Fully Developed Forced Convection in A Parallel Plate Channel With A Centered Porous Layer

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Transp Porous Med (2012) 93:179201

DOI 10.1007/s11242-012-9951-x

Fully Developed Forced Convection in a Parallel Plate

Channel with a Centered Porous Layer
Ozgur Cekmer Moghtada Mobedi Baris Ozerdem
Ioan Pop

Received: 23 September 2011 / Accepted: 26 January 2012 / Published online: 15 February 2012
Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012

Abstract In this study, fully developed heat and fluid flow in a parallel plate channel
partially filled with porous layer is analyzed both analytically and numerically. The porous
layer is located at the center of the channel and uniform heat flux is applied at the walls.
The heat and fluid flow equations for clear fluid and porous regions are separately solved.
Continues shear stress and heat flux conditions at the interface are used to determine the
interface velocity and temperature. The velocity and temperature profiles in the channel for
different values of Darcy number, thermal conductivity ratio, and porous layer thickness are
plotted and discussed. The values of Nusselt number and friction factor of a fully clear fluid
channel (N u cl = 4.12 and f Recl = 24) are used to define heat transfer increment ratio
(th = N u p /N u cl ) and pressure drop increment ratio (p = f Rep / f Recl ) and observe the
effects of an inserted porous layer on the increase of heat transfer and pressure drop. The
heat transfer and pressure drop increment ratios are used to define an overall performance
( = th /p ) to evaluate overall benefits of an inserted porous layer in a parallel plate channel. The obtained results showed that for a partially porous filled channel, the value of is
highly influenced from Darcy number, but it is not affected from thermal conductivity ratio
(kr ) when kr > 2. For a fully porous material filled channel, the value of is considerably
affected from thermal conductivity ratio as the porous medium is in contact with the channel

Forced convection Porous media Heat transfer enhancement

O. Cekmer
Energy Engineering Program, Izmir Institute of Technology, 35430 Izmir, Turkey
M. Mobedi B. Ozerdem
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Izmir Institute of Technology, 35430 Izmir, Turkey
B. Ozerdem
Department of Energy Systems Engineering, Bahcesehir University, 34353 Istanbul, Turkey
I. Pop (B)
Faculty of Mathematics, University of Cluj, CP 253, 3400 Cluj, Romania
e-mail: [email protected]



O. Cekmer et al.

List of symbols
Specific heat at constant pressure (J/kg K)
Darcy number
Pressure gradient in x direction
Convective heat transfer coefficient (W/m2 K)
Half height of channel (m)
Thermal conductivity (W/m K)
Thermal conductivity of fluid (W/m K)
Effective thermal conductivity (W/m K)
Thermal conductivity ratio
Permeability (m2 )
Dimensionless viscosity ratio
Nusselt number
Pressure (Pa)
Constant heat flux subjected to the channel walls (W/m2 )
Porous media shape parameter
Temperature (K)
Wall temperature (K)
Velocity component along the x direction (m/s)
Dimensionless velocity component along dimensionless X direction
Average velocity (m/s)
Dimensionless average velocity

Dimensionless normalized velocity

x, y Dimensional coordinates (m)
X, Y Dimensionless coordinates

Greek letters

Overall performance
Heat transfer increment ratio
Pressure drop increment ratio

Dimensionless porous medium thickness

A constant (Eq. 17)

Dynamic viscosity of fluid (kg/m s)

eff Effective dynamic viscosity (kg/m s)

Density (kg/m3 )

Dimensionless temperature

Kinematic viscosity of fluid (m2 /s)

1 Introduction
Convective heat transfer in porous media has broad technological practices, such as applications in oil recovery, water supply management in hydrogeology, geothermal exploitation,
ground heat storage, building thermal insulation, nuclear waste disposals, radioactive waste
management, and ground water flow modeling. A wide application areas of the porous media
can be found in the well-known books by Bear (1972), Nield and Bejan (2006), Ingham and
Pop (2005), Vafai (2005), Vafai (2010), Pop and Ingham (2001), Bejan et al. (2004), and


Fully Developed Forced Convection


Vadasz (2008). They provide significant information on the porous media application as well
as formulation of heat and fluid flow in porous media.
Literature survey reveals that number of reported studies on channel partially filled with
porous layer or porous blocks are considerable. However, the analytical studies on unidirectional fully developed heat and fluid flows in a channel partially filled with porous material are
limited. Poulikakos and Kazmierczak (1987) investigated fully developed flow for a channel
partially filled with porous matrix. The flow was fully developed both thermally and hydrodynamically. The matrix was attached to the walls and extended toward the centerline. The
study was performed for two types of thermal boundary conditions as constant wall heat flux
and constant wall temperature. Kuznetsov performed valuable studies on the forced convection heat transfer in a parallel plate channel partially filled with porous media. He studied
heat and fluid flow in partially filled channels with different positions of porous layers such
as porous layers attached to walls and located in the center of channel (Kuznetsov 1996,
1997, 1999, 2000). BrinkmanForcheimer extended Darcy equation was analytically solved
to determine velocity field, and the temperature field was found from the analytical solution
of the ordinary differential equation form of the energy equation. Stress jump model was
used to determine interface velocity while the model of continuous heat flux was employed
for the calculation of the interface temperature. Kuznetsov (1998) also solved analytically a
problem of heat transfer for Couette flow through a composite channel, which was partially
filled with a fluid-saturated porous medium. The upper plate and the porous medium were
fixed, while the lower plate was moving with a constant velocity. Kuznetsov and Nield (2010)
investigated a fully developed forced convection in a parallel plate channel partially occupied by a bidisperse porous medium. One side of channel was filled by the clear fluid while
bidisperse porous medium formed the other side. They found that for the case of asymmetric
heating, a singular behavior of the Nusselt number exists. They also obtained analytical solution for fully developed forced convection in a channel between parallel plate walls, partly
occupied by a bidisperse porous medium and partly by a fluid clear of solid material (Nield
and Kuznetsov 2011). The bidisperse porous medium layer is either in the core or in the
sheath portion of the channel. BeaversJoseph interface condition was used in their study.
Al-Nimr and Alkam (1998) studied, numerically, the thermal performance of a conventional
tubeless collector in which porous substrates were inserted at the inner side of the collector
absorber plate. The dimensionless form of DarcyBrinkmanForchheimer formulation was
used to determine the motion of fluid in the porous layer. Satyamurty and Bhargavi (2010)
performed a study on heat and fluid flow in a partially porous channel in which the inserted
porous layer was attached to one wall while the other wall was in contact with clear fluid.
Both walls were hold symmetrically at constant temperatures. The fluid flow in both regions
was assumed to be fully developed, however, the temperature field was assumed under developing. Although an analytical solution was found for motion of fluid in the channel, the heat
transfer equation was solved numerically. Yang et al. (2009) performed a theoretical study to
investigate fully developed forced convection in a tube whose core was partially filled with
a porous medium. Analytical expressions for the friction factor and Nusselt number for the
case of constant heat flux were presented. In their study, Darcy law was used to simulate
fluid motion in the porous layer. Chikh et al. (1995) performed an analytical study on fully
developed forced convection in an annular duct partially filled with a porous medium. The
porous layer was over the inner cylinder exposed to a constant heat flux. The outer surface
was thermally insulated. Morosuk (2005) investigated entropy generation due to flow in a
pipe and parallel plate channel partially filled with porous medium. The outer surface of
the pipe was assumed to be in isothermal condition. The porous layer was inserted at the
core of the pipe or attached on the inner surface of the pipe. The effects of the porous layer



O. Cekmer et al.

thickness and permeability of porous layer on the rate of entropy generation were investigated numerically. The effect of an inserted porous layer on enhancement of heat transfer in a
parallel plate channel partially filled with a fluid-saturated porous medium was numerically
studied by Shokouhmand et al. (2011). The fully developed laminar flow and convective
heat transfer in the channel were simulated using Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM). The
walls of the channel were subject to a uniform constant temperature. It was found that the
position of the inserted porous layer has significant influence on the thermal performance of
the channel. Forooghi et al. (2011) studied, numerically, the steady and pulsatile heat and
fluid flow in a channel with two porous layers subject to the constant wall heat flux under the
local thermal non-equilibrium condition. The objective of the study was to assess the effects
of local solid-to-fluid heat transfer and porous layer thickness on convective heat transfer and
furthermore to examine the impact of pulsatile flow on heat transfer. The attention of some
researchers who studied convection heat transfer in the channel partially filled with porous
medium was focused on the discussion of boundary condition at the interface rather than
analyzing of temperature and fluid flow for engineering applications (Vafai and Kim 1990;
Alazmi and Vafai 2001; Nield 2009; Kuznetsov 1997). Further studies on heat and fluid flow
analyses on channel and duct with different location of porous medium layer or obstacles
can be found in the literature (Najjari and Nasrallah 2008; Ould-Amer et al. 1998; Alkam
and Al-Nimr 1998).
The above literature survey reveals that some of reported studies were performed numerically and no mathematical expressions were presented for determination of velocity and
temperature in the channel partially filled with porous medium. On the other hand, most of
the reported analytical studies focused just on heat transfer analysis rather than the assessment of heat transfer enhancement and the increase of pressure drop due to an inserted porous
layer into a channel. The studies on the evaluation of an inserted porous layer in a channel
from the practical use point of view are very scarce (Al-Nimr and Alkam 1998). The objective of this study is to evaluate enhancement of heat transfer and increase of pressure drop
in a channel due to an inserted porous layer when heat and fluid flows are fully developed.
Furthermore, the comparison between heat transfer enhancement and increase of pressure
drop is discussed in details. The study is performed for fully developed forced convection
and mathematical expressions are obtained for the parameters of fluid velocity, temperature,
Nusselt number, and friction coefficient. A constant heat flux is imposed at the channel walls
whereas a thermal equilibrium established between the flowing fluid and porous medium. The
Nusselt number and friction factor are calculated for channels with different values of Darcy
number, porous layer thickness, and thermal conductivity ratios. Then, they are normalized
by using Nusselt number and friction factor of a channel with completely clear fluid to find
out the increasing of heat transfer and pressure drop due to the inserted porous layer. The
normalized heat transfer and friction factor are called as heat transfer increment ratio and
pressure drop increment ratio, respectively. These parameters present the effect of an inserted
porous layer on heat transfer and pressure drop in the channel. The overall performance is
defined to assess the benefits of an inserted porous medium layer in a channel. To the best of
our knowledge, the results of this study make this article innovative one.

2 Problem Definition
A two-dimensional parallel plate channel whose core is filled with porous medium is studied
in this article. The height of the channel is 2H and the heat flux of q  is imposed both at upper
and lower walls as seen from Fig. 1. The porous layer with thickness of 2 H is located at the


Fully Developed Forced Convection


Fig. 1 The schematic view of

the considered channel

center of the channel. The Cartesian coordinates of x and y are axis in parallel and transverse
directions of fluid flow, respectively. The porous medium is saturated with an incompressible
fluid and local thermodynamic equilibrium state is valid. The flowing fluid in the channel is
Newtonian whose thermophysical properties are assumed as constant. The porous medium
is isotropic with permeability of K . The flow in the channel is steady, laminar, and hydrodynamically and thermally fully developed. Table 1 is prepared to determine numeral ranges for
Darcy number. In Table 1, the values of Darcy number for two porous layer configurations
as a square bar and a metal foam located in the center of channel with 30-mm height are
calculated. For the square bar porous layer configuration, the center of channel is filled with
square bars, and fluid flows perpendicularly over the bars. For square bar porous layer, the
value of permeability is calculated by using relation proposed by Nakayama et al. (2007).
However, for metal foam, the value of permeability is taken from the study of Calmidi and
Mahajan (2000). The value of Darcy number for each configuration of porous layer is calculated. As seen, the value of Darcy number can be changed between 102 and 105 . The
value of dimensionless viscosity ratio is accepted as 1.1 for this study. The range of effective
thermal conductivity can be changed from 0.1 to 104 . For instance, the effective thermal
conductivity of air-rigid rubber for = 0.35 is 1.14 (i.e., keff = 1.14), while for air-Al
(pure) and the same porosity value keff = 5, 858.

3 Governing Equations and Boundary Conditions

3.1 Fluid Flow
The flow in the channel is hydrodynamically fully developed and unidirectional in x direction. Considering Fig. 1, no gradient of u velocity component in flow direction exits, hence
u/ x = 0. The momentum equation for the clear portion of the channel can be written as

1 P
= 0,



where u c represents fluid velocity in the clear region of the channel (the subscript c stands
for clear portion of the channel), is kinematic viscosity, is density, and P is pressure. The
motion equation for the porous part of the channel can be written as:

d2 u p
Cf u p

= 0,



where is dynamic viscosity of the fluid, eff is effective dynamic viscosity of the fluid and
porous medium, u p shows fluid velocity in porous layer (the subscript p stands for porous
portion in the channel), K and Cf are permeability and inertial coefficient, respectively. The
first term in Eq. 2 is written to involve the channel wall effect on the fluid motion. The second



O. Cekmer et al.

and third terms are related to Darcy law and the fourth term, called as Forchheimer term,
involves the inertia effect. As seen from Table 1, for some engineering application, the value
of Reynolds number based on the particle size is small. This indicates that the Forchheimer term can be neglected in some practical porous media applications. In this study, the
Forcheimer term is not considered. Boundary conditions for the Eqs. 1 and 2 can be written as:
u c (H ) = 0, u c ( H ) = u p ( H ), c ( H ) = p ( H ),


where c and p show shear stress at the interface surface. One of the hottest topics in porous
media is the determination of interface velocity at porous medium and clear fluid regions.
Many studies and comments on the interface velocity were performed (e.g., Kuznetsov 1997;
Nield 2009; Vafai and Kim 1990). Nevertheless, the controversy on thermal and hydrodynamic model for the interface continues. In this study, to circumvent the controversy, and
basically to focus on the enhancement of heat transfer and increase of pressure drop, the
continuous shear stress model is used to define the boundary condition for fluid motion at the
interface between porous layer and clear fluid regions. Although the channel is symmetrical
respect to the center line, the governing equations are solved for three different regions as
lower clear fluid region, center porous layer, and upper clear fluid regions. By this way, the
correctness of obtained result is checked as the temperature and velocity fields should be
symmetrical to the centerline. To reduce the number of the parameters for the problem, the
dimensionless forms of Eqs. 1 and 2 and related boundary conditions (Eq. 3) are obtained by
using the following dimensionless parameters:

T Tw
, Da = 2 , G =
,S =
,U =
, (4)

Tm Tw
M Da

where M and S are viscosity ratio and porous media shape parameter, respectively. After
substituting of the above dimensionless parameters into Eqs. 1 and 2, the dimensionless forms
of the momentum equation for fluid flow in the clear regions and DarcyBrinkman equation
for the fluid flow in the porous region can be written as:
d2 Uc
dY 2
d2 Up
= 0.
S 2 Up +
dY 2


Uc and Up are dimensionless velocity of fluid in the clear and porous regions. The dimensionless forms of boundary conditions can also be defined by using the dimensionless parameters
of Eq. 4.
Uc (1) = 0, Uc ( ) = Up ( ), c ( ) = p ( ).


The solutions of Eqs. 5 and 6 with boundary conditions given in Eq. 7 yield the velocity
profile equations for each region;
For 1 Y < region U (Y ) = A1 Y 2 + A2 Y + A3
For Y region; U (Y ) = P1 cosh(SY ) + P2
For < Y 1 region U (Y ) = A1 Y 2 + A4 Y + A3 ,





Metal foam

Porous layer









Particles sizea (mm)

a It is height of a square bar or nominal diameter of metal foam





Darcian fluid


Porous layer

Square bar

Porous layer
thickness, 2





Table 1 Some possible values of Darcy and Reynolds numbers for the present problem




Number of
particle in
height ()






Porosity ()






Permeability (m2 )






Re for engine oil ()






Da ()

Fully Developed Forced Convection




O. Cekmer et al.

where A1 , A2 , A3 , A4 , P1 , and P2 are constants given by

2 + 2V 1
2 2V
A1 = , A2 =
, A3 =
2 ( 1)
2 ( 1)

V S M 1 sech(S )
, P2 =
P1 =
M S2

A4 =

1 2V 2
2 ( 1)

Here, V is the dimensionless velocity at the interface between the porous and clear region [i.e.,
V = Uc ( ) = Up ( )]. The shear stress is continuous at the surface [c ( ) = p ( )],
therefore the interface velocity can be found as:
V =

[2tanh(S ) S + S] ( 1)
2S [( 1)MS tanh(S ) 1]

The mean velocity can be defined as:


1 Uc (Y )dY + Up (Y )dY + + Uc (Y )dY
1 U dY
Um =



By substituting Eqs. 810 into Eq. 13 and taking integral, the mean velocity is obtained as:
Um =

 A2 A4  2
1 3 +
1 + A3 (1 ) +
sinh (S ) + P2 .


The constants A1 , A2 , A3 , A4 , P1 , and P4 are presented in Eq. 11. The dimensionless normalized velocity u can be determined as:
u =



3.2 Heat Flow

For a thermally and hydrodynamically fully developed laminar flow in a partially porous
filled parallel plate channel, the energy equation can be written as:
(C p ) f u

= [(keff kf ) + kf ] 2 ,


where kf and keff are thermal conductivity of the fluid and effective conductivity of the porous
structure, respectively. The parameter of depends on the region and it is defined as:
1 Y < => = 0
Y => = 1
< Y 1 => = 0.


As the heat fluxes applied to both walls are held constant and equal, and the porous layer is
placed in the center of channel symmetrically, the wall temperatures are identical at both upper
and inner walls and designated by Tw . The energy equation can be written in the dimensionless form by using the dimensionless parameters defined in Eq. 4. After some mathematical
manipulations, the energy equation takes the following form,

Tm Tw

C p u

+ (Tm Tw )
= [(keff kf ) + kf ] (Tm Tw ) 2 .


Fully Developed Forced Convection


As stated above, the applied heat fluxes at both walls are held constant. Therefore, the gradient
of the heat fluxes along the channel is zero:
d [h (Tw Tm )]


and therefore, we reach to

The substitution of Eq. 19 into Eq. 18 and using the thermally fully developed condition
(/ x = 0), the energy equation takes the following form:
C p u

= [(keff kf ) + kf ] Tm Tw
dy 2


To find a definition for the mean temperature gradient in x direction (dTm /dx), an energy
balance is applied for a control volume in the cross section of the channel and the following
result can be found:
C p u m H


By substituting Eq. 22 into Eq. 21, the following equation is obtained.

u q 
= [(keff kf ) + kf ] (Tm Tw ) 2 .
um H


The heat flux to the fluid can be expressed as:

q  = h (Tw Tm ) .


Replacing Eq. 24 into Eq. 23 yields the following second order ordinary differential equation:
= 0.
+ u
dY 2
[(keff kf ) + kf ]


The local Nusselt number can be defined as:

Nu =

(2H )h


Substituting definition of Nusselt number into Eq. 25 yields the heat transfer equation for
entire domain of fully developed channel.
+ u N u
= 0,
[(kr 1) + 1]


where kr is thermal conductivity ratio and defined as:

kr =



The energy equation for the porous layer and clear regions can be written as:
u N u = 0 for porous layer region
+ u N u = 0 for upper and lower clear regions.




O. Cekmer et al.

Assuming non-slip temperature at the interface and continuous heat flux through the porous
layer and clear regions, the boundary conditions for Eq. 29 can be written as:
Tc (H ) = Tw

Tc (H ) = Tp (H )


k f ddTyc
= k eff d yp

Tc (H ) = Tw Tc (H ) = Tp (H ) k f

d y y=H
d y y=H


Using the dimensionless parameters defined by Eq. 4 yields dimensionless form of the boundary conditions:
c (1) = 0

c ( ) = p ( )

c (1) = 0 c ( ) = p ( )

d p
dY Y =
dY Y =

dY Y =
dY Y =


The solution of the second order ordinary differential equation of (27) with the boundary
conditions of (31) yields temperature distribution along the height of the channel.
For 1 Y < region :
For Y region :
For < Y 1 region :

(Y ) = C6 + C7 Y + C3 Y 2 + C8 Y 3 + C5 Y 4
(Y ) = C9 + C10 Y 2 + C11 cosh(SY )
(Y ) = C1 + C2 Y + C3 Y 2 + C4 Y 3 + C5 Y 4 ,


where coefficients from C1 to C11 are given by

C1 =
C2 =
C3 =
C6 =
C7 =
C8 =
C10 =

24Um i + N u ( 1) 2 (A2 ( + 1) + 3A3 ) + A1 1 + + 2

24Um (1 )

24Um i + N u 6A3 2 1 + 2 A2 3 1 + A1 4 1
24Um ( 1)
A3 N u
A2 N u
A1 N u

, C4 =
, C5 =

24Um i + N u A1 1 3 6A3 ( 1) + 2 A4 2 1
24Um ( 1)

24Um i + N u A1 4 1 2 A4 3 1 + 6A3 2 1
24Um (1 )

4S 2 kr Um i + N u S 2 P2 2 + 2P1 cosh(S )
A4 N u

, C9 =
4S 2 kr Um
N u P2
N u P1

, C11 =
4kr Um
2kr Um S 2


In the above relations, the term i designates the dimensionless interface temperature of
porous and clear regions. The interface temperature between porous and clear fluid can be
found by using condition of continues heat flux at interface surface. After performing some
mathematical manipulations, the temperature at the interface, i can be obtained as:
i = N u,



Fully Developed Forced Convection


where coefficient of is defined as:




6A3 1 2 + 2 A2 1 3 + A1 1 4
( 1) [P2 S P1 sinh (S )]
, 2 =
1 =
2Um S

(1 )
A3 +
3 =
To find the Nusselt number, the compatibility condition (Eq. 37) can be applied.
dY = 2.


After applying the compatibility condition, the following equation for Nusselt number is
N u = 5
k=1 Nk


where the terms from N1 to N5 are constants and they are found as:

(1 ) 8V +( 1)2
(1 )3 448V 2 +168V ( 1)2 +17 ( 1)4
N1 =
, N2 =

sech (S ) 3M V (M S V 4) S 9 + 6kr M S 4 Um
N3 =
6kr M 2 S 6 Um


sech (S )cosh(2S ) S 6M kr S 2 Um + V + 2 6
N4 =
3kr M 2 S 5 Um

sech (S )sinh(2S ) M S 2 V 1 M S 2 V 5 + 4kr M S 4 Um
N5 =
2kr M 2 S 6 Um
3.3 Pressure Drop
The use of porous media in a channel increases heat transfer through the channel, however,
it increases pressure drop through the channel, as well. That is why, both heat transfer and
pressure drop should be analyzed in heat transfer enhancement problems. Friction factor for
a channel in which fluid flows with u m is defined as:

(2H ) ddPx
f =
2 u m
For a fully developed flow in a channel, the pressure gradient along the x axis is constant and
this negative gradient is denoted by G in this study. Then Eq. 40 becomes as follows:
f =

4G H
u 2m




O. Cekmer et al.

By using the definition of the dimensionless velocity defined in Eq. 4, the following equation
is obtained for the friction factor.
f Re =



Equation 42 is a measure of the pressure drop and it can be used to compare pressure drop
in the channels with different Darcy numbers and porous layer thicknesses.
3.4 Analysis of Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Increments
To determine the dimensionless heat transfer from a wall to a fluid, the Nusselt number is
defined (Eq. 26). However, it might be useful to normalize the Nusselt number by using the
Nusselt number of a fully clear fluid channel to understand the effect of porous layer on heat
transfer. The normalized Nusselt number is called as heat transfer increment ratio in this
th =

N uc


For a clear fluid channel, the value of heat transfer increment ratio is unity, th = 1. Heat
transfer enhancement is expected for the channel with th > 1. The use of porous layer may
decrease heat transfer through a channel if th < 1. For this problem, the value of Nusselt
number for a fully clear fluid channel is found as 4.12 (i.e., N u c = 4.12). Similarly, the
pressure drop increment ratio can be defined by using the friction coefficient (Eq. 42). The
friction coefficient can be normalized based on the friction coefficient of a channel with pure
P =

( f Re)p
( f Re)c


For the values of pressure drop increment ratio greater than 1, the increase of pressure drop
in the channel is expected. The value of friction coefficient for a fully clear fluid channel
( f Re)cl is found as 24 [i.e., ( f Re)cl = 24].
The ratio of p and th is called as overall performance and shown with . The overall
performance compares the heat transfer enhancement and pressure drop by inserting a porous
layer in a channel.



For the values of greater than 1 (i.e., > 1), the heat transfer enhancement is greater than
the increase of pressure drop if a porous layer is used at the core of the channel. However,
for the values of less than 1 (i.e., < 1), the increase of pressure drop in the channel is
greater than heat transfer enhancement.
For this study, the channel walls are only in contact with fluid, and Nusselt number is
defined based on fluid thermal conductivity. However, results for the channels completely
filled with fully porous materials are also evaluated. For a channel with fully porous media,
Nusselt number is generally defined based on the effective thermal conductivity as the channel
walls are in contact with both fluid and porous material. In this study, to compare the Nusselt
numbers of the partially and fully filled porous channel with each others, Nusselt number of
channel filled with fully porous material is defined based on fluid thermal conductivity:
N u fp = N u p kr ,



Fully Developed Forced Convection


where N u fp refers to Nusselt number of channel filled with fully porous material based
on fluid thermal conductivity. and N u p is Nusselt number based on the effective thermal

4 Numerical Solution Procedure

In this study, the velocity and temperature fields are also obtained, numerically, for both clear
fluid and porous regions. Based on the obtained temperature distribution, Nusselt number
is numerically calculated, as well. Finite difference method is used to convert the ordinary
differential equations to the set of linear algebraic equations solved by Gauss Sidel iteration
method. The velocity field can be found from Eqs. 5 and 6 under the boundary condition of
Eq. 7, easily. The value of velocity at the interface is numerically determined from continuous
shear stress condition. For the energy equations, the following transformation is used. The
function of is defined such that



The overall Nusselt number is constant for fully developed flow in a channel. Hence, a new
form of dimensionless heat transfer equation and boundary conditions based on function
can be written.
+ u = 0
dY 2


(1) = 0, (1) = 0.



The continuous heat flux at interface is employed to determine value of at the interface.
The new form of the compatibility condition is:

= 2/N u.


Equation 48 under boundary condition of (49) is numerically solved to determine distribution

of for the channel. Then, using Eq. 50, the value of Nusselt number is obtained.

5 Result and Discussion

Based on the obtained analytical results, the velocity and temperature profiles for different
Darcy number, thermal conductivity ratio, and porous layer thickness are plotted. The variations of heat transfer and pressure drop increment ratios and overall performance against the
governing parameters are presented via graphics for the ranges of 105 < Da < 102 , 0.1 <
kr < 100 and 0 < < 1. As mentioned above, the results of analytical expressions for the
velocity, temperature, and Nusselt number are compared with the obtained numerical results.
Figure 2 compares the temperature profiles obtained by analytical and numerical methods for
a channel with Da = 103 , M = 1.1, and = 0.6 and for two values of kr as 0.1 and 100.
As seen from the figure, there is a good agreement between numerical and analytical results
showing correctness of the obtained analytical expression. Furthermore, the obtained results



O. Cekmer et al.

Fig. 2 The comparison of

analytical and numerical results
by temperature profile for two
values of kr when Da = 103 ,
M = 1.1, and = 0.6

Fig. 3 Comparison of present

and reported studies results a
velocity profile for M = 1 and
Da = 104 , b Nusselt number
for M = 1 and kr = 1

of this study are also checked with the results reported in the literature. Figure 3a shows the
comparison of the velocity profile obtained in this study with the profile reported by Morosuk
(2005) when M = 1, Da = 104 . Figure 3b indicates the comparison of changes in Nusselt
with Darcy number of this study and the study performed by Kuznetsov (1999) for a channel
with M = 1 and kr = 1. As seen from both the figures, a good agreement between the present
and reported studies can be observed.


Fully Developed Forced Convection


Fig. 4 Normalized velocity profiles for four different Darcy numbers, a = 0.2, b = 0.5, c = 0.8, and
d =1

5.1 Velocity Profile

Figure 4 shows the dimensionless normalized velocity profile for four different Darcy number (Da = 1, 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001) and four different porous layer thickness ( = 0.2, 0.5,
0.8, and 1). Figure 4a shows the velocity profile for a channel with = 0.2. The velocity
profile of Da = 1 is identical with the velocity profile of channel with fully clear fluid. By
decreasing of Darcy number, the velocity profile is changed. For the low Darcy numbers such
as Da = 0.01 and Da = 0.001, the effect of porous layer on the velocity profile is clearly
seen. The porous layer slows down the fluid velocity at the center of channel while the fluid
has high velocity at the upper and lower clear fluid regions of the channel. Figure 4b shows
the velocity profile for the dimensionless porous layer thickness of 1 ( = 0.5). Similar to
Fig. 4a, the velocity profile is parabolic and identical with the velocity profile of fully clear
fluid channel when Da = 1. For the low values of Darcy number (i.e., Da = 0.001), the
effect of porous layer on the velocity profile is observed. Comparison of Fig. 4a and b shows
that by increasing porous layer thickness from 0.4 to 1, the velocity in the center region of
channel decreases while the velocity at the upper and lower free regions increases considerably particularly when Da = 0.001. Figure 4c indicates the velocity profile in the channel
when the porous layer thickness is 1.6 ( = 0.8). The same parabolic velocity profile for
Da = 1 is observed. The steep velocity gradient at the interface between the porous media
and fluid regions indicates the validity of slip boundary condition for flows in channel with
low Darcy number (i.e., Da = 0.001). The velocity profile in the channel with fully porous



O. Cekmer et al.

Fig. 5 Dimensionless temperature profiles for four different Darcy numbers when kr = 104 , a = 0.2,
b = 0.4, c = 0.6, and d = 0.8

media is shown in Fig. 4d. The velocity profile for Da = 1 is identical with other partially
porous filled channels of Fig. 4. The flatten velocity profile in the most region of channel for
Da = 0.001 refers to the mixing of fluid due to obstacles in the porous medium.
5.2 Temperature Profile
Figure 5 shows the change of temperature profile with Darcy number and porous layer
thickness for thermal conductivity ratio of 10,000. Figure 5a shows the dimensionless temperature profile for porous layer thickness of 0.4. As seen, a uniform temperature distribution
is observed in the porous layer due to high thermal conductivity ratio. By increasing Darcy
number, the temperature gradient at the wall surface increases refers to increase of Nusselt
number. The same changes in dimensionless temperature profiles can be observed for the
different porous layer thickness of 0.8 (Fig. 5b), 1.2 (Fig. 5c), and 1.8 (Fig. 5d). Figure 6
shows the dimensionless temperature profiles for different thermal conductivity ratio from
0.1 to 10,000 when Da = 103 and porous layer thickness is 1.8. For kr = 0.1, the gradient
of temperature at the wall is not high, if it is compared with the temperature gradient of
other thermal conductivity ratios. Hence, a relatively low Nusselt number is expected for a
channel with kr = 0.1. For kr = 1, the gradient of temperature at the interface between the
clear fluid and porous layer are the same, that is why a parabolic temperature profile is seen.
By increasing thermal conductivity ratio from 1 to 100, the temperature gradient at up and
lower sides of the interface (clear fluid and porous regions) becomes different as seen from


Fully Developed Forced Convection


Fig. 6 Temperature profiles in

the channel with different thermal
conductivity ratio when = 0.9

Fig. 6, and uniform temperature distribution is observed in the porous region due to high
thermal conductivity of the porous material. The temperature gradient at the channel wall
also increases when thermal conductivity ratio is increased from 1 to 100, implying increase
of Nusselt number. The temperature profiles are identical for both thermal conductivity ratios
of 100 and 10,000 indicating the same Nusselt number for kr = 100 and 10,000.
5.3 Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Analysis
In Fig. 7, the changes of heat transfer increment ratio with porous layer thicknesses are plotted for four different thermal conductivity ratios and Darcy numbers. It should be mentioned
that the variation of Nusselt number with is also the same with what shown in Fig. 7.
One can calculate Nusselt number from Fig. 7 by multiplication of heat transfer increment
ratio (i.e., th ) with 4.12 which is the Nusselt number of fully clear fluid channel. As it was
mentioned before, the heat transfer increment ratio shows the enhancement of heat transfer
in a completely clear fluid channel by inserting a porous layer. The change of th with for
kr = 0.1 is shown in Fig. 7a. For all Darcy numbers of 103 , 104 , and 105 , the heat transfer
increment ratio increases with the porous layer thickness and takes a maximum value. After
the maximum value, th drops with further increase in the porous layer thickness. The porous
layer thickness for achieving maximum value of th depends on Darcy number. By inserting a
low Darcy number porous layer (such as Da = 0.01), the maximum th is obtained when the
dimensionless porous layer thickness is around 0.4. For porous layer with Da = 104 , the
maximum of th can be achieved when is around 0.75. Figure 7a also shows that the value
of heat transfer increment ratio for a channel can be increased by reducing Darcy number
of the inserted porous layer. The parameters of Fig. 7b is the same with Fig. 7a, except the
thermal conductivity ratio which is kr = 1. The heat transfer enhancement ratio is increased
by the increase of thermal conductivity ratio; however, the same variation of th with of
Fig. 7a is seen for Fig. 7b. The changes of th with for kr = 100 and 10,000 are shown in
Fig. 7c, d, respectively. The maximum heat transfer increment ratio is seen for the channel
with fully filled porous media. The comparison of Fig. 7c and d reveals that the increase of
thermal conductivity ratio from 100 to 10,000 does not increase the value of th for < 1.
Figure 8 shows the changes of th with kr for different Darcy number when the porous
layer thickness is 1.8. ( = 0.9). The heat transfer enhancement ratio in the channel is
higher for the porous layers with lower Darcy number (i.e., Da = 105 ). The heat transfer



O. Cekmer et al.

Fig. 7 The variation of heat transfer enhancement ratio with thickness of porous layer for four different Darcy
numbers, a kr = 0.1, b kr = 1, c kr = 100, d kr = 10,000
Fig. 8 The changes in heat
transfer increment ratio with the
conductivity ratio for four
different Darcy numbers when
= 0.9

increment ratio is low for small values of kr . It increases with increase of kr value, however,
after a specified value of kr , no heat transfer enhancement is observed. Thus, a suggestion
such that higher thermal conductivity ratio provides more heat transfer enhancement may
not be correct for < 1. Figure 8 also shows that the use of porous layer with Da = 105
and = 1.8 can enhance heat transfer in a channel approximately by 11.8 times.


Fully Developed Forced Convection


Fig. 9 The variation of pressure

drop increment ratio with porous
layer thickness for four different
Darcy numbers

It should be mentioned that for a channel fully filled with porous medium, the Nusselt
number proportionally increases with thermal conductivity ratio. For example, the Nusselt
number (i.e.,N u fp ) for a channel fully filled with porous medium when Da = 105 and
kr = 1 is 5.9607 and it increases to N u fp = 59, 607 for kr = 10, 000. High thermal conductance of saturated porous medium which is in contact with wall considerably increases heat
transfer from the wall to the flowing fluid. For the mentioned case, the value of th = 14, 467.
A similar study was performed by Chang and Lees (2010) for the forced convection in pinfinned channels. It is shown that the heat transfer increment ratio for laminar region is less
than 25. Hence, the use of high conductive porous material completely fills the channel
might result in higher heat transfer rate compared to the fins and ribs. However, the increase
of pressure drop should definitely be taken into account.
The main drawback of the use of porous medium layer, for heat transfer enhancement in a
channel or duct is the increase of pressure drop that causes the increase of fan or pump power.
Both the heat transfer and pressure drop analysis should be performed to decide on the use of
porous layer for heat transfer enhancement. The parameter of fRe is an appropriate indicator
to compare the pressure drop of different channels with different values of Darcy number
and porous layer thickness. The pressure drop increment ratio (p ) indicates the increase of
pressure drop due to an inserted porous layer in a completely channel. In this problem, p is
the function of Darcy and . Figure 9 shows the variation of p with porous layer thickness
for different values of Darcy number. It should be mentioned that the multiplication of p and
24 yields the channel friction coefficient, as the friction coefficient of a clear fluid channel
is 24 [i.e., ( f Re)cl = 24]. As seen from Fig. 9, the pressure drop increment ratio considerably increases with increase of porous layer thickness. It also increases with the decrease of
Darcy number. When Darcy number is small, a considerable increment in pressure gradient
can be observed even for a very thin porous layer. For instance, for a very thin porous layer
of = 0.05 and Da = 104 , the value of p is 4.5. This means that the pressure drop in the
channel increases by 4.5 times even a thin porous layer is inserted in the channel. For the
region of < 0.6, the pressure drop increment ratio increases with constant rate. However,
for the region with > 0.6, the pressure drop increment ratio is considerably increased
particularly for low Darcy numbers (i.e., Da = 105 ). For a channel with Da = 105 , the
increase of porous layer thickness from 0.2 to 0.3 causes the increase of p from 7 to 11.
For the same channel, the increase of the porous layer thickness from 0.8 to 0.9 increases p



O. Cekmer et al.

Fig. 10 The changes in overall performance with porous layer thickness for four different Darcy numbers,
a kr = 0.1, b kr = 1, c kr = 100, d kr = 10,000

from 460 to 3,180. It should be mentioned that the increase of porous layer thickness also
increases velocity in the lower and upper clear fluid regions of channel, and that is why the
pressure drop increases, considerably.
To have an overall idea on evaluation of an inserted porous layer in a channel both from
heat transfer and pressure drop points of view, Fig. 10 is presented. The variation of overall
performance, = th /p , versus porous layer thickness is plotted for different values of
Darcy number and thermal conductivity ratio. Figure 10a shows variation of with for
kr = 0.1. The value of for the region close to = 0, representing almost clear channel, is
approximately around 1. By increasing of porous layer thickness, the value of decreases
and becomes less than 1, showing higher increment of pressure drop in the channel compared
to the heat transfer enhancement. For the porous layer thickness of < 0.75, the values of
overall performance for different Darcy numbers are almost the same. For the porous layer
thickness between 0.75 and 0.85, it is observed that the porous layer with Da = 105 provides higher overall performance due to higher heat transfer increment ratio as seen from
Fig. 7a. For the porous layer thickness of > 0.9, the overall performance of Da = 105
rapidly drops due to the rapid decrease of th (Fig. 7a). By increasing of thermal conductivity
ratio from 0.1 to 1, the variation of overall performance with slightly changes. The channel
with porous layer of Da = 102 has maximum overall performance while the minimum
overall performance belongs to the channel with Da = 105 whose pressure drop is the
highest (Fig. 10b). It should be noted that the overall performance of kr = 1 is considerably


Fully Developed Forced Convection


Fig. 11 The changes in overall

performance with thermal
conductivity ratio for four
different Darcy numbers when
= 0.9

greater than kr = 0.1 due to higher enhancement of heat transfer. The variation of with
for kr = 100 is different than that of kr = 0.1 and 1. The overall performance decreases with
increase of porous layer thickness up to a specified porous layer thickness. After a porous
layer thickness, the overall performance increases with as the high conductive porous layer
become very close to the channel walls. The comparison of Figs. 10b, c shows that the overall
performance considerably increases with increase of thermal conductivity ratio from 1 to 100.
Figure 10d shows the variation of with for kr = 10, 000. This figure is almost identical
with Fig. 10c. The increase of thermal conductivity ratio from 100 to 10,000 does not result
in increasing overall performance. Figure 10c, d, for which kr = 100 and 10,000, also shows
that the maximum overall performance occurs when the channel is completely filled with
porous material. The overall performance of channels fully filled with porous medium highly
depends on thermal conductivity ratio. For instance, the thermal performance of a channel
fully filled with porous material of kr = 0.1 and Da = 103 is 0.0004 indicating higher
increase of pressure drop compared to the heat transfer enhancement. By increasing thermal
conductivity ratio from 0.1 to 10,000, the overall performance become 40.31 showing higher
heat transfer enhancement compared to increase of pressure drop.
Figure 11 shows the changes in overall performance with thermal conductivity ratio for
a channel with porous layer of = 0.9. Three remarks can be concluded from this figure.
First, the overall performance does not change with thermal conductivity ratios for the range
of kr > 10. Second, for the region of thermal conductivity ratio of kr > 10, the decrease of
Darcy number decreases the overall performance. For this region, the channel with porous
layer of Da = 102 has the highest overall performance while the minimum overall performance is observed for the channel with Da = 105 . Finally, for the thermal conductivity
ratio of kr < 0.5, the overall performance of porous layer with Da = 105 is greater than
Da = 103 and 104 due to high heat transfer increment ratio of Da = 105 as seen from
Fig. 7a.

6 Conclusions
In this study, a laminar, hydrodynamically, and thermally fully developed flow in a channel partially filled with porous medium under symmetrical boundary heat flux condition is



O. Cekmer et al.

investigated. Three different parameters are defined to decide on the use of a porous layer
in the core of the channel for enhancement of heat transfer. Heat transfer increment ratio is
defined to find out the heat transfer enhancement by using an inserted porous layer. Pressure
drop increment ratio is defined to determine the increment rate of pressure drop if a porous
layer is located at the center of channel. Finally, the overall performance is used to evaluate
the use of porous layer from both heat transfer enhancement and pressure drop increment
points of view. Based on the obtained results, the following remarks can be concluded:
Heat transfer increment ratio increases with decrease of Darcy number of porous layer.
For kr = 0.1 and 1, there is a porous layer thickness for which maximum enhancement
of heat transfer occurs. For kr = 100 and 10,000, maximum heat transfer enhancement
is achieved for a porous layer completely fills a channel.
For low values of thermal conductivity ratio (kr < 100), the increase of kr increases heat
transfer enhancement ratio. However, for high values of thermal conductivity (kr > 100),
heat transfer enhancement ratio is not highly influenced from kr .
The decrease in Darcy number causes increase of pressure drop in the channel. High
values of pressure drop increment ratio is observed for porous layer thickness of > 0.8
particularly when Da = 105 .
For the channels partially filled porous medium, the value of overall performance is
less that unity indicating that the increase of pressure drop is greater than heat transfer
For the channel completely filled with porous material having high thermal conductivity
ratio (kr > 100) and high values of Darcy numbers (Da > 103 ), the value of overall
performance is greater than unity as high conductive porous material is in contact with
channel walls.
A detailed study should be performed on the comparison of heat transfer and pressure drop
increment ratios between the channels assisted with fins and porous materials under the same
conditions. This study can be performed for other positions of porous layer in a channel to
find out the effects of the layer position on the overall performances.
Acknowledgments The authors wish to express their sincere thanks to the reviewers for their valuable
comments and suggestions.

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