Tanabe-Sugano Diagram
Tanabe-Sugano Diagram
Tanabe-Sugano Diagram
For other uses of T-S diagram, see Temperature exist, A, B, and C, which describe various aspects of inentropy diagram.
terelectronic repulsion. A is an average total interelectron
repulsion. B and C correspond with individual d-electron
TanabeSugano diagrams are used in coordination repulsions. A is constant among d-electron conguration,
and it is not necessary for calculating relative energies,
chemistry to predict absorptions in the UV, visible and IR
electromagnetic spectrum of coordination compounds. hence its absence from Tanabe and Suganos studies of
complex ions. C is necessary only in certain cases. B is
The results from a TanabeSugano diagram analysis of
a metal complex can also be compared to experimental the most important of Racahs parameters in this case.
spectroscopic data. They are qualitatively useful and can One line corresponds to each electronic state. The bendbe used to approximate the value of 10Dq, the ligand ing of certain lines is due to the mixing of terms with
eld splitting energy. TanabeSugano diagrams can be the same symmetry. Although electronic transitions are
used for both high spin and low spin complexes, unlike only allowed if the spin multiplicity remains the same
Orgel diagrams, which apply only to high spin complexes. (i.e. electrons do not change from spin up to spin down
TanabeSugano diagrams can also be used to predict the or vice versa when moving from one energy level to ansize of the ligand eld necessary to cause high-spin to low- other), energy levels for spin-forbidden electronic states
are included in the diagrams, which are also not included
spin transitions.
in Orgel diagrams.[6] Each state is given its symmetry laIn a TanabeSugano diagram, the ground state is used as bel (e.g. A , T , etc.), but g and u subscripts are
a constant reference, in contrast to Orgel diagrams. The usually left o because it is understood that all the states
energy of the ground state is taken to be zero for all eld are gerade. Labels for each state are usually written on
strengths, and the energies of all other terms and their the right side of the table, though for more complicated
components are plotted with respect to the ground term. diagrams (e.g. d6 ) labels may be written in other locations for clarity. Term symbols (e.g. 3 P, 1 S, etc.) for a
specic dn free ion are listed, in order of increasing energy, on the y-axis of the diagram. The relative order of
1 Background
energies is determined using Hunds rules. For an octahedral complex, the spherical, free ion term symbols split
Until Yukito Tanabe and Satoru Sugano published their accordingly:[7]
paper On the absorption spectra of complex ions, little
was known about the excited electronic states of complex Certain TanabeSugano diagrams (d , d , d , and d )
metal ions. They used Hans Bethe's crystal eld theory also have a vertical line drawn at a specic Dq/B value,
and Giulio Racah's linear combinations of Slater inte- which corresponds with a discontinuity in the slopes of
grals,[1] now called Racah parameters, to explain the ab- the excited states energy levels. This pucker in the lines
sorption spectra of octahedral complex ions in a more occurs when the spin pairing energy, P, is equal to the
quantitative way than had been achieved previously.[2] ligand eld splitting energy, Dq. Complexes to the left of
Many spectroscopic experiments later, they estimated the this line (lower Dq/B values) are high-spin, while comvalues for two of Racahs parameters, B and C, for each plexes to the right (higher Dq/B values) are low-spin.
d-electron conguration based on the trends in the ab- There is no low-spin or high-spin designation for d , d ,
8 [8]
sorption spectra of isoelectronic rst-row transition met- or d .
als. The plots of the energies calculated for the electronic
states of each electron conguration are now known as
3 Tanabe-Sugano diagrams
TanabeSugano diagrams.[3][4]
The seven TanabeSugano diagrams for octahedral complexes are shown below.[5][9][10]
4 Unnecessary diagrams: d1 , d9
and d10
Similar to d1 metal complexes, d9 octahedral metal complexes have 2 D spectral term. The transition is from the
(t )6 (e )3 conguration (2 E state) to the (t )5 (e )4 conguration (2 T state). This could also be described as a
positive hole that moves from the e to the t orbital
set. The sign of Dq is opposite that for d1 , with a 2 E
ground state and a 2 T excited state. Like the d1 case, d9
octahedral complexes do not require the TanabeSugano
diagram to predict their absorption spectra.
7.1 Examples
Tetrahedral TanabeSugano diagrams are generally not
found in textbooks because the diagram for a dn tetrahedral will be similar to that for d(10-n) octahedral, remembering that T for tetrahedral complexes is approximately
4/9 of O for an octahedral complex. A consequence of
the much smaller size of T results in (almost) all tetrahedral complexes being high spin and therefore the change
in the ground state term seen on the X-axis for octahedral
d4 -d7 diagrams is not required for interpreting spectra of
tetrahedral complexes.
shoulder) is predicted to be 4 T1 to 4 A2 . The small energy
dierence leads to the overlap of the two peaks, which
explains the broad peak observed in the visible spectrum.
d2 Tanabe-Sugano diagram
Cobalt(II) hexahydrate
Another example is [Co(H2 O)6 ]2+ .[12] Note that the ligand is the same as the last example. Here the cobalt ion
has the oxidation state of +2, and it is a d7 ion. From the
high-spin (left) side of the d7 TanabeSugano diagram,
the ground state is 4 T1 (F), and the spin multiplicity is a
quartet. The diagram shows that there are three quartet
excited states: 4 T2 , 4 A2 , and 4 T1 (P). From the diagram
one can predict that there are three spin-allowed transitions. However, the spectra of [Co(H2 O)6 ]2+ does not
show three distinct peaks that correspond to the three predicted excited states. Instead, the spectrum has a broad
peak (spectrum shown below). Based on the T-S diagram, the lowest energy transition is 4 T1 to 4 T2 , which
is seen in the near IR and is not observed in the visible
spectrum. The main peak is the energy transition 4 T1 (F)
to 4 T1 (P), and the slightly higher energy transition (the
For the d2 complex [V(H2 O)6 ]3+ , two bands are observed with maxima at around 17,500 and 26,000 cm1 .
The ratio of experimental band energies is E(2 )/E(1 )
is 1.49. There are three possible transitions expected,
which include: 1 : 3 T 3 T , 2 :3 T 3 T (P), and 3 :
T 3 A . There are three possible transitions, but only
two are observed, so the unobserved transition must be
Fill in a chart like the one to the right by nding corresponding heights (E/B) of the symmetry states at certain values of O / B. Then nd the ratio of these values (E(2 )/E(1 ) and E(3 )/E(1 )). Note that the ratio of E(3 )/E(1 ) does not contain the calculated ratio
for the experimental band energy, so we can determine
that the 3 T 3 A band is unobserved. Use ratios for
E(2 )/E(1 ) and the values of O / B to plot a line with
E(2 )/E(1 ) being the y-values and O/B being the xvalues. Using this line, it is possible to determine the
value of O / B for the experimental ratio. (O / B =
31 for a chart ratio of 1.49 in this example).
Find on the T-S diagram where O / B = 31 for
T 3 T and 3 T 3 T (P). For 3 T , E(1 ) / B = 27
and for 3 T (P), E(2 ) / B = 43.
The Racah parameter can be found by calculating B from
See also
Character tables
Crystal eld theory
d electron count
Hans Bethe
Laporte rule
Ligand eld theory
Molecular symmetry
Orgel diagram
Racah parameter
Spin states (d electrons)
Term symbol
Content license