivalent constant-range spectrum for
107 load cycles is less than
C1d = 1.5 influence of ageing
τRd = 1.0 N/mm2 (5.5.15)
C2d = 1.0 temperature effect
C3d = 1.1 bonding surface reproducibility A stress concentration arising in the structural member
is covered by this value up to a factor of 3.0.
C4d = 1.0 post-cured bond
= 1.1 non post-cured bond (8) For the fatigue verification of point loads (e.g.
metallic inserts), a characteristic S/N curve shall be
(5) Without further verification, a characteristic determined from tests at 23 °C. The influence of mois-
shear stress of ture on the joint shall be taken into account.
IV – Part 2 5.6 Wood Chapter 5
GL Wind 2005 Page 5-29
5.6 Wood
(1) The verification of the ultimate and serviceability (4) In particular, the long-term effect of environ-
limit states shall as a rule be carried out according to mental influences is largely unknown. Effective mois-
Eurocode 5. ture-proofing in accordance with the requirements of
this Guideline is thus a basic prerequisite for dimen-
(2) The analysis of dynamically loaded structural sioning to ensure adequate fatigue strength for dy-
members, such as wooden rotor blades, shall be de- namically loaded structural members, such as rotor
fined in consultation with GL Wind. blades made of wood.
(3) Confirmed knowledge of fatigue behaviour of (5) Connecting elements between blade and hub
rotor blades constructed from various types of lami- shall be verified, as for the components of machinery
nated wood currently exists only to a limited extent. and steel structure, in accordance with Section 5.3.
IV – Part 2 Appendix 5.A Strength Analyses with the Finite Element Method Chapter 5
GL Wind 2005 Page 5-31
(2) In general, strength analysis consists of the fol- (5) External loads as per Chapter 4 and possibly
lowing steps, which are described in more detail in the additional forces from the dead weight and accelerated
sections below: masses shall be taken into account as the loading. In
the case of time-variant loading, the dynamic behav-
– modelling of the structure and the boundary iour of the structure shall, if applicable, be considered
conditions in the form of dynamically increased loads and/or
structural responses (e.g. tower or drive train) or, as an
– determination and modelling of the primary alternative, dynamic analyses shall be performed
loads and load cases (however, these are not discussed further here).
– execution of the analysis
(6) It shall be noted that the structural response can
– verification of the model depend on the loading magnitude in a linear or a
– evaluation and assessment of the results nonlinear manner. Nonlinear effects can be of signifi-
cance in the following cases:
In conclusion, the working steps shall be documented
(see Section 5.A.5). – generally for an analysis of the failure behaviour
of the structure
(3) In modelling the structure as well as the bound- – geometric nonlinearity: for relatively flexible
ary conditions and loading, certain simplifications are structures with large deformations
Chapter 5 Appendix 5.A Strength Analyses with the Finite Element Method IV – Part 2
Page 5-32 GL Wind 2005
– structural nonlinearity: for contact problems or (2) The resulting stresses are nominal stresses, i.e.
variable boundary conditions, e.g. load- stresses which would result from integral quantities of
depending opening of bolted connections the section loads and cross-section values. Global
nominal stresses contain no local stress increases;
– material nonlinearity: nonlinear material behav-
these must be superposed additionally (see Sections 5.
iour through plastification of structural regions
A.1.4 and 5.A.1.5.
(7) In the structural design of wind turbines, the
5.A.1.4 Local deformations and stresses
deformations and stresses can usually be subdivided
into the following categories, depending on the struc-
(1) In the structural details of components such as
tural conditions:
stiffeners and plates, additional local deformations and
stresses can occur as a result of the local loading.
– global deformations and stresses of the primary
structural components (hub, main frame, tower
(2) The structural details of components include
stiffeners, webs, flange plates and cut-outs, radii and
– local deformations and stresses of the primary transitions.
structural components and their structural details
(e.g. stiffeners) (3) The resulting local stresses are also nominal
stresses (see Section 5.A.1.3, para 2) which have su-
– locally increased stresses at structural details
perposed themselves on the global stresses. This su-
perposition can arise through eccentricities or other re-
The objective of the strength analysis and the kind of
directionings in the force path which generate addi-
modelling, loading and evaluation can refer to one of
tional moments or forces locally. In addition, locally
these categories, which are described in more detail in
increased stresses can arise at structural details.
Sections 5.A.1.3 to 5.A.1.5.
5.A.1.5 Locally increased stresses
5.A.1.2 Determining the objective, type and
extent of the strength analysis (1) At structural details and discontinuities, locally
increased stresses which must be assessed especially in
(1) The objective, type and extent of the strength respect of fatigue strength can occur. Here a distinction
analysis must be laid down clearly, since these aspects is made between two types of stresses:
have a decisive effect on the modelling of the structure
and the loading. – the maximum stress in the notch root; see para 2
– the structural or hot-spot stress defined specially
(2) The objective of the analysis results from the for welded joints; see para 3
alternatives described in Section 5.A.1.1, para 4,
whereby the category of the deformations and stresses (2) The maximum stress at notched components can
to be considered in the analysis must be determined; exceed the elastic limit of the material. Instead of the
see also Section 5.A.1.1, para 7 and Sections 5.A.1.3 nonlinear notch stress σ and strain ε, the notch stress σk
to 5.A.1.5. can be determined and assessed for normal cases under
the assumption of linear-elastic material behaviour. In
(3) The type of analysis comprises either a linear or the case of very sharp notches, the local supporting
a geometric-, structural- and/or material-related non- effect of the (ductile) material can be considered.
linear analysis; see Section 5.A.1.1, para 6.
(3) In complex welded structures, only the stress
(4) The extent of analysis is mainly oriented towards increase as a result of the structural geometry is gener-
the selected extent of the model and the necessary ally calculated in the FE analysis, whilst that caused by
mesh fineness; see also Sections 5.A.2.1 to 5.A.2.3. the weld toe is (only) considered during the assess-
ment. This leads to the structural or hot-spot stress σS
5.A.1.3 Global deformations and stresses at welds, and this is determined under the assumption
of elastic material behaviour.
(1) The structural response under tensile, shear,
bending and torsional load consists of global (i.e. (4) Apart from a direct calculation of the locally
large-area) deformations and stresses. Particularly for increased stresses, it is possible to use catalogued
complex geometries (e.g. main frame) or loads (e.g. stress concentration factors or detail categories. When
hub), the structural responses to be expected cannot be using concentration factors and detail categories, the
modelled by the laws of the beam or plate theory. associated nominal stresses must be determined with
IV – Part 2 Appendix 5.A Strength Analyses with the Finite Element Method Chapter 5
GL Wind 2005 Page 5-33
Yaw bearing
Ball bearing
Detail 1
Supporting bracket
Bolts and contact
Detail 2
Fig. 5.A.3 Half-model for a sensitivity study on the arrangement of the yaw bearing at the tower top
5.A.2.2 Selecting the elements – truss elements (1D elements with axial stiffness,
but without bending stiffness)
(1) Selecting the type of element used primarily
– beam elements (1D elements with axial, shear,
depends on the objective of the analysis. The charac-
bending and torsional stiffness)
teristics of the selected element type must be able to
reflect with sufficient accuracy the stiffness of the – plate and shell elements (2D elements with
structure and the stresses to be analysed. When carry- membrane, bending and torsional stiffness)
ing out a strength analysis, adequate knowledge of the
– solid elements (3D elements)
characteristics of the elements used is a prerequisite;
the program documentation and applicable literature – boundary and spring elements
should be consulted.
– contact elements (spring elements with nonlinear
spring characteristic)
(2) Usually, the following types of elements are used
for strength calculations of wind turbine structures:
When using different element types, attention should
be paid to the compatibility of the displacement func-
tions as well as the transferability of the boundary
loads and stresses, particularly for the coupling of
elements with and without bending stiffness at the
importance can be excluded by suitable selection of (4) In calculating locally increased stresses, the
the elements. A number of notes on the element types mesh fineness shall be increased gradually in accor-
commonly used in the modelling of wind turbine struc- dance with the stress gradient. Further notes on mesh
tures are given below. fineness in the calculation of locally increased stresses
are given in the relevant literature (e.g. NAFEMS).
(4) In general, it must be determined how and to
what extent the bending of components must be con- 5.A.2.4 Simplifications
sidered in the strength analysis. In cases of pure bend-
ing behaviour, the principles of the beam or shell the- (1) Owing to the complexity of the wind turbine
ory can be applied with the corresponding element structure, simplifications are generally necessary in
types. When using a solid element, a higher-order modelling, especially for global strength analyses.
displacement function (e.g. with additional mid-side Simplifications are permissible, provided that the re-
nodes) or a finer mesh may have to be chosen, if a sults are only impaired to a negligible extent.
corresponding bending behaviour is to be permitted.
(2) Small secondary components or details that only
(5) In local models, all stiffness components are affect the stiffness of the global model to a lesser ex-
generally of significance – even those of structural tent can be neglected in the modelling. Examples of
details – so that here plate, shell or solid elements are this are small cut-outs, drill-holes and radii; their local
suitable. Further information on selecting elements in stress increasing effects shall, however, be considered
the calculation of locally increased stresses is given in in a suitable manner (e.g. through application of stress
Chapter 5 “Strength Analyses”. concentration factors).
(3) For the strength analysis of the parts of the struc- 5.A.3.2 Modelling the loads
tures and components of wind turbines, the interaction
with neighbouring structural regions at the model (1) The loads shall be modelled realistically. If
edges should also be modelled as realistically as possi- necessary, the modelling of the structure must be
ble. This can be done at planes of symmetry by means adapted to the modelling of the loads; see Section
of symmetry or asymmetry conditions, insofar as the 5.A.2.3, para 2.
load and/or the structure is distributed symmetrically
or asymmetrically. In certain cases, the interaction can (2) Distributed loads (e.g. line or area loads) shall be
also be portrayed by prescribed stresses, or forces and converted – if applicable – to the equivalent node
moments, at the boundary. These parameters can be forces and moments, considering the displacement
obtained, for example, from the structural analyses of function of the elements.
larger regions (submodel technique) or from beam
forces and moments (e.g. tower segment). Nonlinear (3) If the boundary deformations derived from
boundary conditions shall be taken into account, and if coarse models of large structural areas are applied to
applicable can be linearized (e.g. opening in flange local models, the correspondingly interpolated values
joints, load transfer for roller and sliding bearing only shall be specified for the intermediate nodes.
via compressive loads).
5.A.3.3 Checking the load input
5.A.2.6 Checking the input data
(1) The input data for the loads shall be checked
thoroughly for errors. As is the case for the structural
(1) The input data used for modelling the structural
geometry, here too the effectiveness of the check can
geometry and for the material characteristics shall be
be increased considerably with the aid of suitable
checked thoroughly for errors. The effectiveness of the
checking programs and visualization of the data.
data check can be increased appreciably by visualiza-
tion of the data.
(2) It is particularly important to check the sums of
the forces and moments. For balanced load cases, it
(2) The geometry of the finite element mesh should
must be ensured that the residual forces and moments
generally be reviewed by visual inspection. Here the
are negligible and that the reaction forces and mo-
possibility that individual elements have been entered
ments correspond to the applied loads.
twice by mistake, or that adjacent elements are not
connected with each other, should also be taken into
(3) The checks performed shall be documented.
account. Furthermore, geometry data which are not
Further notes on the extent, the requirements and the
immediately visible, such as the thickness of 2D ele-
documentation are given in Section 5.A.5.
ments or the cross-sectional properties of 1D elements,
should also be checked.
5.A.4 Calculation and evaluation of the results
(3) In addition to the geometry data, the material
5.A.4.1 Plausibility of the results
data as well as the boundary conditions and supports
that were introduced should be checked carefully. Note
(1) During the evaluation, the results shall be
that these parameters generally exert a considerable
checked for plausibility. This involves in particular the
influence on the results.
visual presentation and checking of the deformations
to see whether their magnitudes lie within the expected
(4) The checks performed shall be documented.
range and whether their distributions are meaningful
with respect to the loads and boundary conditions or
(5) Further notes on the extent, the requirements and
the documentation are given in Section 5.A.5.
(2) Furthermore, it shall be checked whether the
5.A.3 Loading of the structure forces and moments at the supports lie within the ex-
pected order of magnitude or are negligibly small.
5.A.3.1 General
(3) For local models with specified boundary defor-
The relevant loads for the strength analyses of struc- mations from the models of large structural regions, it
tures and components of a wind turbine shall be ap- is necessary to check whether the stresses near the
plied in accordance with Section 5.2.1 “General notes boundaries correspond for the two models (verification
on the loading of the structure”. of the submodel).
IV – Part 2 Appendix 5.A Strength Analyses with the Finite Element Method Chapter 5
GL Wind 2005 Page 5-37
(4) Stress peaks shall be checked for plausibility of (7) For the fatigue verification of bolted connections
the location, distribution and magnitude of the stresses in accordance with Section 6.5.2 by means of FEM,
with regard to the loads and boundary conditions. the edge stresses resulting from the tensile and bending
Insofar as it is possible to define nominal stresses, stresses shall be considered.
concentration factors can be determined from the
stress distribution and compared with tabulated con-
centration factors. 5.A.4.4 Fatigue strength
(5) For nonlinear computations, it is necessary to (1) Fatigue strength aspects should generally be
check whether the solution was determined with suffi- taken into account in the assessment of wind turbine
cient accuracy in the nonlinear zone. components, owing to the cyclic stresses that are usu-
ally present.
5.A.4.2 Deformations
(2) In the assessment of the stresses with regard to
The deformations of the structure should generally be fatigue strength, the stress type shall be considered, i.e.
plotted so that other persons can perform a plausibility whether nominal stresses or locally increased notch or
check of the results. structural stresses are calculated with the chosen
model; see also Section 5.A.1.1, para 7.
5.A.4.3 Stresses
(3) For the assessment, it is recommended that utili-
(1) In strength analyses for specified load conditions sation ratio or reserve factors be applied.
(e.g. ultimate loads), the stresses of the entire compo-
nent shall generally be represented pictorially. An (4) Further notes, particularly on special fatigue
exception is the analysis of locally increased stresses, analyses, are given in Chapter 5.
for which it is possible that only the maximum value
may be relevant.
5.A.4.5 Presentation of the results
(2) The stresses shall be checked with respect to the
permissible values, as defined in Chapter 5. The corre- (1) The results obtained and the conclusions made
sponding stress category must be observed; cf. Section on the basis of these results shall be documented com-
5.A.1.1, para 7. pletely and clearly.
(3) For the stress evaluation, the changes in stress (2) The documentation can take the form of graphics
between the element centre and the element edge or and lists. In particular, lists are necessary when the
corner must be taken into account. Simplifications in graphic form is not able to represent the results with
the model in relation to the real structure shall be in- sufficient accuracy. Extensive lists should be sorted,
cluded in the assessment. If cut-outs are considered in for example according to utilisation ratio or reserve
models with a coarse mesh in a simplified manner, the factors.
stresses shall be referred to the residual cross-section
next to the cut-out. (3) All symbols and designations that are used
should be explained, if possible in or before the plots
(4) In models with relatively coarse meshes, local and lists.
stress increases at existing structural details and dis-
continuities shall be included in the assessment, if their (4) Further notes on the extent, the requirements and
effect is not considered separately. the documentation are given in Section 5.A.5.4.
5.A.5.2 General requirements for and listed according to their order of appearance in the
the documentation documentation.
(1) In this section, the requirements for the docu- (9) The reference of the certified loads is made
mentation are to a large extent presented independ- through statement of the load documentation with
ently of the analysis approach (analytical or FEM). naming of the title, reference number and revision
They are oriented towards [5.9]. number. The partial safety factors used for the loads
shall be documented. Insofar as time series are applied
(2) From the technical and calculation viewpoint, the in the fatigue analyses, the load spectra shall be ap-
documentation of the computational analyses shall pended in graphic form to the documentation, in order
form a unified whole together with all other documents to show without doubt that the valid and approved
(drawings, specifications). loads were used.
(3) The document shall have an unambiguous title (10) If mechanical models are used for individual
designation with reference and revision number. The conditioning/adaptation of the loads, their derivation
creation and release date shall be easily recognizable shall be documented. This should preferably be done
without doubt. in pictorial form with the aid of sketches or (modified)
assembly drawings. The results shall be presented as
(4) The documentation shall be preceded by an partial or interim results (see Section 5.A.5.4.2).
overall table of contents reflecting the current state of
revision in each case. (11) As substantiation of the dimensions and eccen-
tricities used in the computational analyses and of the
(5) The following shall be indicated: mechanical boundary conditions and simplifications
on which the calculations are based, the following
– definition of the objective, type (methods used shall be appended to the documentation:
and theories applied) as well as extent of the cal-
culation – assembly drawings and sectional drawings which
show the geometry clearly
– overall result, with statement of the primary load
cases and indication of the utilisation ratio and/or – production and material specifications (for
reserve factors that may be of special use for fu- checking the design limits and the analysis hy-
ture margin studies based on these results (cf. pothesis)
also Section
– individual parts drawings and/or type sheets of
adjacent components, as well as the spring char-
(6) The terms, symbols and units shall be described
acteristics of connected elastomer bushings the
and applied clearly in the documentation.
data of which were used in the analyses
(7) The selected ordering systems shall be presented
clearly. If several ordering systems are used, then the
ordering systems shall be allocated unambiguously to If the documents were submitted separately within the
each other. The ordering systems include: scope of certification for adjacent components or
structures, it shall suffice to name the title, reference
– coordinate systems number and revision number of the relevant document.
– sign conventions (e.g. for section or displace-
ment quantities, or for stresses and strains) 5.A.5.3 Special requirements for
– allocations (e.g. item numbers, components, the documentation
node-element numbering)
(1) The following requirements shall be applied
– load cases and combination of load cases, sub- especially for the documentation of FE analyses. This
systems of an overall system section is concerned with the input data, whilst Section
5.A.5.4 addresses the presentation of results. Insofar
The allocation of the data used in the ordering systems applicable, the documentation shall contain the follow-
(e.g. entries and results) shall be clearly recognizable. ing data:
(8) Citations of standards and guidelines applied and – identification of the program used (name, variant
of references (also of special analysis methods or and version designation; if applicable, designa-
models) reflecting the state of the art shall be named tions of various software packages for pre-
IV – Part 2 Appendix 5.A Strength Analyses with the Finite Element Method Chapter 5
GL Wind 2005 Page 5-39
versus the load for partial openings in the joints). (5) In the case of frequent structural repetitions,
Any linearizations undertaken shall be described. reference examples can be applied.
– the assessment on the selection of evaluation
(6) The FE results and the models shall be submitted
regions (e.g. geometric notches) for the compo-
with the documentation on appropriate data media in
nent or the structure. Here figures shall be used
generally readable form (i.e. no machine or program
to indicate clearly the position in the meshed
code, unless expressly permitted/requested by GL
global model. Insofar applicable, lists of the
stresses (strains) shall be given for these evalua-
tion regions, at least with unit loads as the trans-
5.A.5.4.3 Final results
fer factor (or transfer function).
– It shall be shown that the stress concentration in (1) The final result is the objective defined as per
the submodel to be investigated exerts no influ- Section 5.A.5.2, para 5. Here this involves the results
ence on the result at the submodel edge (St. Ve- mentioned in Section 5.A.4.5. The results shall be
nant’s principle). documented separately from the viewpoint of the ulti-
mate load and fatigue strength.
– a check of the equilibrium through an analysis
using reaction forces
(2) Documentation of the ultimate strength analysis:
– quality assessment through comparison of the
calculated masses of the FE model with the – The results of the ultimate loads shall be pre-
drawing specifications sented, with comments, preferably as a combina-
tion of the unit loads. It shall be ensured that
– statement of the assessment data from the FE
there is perfect correspondence between the
model (e.g. averaged or non-averaged ele-
loads and their representation in the graph-
ment/node results)
(3) The calculation results shall be prepared in one – A comparison between the calculated (equiva-
of the programs and documented in an appropriate lent) stresses and the design value shall be
number of overall and partial presentations. These documented in accordance with the specifica-
results shall be shown in graphic form. They may only tions in Chapter 5.
be printed out in tabular form if the overview and
clarity of the data set cannot be improved considerably (3) Documentation of the fatigue strength analysis:
by a graphic presentation. It is important that any nec-
essary supplements and explanations (even in hand- – The results shall be presented with consideration
writing) be appended. of the provisions described in Chapters 5 to 7
and with reference to the global FE model or
(4) For margin studies, it is permissible to use certi- previously selected regions (e.g. critical cross-
fied models and the transfer factors calculated therein. sections, hot spots).
Rules and Guidelines
IV Industrial Services
Edition 2005
IV – Part 2 Table of Contents Chapter 6
GL Wind 2005 Page 3
Table of Contents
Appendix 6.A
damping ratio may be assumed to be β ≈ 0.01. For (3) Structures of reinforced concrete and preloaded
vibrations in rotor axis direction the total damping concrete shall be verified in accordance with Section
ratio may be assumed to be βx ≈ 0.07 if the turbine is
in power production operation.
(4) In supplement to Section 1.3.2, some examples
Note: of the limit states listed there are given below:
For the stiffnesses and the dynamic response, possible
– The deformation limit state is for instance de-
bandwidths within the load calculations shall be as-
fined by the maintenance of a safety gap (dis-
sumed and documented.
tance rotor blade / tower or rotor blade / guy
wire). It may also happen that thermal expansion
(7) Wind-induced transverse vibrations
becomes decisive.
Lean structures like circular-, or near-circular-, section
steel towers may be sensitive in view of vortex- – The vibration limit state is for instance defined
induced vibrations transverse to the wind direction. by keeping vibration amplitudes or accelerations
The loading from these vibrations may be determined within acceptable limits. This limit state is usu-
as given in Section and 6.8.4 or in accor- ally enforced via the control system (see Section
dance with Eurocode 1, Chapter 9 and Annex C. 2.3.2).
– The crack-formation limit state shall be observed
(8) Wave and/or current induced transverse
in the case of concrete structures. Crack widths
Vortex-induced vibrations on structures as mentioned shall be kept within acceptable limits.
in para 7 may also occur because of waves and/or sea – The stress or strain limit state is for instance
currents. It shall be investigated if the structure is defined by the limitation of tensile and/or com-
sensitive in view of these excitations. The analysis pressive stresses in concrete structures or the
may be performed according to draft ISO 19902 precondition that steel structures shall not un-
[5.10], A.9.12. dergo plastification under characteristic actions.
(1) The strength and serviceability of rotor blades of (1) In addition to the quality controls during produc-
most offshore wind turbines with horizontal axes can tion, the manufacturer or someone appointed by him
be analysed on the basis of the contents of this Chap- shall carry out final tests on a scale agreed with GL
ter. Analysis of unusual designs shall be agreed with Wind. The quality documentation applicable to the
GL Wind. rotor blade type shall be submitted to GL Wind for
assessment before series production commences (see
(2) Typical materials for rotor blades and connection Section
components are fibre reinforced plastics (FRP) and
wood. Strength analysis of rotor blades and blade parts (2) At least the checks listed below are required as
made from these materials shall be carried out as per part of the final tests:
Chapter 5.
– plausibility and completeness check of the data
and entries in test sheets, control sheets, work-
(3) The rotor blades shall be equipped with a suit-
progress slips and check sheets which accom-
able lightning protection system in accordance with
pany the rotor blade through the production
Section Proof shall be provided for the con-
nection of the conductor cross-sections specified there process
to the blade structure. The lightning conduction ar- – check of the geometry including accuracy of
rangements shall be such that the blade-hub transition profile data (for at least one blade of a series, de-
or other attachments are able to conduct he lightning termination of the natural frequencies in flapwise
current safely from the rotor blade to the tower. and edgewise directions; in the event of large de-
viations in mass and center of gravity, this shall Requirements for manufacturers be carried out for a number of blades)
– determination of the mass and the centre of grav-
See Section ity
– check of the bonding through visual inspection Requirements for materials
of the exterior and, insofar possible, interior of
the blade
See Section
– check for acceptability of the material charac-
teristics on the basis of random samples (scope to
6.2.2 Assessment documents be agreed with GL Wind)
a documents for the material tests listed in Section – check of the balance quality for each set of The tests shall be performed by a test blades; requirements as per Section
laboratory acknowledged according to Section, para 2. Documentation
b written documents subject to assessment for the (1) On completion of the final tests a delivery docu-
verifications set out in Section 6.2.4 ment containing at least the following data shall be
issued for each rotor blade:
c drawings for the blade in the delivery condition
(2) Each rotor blade shall be permanently marked a residual safety of 1.2 is given with regard to the
with its serial number in an easily accessible position. flapwise and edgewise directions.
Furthermore, an identification plate shall be attached
with the following information: (6) Connections in the vicinity of local load intro-
duction zones (e.g. tip shaft, metallic inserts at the
– manufacturer blade root) shall be designed to be at least damage-
tolerant. A construction is regarded to be damage-
– type designation tolerant if an instance of damage does not lead to im-
– serial number mediate failure of the structure.
(4) For rotor blades, the locations of greatest loading The structural member resistances shall be determined
/ damage resp. lowest safety (critical points) shall be according to Chapter 5.
shown for the decisive loads in each case, for both the
extreme and fatigue strength analysis. If the location of 6.2.5 Blade tests
these critical points and the type and magnitude of
their decisive loading is not straight clear, calculations General
shall be performed to provide this information. Par-
ticular attention shall be given to points with non- (1) For the purpose of verifying the calculations, the
linearities of the geometry and/or the material. rotor blades shall be subjected to tests of both the
natural frequencies and the static loading within the
(5) In exceptional cases (e.g. for fatigue analysis), it scope of the assessment. The requirements for these
is permissible by way of simplification to verify not tests are defined in the following. Owing to special
the critical points but reference points with the appli- features of the design, additional strength tests may be
cable loads (e.g. points on the main axes or on axes of necessary for the rotor blades, rotor blade sections or
the chord coordinate system), from which conclusions reference samples. The requirements for this will be
can then be drawn on the safety of the critical points. decided in each individual case.
The relationship of the minimum safety between the
reference points and the critical points shall be verified (2) All tests shall either be performed by an ac-
adequately by means of fundamental investigations, knowledged test laboratory (i.e. test laboratory accred-
sample calculations etc. For the fatigue analysis of the ited for the relevant tests or recognized by GL Wind)
blade root, an extended examination is not necessary if or performed under the surveillance of GL Wind. For
IV – Part 2 6.2 Rotor Blades Chapter 6
GL Wind 2005 Page 6-5
all tests performed under the surveillance of GL Wind, (5) In the following possibly critical areas, undis-
an approved test specification is needed; this shall be turbed loading is necessary:
submitted in good time before the start of the test.
– the part of the rotor blade from the blade root up Test requirements to the profile section from which the cross-
sectional properties only change slowly and con-
(1) The rotor blade to be tested shall as a rule exhibit tinuously
correspondence with the drawings and specifications – those parts of the rotor blade with the smallest
submitted. If local reinforcements (e.g. in the area of
calculated residual safeties against bulging or
the load introduction zones) become necessary because
of the test, agreement shall be reached beforehand with
GL Wind. As part of the test report, correspondence of – those parts of the rotor blade in which local rein-
the test blade with the drawings and specifications forcements (e.g. for the blade tip brake) or other
submitted shall be certified or, failing that, the modifi- special design features are located
cations shall be listed. Before the start of the test, the
mass and centre of gravity of the rotor blade shall be Without further analysis, it shall be assumed that there
determined and documented. is no undisturbed loading over a length of 80 % of the
local profile depth on both sides of a load introduction
(2) As a rule, the tests shall be performed in the zone.
flapwise and edgewise directions, both positive and
negative, of the blade. After consultation with GL (6) Within the scope of the tests, at least the meas-
Wind, the scope of the test may be reduced in justified urements listed below shall be performed. Here the
cases. Furthermore, at least the first natural frequency results shall be determined for at least four load levels
of the clamped rotor blade shall be determined in the between 40 % and 100 % of the maximum test loading
flapwise and edgewise directions. For rotor blades STest .
with a length of more than 30 m, it shall be addition-
ally necessary to determine the second natural fre- – The applied loads shall be measured at each load
quency in the flapwise direction, together with the first introduction point.
torsional natural frequency for torsionally soft blades.
In the case of rotor blades for stall-controlled turbines, – The bending of the rotor blade shall be measured
the damping in the edgewise direction shall be meas- at least at half the rotor radius and at the blade
ured. tip.
– The strains of the girder in the upper and lower
(3) The test loading STest is determined as follows:
shell shall at least be measured at four cross-
sections distributed over the test area as per Sec-
STest = Sd • γ1Τ • γ2Τ tion, para 4.
where: – The strains of the leading and trailing edges shall
Sd = design values of the load at least be measured at the position of the maxi-
mum chord length and at half the blade length.
γ1T = 1.1 for scattering of the rotor blade char-
– The shear strains of the webs in the blade root
acteristics in series production
area shall be measured, preferably at the point of
γ2T = 1.0 for execution of the test with an greatest loading.
ambient air temperature of at least 20 °C – The outside temperature shall be recorded during
= 1.1 for execution of the test with an the test.
ambient air temperature of -30 °C
(7) Under certain circumstances, strain measure-
The values between 20 °C and -30 °C ments may become necessary at other critical points.
may be interpolated linearly. During the test, the corresponding load level shall be
maintained for at least 10 seconds. Local failure or
(4) With regard to the maximum load occurring in buckling during the test is not permissible without
the test, at least the test load STest shall be obtained for further analysis.
each point in the range from at least 2.5 % to about
70 % of the blade length. In addition, the test for the (8) It is recommended that rotor blades for offshore
sections with the lowest residual safety shall be per- wind turbines be tested together with their adjacent
formed. Here the influences on the loading from the structures and so instrumented that the stress condi-
deformation of the rotor blade shall be taken into account. tions of the bolted connections can also be determined.
Chapter 6 6.2 Rotor Blades IV – Part 2
Page 6-6 GL Wind 2005
6.3.2 Assessment documents (1) Strength calculations shall verify the ultimate
strength and serviceability totally, clearly and confirm-
(1) For assessment of the strength and serviceability ably for the machinery structures. They shall contain
of machinery structures of wind turbines, the following sufficient information on
documents are required:
– design loads
(2) Data on the components with material properties, – static systems (analogous models) and general
data from the manufacturer in the case of mass- boundary conditions applied (also the influence
produced parts, about the standard in the case of stan- of adjacent components)
dardized parts, notes on the specifications used etc. In
addition, parts lists may be necessary in the case of – materials
welded structures.
– permissible stresses
(3) Design documentation (assembly drawings, and – references used
if necessary working drawings and specifications),
also of the primary adjacent components, executed in (2) Requirements, verification and certificates for
standard form and with clear identification (parts des- the materials are laid down in Chapter 3. Additional
ignation, drawing number, modification index), shall statements can be obtained from Section 5.3 and, if
be submitted. These shall contain applicable, Chapter 7. The guidelines given in Chapter
4 with regard to the loads shall be observed.
– in the case of structures of casting and forging
materials, all necessary data on the delivery con- (3) From the technical and calculation viewpoint, the
dition, such as surface finish, heat treatment, cor- documentation of the computational analyses shall
rosion protection etc. form a unified whole together with all other documents
(drawings, specifications). Here it shall be observed
– in the case of welded structures, data on material that the references of the adjacent components and
designations, type of welding seam, heat treat- structural areas which are mentioned in the computa-
ment, corrosion protection etc. tional analyses shall be included in the documentation.
(4) For machinery structures which are contained in (4) If the analysis concepts of different standards and
mass-produced parts and which have proved their guidelines are applied, these shall not be mixed.
IV – Part 2 6.4 Nacelle Covers and Spinners Chapter 6
GL Wind 2005 Page 6-9
(1) The strength and serviceability of the nacelle – The analysis for inter-fibre failure may be omit-
covers and spinners of offshore wind turbines with ted.
horizontal axes can be analysed on the basis of the
contents of this Chapter. Analysis of unusual designs (2) As actions, only the extreme loads need to be
shall be agreed with GL Wind. applied as a rule.
(2) With regard to the lightning protection system (3) For the analysis of the serviceability limit state, a
for nacelle covers and spinners, see Section 8.9. precise analysis may be dispensed with. It is recom-
mended that the maximum bending deflection of a Requirements for manufacturers structural member under characteristic loads shall not
be larger than 1/200 of its maximum free span (for
None. frames or cantilevers: 1/150).
(1) For general requirements, see Chapter 3, and for Dead weight
fibre reinforced plastics (FRP), see Section
(1) In general, the values from Eurocode 1 shall be
(2) For fibre reinforced plastics (FRP), the following used. If the material used is not tabulated, 1.05 times
shall apply in deviation from Section The the mean values (as an estimate of the characteristic
strengths and stiffnesses of the materials used shall be values) of the manufacturer’s figures shall be used for
sufficiently known in each case, i.e. modulus of elas- the case that the characteristic values are not expressly
ticity (E-modulus), Poisson’s number, failure strain stated. In the event of contradictions or non-
and the failure stress of the typical laminates used, availability of individual values, the following priority
both for tensile and compressive loading parallel and shall apply:
transverse to the fibres and for shear. Material tests are
not required; the moduli, strengths and stiffnesses can – 1.05 times the mean values according to the
be taken from the material specifications of the manu- manufacturer
facturer or from the literature. The manufacturer shall
verify that the characteristic values on which the – Eurocode 1
analyses were based (see Section 6.4.3) are fulfilled
for running production. (2) For dead weight, the partial safety factor γF as
per Chapter 4 shall be chosen.
6.4.2 Assessment documents Live loads
a written documents subject to assessment for the
verifications set out in Section 6.4.3 (1) Landings, floor plates, walkable cover parts in-
side, platforms etc.:
b drawings and documents describing the design
pSk = 3 kN/m²
6.4.3 Analyses
FSk = 1.5 kN on 20 cm x 20 cm Analysis concept
(2) Roof loads, walkable cover parts outside:
(1) It shall be shown by calculation or testing that
the design values of the resistances Rd are larger than pSk = 3.0 kN/m²
the design values of the actions Sd. Global forces and The total load on the roof can be reduced
load introductions from attachments shall be taken into through appropriate labelling on site
account and traced to the primary structural members
(e.g. notice at the exit hatch).
(e.g. main frame, hub). For fibre reinforced plastics
(FRP), the following applies: FSk = 1.5 kN on 20 cm x 20 cm
Chapter 6 6.4 Nacelle Covers and Spinners IV – Part 2
Page 6-10 GL Wind 2005
cw = 0.6
Wind direction
cw = 0.8 Nacelle cover cw = 0.5
cw = 0.6
(3) Horizontal loads on all structural elements which ρ air density as per Chapter 4
are intended to offer horizontal resistance (height H of
the load application over the floor or standing level = vWind according to Chapter 4,
1.1 m, load distribution width 20 cm or 20 x 20 cm
pressure area for large-area nacelle covers): DLC 6.1 (50-year gust with an airflow
within a sector of ± 15° from the
pSk = 1.0 kN/m front with γF = 1.35),
FSk = 1.5 kN in every direction DLC 6.2 (50-year gust from all sides with γF
= 1.1 for grid failure without en-
(4) The least favourable load in each case shall be ergy buffer for the yaw drive) or
DLC 7.1 (annual gust from all sides with γF
(5) Holding eyes as protection against falling (for = 1.1 for grid failure with energy
personal safety, to be marked in a striking colour): buffer for the yaw drive)
(6) The values given above are minimum values. If cW The provisions of Eurocode 1 may be applied.
guidelines or regulations applying at the installation By way of simplification, the assumptions
site of the offshore wind turbine (e.g. national labour given in Fig. 6.4.1 and Table 6.4.1 are permis-
safety regulations) demand higher values, these shall sible.
be authoritative.
(1) The cW values are chosen in such a way that the
(7) Partial safety factor for live loads: γF= 1,5 vertical airflow represents the decisive case for each
(8) Partial safety factor for holding eye load: γF = 1.0
(may be verified against the failure load)
(2) The assumptions for cW apply for nacelles with Wind loads sharp edges. For rounded shapes, all cW values can be
reduced by 20 %. Rounded shapes are those for which
the radius of curvature for the corner represents 10 %
wSk= ρ/2 · v2Wind · A · cW (6.4.1)
of the corresponding surface exposed to the wind (in-
termediate values can be interpolated linearly).
(Wind is an external event; gust reaction factors can be
(3) Partial safety factor for wind loads: γF as per
where: DLC 6.1, 6.2 and 7.1 from Chapter 4.
IV – Part 2 6.4 Nacelle Covers and Spinners Chapter 6
GL Wind 2005 Page 6-11 Snow and ice loads – The dead weight shall be superposed with the
live loads.
Snow and ice loads are included in the live loads on
the nacelle roof. The loads were thus determined in – The dead weight shall be superposed with the
Section If guidelines or regulations applying wind loads such that the least favourable cases
at the installation site of the offshore wind turbine (e.g. are covered.
national labour safety regulations) demand higher
values, these shall be authoritative. Component resistances
6.5 Connections Assessment documents (1) Bolt calculations shall be performed on the basis
of VDI 2230 [6.1] (machinery components), DIN 18800
For the assessment of bolted connections, at least the (construction) or other codes recognized by GL Wind.
following documents shall be submitted:
(2) For dynamically loaded bolted connections, an
a design calculations of the bolted connections adequate preloading is necessary. Influences from
according to the Sections “Strength loading eccentricity, possible gaps in the joints and
analyses of bolted connections”, “Ring imperfections shall be taken into account. Here the
flange connections” and “Shear-loaded finite element method may be used (see also Chapter
bolted connections” 5, Appendix 5.A “Strength Analyses with the Finite
Element Method”).
b work instruction for making the bolted connec-
tion (assembly instructions). These instructions (3) The detail category to be used as a basis shall be
shall contain at least the following: applied in accordance with Section para 9.
For bolted connections subjected to cyclic loading,
– pretreatment or checks of the surfaces to be
only the strength categories 8.8 and 10.9 are permissi-
ble for the connection of machinery structures.
– If additional activities at the flanges (e.g. un-
derpinning) during the connecting work are (4) Due to increased danger of stress corrosion
already intended in the design, these shall be cracking for higher strength steels, only bolts of the
described together with the necessary materi- strength category 10.9 (acc. to ISO 898-1:1999) or
als. If these activities only become necessary minor are permissible for bolted connections.
if certain criteria are exceeded (e.g. maximum
gap widths), the criteria and measurement Shear-loaded bolted connections
procedures shall be stated.
(1) Bolted connections at the joints and faces of
– lubrication condition of thread and bolt/nut components belonging to the primary supporting struc-
– tightening procedure and all data needed for ture shall be executed as fitting shear connections
manufacture (e.g. preloading, torque required, (SLP, SLVP) or as slip-resistant preloaded connections
tightening tool) (GV, GVP).
a) L-flange, b) T-flange
Fig. 6.5.1 Ring flange connections in steel towers
FV regular preloading force according to (3) In the fatigue safety analysis of the flange con-
DIN 18800-7. This preloading force nection, the fatigue loading of the bolts may be deter-
shall be ensured by checking and if nec- mined with consideration of the compressive preload-
essary retightening within the first half- ing of the flanges, provided the following conditions
year after erection, but not immediately are met.
following the commissioning.
(4) Adequate compressive preloading of the flange
µ ≥ 0.5 slip factor for the execution of the con- contact surfaces may be assumed if the gaps between
tact surfaces according to DIN 18800-7. the installed flanges meet the tolerance values pre-
For other versions, the slip factor shall scribed by the manufacturer with at most 10 % of the
be verified in accordance with Element design preload. These shall be stated in the working
826 by a procedure test. documents, especially in the drawing.
γM,3 = 1.25 safety factor for combination of actions of
group N and the operating conditions 1 to Notes:
4 according to Table 4.3.1 All flange gaps k in the area of the tower wall are
γM,3 = 1.1 safety factor for combination of actions damage-relevant for the fatigue loading of the bolts
for all other design load cases according (see Fig. 6.5.1), particularly when they extend only
to Table 4.3.1 over part of the circumference. The damage influence
grows with decreasing spanning length lk over the
(4) In addition, the analyses of ultimate limit state circumference (Fig. 6.5.1).
for the perforated components shall be carried out as
Instead of stating prescribed tolerance values for the
well as for shearing-off and face bearing pressure.
flange gaps k at a maximum of 10 % of the design
preload, it is alternatively permissible to specify maxi-
mum values for the degree of preloading (referred to
Through these analyses, the analysis of fatigue safety the design preload) in the working documents up to
is also covered. which all flange gaps k in the area of the tower wall
shall have closed. These values shall be verified by
computation. Ring flange connections for tubular towers
(5) If the tolerance values specified in the working
documents for the flange gaps are not complied with,
(1) Ring flange connections shall be controlled tight-
suitable measures shall be taken. Suitable measures may
ened, e.g. according to DIN 18800 Part 7.
e.g. include reworking, shimming or filling out the dam-
age-relevant gap spaces before preloading takes place.
(2) In the ultimate limit state analysis of the flange
connections, the preloading force of the bolts need not
be considered, i.e. the ultimate limit state analysis may Note:
be performed as for a non-preloaded bolted connec- For the shimming of gap spaces, adapted shims shall
tion. Local plastifications (yield hinges in the flange be used for which the compressive strength (yield point
and/or in the tower jacket) may be considered here.
under compression) at least complies with that of the
IV – Part 2 6.5 Connections Chapter 6
GL Wind 2005 Page 6-15
flange material. If the shimming is implemented by vised version is published. When using calculation
stacks of thin sheeting, the fitting inaccuracy of the methods which do not consider the influence of the
individual shims shall not be greater than 0.5 mm. The bending moment on the bolt, the fatigue safety of the
lining shall be executed such that, either in the direct bolt shall be determined using detail category 36*.
vicinity of each bolt or in the area between each indi-
vidual bolt and the tower wall (including the area Calculations with the aid of the finite element method
directly under the tower wall itself), perfect pressure (FEM) which do not consider flange gaps, as well as
contact is produced already at the start of the preload- other calculation methods leading to comparable
ing process, but at the latest after applying 10 % of the results, are not permissible.
preload. For filling up the spaces, a filler material
shall be used with an E-modulus complying with that Inspection of bolted connections
of the flange material.
(1) During the operating life of the offshore wind
(6) If, after the preloading, the remaining inclination turbine, the bolted connections shall be tested as part
αS of the outer flange surfaces (see Fig. 6.5.1) exceeds of maintenance. These tests shall be specified in the
the limiting value of 2 % according to DIN 18800-7, maintenance manual. Here the following shall be ob-
Element 814, suitable taper washers with sufficient served:
hardness shall be used instead of the normal washers.
(2) All bolted connections that were tightened using
a torque-controlled or tensioning-force-controlled
method shall be retightened at least once after the
If the bolt force function is determined without imperfec- commissioning. The interval required for this shall be
tions with the aid of an ideal calculation method (e.g. specified. After this, these bolted connections shall be
FEM using contact or spring elements), the flange gaps subjected to regular visual inspections and looseness
tolerated in the execution of the work may be taken into checks.
account by a suitable increase in the initial gradient of
the bolt force function (see Fig. 6.5.2). (3) Instructions and times for the retightening and
the regular checks shall be specified in the mainte-
nance manual (see Section 9.4).
As a substitute, a simplified calculation method (e.g.
according to Petersen) may be used if it covers flange (4) In the case of bolted connections which were
gaps of the magnitude tolerated in execution of the work. tightened by other methods or which were brought into
the plastic zone when tensioned, special inspection
Assured findings on the magnitude of the flange gaps procedures shall be defined for each individual case.
covered by a simplified calculation method were not
available on publication of this Guideline. Accord- (5) In the case of bolted connections for which GRP,
ingly, the simplified calculation methods according to CRP or concrete is included in the tensioned material,
Petersen and Schmidt-Neuper may be used for the special inspection procedures shall be defined for each
calculation of the ring flange connections until a re- individual case.
6.5.2 Grouted pile to structure connection (5) In order to avoid stress concentrations and fabri-
cation induced defects the general requirements given
(1) Platform loads may be transferred to leg and for steel structures (see Section 3.4) are to be ob-
sleeve piles by grouting the annulus. Shear keys may served.
be added in order to improve the capacity of the steel
grout bond. (6) Connections in the splash zone should generally
be avoided.
(2) Grouted pile to structure connections under axial
loading may be designed using parametric formulae, (7) For all tubular joints which are subject to cyclic
e. g. as provided by API [6.2] or the Department of loading, a fatigue analysis shall be performed (see
Energy (U.K.). Due regard shall be given to the suit- Sections and 6.6.6).
ability of the formula for the geometric configuration
investigated. Simple tubular joints
(3) For geometries not covered by the existing for- (1) The static strength of simple tubular joints with-
mulae the strength of the grouted connection shall be out overlap of principal braces and having no gussets,
proven by suitable analysis methods or by tests. diaphragms, or stiffeners may be investigated as
shown in the following.
(4) Grouted pile to structure connections that experi-
ence bending moments shall be assessed by suitable The validity range for the formulae given is as follows,
calculation methods, too, e.g. FEM, or by tests, see see Fig.6.5.3:
Section 5.4.
(5) Prior to the installation the suitability of the grout 0.2 ≤ β ≤ 1.0 10 ≤ γ ≤ 50
mix shall be proven. The compressive strength shall be
confirmed by laboratory tests on grout samples which 30° ≤ Θ ≤ 90° fyk ≤ 500 N/mm²
were mixed and cured under field conditions.
g ≥ 7,5 mm or 2 T (whichever is the greater)
(6) The design grout strength shall be verified by a
representative number of specimens taken during
(2) Design capacity
grouting operations. It shall be ensured that the speci-
The design capacity is restricted by the shear resis-
mens will be cured simulating in situ conditions.
tance τRd,a of the weld connection (see para 3) as well
as by the joint capacity (see para 4) – whichever leads
6.5.3 Tubular joint design
to the smaller design capacity. General
(3) Weld connection
(1) Tubular Joints shall be designed using the proce- The design punching shear stress τSd shall not exceed
dures given in the following. The formulas were the shear resistance τRd,a of the weld connection:
mainly derived from the API RP 2A LRFD provisions
and formatted for a semi-probabilistic design concept f yk
τ Sd ≤ τ Rd ,a = (6.5.2)
using partial safety factors. The intention is to derive 3 ⋅γ m
design capacities which are comparable with those
derived on basis of the API RP 2A LRFD [6.2] provi- fyk = minimum specified yield strength (of the
sions. chord member); fyk is not to be taken
greater than 0.75 fuk
(2) Alternative procedures given in other recognized
standards might be acceptable but have to be agreed fuk = minimum tensile strength
with GL Wind. γm = 1.1 (partial material safety factor)
(3) If for non-standard or complex joints analytical
The design punching shear stress τSd acting in the
and/or experimental investigations are required these
chord may be calculated as follows:
also have to be agreed with GL Wind.
(4) In every case care shall be taken to achieve at
τ Sd = ⋅ sin(Θ) ⋅ σ Sd (6.5.3)
least the same safety level as intended by these GL
Wind Guidelines. σSd = design stress in the brace
IV – Part 2 6.5 Connections Chapter 6
GL Wind 2005 Page 6-17
Fig. 6.5.3 Terminology and geometric parameters for simple tubular connections
Note: ⎡⎛ M ⎞ 2 ⎛ M Sd ⎞
2 ⎤2
⎢⎜ Sd
⎟ +⎜ ⎟ ⎥ ≤ 1.0 (6.5.6)
⎢⎝ M Rd ⎠ IPB ⎝ M Rd ⎠ OPB ⎥
Brace axial loads and bending moments essential to ⎣ ⎦
the integrity of the structure shall be included in the
calculations. Reductions in secondary (deflection- IPB = in-plane bending
induced) bending moments due to joint flexibility or = out-of-plane bending
inelastic relaxation may be considered.
The characteristic capacities are defined as follows:
The capacity shall be evaluated separately for each
component of brace loading. The design loads in the
f yk ⋅ T 2
brace shall satisfy the following requirements: N Rk = ⋅ Ku ⋅ K f (6.5.7)
N Rk
N Sd ≤ = N Rd (6.5.4) f yk ⋅ T 2
γM M Rk = ⋅ (0.8d ) ⋅ K u ⋅ K f (6.5.8)
M Rk fyk = minimum specified yield strength (of the
M Sd ≤ = M Rd (6.5.5)
γM chord member); fyk is not to be taken
greater than 0.75 fuk
NSd, MSd = the factored design axial force and fuk = minimum tensile strength
bending moment in the brace member
in force/moment units respectively Ku = strength factor which varies with the joint
and load type as given in Tab. 6.5.1
NRk = the characteristic joint axial capacity Kf = design factor to account for the presence of
(in terms of brace load) in force units longitudinal factored load in the chord
MRk = the characteristic joint bending mo- K f = 1.0 − λ ⋅ ⋅ A2 (6.5.9)
ment capacity (in terms of brace load) 2T
in moment units set Kf = 1.0 when all extreme fiber stresses
in the chord are tensile.
γM = 1.1 (partial material safety factor)
λ = 0.030 for brace axial stress
For combined axial loads and bending moments in the = 0.045 for brace in-plane bending stress
brace the above given equations shall be satisfied
along with the following interaction equation: = 0.021 for brace out-of-plane bending stress
Chapter 6 6.5 Connections IV – Part 2
Page 6-18 GL Wind 2005
K (3.4 + 19 β ) Kgap
g D
K gap = 1.8 − 0.1 ⋅ for ≤ 20 K β = 1.0 for β ≤ 0.6
T 2T
g D 0.3
K gap = 1.8 − 4.0 ⋅ for > 20 Kβ = for β > 0.6
D 2T β ⋅ (1 − 0.833 ⋅ β )
But in no case shall Kgap be taken less than 1.0 all joints: without diaphragm
For examples refer to e.g. ISO 19902 [5.10] or API RP 2A [6.2] where the following figure is taken from:
(4) Moments caused by eccentricity of the brace (6) For preliminary design purposes the characteris-
centrelines shall be accounted for in the structural tic punching shear resistance NRk,p may be calculated
analysis. as follows:
N Rk , p = N Rk ⋅ ⋅ sin(Θ) + 2 ⋅ τ Rk ,a ⋅ t w ⋅ A 2 (6.5.12)
(5) Punching shear resistance l
A1 = circumference for that portion of the
For overlapping joints in which brace moments are
insignificant and part of the axial load is transferred brace which contacts the chord
directly from one brace to another through their com-
A = circumference of brace contact with
mon weld the axial design load component perpen-
chord, neglecting presence of overlap
dicular to the chord NSd,p shall not exceed the punching
shear resistance NRd,p. τ Rk ,a = characteristic shear resistance of the
weld connection between braces
N Rk , p f yk
N Sd , p ≤ = N Rd , p (6.5.11) =
γM 3
Chapter 6 6.5 Connections IV – Part 2
Page 6-20 GL Wind 2005
Note: Fatigue design
E.g. the equations provided by Efthymiou have been
(1) The welds at tubular joints are among the most proven to be a good approximation compared to Finite
fatigue sensitive areas in offshore structures due to the Element analyses within their range of validity. A more
high local stress concentrations. actual and also recognized approach is given in e.g.
(2) One appropriate way to derive the local stress
concentrations is to calculate the sum of the nominal (4) Care shall be taken while using SCFs from other
stresses due to the individual load components, each standards together with the general requirements for
multiplied by a corresponding stress concentration fatigue considerations (SN-Curves, thickness of plate
factor (SCF). When combining the contributions from effect, etc.) given in these GL Wind Guidelines (see
the various loading patterns, the phase differences Section 6.6.6). It shall be examined carefully that the
between them shall be accounted for. desired safety level is achieved.
IV – Part 2 6.6 Steel Support Structures Chapter 6
GL Wind 2005 Page 6-21
(2) The analyses shall be performed with the least (10) For this purpose draft ISO 19902 [5.10], Euro-
favourable of all the combination of actions according code 3, DIN 18800, or equivalent international stan-
to Table 4.3.1. For the analyses in the ultimate and dards may be used in agreement with GL Wind. Some
serviceability limit states, both the characteristic loads of the basic requirements for stability analyses as
and the design loads adapted by partial safety factors stated in DIN 18800 are given in Section 6.6.5.
are needed.
(11) For buckling analysis, the partial safety factor γM
(3) The partial safety factors for the loads shall be may be taken as
determined as per Section 4.3.7.
γM = 1.1
(4) The analyses shall be performed with the design
loads for the least favourable of all combinations of For buckling of shells, see additionally Section
actions of the groups N, A and T according to Table
(12) For fatigue analysis, γM is listed in Table 6.6.3
for the support structure and in Tab. 5.3.1 for the top-
(5) The increase in the internal forces and moments
sides structure.
as a result of nonlinear influences (e.g. second order
theory, state II) shall be taken into account. It may be
(13) Specific structural details such as joints of tubes
determined from a quasi-static calculation.
or rolled sections, may be designed according to
proven standards and codes (e. g. [6.1]). See also Sec-
(6) For an analysis with internal forces and moments
tion 6.5.3, Tubular Joint Design. Fatigue considera-
calculated in a simplified manner according to Section
tions shall be observed additionally (see Section 6.6.6).
6.1.3 para 4 to 6, the design values of the actions shall
be determined by multiplication of the characteristic
(14) Admissible stresses for elements of special pur-
values with the partial safety factors γF according to
pose installations such as cranes may be taken from
Table 4.3.4; for unfavourable actions of the largest
acknowledged regulations relating to such equipment.
partial safety factor γF , the actions of the correspond- The applicability of relevant loading conditions, in
ing load combination may be used. comparison with those defined in Section 6.1.3 shall
be carefully checked.
(7) Determination of scantlings, using the following
indications or equivalent design methods, is based on
(15) Ultimate limit state for strength
the supposition that an accepted corrosion protection
For steel structures, the statements made in Section
system is provided (see Section 3.5) and adequate
5.3.3 shall be taken into account. For tubular steel
corrosion allowances are agreed upon, depending on
the environmental and operating conditions. The same towers with a cylindrical or conical shape, the stresses
applies to structural elements prone to wear, e. g. by needed for the ultimate limit state verification may be
chafing of cables or chains. calculated according to the shell membrane theory.
This means, for example, that for the transfer of the
(8) Components whose dimensioning is not covered wind loads the elementary pipe bending theory may be
by standard codes shall be designed and analysed applied. Shell bending moments arising from wind
according to the currently accepted procedures upon pressure distributed unevenly over the tower circum-
agreement with GL Wind. ference, or secondary stresses from edge disturbances
at flanges or stiffeners, need not be taken into account.
(9) In this chapter, the emphasis is on stress analysis. At transitions between cylindrical and conical tower
Additionally stability analysis, such as that concerning sections, the local circumferential membrane forces
and shell bending moments arising from the force
– buckling of plates and shells deflection shall be taken into account, insofar as no
ring stiffeners are arranged there. If this is not the case,
– buckling and tipping of girders and bars
adequate dimensioning of the ring stiffeners shall be
Chapter 6 6.6 Steel Support Structures IV – Part 2
Page 6-22 GL Wind 2005
verified. For tower areas that are weakened by open- Description of erection
ings, Section shall be observed.
A brief description of the erection sequence, with the
Note: boundary conditions specific to erection, shall be ap-
pended to the assessment documents. Boundary condi-
The analysis procedure described here corresponds in tions specific to erection include in particular:
the terminology of DIN 18800-1 to an elastic/plastic
analysis for the local internal forces and moments of – maximum wind speed for erection
the tower wall, but to an elastic/elastic analysis for the
global internal forces and moments of the tower. – min/max erection temperature, if applicable
– maximum interval between erection of the tower
6.6.2 Additional issues (consider other and mounting of the nacelle with rotor blades
Further requirements regarding the erection instruc-
(1) Recognized international or national standards tions are given in Section 9.1.
relating to steel structures may be used as a basis for
design, analysis and construction alternatively to the Interfaces
following sections in agreement with GL Wind.
(1) Within the scope of the calculation, the internal
(2) For example the following standards and regula- forces and moments at the nacelle/tower interface and
tions may be used: the associated wind speeds and airflow angles shall be
summarized in a table for the characteristic and the
– ENV1993: Eurocode 3, Design of steel structures design loads. In the case of an aeroelastic calculation,
the geometry, stiffnesses, natural frequencies and
– DIN 18800, part 1-4: Steel structures damping factors of the relevant complete system
“tower with foundation” shall be specified in addition.
– API RP 2A LRFD [6.2]: Planning, Designing and The following shall be stated additionally for this
Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms – Load interface:
and Resistance Factor Design
– Draft ISO 19902 [5.10]: Petroleum and Natural – masses and moments of inertia for the machinery
Gas Industries — Fixed Steel Offshore Structures part of the offshore wind turbine
– internal forces and moments of the load cases for
6.6.3 Assessment documents the fatigue analysis of tower and foundation
– influences resulting from tower top eccentricities Calculation documents
(2) Regarding the tower/foundation interface, see
The calculation documents serve to document the Section 6.7.
computational analyses. They shall be structured to be
complete, comprehensible and clear.
6.6.4 Dynamic analysis Drawings General
True-to-scale working drawings shall be produced to
A dynamic investigation is required in case of risk of
contain all the necessary information and technical
resonance of global or local structural vibration modes
requirements. These include in particular:
with energy-rich dynamic loads (periodic excitation
forces). This applies to almost all offshore wind tur-
– representation of the overall geometry, including bines.
a general view
– detailed presentation of the design details Excitations
and by variable functional loads, i.e. the rotation of the (1) For fixed structures a dynamic analysis will be
rotor. necessary in case of a support structure’s natural fre-
quency close to the excitation frequency and its higher Rotor-induced vibrations harmonics of functional loads or the frequency of
energy-rich environmental loads.
(1) The ratio of the natural frequencies f0 of the
complete system to the excitation frequencies fR of the (2) The loads of the overall system shall be deter-
turning rotor shall be determined. Excitation frequen- mined according to the elasticity theory by means of a
cies are in particular the rotor speed and the blade overall dynamic calculation. It shall be noted that
frequency. In general, the following condition shall be action components may also have a favourable effect
fulfilled: for some analyses. The individual components of the
internal forces and moments are generally not in
fR f phase, so that here the least favourable time step shall
≤ 0.95 or R ≥ 1.05 (6.6.1)
f 0 ,n f 0,n be picked out.
(2) The natural frequencies of the tower shall be (5) For the analysis regarding strength and stability
determined and specified for the vibration system to be failure as well as for analysis in the serviceability limit
investigated, assuming elastic behaviour for the mate- state, it is permissible to state, by way of simplifica-
rial. The influence of the foundation shall also be taken tion, only the extreme values of the internal forces and
into account. Dynamic soil parameters shall be used moments together with the remaining internal forces
for the ground. and moments occurring simultaneously for the cross-
sections investigated.
(6) The internal forces and moments for the fatigue
Particularly in the case of pile foundations, the rota-
safety analysis may, as a simplification, be specified in
tion about the vertical axis and the horizontal dis-
the form of load spectra, and for bolted connections
placement of the foundation shall be considered in with mean values (see Appendix 4.B, Section 4.B.2.3).
addition to the rotation about the horizontal axis.
(3) In order to take account of the uncertainties in (7) Dynamic analyses will generally be necessary for
calculating the natural frequencies, they shall be varied structures with large motions, e. g. floating structures,
by ± 5 %. articulated towers or guyed structures.
(4) In the case of turbines which do not satisfy equa- (8) For structures installed in seismically active
tion (6.6.1) in continuous operation, i.e. are operated areas a dynamic investigation is required to investigate
near the resonance range, operational vibration moni- the inertia induced forces.
toring shall be performed; see Section Local design Wind-induced transverse vibrations
(1) The design of larger structural components, e. g.
The loading on circular or near-circular towers arising rotor blades, tower, substructure, heli-deck, and of
from vortex-induced vibrations transverse to the wind local structural members shall take account of possible
direction can for example be determined by using the dynamic loads, e. g. due to wind, waves, currents, ice-
procedure in accordance with DIN 1055-4. flow or wave slamming.
Chapter 6 6.6 Steel Support Structures IV – Part 2
Page 6-24 GL Wind 2005
Specifications for the proof of buckling strength are c) β ⋅ ε ≤ 1 for all members;
given in the following.
ε = l ⋅ γ M ⋅ N d / EI (6.6.5)
(3) However, in some cases, i. e. open, thin-walled
cross sections, the torsional or flexural-torsional
modes have to be considered by application of relevant
standards as mentioned in Section para 4.
β = buckling length coefficient (buckling
(4) For rolled I-sections the proof of flexural- length = β × member length), see
torsional buckling strength is not necessary, if para 6
⎛s 0.22 ⎞
where b′ = ⎜ k − 2 ⎟ ⋅ b b′ ≤ s k / 6 (6.6.6)
⎜ λp λ p ⎟⎠
Nd = design load
b = unsupported plate breadth
Nki,d = Elastic buckling force (Euler),see
para 8 λp = reduced plate slenderness given by
b) ≤1 (6.6.4) f yk
0.3 ⋅ f yd / σ N ,d λp =
K ⋅σ e
where: K = buckling factor of the plate element of
width b, according to the standards and lit-
λk = with λa = π ⋅ E / f yk erature stated in Section
i ⋅ λa
σe = 0.9 ⋅ E ⋅ (t/b)2, ideal elastic buckling
σ N ,d = N d / A t = plate thickness
sk = buckling length according to para 6 E = Modulus of elasticity
Chapter 6 6.6 Steel Support Structures IV – Part 2
Page 6-26 GL Wind 2005
(8) Elastic Buckling Force Nki,d: Fig. 6.6.2 shows the four different buckling curves.
Nd β ⋅ Md
+ m + ∆n ≤ 1 (6.6.16)
where Wp is the plastic section modulus. For thin- κ ⋅ Np Mp
walled members the cross-sectional area and the elas-
tic section modulus of the effective cross section have
where κ, Np and Mp are as defined in para 11 and
to be applied.
para 9 respectively (κ and Mp are related to the con-
sidered bending axis, normally the weakest axis).
The effect of shear forces on the plastic section
modulus has to be considered. ßm = moment coefficient as given in Fig. 6.6.3
∆n = 0, 25 κ ⋅ λ 2
≤ 0,1. (6.6.17)
(10) Reduced slenderness λ :
Values for ßm less than unity may be applied only for
N p ⋅γM structural elements without transverse loads, with rigid
λ = (6.6.12) supports at both ends, constant cross section and con-
stant axial load.
IV – Part 2 6.6 Steel Support Structures Chapter 6
GL Wind 2005 Page 6-27
Buckling curve
Cross section perpendicular
to axis (Fig. 5.2.5)
Hollow sections z
z z
y y y y y y a
z z
hy / ty < 30 c
z hz / tz < 30
t 80mm
y y
h / b 1,2 y-y b
z t 80mm
b z-z c
y y y-y c
y y
z z y-y
z c
y y
y y y z-z
z z z
0,8 b
Euler hyperbola
0 0,4 0,8 1,2 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,8 l
For pipes the bending moment M shall be the maxi- (2) The verification may be done according to Euro-
mum resultant bending moment code 3 or DIN 18800, part 3.
For the consideration of bi-axial bending of other (4) Buckling factors may be derived from literature,
sections the relevant standards as mentioned in Section e.g. GL “Rules for Classification and Construction, I - para 4 should be applied. Ship Technology”. The use of these factors shall also
be agreed upon by GL Wind.
(14) Changes of cross section and/or axial load
For members with changes of cross-section and/or Buckling of shell elements
axial load all relevant cross-sections have to be
checked using the respective sectional properties, axial General indications
forces and bending moments.
Alternatively, the check of buckling strength may be (1) Shell buckling investigations according to ac-
carried through by application of relevant standards knowledged standards are based on assumptions e. g.
regarding geometrical imperfections and residual
taking into account the effects of changes of cross
stresses, which have to be considered in the design and
section and/or axial load.
manufacturing process (see also Section 4). Local buckling
(2) Local discontinuities affecting stress distribution,
(1) Bars or columns incorporating thin-walled parts such as weld seams, openings and welded-on fittings,
in their cross-sections may fail by local plate or shell shall be carefully investigated for their possible influ-
buckling. Such local failure may lead to subsequent ence on buckling initiation. Local stiffening may be
overall buckling. necessary.
(2) Maximum b/t values for built-up sections, for (3) For the buckling check of long unstiffened cylin-
which buckling need not be considered, are given in drical shells (tubes) the procedure given in Section
the following: may be adopted. For short cylindrical shells
or other type of loads not covered by the formulae
b E given below the same standard may be referred to.
flatbar stiffeners = 0.4⋅ (6.6.19)
and free flanges t f yk
(4) A buckling check with the help of other analysis
methods, e. g. FEM, is generally acceptable provided
b E the influence of imperfections and the non-linear mate-
web plates =1.2⋅ (6.6.20) rial behaviour are accounted for. A prerequisite for this
t f yk
is that the application conditions for the specific vari-
ants named in Sections 8.6 to 8.8 of ENV
For definitions of b, t, E, fyk see Section 1993-1-6:2002-05 are considered.
para 4 and para 7.
(5) As an approximation the buckling behaviour of
The b/t values are valid for shear stresses not exceed- shells may be calculated using the formulae for plane
ing 0.2 · fyk . plate panels, see Section In this case the curva-
ture of the shell needs not to be considered. The actual
(3) Checks for local buckling can be carried through boundary conditions and shell membrane stresses are
as indicated in Section under consideration of to be accounted for.
the stress distribution over the cross section. Buckling of long unstiffened cylindrical
(4) In addition, web crippling has to be considered in shells
way of supports and other points of concentrated load
transfer. (1) The following basic requirements have to be
fulfilled: Buckling of plate elements
σd ≤ (6.6.21)
(1) The verification of plate elements against buck- γM
ling shall be performed in accordance with acknowl-
edged standards. σd = design stress
Chapter 6 6.6 Steel Support Structures IV – Part 2
Page 6-30 GL Wind 2005
max d
axial loads (x) or external pressure (ϕ)
σu = σxu; σϕu: ultimate buckling stresses, see min d min d
para 10
t measuring ⎡ λ sx ,ϕ ⎛ exist e
template κ 1,2 red = κ 1,2 ⋅ ⎢1 − ⎜ − 1⎟ ⎥
e ⎢⎣ 3 ⎝ allow e ⎠ ⎥⎦ (6.6.23)
⎡ ⎛ exist e ⎞ ⎤
m= 2,5 r / r / · r/t κ 1,2 red = κ 1,2 ⋅ ⎢1.5 − 5 ⋅ ⎜ ⎟⎥
measuring ⎣ ⎝ allow e ⎠ ⎦ (6.6.24)
a) b) for λ sx ,ϕ ≥ 1.5
κ1,2 = reduction factors, see para 10
4· r·t
m = 2,5 r / r / · r/t
(6) Ideal buckling stresses for axial compressive
c) d) The following formulae apply to cylinders which are
Fig. 6.6.4 Imperfections, measuring length Am fixed in radial direction.
para 6 ⋅⎜ ⎟ ≤6
r ⎝r⎠
– For long cylinders, i. e.
Structural steel types S 235 to S355, or equivalent
A r
> 0.5 (6.6.28)
r t where:
where: A r
≤ 6.63 ⋅ C ϕ ⋅ (6.6.34)
r t
σx meridional stress
Chapter 6 6.6 Steel Support Structures IV – Part 2
Page 6-32 GL Wind 2005
with γM = 1.1
σ ϕi = E ⎜ ⎟
The reduction factors κ1, κ2 have to be established as a
⎡ ⎛ ⎞
⎤ function of the reduced slenderness:
⎢ ⎜ C ⎟ ⎥
⋅ ⎢ 0.275 + 2.03 ⎜ ⎥
⎟ (6.6.35)
⎢ ⎜A t ⎟ ⎥ κ2 = 1.0 for λsx ≤ 0.25
⎢ ⎜ ⎟ ⎥
⎣⎢ ⎝r r ⎠ ⎦⎥ κ2 = 1.233-0.933 λsx for 1.0 ≥ λsx > 0.25
Table 6.6.1 Factor Cϕ κ2 = for 1.5 ≥ λsx > 1.0
Support condition Cϕ 0.2
κ2 = for λsx ≥ 1.5
Both ends clamped 1.5 λsx2
The ultimate buckling stresses, σu, are calculated for (1) The buckling check of stiffened shells may be
the different directions as follows: performed according to acknowledged codes (see e. g.
API [6.2]).
a) σ xu = κ 2 ⋅ f yk / γ m (6.6.38)
(2) Stiffening of cylindrical elements should be so
with γM = 1.1 for λ sx ≤ 0.25 designed that buckling of the shell panel between
stiffeners would occur prior to stiffener failure.
⎛ λsx − 0.25 ⎞
and γ m = 1.1 ⋅ ⎜⎜1 + 0.318 ⎟⎟
⎝ 1.75 ⎠ (3) Local buckling of a panel between stiffeners may
be checked analogously to a plate panel if
for 0.25 < λ sx < 2.0
and γ m = 1.45 ≤ 6 (b: stiffener spacing).
r ⋅t
for 2.0 ≤ λsx
In other cases, the indications in the codes mentioned
b) σ ϕu = κ1 ⋅ f yk / γ M (6.6.39) in Section 6.6.1 para 10 may be followed.
IV – Part 2 6.6 Steel Support Structures Chapter 6
GL Wind 2005 Page 6-33
S 235 S 355
A1 B1 A1 B1
δ = 20° 1.00 0.0019 0.95 0.0021
δ = 30° 0.90 0.0019 0.85 0.0021
δ = 60° 0.75 0.0022 0.70 0.0024
Intermediate values may be interpolated linearly. Extrapolation is not permissible. Openings in tubular steel towers (3) In the area of circumferentially edge-stiffened
openings without added longitudinal stiffeners (“collar
stiffeners”, see Fig. 6.6.5, b1), b2) and Fig. 6.6.6), the
(1) If the buckling safety of the tower wall in the buckling safety analysis may in simplification be per-
area of an opening is to be verified with the aid of FE formed as for an unweakened tower wall if, instead of
analyses, a “numerically supported buckling safety the critical meridional buckling stress according to
analysis with global calculation” (LA) or a “geometri- DIN 18800-4, the reduced critical meridional buckling
cally nonlinear elastic calculation (GNA)”, e.g. ac- stress according to equation 6.6.41 is used:
cording to DINV ENV 1993-1-6:2002-05, 8.6, shall be
performed. Here the elastic critical buckling resistance σxS,R,d = C1⋅σxS,R,d-DIN (6.6.41)
Rcr shall be determined from a geometrically nonlinear
elastic calculation (GNA). When deciding on the ref- where:
erence point for determination of the plastic reference
resistance Rpl , the immediate area around the opening σxS,R,d-DIN critical meridional buckling stress ac-
may be neglected; this immediate area shall not be set cording to DIN 18800-4
to be wider than 2(rt)0.5 . C1 reduction factor as per equation 6.6.42 to
consider the influence of the opening
(2) In the area of edge-stiffened openings with added C1 = A1 – B1⋅(r/t) (6.6.42)
longitudinal stiffeners (Fig. 6.6.5, a), the buckling
safety analysis may be carried out in simplified form with A1 and B1 according to Table 6.6.2
according to DASt Guideline 017 [6.4]. The design-
related boundary conditions and validity limits speci- where:
fied for this shall be observed.
δ opening angle along the girth
Chapter 6 6.6 Steel Support Structures IV – Part 2
Page 6-34 GL Wind 2005
bine in combination with wave loading on the structure – The maximum stress range ∆σmax due to wind,
is the main source of potential fatigue cracking. How- wave and other loads satisfies the following cri-
ever, any other cyclic loading may contribute to fa- terion and adequate protection exists in the case
tigue failure and should therefore be considered. of corrosive environment:
∆σ max ≤ ∆σ R ⋅ f t ⋅ f c ⋅ f w ⋅ f m ⋅ f R ⋅ f i ⋅ f a γ M (6.6.43)
(2) If the fatigue safety analysis is performed on the
basis of load spectra, then these shall be determined by – Additional stress ranges due to other load effects
computational means for the corresponding cross- may be admitted if they remain below the endur-
sections through simulation of the decisive require-
able stress range at N = 2 ⋅ 108 cycles (see Sec-
ments for the fatigue, if necessary supported by load
tion para 1).
measurements; see Section 10.5. The ranges of the
internal forces and moments shall be superposed in the – The above criterion is based on the conservative
least favourable manner. assumption that the long term distribution of
stress range resembles a Weibull distribution
(3) As a simplification, the spectra can be repre- with a shape parameter h ≤ 2 and that the total
sented by envelopes (e.g. in trapezoidal form) of the number of cycles is below 109 (see also Section
load spectra obtained from the simulation. Here uni-
form load cycle numbers should be defined for all
action components. – The expected number of cycles during the life-
time of the structure is less than
Note: 3
⎡ ∆σ R ⋅ f t ⋅ f c ⋅ f w ⋅ f m ⋅ f R ⋅ f i ⋅ f a ⎤
2 ⋅10 6 ⋅ ⎢ ⎥ (6.6.44)
In general, consideration of the action components
⎣⎢ ( γ M ⋅ ∆σ max ) ⎥⎦
rotor thrust Fx , tilting moment My and tower torsional
moment Mz is sufficient in case the wind and wave
direction is assumed to be constant over the lifetime of where:
the structure. The tilting and tower torsional moments
may be assumed to act with a phase difference of 90° ∆σmax = the maximum nominal stress range
to each other. or, for tubular joints, the maximum
hot spot stress range (see Section
(4) The notched details, i.e. the welded connections at [N/mm2]
tubular joints, plates and beams as well as notches at
free plate edges are to be considered individually. The ∆σR = the fatigue strength reference value,
fatigue strength assessment is to be carried out either on i. e. the category number of the de-
the basis of a permissible peak stress range for standard tail considered (minimum 36, see
stress spectra (see Section or on the basis of a Appendix 6) or, for tubular joints,
cumulative damage ratio (see Section ∆σR = 100 N/mm2, [N/mm2]
(5) The following rules are applicable to structural ft, fc, fw, fm, fR, fi, fa see Section
steels up to a specified yield strength of 700 N/mm2.
Bolts are acceptable up to a tensile yield strength of (8) It should be noted that uncertainties may exist in
1000 N/mm2. Other materials such as cast steel, and the determination of the stresses at the considered
hybrid joints, can be treated in an analogous manner location as well as in the fatigue resistance of the
by adopting appropriate stress concentration factors structural details. While performing a fatigue analysis,
and design S-N curves. special care should be taken to ensure that the calcu-
lated stresses are not underestimated, and the fatigue
(6) Low cycle fatigue problems in connection with strength not overestimated.
extensive cyclic yielding have to be specially consid-
ered. When applying the following rules, the calcu- (9) In order to achieve good fatigue behaviour, the
lated nominal stress range should not exceed 1.5 times structure should be designed and fabricated such that
the minimum nominal upper yield point. In special stress concentrations are reduced to a minimum. Plate
cases the fatigue strength analysis may be performed thickness, structural stress concentration, weld shape
by considering the local elasto-plastic stresses. and post-welding treatment as well as corrosion are
some of the factors affecting the fatigue behaviour of
(7) No fatigue assessment is required if one of the structural details. Detailed information is given in the
following conditions is satisfied: following.
Chapter 6 6.6 Steel Support Structures IV – Part 2
Page 6-36 GL Wind 2005
Table 6.6.3 Partial material safety factors γM on stress ranges for the fatigue assessment
– The towers of wind turbines as a rule contain components that are exclusively not fail-safe. Easily accessible
components are e.g. the bolts of ring flange connections and butt welds in the tower wall.
– Members equipped with a Condition Monitoring or “Flooded Member Detection” System may be defined as
easily accessible. Material safety factors for the fatigue (4) The long term distribution of stress ranges shall
assessment take into account all stress fluctuations of relevance to
the fatigue behaviour during the planned life of the
(1) Partial material safety factors for the fatigue structure. Some important sources of cyclic stresses
assessment may be assumed according to Tab.6.6.3. are waves, wind, currents, varying hydrostatic pres-
sure, crane loads, deck live loads and mechanical vi-
(2) The values of the upper line of Tab. 6.6.3 may bration. Construction, transport and installation loads
only be used in connection with an approved monitor- may also be of relevance to the fatigue life.
ing and maintenance concept (see Chapter 9) and if
surveillance and periodic monitoring are carried out by (5) Fatigue load spectra shall be established using
GL Wind or GL Wind acknowledged third parties. guidance given in Chapter 4 and Section 6.1.2 of the
present Guideline including load safety factors (see
Section 4.3.7). The long-term distributions of the ex- Fatigue assessment procedure ternal conditions (including directionality) as well as
dynamic amplification have to be chosen carefully
(1) The fatigue assessment shall verify that within an with respect to their contribution to fatigue damage of
acceptable probability level the performance of the the structural member under consideration. Global and
structure during its design life is satisfactory so that local forces due to vortex induced vibrations and im-
fatigue failure is unlikely to occur. An assessment pact loads due to slamming in the splash zone or slap
should be made for every potential crack location. The due to breaking waves shall be taken into account.
fatigue assessment shall be carried out either in terms
of calculated damage by comparing the applied dam- (6) The analyses shall be performed with the combi-
age ratio to the limit damage ratio (see Section nation of actions of group F according to Section 4.3.3,, or in terms of maximum permissible stresses Table 4.3.4.
for standard stress distributions (see Section
In both cases the fatigue strength is based on design S- (7) Regular maintenance and the Periodic Monitor-
N curves as described in Section ing according to Chapter 11 are regarded as prerequi-
(2) The number of stress cycles which may be en-
dured by the structural element depends mainly on the (8) The fatigue strength analysis is, depending on the
magnitude of the stress ranges ∆σ. The influence of detail considered, based on one of the following types
the mean stress σm is generally small and may be taken of stress:
care of by the correction factor fR defined in Section – For tubular joints with full penetration welds the
stress to be used in the fatigue analysis should be
(3) A long term distribution of stress range due to the hot spot stress σs at the weld toe as defined in
the load effects has to be established in terms of com- Section The hot spot stress can be de-
plete cycles using an appropriate cycle counting rived by calculating the nominal stress in the
method. “Rainflow” counting with consideration of the structural member (normally by a frame analysis
residuals (half cycles) is recommended.
of the structure) and applying appropriate stress
concentration factors (SCF), see Section
IV – Part 2 6.6 Steel Support Structures Chapter 6
GL Wind 2005 Page 6-37
– For other welded joints the fatigue strength (2) The hot spot stress can be calculated as the sum of
analysis is normally based on the nominal stress nominal stresses due to the individual load components
σn at the structural detail considered and on an (i.e. axial load, in-plane and out-of-plane bending mo-
appropriate detail classification as given in Ap- ment), each multiplied by a corresponding stress concen-
pendix 6.A, which defines the detail category (or tration factor (SCF). Stress concentration factors for the
the fatigue strength reference value ∆σR). individual load components may be derived from finite
element analyses, model tests or semi-empirical paramet-
– For those welded joints, for which the detail ric equations based on such methods. Parametric equa-
classification is not possible or where additional tions should be used with caution in view of their accu-
stresses occur, which are not or not adequately racy and inherent limitations.
considered by the detail classification, the fatigue
strength analysis may alternatively be performed
(3) At least four different locations around the
on the basis of the hot spot stress σs as described chord/brace intersection should be considered because the
in Section para 5. individual load components produce different stress
– For notches of free plate edges the relevant notch peaks at the crown and saddle points (Fig. 6.6.7). Both
stress σk is determined for linear-elastic material the chord and the brace side of the weld should be
behaviour; σk can normally be calculated from a checked in the fatigue analysis.
nominal stress σn and a theoretical stress concen-
tration factor Kt. The fatigue strength is deter- (4) Tubular joints with complex geometry (braces
mined by the detail category (or ∆σR) according overlapping or stiffened by gusset plates or ring stiffen-
to Table 6.A.1. ers) have to be investigated by a special analysis. Finite
element analysis is recommended.
(9) For the fatigue assessment procedure the stress
ranges shall be multiplied by a safety factor γΜ which (5) In plate structures, the hot spot stress at a weld toe
covers uncertainties of the procedure, the accessibility is defined accordingly. It can be determined by measure-
of the detail considered and the consequences of fail- ments or numerically, e.g. by the finite element method
ure. Concerning the consequences of failure, the fol- using shell or volumetric models under the assumption of
lowing two types of structures are to be considered: linear stress distribution over the plate thickness. This
stress, containing membrane and bending components,
– “fail-safe” structures, with reduced consequences may be linearly extrapolated to the weld toe over two
of failure, i.e. local failure of a component does points, 0.5 × t and 1.5 × t away from the weld toe (t =
not result in a catastrophic failure of the structure plate thickness).
– “non fail-safe” structures, where local failure of a
component leads rapidly to a catastrophic failure (6) In addition to the assessment of the hot spot stress
of the structure at the weld toe, the fatigue strength with regard to root
failure has to be considered for partial penetration welds
The safety factors to be applied are given in Table by application of the respective detail classification, see
6.6.3. also Section para 6 (e.g. Type No. 414 in Table
6.A.1). Hot spot stress definition Nominal stress definition and classification
(1) As mentioned above, tubular joints shall be as- of other details
sessed on the basis of the hot spot stress range at the
weld toe. This is the largest stress value at the intersec- Fatique Analysis of Welded Connections
tion of the brace and chord and is defined as the ex-
trapolation of the structural or geometric stress distri-
bution to the weld toe (Fig. 6.6.7). With this definition (1) Corresponding to their notch effect, welded
the hot spot stress incorporates the effects of the over- joints are normally classified into detail categories
all geometry (structural or geometric stress concentra- considering particulars in geometry and fabrication,
tion) but omits the influence of the notch at the weld including subsequent quality control, and definition of
toe (local stress concentration). The hot spot stress has nominal stress. Table 6.A.1 shows the detail classifica-
to be considered in connection with a particular design tion based on recommendations of the International
S-N curve as described in Section para 3, Institute of Welding (IIW) giving the detail category
which reflects the microscale effect occuring at the number (or ∆σR), representing the fatigue strength
weld toe. reference value (at 2 ⋅ 106 cycles) for structures made
of steel.
Chapter 6 6.6 Steel Support Structures IV – Part 2
Page 6-38 GL Wind 2005
Some influence parameters cannot be considered by (1) For the fatigue analysis of bolted connections,
the detail classification, a large scatter of fatigue the indications stated in Section have to be
strength has therefore to be reckoned with. considered.
The factor Ks for the stress increase at transverse butt ∆σi = stress range of block i
welds between plates of different thickness (see Type γΜ = safety factor for material, see Table 6.6.3.
No. 221 to 223 in Table 6.A.1) can be estimated in a
first approximation as follows: (2) In general the design fatigue life of each joint
and member shall be at least the planned service life of
t2 the structure. This means that the cumulative damage
KS = (6.6.45) ratio D shall not exceed the limit damage ratio of 1.
t1 Permissible stresses for standard
t1 = smaller plate thickness
distributions of long term stress ranges
t2 = larger plate thickness
(1) For standard distributions of long term stress
ranges the calculation can be simplified by using tabu-
(5) Additional stress concentrations which are not lated values of permissible peak stress ranges meeting
characteristic of the detail category itself, e.g. due to the requirements stated above.
cut-outs in the neighbourhood of the detail, have also
to be incorporated into the nominal stress. (2) In many cases the two-parameter Weibull distri-
bution applies having a cumulative stress distribution
(6) In the case of combined normal and shear stress in the following form (see also Fig. 6.6.8):
the relevant stress range may be taken as the range of
log(n ) ⎤
1/ h
the principal stress at the potential crack location ⎡
which acts approximately perpendicular to the crack ∆σ = ∆σ max ⎢1 − ⎥ (6.6.47)
front as shown in Appendix 6.A. ⎣ log(nmax ) ⎦
(7) Where solely shear stresses are acting, the largest where:
principal stress σ1 = τ may be used in combination
with the relevant detail category. n = number of stress cycles exceeding ∆σ
Chapter 6 6.6 Steel Support Structures IV – Part 2
Page 6-40 GL Wind 2005
∆σmax = maximum stress range which is ex- (4) The S-N curves for detail category 160 forms the
ceeded once within nmax stress cycles upper limit also for free plate edges with detail catego-
ries 100 – 140 in the range of low numbers of stress
nmax = total number of stress cycles cycles, see Fig 6.6.10.
h = shape parameter (h = 1 corresponds to a
linear distribution in a ∆σ-log(n) dia- (5) For the fatigue strength analysis based on hot
gram) spot stress, the S-N curves shown in Fig. 6.6.9 apply
with the following reference values:
(3) For the two-parameter Weibull distributions, the
permissible peak stress range can be calculated as ∆σR = 100, for K-butt welds with fillet welded
follows: ends, e.g. tubular joints or joints accord-
∆σ p = f n ⋅ ∆σ Rc (6.6.48) ing to Type No. 411 in Table 6.A.1, and
for fillet welds which carry no load or
∆σp = permissible peak stress range only part of the load of the attached
plate, e.g. Type No. 511 in Table 6.A.1
∆σRc = detail category or fatigue strength reference
value, respectively, corrected according to ∆σR = 90, for fillet welds, which carry the total
Section load of the attached plate, e.g. Type No.
fn = factor as given in Table 6.6.4. 413 in Table 6.A.1.
(4) The peak stress range of the spectrum shall not (6) For butt welds, the values given for Type No.
exceed the permissible value, i.e. 211 – 216 and 221 – 225 in Table 6.A.1 apply.
∆σ max ≤ ∆σ p (6.6.49)
(7) The correction of the design S-N curves accord-
Table 6.6.4 is based on a cumulative damage ratio ing to Section shall include the factor fa (see
D = 1 (see Section and on the S-N curves as Section, para 8).
shown in Fig. 6.6.9 and 6.6.10, type “M”. Therefore,
the permissible stresses in Table 6.6.4 are not applica- (8) For structures in a mildly corrosive environment
ble to structural details without adequate corrosion or in corrosive environment where an adequate protec-
protection. tion is provided and which are subjected to variable
stress ranges, the S-N curves shown by the solid lines
in Fig. 6.6.9 and Fig. 6.6.10 have to be applied (S-N Design S-N curves
curves of type “M”), i.e. Description of the design S-N curves
m = mo for Q ≤ 0
(1) The design S-N curves for the calculation of the m = 2 mo – 1 for Q > 0
cumulative damage ratio according to Section
are shown in Fig. 6.6.9 for welded joints and in Fig. (9) For stress ranges of constant magnitude in non-
6.6.10 for notches at free plate edges. The S-N curves corrosive environment the stress range given at
represent the lower limit of the scatter band of 95 % of N = 5 ⋅ 106 cycles may be taken as fatigue limit (S-N
all test results available (corresponding to 97.5 % curves of type “O” in Fig. 6.6.9 and 6.6.10), thus:
survival probability) considering further detrimental
effects in large structures. m = mo for Q ≤ 0
(2) To account for different influence factors, the
m = ∞ for Q > 0
design S-N curves have to be corrected according to
(10) For unprotected members exposed to corrosive
(3) The S-N curves represent sectionwise linear environment the curves have to be extended without a
relationships between log(∆σ) and log(N): change in slope and without fatigue limit, thus
log(N) = 6.69897 + m ⋅ Q m = mo, for all values of Q
Q = log(∆σR/∆σ) – 0.39794/mo
(11) The minimum weld quality levels required for
mo = 3.5 ÷ 5for free plate edges (see Fig. 6.2.7) the use of detail classification according to the tables
of Appendix 6.A are defined in Section 3.4.2. If any of
m = inverse slope of S-N curve these levels are not achieved, the use of the S-N curves
mo = inverse slope in the range N ≤ 5 ⋅ 106 is not appropriate. In such cases, the fatigue assess-
ment shall be carried out by suitable adaption of this
mo = 3 for welded joints Guideline.
IV – Part 2 6.6 Steel Support Structures Chapter 6
GL Wind 2005 Page 6-41
Table 6.6.4 Factor fn for the determination of the permissible stress range for Weibull stress range spectra
(mo = 3) type 28 (mo = 5) type 29 (mo = 4) type 30 (mo = 3,5)
h nmax = nmax = nmax = nmax =
107 108 109 107 108 109 107 108 109 107 108 109
0.5 (17,1) (10,7) 6,86 9,27 7,62 6,16 (12,3) 9,14 6,73 (14,4) 9,94 6,88
0.6 (12,3) 7,50 4,79 7,78 6,17 4,85 9,69 6,94 5,01 (10,9) 7,27 4,98
0.7 9,45 5,65 3,62 6,63 5,12 3,97 7,88 5,51 3,96 8,63 5,64 3,85
0.8 7,56 4,49 2,90 5,74 4,36 3,36 6,59 4,55 3,26 7,07 4,57 3,13
0.9 6,26 3,71 2,41 5,06 3,79 2,91 5,65 3,86 2,78 5,96 3,83 2,64
1.0 5,33 3,16 2,06 4,52 3,36 2,58 4,94 3,36 2,43 5,15 3,30 2,28
1.2 4,11 2,44 1,61 3,74 2,76 2,13 3,96 2,69 1,96 4,05 2,60 1,82
1.4 3,36 2,01 1,34 3,21 2,36 1,83 3,33 2,26 1,66 3,36 2,22 1,53
1.6 2,86 1,72 1,15 2,84 2,08 1,63 2,89 1,97 1,46 2,89 1,87 1,33
1.8 2,51 1,52 1,02 2,56 1,88 1,48 2,57 1,76 1,31 2,56 1,66 1,18
2.0 2,25 1,37 0,91 2,34 1,72 1,36 2,33 1,60 1,20 2,30 1,51 1,07
log( f n 2 / f n )
log f n = log f n1 + log(n max / n max 1 )
log(n max 2 / n max 1 ) Correction of the reference value of the (2) Thickness effect (ft)
design S-N curve For base material and welded connections oriented to
the direction of the applied stress as specified below,
with a plate thickness t [mm], exceeding 25 mm at the
(1) A correction of the reference value of the S-N
potential crack locations:
curve (or detail category) is required to account for
additional influence factors on fatigue strength as n
follows: ⎛ 25 ⎞
ft = ⎜ ⎟ (6.6.50)
⎝ t ⎠
∆σRc = ft ⋅ fc ⋅ fm ⋅ fR ⋅ fw ⋅ fi ⋅ fa ⋅ ∆σR
n = 0.3 for cruciform joints, transverse T-
ft, fc, fm, fR, fw, fi, fa, as defined in para 2 to para 8. joints, plates with transverse attach-
ments, as-welded
For the description of the corrected design S-N curve, 0.2 for cruciform joints, transverse T-
the formulae given in Section para 2 may be joints, plates with transverse attach-
used, replacing ∆σR by ∆σRc. ments, toe ground
IV – Part 2 6.6 Steel Support Structures Chapter 6
GL Wind 2005 Page 6-43
0.2 for transverse butt welds, as-welded = 0.15 for welded joints subjected to vari-
able stress cycles
0.1 for butt welds ground flush, base
material, longitudinal welds or attach-
= 0.3 for free plate edges
fW = 1.40
(5) Effect of mean stress (fR)
The correction factor is calculated as follows:
The assessment of a local post-weld treatment of the
weld surface and the weld toe by other methods has to
– in the range of tensile pulsating stresses:
be agreed on in each case.
∆σ max
f R = 1.0 ; σ m ≥ (6.6.52) (7) Influence of importance of structural element (fi)
The influence of importance is usually covered by the
– in the range of alternating stresses: safety factor γ (see Table 6.6.3), i.e.:
⎛ 2 ⋅σ m ⎞
f R = 1 + c ⎜1 − ⎟ ; f i = 1 .0
⎝ ∆σ max ⎠
(8) Effect of misalignment (fa) for nominal stress Table 6.6.5 Stress magnification factor km
Misalignment in axially loaded joints leads to an in- km
crease of stress in the welded joint due to the occur- Type of welded joint already km,eff
rence of secondary shell bending stresses. The result- covered
ing stress is calculated by stress analysis or by using a
stress magnification factor km. The factor km may be for butt welds, trans-
derived e.g. on basis of the formulas given in the IIW verse stiffeners or tee-
Recommendations [5.5]. joints (corresponding
1.30 km / 1.30 ≥ 1.0
to types 211 – 126,
In general it is to be distinguished between design 221 – 225 and 411 –
misalignments (e.g. thickness step) and misalignments 413 in Table 6.A.1)
from manufacturing tolerances (e.g. due to unintended for cruciform joints
production-caused deviations in shape and/or align-
(corresponding to
ment). 1.45 km / 1.45 ≥ 1.0
types 411 – 413 in
Table 6.A.1)
The stress magnification due to design misalignments
is always to be taken into account. in all other cases 1.00 km ≥ 1.0
km = 1 + (km,1 -1) + (km,2 -1) + … (6.6.56) ∆σs,max = applied peak stress range within a stress
range spectrum
A more comprehensive approach might lead to a less ∆σs,b = bending portion (in plate) of ∆σs,max
conservative result.
km = stress increase factor due to misalign-
To account for the allowance for misalignment which ment under axial loading, at least:
in some cases is already included in the table of the
= 1.3 for butt welds, transverse stiffeners
details categories (Appendix 6.A) the effective stress
or tee-joints
magnification factor km,eff may be calculated as given
below: = 1.45 for cruciform joints
IV – Part 2 6.6 Steel Support Structures Chapter 6
GL Wind 2005 Page 6-45
= 1.0 in all other cases (incl. tubular (3) The fatigue portion due to the pile driving proc-
joints) ess DP has to be summarised with the other relevant
fatigue portions to the cumulative fatigue D.
k *m = stress increase factor already contained
in the fatigue strength reference value Wind-induced transverse vibrations
= 1.3 for butt welds (corresponding to
(1) Damage contributions from wind-induced trans-
Type No. 211 – 216 and 221 – 225
verse vibrations DQ shall always be taken into account.
in Table 6.A.1) Here the damage contributions from the two states
= 1.0 in all other cases (incl. tubular “standstill with machine mounted” DQ,1 and “tower
joints) standing without machine” DQ,0 shall be calculated as
per Section 6.1.3.
Design misalignments are usually considered in the
analysis model and therefore in the applied stress.
Alternatively it can be included in km. (2) When calculating the damage contribution DQ,1 ,
a standstill period of 1/20 of the operating life shall be
For simplification, applied.
fa = k *m /km (6.6.60)
(3) When calculating the damage contribution DQ,0 ,
may be applied.
the time the tower stands without machine shall be
specified by the manufacturer and taken into account Pile driving fatigue in the calculation. The damage contribution DQ,0 shall
only then be taken into account if the time the tower
(1) Pile driving fatigue has to be considered on the stands without machine exceeds one week. For a non-
basis of the load spectra for the pile driving impact verified standstill time of up to one week, the wind
under consideration of pile dynamics. The fatigue speed shall be at most 90 % of the critical wind speed
portion due to the pile driving process DP has to be calculated when determining the internal forces and
calculated with the maximum number of driving im- moments. It this is not the case, measures shall be
pacts that can occur to ensure the design embedment taken against transverse vibrations.
depth of the pile using the same partial safety factor γM
as for the fatigue calculation due to operation of the
offshore wind turbine. (4) The damage contributions DQ do not need to be
accumulated with the damage contributions of the
Note: actions from the operating states DF if the wind direc-
tion for the determination of DF was assumed to be
In general, the number of load cycles as well as the constant for the entire action duration.
impact energy is not well known in the design phase.
In these cases, a preliminary fatigue analysis can be
(5) If the wind direction distribution is taken into
performed on the basis of conservative assumptions
account when determining DF , then DF and DQ shall
which have to be verified after the pile driving based
be accumulated. Here the less favourable value of the
on the driving record.
two equations 6.6.61 and 6.6.62 shall be taken into
(2) Stress increase due to the pile design as well as
due to the pile driving process has to be taken into
account. If the impact is directly imposed on a flange, D = DF (6.6.61)
possible local stress increase has to be considered
taking the distribution of forces between hammer and 19
flange as well as the dynamics of the pile driving proc- D= ⋅ DF + DQ (6.6.62)
ess into account.
IV – Part 2 6.7 Foundation and Subsoil Chapter 6
GL Wind 2005 Page 6-47
Combination of actions (1) It shall be ensured that the properties of the soil
Load case according
according to Table 4.3.1 correspond to the assumptions in the static and dy-
to DIN 1054
(DLC) namic calculation. Reinforced concrete components The short and long term interaction between structure
and surrounding soil, especially settlements and dis-
(1) Reinforced concrete components shall be veri- placements, have to be taken into account in the analy-
fied according to Section 5.4. ses. Upper and lower limits for the stiffness of soil and
(2) Areas of concentrated load introduction shall be structure for different times during their life have to be
considered. chosen with great care.
(3) Areas of the foundation above an integration
depth of 0.5 m in the earth shall be verified for a crack Soil, hydraulic stability and cyclic loads
width of 0.2 mm, and all other areas for a crack width
of 0.3 mm (see also Section (1) If necessary, due to existing slope or due to in-
(4) The assessment of concrete-attacking waters and stallation effects, the risk of slope failure or the possi-
soils can be carried out as per DIN 4030. bility of a deep slip shall be investigated.
6.7.6 Soil investigations and geotechnical report (2) Total or effective stress analysis shall be used for
soil stability investigations.
(1) The “Standard for Geotechnical Site and Route
Surveys” (BSH S) of the “Bundesamt für Seeschiffahrt (3) The effect of cyclic loading which may cause a
und Hydrographie” in its latest official version shall be reduction of shear strength, bearing capacity and stiff-
applied (current version at time of issuing this Guide- ness of the soil shall be investigated.
line see [6.5]) as minimum requirement. Other Stan-
dards than those cited in BSH S may be used upon (4) The effects of possible liquefaction of the soil
agreement with GL Wind. GL Wind reserves the right shall be considered, especially for structures installed
to determine the scope of documentation to be sub- in seismic active areas.
(2) Any parameters stated in the geotechnical report (5) Especially for soft, normal consolidated clays or,
shall be given as characteristic values. The characteris- for loose sand deposits a careful consideration of the
tic values shall represent a careful estimation of the seafloor instability is required.
basis of the mean values obtained from testing. In case
of large variations, i.e. variation coefficient > 0.1, for (6) Seabed movements due to waves’ action, earth-
natural frequency analysis or for analysis in which the quake or operational effects, e. g. driving, dredging,
critical loads depend on soil stiffness, upper and lower may cause reduced resistance or increased loading and
limits of the parameters shall be stated. shall be investigated.
IV – Part 2 6.7 Foundation and Subsoil Chapter 6
GL Wind 2005 Page 6-49
(7) The hydraulic stability shall be investigated for – driven, open ended piles
those types of foundations which may exhibit signifi-
cant hydraulic gradients within the supporting soils. – driven and underreamed piles
– drilled and grouted piles. Scour
(2) Many other designs are used to suit the individ-
(1) The possibility of scour or undermining around ual site conditions.
the foundation shall always be investigated and shall
be an explicit part of the analysis. Pile design
(2) Two main principles of scour protection may be (1) The design of piled foundations shall fulfil re-
devised: quirements for axial and lateral load capacity and
stiffness. The design shall consider bending moments
– Permanent scour protection: as well as axial and lateral forces.
A scour protection shall be installed which is ex-
pected to last for the whole life time of the off- (2) Among others the following factors will affect
shore wind turbine with reasonable safety. The the design: Diameter, penetration, spacing, material,
design of the permanent scour protection has to pile footing, installation method, soil conditions and
be backed up by model tests. stiffness, scour protection.
– Dynamic scour protection:
(3) The design methods shall incorporate the pile
A scour protection of the same general outline as
geometries, properties, and arrangement. It should be
of the permanent protection (design also backed
capable of simulating the non-linear properties of the
up by model tests) is installed, but with lower
soil and shall be compatible with the load deflection
level of safety. The level of safety may be so low behaviour of the structure and pile foundation system.
that damage is to be expected after some time.
Therefore, a regular monitoring and inspection (4) Regarding the safety concept and its associated
program has to be carried out. A monitoring of partial safety factors for soil, structural material and
the seabed level, the local scour and the condi- loads refer to Section 6.7.3 and 6.7.4.
tion of the scour protection at each turbine by
means of appropriate methods has to be carried (5) Characteristic soil input values required for all
out 6 weeks and 18 weeks after erection of the analyses of the piles shall definitively be stated in the
foundation. If no damage of the scour protection geotechnical report; they shall not automatically be
system is observed the inspection intervals can taken from tables in any standards. The geotechnical
be successively doubled but they shall be con- report has to state explicitly the analysis model for
ducted after heavy storm periods, but at least an- which the values could be used. The installation meth-
nually. The scour protection system has to be ods, e. g. drilling or jetting shall be taken into account
maintained and in case of damage it shall be which may greatly affect the soil/rock strength and
properly repaired in such a way that it is able to rock/grout bond.
fulfil its protective values for the offshore wind
turbine foundations. A written report about each (6) Deflections and rotations shall be checked for
monitoring and the performed maintenance and individual piles and pile groups regarding geometrical
repairs shall be compiled. compatibility.
(3) As an alternative, the foundation has to be con- Axially loaded piles
sidered to be partly unsupported. If no other data are
available for the specific site conditions, the scour (1) For the calculation of ultimate pile resistance for
depth at pile foundations may be estimated as 2.5 · d short term static and for long term cyclic loads various
(d = pile diameter) for design purposes. Less conserva- methods may be used. One acknowledged method is
tive estimates may be made, but have to be verified by outlined in the API RP 2A-LRFD of July 1993, chapter
a regular monitoring and inspection program as in G.4, G.5, G.6 and G.7. The analysis methods given
para 2 for the dynamic scour protection. there can be treated as models for characteristic states
and input values. The characteristic resistance value(s)
6.7.8 Pile foundations gained from the API analysis model have to be divided
by the material safety factor(s). General
(2) The applicability of other design methods for the
(1) Among several existing types of pile foundations specific site conditions and their limitations shall be
the following are most frequently used offshore: carefully investigated and agreed upon with GL Wind.
Chapter 6 6.7 Foundation and Subsoil IV – Part 2
Page 6-50 GL Wind 2005
Fig. 6.7.1 End bearing capacity (4) The unit end bearing capacity may be calculated
as follows:
q = qo +
(q1 − qo ) ⋅ H ≤ q . (6.7.3)
10 D
(3) For the calculation of ultimate horizontal pile means an increased pore water pressure gradient at
resistance and of load-deflection relations under short distinct locations which locally decrease the effective
term static loads various methods may be used. Their body to body stresses and the ability to transfer shear
applicability for the specific site conditions and their loads, thus reducing the external load-bearing capacity
limitations shall be carefully checked and agreed upon of the pile. Pore water pressure gradients are increased
with GL Wind. If the conditions for a relevant project by wave action, body (structure) movements, earth-
exceed the data bases on which the various methods are quakes and surrounding soil material with low free-
based, a prudent and careful extrapolation may be made. flooding pore volume. Any practical approach can lean
on these items.
One acknowledged method for short term static loads
for a limited pile diameter range is outlined in the API For example, the upper part of soil surrounding the
RP 2A-LRFD of July 1993, chapter G.8. This may, vicinity of pile should be composed of material of big
under certain circumstances, be cautiously adapted to individual size and large pore volume between indi-
larger pile diameters. The analysis methods given vidual stones (single size material), e.g. scour protec-
there can be treated as models for characteristic states tion material. This decreases the danger of body mo-
and input values. The lower limit characteristic resis- tion induced pore pressure increase.
tance value(s) gained from the API analysis model
have to be divided by the material safety factor(s) if (6) The eigenfrequency analysis, on which the load-
necessary. ing of the whole structure may be based, shall be per-
formed with special considerations. The range of hori-
(4) For the calculation of ultimate horizontal pile zontal soil stiffness shall be determined by full scale
resistance against overturning and load-deflection tests; extrapolating to higher or lower load levels shall
relations under long term cyclic loads, neither a proven be made with great care. If full scale tests are not pos-
analysis method nor even a theory exist . The effects of sible, the geotechnical report has to state conservative
these loads have to be considered with great care and upper and lower limits of characteristic soil stiffness
sound engineering judgement, always taking the spe- and the analysis method with which to compute the
cial site conditions and experience from similar pro- eigenfrequency analysis. The range between upper and
jects into account. Methods to approach this problem lower limits has to take into account the following:
may be deflection criterions under design or character- – uncertainty of soil density
istic maximum loads and may utilize the rules API RP
2A-LRFD of July 1993, chapter G.8, as analysis basis – uncertainty of soil elastic properties
(The manner of handling the cyclic loads given in
– uncertainty of the calculation model describing
chapter G.8 may not be conservative and should only
the soil behaviour
be adapted after an expressive statement of the geo-
technical consultant). – extend of soil investigations
(3) A pile driving analysis shall be made according Verification can be in accordance with e.g. DIN
to an accepted method to derive the fatigue damage 1054:2003-01 or according to the following standards:
sustained by the pile during driving, which may attain
– Bearing capacity failure calculation
a substantial proportion of the damage suffered during
the whole operational lifetime, see also Section DIN V 4017-100:1996-04
– Soil pressure distribution
(4) The soil stiffness has to be accounted for when DIN 4018
calculating the bending moment distribution (see Sec-
tion Due regard shall be given to the effect of – Settlement calculation
scour and lack of soil adhesion due to large pile deflec- DIN V 4019-100:1996-04
The calculative substitute area for the vertical stresses
(5) The axial load transfer may be calculated accord- shall be determined in such a way that the relevant
ing to the “axial soil resistance - pile deflection” char- resulting vertical characteristic force (i.e. γF = 1,0) acts
acteristics or alternatively according to the skin fric- in its centre.
tion capacity of the pile, see Section
Other Standards than above may be used upon agree-
(6) For piles having large horizontal deflections a ment with GL Wind.
stress increase due to second order effects shall be
considered. For structures without skirts the contact design stresses
between foundation and soil shall always be compres-
(7) For pile sections embedded in the soil column sive.
local buckling need not be investigated in most cases.
(2) It has to be observed that the effective soil
6.7.9 Gravity type foundations stresses may be reduced due to cyclic loading or hy-
draulic gradients, induced for example by foundation General rocking.
(1) Gravity type foundations are characterized as (3) The analysis of sliding stability is set out in e.g.
foundations with relatively small penetration into the DIN 1054:2003-01 Section 7.5.3.
soil compared to the width of the foundation bases and
relying predominantly on compressive contact with the (4) For the analyses in the ultimate and serviceabil-
supporting soil. ity limit states as per DIN 1054:2003-01, Section 7,
the following procedure shall be observed:
(2) If soil layers of sufficient strength are found at
some depth below the sea bed, skirts may be required – Permanent loads in the sense of DIN 1054:2003-
in order to ensure the suitability of the foundation. In 01, Section 7.6.1 are the loads of load case 1 (see
some cases skirts will be used to protect the foundation Table 6.7.1).
against scouring.
– Under permanent loads (γF=1.0), no ground gap
may occur. Analysis
(5) The force resulting from the loads of load case 2
(1) Gravity type foundations shall be verified against
(see Table 6.7.1, γF=1.0) is permitted to cause a ground
gap only up to the centre of gravity of the bottom area
– tilting (eccentricity of load / gaping joint) of the foundation.
– bearing capacity failure
(6) For loads of load case 3 (see Table 6.7.1), the
– sliding safety against bearing capacity failure on the residual
– buoyancy contact area shall be verified with γGr=1.5.
– soil liquefaction, Soil reaction on foundation structure
– hydraulic instability,
– scour, (1) Grouting of voids beneath the foundation base
may be required in order to ensure the predetermined
– installation and removal. load distribution and sufficient bearing capacity.
IV – Part 2 6.7 Foundation and Subsoil Chapter 6
GL Wind 2005 Page 6-53
(2) Materials and methods used for filling of voids (3) The requirements on ballasting facilities have to
have to be agreed upon with GL Wind. be investigated in order to ensure a well balanced
seating of the foundation base without excessive dis- Dynamic behaviour turbance of the supporting soil (see also Chapter 12,
Marine Operations).
(1) The requirements of Section shall be
considered in design. (4) The resistance to penetration R [kN] of scour
skirts is given by their end resistance and skin friction
(2) Dynamic loads due to wind, offshore wind turbine resistance and may be calculated by the following
operation, waves, earthquake etc. may significantly formula:
influence the integrity of the foundation. Their effects
R = K p (d )⋅ Ap ⋅qc (d )
on the foundation behaviour have to be thoroughly
(3) In many cases, especially when the stress level is + As K f (z )⋅qc (z )⋅dz [kN ]
∫ (6.7.4)
fairly low, the dynamic foundation behaviour may be
investigated using the continuous “half space” ap- where:
proach which assumes the soil to be a homogeneous
linearly elastic material.
z = depth of the soil layer under consideration
(4) In case of non-uniform soil profiles with the risk [m]
of energy reflection at the interfaces of soil layers, or
dynamic loads with large amplitudes which cause non- d = penetration depth [m]
linear soil behaviour, more appropriate analyses are Kp = empirical coefficient relating to end resis-
required which are to be agreed by GL Wind. tance
(5) The foundation stiffness has influence on the Kf = empirical coefficient relating to skin fric-
determination of the natural frequencies of the off- tion
shore wind turbine. In practical analysis this influence
can be taken into account by replacing the sub-system qc = cone penetration resistance [kN/m2]
“foundation” with elastic springs which represent the
foundation response for the different conditions. Ap = end area of scour skirt [m2]
6.8.1 Ultimate limit state for strength 6.8.3 Ultimate limit state for fatigue
Structures of reinforced concrete and preloaded con- (1) The analyses shall be performed with the combi-
crete shall be verified in accordance with Section nation of actions of group F according to Table 4.3.4. Here the internal forces and moments of the
tower shaft may be determined according to the pipe (2) Structures of reinforced concrete and preloaded
bending theory, provided that the wall thickness is at concrete shall be verified in accordance with Section
least 1/20 of the radius. This does not apply to local
analyses in the vicinity of tower openings. To deter- (3) Regarding the selection of S/N curves; regarding
mine the loading resulting from heat influences on concrete, reinforcing steel and preloading steel, see
towers made of steel or preloaded concrete, a tempera- Section
ture component of ∆TM = 15 K acting uniformly over
the circumference and varying linearly through the 6.8.4 Wind-induced transverse vibrations
wall thickness shall be applied together with a tem-
perature component of ∆TN = 15 K acting with a co- For analysis of the loading of reinforced concrete and
sine distribution over a circumferential sector of 180° preloaded concrete towers, the provisions of e.g. DIN
and remaining constant through the wall thickness. 4228:1989-02, A.2.2 shall be applied.
IV – Part 2 6.9 Floating Structures Chapter 6
GL Wind 2005 Page 6-57
(1) The analysis of floating structures is only partly – GL “Rules for Classification and Construction,
covered by the present Guideline. The designer of the III Offshore Technology, 2 Offshore Installa-
floating offshore wind turbine shall define in consulta- tions”, Edition 1999.
tion with GL Wind the additional requirements, i.e.
regarding loading, stability, mooring and structural
(2) For the analysis of floating offshore wind tur- – GL “Guidelines for the Construction / Certifi-
bines, the following Guidelines may be used addition- cation of Floating Production, Storage and Off-
ally in consultation with GL Wind: Loading Units“.
IV – Part 2 Appendix 6.A Detail Categories for the Fatigue Assessment Chapter 6
GL Wind 2005 Page 6-59
Table 6.A.1 Detail Categories for Welded and Unwelded Parts of a Component
(published with the authorisation of the International Institute of Welding (IIW)
Detail category
Structural Detail
Description, Requirements and Remarks ∆σR (FAT class)
No. (St. = steel; Al. = aluminium)
Steel Al
100 Unwelded parts of a component
Rolled or extruded products, components with
111 mashined edges, seamless hollow sections.
mo = 5
St.: For high strength steels a higher FAT 160
class may be used ifverified by test.
Al.: AA 5000/6000 alloys 70
AA 7000 alloys 80
Sharp edges, surface and rolling flaws to be
removed by grinding. Any machining lines or
groves to be parallel to stresses!
For high strength steels a higher FAT class may be
used if verified by test.
Machine gas cut or sheared material with 140 ---
121r subsequent dressing, no cracks by inspection, no
visible imperfections.
mo = 4
All visible signs of edge imperfections to be
removed. The cut surfaces to be mashined or
ground, all burrs to be removed.
No repair by welding refill!
Notcheffects due to shape of edges have to be
Machine thermally cut edges, corners removed, no 125 40
122r cracks by inspection.
mo = 3.5
Notcheffects due to shape of edges have to be
Manually thermally cut edges, free from cracks and 100 ---
123r severe notches.
mo = 3.5
Notcheffects due to shape of edges have to be
Manually thermally cut edges, uncontrolled, no 80 ---
124r notch deeper than 0.5 mm.
mo = 3.5
Notcheffects due to shape of edges have to be
requirements deviating from the IIW recommendations (different Wöhler slopes)
IV – Part 2 Appendix 6.A Detail Categories for the Fatigue Assessment Chapter 6
GL Wind 2005 Page 6-61
Detail category
Structural Detail
Description, Requirements and Remarks ∆σR (FAT class)
No. (St. = steel; Al. = aluminium)
Steel Al
Rolled or extruded products with holes. 90 ---
D ≤ 1.5 t and D ≤ 50 mm
Holes machine gas cut or drilled, with subsequent
dressing, no cracks by inspection, no visible
mo = 3.5
∆σ to be calculated on the net cross-section.
End or edge distance: e ≥ 1.5 D, spacing: p ≥ 2.5 D
200 Butt welds, transverse loaded
Transverse loaded butt weld (X or V-groove) 112 40
211f ground flush to plate, 100 % NDT
All welds ground flush to surface, grinding paralell
to direction of stress. Weld run-on and run-of
pieces to be used and subsequently removed. Plate
edges to be ground flush in direction of stress.
Welded from both sides. No misalignement.
Required quality cannot be inspected by NDT !
Transverse butt weld made in shop in flat position, 90 36
height of weld convexity ≤ 10% of the weld width,
Weld run-on and run-off pieces to be used and
subsequently removed. Plate edges to be ground
flush in direction of stress.
Welded from both sides. Misalignment < 5%
Transverse butt weld not satisfying conditions of 80 32
212, height of weld convexity ≤ 20% of the weld
width, NDT
Weld run-on and run-off pieces to be used and
subsequently removed. Plate edges to be ground
flush in direction of stress.
Welded from both sides. Misalignment < 10%
Transverse butt weld, welded on ceramic backing, 80 28
214 root crack.
Backing removed, root visually inspected.
Misalignment < 10%
Transverse butt weld on permanent backing bar 71 25
215 terminating > 10 mm from plate edge, else 63 22
Misalignment < 10%
additional structural detail not included into the IIW recommendations
FAT class deviating from the IIW recommencations
requirements deviating from the IIW recommendations (weld convexity limit instead of toe angle)
Chapter 6 Appendix 6.A Detail Categories for the Fatigue Assessment IV – Part 2
Page 6-62 GL Wind 2005
Detail category
Structural Detail
Description, Requirements and Remarks ∆σR (FAT class)
No. (St. = steel; Al. = aluminium)
Steel Al
Transverse butt welds welded from one side
216 without backing bar, full penetration
root controlled by NDT 71 28
no NDT 36 12
Misalignment < 10%
Detail category
Structural Detail
Description, Requirements and Remarks ∆σR (FAT class)
No. (St. = steel; Al. = aluminium)
Steel Al
Transverse butt weld, NDT, with transition in
223 thickness and width
slope 1:5 80 25
slope 1:3 71 22
slope 1:2 63 20
Weld run-on and run-off pieces to be used and
subsequently removed. Plate edges to be ground
flush in direction of stress.
Misalignment <10%
Exceeding misalignment due to thickness step to be
considered, see chapter
Transverse butt weld, different thicknesses without 71 22
224 transition, centres aligned.
In cases, where weld profile is equivalent to a
moderate slope transition, see no. 222
Misalignment <10% of smaller plate thickness.
Three plate connection, root crack 71 22
Arc welds: Misalignment < 10%
Detail category
Structural Detail
Description, Requirements and Remarks ∆σR (FAT class)
No. (St. = steel; Al. = aluminium)
Steel Al
Tubular joint with permanent bacing. 71 28
Welded in flat position.
Detail category
Structural Detail
Description, Requirements and Remarks ∆σR (FAT class)
No. (St. = steel; Al. = aluminium)
Steel Al
Transverse butt weld, NDT, at crossing flanges, 71 28
244 with welded triangular transition plates, weld ends
Crack starting at butt weld.
For crack of throughgoing flange see
details 525 and 526!
Plate edges to be ground flush in direction of
Welded from both sides.Misalignment <10%
Transverse butt weld at crossing flanges. 50 20
245 Crack starting at butt weld.
For crack of throughgoing flange see
details 525 and 526!
Welded from both sides.Misalignment <10%
Detail category
Structural Detail
Description, Requirements and Remarks ∆σR (FAT class)
No. (St. = steel; Al. = aluminium)
Steel Al
Continuous automatic longitudinal double sided 100 40
322 fillet weld without stop/start positions (based on
stress range in flange).
Detail category
Structural Detail
Description, Requirements and Remarks ∆σR (FAT class)
No. (St. = steel; Al. = aluminium)
Steel Al
Joint at stiffened knuckle of a flange to be assessed --- ---
331 according to no. 411 - 414, depending on type of
Stress in stiffener plate:
σ =σ f ⋅ ⋅ 2 ⋅ sin α
∑A St
Af = area of flange
ASt = area of stiffener
Stress in weld throat:
σw =σ f ⋅ ⋅ 2 ⋅ sin α
∑A w
r ⋅t
Stress in weld throat:
σw =
r ⋅∑a
Ff axial force in flange
t thickness of web plate
a weld throat
The resulting force of Ff-left and Ff-right will bend
the flange perpenticular to the plane of main
loading. In oder to minimize this additional
stressing of the welds, it is recommended to
minimize the width and to maximize the thickness
of the flange.
Stress longitudinally to the weld is to be
considered. At additional shear, principle stress in
web is to be consired (see 321 to 323).
Chapter 6 Appendix 6.A Detail Categories for the Fatigue Assessment IV – Part 2
Page 6-68 GL Wind 2005
Detail category
Structural Detail
Description, Requirements and Remarks ∆σR (FAT class)
No. (St. = steel; Al. = aluminium)
Steel Al
400 Cruciform joints and/or T-joints
Cruciform joint or T-joint, K-butt welds, full
411s penetration, no lamellar tearing, weld toes ground,
toe crack.
Cruciform joint 80 28
Misalignment e <15% of t and primary plate.
T-joint 90 32
Material quality of intermediate plate has to be
checked against susceptibility of lamellar tearing.
Cruciform joint or T-joint, K-butt welds, full
412s penetration, no lamellar tearing, toe crack.
Cruciform joint 71 25
Misalignment e <15% of t and primary plate.
T-joint 80 28
Material quality of intermediate plate has to be
checked against susceptibility of lamellar tearing.
Cruciform joint or T-joint, fillet welds or partial
413s penetration K-butt welds, no lamellar tearing, toe
Cruciform joint 63 22
Misalignment e <15% of t and primary plate.
T-joint 71 25
Material quality of intermediate plate has to be
checked against susceptibility of lamellar tearing.
Cruciform joint or T-joint, fillet welds or partial 36 12
414 penetration K-butt welds, including toe ground
joints, weld root crack.
Analysis based on stress in weld throat.
specifications of detail category more detailed than in the IIW recommendations (separate DC for T-joints)
IV – Part 2 Appendix 6.A Detail Categories for the Fatigue Assessment Chapter 6
GL Wind 2005 Page 6-69
Detail category
Structural Detail
Description, Requirements and Remarks ∆σR (FAT class)
No. (St. = steel; Al. = aluminium)
Steel Al
Cruciform joint or T-joint, single-sided arc welded 36 12
416 fillet or partial penetration V-butt weld, no lamellar
tearing, misalignment of plates e< 0.15 t, root
crack. Root inspected.
Excentricity e of plate t and weld throat a
midpoints to be considered in analysis. Stress at
⎛ e⎞ t
∆σ root = ∆σ plate ⋅ ⎜1 + 3 ⋅ ⎟ ⋅
⎝ t⎠ a
An analysis by effective notch procedure is
Splice of rolled section with intermediate plate, 36 12
421 fillet welds, weld root crack.
Analysis base on stress in weld throat.
Detail category
Structural Detail
Description, Requirements and Remarks ∆σR (FAT class)
No. (St. = steel; Al. = aluminium)
Steel Al
500 Non-load-carrying attachments
Transverse non-load-carrying attachment, not
511 thicker than main plate.
K-butt weld, toe ground 100 36
Two-sided fillets, toe ground 100 36
Fillet weld(s), as welded 80 28
thicker than main plate 71 25
Grinding parallel to stress.
At one sided fillet welds, an angular misalignment
corresponding to km = 1.2 is already covered.
Transverse stiffener welded on girder web or
512 flange, not thicker than main plate.
K-butt weld, toe ground 100 36
Two-sided fillets, toe ground 100 36
Fillet weld(s), as welded 80 28
thicker than main plate 71 25
For weld ends on web principle stress to be used.
Non-load-carrying stud as welded. 80 28
Detail category
Structural Detail
Description, Requirements and Remarks ∆σR (FAT class)
No. (St. = steel; Al. = aluminium)
Steel Al
Longitudinal filled welded gusset with radius 90 32
522 transition, end of fillet weld reinforced and ground,
e < 2 t , max 25 mm
r > 150 mm
t = thickness of attachment
Detail category
Structural Detail
Description, Requirements and Remarks ∆σR (FAT class)
No. (St. = steel; Al. = aluminium)
Steel Al
600 Lap joints
Transverse loaded lap joint with fillet welds.
Fatigue of parent metal 63 22
Fatigue of weld throat 45 16
Stresses to be calculated in the main plate using a
plate width equalling the weld length.
Buckling avoided by loading or design!
Longitudinally loaded lap joint with side fillet
612 welds.
Fatigue of parent metal 50 18
Fatigue of weld (calc. on max. weld length 50 18
of 40 times the throat of the weld)
Weld terminations more than 10 mm from plate
edge. Buckling avoided by loading or design!
Lap joint gusset, fillet welded, non-load-carrying,
with smooth transition (sniped end with ϕ < 20° or
radius), welded to loaded element
c < 2 t , but c ≤ 25 mm
to flat bar 63 22
to bulb section 56 20
to angle section 50 18
t = thickness of gusset plate
700 Reinforcements
End of long doubling plate on I-beam, welded ends
711 (based on stress range in flange at weld toe)
tD ≤ 0.8 t 56 20
0.8 t < tD ≤ 1.5 t 50 18
tD > 1.5 t 45 16
End zones of single or multiple welded cover
plates, with or without frontal welds.
If the cover plate is wider than the flange, a frontal
weld is needed. No undercut at frontal welds!
End of long doubling plate on beam, reinforced
712 welded ends ground (based on stress range in
flange at weld toe)
tD ≤ 0.8 t 71 28
0.8 t < tD ≤ 1.5 t 63 25
tD > 1.5 t 56 22
Grinding parallel to stress direction.
IV – Part 2 Appendix 6.A Detail Categories for the Fatigue Assessment Chapter 6
GL Wind 2005 Page 6-73
Detail category
Structural Detail
Description, Requirements and Remarks ∆σR (FAT class)
No. (St. = steel; Al. = aluminium)
Steel Al
End of reinforced plate on rectangular hollow 50 20
721 section.
Wall thickness t < 25 mm
No undercut at frontal weld!
Detail category
Structural Detail
Description, Requirements and Remarks ∆σR (FAT class)
No. (St. = steel; Al. = aluminium)
Steel Al
Nozzle welded on plate, root pass removed by 71 25
841 drilling.
If diameter > 50 mm, stress concentration of cutout
has to be considered.
Assessment by structural stress is recommended.
Nozzle welded on plate, root pass as welded. 63 22
If diameter > 50 mm, stress concentration of cutout
has to be considered.
Assessment by structural stress is recommended.
Detail category
Structural Detail
Description, Requirements and Remarks ∆σR (FAT class)
No. (St. = steel; Al. = aluminium)
Steel Al
Tube-plate joint, tubes flattened, butt weld 71 25
931 (X-groove).
Tube diameter < 200 mm and
plate thickness < 20 mm
Detail category
No. Fatigue resistance values for structural details on the basis of shear stress ∆σR (FAT class)
Steel Al
1 Parent metal or full penetration butt weld; m = 5 down to 1E8 cycles. 100 36
Edition 2005
IV – Part 2 Table of Contents Chapter 7
GL Wind 2005 Page 3
Table of Contents
7.1 General
(1) The following documents are required for as- (6) Fatigue analyses shall be carried out in accor-
sessment of the ultimate and serviceability limit states dance with Section 5.3 using the codes and technical
of machinery components of offshore wind turbines. literature listed there.
(2) For the important components, parts lists are (7) All lubricants and hydraulic fluids shall be speci-
required with data about materials, data from the fied with the corresponding type sheets. Oil collecting
manufacturer in the case of mass-produced parts, about trays for the possible spilling of operating media shall
the standard in the case of standardized parts etc. be provided in the offshore wind turbine (hub and
(3) Engineering drawings (assembly drawings and
individual-part drawings) of the important elements of (8) The design of the cooling and heating systems
the plant, executed in standard form; clear identifica- for operation of the offshore wind turbine shall be
tion shall be assured (parts designation, drawing num- specified.
ber, modification index). They shall contain data about
surface finish, heat treatment, corrosion protection etc. (9) The specifications (requirements) of the offshore
wind turbine manufacturer for the design of the ma-
(4) For mass-produced parts which have proved their chinery components shall be appended to the verifica-
suitability for use by successful service in comparable tions.
technical applications, type/data sheets are generally
sufficient. However, further documentation / verifica- 7.1.2 Materials
tion may be necessary in individual cases for such
parts. Main gearboxes do not count as mass-produced Requirements, verification and inspection certification
in this sense. The documentation required for this is set are laid down in Section 3.3. Additional data are to be
out in Section 7.4. found in the following sections of this Chapter.
(5) Strength calculations for all components and 7.1.3 Drive train dynamics
means of connection shall verify the ultimate limit
state and serviceability limit state totally, clearly and When determining the design loads (see Section
confirmably. The analyses shall be complete in them-, the dynamic behaviour of the drive train shall
selves. They shall contain adequate data concerning: be considered in a suitable manner. For this, the drive
train is as a rule modelled in an idealized form within
– design loads the load simulation through a system comprising few
rotating masses and torsion springs. The reduction of
– static systems (analogous models)
the complex drive-train system and the determination
– materials of the values of torsion springs, rotating masses, and
possibly damping values shall be presented during the
– permissible stresses
assessment of the machinery components.
IV – Part 2 7.2 Blade Pitching System Chapter 7
GL Wind 2005 Page 7-3
(3) Statements shall be made on the calculation data (5) In systems with rotary drive, an application fac-
(e.g. input data for the calculation, presentation of the tor of KA = 1.0 is used for the static strength analysis.
results with the relevant safety margins) and on the
components of the drives.
7.2.4 Strength analysis
(4) For the evaluation of the transmission stage
“driving pinion / live ring”, the individual-part draw- Verification of load capacity of gears
ing of the pinion shaft and the live ring are required in
the case of systems with rotary drive, together with a (1) The toothing calculation of the driving pinion /
toothing calculation for this combination and the veri- live ring stage and of the pitch gear shall be based on
fications for the pinion shaft and its bearing arrange- ISO 6336.
(2) The calculation of the load capacity from the
(5) Assembly and sectional drawings, including the fatigue loads shall be performed according to ISO TR
associated parts lists and if applicable individual-part 10495. For Method II, a damage ratio of D ≤ 1 shall be
Chapter 7 7.2 Blade Pitching System IV – Part 2
Page 7-4 GL Wind 2005
achieved in compliance with the safety factors listed in ses shall be performed in accordance with DIN 743,
Table 7.2.1. DIN 6892 and DIN 7190, or equivalent codes.
Table 7.2.1 Safety factors for the (2) Strength analyses for rotary drive housings and
fatigue strength analysis planet carriers can be demanded if necessary (see also
Section 7.1.1 para 4).
Minimum Safety of toothings in pitch
gears and pitch bearings: (3) In the case of systems with a blade pitching
mechanism, a fatigue strength analysis and a static
pitting SH 1.0 strength analysis shall be submitted for all load-
transmitting components and connecting elements.
tooth root fracture SF 1.25
(4) Spring elements also tensioned during the load-
ing process are not regarded as being effective protec-
Table 7.2.2 Safety factors for the tion for non-methodically prestressed bolted connec-
static strength analysis tions of the load-transmitting and safety-relevant com-
ponents. Instead, friction-locked elements shall be
used as protection against loss, and locking elements
Minimum Safety of toothings in pitch
as protection against loosening of the bolted connec-
gears and pitch bearings:
tions. Bonded elements are not recommended, since
their effectiveness depends on the operating and appli-
pitting SH 1.0
cation temperature, the surface condition of the com-
ponent, the curing time and the dynamic loading tak-
tooth root fracture SF 1.2 ing place during operation. If bonded elements are
used for securing the above-mentioned component
(3) Alternatively, equivalent loads can be determined after all, a specification of the bonding material shall
from the load/time distribution (as per DIN 3990 Part be submitted and a loss protection arrangement shall
6, Method III) with which – in compliance with the be provided to prevent separation of the corresponding
safety factors listed in Table 7.2.1 – the fatigue analy- components.
sis shall be performed.
(5) Strength analyses for bolted connections are
(4) Furthermore, an analysis of the static strength necessary wherever the bolts are essential to the distri-
against forced rupture and pitting in compliance with bution of forces (see Section 6.5.1).
the safety factors according to Table 7.2.2 is also re-
quired. Note:
The output pinion of the rotary drive should be forged-on.
(5) According to ISO TR 10495 the predominantly
alternating load of the toothing is to be considered. A
reduction factor for the respective S/N curve is given Blade bearings
e.g. in DIN 3990 part 6 with a value of 0.7. More fa-
vourable values may be used, e.g. based on the dia- (1) With regard to the calculation and execution of
gram in Fig. 21.7/15 on page 155 in Niemann/Winter, the blade bearing, reference is made to Section 7.3.
vol. 2, edition 1989 [7.1].
(2) The seals shall be so executed or protected in a
(6) The toothings of the blade bearings are stressed way that they are not damaged by the prevailing envi-
on a very small part of their circumference during a ronmental conditions.
large portion of operation. The maximum utilisation
for start and stop procedures amounts generally to 90°. Notes:
According to this the calculative number of load cycles A single seal is not deemed to be adequate protection
in the toothing calculation is at least to be multiplied against external influences for the rolling body and
with the factor 4. track surface. The level of protection can be increased
e.g. by a spinner or an additional seal. Shafts and connecting elements It should be possible to exchange the seals of the blade
bearing in the installed condition.
(1) For the output shaft of the pitch drive and for the
connecting elements, a fatigue strength analysis and a (3) It shall be shown that adequate lubrication and
static strength analysis shall be submitted. The analy- removal of the old lubricant is ensured for the blade
IV – Part 2 7.2 Blade Pitching System Chapter 7
GL Wind 2005 Page 7-5
bearing, and if applicable also for the toothing. Con- Additional verifications
sidering service intervals not less than one year (see
also Section 7.10.1) this will in general require auto-
matic lubrication devices. The functionality of such (1) In the case of systems with electrical actuating
devices is to be documented. drive, Chapter 8 shall also be considered.
(4) It shall be shown that an adequate film of lubri-
cant is always provided between the rolling bodies and
the track surface. (2) For the verification of the hydraulic system,
Section 7.9 shall be considered.
(5) If necessary, this requirement shall be met by
means of a test run e.g. taking place once within 24h
and during which the rotor blades and thus also the (3) The design of the drives and brakes shall be
blade bearings are rotated by the maximum possible verified for proper function in accordance with the
pitching angle. system concept.
IV – Part 2 7.3 Bearings Chapter 7
GL Wind 2005 Page 7-7
7.3 Bearings
– The notched-bar impact work in the case of the N = total number of revolutions for the design
ISO-V test shall have a 3-test mean value lifetime of the offshore wind turbine
≥ 27 Joule at -20 °C: The lowest individual value
shall be more than 70 % of the mean value. De-
viation from these values is possible after discus- (4) The operational loading of generator bearings
sion with GL Wind, if a lower stress level can be and of bearings for gearbox output shafts shall be
proved or on the basis of test results. superposed by the calculated restoring forces from the
maximum permissible dynamic misalignment between
– The minimum hardness of the bearing track the generator and gearbox.
surfaces is 55 HRC.
(5) The extreme loads of generator bearings and of
7.3.4 Loads to be applied bearings for gearbox output shafts shall be superposed
by the calculated restoring forces from the maximum
(1) For the design of the bearings, two parameters permissible static misalignment between the generator
shall be taken into consideration: and gearbox.
Chapter 7 7.3 Bearings IV – Part 2
Page 7-8 GL Wind 2005
7.3.5 Calculations (2) The following input parameters required for the
extended rating life calculation shall be set out in the General calculation:
– bearing temperature
(1) For roller bearings used in the drive train a rating
life calculation as per Amendment 4 to DIN ISO 281 – lubricant additive treatment and viscosity
shall be submitted by each bearing manufacturer
– measures taken to maintain the lubricant’s quali-
named according to Section 7.3.2 (see Section
ties (lubricant change intervals, lubrication
para 3 to 6).
checks etc.)
(2) For all other bearings, simplified analyses as per (3) The calculations of the nominal reference rating
DIN ISO 281 (nominal or extended) can be performed life by the bearing manufacturers shall be performed
after consultation with GL Wind (see Section for each load level of the load duration distribution. A
para 1 to 2). reduction of the specified spectrum to 10 load levels in
accordance with Miner’s Rule is permissible to mini-
(3) The analysis of the static load carrying capacity mize the computing effort. The life exponent for re-
at extreme load is to be calculated for all bearings ducing the number of load levels shall correspond to
according to Positive and negative extreme the exponent in the bearing calculation.
loads shall be considered.
(4) The combined nominal reference rating life as Analysis of the static load-bearing capacity per Amendment 4 to DIN ISO 281 for the correspond-
under extreme load ing bearing is then obtained as:
the equivalent static load P0. For bearings in the drive nmr i
(8) If the bearings of the plant are easily exchange- (2) During assembly, the bearing manufacturer’s
able on site and the corresponding bearing replacement instructions shall be observed. The transport of bear-
intervals are specified, a shorter rating life may be ings shall be undertaken in such a way that damage to
permissible independent of the calculation method roller and raceway profiles is prevented.
after consultation with GL Wind.
(3) The bearings shall be sealed in such a way that Minimum loading there is no detrimental effect on the function of adjoin-
ing components.
Compliance with the minimum load shall be agreed
between the component manufacturer and the bearing (4) Owing to the special operating conditions for
supplier in accordance with the general structural and offshore wind turbines, it should be possible to ex-
operational conditions. change generator bearings on the plant itself.
IV – Part 2 7.4 Gearboxes Chapter 7
GL Wind 2005 Page 7-11
7.4 Gearboxes
The requirements in this Section apply for spur and (2) The tests laid down in the regulations for materi-
planetary gearboxes intended for installation in the als may be curtailed with the consent of GL Wind, if
drive train of offshore wind turbines. execution of the prescribed tests is not practicable
because of the small size or particular manufacturing Assessment documents processes of individual components. For such compo-
nents, GL Wind shall be provided with quality verifi-
(1) Assembly and sectional drawings of the gearbox, cation in some other way.
drawings of the casing, individual-part drawings of the
shafts and the gearwheels, plus parts lists with data on 7.4.3 Loads to be applied
materials, shall be submitted for the assessment. The
individual-part drawings of the toothed components General
shall contain at least the data as per Table 7.4.2, other-
wise this table shall be completed and appended to the (1) The force-transmitting parts of the gearbox are
assessment documents. statically and dynamically loaded by the driving
torque. The dynamic portion depends on the character-
(2) Strength analyses, and possibly also deformation istics of the driving side (rotor) and the driven side
analyses, shall be provided for all torque-transmitting (generator, pump) and also on the masses, stiffnesses
components. Verification of the adequate dimensioning and damping values in the driving and driven portions
of gearbox bearings and of any bolted connections (shafts and couplings) and the external operating con-
which play a significant part in the transmission of ditions imposed on the offshore wind turbine. Depend-
power shall be provided. ing on the drive train concept of the offshore wind
turbine, additional loads in the form of forces and
(3) Also required are specifications for the lubricant bending moments may be introduced at the slow-
used and admissible temperature ranges, instructions running gearbox input shaft and the fast-running gear-
for envisaged maintenance work and intervals, plus box output shaft, and these shall be taken into account.
information about the monitoring appliances and auxil-
iary units (lubricating oil cooler, lubricating oil pump (2) The fatigue and extreme loads shall comply with
etc.) installed. A specification of the corrosion protec- at least the requirements set out in Chapter 4.
tion provided shall be included. Furthermore, the gear-
box specification of the offshore wind turbine manu- Fatigue loads
facturer as well as the operating and maintenance
manual (see Section 7.4.10) shall be appended. (1) Using the time series of the fatigue loads (e.g.
torque), the load duration distributions (LDD) shall be
7.4.2 Materials determined for the calculation of the toothing, shafts
and bearings. These specify the sums of the times Approved materials during which the torque remains within the class limits
to be defined.
All toothed parts shall be made of materials conven-
tionally used for making gearboxes – but at least com- (2) In the LDD, all operating conditions described in
plying with material quality MQ as per ISO 6336-5 Chapter 4 shall be considered for the determination of
(see also Section 3.3). the fatigue loads to be applied. Apart from normal
operating conditions, these also include connections Assessment of materials and disconnections, load shedding of the generator, use
of the mechanical brake and also standstill loading of
(1) All torque-transmitting components of the gear- the offshore wind turbine. The torque levels shall have
box shall be tested in accordance with the GL Rules a clear relation to the rotational speed. Additional
for materials or equivalent standards. Appropriate loads, inter alia through deformations, alignment errors
verification according to EN 10204 shall be provided and asymmetrical arrangements of the mechanical
for the materials. The material test documents (state- brakes, shall also be taken into account if applicable.
Chapter 7 7.4 Gearboxes IV – Part 2
Page 7-12 GL Wind 2005
(3) Planet carrier, gearbox housing and torque arm Influence factors for the load calculations
are usually verified with the aid of load time series. Application factor KA Extreme loads
(1) The gears for offshore wind turbines are sub-
The maximum loads occurring in the drive train of the jected to additional load fluctuations which are super-
offshore wind turbine as per Chapter 4 shall be taken posed onto the load increments or the constant rated
into account. load. These load fluctuations, acting at the gearbox
input and output, result in additional dynamic loads in
7.4.4 Calculation of load capacity of gears the teeth. The application factor KA accounts for these
additional external dynamic forces. General
(2) The application factor KA shall be determined
(1) Through load capacity calculations according to according to DIN 3990, Part 6 (Method III) for each
the international standard ISO 6336, sufficient load meshing from the LDD, both for the flank and for the
capacity of the gears shall be verified for all engage- root.
ment situations in the main gearbox of the offshore
wind turbine. The required minimum safety margins (3) The strength analysis of the gearbox as regards
regarding flank and root loads are given in Table 7.4.1: the action of extreme loads is carried out using the
application factor KA = 1.0.
Table 7.4.1 Minimum safety factors Dynamic load factor Kv
Safety against Safety against
pitting tooth root To account for the additional internal dynamic loading,
SH fracture the dynamic load factor Kv is to be calculated in the
SF load capacity calculation according to ISO 6336
Fatigue analysis 1.2 1.5 method B. Without a detailed dynamic analysis, a use
of Kv < 1.05 is not permissible.
Static analysis 1.0 1.4 Load distribution factor Kγ
(2) For the gears of offshore wind turbines, proof of
the sufficient mechanical strength of the roots and (1) The load distribution factor Kγ accounts for de-
flanks of gear teeth is linked to the requirement that viations in load distribution e.g. in gearboxes with dual
the accuracy of the teeth shall ensure sufficiently or multiple load distribution or planetary stages with
smooth gear operation combined with satisfactory more than three planet wheels.
exploitation of the dynamic loading capacity of the
teeth. (2) For the planetary stages, the values given in Table
7.4.3 apply in relation to the number of planet wheels:
(3) The toothing quality as per ISO 1328-1 (DIN
3962) shall comply with at least quality 6 for exter- Table 7.4.3 Load distribution factor Kγ
nally toothed parts and at least quality 8 for internally
toothed parts (internal gears). Number of planet 3 4 5 6 7
(4) The endurance limits for the materials shall
comply with ISO 6336, Part 5. Kγ 1.0 1.25 1.35 1.43 1.5
(5) GL Wind reserves the right to call for proof of (3) Lower values than given in Table 7.4.3 used in
the accuracy of the gear-cutting machines used and for analyses shall be verified by measurements after con-
testing of the method used to harden the gear teeth. sultation with GL Wind. Calculations can be accepted,
as long as the underlying model has been verified by Input data for gear rating measurements.
The input data required for a rating of the gear life are Face load factors KHβ and KFβ
compiled in Table 7.4.2. If the profile modifications
cannot be obtained from the original drawings, these (1) The face load factors take into account the effects
values shall also be given in tabular form for each of uneven load distribution over the tooth flank on the
meshing. flank contact stress (KHβ) and on the root stress (KFβ).
IV – Part 2 7.4 Gearboxes Chapter 7
GL Wind 2005 Page 7-13
Gearbox Certifi-
Manufacturer Stage
Wind turbine Gear stage ϒ Planetary stage ϒ
Rated power P kW No. of planets
Rated speed n 1/min Load distribution factor Kγ
Application factor KA - Dynamic factor KV -
KHβ - KHα -
Face load factors KFβ - Transverse load factors KFα -
Geometrical data Pinion Wheel Tool data Pinion Wheel
Number of teeth z - Addendum x -
modification coeff.
Normal module mn mm Coefficient of tool tip ρa0* -
Normal press. angle αn ° Coefficient of tool ha0* -
Centre distance a mm Coefficient of tool hfP0* -
Helix angle β ° Protuberance pr mm
Face width b mm Protuberance angle αpr °
Tip diameter da mm Machining allowance q mm
Root diameter df mm Utilized dedendum hFfP0 -
coefficient of tool
Lubrication data Measure at tool Bz0 mm
Kin. viscosity ν40 mm²/s Quality
40 °C
Kin. viscosity ν100 mm²/s Quality acc. to DIN Q -
100 °C
Oil temperature δOil °C Accuracy-/tolerance
FZG class - Mean peak to valley RaH µm
roughness of flank
Material data Mean peak to valley RaF µm
roughness of root
Material type Initial equivalent Fβx µm
Endurance limit for σHlim N/mm² Normal pitch error fpe µm
contact stress
Endurance limit for σFlim N/mm² Profile form error ff µm
bending stress
Surface hardness HV Date:
Core hardness HV
Heat treatment - Signature:
Chapter 7 7.4 Gearboxes IV – Part 2
Page 7-14 GL Wind 2005
(2) In the case of flank corrections which have been described in Section, as per DIN 3990 Part 6,
determined by recognized calculation methods, the Method III).
face load factors can be preset. Hereby the special
operating conditions of an offshore wind turbine on the (2) Taking into account the safety factors in accor-
load distribution shall be taken into account (partial dance with Table 7.4.1, an endurance limit analysis is
load at low rotational speed and extreme load briefly at to be carried out against tooth root fracture and pitting
higher rotational speed). The use of KHβ < 1.15 is not according to ISO 6336..
permissible. Comparison of the calculated load distri-
bution at the flank with a contact pattern taken after a
reasonable period of operation in the offshore wind Analysis of the static strength
turbine is recommended.
(1) The analysis of the static strength shall be based Transverse load factors KHα and KFα on the load case in Chapter 4 which produces the
maximum torque on the gearbox.
The transverse load factors KHα and KFα take into ac-
count the effects of an uneven distribution of force
(2) The stresses on tooth root and flank shall not
over several tooth pairs engaging at the same time. In
exceed the static strength values according to ISO
the case of gears in the drive train of offshore wind
turbines with a toothing quality as required in Section, the value of 1.0 may be used for the transverse
load factors KHα and KFα . For gearboxes with several (3) The minimum safety factors given in Table 7.4.1
tooth pairs engaging at the same time, the transverse shall be observed.
load factor shall be determined according to ISO 6336
or equivalent codes. Analysis of the safety against scuffing Fatigue analysis
(1) ISO 6336 does not provide a rating method for Requirements scuffing. For this reason, the analysis of scuffing shall
be defined by consultation between the offshore wind
Fatigue analysis is to be carried out according to ISO turbine manufacturer and the gearbox manufacturer.
TR 10495 respectively DIN 3990 Part 6. As reference
value for the declension of the life factors ZNT accord- (2) For the analysis, a contact temperature method
ing to ISO 6336 Part 2 respectively DIN 3990 Part 2 (e.g. as per DIN 3990 Part 4 or ISO/TR 13989-1) shall
and YNT according to ISO 6336 Part 3 respectively preferably be used. The calculated safety factor shall
DIN 3990 Part 3, the value 0.85 at NL = 1010 is to be be documented.
(3) Only gearbox oils with suitable additive treat- Application of the load duration
ment may be used. For the calculation, the input values
distribution (LDD) of the torque
(including the test torque) corresponding to at most
one FZG class lower than that allowed by the specifi-
(1) The LDD shall be used to establish the stress
cation of the oil used may be applied.
spectrum, in that the root stress and face pressure is
calculated for every load increment. The application
factor KA is not taken into account when calculating 7.4.5 Strength analysis for shafts
the stress, as the dynamic loading of the gearbox is and connecting elements
embodied in the LDD. General
(2) The calculated stresses (stress spectra) obtained
are multiplied by the safety factors in accordance with
Table 7.4.1 and the accumulated damage is calculated (1) Fatigue and static analyses (general stress analy-
using the Palmgren-Miner Rule (see also ISO TR ses) shall be carried out for all shafts. For connecting
10945, Method II). The Palmgren-Miner sum shall be elements (e.g. fitting keys, slip joints), only a static
less than or equal to 1. analysis is needed as a rule. Use of the equivalent torque (2) The analyses shall be performed in accordance
with DIN 743 (load capacity calculation for shafts),
(1) From the LDD, an equivalent torque is calculated DIN 6892 (parallel keys) and DIN 7190 (interference
for the tooth root and flank respectively (procedure as fits), or equivalent codes.
IV – Part 2 7.4 Gearboxes Chapter 7
GL Wind 2005 Page 7-15
(1) If a representative load spectrum is available, a A heat balance for the gearbox shall be submitted for
fatigue analysis shall be carried out. Further notes for verification of the thermodynamics of the design.
the fatigue analysis are given in Section 5.3.4. Sufficient cooling of the gear box shall be proved in
this balance. All necessary information for this verifi-
(2) The fatigue analysis may also be carried out in a cation, as e.g. the air supply temperature and the avail-
simplified form using fatigue limits as per DIN 743. able air flow rate at the gear oil cooler, is to be speci-
Here rated loads shall be used for computation, with fied unambiguously by the offshore wind turbine
consideration of the application factor determined for manufacturer.
the toothing calculation. The theoretical safety S shall
then in each case be equal to or greater than the mini- Avoidance of unacceptable gear loads
mum safety Smin = 1.2. The theoretical safety is deter-
mined with consideration of bending, tension/com- The offshore wind turbine manufacturer has to ensure,
pression and torsion, assuming phase balance. that unacceptable gear box loads caused by pendu-
lousness of the rotor are avoided during standstill of Analysis of the static strength the offshore wind turbine. Devices shall be provided,
which keep away long lasting alternating standstill
(1) The analysis of static strength against forced loads from the gear box not requiring the presence of
rupture shall be based on the load case in Chapter 4 service personnel.
which produces the maximum loading on the compo-
nent. Note: Housing, torque arm and planet carrier (2) An oil purifying appliance (filter system) shall be
provided to meet the requirements for the rating life of
Regarding the gearbox housing, torque arm and planet the gearbox bearings. Flanged lubricating oil pumps
carrier, fatigue and static strength analyses and/or shall be mounted accessibly at the gearbox and shall
deformation analyses shall be performed, insofar as be exchangeable.
these parts play a significant part in the transmission of
power (e.g. introduction of rotor blade loads into the (3) The sealing system for the gearbox shall be
housing, in the case of a hub affixed directly to the suited to the operating conditions of the offshore wind
gearbox input shaft). General requirements for strength turbine and the installation position of the gearbox.
analyses are stated in Section 5.3. The influence of Verification shall be provided of the compatibility of
deformations of these components on the meshing and the gaskets with the gearbox oil used.
the bearings shall be taken into account. If applicable,
deformations determined by computation shall be (4) The housing of main gearboxes in offshore wind
taken into account for the calculation of the meshing turbines shall be provided with removable inspection
and the bearings. hole covers, so that it is possible to check the teeth.
Chapter 7 7.4 Gearboxes IV – Part 2
Page 7-16 GL Wind 2005
(2) After the trial run, the filtered oil should be left The gearbox manufacturer shall define, in a written
in the gearbox. manual, the relevant maintenance, monitoring and
precautionary measures for erection, transport and
(3) Newly developed main gearboxes for offshore operation of the gearboxes, with a view to ensuring
wind turbine shall be subjected to a prototype trial at a that the design lifetime of the gearbox is reached. Ac-
suitable test bench and also in operation on an offshore cording to Section, the manual forms part of
wind turbine (see Section The precise pro- the assessment documents for the certification of off-
cedure for the trials of gearboxes for offshore wind shore wind turbine gearboxes and shall contain bind-
turbines is described in Section 10.7. ing statements on at least the following points:
(4) Following a successful prototype trial, the trials – characteristic values and properties of permissi-
of identical mass-produced gearboxes can be reduced ble lubricants
to testing for sufficient production quality.
– intervals required for oil analyses (also for oil
purity) and oil changes
(5) The detailed scope of the prototype trial shall be
specified in consultation with GL Wind before the trial – required maintenance and inspection intervals, as
commences. The reduced extent of series testing shall well as a description of the measures to be per-
be defined in the documentation of the prototype test. formed in each case. These shall be incorporated
into the maintenance manual of the offshore
7.4.9 Offshore wind turbine operation depending wind turbine as per Section 9.4.
on gear box conditions
– operating parameters to be logged, and the corre-
(1) For new gearboxes of offshore wind turbines, a sponding limiting values
running-in period at low load shall be defined by the – notes on the proper assembly of the gearbox
gearbox manufacturer. The offshore wind turbine
manufacturer has to limit the power output by the rotor – notes on transport by sea, air or land (rail or
in the control system during this period. During the road), both as separate component and within the
running-in period, the oil and dedicated bearing tem- nacelle of the offshore wind turbine
peratures shall be watched closely and the lubrication – notes on storage of the gearbox over periods
system shall be kept in constant operation. exceeding half a year
IV – Part 2 7.5 Mechanical Brakes and Locking Devices Chapter 7
GL Wind 2005 Page 7-17
(2) Definitions of the individual terms are given in (9) This drive train torque is augmented by the par-
Section 2.2 and data about the effective, systems- tial safety factor γF to be applied as per Section 4.3.
engineering design of braking systems and locking
devices in Section 2.3.
7.5.2 Assessment documents
(3) Because of the heat generated and the wear aris-
(1) Installation and general arrangement drawings of
ing from continuous operation of mechanical brakes, it
all braking systems, circuit diagrams for the hydraulic,
is not possible just to limit the rotational speed of the
pneumatic and electrical equipment plus individual-
rotor with these brakes. Therefore, the brakes shall be
part drawings of all components playing a significant
so designed that, once they have been activated, the
role in power transmission shall be submitted.
rotor is safely brought to a standstill (see Section
(2) A compilation of the load cases used for the
design, and of the braking moments derived from
(4) For the torques in the drive train that are relevant
these, is required.
to the design of the mechanical brake, the following
definition of terms applies (see Fig. 7.5.1):
(3) Design calculations shall be based on data pro-
Range, considered
vided by the brake manufacturer. Additional calcula-
as input parameter tion documents may be required in individual cases
for the load Result of the (e.g. spring calculations, bolt calculations).
simulation simulation
(4) A data sheet, detailing the coefficients of friction,
temperature stability, lining material and wear charac-
Operating Dynamic γF teristics, shall be submitted for the brake linings to be
range of magnification used.
the brake
7.5.3 Loads
MB min MB min Ausl MB max
(1) The minimum design braking moment MBminAusl
Fig. 7.5.1 Sketch of the relevant torques and the maximum actual braking moment (MBmax) are
in the drive train calculated for the brake. Here the following shall be
taken into account:
(5) The minimum required braking moment MBmin is
the braking moment which is needed for the proper – fluctuations in the coefficient of friction
function of the brake according to Section – fluctuations in the contact pressure
(6) The minimum required braking moment MBmin – warming and wear
and the maximum actual braking moment MBmax are
the braking moments which are considered as input (2) Brakes for the yaw system shall be designed in
parameters for the load simulations of the offshore accordance with the requirements of the control con-
wind turbine as per Section cept.
(7) The operating range of the mechanical brake is (3) A reduction in braking force resulting from wear
subject to fluctuations caused by changes in the con- shall be taken into account in the design.
tact pressure and the coefficient of friction. The operat-
ing range varies between the minimum design braking (4) The locking devices for blade-pitch system, rotor
moment MBminAusl and the maximum actual braking and yaw system shall be capable of holding the rotor
moment MBmax. blade, the rotor or the nacelle against
Chapter 7 7.5 Mechanical Brakes and Locking Devices IV – Part 2
Page 7-18 GL Wind 2005
– an annual gust (Section, DLC 8.2a), and – calculation of the maximum actual braking mo-
ment MBmax
– a gust during erection or maintenance (Section, DLC 8.1). – verification that the permissible temperatures are
not exceeded during the braking process. This
7.5.4 Calculations analysis shall be performed on the basis of the
least favourable braking moment of the operating
(1) In general, the conventional analysis tools shall range.
be used for brake calculations. The strength analysis
– strength analysis of the power-transmitting com-
shall be carried out with the maximum actual braking
ponents of the brake (bolted connections, brake
moment MBmax .
disk, brackets etc.)
(2) The following data are required for checking
(4) It shall be shown that the following condition
is met:
– type and construction
M BminAusl
– spring characteristic (only for spring-operated ≥ MBmin (7.5.1)
– for hydraulic and pneumatic brakes: operating 7.5.5 Miscellaneous
pressure, type of accumulator, volume of pres-
sure medium, leakage rate (1) The braking surfaces shall be protected against
undesirable influences (e.g. fouling by lubricants) by
– specific wear of the brake linings means of covers, splashguards or suchlike.
– minimum and maximum dynamic coefficient of
friction for the material combination of brake lin- (2) Automatic monitoring of the brake may be nec-
ing and brake drum/disk essary; see Section
– if applicable, the static coefficient of friction for (3) In the case of pressure-actuated braking systems,
the material combination of brake lining and the brake shall be capable of holding the rotor even if
brake drum/disk there is no power supply. The period of time for which
the grid failure shall be assumed is specified in Section
(3) The calculations shall include:
– determination of the minimum design braking (4) For the design of locking devices, see also Sec-
moment MBminAusl tion 2.3.3.
IV – Part 2 7.6 Couplings Chapter 7
GL Wind 2005 Page 7-19
7.6 Couplings
Assembly and individual-part drawings of all torque- (5) The fatigue verification may be effected by com-
transmitting components, parts lists with data on mate- ponent testing under conditions resembling operation
rials, documents as per DIN 740 Part 1, 1986, Section or by computational analyses.
4.12, strength analyses for all torque-transmitting
components as well as a record (by way of example) (6) For computational analysis, the fatigue loads as
on the function test of a slipping coupling (if present) per Chapter 4 shall be used as a basis. The calculation
shall be submitted to GL Wind. shall be performed in accordance with Chapter 5.
(2) In the general strength analysis, maximum mo- (2) The temperature influence which a brake disk (if
ment from the design loads as per Chapter 4 shall be present) can have on non-metallic components shall be
used as the basis. considered (e.g. fire hazard, damage to the rubber
elements of the coupling).
(3) Continuous transmission of that maximum mo-
ment is not necessary, but the loading caused by its (3) In individual cases, it may be necessary for an
occurrence shall not result in damage to the coupling. expert from GL Wind to inspect a coupling from series
If a reduction in that maximum value is achieved by production.
IV – Part 2 7.7 Elastomer Bushings Chapter 7
GL Wind 2005 Page 7-21
7.7.1 General (2) Analyses shall be submitted for the extreme and
fatigue loads.
(1) Elastomer bushings are used where it is neces-
sary to reduce the vibration, movement or shock acting (3) The analyses and technical documents are re-
at components. quired for all elastomer bushings that are essential to
the distribution of forces. This includes e.g. the elas-
(2) The influences on the behaviour of the elastom- tomer bushings of the
ers are not limited to the structural mechanics (e.g.
type, amplitude and frequency of the load; loading – turbine components located in the drive train
sequence); the properties of the elastomer bushings are – connection of the nacelle cover to the main frame
also strongly affected by the production and process (simplified analysis)
technology as well as external influences.
– components and supply units of the blade pitch-
(3) Owing to the dynamic loading of the elastomer ing system (simplified analysis)
bushings, an annual inspection is necessary as a rule
(e.g. visual inspection). (4) Installation drawings, and if applicable sectional
drawings, including the associated parts lists shall be
(4) From the design viewpoint, care shall therefore
be taken to provide a possibility for inspecting, and if
(5) It shall be shown at which point in the distribu-
necessary exchanging, the elastomer bushing without
tion of forces of the offshore wind turbine the elas-
excessive effort.
tomer bushings are arranged.
(5) In order to prevent premature ageing of the elas- (6) In addition, a specification and a data sheet shall
tomer bushings, they shall be selected to ensure that be submitted for the elastomer bushings or elastomers
they are resistant to external influences as well as used, showing the physical (e.g. hardness, density) and
operating media (e.g. escaping oil and aggressive me- mechanical properties (e.g. type of permissible loading)
dia) and their vapours. Alternatively, a design-based and the admissible operating and environmental condi-
solution shall be provided to ensure that the elastomer tions, as well as the chemical resistance properties.
bushings do not come into contact with such sub-
stances. (7) The data sheet shall also provide information on
the strength values (tensile strength, tear resistance,
(6) In the selection of the elastomer bushings, the yield stress, permissible pressure) and deformation para-
environmental conditions (e.g. temperature, humidity, meters (strain at maximum load and yield stress, elonga-
ozone) prevailing at their place of installation within tion at tear) of the elastomer or the entire bushing.
the offshore wind turbine shall be taken into account.
(8) A load-deformation diagram shall be submitted.
(7) It shall also be noted that, owing to dynamic
loading, the internal temperature of the elastomer (9) The effects on the spring characteristic – up to
bushings can exceed the ambient temperature at the the typical loading of the elastomer bushing and for
place of the installation for the elastomer bushings the temperature range from -20 °C to +50 °C (but at
within the offshore wind turbine, thereby possibly least for -20 °C, +23 °C and +50 °C) or for the ex-
exceeding the allowable ambient temperature of the treme temperatures to be expected at the place of in-
elastomer bushings. stallation for the elastomer bushing within the offshore
wind turbine – shall be described.
(8) Elastomer bushings shall preferably be subjected
to compressive and/or shear loading. (10) The flow properties of the elastomer bushings
shall be stated (see also design lifetime of the offshore
7.7.2 Assessment documents wind turbine, Section
(1) General information on the assessment docu- (11) If tests are used by way of reference, a descrip-
ments to be submitted is given in Section 7.1. tion of the tests shall be submitted.
Chapter 7 7.7 Elastomer Bushings IV – Part 2
Page 7-22 GL Wind 2005
(6) A locking arrangement shall be provided for the (3) The static strength analysis – with and without
yaw system (see also Sections and 2.3.3), with operation of the yaw system – shall be performed for
which this system is locked in place during mainte- the design loads of the dimensioning load case as per
nance and repair work, in order to exclude the risk of Chapter 4.
personal injury. This locking arrangement need not
necessarily be located permanently at the yaw system; (4) For the static strength analysis, an application
it may also be an external lock which is mounted factor of KA = 1.0 is used.
whenever required.
(5) When determining the number of load cycles or
(7) Appropriate collecting troughs shall be provided the load duration per tooth occurring during yawing,
to accommodate excess quantities of lubricant from the statements in Section shall be used as a
the toothing of the yaw ring and the drive pinion as basis.
well as from the nacelle bearing.
7.8.4 Strength analysis
7.8.2 Assessment documents Verification of load capacity of gears
(1) General information on the assessment docu- (1) The toothing calculation of the driving pinion /
ments to be submitted is given in Section 7.1. live ring stage and of the yaw gear shall be based on
ISO 6336.
(2) For the components of the yaw system, type
sheets, specifications and assembly drawings shall be (2) The calculation of the load capacity from the
submitted. fatigue loads shall be performed according to ISO TR
Chapter 7 7.8 Yaw System IV – Part 2
Page 7-24 GL Wind 2005
10495. For Method II, a damage ratio of D ≤ 1 shall be (3) Strength analyses for rotary drive housings and
achieved in compliance with the safety factors listed in planet carriers can be demanded if necessary (see also
Table 7.8.1. Section 7.1.1, para 4).
(3) Alternatively, equivalent loads can be determined (4) Strength analyses for bolted connections are
from the load/time distribution (as per DIN 3990 T6) necessary wherever the bolts are essential to the distri-
with which – in compliance with the safety factors bution of forces (see Section 6.5.1).
listed in Table 7.8.1 – the fatigue analysis shall be
performed. Note:
The output pinion of the rotary drive should be forged-on.
(4) Furthermore, an analysis of the static strength
against forced rupture and pitting in compliance with Bearings
the safety factors according to Table 7.8.2 is also re-
(1) For the calculation and execution of the nacelle
bearing, reference is made to Section 7.3.
(5) According to ISO TR 10945 the predominantly
alternating load of the toothing is to be considered. A
(2) The seals shall be so executed or protected that
reduction factor for the respective S/N curve is given
they are not damaged by the prevailing environmental
e.g. in DIN 3990 part 6 with a value of 0.7. More fa-
vourable values may be used, e.g. based on the dia-
gram in Fig. 21.7/15 on page 155 in Niemann/Winter,
vol. 2, edition 1989 [7.1].
It should be possible to exchange the seal of the na-
Table 7.8.1 Safety factors for the celle bearing in the installed condition.
fatigue strength analysis
(3) It shall be shown that adequate lubrication and
Minimum Safety of toothings in yaw removal of the old lubricant is ensured for the nacelle
gears and yaw bearings: bearing, and if applicable also for the toothing. Con-
sidering service intervals not less than one year (see
pitting SH 1.0 also Section 7.10.1) this will in general require auto-
matic lubrication devices. The functionality of such
tooth root fracture SF 1.25 devices is to be documented. Shafts and connecting elements (1) In the case of systems with electrical actuating
drive, Chapter 8 shall also be considered.
(1) For the output shaft of the yaw drive and for the
connecting elements, a fatigue strength analysis and a (2) For the verification of the hydraulic system,
static strength analysis shall be submitted. Section 7.9 shall be considered.
(2) The analyses shall be performed in accordance (3) The design of the drives and brakes shall be
with DIN 743, DIN 6892 and DIN 7190, or equivalent verified for proper function in accordance with the
codes. system concept.
IV – Part 2 7.9 Hydraulic Systems Chapter 7
GL Wind 2005 Page 7-25
7.9.1 General
(3) All components not made of corrosion-proof
materials shall be provided with a corrosion protection
(1) The guidelines in this Section apply to hydraulic system.
systems necessary for operation (e.g. yaw motion and
rotor blade pitch control) or forming part of a braking
7.9.4 Design and construction
system (e.g. blade pitch adjustment in fault situations
and rotor brakes).
(1) The design and construction of hydraulic systems
shall be in accordance with recognized rules (see e.g.
(2) In addition to the statements made here, national
ISO 4413 and AD data sheets).
requirements may also have to be observed (e.g. in
Germany, the Operational Safety Ordinance and the
14th Ordinance on the Equipment Safety Law). (2) The following points shall be taken into account:
(11) In the layout of piping, it shall be taken into (13) Adequately large oil troughs shall be provided to
account that components may move relative to one ensure that hydraulic fluid does not pollute the envi-
another and thereby dynamically stress the pipes. ronment in the event of leakage in the hydraulic sys-
tem, but runs into the collecting troughs instead.
(12) All components shall be protected in a suitable
manner against accidental loads not considered in the
dimensioning (e.g. weight of a person on pipes).
IV – Part 2 7.10 Offshore Application Chapter 7
GL Wind 2005 Page 7-27
As the accessibility of the offshore wind turbine is (1) For all components which are not protected by a
heavily dependent on the weather conditions the main- corrosion protection system or covered and which are
tenance interval of the offshore wind turbine compo- in contact with the offshore atmosphere (e.g. sealings,
nents should be at least 1 year. elastomer components, hoses, components outside of
the nacelle) a verification shall be submitted, where it
7.10.2 Atmosphere is stated that these components and materials are ade-
quate for the use at offshore atmosphere and that the
(1) It shall be described what kind of atmosphere is function of the components will not be disturbed.
required inside the offshore wind turbine (e.g. nacelle,
hub and other rooms where components, which are
needed for the operation of the offshore wind turbine, (2) If components are covered this design shall be
are located) and how these requirements are met. This explained by e.g. drawings, descriptions, data sheets.
shall be done according to IEC 60721-3-3.
7.10.4 Corrosion Protection
(2) As the corrosion rate increases exponentially
above 70% relative humidity the relative humidity
(1) In addition Section 3.5 has to be considered.
inside the offshore wind turbine (acc. to Section 7.10.2
para 1) should be below 70%. This could be met when
e.g. the inside temperature is 5K higher than the out- (2) For all metal parts an appropriate coating or
side temperature. metallic coating according to EN ISO 12944 or an
equivalent standard is to be taken.
(3) The internals of the rooms (acc. to Section 7.10.2
para 1) shall be protected against the outside air (off- (3) Parts which are protected according to EN ISO
shore atmosphere). A verification (e.g. drawings, func- 12944 shall fulfil the following corrosion classes:
tional description, data sheets) of the used sys-
tems/designs (e.g. filter, heating or air dryer systems)
shall be submitted. These systems/designs shall be – Outside components, fittings, sensors etc. shall
monitored by the control system of the offshore wind be protected against corrosion according to class
turbine and considered at the maintenance (see also C5-M (EN ISO 12944).
Section 9.4).
– Inside surfaces, directly exposed to outside air,
(4) The air-flow, cooling and heating concept of the shall be protected against corrosion according to
offshore wind turbine (acc. to Section 7.10.2 para 1) class C4 (EN ISO 12944).
and of its components shall be clarified by e.g. draw-
– Inside surfaces, not directly exposed to outside
ings, functional description, data sheets (see also Sec-
air, shall be protected against corrosion accord-
tion 8.1.4).
ing to class C3 (EN ISO 12944).
(5) For all components which have an indirect con-
tact by e.g. breather (for e.g. bearings or gear box) (4) The corrosion protection is to be described or
with the outside air a verification shall be submitted, named.
where it is stated that these components and materials
are adequate for the use at offshore atmosphere and (5) The corrosion protection shall be considered at
that the function of the components will not be dis- the maintenance (see also Section 9.4).
(6) For all operating materials (e.g. lubricants, oil) 7.10.5 Miscellaneous
which are in contact – directly or indirectly – with the
offshore atmosphere a verification shall be submitted, (1) Adequately trays in e.g. hub, nacelle, tower for
where it is stated that these materials are adequate for the operating materials (e.g. lubricants, oil, cooling
the use at offshore atmosphere and that the function of fluid) shall be provided to ensure that these operating
the component will not be disturbed. materials do not pollute the environment.
Chapter 7 7.10 Offshore Application IV – Part 2
Page 7-28 GL Wind 2005
– generator
– transformer
– cabinets
– fans
– hydraulic station
Rules and Guidelines
IV Industrial Services
Edition 2005
IV – Part 2 Table of Contents Chapter 8
GL Wind 2005 Page 3
Table of Contents
8.1.1 Application (5) In each case, the latest version shall be used. The
publication dates cited below reflect the situation ap-
The provisions of this Chapter apply to installations plicable at time this Guideline was printed.
for the generation, distribution and transmission of
electrical power and to electrical and electronic control 8.1.4 Operating and environmental conditions
equipment in offshore wind turbines, insofar as they
are located on the same foundation as the offshore General
wind turbine itself. Installations beyond the sub sea
output transmission cable of the turbine (located on (1) All electrical components shall be designed to
different foundations) belong to the area of application comply with the operating and environmental condi-
of Section 8.10. tions expected at the installation site.
8.1.3 Standards (4) Generators shall generally comply with the de-
gree of protection IP 54.
(1) All electrical equipment and individual compo-
nents shall be designed in accordance with recognized Note:
standards, which shall be listed in the technical docu- The degree of protection for the equipment shall be
assured in the installed configuration, regardless of the
operating state of the offshore wind turbine. Nacelle
(2) The relevant IEC publications or equivalent covers and other protective measures may be taken
national codes shall be taken into account for electrical into account in evaluating the degree of protection.
installations in offshore wind turbines.
(5) The air inside the hub, nacelle and tower shall be
(3) Special attention shall be paid to the protective preferably not exchanged with outside air to reduce
measures, as listed in the IEC series 60364 “Electrical corrosive influence on electrical and other equipment.
installations of buildings” or VDE 0100 “Erection of It is recommended to dehumidify the air, at least at the
power installations with nominal voltages up to 1000 V”. bottom of the offshore wind turbine.
(4) In addition, IEC 60204-1 (2000-05) “Safety of Specification and testing
machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1: of outside conditions
General requirements” or DIN EN 60204-1 (VDE
0113 Part 1) 1998-11 “Sicherheit von Maschinen, (1) For all electrical equipment installed outside, the
Elektrische Ausrüstung von Maschinen, Allgemeine environmental condition of the place of installation
Anforderungen” shall also be applied. shall be specified according to IEC 60721-3-4:1995-01
Chapter 8 8.1 Area of Application IV – Part 2
Page 8-2 GL Wind 2005
(former IEC 721-3-4) “Classification of environmental and the control and safety system. This shall be con-
conditions – Part 3: Classification of groups of envi- sidered especially for the following grid failure condi-
ronmental parameters and their severities – Section 4: tion requirements:
Stationary use at non-weatherprotected locations”.
– grid voltage drops
(2) It shall be proved, for all electrical equipment – grid frequency changes
installed outside, being able to withstand such condi-
tions as specified according to para 1. This shall be – required minimum short circuit current delivered
done in applying environmental testing procedures as by the offshore wind turbine
given in IEC 60068 “Environmental testing”. The
comprehensiveness of testing is defined in IEC/TR (3) With regard to the grid quality expected for off-
60721-4-4:2003-08 “Classification of environmental shore wind turbines, reference is made to Section
conditions – Part 4: Guidance for the correlation and
transformation of environmental condition classes of (4) Offshore wind turbines intended for parallel
IEC 60721-3 to the environmental tests of IEC 60068 operation with public power supply networks require
stationary use at non-weatherprotected locations”. additional approval from the relevant grid operator. In
general, the “Technische Anschlußbedingungen” Specification and testing (TAB) [Technical Connection Conditions] of the rele-
of inside equipment vant grid operator shall be taken into account for this
purpose. In particular for the connection of wind farms
(1) This Section shall apply only for electrical to certain voltage levels, special conditions may apply
equipment installed inside and being part of the elec- for the electrical behaviour.
trical power transmission (e.g. Generator, Transformer,
Frequency Converter etc.). (5) Power electronics shall be so designed that the
harmonics generated do not affect the function of con-
(2) The environmental condition of the place of nected electrical equipment, the equipment does not
installation shall be specified according to IEC 60721- suffer any damage and no impermissible perturbances
3-3:2002-10 “Classification of environmental condi- occur during parallel operation with the grid.
tions – Part 3: Classification of groups of environ-
mental parameters and their severities – Section 3: (6) The admissible limiting values shall be agreed
Stationary use at weatherprotected locations”. with the grid operator. As a guideline value, a permis-
sible harmonic content of 10 % can be applied.
(3) It shall be proved, for electrical equipment
named in para 1, that it is able to withstand conditions
as specified according to para 2. This shall be done in Note:
applying environmental testing procedures as given in For plants in Germany, reference is made to the fol-
IEC 60068 “Environmental testing”. The comprehen- lowing publications:
siveness of testing is defined in IEC/TR 60721-4-
3:2003 “Classification of environmental conditions – – “Grundsätze für die Beurteilung von Netzrück-
Part 4: Guidance for the correlation and transformation
wirkungen” (VDEW Vereinigung Deutscher
of environmental condition classes of IEC 60721-3 to
Elektrizitätswerke e.V.) – Fundamentals for the
the environmental tests of IEC 60068 stationary use at
Assessment of Grid Perturbations (Association of
weatherprotected locations”.
German Electricity Utilities – VDEW)
8.1.5 Parallel operation with – “Technische Richtlinien für Windenergieanlagen,
public power supply networks Teil 3: Bestimmung der elektrischen Eigenschaf-
ten” (FGW) – Technical Guidelines for Wind Tur-
(1) The connection of offshore wind farms will be bines, Part 3: Determination of the Electrical Cha-
done mainly to the Transmission System (Power sup- racteristics (Federation of German Windpower)
ply networks with highest voltage levels). The relevant
– “Richtlinie für den Parallelbetrieb von Eigener-
rules from the Transmission System Operators in
charge have to be considered. zeugungsanlagen mit dem Niederspannungsnetz
des Energieversorgungsunternehmens (VDEW)”
(2) The implementation of the rules mentioned in – Guidelines for Parallel Operation of In-House
para 1 can lead to conditions having impact on the Generation Plants with the Low-Voltage Grid of
loads during the operation of the offshore wind tur- the Power Utility (VDEW)
bine. If such conditions are not covered with the as- – “Richtlinie für den Parallelbetrieb von Eigener-
sumptions made in Section para 9, additional zeugungsanlagen mit dem Mittelspannungsnetz
assumptions shall be made. It shall be explained, how des Energieversorgungsunternehmens (VDEW)”
the condition is handled by the generator, converter – Guidelines for Parallel Operation of In-House
IV – Part 2 8.1 Area of Application Chapter 8
GL Wind 2005 Page 8-3
Generation Plants with the Medium-Voltage Grid d determination of the categories to be applied for
of the Power Utility (VDEW) safety-related parts of the controls (see Section
– “Technische Richtlinie Bau und Betrieb von
Übergabestationen zur Versorgung von Kunden e summary and functional description of the moni-
aus dem Mittelspannungsnetz (VDEW)” – Techni- toring devices and electrical measuring equip-
cal Guidelines for the Construction and Operation ment
of Substations for Supplying Clients from the Me-
f parts lists with the design data and manufac-
dium-Voltage Grid (VDEW)
turer’s information for all important electrical
– “Ergänzungen zu den Netzanschlussregeln – appliances, including the sensors and limit
Windenergieanlagen” – Supplements to the Grid switches used
Connection Rules – Wind Turbines (E.ON Netz
g cable and installation diagrams with data con-
cerning cable and wiring cross-sections and stat-
ing the load currents, if these details are not con-
8.1.6 Stand-alone operation tained in the general circuit diagram
(1) In the absence of specific data, the guideline h drawings of the lightning-protection and earthing
values given in Table 8.1.1 shall be assumed for the plans, comprising:
operating conditions in stand-alone operation: – general arrangement drawing of the offshore
wind turbine, including the separate buildings
Table 8.1.1 Permissible voltage and frequency with the lightning protection zones entered
deviations in stand-alone operation therein
– general arrangement drawing of the offshore
Parameter Deviation
wind turbine with lightning rods and conduc-
permanent short-term tors, as well as arrangement of the earth elec-
Frequency ±5% ± 10 % (5 s) trodes and the voltage grading, the location of
A the bonding bars, and connections to the sepa-
Voltage ± 10 % ± 20 % (1.5 s)
rate operation buildings
B Voltage ± 20 %
– general arrangement drawing (single-line rep-
A: General resentation) showing the location of lightning
B: Storage batteries and static converters current conductors and surge arresters
– design details of how the lightning current is
(2) A generator voltage deviation of ± 2.5 % be- conducted away from the rotor blades, verifi-
tween idling and full load at rated speed is permissible cation of the lightning-current-carrying capac-
in stand-alone operation. ity of the gearbox and yaw bearing conductors
i drawings of and information about any emer-
gency power systems, fire alarm systems and
Deviations from this Guideline are permissible if the other electrical equipment, such as drawings of
connected consumers are suitable for this. For DC the slip rings
charging generators, the voltage conditions for bat-
j for generators with a power output exceeding
tery-charging operation apply.
50 kW: drawings, records of routine tests as per
IEC 60034-1 (1999-08) “Rotating electrical ma-
8.1.7 Assessment documents chines – Part 1: Rating and performance” with
data on the heat run, as well as maintenance in-
(1) The following documentation is required for the structions
assessment of electrical components:
k description of the air flow concept inside the
hub, nacelle and tower regarding the protection
a general functional descriptions of and mainte-
of electrical equipment against salty humid air
nance instructions for electrical appliances
from outside; see also Section 7.10
b general circuit diagrams for the main circuits and
l If a backup power supply is chosen in the con-
the auxiliary circuits, with data on the short-
cept according to Section 2.1.1 para 1 m, a power
circuit and overcurrent protection gear
consumption schedule is to be submitted, as well
c data and functional sequences of the control as dimensioning calculations according to Sec-
equipment tion 8.8.3.
Chapter 8 8.1 Area of Application IV – Part 2
Page 8-4 GL Wind 2005
m determination of the environmental classes used a type test records of the transformer as per IEC
for specification of electrical equipment accord- 60076-1 (2000-04) “Power transformers – Part 1:
ing to Section and where appli- General”
n test certificates according to Section para b type test records of the medium-voltage installa-
2 and para 3 tion as per IEC 60298 (1990-12) “A.C. metal-
enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated
o a sub sea cable list where applicable. The list voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 52
shall contain all cable details according to Sec- kV”, with consideration of Appendix AA6
tion 8.10.5.
p if applicable a description of the sub sea cable c verification of the erection of the medium-
laying procedure taking into account the issues voltage installation in connection with the results
described in Section 8.10.5 and containing the of the internal arc test and the effects of the pres-
cable tray nautical charts sure surge
8.3 Transformers
(2) Liquid-cooled transformers should be fitted with energy (e.g. synchronous generator with full converter,
protection against the outgassing of the liquid. double-fed asynchronous generator), it shall be veri-
fied that the transformer is suited to the requirements.
(3) The liquid temperature shall be monitored. An
alarm shall be actuated before the maximum permissi-
ble temperature is attained. When the temperature limit 8.3.6 Protection
is reached, the transformer shall be disconnected.
(1) Transformers shall be protected against short-
(4) The liquid filling level should be monitored. circuit and overload.
8.3.5 Converter transformers (2) It shall be possible to switch off transformers on
either side.
If the operational concept of the offshore wind turbine
involves the use of static semiconductor converters in (3) Transformers shall be fitted with temperature
the transformation of the wind energy into electrical monitoring.
IV – Part 2 8.4 Static Converters Chapter 8
GL Wind 2005 Page 8-9
8.5.1 General that it can withstand this pressure. Care shall be taken
to ensure that sufficient volumes of space are available
(1) To an increasing extent, the medium-voltage below the floor for the expansion of the internal-arc
installations are being integrated into the offshore gases.
wind turbine itself. If this is the case and if medium-
voltage installations are installed within the tower or (3) Combustible materials and low-voltage cables
the nacelle of an offshore wind turbine, they fall within are not admissible in the endangered area.
the scope of the assessment and shall meet the re-
quirements set out below. Medium-voltage installa- (4) Verification of the installation shall be provided
tions do not fall within the extent of assessment if they by suitable documents.
are set up outside the nacelle and tower (i.e. are lo-
cated in a transformer substation). 8.5.4 SF6 switchgear
(2) Medium-voltage installations shall comply with SF6 switchgear shall only be installed in spaces which
IEC 60298 (1990-12) “A.C. metal-enclosed switchgear are adequately ventilated.
and controlgear for rated voltages above 1 kV and up
to and including 52 kV”. Note:
It shall be taken into account that SF6 is heavier than
8.5.2 Protective measures
air and the gases escaping in the event of internal
arcing have toxic and corrosive effects.
(1) A risk of personal injury through electrical shock
and internal arcs shall be excluded independently of Reference is made to the instruction sheets of the em-
the necessary protection against foreign matter and ployer’s liability insurance associations on SF6
water. switchgear.
8.6.1 General (3) Reference is made to the VDE series 0510 and its
international equivalents.
Charging equipment and storage batteries are used for
the storage of energy in small offshore wind turbines
8.6.4 Installation and operation of batteries
or for the emergency supply of safety systems.
(1) Batteries shall be installed in well-ventilated
8.6.2 Charging equipment rooms, cabinets or boxes.
(1) Battery charging equipment shall be able to ac- (2) The VDE regulations for batteries contained in
cept the irregular energy supply from offshore wind DIN VDE 0510 “VDE specification for electric stor-
turbines and the possible deviations of voltage and age batteries and battery plants” or equivalent regula-
frequency. tions shall be observed.
(2) Overcharging of the batteries shall be prevented (3) Batteries shall be so installed that they are acces-
by regulation or, if necessary, by dump loads which sible for the replacement of cells, inspection, topping-
can be switched on. up and cleaning.
(3) If consumers are supplied while charging is in (4) Lead-acid batteries and alkaline batteries shall
progress, the maximum charging voltage shall not not be installed in the same room; furthermore, sepa-
exceed 20 % of the rated voltage of the battery. rate ventilation systems shall be provided.
(4) Battery charging equipment shall be designed (5) Batteries shall be so installed or covered that
and adjusted so that even during boost charging the they are effectively shielded against dripping water,
permissible voltage per cell is not exceeded. fouling and falling parts.
(5) Charging equipment shall have its own short- (6) Warning signs indicating the risk of explosion
circuit and overcurrent protection equipment on both shall be provided at the entrance of battery rooms and
the input and the output side and should have a system on battery boxes. Attention shall be drawn to the fact
for monitoring its operation. that there is a risk of explosion within a radius of
0.5 m around the ventilation inlets and outlets of these
8.6.3 Storage batteries rooms and boxes.
(1) Batteries fitted to offshore wind turbines should (7) To avoid sparking, circuits shall be switched off
permit an adequate number of charge/discharge cycles. before batteries are connected or disconnected.
(2) Battery casings shall be resistant to electrolytes, (8) Batteries mounted in the hub shall be suitable for
mineral oils and cleaning agents, and to corrosion by a the special requirements resulting from the rotating
marine atmosphere. movements.
IV – Part 2 8.7 Switchgear and Protection Equipment Chapter 8
GL Wind 2005 Page 8-15
8.7.1 General
(6) In non-earthed three-phase systems with a bal-
anced load, overload protection shall be provided in at
(1) All components of the electrical installation shall least two conductors.
be protected against overload and short circuit. If over-
current or a short circuit occurs, the protection equip- (7) Battery systems shall be equipped with short-
ment shall be triggered reliably and shall prevent any circuit and overload protection in each non-earthed
thermal or electrodynamic overloading of individual conductor. The short-circuit protection shall be located
components of the offshore wind turbine. The devices close to the battery.
used shall comply with the standard IEC 60947 (2001-
12) “Voltage switchgear and controlgear”. (8) The selection of overload and short-circuit pro-
tection devices shall be based on the rated currents in
(2) The protection equipment and switchgear should the cable or circuit and on the possible short-circuit
be selected so that, after a trip, reconnection is possible current at the relevant points of installation.
immediately by a circuit breaker or after replacement
of fuses. Note:
In the case of installations intended for parallel opera-
(3) The on/off position of switches shall be recog-
nizable. In the case of pushbuttons, indicator lamps or tion with public power supply networks, the short-
equivalent displays shall be provided to show that the circuit conditions shall be analysed in consultation
circuits have been made. with the relevant grid operator.
8.7.2 Short-circuit and overload (9) Suitable overcurrent protection devices are rec-
protection devices ommended for motors of auxiliary drives with rated
outputs greater than 1 kW. Depending on the duty of
the motor to be protected, bimetallic relays, thermis-
(1) The rated breaking capacity of each circuit
breaker used for short-circuit protection shall not be tors or other temperature sensors with tripping devices
less than the maximum possible short-circuit current at may be provided for this purpose.
the point of installation.
(10) Regardless of its rating, every motor shall be
(2) The rated making capacity of a circuit breaker protected by a suitable short-circuit protection device.
shall not be less than the maximum asymmetric short-
circuit current which may occur at the point of instal- Note:
lation. For the operation and protection of electrical equip-
ment, the following configurations may be provided for
(3) The making and breaking capacity of switchgear the power circuits:
shall be stated by the manufacturer and entered in the
assessment documentation. – circuit breaker or motor protection switch with
integrated short-circuit and overload protection
– fuses in conjunction with load switches
Reference is made to the GL “List of Type Tested
– fuse switch-disconnectors
Products and of Approved Products, Procedures and
Manufacturers”, which is available on request and – fuses in conjunction with contactors
contains a large number of type tested appliances.
– circuit breaker and/or motor protection switch in
conjunction with contactors
(4) Switchgear with insufficient making and break-
ing capacity for the expected maximum short-circuit – circuit breaker / contactor combination
current may be used in conjunction with suitably rated
back-up fuses. 8.7.3 Control circuits
(5) In non-earthed two-phase DC and AC circuits, (1) Control circuits shall generally be equipped with
overload protection shall be provided for at least one separate short-circuit protection up to a maximum of
conductor. 10 A. Joint fuse protection of control and load circuits
Chapter 8 8.7 Switchgear and Protection Equipment IV – Part 2
Page 8-16 GL Wind 2005
is permissible if the joint back-up fuse has a maximum (4) All lines and connections shall be safeguarded
rating of 10 A. against vibratory stressing. Small screws up to M4
may be locked using varnish.
(2) If the contacts in control circuits are designed for
smaller currents, the back-up fuses shall correspond to (5) All lines and insulated live components shall be
the permissible current values. protected against chafing or cutting through the insula-
tion. This applies particularly to sharp-edged ducting
8.7.4 Measuring and indicating circuits and corners.
(1) Measuring and indicating devices shall generally (6) Protective earthing shall be provided by means
be provided with their own circuits, to be protected by of earth terminals or earth bars. Earth terminals shall
separate fuses against short circuits. be clearly marked as such.
(2) Separate fuses in series are recommended for (7) To prevent conductors being squeezed off, termi-
indicating and control lamps, so that a short circuit in nals shall have backing plates, or the conductors shall
one indicating lamp does not affect the entire system. be fitted with protective sleeves or equivalent protec-
Deviations from this are permitted if indicating lamps tion for the wires.
with short-circuit-proof transformers are used or if the
operating voltage is less than 30 V. (8) It is recommended that all incoming and outgo-
ing cables and lines be permanently labelled at the
8.7.5 Earth fault detection and monitoring terminals.
For unearthed systems independent of the public (9) All appliances, instruments and operating ele-
power supply network, an earth fault detector or moni- ments shall be permanently labelled in accordance
tor is recommended which indicates the insulation with the corresponding circuit diagrams.
value of the system or permits a check of the values.
(10) The rated current values of fuses shall be stated.
8.7.6 Design and rating of the switchgear The set values of the adjustable protection equipment
shall be stated on the circuit diagrams and permanently
(1) Switchgear shall comply with IEC 60947 (2001- marked on the device.
12) “Voltage switchgear and controlgear”. Sufficient
breaking capacity shall be provided. (11) Indicator lamps, measuring instruments or
equivalent displays shall be used to show whether a
(2) Load switches shall be rated at least for the rated system is live. The number of displays required de-
current of the back-up fuse. pends on the type of system.
(3) For the selection of busbars and the design of 8.7.8 Synchronizing gear and equipment
clearances and creepage distances, reference is made for smooth connection
to IEC standards 60439 (1999-09) “Low-voltage
switchgear and controlgear assemblies” and IEC Offshore wind turbines for parallel operation with the
60664 (2002-06) “Insulation coordination within low- public power supply network shall be fitted with syn-
voltage systems including clearances and creepage chronizing or smooth-connection equipment to permit
distances for equipment”. a smooth connection to the network. Special require-
ments imposed by the relevant grid operator shall be
8.7.7 Switchboards and cabinets for low voltage observed.
(1) All units installed in switchboards and cabinets
shall be easily accessible for maintenance, repair or 8.7.9 Electrical / electronic components
replacement. in the safety system
(2) Terminals and terminal spaces shall be ade- The selection and application of electrical and elec-
quately dimensioned. Terminals shall have an adequate tronic components in the safety system as per Section
clearance from live parts, so as to guarantee safe work- shall comply with the results of the fault con-
ing conditions. sideration in Section 2.1.2. As far as possible, a clear
structure of the safety system without the inclusion of
(3) Live units with voltages above 50 V in the doors several different voltage or control levels shall be
of switchboards or cabinets shall be protected against obtained. Only fail-safe components shall be consid-
accidental contact. ered for use in the safety system.
IV – Part 2 8.7 Switchgear and Protection Equipment Chapter 8
GL Wind 2005 Page 8-17
8.7.10 Circuits for safety-related parts out in EN 954-1. The analysis used for determining the
of the controls category in each case shall be submitted for a plausi-
bility check.
The circuits for safety-related parts of the controls
shall be executed in accordance with the categories set
IV – Part 2 8.8 Cables and Electrical Installation Equipment Chapter 8
GL Wind 2005 Page 8-19
8.8.1 Selection of cables and lines already provided in the circuit for the equipment,
short-circuit protection shall be added. This shall be
(1) Cables and lines shall comply with the IEC pub- designed in accordance with the short-circuit loads at
lications listed below or with equivalent standards: the point of installation.
– IEC 60227 (1998-03) “Polyvinyl chloride insu- (2) For the design of lines, IEC 60287(2001-11)
lated cables of rated voltages up to and including “Calculation of the continuous current rating of ca-
450 / 750 V” bles” shall be used.
– IEC 60502 (1998-11) “Extruded solid dielectric
insulated power cables for rated voltages from Note:
1 kV up to 30 kV”
See also Beiblatt 5 to VDE 0100 “Errichten von Stark-
– IEC 60228 (1993-01) “Conductors of insulated stromanlagen mit Nennspannungen bis 1000 V; Maxi-
cables” mal zulässige Längen von Kabeln und Leitungen unter
Berücksichtigung des Schutzes bei indirektem Berüh-
(2) Other cables or lines may be approved if their ren, des Schutzes bei Kurzschluß und des Spannung-
material and construction complies with equivalent sabfalls” [Supplement to VDE 0100 “Erection of
standards and verification of their suitability for the power installations with nominal voltages up to 1000
application is provided. V; Permissible lengths of cables and lines, taking into
consideration protection against electric shock in case
(3) Cables and lines shall be selected in accordance of fault, short circuit or voltage drop”].
with the environmental conditions at the installation
(3) For the rating of cables and lines, consideration
Note: shall be given to the loads expected during operation
corresponding to the consumer demand, taking into
In the case of cables and lines laid in the open, UV account the duty of the electrical units connected.
resistance shall be assured. Extraordinary mechanical Values on the rating plates of generators and consum-
demands, such as increased tensile stress, operation- ers shall be considered as a basis.
ally required mobility and increased risk of mechani-
cal damage, shall be taken into account.
(4) Each circuit with its own overcurrent and short-
circuit protection shall generally have its own cable.
(4) The rated voltage of cables and lines may not be Concentration of circuits into a common cable or line
less than the rated operating voltage of the circuit system may take place in accordance with IEC 60364-5-
involved. For circuits with variable voltage, the maxi- 52 (2001-8), “Electrical installations of buildings; Part 5:
mum voltage occurring during operation is decisive. Selection and erection of electrical equipment; Chapter
52: Wiring systems” or an equivalent standard.
(5) Irrespective of requirements for increased mobil-
ity, cables and lines with several or multiple conduc-
tors are generally recommended. (5) For circuits with protective low voltage, IEC
60364-4-41(2001-08), “Electrical installations of
(6) The technical documentation shall state the ca- buildings, Part 4: Protection for safety, Chapter 41:
bles and/or lines used, together with their standard Protection against electric shock” or equivalent stan-
designation. Furthermore, the conductor cross-sections dards shall be observed.
and the rated currents shall be entered.
(6) Multi-core cables or lines shall preferably be
(7) For medium voltage cables see also Section used for AC and three-phase systems. If single-core
8.5.5. cabling is provided instead, the following points shall
be observed:
8.8.2 Loading, protection and laying
of cables and lines – The cables shall not be armoured with or
sheathed in magnetic material.
(1) Cables and lines shall be protected against short
circuits and overcurrent. If overcurrent protection is – Non-magnetic clamps shall be provided.
Chapter 8 8.8 Cables and Electrical Installation Equipment IV – Part 2
Page 8-20 GL Wind 2005
– The cables of a given circuit shall be laid con- (16) Metal cable sheaths, armour and screening shall
tiguously and shall be arranged in the same tube generally be earthed at each end to the metal structure
or cable duct. of the offshore wind turbine. In the case of cables and
lines for electronic systems, single-sided earthing is
– Single-core parallel cables shall be of the same acceptable. The continuous connection of the metal
type, length and cross-section. cable sheaths shall be ensured in each junction box and
distribution box.
(7) For cables and lines subject to twisting in opera-
tion, a control device shall be provided which protects 8.8.3 Backup power supply
against exceeding permissible limits. In terms of its
operation, the installation shall be so designed that (1) If a backup power supply is chosen according to
resetting to the neutral position is possible (see Section Section 2.1.1 para 1 m, requirements as given in para 2 to 7 need to be considered.
(8) Cables and lines shall be so secured that no un- (2) The power supply shall be dimensioned in such a
acceptable tensile, flexural, compressive or crushing way, that it will be able supplying the necessary start-
stresses arise. Corrosion-proof or permanently corro- ing or inrush currents and the energy consumption
sion-protected clips or mounts shall be used for out- needed. This shall be documented in a power con-
door installations. sumption schedule (see Section 8.1.7).
(9) If cables or lines are laid in metal tubes or ducts, (3) Power consumption management shall be made
these shall be earthed effectively. where necessary to achieve the requirements made in
para 2. The simultaneous power consumption accord-
(10) The tubes shall be smooth on the inside and so ing to this management shall be stated in the power
protected at the ends that there is no damage to the consumption schedule.
cable sheathing.
(4) The fuel storage of the backup power supply has
(11) As a rule, tubes shall not be filled with cables to to fit properly on site.
more than 40 % of their cross-section. Deviations are
permissible if the cable can be pulled through without (5) The size of the fuel storage shall be dimensioned
difficulty and there is no unacceptable mutual heating of in order to achieve the requirements as given in para 2
the cables. The filling factor should never exceed 60 %. to para 4 in conjunction with the concept chosen in
Section 2.1.1 para 1 m.
(12) Where there is a risk of mechanical damage,
cables and lines shall be effectively protected by cov-
(6) The assessment documents shall contain the size
of the tank and the fuel consumption calculations of
the chosen backup power supply.
(13) Strain relief devices of exposed cables shall be
permanently protected against corrosion.
(7) The fuel level has to be monitored and alarm
(14) Suspended cables shall be properly protected levels have to be defined.
against damage and unacceptable constriction of the
cable sheath. Note:
(15) For cables suspended freely without additional To prevent damages in the gear during grid unavail-
strain relief, the suitability of the type of cable used ability and no remote operated rotor lock, energy for
shall be verified. The possibility of ice loading shall be fast shaft brake operation and control shall be taken
taken into account in this context. into account.
IV – Part 2 8.9 Lightning Protection Chapter 8
GL Wind 2005 Page 8-21
(1) Lightning protection measures shall be provided By applying the standards, protection levels can be
according to this Guideline; moreover, national re- determined to derive the protection equipment required
quirements in excess thereof shall also be observed. for the structure. The required protection level for
The following standards, technical specifications (TS) offshore is:
and technical reports (TR) in their most recent issue
shall be taken into account: – protection level I
– IEC TR 61400-24 (2002-07) “Wind turbine gen- – sensors of the wind measurement equipment
erator systems – Part 24: Lightning protection” – non-metallic towers or concrete towers that are
not equipped with reinforcement connectors ac-
(2) Any additional requirements of the grid operators cording to the standard
shall be observed.
– the interiors of operation buildings and trans-
former substations, if no shielding measures are
8.9.2 Protection concept provided
– cable connections in the soil or overhead lines Requirements between the offshore wind turbine and the opera-
tion buildings or transformer substations, if no
Since the problems encountered with offshore wind shielding measures are provided
turbines are not specially mentioned in the standards as
yet, they shall be applied with the necessary changes. (3) Lightning protection zone LPZ 1 includes (see
Lightning protection measures shall be executed ac- Fig. 8.9.1):
cording to the EMC / lightning protection zone con-
cept. This means that, after determination of the pro- – internals of the rotor blades, including the rotor
tection level, the entire offshore wind turbine has to be hub (sensors, actuators etc.), provided that effec-
subdivided into protection zones, which then results in tive lightning-conducting and shielding measures
the corresponding requirements. are taken
Chapter 8 8.9 Lightning Protection IV – Part 2
Page 8-22 GL Wind 2005
– the interiors of completely metal-clad nacelle sheeting or provided with shielding measures (re-
housings with the corresponding lightning- inforcement on all sides with foundation or ring
conducting measures earth electrode, metallic doors and windows with
wire meshes)
– the interior of all metal-clad equipment, insofar
as they are connected in a suitable manner to an
equipotential bonding system (e.g. the machine (4) Lightning protection zone LPZ 2 includes facili-
foundation as the bonding level) ties within lightning protection zone LPZ 1, if addi-
tional shielding measures have to be taken for a further
– shielded cables, or cables which are laid in me- reduction in the effects of interference.
tallic pipes, whereby mesh shields or metallic
pipes shall be connected to the equipotential
bonding on both sides 8.9.3 Execution of measures
– the sensors of wind measurement facilities, inso-
far as these are fitted with lightning rods and ap- Foundation earth electrode for the tower
propriate conductors
– the interior of metallic towers or concrete towers, (1) The design of the foundation earth electrode (see
the reinforcement of which is designed according Fig. 8.9.2) shall comply with IEC 61024-1. The rein-
to applicable standards and connected to the forcement and existing piles of the foundation shall be
foundation earth electrode routed twofold to the bonding bar; however, it shall be
noted in particular that, in the case of a tower mount-
– the interiors of operation buildings and trans- ing using concrete-encased prestressed anchor bolts,
former substations that are either clad with steel these elements shall not be used for earthing purposes.
R o to r b l a d e
( r o to r ) L PZ 0
W i n d m e a su r e m e n t
≥ 30 m e q u ip m e n t
L PZ 1
N a c e ll e
L PZ 2
Yaw ring
Tow er
≥ 60 m
U t il it y g r id
(m ediu m volta ge)
O v e r h e a d l in e
O p e r a t io n
b u i ld in g P o l e - m o u n te d
P o le
t r a n s fo r m e r
R i n g e a r th U n de r g ro un d c a b l e Da ta and
e le c t r o d e F o u n d a ti o n M a s t f o u n d a t io n
t e le p h o n e li n e s
F o u n d a t io n e a r t h S o il = L P Z 0
e l e c tr o d e
Fig. 8.9.1 Schematic diagram of an offshore wind turbine with lightning protection zones (LPZ)
IV – Part 2 8.9 Lightning Protection Chapter 8
GL Wind 2005 Page 8-23
(2) From the foundation earth electrode to the steel (6) All transitions from the foundation earth elec-
structure of the tower up to a base diameter of three trode or the reinforcement out of the concrete into the
metres, connections shall be made at two points at air shall be executed with an insulated cable.
least, and for larger diameters at three points at least.
(7) If the reinforcement has a highly conductive
(3) Depending on the location and soil characteris- interconnection and is connected at two points to the
tics, the foundation earth electrode shall be extendible, bonding bar, it is permissible to dispense with an addi-
in order to connect a ring earth electrode if necessary, tional foundation earth electrode.
or to make connections to existing earthing facilities
(wind farms, power distribution systems); see
Fig. 8.9.3. In Germany, the earth electrodes shall com- Design of the tower
ply with the national standards DIN VDE 0100 and
DIN VDE 0141, since the 50 Hz earth-fault current
(1) Steel towers, lattice masts and reinforced con-
may have to be considered.
crete towers are especially well suited for lightning
protection measures. This type of tower is mounted on
(4) The earth termination shall have a resistance the prepared foundation (as described in Section
≤ 10 Ω. In this way, a continuous earthing and protec-
tion of the tower is provided up to the height of the
(5) From the foundation (reinforcement) and/or ring yaw ring. However, protection zone LPZ 1 is only
earth electrode, a terminal lug shall be routed into the attained by closed steel towers and reinforced concrete
inside of the tower and connected to an appropriately towers. Lattice masts satisfy protection zone LPZ 0B
marked bonding bar (see Fig. 8.9.2). only in the interior of the structure.
BB Flange with
bolted connection
To the other
Ring earth Ring earth wind turbines and/or
electrode electrode the distribution station
Fig. 8.9.2 Connection of the equipotential bonding to the foundation earth electrode
Chapter 8 8.9 Lightning Protection IV – Part 2
Page 8-24 GL Wind 2005
(2) For reinforced concrete structures, it is necessary tance connection shall be provided. Owing to the cable
during fabrication to ensure that the reinforcement is lengths required within the yaw range, cable connec-
galvanically interconnected at as many points as pos- tions are not suitable, because a high voltage differ-
sible by means of special clamps, and routed outside ence can arise between the tower and machine founda-
via one or more earth reference points in the interior of tion through the high-frequency lightning current. The
the tower. Furthermore, the metallic connecting flan- following can be approved as suitable measures:
ges (at the bottom for the foundation and at the top for
the yaw ring) shall be connected to the reinforcement.
If these conditions are met, the tower interior is recog- – sliprings that are capable of conducting lightning
nized as protection zone LPZ 1. currents (these may also be arranged on the in-
side of the yaw ring) with pick-off by a metallic Junction at the yaw bearing contact slipper
In order to achieve a continuous earth connection from – bearings capable of conducting lightning currents
the foundation earth electrode via the tower to the – spark gaps
machine foundation, a highly conductive low-induc-
Low-voltage room
switch room
Wind turbine systems
To wind turbine switch room
To wind turbine Connection of the machine foundation Lightning protection on rotor blades
to the earthing system
(1) Lightning protection is mandatory on all rotor
Normally, the machine foundation is satisfactorily blades made of fibre-reinforced plastics or wood, in-
linked to the earthing system by means of the bolted dependent if they consist of conductive or non-
connections of the yaw ring. However, if the machine conductive material. On rotor blades made of alumin-
foundation is linked to the yaw ring by means of flexi- ium or ferrous material a separate lightning protection
ble damping elements, all damping elements shall be is not necessary.
bridged over with flat copper bands of sufficient cross-
section. (2) The lightning protection system consists at least
of the (designated) lightning impact areas (receptors)
and their down conductors. Connection of the generator and the
gearbox to the earthing system (3) Examples for the construction of lightning pro-
tection systems are listed in IEC 61400-24. In choos-
Normally, the generator and the gearbox are satisfacto- ing the lightning protection system the design layout of
rily linked to the earthing system through the connect- the rotor blade as well as the materials designated for
ing bolts with the machine foundation. However, if the fabrication have to be considered.
gearbox and/or generator are connected to the machine
foundation by means of flexible damping elements, all Notes:
damping elements shall be bridged over with flat cop- The practicability of possible repairs needed after a
per bands of sufficient cross-section. lightning stroke should be considered as well.
Especially in the case of mesh used as a lightning Connection of other components conductor the repair will demand a high effort.
in the nacelle
(4) Design and number of receptors are to be defined
All parts which contain electrical components (actua- in each individual case and depend on the dimension
tors, switchgear, metallic limit switches etc.), shall be of the rotor blade and the materials used. As a rule
galvanically connected to each other and to the ma- multiple receptors have to be provided for rotor blades
chine foundation, if this is not provided reliably by of more than 20 m length.
their mountings. For this purpose, the most suitable
method is a bonding bar which is galvanically linked (5) The rotor blades have to be equipped with down
to the machine foundation. The bonding conductors conductors in such a way that the lightning current of
shall be kept as short as possible and shall have a the protection level I (see also Section can
minimum copper cross-section of 10 mm². safely be diverted across the hub or the nacelle cover.
The design of the down conductors is to be made in
such a way that preferably no damages on the rotor Metallic housings of the nacelle
blade will occur due to the lightning current. The down
conductors should, if possible, be carried out in one
If metallic housings are used, these shall be included in piece; if appendages cannot be avoided, they have to
the equipotential bonding. This should be effected over be carried out in such a way that no decrease of con-
a large area with steel tape connected at several points ductivity occurs, even in long-term operation (e.g. by
to the machine foundation. Any hinges shall be brid- corrosion). Down conductors should show a straight
ged over by flexible copper bands with as wide an area course. Changes of directions in the form of bending
as possible. bigger than 30° and radii smaller than 1m should be
avoided. Non-metallic housings of the nacelle
(6) The cross sectional areas of the down conductors
have to be at least of the size as given below all the
If non-metallic housings are used, these shall be fitted way down:
with lightning rods and the corresponding external
conductors, and connected to the machine foundation. – on conductors made of copper or aluminium
The height and number of lightning rods and conduc- alloys at least 50 mm2
tors depends on the dimensions of the nacelle housing
and shall be decided separately for each case. When – on conductors made of steel band at least
determining the heights of the lightning rods, it shall 60 mm2
be assumed that a lightning rod provides a protective – on round conductors made of steel at least
cone of max. 45° which has to cover the entire nacelle. 78 mm2
Chapter 8 8.9 Lightning Protection IV – Part 2
Page 8-26 GL Wind 2005
– Furthermore while designing the down conductor e.g. sensors and their ports it has to be taken into ac-
and its attachment in or at the rotor blade it has count that they are connected to the lightning protec-
to be taken into account that the acceptable tem- tion system (potential equalisation) and that the func-
peratures in the rotor blade (material values, see tion of the designated receptors is guaranteed.
also Section para 2) are not exceeded.
(7) In case a part of the conductor function is taken (9) Even though the lightning protection systems are
over by a component of the rotor blade, e.g. by the shaft normally not relevant for the strength properties in the
of the tip brake, the product of cross sectional area and rotor blade, the components of the lightning protection
electrical conductivity of the component has at least to systems are to be checked regarding the occurring
comply with the rest of the conductor device. extreme and fatigue loads. Taking into account the
according safety and reduction factors, no failure may
(8) With rotor blades made of conductive materials occur affecting the functionality of the lightning pro-
or when using conductive materials in the rotor blade, tection system.
IV – Part 2 8.10 Offshore Grid Devices Chapter 8
GL Wind 2005 Page 8-27
8.10.1 General für Drehstrom 50 Hz, 12500 bis 80000 kVA und
Um bis 123 kV; Anforderungen, Kennzeichnung
(1) Offshore wind turbines will be erected mainly in und Ausrüstung”
big wind farms. This section shall give the relation
between the single offshore wind turbine and the elec- – IEC 60542:1988 “Application guide for on-load
trical components installed between the offshore wind tap-changers”
turbine and the shore. Germanischer Lloyd IV-
Industrial Services Part 6 Offshore Installations, Chap- (3) The transformer station shall be designed and
ter 5 Electrical Installations shall be observed where dimensioned according to the local utility c<onnection
applicable. requirements.
(2) Depending on the site this will contain at least (4) It shall be possible to disconnect each trans-
some or all of the components described below. former at both sides safely.
8.10.2 Transformer station (5) Section 8.5 shall be observed where applicable.
(1) The transformer station shall maintain the volt- 8.10.3 Wind farm switchgear and protection
age stability inside the whole offshore wind farm grid. equipment
Voltage stability and other electrical grid conditions
shall be defined according to Section (site (1) Switchgear and protection equipment on wind
assessment). Where electrical grid conditions are not farm level are meant here, switching off e.g. a feeder
defined detailed enough, conditions of Section of several turbines or the cable connection to shore.
and EN 50160: 1999 “Voltage characteristics of elec-
tricity supplied by public distribution systems” shall be (2) Switchgear devices used shall be made according
applied. The voltage stability could be done e.g. by to the following standards:
means of transformers with on-load tap-changers or
manual control tap changers where necessary. Utility – IEC 60694:2002 “Common specifications for
requirements can set a maximum voltage change at high-voltage switchgear and controlgear stan-
connection point.
(2) The following standards shall be used where – IEC 60265-1:1998 “High-voltage switches - Part
applicable: 1: Switches for rated voltages above 1 kV and
less than 52 kV”
– IEC 60071-1:1993 “Insulation co-ordination -
– IEC 62271-200:2003 „High-voltage switchgear
Part 1: Definitions, principles and rules”
and controlgear - Part 200: A.C. metal-enclosed
– IEC 60071-2:1996 “Insulation co-ordination - switchgear and controlgear for rated voltages
Part 2: Application guide” above 1 kV and up to and including 52 kV”
– IEC/TS 60071-5:2002 “Insulation co-ordination - – IEC 62271-203:2003 “High-voltage switchgear
Part 5: Procedures for high-voltage direct current and controlgear - Part 203: Gas-insulated metal-
(HVDC) converter stations” enclosed switchgear for rated voltages above 52
– IEC 60204-11:2000 “Safety of machinery - Elec-
trical equipment of machines - Part 11: Require- – IEC 62271-102:2003 “High-voltage switchgear
ments for HV equipment for voltages above 1 000 and controlgear - Part 102: Alternating current
V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c. and not exceeding 36 kV” disconnectors and earthing switches”
– IEC 60076-3:2000 “Power Transformers - Part 3: – IEC 62271-105:2002 “High-voltage switchgear
Insulation levels, dielectric tests and external and controlgear - Part 105: Alternating current
clearances in air“ switch-fuse combinations”
– IEC 60183:1984 “Guide to the selection of high-
voltage cables” (3) The pressure release for the switch gear shall be
done in a way, that no damage from overpressure or
– DIN 42508-3:1993 “Transformatoren; Öltrans- fire can occur to the room, ceiling, neighbouring ca-
formatoren mit Umsteller oder mit Stufenschalter bles etc. Where person can be hurt from pressure re-
Chapter 8 8.10 Offshore Grid Devices IV – Part 2
Page 8-28 GL Wind 2005
lease effects, the area shall be locked while the system (5) For calculation in cross section design the fol-
is under voltage. lowing standards shall be applied:
(4) The protection equipment shall at minimum – IEC 60287-1-1:2001 “Electric cables - Calcula-
protect the sea cables, transformers, and all electrical tion of the current rating - Part 1-1: Current rat-
equipment at the transformer station from over current, ing equations (100 % load factor) and calculation
short circuit and over voltage. of losses – General”
(5) Protection shall be implemented against danger- – IEC 60287-2-1:2001 “Electric cables - Calcula-
ous voltage generation after electrical disconnection of tion of the current rating - Part 2-1: Thermal re-
single or multiple turbines from the grid (e.g. self- sistance - Calculation of thermal resistance”
– IEC 60949:1988 “Calculation of thermally per-
(6) Protection against switching on, when phase missible short-circuit currents, taking into ac-
opposition can occur shall be done. This is necessary, count non-adiabatic heating effects”
when any power generation can occur without grid
parallel operation (e.g. self-excitation). (6) Fiber optic cable shall be specified according to
ITU G.650 “Definition and test methods for the rele-
(7) The protection shall comply with utility regula- vant parameters of single-mode fibres”.
tions during a fault outside the wind farm.
(7) During cable laying no unacceptable forces shall
8.10.4 Backup power supply occur at the cable. For cable installation offshore,
reference shall be made to 1185-1994 IEEE “Guide for
If a backup power supply at wind farm level is chosen Installation Methods for Generating Station Cables”.
it shall be designed and documented according to
Section 8.1.7 and Section 8.8.3. (8) The cable shall be designed for carrying the
maximum current without being damaged neither
8.10.5 Sub sea cable thermally nor electrically. This shall be valid for nor-
mal operation and for low voltage situations according
to the rules given by the local utility.
(1) For cable testing requirements the following
CIGRE Electra recommendations shall be used:
– “Recommendations for mechanical tests on sub- Local rules and regulation concerning electromagnetic
marine cables”, pages 59 to 66 in Electra No. radiation and soil temperature rise can occur.
171, April 1997
– “Recommendations for testing of long AC sub- (9) Section shall be observed where appli-
marine cables with extruded insulation”, pages cable.
29 to 37 in Electra No. 189, April 2000
(10) Each cable shall have possibilities to be switched
– “Recommendations for tests on power transmis- off and earthed effectively at both ends.
sion DC cables for rated voltage up to 800 kV”,
pages 39 to 55 in Electra No. 189, April 2000 (11) When planning sub sea cable trays crossing on-
– “Testing DC extruded cable systems”, pages 47 shore tubes (e.g. passing an island) the following is-
to 53 in Electra No. 206, February 2003 plus sues might limit the maximum length of onshore cross-
Technical Brochure No. 219 ings:
– Maximum allowed pulling force of the respective
(2) For calculation of cable length, sufficient extra cable shall never be exceeded.
length shall be installed. In the case of sub sea cable
damage it is necessary for cable repair above sea level – The pulling force has to be applied to the cable in
to have reserve length. a steady-going way.
(3) The distance between parallel running cables (12) Depending on the soil conditions cables are put
shall be at minimum two times the water depth plus under the ground in different ways. The used tools for
laying depth to allow future cable repair. cable laying have to support the necessary bending
radius of the cable. In no situation the allowed maxi-
(4) The burial depth of cables shall be in accordance mum bending radius of the respective cable shall be
with the local requirements concerning sea bed warm- exceeded. The following both bending radii have to be
ing. taken into account:
IV – Part 2 8.10 Offshore Grid Devices Chapter 8
GL Wind 2005 Page 8-29
– the bending radius of the cable from horizontal to 8.10.6 Cable connecting two feeders of several
vertical orientation (into the ground) offshore wind turbines each
Edition 2005
IV – Part 2 Table of Contents Chapter 9
GL Wind 2005 Page 3
Table of Contents
9.1.1 General Identification of type of the offshore wind
turbine and installation site
(1) The manuals for sea transport and offshore in-
stallation describe all working steps which have to be
performed at sea during transport, assembly and erec- At least the following information shall be provided:
tion of the offshore wind turbine.
– manufacturer, supplier, importer
(2) The manual applies for one type of offshore wind
turbines, and if applicable for its variants. – identification, type and if applicable type variant
of the offshore wind turbine
9.1.2 Objective and format of the manuals for
sea transport and offshore installation – rated power
(1) The objective of the manuals for sea transport – rotor diameter, hub height(s), water depth
and offshore installation is to provide information for
the on-sea and offshore activities and procedures to all – identification and position of the offshore site
parties involved including the turbine designer and
certification body. Prerequisites for sea transport and offshore
(2) The format and level of detail of the manual shall installation
be such that the resulting loads and risks can be evalu-
ated and that the personnel performing the required (1) All prerequisites for the execution of the work
tasks are able to understand the documentation. shall be stated, e.g. requirements for the weather con-
ditions (wind, temperatures, precipitation, wave
(3) The manual shall be expressed in a language, height), working area required, adequate curing time
which the personnel at the installation site are able to of the foundation or any grouted connections.
understand, plus a version in English or German.
(2) The precise identifications and dimensions of all
(4) Notes regarding safety and regulations for the
plant components to be assembled and erected shall be
prevention of accidents shall be so arranged in the text
specified, together with all data needed for erection,
that they appear before the operating action in ques-
such as weights, hoisting points etc.
tion. They shall be highlighted clearly as being safety
and accident-prevention notes.
(3) The maximum admissible time period between
9.1.3 Scope of the manuals for sea transport and installation of the sub structure and erection of the rest
offshore installation of the support structure and the maximum admissible
time period until mounting of the topsides structure Content of the manual shall be stated.
The manuals shall contain the following information at (4) Requirements on the vessels (tug power, naviga-
least: tion equipment, etc.) and other equipment used (float-
ing cranes etc.) shall be stated.
– identification of type of the offshore wind turbine
and installation site (see Section (5) A listing including quantities of all equipment
– prerequisites for the sea transportation and instal- and material necessary for the installation shall be
lation (see Section given, e.g. grouting material, bolts, mooring and fas-
tening equipment, special tools.
– sequence the sea transport and installation (see
(6) Requirements on the qualification of the person-
– warnings and measures against hazardous nel shall be stated.
situations (see Section
– blank form sheets for the record (see Section (7) The intended route and duration of sea transport are to be stated.
Chapter 9 9.1 Manuals for Sea Transport and Offshore Installation IV – Part 2
Page 9-2 GL Wind 2005 Sequence in sea transport and offshore Form sheet for the record of sea transport
installation and offshore installation
(1) All sequence steps shall be described including (1) The record shall document the execution of all
the conditions of all human interventions (divers etc.). checks and working steps of the sea transport and the
offshore installation process. For each check and
(2) Auxiliary equipment and resources shall be working step, there shall be appropriate spaces to be
specified (e.g. lubricants, oil for filling up the gearbox, filled in, together with fields for recording measure-
grouting materials). ment values and test results.
(3) Arrangement of vessels, buoys, lights, etc. shall be (2) The record shall be on paper or in digital form as
described including the mooring/positioning equipment. appropriate.
(4) Lifting, lowering, touchdown and ballasting (3) All adjustment settings and set values as well as
procedures, where relevant, shall be described includ- the expected measurement results shall be specified.
ing admissible draft(s) and/or bottom clearance(s).
(4) The record may consist of several sub-records
(5) The work instructions as per Section,
(e.g. for different assemblies or phases of work).
item b for making the bolted connections shall be
included in the manual.
(5) The following entries shall be provided as a
(6) All necessary tests and checks shall be listed minimum:
including the measuring and control equipment.
– type identification of the offshore wind turbine as
(7) Necessary monitoring of sea bed conditions, per Section
scouring etc., where relevant shall be described.
– serial number, operator and installation site of
the offshore wind turbine Warnings and measures against hazardous
situations – name of the person carrying out or being respon-
sible for the corresponding working step
(1) Hazardous situations which may arise through
deviation from the planned working sequence shall be – weather conditions
described and countermeasures shall be specified.
– records of the execution of all working steps
Such situations may include: high winds during instal-
lation, prolonged periods of the sub structure and/or – records of the execution of all tests and checks
the support structure standing without topsides struc-
ture at critical wind speeds and/or wave frequencies. – extra space for possible remarks or items out-
(2) Emergency procedures and rescue operations are
to be described. – date and signature of the person(s) responsible
IV – Part 2 9.2 Documents for Commissioning Chapter 9
GL Wind 2005 Page 9-3
(2) The commissioning manual applies for one type – designation, type and if applicable type variant
of offshore wind turbine. – rotor diameter, hub height(s)
The commissioning record documents the execution of Checks before commissioning
the individual working steps during the commissioning
process. A blank form sheet of the commissioning re- All checks required before the start of commissioning
cord shall be included in the commissioning manual. shall be listed. The following statements shall be pro-
vided as a minimum:
9.2.3 Format of the documents
– erection and assembly – completed to full extent
(1) The format and level of detail of the commis- – commissioning of the auxiliary systems and
sioning manual shall be such that the technical work- subsequent external equipment needed for opera-
men performing the required tasks are able to under- tion of the offshore wind turbine (e.g. trans-
stand the documentation. former, grid connection station) – completed
(2) For the issuance of the project certificate, the – any trial runs of individual components which
commissioning manual shall be expressed in a lan- may be necessary in the factory or on site – com-
guage which the technical workmen at the installation pleted
site of the offshore wind turbine are able to under-
stand. – filling up of all operating media (e.g. lubricants,
coolants, hydraulic fluid, nitrogen in pressure
(3) Notes regarding safety and regulations for the tanks) – completed
prevention of accidents shall be so arranged in the text – any acceptance tests needed according to gov-
that they appear before the operating action in ques- ernmental regulations (e.g. for pressure vessels,
tion. They shall be highlighted clearly as being safety lifts) – completed
and accident-prevention notes. Working steps for commissioning
9.2.4 Scope of the commissioning manual
(1) All working steps needed for commissioning
The commissioning manual shall contain the following shall be described. For the commissioning of individ-
information as a minimum: ual assemblies (e.g. yaw system), reference may be
made to subordinate commissioning manuals for such
– precise type designation of the offshore wind assemblies.
turbine (see Section
(2) All prerequisites for the proper execution of
– checks required before start of commissioning commissioning, e.g. lowest/highest wind speed and
(see Section necessary outside temperatures, shall be specified.
– working steps of the commissioning process (see
Section (3) Tests of all functions of the safety systems and
the braking systems shall be described. The switching
– checks required to conclude the commissioning values to be set and criteria to be met shall be speci-
(see Section fied. The following tests shall be performed as a
– blank form sheets for the commissioning record
(see Section – function of all emergency off pushbuttons
Chapter 9 9.2 Documents for Commissioning IV –Part 2
Page 9-4 GL Wind 2005
– function of all sensors and switches which also – visual inspections (e.g. rotor blades, corrosion
act on the safety system (e.g. overspeed test) protection, tightness of hydraulic system)
– measurement of the essential parameters of the – checking of the required notices and warning
braking systems, e.g. speed of blade pitching, plates
hydraulic pressure of the mechanical brake(s) – checking of completeness of all tools, spare parts
– response of all necessary plant functions after and auxiliary materials that have to be stored
activation of the safety system (e.g. braking sys- permanently in the offshore wind turbine. A list
tems, generator disconnection) of these parts shall be included.
– checking of all outside lighting and emergency
– test to verify that the functions responding to the
shelter equipment as well as rescue at sea equip-
activation of the safety system are independent
ment if applicable
of the control system
– load shedding Form sheet for the commissioning record
– testing of all limiting values and parameters that (1) The commissioning record shall document the
have been set for the safety system execution of all checks and working steps of the com-
missioning process. For each check and working step,
(4) All tests regarding the functions of the control there shall be appropriate fields to be filled in, together
system of the offshore wind turbine shall be described. with fields for recording measurement values and test
The switching values to be set and criteria to be met results.
shall be specified. The following tests shall be per-
formed as a minimum: (2) All adjustment settings and set values as well as
the expected measurement results shall be specified.
– automatic start up
(3) The commissioning record may consist of sev-
– shut-down with all braking procedures eral sub-records (e.g. for primary components, for
– plausibility check of the yaw system familiarization f the operating personnel, …).
– plausibility check of the measurement values (4) The following fields shall be provided as a
– comparison of the limiting values and parameters
which were set with the prescribed values as – type designation of the offshore wind turbine as
documented per Section
(5) Furthermore, the following working steps shall – serial number, operator and installation site of
be described: the offshore wind turbine
– persons present during commissioning
– registration of the data on the rating plates of the
primary components, at least of the rotor blades, – weather conditions on the day of commissioning
gearbox, generator and tower – confirmation that all checks required before the
– possible settings to be made in the control system start of commissioning as per Section
on the basis of the measurement results (e.g. have been completed
natural frequency of the tower) – record of the execution of all working steps of
the commissioning as per Section
– familiarization of the offshore wind turbine oper-
ating personnel – confirmation that all checks required to conclude
commissioning as per Section have been Checks to conclude commissioning completed
– extra space for possible remarks or items out-
All checks required to conclude commissioning shall
be listed. The following statements shall be provided
as a minimum: – date and signature of the person(s) responsible
IV – Part 2 9.3 Operating Manual Chapter 9
GL Wind 2005 Page 9-5
9.3.1 Purpose of the operating manual – cut-in, rated, cut-out wind speeds
– data of the rotor blade
The operating manual is intended to provide the opera-
tor or his representative with the knowledge necessary – type of yaw system
for proper operating of the offshore wind turbine. Notes for users
9.3.2 Format of the operating manual
– description of the operating concept
(1) The format and level of detail of the operating
– starting and stopping procedures
manual shall be such that a skilled workman with
technical training is able to understand the documenta- – explanation of fault messages (insofar as these
tion. Notes regarding safety and regulations for the are issued)
prevention of accidents shall be so arranged in the text
that they appear before the operating action in ques- – emergency shut-down
tion. They shall be highlighted clearly as being safety – safety measures, e.g. action required in the event
and accident-prevention notes. of ice formation at the offshore wind turbine
(2) For the issuance of the project certificate, the – accident prevention regulations; behaviour dur-
operating manual shall be expressed in a language ing dangerous situations and potentially hazard-
which the technical workmen at the installation site of ous malfunctions
the offshore wind turbine are able to understand.
– description of the functions and operating modes
of all the operating and indicating elements
(3) The material (paper, plastic foil) on which the
(switches, pushbuttons, lamps, measuring in-
manual is printed shall be suitable for the conditions
under which the offshore wind turbine is operated. struments)
This applies particularly to notices affixed directly to – explanation of malfunctions and how to clear
the installation. them
9.3.3 Scope of the operating manual – description of components and functions that
need to be taken into/out of service on a seasonal
The operating manual shall contain the following in- basis or for other reasons
formation: – description of measures to be taken, if the off-
shore wind turbine is taken out of operation for a
– description of the offshore wind turbine longer period e.g. because of damages to the grid
connection. These measures could be e.g. lock-
– notes for users
age of blade pitch system and/or rotor or install-
– help with fault-finding ing a backup power supply.
– description of measures to be taken, if the off- Description of the offshore wind turbine shore wind turbine is taken into operation after a
longer period of standstill. The measures could
– manufacturer, supplier, importer be e.g. opening of locks and/or drying/heating of
– designation, type and if applicable type variant(s) components, which need to be dry when re-
– manufacturer’s number or serial number, and
year of manufacture Help with fault-finding
– rotor diameter, hub height Without carrying out any repairs himself, the operator
– rated power, rotor speed, generator rotational should be capable of recognizing the cause of a mal-
speed, generator type function and – insofar as it cannot be cleared simply
by an operating action – of providing the maintenance
– cone and tilt angles personnel with useful advance information.
IV – Part 2 9.4 Maintenance Manual Chapter 9
GL Wind 2005 Page 9-7
9.4.3 Format of the maintenance manual (8) A detailed listing and description of the neces-
sary tests for the safety system (e.g. overspeed test,
(1) DIN 31052 or an equivalent standard recognized emergency shut-down functions, measurement of the
by GL Wind shall be observed in addition to this nitrogen content in hydraulic accumulators) shall be
Guideline. included in the maintenance manual. The required
frequency of these tests shall be indicated (e.g. annu-
(2) In terms of its contents and form, the mainte- ally). The completion of the tests shall be recorded in
nance manual shall meet the requirements expressed in the maintenance plan.
Section 9.3.2.
(9) If applicable, the investigations of technical
(3) It is useful to compile a maintenance plan pre- experts and authorized persons, as required by the
senting the maintenance work required in tabular form relevant national regulations (e.g. for lifts, fire-
and in the appropriate time sequence. extinguishing systems and pressure vessels) and condi-
tions of the building permits, shall be included in the
9.4.4 Scope of the maintenance manual maintenance plan, and columns/sections shall be pro-
vided for the confirmation that these investigations
(1) The maintenance manual shall contain the fol- have been carried out.
lowing information, whereby DIN 31052 or an equiva-
lent standard recognized by GL Wind shall be ob- (10) A detailed listing and description of the neces-
served in addition: sary inspections and tests of the lightning protection
system shall be included in the maintenance manual.
(2) Information documenting the correspondence The required frequency of these inspections and tests
between the maintenance manual and the offshore shall be indicated (e.g. annually).
wind turbine (similar to the type designation in accor-
dance with Section (11) All tools, spare parts and auxiliary materials that
have to be stored permanently in the offshore wind
(3) Notes regarding safety and accident-prevention turbine shall be listed. The intervals for regular checks
measures which are necessary before or during main- for completeness of these parts shall be specified.
tenance, e.g. use of climbing safeguards and locking
devices. (12) A description of all tasks to be carried out at the
outside lighting and emergency shelter equipment as
(4) Descriptions of all tasks to be carried out. The well as rescue at sea equipment and possible backup
descriptions may be supplemented by appropriate power supply units shall be included in the mainte-
pictorial representations. The objectives of the indi- nance manual if applicable.
vidual maintenance operations (oil levels, bolt tighten-
ing torques, brake settings, oil pressures etc.) shall be (13) A detailed listing and description of the necessary
indicated clearly. inspections to be done at the scouring protection system
at the foundation shall be included in the maintenance
(5) All components and auxiliary materials of the manual. Actions and corrective measures to be taken in
offshore wind turbine that have to be exchanged ac- case of damages or inadmissible wear shall be stated.
Chapter 9 9.4 Maintenance Manual IV –Part 2
Page 9-8 GL Wind 2005
(14) A description of all inspections and tasks to be (15) An instruction to at least yearly take samples of
carried out at the corrosion protection system (both the oil from the main gearbox and analyse these sam-
coating and cathodic protection systems as applicable) ples (including measurement of the cleanliness) shall
shall be included in the maintenance manual. be included in the maintenance manual.
Rules and Guidelines
IV Industrial Services
Edition 2005
IV – Part 2 Table of Contents Chapter 10
GL Wind 2005 Page 3
Table of Contents
10.1 General
(1) Measurement of the power performance of the Here special attention shall be paid to sufficient corre-
offshore wind turbine shall be carried out in accor- spondence with the assumed values for rated wind
dance with IEC 61400-12 “Wind turbine generator speed and rated power.
systems – Part 12: Wind turbine power performance
testing” or DIN EN 61400-12, in each case as the (4) It shall be observed that a renewed measurement
latest version. of the power performance is always necessary if the
rotor blade type or the rotor diameter is changed. In
(2) Deviations from this standard shall be justified the case of deviation from the rated rotational speed of
and defined in consultation with GL Wind. the rotor, renewed measurement shall as a rule also be
carried out.
(3) On completion of the measurements, the meas-
ured power curve shall be compared by the test insti- (5) The report of the accredited test institute and the
tute or by the offshore wind turbine manufacturer with comparison shall be submitted to GL Wind for assess-
the power curve assumed in the design documentation. ment.
IV – Part 2 10.3 Noise Emission Chapter 10
GL Wind 2005 Page 10-5
(1) Measurement of the noise emissions of the off- (3) It shall be taken into account that especially the
shore wind turbine shall be carried out in accordance rotor blade type, the tower height and the tower type,
with IEC 61400-11 “Wind turbine generator systems – as well as the type of gearbox (if present) in the drive
Part 11: Acoustic noise measurement techniques” or train of the offshore wind turbine, may have an influ-
DIN EN 61400-11, in each case as the latest version. ence on the noise emissions.
(2) Deviations from this standard shall be justified (4) The report of the accredited test institute shall be
and defined in consultation with GL Wind. submitted to GL Wind for evaluation.
IV – Part 2 10.4 Electrical Characteristics Chapter 10
GL Wind 2005 Page 10-7
(1) Measurement of the electrical characteristics of (3) It shall be observed that a renewed measurement
the offshore wind turbine shall be carried out in accor- of the electrical characteristics is necessary as a rule
dance with IEC 61400-21 “Wind turbine generator whenever the generator type and the inverter type (if
systems – Part 21: Measurement and assessment of present) are changed.
power quality characteristics of grid connected wind
turbines” or DIN EN 61400-21, in each case as the
latest version.
(2) Deviations from this standard shall be justified (4) The report of the accredited test institute shall be
and defined in consultation with GL Wind. submitted to GL Wind for evaluation.
IV – Part 2 10.5 Test of Turbine Behaviour Chapter 10
GL Wind 2005 Page 10-9
– test of the safety system (Section 10.5.3) (1) For these tests, at least the following measure-
ment parameters shall be recorded:
– test of the braking systems (Section 10.5.4)
a wind speed
– test of automatic operation (Section 10.5.5)
b rotational speed
– test of the switching operations (Section 10.5.6)
c electrical power output
– measurement of the natural frequencies (Section d blade angle or position of the aerodynamic
10.5.7) brakes (if applicable)
(3) The tests shall preferably be carried out at the e hydraulic pressure at the mechanical brake(s)
offshore wind turbine fitted with instrumentation for (see Section 10.5.8)
load measurements as per Section 10.6. f torque of the main shaft or driving torque of the
(4) The requirements of IEC TS 61 400 – 13 “Wind
turbine generator systems – Part 13: Measurement of g blade root bending moments
mechanical loads” shall be applied with the necessary
changes to the areas of (2) The tests set out in Table 10.5.1 shall be per-
– calibration
10.5.4 Test of the braking systems
– requirements for the measurement parameters
and the measurement system (1) For these tests, at least the following measure-
ment parameters shall be recorded:
– reporting
a wind speed
(5) The test of turbine behaviour shall be carried out
b rotational speed
by a test institute accredited for load measurements at
offshore wind turbines, or shall be verified and wit- c electrical power output
nessed by such an institute (see Section 10.1.1).
d blade angle or position of the aerodynamic
brakes (if applicable)
(6) On completion of the measurements, the activi-
ties set out in Section, para 4, shall be per- e hydraulic pressure at the mechanical brake(s)
formed by the test institute or by the offshore wind (see Section 10.5.8)
turbine manufacturer and the documents specified
f torque of the main shaft or driving torque of the
there shall be presented to GL Wind.
g blade root bending moments
10.5.2 Test plan
(2) After braking of the offshore wind turbine, re-
Before the start of the tests, a test plan shall be submit- cording of the measurements shall continue (during the
ted to GL Wind for consultation. The test plan shall idling condition or at standstill of the turbine) until a
contain at least the following information: steady-state condition has been reached.
Chapter 10 10.5 Test of Turbine Behaviour IV – Part 2
Page 10-10 Gl Wind 2005
(3) The tests set out in Table 10.5.2 shall be performed. i blade root bending moments
10.5.5 Test of automatic operation (2) After the switching operation, the recording of
the measurements shall continue until a steady-state
(1) For these tests, at least the following measure- condition has been reached.
ment parameters shall be recorded:
(3) The tests set out in Table 10.5.4 shall be per-
a wind speed formed.
b rotational speed
10.5.7 Measurement of the natural frequencies
c electrical power output
d blade angle or position of the aerodynamic
(1) For these tests, the measurement parameters that
brakes (if applicable)
are appropriate in each case shall be recorded and
e hydraulic pressure at the mechanical brake(s) evaluated. The natural frequencies shall be determined
(see Section 10.5.8) by counting of vibration cycles or by frequency analy-
ses of suitable measurement signals.
f torque of the main shaft or driving torque of the
(2) The natural frequencies shall be determined as
g blade root bending moments per Table 10.5.5.
(2) The tests set out in Table 10.5.3 shall be per- (3) If a vibration damper system is fitted in the
formed. tower, the natural frequencies for the tower shall be
determined in the directions of movement damped by
10.5.6 Test of the switching operations the system both with and without the vibration damper
system functioning.
(1) For these tests, at least the following measure-
ment parameters shall be recorded:
10.5.8 Hydraulic pressure at the
a wind speed mechanical brakes
b wind direction at the wind measurement mast
(for the test of yaw control) (1) As an alternative to measurement of the hydrau-
lic pressure, an alternative measurement parameter can
c nacelle position (for the test of yaw control) be recorded if the signal exhibits a clear relationship to
d rotational speed the applied braking moment (e.g. position of a control
valve). This relationship shall be documented in the
e electrical power output measurement report.
f blade angle or position of the aerodynamic
brakes (if applicable) (2) In the case of brakes that are activated at fixed
levels (e.g. hard braking / soft braking / off), simple
g hydraulic pressure at the mechanical brake(s)
logging of the brake status shall suffice. The status
(see Section 10.5.8)
signal shall be sensed at the brake or at the hydraulic
h torque of the main shaft or driving torque of the system. The pressures or the braking moments of the
rotor individual levels shall be documented in the report.
IV – Part 2 10.5 Test of Turbine Behaviour Chapter 10
GL Wind 2005 Page 10-11
Activation of brakes
Activation during power through actuation of an 2
emergency off pushbutton
Remark 1): The blade root bending moments shall be measured at one of the blades with and at the blade without
blade pitching function. If only one blade is fitted with instrumentation, the number of tests shall be
doubled in each wind speed range, whereby the failure of the aerodynamic braking system shall be
tested at the instrumented blade and then at another.
Remark 2): These tests may be necessary if other malfunctions have been assumed in the consideration of possible
faults as per Section 2.1.2 (e.g. failure of the blade pitching motor to switch off when feathering).
Remark 3): The magnitude of the braking moment and the build-up curve of the braking moment shall be shown
by means of a suitable test.
Remark 1): For offshore wind turbines with blade pitch control, the blade pitching rates shall be documented
in the report.
No. nent Standstill Production
Rotor 1st and 2nd natural mode, flapwise 1st and 2nd natural mode, flapwise
blade 1st and 2nd natural mode, edgewise 1st and 2nd natural mode, edgewise
Note 1): The rotor position shall preferably be so selected that one blade points vertically downward.
Remark 2): XK and YK as per coordinate system in Appendix 4.A, Section 4.A.5
IV – Part 2 10.6 Load Measurements Chapter 10
GL Wind 2005 Page 10-13
(1) Load measurements shall be carried out in ac- measured in addition to the requirements as per IEC
cordance with IEC TS 61 400 – 13 “Wind turbine TS 61 400-13 in order to verify the load impact on the
generator systems – Part 13: Measurement of me- offshore wind turbine.
chanical loads”, in its latest version.
(2) Deviations from this Technical Specification (5) Additional sensors at the support structure are to
shall be defined in consultation with GL Wind. be applied and the locations of these shall be deter-
mined in consultation with GL Wind.
(3) Before the measurements are conducted, the
measurement parameter plan and the extent of the
measurements shall be agreed with GL Wind as far as (6) After completion of the measurements, the ac-
possible. tivities as per Section para 4 shall be performed
by the test institute or by the offshore wind turbine
(4) In case the load measurements are carried out manufacturer and the documents specified there shall
offshore, all load relevant marine conditions shall be be presented to GL Wind.
IV – Part 2 10.7 Prototype Trial of Gearboxes Chapter 10
GL Wind 2005 Page 10-15
Edition 2005
IV – Part 2 Table of Contents Chapter 11
GL Wind 2005 Page 3
Table of Contents
braking systems, shall be checked as well (see Table excessive corrosion. This shall be reported in the in-
11.1.1). spection report.
Nacelle and force- and moment-transmitting Corrosion, cracks, unusual noises, greasing, pretensioning
components of bolts, lightning protection
Safety devices, outside lightings, Functional checks, compliance with the limiting values,
sensors and braking systems damage, wear
Control system and electrics Terminals, fastenings, functional checks, corrosion, dirt
including transformer station and switchgear,
Condition Monitoring System
(3) Reports of other technical experts may be Decommissioning and recommissioning
(1) If deficiencies endanger the structural integrity of
11.2.2 Documentation the wind turbine partly or completely, or if deficiencies
can be expected to result in greater damage, the tech-
(1) The Inspection Report on the Periodic Monitor- nical expert shall recommend the decommissioning of
ing shall be written and signed by the technical expert. the turbine. Decommissioning shall then be carried out
The Inspection Report shall contain the following by the operator.
information at least:
– manufacturer, type and serial numbers of the (2) The technical expert shall inform the body re-
wind turbine and the tower sponsible for the building and/or operation permit if
public safety of the public environment and sea trans-
– location and operator of the offshore wind tur- port is endangered due to the deficiencies and if the
bine operator refuses to decommission the offshore wind
– operating hours and total energy produced
– date and climate conditions (weather) on the day (3) After repair of the turbine by a specialized work-
of inspection shop according to Section, the workshop shall
– persons present at the inspection attest the proper repair of the safety shortcomings in
writing to the operator. After that, the operator/owner
– detailed description of the scope of inspection may initiate the recommissioning.
Rules and Guidelines
IV Industrial Services
Edition 2005
IV – Part 2 Table of Contents Chapter 12
GL Wind 2005 Page 3
Table of Contents
12.1 Lifting
(1) Marine Operations, i.e. operations associated with Design considerations
moving or transporting an offshore structure or part
thereof during the construction and installation process Overall dimensions, weight and center of gravity
may have decisive influence on the overall design and (COG) of a unit to be lifted, number of lifting points,
on the dimensioning of scantlings (see also Chapter 6, arrangement and characteristics of lifting equipment
6.2.1 and 6.1.3). Marine operations are therefore nor- etc. shall be considered at an early design stage in
mally included in the design review by GL Wind. view of the means which are foreseeably available,
and of the statical and dynamical loads associated with
(2) Where such operations, i.e. lifting, skidding, tow- the anticipated procedure.
ing (either on board of a barge or ship, or afloat on its
own), launching and lowering/embedding, impose Calculations
important loads or critical conditions on the structure,
they have to be taken account of in the design. The (1) The analysis of the lifting and lowering pro-
review and survey by GL Wind will cover the follow- cedures shall take into account, where adequate, the
ing as far as applicable: elastic properties of both the structure itself and the
lifting equipment, the dimensional and weight toler-
ances, and the dynamic conditions which depend on
– anticipated environmental conditions the environment and the type of lifting gear employed.
The weight of the rigging/lifting equipment (e. g.
– methods/means of transportation to be used, tow- spreaders) shall be accounted for where relevant.
ing arrangement
(2) Additional external influences and loads such as
– safe design of auxiliary elements such as pad-eyes
hydrodynamic and hydrostatic forces acting on sub-
and loose equipment, lashing and securing elements merged structures, wind, tug forces and foreseeable
impact forces, shall be considered where they are
– positioning
deemed to be important.
– lifting, lowering and touchdown procedures
(dynamical influences) 12.1.3 Load assumptions, forces and dynamic
– ballasting, venting/deballasting, grouting proce-
dures and installations/equipment (1) When deriving hook and padeye forces (H and P)
from the mass (M) of the lifted object, dynamic ampli-
fication shall generally be accounted for (see Fig.
(3) A complete certification of the design and con- 12.1.1).
struction of an Offshore Wind Turbine will be based
on surveys and attendance to all important transport (2) The lifting weight WL is defined as follows:
and installation operations. The necessary extent of
such attendance will be agreed upon in each individual WL = M ⋅ g ⋅ γ F ⋅ k D [kN] (12.1.1)
case, and certified accordingly. However, the opera-
tions will be conducted by the responsible personnel of M = mass for the lifted object [t]
the service company in charge, which is assumed to be
competent and experienced for the respective tasks. g = gravity acceleration [9.81 m/s2]
γF = safety factor for gravity loads according to
(4) The manuals for sea transport and offshore instal- Table 4.3.4, see para 5.
lation (see Section 9.1) shall cover all relevant proce- kd = dynamic amplification factor. If no reliable
dures and limiting conditions, and shall be approved
values are available, e. g. from calculations
by GL Wind.
of the motion behaviour, kd may be taken
from Table 12.1.1.
(5) Construction phases of an Offshore Wind Turbine
in a floating, moored condition will not be treated in (3) The hook force H may be determined as
this Regulation. follows:
Chapter 12 12.1 Lifting IV – Part 2
Page 12-2 GL Wind 2005
(4) For lifting and lowering procedures involving αi = angle between the sling and the
floating objects and/or two or more crane barges, a horizontal plane (i = 1, 2, … k) [°]
special investigation of the motion characteristics of
the coupled system will usually be necessary, unless it (10) Additional influences e. g. from horizontal forces
can be shown that the maximal forces likely to occur (see Section para 1) shall be especially con-
are sufficiently smaller than the lifting capacity pro- sidered. At the points of load introduction (padeyes), a
vided. As a rule an additional safety factor of γdL = 1.1 force equal to 5 % of PS,max is to be accounted for,
shall be applied to take account of rigging in dual lift acting perpendicular to the padeye plane.
(11) When using spreading frames, the sling forces
(5) Inaccuracies in estimating component mass shall may be calculated accordingly, α being the angle be-
be taken into account by applying the safety factors γF tween sling and (horizontal) spreader plane.
stated in Table 4.3.4 “Gravity”. For rigging equipment
lower safety factors may be used if weight is exactly 12.1.4 Design of lifted object, padeyes
(1) The structure to be lifted, including the elements
(6) The elastic properties of the slings should gener- introducing the loads (as defined in Section 12.1.3)
ally be taken into account, whereas the elasticity of the into the structure shall be designed according to the
object to be lifted may be disregarded in many cases. principles laid down in Chapters 5 and 6. The permis-
sible stresses and safety factors, respectively, should
generally be taken according to transport and erection
(7) Depending on the type of structure and possible load cases. See also Section
accuracy of calculation (design stage) a tolerance fac-
tor γCOG or appropriate design solutions, shall be cho- (2) Strength of padeyes shall be analysed according to
sen to take account of accuracy regarding the position Sections 5.3 and 6.6 of the present Guideline, consid-
of center of gravity (COG). ering Section 3.3.2 regarding materials and Section
3.4.2 regarding welds.
γCOG = 1 + eCOG (12.1.3)
IV – Part 2 12.1 Lifting Chapter 12
GL Wind 2005 Page 12-3
⎛ M ⎞ ⎛ M ⎞
M ≤ 1000 t kd = 1.15 + 0.15 ⎜1 − ⎟ kd = 1.05 + 0.10⎜1 − ⎟
⎝ 1000 ⎠ ⎝ 1000 ⎠
M > 1000 t 1.15 1.05
1 It is assumed that operations are carried out under defined, controlled weather conditions.
Section 1 - 1
FZ t1 t t 1
1 FY
2 2
> 2.5 x t min. 50mm
Section 2 - 2
(3) In some cases inaccuracies in the analysis of the (5) Padeyes shall be so arranged that the sling direc-
stress distribution around the lifting point may occur. tion lies in the plane of the padeye web. A bending
In those cases an additional safety factor of γfl = 1.2 force according to Section 12.1.3 in the direction of
shall be applied. the eye axis, is to be considered. The padeye web shall
be introduced into the structure, avoiding sling forces
(4) The shear stress at the weld connection between to be transmitted across girder or deck plates.
doubling plate and web may be assumed to be:
(6) Elements which may be subjected to shock load-
ing during the lifting and lowering procedure shall be
Fx + Fz
2 2
τ≈ ⋅ (12.1.7) especially considered and duly strengthened. Protec-
D ⋅π ⋅ a t + 2 t1 tion by guides and in special cases fendering may be
The minimum weld thickness is determined as follows
but not less than 3 mm:
12.1.5 Design of lifting equipment
t + t1
a min = 1.5 ⋅ , (12.1.8) (1) Where standard lifting equipment is used, it
3 should be designed or chosen to suit the requirements,
as e. g. according to GL Rules and Guidelines, IV-
(Abbreviations as shown in Fig. 12.1.2) Industrial Services, Part 6 – Offshore Installations,
Chapter 12 12.1 Lifting IV – Part 2
Page 12-4 GL Wind 2005
Section 3.4. The adequacy for offshore operations will, 12.1.6 Cranes, crane barges
however, be ascertained in every individual case.
(1) Barge- or ship-mounted cranes intended for off-
(2) Slings (steel wire ropes) should generally not shore lifting operations shall be of adequate type and
stay in service for more than 15 years. The slings may design, and certified accordingly. Regarding the
only be longer in use if a “Certificate of Fitness” has crane(s), reference is again made to GL Rules and
been issued by a recognized specialized firm, or the Guidelines, IV-Industrial Services, Part 6 – Offshore
sling maker, based on a respective examination. Fur- Installations.
thermore the slings must be discarded if an external
damage can be found. (2) The vessel itself shall be adequate for the sea
area and kind of loads envisaged. Stability investiga-
tions covering the load cases planned will have to be
(3) Shackles and similar lifting equipment are to be of presented.
an approved design. The safe working load indicated
and certified shall at least correspond to the loads (3) Regarding operations involving two or more
given under Section 12.1.3. Shackles shall not be sub- barges or vessels see Section para 4.
jected to bending.
12.1.7 Monitoring, measurements
(4) Lifting beams, spreaders and similar load dis-
tributing devices shall be designed according to the During critical phases of lifting/lowering operations,
loads as indicated in Section 12.1.3. The safety factors monitoring e. g. by load or strain measurements may
for the loads may be chosen according to Section be advisable or necessary. In such cases review of the
4.3.7, applying transport and erection load cases. monitoring installation and control of the measure-
ments during the operations will normally be part of
(5) Special attention shall be paid to buckling of GL Wind survey procedure, and will be certified ac-
compression members. cordingly.
IV – Part 2 12.2 Towing and Installation Chapter12
GL Wind 2005 Page 12-5
– towing route(s) envisaged (7) Flooding of one single compartment shall not
– duration of the voyage lead to critical situations regarding stability or down-
flooding; the angle of heel shall be limited to a value
– draft(s), bottom clearance(s) small enough to prevent the structure from grounding.
– time of year, environmental conditions
(8) Regarding ballasting, mooring and towing
equipment and installations see the following and
An investigation of the motion behaviour may be re-
quired for all draft conditions planned, the degree of
sophistication depending on the judgement of risks Sea transportation
(1) Sea transportation or towage, defined here as the
(2) For further specification reference is made to the
transport of a structure from the last sheltered con-
following standards: GL Rules and Guidelines, IV-
struction site to the place of final installation, will
Industrial Services, Part 6 – Offshore Installations, API
generally require a survey with a view to the particu-
Recommended Practice 2A-LRFD. The appliance of
lars listed in Section and Section 12.1.1
the ISO/19901-6 is recommended after its implementa-
para 2. Sea transportation may be executed carrying a
structure on board of a barge or ship, or by towing the
self-buoyant structure. Float-out
(2) All vessels which are involved in the installation
(1) Float-out (i. e. raising and removing of a struc- process shall maintain valid class by an approved
ture from the construction site, e. g. dry dock) shall be classification body. Before accomplishment of the
accomplished in a controlled manner, both as regards operation a certificate of fitness particularly for all
vertical movement and gradual transition to buoyant security relevant installations and operational equip-
state, and horizontal movement when finally afloat. A ment has to be carried out.
winch system may be adequate in addition to or in-
stead of tugs. Special attention must be paid to currents (3) Sufficient tug power shall be provided to guaran-
which may prevail outside the dock or building site. tee safe operations under the given conditions (wind,
current, restricted waters) within the time schedule
(2) Sufficient buoyancy shall be provided to allow foreseen. Towing arrangement and nautical equipment
the structure to be securely towed out without touching shall be adequate for the intended route and subse-
obstructions at the bottom or sides. Where tidal differ- quent manoeuvres at the installation site. Weather
ences exist, the calculated bottom clearance should be forecasting shall be observed. Adequate means for
at least 0.5 m. Else a minimum of 0.3 m shall be ob- navigation through narrow passages shall be provided
served. It should be avoided to rely on the coincidence where applicable.
of several favourable conditions such as high tide, fair
weather and minimum draft. (4) In case of transportation on board of a barge or
ship, the load distribution and the stresses occurring in
(3) Additional temporary buoyancy may have to be the load carrying elements of both the vessel and the
provided where the draft of the structure is too large transported structure have to be investigated taking
for the existing water depths, or for stability reasons. into account dynamical forces due to the motions (see
Chapter 12 12.2 Towing and Installation IV – Part 2
Page 12-6 GL Wind 2005
Section, and the elastic properties of the all stages. Model experiments may be advisable espe-
structural elements involved. Wind and water impact cially where the motion behaviour under various pos-
forces may have to be considered. sible sea conditions is not sufficiently predictable by
(5) Securing of the structure has to be effected with
regard to sliding and toppling. (4) A thorough evaluation of all essential stages has
to be carried through with a view to the time needed
(6) Dimensioning of the securing elements shall be and to possible malfunctions or failures. Redundancy
carried out considering Sections 5.3 and 6.6 of the has to be provided for all critical operations. A “point
present Guideline and Section 3.3.2 regarding materi- of no return” may have to be established. The antici-
als. Load safety factors in accordance with Section pated environmental conditions will be related to the
4.3.7 shall be taken into account. time study.
(7) Securing and supporting elements shall be care- (5) The manuals for sea transport and offshore in-
fully designed to avoid local buckling. A combination stallation (see Section 9.1) shall clearly indicate all
of securing elements with different elasticities should safety-related measures and restrictions.
be avoided, unless specifically accounted for in the
calculations. Positioning, stand-by vessels Towing of floating structures (1) Positioning of the structure before lowering may
be accomplished by mooring and/or tug assistance.
(1) Regarding buoyancy, buoyancy aids, bottom The required accuracy and hence the possibilities of
clearance, stability and freeboard, the requirements correction depend on water depth, installation method,
under Section apply in principle. A metacen- environmental conditions (e. g. currents).
tric height GM ≥ 1.0 m is recommended.
(2) Positioning aids (e. g. electro-acoustical systems)
(2) Before commencing the towage, the structure has may be necessary in order to achieve the required
to be surveyed for integrity/leakages and closure degree of accuracy of final position. Function tests will
means. be required for such equipment.
(3) Depending on the collision risk and on the ge- (3) The forces occurring in mooring chains and
ometry of the structure, it may be advisable to provide wires shall be determined taking into account maxi-
a one-compartment status (the structure remaining mum dislocations of the floating structure under the
afloat in case of flooding of any one compartment environmental conditions anticipated, including tidal
likely to be damaged). differences and possible deviations of wire length etc.
during the lowering procedure. A safety factor of γ = 3
(4) Any loose objects carried on board of the float- against breaking strength is recommended.
ing structure are to be secured against possible accel-
erations, wind and wave impact. Launching
(5) Fixings for towing wires and mooring chains (1) In case of launching floatable structures from a
shall be designed for a force 20 % in excess of the barge (including float-off) when arriving at the instal-
breaking strength of the wire (chain). Failure of a lation site (see Section para 4), a calculation
fixing point shall not lead to downflooding. of the launching procedure will have to be presented,
giving a sufficiently accurate prediction of the launch-
12.2.2 Installation at Sea ing path geometry, the accelerations and the forces
acting on the structure. Minimum calculated bottom General clearance should be 5 m or 10 % of water depth,
whichever is greater.
(1) The following indications apply to the installa-
tion of floatable structures by controlled flooding and (2) Before downflooding, the floating structure will
subsequent founding procedures. Sea installation with be closely examined, especially at locations where
the aid of cranes is covered by Section 12.1.2. temporary fittings have been removed and at points
where the transport and/or launching calculations
(2) Combinations of both types of installation proce- indicated high stresses.
dures are possible and may be carried through apply-
ing the relevant indications of this Section accordingly. Ballasting and pressurizing
(3) The downflooding procedure is to be investi- (1) All ballasting and pressurizing (deballasting)
gated by buoyancy, stability and trim calculations for procedures shall be performed according to thoroughly
IV – Part 2 12.2 Towing and Installation Chapter12
GL Wind 2005 Page 12-7 Grouting procedures (gravity structures) (3) For grouting the provisions listed in Section apply in principle.
(1) Grouting and dewatering (venting) of the single
compartments within the skirt boundary shall be car-
ried out in a controlled manner. Flow rate and total Removal of temporary fittings
grout volume shall be monitored and documented. and structures
Venting exits and critical points of the skirt should be
observed in order to ensure, as far as possible, com- The removal of parts no longer needed after installa-
plete depletion of water by grout material. tion, such as buoyancy tanks, has to be carried out
according to carefully planned and approved proce-
(2) A sufficient reserve of grout material should be dures. The removal operations shall be controlled in an
provided. Depending on the arrangement and possible adequate manner so that any damages which might
protection, a reserve grout line should be provided. occur will be detected.
Rules and Guidelines
IV Industrial Services
Edition 2005
IV – Part 2 Table of Contents Chapter 13
GL Wind 2005 Page 3
Table of Contents
13.1 General
(1) In general, the requirements stated in the latest (3) This CMS
edition of GL Wind’s “Guideline for the Certification
of Condition Monitoring Systems for Wind Turbines”
are applicable for offshore wind turbines as well. Spe- – can be certified together with the offshore wind
cial or additional information and requirements for turbine (parallel certification of wind turbine and
these systems are given in the paragraphs below and in CMS) or
Section 13.2.
(2) A certified Condition Monitoring System (CMS) – the CMS has already been certified before by GL
according to the latest edition of GL Wind’s “Guide- Wind. In this case it has to be checked if the
line for the Certification of Condition Monitoring conditions, written in the Certification Report of
Systems for Wind Turbines” is required for offshore the CMS, will be fulfilled by using the CMS in
wind turbines. the specific offshore wind turbine.
Chapter 13 13.2 Offshore Application IV – Part 2
Page 13-2 GL Wind 2005
(1) The following operational parameters, if applica- (2) Monitoring the blade vibration will be reason-
ble, shall be measured or read from the control system able. A description has to be submitted.
of the offshore wind turbine, and integrated into the
data evaluation by the CMS: (3) Additional information about the status of the
offshore wind turbine and its components can be given
– wind direction by using camera(s) and microphone(s) or other suit-
– outside temperature able methods at characteristic places of the offshore
wind turbine.
– nacelle temperature
– temperature of dedicated bearings of the gearbox (4) The complete CMS incl. sensors, cables, etc.
and the generator shall be adequate for the use at offshore conditions and
that its functions will not be disturbed.
– temperature of the generator windings
– oil temperatures and pressure (e.g. hydraulic oil, (5) Long period of grid unavailability might occur
gear oil) offshore. Measures have to be taken to save data in
such cases. A description according to the latest edition
– messages about interventions in the control of the of GL Wind’s “Guideline for the Certification of Con-
turbine (e.g. active adjustment of wind direction, dition Monitoring Systems for Wind Turbines” Section
activated hydraulic pump) “Data Storage” shall take into account such conditions.
IV – Part 2 References of the Guideline
GL Wind 2005 Page 1
[1] Germanischer Lloyd Rules and Guidelines, IV – Industrial Services, Part 1 – Guideline for the Certification
of Wind Turbines, Edition 2003 with Supplement 2004
[3.1] Germanischer Lloyd Rules and Guidelines, II – Materials and Welding, Part 1 – Metallic Materials, Edition 1998
[3.2] Germanischer Lloyd Rules and Guidelines, II – Materials and Welding, Part 2 – Non-metallic Materials,
Edition 2000
[3.3] ENV 1992-1 (Eurocode 2): Design of concrete structures; Part 1: General rules and rules for buildings
[3.4] Verein Deutscher Eisenhüttenleute: Stahl-Eisen-Werkstoffblatt (Steel-Iron Materials Data Sheet) 088, Verlag
Stahleisen mbH
[3.5] NACE (former National Association of Corrosion Engineers): Corrosion Control of Steel Fixed Offshore
Structures Associated with Petroleum Production, NACE Standard RP-01-76-2003
[4.1] Germanischer Lloyd Rules and Guidelines, IV – Industrial Services, Part 6 – Offshore Installations, Chapter 7 –
Guideline for the Construction of Fixed Offshore Installations in Ice Infested Waters
[4.2] Germanischer Lloyd Rules and Guidelines, IV – Industrial Services, Part 6 – Offshore Installations, Chapter 2 –
Rules for the Classification and Construction of Offshore Installations
[4.3] Germanischer Lloyd Rules and Guidelines, IV – Industrial Services, Part 6 – Offshore Installations, Chapter 6 –
Guidelines for the Design, Construction and Certification of Floating Production, Storage and Offloading
[4.4] S. Frandsen (2003), Turbulence and turbulence generated fatigue in wind turbine clusters, Risø report R–1188
[4.5] Dynamic Loads in Wind Farms II (DLWF II), Final Report, EU Joule Project JOU2-CT92-0094
[4.6] Battjes, J. A.; Groenendijk, H. W., “Wave height distributions on shallow foreshores,” Journal of Coastal
Engineering, Vol. 40 (2000), pages 161-182
[4.7] Gumbel, E.J., Statistics of Extremes, Columbia University Press 1958, page 73
[4.8] DIN V ENV 1998-1 to -3, Eurocode 8, Design provisions for earthquake resistance of structures
[4.9] American Petroleum Institute (API): Recommended Practice for Design and Construction of Fixed Offshore
Platforms, PR 2A, Washington, 2000
[4.10] J. Wienke, Druckschlagbelastung auf schlanke zylindrische Bauwerke durch brechende Wellen – theoretische
und großmaßstäbliche Laboruntersuchungen, Thesis, TU Braunschweig
[4.11] Germanischer Lloyd Rules and Guidelines, I – Ship Technology, Part 5 – Underwater Technology
[4.12] Germanischer Lloyd Rules and Guidelines, IV – Industrial Services, Part 7 – Mooring and Loading Installations
[4.13] Germanischer Lloyd Rules and Guidelines, IV – Industrial Services, Part 8 – Pipelines, Chapter 1 – Rule for
Subsea Pipelines and Risers
[4.14] Appendix B to IEC 61400-1, Wind Turbine Generator Systems – Part 1: Safety requirements, Edition 2,
February 1999
References of the Guideline IV – Part 2
Page 2 GL Wind 2005
[4.15] ESDU 85020, Characteristics of atmospheric turbulence near the ground, ESDU International
[5.1] prEN 1993-1-9:2004 (Eurocode 3): Design of steel structures; Part 1.9: Fatigue
[5.2] E. Haibach: Betriebsfestigkeit [Fatigue Strength], publisher: VDI-Verlag, 2nd Edition 2002
[5.3] H. Gudehus, H. Zenner: Leitfaden für eine Betriebsfestigkeitsberechnung [Guideline for Fatigue Analysis],
4th Edition, publisher: Verlag Stahleisen, Düsseldorf 1999
[5.4] Rechnerischer Nachweis für Maschinenbauteile aus Stahl, Eisenguss- und Aluminiumwerkstoffen [Computa-
tion Analysis for Machinery Components of Steel, Cast Iron and Aluminium Materials], 4th Expanded Editi-
on, publisher: VDMA Verlag, 2002
[5.5] A. Hobbacher: Recommendations for Fatigue Design of Welded Joints and Components, International Insti-
tute of Welding (IIW/IIS), IIW Document XIII-1965-03/XV-1127-03, Wilhelmshaven 2004
[5.6] Dubbel: Taschenbuch für den Maschinenbau [Handbook for Mechanical Engineering], 20th Edition, pub-
lisher: Springer Verlag, 2001
[5.7] Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbeton (German Committee for Reinforced Concrete): Heft 439, Ermüdungs-
festigkeit von Stahlbetion- und Spannbetonbauteilen mit Erläuterungen zu den Nachweisen gemäß CEB-FIP
Model Code 1990 [Booklet 439, Fatigue Strength of Reinforced Concrete and Prestressed Concrete Compo-
nentns, with Explanations on the Analyses as per CEB-FIP Model Code 1990], publisher: Beuth Verlag, 1994
[5.8] Alfred Puck: Festigkeitsanalyse von Faser-Matrix-Laminaten, Modelle für die Praxis [Strength Analysis of
Fibre-Matrix-Laminates, Models for Practical Application], publisher: Hauser, Munich & Vienna 1996
[5.10] ISO 19902 (Draft): Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries — Fixed Steel Offshore Structures, Draft April 2003
[6.1] VDI 2230 Part 1, Systematic calculation of high duty bolted joints – Joints with one cylindrical bolt, issued
[6.2] API RP 2A LRFD: Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms – Load and Resistance
Factor Design, Washington D.C., 1994
[6.3] Recommended fatigue design procedure for welded hollow section joints. IIW doc. XIII-1772-99 /
XV-1021-99, 1999
[6.4] Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbau (German Committee for Steel Constructions): DASt-Richtlinie 017 Ent-
wurf, Beulsicherheitsnachweis für Schalen – spezielle Fälle – [DASt-Guideline 017 Draft, Buckling Verifica-
tion for Shells – special Cases – ], publisher: Stahlbau-Verlagsgesellschaft, 1992
[6.5] Standard for Geotechnical Site and Route Surveys, Minimum Requirements for the Foundation of Offshore
Wind Turbines, by Bundesamt für Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH), Hamburg and Rostock 2003