Direct Methods For Limit States in Structures, (Franck Pastor, Joseph Pastor, Djimedo Kondo (Auth.), Konstantinos Spiliopoulos, Dieter Weichert (Eds.) )

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The document discusses the history and development of direct methods for limit state analysis of structures and materials. It focuses on graphical and computational procedures for evaluating structural safety and collapse resistance.

The book is about direct methods for evaluating limit states in structures and materials. It discusses analytical techniques for assessing safety, collapse, plastic behavior, creep, fatigue and other responses in engineering components.

The document mentions investigations by Poleni and Boscovich in the 18th century on the stability of St. Peter's dome in Rome and the Milan cathedral spire which can be seen as early examples of limit analysis. It also refers to the design of Morrison bomb shelters in Britain during WWII.

Direct Methods for Limit States in Structures

and Materials

Konstantinos Spiliopoulos r Dieter Weichert


Direct Methods
for Limit States
in Structures and

Konstantinos Spiliopoulos
School of Civil Engineering,
Department of Structural Engineering
National Technical University of Athens
Athens, Greece

Dieter Weichert
Institute of General Mechanics
RWTH-Aachen University
Aachen, Germany

ISBN 978-94-007-6826-0
ISBN 978-94-007-6827-7 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6827-7
Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London
Library of Congress Control Number: 2013947157
Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014
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In the history of structural engineering, safety with respect to collapse, rather than
stress admissibility, turns out to be the main worry of several pioneers. In the eighteenth century the Saint Peter dome in Rome and the highest spire of the Milan
cathedral (with the Madonnina on its top) have been structures investigated for
restoration (by Poleni and Boscovich, respectively, both primarily mathematicians)
from a standpoint and by a graphical-computational procedure which can be regarded as anticipations of limit analysis methods.
Another memorable event might be regarded as a contribution of limit structural
analysis to the solution of crucial social problems: the design of the Morison shelters
for protection of British families against V2 bombs during one of the most tragic periods of the Second World War; such design was due to the research team of Sir John
Baker in Cambridge. In those years, early forties, two other circumstances occurred
in the United States with consequences fruitful also for the development of the direct methods: at Brown University, Providence RI, the successful research stream
on structural mechanics centered on plasticity was starting under the guidance of
Prager; almost simultaneously, linear (and later nonlinear) mathematical programming was developed in Stanford, by George Dantzing and his team, initially in terms
of algorithms for optimization of American navy strategies. Later a productive convergence occurred between mathematical programming and elastoplastic structural
mechanics, particularly as for direct methods and their practical applications.
Limit analysis and its generalization to shakedown analysis after the mid of the
last century have been one of the most fruitful developments of structural mechanics,
simultaneously and interactively with another fast growth in applied science, namely
finite element and other methods for computer simulations of physical phenomena,
particularly of inelastic responses of structures to external actions.
Each important scientific research area exhibits a flourishing era, characterized
by intensive activities and fast growth. Such era for direct methods of limit and
shakedown analyses grew with contributions provided by several internationally acknowledged research leaders; obviously they are well known to all research workers
in applied mechanics and, therefore, they are not considered in this brief foreword.
Here I take the liberty to mention with gratitude only some of them, with whom



I had opportunities of personal meetings and pleasant interactions before our international scientific community lost them: Drucker, Symonds, Koiter, Massonnet,
Sawczuk, Knig, Martin; in my country Capurso, Ceradini, Gavarini.
But direct methods still represent a fertile research field, still attractive and fashionable, with challenges still open to fruitful and synergistic convergence of structural mechanics, mathematical developments, computational techniques and not
only structural engineering, but also diverse technologies. Evidence of such closing remark is provided by this book and by the Athens conference which originated
it, and by the sequence of recent meetings and papers collections on direct methods. Colleagues from various research institutions, who promote such initiatives on
direct methods and successfully contribute to them, do deserve, in my opinion, the
appreciation of the international community of theoretical and applied mechanics.
Technical University (Politecnico), Milan, Italy

Giulio Maier


Civil and mechanical engineers are to a large extent concerned with safety- and life
assessment of structures under thermo-mechanical loading which may cause severe
inelastic straining. This task is virtually impossible to perform following cumbersome and time consuming evolutionary methods which, additionally, require the
complete knowledge of the loading history. Mostly, however, only variation intervals of the loads are known. Thus, it is important to be able to produce margins
of safe service conditions for structures, as well as for structural material, against
excessive inelastic deformations.
Methods that aim towards this end, avoiding step-by-step analysis, are called
Direct Methods. They are non-evolutionary, and although such methods have existed for some time, they are attracting an increasing interest from scientists and
researchers, based on new mathematical formulations and new developments on
numerical analysis.
The present volume contains the most recent advances on these methods. It is the
outcome of the third international workshop that was held in Athens on February
2012, following the successful first and second workshops in Aachen in 2007 and
Lille in 2009. The event, which attracted more than 30 scientists from 6 countries,
was organized by the National Technical University of Athens and was hosted by
the Onassis Cultural Center.
The papers in the book are arranged in the order of their appearance in the workshop and their contributions are in the fields of Structural and Soil Mechanics as well
as Material Science. All the contributed papers have undergone a rigorous review
process before acceptance for publication.
We would like to thank all the scientists that have participated in this book for
the high quality level of their work.
We would also like to express our thanks to Professor Giulio Maier, of the Technical University of Milan, for his kindness to foreword this book.
Athens, Greece
Aachen, Germany

Konstantinos Spiliopoulos
Dieter Weichert



Finite Element Limit Analysis and Porous Mises-Schleicher Material . .

Franck Pastor, Joseph Pastor, and Djimedo Kondo

Limit Analysis: A Layered Approach for Composite Laminates . . . . . .

Aurora Angela Pisano, Paolo Fuschi, and Dario De Domenico


Shakedown Analysis of Kinematically Hardening Structures in

n-Dimensional Loading Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jaan-Willem Simon


Computation of Bounds for Anchor Problems in Limit Analysis and

Decomposition Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
J.J. Muoz, N. Rabiei, A. Lyamin, and A. Huerta


Shakedown Analysis of Reissner-Mindlin Plates Using the Edge-Based

Smoothed Finite Element Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
` and M. Staat
Thanh Ngo.c Trn
Progress in Plastic Design of Composites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Min Chen and Abdelkader Hachemi
The Residual Stress Decomposition Method (RSDM): A Novel Direct
Method to Predict Cyclic Elastoplastic States . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Konstantinos V. Spiliopoulos and Konstantinos D. Panagiotou
Use of Layout Optimization to Solve Large-Scale Limit Analysis and
Design Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Matthew Gilbert, Colin C. Smith, Samuel J. Hawksbee, and
Andrew Tyas
Macroscopic Modeling of Porous Nonassociated Frictional Materials . . . 181
Long Cheng, Gry de Saxc, and Djimedo Kondo


Direct Evaluation of the Post-Buckling Behavior of Slender Structures

Through a Numerical Asymptotic Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Giovanni Garcea, Antonio Bilotta, Antonio Madeo, and
Raffaele Casciaro
A Quasi-periodic Approximation Based Model Reduction for Limit
Analysis of Micropile Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Zied Kammoun, Joseph Pastor, and Hichem Smaoui
The Anderson-Bishop ProblemThermal Ratchetting of
a Polycrystalline Metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
A.R.S. Ponter and A.C.F. Cocks
Recent Development and Application of the Linear Matching Method
for Design Limits in Plasticity and Creep: An Overview . . . . . . . 257
Haofeng Chen and Weihang Chen

Finite Element Limit Analysis and Porous

Mises-Schleicher Material
Franck Pastor, Joseph Pastor, and Djimedo Kondo

Abstract By using the kinematic approach of limit analysis (LA) for a hollow
sphere whose solid matrix obeys the von Mises criterion, Gurson (J. Eng. Mater.
Technol. 99:215, 1977) derived a macroscopic criterion of ductile porous medium.
The relevance of such criterion has been widely confirmed in several studies and in
particular in Trillat and Pastor (Eur. J. Mech. A, Solids 24:800819, 2005) through
numerical lower and upper bound formulations of LA. In the present paper, these
formulations are extended to the case of a pressure dependent matrix obeying the
parabolic Mises-Schleicher criterion. This extension has been made possible by the
use of a specific component of the conic optimization. We first provide the basics
of LA for this class of materials and of the required conic optimization; then, the
LA hollow sphere model and the resulting static and mixed kinematic codes are
briefly presented. The obtained numerical bounds prove to be very accurate when
compared to available exact solutions in the particular case of isotropic loadings.
A second series of tests is devoted to assess the upper bound and approximate criterion established by Lee and Oung (J. Appl. Mech. 67:288297, 2000), and also
the criterion proposed by Durban et al. (Mech. Res. Commun. 37:636641, 2010).
As a matter of conclusion, these criteria can be considered as admissible only for a
slight tension/compression asymmetry ratio for the matrix; in other words, our results show that the determination of the macroscopic criterion of the porous MisesSchleicher material still remains an open problem.

F. Pastor
Laboratoire de Mcanique de Lille (LML), UMR-CNRS 8107, Villeneuve dAscq, France
e-mail: [email protected]
J. Pastor (B)
Laboratoire LOCIE, UMR-CNRS 5271, Universit de Savoie, Chambry, France
e-mail: [email protected]
D. Kondo
Institut DAlembert, UMR-CNRS 7190, Universit Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
e-mail: [email protected]
K. Spiliopoulos, D. Weichert (eds.), Direct Methods for Limit States in Structures and
Materials, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6827-7_1,
Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014

F. Pastor et al.

1 Introduction
The criteria for yielding of ductile porous materials, proposed by Gurson [8], are
based on limit analysis (LA) of a hollow sphere or cylinder obeying the von Mises
criterion and subjected to uniform strain rate boundary conditions. In his analysis,
Gurson used a LA kinematical approach to obtain an upper bound to the exact solution of the hollow sphere model and to the strength of isotropic porous materials
which is shown later to correspond to microstructures of the type Hashin Composite
Spheres Assemblages (see for instance [12]). In the context of isotropy, the Gurson approach has been extended in several directions among which that allowing to
investigate analytically porous materials with matrix exhibiting pressure sensitive
behavior (see among others, [5, 7, 9, 13, 15]).
On the other hand, using a finite element discretization of a unit cell, both static
and kinematical methods of LA have been developed to obtain rigorous lower and
upper bounds and assess Gursons criteria for cylindrical as well as spherical cavities in [6] and [21]. Using these numerical approaches, the yield function of a porous
material with cylindrical voids was studied first; it was shown that Gurson criterion
is approximate and does not exhibit the corner that the exact criterion displays in the
plane strain case. However, the Gurson criterion for materials containing spherical
cavities appears to be satisfactory [32], although it does not account for possible dissymmetry (with respect to the hydrostatic axis) associated with third stress invariant
effects [31].
It is worth noticing that the above mentioned LA based numerical approaches
lead to rigorous lower and upper bounds of the macroscopic criterion and allow
a posteriori verification of these bounds from the final optimal solution. Consequently, their use to assess existing theoretical yield functions of porous media is
intrinsically relevant. Obviously, such assessment is crucial for confidence in the
formulation of constitutive relations based on these yield functions, in the perspective of structural computations.
This paper is focused on a class of materials for which the pressure-sensitive
parabolic criterion of Mises-Schleicher [27] is used, see for example [14, 30],
and [3] for a detailed comparison with experimental data. Following [4], this criterion well represents the strength differential between uniaxial compression (C )
and uniaxial tension (T ) which has been observed for many polycristalline materials and geomaterials. Moreover the absence of an apex (as in the Drucker-Prager and
Coulomb case) around the minimum value of I1 (= tr ), which agrees with experimental observations [28], constitutes an advantage from a physical and numerical
point of view. This explains that recent papers have investigated the influence of the
porosity for such materials. Therefore, in the present paper, analytical Gurson-like
macroscopic criteria for spherically porous media with Mises-Schleicher matrix will
be assessed by using original LA techniques.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the main features of the LA
theory and completes the expressions needed by the LA methods; a brief description
of these methods is given afterwards, ending with a summary of the mixed kinematic approach and of the specific conic optimization which has allowed to solve

Finite Element Limit Analysis and Porous Mises-Schleicher Material

the final optimization problem. In Sect. 3, the micro-macro hollow sphere model is
detailed with its 3D finite element discretizations of stress and velocity fields to obtain the macroscopic criterion in terms of average macroscopic stresses. In Sect. 3.3
is presented the implementation of the static approach, which leads to an original
rotated quadratic cone formulation. Section 3.4 briefly presents the also original
mixed kinematic formulation, with discontinuous velocity fields, which leads also
to a rotated cone formulation that bypasses the singularity problem when dm becomes null in an element, or a fortiori when the special case of von Mises criterion
is considered.
Section 4 recalls the criteria given in the above mentioned papers of the literature
that will be assessed in the present work. In Sect. 5, the obtained numerical bounds
in the case of hydrostatic loadings are validated first by comparison to available analytical solution (see for instance [15]). Finally, for general loadings, the available
criteria of Lee and Oung [13] and of Durban et al. [5] are assessed by comparing
them to the numerical bounds; to this end we consider two porosities and two representative tensile and compressive strengths (T , C ) ratios which characterize the
Mises-Schleicher material.

2 Summary of Limit Analysis for Mises-Schleicher Material

In this section, the basic principles of Limit Analysis (LA) for the Mises-Schleicher
material and the resulting methods are recalled, ending with the specific formulation
of the conic algorithm used to solve the resulting optimization problems.

2.1 General Limit Analysis and Mises-Schleicher Material

According to [25], a stress tensor field, , is said to be admissible if it is both statically admissible (SA), i.e., satisfies equilibrium equations, stress vector continuity,
and stress boundary conditions and plastically admissible (PA), i.e., f ( ) 0,
where f ( ) is the convex plasticity criterion. In the present problem we consider
the yield condition given by F. Schleicher [27] (see also [14, 33] for an application
to composite materials, or [10] for a plane stress study):

f ( ) = eq + 30 m 0 0; eq =
d : d
where d is the deviatoric part of and m the main (also called hydrostatic) stress;
and 0 are related to the tensile yield stress T and to the absolute yield stress in
compression C (with C T ) by
= (C T )/0 ;

0 =

C T .


F. Pastor et al.

Similarly, a strain rate tensor field, d, is admissible if it is both kinematically admissible (KA, i.e., it is derived from a piecewise continuous velocity vector field u, with
bounded discontinuities [u], such that the velocity boundary conditions are fulfilled)
and plastically admissible (PA), i.e., the following associated flow rules (3a), (3b)
are satisfied
, f ( ) = 0, 0, f ( ) 0;

[u] =
, fdisc (T ) = 0, 0, fdisc (T ) 0,
d =


where d is the strain rate tensor, [u] the velocity jump across the discontinuity surfaces, and T = (n , nt ) the corresponding stress vector acting on them. The definitions (3a), (3b) lead to the so-called plastic admissibility condition (PA condition)
that d and [u] must verify to be plastically admissible, i.e. at least one stress tensor
or stress vector T (such that f ( ) = 0 and fdisc (T ) = 0, respectively) can be associated to them. Let us recall that the criterion fdisc (T ) results from the projection
of the plasticity criterion f ( ) on the (n, t) Mohr plane associated to the velocity
discontinuity surface of normal n, which results for the present material:
fdisc (T ) = nt2 + 0 n 02

1 + 2


If (3a) and (3b) are fulfilled, the quantities : d and T [u] become, respectively,
the convex unit dissipated powers vol (d) and disc ([u]), i.e.:
disc [u] = T [u].

vol (d) = : d;


Finally, denoting dm the average value of the strain rate tensor d, for the MisesSchleicher material the P A conditions resulting from (3a), (3b) read:
dm 0;

[un ] 0,


and the unit dissipated powers become:

vol (d) =

0 dm 0 deq

4 dm

  0 (1 + 2 )
0 [ut ]2
[un ] +
disc [u] =
4 [un ]



where deq = 23 dd : dd and dd the deviatoric part of d.
Let us point out that relation (4) and its consequences in (6) and (8) are original; they will allow to check a posteriori the admissibility of the optimal velocity
field and the corresponding dissipated power along the discontinuities of the mixed

Finite Element Limit Analysis and Porous Mises-Schleicher Material

numerical problem described in Sect. 2.3. It is also worth noting that the use of relations (7) and (8) in a classic kinematic method may lead to singularities during the
optimization process.
Let us assume now that the virtual power of the external loads Pext can be written
as the scalar product of a loading p-vector Q = Q( ) (linear in , with SA), and
a generalized velocity p-vector q = q(u) (linear in u, with u KA) the components
of which are called kinematic parameters. The vectors Q and q are also assumed
to be linear in their respective arguments, such assumption being always verified in
usual cases and in the present problem. The virtual power theorem then reads:

Pext = Q q =
: ddV +
T [u]dS = P ,


where V is the volume of the mechanical system, Sdisc the union of the velocity
discontinuity surfaces; let us note that P becomes the so-called dissipated power
Pdiss when the fields (, T ) and (d, [u]) are also PA and associated, respectively.
Basically, a solution of the LA problem is a pair (, u) where the fields and u
are both admissible and associated by the normality rule. In this case, the loading
vector corresponding to the field is a limit load Qlim of the mechanical system. It
can be proved that the admissible loading vectors Q, i.e., corresponding to an admissible field , belongs to a convex set K whose boundary K is the locus of the limit
loads Qlim . The vector q complies with normality to K, i.e. the maximum dissipation principle is verified in terms of Q and q. However, solving the LA problem by
the determination of the above mentioned pair (, u) is rarely possible; fortunately,
the solution can be bracketed by using the so-called lower and upper bound methods
of LA, more precisely the following static and kinematic approaches.

2.2 The Classic Static and Kinematic Approach of LA

The main goal of limit analysis is thus the determination of K which corresponds
to the searched plasticity criterion in the present study. Classically, the limit loads
can be found or approached using two dual optimization methods.
The first one is the static method which is in terms of stresses and leads to a lower
bound of the admissible loads. The final problem to be solved reads:

Qlim = Qd1 , . . . , 0 Qdi , . . . , Qdn ;

0 = max , Q( ) = Q1 , . . . , Qi , . . . , Qn
where the stress tensors are admissible, and Qd is a fixed admissible loading
vector. Relations (10a), (10b) hold when all admissible fields can be taken into
account, which is not the case in general. Then, by varying the direction of Qd , a set
of admissible Q, located near or on K, are obtained: the smallest convex envelope
of the corresponding points in K is an inner approach of the boundary K, i.e. a
lower bound to the exact macroscopic criterion investigated in the following.

F. Pastor et al.

The second method, involving only the displacement velocities as variables, is

the classic kinematic (or upper bound) method. Let us assume that the velocity
field u is q d -admissible, i.e., u is admissible and verify q(u) = q d , where q d is
a fixed value of q. This kinematic approach of LA consists in obtaining the planes
orthogonal to the vectors qd and tangent to K by solving the following minimization problem:

Qq =


u q d -admissible

vol d(u) dV +

disc [u] dS = Pdiss (u) , (11)


for various values of q d . Therefore, the classic method needs the analytical expressions of the unit dissipated powers vol (d) and disc ([u]). As it can be seen in
(7), (8), some difficulties may arise when a non-linear optimization algorithm is
used which needs Jacobian and Hessian matrices.
In fact, here also, relation (11) holds when all admissible fields u can be considered, which is rarely possible. In practice, a set of planes exterior or tangent to K
is obtained: the domain defined by the intersection of the corresponding half spaces
constitutes an outer approach of the boundary K, i.e. an upper bound to the exact
macroscopic criterion.

2.3 The Mixed Kinematic Approach of LA

On the other hand, a so-called mixed kinematic formulation was pioneered by Anderheggen and Knopfel [2] in the continuous case and materials with linearized yield
criteria. This formulation needs only the plasticity criterion as characteristic data of
the material, here the analytic yield functions (1) and (4), and the above mentioned
singularities of the dissipated powers (7) and (8) are then bypassed. Various extensions of the existing mixed algorithms to the discontinuous velocity case (see also
[11]) were successfully experienced in the references [18, 22] for structural plane
strain problems with von Mises and Gurson homogeneous materials and in [24] for
the hollow spheroid problem with an anisotropic Hill matrix.
These formulations are here extended to the 3D-case and for a pressuredependent matrix obeying the Mises-Schleicher yield condition; up to our knowledge, it is the first time that the LA numerical techniques are applied to such problems. This lack in the literature is probably due to the need of a specific large scale
non linear optimization code if the problem is not cast into a rotated quadratic cone
programming one as here.
Let us now consider a KA virtual velocity field u. The virtual power principle
(VPP) states that the stress tensor fields and the load vector Q are in equilibrium
if, for any KA u, Eq. (9) is verified. The mixed formulation of [18] and [23] can be
modified as:

Finite Element Limit Analysis and Porous Mises-Schleicher Material

max F = Q qd



: ddV +


f ( ) 0,

 n [u]dS = Q q(u)




f  0,


where is the stress tensor inside the 3D finite elements, and  the stress tensor
specific to the discontinuity surfaces whose set is denoted Sd .
The previous formulation gives the exact solution if any velocity and stress fields
could be taken into account. This is not always the case when a discretization of
the mechanical system in finite elements is considered, giving in fact only estimates
of the limit loads. Then, to preserve the rigorous kinematic (or upper bound) character of the final result, we will need to modify the numerical implementation of
the virtual power principle (12b) on the basis of convexity properties when taking
into account the contribution of the discontinuities. In this study, the finite element
formulations of both problems (10a), (10b) and (12a)(12c) are solved using the
specific method briefly presented in the following section.

2.4 Summary of the Second Order Conic Programming Method

Let us first indicate that conic programming is a recent and very active research
subdomain of convex optimization. For more details the reader is, for example, referred to [29]. Let us consider now the convex programming problems with linear
objective function whose convex constraints can be written as x C , where x is the
variable vector and C a non empty convex cone. Since conic programming is a subset of nonlinear convex programming and a generalization of linear programming,
the optimization problem to be solved reads:
min cT x
s.t. Ax = b,


with A Rmn , c, x Rn , b Rm . One of the specific features of the conic programming codes is to solve the problems where C is defined by a product of the
following cones C n+2 :

= xR
xj 2xn+1 xn+2 , xn+1 0, xn+2 0.

j =1

With the cone (14) the resulting optimization problem is called rotated quadratic
cone programming problem. Among the existing commercial codes, the most efficient is the code MOSEK, developed by E. Andersen [16], which allows to solve very

F. Pastor et al.

large scale optimization problems. Its applications in mechanics began about ten
years ago, but always for solving classic limit analysis problems which involves von
Mises or Drucker-Prager criterion where C is defined by a product of the Lorentz
cones L n+1 :



= xR
xn+1 .

j =1

3 The Mises-Schleicher Hollow Sphere Model

3.1 Statement of the Mechanical Problem
Let us consider as elementary cell a sphere cavity of radius a embedded in a concentric sphere cell of radius b (see Fig. 1). The solid matrix is assumed to be
isotropic, homogeneous, and obeys the Mises-Schleicher yield condition. We consider now the mechanical micro-macro problem and denote by and E the macroscopic stress and strain rate symmetric tensors, respectively. These quantities are
defined by averaging their microscopic counterparts over the cell of volume V . Under the uniform strain rate boundary conditions allowing the macro-homogeneity
Hill-Mandel lemma
to be verified (i.e. ui = Eij xj on the external boundary) the

power Pext = V ij nj ui dS of the external loads leads to:
Pext = V ij Eij .


From (16), the p components Qi of the loading vector Q (see Sect. 2.1) can be defined as the six components of the tensor , and the qi as the corresponding components of E. In fact, depending on the results we are searching for, more relevant
definitions of the Q and q vectors can be chosen. Here, the LA loading parameters and their associated generalized velocities, such that (16) remains verified, are
chosen as follows:
Q1 = m =

(xx yy );
Q3 =


q1 = tr(E);
q3 = (Exx Eyy );

Q2 =

xx + yy
zz ;


Q4 = yz ;
Q5 = zx ;
Q6 = xy ; (18)

2 Exx + Eyy
Ezz ;
q2 =
q4 = 2Eyz ;

q5 = 2Ezx ;

q6 = 2Exy .


From these definitions, the external power Pext here reads:

Pext = V Q q.


Finite Element Limit Analysis and Porous Mises-Schleicher Material

Fig. 1 The hollow sphere model

The stress components represent the loading vector Q in terms of LA and the corresponding macroscopic strain rates define the associated generalized velocity vector q of Sect. 2, with p = 6. The locus K corresponds then to the investigated
macroscopic criterion, further denoted g (Q), of the porous material.
To compare with available analytical results, we search for the projection of
g (Q) on the (m , Q2 ) plane by optimizing Q2 for fixed average stresses m , the
other stress components defined in (18) being free. Then Q
= 0 = qi for i 4, and

= 0 = q3 since the macroscopic material complies with the normality rule in

terms of q and Q relatively to g . As a final result, loadings can be restricted to the
principal macroscopic strain rates E (as well as from the macroscopic isotropy)
with q3 = 0 = Exx Eyy . Moreover, from the isotropy of the macroscopic material,
we also impose, although this is not mandatory, xx yy = 0 = Q3 . Indeed, as
expected, when non imposed a priori, the axisymmetry of loading is always verified
in the optimal solutions, giving by the way a good control of the mesh quality. Note
that the macroscopic equivalent stress eq is, in the present case, linked to Q2 by:
= d : d = Q22 + Q23 = Q22 = (xx zz )2 ,


where d is the deviatoric part of .

Let us remark that eq , even for axisymmetric loadings, has not the status of a
loading parameter Qi ( ) as they are defined in Sect. 2; hence it cannot be used as
it is when using the LA methods. Moreover, it is worth noting that, in the present
problem, the optimal lower and upper bounds presented in terms of (Q1 , Q2 ) are
also bounds for the fully 3D loading case, since the resulting axisymmetric loading
is also a 3D loading. This is not always the case when the results are presented in
terms of (eq , m ), using eq = |Q2 | from (22) since Q3 is zero. For example,
the optimal positive and negative Q2 of the real macroscopic criterion, for the same
fixed Q1 = m , are slightly different in absolute value (except on the axis as expected), with a maximum of 2 % in the present tests, as shown in [31] for the porous
von Mises material.


F. Pastor et al.

Fig. 2 General view and Oxz plane of a 896-tetrahedron mesh (f = 0.1)

3.2 The Finite Element Discretization

First is summarized the meshing technique adapted from the one presented in [32],
resulting in a common discretization for the static and kinematic codes. From the
above mentioned discussion, one eighth of the hollow spheroid is meshed into tetrahedral elements as shown in Fig. 2. This mesh respects the symmetries of the problem since the coordinate planes are equivalent concerning the distribution of elements, giving rise to a well-posed numerical problem. Each triangle of a polyhedral
surface n is the top basis of a prism whose the bottom basis is the corresponding
triangle of the surface n 1, and so on until the cavity boundary. Each prism is
divided into two tetrahedrons and three pyramids and each pyramid is divided into
four tetrahedrons. Hence, each prism is meshed using 14 tetrahedral elements. For
example the mesh of Fig. 2 involves 4 concentric layers of 4 4 prisms each, resulting finally in 896 tetrahedrons.
Since the FEM nodal stress or velocity variables are located at each apex of the
tetrahedrons (and not at the nodes of usual FEM meshes), discontinuities in terms of
stress or velocity are allowed across any element side; this feature has been proved
to be crucial in the static approach (see [17, 20] and for the kinematic one [1]). For
example, in the von Mises matrix case, if we consider continuous FEM fields (i.e.
without any inter-element discontinuity) in the present 3D-model, no feasible solution is found under a isotropic (or hydrostatic) loading. These discontinuity sides are
automatically detected by searching for the tetrahedron sides having their apices located at the same points; a special care is paid to verify the coherence of the normal n
(defined from the description of the side apices) with the description of the discontinuities, taking into account that tensile normal stresses are positively counted (see
Fig. 3). This point is important in the kinematic case since the velocity discontinuity
must have the same direction as the outer normal to the plasticity criterion in the
Mohr plane.

Finite Element Limit Analysis and Porous Mises-Schleicher Material


Fig. 3 A typical kinematic

discontinuity side:
[ui ] = u2 u1 ,
[uj ] = u4 u3 ,
[um ] = u6 u5

3.3 Implementation of the Static Method

In this subsection we first explicit the Mises-Schleicher criterion; then, we present
the static approach implementation. In a (x, y, z) reference frame, the MisesSchleicher criterion (1) reads:


xx + yy
zz + (xx yy )2 + 3 yz
+ zx
+ xy

0 0 (xx + yy + zz ) .


After an obvious change of variables, criterion (23) can be written as a rotated

quadratic cone constraint (14) in the form required by the optimizer MOSEK, i.e.:

xj2 2x6 x7 .


j =1

Concerning the numerical implementation of the static approach, the local stress
field is chosen as linearly varying with x, y, z in each tetrahedral element, and represented by a 6-component tensor for each vertex of this tetrahedral element. Consequently, this stress field can be discontinuous across any element boundary. Finally,
to reduce the size of the constraint matrix of the numerical problem, a change of
variables (x0 , x1 , . . . , x5 ) is performed, where x0 = tr and x1 to x5 defined
from (24), so that only the definitions of x6 = 0 /2 and x7 = 0 tr( ) are needed
as new constraints (and new auxiliary variables) for each tetrahedron vertex.
To get a statically and plastically admissible microscopic stress field, the following conditions are implemented in the final form of a matrix of linear equality
Definition of the macroscopic stress components xx , yy , zz as averages
of the corresponding microscopic ones i.e., three linear conditions.
Definition of Q1 = m , Q2 , Q3 as functions of the previous ones, i.e., three
linear conditions.
In each element, from the linearity of the stress variation, the equilibrium equations, ij,j = 0, generate three linear conditions.
Continuity conditions: the stress vector is continuous across every discontinuity
surface; each discontinuity triangle generates nine linear conditions.


F. Pastor et al.

Boundary conditions: on the triangles belonging to the cavity boundary, the components of the stress vector Ti = ij nj are null at each apex of each triangle
(whose normal is n), here also generating nine linear conditions per triangle.
Symmetry conditions: the microscopic tangential stresses are null at the triangle
apices of the coordinate planes, i.e., six linear conditions for each triangle of these
To enforce the stress field to be plastically admissible, the criterion (23) is imposed
at each apex of the tetrahedron; hence, due to its convexity, the criterion is fulfilled
anywhere in the element. For each tetrahedron the four conic inequalities are directly
handled by MOSEK by indicating the names of the variables xj involved in (24).
Concerning the functional to be optimized, m is given successive desired values
and Q2 is minimized; when m is close to its maximum value, Q2 is fixed and m
is optimized for better convergence of the optimization process. The final result
is a rotated quadratic cone programming problem, which is one of the features of
MOSEK ; the optimal solution gives a rigorous lower bound to the exact solution of
the FEM model; this lower bound character is systematically verified by a postanalysis of the optimal stress field given by the optimizer. It is worth noting that,
in all tests, the best values of eq , for fixed m , are obtained for negative Q2 , i.e.
by minimizing Q2 in fact. This point proves here also a slight influence of the third
stress invariant of the macroscopic stress tensor, as in [31].

3.4 Implementation of the Mixed Kinematic Method

As said yet, the mesh is elaborated as in the static case. First, we examine the contribution of the continuous velocity fields to the VPP expression (9); the role of
inter-element discontinuities will be discussed in the next subsection.

3.4.1 Contribution of the Element Velocity Fields

A three-component nodal vector {u} is located at each apex of the tetrahedron, and
the velocity u is assumed to vary linearly, giving rise to a constant strain rate {d} in
the element. To the global vector of these velocities are added q1 , q2 , q3 in order to
form the final virtual vector {u}. Then, a single stress tensor { } is assigned at each
tetrahedron. Thus, from its definition, the external power reads:
Pext = V q Q = V {q}T {Q} = {u}T V []{Q}
where {q} = []T {u}.
Inside the element k, the strain rate {d} is defined by the classic equation:
{d}k = [B]k un ,



Finite Element Limit Analysis and Porous Mises-Schleicher Material


where the vector {un } collects the twelve degrees of freedom of the element. Then
the VPP reads:

{u}T V []{Q} =
Vk {d}Tk { } {u} KA,

where Vk denotes the volume of the tetrahedron k. Using Eq. (26), and after the
assembly of the elements, the relationship (27) gives rise to the following variational

{u}T []{ } + V []{Q} = 0 {u} KA,
where the matrix [] results from the assembly of the submatrices [] = Vk [B T ]
calculated for each element k in (27).

3.4.2 Contribution of the Velocity Discontinuities

According to [26], a discontinuity surface element (of normal n) can be assimilated
to a thin zone where the appropriate static and kinematic variables are respectively
the stress vector T  =  n and the velocity jump vector [u] which are associated
by the normality law relatively to the fnt (T  ) criterion, or, equivalently (see [26]),
where the corresponding  and d  = [un ]n n + 12 [ut ](n t + t n) can be
associated relatively to f (  ).
The second left hand side term of (12b) becomes the dissipated power disc ([u])
when the optimal solution is reached (see [18, 23]), so we can use the convexity of
disc since the velocity jump [u] varies linearly along the discontinuity side. Hence
an auxiliary stress tensor  is assigned at each apex i, j , m of the triangular discontinuity side Sij m , and the integral on this side can be upper bounded by writing:

n [u]dS
Sij m

Aij m [u] i i {n} + [u] j j {n} + [u] m m {n} /3,


where Aij m is the area of Sij m whose the normal is n. Using these bounds gives rise
to a matrix [  ] in an analogous manner than in the previous subsection.
Finally the resulting numerical form of the mixed problem (12a)(12c) is the
Max {qd }T {Q}



[]{ }   + V []{Q} = 0,
f ( ) 0;
f  0


+KA conditions.




F. Pastor et al.

At this stage, it is worth recalling that the optimal velocities components are the values of the dual variables associated to the rows of the final matrix [,  ], which
are available in the optimal solution given by the code MOSEK, or the interior point
optimizer of [19]. Note also that there is no restriction to the allocated stress tensors,
except the verification of the criterion; then, for any non-zero velocity field (and the
corresponding strain rates and velocity jumps) an associated PA stress tensor can be
found. Consequently, from Hills maximum work principle, the upper bound character is preserved with the above selected formulation. Here also, the optimal solutions
are post-analyzed by using the Mises-Schleicher results of Sect. 2.1.

3.4.3 Formulation of the KA Conditions

From the variational formulation (28) leading to the final problem (30a)(30d), let
us define three supplementary lines (constraints) whose associated virtual variables
are Exx , Eyy , Ezz (and three columns for the associated macroscopic stresses), so
that the ui = Eij xj conditions on the boundary here reads ux = Exx x, uy = Eyy y,
uz = Ezz z. Hence, for example for the first relation, in an additional column (located
after the real variables) we initialize to 1 and x the components of the column corresponding to the virtual variable ux and to the virtual variable Exx , respectively.
Since this additional column does not appear in the functional, the desired relation
will be verified in the optimal solution, as it can be verified from the Karush-KuhnTucker optimality conditions. When, as here, the chosen kinematic parameters qi are
an invertible combination of Exx , Eyy , Ezz (represented by a non-singular square
matrix A, for example), the above coefficients x, y, z are dispatched on the three
additional lines (associated now to the qi ), according to the inverse of A. A similar technique is used to impose the null symmetry values to the required velocity
components of the planes x = 0, y = 0 and z = 0.
This original technique gives rise to a better conditioning of the final matrix and
avoids to have to renumber the rows when using the condensation technique of [23].

4 Analytical Yield Criteria of Porous Materials with

Mises-Schleicher Matrix
As previously mentioned, Lee and Oung [13] studied ductile porous media with
a Mises-Schleicher matrix by performing limit-analysis of a hollow sphere. Durban et al. [5] investigated the same problem by means of a simple statically determined procedure. More recently, Monchiet and Kondo [15] derived exact solutions
for isotropic loadings. In this section, we briefly recall the analytical yield criteria
of [13] and [5] that will be assessed; the porosity is denoted f .
Indeed, by studying the hollow sphere problem in a manner analogous to that of
Gurson (for the von Mises matrix case), Lee and Oung found the following upper

Finite Element Limit Analysis and Porous Mises-Schleicher Material


bound to the real criterion:


(3m )2 + 30 (1 f )m (1 f )2 02 = 0.


Then, they proposed the following approximate criterion:


+ 2f cosh

+ 3(1 f )

1 + f 2 = 0.


By following a practical procedure consisting in expanding yield function in powers

of porosity ratio f , Durban et al. obtained a macroscopic porous Mises-Schleicher
criterion whose parameters are determined by taking advantage of the static solutions of the hollow sphere model under hydrostatic loading; the resulting approximate expression reads:


2f G sinh + 3
+ 2f 1 + G 1 + cosh
1 + f 2 = 0,




1 3

+ 2 1 + 2.


As already noted by the authors, (32) and (33a), (33b) reduce to the Gurson expression when tends to zero, while (31) does not meet this expected property.

5 Numerical Tests
5.1 Comparison with Exact Results for Isotropic Loadings
Monchiet and Kondo [15] have confirmed that the m solutions of Lee and
Oung [13] (obtained by limit equilibrium considerations) are exact LA solutions by
exhibiting associated admissible stress and velocity fields, following an approach
already used by Thor et al. [31] for Drucker-Prager and Coulomb matrices. These
exact solutions are considered here for a first validation of the numerical bounds that
we derived by means of the above mentioned static and (mixed) kinematic codes.
Tables 1 and 2 give the corresponding values for isotropic tensile and compressive
loadings, respectively; six decimal are reported.
The analytical values were obtained by solving with MATLAB the following equations given in [13, 15] for m 0:

+ 1 + 2 3m /0

1 + 2 3m /0
1 + 2 = ln f,

+ 1 + 2 ]


F. Pastor et al.

Table 1 Comparison of the present bounds to exact solution m /0 for isotropic tensile loadings



























Table 2 Comparison of the present bounds to exact solution m /0 for isotropic compressive



























and for m 0:

1 + 2 3m /0

1 + 2 3m /0 +
1 + 2 = ln f.

+ 1 + 2 ]
The numerical bounds are mainly obtained with a 14 14 14 prism mesh
resulting in 990, 587 linear constraints, 264, 796 conic constraints, and 2, 127, 191
variables for the mixed kinematic code; the problem is solved in about 700 seconds
of CPU time (with one thread) on an Apple iMac-i7 with 16 gigabytes of RAM. The
static problem with that mesh (1, 117, 600 linear and 153, 664 conic constraints with
1, 229, 319 variables) needs about 1100 seconds of CPU time.
From these tests, it can be firstly noted that the exact solution is always located
between the numerical bounds, even when these bounds are very close to each other.
Secondly, due to the remarkable efficiency of MOSEK, the solving CPU times are
very low, given the large scale of the generated optimization problems. Finally, regarding the high performance in terms of bounds, and these first validations of the
proposed numerical procedure, it should be noted that the presence of discontinuities everywhere plays a crucial role in both static and kinematic results.
In the following tests, owing to the very small difference between positive and
negative optimal values of Q2 , for the same fixed Q1 = m , we will present for
conciseness only the results for the negative Q2 , which are here a bit larger than the
positive ones in absolute value. As it will be seen, this has no consequence about
assessing the available criteria.

Finite Element Limit Analysis and Porous Mises-Schleicher Material


Fig. 4 Present bounds versus [13] and [5] results for C /T = 1.1, f = 0.1 (0 = 1)

5.2 Comparison with Lee-Oung [13] and Durban [5] Results

In [13] the authors have considered several
cases of C /T , with more details for
C /T = 1.1 corresponding to = 0.1/ 1.1. Therefore
we have investigated this
case, and C /T = 2 which corresponds to = 1/ 2; the porosity is set to 0.1
and 0.01.
5.2.1 Case C /T = 1.1
In Fig. 4 are represented the present static and kinematic bounds together with the
results of Lee and Oung, and Durban et al., for c /T = 1.1. It can be seen, first,
that the numerical bounds are very close each other. As indicated by the authors
themselves, the upper bound of Lee and Oung is clearly not efficient, particularly
for high triaxiality loadings. The criterion of Lee and Oung and of Durban are close
on a large part of the loading domain, but the Lee and Oung criterion violates the
static bound for high compressive loadings. This confirmed the observation made


F. Pastor et al.

Fig. 5 Present bounds vs. [13] and [5] results for C /T = 1.1, f = 0.01 (0 = 1)

by [15] on the poor performance of the Lee and Oung criterion when compressive
hydrostatic loadings are considered.
For f = 0.01, from Fig. 5 the same remarks can be made, but the differences
between both criteria are amplified as well as the violation of the static bound for the
Lee and Oung criterion. At this stage, we could conclude that the Durban criterion
can be selected.
5.2.2 Case C /T = 2
The results for c /T = 2 (strong asymmetry) are plotted in Figs. 6 and 7; it can be
seen that the numerical static and kinematic bounds still remain close with a better
performance for f = 0.1, more or less expected since the mesh is the same for both
porosity cases. Curiously, the results present an inversion between the Lee and Oung
upper bound and the Durban et al. criterion. This proves that, for high asymmetry
ratio, the Lee and Oung criterion, as well as that proposed by Durban (even if this
one does not violate the static bounds) cannot be considered relevant.

Finite Element Limit Analysis and Porous Mises-Schleicher Material


Fig. 6 Present bounds vs. [13] and [5] results for C /T = 2, f = 0.1 (0 = 1)

6 Conclusion
In the present paper, we present original finite element formulations of the static and
kinematic methods of Limit Analysis of a hollow sphere with a Mises-Schleicher
matrix, both in the three-dimensional case. The resulting optimization problems are
cast into the so-called rotated quadratic cone optimization, which are solved using the excellent commercial code MOSEK. The static and kinematic mixed codes
appear very efficient in all tests, both in terms of computational speed and of accuracy of the solutions which were systematically verified by post-analysis. First, for
isotropic loadings, the corresponding closed form solutions of Lee and Oung, confirmed as exact LA solutions by [15], allow to validate the present numerical bounds
in this particular case. Then, the comparison with the upper bound and the criterion
of Lee and Oung [13] confirms that both expressions are relevant for tensile and low
compressive loadings, but not in highly compressive loading cases. Moreover, the
Lee and Oung criterion noticeably violates the numerical static bounds when the
tensile/compressive strength asymmetry is not small and for compressive loadings.
This is not the case with the Durban [5] closed-form expression, but this criterion


F. Pastor et al.

Fig. 7 Present bounds vs. [13] and [5] results for C /T = 2, f = 0.01 (0 = 1)

strongly overestimates the real solution for compressive loadings when the above
mentioned asymmetry is high. Finally, it can be concluded that the question of the
determination of a satisfactory analytical criterion for a ductile porous medium with
a Mises-Schleicher matrix still remains open.

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Limit Analysis: A Layered Approach

for Composite Laminates
Aurora Angela Pisano, Paolo Fuschi, and Dario De Domenico

Abstract The present contribution summarizes the results of recent studies carried
on by the authors in the last few years concerning the evaluation of the load bearing
capacity of single- and multi-pin joints in composite orthotropic plates. The problem, tackled via limit analysis, employs a Tsai-Wu-type yield surface and a non
standard treatment of limit analysis approach. Upper and lower bounds to the real
peak load value are evaluated by two FE based numerical procedures predicting
also the joint failure mode. The whole procedure is implemented at lamina level so
taking into account some of the through thickness effects on the joint strength capabilities. A wide number of experimental findings, coming from laboratory tests on
real prototypes and available in the relevant literature, is considered to validate, by
comparison, the expounded methodology.

1 Premises and Main Assumptions

Limit analysis plays an eminent role among the theoretical and numerical methods
aimed at predicting the load bearing capacity of structures or structural elements. It
also becomes very effective and attractive for the design of many modern industrial
prototypes often manufactured with materials whose constitutive behaviour does not
have a well defined mathematical description. In composite laminates, for example,
the available constitutive models are often affected by values of material parameters
hardly identifiable via experimental tests so that, in such a context, results obtained
via a step-by-step post-elastic analysis may be useless for applications of engineering interest. Nevertheless, even in those cases where the constitutive behavior is well

A.A. Pisano (B) P. Fuschi D. De Domenico

Dept. PAU, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Via Melissari, 89124 Reggio Calabria,
e-mail: [email protected]
P. Fuschi
e-mail: [email protected]
D. De Domenico
e-mail: [email protected]
K. Spiliopoulos, D. Weichert (eds.), Direct Methods for Limit States in Structures and
Materials, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6827-7_2,
Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014



A.A. Pisano et al.

settled, limit analysis can be used as a preliminary/first design tool: once a good prototype is individuated for a specific problem, sophisticated post elastic FE analysis
or experimental laboratory tests can be performed for a deeper and exhaustive understanding of its mechanical behaviour with a considerable saving of efforts either
economic or time consuming.
The classical approaches of limit analysis rely upon mathematical programming
procedures which have progressed significantly in recent years (see e.g. [15, 16, 19,
20, 35, 36, 40]). A number of contributions in this field (see e.g. [41] and references
therein) adopt however a different approach whose basic assumption is that limit
state solutions may be developed from sequences of elastic (linear) analyses easy
to handle via any commercial finite element code. In this context a numerical FEbased approach has been recently proposed by the authors to a peculiar problem of
orthotropic composite laminates, namely the evaluation of the load bearing capacity
of pinned-joint composite plates with single- or multi-pin fastenings [2427]. This is
a topical problem in the composite realm as witnessed by the number of recent paper
on the subject, more than 700 papers are listed in the work of Mackerle [21] which
provides an interesting review of finite elements methods applied for the analysis
of joints; remarkable reviews are also the ones given in [6, 10, 31, 37]. For design
purposes, Researchers are mainly interested in determining the effects on joints failure strength and failure modes of some peculiar geometrical parameters such as: the
ratios between hole-distance from the free plate edge to hole-diameter, or the one
between the plate-width to hole-diameter or, also, the relative distances between fastener holes as well as their spatial distribution within the plate [24, 9, 1214, 22].
The results of a research carried on in the last few years and concerning the analysis of mechanically fastened joints in multi layers composite plates are expounded
in the following. Details, and deeper explanations are given in the papers [2427] to
which the Reader could refer for more information. In particular, two well known
FE procedures have been rephrased: (i) the Linear Matching Method, conceived by
Ponter and Carter [28], (see also [8]), has been used to compute an upper bound to
the peak load multiplier; (ii) the Elastic Compensation Method, due to Mackenzie
and Boyle [18], has been employed to evaluate a lower bound to the peak load multiplier. The former, considering a structure made by a fictitious linear viscous material
with elastic parameters spatially varying, allows to construct a collapse mechanism
and eventually to evaluate an upper bound to the peak load. The latter, grounding on
a stress redistribution procedure pursued by a sequence of elastic analyses in which
highly loaded regions are systematically weakened, produces an admissible stress
field suitable for a lower bound evaluation.
The assumption of a Tsai-Wu-type yield surface for composite laminates [7, 34,
38, 39] allows one to locate stress states at which the material has exhausted its
strength capabilities. The further assumption of a non-associate flow rule makes
the whole methodology of general applicability following a nonstandard approach
[17, 30]. Limit analysis is used indeed to evaluate the strength capability of the joint
by evaluating upper and lower bounds bracketing the real peak load value.
The main novelty of the authors recent studies hereafter summarized, is related
either to the extension of the mentioned FE procedures in the realm of anisotropic

Limit Analysis: A Layered Approach for Composite Laminates


composites and, in general, non associative materials or, also, to their non trivial
implementation at layer laminate level. The latter peculiarity reveals undoubtedly
more burdensome computations but, as witnessed by the obtained results, allows
to take into account the stacking sequence of the laminate. Some of the throughthickness effects depending on the number of the laminae the laminate is made with
as well as the effects of fiber orientations within each lamina can indeed be handled
with good accuracy. To this aim higher order shell-type multilayered finite elements
have been used, performing all the relevant operations at the Gauss points of each
element layer (lamina).
In order to verify the reliability of the proposed procedure, checking its ability
of bracketing the real (experimentally detected) peak load, a considerable number
of experimental tests at rupture, available in the literature [2, 1214, 22], have been
numerically reproduced. The possibility of localizing the collapse zone so predicting
the related failure mode has been also investigated highlighting the potentialities of
the layer by layer implementation. In conclusion, the proposed procedure seems to
guarantee, at least for the studied problem, a great accuracy for different laminate
lay-ups and different joint geometries establishing an effective design tool useful to
avoid expensive trials on real prototypes.

2 Limit Analysis and Constitutive Assumptions

2.1 The Limit Analysis Problem
Following the kinematic theorem of the limit analysis, considering a body of volume V , for a given distribution of compatible strain rates j , say jc , an upper bound
to the (collapse) peak load multiplier is given by:
 y c
V j j dV
PU B = 
ci d(V )
Vt p i u

where: jc = f/
j are the components of the outward normal to the yield surface
f (j ) = 0 (with > 0 scalar multiplier); PU B denotes the upper bound load multiplier (for simplicity only surface forces, p i , acting on the external portion of the
body Vt , are considered); j are the stresses at yield associated to the compatible
strain rates jc ; u ci are the related displacement rates. The set (jc , u ci ) indeed defines
a collapse mechanism.
On the other hand, the static theorem of limit analysis states that if at every point
within V exists a stress field j which satisfies the condition f (j ) 0 and in
equilibrium with the applied load P p for a certain value of P , say PLB , then PLB
is a lower bound to the limit load multiplier.
Two remarks appear necessary to focus what will be expounded in the next sections.


A.A. Pisano et al.

Remark 1 For nonstandard materials, see e.g.: [17, 30, 32, 33], the Radenkovics
first and second theorems state that (after [17]): every value of the limit load for
a body made of a nonstandard material is located between two fixed boundaries
defined by the values of the limit loads for two corresponding standard materials.
The hypothesis of a nonstandard constitutive behavior assumed next will then imply
to search for an upper and a lower bound to the (collapse) peak load of the joint.
Remark 2 The two numerical procedures, expounded in Sects. 3 and 4, play two
distinct roles as specified in the following. The Linear Matching Method (LMM) is
naturally related to the kinematic approach of limit analysis being able to construct
a compatible collapse mechanism. It then gives an upper bound, PU B , to the peak
load multiplier. The Elastic Compensation Method (ECM) is indeed strictly related
to the concept of stress redistribution aimed at producing an admissible stress field.
It is then related to the static approach of limit analysis furnishing a lower bound,
PLB , to the peak load multiplier.

2.2 Constitutive Assumptions

By hypothesis, the constitutive behaviour of the composite laminate obeys to a
second-order tensor polynomial form of the Tsai-Wu failure criterion [39] having
the following analytical form:
F11 12 + F22 22 + F66 62 + 2F12 1 2 + F1 1 + F2 2 = 1,


F2 :=
+ ;
F11 :=
Xt Xc
F22 :=
F66 := 2 ;
F12 :=
F11 F22 ;
Yt Yc
with Xt , Xc the longitudinal tensile and compressive strengths respectively; Yt , Yc
the transverse tensile and compressive strengths respectively and S the longitudinal shear strength; moreover, as usual for composite structures, 1 and 2 denote the
principal directions of orthotropy in plane stress case while 6 12 . In Eqs. (3)
the compressive strengths Xc and Yc have to be considered intrinsically negative.
The quadratic form given by Eq. (2) defines an admissible stress states domain:
points within the domain locate stress states pertaining to an orthotropic linear elastic behaviour of the material; points lying on the domain boundary locate stress
states at which the material has exhausted its strength capabilities. The Tsai-Wutype surface, in the quadratic form adopted allows one to apply the standard rules of
transformation, invariance and symmetry, and locates an ellipsoid in the stress space
which is assumed as yield surface for the orthotropic material considered. Moreover,
the orthotropy of the composite laminates infers the general assumption of non associativity so, as noted above, the peak load values of the analyzed specimens will
be located by the determination of upper and lower bounds.
F1 :=

Limit Analysis: A Layered Approach for Composite Laminates


Remark 3 On taking into account the previous Remark 1 and the strict convexity
of the Tsai-Wu-type yield surface the postulated non associativity can be treated
following the Radenkovic approach and, in this case, the assumed yield surface can
itself play the double role of inner and outer surface.

3 The Linear Matching Method (LMM)

3.1 Fundamentals
An upper bound to the (collapse) peak load multiplier can be evaluated by the LMM
which furnishes all the ingredients entering Eq. (1) namely: the kinematic fields
jc , u ci , and the associated stresses at yield (with respect to the yield surface (2)),
i.e. j . To this aim an iterative procedure, involving a sequence of linear FE-based
analyses, is performed on the structural element assumed as made of an orthotropic
linear viscous fictitious material with spatially varying moduli and subjected to a
distribution of imposed initial stresses. At each iteration, the fictitious moduli are
then adjusted and the initial stresses are varied so that the computed fictitious linear
stresses are brought on the yield surface at a fixed strain rate distribution. This allows
one to define a collapse mechanism (strain and displacement rates (jc , u ci )), the
related stresses at yield j and eventually, by Eq. (1), allows to evaluate a PU B . All
the above can be geometrically interpreted as given in next subsection for a quick

3.2 Linear Matching Method and FE Procedure

The fundamental steps of the LMM are schematically shown in Fig. 1 where
a fictitious linear viscous solution, computed at a generic Gauss point (GP) inside a generic layer of a generic finite element, is represented in the stress space
(1 , 2 , 6 ). In particular, denoting with apex (0) the values of fictitious material parameters and initial stresses at iteration k, and with apex () those at iteration k + 1,
the fictitious solution computed at k is displayed by a stress point, located by the
stress vector e , lying on the complementary dissipation rate equipotential surface
(0) (0)
W [Ej , 12 , j ] = const pertaining to the fictitious material. Such solution is also
displayed, in terms of linear viscous strain rates, i.e. by the outward normal, je , to
W = const at je . The related u ei being the compatible displacement rates. At iteration k + 1, the material moduli and the initial stresses are varied (assigning them
the starred values), in such a way that je can be interpreted as jc , the latter being
the strain rate at collapse at the current GP. The above operation simply implies to
find a (stress) point of assigned normal (je = jc ) belonging either to the yield surface or to a modified complementary dissipation rate equipotential surface, say


A.A. Pisano et al.

Fig. 1 Matching procedure

at a GP in the FE mesh:
()(0) = values at iteration k;
()() = values at iteration




W [Ej , 12 , j ] = const, where the starred quantities define indeed the modified
W = const at k + 1. The corresponding stresses, Y , are then stresses at yield,
the related displacement rates the incipient displacements at collapse. This operation, which also explains the name of the method, the surface W matches the
yield surface at a point of given normal, is performed at each GP of the FE mesh
and obviously violates the global equilibrium conditions. The stresses at yield, evaluated by matching, do not satisfy equilibrium with the loads acting at iteration k;
this essential condition is indeed assured at the end of an iterative process. To this
concern, a sufficient condition for convergence is given in [29] and is not reported
for brevity.
Moreover, grounding on the formal analogy between the linear viscous problem
and the linear elastic problem (see e.g. [23]), the fictitious linear viscous solution
(in rate form) can, in practice, be computed as a fictitious linear elastic solution
(in finite form), W playing the role of complementary energy potential of the fictitious material. The FE analysis is then achievable as a linear elastic analysis by any
commercial FE code.

4 The Elastic Compensation Method (ECM)

4.1 Fundamentals
A lower bound to the peak load multiplier can be evaluated via the ECM aimed at
constructing an admissible stress field suitable for the evaluation of a PLB . As the
previous procedure, the ECM is also an iterative procedure involving sequences of
linear elastic FE-based analyses in which highly loaded regions of the structure are
systematically weakened by reduction of the local modulus of elasticity. Precisely,

Limit Analysis: A Layered Approach for Composite Laminates


Fig. 2 ECM procedure at

three generic layers belonging
to elements # 1, #2 and #3 in
the FE mesh

a sequence of linear elastic FE analyses is carried out in which, for a given load
value, the elastic moduli are reduced within critical regions of the structure identified by the elements where the stresses attain values greater than the yield one.
This allows one to define a maximum admissible stress value in the whole structure
and for the given load. Increased values of loads are then considered in the subsequent sequences of analyses till further load increase do not allow the maximum
stresses to be brought below yield by the reduction (or redistribution) procedure. A
PLB load multiplier can be easily evaluated at last admissible stress values attained
for a maximum acting load in the spirit of the static approach of limit analysis.

4.2 Elastic Compensation Method and FE Procedure

Also in this case, the fundamental steps of the ECM are schematically shown. In
Fig. 2 the solution pertaining to an elastic analysis carried on the structure for a
given (arbitrary) fixed load level PD is displayed in terms of elastic stress vectors
evaluated at three generic layers of three generic FEs in the mesh. The latter, for
simplicity, are denoted by elements #1, #2 and #3. In particular, with reference to
the stress space (1 , 2 , 6 ), the value e#e denotes the stress vector representing the
average elastic stress computed within a layer of element #e (its components are
simply the averaged values of the stress components measured at the GPs of the
layer); Y#e denotes the corresponding stress at yield (on the Tsai-Wu-type surface)
measured on the direction e#e /| e#e |.
For the fixed load PD a sequence of FE elastic analyses is carried out on the
structure such that, at the i-th iteration (analysis) of the sequence, within the FEs
layers where | e#e | > | Y#e | the elastic moduli of the layer are reduced according to:
 Y (i1) 2
(i1) | #e |
E#ej := E#ej
| e#e |(i1)


A.A. Pisano et al.

Among all the e#e in the mesh, the maximum stress, i.e. the stress point farthest
away from the Tsai-Wu type surface, say R (coincident with e#3 in Fig. 2), is
detected, YR being the corresponding stress at yield (measured on the direction
R /| YR |). The iterations (analyses) are carried out inside the given sequence until
this maximum stress in the whole mesh R just reaches (is below) its yield value
YR , and this by the above reduction or redistribution procedure. Further sequences
of elastic analyses are then carried on, each one with an increased value of PD ,
and the reduction procedure repeated till further load increases do not allow the R
stress to be brought below yield. A lower bound to the collapse load multiplier can
then be computed as:
PL := YR
| R |


Concerning the evaluation of a lower bound via the ECM, it is worth to mention
the remarkable works of Staat and Co-workers (see e.g. [35, 36]), where the effectiveness of the ECM is analyzed through a comparative study with respect to other
optimization procedures. In [40] a better performance of the so called primal-dual
procedure with respect to the ECM is also shown. The results obtained in the above
quoted papers, all concerning von Mises type materials, show, at least for the cases
there addressed, that the ECM is too conservative. Such assertion deserves surely
further investigations also in the present context even if, for the mechanical problem herein tackled and the material utilized, at least for the analyzed cases, such
drawbacks seem do not appear.

5 Layer-by-Layer Formulation
5.1 FE Modeling and Assumptions
From a numerical point of view, both iterative procedures are driven by a Fortran
main program which utilizes the results of elastic analyses of the examined structural element carried out using the commercial FE code ADINA [1]. In the discrete
model, the number of FEs is chosen taking into account the geometry of the modeled test and with the aim to obtain an enough accurate elastic FE solution. To this
end, as general rule, a finer mesh is always employed around the fastener holes
and a preliminary sensitive study on the elastic solution is performed for each different considered geometry. Moreover, when the analyzed specimens are made by
quasi-isotropic laminates, isoparametric shell elements with 16 nodes and 16 GPs
per element are utilized in the mesh, while, when dealing with laminates with a
general stacking sequence, higher order isoparametric multilayered shell elements
with 16 nodes per element, referred as DISP 16 in the quoted code, are employed.
In particular, the employed multilayered shell elements are an extension to the case
of composite laminates of mixed interpolated tensorial components (MITC) fam-

Limit Analysis: A Layered Approach for Composite Laminates


ily of plates and shell elements (see e.g. [11]). The modelling of the sublaminate
is so entrusted to the elements layers endowed with 16 (on the top) plus 16 (on
the bottom) Gauss points. For each element layer a proper material axes system
is fixed and an order 2 Gauss integration is performed in the layer thickness. The
number of layers per element is, obviously, chosen equal to the numbers of the laminae the analyzed laminate is made with. In Fig. 3(a) the modeling assumptions,
namely the transition from the real stacking sequence of the laminate to the layers
element with the proper definition of the layer material axes system, are sketched.
For both procedures, as shown in Fig. 3(b), the updating and/or reduction of the
elastic moduli is carried into effect at each GP of the element (or of the layer for the
multilayer shells) but, on taking into account that a unique set of Ej i.e. a unique
(orthotropic) materialhas to be assigned to each single element layer, the modified moduli are averaged within the single element layer at the beginning of each
FE analysis.
Finally, to simulate the presence of the rigid pins, two different schemes have
been adopted. The first, used for single-pin fastenings, assumes a cosine load normal
distribution to approximate the pressure exerted by the pin on the inner hole surface.
The second, used for multi-pin fastenings, assumes boundary conditions of contact
type between the pins and the fastener holes. In particular, the constrain function
method (see e.g. [5] and references therein), available in the ADINA code, is used.
The method requires the definition of a target line (the pin contour) and the definition
of a contactor line (the fastener hole contour in the laminate) such that no material
overlap between them can occur during the deformation process, while the contactor
line can scroll or leave the target line.

5.2 Iterative Schemes for Upper and Lower Bounds Evaluation

5.2.1 Flow-Chart of the LMM Iterative Procedure
Knowing the strength values of the orthotropic material (Xc ; Xt ; Yc ; Yt ; S); assign
to all FEs layers an initial set of fictitious elastic parameters and initial stresses
such that the complementary energy equipotential surface is homothetic to the
Tsai-Wu type surface, i.e.:
E1(0) = 1/(2F11 );
E2(0) = 1/(2F22 );
E6(0) = 1/(2F66 );

12 = f12 F11 / F22 ;

2 = T W / F22 ;
6 = 0;
1 = T W / F11 ;
T W and T W being the X, Y coordinates of the Tsai-Wu type ellipsoid centre,
while F11 , F22 and F66 are functions of the strength values. Set also: k = 1,


A.A. Pisano et al.

Fig. 3 Modeling assumptions: (a) definition of material axes at element layer following the stacking sequence; (b) sketch of the LMM and the ECM carried into effect at element layer




PU B = PU B = 1 (for k = 1, PU B can be any arbitrary value) and compute the

constant = 1 + T2 W + 2f12 T W T W + T2 W for later use.
Start iterative procedure

Limit Analysis: A Layered Approach for Composite Laminates


Start elements loop

Start layers loop
step # 1: perform a fictitious elastic analysis with elastic parameters Ej(k1) ,



12 = 12 , initial stresses j = j and with loads PU B p i (p i := reference

loads), computing a fictitious elastic solution at Gauss points of each layer,
namely: je(k1) , u i(k1) , je(k1) .
step # 2: compute the constant value of the complementary potential energy:
1 e(k1) e(k1)
W (k1) = j
step # 3: compute the homothety ratio, namely

/W (0)
for k = 1

W (k2) /W (k1) for k > 1

step # 4: evaluate stresses at yield:
 T W

Y (k1)
= 1 (k1)
+ (k1) 1
 T W

+ (k1) 2e(k1) ;
2Y (k1) = 1 (k1)
Y (k1)


step # 5: set j


= j


, u i



= (k1) 6

and evaluate the upper bound

Y (k1) c(k1)
d(V )
Vt p i u



= u i

End layers loop

End elements loop
step # 6: check for convergence

P P (k1) TOL


Start elements loop

Start layers loop
step # 7: compute the Ej distribution accomplishing the matching at each GP
of each layer to be utilized at next iteration, namely:
(k1)  (k1) 2

, j = 1, 2, 6
Ej = Ej

step # 8: average the updated Ej values within each element layer.

End layers loop
End elements loop
set k = k 1 and GOTO step #1
End iterative procedure


A.A. Pisano et al.

5.2.2 Flow-Chart of the ECM Iterative Procedure

Assign to all FEs layers the material elastic parameters, i.e.:

E1 ;


E2 ;


E6 ;

12 ;

set also: k = 1, PD = 1 (for k = 1, PD can be a design load value).

Start iterative procedure
Start elements loop
Start layers loop

step # 1: perform an elastic analysis with material parameters Ej

, 12 and
loads PD p i (p i := reference loads), computing the stresses at Gauss points of
each layer, namely: je(k1) .
step # 2: average the stress values inside each element layer so computing the
stress vector e#e and the corresponding stress at yield Y#e .
step # 3:
IF PD = 1
update the young moduli within the current layer according to:
 Y (k1) 2
(k1) | #e |
E#ej := E#ej
(Eq. (4)),
| e#e |(k1)
update the young moduli within the current layer according to the above equation (Eq. (4)) only when:
e (k1) Y (k1)



step # 4: detect the maximum stress R in the whole mesh (i.e. whose corresponding stress point is the one farthest away from the Tsai-Wu type surface) and
evaluate the pertinent stress at yield YR
End layers loop
End elements loop
step # 5: check if compensated stress R just reaches (is below) the yield value

YES GOTO step # 8
| R | > R
step # 6: compute a lower bound as:
PL := YR
| R |
step # 7: set PD > PL , set also k = 1 and GOTO step # 1 to perform a new
sequence of elastic analyses

Limit Analysis: A Layered Approach for Composite Laminates


step # 8:
| R |(k) | R |(k1)
set PL = PD of the previous sequence and EXIT
set k = k 1 and GOTO step #1 to start a new elastic analysis
End iterative procedure

6 Numerical Versus Experimental Findings

6.1 Pinned Joints in FRP Plates: Single- and Multi-hole Fasteners
As already pointed out in the previous sections, the expounded numerical procedures have been validated by reproducing a considerable number of experimental
tests for load bearing capacity experimental evaluation available in the literature and
concerning single- as well as multi-pin joints composite plates. Four main different
configurations have been considered. For all the examined cases, overall 177, the
proposed approach has been applied to predict either the upper and lower bounds to
the joint peak load value or the joint failure modes. In all cases, due to the symmetry
of loading, geometry and material with respect to the longitudinal axis y of the plate,
only half of the mechanical problem shown in Figs. 4 and 5 has been considered.
In particular, the first configuration refers to a multilayer composite laminate with
a single hole, like the one sketched in Fig. 4 where geometrical, boundary and loading conditions are specified. In this first case, to simulate the action of the pin inside
the hole a cosine load normal distribution Ti is assumed with P applied reference
load, assumed equal to 1 kN, ni the unit vector normal to the inner hole surface
and a clockwise angle varying in the range [/2, /2]. The numerical study
has involved six different lay-ups (specimen-type), each one with eight different
geometries excepted for the sixth specimen-type where seven different geometries
have been analyzed, so considering 47 different specimens. For these 47 specimens,
the experimental findings are the ones given by Okutan Baba [22] and Aktas and
Dirikolu [2]. For benefit of clarity, the 6 layer stacking sequences (LSS), identifying 6 different specimen types, are listed in Table 1 together with the thickness of
the laminate and the diameter of the fastener hole. Moreover, Table 2 shows the
mechanical parameters of the two types of unidirectional laminae forming the examined laminates, i.e. glass-fiber/epoxy and carbon/epoxy. Specimens belonging to
this first configuration have been analyzed either following a single layer approach,
with 16 nodes single layer shell elements, or using higher order isoparametric multilayered shell elements, referred as DISP 16 in the ADINA code. The number of
elements has been varied from 250 to 330 depending on the considered geometry.


A.A. Pisano et al.

Fig. 4 Schematic representation of a single-pin-loaded composite rectangular plate: (a) fixture

test for load bearing capacity evaluation; (b) mechanical model, boundary and loading conditions

Fig. 5 Schematic representation of the multi-pin joints composite plate: (a) fixture test for load
bearing capacity evaluation; (b) mechanical model

Configurations second, third and fourth, concern multi-pin joints plates. In these
cases, the plate is subjected to a tensile load distribution (equivalent to a global
load Q) acting on the plate mid-plane and applied to one edge. Also in these cases
a reference load of global value equal to Q = 1 kN has been assumed (the P U B and
P LB multiplier are numerically coincident with the predicted peak load value for
all the run examples). The pins, assumed rigid, react to the applied load inducing
high level of stresses around the fastener holes. A schematic representation of the

Limit Analysis: A Layered Approach for Composite Laminates


Table 1 Layer stacking sequence (LSS) and geometrical properties of the single-hole specimens
Specimen type



t (mm)

D (mm)

glass-fiber epoxy



glass-fiber epoxy



glass-fiber epoxy

[00 /90/0]


glass-fiber epoxy

[900 /0/90]S


glass-fiber epoxy



carbon epoxy

[90/45 /0]S



Table 2 Mechanical
parameters of the
unidirectional laminae
forming the composite
laminates with a single-pin

Glass-fiber epoxya
Elastic moduli (GPa)
and Poisson ratio









Strength (MPa)










Elastic moduli (GPa)

and Poisson ratio









Strength (MPa)










Carbon epoxyb

a After

Okutan Baba [22]

b After

Aktas and Dirikolu [2]

multi-pin joints fixture test together with the corresponding mechanical model is
given in Fig. 5. The latter shows the distributed edge load as well as the shaded rigid
pins fixed to the external world. As said in Sect. 5.1 boundary conditions of contact
type are assumed between the pins and the fastener holes. With reference to Fig. 5:
W and t are the width and thickness plate respectively; the length G indicates the
distance between two parallel holes; K their distance from the longer edge; M the
distance between two serial holes in the y direction; F the distance between two
generic holes in the y direction. Finally, L and E are the distances between the
inner and outer holes from the plate edges respectively.
In detail, the second configuration refers to a [0 /90 /45 ]S laminate with a
three pins joint tested in the technical report of Karakuzu et al. [14]. Referring again
to Fig. 5, the three holes are located in the positions 1, 2, 3. Each glass-epoxy lamina, forming the composite laminate, is characterized by the mechanical properties
reported in Table 3, while the geometrical parameters are: L = 90 mm, t = 1.7 mm,
D = 5 mm; finally, the distance K is equal to 10 mm. For this specimen type, 45
different geometries were tested with values of the ratio E/D ranging from 1 to 5,
ratio G/D ranging from 3 to 5 and considering also three different ratios for F /D,
namely: 2, 4, 6. A number of elements ranging from 544 to 662 has been used for
this configuration together with the proposed layered approach.
The third configuration refers to a woven glass/vinylester laminate with two serial
pins joint tested in the paper of Karakuzu et al. [12]. The two holes are located in the


A.A. Pisano et al.

Table 3 Mechanical
parameters utilized for the
numerical simulations of
composite laminates with
multi-pins joints

Glass/epoxy laminaa
Elastic moduli (GPa)
and Poisson ratio






Strength (MPa)











Glass/vinylester laminateb

a After

Karakuzu et al. [14]

b After

Karakuzu et al. [12]

Elastic moduli (GPa)

and Poisson ratio









Strength (MPa)










positions 3 and 4 of Fig. 5. The mechanical properties of the laminate are reported in
Table 3, while its geometrical parameters are: L = 85 mm, t = 2.8 mm, D = 5 mm.
For this specimen type, 40 different geometries were tested considering the ratios
W/D = 2, 4 and M/D and E/D variable from 2 to 5 and from 1 to 5, respectively.
In this case the FE models utilized had a number of 16 nodes single layer shell
elements varying from 275 to 530.
Finally, the fourth configuration refers again to a woven glass/vinylester laminate but with two parallel pins joint (see e.g. Karakuzu et al. [13]). With reference
to Fig. 5 the two holes are located in the positions 1 and 2. In this case the geometrical and mechanical parameters of the laminate are the same of configuration three,
while the 45 different geometries considered are obtained by varying the ratio K/D
from 2 to 4, the ratio E/D from 1 to 5, and considering the ratios M/D = 2, 4, 5.
For this specimen type a FE modelling involving 16 nodes single layer shell elements has been again employed with a number of elements variable from 448 to

6.2 Peak Load Prediction

For sake of synthesis, the obtained numerical results are organized in diagram format. In particular Figs. 6, 7 report, for the 6 specimen types related to the first
laminate configuration, the comparison between the experimental findings and the
numerical predictions in terms of peak load. Each Figure reports different couples
of E/D and W/D ratios, the pertinent experimentally detected values of peak load
and the predicted values, in terms of upper and lower bounds, given by the layerby-layer and equivalent layer formulation of LMM and ECM. Precisely, the plots
given in Fig. 6 refer to E/D = 4 and W/D variable, while the plots in Fig. 7 refer
to W/D = 4 and E/D variable. The upper bound values predicted by the proposed
layer-by-layer limit analysis are always above, or are practically coincident with
the experimental ones. The same is definitely not true for the single layer treatment

Limit Analysis: A Layered Approach for Composite Laminates


Fig. 6 Peak load values for fixed ratio E/D = 4; comparison between experimental data, dashed
lines with asterisk marker, and values predicted by LMM and ECM respectively. (a) Specimen
type A; (b) Specimen type B; (c) Specimen type C; (d) Specimen type D; (e) Specimen type E;
(f) Specimen type F

where the evaluated upper bounds appear far, and even below, from the experimental values. Analogously, the lower bounds evaluated with the layer-by-layer analyses
are closer (from below) to the experimental values than the ones given by the single
layer treatment, too much conservative. As expected, good accuracy is attained by


A.A. Pisano et al.

Fig. 7 Peak load values for fixed ratio W/D = 4; comparison between experimental data, dashed
lines with asterisk marker, and values predicted by LMM and ECM respectively. (a) Specimen
type A; (b) Specimen type B; (c) Specimen type C; (d) Specimen type D; (e) Specimen type E;
(f) Specimen type F

both single and layer-by-layer procedures when dealing with laminate lay-ups of
the type [45 ]ns , as the one of specimen E of Figs. 6(e) and 7(e), for which the
anisotropy of each layer is mitigated by the sequence itself. The average relative
errors, computed as the absolute value of the difference between the experimental

Limit Analysis: A Layered Approach for Composite Laminates

Table 4 Average relative
error of the peak load values
computed with the
layer-by-layer and the single
layer approach


Specimen type





























Fig. 8 Peak load values of the multi-layer specimens [0 /90 /45 ]S for F /D = 2.
(a) G/D = 3; (b) G/D = 4; (c) G/D = 5; (d) Plot of the relative error given by the two procedures

and the numerical detected peak load values over the experimental ones, are shown
in Table 4 for the layered analysis and for the single layer one. As it appears the
range of the computed load values bracketing the real one is, by far, more accurate
for the layered approach.
With reference to the second configuration (a three holes joint), Figs. 8, 9 and
10 report the comparison between the experimental findings and the numerical predictions in terms of peak load for fixed values of F /D and different values of E/D
and G/D. In addition, Figs. 8(d), 9(d) and 10(d) give the relative errors of the numerically predicted P U B and P LB with respect to the corresponding experimentally
detected values.


A.A. Pisano et al.

Fig. 9 Peak load values of the multi-layer specimens [0 /90 /45 ]S for F /D = 4.
(a) G/D = 3; (b) G/D = 4; (c) G/D = 5; (d) Plot of the relative error given by the two procedures

Fig. 10 Peak load values of the multi-layer specimens [0 /90 /45 ]S for F /D = 6.
(a) G/D = 3; (b) G/D = 4; (c) G/D = 5; (d) Plot of the relative error given by the two procedures

Limit Analysis: A Layered Approach for Composite Laminates


Fig. 11 Peak load values of the specimens with two serial fastener holes for W/D = 2.
(a) M/D = 2; (b) M/D = 3; (c) M/D = 4; (d) M/D = 5; (e) Plot of the relative error given
by the two procedures

For the third configuration (joint with two serial pins), the experimental and predicted peak load values are reported in Figs. 11, 12 for fixed values of W/D and
different values of E/D and M/D.


A.A. Pisano et al.

Fig. 12 Peak load values of the specimens with two serial fastener holes for W/D = 4.
(a) M/D = 2; (b) M/D = 3; (c) M/D = 4; (d) M/D = 5; (e) Plot of the relative error given
by the two procedures

Finally Figs. 13, 14 and 15 report the experimental and predicted peak load values for the two parallel pins joint (fourth configuration), for fixed values of M/D
and different values of E/D and K/D.
By inspection of the obtained results, in 23 over the 177 examined cases the experimental peak value lies outside the range numerically predicted, such cases are

Limit Analysis: A Layered Approach for Composite Laminates


Fig. 13 Peak load values of the specimens with two parallel fastener holes for M/D = 2.
(a) K/D = 2; (b) K/D = 3; (c) K/D = 4; (d) Plot of the relative error given by the two procedures

Fig. 14 Peak load values of the specimens with two parallel fastener holes for M/D = 4.
(a) K/D = 2; (b) K/D = 3; (c) K/D = 4; (d) Plot of the relative error given by the two procedures


A.A. Pisano et al.

Fig. 15 Peak load values of the specimens with two parallel fastener holes for M/D = 5.
(a) K/D = 2; (b) K/D = 3; (c) K/D = 4; (d) Plot of the relative error given by the two procedures

simply wrong predictions of the adopted methodology. A threefold reasons induced

the authors to accept such circumstance: (i) the overall percentage of wrong predictions is about 13 %, i.e. a low value from an engineering point of view; (ii) the
relative error, also in such cases, is very low; (iii) the wrong predictions are mainly
concerned, in 21 over 23 cases, the upper bound to the peak load value, a value not
directly affecting the design choices as the lower bound does. The PLB being in
practice always correct. Nevertheless, further investigations to this concern might
be necessary.
Finally, Fig. 16 shows, for eight of the 177 analyzed specimens (i.e. two for each
different laminate configuration considered), the plots of the upper and the lower
bounds to the peak load versus the iterations number. In all cases a monotonic and
rapid convergence of the methods is assured by a condition for convergence given
in Ponter et al. [29]. Such circumstance, essential for any iterative based procedure,
is met in all the examined cases but here is not reported for brevity.
The proposed methodology seems, at least for all the examined specimens, definitely able to predict, with good accuracy, the peak load of a multi-pin joints laminate.

Limit Analysis: A Layered Approach for Composite Laminates


Fig. 16 Values of the upper (PU B ) and lower (PLB ) bounds to the collapse load multiplier versus
iteration number. LMM prediction, solid lines with rectangular markers; ECM prediction, solid
lines with triangular markers; collapse experimental threshold, finer dashed lines. (a) and (b): multilayer specimens E3 and A3 with single fastener hole; (c) and (d): multilayer specimens with
three fastener holes; (e) and (f): woven specimens with two serial fastener holes; (g) and (h): woven specimens with two parallel fastener holes


A.A. Pisano et al.

Table 5 Failure modes:

experimental data against
predicted ones for the
multi-layer specimens with
one fastener hole

a After

Okutan Baba [22]

Table 6 Failure modes:

experimental data against
predicted ones for the
multi-layer specimens
[0 /90 /45 ]S with three
fastener holes












G/D = 3

G/D = 4


G/D = 5



F /D = 2































F /D = 4































F /D = 6

a After

Karakuzu et al. [14]































6.3 Failure Modes Prediction

In order to gain a deeper comprehension of the mechanical joint behaviour, beside the evaluation of the peak load it is of equally importance the prediction of
the joint failure mode. Typically, with reference to a single fastener/pin hole, three
main/primary failure modes can be individuated (bearing, net-tension, shear-out),
other modes (tear-out, cleavage, . . .) being a combination of them, also called secondary modes. When a multi-pin fastening is considered the real failure modes can
be more complex for the mutual interaction of the fastenings affected by their ge-

Limit Analysis: A Layered Approach for Composite Laminates


Table 7 Failure modes: experimental data against predicted ones for the woven specimens with
two serial fastener holes
M/D = 2


M/D = 3

M/D = 4

M/D = 5

















































W/D = 2

W/D = 4









































a After

Karakuzu et al. [12]

Table 8 Failure modes:

experimental data against
predicted ones for the woven
specimens with two parallel
fastener holes


K/D = 2

K/D = 3

K/D = 4

























M/D = 2

M/D = 4

M/D = 5

a After

Karakuzu et al. [13]


A.A. Pisano et al.

Fig. 17 Pin-loaded plate of Fig. 4: (a) predicted collapse mechanism of bearing type obtained for
specimen #E4 with W/D = 4; (b) predicted collapse mechanism of net-tension type for specimen
#E4 with W/D = 3 against experimental one (after Okutan Baba [22])

Fig. 18 Pin-loaded plate of Fig. 4: (a) predicted collapse mechanism of bearing type against experimental one for specimen #D7; (b) predicted collapse mechanism of shear-out type against
experimental one for specimen #C2 (after Okutan Baba [22])

ometrical distribution (see e.g. [37]) and the possibility of a numerical prediction
becomes more important.
The prediction of the failure mode is herein pursued numerically making use of
the LMM which builds the collapse mechanism the joint exhibits when the loads
attain their peak value or, more exactly, they reach the evaluated upper bound value
to such peak. The obtained results are organized either in tabular or in band plots
format. In particular, Tables 5, 6, 7 and 8 report the comparison between the experi-

Limit Analysis: A Layered Approach for Composite Laminates


Fig. 19 Three-pins-loaded plate of Fig. 5. Failure modes predicted by numerical simulations

against experimentally detected ones (after Karakuzu et al. [14]): (a) Shear-out at outer holes and
Bearing at inner hole for F /D = 2, G/D = 3, E/D = 1; (b) Bearing at outer and inner holes for
F /D = 2, G/D = 3, E/D = 4

mental findings and the numerical predictions in terms of collapse/failure modes for
all the geometries analyzed, all grouped with respect to the four considered config-


A.A. Pisano et al.

Fig. 20 Two-serial pins-loaded plate of Fig. 5. Failure modes predicted by numerical simulations
against experimentally detected ones (after Karakuzu et al. [12]): (a) Net-tension at inner hole and
no failure at outer hole for W/D = 2, M/D = 4, E/D = 4; (b) Net-tension at inner hole and
bearing at outer hole for W/D = 3, M/D = 4, E/D = 5; (c) Bearing at inner hole and bearing
at outer hole for W/D = 4, M/D = 4, E/D = 5; (d) Bearing at inner hole and shear-out at outer
hole for W/D = 5, M/D = 4, E/D = 1

urations. In the above tables, as usual in the relevant literature, the symbol B means
bearing, N net-tension, S shear-out, while when more symbols appear separated by
slash (/) the first refers to the failure mode of the outer hole the second to that of the
inner hole; eventually the symbol () means that no failure occurred at the considered hole.
In Figs. 1721 the photographs of some tested specimens, at the joint failure
stage, are reported together with the band plots, on the FE mesh, of the node dis-

Limit Analysis: A Layered Approach for Composite Laminates


Fig. 21 Two-parallel pins-loaded plate of Fig. 5. Failure modes predicted by numerical simulations against experimentally detected ones (after Karakuzu et al. [13]): (a) Shear-out for K/D = 4,
M/D = 4, E/D = 1; (b) Bearing for K/D = 4, M/D = 4, E/D = 5; (c) Bearing and Shear-out
for K/D = 3, M/D = 2, E/D = 3; (d) Bearing and net-tension for K/D = 2, M/D = 2,
E/D = 4


A.A. Pisano et al.

placement rates components (in y and z directions) at collapse. The latter, evaluated
at last converged iteration of the LMM procedure, locate the distribution of the displacement rates the real structure exhibits at a state of incipient collapse, i.e. the
one attained when the loads reach their peak value or, the computed upper bound
value on it. Such distribution furnishes the searched failure mode but, obviously,
only from a qualitative point of view; what it is meaningful is, in practice, only the
direction of the computed displacement rates. By inspection of these figures it can
be stated that the present procedure seems able to predict, in a quite good manner,
the three multi-pin joints basic failure modes of bearing, shear-out and net-tension.

7 Concluding Remarks
The results of recent studies, concerning a design methodology based on numerical
limit analysis and aimed at the evaluation of the load bearing capacity of single- and
multi-pin joints in orthotropic composite laminates, have been presented.
The proposed methodology uses two numerical methods for limit analysis: the
Linear Matching Method and the Elastic Compensation Method. The lack of associativity, postulated for the adopted Tsai-Wu-type yield criterion for orthotropic
laminates, obliges to search for an upper and a lower bound to the joint peak load
multiplier, the former pursued by the LMM, the latter by the ECM.
Both methods have been rephrased and adapted to the assumed yield criterion
and to a layered treatment of the tackled mechanical problem. It is worth noting
that the limit analysis carried out at lamina level, taking into account the stacking
sequence of the laminate, appears very effective to deal with many of the throughthickness effects influencing the joint behaviour. Such layered formulation is indeed
of general applicability.
The results, obtained for a remarkable number of tests on real prototypes, show
a good ability of the expounded methodology to bracket the peak load detected via
laboratory tests; a fairly good skillfulness to localize the collapse zone and to predict
the related collapse mode; a good performance of the layered approach when dealing
with different joint geometries and laminate lay-ups.
Such information are definitively very useful, at least at a preliminary stage of
a design process. Concerning the tackled problem for example, limit analysis can
be used for some design choices either related to the laminate setting, e.g. better
lay-up, or appropriate components, for example, or the joint setting, in terms of
fastener holes distribution, holes dimensions, ratios between fasteners and laminate
geometrical parameters, etc. Once a good prototype has been settled more accurate
and expensive numerical analyses or experimental tests can be carried out on it
with considerable saving of money and time. Extension of such approach to other
problems of engineering interest seem straightforward.

Limit Analysis: A Layered Approach for Composite Laminates


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Springer, Berlin

Shakedown Analysis of Kinematically

Hardening Structures in n-Dimensional Loading
Jaan-Willem Simon

Abstract Determining the load bearing capacity is essential for the design of engineering structures subjected to varying thermo-mechanical loadings. The according
computations can be carried out most conveniently by using shakedown analysis. In
order to obtain realistic results, however, limited kinematical hardening needs to be
taken into account. Moreover, it is necessary to consider arbitrary numbers of loadings leading to n-dimensional loading spaces. Even so, the numerical tools available
for shakedown analysis areup to nowrestricted to either perfectly-plastic material behavior or to a maximum of two independently varying loadings. Thus, the
aim of this paper is to present a numerical procedure, which allows the consideration of limited kinematical hardening in n-dimensional loading spaces. The method
is based on the lower bound shakedown theorem by Melan, which has been extended to limited kinematical hardening by use of a two-surface model. To solve
the resulting nonlinear optimization problem, which is typically characterized by
a large number of variables and constraints, an interior-point algorithm is implemented. Finally, the potential of the procedure is shown by application to a flanged
pipe subjected to three independently varying thermal and mechanical loadings accounting for different yield stress to ultimate stress ratios.

1 Introduction
Determining the load bearing capacity is essential for the design of engineering
structures subjected to varying thermo-mechanical loadings. This is a demanding
task if the loads exceed the structures elastic limit and problems of practical relevance are considered. In principle, two different methods can be used for this, the
conventional step-by-step methods or so-called direct methods.
In the step-by-step methods, the loading path is divided into sufficiently small
loading steps and a full analysis of the evolution of stresses and strains is carried out
for each step. Besides the question of running time, the most obvious disadvantage
J.-W. Simon (B)
Institute of Applied Mechanics, RWTH Aachen University, Mies-van-der-Rohe-Str. 1,
52074 Aachen, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
K. Spiliopoulos, D. Weichert (eds.), Direct Methods for Limit States in Structures and
Materials, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6827-7_3,
Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014



J.-W. Simon

of these methods is the fact that the exact knowledge of the complete loading history
is essential for the calculation, which is not realistic in many cases.
This disadvantage can be overcome by the use of direct methods [26, 32, 78,
79]comprising limit and shakedown analysis. Here, the loading path needs not to
be given deterministically but only its bounding envelope. The basement of direct
methods is constituted by the theorems of Koiter [25] and Melan [37, 38]. In the
present work, the statical approach by Melan is used, which gives a lower bound
of the loading factor. From practical point of view, the determination of the lower
bound is of special interest because it leads in principle to conservative solutions.
Since in many engineering applications the materials exhibit kinematical hardening, the latter needs to be incorporated into the procedure in order to obtain realistic results. The statical shakedown theorem in its original formulation is valid
for elastic-perfectly plastic continua as well as for unlimited kinematical hardening
ones. Notably, accounting for only unlimited kinematical hardening does not cover
incremental collapse but solely alternating plasticity, see e.g. [26, 27, 53, 81].
Thus, accounting for limited (or bounded) kinematical hardening is inevitable,
and consequently has been addressed by several authors in the field of shakedown
analysis, e.g. [13, 16, 20, 35, 43, 4752, 57, 6467, 76]. The first explicit formulation for limited kinematical hardening materials has been given by Weichert and
Gro-Weege [76], who introduced a two-surface model. Almost at the same time,
Stein and coauthors proposed another approach based on an overlay model [65
67], which leaded to an equivalent formulation. Later, Heitzer [24] showed how to
transfer these approaches one to the other.
However, Melans theorem leads to nonlinear optimization problems, which are
typically characterized by large numbers of variables and constraints. In the present
work, these optimization problems are solved via the widely used interior-point
method [14, 15, 56, 80]. Commonly used codes based on interior-point methods are
IPOPT [7274], LOQO [6, 18, 69] and KNITRO [11, 75]. Comparative studies can
be found in e.g. [7, 40, 72] and a valuable commented overview of existing optimization codes is given in [39]. In addition, in the last years the program MOSEK
[3, 4] came into the picture of direct methods and has been applied for both (piecewise) linear and second-order conic problems, e.g. [8, 17, 29, 33, 46, 68] at least for
reference solutions.
All of the above mentioned programs have already proven their abilities and robustness. Nonetheless, independent interior-point algorithms have been developed
by several authors, e.g. [1, 21, 28, 30, 44, 45, 70, 71]. Compared to the above mentioned general codes, these algorithms are distinguished by problem-tailored solution strategies. This is extremely important especially in field of direct methods,
because of the usually high number of variables and subsidiary conditions.
It should be mentioned, that a variety of alternative methods have been developed
in recent years. For example, in [82] an eigen-mode method has been proposed,
whereas the so-called Linear Matching Method has been suggested in [54, 55]. Further, a bipotential approach has been invented in [9, 10], and a homogenized method
has been examined e.g. in [31]. In addition, in [5, 42] a piece-wise linearization of
the yield surface is presented, while a strain-driven strategy is given in [17]. More

Shakedown Analysis of Kinematically Hardening Structures in n-Dimensional


recently, a new direct method has been suggested in [63], in which the cyclic nature
of the expected residual stress distribution at the steady cycle is investigated.
In any case, in the present paper, the convex optimization problem resulting from
the statical shakedown theorem is solved via the interior-point algorithm IPSA recently developed by the author, which is especially tailored to shakedown analysis
problems for von Mises-type materials. Founded on a previous interior-point algorithm IPDCA [1, 22, 23], which has been developed for elastic-perfectly plastic
engineering problems with either one or two varying loads, the new algorithm is distinguished by a particularly problem-oriented solution strategy [5860]. Moreover,
IPSA is capable to solve shakedown problems with n-dimensional loading spaces
[62], such that the examined structures can be subjected to arbitrary numbers of
loadings. This is important, because only few other methods can deal with more
than two loadings, see e.g. [34].
In addition, limited kinematical hardening has already been introduced for twodimensional loading spaces [61]. In this paper, an extension of this algorithm is presented, such that limited kinematical hardening can be considered in n-dimensional
loading spaces. The methods potential is illustrated by application to a numerical
example. In particular, the shakedown domain for a flanged pipe subjected to three
independently varying thermo-mechanical loads is presented.

2 Lower Bound Shakedown Analysis

The current formulation is based on the statical shakedown theorem by M ELAN
[38]. This states that a structure will shake down, if there exists a time-independent

residual stress field (X),

such that the yield condition f [ (X, t)] 0 is satisfied
for any loading path in the considered loading domain at any time t and in any
point X of the structure. For the mathematical formulation, the total stress (X, t)
is decomposed into an elastic stress E (X, t) and a residual stress (X, t) induced
by the evolution of plastic strains
(X, t) = E (X, t) + (X, t).


Here, E (X, t) denotes the stress state, which would occur in a fictitious purely
elastic reference body under the same conditions as the original one. Clearly, the
residual stresses satisfy the equilibrium condition, which can be transferred to a
system of linear equations using the principle of virtual work, as shown e.g. in [19]

Cr r = 0.



Hereby, the system has been discretized using the finite element method (FEM)
and thus the stresses are approximately evaluated in the G AUSS points r [1, NG].
The equilibrium matrices Cr depend on the geometry and the chosen element type.


J.-W. Simon

Fig. 1 Kinematical
hardening considered as
translation of the yield
surface in stress space

The kinematical boundary conditions are taken into account considering the virtual
displacements to be kinematical admissible.
Let the considered body be subjected to NL varying loads. Then, the according loading domain is polyhedral with NC = 2NL corners. As shown in [26], it is
sufficient to only consider these corners to ensure shakedown for all possible loading paths inside of the loading domain. Then, introducing the loading factor > 1,
Melans statical shakedown theorem can be formulated as an optimization problem:
(PMelan ) SD = max

Cr r = 0,




f r + r , Y,r 0,

j [1, NC], r [1, NG].


3 Accounting for Limited Kinematical Hardening

In order to take into account the limited kinematical hardening we use the twosurface model proposed by W EICHERT and G ROSS -W EEGE [76]. The kinematical
hardening is considered as a rigid body motion of the yield surface in stress space,
which is described by the six-dimensional vector of back-stresses representing the
translation of the yield surfaces center, Fig. 1. Through the introduction of a second
surfaces corresponding to the ultimate stress H , the motion of the yield surface is
Thereby, the total stresses are divided into the back stresses and the reduced
stresses , which are responsible for the occurrence of plastic strains
(X, t) = (X, t) + (X, t).


Shakedown Analysis of Kinematically Hardening Structures in n-Dimensional




As before, the total stresses are decomposed, r = r + r . In an analogous

manner, the reduced stresses r can be formulated, keeping in mind that the back
stresses are time-independent and thus not dependent on the considered corner j of
the loading domain, because the bounding surface is fixed in stress space


r = r r = r

+ r r .


Thereby, Melans theorem accounting for limited kinematical hardening reads as


PMelan SD = max

Cr r = 0,



j [1, NC], r [1, NG]:


fH r + r , H,r 0,

fY r + r r , Y,r 0.


4 Solution with Interior-Point Method

For a clear presentation, the problem is rewritten in the following form. To achieve
this, several transformations are necessary, which are not in the scope of this paper
but can be followed in [59, 60]
min f (x) =
AH x = 0,


cH (x) 0,


cY (x) 0,


xR .


H ) consists of n variables, merged to the solution vector x, m

The problem (PIP
equality constraints, represented by the affine linear system equation (7a), and 2mI
nonlinear concave inequality constraint equations (7b) and (7c). The equality constraints can be interpreted as equilibrium condition for the residual stress equations
(2), whereas the inequality constraints represent the yield and the bounding condition Eqs. (6b) and (6c), respectively. The inequality constraints are converted into
equality constraints by introducing slack variables w H RmI and wY RmI . Moreover, split variables y Rn and z Rn are used in order to avoid numerical instabilities due to the unboundedness of the solution vector Eq. (7d). Then, applying
the interior-point method the objective function is perturbed by logarithmic barrier


J.-W. Simon

terms, which penalize directions leading outside of the feasible region. Thereby, the
barrier parameter is introduced, which is tending to zero during the iteration.
f (x, y, z, w H , w Y )


= f (x)
log(yi ) +
log(zi ) +
log(wH,j ) +
log(wY,j ) . (8)

j =1


j =1

The resulting optimization problem can then be expressed as follows:

min f (x, y, z, w H , w Y )
AH x = 0,


cH (x) w H = 0,


cY (x) wY = 0,


x y + z = 0,


w H > 0,

w Y > 0,

y > 0,



H ) is convex and regular, the

Since the underlying optimization problem (PIP
K ARUSH -K UHN -T UCKER condition is both necessary and sufficient, which states
that the solution is optimal if the Lagrangian LH of the problem possesses a saddle

LH = f (x, y, z, wH , w Y ) E (AH x) H cH (x) wH

Y cY (x) w Y s (x y + z),
where E RmE , H Rm
+ , Y R+ and s R+ are appropriate Lagrange multipliers. Thereby, the saddle point condition reads as follows:

x LH = x f (x) ATH E C TH (x) H C TY (x) Y s = 0,


y LH = Y 1 e + s = 0,


z LH = Z 1 e s = 0,


wH LH = W 1
H e + H = 0,


wY LH = W 1
Y e + Y = 0,


E LH = (AH x) = 0,

H LH = cH (x) w H = 0,

Y LH = cY (x) wY = 0,


s LH = (x y + z) = 0
where: C H (x) = cH (x) x RmI n and C Y (x) = cY (x) x RmI n .


Shakedown Analysis of Kinematically Hardening Structures in n-Dimensional


For consistency during the iteration, the new variable r = s is introduced into
Eq. (11c). Both of these variables are tending to zero during the iteration. In addition, Eqs. (11b)(11e) are multiplied by the matrices Y , Z, W H and W Y , respectively. Merging all variables of the problem to the vector , the resulting system of
optimality conditions can be expressed by the function F H

x f (x) + ATH E + C TH (x) H + C TY (x) Y + s

e Y S e

e Z R e

e W H H e

e W Y Y e

= 0.
F () =

AH x

cH (x) wH

cY (x) wY

x y +z
r +s
Equation (12) constitutes a system of nonlinear equations, which will be linearized using the N EWTON method. The variables k+1 of the subsequent iteration
step k + 1 are computed from the variables k of the previous one k and the step
values  k :
k+1 = k + k  k ,


where k denotes a matrix of damping factors, which is introduced for numerical

reasons. The step values  k are determined from the following linearized system
of equations
J ( k )  k = LH ( k )

where: J ( k ) = LH () |= k .


The Jacobian J () of the function F H

() can be expressed as follows:

0 0
0 0 ATH C TH (x) C TY (x) I n 0
S 0
0 0

0 R
0 0

0 0 H 0

0 0
0 Y
0 0
0 0

0 0 I mI 0

0 0
0 I mI 0

I n I n 0 0
0 0
0 0
I n I n
The system Eq. (14) is reduced by successive elimination of those equations,
which involve diagonal matrices. After substituting the variables s, r, y, z,
2x LH

J () =
C H (x)

C Y (x)

I n


J.-W. Simon

wH and wY , the following system remains:

C TY (x)

E = d 2 .

0 H d H
d Y3


d 1 = x f (x) ATH E C TH (x) H C TY (x) Y s + E 1 b1 ,


d 2 = AH x,


( 2x LH + E 1 )


C H (x)
C Y (x)


C TH (x)

The right-hand side values are as follows:

3 = cH (x) + H



d Y3 = cY (x) + 1



b1 = x + z + R 1 S 1 e + R 1 Z s,

E 1 = S 1 Y + R 1 Z ,


E H = W H 1
H ,


E Y = W Y 1
Y .


5 Numerical Aspects
The new algorithm has already been presented in [59], and some numerical aspects
have been discussed in [60]. Here, only the most important issues are briefly recapitulated. The algorithms mode of operation is illustrated in Fig. 2.
As one can see, there exist two different iterations:
The outer iteration is the major loop in Fig. 2, where in each iteration step the
barrier parameter is reduced in accordance with the update-rule. Thereby, during the outer iteration process, is a sequence tending to zero.
The inner iteration is the minor loop in Fig. 2, which ensures that the approximate
solution of the linearized system is in the close proximity of the exact solution,
such that the KKT conditions are satisfied sufficiently accurate.
Since the full Newton step  k computed from Eq. (14) may happen to be too
large, it has to be damped in these cases. This is done by a linesearch procedure,
which actually is a third iteration within the outer and the inner one.

Shakedown Analysis of Kinematically Hardening Structures in n-Dimensional


Fig. 2 Sketch of the algorithms mode of operation

5.1 Starting Point Strategy

The choice of an admissible starting point is a critical issue when using interiorpoint methods. Fortunately, this does not hold for the specific problem considered
here, because any solution vector x representing a stress state within the elastic
limit domain is admissible. Thus, the initial solution vector x 0 is computed from
the elastic limit stresses and the back-stresses are initialized with zeroes. In order to
stay inside of the strict interior of the elastic domain, these values are multiplied by
the constant factor 0 = 0.995.
x 0 = x( = 0 el ).


With this choice for the initial solution vector, the condition Eq. (9a) is satisfied
a priori. The other variables can be fitted such that the remaining conditions from
Eq. (12) are satisfied as well. Note, that one of the variables can be chosen arbitrarily.
Moreover, the condition r = s cannot be satisfied by any choice of positive r 0
and s 0 . This condition is necessary to enforce r and s to be sequences tending to
zero during the iteration, though. Except of this, the starting point 0 is feasible.

5.2 Damping of the Newton Step

The full Newton step  k computed from Eq. (14) may happen to be too large in
the sense that one or more of the Lagrange multipliers, the slack or the split variables
become negative. Since these have to be nonnegative by definition, the Newton step
is damped in these cases.


J.-W. Simon

For this reason, the damping factors i are introduced, which are merged into
the diagonal matrix k in Eq. (13). In principle, damping factors can be defined
for each of the variables separately. Nonetheless, it is common practice in linear
and nonlinear programs to use two different values P for the primal variables P
and D for the dual variables D
P = [x, y, z, wY , w H ]T ,


D = [E , Y , H , s, r]T .


The two according sets of enforced nonnegative variables are denoted by

P = [y, z, w Y , wH ]T and D = [Y , H , s, r]T , respectively
P = [y, z, w Y , w H ]T ,


D = [Y , H , s, r]T .


Then, the damping factors for the nonnegativity condition read as follows:

P = max P + 
P 0; P = [y, z, w Y , w H ] ,

D = max D + 
D 0; D = [Y , H , s, r] .


In order to prevent hitting the boundary, these values are multiplied by the constant factor 0 = 0.995.
Damping of the Newton step with the nonnegativity condition may still not be
sufficient, because it is possible that the resulting step values do not lead to a descent
direction in both the infeasibilities and the objective function. In order to ensure that
the computed direction is a decreasing one, the following merit function , is
introduced for a linesearch procedure. The term in squared brackets [.] is optional
but should be used in order to avoid the Maratos effect [36]


cY (x) wY
, () = f (x, y, z, w Y , w H ) +


x y +z

+ (A x) E . (22)

Here, denotes the penalty parameter, which is updated if necessary in each

iteration step before the linesearch starts.
With help of the linesearch, the supplementary damping factor T is determined.
Starting from the initial value 1, the factor T is halved as often as is necessary
such that the Armijo condition Eq. (23) is satisfied. As proposed in e.g. [75], this
reduction is carried out in dependence of the primal values only. For the Armijofactor we set = 103

, ( + )

, () +
(; )

where: = T 0 P .


Shakedown Analysis of Kinematically Hardening Structures in n-Dimensional

Table 1 Dimensions in mm


Length L


Inner radius Ri


Outer radius Ra,1


Outer radius Ra,2


Outer radius Ra,3


Once the value T is determined, the total damping factors can be calculated.
P = T 0 P ,

D = T 0 D .


Concerning the penalty parameter , a new update-rule is used, which has been
recently developed by the author. It is based on the necessary condition of a decreasing direction,  (; ) < 0. For details, the reader is referred to [59].

5.3 Update-Rule of the Barrier Parameter

Once the inner iteration has converged, the barrier parameter has to be updated.
For this, a modification of the update-rule given in [2] is used, which takes into
account the distance from the solution.

IF (
i < 0.1k ): if k < 104 : k+1 = min 0.85k ; 10 (0.85)k+2 o

else: k+1 = min 0.85k ; 10 (0.85)k+

ELSE: k+1 = min 0.95k ; 10 (0.95)k
where: i =

max scaled infeasibility() and o = i |=0 .

The maximum scaled infeasibility can be taken from the computation of the
break conditions. As suggested in [2], we use = 5.

6 Numerical Example
The proposed method was applied to a flanged pipe with three different outer radii,
see Fig. 3(a), already considered by M OUHTAMID [41] and W EICHERT et al. [77].
Both the dimensions as well as the material data were adopted from [41], see Tables 1 and 2. The FEM-analysis was carried out with the software package ANSYS
using the isoparametric hexahedral solid element solid45. Taking advantage of the
systems rotational symmetryas shown in Fig. 3(b)the applied mesh consisted
of 265 elements and 678 nodes, where one element across the thickness was used.


J.-W. Simon

Fig. 3 System, model and equivalent elastic stresses for the flanged pipe
Table 2 Thermal and
mechanical characteristics

Youngs modulus [MPa]

2.0 105

Yield stress [MPa]


Poissons ratio



[kg/m3 ]

7.9 103

Thermal conductivity [W/(mK)]


Specific heat capacity [J/(kgK)]


Coefficient of thermal expansion [1/K]

1.6 105

6.1 Two-Dimensional Loading Space

To validate the method, the system was first investigated in a two-dimensional
loading space. In particular, the pipe was subjected to an internal pressure p and
an axial force Q, which varied independently in the ranges p [0; pmax ] and
Q [0; Qmax ], respectively. In order to compute the elastic stresses presented in
Figs. 3(c) and 3(d), the arbitrary values p = 10 MPa and Q = 113.097 kN were applied, respectively.
As a result of the shakedown analysis, Fig. 4 presents: the elastic domain and
twice the elastic domain (dotted lines); the shakedown domains without consideration of hardening for the yield stress Y = 200 MPa (solid line), and for multiples of
= 1.25 and = 1.5 (dash-dot lines); the shakedown dothe yield stress Y,1
mains including hardening with different values of ultimate stresses H,1 = 1.25Y
and H,2 = 1.5Y (solid lines); the shakedown domain with unlimited kinematical
hardening (solid line). Both axes are scaled to the according value p0 = 28.85 MPa
and Q0 = 416.7 kN, respectively, for perfectly plastic material behavior.

Shakedown Analysis of Kinematically Hardening Structures in n-Dimensional


Fig. 4 Results of shakedown analysis of the flanged pipe

In all casesboth the perfectly plastic and the hardening onethe two mechanisms of alternating plasticity and incremental collapse can be clearly distinguished:
In case of predominating axial force, all shakedown curves coincide with the one for
unlimited hardening, indicating that alternating plasticity is decisive here. Hence, no
influence of hardening can be observed.
By contrast, failure is due to incremental collapse in the regime of predominating
internal pressure, where the limited kinematical hardening leads to an increase of
the according shakedown domains in direct proportion with the ratio H /Y . Thus,
the hardening curves (solid lines) coincide with the corresponding none-hardening
ones with premultiplied yield stress (dash-dot lines) in this range. In all cases, the
two curves pass into each other seamlessly.
It should be noticed, that the unlimited hardening curve does only accord partly
with double the elastic domain. Even so, it is frequently stated in the literature, that
these curves have to accord in the whole domain, which simply is wrong. In fact,
they have to coincide only at the axis intercepts. In the remaining domain, they
maybut do not mustbe the same.
For validation, in Fig. 5 the results obtained by the new method are compared
to those reported in [41], which have been computed on the basis of the augmented
Lagrangian method using the program L ANCELOT [12]. In general, matching of the
results is satisfying, especially for limited kinematical hardening with H = 1.5Y .
However, slight differences exist resulting from different elastic solutions. These can
be explained by the use of different meshes. In particular, the maximum equivalent
stress under axial force is 106.465 MPa in [41], whereas the current calculation
yields 100.143 MPa.


J.-W. Simon

Fig. 5 Comparison with results from M OUHTAMID [41]

6.2 Three-Dimensional Loading Space

To illustrate the influence of hardening in a three-dimensional loading space, a
temperature load T [0; Tmax ] was applied additionally. The according FEManalysis was carried out in two steps: (1) using the hexahedral thermal element
solid70, the body temperature distribution was computed resulting from prescribed
temperature bounding conditions of Ti = 100 K and To = 20 K at the inner and the
outer surface of the pipe, respectively, see Fig. 6(a); (2) based on the body temperature distribution, nodal temperature loadings were defined for the structural analysis
with element solid45, leading to the equivalent elastic stress distribution shown in
Fig. 6(b).
Noteworthy, in the whole calculation, all material parameters were assumed to
be temperature-independent. Furthermore, only steady-state processes were considered.
Applying the proposed algorithm, the three-dimensional shakedown domain was
computed for elastic-perfectly plastic material, see Fig. 7. Further, the influence of
limited kinematical hardening was investigated by calculations with different ultimate stresses: H = 1.1Y (Fig. 8 and blue dash-dot line), H = 1.25Y (Fig. 9 and
blue dashed line), and H = 1.5Y (Fig. 10 and black dash-dot line). Subsequently,
the domain was determined for unlimited hardening (Fig. 11 and black solid line).
As in the two-dimensional case, the two mechanisms alternating plasticity and
incremental collapse can be clearly distinguished. To highlight this, all computed
points leading to alternating plasticity are marked by red circles.
In the regime of predominating temperature, all shakedown domains coincide,
which implicates alternating plasticity to be decisive. Here, hardening does not af-

Shakedown Analysis of Kinematically Hardening Structures in n-Dimensional


Fig. 6 Body temperature

distribution and resulting
equivalent elastic stresses

Fig. 7 Three-dimensional shakedown domain without hardening

fect the solution. By contrast, an influence of hardening can be observed in the

regime of predominating axial force. While incremental collapse leads to failure in
the elastic-perfectly plastic case as well as when considering limited hardening with
H = 1.1Y , further increasing the ultimate stress has no impact, because alternating plasticity occurs starting from H = 1.2Y . Finally, when the internal pressure is
superior, hardening enlarges the shakedown domain in direct proportion with the ratio H /Y in all calculations with limited hardening. Only for unlimited hardening,
its effect its restricted and alternating plasticity appears.


J.-W. Simon

Fig. 8 Three-dimensional shakedown domain with hardening H = 1.1Y

Fig. 9 Three-dimensional shakedown domain with hardening H = 1.25Y

Closing, the characteristic numerical details are reported in Table 3. As one can
see, the number of iterations is not as much affected as the running time. Moreover,
in the considered example, the number of loadings has a larger impact than the
hardening, even though the numbers of variables and constraints are comparable.

Shakedown Analysis of Kinematically Hardening Structures in n-Dimensional


Fig. 10 Three-dimensional shakedown domain with hardening H = 1.5Y

Fig. 11 Three-dimensional shakedown domain with unlimited hardening

7 Conclusion
In this paper, a method to compute the shakedown factors of engineering structures
subjected to varying thermal and mechanical loadings has been presented using the
lower bound approach. The method allows for taking into account limited kinematical hardening by application of a two-surface model, where both the yield and the
bounding surface are described by the von Mises criterion. Further, it is capable of
considering arbitrary numbers of thermal and mechanical loadings. The methods


J.-W. Simon

Table 3 Influence of hardening on numerical details

2 independent loads

3 independent loads

Perfectly plastic


Perfectly plastic
























a Dell


Precision T7500 with Xeon E5620-processor with 2400 MHz and 12 GB RAM

potential has been illustrated by application to a numerical example from the field
of power plant engineering.
Acknowledgements I cordially thank Prof. Dieter Weichert for the fruitful discussions and the
support, which made this work possible.

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Computation of Bounds for Anchor Problems

in Limit Analysis and Decomposition Techniques
J.J. Muoz, N. Rabiei, A. Lyamin, and A. Huerta

Abstract Numerical techniques for the computation of strict bounds in limit analyses have been developed for more than thirty years. The efficiency of these techniques have been substantially improved in the last ten years, and have been successfully applied to academic problems, foundations and excavations. We here extend the theoretical background to problems with anchors, interface conditions, and
joints. Those extensions are relevant for the analysis of retaining and anchored walls,
which we study in this work. The analysis of three-dimensional domains remains
as yet very scarce. From the computational standpoint, the memory requirements
and CPU time are exceedingly prohibitive when mesh adaptivity is employed. For
this reason, we also present here the application of decomposition techniques to
the optimisation problem of limit analysis. We discuss the performance of different
methodologies adopted in the literature for general optimisation problems, such as
primal and dual decomposition, and suggest some strategies that are suitable for the
parallelisation of large three-dimensional problems. The proposed decomposition
techniques are tested against representative problems.

J.J. Muoz (B) N. Rabiei A. Huerta

Laboratori de Clcul Numric (LaCN), Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona,
e-mail: [email protected]
N. Rabiei
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Huerta
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Lyamin
Center for Geothecnical and Materials Modelling, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]
K. Spiliopoulos, D. Weichert (eds.), Direct Methods for Limit States in Structures and
Materials, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6827-7_4,
Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014



J.J. Muoz et al.

1 Introduction
1.1 Limit Analysis Problem
According to the lower (primal) and upper (dual) bound theorem of limit analysis,
the bearing capacity of a structure is equal to (i) the maximum load factor under
equilibrium conditions and with plastically admissible stresses (i.e. they belong
to a set B), or alternatively, to (ii) the minimum dissipation energy D(v) of a kinematically admissible velocity field v. Mathematically, the resulting bearing capacity
has the structure of a saddle point problem that can be written as [6],
= min



a( ,v)=(v)

a( , v)


where the linear form (v) is the power dissipated by the external loads, while the
bilinear form a( , v) is the internal dissipated power. For a given domain , subjected to external surface load g and body load f , these forms are explicitly given

(v) =
f v d +
g v d,

n d
: JvK

: (v) d +

a( , v) =

with the (unknown) region of where the velocity is discontinuous, JvK the

velocity discontinuity, and n the normal vector at this discontinuity. The operator
= 12 (a b + b a) (see also [16]
is the symmetrised dyadic product such that a b
for equivalent definitions of discontinuous velocities). The saddle point problem or
min max problem can be also rewritten as,


a( ,v)=(v),v

= min D(v)


where the dissipated energy D(v) is defined by,

D(v) =


a( ,v)=(v)

a( , v).

Equations (2) and (3) are the primal and dual form of the saddle point problem
in (1). From the dual form in (3), it turns out that the velocities must be associated,
that is, that (v) B and JvK n B, with B the sub-gradient of set B.
The analytical saddle point problem in (1) is illustrated in Fig. 1(a). A stress field
such that B and for which the equilibrium condition a( , v) = (v), (v)

Computation of Bounds for Anchor Problems in Limit Analysis


Fig. 1 Illustration of saddle point problem for the (a) analytical solution of limit analysis problem, (b) lower bound discrete limit analysis problem, and (c) upper bound discrete limit analysis

is satisfied everywhere is so-called a statically admissible stress space. Similarly, a velocity field such that (v) = 1 and for which the associative conditions
JvK n, (v) B is satisfied everywhere is so-called a kinematically admissible
space. The saddle point problem in (1) states that the bearing capacity (or maximum
load factor) of a structure is equal to the internal dissipated energy of a statically
admissible stress space and a kinematically admissible velocity space v .

1.2 Discrete Upper and Lower Bound Formulations

By choosing an appropriate discrete statically admissible space ( LB , v LB ) that
satisfies the maximisation conditions in (1), and a kinematically admissible space
( U B , v U B ) that satisfies the minimisation conditions in (1), we can construct strict
bounds of the load factor as,

LB = a LB , v LB a U B , v U B = U B .
A schematic of discrete spaces ( LB , v LB ) and ( LB , v LB ) that satisfy those
conditions are given in Fig. 2. The reader is referred to [12, 13] for a justification
of those spaces. When resorting to them, the saddle point problem is consequently
modified, as illustrated in Figs. 1(b)(c). The max min problem in (1) turns into a
lower bound problem when the first pair of spaces is used, and into an upper bound
problem when the second pair is used.
Therefore, after using these interpolation spaces ( U B , v U B ) and ( LB , v LB ) in
the exact optimisation problem in (2) or (3), we are able to compute exact upper and
lower bounds of the optimal factor . In particular, the lower bound problem turns


J.J. Muoz et al.

Fig. 2 Interpolation spaces

for the lower and upper bound
problem. Symbols at nodes
denote a elementwise linear
space, while symbols at the
center of the element denote
elementwise constant space

into the following form,

LB = max

eq1 = 0,
eq1 LB

A + F

eq2 LB = 0,
eq3 LB + F eq3 = 0,

B, e = 1, . . . , Ne , i = 1, . . . , nsd + 1


whereas the upper bound problem reads,

U B = min D v U B
vU B

l(v U B ) = 1

U B,e
) B , e = 1, . . . , Ne , i = 1, . . . , nsd + 1,
s.t. (v i

Jv U B K n
B , = 1, . . . , N , j = 1, . . . , n



where nsd is the number of space dimensions, and the three block equations in (4)
correspond respectively to the intra-element equilibrium, the inter-element equilibrium, and the Neumann boundary conditions. The vectors LB and v U B contain
of element e, and the velocities v U
the collection of all nodal stresses LB,e
U B,
for each node i of element e or each node j of edge , respectively.
The problems above can be solved efficiently using available optimisation programs [1, 17, 18]. Moreover, for the usual plasticity criteria such as von Mises
or Mohr-Coulomb in two dimensions, we can apply linear transformations of the
stress variables that turn the membership conditions B into second order cones
(SOC), which can be handled by the mentioned optimisation software. After applying in such transformations, the optimisation problems above turn into,
LB = max

Aeq1 x + F eq1 = beq1 ,

Aeq2 x = 0,

Aeq3 x + F eq3 = beq3 ,

K , e = 1, . . . , Ne , i = 1, . . . , nsd + 1,

Computation of Bounds for Anchor Problems in Limit Analysis


Fig. 3 Subdivision of a triangular element in 2D (a) and tetrahedron in 3D (b), when their elemental gap contribution a is larger than a pre-defined threshold

U B = min b v U B


vU B

l(v ) = 1
K ,
e = 1, . . . , Ne , i = 1, . . . , nsd + 1,
s.t. v U
i UB

Jv Ki n K , = 1, . . . , N , i = 1, . . . , nsd

with K a second order cone, and K

the dual cone of K [4].

1.3 Mesh Adaptivity

The optimum values of the lower and upper bound problem can be used to compute
a set of elemental and edge contributions to the total gap, which are defined by
[7, 13]:

e =
U B : v U B d +
LB v U B d
LB n v U B d,


U B, v



LB n v



These bound gaps satisfy the properties, U B LB = e e +  ,
e 0 and  0, which make them good candidates to estimate the errors
of the lower and upper bound solution. These quadratures are obtained only if appropriate quadratures are employed to compute the integrals: Gauss quadrature for
all the terms excepting the first integral in  (see [14] for the justification of this).
We have used them to design an adaptive remeshing strategy employed in the results
Sect. 4. Any element or edge with a gap contribution higher than a certain threshold
will be subdivided according to the pattern shown in Fig. 3.

2 Extension to Anchors, Joints and Frictional Interfaces

We will develop next specific conditions for common interface conditions encountered in geomechanics. In all cases we add specific constraints that preserve the
strictness of the bounds. The studied and implemented situations are:


J.J. Muoz et al.

1. Interface material that splits two different materials with specific admissibility
criterion for the common boundary.
2. Duplicated edges: in two-dimensional applications, it may convenient to overlap
materials or structural elements such as ties or anchors. In these situations, it is
required to have edges that joint one element on one side and two elements, B
and B  , on the other side.
3. Modelling of joints such as articulated joints in anchors and anchor-wall interface.
We briefly describe how to include in each case the corresponding constraints in
the optimisation problem (see [15] for further details).

2.1 Interface Conditions

Specific admissibility conditions for the stresses can be introduced by adding new
nodal variables Ii at the interface, with new membership sets BI , that are different
from the two materials at each side of the interface. These new nodal variables
are equivalent to extending the spaces given in Sect. 1.2, and adding equilibrium
constraints such as,

i B
i n = 0, i = 1, 2,

i Ii n = 0, i = 1, 2
and adding the following membership constraints at the interface,
Ii BI ,

i = 1, 2.


The vector n is the normal to the interface edge or face in 3D. Some of admissible
sets that may be employed in common problems are depicted in Fig. 4. We also note
that the nodal velocities at the two edges between A and B, indicated in Fig. 4(a)
with circles, correspond in fact to the Lagrange multipliers associated with these
constraints: the velocities at one edge are associated with Eq. (7) while those at the
other edge correspond to Eq. (8).
Figure 5 shows the usual admissible domain BI for the stresses at the interfaces.
The criteria in Fig. 5(c) has been included for completeness reasons, but it is unrealistic and has not practical interest. The subscript N and T denote the normal and
tangential components of the traction vector n at the interface. In our implementation, we impose admissibility domains for the stress tensors I , which imply the
usual admissibility conditions for the traction vectors I n.

2.2 Duplicated Edges

The modelling of two-dimensional problems with anchors, ties or reinforcements
can be achieved by superimposing the latter elements onto the soil elements. This

Computation of Bounds for Anchor Problems in Limit Analysis


Fig. 4 Discrete spaces

considered for the lower (a)
and upper (b) bound
problems when modelling

Fig. 5 Interface conditions:

Rough interface, equal to soil
properties (a), rough with no
tension (b), smooth interface
(c), and smooth with no
tension (d)

is an idealisation of the real three-dimensional situation. We consider the twodimensional plane strain analysis with additional superimposed elements (reinforcements, ties or anchors) that are analysed in plane-stress and connected to the soil.
We have modelled the structural elements as solid elements and not linear elements,
which prevents the presence of point loads and therefore allows us to preserve the
strictness of the bounds.
Computationally, we need to deal with edges where the soil elements on side A
are connected to two types of elements: other soil elements (with variables B) and
those superimposed elements that model the structural elements (with variables B  ).
Figure 6 shows such an edge in the lower and upper bound formulation. We will call
those edges as duplicated edges.
In the lower bound formulation, we need to modify the equilibrium constraints
of the edges, which now read,

i B
n = 0,
i i

i = 1, 2


where A
i , i an i are respectively the nodal stresses at sides A, B nd B . Since
there is one equilibrium equation per common node, each duplicated edge requires
two nodal velocities, as indicated with circles in Fig. 6(a).
In the upper bound formulation, the dissipation power at the edge corresponds
to the sum of the power dissipated between elements A and B, and the dissipated
power between elements A and B  . Formally, the total dissipation power at the edge
correspond to the sum of two integrals along the common edge:


a ( , v) =

v v d +
AB v B v A d.

This expression of the dissipated power is equivalent to extending the stress space

at the edges with two superimposed linear stress spaces, AB and AB , indicated
by two pairs of squares in Fig. 6(b). By imposing that each one of the four nodal


J.J. Muoz et al.

Fig. 6 Discrete spaces

considered for the lower (a)
and upper (b) bound
problems when modelling
duplicated edges. Elements B
and B  are geometrically

variables is admissible, that is:

BI ,

BI ,

i = 1, 2,

with BI the admissible set for the interface conditions, the admissibility of the
corresponding velocity jumps v A
i v i and v i v i is ensured, and therefore the
strictness of the upper bound is guaranteed. The nodal velocities are indicated with
circles in Fig. 6(b).

2.3 Joints
Some of the practical problems in limit analysis include anchors, ties or other structural elements that are connected through joints. In this case, the kinematic constraints must be included in the exact problem described in Sect. 1.1, and also modelled in such a way that the strictness of the bounds is preserved. In the lower bound
formulation, the presence of joints is modelled by including solely a point-to-point
equilibrium condition, that is,


B nd = 0,
which replaces the equilibrium along the whole edge between elements. In the upper
bound problem, the construction of a kinematically admissible space for the velocities is constructed by constricting the relative displacements of the joints in such a
manner that only rotations with respect to the joint centre are allowed. Formally, this
is achieved by replacing the associative velocity field at the joint by the following
constraint in the upper bound problem in (5):
JvK1 + JvK2 = 0.


Figure 7 shows a schematic of the stress and velocity spaces employed for the
modelling of the joints in the lower and upper bound problem. We point out that

Computation of Bounds for Anchor Problems in Limit Analysis


Fig. 7 Rotational joint and

discrete spaces considered for
the lower (a) and upper (b)
bound problem

the joint is without friction, since no dissipated energy is associated to the relative
rotation at the joint. This is computational made explicit by not imposing any equilibrium relation associated to the rotations in Eq. (10), and imposing exactly the
kinematic relation in (11), i.e. the associated Lagrangian multiplier (variable s J in
Fig. 7) is free.

3 Decomposition Techniques
In order to reduce the memory requirement of realistic three dimensional problems
we propose a decomposition of the optimization problems, which is based on the
ideas explained in [5, 8]. While the decomposition techniques for optimisation problems is a relatively recent topic, its application to limit analysis and other plasticity
problems has found far less attention [11]. We also refer the reader to [10], where
alternative decomposition techniques of the limit analysis problem has been introduced. We here first briefly describe some of the general ideals of decomposition of
optimisation problems.

3.1 Decomposition of Optimisation Problems

3.1.1 Primal Decomposition
To illustrate the decomposition techniques, we state the following linear optimization problem:
cT x = min cT x

Ax = b,
x 0,
whose dual reads,
bT y = max bT y

AT y c.



J.J. Muoz et al.

The primal decomposition consists on rewriting the problem (12) as:

min cT1 x 1 + cT2 x 2

x 1 ,x 2

A1 x 1 + A2 x 2 = b,
x 1 0,


x 2 0.

In other words, we split the primal x variable as x = (x 1 , x 2 ). The problem above

is equivalent to:
min min cT1 x 1 + cT2 x 2

x 1 ,x 2

+ t,
A2 x 2 = t,
A1 x 1 =

x 1 0,

x 2 0,


t is free.

Given a fixed value of t, the optimum value may be obtained as a result of the inner
fi (t) = min cTi x i

Ai x i =

+ (1)i+1 t,


x i 0 (i = 1, 2),
so called sub-problems or slave problems and the following master problem:
min f1 (t) + f2 (t),


which only depends on the global variable t. The Lagrangian function of problem
(14) is given by:
L(x 1 , x 2 ; y 1 , y 2 , w 1 , w 2 )

= cT1 x 1 + cT2 x 2 + y T1
+ t A1 x 1 + y T2
t A2 x 2 wT1 x 1
wT2 x 2
= cT1 x 1

+ y T1

T b
A1 x 1 + c 2 x 2 + y 2
A1 x 1 + t T (y 1 y 2 )

= L1 (x 1 , t; y 1 , w 1 ) + L2 (x 2 , t; y 2 , w2 ),

Computation of Bounds for Anchor Problems in Limit Analysis


Li (x i , t; y i , wi ) = cTi x 1 + y Ti

+ (1)i+1 t A1 x 1 w Ti x i


(i = 1, 2).

It then follows that we can rewrite the optimum primal objective cT x as,
cT x = cT1 x 1 + cT2 x 2 = min

min max Li (x i , t; y i , wi ).


x i y i ,w i

After observing the equation above, we have that t L = (y 1 y 2 ), and therefore

we can update the master variables with the following descent method,

t k+1 = t k k y k1 y k2 = t k + k y k2 y k1 ,
where y 1 and y 2 are the sub-gradient of functions f1 and f2 respectively. k is a
step length that can be chosen in any of the standard ways [3].

3.1.2 Dual Decomposition

We recall the same problem in (13). Dual decomposition for this example is straightforward. We form the Lagrangian function as follows:
L(x 1 , x 2 , y, w1 , w 2 )

A1 x 1 + A2 x 2 w T1 x 1 w T2 x 2

T b
A1 x 1 w 1 x 1
= c1 x 1 + y

T b
A2 x 2 w 2 x 2 ,
+ c2 x 2 + y
= cT1 x 1 + cT2 x 2 + y T

so we can minimize over x 1 and x 2 separately given the dual variable y, to find
g(y) = g1 (y) + g2 (y) where g(y) is given as,
g(y) = min L(x 1 , x 2 , y, w 1 , w2 ) = min L1 (x 1 , y, w 1 ) + L2 (x 2 , y, w 2 ).
x 1 ,x 2

x 1 ,x 2

In order to find g1 (y) and g2 (y), respectively, we solve the following two subproblems:

g1 (y) = min cT1 x 1 + y T
A1 x 1 = min cT1 AT1 y x 1 + y T ,
x 1 0
x 1 0

g2 (y) = min

x 2 0

cT2 x 2


A2 x 2 = min cT2 AT2 y x 2 + y T .
x 2 0


J.J. Muoz et al.

The master algorithm updates y based on sub-gradient as follows:

y =y +
A1 x 1 + A2 x 2 = y + (b Ax),


where is a step length that can be chosen in any of the standard ways [3].

3.1.3 Benders Decomposition

One of the main disadvantages of the previous decomposition is the update of the
master variables. Since the minimised/maximised functions are non-smooth, the updated in (17) and (18) is not always optimal. For this reason, we have also studied
the implementation of Benders decomposition [2, 9]. The latter may be applied to
the simple form of the linear problem in (14) as the solution of the following two

min cTi x i


Ai x i = + (1) t, i = 1, 2

x i 0,
and the solution of the following master problem:
min 1 + 2

+ (1)i+1 t y i , p = 1, . . . , pk ,

+ (1) t y i , q = 1, . . . , qk .


The first and second sets of inequalities in (20) are respectively so-called feap
sibility cuts or optimality constraints, where y i and y i are the whole set optimal
dual variables and extreme rays of the dual problem of (19) computed up to iteration
k = pk + qk . Further details on the Benders decomposition may be found in [8].

3.2 Decomposition of Limit Analysis Optimisation Problem

The decomposition techniques described in Sect. 3 are here adapted to optimization problem encountered in limit analysis. When applying these ideas, it must be
taken into account the particular structure of the lower and upper bound optimization problems. Indeed, the objective function is only formed by the load factor in the
lower bound problem, the constraints correspond to the equilibrium constrains, as a

Computation of Bounds for Anchor Problems in Limit Analysis


Fig. 8 Decomposition of the

global domain of a limit
analysis problem (left) into
two domains, with the
fictitious Neumann boundary
shaded (right)

function of the stress variables which belongs to a non-linear set. As explained in

Sect. 1 the constraints become linear equations of variables that belong to secondorder cones. In the sequel we apply the decomposition technique described to the
lower bound (LB) problem in limit analysis.

3.2.1 Decomposition of LB Problem

The decomposition of LB problem corresponds to splitting the nodal stress variables
into two sets 1 and 2 , which in turn is also equivalent to splitting the variable
x into two variables x 1 and x 2 . In this case, the constrains may be decomposed like
in the primal technique, by using additional traction variables t between domains,
as depicted in Fig. 8. In other words we split our domain in two sub-problems with
local variables x i , and a master(global) variable t that in the LB problem corresponds to the internal tractions between the sub-domains. Such variables may be
seen as a (non-proportional) fictitious Neumann condition. We next deduce in detail
the decomposed form of the lower bound optimisation problem.
eq1 + F eq1 = 0 in (4) is related to the equiAs described in Sect. 1, equation A
librium constraint, which can be decomposed into two separate equations as follows:
eq1,1 1 + F eq1,1 = 0,
eq1,2 2 + F eq1,2 = 0.


When the vector is split into two vectors 1 and 2 , the domain of the problem
is also split into two parts with a common boundary that couples some of the two set
of variables. This means that the vectors 1 and 2 may be decomposed into two
vectors 1 = ( 1,1 , 1,2 ) and 2 = ( 2,1 , 2,2 ) such that the vectors 1,1 and 2,2


J.J. Muoz et al.

are coupled through the inter-element equilibrium constraints as follows:

eq2,1 1 = 0,
eq2,2 2 = 0,


eq2,2 2 = 0.
eq2,1 1 + B
We note that the last equation in (22) is a complicating constraint. The equation
3 + F eq3 = 0 is separable and can be in turn decomposed as,
eq3,1 1 + F eq3,1 = 0,


eq3,2 2 + F eq3,2 = 0.

Consequently, after applying the linear transformation to variable i , we can

rewrite the optimisation problem in (6) as,

x 1 ,x 2 ,

Aeq1,i x i + F eq1,i = beq1,i ,

Aeq2,i x i = 0,

i = 1, 2,

i = 1, 2,

Aeq3,i x i + F eq3,i = beq3,i ,

i = 1, 2,

Beq2,1 x 1 + Beq2,2 x 2 = 0,
x 1 K1 ,

x 2 K2 ;


The last equation in the previous optimisation problem (24) is a complicating

constraint of the local variables x 1 and x 2 , while the variable can be regarded as
a global variable. In order to decompose the problem in (24) we first introduce a
variable t such that
Beq2,1 x 1 = t.
Then we can rewrite the optimisation problem in the following form:

t,x i ,

Aeq1,i x i + F eq1,i = beq1,i ,

Aeq2,i x i = 0,


Aeq3,i x i + F eq3,i = 0,
Beq2,i x i = ( 1)i+1 t,
x i Ki ,

t, free (i = 1, 2)

Note that since the complicating constraint in optimisation problem (25) is built
through the common boundary, the coupling constraint can be interpreted as fictitious Newman condition for each sub-domain.

Computation of Bounds for Anchor Problems in Limit Analysis


By introducing new variables t i (i = 1, 2), we can rewrite our problem in the

following form:

Aeq1,i x i + i F eq1,i = beq1.i ,
Aeq2,i x i = 0,
Aeq3,i x i + i F eq3,i = beq3,i ,
Beq2,i x i = ( 1)i+1 t i ,
t 1 = t 2,
1 = 2 .
Let Ci (i = 1, 2) be local constraints that are defined as follows:

eq1,i i

x + i F eq1,i = beq1,i ,



i i eq3,i i
Ci = t i , x , A
x + i F

eq2,i i


x i K , t , free.
i i
In the above problem, t 1 , 1 , t 2 , 2 are public variables and x 1 , x 2 are private variables. Let us collect all the public variables together into one variable
y = (t 1 , 1 , t 2 , 2 ) = (y 1 , y 2 ) where y 1 = (t 1 , 1 ), y 2 = (t 2 , 2 ). If we introduce
a vector z that gives the common values of the public variables, then we can express
the coupling constraints as y = Ez where E is a matrix with components equal to
zero or one, that is:


I 0
y i = Ei z where Ei =
, y = Ez where E =

0 1
Let us set fi (x i , y i ) = f (x i , t i , i ) = 2i (i = 1, 2). Then our problem has the
followings form:
min f1 (x 1 , y 1 ) + f2 (x 2 , y 2 )


(x 1 , y 1 ) C1 ,
y i = Ei z,

(x 2 , y 2 ) C2 ,


i = 1, 2,

x = (x 1 , x 2 ),

y = (y 1 , y 2 ),

y i = (t i , i )

(i = 1, 2),


J.J. Muoz et al.

with variables x i , y i , and z. We then have a problem that is separable for fixed
values of z.

3.2.2 Primal Decomposition of LB Problem

In primal decomposition, at each iteration we fix the vector z and we fix the public
variables as y i = Ei z. The problem is now separable. Each sub-problem can separately find optimal values for its local variables x i . Let us denote qi (y i ) = qi (Ez)
the optimal value of the sub-problem
qi (y i ) = min fi (x i , y i )

(x i , y i ) Ci

(i = 1, 2),

with variable x i , as a function of y i . The original problem (26) is equivalent to the

primal master problem
min q(z) = q1 (E1 z) + q2 (E2 z),

with variable z. In order to find a sub-gradient of q, denoted by g, we find g i

qi (y i ) (which can be done separately), and then compute g as,
g = ET1 g 1 + ET2 g 2 .
3.2.3 Dual Decomposition of LB Problem
We form the partial Lagrangian of problem (26),
L(x, y, z, v) = f1 (x 1 , y 1 ) + f2 (x 2 , y 2 ) + v T (y + Ez)


= f1 (x 1 , y 1 ) v T1 y 1 + f2 (x 2 , y 2 ) v T2 y 2 + v T Ez,
where v is the Lagrangian multiplier associated with y = Ez. To find the dual function, we first minimize over z, which results in the condition ET v = 0. In other
q(v) = q(v 1 , v 2 )


x 1 ,x 2 ,y 1 ,y 2


min f1 (x 1 , y 1 ) v T1 y 1 + f2 (x 2 , y 2 ) v T2 y 2 + v T Ez

(x 1 , y i ) Ci

(i = 1, 2),

q(v) = q(v 1 , v 2 ) =


x 1 ,x 2 ,y 1 ,y 2


f1 (x 1 , y 1 ) v T1 y 1 + f2 (x 2 , y 2 ) v T2 y 2

Computation of Bounds for Anchor Problems in Limit Analysis


ET v = 0,
(x i , y i ) Ci

(i = 1, 2).

We define qi (v i ), (i = 1, 2) as the optimal value of the sub-problems (i = 1, 2),

qi (v i ) = min fi (x i , y i ) v Ti y i
x i ,y i
(x i , y i ) Ci ,
as a function of v i . A sub-gradient of qi at v i is just y i , an optimal value of y i in
the sub-problem (27). Therefore the dual of the original problem (26) is
max q(v) = q1 (v 1 ) + q2 (v 2 )
ET v = 0,
with variable v. We can solve this dual decomposition master problem using a projected sub-gradient method. The projection onto the feasible set {v|ET v = 0}, is
given by the following operator:


4 Numerical Results
4.1 Bearing Capacity of Anchors
The extensions described in Sect. 2 have been employed to test the pull out capacity
of multi-belled anchors. The linearity of the limit tension with respect to the number
of bells has been verified.
Five different anchor/soil conditions have been employed: rough (same properties as the soil), smooth (no resistance to shear), no tension condition, rough condition with no tension, and smooth condition with no-tension. Although the mechanisms do not significantly depend on these conditions, the pull out capacity does,
and has been shown to be much larger for rough conditions. On the other hand,
while for clay materials (zero internal friction angle, but non-zero cohesion) the
failure mechanism is localised around the anchor (see Fig. 9(a)), in other sand materials the slide-lines propagate up to the soil surface (see Fig. 9(b)). The computed
limiting height agrees satisfactorily with experimental results and other numerical
models that use incremental plasticity [15].

4.2 Retaining Walls

The maximum height of a simply supported and anchored retaining wall has been
computed using the techniques explained in Sect. 2. Figure 10 shows the dissipation


J.J. Muoz et al.

Fig. 9 Dissipation energy of double bell anchor. (a) Clay soil, with sliding conditions and no
tension at the anchor-soil interface. (b) Sand soil with internal friction angle = 20 , and rough
interface conditions with no tension

Fig. 10 Contour plot of the dissipation power on an anchored wall. Left: domain without the wall.
Right: zoom on the domain surrounding the anchor. Interface soil-anchor and soil-wall conditions
are rough with no tension

power of an anchored wall, with a zoom on the region surrounding the anchor. For
an anchor length equal to the height of the wall, the collapse mechanism surround
the whole wall-anchor system, while for longer anchors, the mechanism tends to be
localised around the anchor. Figure 11 shows the mesh obtained after 4 successive
iterations. As it can be observed, the smaller elements localise in the regions with
higher dissipation power and at the slidelines.
The tests have been run for different ratios of d/ h where h = free wall height,
and d = total height of the wall. The collapse of the wall was obtained for a certain
factor of the gravity acceleration. As the ratio h/d is increased, the value of
was decreasing. The limiting free height is the value for which = 1. The plots in
Figure 12 show the evolution of , and indicate the limiting ratios for different wall
conditions and admissibility conditions of the wall-soil and anchor-soil interfaces.
These values agree with some experimental values published in [19].

Computation of Bounds for Anchor Problems in Limit Analysis


Fig. 11 Upper bound

velocities of anchored wall
with the resulting mesh after
4 meshing strategies

Fig. 12 (a) Upper and lower bound of the bearing capacity of a retaining wall with a rough interface with no traction. (b) Bounds for the anchored wall with different anchor-soil conditions.
Horizontal axis corresponds to the ratio d/ h, while the values in the vertical axis corresponds to
the factor multiplying the gravity acceleration at collapse

4.3 Decomposition Techniques

We have applied the dual decomposition technique described in Sect. 3.2.3 with
dynamic step size [3] to the LB problem using a mesh with 128 elements and 1537
primal variables (see Fig. 13(a)). The domain is subjected to a horizontal traction
field at the right boundary, and to a fully homogeneous Dirichlet conditions on its
left boundary.
Figure 13(b) shows the evolution of the upper and lower bounds of the LB optimization problem, which after successive iteration converges to the exact value
= LB = 2. The algorithm converges to tolerance of 103 for the relative difference of upper and lower bound, the number of master iterations are between 10 and


J.J. Muoz et al.

Fig. 13 (a) Domain and mesh employed in the decomposition analysis of the lower bound problem. The domain is subjected to a homogeneous Dirichlet conditions (zero velocities) at the left
boundary, and a horizontal tensile traction at the right boundary. (b) Evolution of the upper and
lower bound of the optimal solution of the LB limit analysis problem when using a variable step
size in the dual decomposition method

5 Conclusions
We have presented some recent extension of the lower and upper bound formulation
of limit analysis for problems with specific frictional interfaces, duplicated edges
and joints. Such extensions are motivated by the limit analysis of practical problems
with anchors and other structural elements.
We have also described how the optimisation problems that current computational limit analysis encounters may be decomposed for its eventual parallelisation.
Although only simple domains problems with limited number of elements have been
analysed, the methodology presented here is general and may be applied for more
general problems. This generalisation, and other techniques are currently under investigation.

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Computation of Bounds for Anchor Problems in Limit Analysis


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Shakedown Analysis of Reissner-Mindlin Plates

Using the Edge-Based Smoothed Finite Element
` and M. Staat
Thanh Ngo.c Trn

Abstract This paper concerns the development of a primal-dual algorithm for limit
and shakedown analysis of Reissner-Mindlin plates made of von Mises material.
At each optimization iteration, the lower bound of the shakedown load multiplier is
calculated simultaneously with the upper bound using the duality theory. An edgebased smoothed finite element method (ES-FEM) combined with the discrete shear
gap (DSG) technique is used to improve the accuracy of the solutions and to avoid
the transverse shear locking behaviour. The method not only possesses all inherent
features of convergence and accuracy from ES-FEM, but also ensures that the total
number of variables in the optimization problem is kept to a minimum compared
with the standard finite element formulation. Numerical examples are presented to
demonstrate the effectiveness of the present method.

1 Introduction
In practical engineering, the calculation of the load carrying capacity for structures
has been a problem of great interest to many designers. In the early 20th century, it
could be relatively easily obtained by limiting the stress intensity at a certain point
of the structure equal to the yield stress of the material. This implies that structural
failure occurs at initiating local plastic flow. However, many materials, for example
the majority of metals, exhibit distinct, plastic properties. Such materials can deform
considerably without breaking, even after the stress intensity attains the yield stress.
This implies that if the stress intensity reaches the critical (yield) value, the structure
does not necessarily fail or deform extensively. To this case, elastic-plastic structural
analysis becomes more general and is capable of providing the much needed safety

` M. Staat (B)
T.N. Trn
Institute for Bioengineering, Biomechanics Lab., Aachen University of Applied Sciences,
Heinrich-Mumann-Str. 1, Jlich Campus, 52428 Jlich, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
T.N. Trn
Chair of Mechanics and Robotics, University of Duisburg-Essen, Lotharstr. 1, 47057 Duisburg,
K. Spiliopoulos, D. Weichert (eds.), Direct Methods for Limit States in Structures and
Materials, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6827-7_5,
Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014



` and M. Staat
T.N. Trn

evaluation capability for enhanced diagnosis of aging infrastructure and the economical and safe design of new structures. Among the plasticity methods, Limit
and Shakedown Analysis (LISA) seems to be the most powerful one. In Europe
LISA have been developed as direct plasticity methods for the design and the safety
analysis of severely loaded engineering structures, such as nuclear power plants and
chemical plants, offshore structures, etc. [18]. Annex B of the new European pressure vessel standard EN 134453 is based on LISA (European standard, 2005-06),
thus indicating the industrial need for LISA software.
Limit analysis of plates and slabs has been studied analytically [8, 14] and numerically [3, 5, 10]. In this work, the limit load was studied either by the lower
bound approach which is based on the static theorem or by the upper bound approach which is based on the kinematic theorem. Tran et al. [19] developed a kinematic formulation for the shakedown analysis of thin plates and shells using the
exact Ilyushin yield surface and nonlinear programming. Recently, a primal-dual algorithm for shakedown analysis of Kirchhoff plates made of von Mises material has
been developed using DKQ plate elements [20]. It has been pointed out by the author that duality theory is indeed a very effective approach for shakedown analysis
of structures.
After more than half a century of development, the finite element method (FEM)
has become a very powerful technique for numerical simulations in engineering and
science. However, when using finite element software, one frequently encounters
problems with mesh generation. For accuracy reasons, one wants to use quadrilateral
or hexahedron elements, but such a mesh is quite difficult to generate and requires a
number of manual operations to cut the domain into proper pieces. In searching for
alternatives, Liu et al. have introduced the strain smoothing technique [6] into the
FEM formulating a cell/element-based smoothed finite element method (SFEM or
CS-FEM) [11] and a node-based smoothed finite element method (NS-FEM) [13].
It was shown that the SFEM achieves more accurate results and a higher convergence rate than FEM without increasing computational costs. More important, as
no mapping or coordinate transformation is involved in the SFEM, its elements are
allowed to be of arbitrary shape and the problem of mesh distortion can be avoided
when using SFEM.
CS-FEM is formulated using smoothing domains located inside the elements
and proven effectively in solving 2D solid mechanics problems by using a proper
number of smoothing cells in each element (for example four smoothing cells). The
CS-FEM has also been extended to plate and shell structures [15, 16]. NS-FEM uses
node-based smoothing domains associated from the predefined parts of all adjacent
elements around the node. It can provide upper bound solutions in the strain energy
and is also immune to volumetric locking naturally. However, the NS-FEM was
found temporally unstable, and cannot be applied directly to dynamic problems.
To overcome such a temporal instability, the edge-based smoothed finite element
method (ES-FEM) has been recently proposed for analyses of solid 2D mechanics
problems [12] and has then been extended for static, free vibration and buckling
analyses of Reissner-Mindlin plates using triangular elements [17]. In that method,
ES-FEM was incorporated with the discrete shear gap (DSG) technique [2] together

Shakedown Analysis of Reissner-Mindlin Plates Using the Edge-Based


with a stabilization technique [1] in order to avoid the transverse shear locking and to
improve the accuracy of the numerical solution. With T3 elements ES-FEM has been
applied succesfully to probabilistic limit and shakedown analysis of 2D structures
This paper presents a numerical algorithm for shakedown analysis of ReissnerMindlin plates made of von Mises material. The algorithm is based upon a primaldual approach in which the lower bound of the shakedown load multiplier is calculated simultaneously with the upper one through a dual problem. The edge-based
smoothed finite element method (ES-FEM, [13]) and the DSG technique [2] were
used for the discretization of the problem domain. This technique has been recently
developed by Nguyen-Xuan et al. [17] in order to avoid the transverse shear locking
and to improve the accuracy of the numerical solution of Reissner-Mindlin plates.
Several benchmark plate problems in literature are investigated to test the performance of the method in which the thickness of the plate varies from very thick to
very thin (below the Kirchhoff limit). Numerical examples demonstrate that the proposed method not only exhibits excellent convergence and accuracy of solutions, but
also ensures that the total number of variables in the optimization problem is kept
to a minimum compared with the standard finite element formulation.

2 Governing Equations of Mindlin Plates

Consider a plate whose mid-surface occupies a closed area with static boundary
and kinematical boundary u as shown in Fig. 1. Let t be the plate thickness, y , E and the uniaxial yield stress, Youngs modulus and Poissons ratio of
the material, respectively. The normalized vectors of moments m, shear forces s,
curvatures and shear strains can be defined as

1 Sxx
Myy ,
M0 M
S0 Syy

1 xx
1 xz
0 2
0 yz
in which M0 = y t 2 /4, S0 = y t, 0 = y (1 2 )/E, 0 = 40 /t are normalized
quantities. Note that 0 is defined by assuming the relation M0 0 = S0 0 to hold.
The non-dimensional stress and strain resultant vectors are introduced as follows


= m s ,
= .
We denote the nodal variables of the plate element by q = [ w x y ]T and loading g = [ 0 0 p ]T acting on the plate where w is the transverse displacement; x , y
are the rotations around the y- and x-axes; and p is the transverse load. Using the

` and M. Staat
T.N. Trn

Fig. 1 Plate subjected to
transverse load

stress and strain resultant vectors introduced above, the equilibrium conditions of
plates can be written as follows

R g = 0,


M0 x

M0 y


M0 y

M0 x

S0 x


S0 y


The kinematic relations can also be expressed by

= Lq,

0 x

0 y


0 x

0 y



The von Mises yield condition in the space of stress resultants takes the form
f ( ) =

T P 1 = 0,


in which the matrix P is composed of moment and shear force components Pb and
Ps as follows



1/2 0
Pb = 1/2

3 0
P =
0 3


The plastic dissipation function per unit area of the plate is defined as

) = M0 T Qb +
D (,

16 T s
T Q ,


0 0


Shakedown Analysis of Reissner-Mindlin Plates Using the Edge-Based


Qb 0
Q=P =
0 Qs

4/3 2/3 0

Qb = Pb
= 2/3 4/3 0 ,
0 1/3


Qs = Ps
0 1/3


3 The Edge-Based Smoothed Discrete Shear Gap Triangular

Element (ES-DSG3)
Similar to the FEM, the ES-FEM also uses a mesh of elements. When 3-node triangular elements are used, the shape functions used in the ES-FEM are also identical
to those in the FEM, and hence the displacement field in the ES-FEM is also ensured to be continuous on the whole problem domain. However, in the ES-FEM the
strains are smoothed over local smoothing domains. These local smoothing do/ ed (i)
mains are constructed based on edges of the elements such that = N
(i) (j ) = for i = j , in which Ned is the total number of edges of all elements
in the entire problem domain. For triangular elements T3, the smoothing domain
(i) associated with the edge i is created by connecting two end-points of the edge
to centroids of adjacent elements as shown in Fig. 2. The smoothed strains over the
smoothing domain (i) are defined by

i = (i)
where A(i) is the area of the smoothing domain (i) . Let a point on the problem
domain be identified by a vector variable x. In terms of nodal variable vectors
qI , the smoothing strain vector i can be written as

i =


B I (xi )qI ,


I =1

where Nn(i) is the total number of nodes of elements containing the common edge i.
I (xi ) is the
For inner edges (see Fig. 2) Nn = 4, for boundary edges Nn = 3. B
smoothed strain matrix on the domain which is calculated numerically by an
assembly process similar to the standard FEM

i) =


I =1



Aj Bj ,
B I (xi ) = (i)


j =1

in which Ne , Aj , Bj are the number of elements, the area and the strain matrix
of the j th element around the edge i, respectively. For inner edges (see Fig. 2)

` and M. Staat
T.N. Trn

Fig. 2 Division of the
domain into triangular
elements and smoothing cells
(k) connected to edge k of
triangular elements



Ne = 2, for boundary edges Ne = 1. The matrix Bj is exactly the strain matrix

of the T3 element in the standard FEM. When linear elements are used, the entries
I (xi ) are also constants.
of Bj and therefore of B
For thick plate elements, the strain-displacement matrix B and material matrix D
are composed of moment and shear force components Bb , Db and Bs , Ds as follows

0 Ds
The moment components Bb and Db are defined similarly to the standard T3
plate elements. In order to avoid the transverse shear locking, the stabilized DSG
technique proposed by Bischoff and Bletzinger [1] is used to formulate the shear
force components Bs and Ds to give a so-called edge-based smoothed discrete shear
gap T3 element (ES-DSG3). Details of the formulations of Bs and Ds can be found
in Nguyen-Xuan et al. [17].
The stiffness matrix of the smoothing domain (i) is calculated by

I d = A(i) B
(i) =

and the global stiffness matrix is then assembled from all domain stiffness matrices
(i) by a similar process as in the FEM.

4 Shakedown Analysis of Mindlin Plates

4.1 Lower Bound Formulation
Consider a convex polyhedral load domain L and a special loading path consisting
of all load vertices Pk (k = 1, . . . , m) of L. The convex property of the load domain

Shakedown Analysis of Reissner-Mindlin Plates Using the Edge-Based


and yield function allow us to replace the time-dependent stress field (x, t) by its
values calculated at load vertices (x, Pk ). Let the fictitious elastic stress resultant

vector be E and a statically admissible time-independent stress resultant field be .

Based on the static shakedown theorem, the lower bound shakedown load multiplier
can be found from a constrained maximization problem as follows
= max

subjected to:


in ,


f ( E (x, Pk ) + (x))
0 k = 1, m; in .

The first constraint in (14) ensures that the equilibrium of the residual stress
field is fulfilled. The second constraint means that the actual stress resultant field
= E + does not anywhere violate the yield condition in (5). Using ES-FEM
to discretize the weak form of the equilibrium equations and the yield condition, the
maximization problem (14) can be reformulated as
= max

subjected to:


A(i) B Ti i = 0,



i ) 0 i = 1, Ned , k = 1, m
f ( E
ik +

in which E
ik is the fictitious elastic stress resultant vector on the smoothing domain
i at load vertex Pk .

4.2 Upper Bound Formulation

Let  denote the strain resultant rates accumulated over the
cycle which
% loading
k . At each load
goes through all load vertices Pk of L, thus we have  = m

vertex, the kinematical condition may not be satisfied, however the accumulated
Acstrains over a load cycle  must be kinematically compatible i.e.  = Lq.
cording to the kinematic theorem of shakedown, the upper bound shakedown load
multiplier + may be formulated by the following form
+ = min


D p ( k )d


k = Lq in ,

subjected to:



M0 0 E (x, Pk )T k d = 1,



` and M. Staat
T.N. Trn


in which the second constraint is the normalization of the external power of loading.
By using ES-FEM and the plastic dissipation defined in (7), the discretized form of
the minimization problem (16) is rewritten as
+ = min


A(i) M0 0 Tik Q ik

k=1 i=1

subjected to:

ik = B i q i = 1, Ned ,




A(i) M0 0 Tik E

ik = 1.

k=1 i=1

Note that when m = 1, i.e. the loads are constant, the formulations (15) and (17)
reduce to those of limit analysis.

5 Duality Between Lower and Upper Bounds

The minimum and maximum problems resulting from the static and kinematic theorems presented above are actually dual. To prove this duality, we first introduce
some new notations

i = A(i) Q1/2 B
i , (18)
e ik = A(i) Q1/2 ik ,
tik = M0 0 Q1/2 E
ik ,
so that these following relations hold
Q1/2 Q1/2 = I,


Q = Q1/2 Q1/2 .


Introducing these new notations into Eq. (17) gives (primal problem)
+ = min


M0 0 e Tik e ik

k=1 i=1

subjected to:

e ik B i q = 0 i = 1, Ned ,




e Tik tik 1 = 0.

k=1 i=1

Now, we can write the Lagrangian for the primal problem (20)

 m N



e ik B i q

e Tik tik 1 , (21)

M0 0 e Tik e ik iT



k=1 i=1

Shakedown Analysis of Reissner-Mindlin Plates Using the Edge-Based


with the Lagrange multipliers i , . The duality between the upper and lower
bounds is proven through the two following propositions.
Proposition 1 If there exists a finite solution + for the upper bound shakedown
load multiplier (20), then + has its dual form as
+ = max
i ,


T i = 0,
subjected to: i=1

i + tik  M0 0 . (b)


Proof By using the Lagrangian introduced in (21), the dual problem of the primal
problem takes the form
max min L .
i , e ik ,q

Since a finite solution for the problem (20) exists, the two constraints in (20) are
affine, the objective function in (20) is convex, thus according to the strong duality
theorem, there exists no gap between primal and dual problems. It follows that

h(eik ,q)=0


k=1 i=1

M0 0 e Tik e ik = max min L ,
i , e ik ,q


= 0 stands for two linear constraints in (20). The Lagrangian in

in which h(eik , q)
(21) may be rewritten as


M0 0 e ik

i tik e ik +
iT B i q + .
e ik e ik
i=1 k=1


Note that in Eq. (25) we accepted a convention 

that if the vector norm of the
strain rate eik  is equal to zero, then M0 0 e ik e ik / e Tik e ik = 0. Since there is no
gap between the primal and dual problems, it is required that for any solution set of
Lagrange multipliers i , , the Lagrange dual function g( i , ) = mine ik ,q L must
have a finite value. To fulfill this, the following system must be satisfied

M0 0 e ik

e ik 0 eik , (a)


e Tik e ik

iT B i q = 0 q.


` and M. Staat
T.N. Trn


Otherwise the following situation may occur

g( i , ) = min L ,
e ik ,q


which of course violates the strong duality theorem. Taking the system (26) into
(25) leads to the conclusion
g( i , ) = min L = .
e ik ,q


The condition (16b) is equivalent to


T i = 0.



Furthermore, we can prove that the condition (26a) is equivalent to the following
inequality constraint
i + tik  M0 0

i, k.


Firstly, if the inequality (30) holds, then the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality permits
us to write

(i + tik )T e ik i + tik  eik  M0 0 eik  = M0 0 e Tik e ik eik , (31)
which is equivalent to the condition (26a). Secondly, if on the contrary we find a set
(i , ) satisfying
i + tik  > M0 0 ,


we can always choose a strain rate vector e ik such that the angle between this vector
and the vector b = i + tik is equal to zero, or bT e ik = b e ik . It follows that

e T e ik
bT e ik = b e ik  > M0 0 e ik  = M0 0 e Tik e ik = M0 0 ik
e Tik e ik

M0 0 e ik

i tik
e Tik e ik

e ik < 0,



which violates the condition (26a). Equalities (28), (29) and inequality (30) conclude our proof.

Proposition 2 If there exists a finite solution + for the upper bound shakedown
load multiplier (20), then the static formulation (15) is exactly the dual problem of

Shakedown Analysis of Reissner-Mindlin Plates Using the Edge-Based


the kinematic problem (20) such that

+ =



h(eik ,q)=0

M0 0 e Tik e ik =

k=1 i=1

2 %Ned


(i) T =0
i=1 A Bi
i )0
f ( E
ik +

= .


Proof The left-hand side of the inequality (22b) can be rewritten as

i + tik  = i + M0 0 Q1/2 E
 1/2 T

 1/2 T (Q ) i
= M0 0 Q
+ ik
M0 0
3 1/2 T
(Q ) i
= M0 0
+ E

M0 0


T (Q1/2 )T i
Q1/2 Q1/2
+ E

M0 0
3 1/2 T
 1/2 T
(Q ) i
) i
1 (Q
= M0 0
+ ik Q
+ ik
. (36)
M0 0
M0 0
Using (5), (7), (8) and (36), the inequality (22b) now becomes

i 0,
f E
ik +


i by B
i from (18) and then (Q1/2 )T i by
with i = (Q1/2 )T i /M0 0 . Substitute B
M0 0 i in (22a), one has


B Ti i =


A(i) B Ti


 1/2 T
i = M0 0
A(i) B Ti i = 0





A(i) B Ti i = 0.



Equality (39) and inequality (37) conclude our proof.

The vector i = (Q1/2 )T i /M0 0 can be interpreted as the time-independent

residual stress resultant vector: the value of this vector is calculated on each smoothing domain, independently of load vertices or, in other words, independently of time.
On the other hand, the Lagrange multiplier represents the lower bound shakedown
load factor.
Based on the duality between lower and upper bounds, an iterative primal-dual
optimization algorithm was proposed to calculate both the upper and lower bounds

` and M. Staat
T.N. Trn


of the shakedown load of plates. Firstly, we can write the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker

(KKT) optimality conditions of the Lagrangian in (21) as follows

e ik
i tik = 0,
= M0 0 
e ik
e Tik e ik
i = 0,
= iT B

 m N

e ik tik 1 = 0.


k=1 i=1

By using the Newtons method to solve the optimality conditions (40) and after
some manipulations, we get the following system of linear equations
Kd q = Kq + f1 + f2 ( + d),




T E1 B i ,
i i


f1 =


T E1
i i


f2 =



T E1
i i

ik ( i + tik ) 


e Tik e ik + 02

e Tik e ik + 02 tik ,


Mik = M0 0 I + ( i + tik ) 

Ei =

e Tik e ik

e Tik

e Tik e ik + 02

e Tik e ik + 02

and 02 is a small positive number, e.g. 1020 . The system (41) can be considered
as the linear system arising in purely elastic computations with the global stiffness
matrix K and the elastic matrix E1
i . At each optimization iteration, by solving this
system we will get the incremental vector of nodal variables d q and then the incre d e ik , d i and d are actually
mental vectors d e ik , d i and d. The vectors d q,
Newton directions which assure that a suitable step along them will lead to a decrease of the objective function of the primal problem (20) and to an increase of
the objective function of the dual problem (22). Iterating these steps a stable set of
e ik , i and is obtained satisfying all conditions in (20) and (22). A detailed
explanation of the primal-dual algorithm can be found in Vu et al. [22].

Shakedown Analysis of Reissner-Mindlin Plates Using the Edge-Based


Fig. 3 Geometrical dimensions (a) and FE-mesh (b) of rectangular plate with eccentric square

6 Validations
In this section, two numerical examples are presented to evaluate the performance
of the proposed method. Two plates that have different slenderness ratios, subjected
either to uniform out-of-plane pressure loading or concentrated load are considered.
In all examples, the structures are made of elastic-perfectly plastic material and 3node triangular element T3 is used to discretize the structural domains. For each test
case, some existing analytical and numerical solutions found in literature are briefly
represented and compared.

6.1 Rectangular Plate with Eccentric Square Cutout

Consider a rectangular plate of thickness t with an eccentric square cutout subjected
to an out-of-plane uniform pressure as depicted in Fig. 3(a). This problem was examined previously using the adaptive element-free Galerkin method, kinematic limit
analysis and the Kirchhoff plate assumptions [9]. All external and internal edges of
the plate are simply supported or built-in and the pressure p can be constant or vary
within a range p [0, pmax ]. The plate is modelled by 1152 T3 elements (Fig. 3(b)).
Figure 4 depicts the convergence of the upper and lower bounds of the plastic
collapse and shakedown load multipliers, given in dimensionless form pab/M0 ,
for the case of a simply supported plate with the slenderness ratio b/t = 40. The
lower and upper bounds are nearly stationary after 5 optimization iterations for both
limit and shakedown analyses. The normalized plastic collapse load factor is 48.684
which is comparable with 51.45 obtained by Le [9]. Solutions for the corresponding
Reissner-Mindlin plate are not found in literature.
The plastic collapse and shakedown loads of the plate are calculated for the different boundary conditions with several plate slenderness ratios, and presented in


` and M. Staat
T.N. Trn

Fig. 4 Convergence of
plastic collapse and
shakedown load factors of a
rectangular plate

Fig. 5 Plastic collapse and

shakedown loads of a
rectangular plate

Fig. 5. In all cases, only one value is presented since the lower bound is identical with the upper one and the results are normalized with pab/M0 . It is seen that
the performance of the proposed method is effective and free of locking when the
slenderness ratio becomes very large.

6.2 Rhombic Plates

The next example involves rhombic plates under an out-of-plane uniform load p.
Geometry and FE mesh are shown in Fig. 6. This problem was previously studied
either analytically by Mansfield [14] or numerically by Capsoni and Vicente da

Shakedown Analysis of Reissner-Mindlin Plates Using the Edge-Based


Fig. 6 Geometrical dimensions (a) and FE-mesh (b) of a rhombic plate

Table 1 Limit loads of thin rhombic plates subjected to a uniform pressure (pr 2 /M0 ) with 2r/t =
( )

Simply supported


Kirchhoff, upper
bound, [3]


Kirchhoff, upper
bound, [3]



























Silva [4] using the Kirchhoff plate assumptions. All edges of the plate are simply
supported or built-in and the uniform load p can be constant or varying within a
range p [0, pmax ].
We consider first thin rhombic plates with the slenderness ratio 2r/t = 20. Numerical limit analysis for the different skewness angles was carried out and the
results are collected in Table 1 and compared with the least upper bounds obtained
by Capsoni and Vicente da Silva [4]. It is seen that our numerical solutions are always smaller than those of Capsoni and Vicente da Silva (the maximum difference
is 6.5 % and 4.1 % for = 30 ) except for the case of simply supported edges with
= 90 , in which they are identical. This difference may be interpreted by the two
following observations: (1) The solutions obtained by Capsoni and Vicente da Silva
are pure upper bounds and (2) for skew plates ( = 90 ), the bending moments at
obtuse corners tend to zero for the Reissner-Mindlin plate while they tend to infinity
for the Kirchhoff plate as pointed out by Hggblad and Bathe [7].
Figure 7 depicts the convergence of the upper and lower bounds of the plastic
collapse and shakedown load multipliers, given in dimensionless form pr 2 /M0 , for
the case of simply supported plate with = 60 .


` and M. Staat
T.N. Trn

Fig. 7 Convergence of
plastic collapse and
shakedown load factors of
rhombic plate

Fig. 8 Plastic collapse and

shakedown loads of rhombic
plate with skewness angles
= 60

Choosing the rhombic plate with the skewness angle = 60 , we study now the
performance of the present method for several plate slenderness ratios. The graph
in Fig. 8 shows the normalized plastic collapse and shakedown loads calculated for
different boundary conditions. We may also see that the results are nearly unchanged
even if the thickness of the plate becomes very small (below the Kirchhoff limit).

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Shakedown Analysis of Reissner-Mindlin Plates Using the Edge-Based


2. Bletzinger KU, Bischoff M, Ramm E (2000) A unified approach for shear-locking free triangular and rectangular shell finite elements. Comput Struct 75:321334
3. Capsoni A, Corradi L (1999) Limit analysis of platesa finite element formulation. Struct
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7. Hggblad B, Bathe KJ (1990) Specifications of boundary conditions for Reissner/Mindlin
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8. Hopkins HG, Wang AJ (1954) Load-carrying capacities for circular plates of perfectly-plastic
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9. Le VC (2009) Novel numerical procedures for limit analysis of structures. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield, UK
10. Le VC, Gilbert M, Askes H (2010) Limit analysis of plates and slabs using a meshless equilibrium formulation. Int J Numer Methods Eng 83:17391758
11. Liu GR, Dai KY, Nguyen TT (2007) A smoothed finite element method for mechanics problem. Comput Mech 39:859877
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14. Mansfield EH (2000) Collapse pressures for rhombic plates. Int J Mech Sci 42:635643
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17. Nguyen-Xuan H, Liu GR, Thai-Hoang C, Nguyen-Thoi T (2010) An edge-based smoothed
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18. Staat M, Heitzer M (eds) (2003) Numerical methods for limit and shakedown analysis. Deterministic and probabilistic approach. NIC series, vol 15. John von Neumann Institute for
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21. Trn
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structure. Comput Methods Appl Mech Eng 193:46634674

Progress in Plastic Design of Composites

Min Chen and Abdelkader Hachemi

Abstract In this paper, the lower-bound of direct methods is applied to fiber reinforced metal matrix periodic composites. Three boundary conditions for the localization problem are discussed and the influence of hardening matrix material is
studied. Furthermore, in combination with homogenization theory, plastic material
parameters are predicted by using yield loci fitting on the macroscopic limit stress
domain. The proposed approach is validated through a numerical example of unidirectional periodic composites with square fiber patterns.

1 Introduction
To predict safe service conditions of structures or structural elements made of heterogeneous materials under variable loads beyond elasticity is a challenging task
in civil and mechanical engineering. There are two major difficulties: to consider
variable loads with unknown evolution in time and to determine the effective material properties. The former difficulty can be overcome by direct methods (DM),
namely limit and shakedown analysis. Limit analysis only requires the load range,
and shakedown analysis needs the envelope of the independent loads [13]. Therefore, the application of DM to composites arose many interests these years. To solve
the latter difficulty, multi-scale modeling method and homogenization theory are involved [27]. Either using the lower-bound [14, 23, 33, 34] or upper-bound [3, 21, 22]
approach, periodic composites are investigated at the representative volume element
(RVE) level with the elastic perfectly plastic material properties of each phase.
DM has been formulated for structures assuming elastic perfectly plastic material
behavior. However, work-hardening occurs most notably for ductile materials, like
metals. Thus DM for plasticity models with hardening has also been investigated for
long time [15, 16, 18, 20, 32], where the studied objects are homogeneous global

M. Chen (B) A. Hachemi

Institute of General Mechanics, RWTH-Aachen, Templergraben 64, 52062 Aachen, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Hachemi
e-mail: [email protected]
K. Spiliopoulos, D. Weichert (eds.), Direct Methods for Limit States in Structures and
Materials, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6827-7_6,
Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014



M. Chen and A. Hachemi

structures [2, 19, 25]. In this work, we applied the lower-bound approach of DM to
periodic composites with the consideration of work-hardening.
As the global effective material properties are concerned, in [7], homogenized
elastic parameters are obtained basing on the homogenization theory and the constitutive laws of elastic materials. The plastic properties are only studied for the
composites under plane stress case by using yield loci fitting. Here, the predictions
for unidirectional periodic composites are discussed.
The numerical tools required for the lower-bound approach are the finite-element
method and non-linear optimization. To reduce the scale of optimization problem,
non-conforming three-dimensional finite elements are used to discretize the RVE,
and the interior-point-algorithm based optimization tool (IPOPT) [29, 31] together
with the pre-programming language AMPL [11] are used.

2 Direct Methods Applied to Composites

2.1 Elements of Homogenization Theory
For periodic heterogeneous media, two different scales are adopted: the macroscopic
(or global) scale and the mesoscopic (or local) scale. The homogenization method
describes the relation between these two scales mainly by two stages: localization
and globalization [27].
With x and as the global and local coordinates (Fig. 1), respectively, the following relationship holds:
= ,

is a small scale parameter, which determines the size of the representative volume
element (RVE). It plays an important role in studying the heterogeneous material,
especially for non-uniform structures. For a heterogeneous material with periodic
distribution, the smallest possible unit is normally defined as the RVE. The macroscopic strain E and stress are linked to mesoscopic strain  and stress by:

E(x) =
( ) dV = ( ) ,

( ) dV = ( ) .
(x) =
Here,  stands for the averaging operator. In DM for periodic heterogeneous materials, the macroscopic stress is decomposed as [34]:


+ dV =
dV with
dV = 0
E dV +
where is the safety factor, E is the purely elastic stress field and is the timeindependent residual stress field.

Progress in Plastic Design of Composites


Fig. 1 Homogenization theory

2.2 Boundary Conditions

One of the difficulties in the localization problem lies in introducing appropriate
boundary conditions. Usually, three types of boundary conditions are considered on
the local scale [1, 27].
Strain approach Uniform strain is imposed on V ,

on V .


Stress approach Uniform stress is imposed on V ,

n= n

on V .


Periodicity Constraints are required for both fields.

The stress vectors on the opposite sides have the same value but opposite direction,



The local strain can be split into an overall strain E and a fluctuating field  per ,
where the average of  per over RVE vanishes,

(u) = E +  uper = E +  per ,


 per = 0.


In the numerical implementation, to carry out the strain approach, uniform displacement is imposed on the boundary, see Fig. 2(L). For Stress approach, besides
the uniform stress imposed on the boundary, one degree of freedom of the boundary
is coupled in order to maintain the periodic deformation, as shown in Fig. 2(M).


M. Chen and A. Hachemi

Fig. 2 Boundary conditions

Fig. 3 Deformations of the

non-periodic RVE under
different boundary conditions

These two approaches are normally suitable for the periodic RVE, while the third
one is more realistic, especially for non-periodic unit cell. Figure 2(R) describes the
constraints for periodicity method:
ui ui + udi = 0


here, ui and ui are the displacements of the relative opposite periodic node pairs and
udi is the macroscopic displacement. Figure 3 illustrates the deformations of a nonperiodic RVE under pure thermal loading by using strain approach and periodicity
approach, respectively.
The common ground in these three approaches is the consistent deformation of
boundaries. The strain energies, by using different boundary conditions, are ordered
in the following way [27]:
hom : E.
E : d hom : E E : d hom
per : E E : d


hom are the 4th order tensors of elastic stiffness, under uniform
d hom , d hom
per and d
stress, periodicity and uniform strain, respectively, which depend on the micro variable .
The objective studied in this work is the periodic composites under mechanical
loading, and the strain approach was adopted as the boundary condition. The local-

Progress in Plastic Design of Composites


ization of the elastic mechanical problem can be written as [14]:

in V ,

div = 0


= d : (E +  ) in V ,
Pstrain = E n
anti-periodic on V ,

on V ,

 = E.


The residual stress field should satisfy the self-equilibrium condition and periodicity conditions:

div = 0 in V ,
Pstrain =
anti-periodic on V .
Anti-periodicity means that either E n or n has opposite values on opposite
sides of V . Periodicity of uper indicates that the displacements at two opposite
points of the boundary are the same. For strain approach, we assume that uper = 0
and  per = 0.

2.3 Finite Element Discretization

In order to satisfy the equilibrium conditions for the elastic stress E and timeindependent residual stress in weak form, the principle of virtual work, demanding
that the external virtual work equals to the internal virtual work for unrelated but
consistent displacements and strains, is used:

{}T E + dV =
{u}T {p}dS + {u}T {f}dV .

Here,  is the virtual strain, and u is the virtual displacement. p and f are
surface force and body force, respectively. For periodic heterogeneous materials,
the external loads can be either macroscopic stresses or macroscopic strains E.
The left side of Eq. (14) implies that the discretization here has to be carried out
Since the scale
for the purely elastic stress field E and the residual stress field .
of the optimization problem is mainly determined by the type and the number of
finite elements, the choice of a proper element type is very important. In this work,
a non-conforming solid element was applied in the limit and shakedown analysis of
composites because of its accuracy and efficiency [5].
The lower-bound problem of DM for periodic composites with elastic perfectly
plastic material model can be formulated finally as the following mathematical programming:

= 0,
F (iE (Pk ) + i , Y i ) 0, i [1, NGS].


M. Chen and A. Hachemi

is the load factor, Pk is the vertices of load envelope and N GS is the number of
Gaussian points and Y is the yield strength. F is the von Mises yield criterion.

2.4 Large Scale Optimization

The lower-bound approach of DM applied to a real structure or structural element
will lead usually to a large scale optimization problem. To solve such kind of problem, there are many optimization algorithms and corresponding software packages, like LANCELOT [9], which is based on an augmented Lagrangian method,
and IPDCA (Interior Point with DC regularization Algorithm), which is based on
interior-point method and especially designed for shakedown problems. The efficiency of IPDCA was proved in [17]. However, the present version is suitable for
elastic perfectly plastic material model. Another user-developed software package is
IPSA [24, 25], which is also based on interior-point method. The additional selective
algorithm makes the application of DM on large structures possible. In this work,
AMPL+IPOPT are adopted as the numerical solver [4]. AMPL (A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming) is a comprehensive and powerful algebraic
modeling language for linear and nonlinear optimization problems with discrete or
continuous variables [11]. IPOPT, short for Interior Point OPTimizer is an open
software library for large scale nonlinear optimization of continuous systems [30].

3 Hardening Material Models

DM with hardening has been investigated for long time, however, the studied objects
are only homogeneous global structures [2, 19, 24].
Here, the lower-bound approach of DM for periodic composites with the consideration of hardening matrix is applied on the RVE. The material model for the
fiber is assumed as elastic perfectly plastic. Some abbreviations used in this work
are introduced in Table 1.

3.1 Isotropic Hardening

The isotropic hardening material model assumes that the yield surface increases in
size, but keeps its shape. The subsequent yield surface and initial yield surface have
the same center, as shown in Fig. 4.
The lower-bound approach of DM with isotropic hardening matrix can be formulated as:

= 0,

i , Yf i ) 0, i [1, NGSF],
F ( E
i (Pk ) +

F ( j (Pk ) + j , Uj ) 0, j [1, NGSM]

Progress in Plastic Design of Composites


Table 1 Abbreviations of some terms




Number of elements


Number of nodes


Number of Gaussian points of each element (in this work, NGE = 8)


Number of Gaussian points for Fiber


Number of Gaussian points for Matrix


Number of total Gaussian points, NGS = NGE NE = NGSF + NGSM


Number of load vertices: NL = 1, limit analysis; NL = 2n , shakedown analysis. n is the number of independent loads

Fig. 4 Isotropic hardening

Fig. 5 Unlimited kinematic


m is the ultimate strength for the matrix. Superscript m and f indicate

where Uj
matrix and fiber respectively.

3.2 Unlimited Kinematic Hardening

The kinematic hardening model allows the yield surface to translate, without changing its shape, as shown in Fig. 5. is the time-independent back stress. The discretized formulation of the lower-bound problem for the linear unlimited kinematic
hardening condition is:

= 0,

i , Yf i ) 0, i [1, NGSF]
F ( E
i (Pk ) +

F ( E (Pk ) + j j , m ) 0, j [1, NGSM]



M. Chen and A. Hachemi

Fig. 6 Limited kinematic


Fig. 7 Conditions a and b in

limited kinematic hardening

where is the back stress field. It is important to note that, for matrix with unlimited kinematic hardening, there is no optimal solution for limit analysis, since the
ultimate strength of the material is infinite.

3.3 Limited Kinematic Hardening

To overcome the shortcoming of the unlimited linear kinematic hardening material
model, two-surface model of limited kinematic hardening has been introduced [32],
as shown in Fig. 6. With the consideration of the linear limited kinematic hardening,
the lower bound problem has an analogous discretized form like unlimited kinematic hardening. Moreover, due to the back stress limitation, there is an additional
inequality constraint, as shown in (18a) or (18b).

= 0,

i , Yf i ) 0, i [1, NGSF],
F ( E

i (Pk ) +

m ) 0, j [1, NGSM],
j j , Yj
F ( E
j (Pk ) +


F ( j (Pk ) + j , Uj ) 0, (a)

or F ( , m m ) 0. (b)



As shown in Fig. 7, Eq. (18a) indicates that the subsequent yield surfaces stays
always inside the bounded loading surface [32]. Equation (18b) means that motion
of the origin center of the subsequent yield surface is bounded by the back stress
surface [26]. The mathematical equality of both conditions is proved in [19]. Nevertheless, the obtained optimized value of back stresses under the two conditions are
slightly different [6].

Progress in Plastic Design of Composites


Table 2 Sizes of optimization problem with different material models

Material model

No. Var

No. Eq

No. Ineq.

Elastic-perfectly plastic

6NGS + 1

3NK + 9NE


Isotropic hardening

6NGS + 1

3NK + 9NE


Unlimited kinematic hardening

6NGS + 6NGSM + 1

3NK + 9NE


Limited kinematic hardening (a)

6NGS + 6NGSM + 1

3NK + 9NE


Limited kinematic hardening (b)

6NGS + 6NGSM + 1

3NK + 9NE


With the assumption that the material model of fiber is elastic, the material model
of matrix is elastic-perfectly, isotropic hardening, unlimited kinematic hardening
and limited kinematic hardening, respectively, the sizes of static shakedown problem
are shown in Table 2.

4 Failure Criterion for Composites

Every material has certain strength, expressed in terms of stress or strain, beyond
which the structure fractures or fails to carry the load. For heterogeneous materials,
consisting of two or more phases, the determination of failure criteria is in fact
one of the most important issues in the design process. Some phenomenological
failure criteria that use experimental data to determine material constants have been
proposed, like maximum stress theory, maximum strain theory, distortional energy
(Tsai-Hill) criterion, Tsai-Wu criterion, Hashins criterion and so on [28].
In this section, a general method to identify material parameters for a given failure criterion for composites is proposed and discussed.

4.1 Definition of Homogenized Stress

The effective elastic material properties related to different fiber distributions and
volume fractions, are predicted with the aid of homogenization theory and mechanical constitutive law [4], which can be generally described as:
= d hom : E,


d hom are the homogenized elasticity tensor.

Homogenized plastic material properties can be determined experimentally or
numerically. Although the results from experiments are generally more accurate,
the cost is normally very high and only the strength in one or more principle directions may be obtained. Through the numerical method, we provide a rough but
complete prediction of plastic properties after neglecting some defects caused in the
manufacturing process.


M. Chen and A. Hachemi

In our former work, the yield criterion of periodic composites under plane stress
case are discussed [7]. Firstly, three states during the failure are defined [8, 12]:
Onset of plasticity (Homogenized elastic stress): EL = EL  E .
Shakedown state (Homogenized shakedown stress): SD = SD  E .
Limit state (Homogenized limit stress): LM = LM  E .
 E  is the homogenized macroscopic stress of purely elastic stress field. Based
on limit homogenized macroscopic stress domain, there are two possibilities to derive the yield criteria:
To find the best fitted mathematical formulation;
To identify the related parameters by using existing yield criteria.
The former approach seems quite difficult because of the uncertainty of the number
of parameters. Therefore, the latter is adopted to seek a feasible solution. Since
the studied object in the numerical example is the unidirectional fiber reinforced
periodic composites, whose global material behavior can be treated as an orthotropic
one, Hills yield criterion is hypothesized to fit the limit domain.
However, the stress components, either in micro-/mesoscropic level ij or in
macroscopic level ij depend on the orientation of the coordinate system. Nevertheless, there are certain invariants associated with every tensor. The three principle
stresses are calculated through the characteristic equation:
3 I1 2 + I2 + I3 = 0,


I1 , I2 and I3 are the first, second, and third stress invariants, respectively.

4.2 Projection into -Plane

In principle stresses, Hills yield criterion is written as:
F (2 3 )2 + G(3 1 )2 + H (1 2 )2 = 1


1 1

2 Y 2 Z2 X2

1 1

2 Z2 X2 Y 2

1 1

2 X2 Y 2 Z2



Here X,Y and Z are axial strengths of the orthotropic material. 1 = 2 = 3 is

defined as the hydrostatic axis, 1 + 2 + 3 = 0 is named as -plane or deviatoric

Progress in Plastic Design of Composites


Fig. 8 Illustration of two

coordinate systems

plane. Hills yield surfaces in principal stress coordinate circumscribes an ellipse

column around the hydrostatic axis.
Let (x1 y1 z1 ) and (x2 y2 z2 ) denote the original principle stress and transformed coordinate systems, respectively. As shown in Fig. 8, z2 is coincident with
the hydrostatic axis.
(x2 y2 z2 ) can be achieved using a specific sequence of intrinsic rotations (mobile frame rotations), whose values are called the Euler Angles of the target frame.
Here we use y-convention, i.e. (Z, Y  , Z  ):
Rotate the x1 y1 z1 -system about the z1 -axis (Z) by angle ;
Rotate the current system about the new y-axis (Y  ) by angle ;
Rotate the current system about the new z-axis (Z  ) by angle .

y1 = T y2 .



T is the rotation matrix,

Tx1 y1 z1

= sin


0 sin


0 sin


0 . (24)

Here, = 4 , = tan1 ( 2) and = 4 .


2 = T 2 ,

the projection of Hill criterion into -plane is:
(F + 1.866H + 0.134G)12 + (F + 0.134H + 1.866G)22 + (G 2F + H )1 2 = 1.
Equation (25) implies that the projection of Hill criterion onto -plane is an ellipse.


M. Chen and A. Hachemi

Fig. 9 Projection of the von

Mises yield criterion

4.2.1 Homogeneous Material

For homogeneous material, X = Y = Z, i.e. F = G = H , which leads to the von
Mises yield criterion, as shown in Eq. (26). It is a special case of Hills yield criterion
and there is only one parameter to determine:
(1 2 )2 + (2 3 )2 + (3 1 )2 2Y2 0.


If the von Mises criterion is projected to plane, Eq. (25) can be written as:
12 + 22 = C

with C =

= Y2 .


The projection of the von Mises yield criterion on (1 , 2 )-plane and -plane is
shown in Fig. 9, and the ellipse from Hills criterion becomes a circle.

4.2.2 Transversely Homogeneous Material

For transversely homogeneous material, with the assumption Y = Z, i.e. G = H ,
Eq. (25) can be written as:
(F + 2H )12 + (F + 2H )22 + (2H 2F )1 1 = 1.
There is two parameters to determine. From Eq. (22), we may obtain:

1 2
1 1
G=H =

2 Y 2 X2
2 X2



Progress in Plastic Design of Composites


Rewrite Eq. (29):


F +H


An ellipse in general position can be expressed parametrically as the path of a

point (x(t), y(t)), where:
x(t) = xc + a cos(t) cos() b sin(t) sin(),
y(t) = yc + a cos(t) cos() + b sin(t) sin().


Here, (xc , yc ) is the center of the ellipse, is the angle between the X-axis and the
major axis of the ellipse, parameter t varies from 0 to 2 , a and b are major and
minor radii, respectively.
In the case of transversely homogeneous material, xc = yc = 0 and = 4 . Substitute the known value into Eq. (31), we get:

x y 2
= 1 =


xy = 1.

2a 2 2b2
2a 2 2b2
a 2 b2


Comparing Eqs. (28) and (32), we get:


F + 2H = 2 + 2 ,


H F =

2a 2 2b2

H = 2 ,


F =



4.2.3 General Orthotropic Material

For the general orthotropic material, there are three parameters to determine. Equation (31) can be written as a general implicit ellipse equation:
c1 x 2 + c2 xy + c3 y 2 + c4 x + c5 y + c6 = 0.


In our case, c4 = c5 = 0 and c6 = 1. Comparing Eqs. (25) and (34), we get the
following three equations:

F + 1.866H + 0.134G = c1 ,
F + 0.134H + 1.866G = c2 ,

G 2F + H = c3 .
In conclusion, the methodology to determine the yield criterion of unidirectional
fiber reinforced periodic metal matrix composites is:



M. Chen and A. Hachemi

Calculation of limit macroscopic stresses based on homogenization theory;

Calculation of stress invariants;
Projection of principle stresses into plane;
Ellipse fit using least squares criterion;
Parameters determination of yield criterion.

5 Numerical Examples
Take the square patterned unidirectional fiber reinforced periodic metal matrix composites as an example, the RVE is shown in Fig. 10, with perfect interface. The fiber
ratio is 40 %. Because of symmetry, the quarter of the RVE is used for the finite
element analysis (see Fig. 11), with the dimension lx = ly = 50 mm. The RVE is
subjected to two independent uniform displacement loadings, U 1 = U 2 = U 0 =
0.02 mm.
The material properties of each phase are shown in Table 3, with the assumption
that each phase is isotropic.
8-node non-conforming elements are applied for the calculation of purely elastic
stress field E and the self-equilibrated constant matrix [C]. Since the unidirectional fiber reinforced composites can be treated as plane strain case, all degrees of
freedoms in the fiber direction are fixed, i.e. there is no displacement deformation
in the fiber direction. AMPL+IPOPT are used as the optimization tool.
Besides the limit load factor LM and the shakedown load factor SD , the elastic
load factor EL and the alternating plastic load factor AP are also calculated for
the comparison in this work. The elastic load factor EL under two independent
loads L1 and L2 is defined as:

max EL F iE (Pk ), Y i 0, i [1, NGS], k = 1
where the load vertex P1 indicates the combination of L1 and L2 .
The alternating plasticity load factor AP under two independent loads L1 and
L2 can be simplified as follows:
F ( 2 [ E
i (L1 ) + i (L2 )], Y i ) 0,
max AP
F ( 12 [ E
i (L1 ) i (L2 )], Y i ) 0, i [1, NGS].
Figure 12 shows the different load domains of the considered example, assuming
that both phases have elastic perfectly plastic material behavior.
Considering the hardening, the shakedown domains for different matrix material models are shown in Fig. 13. We observe that the shakedown domain with
isotropic hardening is only enlarged compared to the elastic perfectly plastic model.
The shakedown domain with unlimited kinematic hardening is bounded by the alternating plasticity load domain.
If the RVE is under loading U 1 = U 2, the shakedown load factors of elastic
perfectly plastic, limited kinematic hardening and unlimited kinematic hardening

Progress in Plastic Design of Composites


Fig. 10 Square patterned

periodic composites

Fig. 11 Finite element model

Table 3 Material properties

Al/Al2 O3

E (GPa)

Y (MPa)

U (MPa)






Fiber(Al2 O3 )




Fig. 12 Load domains of periodic composites with the fiber volume fraction 40 % under plane
strain case, with EL: elastic load factor; SD: shakedown load factor; LM: limit load factor and AP:
alternating plasticity load factor. (L) Displacement domain; (R) Macroscopic stress domain

have the same value, as shown Fig. 13. However, the mechanisms are obviously
different. For example, under loading U 1 = U 2 = SD U 0, the equivalent stress
fields obtained under different material models are shown in Fig. 14.


M. Chen and A. Hachemi

Fig. 13 Shakedown domains

of all material models, with
SD-ElasPer: elastic perfectly
plastic; SD-IsoHard: isotropic
hardening; SD-LKHard:
Limited kinematic hardening;
SDH-ULKHard: Unlimited
kinematic hardening

Although based on the same elastic stress field E , the residual stress fields
and back stress fields , obtained from the optimization programming, are quite
different. For the elastic perfectly plastic material model, obviously there is no back
stress field. Nevertheless, the total equivalent stress fields of these three different
material models are similar.
Figure 15 shows us merely the limit domains with elastic perfectly plastic and
limited kinematic hardening material models, since there is no bound for limit load
of matrix with unlimited kinematic hardening.
According to the limit displacement domain of the elastic perfectly plastic material model, with the aid of homogenization approach and stress invariant theory, the
macroscopic principle stresses domain is obtained, as shown in Fig. 16(L), which is
projected into -plane afterwards, see Fig. 16(R). Based on the least square fitting
method, the obtained parameters of Hills criterion are as follow:
Major axis of ellipse: a = 241.8306;

Minor axis of ellipse: b = 67.7779.

From Eqs. (33) and (30), we get the axial strength of the unidirectional periodic
X = 296.1808 MPa = 3.70Ym ;

Y = Z = 94.6217 MPa = 1.18Ym .

According to the micromechanics of unidirectional composites [10], the effective

yield tensile strength in fiber direction is defined as:
YX = m Em c + f Ef c .


Indices f and m represent fiber and matrix, respectively. c is the critical strain
defined by:
3 m f4

c = min Y , Y .
Em Ef

Progress in Plastic Design of Composites


Fig. 14 Different stress fields under different material models: (L) Elastic perfectly plastic material model; (M) Limited kinematic hardening material model; (R) Unlimited kinematic hardening
material model

Therefore, the effective yield strength based on micromechanics is:

YX = 217.14 MPa = 2.17Ym .
The maximum tensile stress criterion is:
Yt =

1 m
(mt rm Em )
k (1 + m )(1 2m )



M. Chen and A. Hachemi

Fig. 15 Limit domains, with

LM-ElasPer:elastic perfectly
plastic; LM-LKHard: Limited
kinematic hardening

Fig. 16 Yield criterion fitting: (L) Homogenized stresses (1 -2 ) domain; (R) Hills yield criterion fitting based on the projection into plane

where, index t means the transverse direction. rm is the radial maximum residual
strain, which is approximated to zero in our case. k is the stress concentration
factor, with the definition:
k =
p is the outer force that is applied on the RVE or mesoscopic components. According to the numerical result, k is around 1.15. Therefore, the effective transverse
yield strength based on micromechanics is:
YY = YZ = 93.65 MPa = 1.17Ym .
When compared with the analytical results from microscopic mechanics, we observe that the predicted strength in transverse direction matches well. However, the

Progress in Plastic Design of Composites


numerical value of the strength in fiber direction is bigger than the analytical one.
The possible reason lies in the too restrict constraints in the numerical analysis: the
degrees of freedom in fiber direction are completely fixed which leads to a greater
homogenized elastic stress in fiber direction. Nevertheless, the advantages of numerical methods are obvious, which consist in the possibility to consider the fiber
distributions, imperfect bounded interfaces, or other types of composites, instead of
the unidirectional one.

6 Conclusions
In this paper, the lower-bound approach of DM is applied on periodic composites,
including hardening material models for the matrix. As expected, for isotropic hardening, the shakedown domain is enlarged with the same shape as elastic perfectly
plastic one. For unlimited kinematic hardening, there is no bound for the limit load
and shakedown domain is bounded by alternating plasticity. Two yield surfaces of
limited kinematic hardening model provide more realistic solutions. Furthermore, in
combination with homogenization theory, plastic material parameters are predicted
by using yield surface fitting on the macroscopic limit homogenized stress domain.
However, the present work is based on the assumption that fiber and matrix have
perfect interfaces. The debonding failure will be studied in the further work.

We thank Professor D. Weichert for his support.

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The Residual Stress Decomposition Method

(RSDM): A Novel Direct Method to Predict
Cyclic Elastoplastic States
Konstantinos V. Spiliopoulos and Konstantinos D. Panagiotou

Abstract Instead of approaching the steady state behavior of an elasticperfectly

plastic structure, under cyclic loading, through time consuming incremental timestepping calculations, one may alternatively use direct methods. A common feature
of these methods is to estimate directly these cyclic states, profiting, thus, big savings in computer time. The elastic shakedown is the most important, in terms of
structural safety, cyclic state. Most of the existing methods address this state through
the solution of an optimization problem. In this work, a novel direct method that has
a more physical understanding and may predict any cyclic steady stress state is exposed. The method is based on the expected cyclic nature of the residual stress distribution at the steady cycle. Having evaluated the elastic stress part of the total stress
to equilibrate the external load, the unknown residual stress part is decomposed into
Fourier series, whose coefficients are evaluated iteratively by satisfying compatibility and equilibrium with zero loads at time points inside the cycle. A computationally simple way to account for plasticity is considered. The procedure converges
uniformly to a residual stress field which is either constant, marking the loading to
be below the elastic shakedown limit, or to a cyclic residual stress field, from which
possible alternating plasticity or ratcheting conditions may be realized. The procedure is formulated within the finite element method. A von Mises yield surface is
typically used. Examples of application to a truss and a two dimensional plate under
plane stress or strain are discussed.

1 Introduction
Nowadays structures are continuously designed to withstand repeated thermomechanical loading that forces them to enter the plastic regime. Such loading conditions are encountered either in civil or mechanical engineering. Typical examples
of such structures are buildings and bridges under seismic loading on the one hand
and nuclear reactors and aircraft gas propulsion engines on the other.
K.V. Spiliopoulos (B) K.D. Panagiotou
Department of Civil Engineering, Institute of Structural Analysis & Antiseismic Research,
National Technical University of Athens, Zografou Campus, Zografos 157-80, Athens, Greece
e-mail: [email protected]
K. Spiliopoulos, D. Weichert (eds.), Direct Methods for Limit States in Structures and
Materials, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6827-7_7,
Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014



K.V. Spiliopoulos and K.D. Panagiotou

The life cycle assessment of such a structure constitutes an important task for a
structural engineer. However, the long term response of a structure, subjected to a
given thermo-mechanical loading which exhibits inelastic time independent plastic
strains, is quite complex, because of the need to perform lengthy and expensive incremental calculations, especially for structures with a high degree of redundancy.
In the case that the long term response turns out to be a stabilized state there are procedures called direct methods, which may lead directly to these states. Scleronomic
or rheonomic stable materials guarantee the existence of such states [1]. Thus direct
methods search for this asymptotic state right from the start of the calculations.
The most well known cyclic state is the elastic shakedown. The search for this
state is based on the lower [2] and upper bound [3] shakedown theorems of plasticity.
The formulation of these problems is normally done using mathematical programming (MP). One may refer to various such procedures like a nonlinear Newton-type
algorithm [4] or the interior point methods (e.g. [5, 6]).
There are also very few approaches that are not based on MP. Internal parameters are introduced in [7] which characterize local inelastic mechanisms. Another
procedure is the Linear Matching Method (LMM) [8] which is a generalization of
the elastic compensation method [9] and is based on matching a linear problem to a
plasticity problem. A sequence of linear solutions, with spatially varying moduli, is
generated that provide upper bounds that monotonically converge to the least upper
The method was further extended beyond shakedown, for loadings that can be
decomposed into constant and time varying components, so as to provide an upper
bound estimation of the ratchet boundary [10].
Besides the knowledge of safety margins, it is important to be able to determine
the long-term effects on a structure for a given cyclic loading. For this purpose, an
alternative to the cumbersome incremental procedure is a method called Direct Cycle Analysis (DCA) originally suggested in [11] and implemented in the commercial
program Abaqus [12]. The main assumption of the method is that the displacements
at the steady cycle will become cyclic. The method is quite involved and appears
to be a mixture of an incremental and an iterative procedure. The displacements
are decomposed into Fourier series whose coefficients are evaluated in an iterative
way by linking them with the coefficients of the Fourier series of the out-of-balance
load vector. This vector is evaluated as in an incremental procedure, and static admissibility is enforced by leading it to zero. The procedure seems to be suited for
the cases of alternating plasticity but fails to converge for loadings that are close to
ratcheting as also mentioned in [12] since, because of its main assumption, it cant
predict such a case.
A new direct method to predict any long-term cyclic state of an elastic-perfectly
structure under a given cyclic loading was quite recently suggested [13]. The method
focuses on the cyclic nature of the residual stresses at the steady state. The method
has been called Residual Stress Decomposition Method (RSDM) and is based on
decomposing the residual stresses in Fourier series inside a cycle of loading. The
decomposition of the residual stresses, so as to find a simplified way to predict
creep cyclic steady stress states, was originally proposed in [14].

The Residual Stress Decomposition Method (RSDM): A Novel Direct Method


In the RSDM the coefficients of the Fourier series are evaluated in an iterative
way by integrating the residual stress rates over the cycle. By satisfying equilibrium
and compatibility at time points inside the cycle one may evaluate these rates. Plastic
effects are accounted for by adding the elastic and the residual stress at the cycle
points. If the sum exceeds the yield surface, the plastic strain rate may be represented
by the stress in excess of the yield surface. This excess stress provides then input for
iteration. If the plastic strain rates stabilize, in the form of a converged residual stress
vector, the procedure stops. One can easily distinguish any of the three different
cases, shakedown, alternating plasticity or ratcheting. A one-dimensional truss and
a two-dimensional plate with a hole under plane stress have demonstrated in [13] the
application of the procedure. For the plate, results are, in the present work, extended
to include plane strain conditions. The whole approach is shown to be stable and
computationally efficient, with uniform convergence.

2 Cyclic Steady-States
Let us consider a body of volume V and surface S. On one part of S we have zero
displacement conditions and on the other part of the surface a cyclic loading of the
form (1) is applied.
P(t) = P(t + nT )


where P(t) is the set of loads that act on S; t is the time point inside the cycle, T is
the period of the cycle, n = 1, 2, . . . , denotes the number of full cycles. Bold letters
are used, herein, to denote vectors and matrices.
Let us suppose that our structure is made of an elastic-perfectly plastic material.
At any time point = t/T inside the cycle the structure will develop a stress field
( ) which may be decomposed into an elastic part el ( ), that equilibrates the external loading P( ) assuming a completely elastic behavior, and a self-equilibrating
residual stress part ( ) that is due to inelasticity. Therefore:
( ) = el ( ) + ( ).


An analogous decomposition holds for the strain rates:

= e el ( ) + r ( ).


The residual strain rate itself may be decomposed into an elastic and a plastic
part [15]. Thus the final compatibility equation is expressed as:
pl ( ).
= e el ( ) + el
r ( ) +


The elastic strain rates are related to the stress rates through the elasticity matrix D, whereas the plastic strain rate vector through the gradient of the flow rule:
el ( ) = D e ,
) = D el
r ,
pl =



K.V. Spiliopoulos and K.D. Panagiotou

where f is the yield surface.

Based on the Druckers stability postulate for rheonomic or scleronomic materials it may be proved [16] that there always exists an asymptotic cyclic state that the
stresses and strain rates stabilize and become periodic with the same period of the
cyclic loading.
Depending on the amplitude of the load three different asymptotic states may be
realized, based on the existence or not of the plastic strain rates:
(a) Elastic shakedown, meaning pl 0.
(b) Plastic shakedown, meaning pl = 0, but 0 pl dt = 0.
(c) Ratcheting, meaning pl = 0, and 0 pl dt = 0.

3 The Residual Stress Decomposition Method (RSDM)

Since the elastic stress under a cyclic load is cyclic, a cyclic steady stress state
renders the residual stress distribution to be also cyclic. One may thus exploit this
cyclic nature, decompose the residual stresses into Fourier series, and try to find the
unknown Fourier coefficients. In this way we may write:

( ) = a0 +
cos(2k ) ak + sin(2k ) bk .



Differentiating the above with respect to one may write the following expression for the derivative:

) = 2
k sin(2k ) ak + k cos(2k ) bk .

Making use of (7) and the orthogonality properties of the trigonometric functions
one may get expressions for the Fourier coefficients of the cosine and sine series in
terms of the residual stress derivatives:
ak =
sin(2k ) (
k 0
bk =
cos(2k ) (
k 0
A more involved formula proves to be needed for the constant term, which uses
the information at the beginning and at the end of the cycle [13]:


a0,e =
a0,b +
ak,e +


where the subscripts b and e denote the beginning and the end of the cycle respectively. As seen from Eqs. (8) and (9), because of (7), there is an implicit dependence
of the Fourier coefficients and thus an iterative scheme may be used to estimate
them, once the residual stress derivatives are calculated.

The Residual Stress Decomposition Method (RSDM): A Novel Direct Method


Fig. 1 Estimation of plastic

straining (von Mises yield

To find these derivatives one seeks to satisfy compatibility and equilibrium at

some predefined time points inside the cycle. To this end we assume that our structure is discretized with finite elements (FEs). Using the rates of displacements of the
nodes of the FE mesh one may write:
= B r .


From Eqs. (4) and (5) we may write:

= D e el pl .


Since the strain rates are kinematically admissible, the residual stress rates are
self-equilibrated, and fixed supports have been assumed, one may write, for a virtual
strain field , using the Principle of Virtual Work (PVW):

T dV
= 0.

Combining (10), (11) and (12), we end up with:

B D BdV r =
B dV +
BT D pl dV

or equivalently:
K r = R


BT D pl dV


is the rate vector of the external forces acting on

where K is the stiffness matrix, R
the structure at the cycle time .
Plastic straining will occur whenever the total stress (Eq. (2)) exceeds the yield
surface (Fig. 1). In such a case, the returning back on the yield surface will be,

according to the closest point projection [17], along the vector CB, with the plastic

strain rate pl directed along BC. We use, instead, the vector CA which is p . This

vector is a radial return type of mapping along the known OC. It may be easily
determined, especially for a von Mises yield surface. It is an equivalent measure for
the plastic straining in the sense that they either both exist or not.


K.V. Spiliopoulos and K.D. Panagiotou

3.1 Numerical Procedure

An iterative procedure has been written that updates the Fourier coefficients inside
an iteration [13].
Firstly we solve for the external loading and its cycle rate assuming elastic behavior, and obtain, for each cycle point , the elastic stress el ( ) and the elastic
stress rate el ( ) at each Gauss point (GP) of a continuum finite element.
Let us suppose that after the completion of the iteration () an estimate of the
() () ()
distribution of the Fourier coefficients a0 , ak , bk has been made. The following
steps are now followed:
1. For a specific cycle point we compute () ( ), at each GP, using (6):

1 () 
() ( ) = a0 +
cos(2k ) ak + sin(2k ) bk .



2. Evaluate at each GP the total stress () ( ), using (2):

() ( ) = el ( ) + () ( ).


3. Calculate whether, at each GP, () ( ) > Y . In such a case compute p ( ):


() ( ) Y
( ).
p ( ) =
() ( )


 ( ), which
4. Assemble for the whole structure the rate vector of the nodal forces R
is the r.h.s. of Eqs. (13)(14):

BT ()
R  ( ) = R(
p ( )dV .

5. Solve the following iterative form of Eq. (14) and obtain r () ( ):

Kr() ( ) = R  ( ).


6. Evaluate at each GP the residual stress derivative rates, using (11):

() ( ) = DBr() ( ) el ( ) ()
p ( ).


7. Repeat the steps 16 for all the assumed cycle points.

8. Perform a numerical integration over the cycle points and update the Fourier
coefficients, making use of Eqs. (8) and (9):

( ) (sin 2k ) d,
k 0

( ) (cos 2k ) d,
k 0



() ( ) d.
+ 0 +
ak +


The Residual Stress Decomposition Method (RSDM): A Novel Direct Method


9. From the updated Fourier coefficients evaluate the updated distribution of the
residual stresses, at all the Gauss points, using (15), and check the convergence
through their norms at the end of the cycle:
 (+1) (1)2  () (1)2
 (+1) (1)2
where tol is a specified tolerance.


If (22) holds, the procedure stops as we have reached a cyclic stress state (cs),
and () = (+1) = cs ; otherwise we go back to step 1 and repeat the process.
Once a cyclic stress state has been attained, we look at cs
p = p = p
which was evaluated during the last iteration. We may determine the nature of the
obtained solution, for each GP, by evaluating the following integral over the cycle:
i =
( )d

with i spanning all the components of cs

p ( ).
Depending on the values of i we may have:
(a) If i = 0, a state of ratcheting exists at this GP. If i = 0, we check the value of
cs ( ) for every cycle point .
cs ( ) = 0, the Gauss point is in a state of reverse plasticity, since this must
(b) If p,i
hold for pairs of cycle points of equal value but of alternating sign.
cs ( ) = 0, the point has remained either elastic or has developed an elastic
(c) If p,i
shakedown state.
For the case of all the Gauss points being either elastic or in a state of elastic
shakedown, our structure, under the given external loading, will also shake down.
On the other hand, if sufficient GPs are in a state of ratcheting, at the steady state,
our structure will undergo incremental collapse. This, numerically, may be easily
proved here, through the singularity of the stiffness matrix, which can be evaluated
just at the end of the converged steady cycle, by zeroing the elasticity matrix D at
the ratcheting GPs.

4 Application Examples
The method is applied to two structures one being a one dimensional and the other a
two dimensional plate element with a hole under plane stress or plane strain conditions. A value of 104 for the tolerance proved quite accurate to stop the iterations.

4.1 Pin Jointed Framework

The truss structure (Fig. 2) that consists of five members, whose properties are listed
in Table 1, was chosen as a first example of application of the proposed method.


K.V. Spiliopoulos and K.D. Panagiotou

Fig. 2 Five bar truss example

Table 1 Properties of the

truss elements


Areas (cm2 )






Material data was assumed as E = 0.21 105 kN/cm2 , y = 36 kN/cm2 , whereas

L = 200 cm.
A simple two node plane truss element was used to analyze the structure. The
only change that needs to be applied in the numerical procedure, presented for the
continuum, is to use the axial stress in each bar, for this one-dimensional problem,
instead of the effective stress used for the continuum.
The truss was subjected to concentrated cyclic loads F0 and Fc which are applied
at nodes 3 and 4 respectively. Two cases of loading have been considered which lead
to different cyclic steady states.
(a) The first cyclic loading case has the following variation with time:
Fc (t) = 100 sin(2t/T ),

F0 = 400 kN.

The procedure predicts that the structure will shakedown. The constant in time
steady state residual stress may be seen in Fig. 3(a). In Fig. 3(b) one may also see
the distribution of the total stress, for bar 1, inside the cycle, where nowhere the
yield stress is exceeded. Analogous behavior is observed, of course, for all the other

The Residual Stress Decomposition Method (RSDM): A Novel Direct Method


Fig. 3 Steady state stress

distributions inside a cycle for
element 1 (load case
ashakedown): (a) residual
stress, (b) total stress

(b) The second cyclic loading case has the following variation with time:
Fc (t) = 200 sin(2t/T ),

F0 = 200 kN.

For this loading case the RSDM predicts that the structure is going to suffer
from alternating plasticity. In Fig. 4 one may see the uniform convergence of the
procedure towards the final steady state.
The distribution of the cyclic residual stress predicted for the middle bar 1 inside
the steady cycle may be seen in Fig. 5. The procedure shows that in the steady
state the middle bar suffers plastic strain rates, of alternating nature. These strains
spread within the time intervals [0.169, 0.362] and [0.638, 0.851], inside the cycle,
rendering the total plastic strain over the cycle (parameter 1 expression (23), also
equal to the total area under the curve, Fig. 6) equal to zero.
The results for both the two loading cases agree well with those in [18].

4.2 Plate with a Central Hole

The second example of application is the classical problem of a square plate having a
circular hole in its center. The plate is subjected to two biaxial uniform loads applied


K.V. Spiliopoulos and K.D. Panagiotou

Fig. 4 Convergence of the

iterative proceduretruss
example (load case b)

Fig. 5 Predicted steady state

residual stress distribution for
element 1 inside a cycle (load
case balternating plasticity)

Fig. 6 Predicted pcs (t)

distribution at steady state
inside a cycle for element 1
(load case balternating

at the edges of the plate. Due to the symmetry of the structure and the loading, only
one quarter of the plate is considered.
The boundary conditions as well as its finite element mesh discretization are
shown in Fig. 7. The ratio between the diameter d of the hole and the length L of
the plate is equal to 0.2. Also the ratio of the depth of the plate and its length is
equal to 0.05. Ninety-eight, eight-noded, isoparametric elements with 3 3 Gauss
integration points were used.
The material data used was: Youngs modulus E = 0.21 105 kN/cm2 , Poissons ratio = 0.3 and yield stress y = 36 kN/cm2 .
Both plane stress and plain strain conditions have been examined as the procedure 3.1 may be applied to both of them.

The Residual Stress Decomposition Method (RSDM): A Novel Direct Method


Fig. 7 The geometry,

loading, and the finite
element mesh of a quarter of
a plate

Fig. 8 Residual stress

distribution at GP 2 inside a
cycle at steady state under
plane stress and plane strain
conditions (load case

The same vectors = { xx yy xy zz }T and = { xx yy xy zz }T may be

utilized at a GP for both cases. For each of the two cases the corresponding 3 3
elasticity matrix D should be used. As far as the fourth element of the stress vector
el , = 0. The same holds for their
is concerned, for the plane stress problem zz
el = ( el + el ),
For a plane strain problem, on the other hand, we should have zz
zz = (xx + yy ). The same, of course, holds for their derivatives. The non existence of the corresponding out of plane plastic strain is assured by setting p,zz = 0.
Three different loading cases were taken into account, which lead the structure to
either shakedown, reverse plasticity or ratcheting. Results are plotted for the generally most highly stressed points of the plate GP 1 or GP 2, depending on the loading
(a) The first cyclic loading case has the following variation with time:
Py (t) = 0.65y sin2 (t/T ),

Px (t) = 0.

The predicted by the procedure behavior for the structure is a shakedown state
and this complies with the fact that this loading is below the shakedown boundary
estimated in [19]. In Fig. 8 the computed by the RSDM steady-state residual stress
distribution is plotted for the GP 2, for both plane stress and plane strain conditions.


K.V. Spiliopoulos and K.D. Panagiotou

Fig. 9 Effective total stress

distribution at GP 2 inside a
cycle at steady-state (load
case ashakedown), plane
stress and plane strain

Fig. 10 Convergence of the

iterative procedure (load
case ashakedown)

This residual stress distribution is unique and will be the same with the one that
would be predicted from an incremental step-by-step analysis, e.g. [12] (see also
examples in [13]). The total stress distribution for this point is plotted in Fig. 9. In
Fig. 10 one may also see the convergence towards the final steady states.
(b) The second cyclic loading case has the following variation with time:
Py (t) = 0.7223y sin2 (t/T ),

Px (t) = 0.

The value of this load, at many cycle points, is in excess of the shakedown limit
computed by using a plane stress modeling, and below the shakedown limit assuming a plane strain condition [19]. The present numerical procedure (RSDM) also
shows that this loading will lead the plate to shakedown for plane strain, but assuming plane stress conditions the loading leads some GPs to reverse plasticity. So,
for the plane strain case, in Figs. 11, 12 one may see the computed by the RSDM
steady-state residual stress distribution for the GP 2 and its effective total stress
distribution, respectively.
On the other hand, for plane stress modelling, we plot, for the most strained
point GP 2, the variation of the yy component of the excess stress vector cs
p , which
has the biggest values from the three components (Fig. 13). We may see that plastic straining occurs, alternately, inside the time intervals [0, 0.04], [0.45, 0.55] and
[0.96, 1] at the steady cycle.

The Residual Stress Decomposition Method (RSDM): A Novel Direct Method


Fig. 11 Residual stress

distribution at GP 2 inside a
cycle at steady-state (load
case bshakedown), plane
strain case

Fig. 12 Effective total stress

distribution at GP 2 inside a
cycle at steady-state (load
case bshakedown), plane
strain case

Fig. 13 Predicted cyclic

steady-state distribution of
the yy component of the
stress vector at GP 2 (load
case balternating
plasticity), plane stress case

(c) The third cyclic loading case involves two loads, one constant in time and one
varying with time:
Py (t) = 0.5y sin2 (t/T ),

Px (t) = 0.93y .

This loading, at many cycle points, is above the ratcheting boundary. The results
for GP 1, assuming plane strain conditions, may be seen in Fig. 14, where plastic
straining of the same positive sign inside the cycle intervals [0, 0.11] and [0.89, 1]
at the steady cycle is observed. On the other hand, with a plane stress modeling,
one may observe that plastic strains of the same positive sign appear during the
whole cycle (Fig. 15). For both cases the xx direction of the component of the excess


K.V. Spiliopoulos and K.D. Panagiotou

Fig. 14 Predicted cyclic

steady-state distribution of
the xx component of the
stress vector at GP 1 (load
case cratcheting), plane
strain condition

Fig. 15 Predicted cyclic

steady-state distribution of
the xx component of the
stress vector at GP 1 (load
case cratcheting), plane
stress condition

stress vector cs
p , which has the biggest values from the three components, is plotted.
This ratcheting behavior is observed also for quite a few GPs around the structure,
which definitely constitutes incremental collapse mechanisms for both plane strain
and plane stress conditions that may be seen in Figs. 16, 17 respectively. We may
observe that we have a much more spreading of ratcheting for the case of plane
stress than for the case of plane strain.
In Fig. 18 one may see the convergence of the RSDM for this loading case, for
both plane stress and plain strain conditions.
Reviewing the examples considered herein, we note that, within the adopted tolerance, the number of iterations ranged from a minimum of 80 for the case of reverse
plasticity of the truss example, to a maximum number of 740 for the case of ratcheting of the plate example, under plane strain. The total CPU-time required to solve
this last example was just 260 s, using an Intel Core i7 at 2.93 GHz with 4096 MB
The number of time points inside the cycle should be enough so that it may adequately represent the applied loading. Fifty time points inside the cycle were used
for all the examples considered herein. Three terms of the Fourier series were found
enough to represent the residual stress decomposition. The RSDM procedure proved
to be quite stable, no matter which asymptotic behavior was reached. Another important fact of the computational efficiency of the approach is that the stiffness matrix needs to be decomposed once and for all at the start of the calculations.

The Residual Stress Decomposition Method (RSDM): A Novel Direct Method

Fig. 16 Ratcheting
mechanismRSDM (plane
strain condition)

Fig. 17 Ratcheting
mechanismRSDM (plane
stress condition)

Fig. 18 Convergence of the

iterative procedure (load
case c)



K.V. Spiliopoulos and K.D. Panagiotou

5 Concluding Remarks
The Residual Stress Decomposition Method (RSDM) is a direct method that proves
to be a simple and efficient procedure to estimate the long-term effects of the cyclic
loading on a structure. For a given time history of this loading it may equally predict
any possible steady state either it is elastic shakedown or alternating plasticity or
The method, although currently developed for elastic-perfectly plastic material
and the von Mises yield surface, has the potential of extension to other types of
behavior and yield surfaces.
It also appears to have the potential to provide safety margins for a cyclic loading
the exact history of which is not known, but only its variation ranges, and work is
being done towards this direction.

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7. Zarka J, Frelat J, Inglebert G, Kasmai-Navidi P (1990) A new approach to inelastic analysis
of structures. Nijhoff, Dordrecht
8. Ponter ARS, Carter KF (1997) Shakedown state simulation techniques based on linear elastic
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9. Mackenzie D, Boyle T (1993) A method of estimating limit loads by iterative elastic analysis,
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10. Ponter ARS, Chen H (2001) A minimum theorem for cyclic load in excess of shakedown, with
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dune structure anlastique sous chargement thermomcanique cyclique. C R, Mc 330:703
12. Abaqus 6.10, theory & users manual, Dassault systemes (2010)
13. Spiliopoulos KV, Panagiotou KD (2012) A direct method to predict cyclic steady states of
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The Residual Stress Decomposition Method (RSDM): A Novel Direct Method


16. Frederick CO, Armstrong PJ (1966) Convergent internal stresses and steady cyclic states of
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Use of Layout Optimization to Solve Large-Scale

Limit Analysis and Design Problems
Matthew Gilbert, Colin C. Smith, Samuel J. Hawksbee, and Andrew Tyas

Abstract Direct methods can be used to rapidly verify the safety of solid bodies
and structures against collapse, and also to assist engineers wishing to rapidly identify structurally efficient designs for a specified load carrying capacity. Layout optimization is a direct method that can be used to solve very large-scale problems when
adaptive solution schemes are employed, and the same underlying mathematical formulation is applicable to both analysis and design problems. Here the truss layout
optimization formulation is applied to various benchmark design problems and the
discontinuity layout optimization formulation applied to various plane strain limit
analysis problems. It is observed that highly accurate solutions can be obtained,
close to known analytical solutions. Finally future directions in the field of layout
optimization are briefly considered.

1 Introduction
To verify the safety of solid bodies and structures against collapse, engineers have
traditionally had to rely either on simplistic hand type calculations, or on significantly more complex computational tools which identify the collapse state in an
indirect, iterative, manner. Such computational tools can be unreliable and often
require large amounts of computer time and/or high levels of operator expertise.
Additionally, in many engineering disciplines the initial design stage is carried out
in an ad-hoc manner, with engineering intuition often used to identify structurally
M. Gilbert (B) C.C. Smith S.J. Hawksbee A. Tyas
Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, University of Sheffield, Mappin Street,
Sheffield S1 3JD, UK
e-mail: [email protected]
C.C. Smith
e-mail: [email protected]
S.J. Hawksbee
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Tyas
e-mail: [email protected]
K. Spiliopoulos, D. Weichert (eds.), Direct Methods for Limit States in Structures and
Materials, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6827-7_8,
Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014



M. Gilbert et al.

efficient designs. Direct analysis and design methods can potentially address both
these issues, and similarities between analysis and design formulations can be exploited. Thus for example, a general integrated analysis and design framework has
been recently developed at the University of Sheffield, allowing a range of potential
applications to be explored. Highly efficient interior point linear programming (LP)
solvers are used in conjunction with an adaptive solution scheme to allow large-scale
problems to be solved.
A focus on both analysis and design problems also permits similarities in the underlying mathematical formulations to be studied in more detail. This led the authors
to realize that the truss layout optimization design technique, developed almost half
a century ago [5], could be modified so as to provide a powerful new direct analysis method for plasticity problems: discontinuity layout optimization [27]. In this
chapter, both these direct methods will be described, with a simple adaptive solution
scheme used to allow large-scale problems to be treated. The research has led to industrial applications (e.g. [6]), and the highly accurate solutions that can be obtained
has allowed new analytical solutions to be identified for old problems.

2 Adaptive Solution Scheme

In the context of direct methods, an adaptive solution scheme entails initially solving
a simplified reduced problem and then successively adding (or modifying) variables and/or constraints to improve the solution (sometimes termed column generation or cut generation in the context of LP [2]). It might be argued that the
use of an adaptive solution scheme impinges on the directness of a direct method,
since iteration is required; however in reality iteration is required in almost all numerical solution schemes (e.g. interior point methods1 involve iteration [31]) and
the purpose of the solution scheme presented here is simply to increase the size of
limit analysis and design problems that can be solved using available computational

2.1 Basic Algorithm

Before considering concrete examples, the basic adaptive solution algorithm used
herein will be stated:
1. Formulate initial reduced problem.
2. Obtain a solution to the reduced problem using LP.
3. Loop through each element, checking for violations. Record violations in a list.
1 Note that adaptive model refinement procedures will generally be most effective when interior
point methods are used. This is because the collapse fields generated are more physically correct
[1] than when extreme-point methods, such as the traditional Simplex method, are used.

Use of Layout Optimization to Solve Large-Scale Limit Analysis and Design


4. Sort list to identify largest violations, and use these to refine the reduced problem.
5. Repeat from step 2 until the violation list is empty.
The violations listed in step 3 may be violations of a yield surface or perhaps
violation of a virtual strain limit in the case of a truss layout optimization problem.

2.2 Example: Stability of Rigid Blocks

To illustrate how an adaptive solution scheme can be applied, the centuries old problem of assessing the stability of assemblages of rigid blocks will initially be considered. Such problems have been considered in the context of masonry structures by
workers throughout history, notably Coulomb [15], and more recently Heyman [14]
and Livesley [20]. A characteristic of these problems is the presence of discontinuities in pre-defined locations (i.e. at the joints), so that assessing their stability
is much simpler, at least from a limit analysis perspective, than comparable continuum problems. However, behaviour at discontinuities may be non-linear, potentially
making obtaining a numerical solution time-consuming, unless an adaptive solution
scheme is employed.
Several rigid block formulations have been proposed; here a simple equilibrium
formulation similar to that first proposed by Livesley [20] will be presented.

2.2.1 Standard Equilibrium Formulation

Consider a weakly bonded assemblage of rigid blocks, comprising n blocks and m
discontinuities between blocks. With the equilibrium limit analysis formulation the
usual goal is to establish the maximum factor on one or more live loads in the
system subject to equilibrium and yield constraints:
subject to:
Bq fL = fD ,


N q g,

where B is a (3n 3m) equilibrium matrix and q and f are respectively 3m and 3n
vectors of forces at discontinuities and block loads. Also qT = {N1 , M1 , S1 , N2 , M2 ,
S2 , . . . , Nm , Sm , Mm } and where Ni , Mi and Si are respectively the normal force,
shear force and moment acting at discontinuity i (i = 1 . . . m), f = fD + fL , where
fD and fL are respectively vectors of dead and live loads acting on blocks. N and g
depend on the adopted yield criteria, which for an individual discontinuity i can be
expressed as follows:
NTi qi gi



M. Gilbert et al.

Fig. 1 Adaptive solution

example: (i) linear and (ii)
non-linear yield criteria

or, in expanded form for a joint where friction and/or rocking failure may occur as:

1 tan i 0

1 tan i 0 Si

li /2

li /2 1
where li represents the length of each discontinuity, which is assumed to have angle
of friction i . The LP variables are therefore the discontinuity forces Si , Ni and Mi
and the live load factor .

2.2.2 Example: Modelling Compressive Failure at Hinge Points

A practical limitation of the standard equilibrium formulation of Eq. (1) is that it
is implicitly assumed that the constituent blocks are rigid and incompressible, such
that hinging of two adjacent blocks about an extreme point is possible. In N
M space the corresponding yield criteria is labelled (i) in Fig. 1, whereas more
realistic behaviour, which corresponds to a compressive stress block of finite depth,
is labelled (ii).
This kind of problem would traditionally have been approached by adopting a
piecewise linear approximation of the non-linear yield criteria, with perhaps 12,
24 or even 48 planes used to circumscribe the yield surface. More recently, use of
second order cone programming has been favoured for problems which can be expressed in this form (e.g. [21]). However, an alternative is to use cut generation to
iteratively refine the yield surface. This has the advantage that: (i) only LP needs to
be used to obtain a solution, and (ii) it is comparatively computationally inexpensive (a solution can typically be obtained in only a few iterations). Furthermore, as
will be evident, the same basic approach can if necessary also be applied to more
complex, non-convex, problems.
Figure 2 shows a solution obtained for a three span masonry arch railway bridge;
the computed compressive stress block depths are indicated on the figure. To obtain a solution, additional constraints were added at each iteration in the adaptive

Use of Layout Optimization to Solve Large-Scale Limit Analysis and Design


Fig. 2 Adaptive solution example: hinged failure mechanism of three span masonry viaduct

solution scheme. In this case three iterations were required to obtain a solution of
the required accuracy, and the peak number of yield constraints required was less
than 500. In contrast had 24 fixed planes been used to circumscribe the yield surface
the number of yield constraints involved would have exceeded 3000, and the accuracy of the solution would have been lower. (The analysis was undertaken using the
LimitState:RING software [18].)

2.2.3 Example: Modelling Non-associated Friction

As mentioned earlier, the same basic algorithm can also be applied to more complex, non-smooth, optimization problems. For example, consider the use of a nonassociated friction model between blocks, which is usually considered more physically reasonable than the saw-tooth friction model implicitly associated with
Eq. (1).
To achieve this, the yield constraints in N S space can be rotated to achieve the
level of dilatancy required (since flow will always be normal to the yield surface
when using an LP formulation), and then successively updated according to the
magnitude of the normal force N until a converged solution is obtained. Though the
solutions obtained are approximate, and have no formal status within the context of
plasticity theory, it has been shown that these are comparable to solutions obtained
using much more complex procedures [9], and that large problems can be tackled,
as for example illustrated in Fig. 3. (Note that in this case the solution was obtained
by changing the positions of existing linear yield constraints, rather than by adding
new linear yield constraints.)

3 Layout Optimization of Trusses

Truss layout optimization involves finding the most efficient arrangement of truss
bars capable of transmitting a given load or loads to defined support points. In the
classical ground structure method [5], the design domain is discretized with nodes


M. Gilbert et al.

Fig. 3 Adaptive solution

example: collapse of wall
modelled with non-associated
friction and subject to
in-plane pseudo-static seismic
load, after [9]

Fig. 4 Stages in truss layout optimization procedure: (a) starting problem (point load applied
remote from support); (b) discretization of design domain using nodes; (c) interconnection of nodes
with potential truss bars; (d) identification of optimal subset of potential bars using optimization
(giving the optimal truss layout)

interconnected by bars, from which an optimal arrangement can subsequently be

found. Stages in the procedure are indicated in Fig. 4.
The simplest design objective is to minimise the total volume (or mass) of
the truss, whilst ensuring equilibrium is satisfied at each node, and also ensuring
that limiting stresses in each bar are not exceeded. This is often termed the fully
stressed (or plastic) layout optimization problem, which can be solved using LP;
the formulation will be outlined in the next section.

Use of Layout Optimization to Solve Large-Scale Limit Analysis and Design


3.1 Truss Optimization: Mathematical Formulations

Consider a planar design domain which is discretized using n nodes and m potential
connections (truss bars). The classical equilibrium plastic truss layout optimization
formulation for a single load case is defined in Eq. (4) as follows:
min V = cT q
subject to:
Bq = f,


q 0,
where V is the total volume of the structure, qT = {q1+ , q1 , q2+ , q2 , . . . , qm
and qi , qi are the tensile and compressive internal forces in bar i (i = 1 . . . m);
cT = {l1 /1 , l1 /1 , l2 /2 , l2 /2 , . . . , lm /m }, where li and i are respectively the
length and yield stress of bar i. B is a suitable (2n 2m) equilibrium matrix and
fT = {f1x , f1 , f2x , f2 , . . . , fn } where fjx and fj are the x and y components of
the external load applied to node j (j = 1 . . . n). The presence of supports at nodes
can be accounted for by omitting the relevant terms from f, together with the corresponding rows from B. This problem is in a form which can be solved using LP,
with the bar forces in q being the LP variables.
An equivalent kinematic formulation can be derived using duality principles:

max V = fT u


subject to:
BT u c

= {ux1 , u1 , ux2 , u2 , . . . , un },



and where
are the x and y compowhere
nents of the virtual displacements of node j . In this case the nodal displacements in
u are the LP variables.

3.2 Adaptive Solution Scheme for Trusses

For the aforementioned truss optimization procedure to produce accurate results, it
is essential that a bar connection can be made between any pair of nodes (using
the prescribed nodal discretization). This is because if a partially connected ground
structure is employed then a non-optimal solution may be identified, as demonstrated in Fig. 5. Unfortunately, the number of bars in a fully-connected problem
comprising n nodes, will be n(n 1)/2, which means that the problem becomes
intractable for only moderately large problems. For example, a 2D problem with
a square design domain discretized using 100 100 nodes would generate a total


M. Gilbert et al.

Fig. 5 Simple truss layout optimization problem (after [7]): (a) design domain [1 unit 2 units],
loading and support conditions; (b) minimal connectivity ground structure containing 11 bars;
(c) optimal solution for ground structure [b], volume = 3.36603; (d) full connectivity ground
structure containing 15 bars, including overlapping bars; (e) optimal solution for ground structure
[d], volume = 2.63397 (limiting compressive and tensile strengths taken as unity)

of approx. 100 million LP variables when using the formulation given in Eq. (4),
which would be difficult to solve directly using a standard desktop PC.
Thus referring to the basic adaptive algorithm described in Sect. 2.1, it is desirable to commence with an initial problem which has limited initial connectivity
(Step 1), and to then use violation of the dual constraint, Eq. (6), in Step 3 as a
means of producing a list of additional bars likely to improve the solution (Step 4).
The procedure continues (Step 4Step 2) until the violation list is empty. The final
solution is provably equal in terms of volume to that which would have been obtained had the corresponding fully connected ground structure problem been solved
instead; further details are provided in [7].

3.3 Example: Point Load Between Pin/Roller Supports

To illustrate the adaptive solution scheme in the context of truss layout optimization, a problem first studied by Michell [22] was considered in [8]. The problem
comprises a 21 design domain discretized using 3015 nodal divisions. A fixed
pin is present at the lower left corner and a pin and roller (free in the x direction)
is present at the lower right corner. A unit point load is applied centrally at the bottom of the domain and the allowable stresses in compression and tension are both
taken as unity. The fully connected ground structure for this domain would have
over 122,760 frame bars. Instead, using the adaptive solution scheme described, the
initial ground structure has only adjacent connectivity, with 1845 frame bars. At
each iteration the number of bars which can be added is for efficiency here limited
to 10 % of those present in the initial ground structure, with those most violating
Eq. (6) having priority for admission during a given iteration.
Figures 6(a)(l) show the optimal solutions for each successively expanded
ground structure. The final solution, shown in Fig. 6(l) is identical to that obtained

Use of Layout Optimization to Solve Large-Scale Limit Analysis and Design


Fig. 6 Point load between pin/roller supports example: optimal layouts at each iteration in the
adaptive solution procedure (after [8])

when an initially fully connected ground structure is used but the computational effort required is considerably less. Additionally, when adaptivity was used, the peak
number of LP variables present was 5766, compared with 245,520 when an initially
fully connected ground structure was employed.

3.4 Example: Point Load Between Fixed Pins

Here all design parameters are identical to those in the previous example problem
except that both supports are now fixed pins and the design domain has a much finer
nodal discretization, using 180180 nodal divisions, with half the nodal spacing in
the y direction. This corresponds to a fully connected ground structure containing


M. Gilbert et al.

Fig. 7 Point load between fixed pins example: 180 180 nodal division solution (after [8])

over 526 million potential members. The reported optimal volume of 2.57176 [8] is
just 0.037 % higher than the known exact value of 1 + /2. The solution is shown
in Fig. 7; this problem took approximately 15 hours to solve when using hardware
available in 2003 [8], and is still computationally intractable today when using a
fully connected ground structure.

3.5 Example: Uniform Load Between Fixed Pins

The primary focus of researchers in the field of structural optimization over the past
few decades has been on problems involving point loads. For example, cantilevers
with tip loads have been especially popular (e.g. see [17]), and more recently the
three forces problem has attracted interest, e.g. see [28].
However, problems involving uniformly distributed loads are often of practical
interest, and were considered in the 1970s by Hemp [13] and his co-workers at
Oxford. A key issue is that obtaining analytical solutions for any Michell truss
problem is generally already difficult, but more so when uniform loads are present.
Fortunately the precision of the solutions now obtainable using layout optimization
is such that they can now be used to help identify new analytical solutions, or to
check the range of applicability of existing ones.
Thus the uniform load between fixed pins problem originally considered by
Hemp [13] has recently been revisited numerically (after Pichugin et al. [23]). Figure 8(a) shows a numerical solution for the problem (comprising 180 252 nodal
divisions, and involving approx. 1.048 109 potential truss bars). By considering
various ratios of limiting tensile and compressive stresses it was found that the original analytical solution proposed by Hemp, which was known not to be optimal in
general, is in fact optimal when the limiting compressive and tensile stresses are
unequal, provided the ratio of limiting tensile to compressive stresses falls below a
certain threshold value (0.417785). This solution is shown in Fig. 8(b).

Use of Layout Optimization to Solve Large-Scale Limit Analysis and Design


Fig. 8 Uniform load between fixed pins example: (a) numerical solution for + = case;
(b) exact analytical solution for + = 0.417785 case (limiting ratio for vertical hangers) (after

3.6 Example: Uniform Transmissible Load Between Fixed Pins

The final example provides perhaps the clearest indication of the power of truss
layout optimization techniques, showing that the technique can be used in scientific
discovery. The example is essentially identical to the preceding one except that the
uniform loads are now free to migrate vertically to their optimal point of application
(so-called transmissible loading). Although this type of loading requires a slight
change to the formulation (i.e. modification of Eq. (4)), it can still be treated using
LP (see [4] for details).
When a layout optimization is performed the outcome is surprising. Whereas it
might be expected that the optimal form is a parabolic arch (or suspended cable),
a form first identified by Christiaan Huygens in the 17th century, in fact a more
complex structure, comprising a central parabolic section and networks of truss bars
in the haunch regions, is identified. The corresponding optimal volume is marginally
less than that of the optimal parabolic arch (0.3425 % less when using 41,783 nodes
and 530,712,246 potential bars [4]). It was subsequently found that a parabolic arch
could be identified, but only when the limiting tensile stress was prescribed to be
significantly less than the limiting compressive stress (the numerical solution was in
this case within 0.0071 % of the volume of the optimal parabola).


M. Gilbert et al.

Fig. 9 Uniform transmissible load between fixed pins example: analytical solution [30]

Significantly, the numerical solution obtained provided the stimulus to explore

this problem analytically. The exact analytical solution, found to be 0.3495 % lighter
than the lightest parabolic arch, is shown in Fig. 9 (after [30]).
Whilst the examples of trusses shown here are primarily of academic interest,
in that the optimal structures are highly refined discrete versions of optimal continua, the approach offers two important practical applications. Firstly, the layout
optimization approach can quickly and accurately establish an absolute minimum
volume for a given problem. Secondly, it is possible, without losing the linear character of the problem, to change the formulation to include practical considerations,
such as joint penalties to simplify the structure, the use of multiple load cases, or the
inclusion of stability load cases to ensure that the optimal structure is not in unstable
equilibrium (e.g. see [29]).

4 Discontinuity Layout Optimization

Smith and Gilbert [27] observed that there existed an analogy between the optimal
layout of truss bars in a 2D truss structure and the optimal layout of slip-line discontinuities in a plane strain plastic collapse mechanism, assuming a weightless Tresca
material was involved. This led to the formulation of a new limit analysis procedure,
termed discontinuity layout optimization (DLO) [27].

4.1 Discontinuity Layout Optimization: Kinematic Formulation

The kinematic form of the DLO equations can be presented as follows:
min fTL d = fTD d + gT p


Use of Layout Optimization to Solve Large-Scale Limit Analysis and Design


subject to:
Bd = 0,


Np d = 0,


fTL d = 1,




where is the unknown load factor at collapse, fD and fL are vectors containing
respectively specified dead and live loads acting at discontinuities, d contains displacements along the discontinuities, p is a vector of plastic multipliers and g contains the corresponding dissipation coefficients. B is a suitable compatibility matrix
containing direction cosines and N is a suitable flow matrix.
Though this formulation has similarities with the corresponding truss optimization formulation, it also includes additional terms that are not directly analogous.
These include live and dead loads in Eq. (7), a flow rule in Eq. (9) that permits modelling of frictional problems, and a term to exclude trivial zero solutions, Eq. (10).
For a typical translational cohesive-frictional plane-strain plastic analysis problem: dT = {dT1 , dT2 , . . . , dTm } = {s1 , n1 , s2 , n2 , . . . , nm }, where si and ni are the relative shear and normal displacements at discontinuity i; gT = {c1 l1 , c1 l1 , c2 l2 , . . . ,
cm lm }, where li and ci are respectively the length and cohesive shear strength of
discontinuity i.
In the same way that force equilibrium is enforced at nodes for the truss optimization problem, kinematic compatibility is enforced at the nodes in DLO as
illustrated in Figs. 10 and 11, where i and i are respectively x-axis and y-axis
direction cosines for truss bar or discontinuity i. Thus the contribution of a given
discontinuity i to the global compatibility constraint Eq. (8) can be written as:

i i  
Bi di =
i i ni .
i i
Similarly, when the Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria is used the local plastic flow
constraint for discontinuity i can be written as:

Ni pi di =
i =0
tan i tan i
where Ni is a local plastic flow matrix, pi is a vector containing plastic multipliers
pi1 , pi2 , where pi1 , pi2 0, and where i is the angle of friction of the material.
The discontinuity displacements in d and the plastic multipliers in p are the variables in the optimization problem, which can be solved using LP when the Tresca
or Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria are used.
Stages in the DLO procedure are outlined diagrammatically in Fig. 12. In the
kinematic formulation compatibility at nodes is explicitly enforced. However, when
discontinuities crossover one another at non-nodal points, it can be shown that compatibility is implicitly enforced.


M. Gilbert et al.

Fig. 10 Equilibrium at
(unloaded) node
% in a truss
(see Eq. (4)). 5i=1 i qi = 0,
i=1 i qi = 0

Fig. 11 Compatibility at a
node in a sliding mechanism
(translation only, see Eq. (8)).
i si = 0,
i=1 i si = 0

4.2 Body Forces

Body forces that arise in plane strain limit analysis problems have no obvious analogy in truss optimization problems. However they may readily be included in the
problem formulation [11, 26, 27]. For example, the body force contribution made
by discontinuity (slip-line) i to the fD term in Eq. (7) due to horizontal and vertical
accelerations ax and ay respectively, can be written as follows:


fDi di = ay mi i i + ax mi i i
where mi is the total mass of material lying vertically above slip-line i. The left and
right hand terms in the curly brackets represents the work done by the vertical and

Use of Layout Optimization to Solve Large-Scale Limit Analysis and Design


Fig. 12 Stages in DLO procedure: (a) starting problem (surcharge applied to block of soil close
to a vertical cut); (b) discretization of soil using nodes; (c) interconnection of nodes with potential
discontinuities; (d) identification of critical subset of potential discontinuities using optimization
(giving the layout of slip-lines in the critical failure mechanism) (after [10])

horizontal movements of material lying vertically above the slip-line. (A vertical

strip has been chosen arbitrarily; the actual direction does not matter as long as it
is consistent throughout the problem. Also, for conventional plastic collapse problems subjected to gravity, ax = 0 and ay = g, where g is the acceleration due to

4.3 Discontinuity Layout Optimization: Equilibrium Formulation

Duality principles can be used to derive the dual of Eqs. (7) to (11), which is an equilibrium formulation. Thus for a planar body discretized using m nodal connections
(slip-line discontinuities) and n nodes this may be stated as follows [27]:


BT t + fL q = fD ,


NT q g


subject to:

{t1x , t1 , t2x , t2 , . . . , tn }


where tT =
and where tjx and can be interpreted as x and
y direction equivalent nodal forces acting at node j (j = 1 . . . n), corresponding in
a work sense to uxj and uj respectively, and where q is here a vector of shear and
normal forces acting on discontinuities, i.e. qT = {S1 , N1 , S2 , N2 , . . . , Nm }, where
Si and Ni represent respectively the shear and normal force acting on discontinuity
i (i = 1 . . . m). The LP variables are therefore tjx , tj , Si , Ni and the live load factor
. The objective is thus to maximize whilst ensuring that the yield condition is not
violated along any potential discontinuity.
The required equilibrium constraint can alternatively be written for a potential
discontinuity i interconnecting nodes A and B as follows:
BTi ti + fLi qi = fDi



M. Gilbert et al.

or, in expanded form as:







+ Li Si = Di .


The required yield constraint can also be written for a potential discontinuity i as
NTi qi gi
or, in expanded form for the Mohr-Coulomb yield condition as:


1 tan i
c i li

1 tan i
c i li



where here tensile forces are taken as positive.

Duality principles mean that values for tjx , tj , Si and Ni are available even if the
primal problem is actually formulated and solved. Thus the required yield constraint
Eq. (21) can easily be checked for a potential discontinuity i which is not presently
represented in the current LP problem. The yield constraint is checked by firstly
rearranging Eq. (19) so that the shear and normal force acting on the potential discontinuity between nodes A and B can be obtained from the solution of the last LP
problem, using values of the internal nodal forces tAx , tA , tBx , tB and load factor :


i i i i
i i i i
N i
where Si and N i are identical to Si and Ni respectively, except that they are not
LP variables. Using the newly computed values of Si and N i , the yield constraint
Eq. (21) can be checked for violation for the potential discontinuity. When using an
adaptive solution scheme, this checking process can be repeated at each iteration for
all potential discontinuities, with any violating discontinuities becoming candidates
for admission to the expanded LP problem at the next iteration (i.e. in step 3 of the
adaptive solution scheme presented in Sect. 2.1).

4.4 Example Problems

To illustrate the accuracy and range of applicability of the DLO procedure, this will
now be applied to various example problems.

Use of Layout Optimization to Solve Large-Scale Limit Analysis and Design


4.4.1 Punch Indentation of a Block of Finite Depth

Consider a block of Tresca material of depth h and strength k resting on smooth
base and indented by a flat punch of width 2a, where the block has a finite width
 2a. Chakrabarty [3] has solved this problem over a range of h/a ratios using
slip-line fields. For h/a < 4.77, Chakrabartys slip-line solutions are of the form
presented in Fig. 13(a) (also showing the problem geometry). For h/a > 8.77, the
Prandtl mechanism becomes critical and the average bearing pressure q remains at
k(2 + ) with increasing h/a. A comparative study over the full range of h/a ratios
considered by [3] has been undertaken using a commercial software implementation
of DLO, LimitState:GEO [19]. A number of models with different h/a ratios have
been constructed and solved. Taking advantage of symmetry only the righthand side
of the problem domain was considered and the target number of nodes in these
models was set at 2000.
For h/a < 4.77, good agreement was found between the slip-line fields of [3] and
the mechanisms obtained using DLO (see Figs. 13(a) and (b)). For 4.77 < h/a <
8.77, values of q/2k still compare favourably, but the slip-line fields of [3] and the
mechanisms from DLO no longer agree. For h/a > 8.77, DLO also identifies the
Prandtl mechanism, considered in more detail in the next section. Values of q/2k
obtained using DLO also compare favourably with [3] across the full range of h/a
ratios, as demonstrated by Fig. 13(c).
4.4.2 Punch Indentation of a Block of infinite Depth
Now consider a block of Tresca material of strength k and infinite depth and indented by a flat punch of width 2a, where the block is constrained by rigid supports
along the left, right and bottom edges. Providing the rigid supports are not too close
to the punch, this leads to the well known Prandtl problem. Two scenarios are considered here, the first involving the standard case of a punch applied remote from
the rigid supports, the second involving a punch applied adjacent to one of the rigid
supports. The latter case is of interest since the problem can be shown to be directly
analogous to the truss optimization problem considered in Sect. 3.4. Results for a
variety of nodal discretizations are shown in Table 1.
As expected, the results for the punch applied close to the edge of block are
identical to those for the centrally applied punch. It is also notable that, even for relatively coarse nodal discretizations, highly accurate results can be obtained (within
1 % of the known analytical solution of 2 + ), with the singularities at the edge
of the punch automatically identified. Figure 14 shows a sample predicted collapse
mechanism, with the rigid blocks of material lying between slip-line discontinuities
identified and then displaced to aid interpretation.
4.4.3 Combined End and Side Extrusion
Consider the combined end and side extrusion problem shown in Fig. 15. In this
problem, the plate on the right hand side moves into a block of Tresca material of


M. Gilbert et al.

Fig. 13 Punch indentation of a block of finite depth example

strength k, resulting in an average pressure p on the plate. In order to satisfy the

incompressibility condition, material must escape from the vessel via the single end
hole and two side holes shown. Johnson et. al. [16] solved this problem, assuming
equal widths for all three holes, using slip-line theory. (Note that Johnsons results
[16] are reproduced in Chakrabartys well-known textbook [3].) The assumed slipline field limits the geometries that can be considered. The geometries considered
in [3] can be identified in Fig. 16 by reading of the relevant d/ h ratio for a given
H / h ratio. A comparative study was undertaken for a number of H / h ratios using
the appropriate d/ h value from Fig. 16. In the DLO analysis, the number of nodes
was fixed to be approximately 1000. Taking advantage of symmetry only the top
half was considered.

Use of Layout Optimization to Solve Large-Scale Limit Analysis and Design


Fig. 14 Punch indentation of

a block of infinite depth
(9030 nodal division DLO
solution), showing predicted
mode of deformation

Table 1 Punch indentation

of a block of infinite depth:
DLO results

Punch position

Nodal divisions

DLO (q/k)

Diff (%)


45 15



90 30



180 60



30 15



60 30



120 60



180 180a




a solution

from Sect. 3.4,

taking q = 2V

In Fig. 15, a representative mechanism obtained using DLO is presented. As

demonstrated in Fig. 16, extremely good agreement was found between the p/2k
values obtained from the slip-line analysis [16] and DLO. However, unlike standard
slip-line analysis theory, DLO is able to handle arbitrary geometries and is thus
much more flexible.

4.4.4 Bearing Capacity of Sand Layer over Clay

The case of a strip footing of width B resting on a sand layer of thickness D, internal
friction angle , unit weight , which in turn is underlain by a deep bed of clay of
undrained shear strength cu is used to illustrate the capability of the DLO method
to model combined cohesive-frictional problems. It is required that the short-term
stability of the footing is assessed, with the sand layer assumed to be fully drained
and the clay bed undrained.
Shia et al. [24] have investigated this problem over a range of the problem parameters using finite element limit analysis (FELA). An illustrative example for the
case of = 40 , D = B, and cu / B = 5 is presented in Fig. 17. A DLO analysis
was undertaken using a nodal spacing of B/40. This gave a predicted collapse load
V / B 2 = 29.19, which compares well with the lower and upper bounds of 26.59
and 30.54 respectively obtained by Shia et al. [24]. (For clarity the mechanism presented in Fig. 17 was obtained with a nodal spacing of B/20.)


M. Gilbert et al.

Fig. 15 Combined end and

side extrusion example: DLO
mechanism for d/ h = 1.712
and H / h = 10.50

Fig. 16 Combined end and

side extrusion example:
comparison of results from
[3] and DLO

5 Future Research Directions

Although layout optimization techniques were first developed almost half a century
ago [5], there appears to have been comparatively little research in the field until

Use of Layout Optimization to Solve Large-Scale Limit Analysis and Design


Fig. 17 Bearing capacity of

sand layer over clay example:
a rigid footing of width B
founded on a sand layer of
depth D = B, angle of
shearing resistance = 40 ,
unit weight overlying clay
of strength cu / B = 5
(symmetrical half space

relatively recently. This means that there are still many potentially fruitful avenues
to explore. For example, the problems described in this chapter all assume the presence of straight-line connections (e.g. truss bars or slip-line discontinuities) between
nodes. However, different kinds of connections can potentially be used. Thus in twodimensions curved connections could instead be used, perhaps to model truss bars
optimally shaped to carry their own self-weight, or to model the curved slip-lines
associated with rotational collapse mechanisms. Another possibility is to consider
surface connections, which may represent shell elements in a design context, or potential surface discontinuities in a three-dimensional limit analysis context. Initial
investigations into the latter have already begun and this will therefore be considered further in the next section.

5.1 3D Discontinuity Layout Optimization

In plane strain, DLO is capable of obtaining accurate solutions for problems involving arbitrary, often complex, geometry and boundary conditions as has been demonstrated in the previous section. Adaptive techniques allow highly accurate solutions
to be obtained at moderate computational expense. A natural progression is to apply
the technique to more challenging and computationally expensive three-dimensional
problems. In three-dimensions, the analogy with truss optimization breaks down
(i.e. truss elements remain linear but discontinuities are now planar). However, a
three-dimensional formulation is still possible. This three-dimensional formulation
can be viewed as analogous to an optimization problem involving seeking an optimum structure comprising intersecting shell elements (e.g. a honeycomb). The
changes necessary to the plane strain formulation for three-dimensional analysis
can be summarized as follows (after [12]):
1. Potential discontinuities must now be polygonal rather than linear in form.
2. Three variables per potential discontinuity are now necessary to fully specify
the change in velocity at each potential discontinuity (one normal and two shear
components). dT now becomes {s11 , s12 , n1 , s21 , s22 , n2 , . . . , nm }, where si1 and
si2 are the two shear components of change in velocity across discontinuity i.
3. The resultant of the shear components at each discontinuity must now be calculated in order to find the energy dissipated. This can be done using a conic


M. Gilbert et al.

Fig. 18 Deformed mechanism, obtained using DLO, for rough based square punch (showing a
quarter of the square punch)

constraint, sir

2 + s 2 ; where s is the resultant shear change in velocity

across discontinuity i. pT now becomes {s1r , s2r , . . . , srm }.

4. gT now equals {c1 a1 , c2 a2 , . . . , cm am }, where ai is the area of discontinuity i.
5. Compatibility is now conveniently enforced along each edge rather than at each
6. A cone programming solver can now be conveniently used to obtain the minimum.
An initial investigation [12] using a non-adaptive formulation considered the indentation of a semi-infinite Tresca continuum by a square perfectly rough punch (see
Fig. 18). Despite the use of relatively coarse nodal discretizations, a bearing capacity factor equal to 6.102 could be obtained, which compares well with the best upper
bound solution in the literature of 6.051, obtained by [25] using FELA. Future work
will concentrate on developing a suitable adaptive solution scheme, allowing finer
nodal discretizations to be considered.

6 Conclusions
Layout optimization techniques were developed almost half a century ago, but are
now the subject of renewed interest. When suitable adaptive solution schemes are
employed, layout optimization techniques can be applied to large-scale problems.
This means that very accurate solutions can be obtained relatively rapidly, potentially allowing new-insights into the optimal forms of structures to be obtained.
The inherent similarities between limit analysis and limit design problem formulations also means that methods originally developed for the design of trusses can
be adapted to identify the critical layout of discontinuities in solids (discontinuity
layout optimization, DLO). DLO is a powerful and flexible technique which is now
finding use in industry, clearly demonstrating its practical usefulness.

Use of Layout Optimization to Solve Large-Scale Limit Analysis and Design


Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge the assistance provided by Dr Wael Darwich, Dr

Thomas Pritchard and Dr Iain Haslam, who assisted with the development of the software used in
this Chapter. Also acknowledged are the mathematical insights provided by Dr Aleksey Pichugin
of Brunel University. Finally the financial support provided by EPSRC (Advanced Research Fellowship grant ref: GR/S53329/01) is gratefully acknowledged.

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23. Pichugin AV, Tyas A, Gilbert M (2012) On the optimality of Hemps arch with vertical hangers. Struct Multidiscip Optim 46(1):1725
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Macroscopic Modeling of Porous Nonassociated

Frictional Materials
Long Cheng, Gry de Saxc, and Djimedo Kondo

Abstract The aim of this work is to propose a macroscopic plastic model for
Porous nonassociated Drucker-Prager-type materials, using homogenization techniques and the hollow sphere model proposed by Gurson (J Eng Mater Technol
99:215, 1977) for von Mises solid matrix. In the first part, we determine analytically the plastic limit state of a hollow sphere with a Drucker-Prager matrix and subjected to hydrostatic loading. For the associated case, the collapse is complete with
a unique regime. For the nonassociated cases, we consider weaker solutions (partial
collapse and regime change). Nevertheless, we show that the collapse is complete
and exhibits a single regime. Consequently, the collapse stress field and the limit
load do not depend on the value of the dilation angle, as confirmed by numerical
simulations. This result has been already obtained by Maghous et al. (Eur J Mech A,
Solids 28:179188, 2009) by means of a modified second moduli approach. In Gursons footsteps, Guo et al. (J Mech Phys Solids 56:21882212, 2008) proposed a
macroscopic model for porous solid with pressure-sensitive dilatant matrix obeying
to the normality law (associated material). The second part of the paper is a first
attempt to extend Guos model to the nonassociated materials. Using the concept of
bipotential, we proposed a two-fields variational approach to deduce a macroscopic

L. Cheng G. de Saxc (B)

Laboratoire de Mcanique de Lille (UMR CNRS 8107), Universit de Lille 1, cit scientifique,
59655 Villeneuve dAscq, France
e-mail: [email protected]
L. Cheng
e-mail: [email protected]
D. Kondo
Institut Jean Le Rond dAlembert (UMR CNRS 7190), Universit Pierre et marie Curie,
4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France
e-mail: [email protected]
K. Spiliopoulos, D. Weichert (eds.), Direct Methods for Limit States in Structures and
Materials, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6827-7_9,
Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014



L. Cheng et al.

1 Introduction
The present work must be considered as a first attempt to propose a macroscopic
plastic model for Porous nonassociated Drucker-Prager-type materials, using homogenization techniques. In a famous paper [35], Gurson derived an upper bound
limit analysis approach of a hollow sphere and a hollow cylinder having a von Mises
solid matrix. Several extensions of Gursons model have been further proposed in
the literature, the probably most important developments being those accounting
for void shape effects [32, 33, 54]. Other extensions are concerned by the plastic anisotropy [2, 55] or take into account the plastic compressibility of the matrix
through associated Drucker-Prager model in the perspective of applications to polymer and cohesive geomaterials [1, 41, 42, 52].
In the first part (Sect. 2), we consider the hollow sphere subjected to the particular case of hydrostatic loading. This part is a direct extension of a recent paper [60]
dedicated to the same problem but here with the nonassociated flow rule. Classical bound limit analysis theorems have been generalized to the class of implicit
standard materials, i.e. with a nonassociated flow rule represented with a bipotential [9, 24]. In the spirit of Gursons paper, a trial velocity field is built by adding
linear terms to the exact one for hydrostatic loading. The goal of this part is to determine such an exact field. In limit analysis, the most simple solutions are smooth
with a single plastic regime covering the whole body but, generally speaking, it
is a priori expected that limit state solutions may involve some field discontinuities compatible with the continuum mechanics principles [17, 58]. In particular,
the collapse may be incomplete and/or exhibits distinct regimes in subdomains. For
nonassociated Drucker-Prager model, the collapse stress field is statically and plastically admissible. Then the limit load for the nonassociated model is a priori less
than the limit load for the corresponding associated model (i.e. with the normality
rule and the same friction angle). As a matter of fact, although exact solutions do
not exist up to now for such class of problems, numerical simulations show that
for classical soil mechanics applications (bearing capacity of a strip footing, stability of foundations and tunnels), the limit load of the nonassociated case is really strictly less than the one of the corresponding associated case [3, 18, 39]. In
the hollow sphere problem, we consider the event of such weaker solutions but
we conclude to the impossibility of incomplete collapse and more than one plastic regime. The paradoxical consequence is the nonsensitivity of the limit load to
the dilatancy angle. This theoretical result which has been already obtained by [52]
through a non-linear homogenization technique is confirmed by numerical simulations.
In the second part, we tackle the general case of combined hydrostatic and deviatoric loadings. Roughly speaking, a constitutive law in Mechanics is a relationship
between dual variables. The constitutive laws of the materials can be represented,
as in Elasticity, by a univalued mapping or, as in Plasticity, can be generalized
in the form of a multivalued mapping. But this representation is not necessarily
convenient. When the graph is maximal and cyclically monotone, we can model it
thanks to a convex and lower semi-continuous function , called a superpotential (or

Macroscopic Modeling of Porous Nonassociated Frictional Materials


pseudo-potential), such that the graph is the one of its subdifferential . The function and its Fenchel conjugate one verifies for any couple of dual variables
Fenchels inequality. The dissipative materials admitting a superpotential of dissipation are often qualified as standard [36] and the law is said to be a normality law,
a subnormality law or an associated law.
However, several models proposed these last decades, particularly in Plasticity,
are nonassociated. For such laws, the second author introduced in [20, 21] a suitable
modelization based on the bipotential, a function b of both dual variables, convex
and lower semicontinuous in each argument and satisfying a cornerstone inequality
saying that for any couple of dual variables the value of the bipotential is greater than
or equal to their duality pairing. When equality holds, the couple is said extremal.
In a mechanical view point, the extremal couples are the ones satisfying the constitutive law. Materials admitting a bipotential are called implicit standard materials
(ISM) because the constitutive law is a subnormality law but the relation between
the dual variables is implicit. The classical standard materials correspond to the particular event of the bipotential being separated as the sum of a superpotential and
its conjugate one. In this sense, the cornerstone inequality of the bipotential generalizes Fenchels one. The existence and construction of a bipotential for a given
constitutive law is discussed in [11, 12, 14].
Linked to the structural mechanics and in particular with the Calculus of Variation, the bipotential theory offers an elegant framework to model a broad spectrum
of nonassociated laws. Examples of such nonassociated constitutive laws are:
in soil mechanics, non-associated Drucker-Prager [3, 8, 22, 24, 39] and Cam-Clay
models [23, 62],
the nonlinear kinematical hardening rule for cyclic Plasticity [57, 21, 53] and
Viscoplasticity [37],
Lemaitres coupled damage law [4],
the coaxial laws [26, 61],
Coulombs friction law [9, 21, 22, 24, 25, 2831, 38, 40, 44],
the blurred constitutive laws [13, 15].
A complete survey can be found in [26]. In the previous works, robust numerical
algorithms were proposed to solve structural mechanics problems.
The limit analysis is a general method to determine the plastic collapse of structures under proportional loading [58], particularly in soil mechanics [17, 18], but it
is restricted to associated plasticity (with normality law). The classical presentation
of the nonassociated plasticity is based on a yield function and a plastic potential.
The bipotential offers an alternative formulation opening naturally into a variational
formulation, paving the way to an extension of limit analysis techniques to nonassociated laws [8, 9, 16, 24, 62]. Extension of this method to the repeated variable
loading is called shakedown theory and its extension to the ISM by the bipotential
approach was also considered in [68, 10, 26].


L. Cheng et al.

2 First Part: The Exact Analytical Solution for the Pure

Hydrostatic Loading
2.1 Problem Formulation
We consider a hollow sphere made up of a spherical cavity embedded in a homothetic cell of a rigid-plastic isotropic and homogeneous material with nonassociated
Drucker-Prager model. The inner and outer radii are respectively denoted a and b,
giving the void volume fraction f = (a/b)3 < 1. The hollow sphere is subjected to
a uniform hydrostatic stress q upon its external boundary and a uniform pressure p
upon the cavity boundary. Accounting for the central symmetry of the problem, the
spherical coordinate (r, , ) are used, r being the radius, the inclination angle,
the azimuth one, and all the fields are depending only on r.
The velocity components v and v are null. The strain rate tensor d has three
non-vanishing components given with respect to the radial velocity vr by:
d = d = .
There is no kinematic boundary conditions but the velocity field vr (r) must be continuous anywhere.
The stress tensor has three nonvanishing components, rr , = and, in
absence of body forces, satisfies the radial equilibrium equation:
drr =

= 0,
with static boundary conditions:
rr (a) = p,

rr (b) = q.



According to the mechanics of continua, some discontinuities of and may

occur when r varies but the radial stress rr (r) must be continuous anywhere.
Drucker-Prager model is considered with the yield criterion:
F ( ) = e + 3m 0 = 0,


where e is the equivalent stress of Von Mises, m the mean stress, 0 > 0 the
cohesion stress of the material and the pressure sensitivity factor related to the
friction angle by:
tan = 3.
The nonassociated flow rule:
d =


is given by the plastic potential:

G( ) = e + 3m 0 ,


Macroscopic Modeling of Porous Nonassociated Frictional Materials


where depends on the dilatancy angle through:

tan = 3.
Moreover, the plastic multiplier must be nonnegative:


Of course, for the particular event = hence F = G, the normality rule is recovered and the plasticity model is associated. Without loss of generality, we can
assume that:
0 < ,
or equivalently 0 < 56 18 . In practice, these conditions are fulfilled by
the geomaterials and other pressure sensitive dilatant materials. Experimental data
can be found for polymers, high strength steels and aluminium in [34].

2.2 Plastic Limit State

The equivalent stress reads:

e = (rr )2 + ( )2 + ( rr )2 .
The mean stress is:
m = (rr + + ).
The flow rule (5) takes the form:

(2rr ) ,
drr = +

(2 rr ) .
d = +


Owing to = , the equivalent stress is reduced to:

e = |rr | = ( rr ),


with the following convention to distinguish the plastic regimes:

= +1 if rr ,
= 1 if rr .
Considering (9) and once again = , one obtains:

drr = ( ),
d = d = +



L. Cheng et al.

Eliminating the velocity between the two equations (1), one obtains:
(rd ).
Eliminating the strain rate components between the previous relations leads to:
drr =

= 0,
s r
where we put for convenience s = 1 + 2. The general solution is:

(r) = r s .


Combining (10) with (1) leads to:



vr (r) = K r 1 s ,


K = +


As usual, due to the nature of the limit load problem, the kinematical fields are
defined up to a positive factor.
Let us now discuss the existence of solutions with discontinuities:
Suppose that there exist adjoining spherical shells which have distinct plastic
regimes corresponding respectively to and . The continuity of the velocity
field at the interface of radius r0 entails:
3( s1 s 1 )

K = K r0

Assuming that K and K do not vanish, they should have the same sign,
and the plastic multiplier should be positive. However, under the condition (7),
= K /( + 2 ) and = K /( 2 ) have opposite signs, which is absurd
because, accounting for (11), condition (6) would be violated in one of these
regimes. Thus no change of regime is allowed at the limit state.
Finally, let us suppose that the collapse is not complete. The plastic multiplier
field is identically null in a nonplastified spherical shell, hence so is the velocity
field because of (11), (12) and (13). It is absurd to assume the existence of a
plastic yielding adjoining shell because the continuity of the velocity field at the
interface would force the velocity field to vanish in the yielding shell. Hence the
collapsed must be complete.
Next, the corresponding statical solution is presented. Considering (8), (9) and once
again = , the yield function reads:
F ( ) = ( rr ) + (rr + 2 ) 0 = 0.
It follows:
2( rr ) = 3 (H rr ),


Macroscopic Modeling of Porous Nonassociated Frictional Materials


where = 2/(2 + ) and H = 0 /3 = 0 / tan > 0. Due to the condition (7),

the sign of coincides with that of . Combining with the equilibrium equation (2)
3 (rr H )
= 0.
The solution satisfying the boundary condition (3)1 is:

rr (r) + p
H +p
The limit hydrostatic stress is given by (3)2 as function of the porosity:
q +p
= 1 f .
H +p



It can be verified that , rr and (q + p) have the same sign . In short, the solution
is defined by the limit load (16) and, in the interval a r b, by the collapse fields
of plastic multiplier (11), velocity (12) and radial stress (15). The stress field and
limit loads do not depend on the dilatancy angle and they are identical to the ones of
the associated case with same friction angle, previously obtained in [60] when the
pressure vanishes. Only the collapse mechanism is dilatancy angle dependent. This
insensitivity of the limit load to the dilatancy angle agrees with the model recently
proposed by [52].
For the variational model that will be presented in the second part, it is convenient
to determine also the mean stress field (8). From (14), we obtain:
2 = (2 3 )rr + 3 H.
Taking into account this last relation, = and (15), it comes:

f b 3
0 (0 + 3p)
m (r) =
s r


In the second part, to lighten the notations, the subscript will be erased.

2.3 Numerical Results

In this section, the previous analytical solution is compared to numerical data obtained from Finite Element Method (FEM) results. An axisymmetric model of the
spherical shell, as shown in Fig. 1, is considered and 1500 quadratic axisymmetric
elements are used. Hence, the numerical analysis will be carried out by means of the
2D-FEM code [43, 59] developed in LML (Mechanics Laboratory of Lille, France)
for incremental analysis of elastoplatic materials with nonassociated flow rule and
in small deformations. The radial displacement is fixed on the plans ABCD of symmetry, the vertical and horizontal displacements of the lateral boundaries AB and
CD are also fixed, and a uniform radial displacement is imposed upon the external
boundary BC, while the internal boundary DA is free of stress.


L. Cheng et al.

Fig. 1 Hollow sphere model: Geometry of the elementary cell and boundary conditions

A reference case, denoted Case 1, is firstly defined in which the associated flow
rule is applied with the following parameters: a = 0.585 m, b = 1 m (f 0.2002),
= = 30 , E = 500 MPa, = 0.2 and 0 = 1 MPa. Then, in order to verify
the precision of the proposed model in nonassociated cases, two other simulations
(denoted Cases 2 and 3) are performed with two different values of (15 and 0 ),
both under compression and traction conditions.
Figure 2 displays the FEM results of Cases 1 to 3, where the materials possess
the same porosity (f 0.2002) but different dilation angles. (r) denotes the radial displacement and the limit stress is the asymptotic value. The limit loads of
associated case ( = = 30 ) and nonassociated ones ( = 30 , = 15 and 0 ),
as expected, have almost the same value with very small differences of the order
1 %. The differences between the reference analytical solution and the finite element ones are rather small and can be attributed to numerical errors due to the
discretization. However, the FEM points of these three lines in this figure do not
coincide entirely. In other words, as the displacements imposed upon the external
boundary being the same, the ones at the internal boundary are not. Therefore, the
limit load of nonassociated Drucker-Prager porous material does not depend on the
dilation angle, whereas the collapse mechanism does. More details can be found
in [19] concerning the sensitivity of the proposed model with respect to the porosity
and Youngs modulus.

3 Second Part: Variational Formulation for Combined

Hydrostatic and Deviatoric Loadings
3.1 More About the Nonassociated Drucker-Prager Model
Excepted for the apex of Drucker-Prager cone (e = 0, m = 0 /3 ) where e is
not differentiable, the plastic strain rate is given by the nonassociated flow rule:

p G
p 3s
d =
+ 1 ,


Macroscopic Modeling of Porous Nonassociated Frictional Materials


Fig. 2 Comparison of numerical limit loads between associated ( = 30 ) and nonassociated

cases ( = 15 and 0 ) with fixed friction angle ( = 30 ) and porosity (f 0.2002)

where is Cauchy stress tensor, s the deviatoric stress, 1 the unit tensor. the scalar
p is defined as:

p = e : e
with e the deviatoric part of d. The plastic dilatancy is given by:
tr d = 3 p .



L. Cheng et al.

This suggests introducing:

H (d) = p dm .
The plastic flow rule (18) is completed at the apex by the condition:
H (d) 0
while, because of (19), H (d) = 0 at the other points of the yielding surface (called
regular points).

3.2 Bipotential Formulation

In previous papers, the second author proposed a new modeling of the nonassociated
constitutive laws based on the concept of bipotential [20, 21]. With the previous
notations, the bipotential of nonassociated Drucker-Prager model is equal to:

0 p
b(d, ) = dm + ( ) 3m

when F ( ) 0 and H (d) 0, equal to + otherwise. First of all, let us recall

a basic concept of convex analysis, the subdifferential of a function in a point x
which is the (possibly empty) set:


(x) = y | x  , x  (x) x  x : y .
For more details on convex analysis, the reader is referred for instance to [27, 56,
57]. The main properties of the bipotential are:
(a) b is convex and lower semicontinuous in each argument.
(b) For any d  and  we have

b d ,  d  : .


(c) For d and we have the equivalences:

b(, )(d) d b(d, )( ) b(d, ) = d : .


In a mechanical point of view, the bipotential represents the plastic dissipation

power (by volume unit) and (23) is the constitutive law. The couples (d, ) for
which ones equivalence (23) holds are called extremal couples. For the prove of the
equivalence in the case of the nonassociated Drucker-Prager model, the reader is referred to [24]. Materials admitting a bipotential are called implicit standard materials
(ISM). Accounting for the definition (21) of the subdifferential and the cornerstone
inequality (22), the constitutive law (23) reads [12, 14, 15, 44]:

b d , d  : = min
b d,  d :  = 0.


Macroscopic Modeling of Porous Nonassociated Frictional Materials


It is worth remarking that, with respect to the previous minimization problems, the
bipotential has the required convexity properties. Let us show how to recover simply the plastic yielding condition F ( ) = 0 by the bipotential formalism. The first
minimization problem becomes:

min b0 (d, ) d : = 0,
H (d)0

where b0 is the finite part of the bipotential, given by (20). Relaxing the kinematical
condition H (d) 0 by use of Lagranges multiplier , this constrained minimization problem is transformed into an equivalent saddle-point problem

max min L(d, , ) = b0 (d, ) d : + H (d) = 0,

where the Lagrangian is:

L(d, , ) =

0 p  p
dm + ( ) 3m
e + 3dm m + p dm .

Its stationarity with respect to p and dm gives:

+ ,
e = ( ) 3m

3m =

Eliminating between these relations leads to the plastic criterion:

F ( ) = e + 3m 0 = 0.
In a similar way, it is possible to recover the plastic flow rule (18) at a regular
point. The second minimization problem in (24) becomes:

min b0 (d, ) d : = 0.
F ( )0

Relaxing the plastic yielding condition F ( ) 0 by use of Lagranges multiplier

, this problem is transformed into an equivalent saddle-point problem




= 0,

where the Lagrangian is:

0 p

L d, , = dm + ( ) 3m
(e : s + 3dm m )

+ (e + 3m 0 ).

Its stationarity with respect to s and m gives:

e =


( ) p dm + = 0.



L. Cheng et al.

From (25) we obtain = p . Eliminating in (26) leads to the kinematical condition:

H (d) = p dm = 0,
that allows recovering the nonassociated flow rule (5):

p 3s
d = e + dm 1 =
+ 1 .
For the treatment of the apex, the reader is referred to [39].

3.3 Variational Formulation and Limit Analysis

Unlike the classical presentation of the nonassociated constitutive laws by means
of the yield function and the plastic potential, the bipotential formulation naturally
opens into a variational formulation, paving the way to an extension of limit analysis techniques to nonassociated laws. We present it directly in the framework of
homogenization of porous material, considering a reference elementary volume or
macro-element V composed of a matrix VM made of an ISM and a void Vf subjected to a uniform hydrostatic pressure p. The macro-element V is enclosed by
surface S and the void Vf by Sf . The macroscopic stress and strain rate D are
defined as volume averages of their microscopic counterpart and d:

dV ,
ddV .

The set of kinematical admissible velocity fields is defined in the following sense:

Ka = v s.t. v(x) = D.x on S .
The associated strain rate field is d(v) = grads v. The set of statically admissible
stress fields is:
Sa = { s.t. div = 0 in VM and = p1 in Vf }.
The set of admissible couples is the product A = Ka Sa and the set of extremal
ones is:

E = (v, ) s.t. d(v), is extremal in VM .
The homogenization problem consists in determining the set A E of admissible
and extremal fields. Accounting for its strong nonlinear nature, this problem has
in general no closed analytical solution. We present now an equivalent variational
formulation, more appropriate for simple approximations, thanks to relevant choice
of trial fields and minimization procedure. Let us consider an admissible couple
(v, ). Thus, by Hills lemma, one has:

d(v) : dV = V 1
d(v)dV : p1 + V 1
d(v) : dV ,
D : = V 1



Macroscopic Modeling of Porous Nonassociated Frictional Materials

D : = V 1

d(v)dV : p1 + V 1


d(v) : ( + p1)dV .

Then, for any admissible couple, it holds:

D : ( + p1) = V

d(v) : ( + p1)dV .



This suggests introducing the following two field functional:


b d v , + d v  : p1 dV D : ( + p1),
B v  ,  = V 1

called the bifunctional. As previously said, we are interested for homogenization

purpose in finding the admissible and extremal couples (v, ). In fact, they are solutions of the simultaneous minimization problems:

B(v, ) = min B v  , = min B v,  = 0.
v  K a


Indeed, if (v  ,  ) is admissible, relation (27) and (22) entail:


b d v , d v  :  dV 0.
B v , = V

In particular, this occurs for admissible couples (v  , ), (v,  ), (v, ) and moreover,
in the last case, because of (23):
B(v, ) = 0.
In short, one has for all admissible fields v  Ka and  Sa :

B v  , B(v, ) = 0 and B v,  B(v, ) = 0,
which proves (28).
Now, let us discuss some relevant aspects of the variational principles for rigid
perfectly plastic materials such as the one described in the previous sections. The
set of plastically admissible velocity and stress fields are respectively defined as:

Kp = v s.t. H d(v) 0 in VM ,

Sp = s.t. F ( ) 0 in VM .
The sets of licit velocity and stress fields are respectively Kl = Ka Kp and Sl =
Sa Sp while we considered the finite valued functional:


B0 v  ,  = V 1
b0 d v , + d v  : p1 dV D : ( + p1).

Hence, the variational homogenization problem becomes:

B0 (v, ) = min B0 v  , = min B0 v,  = 0.
v  K l



For rigid perfectly plastic, because b0 is positively homogeneous of order one in d,

there is a trivial kinematical solution to the previous problem where v and D vanish.


L. Cheng et al.

The limit analysis approach consists in finding nontrivial solutions qualified as collapse mechanisms. It is expected that there exist only under an equality condition on
that can be interpreted as the equation of the yielding surface in the macroscopic
It is worth noting that if both D and are chosen arbitrarily, there is in general
no solution to the problem (29). In a practical point of view, it is more convenient
for instance to fix only and to find D and v satisfying the first minimization
problem in (29). Introducing Lagranges multiplier field x  (x), this constrained
minimization problem is transformed into an equivalent saddle-point problem

max min L (v, , ) = B0 (v, ) + V
H (d)dV .
0 vKa


Following [34], we perform a first approximation by imposing Lagranges multiplier

field to be uniform in VM :

max min L (v, , ) = B0 (v, ) + V
H (d)dV ,
0 vKa


that is equivalent to minimize the bifunctional B0 under the relaxed kinematical


H (d)dV = 0.
V 1

Satisfying the kinematical condition only in an average sense but not locally anywhere in VM is a strong approximation but leading to easier calculations. As consequence of the approximation, it is crucial to remark that the minimum of B0 may
not be expected to be zero. Nevertheless, in the spirit of Ladevzes method of the
error on the constitutive law [4551], its value for the minimizer can be used as a
variational error estimator [30]. The minimum principle allows obtaining the bettersolution within the framework imposed by the approximations.
Introducing the macroscopic strain rate of the void and equivalent strain rate,
respectively defined by:

D void = V
ddV ,
(v) = V
p dV ,


condition (30) reads:

tr(D D void ) = 0.
Introducing, as in [34], the normalized macro-stress tensor:


+ p1
0 + 3p

and accounting for (20), the normalized bifunctional is:

B0 (v, )

tr(D D void ) + 1
) D : T ,
B0 (v, ) =
0 + 3p 3

Macroscopic Modeling of Porous Nonassociated Frictional Materials


) = V 1


0 3m p
dV .
0 + 3p



Introducing the normalized multiplier = /(0 + 3p), the normalized Lagrangian is:
L (v, , )
L (v, , ) =
0 + 3p


L (v, , )
+ 1

tr(D D void ) + (v)
) D : T .


3.4 Hollow Sphere Model with Nonassociated Drucker-Prager

Type Matrix
We consider a hollow sphere made up of a spherical void embedded in a homothetic cell of a rigid-plastic isotropic and homogeneous material with nonassociated
Drucker-Prager model. The inner and outer radii are respectively denoted a and b,
giving the porosity f = (a/b)3 < 1. Accounting for the central symmetry of the
problem, the cylindrical coordinates (, , z) are used, and being the polar
radius and angle, z the height with respect to the Oxy plane.
In order to limit the errors due to approximations, we hope the macroscopic
model to be exact at least for the pure hydrostatic case. Taking into account the
expression (12) of the velocity field obtained in the first part for the pure hydrostatic
loading, the following trial velocity field is chosen:

v = C0
(e + zez ) + C1 e + C2 zez ,

with r = 2 + z2 , s = 1 + 2 where is the sign of C0 . The first term is the solution (12) of the pure hydrostatic case. As in Gursons model [35] and its extension
to pressure sensitive dilatant materials [34], it is completed by two linear terms to
capture the shear effects. In this last paper, the macro-strain rate is shown to be:
D = C0 1 + C1 (e e + e e ) + C2 ez ez ,


D void = C0 f 1 + f C1 (e e + e e ) + C2 ez ez ,


with = 1 s 1 . Introducing the ratio:


s De


L. Cheng et al.

the macroscopic equivalent strain rate is [34]:


J ( ) 1 + 2 x 2/s dx,
(v) = De

J ( ) =


3 cos2 1 sin d,

sign(C1 C2 ), | | 1.
1 + 2 x 2/s
On the other hand, the bifunctional depends on the stress field only through m .
Under condition (7), the following trial stress field is chosen as the solution (17) of
the pure hydrostatic case, without additional terms:

f b 3
m (r) =
0 (0 + 3p)
s r

where s = 1 + 2 and = 1 s 1 . Introducing this expression into (31) gives:


1 f

I ( ),
p dV =
(v, ) = V
s VM r

I ( ) = De

x J ( ) 1 + 2 x 2/s dx.


It is worth noting the particular case:

(v) = I (0).
The function J ( ) is smooth over the compactly supported domain with extreme
values Jmax = J (0) = 1 and Jmin = J (1) = 0.962. Following [35], this
function is taken to be equal to unity, that reduces (35) to:

I ( ) = De
x 1 + 2 x 2/s dx.

Accounting of (33) and (34), the normalized Lagrangian is:

(1 f )Dm f f C0
L (v, , )

+ (v) + 1
) (De Te + 3Dm Tm ),

depends on C0 and De . With simplified notations for partial derivawhere  and 

tives, its stationarity with respect to De , Dm and C0 gives:

,De ,

Te = ,De + 1

Macroscopic Modeling of Porous Nonassociated Frictional Materials


(1 f ),

,C0 + 1

f f = 0.

3Tm =


From (39), we deduce the expression of the multiplier:



f ) + ( 1)

f f + ,C0

Eliminating it in (37) and (38) leads to:

Te =

,De ] + (1 )(,C0 
,De ,De 
,C0 )
(f f )[ ,De + (1 )
f f + ,C0

3Tm = (1 f )


,C0 + (1 )
f f + ,C0


3.5 Limit Cases

Let us examine the particular cases of pure hydrostatic and deviatoric loadings.
Purely hydrostatic case: ||
= +  De = 0. The integral (36) is:
2|C0 | 1 f
x s dx =
I ( ) = ||D

Then, it holds:
(v) = I (0) =

1 f ,

) =

f f ,

f f + ,C0 = 1 f.
Finally, the macro-stress is given by (40) and (41):

Te = 0,
3Tm = 1 f ,

that was expected with respect to the exact result (16) determined in the first part.
The solution is the same as for the corresponding associated case [34].
Purely deviatoric case: = 0  C0 = 0. The integral (36) is:
1 f 1
I ( ) = De
x dx = De
Then, it holds:
(v) = I (0) = De (1 f ),

) = De f f ,


L. Cheng et al.

f f + ,C0 = f f.
Finally, the macro-stress is given by (40) and (41):

f f ,
Te = 1 f + 1

Tm = 0.


When the flow rule is associated, we recover the result obtained in [34]. Nevertheless, the accuracy of (43) is poor for strong lack of associativity. The weakness
of this model is that we use the expression (17) of the mean stress deriving from
the solution in the pure hydrostatic case. We are currently working to improve
the trial stress field by introducing additional terms into (17) and working on the
stress principle.

4 Conclusion
Unlike currently observed in other problems, in the one of the hydrostatically loaded
hollow sphere the limit load and collapse stress field for the nonassociated cases
are the same as for the corresponding associated case. This event may appear at
first glance paradoxical. The key point is the strong condition of central symmetry
which is very restrictive and prevents field discontinuities generally allowed by the
continuum mechanics. Thus only complete solution with a unique plastic regime
is considered and it is necessarily identical to the one of the associated case. The
general case of combined hydrostatic and deviatoric loadings is in progress. The
first elements of the corresponding theory are exposed in Sect. 3.

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Macroscopic Modeling of Porous Nonassociated Frictional Materials


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Direct Evaluation of the Post-Buckling Behavior

of Slender Structures Through a Numerical
Asymptotic Formulation
Giovanni Garcea, Antonio Bilotta, Antonio Madeo, and Raffaele Casciaro

Abstract The analysis of slender structures, characterized by complex buckling

and postbuckling phenomena and by a strong imperfection sensitivity, is heavily penalized by the lack of adequate computational tools. Standard incremental iterative
approaches are computationally expensive and unaffordable, while FEM implementation of the Koiter method is a convenient alternative. The analysis is very fast, its
computational burden is of the same order as a linearized buckling load evaluation
and the simulation of different imperfections costs only a fraction of that needed
to characterize the perfect structure. In this respect it can be considered as a direct
method for the evaluation of the critical and post-critical behaviour of geometrically nonlinear elastic structures. The main objective of the present work is to show
that finite element implementations of the Koiter method can be both accurate and
reliable and to highlight the aspects that require further investigation.

1 Introduction
A global evaluation of the structural collapse safety of slender elastic structures
should consider all possible loadings, including the deviations due to load imperfections and geometrical defects. Standard path-following approaches, aimed at recovering the equilibrium path for a single loading case and assigned imperfections,
are not suitable for this purpose. In fact in order to perform a reliable structural
safety assessment the nonlinear analysis should be performed with respect to all
possible imperfection shapes. The consequent computational burden can be very
G. Garcea (B) A. Bilotta A. Madeo R. Casciaro
Dipartimento di Modellistica per lIngegneria, Universit della Calabria, Rende, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Bilotta
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Madeo
e-mail: [email protected]
R. Casciaro
e-mail: [email protected]
K. Spiliopoulos, D. Weichert (eds.), Direct Methods for Limit States in Structures and
Materials, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6827-7_10,
Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014



G. Garcea et al.

high particularly if no reliable information about the worst imperfection shapes is

The asymptotic approach, derived as a finite element implementation [15, 7, 11,
12, 21, 22, 29, 30, 3236] of the Koiter nonlinear theory of elastic stability [25], can
be a convenient alternative as it provides an effective and reliable strategy for predicting the initial post-critical behavior in both cases of limit or bifurcation points
[8, 27, 28]. The implementation of the asymptotic approach as a computational tool,
as will be shown, is quite easy and its total computational burden remains of the order as that required by a standard linearized stability analysis. It provides the initial
post-buckling behavior of the structure, including modal interactions and jumpingafter-bifurcation phenomena. Moreover, once the analysis has been performed, the
presence of small loading imperfections or geometrical defects can be taken into
account in a postprocessing phase with a negligible computational extracost, so
allowing an inexpensive imperfection sensitivity analysis (e.g. see [9, 27]). It is also
possible to extract information about the worst imperfection shapes [10, 31], and
it can be used to improve the imperfection sensitivity analysis or for driving more
detailed investigations through specialized path-following analysis (see [8, 10] and
references therein). From this point of view we can affirm that in the field of geometrically nonlinear elastic structures, the Koiter asymptotic method works as a direct
method suitable to evaluate the critical and post-critical behaviour of structures and
in this sense it is similar to direct methods for limit and shakedown analysis.
The asymptotic analysis can provide a very accurate recovery of the equilibrium path, as it is confirmed by numerical testings and theoretical investigations [6]
but requires great care in both the mechanical modeling [15, 16] and its finite element implementation. As will be shown in the paper accuracy cannot be obtained
by an inappropriate finite element interpolation due to the occurrence of interpolation locking phenomena in the evaluation of the energy variation terms used to
reconstruct the post-critical behaviour [8, 28]; by an inappropriate format used in
the control variables that can produce extrapolation locking phenomena [13, 18]) or
by the use of non objective structural models [15, 16].
The paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 presents the local analysis and some
definitions, Sect. 3 presents the asymptotic method and its finite element implementation, Sect. 4 discusses all the aspects regarding the FEM implementation and the
accuracy, Sect. 5 gives some numerical results show the potential of the method and
finally Sect. 6 summarizes the discussion and suggests possible extensions.

2 Local Analysis
Adopting the same functional notation as the paper of Budiansky [7] we consider a
hyperelastic structure subjected to an assigned load, p[], which is linear with a
parameter (p[] = p)
and described by its potential energy [u] in terms of stress
and displacement here denoted by u. Equilibrium implies the condition
= 0,
 u :=  [u]u pu

u T


Direct Evaluation of the Post-Buckling Behavior of Slender Structures


where [u] is the strain energy, p[]u the external work, U the manifold of the admissible configurations and T its tangent space (the prime stands for the Frechts
differentiation with respect to u). Usually (and conveniently) the configuration is
described making U a linear manifold, so T becomes independent from u.
Equation (1) defines a curve (it may be composed of several separate branches)
in the space (u, ), called equilibrium path that can be expressed in a parametric
form in terms of a suitable abscissa = g[u, ]

u = u[ ],
= [ ]
selected so that = 0 gives the known equilibrium point (u0 , 0 ). The aim of
the asymptotic analysis is the evaluation of the equilibrium path starting from this
known configuration usually assumed corresponding to 0 = 0, exploiting an implementation of the Koiter approach to elastic stability [25] in a FEM context.

2.1 Asymptotic Expansion in a Regular Point

The solution process, based on a fourth-order expansion of the potential energy in
terms of and , is briefly summarized in the following (more details can be found
in [8, 13, 18, 27, 28] and references therein).
Denoting by a dot the derivative with respect to and assuming the equilibrium
path is analytical in the vicinity of = 0 (see [8]), the Taylor expansion of Eq. (2)

1 ... 3

u[ ] = u0 + u 0 + u 0 + u 0 + ,

... 3

[ ] = 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 +
where a subscript denotes the point in which the quantities are evaluated and
(u 0 , 0 ), (u 0 , 0 ), etc are the tangent, curvature etc. of the equilibrium path in = 0.
Expressing Eq. (1) using the parametrization in Eq. (2) we obtain a function of the
real variable , its Taylor expansion in = 0 furnishing

u[ ] [ ]p u = 0 0 p u

+ 0 u 0 0 p u

+ 2 0 u 0 + 0 u 20 0 p u
1  ...
+ 3 0 u 0 + 30 u 0 u 0 + 0 u 30 0 p u +


G. Garcea et al.

where 0  [u0 ], 0  [u0 ], etc.

Equation (4) is a polynomial that has to be zero for each value of , this means
that all the coefficients, i.e. the derivative of Eq. (4) with respect to to a given
order, has to be zero. We obtain, in this way, the perturbation equation at each order

0 u 0 0 p u = 0,



0 u 0 0 p u = 0 u 0 u,


0 u 0 0 p u = 30 u 0 u 0 + 0 u 30 u,

... = ...

u T


with the perturbation equation of order zero not reported because it is verified a
priori by the equilibrium point (u0 , 0 ).
In order to solve (5) in a point where the operator  [u0 ] is not singular, i.e. a
regular point, we have to add to Eqs. (5) the normalization condition, that is the definition of the abscissa introduced to parametrize the equilibrium curve, := g[u, ],
whose asymptotic expansion gives

g0 u 0 + g 0 0 = 1,

g0 u 0 + g 0 0 = g0 u 20 g 0 20 2g 0 0 u 0 ,

g0 u 0 + g 0 0 = g0 u 30 g 0 30 3g0 u 0 u 0 3g 0 u 0 0 ,

3g 0 u 0 0 3g 0 0 0 3g 0 u 0 20 3g 0 u 20 0


where a hat denotes the derivative with respect to . Equations (5) and (6) allow us
to define the necessary asymptotic quantities unequivocally.
The solution of the initial nonlinear problem is then reduced to the solution of a
sequence of linear problems that define, at each order, the asymptotic terms of that

(u 0 , 0 )

(u 0 , 0 )

= 0,
0 u 0 u 0 pu


g0 u 0 + g 0 0 = 1,
0 u 0 u + 0 u 20 u 0 pu
= 0,



g0 u 0 + g 0 0 = g0 u 20 g 0 20 2g 0 0 u 0

This is an important feature of the method which decouples each order from the next
one and allows the asymptotic expansion to be stopped at the desired order.

Direct Evaluation of the Post-Buckling Behavior of Slender Structures


Fig. 1 Limit and bifurcation

points of the equilibrium path

2.2 Asymptotic Expansion in a Critical Point

The equilibrium path can present either limit points or bifurcations, both types being
critical points because the second variation of the strain energy, i.e. the tangent to
the equilibrium path, is singular. Denoting a critical point by (uc , c ), there exists at
least one critical mode vc such that
c vc u = 0,

u T .


Let us now consider the single mode case, i.e. dim(ker(c )) = 1. The perturbation
equations (7) with respect to the critical point can be written, as well as the regular
point case. Due to the singularity of c in order to verify the first of Eq. (7) for
u = vc , the satisfaction of the following Fredholm orthogonality condition on the
first order perturbation equation is required:
c p vc = 0.


Equation (9) is verified in both cases of c = 0, i.e. a limit point for the loads, and
of p vc = 0 i.e. a bifurcation point (see Fig. 1).
2.2.1 Limit Point
In this case the tangent to the equilibrium path, (u c , c ), is unequivocally defined
from the first condition (7). In particular the solution assumes the following expression
u c = vc ,

c = 0


where the values of are defined by the normalization condition

gc vc = 1.
With a similar procedure it is also possible to show how the curvature (u c , c ) is
unequivocally defined. This means that a limit point behaves, with respect to the
asymptotic expansion, like a regular point.


G. Garcea et al.

2.2.2 Bifurcation Point

When p vc = 0 using the first of Eqs. (7) and due to the singularity of c , the tangent
has the following expression
u c = c u c + vc


where u c is a particular solution of the equation

c u c u pu
= 0,

u T


and vc is the solution of the homogenous equation (8).

Now the normalization condition is no longer sufficient to evaluate the solution
because we need to evaluate both and c . Also in this case we can use the Fredholm condition applied to the perturbation equation of the second order, evaluated
for u = vc , that is

7 89 :
c u c vc + c u 2c vc c p vc = 0

c u 2c vc = 0.


After substitution of u c from (11) we have the second order polynomial equation
2c c u 2c vc + 2 c c u c vc2 + 2 c vc3 = 0
that, together with the normalization condition linear in c and

c gc u c + g c + gc vc = 1,



gives the two values of the tangent. The condition p vc = 0 then detects a bifurcation
point characterized by two different equilibrium paths with two different tangents.
For a given value of we can define, from Eq. (14) two values of c . A particular
case occurs when, with an appropriate selection of the parametrization, one of the
tangents is characterized by the value = 0. In this case Eq. (14) and condition
c = 0, require that:
c u 2c vc = 0.
The two tangents are then

u (1)
c =u
c = 1,


u c = c u c + vc ,
1 c vc3

c = 
2 c u c vc

with defined by the normalization condition. For the first tangent we have

[ ]
c =


Direct Evaluation of the Post-Buckling Behavior of Slender Structures


that is a path parameterized with = and for which all the higher order derivatives of with respect to are zero. The discussion can be easily extended to the
curvature (see [8]).
2.2.3 Path Representation on a Bifurcation Point
The previous discussion allows a different rewriting of the two paths passing through
a simple bifurcation point. From a simple extension of the first order asymptotic
expansion we use, the two solutions can be expressed as

[ ] = c + c + ,
u[, ] = uf [] + v[ ]
with the fundamental path, that is the initial path followed by the structure starting
from = 0, defined as
uf [] = uc + ( c )u c
parameterized in and obtained from (17) by setting = 0 while the bifurcated
v[ ] = vc + 2 vc +
intersects uf in the bifurcation point. With this choice measures the distance between u and uf and can be selected as
= u uf , vc  vc , vc  + 2 vc , vc  +


where ,  represents a given scalar product. Equation (18) at the first order furnishes a normalization condition for vc while at the second order an orthogonality
condition between vc and vc .

3 The Asymptotic Method

In this section an asymptotic algorithm capable of treating single or multiple, also
not coincident, bifurcations and of considering the effects of a nonlinear precritical
behaviour is presented. Further details can be found in [1628].

3.1 The Fundamental Path

Let us start by considering a structure without external imperfections, for which
uf [] can be evaluated using the asymptotic equations (5) in a regular point assuming = . To simplify the exposition, the reference equilibrium point (u0 , 0 ) is


G. Garcea et al.

assumed to be coincident with the origin

uf [] = u + 2 u + 3 u + .
The perturbation equations which allow the evaluation of u,
u ect., are

0 u p u = 0,

0 u + 0 u 2 u = 0,
u T .

0 u + 30 u u + 0 u 3 u = 0,


As = , Eq. (16) holds and a critical point on uf will be a bifurcation point.

Following Koiter a structure that has an analytic path in will be called perfect.

3.2 The Bucklings Loads and Modes

Along the fundamental path uf [] we search for the buckling condition (8), i.e.

 uf [i ] vi u = 0 u T , i = 1 . . . m.
Equation (20) can be linearized near a suitable reference point uc = uf [c ] not
necessarily coincident with a bifurcation point to give the m buckling loads and

 uf [] c + ( c )c u c vi u = 0 u T .
Equation (21) also furnishes the following natural orthogonality condition for
modes vi
c u c vi vj = 0 i, j = 1 . . . m.


3.3 The Complete Equilibrium Path

The space of admissible displacements T is decomposed into a subspace V which
is spanned by a finite number of modes vi and in a complementary (usually the
orthogonal complement) space W such that
T =V W ,

V W = {0}


where denotes the direct sum and we select V so that c is definite positive
on W . This means that V could be generically selected but it is necessary to include

Direct Evaluation of the Post-Buckling Behavior of Slender Structures


all the directions of singularity of c . The natural choice for V is to use all the
buckling modes vi obtained by means of Eq. (21)


V := v : v =
i vi , i R

where i are scalar coefficients. From now on we also assume the following definition for W

W = w : c u c vi w = 0, vi .
Equations (23a) ensure that any u T can be decomposed as
u = v + w

with v V , w V .


The equilibrium path is obtained by adding the fundamental path and the bifurcated one. Using the decomposition in Eqs. (23a)(23d) we obtain
u[k , ] = uf [] + v[k ] + w[k , ]

with w W , v V


where the orthogonal correctives w are functions of and k . We also assume that
in uf [c ] we have k = 0.
Introducing the admissible configurations (24) into the equilibrium equation we
obtain a scalar function of k and

r[k , ] :=  u[k , ] p u
that using the decomposition in Eqs. (23a)(23d) becomes

u0 W ,

r [k , ] u[k , ] p u = 0
uk = vk ,

k = 1...m


where from now on Greek indexes go from 0 to m while the Roman ones from 1
to m and the index zero denotes quantities in W . The residual equation for = 0,
expressed in asymptotic form, will be used to evaluate a polynomial expression for
w[, i ] that is then substituted in the remaining equations for = 1 . . . m, these
ones also being expressed in asymptotic form, to obtain the equilibrium equations.

3.3.1 Asymptotic Expansion from an Equilibrium Point

Let uf [] be a true equilibrium path. Equations (26) could be expanded from i = 0
and = c , i.e. from uc = uf [c ]

r ()
r ()
2 r ()
r [k , ] = rc +
i +
( c ) +
i ( c )
i c
i c


G. Garcea et al.

1 2 r ()
1 2 r ()

i j + = 0
2 2 c
2 i j c


where rc = r [uf [c ]] = 0.
Denoting with a pedex k the derivative with respect to k we have

r ()

r ()

2 r ()

2 r ()

2 r ()

i j

= c (vi + w i )u ,

= c u c + w c p u ,

= c w i + c u c + w c (vi + w i ) u ,


= c w c + u c + c u c + w c u ,

= c w ij + c (vi + w i )(vj + w j ) u .

Due to Eqs. (19) we obtain from the second and the fourth equation of (28) for = 0

v0 W

c wu

w = 0,

0 = 0
c wu

w = 0

that is all the derivatives of w[, ] with respect to are zero.

The first of equations (28), using the bifurcation condition (21) becomes
c vk u0 = (k c )c u c vk u0


that furnishes w k = 0 due to the definition of W . The same occurs for w c = 0 while
we obtain

c w ij + c vi vj u0 = 0 v0 W .


We obtain then
w[, k ] =

i j w ij

that can be introduced in Eq. (27) for = 1 . . . m to evaluate the equilibrium path.

Direct Evaluation of the Post-Buckling Behavior of Slender Structures


3.4 Asymptotic Expression from an Extrapolated Path

Now we consider the case in which uf [] is known in asymptotic fashion using
Eq. (19) evaluated in the origin and retaining the linear term only
uf [] = u

this means that for our treatments uc = c u and u c = u.

Equilibrium equation (25)
can be expressed in Taylor series starting from u [] as follows


u[k , ] p u  uf [] p u

+  uf [] v[k ] + w[k , ] u
1    f 
u [] v[k ] + w[k , ] u

+ uf [] v[k ] + w[k , ] u .




= [uf ] p u

1 2  2
1 2
b u vb + ( 3b )b u u (32)

be the equilibrium residual along the fundamental path and performing again an
asymptotic expansion of the remaining terms of (31) starting now from uc we obtain
the following function of and k

r () [k , ] = p[]
+ i b vi + b w[k , ] + ( b )i b u vi
2  2
+ ( b )b uw[

k , ] + i ( b ) b u
+ ( b )2 b u 2 w[k , ]

+ b i j vi vj + w[k , ]2 + 2i vi w[k , ]

+ ( b )b u i j vi vj + w[k , ]2 + 2i vi w[k , ]

+ b i vi + w[k , ] + u = 0
where the convention of summing on the repeated index has been used.


G. Garcea et al.

From the condition r (0) [k , ] = 0 and deleting high order terms in the expansion
we obtain the following expression for w[, k ]


1 2
w[k , ] =
i k w ij
w +
i,j =1



c w + c u 2 u0 = 0,

c w ij + c vi vj u0 = 0,

u0 W .


Substituting the definition in Eq. (34) in Eqs. (33) and recalling Eq. (21) we
obtain the asymptotic expression for the equilibrium equations for = 1 . . . m

k [] + (k )k b
i Cik +
i j Aij k

i,j =1

+ ( b )2
i B00ik



+ ( b )
i j B0ij k +
i j h Bij hk = 0,
i,j =1

k = 1 . . . m (36)


where the following scalar quantities have been defined


k [] = 2 b u 2 vk + 2 ( 3b )b u 3 vk ,


A =  v v v ,

ij k
b i j k


ij w hk + w ih w j k + w ik w j h ),
ij hk = b v i v j v h v k b (w

= b u 2 vi vk b w00 w ik ,


B0ij k = b u vi vj vk ,

Cik = b w w ik


where the implicit imperfection factors k correspond to a consistent 4th-order

expansion of the unbalanced work on the fundamental path (i.e. k [] := (p
vk ).

3.4.1 External Imperfections

When analyzing a structure, it is difficult to characterize its geometry and loads exactly it being affected by a random distribution of small external imperfections. The

Direct Evaluation of the Post-Buckling Behavior of Slender Structures


presence of these, while preserving the general behaviour of the structure, changes
some aspects of its response and often causes a reduction in the carrying capacity
(imperfection sensitivity).

The presence of small additional imperfections expressed by a load q q[]
an initial displacement u u can be easily considered in the asymptotic analysis.
Once introduced in the equilibrium equation (26) and performing the expansion
they only affect Eq. (36). In particular we only need to add the additional terms (see
[8, 27, 28])
vk ,
lk [] := q[]

k [] := c u u vk


that is, the imperfection term k [] is modified to:

k [] = 2 c u 2 vk + 2 ( 3c )c u 3 vk + lk [] + k [].


3.5 Attractive Path Theory and Imperfection Sensitivity Analysis

The aim of the imperfection sensitivity analysis is to link the presence of geometrical and load imperfections to the reduction in the limit load. For structures presenting coupled buckling even a small imperfection in loading or geometry can mean
a marked reduction in collapse load with respect to the bifurcation load. So an effective safety analysis should include an investigation of all possible imperfection
shapes and sizes to recover (albeit in a statistical sense) the worst case.
The asymptotic approach provides a powerful tool for performing this extensive investigation. In fact, the analysis for a different imperfection only needs to
update the imperfection factors k [] and lk [] through Eq. (38) and solve once
more the nonlinear system (36). Even if this system, collecting all the nonlinear
parts of the original problem, proves to be highly nonlinear and some care has to
be taken in treating the occurrence of multiple singularities, its solution through a
path-following process is relatively easy because of the small number of unknowns
However, exhaustive results can only be obtained in a statistical context linking the distribution probability of the imperfection to that of the load. An effective
imperfection sensitivity analysis can be performed by a Monte-Carlo statistical technique, where both the magnitude and the form of the imperfections are treated as
random variables. The analysis is then performed by taking the additional imperfection factors in the form

c u u vk := k ,
lk [] + k [] = q[]
= { 1 , 2 , . . . , m },
and producing a random sequence of imperfection vectors
modeling possible small deviations in the loads and in the geometry of the structure, and repeating a path-following solution of (36) for each of these. By a statistical treatment of the obtained results we obtain the probability distribution function


G. Garcea et al.

for the limit load multiplier and all the other useful statistical information. This solution process, we call full analysis, can be considered as a standard approach for
imperfection sensitivity analysis (see [10]). The number of repetitions needed to obtain statistically reliable results increases (quite) exponentially with the number m
of the buckling modes and for large m can become very expensive. The imperfection
sensitivity analysis can however be performed in a simple and efficient way when a
criterion for defining the (few) significant imperfection forms exists.

3.5.1 The Radial Path Directions

A large number of different imperfections (up to several thousands) has to be considered to obtain statistically significant results, so, while the analysis for a single
imperfection can be considered an easy task, the entire solution process performed
proves to be computationally expensive, especially when a large number of coupled
buckling modes have to be considered. We can, however, noticeably reduce the computational effort by exploiting information given by the knowledge of the complete
set of attractive radial paths
i = ti ,

i = 1 . . . m, t R


which are local minimizers for the cubic form

b :=

Aij h i i h = min
(k )

i i = 1



or for the quartic form

b :=

Bij hk i j h k = min
(k )
i,j =1

i i = 1



on the unit hypersphere.

Attractive paths theory [10, 23, 24, 26, 31] can actually provide a helpful tool
for driving the analysis and reducing its total cost. In fact, it suggests that each
imperfect path obtained from the solution of (36) will be attracted by one of the
minimizing radial directions (see Fig. 10 in the numerical results section). Then,
an evaluation for the limit load associated to the single imperfection vector
be obtained by performing a series of different monomodal analyses, one for each
minimum radial path (41), and then taking the smallest value obtained for the limit
load within all directions. The single monomodal analysis is quite quick, so a large
number of different imperfections can be investigated rapidly with results, in terms
of limit load distribution, equivalent to that provided by a full analysis [10].
Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that, once the worst imperfection shapes
have already been obtained from an imperfection sensitivity analysis, a detailed
investigation can be performed through a specialized path-following analysis, taking
into account these imperfections.

Direct Evaluation of the Post-Buckling Behavior of Slender Structures


4 Accuracy and Efficiency in Finite Element Implementation of

the Asymptotic Analysis
In the following we present a numerical formulation of the method suitable for numerical implementation using finite elements and discuss some aspects that are crucial to achieve accuracy and efficiency.

4.1 FE Implementation of Asymptotic Method

Applying a FE interpolation u := L u, L being the interpolation operator and u the
vector collecting the discrete displacement and stress parameters, the asymptotic
analysis requires the following steps:

(i) The fundamental path is obtained introducing the linear extrapolation

uf [] := u0 + u


where u is the initial path tangent, solution of the linear vectorial equation
K0 u = p


K0 being the stiffness matrix evaluated for u = u0 and p the unitary load
vector, defined by the energy equivalencies
uT K[u]u =  [u]uu,

uT p = pu.

The solution of linear system (45) requires a standard factorization of

K0 .
(ii) A cluster of buckling loads i , i = 1 . . . m, and associated buckling
modes v i are obtained along uf [] exploiting the critical condition
K[i ]vi = 0,

K[] := K[u0 + u]


This corresponds to a nonlinear eigenvalue problem which can be linearized and solved using standard algorithms and exploiting matrix K1
0 ,
already available from the previous step, to perform the iterations [9].
(iii) Letting c be an appropriate reference value for the cluster, e.g. the
smallest of i or their mean value, the asymptotic approximation for the


G. Garcea et al.

required path is defined by the expansion

u[, k ] := ub +



i v i +
i j wij


i,j =0

where the quadratic corrections wij W are obtained by the linear orthogonal equations
wT (Kc wij + pij ) = 0,

w W


with Kc := K[uf [c ]] and vectors pij defined as a function of modes v i

and i = 0 . . . m obtained by an element-by-element assembling process
using the energy equivalence
wT pij = c w vj vj .
The solution of linear system (48) can be conveniently obtained, as described in [8, 9], through a Modified Newton-like iteration scheme exploiting K1
0 as iteration matrix.
(iv) The energy terms in (37) being scalar quantities are evaluated as a sum,
at the element level, of the integrals of known functions.
(v) The equilibrium path is obtained by solving the algebraic nonlinear system of m equations in the m + 1 variables 0 , 1 , . . . , m defined in
Eq. (36) using a path-following algorithm. Because of the small dimensions of the system, this can be obtained very quickly using standard or
even specialized variants of the arc-length scheme.

The actual implementation of the asymptotic approach as a computational tool is

therefore quite easy in practice and its total computational burden, which is mainly
involved in the factorization of matrix K0 , remains of the order of that required
by a standard linearized stability analysis. It provides the initial post-buckling behavior of the structure, including modal interactions and jumping-after-bifurcation
phenomena. Moreover, once the preprocessor phase of the analysis has been performed (steps i to iv), the presence of small loading imperfections or geometrical
defects can be taken into account in the postprocessing phase (step v), by adding
some, easily computed, additional imperfection terms in the expression of k [],
with a negligible computational extra-cost, so allowing an inexpensive imperfection
sensitivity analysis (e.g. see [13, 27]).
Imperfection sensitivity analysis can be simplified by evaluating all the minimum
directions of the cubic (42) and quartic forms (42) to obtain the worst imperfection
directions as discussed in Sect. 3.5.1. Today this is not a completely solved problem
and it can also be expensive. Nevertheless, relative minimum solutions can be (quite
easily) obtained by using the iterative scheme suggested in [31]. Furthermore for

Direct Evaluation of the Post-Buckling Behavior of Slender Structures


the case of symmetric buckling, problem (43) can be transformed into a non-convex
Quadratic Problem subject to linear constraints and solved using the strategy presented in [10].

4.2 On the Accuracy of the Asymptotic Formulation

The method, as will be shown in the numerical results section, is potentially capable
of furnishing accurate results if a series of modelling and implementation aspects
are carefully tuned. In the following we quickly present some of the sources of
inaccuracy referring readers to the references for a deeper discussion.

4.2.1 Interpolation Locking

In the asymptotic algorithm a locking phenomenon related to the discretization process can arise from the evaluation of the fourth-order term
Bij hk = c vi vj vh vk c (w ij w hk + w ih w j k + w ik w j h )
that defines the initial curvature of the post-buckling path. The coefficients Bij hk
are obtained as the difference between two quantities derived from the fourth and
second variations. In compatible formulations the single term of this difference is,
usually, very large while the difference is small. The discretization error on the single term could in this case be greater than the small results in their difference. Obviously, the numerical response given by the asymptotic algorithm in this case is
completely unreliable.
The size of the error produced by this locking pathology depends on the finite element interpolation functions and decreases for an appropriate balancing of the polynomial functions used to describe each displacement component. The phenomenon
is particular evident for beam and plate structures where the buckling modes vi usually contain only flexural displacement components while w ij only in plane or axial
ones. The locking is sanitized when a mixed finite element is used [8, 28].
Figure 2, which refers to a planar Euler rod case reports numerical results
for the post-buckling factor b = B1111 obtained for different values of the ratio
EAL2 /EJ between the axial and the flexural stiffness, by using an element called
HC [28] that uses the same quadratic spline functions for both the transversal and
the axial components and standard beam elements (linear and cubic interpolation
for the axial and transversal displacements, respectively).
Note that, for EAL2 /EJ = 1.2 105 , 20 HC elements are sufficient to contain
the error in b at under 1 % while standard discretizations do not yield reliable
results even using a large number of elements. A mixed finite element completely
sanitizes this pathological phenomenon.


G. Garcea et al.

Fig. 2 Locking in Euler rod case

4.2.2 Extrapolation Locking

Mixed or compatible formats, while completely equivalent in principle, behave very
differently when implemented in asymptotic but also in path-following solution
strategies. This is an important, even if frequently misunderstood, point in practical
computations which has been widely discussed in [8, 13, 14, 18, 19]. By referring
readers to these papers for more details, we only recall here that both numerical
strategies need function and its Hessian K[u] to be appropriately smooth in its
controlling variables. In path-following analysis, this ensures a fast convergence of
the Newton iterative process; in asymptotic analysis, it implies that the higher-order
energy term neglected in expansion (33) be really irrelevant, allowing an accurate
recovery of the equilibrium path. We know that the smoothness of a nonlinear function strictly depends on the choice of the set of its control variables, that is on the
format of its description, and can change noticeably when referring to another, even
corresponding, set. As a consequence, the mixed and compatible format, even if referring to the same problem, can be characterized by a different smoothness and so
they behave differently in practice, when used within a numerical solution process.
Actually, the compatible format is particularly sensitive to what we call extrapolation locking in [13, 18] which can produce a loss in convergence when used in
path-following analyses, or unacceptable errors in the path recovery in the asymptotic case. These inconveniences are easily avoided by changing to a mixed format.

4.2.3 Objective Structural Model

The asymptotic analysis makes great use of information attained from a fourthorder expansion of the strain energy and then requires a fourth-order accuracy be

Direct Evaluation of the Post-Buckling Behavior of Slender Structures


guaranteed in the structural modeling. Small inaccuracies, deriving from geometrical incoherencies in the higher-order terms of the expansion of the kinematical
laws or in its finite element representation, significantly affect the accuracy of the
solution and can make it unreliable. Structural models not affected by rigid body
motions or by changes in observer are then required. This aspect is more important
with respect to the path-following case where only the first variation needs to be
correctly evaluated.
With this aim the Implicit Corotational Method (ICM) has been proposed as a
tool to obtain geometrically exact nonlinear models for structural elements, such as
beams or shells, undergoing finite rotations and small strains starting from the solutions for the 3D Cauchy continuum used in the corresponding linear modelings
(see [15, 16]). The main idea is to associate a corotational frame to each point of
the 3D continuum so allowing the motion in the neighbor of the point to be split
in a pure stretch followed by a pure rotation, according to the decomposition theorem. It is possible to show how, using the small strain hypothesis and rotation
algebra, the linear stress and linear strain fields, when viewed in this corotational
frame, can provide accurate approximations for the Biot nonlinear stress and strain
fields. Once the corotational rotation is appropriately defined, the local statics and
kinematics of the model are recovered from the linear solution as a function of the
stress/displacement resultants. Stress and strain fields are then introduced within a
mixed variational principle in order to obtain the constitutive laws directly in terms
of stress/strain resultants. This completes the ICM definition of the nonlinear model.
The nonlinear model so obtained retains all the details of the 3D linear solution,
including torsion/shear warping, while its objectivity is ensured implicitly. Furthermore, the use of the mixed formulation and the greater accuracy with which the ICM
recovers the stress field, allows an accurate description of the constitutive laws in
terms of resultants. ICM does not require any ad-hoc assumption about the structural
model at hand, nor depends on any particular parametrization of the rotation tensor,
but actually behaves as a black-box tool able to translate known linear models into
the corresponding nonlinear ones. Moreover, the direct use of a mixed (stress/strain)
description provides an automatic and implicitly coherent methodology for generating models free of the nonlinear locking effects previously discussed, in a format
directly suitable for use in FEM implementations.
The method was applied in [15] to derive 3D beam and plate nonlinear models
starting from the Saint Vennt rod and Kirchhoff and Mindlin-Reissner plate linear
theories, respectively. Some results obtained in [16] will be also given.

5 Numerical Results
Some results regarding the analysis of both 3D beams and plates are reported
and compared with particular reference to accuracy as previously discussed. In the
monomodal buckling tests, to compare the accuracy with known solutions, the following quantities, defining the postcritical tangent and curvature to the bifurcated


G. Garcea et al.



Out plane

2D Beam()


In plane


















Fig. 3 Euler beam: problem description and buckling and post-buckling parameters

path, have been introduced

b =

1 A111
2 A011

b =

B1111 + 3 b B0111 + 3 2b B0011


The results are compared with known analytical solutions and with the ones obtained using the LC (Complete Lagrangian) and LS (Simplified Lagrangian) technical plate models already implemented in the code named KASP [13, 20]. An independent analysis has also been made using the commercial code ABAQUS.

5.1 The Influence of the Structural Model

The test refers to the Euler beam shown in Fig. 3. The beam is analyzed forcing the
buckling to have in-plane or out-of-plane components only.
Despite its simplicity, when analyzed with an asymptotic approach, the problem
is taxing with regard to the accuracy of the structural model and its FEM discretiza-

Direct Evaluation of the Post-Buckling Behavior of Slender Structures


Fig. 4 Euler beam: out-plane and in-plane equilibrium paths

tion [16]. In Fig. 3 the values of the buckling loads and post-critical curvatures are
compared with the values obtained by using the Antman beam model and exact
interpolation functions. The ICM model recovers the analytical solution for sufficiently fine grids exactly. The LC and LS models provide a correct answer for the
buckling load, but have a different post-buckling behavior in the in-plane or outof-plane analysis: LC agrees perfectly with the exact solution in the in-plane case,
b = 2, which is eight times greater; conwhereas LS provides the wrong result /
versely, LS behaves better in the out-of-plane case, by providing the approximation
b /b = 0, while LC gives a completely erroneous unstable postbuckling curvature
/b = 0.75. The resulting paths in Fig. 4 show a good agreement with those
computed by path-following analyses.

5.2 Tests with a Nonlinear Precritical Behaviour

The tests shown in Figs. 5 and 6 are relative to structures characterized by a highly
nonlinear pre-critical behavior. For the shallow arch the first buckling load is obtained at 1 = 22 while for the hinged cylindrical shell the first two buckling loads
are equal to 1 = 4.52 and 2 = 7.11 respectively. In both cases the limit load is
almost a half of the minimum buckling value and is evaluated exactly as can be
observed by the comparison with the asymptotic and path-following (ABAQUS)
curve denoted respectively CR4 and SR8. It is worth of noting that only the implicit
imperfection acts on the structure.

5.3 Multimodal Buckling and Attractive Paths

The first test, whose geometry is reported in Fig. 7, deals with the multimodal analysis of space structures modelled as 3D beam assemblages. The 3D beam model


G. Garcea et al.

Fig. 5 Shallow arch

Fig. 6 Hinged cylindrical shell

used is that reported in [17]. The equilibrium paths reported in Fig. 7, compared
with the results of a path-following analysis with ABAQUS, show the accuracy of
the asymptotic analysis.
The second test is the thin-walled beam in Fig. 8 modelled as a plate assemblage.
The model is that proposed in [15, 16] on the basis of the ICM and is denoted as
MP in the results. The results are compared with those of an ABAQUS analysis
using a path-following approach and of the technical plate models [13]. The greater
accuracy of the objective structural model is evident in Fig. 8 where the equilibrium
paths are depicted.
The third case regards a C-shaped cantilever beam subjected to a single force at
the free end reported in Fig. 9. In this case the strong modal interaction between
non near buckling loads also produce a highly unstable behaviour as shown by the
equilibrium path.
Finally the last test regards the Geodetic Dome modelled through a 3D truss
as proposed in [10]. In this case many locally coincident buckling modes interact and the structure exhibits a very marked unstable behaviour. In Fig. 10, in the
modal space (k ) different equilibrium paths, clearly converging along only one of
the minimum directions, are reported. The test shows how it is possible to perform
the sensitivity analysis in a simplified way along the predetermined quartic form
minimum directions.

Direct Evaluation of the Post-Buckling Behavior of Slender Structures

Fig. 7 3D tower: buckling modes and equilibrium paths

Fig. 8 T beam: buckling modes and equilibrium paths



G. Garcea et al.

Fig. 9 C-shaped cantilever beam

Fig. 10 Geodetic dome: modal interaction between 20 critical modes

6 Conclusions
The paper deals with the numerical implementation of the Koiter asymptotic approach to directly evaluate the buckling and postbuckling behaviour of geometrically nonlinear structures also in the case of multiple coincident buckling loads and
random loading and/or geometrical imperfections. Standard techniques, based on repeated path-following analyses, are useful for a thorough investigation of the structural behaviour with a single imperfection shape, but cannot be considered effective
tools to predict the safety factor for geometrically nonlinear problems. The asymptotic method, instead, appears to be an attractive alternative as it allows a reliable
analysis with computational costs similar to those required by a standard load buckling prediction, while subsequent analyses for different imperfections are possible
only solving a nonlinear system of m equations, m being the number of buckling
loads considered. In this sense it can be considered as a direct method for predicting
the safety factor of geometrically nonlinear elastic structures. The method furnishes

Direct Evaluation of the Post-Buckling Behavior of Slender Structures


accurate results and also information about the worst imperfection shape if a series
of modelling and implementation aspects are carefully tuned. In particular it was
shown how the effects of the use of geometrically exact structural models and their
coherent finite element implementation are very relevant, while a mixed formulation
eliminates both interpolation and extrapolation locking phenomena.

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A Quasi-periodic Approximation Based Model

Reduction for Limit Analysis of Micropile
Zied Kammoun, Joseph Pastor, and Hichem Smaoui

Abstract The behavior of soils reinforced by micropile networks is still not fully
understood due to the lack of accurate modelling capabilities. Particularly, the complex geometry of large soil-micropile systems makes accurate calculation of the
bearing capacity of the reinforced soil a computational challenge. This complexity
requires highly detailed and finely discretized models to achieve reasonable accuracy using direct numerical methods. Such models lead to large scale numerical
optimization problems that are hardly tractable using a personal computer.
In the present paper a model reduction method is made capable of solving the
numerical static limit analysis problem of soil reinforced by a group of micropiles
according to a 2D plane strain model. The method has been successfully applied to
the limit analysis problem of a soil reinforced by a large group of micropiles when
resources did not permit solution of the full model.

1 Introduction
A micropile is a pile with a small diameter (generally in the range 75 to 200 mm) and
high aspect ratio. Micropiles are used in soil reinforcement and foundation works
beneath existing buildings. The micropile technique was developed as early as 1952
by the Fondedile company under the authority of F. Lizzi [1]. Micropiles were used
for the first time in Italy in soil reinforcement of existing buildings and were then
named root piles (pali radice). Within the timeframe of half a century, the technique
Z. Kammoun H. Smaoui
Ecole Nationale dIngnieurs de Tunis, LR11ES16 Laboratoire de Matriaux, Optimisation
et Energie pour la Durabilit, Universit de Tunis El Manar, 1002, Tunis, Tunisia
Z. Kammoun
e-mail: [email protected]
H. Smaoui
e-mail: [email protected]
J. Pastor (B)
LOCIE Laboratory, Polytech Annecy Chambry, University of Savoie, Chambry, France
e-mail: [email protected]
K. Spiliopoulos, D. Weichert (eds.), Direct Methods for Limit States in Structures and
Materials, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6827-7_11,
Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014



Z. Kammoun et al.

has been applied all over the world [4] with micropile groups counting as many as
1100 micropiles in a landmark example in Neuchtel, Switzerland.
Nevertheless, the behaviour of micropile groups is still not well understood, particularly because of the complex geometry of large soil-micropile systems that challenged the development of accurate modeling methods.
Various approaches are used for predicting the bearing capacity of micropile
groups. Simplified analytical methods [3] are commonly used in engineering practice whereas elastoplastic analysis ([4] and [1]) is often applied in special application and in research. Another alternative is limit analysis [7] by direct methods. The
merit of Limit Analysis (LA) is the rigorous underlying theoretical basis and the
high level of accuracy that may be achieved.
Because of their complex geometry, raisonably accurate prediction for micropile
groups of practical size by Limit Analysis requires finely discretized finite element
models leading to numerical optimization problems that are too large to be directly
tractable by available algorithms [7].
In an attempt to circumvent the problem size difficulty, different techniques have
been devised to reduce the size of the numerical Limit Analysis problem to be
solved. Among these techniques, homogenization methods [2] have been proposed.
While successful in reducing the computational effort these methods do not provide
a realistic description of the stress and strain fields in the heterogeneous medium,
especially near the boundaries of the reinforced zone. Domain decomposition is another approach that is developed for solving large size LA problems. It converts
the original numerical LA problem into a sequence of smaller LA like subproblems
that are solved iteratively. This approach has proven to be successfull in solving
problems that are untractable when solved directly ([8] and [10]).
In this work, an alternative technique is presented that aims at reducing the size
of the numerical LA problem for uniformly spaced micropile groups by taking advantage of the periodicity of the geometry and structure of the reinforced zone. It
is inspired from the case of fiber reinforced composites which is suited to modeling
using periodic homogenization [5].
In this study, a two dimensional representation of the reinforced soil will be
adopted to reduce the numerical problem dimension. Extension to the three dimensional problem will be possible because it is conceptually equivalent to the two
dimensional problem.
The paper begins with a brief presentation of limit analysis followed by a description of the proposed periodic reduction method. The method is then tested and
assessed by applying it to examples of soil-micropile systems.

2 Limit Analysis and the Static Method

According to Salenon (see [12, 13]), a stress tensor field is said to be statically
admissible (SA) if equilibrium equations, stress vector continuity, and stress boundary conditions are verified. It is said to be plastically admissible (PA) if f ( ) 0,

A Quasi-periodic Approximation Based Model Reduction for Limit Analysis


where f ( ) is the (convex) plasticity criterion of the material. A field that is SA

and PA here will be said to be (fully) admissible.
Similarly, a strain rate tensor field v is kinematically admissible (KA) if it is
derived from a continuous velocity vector field u such that the velocity boundary
conditions are verified. It is said to be plastically admissible (PA) if the flow rule (1)
is verified; the fields u and v, which are KA and PA, will be called admissible in the


f ( ) = 0, 0.


The so-called associated flow rule (1) (or normality law) characterizes the standard
material of LA. Equivalently, a standard material satisfies Hills maximum work
principle (MWP) [6], which states that:

: v 0

PA .


A solution to the LA problem is a pair of fields (, v) where and v are both

admissible and associated by the normality law. Classically, these solutions can be
found or approached using two optimization methods. The first one, involving only
the stresses as variables, is the static (or lower bound) method. The second one,
involving only the displacement velocities as variables, is the classical kinematical
(or upper bound) method.
Let us assume that the virtual power of the external loads can be written as
the scalar product of a loading vector Q Rn and a generalized velocity vector
q = q(u), linear in u. A loading process linearly associated with a statically admissible stress field , Q = Q( ), is said to be admissible. The set of these admissible
loadings forms a convex K in Rn and the n components of Q are called loading
Finding the solution of the limit analysis problem consists in determining an
admissible field together with an admissible strain rate field associated to by
the normality law. In this case the loading Q( ) is a limit loading of the mechanical
system. The set of the limit loadings is the boundary K of the convex K: this
boundary can be approached by solving the following optimization problems:

Qlim = Qd1 , . . . , 0 Qdi , . . . , Qdn ,

0 = max , Q( ) = Qd1 , . . . , Qdi , . . . , Qdn ,


where is an admissible stress field and Qd a given admissible loading. Then, by

varying Qd it is possible to construct various points on K: the smallest convex
envelope of these points gives an approximation of K from inside. This is the
static, or lower bound method of LA, as it will be used here.


Z. Kammoun et al.

3 Finite Element Formulation of the Static Problem

In the present work the problem is formulated in plane strain. The numerical static
method is used as it was defined and detailed in [11].
Let us consider a triangular finite element discretization of the mechanical volume V in the global frame (x, y); the stress field is chosen as linearly varying in
x, y coordinates in each triangular element and it can be discontinuous through any
element edge. In plane strain, the von Mises or Tresca criterion is written as:

f ( ) = (x y )2 + (2xy )2 2c,
where c is the cohesion of the material. It is worth noting here that the proposed
problem reduction method is valid for the Coulomb or Drucker-Prager criteria (provided the final optimization problem could be solved by efficient mathematical programming techniques).
In order to ensure static and plastic admissibility of the stress solution field, the
following, briefly recalled conditions are imposed:
In each element, the equilibrium equations ij,j + i = 0 expressed in the Cartesian frame, where is the specific weight vector.
Continuity conditions: the stress vector is continuous across a discontinuity line:
for each discontinuity segment of normal n, the continuity of the stress vector
Ti = ij nj is written at the apices defining this discontinuity segment.
Boundary conditions: the stress vector verifies ij nj = Tid at each apex of the
boundary element sides where the stress vector T d linearly varying is imposed.
Definition of the functional from the power of external loads: for example, the
integral of the normal stresses in the case of the footing under an imposed normal
uniform velocity.
Stress field plastic admissibility: imposed at each triangle apex. This ensures that
it is verified over the total domain from the linear variation of the stress in a
triangle and the convexity of the criterion (4).

By writing the criterion directly in the conic form V = 2c Y 2 + Z 2 , where V is

an auxiliary variable, the numerical optimization problem can be solved using the
conic programming code MOSEK [9] as in [14].

4 Quasi-periodic Reduction Method

In large micropile groups the micropiles are usually arranged in a regular pattern
with a periodic geometry and structure. When the loading is uniformly distributed
among the reinforcements the reinforced soil tends to respond in a periodic mode,
at least away from the boundaries of the reinforced zone. The proposed method
takes advantage of this periodicity to reduce the size of the numerical limit analysis

A Quasi-periodic Approximation Based Model Reduction for Limit Analysis


Fig. 1 The problem of the

rigid footing under a central
force F

problem. It is inspired from the case of fiber reinforced composites for which a
successful periodic homogenization approach was developed in [5].
Figure 1 shows a typical soil-micropile group configuration with a reinforced
zone supporting a rigid foundation and the natural soil extending on its sides and
beneath, all the way down to a rigid substrate. To apply the reduction procedure the
domain is subdivided into three parts. The first is the central reinforced zone where
the behavior is assumed to be periodic, denoted zone I. The second, the edge zone,
denoted zone II, is a part of the reinforced soil separating the periodic zone from
the domain occupied by the natural soil. Finally, the rest of the soil represents the
zone III. Although geometrically and materialwise periodic, zone II (the transition
zone) is treated as non periodic.
A representative volume element (RVE) is constituted by a micropile and half
the width of soil on each side in addition to the underlying volume of soil.
Regardless of the number of micropiles it includes, the periodic zone is replaced
by a single periodic representative volume element (PRVE) fulfilling built-in periodicity and inter-RVE continuity constraints.
The periodicity conditions imposed on the stress field are
lef t .n = right .n,


where n is the normal to the right (or the left) side of the PRVE. As the npp periodic
RVEs are replaced by a PRVE, the loading FR of the reduced problem, equivalent
to the original load F (Figs. 2 and 3) is given by
FR = FT + npp .FP


where FT is the load supported by zone II and FP is the load supported by the PRVE
in the reduced problem.
This results in a considerable reduction in problem size at the cost of an approximation error. Interestingly, the error is on the conservative side, preserving the lower
bound nature of the solution of the static problem. Edge zones are defined by a few
RVEs on each side. The finite element mesh corresponding to these edge zones and
the natural soil (Zone III) remains unchanged. Furthermore, the detailed modeling
of the soil-micropile composite at the RVE level, both in the horizontal and vertical
directions, has the merit of accounting for the toe and lateral effects on the bearing


Z. Kammoun et al.

Fig. 2 Load in initial


Fig. 3 Load in reduced


capacity. This is partly because the interaction effect between micropiles can be captured as a result of the full consideration of the soil layers underlying the reinforced

5 Numerical Examples
The method is applied to some examples of soil reinforcement by groups of micropiles. The optimization problem is solved using the conic programming code
MOSEK for both the direct problem, when possible, and the reduced problem, and
performance is compared.
The LA problem considered (Fig. 4) is that of a Tresca soil reinforced by a group
of np micropiles to support a weighless foundation slab of width b loaded at its
middle by a force F . The soil cohesion is C = 10 kPa and depth is H = 30 m.
The micropiles length is h = 20 m and width d = 0.2 m. The bearing capacity of
the foundation is determined as the maximum load F that, together with a stress
field , form a statically and plastically admissible pair. The associated numerical
optimization problem is denoted P0 .

A Quasi-periodic Approximation Based Model Reduction for Limit Analysis


Fig. 4 Example of a soil

reinforced with micropiles

Fig. 5 Reduced problem of

the considered example

In the reduced problem (Fig. 5), denoted P , Zone I is modeled using a single
PRVE and the load is defined as the sum of the loads supported by the RVEs in
Zone II and the load supported by the PRVE scaled up by the number of micropiles
belonging to Zone I. Since the solution for the reduced problem is admissible for
P0 , it provides a lower bound for the original LA problem. By limiting the number
of transition micropiles to one on each side, the number of micropiles in the model
decreased from np to only 3.

5.1 Effect of Load Transmission Mode

To illustrate the influence of the load transmission mode from the slab to the reinforced soil the problem is considered with two alternative transmission mechanisms
and is modelled with the same degree of discretization. In the first, the foundation
is assumed to be supported solely by the micropiles. In the second, it is supposed to
rest on both the soil surface and the micropile tips. In both cases the kinematic and
static bounds of the bearing capacity are first determined by solving the direct problem for a reinforcement with nine micropiles (np = 9). Furthermore, a static bound
is estimated by solving the reduced problem resulting from the quasi-periodic approximation. Results are produced for a range of micropile spacings to assess the
effects of spacing and surface load transmission mode.

5.1.1 Foundation Supported Solely by the Micropiles

The limit load (load-bearing capacity) F of the reinforced soil is determined in this
case with the boundary conditions defined such that the load is carried only by the

Table 1 Number of elements
for different values of
micropile spacing

Z. Kammoun et al.







7.8 8.8

Elements (1000) 110 126 141 156 171 134


Fig. 6 Influence of spacing on bearing capacity. Direct and reduced model solutions

micropiles. The limit load is calculated for different values of micropile spacing.
Figure 6 shows the limit load of the reinforced soil, calculated with different methods, as a function of spacing. The blue line represents the kinematic solution (upper
bound) of the reference problem. The red line represents the static solution (lower
bound) of the reference problem. The yellow line corresponds to the solution of the
reduced model problem.
The results for e < 6.8 were all obtained with the same degree of discretization (elements size) which did not permit the direct solution beyond that spacing.
Therefore, the problems with e > 6.8 were solved with fewer, larger elements. It
should however be stated here that for the case e = 7.8 the results were not shown
because the case was simply not treated. The reason was that it was not possible to
create a regular mesh with the large element size because of the particular geometrical dimensions of the reinforced soil. The number of elements for each spacing is
indicated in Table 1.
It may be noted from the results that:
The reinforced soil bearing capacity increases with spacing for spacing under
6.8 m. Beyond this value the bearing capacity saturates and remains nearly indifferent to spacing. The saturation should reflect the vanishing of the interaction
among micropiles which tend to behave as isolated inclusions.
The error between the direct static and the reduced model solution is relatively
small (less than 4.2 %).

A Quasi-periodic Approximation Based Model Reduction for Limit Analysis


Fig. 7 Optimal stress field (direct solution)

The solution stress field is visualized in Fig. 7 for selected values of spacing. It
can be seen that, for small spacing, the behavior of the reinforced area is reminiscent of a block mechanism (Fig. 7(a)). For large spacing (Fig. 7(c)), the elementary
volumes tend to behave independently as if the micropiles were isolated. From the
stress field in Fig. 7(c) a pattern can be seen that is characterized by a localization
of the failure zone in a thin volume of soil surrounding the micropile.

5.1.2 Foundation Supported by Both the Soil and the Micropiles

The boundary conditions in this case are defined such that the load is carried at the
soil surface by both the micropiles and the intersticial soil. Figure 8 shows the limit
load calculated for different values of micropile spacing. It is observed that:
The limit load always increases with spacing in contrast to the behavior observed
with the loading supported solely by the micropiles. The reduced model solution
increases linearly, whereas the direct static and kinematic limit load increases in
a slightly bilinear pattern.
The error increases with spacing to 9 % at e = 8.8 m.
The solution stress field is visualized in Fig. 9 for the same selection of spacing
values. It shows that:
For small spacing, the behavior of the reinforced zone is similar to that of a block


Z. Kammoun et al.

Fig. 8 Limit load for different values of spacing

Fig. 9 Optimal stress field (direct solution)

For large spacing, the behavior does not clearly reflect the assumption of periodicity. The stress distribution for e = 8.8 in Fig. 9(c) looks more like that in Fig. 7(b)
(for e = 5) than the nearly periodic stress field shown in Fig. 7(c), obtained for
the same spacing e = 9 when the load is supported by the micropiles only.

A Quasi-periodic Approximation Based Model Reduction for Limit Analysis


Fig. 10 Load distribution among elementary volumes

5.1.3 Results Interpretation

The details of the distribution of load among the elementary volumes are given in
Fig. 10 for e = 8.8 m. For a load supported by both the soil and the micropiles, the
distribution of the limit load obtained via the direct static solution shows significant
fluctuations compared to the uniform distribution typical of the reduced model solution. The largest error on the load acting on an elementary volume is 17.65 %, it
occurs at the center of the reinforced soil surface. The second largest error is found
at the edge of the reinforced zone. These levels of errors are reasonable since they
should be larger than the error of 9 % relative to the total load which is actually the
integral of these elementary loads. For a load supported by the micropiles only, the
distribution of limit load obtained by the direct static solution is almost uniform as
expected since the micropiles have been shown to behave practically independently
and, thus, to fulfill the periodicity assumption. When spacing is small, the failure
occurs in a block mechanism mode regardless of the load transmission pattern. This
explains the closeness of the limit loads evaluated using the Direct and Reduced

5.2 Effect of Micropile Number on Performance

To assess the performance gain of the reduction method for larger micropile group
sizes (Fig. 11) the limit analysis problem is solved using the Direct (i) Static and
(ii) Kinematic and the (iii) Reduced Model formulations with the number of micropiles varying from 1 to 31.


Z. Kammoun et al.

Fig. 11 Example for large

number of micropiles

Table 2 Effect of micropile number

Nbr. Static
Nbr elem. F (kN) CPU Nbr elem. F (kN) CPU Error Nbr elem. F (kN) CPU














































































The boundary conditions are such that the load is carried by the micropiles only.
The same degree of discretization, i.e. in terms of size of finite elements, is used in
all the models. The reduced model counts 126,000 finite elements regardless of the
number of micropiles.
From the results, summarized in Table 2, it is seen that, as expected, the CPU
time required by the reduced model solution has no clear tendency to increase with
the number of micropiles, whereas the CPU time of the Direct solution increases
with it nearly proportionally.
For a reinforcement with 21 micropiles (Table 3) the mesh of the Direct problem
model amounts to 239,400 finite elements, nearly twice the number of elements in
the reduced model, and the consumed CPU time is almost double the CPU of the
reduced model solution for an accuracy gain of 0.7 %. This is the largest problem
for which the Direct solution was possible with the Mac Pro 3 GHz machine used
in this work.
For the same number of micropiles and using a finer mesh with 277200 elements
in the Direct problem model, the Direct solution fails to converge whereas the reduced model solution converges in twice the CPU time and improves the reduced
lower bound by 0.15 %.
The relative error between the Direct and the Reduced Model solutions is between 0.5 and 0.7 % and does not appear to increase with the number of micropiles.

A Quasi-periodic Approximation Based Model Reduction for Limit Analysis

Table 3 Reinforcement with
21 micropiles


Nbr of elements

F (kN)

CPU (s)













Consequently, it may be concluded that the reduction method provides a fairly accurate estimate for an unlimited number of micropiles within a nearly constant computational effort.

6 Conclusion
A model reduction method is proposed to solve the numerical static limit analysis
problem of a composite medium, characterized by periodic reinforcement, embedded in a homogeneous domain, while preserving the fineness of the Finite Element
description of the Representative Volume Element. The reduction method has been
successfully applied to the Limit Analysis of a soil reinforced by a large group
of micropiles when resources do not permit solution of the full model problem.
Numerical results demonstrate that the reduction method provides a fairly accurate
estimate of the limit load for an unlimited number of micropiles within a nearly constant computational time. Significant differences in behavior and bearing capacity
are observed depending on the way the applied load is distributed between the soil
and the micropiles. When the load is supported solely by the micropiles the reduced
model results in terms of limit load of individual micropiles are very close to the
reference solution (in confirmation of the periodicity assumption). When the load is
supported by both the soil and the micropiles the error is larger than when only the
micropiles carry the load. In a future work the reduction method will be extended to
more general periodic representative volume elements by relaxing the symmetry requirement and allowing some forms of controlled variability of the stress field in the
PRVEs. This will lead to more accurate solutions at the cost of a little extra computational effort. Another extension that might improve the accuracy of the reduction
method, consists in limiting the length of the RVE to the height of the micropile
allowing more degrees of freedom in the soil beneath the reinforced zone.

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Rgles techniques de conception et de calcul des fondations des ouvrages de gnie civil


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4. Estephan R (2003) Contributions aux mthodes de calcul des groupes et des rseaux de micropieux. Thse de doctorat, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chausses, 25 juin
5. Turgeman S, Pastor J (1987) Comparaison des charges limites dune structure htrogne et
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6. Hill R (1950) The mathematical theory of plasticity. Oxford engineering science series.
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7. Kammoun Z (2010) Prvision de la charge limite des sols renforcs par rseaux de micropieux.
Thse de doctorat, Universit de Savoie et Ecole Nationale dIngnieurs de Tunis
8. Kammoun Z, Pastor F, Smaoui H, Pastor J (2010) Large static problem in numerical limit
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9. MOSEK ApS (2002) C/O Symbion Science Park, Fruebjergvej 3, Box 16, 2100 Copenhagen , Denmark.
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approach of the kinematical mixed method. Int J Numer Methods Eng 78(3):213219
11. Pastor J (1978) Analyse limite: dtermination numrique de solutions statiques compltes.
Application au talus vertical. J Mc Thor Appl 2:167196
12. Salenon J (1967) Thorie des charges limites: poinonnement dune plaque par deux
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13. Salenon J (1974) Thorie de la plasticit pour les applications la mcanique des sols. Eyrolles, Paris
14. Trillat M, Pastor J (2005) Limit analysis and Gursons model. Eur J Mech A, Solids 24:800

The Anderson-Bishop ProblemThermal

Ratchetting of a Polycrystalline Metals
A.R.S. Ponter and A.C.F. Cocks

Abstract The paper readdresses a theory of super-plastic behaviour induced by

cyclic temperature for certain classes of polycrystalline metals and composite materials, originally analyses by Anderson and Bishop in the 1950s for polycrystalline
alpha uranium. The background to the original analysis and its subsequent history in
the literature is discussed. Two distinct phenomena are involved. The first is ratchetting due to a fluctuating residual stress field and commonly found in structural
analysis. The second form of ratchetting is due to the severe kinematic constraint on
the deformation of each crystal within a polycrystal. The Anderson Bishop analysis
did not take into account the former. Adopting the same kinematic assumptions as
these authors, new solutions are discussed for simplified polycrystalline models and
an isotropic polycrystal. These new solutions provide functional forms for material
behaviour that need to be taken into account in discussions of the phenomena by
material scientists.

1 Introduction
During the earlier phases of development of civil nuclear power in the UK, a number of phenomena were identified that arose from the unique and extreme conditions
materials and structures were required to withstand. For those with interest in Direct
Methods the best known example is Brees complete solution for a thermally cycled
tube [13]. Brees solution illustrates the nature of structural ratchetting whereas it
was observed within the earliest reactors that polycrystalline uranium exhibited two
interesting modes of strain growth that related to mechanisms occurring on the material micro-scale. The first was Cottrell Creep resulting from neutron irradiation
and the second was cyclic strain growth due to temperature variations within the

A.R.S. Ponter (B)

Department of Engineering, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK
e-mail: [email protected]
A.C.F. Cocks
Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
K. Spiliopoulos, D. Weichert (eds.), Direct Methods for Limit States in Structures and
Materials, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6827-7_12,
Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014



A.R.S. Ponter and A.C.F. Cocks

Fig. 1 Steel test specimen repeatedly temperature cycles through a phase change. From Greenwood [5]

temperature range from room temperature to 668 C, the range for which uranium
has the alpha crystal structure.
As the original work was carried out as part of the development of civil nuclear
reactors, the resulting reports [1, 2] were subject to the UK Official Secret Act and
received very limited circulation at the time. The symposium paper [3] summarised
their results, but the details of the analysis were not included. Subsequent workers
in the field seem to have relied predominantly on the brief appendix to Greenwood
and Johnsons [4] paper on the adaptation of the theory for metals that suffer a phase
change during thermal cycling.
The reports [1, 2] were declassified in the early 1980s and may now be accessed
at the UK National Archive at Kew, London. The Archive has agreed to their general
availability and they may be obtained from the web-site listed in the foot-note to the
In the following sections we discuss the two modes of behaviour discuss by Anderson and Bishop and the nature of the analysis used.

1.1 Cottrell Creep

While under neutron irradiation, if a small stress  was applied to the polycrystal,
constant strain growth occurred in the direction of the stress. Tests on helical springs
under tension confirmed that the rate of strain growth was given, experimentally,
by a relationship of the type
= A



where I is a measure proportional to the neutron density, y is the uniaxial yield

stress and A a material constant. The striking feature of this equation is the linearity
with stress. In modern terms, this would be regarded as a type of super-plasticity.
Because of the linearity with stress, very large strains may accumulate before necking of a sample occurs, of the type illustrated in Fig. 1. The first discussion of this
behaviour was first given by Alan Cottrell (see Anderson and Bishop [1]) and is
hence known as Cottrell Creep.

The Anderson-Bishop ProblemThermal Ratchetting of a Polycrystalline


Fig. 2 Hexagonal Close

Pack (HCP) crystalline
structure of Alpha Uranium

Individual alpha uranium crystals have an orthorhombic hexagonal close-pack

(HCP) structure, illustrated in Fig. 2. Unlike the other basic metallic crystal structures, the crystals are highly anisotropic and can show very differing properties in
the b direction, compared with those in the a and c directions. Under irradiation,
neutrons collisions displace atoms from their crystal position forming interstitials,
atoms in a higher energy state wedged between other atoms in the regular array.
These interstitials are capable of diffusing through the crystal under potential gradients. They diffuse together to form new layers of atoms, wedged into the crystal
structure. The net effect on a single crystal is to cause a distortional permanent strain
rate that Cottrell modeled as:

1 0 0
ij = g 0 1 0
0 0 0
where g is proportional to I and the axis (x, y, z) = (b, a, c) with respect to the
crystal structure. In a polycrystal, the random orientation of adjacent crystals results
in an overall strain growth of zero as there is no preferred direction, provided the
b directions are completely randomly orientated. The strains resulting from Eq. (2)
are offset by plastic strain rate ij , so that in a single crystal ij = ij ij = 0 and
there is zero overall strain growth. The polycrystal is a seething mass of plastically
straining crystals. In their analysis Anderson and Bishop adopted the von Mises
yield condition with the associated Prantl-Reuss flow rule, following the same asg
sumptions as previously adoptd by Bishop and Hill [9]. Hence, with ij prescribed
for each crystal, the state of stress at yield is also prescribed and assumed constant
within each crystal. Consider now applying an external small macro stress ij ,

1 0 0
ij = 0 0 0 X
0 0 0 X

in this case referred to fixed external axis (X, Y, Z). The resulting macro strain rate,
as the polycrystal is isotropic, is given by

0 E X .
E ij = 0 1/2
1/2 X

Anderson and Bishop assumed that all crystals experienced this same total strain
rate and that the stress in each crystal was constant within each crystal but varies


A.R.S. Ponter and A.C.F. Cocks

Fig. 3 Schematic
representation of source of
strain growth in Cottrell
Creep. The imposition of the
macro strain rate E ij causes a
movement of the yield point
by stress ij

from crystal to crystal. Hence the circumstance within an individual crystal may be
understood from Fig. 3. The plastic strain ij , Eq. (2) and the strain growth Eq. (4)
will not be consistent with each other when transformed to a common set of axes
(X, Y, Z). The imposition of E ij causes the stress at yield to move around the yield
surface by an amount ij defined by the flow law. The analysis consists of using the Prandl-Reuss flow rule to compare the states of stress resulting from plastic
strain rates ij = ij and ij = ij + E ij and then expanding the difference for
small E x compared with g to obtain the stress difference at yield, ij . The average of ij over-all crystals then gives x . Anderson and Bishop [1] complete
this analysis and obtain
5 x
E x =
2 3 y


for x small compared with y . Although the authors do not consider conditions of equilibrium formally, relying entirely on the kinematics of the situation,
conditions of equilibrium consistent with the kinematic assumptions may be easily
applied to the analysis using the Principle of Virtual Work yielding the identical
result (5) (see Ponter and Cocks [19]). Hence, within the limitations of the model,
result (5) may be regarded as correct, as it has been for the last 60 years.

1.2 Temperature Cycling of Alpha-Uranium

The authors [1, 3] then turn to the second case of interest. When a uranium polycrystal is subjected to cycles of temperature change T in excess of a critical value
Ts , in the absence of applied stress, a small amount of strain growth occurs. How-

The Anderson-Bishop ProblemThermal Ratchetting of a Polycrystalline


ever, if a macro-stress X , Eq. (3), is applied, a cyclic strain growth Ex per
cycle occurs, given by the general form

T Ts
Ex = B
where B is a numerical constant and E denotes Youngs modulus. Such behaviour
was also shown in test on helical springs suspended under weights. Although the
correlation was by no means exact the linearity with stress and the existence of a
critical temperature difference threshold was confirmed. Cottrell predicted the form
of Eq. (6) in a Note, now lost, on the basis of the behaviour of a two bar structure
(see below). Although the arguments he used were clearly suspect from the point
of view of mechanics, Anderson and Bishop were not entirely surprised to discover
that, on detailed analysis, Alan Cottrell was, again, correct.
The property of the crystal that gives rise to this phenomenon is the strongly
anisotropic thermal expansion coefficients. In terms of axis (x, y, z) = (b, a, c) local
to the crystal, the coefficients of thermal expansion are given by
a = c = 30 108 C1 ,

b = 5 108 C1 .


Alternatively these may be described by average and deviating components,

= (a + b + c )/3 = 55/3 108 C1 ,

ij = (2/3) 0 1/2

 = (a b ) = 35 108 C1 .


The overall effect of this on the polycrystal when a temperature change of T is

applied is an overall expansion, governed by the average coefficient and incompatible volume conserving distortions within each crystal, deriving from the deviating component ij . As these strains cannot remain compatible with neighbouring
crystals, linear elastic stresses are set up so that the net strain in each crystal remains zero. Hence, by elementary arguments, the elastic stress ij in typical crystal,
in relation to (x, y, z) = (b, a, c) is given by

ij = t 0 1/2

where t = 2ET /(1 + ). The elastic limit is then given by the von Mises
yield condition as 3/2t = y . A small amount of plastic strain then allows T to
increase to a reverse plasticity limit where the elastic stress varies over a range of
twice yield and T = TS where,
t = 2ETs /(1 + ) = 4/3y .



A.R.S. Ponter and A.C.F. Cocks

For T > Ts , a state of reverse plasticity is set up in each crystal and the polycrystal shows no cyclic strain growth. Each crystal suffers equal and opposite plastic

ij = 0 1/2
 p .

The question now arises: what is the growth of strain per cycle if a small external
constant stress x is applied? Anderson and Bishop [1, 3] adopted a form of
analysis that closely follows that used for Cottrell Creep. They assumed that equal
strain increments occur at each extreme of the cycle, given by replacing Eq. (2)
by Eq. (11), but following the same averaging process. Again, the arguments are
entirely kinematic and the details of the internal stress are not considered. Their
analysis produced the answer

x 32 T Ts
Ex =
This solution, and various adaptations, has been widely used over the intervening
years for a variety of other systems where internal thermal expansion strains occur.
Greenwood and Johnson [4] adapted this theory for cycling through phase changes,
and it is the Appendix to this paper that appears to be the main source for subsequent
authors in material science. The Anderson Bishop results are much quoted in the
literature (e.g. [58, 1012]) and have been refined in terms of micro-models, see,
for example Leblond [6, 7] and Taleb and Sideroff [8]. Recently Greenwood [5]
has given a review of subsequent work in this area. Ratchetting in metal matrix
composites was identified by Daehn and Gonzalez-Doncel [11] as being a related
phenomenon and the functional form of the Anderson Bishop analysis was adopted.
Other related work on metal matrix composites is summarised by Clyne and Withers
[12]. There are certainly in excess of 100 papers in the literature which uses this
result and also use Andersons extension of the work to creep [2].
It should be emphasized that Anderson and Bishop did not regard their analysis as a detailed realistic micro-model of the polycrystal. The assumption of a von
Mises yield condition is certainly appropriate for the overall behaviour of a polycrystal, but not necessarily appropriate for a single crystal. The model is essentially phenomenologicaldescribing in general terms the dependence of the strain
on governing quantities but probably not reliable in detail. Hence details of noncompliance of the theory with experimental data has not been regarded as a barrier
to its use.
Those readers familiar with thermal loading problem of this nature may well have
already wondered if the Anderson Bishop analysis is the complete answer. Ratchetting in structures due to thermal cycling is common. Ponter and Cocks [14, 15]
looked at ratchet rates for such problems and derived relationships of a similar form
to (12). But the source of ratcheting in the structural cases came from a very different mode of behaviour. The kinematic restrain argument of Anderson and Bishop
do not apply but ratcheting arises from changes in residual stress during the cycle,

The Anderson-Bishop ProblemThermal Ratchetting of a Polycrystalline


Fig. 4 Simple two bar

structure. The bars have equal
elastic and plastic properties
but unequal coefficients of
thermal expansion 1 and 2

allowing cyclic strain growth due to transfer of load from one part of the structure
to another. It is worth asking the question if both sources of ratchet strain growth
is present in this problem, that considered by Anderson and Bishop and the Breelike ratchetting of structures. A particular situation may easily be considered where
the Anderson Bishop strain growth does not apply, a two bar structure, and this is
discussed in detail in the next section.

2 A Two Bar Structure

Consider the simple structure shown in Fig. 4 where two differently orientated crystals are constrained to equal strains in one direction. The bars have the same physical dimensions and have equal yield stresses and Youngs modulus E but unequal
coefficients of thermal expansion 1 and 2 > 1 in the direction of stress. It is immediately obvious that the Anderson Bishop analysis method would predict that no
ratchetting occurs and their methodology is not applicable.
This type of problem is well known in structural mechanics. Indeed, numerical
methods for generating properties of the solution of such problems now forms standard components in the design of high temperature plant and is available for use in
the UK Life Assessment Method R5 [1618]. It is, therefore, worthwhile looking
in detail at this simple two element problem to provide a common area between
structural mechanics and the Anderson Bishop analysis.
The elastic stresses due to applied load P = 2Ap and temperature rise T are
given by
1 = p t ,

2 = p + t ,

where t = ET /2


and elastic limit is given by

2 = p + t = y

Elastic Limit.


The full analysis for this problem is summarised in Table 1 where the complete solution is shown for conditions of elastic behaviour, shakedown, reverse plasticity and
ratchetting. The overall behaviour is summarised in the interaction diagram shown


A.R.S. Ponter and A.C.F. Cocks

Table 1 Solutions for two bar structure of Fig. 4

Elastic i

Constant i Varying ir

Total i

(a) Shakedown solution ps + t /2 = y , t 2y , ir = 0

T = T0 + T

ps + t

t /2

ps + t /2 = y

T = T0 + T

ps t

t /2

y ps t /2 y

T = T0


t /2

y ps t /2 y

T = T0


t /2

ps + t /2 = y

(b) Ratchetting solution ps + p + t /2 y , t 2y

T = T0 + T

ps + p + t t /2


ps + t /2 = y

T = T0 + T

ps + p t t /2


y ps + p t /2 y

T = T0

ps + p

t /2


y ps + p t /2 y

T = T0

ps + p

t /2


ps + t /2 = y

(c) Reverse plasticity solution p = 0, t 2y

T = T0 + T


t /2

+(y t /2)


T = T0 + T

t /2

(y t /2)

T = T0

t /2

(y t /2)

T = T0

t /2

+(y t /2)


(d) Ratchetting solution t 2y , p = p

T = T0 + T

p + t

t /2

+(y t /2) p +y

T = T0 + T

p t

t /2

(y t /2) + p y y + 2p y

T = T0


t /2

(y t /2) + p y y + 2p y

T = T0


t /2

+(y t /2) p +y

in Fig. 5. For p + (1/2)t y either purely elastic behaviour (E) or shakedown

(S) occurs. In excess of p + (1/2)t = y ratchetting (R) occurs at a rate per cycle
give by
 p = 4p /E


The Anderson-Bishop ProblemThermal Ratchetting of a Polycrystalline


Fig. 5 Interaction diagram

for two bar structure, showing
the elastic (E), shakedown (S)
and ratchetting (R) regions

where p is the increase of p either above the shakedown limit for t 2y or

above zero for t > 2y . The reverse plasticity region is reduced to the axis p = 0
and t > 2y .
The solution shows that the ratchet strain  p per cycle is obtained by sequential
plastic strain in each of the bars at separate instants during the cycle when the other
bar remains within the elastic range. The Anderson Bishop analysis is concerned
with behaviour for small p for t > 2y where they predict a ratchet rate of the
general form, in the notation of this example
 p = K(T Ts )p /E


where Ts is the temperature difference corresponding to t = 2y . Note the primary difference between (15) and (16). We find, for the polycrystalline problem,
the solution consist of a combination of the two modes of behaviour exemplified by
Eqs. (15) and (16).

3 Polycrystalline Models
The two bar structure, despite its simplicity, shows all the characteristic modes of
behaviour of all such problems, but excludes the precise phenomenon identified by
Anderson and Bishop as the cause of ratchetting in alpha-uranium. As a result, the
behaviour of a polycrystal may be expected to show both forms of ratcheting. The
associated analysis is, therefore, rather more complex and will not be discussed in
detail here. Effectively the problem may be solved by combining the arguments of
Anderson and Bishop [1, 3] but taking into account the fact that the residual stress
within each crystal is not constant but varies. Plastic strains in reverse plasticity
will always occur at both ends of the cycle, but the additional plastic strains that
contribute to the ratchet mechanism when stress is applied may only occur at one


A.R.S. Ponter and A.C.F. Cocks

Fig. 6 Interaction diagram

for three element model
showing the elastic (E),
shakedown (S) and
ratchetting (R) regions

instant in the cycle. A detailed analysis (Ponter and Cocks [19]) of the structure
of the problem shows this to be the case. Two models are considered. The first
simplifies the crystal structure by assuming that all crystals have their b direction
orientated along each of the axis of a fixed set of axis, a third in each direction. In
the following we refer to this as the three element model. This simplification allows
a more complete analytic solution than in the fully anisotropic case.
The full interaction diagram, for comparison with Fig. 5, is shown in Fig. 6 for the
three element model. There are many similarity, except that the shakedown boundary at T /TS = 1, the reverse plasticity limit, meets the x /y = 0 axis at a right
angle. This is associated with a rate of increase of ratchet strain with increases in
load beyond shakedown becoming zero. This is unlike the two bar structure, Fig. 5
where this angle is obtuse and the ratchet rate remains constant.
For T /TS > 1 both the three element model and the polycrystal model may
be evaluated for comparison with Anderson and Bishop. Although Anderson and
Bishop did not consider the three element model, the analysis with their assumptions
may easily be carried out. A comparison between all the solutions is shown in Fig. 7.
There a number of features of Fig. 7 of immediate interest. The solutions for
the three element and the fully isotropic models are very similar. This indicates that
analysis of the much simpler three element model provides a close approximation
to the more complex case, providing a useful route to future studies using more
complex behaviour, such as creep. The other, perhaps surprising, result is that the
solution that includes both ratcheting phenomenon gives lower ratchet rates than
the Anderson and Bishop analysis, which only includes one. The reason for this is
that Anderson and Bishop assumed that a contribution to the ratchet strain occurred
throughout the polycrystal at both extremes of the temperature cycle whereas, due
to changing residual stress fields, it only occurs at one extreme. Hence Anderson
and Bishop in this respect overestimated the ratchet strain but underestimated it by
leaving out conventional structural ratcheting. Note that at T /TS = 1the ratchet
rate is zero, whereas for the two bar structure it has a high value.

The Anderson-Bishop ProblemThermal Ratchetting of a Polycrystalline


Fig. 7 Comparison of
Anderson Bishop and present
analysis. Solidpolycrystal,
dashedthree element model

4 Conclusion
The Anderson Bishop [13] model for the linear plastic ratchetting of polycrystals
with anisotropic crystal thermal expansion properties when subjected to cyclic temperature and Greenwoods [4, 5] adaptation of the model for alloys cycled through
a phase change have remained unchallenged since the early 1960s. Neither model
was put forward as an exact model of behaviour and various assumptions may be
challenged. Crystals were assumed to be isotropic in both their elastic and plastic
behaviour and satisfy the von Mises yield condition and associated perfectly plastic
flow condition. The total microstrain was assumed to remain the same as a uniform
macrostrain, although this has remained an assumption in subsequent work. The
material constants are assumed independent of temperature. The models should,
perhaps, be sufficient to demonstrate the relationship between the observed superplasticity behaviour and the micromechanical phenomena. Anderson and Bishop
[13] demonstrated that the phenomenon may be explained through the movement
of the yield point around the yield surface, constrained by overall kinematic conditions and the associated flow law. They give a resulting equation (12) where the
accumulation of plastic strain for each cycle of temperature increases linearly with
applied stress and temperature variation. The purpose of this paper is to show that
a separate micromechanics phenomena also makes a contribution, the redistribution
of stress through a varying residual stress. This results in plastic ratchet strains, in
an individual crystal, occuring only at one extreme of the thermal cycle. Hence, at
the two extremes a proportion of the crystals suffer plastic strain growth while the
remainder remain elastic. At the opposing end of the cycle the reciprocal set of crystals experience plastic ratchet strains. This behaviour may be demonstrated in a two
bar structure. The effect on the resulting prediction is to reduce the ratchet rate significantly compared to the Anderson Bishop analysis as shown in Fig. 7. The new
solution shows a lower rate of ratchetting.


A.R.S. Ponter and A.C.F. Cocks

The Anderson Bishop solutions were not expected to give close predictions of
behaviour and, of course, neither does this new solution Eq. (17), below (Ponter
and Cocks [19]). The primary purposes of this paper bring to the notice of those
workers in Direct Methods that this neglected ratchet phenomenon exists and remind
future workers in that if more detailed micromechanics is attempted of this class of
problems then phenomena associated with changing residual stress field exists. In
the three cases discussed here, the two bar structure, the three element problem and
the polycrystal problem, all the solutions have the same overall form (Ponter and
Cocks [19]):

(T Ts )/Ts
Ex =
(a + b(T Ts )/Ts )
where for:
Two Bar structure: a = 0, b = 1/4.
Three Element Model: a = 27/32, b = 1/4.
Polycrystal Model: a = 4/5, b = 0.244.
The Anderson Bishop model corresponds to b = 0.
The analysis does not include the effects of high temperature creep, the subject
of Andersons second report [2]. This problem is more complex and has not been
discussed in this paper. Creep strain rates vary very rapidly with temperature and it
seems likely that most of such problems will involve both plastic and creep strains
within the cycle of temperature, an aspect not considered by Anderson[2], indicating
that the creep problem may now be usefully looked at again, following the results
of this paper
Acknowledgements The first author first became aware of the Anderson and Bishop solutions
when working with Roger Anderson on the modelling of a similar phenomena in the irradiation
induced swelling of structural steels [20]. In recent years, following an interest in the thermal
properties of metal matrix composites it became clear that the solutions have been extensively
applied to problems in material science.
The authors wish to thanks Roger Anderson for assistance in this work. The work for this
paper was part support by a Leverhulme Emeritus Fellowship to the first named author, which is
gratefully acknowledges.

1. Anderson RG, Bishop JFW (1957) United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Industrial
Group report TN/C681, UK National Archive reference AB 7/7441. Copy is available
with the permission of the National Archive for downloading from
2. Anderson RG (1958) United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Industrial Group report TN/C681, UK National Archive reference AB 7/ 6213. Copy is available with
the permission of the National Archive for downloading from

The Anderson-Bishop ProblemThermal Ratchetting of a Polycrystalline


3. Anderson RG, Bishop JFW (1962) The effect of neutron irradiation and thermal cycling on permanent deformations in uranium under load. In: Proceedings of the institute of metals symposium on uranium and graphite, Institute of Metals, London, paper 3.
Copy is available with the permission of the National Archive for downloading from
4. Greenwood GW, Johnson RH (1964) The deformation of metals under stresses during phase
transformation. Proc R Soc A 283:403422
5. Greenwood GW (2010) Generation of internal stress and its effects. Mater Sci Technol
6. Leblond JB, Devaux J, Devaux JC (1989) Mathematical modelling of transformation plasticity
in steels, I: case of ideal-plastic phases. Int J Plast 5:551572
7. Leblond JB (1989) Mathematical modelling of transformation plasticity in steels, II: coupling
with strain hardening phenomena. Int J Plast 5:573591
8. Taleb L, Sidoroff F (2003) A micromechanical modeling of the GreenwoodJohnson mechanism in transformation induced plasticity. Int J Plast 19(10):18211842
9. Bishop JFW, Hill R (1951) A theory of the plastic distortion of a polycrystalline aggregate
under combined stress. Philos Mag 42:1298
10. Hutchinson JM, McCrum NG (1974) Microstress mechanisms for the time dependence of
the modulus of crystalline polymers following an imposed change in volume. Nat Phys Sci
11. Daehn GS, Gonzalez-Doncel G (1989) Deformation of whisker-reinforced metal matrix composites under changing temperature conditions. Metall Trans 20A:23552368
12. Clyne TW, Withers PJ (1993) An introduction to metal matrix composites. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Chap 5
13. Bree J (1967) Elasto-plastic behaviour of thin tubes subjected to internal pressure and intermittent high-heat fluxes with applications to fast reactor fuel elements. J Strain Anal 2(3):226
14. Ponter ARS, Cocks ACF (1984) The incremental strain growth of an elastic-plastic body
loaded in excess of the shakedown limit. J Appl Mech 51(3):465469
15. Ponter ARS, Cocks ACF (1984) The incremental strain growth of elastic-plastic bodies subjected to high levels of cyclic thermal loading. J Appl Mech 51(3):470474
16. Goodall IW, Goodman AM, Chell GC, Ainsworth RA, Williams JA (1991) R5: an assessment procedure for the high temperature response of structures. Report, Nuclear Electric Ltd.,
Barnwood, Gloucester
17. Chen HF, Ponter ARS, Ainsworth RA (2006) The linear matching method applied to the high
temperature life assessment of structures, part 1: assessments involving constant residual stress
fields. Int J Press Vessels Piping 83:123135
18. Chen HF, Ponter ARS, Ainsworth RA (2006) The linear matching method applied to the high
temperature life assessment of structures, part 2: assessments beyond shakedown involving
changing residual stress fields. Int J Press Vessels Piping 83:136147
19. Ponter ARS, Cocks ACF (2013) Thermal ratchetting of polycrystalline metals with inhomogeneous thermal properties. Philos Mag, accepted May 2013, available online
20. Anderson RG, Ponter ARS (1972) An estimate of the Cottrell creep of a metal during swelling.
In: British nuclear energy society conference on irradiation embrittlement and creep in fuel
cladding and core components, London

Recent Development and Application

of the Linear Matching Method for Design
Limits in Plasticity and Creep: An Overview
Haofeng Chen and Weihang Chen

Abstract Engineering design and integrity assessment of components under the

action of cyclic thermal and mechanical loading require the assessment of load histories for which certain types of material failure do not occur. This involves the
determination of the shakedown limit, ratchet limits, plastic strain range concerning
fatigue crack initiation in a low cycle fatigue assessment, and creep fatigue interaction.
In this paper a state-of-the-art direct method, the Linear Matching Method
(LMM), is summarized for the evaluation of these design limits in both plasticity
and creep. These have been solved by characterizing the steady cyclic state using a
general cyclic minimum theorem. For a prescribed class of kinematically admissible
inelastic strain rate histories, the minimum of the functional for these design limits
are found by either global minimization process or dual minimization process. The
applications of the LMM to three practical problems are outlined to confirm the efficiency and effectiveness of the method and demonstrate that Direct Methods may
be applied to a much wider range of circumstances than have hitherto been possible.
Keywords Plasticity Creep Direct methods Cyclic loading Shakedown
Ratchetting Creep-fatigue interaction

1 Introduction
Imperfections in structures can arise in the initial production process, or during the
heat-treatment of the component, particularly during welding processes. These defects or flaws are unavoidable within structure components, and they do not generally lead to an immediate failure. Failure modes occurring from these structures
are different from industry to industry, but mostly such failures result from the application of cyclic loading with high temperature. In general, the lifetimes of these
components, operating at elevated temperatures, depend on the nature of plastic
H. Chen (B) W. Chen
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Strathclyde,
Glasgow G1 1XJ, UK
e-mail: [email protected]
K. Spiliopoulos, D. Weichert (eds.), Direct Methods for Limit States in Structures and
Materials, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6827-7_13,
Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014



H. Chen and W. Chen

and creep deformation they experience. The first failure mode is mainly concerned
with the excessive plastic deformations associated with the phenomenon of plastic
collapse, shakedown and ratchetting, while the second is concerned with the creep
fatigue interaction. The ability to accurately model these behaviours of component
subjected to cyclic and variable loading conditions would provide a means of assessing the remaining life of the structural components. Thus, the elastic-plastic-creep
response of a structure needs to be well understood when using it as a design condition.
The determination of these design limits has attracted the attentions of many researchers. The phenomena of shakedown and ratchetting associated with the steady
cyclic response have been researched and modeled extensively by plasticity theorists, materials scientists, mathematicians and engineers. Since closed form solutions of these design limits are very limited due to the complexity of the problem,
the numerical approaches play a key role for the assessment of these design limits
in plasticity.
One approach is to simulate the detailed elastic-plastic response of the structure for a specified cyclic load history, most commonly by the incremental Finite
Element Analysis (FEA) [1]. However, this method requires significant computer
time for complex structures, due to the reason of its investigation of any load cycle. A relatively new cyclic analysis method, Direct Cyclic Analysis (DCA) [2], has
been developed to avoid excessive numerical expense associated with the incremental FEA. It has been recently incorporated into ABAQUS to evaluate the stabilized
cyclic behaviour directly. However, both the incremental FEA and DCA do not predict shakedown or ratchet limits directly. It can only be used to show whether elastic
shakedown, plastic shakedown or ratchetting occurs [3].
To define the shakedown and ratchet limits, alternative approach has been developed. It involves the application of numerical methods [49] for addressing the
structural response in structures subjected to both severe mechanical and thermal
loads. The assessments, provided from these new methods, have the potential of
providing results that combine the accuracy of non-linear FEA simulation methods [10, 11] with the efficiency of rules-based methods [12, 13]. These are direct
methods based upon a programming technique. Direct methods were incorporated
into finite element analysis in order to evaluate the shakedown limit. The material
model is considered to be elastic perfectly plastic, and the load domain including all
the possible load paths eliminates the necessity to know the detailed load history.
Such direct methods include; the mathematical programming methods [1416], the
Generalized Local Stress Strain (GLOSS) r-node method [17], the Elastic Compensation Method (ECM) [18], and the Linear Matching Method (LMM) [7, 19, 20].
Among these direct methods, the LMM is counted to be the method most amenable
to practical engineering applications involving complicated thermomechanical load
history. The LMM has been extensively applied to a range of problems [8, 19],
through various adaptations, extended to the calculation required for the UK assessment procedure R5 [21] for the high temperature response of structures. The
LMM describes non-linear inelastic material behaviour by linear solutions where
the material coefficients vary both spatially and in time, which makes the method

Recent Development and Application of the Linear Matching Method


particularly flexible. The LMM has been regarded as an efficient and effective upper
bound programming method for which, in many circumstances, strict convergence
proofs may be constructed. In the past two years, the LMM has been further developed to account for the lower bound shakedown and ratchets limits, and investigate
more complicated cyclic problems. Moreover, the extensions of LMM have resulted
in the application of the method to high temperature creep behavior including the
effect of elastic follow-up [20], i.e. the evaluation of local creep damage due to the
relaxation of stress during creep dwell times.
There are four objectives leading to using the basics of these methods in this
study where limit in plasticity and creep are designed. The first objective is to obtain a LMM approach used for more general purposes. This LMM must be able to
address to a wider class of problems and prospective procedures for lower and upper bound design limits. The second objective is to assess the cyclic response under
creep fatigue conditions by presenting a new numerical procedure. The third is the
examination and the improvement of convergence problems existing in the iterative approach and the last objective is to validate the efficiency and effectiveness
of LMM while designing the limits in plasticity and creep. This validation is performed on three typical practical problems. The first problem is; a defective pipeline
subjected to cyclic thermal loading and constant operating pressure. In the second
problem the effects of drilling holes on the ratchet limit and crack tip plastic strain
range for a central cracked plate subjected to constant tensile loading and cyclic
bending moment are investigated, and in the last one the cyclic structural responses
of a cruciform weldment under creep fatigue interaction is being addressed.
In the following sections, a general cyclic minimum theorem for perfect plasticity and the application of the LMM for a particular class of problems for the design
limits in plasticity and creep will be described. This is followed by the discussion
of convergence and the application of three practical examples with numerical verifications of the proposed methods.

2 Cyclic Behaviour
2.1 General Cyclic Problem
Consider a body with volume V and surface S, where the material is isotropic,
elastic-plastic and satisfies the von Mises yield condition. A cyclic history of temperature (x, t) occurs within volume V . A cyclic load history P (x, t) is applied
over part of S, namely ST . Here denotes a scalar load parameter. On the remainder
of S, namely Su , zero displacements are maintained. Both load and temperature histories have the same cycle time t and, in the following, we are concerned with the
behaviour of the body in a typical cycle 0 t t in a cycle state. For the problem
defined above the stresses and strain rates will asymptote to a cyclic state where
ij (t) = ij (t + t),

ij (t) = ij (t + t).



H. Chen and W. Chen

This arbitrary asymptotic cyclic history may be expressed in terms of three components, the elastic solution, a transient solution accumulated up to the beginning
of the cycle and a residual solution that represents the remaining changes within the
cycle. The linear elastic stress solution is denoted by ij . The general form of the
stress solution is given by
ij (x, t) = ij (x, t) + ij (x) + ijr (x, t)


where ij denotes a constant residual stress field in equilibrium with zero surface
traction on ST and corresponds to the residual state of stress at the beginning and
end of the cycle. The history ijr is the change in the residual stress during the cycle
and satisfies;
ijr (x, 0) = ijr (x, t).


It is worth noting that the arguments in this section do not explicitly call on
the properties of perfect plasticity and are therefore common to all cyclic states
associated with inelastic material behaviour.

2.2 Description of Design Limits in Plasticity and Creep Under

Cyclic Loading
2.2.1 Design Limits in Plasticity
One well-known illustration defining the plasticity limit of the structure under cyclic
load history is Bree interaction diagram [22, 23]. Bree [22, 23] developed theoretical solutions for a simplified 2-dimensional model of a nuclear reactor fuel can.
In his model, constant pressure stress and cyclic temperature gradient was applied
across the can wall during start-up and shutdown. These theoretical solutions were
illustrated on Bree interaction diagram in order to provide different modes of material behaviour for different cyclic loading conditions. These diagrams with various
cyclic loading combinations are helping the designers especially in their early stages
of design.
Figure 1 is the Bree diagram [22, 23], illustrating the responses for the case
of a fuel can subject to cyclic through-wall thermal stress and a constant internal
pressure. The ordinate and abscissa give normalised values of pressure and thermal
stress respectively, where the stresses have been normalised against the yield stress
of the material. The distinct feature on the interaction diagram is the separation of
the different modes of material behaviour. In this particular analysis, the diagram is
divided into four design regions, namely:
Pure Elastic Region In this region, it was found that the load level is sufficiently
small; the response is purely elastic, no permanent strains are induced, and the structure returns to its original configuration after each load application.

Recent Development and Application of the Linear Matching Method


Fig. 1 Bree diagram for

pressurized tube and thermal
loading [22, 23]

Elastic Shakedown Region In this region, the stresses are exceeding the yield
stress at the first few load cycles, which give rise to constant residual stress in the
structure such that in subsequent load cycles only elastic deformation occurs. The
constant residual stress field has caused the redistribution of the stresses within the
structure. This effectively has the effect of pulling the stress fields, the sum of the
elastic and residual stresses in to the yield surface.
Reverse Plasticity/Plastic Shakedown Region The transition to this region occurs when the effective elastic stresses exceed twice the yield stress. This was made
possible with the accommodation of the time-varying residual stress field, causing
the stress distribution at the outer fibre of the plate, to exceed twice the yield stress.
When the structure exhibits reverse plasticity over each cycle, the positive plastic
strain in the first half of the load cycle followed by equal magnitude negative strain
in the second half, such that there is no accumulation of plastic strain during load
cycle. And the failure mechanism for plastic shakedown is low-cycle fatigue.
Ratchetting Region This region is best characterized by the breakdown of the
elastic, shakedown and reverse-plasticity conditions. In each cycle, plastic strains
accumulate over a significant volume of the plate, leading to structural failure from
the unlimited accumulation of plastic deformation and eventually incremental plastic collapse.


H. Chen and W. Chen

Fig. 2 The Hysteresis cycle

which provides the
information for fatigue and
creep damage

2.2.2 Design Limits in Creep Under Cyclic Loading

In the presence of creep, the response of the structure to cyclic loading changes
significantly. Interaction of plasticity and creep is the key feature of creep-fatigue
mechanism under cyclic loading condition with creep. Assessments must be carried
out to ensure avoidance of creep-fatigue failure by, creep rupture and cyclically enhanced creep. The term cyclically enhance creep refers to the threat of gross section
creep failure due to the accumulation of creep strains arising from the cyclic loading.
The life design limit under creep fatigue interaction can be defined by construction
of stress strain hysteresis loops since this hysteresis loop provides the information
of life damage due to fatigue and creep, and this information also is the key to an R5
V2/3 assessment. Figure 2 is the construction of the hysteresis cycle; it provides the
total strain range, tot from which the fatigue damage is calculated, and the start
of dwell stress, 1 and creep strain, cr from which the creep damage is calculated.

3 Minimization Processes of the Linear Matching Method

The strategy of locating each of above critical limits consists of defining an approc then solving a correpriate class of kinematically admissible strain rate histories ij
c , ) by considering the incremental form;
sponding minimizing process for I (ij
I ij
, =
I n,

, =
I n ij

ij (tn ) = ij0 +


 n n 
ij ij ij (tn ) + ij (tn ) + ij ij
dV ,



ij (tl ),


Recent Development and Application of the Linear Matching Method


c is replaced by a sequence of increments of strain  n occurring at a

where ij
sequence of N times tn , n = 1 to N , during the cycle. The incremental minimization
n , ) assumes that the prior history of the residual stress is known and
of I n (ij
compatibility of the total elastic and plastic strain in the increment is used. ij0 is the
constant element of the changing residual stress ij (tn ) and represents as,

ij0 M

ij n1


ij n2

+ +


ij nM1



where M represents the total number of cycles. In this section, the linear matching
c , ) are summarized for both the shakedown and
processes for minimization of I (ij
ratchet limits.

3.1 Global Minimization for Shakedown Limit

c , )makes use of the compatibility from the sum
The global minimization of I (ij
of the increments of plastic strain over the cycle. When a set of increments ij
at kth iteration are assumed known, a linear material can be defined so that linear
shear modulus nk ensures that the resulting deviatoric stress is at yield, i.e.
2 nk  nk 
ij = 0
where denotes the von Mises effective strain.
For shakedown problems, the changing component of residual stress vanishes,
i.e. ijr = 0. Hence, the cyclic stress history for shakedown problem is given by

ij (x, t) = ij (x, t) + ij (x).


A set of linear incremental relationships are then defined by

ij (tn ) + ijk+1  ,


where the upper dash refers to deviatoric components. Summing over the cycle
produces a relationship between the compatible strainij
= n ij
the constant residual stress ijk+1 with an initial stress state;


1  initial 
+ ijk+1  ,







and ijinitial = k

ij (tn )



The solution of the continuum problem corresponding to Eqs. (9a), (9b) has the
k , ), which is proved by [6].
property that I (ij , ) I (ij


H. Chen and W. Chen

3.2 Dual Minimization Process for Ratchet Analysis

We consider a structure subjected to a general cyclic load condition, which can
be decomposed into cyclic and constant components, i.e. ij (x, t) = ij (x, t) +
ijF (x). The calculation of the ratchet limit includes dual minimization processes,
the first an incremental minimization for the evaluation of a cyclic history of residual
stresses and plastic strain range in a stable cycle and the second a global minimization for the ratchet limit due to an extra constant load. By decoupling the evaluation
of the changing residual stress and the constant residual stress in Eqs. (4a)(4c),
the entire numerical procedure of ratchet analysis includes two steps [24]. The first
step is to calculate the history of the changing residual stress associated with the
applied cyclic load ij (x, t) and the corresponding plastic strain ranges for the low
cycle fatigue assessment. The second step is to locate the ratchet limit due to the
extra constant load ijF (x) as a conventional shakedown analysis where a constant
residual stress is evaluated by global minimization (Sect. 3.1) and the elastic stress
history is augmented by the changes in residual stress calculated in the first step.
The global minimization process for step 2 of ratchet analysis is as same as the
global minimization for shakedown limit in Sect. 3.1. Next a distinct minimization
processincremental minimization is summarized for step 1 of ratchet analysis to
evaluate the changing residual stress ijr and the associated plastic strain range corresponding to the cyclic component of the elastic stress ij .
3.2.1 Incremental Minimization for the Varying Residual Stress Field and
Plastic Strain Range
n , ) assumes the prior history of the residThe incremental minimization of I n (ij
ual stress is known and compatibility of the total elastic and plastic strain in the
n =  nk , a linear modulus is deincrement is used. With an initial estimate of ij
nk ), where the von Mises yield stress
fined by linear matching 0 = 2/3 nk (ij
could be either constant or temperature-dependent.
An incremental linear equation is then defined;


+ ij
2 ij
T n(k+1)

3K kk
(tn ) + ij (tn1 ) + ij
2 nk ij
T n(k+1) 



where the prior history of the residual stress is known, i.e.

ij (tn1 ) = ij (t0 ) + ij1 + ij2 + + ijn1 ,

ij (t0 ) = ij0 .


The entire iterative procedure requires a number of cycles, where each cycle contains N iterations associated with N load instances. The first iteration is to evaluate

Recent Development and Application of the Linear Matching Method


the changing residual stress ij1 associated with the elastic solution ij (t1 ) at the
first load instance. Define ij nm as the evaluated changing residual stress for nth
load instance at mth cycle of iterations, where n = 1, 2, . . . , N and m = 1, 2, . . . , M.
At each iteration, the above changing residual stress ij nm is calculated. When the
convergence occurs at the Mth cycle of iterations, the summation
of changing resid%
n = 0) due to the

ual stresses at N time points must approach to zero ( N
ij M
stable cyclic response. Hence the constant residual stress ij (t0 ) = ij0 over the cycle
can also be determined by
ij0 =

ij n1 +


ij n2 + +


ij nM .



The corresponding plastic strain magnitude occurring at time tn is calculated by

(tn ) =

ij (tn ) + ij (tn )


where n is the iterative shear modulus and ij (tn ) is the converged accumulated
residual stress at the time instant tn , i.e.
ij (tn ) = ij0 +

ij kM .



4 Evaluation of Upper and Lower Bound Limits

4.1 Upper Bound Shakedown and Ratchet Limit

k , ) and Eqs. (4a)(4c), with and

Combining 0 I (ij , ) I (ij
eliminated Based upon the Koiters theorem [25] the upper bound shakedown limit
is given as,

I ij , S =

 n n

ij ij S ij (tn )ij
dV 0,


V n=1



n=1 ij ij )dV
n )dV
ij (tn )ij
V ( n=1

n=1 (ij ))dV
V (y
n )dV
ij (tn )ij
V ( n=1

= SU B .


Equation (15b) provides a monotonically reducing sequence of upper bound to

the shakedown limit, i.e. U B
U B . It is worth noting that a limit load can be
calculated by Eq. (15b) as a special case of the shakedown analysis, where the cyclic
load condition reduces to monotonic load condition, i.e. N = 1.


H. Chen and W. Chen

For the upper bound ratchet limit, the numerical technique can be accommodated
within the existing methods of shakedown analysis where the linear elastic solution
is augmented by the changing residual stress field, i.e.

ij = ijF + ij (x, t) + ij (x, t)


where the history of the residual stress field ij (tn ) associated with the cyclic component of the load history has been calculated by an incremental minimization process (Sect. 3.2.1).
For the von Mises yield condition and the associated flow rule, an upper bound
ratchet limit multiplier can be obtained by
n )dV
n dV

ij (tn ) + ij (tn ))ij
n=1 (
 F %N
UB =
n )dV
ij ( n=1 ij
which gives the capacity of the body subjected to a predefined cyclic load history

ij (tn ) to withstand an additional constant load ijF before ratchetting takes place.

4.2 Lower Bound Shakedown and Ratchet Limit

Both the constant residual stress ij (x) and varying residual stress ijr (x, t) in
Eq. (2) for a stabilised load cycle have been calculated by incremental and global
minimization processes. Hence, based upon the lower bound theorem [26], a lower
bound of shakedown or ratchet limit can be constructed in the same upper bound
procedure by maximizing the lower bound load parameter LB under the condition
where for any potentially active load/temperature path, the stabilised cyclic stresses
in Eq. (2) nowhere violate the yield condition.
As the upper bound iterative process provides a sequence of residual stress fields,
a sequence of lower bound at each iteration can be calculated by scaling the elastic
solution so that the cyclic stress everywhere satisfies yield. The lower bound of
shakedown limit multiplier can be described as:
sLB = max LB

s.t. f LB ij (x, t) + ij (x) 0.


The lower bound of ratchet limit multiplier can be written as:

LB = max LB

s.t. f LB ijF + ij (x, t) + ij (x, t) + ij (x) 0.


5 Numerical Procedures for the Creep Strain and Flow Stress

In the incremental minimization process (Sect. 3.2.1) where the plastic strain amplitudes are evaluated, 0 (Eq. (6)) is adopted as the material yield stress. However, when the accumulated creep strain is calculated during the dwell period at the

Recent Development and Application of the Linear Matching Method


creep load time instance, 0 in Eq. (6) needs to be replaced by the creep flow stress
0 = c . The creep flow stress is an implicit function of creep strain  c and residual stress  c during the creep dwell period. The detailed numerical procedures for
the evaluation of creep strain and flow stress are described in [27, 28] and these
processes are summarized as follows:
We assume a time hardening creep constitutive relation:

= B n t m


where is the effective creep strain rate, is the effective von-Mises stress, t is the
dwell time, and B, m and n are the creep constants of the material. When m = 0,
the time hardening constitutive equation becomes the Nortons law.
During the relaxation process we assume, at each point in space that an elastic
follow up factor Z exists:


where E = 3E/2(1 + v), E is the Youngs modulus and = (ij ).

Combining Eqs. (20) and (21) and integrating over the dwell time, we obtain
m +1
B Et

Z(m + 1)
n 1 ( c )n 1 ( s )n 1
where s is the effective value of the start of dwell stress, c is the effective value
of the creep flow stress, and c = (sij + Cij ). Integrating Eq. (21) gives the
effective creep strain during the dwell period t as,
( c s ).
Combining Eqs. (22) and (23) and eliminating Z/E gives

 c =

B(n 1)t m




( s c )

)(m + 1)



For the pure creep where s = c , the creep strain becomes:

 c =

B sn t m +1
m + 1


The creep strain rate at the end of dwell time t is calculated by Eqs. (22)
and (24):

 c (m + 1) cn

= B( c )n t m =

t (n 1) ( s c ) cn 1 sn 1

For the pure creep where s = c , the creep strain rate becomes:

= B( s )n t m .



H. Chen and W. Chen

Hence in the iterative process, we begin with current estimated ci , si and use
Eqs. (24), (26) or (27) to compute a new value of the creep stress c = c from
Eq. (28) to replace 0 (tn ) in the linear matching condition Eq. (6).

c =


6 Convergence Considerations
The necessary condition for convergence and the exact proof for upper bounds are
provided by [5, 6]. According to this study, in order to get convergent minimum
upper bound limits three conditions must be fulfilled as follows: (1) The material
yield surface must be convex; (2) The class of strain rates and the associated strain
increments guarantee that the minimum upper bound is limited with this class; (3)
The class of selected compatible strain distributions must be adequately extensive
to guarantee a satisfactory upper bound.
The first two conditions can be easily satisfied by an appropriate choice of a class
of linear materials. Condition (3) is vital to the implementation of the LMM within
a finite element scheme. Within the LMM, the equilibrium of the residual stress
field ui from which ij is derived,
field ij relies on the class of displacement

i.e. ij is in equilibrium if and only if V ij ij dV = 0. Hence, for a given finite
element mesh, the process will converge to the least upper bound associated with
the FE mesh and within this class of displacement field ui . However, during the
FE implementation, the volume integration is not exact but usually depends upon
the Gaussian integration to give an exact integral. Hence a point-wise condition is
used to replace above equilibrium condition;

wk ijk ij

where wk are the Gaussian weighting factors at the Gauss integration points.
According to the lower and upper bound theorems, the LMM ensures that the
maximum lower bound will be less than the least upper bound. However, unlike
the strict convergence of the upper bound, the magnitude of lower bound may not
always increase monotonically with iterations. But upon convergence, the maximum
lower bound will equal to the least upper bound, where by equilibrium condition
(Eq. (29)) the matching condition is applied at Gauss points.
Due to the point-wise condition of equilibrium (Eq. (29)), whereas the deviation
from convergence at a few Gauss points has little effect on the upper bound which
is determined by volume integrals, the convergence of the upper bound in terms of
a particular number of significant figures may allow some deviation from convergence locally. Hence the convergence of lower bound may be affected significantly
as it is determined by single Gauss point. Generally the upper bound converges
(monotonically) more quickly than the lower bound and the rate of convergence for
lower bound depends upon the characteristic of the problem and also the adopted FE

Recent Development and Application of the Linear Matching Method


model, such as the complexity of the geometry and boundary conditions, the mesh
arrangement, etc. For some cases where the lower bound converges very slowly, the
convergence is usually judged entirely in terms of the upper bound. Further investigation of the convergence of the LMM iterative algorithms has been carried out and
a separate paper is being prepared for this context.

7 Examples of Applications
In this section, three practical examples of the LMM for differing applications are
provided to confirm the efficiency and effectiveness of the method; the behaviour
of a defective pipeline subjected to cyclic thermal loading and constant operating
pressure, the effects of drilling holes on the ratchet limit and crack tip plastic strain
range for a centre cracked plate subjected to constant tensile loading and cyclic
bending moment, and the cyclic structural responses of a cruciform weldment under
creep fatigue interaction.

7.1 Defective Pipelines Subjected to Cyclic Thermal Loading and

Constant Operating Pressure
Figure 3 gives a finite element model of a defective pipeline with four types of
slot, where the symmetry boundary conditions are applied to the half section of the
model. Such pipes are subjected to particular severe thermal loading, resulting in
the possibility of ratchetting or premature failure due to low cycle fatigue.
Figure 4 presents the calculated shakedown and ratchet limit interaction curve
for a pipeline with these four types of slots, which clearly shows the effect of partthrough slot on the shakedown and ratchet limits. It is observed that any part-through
slot significantly reduces the reverse plasticity limit of the pipeline due to the stress
concentration caused by the existence of the slot. It is also identified that at different
levels of cyclic thermal loading the ratchet limit boundary decreases sharply for a
defective pipeline with axial and large area slot and it remains almost constant for
small and circumferential slot, compared with a defect-free pipeline. Figure 4 further shows that for the cases of axial and large area slots, the ratchet limit ends at
cyclic thermal loading points  = 4.10 and  = 5.50 , respectively, which
indicates that when the cyclic thermal loading  beyond these cyclic thermal loading limits (4.1 for axial slot and 5.5 for large area slot), any amount of constant internal pressure will result in ratchetting.
A full discussion of the solutions including plastic strain range concerning the
fatigue crack initiation and verifications with ABAQUS detailed step-by-step analysis are given by [29]. This example demonstrates that, for these practical industrial
problems, the method is capable of providing solutions that are much more illuminating than conventional analysis.


H. Chen and W. Chen

Fig. 3 The finite element mesh for a pipeline with part-through slot: (a) small slot; (b) circumferential slot; (c) axial slot and (d) large area slot

Fig. 4 Shakedown and

ratchet limit interaction curve
for defect-free and defective

Recent Development and Application of the Linear Matching Method


Fig. 5 Centre cracked plate with symmetric holes subjected to reversed bending moment range
M and constant tension p

7.2 Centre Cracked Plate with Circular Holes

The second example concerns the effect of circular holes in a centre cracked plate
subjected to cyclic bending moment and constant tensile loading on the ratchet limit
and crack tip plastic strain range. Drilling holes in front of the crack tip is an effective way to arrest crack growth. However the optimum location and size of the holes
need to be researched to produce the smallest crack tip plastic strain range, i.e. the
best fatigue crack growth life, and to have the least reduction in ratchet limit.
The geometrical shape and cyclic loading history of the centre cracked plate with
symmetric drilled holes are shown in Fig. 5, where the half-crack length a is 500 mm
and the ratios W/a and L/a are both 2. The hole locations (X0 , Y0 ) are referred to
a co-ordinate system X, Y , the origin of which is located at the crack tip. The centre
cracked plate is subjected to cyclic reversed bending moment with range M and
constant uniaxial tension p . By applying symmetry conditions, a FE half symmetry
model was adopted (Fig. 6).
Figure 7 presents the calculated lower and upper ratchet limit and limit load interaction diagram for the hole location at X/a = 1, Y/a = 0.3 and the diameter
of hole D = 100 mm, where the applied constant pressure in X-axis is normalized
with respect to the reference uniaxial tension po = 100 MPa, while the amplitude of the reversed bending moment in Y -axis is normalized using the reference
bending moment range M0 = 100 N mm. It can be seen that the ratchet limit and
the limit load curves do not coincide, which means that an increase in the loads
beyond the ratchet limit will not automatically cause plastic collapse. Any combination of loads which lies between these two boundaries will result in ratchetting.


H. Chen and W. Chen

Fig. 6 FE half symmetry

model for centre cracked
plate with symmetric holes

Fig. 7 Ratchet limit and limit

load interaction curve with
hole location at Xa = 0.1,
a = 0.3 (D = 100 mm)

As shown in Fig. 7, the accuracy of the lower and upper bound limit load boundary
obtained by the LMM has been verified by ABAQUS RIKS analysis. For the verification of LMM lower and upper bound ratchet limit boundary the cyclic load points
D (M = 1.6M0 , p = p0 ), and E (M = 1.6M0 , p = 1.1 p0 ), which are
just below and above the calculated upper bound ratchet limit boundary (Fig. 7),
respectively, are chosen for the step-by-step analysis in ABAQUS.
Figure 8 shows the plastic strain history at the crack tip for the cyclic loading D
and E calculated by ABAQUS step-by-step analysis. The calculated plastic strain
for the load case D settles to a stable cycle after about 5 load cycles showing a
reverse plasticity mechanism, and the load case E shows a strong ratchetting mechanism, with the plastic strain increasing at every cycle. This directly confirms the
accuracy of the predicted LMM lower and upper bound ratchet limits.
Optimization studies were performed further involving holes with different diameters drilled at different locations. The study shown that the most significant
decrease in crack tip plastic strain range with least reduction in the ratchet limit
is identified for the hole size D = 150 mm at the optimum location X0 /a = 0.1,
Y0 /a = 0.3, which gives a 72 % reduction in the plastic strain range and does not
reduce the ratchet limit.

Recent Development and Application of the Linear Matching Method


Fig. 8 ABAQUS verification

of the ratchet limit for the
cyclic bending moment case
using detailed step by step

Fig. 9 Geometrical and analysis parameters of the cruciform weld specimens: (a) dimensions and
applied loading; (b) FE-mesh with designation of different materials, boundary conditions and
mechanical loading

A full discussion of the solutions is given by [30]. This example demonstrates

that the method is capable of providing accurate solutions to the crack structures.

7.3 Creep-Fatigue Analysis of a Cruciform Weldment

The LMM has been extended recently to directly evaluate steady-state cyclic response of components with creep fatigue interaction taking into consideration,
which is able to generate both the closed and non-closed hysteresis loops, providing
details of creep strain and plastic strain range for creep and fatigue damage assessments. This example shows a practical application of this method on a cruciform
weldment subjected to cyclic bending moment under creep condition.
Figure 9 describes the geometry of the weldment specimen and the applied
2D symmetric FE model of the specimen assuming a plane strain condition.


H. Chen and W. Chen

Fig. 10 Results of creep-fatigue assessment in application to cruciform weldment and comparison

with experiments [31, 32]

A Ramberg-Osgood formulation was adopted to simulate cyclic stress strain relationship, and a time hardening creep constitutive model was used to characterise
creep behaviour. In this creep fatigue damage assessment, the LMM was adopted to
evaluate a steady-state cyclic behaviour and to construct a saturated hysteresis loop.
Then obtained total strain range during the cycle was used to assess fatigue damage
combining R6 fatigue endurance curves [31]. The evaluated creep strain and stress
relaxation data were adopted to evaluate creep damage considering time fraction
rule and using the experimental creep rupture data. The final lifetime of the cruciform weldment was then obtained based on the calculated fatigue and creep damage
under creep-fatigue interaction conditions.
The detailed results of cruciform weldment creep fatigue assessment by the
LMM and comparisons with experimental solutions [32] are presented in Fig. 10.
Visual comparison of the observed and predicted in Fig. 10 for 3 variants of dwell
period t shows that 9 of the 11 simulations accurately predict the experimental results. Therefore, it can be used for the formulation of an analytic assessment
model suitable for the fast estimation of lifetime for a variety of loading conditions. The low computational effort required by the LMM compared to other
computational techniques makes it possible and relatively easy to extrapolate numerical predictions for loading conditions not captured by the available experiments.
A full discussion of the solutions and validations with experimental results are
given by Gorash and Chen [33]. This example demonstrates that, for such complex
industrial problems, the LMM is capable of providing lifetime related solutions that
are much more illuminating than conventional analysis.

Recent Development and Application of the Linear Matching Method


Fig. 11 Other applications (a) a heat exchanger tube plane (b) rolling contact problem (c) 90 pipe
bends (d) composite cylinder with a crosshole


H. Chen and W. Chen

8 Other Applications
The stable and accurate results of the mentioned LMM on shakedown and ratchet
analysis have been confirmed in many industrial applications, including the problem of a heat exchanger tube plate subjected to severe cyclic thermal loading and
constant operating pressure (Fig. 11(a)) [8], the application to rolling contact problem (Fig. 11(b)) [34], shakedown and limit analysis of 90 pipe bends under internal
pressure, cyclic in-plane bending and cyclic thermal loading (Fig. 11(c)) [35], and
the shakedown analysis of a composite cylinder with a cross hole (Fig. 11(d)) [36]
and etc.

9 Conclusions
This study focuses on the performance of an elastic plastic body subjected to cyclic
loading. The design limits in plasticity and creep including shakedown limit, ratchet
limit, cyclic response under creep-fatigue interaction and plastic strain range regarding the fatigue crack initiation have been addressed in this study. The analysis
is performed by describing the steady cyclic state employing a general cyclic minimum theorem. In order to estimate the class of kinematically allowable strain rate
histories, the Linear Matching Method is used for obtaining the minimum of the
functional for these design limits. Three practical examples of the LMM are provided to confirm the efficiency and effectiveness of the method and demonstrate
that the LMM may be applied to a much wider range of circumstances than have
hitherto been possible.
Acknowledgements The author gratefully acknowledges the support of the Engineering and
Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/G038880/1) of the United Kingdom, and the University
of Strathclyde during the course of this work. The author would also like to thank Prof Alan
Ponter of the Department of Engineering, Leicester University, for his advice and discussion on
the theoretical development of the LMM.

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