Hydromagnetic Mixed Convective Flow in A Horizontal C - 2021 - International Jou

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12 (2021) 100118

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International Journal of Thermofluids

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Hydromagnetic mixed convective flow in a horizontal channel equipped

with Cu-water nanofluid and alternated baffles
Mohammad Mokaddes Ali a, *, Rowsanara Akhter b, Md.Musa Miah a
Department of Mathematics, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Tangail 1902, Bangladesh
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The International University of Scholars, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh


Keywords: In this study, mixed convective flow in a horizontal channel equipped with alternated baffles and external
Magnetic field magnetic field is examined numerically. The channel is partially heated from its bottom wall at high temperature
Mixed convection Th while remaining sections along with the top wall are thermally insulated. Two pairs of baffles are alternately
located at both the horizontal walls. Cold nanofluid enters with parabolic velocity through the inlet port of the
Horizontal channel
channel. The governing equations based on Boussinesq approximation are solved implementing finite element
Finite element method method. The results for the physical quantities flow and temperature fields are demonstrated via streamlines,
temperature contours, average Nusselt number and average temperature. It is found that the fluid flow and heat
transfer are modulated by the orientation and height of alternated baffles. Fluid motion is accelerated with rising
Reynolds number and declined for increase in magnetic strength and concentration of nanoparticles. Optimum
heat transfer is obtained in respect of appropriate orientation of baffles. The heat transfer augmentation is also
reduced by 22.14% at Ha = 50 compared to heat transfer at Ha = 0. In addition, heat transfer rate is 33.86%
more in nanofluid containing 5% nanoparticles than base fluid water.

conditions uniformly and non-uniformly on mixed convection in

1. Introduction lid-driven square cavity by using penalty finite element method. Their
numerical results pointed to higher heat transfer at the edges of bottom
Convective heat transfer in different geometries is of great impor­ wall and decrease toward its center for uniform heating case whereas
tance due to its substantial engineering applications such as electronic lower heat transfer was found for non-uniform heating case at the edges
and microelectronic devices cooling, heat exchangers, solar collectors, of bottom wall. Later on, Ismael et al. [2] implemented USR finite dif­
nuclear reactors, solidification, coating and flat glass production, etc. ference method and partial slip condition to investigate mixed convec­
Mixed convective heat transfer is induced due to simultaneous activa­ tion in water filled lid-driven cavity and revealed that convection is
tion of buoyant force and shear force or inertia force. In addition, when declined for critical values of slip parameter. After that, Hassan and
electrically conducting fluid flows in presence of magnetic field, the Jamal [3] used finite volume method to simulate mixed convection in a
interaction of flowing-fluid with magnetic field causes magneto- lid-driven cavity with constant heat flux. The temperature distribution
hydrodynamic phenomena and produces Lorentz force. As a result, was found increasingly nonlinear for rising Richardson number and peck
mixed convection of electrically conducting fluid in presence of mag­ velocity depends on the direction lid-wall. The problem of mixed con­
netic field shows complex phenomena due to mutual interaction of body vection in a porous cavity was numerically studied by Chattopadhyay
forces named as buoyancy force, shear force and Lorentz force which can et al. [4]. They reported that fluid motion strongly affected by the
influence the transport properties of flow and heat transfer. Accordingly, porous medium and higher amplitude causes more heat transfer. Avra­
combined impact of mixed convection and magnetic field become an menko et al. [5] carried out analytical and numerical simulations for
interesting topic in engineering and industrial fields. In this regard, re­ mixed convection in a mcrochannel with slip condition. The shape of the
searchers have accomplished significant number of investigations on velocity profiles was found depending on Rayleigh number. Average
mixed convection in different geometries in presence or absence of Nusselt number also influenced with the channel cross-section. Mek­
magnetic field effect. Some of them have been reported here. roussi et al. [6] conducted a numerical study deals with mixed con­
Basak et al. [1] numerically examined the effect of different heating vection inside lid-driven cavity with wavy walls to maximize the rate of

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.M. Ali).


Available online 12 October 2021

2666-2027/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
M.M. Ali et al. International Journal of Thermofluids 12 (2021) 100118

Nomenclature Greek symbols

α Fluid thermal diffusivity (m2s− 1)
B0 Magnitude of the applied magnetic field (Wbm− 2) β Thermal expansion coefficient (K− 1)
cp Specific heat at constant pressure (Jkg− 1K− 1) θ Dimensionless temperature
g Gravitational acceleration (ms− 2) μ Dynamic viscosity (Nsm− 2)
Gr Grashof number gβf (Th √ Tc )L3 /ν2f
− ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ v Kinematic viscosity (m2s− 1)
− 3
Ha Hartmann number B0 L σ f /μf ρdensity density(kgm )
H Height of the channel (m)
Length of the channel (Wm− 2K− 1) Subscripts
k Thermal conductivity (Wm− 1K− 1) f fluid
Pr Prandtl number (νf/αf) h hot
Dimensional pressure (Nm− 2) c cold
Dimensionless pressure nf nanofluid
qw Heat flux (Wm− 2) Abbreviation
Re Reynolds number ( U0 L /νf ) BB1 First bottom baffle
Ri Richardson number (GrRe− 2) BB2 Second bottom baffle
TDimensional temperature Dimensional temperature(K) TB1 First top baffle
u, v Dimensional velocity components (ms− 1) TB2 Second top baffle
U,V Dimensionless velocity components BH Baffles height
x, y Dimensional coordinates (m)
X, Y Dimensionless coordinates

heat transfer and highlighted that wavy wall with non-uniform tem­ convection in a vented T-shaped channel filled with nanofluid associ­
perature condition influences the enhancement of heat transfer rate ated to magnetic field effect was numerically examined by Kasaeipoor
significantly. Azizul et al. [7] conducted a similar study using heatline et al. [15]. Raza et al. [16] analyzed velocity and temperature profiles
visualization approaches and pointed out that Nusselt number values inside a porous channel filled with nanofluid and observed that velocity
increases for both higher Prandtl and Reynolds numbers, and optimum and temperature profiles are affected with volume fraction and
heat transfer was found at lower Richardson number for one oscillation stretching Reynolds number. Sheremet et al. [17] analyzed Lorentz’s
of the wavy surface. Ali et al. [8] carried out a numerical study to show force impact on natural convection in a wavy porous cavity. They
the effect of magnetic field on mixed convection in hexagonal cavity. indentified the heat transfer rate increases with Rayleigh number and
The flow structured and temperature distribution was observed affected decreases for increasing Lorentz’s force. Ali et al. [18] examined mag­
considerably for variation in Hartmann number and Richardson num­ netic field impact on natural convection in grooved enclosure and rec­
ber. Oğlakkaya and Bozkaya[9] utilized DRBEM with two-level time-­ ommended that heat transfer rate increases for increasing Rayleigh
integrations technique to examine unsteady mixed convection in a number as well as volume fraction and decreases for magnetic field ef­
domain with wavy wall. They concluded that heat transfer rate and fluid fect. Taghikhani [19] practiced finite difference method to examine the
flow were increased and controlled with the effects of magnetic field, heat transfer and flow in Cu-water nanofluid filled lid driven cavity in
Joule heating and undulation numbers of the wavy cavity considered. presence of magnetic field and volumetric heat generation and revealed
Later on, Bakar et al. [10] performed finite volume simulation of in­ that Nulwas increased for increasing Ri, φand Re but decreased for
clined magnetic field effect on mixed convection in lid-driven cavity. increasing values of HaandEc.The finite volume solution [20] of mixed
Their results signified that heat transfer rate increases with increase in convection in a porous Gamma shaped cavity filled by nanofluid
magnetic inclination and the mixed convection was retarded for the demonstrated that increase in Nusselt number due to volume fraction is
effect of magnetic field strength. After that, Geridonmez and Oztop [11] pronounced for lowest magnetic field strength, volumetric heat gener­
considered partial magnetic field to analyze the flow and heat transfer in ation and smallest heat source with smallest height from bottom wall.
a lid-driven cavity and recommended that convective heat transfer is Ahmed et al. [21] introduced similar method to analyze heat transfer
reduced with increase in length of partial magnetic field and middle mechanism for mixed convection in lid driven cavity with partial slip
centered partial magnetic field. and thermal dispersion and observed the shear friction is enhanced but
As heat transfer rate in conventional fluids fails to meet the demand velocity component is decreased with increasing magnetic field effect.
of modern technologies, engineers and scientists were made great Kahalerras et al. [22] employed Buongiorno model and finite volume
endeavor to develop new techniques to enhance the heat transfer method based SIMPLE algorithm to investigate entropy generation and
mechanism by dispersing millimeter or micrometer sized particles into heat transfer for mixed convection in a vertical channel filled by nano­
convectional fluids including water, oil and ethylene glycol etc. [12]. fluid and showed that heat transfer rate and different modes of irre­
Maxwell’s [13] developed a new class of fluids by adding millimeter or versibility were increased for rising Ri and Rq and reduction of ϕi. Later
micrometer sized particles into traditional fluids. Later on, researchers on, Saghir and Rahman [23] considered three different nanofluids to
found problems in practical application of these fluids such as rapid investigate Brownian motion and the rmophoresis phenomena in a
sedimentation, clogging and pressure drop because of large size and three-rectangular channel and recommended that Al2O3-water nano­
high density of these particles. In this regards, suspension of fluid is a highest heat removal mixture based on it thermal efficiency.
nanometer-sized particles come in light to overcome these limitations. Another numerical and experimental study [24] for porous channel with
This novel concept was first initiated by Choi [14] at Argonne National diffident nanofluids demonstrated that uppermost heat transfer ach­
Laboratory in USA and named as nanofluids. Thus, nanofluids which are ieved with higher concentration of nanoparticles in base fluid. Borrelli
suspensions of nanometer sized particles into conventional fluids. It has et al. [25] considered external magnetic field and Boussinesquian
super properties like higher thermal conductivity, improved suspension Bingham fluid to conduct similar study and recorded that fluid velocity
stability with minimum clogging compared to other fluids. Accordingly, is decreased with higher Bingham and Hartmann numbers.
nanofluids have been widely using in thermal engineering. Mixed On the other hand, attached or detached obstruction of different

M.M. Ali et al. International Journal of Thermofluids 12 (2021) 100118

shapes like square, triangular, rectangular, circular, baffles and fin, etc. numerical results are discussed in detail in Section 4. Section 5 provides
is used in regulating the fluid flow and temperature attributed by con­ specific findings from technological point of view.
vection. Considering this importance, numerous works have been done
for different geometries with attached or detached abstraction. The ef­ 2. Physical model
fect of solid heat conducting cylinder on mixed convection in rectan­
gular vented cavity was investigated by Rahman et al. [26] and A rectangular channel of width H and length L (= 4H) is considered
suggested the heat transfer within the cavity depend on the size and for developing the present model where the alternated heat conducting
location of inner cylinder. Hussain et al. [27] investigated mixed con­ baffles are respectively placed at the top and bottom walls. Water based
vection in a channel with a square blockage and focused that flow nanofluid [15] enters through the inlet of the channel at parabolic ve­
strength and heat transfer increase with greater Richardson number and locity of ui and cold temperature Tc. The channel is partially heated from
decline for Hartmann number. Later on, mixed convection in a lid driven the bottom wall at temperature Th. Convective boundary condition is set
cavity having square blockage was investigated by Mehmood et al. [28] at the outlet. Rectangular Cartesian coordinate system is assumed where
and recorded that heat transfer rate and entropy generation decrease for gravitational acceleration is acted in downward direction. A uniform
increasing of magnetic strength. After that, Ali et al. [29] analyzed magnetic field of strength B0is imposed transverse to the flow direction.
mixed convection in rectangular channel with square grooves and The schematic diagram of this model and thermo-physical properties of
rotating obstacle associated to magnetic field effect and pointed out that nanoparticles and base fluid are respectively presented in Fig. 1 and
the streamlines and isotherms were affected with the rotating obstacle. Table 1.
Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian technique was considered by Jamesahar
et al. [30] to investigate mixed convection in an enclosure with oscil­ 3. Mathematical analysis
latory fins and observed flexible fins enhance the heat transfer rate.
Hakeem [31] explored the effects of baffles locations on the velocity and The mathematical model has been formulated using Boussinesq
temperature fields for a square cavity with isoflux. They highlighted that approximation along with the specific configuration (in Section 2) and
the velocity and temperature fields depend on the location of the baffle. presented in dimensional form as follows [18, 26-29, 31, 32]:
Heat transfer rate was suppressed for upward movement, and increased
∂u ∂v
for horizontal movement of the baffle in presences of isoflux walls. Later + =0 (1)
∂x ∂y
on, Fontana et al. [32] investigated the effects of baffle’s number and
size on natural convection in trapezoidal cavities. Their prediction ( )
∂u ∂u 1 ∂p μnf ∂2 u ∂2 u
suggested that heat transfer decreases suddenly with increase in baffle’s u +v =− + + (2)
∂x ∂y ρnf ∂x ρnf ∂x2 ∂y2
heights. CFD based study was accomplished by Sharma et al. [33] to
analyze mixed convection in grooved channel with a baffle which was ( )
placed at the top wall and found a considerable heat transfer increment ∂v ∂v 1 ∂p μnf ∂2 v ∂2 v 1 [ ] σ nf 2
u +v =− + + + g βnf ρnf (T − Tc ) − B v
for the presence of baffle. After that, Ma et al. [34] investigated mixed ∂x ∂y ρnf ∂y ρnf ∂x2 ∂y2 ρnf ρnf 0
convection in U-shaped cavity with a baffle. Recently, orientation of (3)
heated baffle at the center of a cavity with inlet and outlet port was ( )
numerically studied by Gokulavani et al. [35] and identified more heat ∂T ∂T knf ∂2 T ∂2 T
u +v =( ) + (4)
transfer occurs for vertical heated baffle than horizontal heated baffle at ∂x ∂y ρcp nf ∂x2 ∂y2
the center of the ventilated cavity. Henniche and Korichi [36] numeri­
( )
cally studied unsteady laminar mixed convection flow and heat transfer ∂2 Ts ∂2 Ts
+ =0 (5)
in air filled vertical channel with staggered baffles at different angles. In ∂x2 ∂y2
their study, significant heat transfer was found in unsteady-state flow
compared to steady-state flow. The physical properties of nanofluid (Eqs. 8a-g) [13, 27-28, 37-39]
In the above literature survey, it is evident that magneto- are given as follows.
hydrodynamic mixed convection flow is of great interest to the re­ ρnf = (1 − φ) ρf + φρnp (6a)
searchers and is applicable in various fields of engineering. Though re­
searchers conducted numerical and experimental studies on mixed βnf = (1 − φ) βf + φ βnp (6b)
convection in different geometries presented in literature, arrangement
( ) ( ) ( )
of alternated baffles in a horizontal channel is rarely investigated by the ρC p = (1 − φ) ρCp f + φ ρ Cp np (6c)
researchers. Moreover, nanofliuds are used to improve the cooling ef­

ficiency in thermal engineering. Accordingly, nanofluid mixed convec­ σ nf = σ f (1 +

(( (( / ) ) )/(( (
3 σnp σ f − 1 φ
/ ) ) (( / ) ) ))
σnp σf + 2 − σ np σ f − 1 φ
tion in a horizontal channel with appropriate combination of alternated
baffles in present of transverse magnetic field is a primary objective of
the present study. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no work has /( )
been done yet relating to this issue. The governing equations are solved αnf = knf ρCp nf
by using finite element methods. The main objective of this work is to
numerically analyze the effect of dimensionless parameters such as μnf = μf (1 − φ)− 2.5
Reynolds and Hartmann numbers, nanoparticle volume fraction and
(( ( ))/( ( )))
orientation of baffles on mixed convection flow and heat transfer char­ knf = kf knp + 2kf − 2f kf − knp knp + 2kf + f kf − knp
acteristics in a channel. As the present study involved analysis to √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
f ρnp cs,np KB Tref (6g)
improve thermal performances, the predictions of this investigation can +
be used to design effective model of thermal equipment such as elec­ 2 3πdnp μf
tronic cooling, heat exchangers, nuclear reactors and biomedical
Based on physical model appropriate boundary conditions are in
equipment, etc.
dimensional form as:
The rest of this study has been arranged as: Section 2 describes the
geometrical configuration with appropriate boundary conditions. Sec­ u(0, y) = 64y(0.25 − y), v(0, y) = 0, T(0, y) = Tc (7a)
tion 3 includes the mathematical model, numerical procedure, grid
sensitivity test and validation of simulation procedure. Simulated

M.M. Ali et al. International Journal of Thermofluids 12 (2021) 100118

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the channel.

( )
Table 1 ∂2 θs ∂2 θs
Thermo-physical properties of the base fluid and copper [15].
+ =0 (13)
∂X 2 ∂Y 2
Physical properties Base fluid (water) Copper (Cu)
and the corresponding boundary conditions are in dimensionless form
Cp(J/kgK) 4179 385
ρ(kg/m3) 997.1 8933 as:
k(W/mK) 0.613 400
4 U( 0, Y ) = 64Y (0.25 − Y), V (0, Y) = 0, θ (0, Y) = 0 (14a)
β(1/K) 2.1 × 10− 5.1 × 10− 5
σ(S/m) 0.05 5.96×107
∂U ( L, Y) ∂V( L, Y) ∂θ( L, Y)
= = = 0, andP ( L, Y) = 0 (14b)
∂X ∂X ∂X
∂u ( L, y) ∂v( L, y) ∂T( L, y)
= = = 0andP(L, y) = 0 (7b) ∂θ
∂x ∂x ∂x U(X, H) = 0, V(X, H) = 0, (X, H) = 0 (14c)
u(x, H) = 0, v(x, H) = 0, (x, H) = 0 (7c) ⎧
∂y ⎪

⎪ U(X, 0) = 0, V(X, 0) = 0; (X, 0) = 0; 0 ≤ X < L1

⎨ ∂Y

⎪ ∂T U(X, 0) = 0, V(X, 0) = 0; θ(X, 0) = 1; L1 ≤ X ≤ L2 (14d)

⎪ u(x, 0) = 0, v(x, 0) = 0; (x, 0) = 00xL1 ⎪

⎪ ∂y ⎪

⎨ ⎩ U(X, 0) = 0, V(X, 0) = 0; ∂θ (X, 0) = 0; L2 < X ≤ L

u(x, 0) = 0, v(x, 0) = 0; T(x, 0) = Th ; L1 ≤ x ≤ L2 (7d) ∂Y

⎪ ∂T ( ) ( )

⎪ ∂θ ∂θ s
⎩ u(x, 0) = 0, v(x, 0) = 0; (x, 0) = 0; L2 < xL
∂y Onthebaffles : U = 0, V = 0and =K (14e)
∂N nanofluid ∂N solid
( ) ( )
Onthebaffles : u = 0, v = 0and
(7e) According to Oztop et al. [40] and Nasrin et al. [41], we have
∂n nf ∂n s calculated local and average Nusselt number along the heated wall, and
average temperature inside the channel using following equations:
The following set of variables (Eq. (8)) has been introduced to obtain
∫ L3
the dimensionless governing equations and boundary conditions: knf ∂θ 1
Nu = − andNuav = Nu dX; whereL3 = (1 − (L1 + L2 ))
x y u v p (T − Tc ) kf ∂Y L 3 L1
,Y = ,U = ,V = ,P =
H ui ui ρnf u2i
,θ =
(Th − Tc )
, θs (15)
√̅̅̅̅̅ ∫( / )
(Ts − Tc ) σf ui L
= , Ha = B0 L , Re = (8) θav = θ V dVwhereVisthevolumeoftheenclosure. (16)
(Th − Tc ) μf νf

Thus, the dimensionless governing equations are:

3.1. Computational procedure
∂U ∂V
+ = 0 (9)
∂X ∂Y The numerical simulations of the momentum and energy equations
( 2 2 ) have been obtained by implementing the finite element method based
∂U ∂U ∂P νnf 1 ∂ U ∂U
U +V = − + + (10) on Galerkin’s weighted residual technique. This technique is very pop­
∂X ∂Y ∂X νf Re ∂X 2 ∂Y 2
ular and extensively used to solve various engineering problems. In this
( ) simulation, the entire domain is discretized into finite element meshes,
∂V ∂V ∂P νnf 1 ∂2 V ∂2 V (ρβ)nf ρf Gr
which are composed of non-uniform triangular elements and the gov­
U +V = − + + + ( ) θ
∂X ∂Y ∂Y νf Re ∂X 2 ∂Y 2 ρf βf ρnf Re2 erning equations (Eqs.9–13) subject to the boundary conditions (Eqs.
( )
ρf σnf Ha2 (14a)-e) are converted into integral equations with Galerkin residual
− V
ρnf σf Re method [42]. The obtained equations are modified using the
(11) Newton-Raphson iteration technique [43]. Finally, these linear equa­
tions are solved by using Triangular Factorization method [44] and
( )
∂θ ∂θ knf ρ cp f 1
( 2
∂θ ∂2 θ
) reduced integration technique [45]. The convergence criterion of the
U +V = ( ) + (12) numerical solution along with error estimation has been set as|φm + 1 −
∂X ∂Y kf ρ cp nf Re Pr ∂X 2 ∂Y 2
φm| ≤ 10− 5, where m is the number of iteration and ϕ is a function of
dependent variable. The numerical procedure is described in detail in
Taylor and Hood [46] and Dechaumphai [47]. The application of the

M.M. Ali et al. International Journal of Thermofluids 12 (2021) 100118

simulation procedure is also available in Refs. [48, 49]. streamlines indicate clock wise circulations are developed near the
lower baffles whereas counter clockwise near upper baffles. In addition,
3.2. Grid sensitivity test incomplete circulation also visualized near entering and leaving ports of
the channel where circulation close to the rear much stronger compare
To obtain a suitable mesh configuration, we have performed a grid to entrance. The maximum and minimum values of stream function
independent test for the present problem. Six different mesh configu­ respectively take place at the core and periphery of each circulation. As
rations have been considered where average Nusselt number is esti­ the value of Re increases, the fluid inertia increases and hence stream­
mated and presented in Table 2 and Fig. 2. Table 2 and Fig. 2 confirm line concentration as well as magnitude of flow circulation increases
that mesh configuration consisting of 11,435 nodes and 22,238 elements remarkably which signifies higher heat transfer with increased Re. On
provides a grid independent solution for the present study as further the other hand, the heat flow patterns due to combined effects of Re and
increment in nodes and elements shows an insignificant difference in baffles are shown in Fig. 5(b). The dense red temperature contours close
average Nusselt number. The mesh configuration of solution domain to heated surface indicates high temperature region there. This dense­
using triangular elements is also presented in Fig.3. ness of thermal plume reduces from bottom to top wall and the color also
changes in blue from red which indicates heat releases from hot surface
3.3. Validation of numerical procedure to the fluid flow domain continuously. Moreover, temperature lines are
expanse toward the flow direction, and squeezed toward the bottom
The present computational code has been validated against existing surface with increase in Re. Consequently, the thermal boundary layer
numerical results of average Nusselt number, streamlines and isotherms thickness is reduced. Results point out the penetrating fluid motion ac­
for mixed convection in different geometries [27, 50-56, 57-59]. celerates with rising of Re and hence heat transfer rate. Furthermore, the
temperature contours within the baffles, where heat transfer occurs
3.3.1. Case one predominantly by conduction, reflects a considerable enhancement of
Hussain et al. [27] simulated magnetic field impact on mixed con­ heat transfer in fluid domain for rising Re. In addition, the thermal
vection in horizontal channel flow and compared their results with plume takes typical shape with greater Re.
previously published results available in Ref. [50–56]. We have simu­
lated identical model in Refs. [27] and recorded in Table 3.
4.1. Effect of Re
3.3.2. Case two
Chamkha et al. [57] utilized the finite volume technique to investi­ Streamlines and isotherms variation due to varying in magnetic field
gate combined convection in a square cavity in the presence of external strength (Ha) are presented in Fig. 6. From Fig. 6(a), it is evident that
magnetic field. We reproduced the stream functions and temperature streamlines get higher strength with strong vortices while magnetic field
contours [57] by using our numerical procedure, and compared with the was not activated and the main flow path become more wavy from inlet
current study which has been presented in Fig. 4(a) and (B). to outlet. The strength of flow circulation retards while magnetic field at
strength Ha = 10 is imposed transverse to the channel. Further increase
3.3.3. Case three in magnetic strength, flow pattern changes effectively with lower
Laouira et al. [58] simulated the mixed convection flow in a hori­ magnitude and waviness. Moreover, at Ha = 50, vortices are dis­
zontal channel with an open trapezoidal enclosure by using ANSYS appeared near baffles and flow path lose its waviness in the direction of
Simulation Software. Later on, Al-Farhany et al. [59] presented a similar flow. Because, interaction of electrically conducting nanofluid with
study considering magnetic field effect. They used the COMSOL Multi­ imposed magnetic field produces Lorenz’s force which acts to reduces
physics Modeling Software to obtain numerical results and validated the fluid motion within the channel. As imposed magnetic field interacts
their results against the investigation of Laouira et al. [58]. We have with electrically conducting fluid and produces temperature, isotherms
simulated the identical problems of those Refs. [58] and [59], and patterns affected minutely with increase in Ha which is shown in Fig. 6
compared our results using streamlines and isotherms with the results (b). Moreover, conduction mode of heat transfer becomes dominant over
available in Ref. [58,59]. convection mode with greater effect of magnetic field.
The close agreement between the current results (numerically and
graphically) and the reported results in the previous studies [27, 50-59]
validates the present simulation methodology. 4.2. Effect of Ha

4. Results and discussion Fig. 7 represents streamline and isotherm plotting for base fluid and
fluid with dispersed nanoparticles at different concentrations. In Fig. 7
In this section, simulated results of physical quantities for mixed (a) for base fluid case, fluid flows sinuously from inlet to outlet within
convection channel flow subjected to alternated baffles and external the channel due to fluid inertia and hampering of baffles. Moreover,
magnetic field have been illustrated from engineering point of view for strong vortices are initiated above the baffles. The patterns of stream­
key parameters: Reynolds number (10 ≤ Re ≤ 200), Hartmann number lines are almost similar for the addition of nanoparticles excepting
(0 ≤ Ha ≤ 50) and volume fraction (0% ≤ ϕ ≤ 5%) while the value of magnitude of fluid motion. As nanoparticles in base fluid increases the
Prandtl number (Pr) and conductivity ratio (K) are kept fixed through density flowing fluid. The pattern of isotherms is almost similar for base
the computations. fluid and nanofluid with different concentration of nanoparticles as
Fig. 5 delineates the flow and thermal fields using streamlines and shown in Fig. 7(b). In addition, temperature plotting also changes for
isotherms for varying of Re. In Fig. 5(a), fluid enters through the inlet increasing nanoparticle concentrations. Accordingly, fluid motion and
and blows serpentine way within the channel by producing two set of temperature field are more sensitive with other governing parameters
vortices due to the presence of alternated baffles. The numeric values of than volume fraction of nanoparticles.

Table 2
Grid sensitivity test at Pr = 6.2, Re = 50, Ha = 10 and ϕ = 1% .
Nodes Elements Ns: 1666 Es: 3210 Ns: 4558 Es: 8941: Ns: 6703 Es: 13,046 Ns: 9179 Es: 17,856 Ns: 11,435 Es: 22,238 Ns: 13,363 Es: 26,005

Nuav 17.90175 18.38933 18.6508 18.79865 18.82882 18.83991

M.M. Ali et al. International Journal of Thermofluids 12 (2021) 100118

Fig. 2. Grid independent test.

Fig. 3. Mesh generation of the horizontal channel.

of Ha and ϕ. In Fig. 8(a) and Fig. 9(a), the heat transfer rate augments
Table 3 promptly for rising Re as higher values of Re directly related to higher
Comparison of average Nusselt number.
fluid inertia within the fluid flow domain. The enhancement of heat
Re 100 |Diff. 400 |Diff. 1000 |Diff. transfer behavior for increasing Re affected significantly with the impact
(%)| (%)| (%)|
of Ha and ϕ. The average Nusselt number gets lower values with higher
Present results 2.04 – 4.05 – 6.53 – values of Ha whereas it becomes maximum with nanofluid containing
Hussain [27] 2.03 0.49 4.07 0.49 6.58 0.77 higher concentration of nanoparticles. The physical insight behind its
Malleswaran and – – 4.08 0.74 6.48 0.77
Sivasankaran [50]
that higher values of Ha generates higher Lorentz’s force which causes
Sheremet and Pop 2.05 0.49 4.09 0.99 6.70 2.60 more heat by the interaction with flowing-fluid, and the presence of
[51] higher concentration of nanoparticles increases the thermal conductiv­
Saha et al. [52] 2.01 1.47 3.97 1.97 6.28 3.83 ity of nanofluid and hence energy transport capability in fluid domain.
Zheng etal [53]. 4.14 2.22 6.61 1.23
– –
In absence magnetic field, heat transfer rate increases by 162.31% while
Abu-Nada and 2.09 2.45 4.16 2.71 6.55 0.31
Chamkha [54] Re varies from 10 to 200 and it becomes 140.17% at Ha = 50. In ad­
Sharif [55] – – 4.05 0.00 6.55 0.31 ditions, heat transfer rate increases by 160.34% in base fluid water for
Iwarsu et al. [56] 1.94 4.90 3.84 5.18 6.33 3.07 the same variation of Re whereas it becomes 167.01%, 180.50% and
194.20% respectively with the addition of nanoparticles of 1%, 3% and
5%. On the other hand in Fig. 8(b) and 9 (b), decreasing of average
4.3. Effect of ϕ
temperature caused by increased Re which are moderated with rising of
Ha and ϕ. These are expected behaviors subjected to the effects of Re, Ha
Figs. 8 and 9 illustrate heat transfer rate using average Nusselt
and ϕ as described in detailed in the earlier sections.
number and temperature for a range of Re with respect to selected values

M.M. Ali et al. International Journal of Thermofluids 12 (2021) 100118

Fig. 4a. (a) . Validation of the present code using numerical results of Ref. [57] for stream function (top) and temperature contours (bottom).

Fig. 4b. (b). Validation of the present code against the numerical results presented in Refs. [58, 59]: stremlines (left) and isotherms (right).

M.M. Ali et al. International Journal of Thermofluids 12 (2021) 100118

Fig. 5. (a) Streamlines and (b) isotherms for different Re (Ha = 10, ϕ = 1%).

Fig. 6. (a) Streamlines and (b) isotherms for differentHa (Re = 50, ϕ = 1%).

4.4. Effect of Re, Ha and ϕ case (TB1, TB2) and 57.09% more than heat transfer for the case (BB1,
BB2). In addition, 13.07% more heat transfer is found when baffles were
The effects of baffles orientation and height on heat transfer rate in set to front of the channel compared to the rear as a pair of vortices were
the form of average Nusselt number are presented in Fig. 10 (a-c). In produced near the frontal position of the heated wall due to presence of
Fig. 10(a), enhancement of heat transfer rate for increasing in fluid frontal baffles (as shown in Fig.10(b)). Moreover, Fig. 10(c) reveals
inertia due to increased Reynolds number gets lower values while a pair baffles height plays vital role to enhance the heat transfer rate because
of baffle was placed at the bottom wall whereas it gets higher values vortices were intensified with baffles height.
while a pair of baffle was placed at the top wall. Because, fluid flows
with greater strength near the bottom wall while baffles were attached
4.5. Effect of baffles heat transfer and pressure correlations
to the top whereas fluid flows with comparative lower strength due to
impediment of lower baffles. It is also found in Fig. 10(a) that average
The present study involved the analysis of heat transfer performance
Nusselt number gets moderated values while baffles are placed on both
to improve the cooling systems, average Nusselt number played signif­
horizontal walls at the same time. Moreover, 160.42% of heat transfer
icant role in measuring the heat transfer rate. The numerical results
augmentation is observed for the case (BB1, BB2, TB1, TB2) while Re
indicate that the average Nusselt number(Nu)is correlated with Rey­
varies from 10 to 200 which is 36.67% lower than heat transfer for the
nolds number( 10 ≤ Re ≤ 200 ), Hartmann number(0 ≤ Ha ≤ 50),

M.M. Ali et al. International Journal of Thermofluids 12 (2021) 100118

Fig. 7. (a) Streamlines and (b) isotherms for different ϕ (Re = 50, Ha = 10).

Fig. 8. Variation in (a) average Nusselt number and (b) average temperature for different Ha with Re.

nanoparticles volume fraction (0%φ5%) and the orientation of baffles Nuav = 10.9740 + 0.0716Re (for the case BH=0.08 L).
and its heights. Using the numerical results presented in Figs. 8(a), 9(a) Where the determining coefficient are R-square = 0.8735.
and 10 (a-c), the following correlations can be expressed as: Nuav = 10.3714 + 0.0712Re(for the case BH=0.04 L).
Where the determining coefficient are R-square = 0.8896.
Nuav = 11.4718 + 0.0701Re − 0.0384Ha.
Again from the simulated results of pressure drop the following
Where the determining coefficient are R-square = 0.8817. correlations can be presented as:

Nuav = 10.2675 + 0.0742Re + 0.4557ϕ. Paav = 12.4161 − 0.0765Re + 0.0600Ha.

Where the determining coefficient are R-square = 0.8713. Where the determining coefficient are R-square = 0.5257.
Nuav = 10.9740 + 0.0716Re(for the case BB1, BB2, TB1, TB2).
Paav = 11.9329 − 0.0635Re − 0.2026 ϕ.
Where the determining coefficient are R-square = 0.8735.
Nuav = 9.6524 + 0.0382Re(for the case BB1, BB2). Where the determining coefficient are R-square = 0.5306.
Where the determining coefficient are R-square = 0.7341. Paav = 11.9530 − 0.0663Re(for the case BB1, BB2, TB1, TB2).
Nuav = 13.5725 + 0.1189Re(for the case TB1, TB2). Where the determining coefficient are R-square = 0.5332.
Where the determining coefficient are R-square = 0.9423. Paav = 7.0774 − 0.0412Re(for the case BB1, BB2).
Nuav = 12.0393 + 0.0921Re(for the case BB1, TB1). Where the determining coefficient are R-square = 0.5469.
Where the determining coefficient are R-square = 0.9402. Paav = 4.1837 − 0.0241Re(for the case TB1, TB2).
Nuav = 11.5403 + 0.0800Re(for the case BB2, TB2). Where the determining coefficient are R-square = 0.5496.
Where the determining coefficient are R-square = 0.9262. Paav = 6.3212 − 0.0365Re(for the case BB1, TB1).

M.M. Ali et al. International Journal of Thermofluids 12 (2021) 100118

Fig. 9. (a) average Nusselt number and (b) average temperature for different ϕ with Re.

Fig. 10. Variation in average Nusselt number for the orientation and different height of baffles.

Where the determining coefficient are R-square = 0. 5530. ¨ Flow strength increases with increase in Reynolds number but it
Paav = 9.4746 − 0.0527Re(for the case BB2, TB2). conversely varied with increase in Hartmann number and nano­
Where the determining coefficient are R-square = 0.5313. particle volume fraction.
Paav = 11.9530 − 0.0663Re(for the case BH= 0.08 L). ¨ Distribution of streamlines in flow pattern is less sensitive for
Where the determining coefficient are R-square = 0.5332. increasing Re whereas isotherms are compressed toward the bottom
Paav = 6.0484 − 0.0349Re(for the case BH=0.04 L). wall.
Where the determining coefficient are R-square = 0.5472. ¨ At higher magnetic field strength, flow structure is more influenced
These models explain the variations of average Nusselt number and than temperature.
average pressure drop using considered parametric ranges of (Re, Ha) ¨ The flow circulation affected significantly due to alternated baffles
and (Re, ϕ) and the orientation as well as height of the baffles which by producing vortices and serpentine streamlines.
indicates very good thermal performances correlations in the present ¨ Heat transfer rate increases for rising Reynolds number which is
investigation. Accordingly, based on the average Nusselt number and expedited with dispersing nanoparticles, and diminished for mag­
pressure drop correlations, one can consider the best configuration of netic field effect.
horizontal channel equipped with alternated baffles as required. ¨ The orientation and also height of the baffles affect the heat transfer
and fluid motion effectively. The case (TB1, TB2) has optimum heat
5. Conclusions transfer performance and it is 36.67% more than the case (BB1, BB2,
TB1, TB2), and is 93.76% more than the case (BB1, BB2).
In this study, fluid flow and temperature behaviors have been ¨ Heat transfer augmentation is reduced by 22.14% for Ha = 50
numerically analyzed for mixed convection in a rectangular channel compared to heat transfer at Ha = 0.
equipped with nanofluid and alternated baffles in presence of magnetic ¨ Heat transfer rate is 33.86% more in nanofluid containing 5%
field. Finite element method is implemented to simulate the governing nanoparticles than base fluid water.
equations. Simulation procedure has been validated comparing with
existing numerical results available in literature. The numerical values Present investigation is carried to develop appropriate combination
are obtained for physical qualities: streamlines, isotherms and Nusselt of alternated baffles in channel flow along with mathematical model
number and presented graphically. Findings in respect of results and considering nanofluids. As we have performed a numerical study,
discussion can be summarized in the following way: experimental analysis is required relating to the present investigation to
ensure more perfection of the simulated findings.

M.M. Ali et al. International Journal of Thermofluids 12 (2021) 100118

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[30] E. Jamesahar, M. Sabour, M. Shahabadi, S.A.M. Mehryan, M Ghalambaz, Mixed
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