Female Penis, Male Vagina, and Their Correlated Evolution in A Cave Insect 2014
Female Penis, Male Vagina, and Their Correlated Evolution in A Cave Insect 2014
Female Penis, Male Vagina, and Their Correlated Evolution in A Cave Insect 2014
Female Penis, Male Vagina, and Their
Correlated Evolution in a Cave Insect
Kazunori Yoshizawa,1,* Rodrigo L. Ferreira,2
Yoshitaka Kamimura,3 and Charles Lienhard4
1Systematic Entomology, School of Agriculture, Hokkaido
University, Sapporo 060-8589, Japan
2Biology Department, Federal University of Lavras,
37200-000 Lavras, MG, Brazil
3Department of Biology, Keio University, Yokohama 223-8521,
4Natural History Museum of the City of Geneva, CP 6434,
1211 Geneva 6, Switzerland
Sex-specific elaborations are common in animals and have
attracted the attention of many biologists, including Darwin
[1]. It is accepted that sexual selection promotes the evolution of sex-specific elaborations. Due to the faster replenishment rate of gametes, males generally have higher potential
reproductive and optimal mating rates than females. Therefore, sexual selection acts strongly on males [2], leading to
the rapid evolution and diversification of male genitalia [3].
Male genitalia are sometimes used as devices for coercive
holding of females as a result of sexual conflict over mating
[4, 5]. In contrast, female genitalia are usually simple. Here
we report the reversal of intromittent organs in the insect
genus Neotrogla (Psocodea: Prionoglarididae) from Brazilian caves. Females have a highly elaborate, penis-like structure, the gynosome, while males lack an intromittent organ.
The gynosome has species-specific elaborations, such
as numerous spines that fit species-specific pouches in
the simple male genital chamber. During prolonged copulation (w4070 hr), a large and potentially nutritious ejaculate
is transferred from the male via the gynosome. The correlated genital evolution in Neotrogla is probably driven by
reversed sexual selection with females competing for seminal gifts. Nothing similar is known among sex-role reversed
Results and Discussion
The genus Neotrogla (Figure 1A) contains four named species
(adult body length 2.73.7 mm) [6, 7]. Its most striking feature is
the presence of a large penis-like structure in the female,
termed a gynosome (Figures 1, 2, and 3; Figures S1, S2, and
S3 available online). We show here that the gynosome is erectile, basally membranous, and apically sclerotized. Its sclerotized part consists of a proximal rod-like extension and a
penis-like distal prominence. The latter encloses a duct leading to the sperm storage organ (spermatheca), and is interpreted as a novel structure differentiated from the opening
region of the spermathecal duct (Figure 1, light blue) [6]. In
contrast, the male genitalia (phallosome) consist of a simple,
thin arc lacking an intromittent organ (Figures 1G and 3E). In
related insects, the spermathecal duct has a simple opening
and the phallosome is well developed (Figure 1).
*Correspondence: [email protected]
Behavioral Observations
A total of 12 couplings of N. curvata were observed (Table S2). Specimens
were kept in Styrofoam boxes during observation. Adults were placed
together, and when a couple formed, it was placed in a separate vial for
observation. Copulations were observed at 30 min intervals. After copulation, some pairs were kept for observation until they died (n = 2), sometimes
in the presence of their F1 nymphs.
Supplemental Information
Supplemental Information includes three figures, two tables, and Supplemental Experimental Procedures and can be found with this article online
at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2014.03.022.
We thank F. Pellegatti-Franco for specimens, M. Souza Silva and
M. Medeiros for support in the field, E. Magalhaes for information