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UbD Lesson Plan Template

Teachers Name: Brittany Bradshaw

Subject/Course: Math

Lesson Title: Circles And Dots

Grade Level: 3

Approximate Time Frame: 45 minutes

Essential Vocabulary:

Brief Overview (Summary) of the Unit (Topic, Activities, Assessments):

In this lesson, students will learn how to multiply integers less than 10 using the circles and dots
method. Students and teacher will work through multiplication problems together and individually,
quiz/ evaluate each others work, and produce a procedure poster for homework.

Stage 1 Desired Results (Acquisition, Meaning Making and Transfer)

Goals/Key Standards (Common Core ELA, Math or District AND Indian Education for All Essential
Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5 7 as the total number of objects in 5 groups of
7 objects each. For example, describe a context in which a total number of objects can be expressed as
5 7.
SWBAT use the circles and dots strategy to interpret products of whole numbers less than 10
Transfer: Students will demonstrate understanding of _____ and apply it to a new problem or
situation. (What kinds of long-term, independent accomplishments are desired?)
Students will transfer the concept of interpreting groups of equal sets of numbers to multiplication of
larger integers with the understanding that multiplication means to count the objects in a certain
number of sets of equal objects.
Meaning Making: Students will understand and keep considering that multiplication means to count
the total number of objects in a certain number of sets of equal objects.
Understandings: Students will understand that
- in multiplication, all groups are equal
- the first integer in the multiplication sentence represents the number of circles, and the second
integer represents the number of dots in each circle.
Essential Questions (Long Term and Topical):
- At Amirs birthday party, I got a goodie bag with lots of candy! There were 4 bags of skittles. Each bag
had 7 skittles inside. How many skittles did I have all together?
- How can we represent 4 x7?
grade 3

updated 08/13/16

Acquisition of Knowledge and Skill

Knowledge: Students will know how to represent multiplication problems using the circles and dots
Skills/Performance: Students will be able to multiply integers within 10.

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

Performance Task or Other Key Evidence of learning (What will students understand and/or be able
to do?)
Procedure Poster: Students will create a poster in which they solve a given problem using the circles
and dots method, and write the procedure for the method- HOMEWORK. (Sample Attached.)
Students will also complete circles and dots practice problems. (Attached)
Key evaluative criteria to measure Performance Task(s) or Key Evidence:
Examples: Rubric, Checklist, etc.
Student posters will be evaluated using a rubric that assesses three areas:
1. Procedure (5 points): Did you include all three steps of the method?
2. Sample Problem (3 points): Did you use the assigned problem and solve it accurately?
3. Presentation (2 points): Quality of visual aid
Other Evidence to reflect student learning (formative and/or summative measures)

Stage 3 - Learning Plan, Experiences, and Instruction:

Learning Activities: Consider the WHERETO elements Whos the Hardest Working Person in
the Room?

Where are we going?

What is expected?

grade 3

The Teacher will

The Student will

Explain that today we will learn a new

strategy for multiplication using circles
and dots. To be great at this strategy,
we have to know how to do three
things: count, draw circles and draw
dots. The teacher will call on students
to model these three skills.

Listen attentively, and participate

when asked to model the three
necessary skills.

updated 08/13/16

How will we hook

(Introduce this to) the
How will we pre-assess
student knowledge,
understanding and skills
to inform instruction?

How will we equip

students for expected

Pose the multiplication word problem:

At Amirs birthday party, I got a goodie
bag with lots of candy! There were 4
bags of skittles. Each bag had 7
skittles inside. How many skittles did I
have all together?

Work together to set out cupcake

liners and place 7 skittles in each
liner. Students will then count the
total number of skittles and share out
to the whole group.

Students will then be paired off and

given a ziplock bag with 4 cupcake
liners and 28 skittles. The teacher will
ask them to set out the four liners to
represent the 4 bags of skittles and to
place 7 skittles in each cup, and to
count the total number of skittles.
Model using the circles and dots
method of multiplication on a white
board, using the skittles word problem
as the example. Students will then
complete a new multiplication problem
without teacher assistance.

During the independent practice

explained above, the teacher will
How will we rethink or
revise? (on-going,
watch the students work and track
formative, keep coming their answers.

back as needed)

If all students are on track, we will

move to independent practice of the
If most students have it, we will move
to independent practice, but I will
conference with struggling students to
identify the breakdown in the strategy.

Students will follow along with the

teacher using personal white boards.
After the trial independent practice,
students will share out their answers
and procedures.
Students will work on the independent
practice on white boards, showing all
three steps of the circles and dots
If students are struggling, they will
conference with the teacher to work
out the misunderstandings in the

If most students do not have the

strategy, we will work on more
problems as a full group.

Teacher will give students 3 index

cards with a multiplication problem on
the front of each one.

Students will work on the problems on

their three cards, then give them to a
neighbor for evaluation. The neighbor
will check the process and the answer
for accuracy.

Teacher will provide opportunities for:

Students will actively participate in

all aspects of the lesson, and be able
to respectfully communicate if a
certain aspect does not work for

How will students selfevaluate and reflect

their learning?

How will we tailor

learning to varied
needs, interests, and
learning styles?

grade 3

-kinesthetic learners (skittles activity)

- visual learners (white board
- intrapersonal (independent work on
white boards)
- interpersonal (pair work to evaluate

updated 08/13/16

How will we organize

the sequence of
learning? (please
include the sequence)

1. Explain that we are learning a new

multiplication strategy, and outline
the necessary skills.
2. Word Problem: Skittles at the
birthday party.
3. Model the method for the whole
4. Give students a problem to work on
individually, observe the strategies
and answers.
5. Respond to student needs: move on
to independent practice, individual
coaching or whole group re-model of
the strategy.
6. Independent practice
7. Partner Quizzing

1. participate in modeling the

necessary skills when called on by
the teacher.
2. Use the cupcake liners and skittles
to solve the multiplication problem.
3. Follow along on white boards with
4. Work on multiplication problem
5. Work on multiplication problems
independently or conference with
6. Work on the circles and dots
method worksheet (attached)
7. Evaluating partner work

Special Needs (include all learners on the continuum from disabled to gifted & twice
Modifications (changes to the Core standard(s) Accommodations (supports or instructional
and level of proficiency expected):
This lesson is designed for a Special Education
small group of up to 6 students, so there
should not be any necessary modifications.

The teacher could create a circles and dots

procedure anchor chart that outlines the steps
to the method using a sample problem.

Plans for after this lesson/competency is complete (How will you extend, enrich?):
I will use word problems to frame mathematical computation to better prepare students for
high stakes tests.

Key Resources Used: Websites, books, film clips, etc.

Type of Resource(s):

Name of Resource(s):

food items

skittles, cupcake liners, ziplock bags

school supplies

pencils, white boards, markers, notecards,


grade 3

updated 08/13/16

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