Temperature Distribution Along A Constant Cross Sectional Area Fin

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International Journal of M echanics and Applications 2013, 3(5): 131-137

DOI: 10.5923/j.mechanics.20130305.04

Temperature Distribution along a Constant Cross

Sectional Area Fin
Masoud Asadi1,*, Ramin Haghighi Khoshkho 2

Department of M echanical Engineering Azad Islamic University Science and Research branch, Tehran, Iran
Department of M echanical Engineering & Energy engineering Power and Water University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

Abstract Extended surfaces are extensively used in air-cooled automobile engines, air-condit ioning systems, oil
industries, computer processors, and other electronic devices. In various applications heat from the fins is dissipated by
natural as well as forced convection and radiation. Fins are used as arrays in all the applicat ions. Although many investigator
have studied the heat transfer by natural and forced convection fro m extended surfaces, but the informat ion about combined
radiation and convection is sparse. In this paper, the interaction of thermal radiat ion with convection is numerically
investigated, and an exact solution is presented for temperature distribution of fin of constant cross -sectional area. The
influence of considering radiation on entropy generation and some heat transfer dimensionless numbers is also investigated.
The results showed the temperature p rofile is uniform, and speed of transferring heat by Convection -Rad iation increases
along the fin. Also the accuracy of the solution is examined by a case study. The results showed good agreement.

Keywords Radiat ion, Convection, Extended Surfaces, Temperature Distribution

convection fins of a given profile has remained virtually

1. Introduction unexplored, and there is sparse information about
temperature p rofile, heat transfer and entropy generation
If a surface , at a temperature above that of its surrounding,
arising radiat ion-convection in finned surfaces.
is located in stationary air at the some temperature as the
surrounding then heat will be transferred fro m the surface to Harlap and McManus[1] studied on natural convection
the air and surroundings. This t ransfer of heat will be a heat transfer fro m horizontal fin arrays. They found that heat
combination of naturally/ forced convection to the air and transfer coefficients for vertical channels is more than
rad iat ion t o t he s u rro un d in gs . Rad iat ion -Co nv ect ion horizontal channels. For rectangular fins on horizontal
interaction problems are found in many situations, such as surfaces, Janes and Smith[2] suggested an optimu m
coo lin g o f h igh -t emperatu re co mpon ents , fu rnace and arrangement in order to have maximu m heat t ransfer.
combustion chamber design where heat t ransfer s urfaces Donvan and Roher[3] presented the fin temperature
occurs by simu ltaneous radiation and convection, cooling of distribution, the local radiative heat transfer, the total
hypersonic and reent ry veh icles, interact ions o f incident convective heat transfer, and the effectiveness of the fins.
solar radiation with the earths surface to produce complex Vandal Po l and Tierney[4] deduced that the vertical channel
free-convection patterns and complicate the art of weather configuration shows the best performance for natural cooling.
forecasting, convection cells and their effects on radiation The effects of the fin thickness on natural convection arrays
fro m stars , and marine environ ment studies for predicting were investigated by Bar-Cohen[5]. The heat dissipation of
free-convection patterns in oceans and lakes. The study of parallel plates by natural convection was studied by
mi xed co nv ect ion co mb in ed with rad iat io n in many Elenbaas[6]. Bilit zky et.al,[7] investigated the vertical base
industries is important. One of the this application is in the plate and horizontal fin arrays for the parameters such as fin
Microturb ine applications, where the temperature of hot length versus total heat dissipated if the fins on one side of
stream entering the heat exchanger is about 950K . If it be sink and non-finned side of sink was adiabatic. Yuncu and
assumed that the type of the heat exchanger be Plate-Fin heat Anbar[8] conducted experiments by different numbers of
exchanger, radiation fro m fins is significant, and we cannot fins on a heated horizontal base plate of width 250 mm.
forbear it co mpared with forced convection. Although many increasing the numbers of fins, they found that for a given
researcher have studied about thermal performance of finned base-to-ambient temperature difference the rate of heat
surface, but the problem o f optimu m design of radiation
transfer due to the convection reaches a maximu m at a
particular fin spacing and fin height. Rammohan Rao and
* Corresponding author:
[email protected] (Masoud Asadi)
Venkateshan[9] studied the effects of fin height, fin spacing,
Published online at http://journal.sapub.org/mechanics fin array, base temperature, and fin emissivity on horizontal
Copyright 2013 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved fin arrays. Firstly, the study of radiation effects on mixed
132 M asoud Asadi et al.: Temperature Distribution along a Constant Cross Sectional Area Fin

convection was performed by G.Rod, M.Bertela and porosity, solid, thermal conductivity, permeability, length
F.Santarelli[10]. They considered a two-d imensional and thickness of the fin by solving an inverse problem
channel flo w with a participating irradiated fluid . On ly involving the simu lated annealing.
absorption of radiation is thought to occur within the The objective of this study is to presentedan exact solution
participating gray fluid. Co mb ined rad iation and laminar for temperature distribution arising convection-radiation
mixed convection in the thermal entrance reg ion of along a constant cross sectional area fin. The effects of
horizontal isothermal rectangular channels was investigated considering rad iation in the terms of entropy generation, Biot
by J.M.Huang and J.D.Lin [11]. Rao, and Naidu[24] studied number and Nusselt number are investigated, and compared
the combined convection and radiation heat transfer form a with when there is just convection in the system.
fin array with a vertical base and horizontal fins. The

2. Thermal Performance of Fin

mentioned literature review reveals that a more realistic
numerical analysis of combined rad iation and convection
and its effects on the thermal performance of the heat 2.1. Convection
exchanger in high temperature applications is required.
Duan and Wang[12] analy zed temperature distribution The rate of heat transfer fro m a surface at a temperature
and efficiency of convective straight fins with temperature - Ts to the surrounding mediu m at T is given by Newtons
dependent thermal conductivity by a new mod ified law of cooling as
decomposition method. Using this new method the qonv =hAs Ts -T (1)
temperature distribution and the efficiency of the fin can be
expressed analytically as functions containing two fin
parameters without any undetermined coefficients, which
greatly facilitates parameter analysis. In a similar study,
Acosta and Campo[13] conducted an analytical study on
temperature d istribution and efficiency for annular fins of
uniform thickness. An inverse algorith m based on the
conjugate gradient method and the discrepancy principle is
applied by Lee and Chung[14] to estimate the unknown
time-dependent base heat flux of a functionally graded fin
fro m the knowledge of temperature measurements taken
within the fin. Aziz et.al,[15] presented approximately
solutions for the temperature distribution, fin efficiency, and
optimu m fin parameter fo r a constant areaLongitudinal fin
with temperature dependent internal heat generation. Figure (1). Energy balance for an extended surface
Measurement of the temperature distribution ona circular Where As is the heat transfer surface area and h is the
plane fin is investigated by Bougriou and Bessaih[16]. They
convection heat transfer coefficient. When the temperatures
obtained the temperature distribution on this fins by an
experimental approach, and making use of the infrared of Ts and T are fixed by design considerations, as is often
thermo graphy technique. Temperature d istribution in a the case, there are two ways to increase the rate of heat
straight fin of rectangular profile with uniform and transfer : to increase the convection heat transfer coefficient
non-uniform internal heat generation characteristics and or to increase the surface area. Also, it is possible to increase
non-uniform heat transfer coefficients are derived the temperature of surface, but there are many limitations in
analytically by Unal[17]. Yang and Chien[18] used the regard this way. Increasing h may require the installat ion of a
pump or fan, o r replacing the existing one with a larger one,
double decomposition method not only in analyzing the
but this approach may or may not be practical. Besides, it
oscillating base temperature processes occurring in a
may not be adequate. The alternative is to increase the
convective rectangular fin with variable thermal
surface area by attaching to the surface called fins made of
conductivity, but also in determining the temperature
highly conductive materials such as aluminu m. Finned
distribution within the fin. Their results indicated that the surfaces are commonly used in practice to enhance heat
series presented has high accuracy by comparing with those transfer, and they often increase the rate of heat transfer from
generated the complex co mbination method. An exact a surface severalfold. In analysis of fins, it is assumed that
solution for thermal d iffusion in a straight fin with varying the steady operation with no heat generation in the fin as well
exponential shape when the thermal conductivity and heat as the thermal conductivity, k, of materials to remain
transfer coefficients are temperature dependent is constant. Also, it is assumed that the convection heat transfer
investigated by Turky ilmazoglu[19]. Ranjan et.al,[20] coefficient ,h , to be constant and uniform over the entire
carried out an experimental study on predicting unknown surface of the fin for convenience in the analysis. In general
and possible comb ination parameters in a naturally the convection heat transfer coefficient varies along the fin
convective porous fin subjected to a given temperature as well as its circu mference, and its value at a point is a
requirement. They estimated five critical parameters: strong function of the fluid motion at that point. The value of
International Journal of M echanics and Applications 2013, 3(5): 131-137 133

h is usually much lover at the fin base than it is at the fin t ip And when there is the convection heat transfer in the fin
because the flu id is surrounding by solid surfaces near the tip,
base, which seriously disrupt its motion to the point of T x -T cosh m( L x) h / mk sinh m( L x)
suffocating it, while the flu id near the fin tip has little contact = (11)
with a solid surface and thus encounters little resistance to Tb -T cosh mL h / mk sinh mL
flow. Therefo re, adding too many fins on a surface may
actually decrease the overall heat transfer when the decrease 2.2. Combined Convection and Radi ati on
in h o ffsets any gain resulting fro m the increase in the surface The performance of the fin the figure of (2) depends on
area. Under considerations, the energy balance on the combined conduction, convection, and radiation. A gas at the
volume element can be expressed as, temperature o f T is flowing over the fin and remov ing
Rate of heat Rate of heat Rate of heat heat by convection. The environment to which the fin

conduction into
conduction from
convection from (1) radiates is also assumed to be at T . The fin is non-gray

the elementat x the elementat x x the element with absorptivity for radiat ion incident fro m the
q cond,x =q cond,x+x +q conv (2) environment. Fro m the control volume approach, an energy
qconv =h px T-T (3)
balance on a fin element of length dx is:

Substituting and dividing by x , q cond,x =q cond,x+x +q conv +q rad (12)

dq cond
-hp T-T =0 Div iding x , this equation yields,
Fro m Fouriers law of heat conduction, the equation of (4) kAc
dx 2
dx= T 4 x -T 4 pdx+hpdx T x -T (13)
will be,
d dT
kAc -hp T-T =0 (5)
dx dx
In general, the cross-sectional area A c and the perimeter
of a fin vary with x , wh ich makes this differential equation
difficult to solve. In special case of constant cross section
and constant thermal conductivity, the equs. (5) will change
d 2
-m 2=0 (6)
2 hp
Where =T-T and m = . Equation (6) is a linear,
kAc Figure (2). Transferring energy by radiation and convection from a fin of
constant cross-sectional area
homogeneous, second-order differential equation with
constant coefficients. Therefore, its general solution is: The radiat ive exchange between the fin and its base is
x =C1emx +C2e-mx (7) neglected. This equation is to be solved for T as a function of
For a sufficiently long fin of uniform cross section, the x. Multip lyequs. (13) by to obtain,
temperature of the fin at the fin tip will approach the dx
environment temperature and thus will approach zero. d 2T dT p 4 4 dT hp dT
Finally, the temperature d istribution for this case is: = T - T + T-T (14)
dx 2 dx kAc dx kAc dx
T x -T -mx
=e (8) This is integrated once to yield:
Tb -T
Note that the along the fin in this case decreases 1 dT 2 p T5 hp T 2
( ) = - TT4 + -TT C
exponentially fro m Tb to T .For negligib le heat loss fro m 2 dx kAc 5 kAc 2

the fin tip, the temperature profile is : Where C is a constant of integration. The arbitrary
T x -T cosh m L x dT
= (9) constant can be evaluated at x=L, where is set equal to
Tb -T cosh mL dx
If the tip temperature is specified, the temperature zero and T=TL . So,
distribution is:
p TL5 hp TL 2
T x -T L / b sinh mx sinh m( L x) C=- - T T 4 -TL T (15)
= (10) kAc 5 L kAc 2
Tb -T sinh mL
134 M asoud Asadi et al.: Temperature Distribution along a Constant Cross Sectional Area Fin

2p 2hp
dx kA c

T 4
0.2(T5 TL5 )- (T-TL ) +
kA c

0.5(T 2 TL2 )-T (T-TL


After algebraic manipulat ion to separate the variables, the result is:
x=g(T) (17)
Where g(T) is a series, and can be expressed as,

T+ T +

2 2 2
ag+bm 2 0.125a g +0.25agbm+m(0.125b m-0.08333C) 3

1 3 5
C2 4C 2 C2

0.0781a g +0.2343a g bm+agm 0.2343b m-0.0937C +bm 0.0781b m-0.0937C T
3 3 2 2 2 2 2

0.0546a g +0.2187a g bm+a g m 0.3281b m-0.0937C +abgm 0.2187b m-0.1875C +m 0.0546b m -0.0937b mC+0.0187C T
4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2
0.0911a 3g3 0.2734a 2g 2bm+0.2734agb2 m 2
0.0410a 5g5 0.2050a 4g 4 bm+0.4101a 3g3b2 m2 0.4101a 2g 2 b3m3 0.2050agb4 m4 mC

m 2C2 0.0390ag+0.0390bm +0.0410b5m5 -0.0166C4g


In this formula, Integration yields,

4 0.5 0.5
a= .T 1 -
GTb3 +M -M 0.5 GT3 +M -M 0.5
x= M 2 ln -Ln (22)

3 0.5 0.5
b T GTb3 +M

+M 0.5 GT3 +M +M 0.5

m= hp (19) 2 p hp
kA c Where G= and M= .
5 kAc kAc
p To validate the equation of (18) a case study has been done.
g= kA
c A very long rod 5mm in d iameter has one end maintained at
100C . The surface of rod is exposed to ambient air at
3. Validation 25C . The convection heat transfer coefficient is 100

R.Siegel and J.R.Howell[21] solved this problem with a W/m 2 .K . The emissivity and absorptivity of copper are
simp le conditions. They suggested an analytical solution for assumed that be 0.83 and 0.13 respectively.
a long fin in free space T =0 . Then for large x, T x 0 ,

0 , and the constant C is zero. So lving for
dT 4. Results and Discussion
dx dx
results in: Incropera[22] calculated the temperature distribution
when there is only convection in the system. However, when
dT 2 p 5 hp 2 there are both convection and radiation the results are as,
=- T + T (20)
dx 5 kA c a=1.014 109
kA c
The minus sign is used when taking the square root since T b=298
decreases as x increases. The variables in the above equation
are separated and the equation integrated with the condition 7
that T x =Tb at x=0 : g=1.0001 10
x T x=3.31? 0-4.T+5.51? 0-7 .T2 +1.16? 0-10.T3 +... (23)
xdx=- 0.5
Based on the Incroperas results the temperature of
0 Tb 2 p 3 hp (21) 313 K occur in x=183 mm, but the above equation denotes
T T +
5 kA c kA c that when T=313 K x=158 mm . The difference is due
International Journal of M echanics and Applications 2013, 3(5): 131-137 135

to several reasons. The main reason is that Incropera did not Also, a fin generates entropy internally, because the fin
solve this problem based on the real conditions. He as sumed nonisothermal,
that the rod is very long ( L ). So, its solution is not q
precise and is an approximate method.
S gen =
The growth of fins on a solid wall increases the drag
w Tb
irreversibility of the wall-flu id configuration. Bejan[23] In this expression, q B and Tb represent the base heat
developed some correlations to calculate the rate of entropy transfer and absolute temperature. Adding Equations of (24)
generation in the extended surfaces. The entropy generation and (25) side by side obtaining the entropy generation rate
rate associated with fin fluid heat transfer is: for a single fin is possible.

S gen external = A q T1 -
Tw T

Figure (3). Temperature distribution for Convection and Combined Convection-Radiation

Figure (4). Biot number versus length of the fin

136 M asoud Asadi et al.: Temperature Distribution along a Constant Cross Sectional Area Fin

q FU Basically, the Biot number of a system determines the

S gen = B B + D (26)
T2 T primary mode of heat transfer. The Biot number is the ratio
of internal resistance to external resistance of a body.
Where B is the base-stream temperature difference
Therefore, a s mallBiot number represents small resistance to
Tb T . Also, Drag coefficient for a pin fin is: heat conduction, and thus small temperature gradient within
FD the body. For examp le, a small heat transfer Biot number can
C D = 1 arise in the case of small conductive metal sphere in a
U DL stagnant flu id such as air. The convective and radiation speed
is very slow, and the conduction speed is very high.
CD 5.484 Re
5. Conclusions

In the air-to-air and air-to-liquid heat exchanger the heat
In order to calculate the rate of entropy generation it is transfer coefficient in the air side is small co mpared with the
necessary to determine the heat transfer rate. This can be liquid side. One of the best solution to enhance heat transfer
done using the Equation of (23), coefficient in the air side is using extended surfaces. In these
dT 1 cases temperature distribution is ext remely affected by
= (28)
dx 1.102? 0-6 .T+3.48? 0-10 .T 2 +... convection and in some situations by radiation. The results
dT showed that when there is fo rced convection in the system
q=kA c (29) we can ignore fro m the term o f radiat ion in calcu lating heat
dx T=Tb
transfer rate and temperature d istribution. However, there are
Table of (1) denotes the results of the entropy analysis for cases that radiation is important. Fo r example, when there is
both cases. natural convection or the temperature of hot flu id is so high.
Table (1). Entropy analysis results Generally when there is vacuum in the system there is natural
convection. The other examp le for considering radiation is in
Convection Convection-Radiation
microturbine application where the temperature of hot flu id
The rate of
Heat Transfer
8.3 W 16.1W is about 950 K. In this paper , an exact solution for
temperature d istribution is presented for uniform cross
0.116 0.116 sectional area. The accuracy of the method presented is
The rate of examined in the terms of entropy generation. The results
Entropy 7.09 103 1.3 102 showed high accuracy of the presented method. Also, the
Generation effects of considering radiat ion on the heat transfer
dimensionless numbers are analyzed. The results dictate that
Table of (1) again dictates the accuracy of the series the speed of transferring heat by radiation and convection
presented for temperature distribution. As the results show increases in the length of the fin.
the heat transfer by radiation is significant. One of the
important notes about the results is the effect of rad iation in
optimization process. In the other words, optimization Nomenclature
process without considering the heat transfer by radiation
can lead to significant errors. Fo r example, one of the Ac cross sectional area S gen entropy generation
optimization tools is entropy minimization. Thus, in the case
of convection-radiation, which the rate of entropy generation Bi Bio number T temperature
is approximately twice of the convection, considering
CD drag coefficient U velocity
radiation in system is so important. Of course, when there is
forced convection in the system the influence of the radiation D diameter Greek letter symbols
in neglig ible. FD drag force density
Biot number is the ratio of total heat transfer to internal
h convective coefficient emissivity
conduction, and Nusslet number is dimensionless
temperature gradient at the surface. The results showed that k thermal conductivity absorptivity
when the length of fin is less than 60 mm the influence of Nu Nusselt number Stefan-Boltzmann
radiation on the Biot and Nusselt numbers is significant, P perimeter Subscript
because after length of 60mm the surface temperature
q heat transfer rate b base
approach to amb ient temperature, and according to
Stefan-Bo ltzmann constant the term of rad iation would be Re Reynolds number ambient
very small. Figure of (5) shows the function of Biot number
versus length of the fin.
International Journal of M echanics and Applications 2013, 3(5): 131-137 137

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