II. Arson Investigation

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1. Instrument used to open/close fire hydrants.
a. Sprinkler
b. Fire pump
c. Fire hose
d. Hydrant key
2. Descriptive of any material whey by its nature or as a result of its reaction with other elements
promotes a rapid drop in temperature of the immediate surrounding.
a. Dust
b. Oxidizing material
c. Pyrolisys
d. Cryogenic
3. Lowest temperature of a liquid in open container at which vapors are evolved fast enough to
support continuous combustion.
a. Ignition temperature
b. Kindling temperature
c. Fire point
d. Flash point
4. The temperature at which a flammable liquid form a vapor-air mixture that ignites.
a. Ignition temperature
b. Kindling temperature
c. Fire point
d. Flash point
5. Minimum temperature in which the substance in the air must be heated in order to initiate or cause
a self-contained combustion without the addition of heat from outside sources.
a. Boiling point
b. Ignition temperature
c. Fire point
d. Flash point
6. An exothermic chemical change in which a combustible material react with an oxidizing agent.
a. Thermal balance
b. Thermal imbalance
c. Combustion
d. Oxidation
7. Rapid oxidation accompanied by heat and light.
a. Pyrolysis
b. Combustion
c. Detonation
d. All of the foregoing
8. A chemical decomposition of matter through the action of heat.
a. Pyrolysis

b. Combustion
c. Detonation
d. Oxidation
9. Measure of the rate of flow of heat, through unit area of the material with unit temperature
a. Conduction
b. Thermal conductivity
c. Radiation
d. Oxidation
10. A means of heat transfer when energy travels through space or materials as waves.
a. Conduction
b. Convection
c. Radiation
d. Fission
11. It is legally classified as arson and set on purpose with a motive.
a. Providential fire
b. Accidental fire
c. Intentional fire
d. None of the foregoing
12. Malicious and willful burning of a building, defined in the case of Ong Chat Lay 60 P 788.
a. Arson
b. Providential fire
c. Accidental fire
d. None of the foregoing
13. First element known to may by experience, a colorless, tasteless and odorless gas which supports
life and fire.
a. Nitrogen
b. Hydrogen
c. Oxygen
d. Neon
14. Known as ignition heat, it refers to any contrivance to start a fire.
a. Fuel
b. Oxygen
c. Heat
d. None of the foregoing
15. Refers to gases liberated by heat.
a. Free radicals
b. Flash point
c. Thermal balance
d. Thermal imbalance
16. Refers to the normal pattern or movement of fire, smoke and fire gases within a building or

structure under natural conditions.

a. Free radicals
b. Pyrolysis
c. Thermal balance
d. Thermal imbalance
17. In this phase of the fire the maximum heat and its destructive capabilities is developed.
a. Initial phase
b. Incipient phase
c. Free burning phase
d. Smoldering phase
18. A burnt pattern of inverted cone indicates.
a. The fire triangle
b. The fingerprint of the fire
c. Flashover
d. Incipient phase of the fire
19. An occurrence when the heat has brought the combustible portion of the ceiling to their ignition
temperature, it is characterized by a sudden burst or shooting forth light and flames.
a. Flashover
b. Backdraft
c. Thermal balance
d. Thermal imbalance
20. An explosive condition in the smoldering phase of fire, it is a result of a sudden introduction of
a. Flashover
b. Backdraft
c. Thermal balance
d. Thermal imbalance
21. Which among the following is the primary objective in investigating fires?
a. To determine its cause
b. To prevent recurrences
c. To determine liable persons
d. All of the foregoing
22. Reason why fire investigation is unique.
a. It does not conform with regular investigative procedure
b. Unavailability of witnesses
c. Fires destroys evidence
d. All of the foregoing
23. They are fires caused by unforeseen acts of God.
a. Providential
b. Accidental
c. Intentional
d. Incendiarism

24. A combination of three elements namely: fuel, heat and oxygen.

a. Fire
b. Origin of fire
c. Fire triangle
d. All of the foregoing
25. Most important part of the fire triangle for it is what burns.
a. Fuel
b. Heat
c. Oxygen
d. Gas
26. A means by which heat is transformed by a circulating medium either gas or a liquid.
a. Conduction
b. Convection
c. Radiation
d. Fission
27. It is the amount of heat necessary to convert solid to liquid.
a. Specific heat
b. Latent heat
c. heat of combustion
d. Heat of fusion
28. Formed by the incomplete combustion of acetylene or natural cracking or hydrogen in the absence
of air.
a. Carbon black
b. Lamp black
c. Soot
d. Black bone
29. Matter made up of very fine particles and condensed vapor as a result of combustion.
a. Fire
b. Flame
c. Heat
d. Smoke
30. Incandescent gases accompanied by oxidation.
a. Fire
b. Flame
c. Heat
d. Smoke
31. The threat to arson investigators after fire has been contained.
a. Backdraft
b. Flashover
c. Carbon monoxide poisoning
d. Falling debris

32. Color of smoke produced accompanied by red flames indicates the burning of what material?
a. Rubber
b. Nitrogen products
c. Asphalt singles
c. Chlorine
33. Which among the following is commonly used in fire resistant materials?
a. Asbestos
b. Diamond
c. Asphalt
d. Cotton
34. A form of static electricity or an electrical current of great magnitude producing tremendous
amperage and voltage, it is the most common cause of providential fires.
a. Rays of the sun
b. Spontaneous heating
c. Arcing
d. Lighting
35. Most common source of accidental fire is related to:
a. Smoking
b. Arcing
c. Sparking
d. Overloading
36. A device used by arsonists to spread the fire within the room or throughout the structure.
a. Accelerant
b. Plants
c. Trailer
d. Wick
37. Usually comes in the form of combustible liquid which is a contrivance to hasten the start of fire.
a. Accelerant
b. Plants
c. Trailer
d. Wick
38. Most common reason of arson cases.
a. Revenge
b. Profit
c. Competition
d. All of the foregoing
39. It is the result of slow oxidation of a combustible material.
a. Spontaneous heating
b. Combustible gases
c. Combustible dust

d. None of the foregoing

40. Refers to the preparation and gathering of materials to start a fire.
a. Plants
b. Accelerants
c. Trailers
d. Wick
41. Any act that would remove or neutralize a fire hazard.
a. Abatement
b. Combustion
c. Allotment
d. Distillation
42. The burning of low grade heavy oils or resinous tarry materials with sufficient air forms lamp
black commonly known as:
a. Black bone
b. Used petroleum
c. Soot
d. Black iron
43. The use of more electrical devices which draw or consume electrical current beyond the designed
capacity of the existing electrical system.
a. Overloading
b. Jumper
c. Wire tapping
d. Arcing
44. One of the following is exempted from paying 0.01% of the assessed value of the building.
a. Schools
b. Department stores
c. Hospitals
d. Single family dwellings
45. An enclosed vertical passage that extends from floor to floor, as well as from the base to the top of
the building.
a. Standpipe system
b. Sprinkler system
c. Vertical shaft
d. Flash point
46. Designed to prevent the spread of fire, having a fire resistance rating of not less than four hours
with structural stability to remain standing even if the adjacent construction collapses under fire
a. Post wall
b. Fire trap
c. fire wall
d. fire wood

47. A pre-requisite to grant permit/license by local government for any particular establishment.
a. Fire service
b. Fire safety inspection
c. Fire drill
d. fire protection assembly
48. heat transfer by direct contact from one body to another.
a. Radiation
b. Convection
c. conduction
d. fission
49. The active principle of burning characterized by the heat and light of combustion.
a. Oxidation
b. Flash point
c. smoldering
d. Fire
50. A finely powdered substance which, when mixed with all in the proper proportion ans ignited will
cause an explosion.
a. Dust
b. Fire lane
c. Fire trap
d. Fire alarm

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