Some SAC Tips and Macro Examples

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Some SAC Tips & Macro Examples

What is SAC?
SAC Data
SAC Plot Files
Reading and Writing SAC files
An Introduction to SAC Macros
Quick Hints for Macros
Simple Plotting Macro
Instrument Correction Example
EGF Set Up Example

What is SAC?
SAC is the the Seismic Analysis Code developed at Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory over the last 10-15 years. The package is widely used in
the seismological community and many data are available in SAC format.
See the manuals that are distributed around the department for details. In
this page, I simply collected a few hints at getting the most out of the
package, and details that are always useful, but often forgotten (such as the
syntax for the library calls to read and write SAC files).
Another useful place for information is the online SAC information at
Livermore's SAC Web Pages. They have an online manual and other useful
information at that site. These notes are no substitude for the manual - they
are designed to help your find some syntax or see some more complex
macro examples.

SAC Data
The SAC data format is binary and can be written using the SAC library
which is a part of the SAC package. Briefly, each SAC file consists of a header
that stores information about the time, sampling, etc. of the signal and
information on the location of the station and event. Each file contains one
seismogram which makes SAC a little unwieldy for large array studies, but
fine for many seismic applications.
Although the SAC data format is very rigid and in binary format, you can
read ascii data directly into SAC using the readalpha [ra] command. For
example, you can read two columns of ASCII data using the command
sac> ra content p input_file_name

Or, if the first column was the x-value, and the next three columns were the
y-values of three different signals, use:
sac> ra content xy3 input_file_name

You need to set the header values for these data, but the approach is great
for quickly examining numerical data using SAC's plotting capabilities.

Reading and Writing SAC files from Your Programs

The SAC library contains a suite of routines for writing and reading SAC files
from you own computer programs. You can call these programs if you link
your programs with the SAC library. See the SAC manual for details, these
are just some statements for a quick reminder.
The simplest way to read an evenly spaced SAC file is using the routine
call rsac1(file_name,seis,npts,begin_time,dt,maxpts_allowed,error_flag)
if(error_flag .gt. 0) then
write(stdout,*)'Fatal error reading:', file_name
else if(error_flag .lt. 0) then
write(stdout,*)'Warning - problem reading:', file_name
end if

The simplest way to write a SAC file is using wsac1:

call wsac1(file_name,seis,npts,begin_time,dt,error_flag)
if(error_flag .ne. 0) then
write(stdout,*)'Problem writing:', file_name
end if

You can also set and access all the header variables in the SAC file if you use
the routines rsac0 and wsac0 instead of rsac1 and wsac1 - see the manual.

SAC Plot Files

To generate a plot in SAC you must use the SAC program. The program
generates files known as SAC plot files (f???.sgf). As you run the program,
the number (???) increases from 001 to 999 (if you generate that many). You
can control the specific names of the ouput files (see the manual). Each time
you start SAC, the graphics file counter is set to 001, so you will overwrite
plots if they exist in the directory. IF a graphics file is important, rename the
file to something more descriptive.
The f???.sgf files are binary files and must be processed using one of several
programs supplied with the SAC program. The two most common are the
sgfplot and sgftops. The first plots a file on the computer screen
unix> sgfplot f001.sgf x

will display the file under X-windows. The second program, sgftops, converts
the sgf commands into postscript, which is the language that the laser
printers use to render graphics and text. To plot the sgf files, use a command
such as:
unix> sgftops f001.sgf

Then you can plot the postscript file using

unix> lpr -Plj

Or you can transfer the file into Adobe Illustrator for editing, adding a figure
caption, etc. on the Macintosh (See the notes on GMT on how to make that
transfer). The plot contains an identification string in the lower left that lists
the date and the file path, which is very useful for figureing out where a
figure came from...
You can vary the line thickness options using sgftops as well. The complete
usage information for the program is:

usage: sgftops sgf_file ps_file [ line_width id_flag scale_flag]

where: line_width = 1, 2, or 3
= yes or no
scale_flag = yes or no
example: sgftops foo.sgf 2 yes no
for line width 2, id label, no scaling

SAC Macros
Without a doubt, the feature of SAC that makes it very useful is the macro
programming ability. See the front of the manual for the syntax in SAC
macros. However, some simple examples are presented below for your
reference. In essence, SAC macros execute SAC commands, but they can also
be used for calculations involving information stored in the SAC header and
for automatically processing entire directories full of files.

Some quick hints for SAC macros:

To set up a blackboard or temporary variable:
setbb my_variable 25
To access a header value of the first file
For the third file:
&3, depmax
To perform a calculation:
evaluate to my_answer &1,depmax * 1.1
To use a value of a Blackboard variable (call the s1 ):
ch b %s1
To construct strings, append a $ on each end of a string argument
(use the % sign for balackboard strings)
r $1$_dsp.z
Three example macros follow. They are not the most efficient set of macros,
but they were relatively easy to write (much easier than writing a program).

Example 1: Generating a Simple Plot

Here is a very simple macro that reads in three seismograms (vertical,
radial, and transverse) and makes a plot with the date, distance and azimuth
in the title. First, I set up some graphics parameters and then I read in the
vertical component to get the header information. I use this information and
some balcboard variables to compose the plot title. Then I read in the three
components, apply a Butterworth filter, and generate the plot. Here is an
image of a figure generated using this macro: example output.
xvp .2 .8
fileid l ul
fileid t l kcmpnm

title on
rh $1$.z
evaluate to c &1,dist + 0.5
evaluate to r ( INT %c )
setbb rs ( before '.' ' %r ' )
evaluate to c &1,az + 0.5
evaluate to a1 ( INT %c )
setbb a2 ( before '.' ' %a1 ' )
setbb ds '( concatenate ' &1,kstnm ' ' &1,kzdate ' ' &1,kztime ' ) '
title '( concatenate ' %ds ' ', r = ' ' %rs km ' ', az = ' ' %a2 ' ) '
xlabel "Time @(s@)"
ylabel "Displacement @(m@)"
ylim all
r $1$.z $1$.r $1$.t
taper w .2
bp bu c 0.02 0.067 n 4 p 1
qdp 1200
qdp 1200
ylim off
title off

Example 2: Removing Instrument Responses

Here's another macro that manipulates some seismograms. This one reads
in some seismograms, removes the instrument response uing a frequencydomain division (the transfer command), rotates the horizontal components
into radial and transverse, and then cuts the signal using a minimum group
velocity of 2 km/s. The instrument poles and zeros files are stored in the
directory ../Resp (and are set up to produce displacements in meters). The
original data are in the directory ../Usnsn and have the suffixes .LH[Z,E,N].
The macro takes two arguments: the first is a base file name for the three
components; if the second argument is equal to all three components are
processed. The arguments are referenced using $1, and $2 in the macro.
* start with the vertical component
r ../Usnsn/$1$.LHZ
* set filter parameters for instrument deconvolution
setbb f1 0.005
setbb f2 0.006
setbb f3 45
setbb f4 55
transfer from polezero subtype ../Resp/$1$.LHZ.RESP freq %f1 %f2 %f3 %f4
w $1$_dsp.z
if $2 eq "all"
r ../Usnsn/$1$.LHN
transfer from polezero subtype ../Resp/$1$.LHN.RESP freq %f1 %f2 %f3 %f4
w $1$_dsp.n

r ../Usnsn/$1$.LHE
transfer from polezero subtype ../Resp/$1$.LHE.RESP freq %f1 %f2 %f3 %f4
w $1$_dsp.e
r $1$_dsp.n
ch cmpaz 0
ch cmpinc 90
r $1$_dsp.e
ch cmpaz 90
ch cmpinc 90
r $1$_dsp.n $1$_dsp.e
ch kcmpnm Radial
w $1$_dsp.r $1$_dsp.t
r $1$_dsp.t
ch kcmpnm Trnsvrs
* window from the origin time to OT + distance/2
evaluate to t0 &1,o
evaluate to t1 &1,dist / 2.0 + %t0
cut %t0 %t1
r $1$_dsp.z $1$_dsp.r $1$_dsp.t
* convert from meters to cm
mul 100
w over
cut off
* run a "system command" to remove the intermediate n & e files.
sc /bin/rm $1$_dsp.n $1$_dsp.e

Example 3: Preparing Data for and Empirical Green's Function

Here's yet another macro that windows the data using a distance-dependent
group velocity window, and sets up some of the origin time information in
the SAC header. Aaron Velasco and I wrote this macro to prepare data for
empirical Green's functions analyses. We designed the macro to be edited for
each event that we were going to analyze. We store the group velocity
window in the header, and used theose timess later to window the surface
waves out of the original files. We also had a file naming convention that is
easily changed.

$KEYS infile
* macro to rotate and set headers
in the long period data
* usage: macro lp_rotate infile base_sacfile_name
* EDIT the Origin time variables: nyr, njday, ...
and the eqname variable.
* if
files are name 9206281157.bks.?.lp
* then
base_sacfile_name = 9206281157.bks
* output:
sac files: KSTNM_lp_z KSTNM_lp_r KSTNM_lp_z
plot of the 3 components
group velocity windows are marked in the sac headers
for rayleigh (radial & vertical) and love waves (transverse)
to cut the surface wave window out use "cut t0 t1" on
the resulting files
* set up path to Original data
setbb orig /r2/thorne/gopher/nicaragua.9.2
* set up the origin time
setbb nyr 1992
setbb njday 246
setbb nhr 00
setbb nmin 16
setbb nsec 00
setbb nmilsec 500
* Set up eq name and location
setbb eqname Nica_MS
setbb evlat 11.700
setbb evlon -87.300
* near and far distance (used for group velocity windows)
setbb n_f_dist 35.
* Rayleigh near and far velocity windows
setbb vrmin_f 3.2
setbb vrmax_f 4.4
setbb vrmin_n 2.15
setbb vrmax_n 4.4
* Love near and far velocity windows
setbb vgmin_f 3.8
setbb vgmax_f 5.3
setbb vgmin_n 2.4
setbb vgmax_n 5.3
qdp off
setbb ZC %orig%/$infile$.z.lp
setbb NC %orig%/$infile$.n.lp
setbb EC %orig%/$infile$.e.lp
r %NC
setbb end1 (ADD &1,e -1.)
setbb beg1 (ADD &1,b +1.)
r %EC
setbb end2 (ADD &1,e -1.)
setbb beg2 (ADD &1,b +1.)
setbb emin (INT (MIN %end1 %end2%))
setbb bmax (INT (MAX %beg1 %beg2%))
cut %bmax%. %emin%.
r %NC %EC

cut off
ch evlo %evlon
ch evla %evlat
ch cmpinc 90
setbb sta &1,kstnm
w %sta%_lp_r %sta%_lp_t
r %sta%_lp_r
ch kcmpnm radial
ch O gmt %nyr %njday %nhr %nmin %nsec %nmilsec
setbb evdist &1,gcarc
if %evdist gt %n_f_dist
markt v %vrmax_f %vrmin_f
if %evdist lt %n_f_dist
markt v %vrmax_n %vrmin_n
r %sta%_lp_t
ch kcmpnm trnsvrse
ch O gmt %nyr %njday %nhr %nmin %nsec %nmilsec
if &1,gcarc gt %n_f_dist then
markt v %vgmax_f %vgmin_f
if &1,gcarc lt %n_f_dist then
markt v %vgmax_n %vgmin_n
r %ZC
ch evlo %evlon
ch evla %evlat
ch kcmpnm vertical
ch O gmt %nyr %njday %nhr %nmin %nsec %nmilsec
if %evdist gt %n_f_dist
markt v %vrmax_f %vrmin_f
if %evdist lt %n_f_dist
markt v %vrmax_n %vrmin_n
w %sta%_lp_z
r %sta%_lp_z %sta%_lp_r %sta%_lp_t
ch kevnm %eqname
fileid l ul t list kstnm kcmpnm kzdate kztime
setbb shift &1,O
ch allt ( MUL -1 %shift )
title '( CONC 'Raw Velocity, Distance ' &1,gcarc ', Azimuth ' &1,az )'
w over

Prepared by: Chuck Ammon

[email protected]
August 1996

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