Shaping The Future of The World - Eden The Foreign Office and British Foreign Policy 1941-1943

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The document discusses British foreign policy during World War 2 and the under-examination of this topic in historical writings. It aims to present an alternative perspective that traditional British foreign policy remained influential under Eden and the Foreign Office.

The thesis examines the vision Eden and the Foreign Office had for post-war Britain, where it would remain a great power with independent foreign policy and be involved in a global organisation to maintain peace in Europe.

Eden and the Foreign Office envisioned post-war Britain remaining a great power with an independent foreign policy. They also wanted Britain to be involved in a global organisation designed to maintain European and world peace.

Shaping the Future of the World:

Eden, The Foreign Office and British Foreign Policy


Mr David Michael Hall, BA(Hons), MA.

Thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

University of East Anglia, School of History

April 2015

Word Count: 102,637

This copy of the thesis has been supplied on condition that anyone
who consults it is understood to recognise that its copyright rests with
the author and that use of any information derived there from must be
in accordance with current UK Copyright Law. In addition, any
quotation or extract must include full attribution.

The Second World War has captured the interest of people around the world,
and has fascinated generations of historians. Despite the time that has elapsed
since the events, and the opening of the official papers in 1977, one thing remains
the same, the under-examination of British foreign policy during the war. The
history that has been written has struggled to break from the picture Churchill
painted in The Second World War, presenting the inevitability of the AngloAmerican special relationship and minimising the important contributions of
Eden and the Foreign Office.
In an exercise in anti-Whig history, this thesis attempts to right this historical
wrong, and suggest that this was not the only outcome available to Britain as a
result of the Second World War. By examining the Foreign Office records, it
presents a different picture: that traditional British foreign policy was still going
strong, and that the Foreign Office, with Eden at the helm, had its own vision for
the post-war world. In this vision Britain would remain a great power with an
independent foreign policy, and would be involved in a global post-war
organisation designed to maintain European and World peace.
This work will examine the origins of this vision, and trace its development
through the early years of the war, highlighting the plans that were brought
forward and the efforts that were made to make this official policy. It will also
assess the reasons for the apparent failure of this policy, and offer suggestions of
possible outcomes for Britain had it been implemented. This vision fundamentally
differed from Churchills, but ultimately could have supplemented it, had the great
man allowed it to do so.


Title Page

Page 1


Page 2


Page 3


Page 4

List of Abbreviations

Page 5

1) Introduction

Page 6

2) Background

Page 12

3) A Man Going Home

Page 25

4) 'An Enemy under a Very Thin Disguise'

Page 40

5) An Eventful Winter

Page 67

6) Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Page 84

7) Two Steps Back, One Step Forward

Page 105

8) Towards a Foreign Policy

Page 123

9) Shaping the Future of the World

Page 160

10) The Future Remains Elusive

Page 194

11) The Foreign Offices Finest Hour?

Page 223

12) Conclusion

Page 261

List of Principal Characters

Page 268


Page 274

I would first and foremost like to thank the staff at The National Archives for
their tremendous help during my research for this thesis. They provided excellent
knowledge of the material available, and were infinitely helpful in my attempts to
track down hard to find documents and missing records. Without them, the
research would have been far more stressful and far less productive.
I would also like to thank the School of History and the Arts and Humanities
Graduate School at UEA for supporting me throughout the whole process,
offering me teaching opportunities, access to training and development courses
and providing friendly audiences for presentations. The enjoyment from teaching,
the feedback received from staff and fellow students and knowledge gained from
the training courses has helped me improve my thesis, hone my skills, and
develop into a better researcher.
In particular I would like to thank my supervisory team, Professor John
Charmley and Dr. Larry Butler. Both have been an important source of support,
encouragement and wisdom during the research and writing of this thesis. Larry
was always available to lend a sympathetic ear and kind words of wisdom, and
discussions with him were always illuminating. Johns unfailing belief in my
ability has helped me get over my own lack of confidence and get the best out of
my writing, and his ability to read and critically analyse chapters has never ceased
to amaze me, and has been incredibly valuable in achieving a complete, structured
and unified piece of work.
Finally, I offer my thanks to my parents, Jackie and Graham, who have
supported me throughout my entire time at University, and have always been
there to offer advice and encouragement, no matter how many times I may have
ignored this along the way. Their belief in me and their help proof-reading
chapters have been invaluable, and despite the ups and downs of the last four
years, they have put up with me throughout this journey, and I wouldnt have
completed it without them.

The following abbreviations have been used throughout the text and footnotes.
Cabinet Papers
Churchill College Archive Centre, Cambridge
French Committee of National Liberation (also French National
Committee of Liberation, National Committee for Liberation of France)
French National Committee (also Free French National Committee)
Foreign Office / Foreign Office Papers
Prime Ministers Papers
The National Archives, Kew Gardens, London

1) Introduction

In 2002 Winston Churchill was voted the greatest Briton by a nationwide poll
conducted by the BBC,1 mainly because of his efforts during the First, but more
noticeably the Second World War. People around the world find a particular
interest in both Churchill and the Second World War, and both topics have been
and continue to be subject to scholarship by historians and academics from other
fields. This is, in no small part, down to the man himself. Churchill was not only
responsible for directing the British war effort, creating and enacting policy;
delivering speeches, many of which are still famous today; leading the country to
victory; but also for writing and publishing that history afterwards. Consequently,
post-war historical study centred on the myths, legends and facts laid down in
Churchills The Second World War, partly due to the compelling nature of the
work, and partly because at the time it was one of the only places where
publication of official documents could be found. The opening of the papers for
the Second World War period in 1977 paved the way for a great mass of detailed
studies, provoking much debate on many topics. But when it came to the study of
British foreign policy during the Second World War, the Churchillian line
remained more or less intact.
That this should have been a less popular area of historical debate is possibly
no surprise if the BBC is to be believed, as whilst Churchill was not the only Prime
Minister on the list, Anthony Eden, a famous Prime Minister but more importantly
one of Britains premier Foreign Secretaries, did not make the top 100 greatest
Britons shortlist, nor did any other Foreign Secretary.2 Many historical works, as
shall be examined later, focus on the foreign policy of Churchill rather than that of
the Foreign Office and, therefore, look to explain the origins and development of
the special relationship, emphasise the importance of the American alliance for
Britains war effort, and highlight Britains determined focus on winning the war

at all costs. Significant emphasis is also placed on Anglo-German relations,

especially the effort to explain appeasement; and on studying the development of
a world divided by the Cold War. Despite its role in the build up to the war, its
involvement for two years as a neutral power and its active involvement for four
years as an ally of Britain, there have been comparatively few detailed works
examining the relationship between Britain and the Soviet Union. More has been
written about the relations between Britain and France, unsurprisingly as they
were allies throughout the war and had been co-operating together in the build up
to the war. There is, however, still relatively little on the particular area to be
examined by this thesis, the British foreign policy that never was. This was the
policy that came to be favoured by Eden and the Foreign Office, centring on postwar planning, particularly regarding Europe, but also on a global scale, and the
conflict that arose between this policy, and the pro-American policy of Churchill. It
aims to reconstruct Eden and the Foreign Offices view of planning for the postwar world, and examine how coherent this vision was. Due to the limitations
placed upon this thesis, it is impossible to examine this in the entire scope of
British foreign policy, so it will concentrate on two of the most important
European Powers with whom Britain had to deal during this period, the Soviet
Union and France, as well as looking at the influence that the United States had on
foreign policy. This should allow an examination of whether the Foreign Office did
have a specific policy based around the idea of post-war planning, and how
successful this policy was. Likewise, the wording restriction prevents a study of
the entire war period, so this work will focus on the period from Edens return to
the Tehran Conference, as the decisions of Tehran meant that, for most of 1944,
military thinking and preparation for Overlord was the main focus of British
policy. Churchills version of events cannot be ignored, but this study hopes to
show, through detailed use of the archives and other primary and secondary
sources, the existence of an alternative foreign policy, and examine why this never
came to fruition - and the potential results if it had.

The study will begin in chapter two by examining what the historiography
has to say on this topic to show where this thesis fits, and look at the background
and events in the first two years of the war so that any change in policy coming
from Edens return to the Foreign Office can be set against the existing policy
direction. Of most use here will be biographies of Eden and Halifax, memoirs of
contemporaries which contain thoughts about Edens appointment, as well as
more general works on the Second World War which will provide the background
to the period under investigation. Excavating from the archives a foreign policy
direction favoured by Eden, the thesis will move on to examine how this
developed through the course of the war as events unfolded, and will follow a
generally chronological structure. That is not to say that it was Eden alone who
was responsible for formulating schemes and policy ideas, but that his experience
and differing outlook to Halifax helped the Foreign Office view things with a
different perspective, which could have yielded different results. Edens job, after
all, was to be the Foreign Office representative in Cabinet, as well as being its chief
diplomat and senior manager, so it would be difficult to suggest that, even with
his high work rate and undisputed talents, he could have regularly drawn up new
policy in addition to his other responsibilities. Chapters three and four will
examine the immediate and longer term impacts of Edens arrival at the Foreign
Office, and this is where more of the archival evidence will be brought in,
particularly the Foreign Office papers and Edens own correspondence to examine
what he thought of the previous policies, and what his priorities should be upon
taking the Office.

The main task of this thesis will be to examine, through detailed use of the
archival sources, particularly the Foreign Office records, what was happening in
the Foreign Office during this period, and whether or not Eden and his
Department actually had a clear policy that they were attempting to follow.
Chapters five though seven take up this challenge, looking particularly at the key
issues of the Soviet Frontier demands and the means by which these can be
integrated with Britains own war aims, and the necessity to maintain and foster a

French resistance movement which often caused more contention than assistance
to the allied cause. Again the official documents found in the Foreign Office papers
at the National Archives will be crucial to explain the actual thinking of Eden and
his contemporaries, particularly the many folders in FO 371 that cover these
particular topics,3 but memoirs and diaries will also be useful to show how
personal and political opinions may have differed. Some of the secondary works,
such as Barkers Churchill and Eden at War will be particularly useful here as they
discuss how some of the Foreign Office aims started to link together with the day
to day management of Anglo-French and Anglo-Soviet relations. Once their policy
is discovered, it will be important to see exactly what this policy was. There is
plenty of evidence supporting Churchills policy, which favoured America and
focussed on winning the war rather than planning for the future. One famous
example of this was his quote that we shall not overlook Mrs Glasss Cookery
Book recipe for Jugged Hare first catch your hare.4 There is, however,
relatively little historical discussion of any other strands of foreign policy that may
have been at play, except when alternate policy ideas caused friction in the
Churchill-Eden relationship. In particular, a foreign policy which focussed on the
need to prepare for the post-war world during the war, and involved collaboration
in a European or World organisation would be hard to pick out of the existing
historiography. It will be a key task of this thesis to examine whether or not this
was actually the policy of the Foreign Office, or whether it was just an idealist side
project that they worked on whilst supporting Churchill in his military and
political quest.
If it was the case that this was a genuine foreign policy initiative, and they
were actually working towards post-war European or Worldwide co-operation
then it will be crucial to examine and analyse speeches, initiatives and any policies
they put forward as the war progressed, regardless of their implementation, to
fully understand what they were trying to achieve. Whilst examining these it will
For example TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/32876-32879 on Anglo Soviet relations and FO
371/31872, FO 371/31897 and FO 371/31940 on the Free French.
4 TNA, Prime Ministers Papers, PREM 4/100, Churchills minute to Eden on the Four Power Plan,
18 October 1942.


be important to ignore the overall success of the individual policies and look at the
big picture of what was trying to be achieved. The chronological structure is useful
here, as it reduces the risk of drawing a line backwards to events during the war
from events that came later, which might give events more or less significance than
they may actually have had at the time. Chapters eight to eleven take up this task,
and see significant discussion of detailed policy work by the Foreign Office that is
contained in the archives, though not really discussed in the historiography. The
Foreign Office files are incredibly illuminating here, as there are a large number of
folders and files that examine and consider post-war plans, be they military or
political, sensible or spurious, which help form what eventually developed as the
Foreign Office policy.5 Here the secondary work becomes less helpful, as many of
these plans are not discussed, but memoirs and diaries, particularly those of
Gladwyn Jebb and the edited volume on Charles Webster, do offer assessments of
some of them, and it is always illuminating to see the thoughts of contemporaries,
and the thinking of the men who wrote a good deal of these papers.
Some references to events after the war will be used occasionally to
demonstrate where policy ideas that were not implemented could have provided
different results to those that were. In works that do mention some sort of
European foreign policy, there is variation as to when this comes about, so this
structure will also be useful in determining timeframes and also what Eden and
the Foreign Office were doing in the meantime.
It will also be interesting, as the thesis develops, to establish how far such a
policy was a result of internal ideas and decisions, or whether it was one that was
forced on the Foreign Office by military circumstances or political decisions in
other fields or even other countries. Was it, for example, a result of internal
prejudice towards the United States that the Foreign Office sought to work in a
broader framework than Churchill envisaged, or was it because Churchill crowded
them out of the American relations that they had to opt for this course? Arising
from this is a question about the ideological impetus for such a policy, and the
For example TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/35339-35341 which contain many proposals for a
European post-war settlement submitted to the Foreign Office in early 1943


thesis will consider whether or not this policy came about due to an ideological
leaning towards the Soviet Union within the Foreign Office, or whether they were
acting along the lines of realpolitik, and this just happened to coincide with Soviet
demands, such as over the 1941 Frontiers.
If there is no evidence of such a policy, or insufficient evidence to claim that
what the Foreign Office was working on was a cohesive vision or idea, then this
will lend substance to Churchills view of the war, and an argument as to why
historians tend to focus more on Churchill. To not undertake this examination, and
to assume that because Churchills vision came to pass that is what is important to
study, does the history of the war, and particularly those involved in its foreign
policy aspect, a great disservice.

The final task will be to consider, depending on the results of this

examination, what was achieved. Did efforts by Eden and the Foreign Office
actually result in political progress with this policy, did it influence decisions made
elsewhere, and did it have any lasting results? This will require investigation of
events both within and outside the time period of this thesis, and some
counterfactual discussion, but these will be required to demonstrate whether any
lasting impact can be seen from the ideas put forward. This will also show whether
any outcomes other than the special relationship would have been possible for
Britain as a result of this foreign policy.


2) Background

There appears to be little direct scholarship that examines this particular

topic, so in order to study the historiography one must look at the historiography
of the Second World War in general, and locate those works that reference this
subject, most notably those specific to the study of Eden. Most of the secondary
literature on the Second World War, and especially that concerning foreign policy,
is very much dominated by Churchill. He was the leader who brought Britain
through the Second World War as one of the victorious allies, and in hindsight, his
views, or some of them at least, can certainly be seen to be responsible for this.
However, the light shone on British foreign policy is very much pointed towards
America, and this phenomenon is generally accredited to Churchill. For the other
powers involved in the defeat of Germany, and certainly the Soviet Union, which
was arguably more significant in Europe than America, the limelight was very
much shining the other way. Both the Soviet Union and France can be overlooked
when examining the struggle between Britain and Germany, though France
receives a little more attention due to the conflicts between Churchill and de
Gaulle, and that it started the war fighting against Germany. Both these countries
played a role in the British war effort, whether directly and intentionally or
indirectly and unintentionally, yet the relationships between them and Britain can
get neglected in comparison to America. Their importance becomes apparent,
however, when studying the man who was Foreign Secretary for much of the war,
Anthony Eden. As will be seen his views on foreign policy differed from
Churchills, and were often based more on stark realism1 and perspective than
Churchills emotional and whimsical views, though it must be noted that Eden did
occasionally get in rather a flap.2 What remains to be seen is whether Edens
particular brand of foreign policy came to anything. The lack of historical
discussion suggests results were limited.


Carlton, D. Anthony Eden, A Biography, (London, 1981), p. 192.

Dilks, D [Ed.]. The Diaries of Alexander Cadogan, (London, 1971), 31 December 1940, p. 345.


Based on his significant experience in European diplomacy, and his former

responsibility for the League of Nations, it is unsurprising that Eden would have
looked at policy with a view towards post-war co-operation between powers. The
secondary work supports this, though not always in great detail. There are many
references to Eden and post-war planning or post war co-operation, but these
are not always well explained. Elisabeth Barker gives the clearest account of
Edens foreign policy during the war, and in her book Churchill and Eden at War
the idea of Eden following a post-war plan can be traced throughout the war,
though Barker herself provides no detailed analysis. She does, however, assert that
as early as 1942 Eden was formulating ideas that could help shape post-war
Europe and the peace. The example she cites is the Four Power Plan, proposed by
Eden in autumn 1942, which would allow for joint responsibility by the US,
Britain, the Soviet Union and China in keeping peace.3 He argued that My
design is to have a basis of a foreign policy now, which policy, if the basis is sound
today, should carry us over into the peace.4 This was a sensible strategy, as it
would have ensured the three main powers, along with China, were involved and
cooperating from an early opportunity, giving time for relations to develop, and
alleviating fears that any one power was being left out (most notably the Soviet
Union). This plan receives limited coverage in the historiography, perhaps a
suggestion of its failure. It was important, however, as it shows Edens long-term
foreign policy goals from an early date and received Cabinet approval.
Conversely, David Carltons biography suggests that it was 1943 before Eden
began exploring this particular policy. He argues that until 1943 Eden had tried to
delay any idea of a deal with the Soviets out of fear of the frontier question. Victor
Rothwell goes further, and suggests that he did have much to contribute on some
of the issues which were to become more important during 1944, including
post-war arrangements in east and central Europe; policy in Italy the future of
Germany; and, last but not least, the future of France.5 Given the disparity in the

Barker, E. Churchill and Eden at War, (London, 1978), p. 211.

Ibid, p. 211.
5 Rothwell, V. Anthony Eden: A Political Biography, 1931-57, (Manchester, 1992), pp. 70-71.


biographies of Eden on this topic there appears room for this study to undertake
further examination and see if the archival sources can provide a firmer
understanding of Edens policy and its origins.
Virtually all sources record Edens advocacy of recognising the 1941 Soviet
Frontiers at the start of 1942, though they generally suggest this was on the
grounds of stark realism as opposed to being part of Edens long-term European
plan. Carlton and John Charmley hint that this could be with the post-war
landscape of Europe in mind, but only in the context of Edens memorandum to
the Cabinet which stated that, on the assumption Germany is defeated, there will
be no counterweight to Russia in Europe Russias position on the European
continent will be unassailable.6 This is one of the points which may well be
influenced by Churchills legacy, as he rejected Edens pleas for accepting the
frontiers at this stage in favour of the ideals of the Atlantic Charter. If looked at
from Churchills perspective with his developing American friendship, this was a
good choice to make; however, if looked at differently, it clearly hampered AngloSoviet relations, and thus Edens attempts to create greater European
understanding and co-operation. Churchills works emphasise the importance of
America, and this particular issue is a good example. He goes to great lengths in
The Grand Alliance, to show how firmly he impressed upon Eden his support for
America, publishing a minute to Eden that told him point blank that nothing was
of more importance than those principles of freedom and democracy set forth in
the Atlantic Charter.7 Barker, Charmley, and Carlton argue that from 1943 Edens
policy had at least some grounding in an idea about the structure of post-war
Europe, and the European Advisory Commission can be seen as an example.
Barker also notes that some of Edens ideas for post-war Europe became part of the
set up of the United Nations. There is scope here to examine in more detail why
Eden urged the acceptance of the Soviet frontiers when he did, and why he felt
that post-war collaboration with the Soviet Union was desirable as far as British
Carlton, Eden, pp. 192-3 and Charmley, J. Churchill: The End of Glory: A Political Biography, (London,
1995), p. 485.
7 Churchill, W.S. The Second World War, Volume III: The Grand Alliance, (London, 1985), p. 616.


interests were concerned. Was this in line with an idea of a post war European
policy, or was there something else underlying the actions of Eden and the Foreign
Office. Martin Follys Churchill, Whitehall and the Soviet Union, 1940-45 is one of
the few works that actually examines in detail the Anglo-Soviet relationship
during the war, and his study suggests that there was a genuine idea amongst
British Officials, made from observation and debate, that the Soviet Union would
continue to co-operate with the Western powers after the war.
The most commonly suggested start point for a European based post war
policy was after Edens visit to Washington in March 1943, though this appears to
be based on distrust of America, rather than a sudden change to being pro-Soviet
or pro-European. The suggestion is that he was unconvinced of American
sincerity, and thus made it the role of the Foreign Office to effectively plan against
Churchill for a European post-war system which would not be influenced by the
Americans. As David Dutton remarked in his biography, Eden was very worried
about placing Britain's eggs in a single [American] basket, and he believed that
an Atlantic partnership would need to be balanced by her [Britains] position in
Western Europe, particularly in association with a revived France, and, if possible,
by continuing friendship with Russia.8 Thus we can see the idea of balancing both
sides, so that if things didnt go to plan with the American alliance, there would
still be something left for Britain. The idea of Eden being wary of America is one
that comes across in many of the works, although they differ on the degree.
Charmley argues in Churchill: The End of Glory, that Eden saw the American
Alliance as potentially ruinous to Britain, suggesting it was endangering the
whole future of Anglo-French relations - and with it any hope of a British foreign
policy independent of America.9 Here we clearly see Edens hope lay firstly in
Europe, working with France particularly to create a post-war European system
that would ensure peace, and secondly the desire for the British to act
independently of the Americans. Barker, however, argues that his anti-American


Dutton, D. Anthony Eden: A Life and Reputation, (London, 1997), p. 146.

Charmley, End of Glory, p. 544.


attitude was not as strong as Oliver Harveys, for example, and that it was also
pragmatic. In October 1943, for instance, she noted his willingness to accept an
American compromise proposal over the administration of France after liberation
as he saw it as the Americans moving in the right direction.10 Some allowance must
also be made for Eden here, as he was the head of the Foreign Office, which was
quite strongly anti-American, and feared the spread of American influence in
Europe. He thus had to balance any particular leaning he had with those of his
Department. He also had Harvey as his Private Secretary, who was pro-Soviet and
anti-American, which may well have influenced his views. How far this affected
Eden is hard to gauge, but it is clear that there was some anti-American sentiment
to Edens policy, especially around Tehran with the American refusal to treat
Britain as an equal, which confirmed his desire for a pro-European policy.

One thing evident in the secondary sources is the idea that Eden may have
been following a pro-European policy because of his sympathy towards the Soviet
Union. In 1935 he was the first British statesman to meet the Soviet Dictator,
Joseph Stalin, a meeting which left both men with good impressions of the other.
He had also volunteered his services in 1939 during the attempts to gain an
alliance with the Soviet Union, and despite support from his predecessor, Lord
Halifax, was turned down by the Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain. Whilst
outside the Foreign Office he was in contact with the Soviet Ambassador, Ivan
Maisky, and was generally in favour of an alliance with Stalin. Once back at the
Foreign Office, Sir Stafford Cripps, the British Ambassador in Moscow, noted that
Eden made it one of his main priorities to improve relations with the Soviet Union.
Harvey noted in his diary in December 1941 that A.E. is the one man in England
who is ready to put their [Russias] case11 and this can be seen throughout the
war. There was concern that Harvey could have influenced Eden, as Carlton
illustrated with a quote from the Permanent Under Secretary Sir Alexander

Barker, Churchill and Eden, p. 101.

Harvey, J [Ed.]. The War Diaries of Oliver Harvey, 1941-1945, (London, 1978), 18 December 1941, p.


Cadogans diary from 23 May 1942: I think he'll be all right. But he is subject to
temptation and that ass Harvey's advice.12 In fact, Harveys influence on Eden
was often limited, and Cadogan had commented shortly after Edens appointment
that he was glad to find A. not ideological and quite alive to uselessness of
expecting anything13 from Russia. It is interesting, however, that both Carlton and
Charmley suggest that in their reactions to the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union,
Churchill was far more exuberant and enthusiastic than Eden initially, and that
Eden and the Dominions Secretary, Viscount Cranborne, had to remind Churchill
that half the country regarded the Soviet Union as being politically ... as bad as
Germany, and they took the Tory standpoint that aid should be purely
military.14 Churchills interest soon waned, partly because, contrary to his and the
militarys expectations, the Soviet Union was not quickly defeated;15 partly because
collaboration with Russia brought up the topic of war aims and post-war planning,
something Churchill wanted to avoid; and partly because he was reluctant to treat
the Soviet Union as an equal partner, as evidenced by his veto of Edens proposed
visit to Moscow early that year on the grounds of Edens safety, a concern that he
had never shown to any of Chamberlains visits to Hitler.16 A passage in Duttons
biography is, however, very revealing. He noted that After a period when the
scope for diplomatic initiative had been limited, after the setback of his two-month
odyssey to the Middle East and in the context of an administration in which
Churchill would always reserve for himself some of the main components of
British foreign policy, relations with the Soviet Union came to assume a central
importance for Eden, particularly after the Nazi invasion of June 1941. Diplomacy
towards a country which was certain to emerge - assuming an Allied victory - as
one of the great powers of the post-war world became a key issue for Eden - his
preserve in a way that Anglo-American relations could never be.17 This suggests,
with some accuracy, that Eden focussed on the development of Anglo-Soviet
Carlton, Eden, p. 198.
Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 6 January 1941, p 347.
14 Charmley, End of Glory, pp. 455-6.
15 Ibid, p. 456 and Carlton, D. Churchill and the Soviet Union, (Manchester, 2000), p. 84.
16 Barker, Churchill and Eden, p. 226.
17 Dutton, Eden, p. 181.


relations as they were the only other major power he could court. His
determination to do so, however, resulted in some historians levelling the charge
of appeasement against him.18 Churchill held the American card for himself, so it
was left to Eden and the Foreign Office to deal with Russia. This also meant
dealing with the questions of war aims, the immediate effects on Europe and postwar planning by default, so it is logical that they would try and develop policy
that took these into account. Whether it was because of Russia that they came up
with this policy, or because of this policy line that Eden looked favourably on
Russia is hard to determine, but the fact Churchill was occupied with America
meant, in theory at least, that Eden could focus on this policy without American
influence. Although some in the Foreign Office, mainly personified by Harvey,
had an ideological leaning towards the Soviet Union, the department as a whole
was more balanced, and so it is unlikely, especially given the strength of Churchill
in Cabinet, that a policy dictated by ideology would have arisen or made any
progress. Indeed, the closest thing to an ideology that comes across from the
Foreign Office is anti-Americanism, and this is something that shall be examined
in greater detail as the thesis progresses.

Conversely, it could have been a sign of arrogance that Eden wanted a

preserve of his own. If Churchills was to be the USA, the next best thing was the
USSR. Gabriel Gorodetsky, in Grand Delusions, implied that Eden was bordering
on arrogance with his views towards Anglo-Soviet relations when he became
Foreign Secretary, suggesting that he seemed to believe naively that the mere
announcement of his appointment would lead to an improvement in relations.19
Thus the idea that this came across in foreign policy is one that certainly has some
standing. It is often mentioned that Eden was looking for recognition, and in a way
that is no major issue, but perhaps he also believed some of the rhetoric of being a
man going home.20 He himself noted in his papers that the Russians profess to

Ibid, p. 214.
Gorodetsky, G. Grand Delusion, Stalin and the German Invasion of Russia, (London, 1999), p. 93.
20 Carlton, Eden, p. 170, and Eden, A. The Eden Memoirs: The Reckoning, (London, 1965), p. 183.


regard me as one who has no prejudice against them. It is undeniable that ego

and vanity played their part in Edens views, but so too, it will be argued, did a
genuine vision about what sort of post-war settlement would suit Britain best.

The hand which Eden had to play was heavily influenced by the dire
situation he inherited in December 1940. The relationship with France, Britains
great ally, had gone from high hopes to enmity. During the first year of the war
tensions grew between the two, particularly after the Soviet invasion of Finland on
30 November 1939.22 Initial reactions were muted, but the spirited Finnish
resistance led to a change of heart and significant pressure from the French
required action to be taken. The fall of Prime Minister Edouard Daladier in March
194023 accentuated this pressure, and consequently the ill-fated Narvik campaign
was planned. This pressure irritated many in Britain, with Cadogan commenting
with annoyance that They [France] talk about vigorous prosecution of the war,
which means that we should do it, provided that we remove the war as far as
possible from France!.24 Unfortunately for the French, war soon came to them,
and by 22 June an armistice had been signed between the new French Government
under Marshall Philippe Ptain25 and Germany, and by 25 June Hitler was
boasting that The war in the West is ended.26 The armistice agreement left much
of French territory being ruled by this newly formed Vichy regime. Whilst not
entirely loyal to Germany, it was often thought to have, as Churchill put it,
effectively placed its every resource at the disposal of the enemy.27 Churchill had
backed the rebel Free French General Charles de Gaulle, so there existed the germ
of a possible democratic restoration should France be liberated, but events were
TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/24B, Eden to Cripps, 17 January 1941.
Cosgrave, P. Churchill at War, Volume I: Alone 1939-40, (London, 1974), p. 101.
23 Churchill, W.S. The Second World War, Volume I: The Gathering Storm, (London, 1985), p. 518.
24 Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 1 April 1940, p. 267. [italics and ! in original]
25 The Reynaud Government had been overthrown on 16 June and replaced by a Government
under Marshall Ptain, whose purpose was to conclude an armistice with Germany.
26 Eade, C [Ed.]. The Collected Works of Sir Winston Churchill: Centenary Limited Edition, Volume XIX:
The War Speeches, Volume One, May 1938-June 1941, (London, 1975), p. 218, editors introduction to
The Fall of France speech.
27 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/13/1, Churchills Minute to the Chiefs of Staff on The
Mediterranean, 15 October 1940.


proving him to be a difficult protg. There is no room to look in detail at the

wider aspects of this division on the French colonial possessions, or its impact on
the support or otherwise for the allied cause in different parts of the French
Empire, but this is covered in great detail by Martin Thomas in his book The
French empire at war, 1940-45.28 The nature of post-war France would be critical to
British and European security; but in 1941, it took an effort of imagination to see
France restored and sitting alongside the British at the end of hostilities.

The Soviet Union was a different matter entirely. Since 1917 they had been
controlled by the Bolsheviks, a Leninist Communist party, and an authoritarian
one at that, directly opposing liberal democratic Britain. Not only that, but some in
Britain, such as Churchill during the 1930s, actually saw the Soviets as being worse
than the Nazis, and there was often more sympathy felt towards Hitler as a leader
than Stalin. These attitudes were largely reciprocated, as Vladimir Lenin believed
that Britain represented the undoubted leader of the capitalist conspiracy which,
it was claimed, was out to destroy the first communist state.29 Throughout the
inter-war period there were many examples of ideological differences, probably
the two most notable were the Russian Civil War, where Britain, France, Germany
and the USA all sent troops to fight against the Bolsheviks in favour of the proMonarchy White forces;30 and the raid on the All-Russian Co-operative Society
(ARCOS) and the Soviet Trade Delegation premises in 1927 which led to a break in
diplomatic relations.31 Many in the pre-war Government, including Chamberlain,
held strong anti-Soviet views, and indeed it has been argued that personal
prejudice and ideological antipathy were partly responsible for Chamberlains
decision making when it came to attempted pre-war agreements with the Soviet

Thomas, M. The French empire at war, 1940-45, (Manchester, 1998).

Northedge, F.S. and Wells, A. Britain and Soviet Communism: The Impact of a Revolution, (London,
1982), p. 3.
30 Ullman, R.H. Anglo-Soviet Relations, 1917-1921, Volume II: Britain and the Russian Civil War,
November 1918-February 1920, (New Jersey, 1968), p. 7.
31 Neilson, K. Britain, Soviet Russia and the Collapse of the Versailles Order, 1919-1939, (Cambridge,
2009), p. 55.


Union. After the Nazi-Soviet Pact the totalitarian powers were effectively allies,

so in 1941 it was hard to look upon the Soviet Union with the same kindness that
would have been afforded an invaded democracy. Anthony Peters suggested that
at the start of the Second World War, Anglo-Soviet relations were still
characterised by suspicion and thinly veiled hostility,33 and much of this was due
to the ideological conflicts during the interwar years.
Ideology was not the only issue standing between Britain and Russia. History
also played a part in shaping the relations of the two powers. The Crimean War
[1853-1856] was fought by Britain and France against Russia on Russian territory;34
Russia went to war with Britains ally Imperial Japan in 1904;35 and most notably
Lenin and the Bolsheviks had pulled Russia out of the First World War with the
signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk,36 leaving Britain, France and America to
shoulder the remaining burden of defeating the Germans. Thus historical
apprehension and ill feeling was the base for relations during the inter-war period,
and the ideological differences did little to help the situation. Russian actions
during the period of Appeasement and during the opening year of the Second
World War did little to thaw the cold atmosphere. Although the Soviet Union
made some trade and economic agreements with France, it made no similar
commitments to Britain, and come 1939 it remained unclear as to where the Soviet
Union stood if a general conflict broke out. The answer was soon discovered as
Britain was an unwilling partner in the negotiations for an agreement with the
Soviet Union in 1939, and the stalling of these negotiations contributed to the
signing of the Nazi-Soviet Pact.37 In Cabinet on 24 August Halifax commented that
it appeared to be contrary to good faith that, while we were conducting
negotiations with the Russians in all confidence, they should have been

Self, R [Ed.]. The Neville Chamberlain Diary Letters, Volume Four: The Downing Street Years, 19341940, (Aldershot, 2005), p. 19, editors text.
33 Peters, A.R. Anthony Eden at the Foreign Office 1931-1938, (New York, 1986), p. 373.
34 Waldron, P. The End of Imperial Russia, 1855-1917, (Basingstoke, 1997), p. 107.
35 Ibid, p. 29.
36 The treaty of Brest Litovsk Signed 3 March 1918 between Germany and Russia, Joll, J. Europe Since
1870, An International History, (London, 1990), p. 235.
37 Degras, J [Ed.]. Soviet Documents on Foreign Policy, Volume III: 1933-1941, (London, 1953), pp. 359361. Treaty of Non-Aggression between the USSR and Germany, 23 August 1939.


negotiating with Germany behind our back. Anglo-Russian relations returned to


the freezer for at least another eighteen months.

The Russian decision to side with Germany was one thing, but its continued
belligerency annoyed Britain. It had invaded Eastern Poland, a country which had
been guaranteed by the allies against German aggression, had essentially annexed
Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia,39 and then followed this up by invading Finland.
This last act was a major problem for the allies. Finland was a democracy and a
bystander, and had been attacked without cause. Churchill, however, managed to
find the light in both these events, and suggested that both were necessary for
Soviet security, an argument he could have made but did not make about Russian
frontier demands in 1942. In the case of Poland he commented that We could
have wished that the Russian armies should be standing on their present line as
the friends and allies of Poland instead of as invaders. But that the Russian armies
should stand on this line was clearly necessary for the safety of Russia against the
Nazi menace. At any rate, the line is there, and an Eastern Front has been created
which Nazi Germany does not dare assail.40 He took the same line on Finland,
believing that any strengthening of Russias position in the Baltic was desirable41
both for Soviet security, and the overall situation of Europe at that particular time.
These events, whilst not wholly relevant to this study, are worth noting for as an
early example of Churchills notable swings in policy. On this occasion he moved
from inter-war hostility towards the Soviet Union, to appeasement proposals for a
Grand Alliance, through support for aggressive Soviet military activities, to be
followed by the return to anti-Soviet rhetoric in support of the Finnish resistance.
This was a clear example of the changing mood of Churchills foreign policy,
something this thesis will go on to suggest happened on more than one occasion,
thus making it particularly difficult for Eden, as Foreign Secretary, to get on with
his job.
TNA, Cabinet Papers, CAB 23/100/10, Cabinet Conclusions, 24 August 1939.
Piirime, K. Roosevelt, Churchill, and the Baltic Question: Allied Relations During the Second World
War, (New York, 2014), p. 12
40 Eade, Collected Works, The First Month of War, October 1, 1939, p. 108.
41 Reynolds, D. In Command of History: Churchill Fighting and Writing the Second World War, (London,
2004), p 122.


Having looked at where Britain stood in its relations with France and Russia,
there remains the issue of Britains own political standing at the beginning of 1941.
After being diplomatically outmanoeuvred by Germany and the Soviet Union
before the war, Britain was very much on the back foot. Instead of fighting
alongside France and Russia, the failed negotiations meant Britain and France
alone went to war against Germany after the invasion of Poland, though no real
fighting commenced until spring 1940. The closest Britain came to fighting in the
first months of the war was a proposal to send military aid to Finland against the
Soviet Union, a seemingly bad idea from whatever angle it is viewed. When the
phoney war ended, the British found themselves driven from Europe and in a
position more parlous than any since the era of Napoleon. The defeat at Narvik
brought Churchill (who had been largely responsible for it) to office in May 1940,
and the death of Chamberlain in November 1940 brought him to the leadership of
the Conservative Party. But his erratic judgment and his egotism, both of which
were in evidence from the time he returned to Government in September 1939,
were not forgotten.

If the outbreak of war had brought Churchill back into the Cabinet as First
Lord of the Admiralty, it took longer for Eden to return there. He was brought into
the Government in 1939, but only as Dominions Secretary.42 As Prime Minister,
Churchill made him Secretary of State for War, thus including him de-facto, in the
War Cabinet.43 Edens time at the Dominions Office was quieter than Churchills at
the Admiralty, and Eden himself suggested that his role in the Cabinet as
Dominions Secretary was anomalous, not to say humiliating44 with nothing
major to do, though this was perhaps more a frustrated comment than a true
reflection of working in Government during wartime. He became far more active
after his promotion to the War Office, applying himself to this new job with
Gilbert, M. Winston S. Churchill, Volume V: 1922-1939, Prophet of Truth, (London, 1990), p. 1107.
Churchill made Eden Secretary of State for War on 11 May 1940, Broad, L. Sir Anthony Eden: The
Chronicles of a Career, (London, 1955), p. 140.
44 Eden, Reckoning, p. 91.


enthusiasm. He took a more active part in the high level discussions of the war,

and accompanied Churchill to the Franco-British Supreme War Council meeting in

June 1940.46 He also visited the Middle East on what would become the first of
many wartime missions, developing invaluable contacts with the Middle East
Commander, General Archibald Wavell; he successfully reorganised and re-armed
the Army after its evacuation from France and formed the Home Guard volunteer
force, though had Churchill to thank for its name.47 Despite a failed attempt to
return Eden to the Foreign Office in September 1940, Churchill was still keen on
the idea; but it was not until December 1940 that the opportunity arose. When
Philip Lothian, the Ambassador in Washington, passed away, Churchill
considered Halifax for the post, and with Halifax accepting, there was a vacancy at
the head of the Foreign Office, and Churchill had no doubt who should fill the
vacancy.48 Eden's promotion was announced on 23 December 194049 and his
return was described as like a man going home.50

Rothwell, Eden, p. 54.

Aster, S. Anthony Eden, (London, 1976), p. 63.
47 Broad, Eden, pp. 143-147. Originally called the Local Defence Volunteers.
48 Churchill, W.S. The Second World War, Volume II: Their Finest Hour, (London, 1985), p. 504.
49 Carlton. Eden, p. 170.
50 Eden, Reckoning, p. 183.


3) A Man Going Home

Lothians death allowed Churchill to send Halifax, tainted by his association

with appeasement, to Washington. The political Left regarded him as an opponent
of cooperation with the USSR,1 though Andrew Roberts defends Halifax from such
a charge, noting that Cripps appointment was his idea, that he helped maintain
relations during the winter war with Finland and did not condone the Soviet
invasion of Poland, which prevented further alienating Russia.2 Halifax had also
warned of the danger of the French maintaining inadequate defences as a result of
their defeatist attitude, thus leaving Britain alone to face the might of Germany.3
Despite this, there was increasing discontent with his position, and Churchill was
conscious of this, believing that his record in the years before the war and the
way in which events had moved left him exposed to much disapprobation and
even hostility from the Labour side of our National Coalition. I knew that he was
conscious of this himself.4 This seems an odd sentiment when Halifax would have
been preferred as Chamberlains successor in May 1940 by the Left, but, as we
know from many sources, including Halifaxs own diary,5 Churchill was looking
for a way to move him from the Foreign Office. As we have seen, Churchill
described Edens return as being like a man going home.6 Though he had
enjoyed his time at the War Office, Eden knew that there could not be any
argument, and accepted his increased responsibility.7 He was, however, glad that
he would now be Churchills colleague at the Foreign Office rather than his
subordinate with the Army.8 It is important to note that Edens return to this high
post was down to Churchills desire to have him there, and his gratitude for this
was something that can be seen to weigh on his conscience throughout the war.
Wells, H.G. Halifax Must Go!, The News Chronicle, 3 October 1940, quoted in Roberts, A. The
Holy Fox: The Life of Lord Halifax, (London 1997), p. 253.
2 Ibid, p. 254.
3 Mangold, P. Britain and the Defeated French: From Occupation to Liberation, 1940-1944, (London,
2012), pp. 22-23.
4 Churchill, Their Finest Hour, p. 504.
5 Halifaxs Diary, 17 December 1940, quoted in Dilks, Cadogan Diary, p. 341. Editors text.
6 Eden, Reckoning, p. 183.
7 Ibid, p. 183.
8 Ibid, p. 183.


Eden was the obvious choice, not least with regard to the USSR. In his
previous stint as Foreign Secretary he was in favour of working with Russia, and
in 1935 had been invited to Moscow to meet Stalin,9 a meeting that was marked
with friendliness and openness according to Molotov.10 He could make a plausible
claim (provided no one looked too closely11) to have been an anti-appeaser; he had
worked with the League of Nations to try and maintain European co-operation in
a difficult period; and that part of the political spectrum which distrusted Halifax
could greet Eden with some enthusiasm. His ability, his Foreign Office history and
his tireless work ethic meant he earned the loyalty and devotion of his officials,
some of whom were notable in their own right, and many of whom were as
experienced, if not more so, than their new master.12 His return also renewed a
partnership formed during the mid 1930s with Cadogan. Under Edens first period
as Foreign Secretary he was instrumental in bringing Cadogan back from China as
Senior of the Deputy Under-Secretaries in the Foreign Office, and had even tried to
promote him in place of Sir Robert Vansittart as Permanent Under-Secretary in
1936.13 Eden was seemingly the ideal choice to try and navigate Britain through the
difficulty of the war, ensuring that it maintained its position and did not find itself
Edens problems were immense, however. Effectively isolated by a Germandominated Europe, still under threat of defeat, Britains first priority was survival.
Trying to focus on diplomacy to create the sort of post-war world which would
make the sacrifices of war worthwhile was no small challenge whilst dealing with
Churchill, the American President Franklin Roosevelt, Stalin and General de

Roberts, G. The Unholy Alliance: Stalins Pact with Hitler, (London 1989), p. 66.
Piirime, Roosevelt, Churchill and the Baltic, p. 59
11 Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 1 December 1941, Cadogan noted: Does A. realise that he is responsible for
the great and tragic appeasement not reacting to German occupation of the Rhineland in 1936?
How lucky he is no one has ever mentioned that!.
12 Connell, J. The Office A Study of British Foreign Policy and its Makers 1919-1951, (London, 1958), p.
13 Neilson, K and Otte, T.G. The Permanent Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1854-1946, (New York,
2009), p. 237.



Eden was well-placed to deal with the pressing issue of relations with the
USSR. He had met Stalin and been an advocate of Anglo-Russian cooperation in
the late 1930s; he had volunteered to go to Moscow in 1939 to try and secure an
agreement;14 and had maintained good relations with Maisky. He consequently
believed that the Russians profess to regard me as one who has no prejudice
against them.15 With the pro-Soviet Harvey reappointed as his Private Secretary,
no one could accuse Eden of hostility towards the Russians.
Edens record on France was less suggestive of possible progress. Despite the
fact that Halifax had raised the idea of staging a coup against the Vichy authorities
in Dakar in July 1940,16 he received little political blame for its failure, and appears
to have sustained a better working relationship with both the Free French and
Vichy than was maintained with the Soviets. Indeed, Roberts argues that
Halifaxs skill in dealing with the raw and sensitive French mood was ultimately
of great value,17 providing a Foreign Office supported financial agreement to back
de Gaulle, as well as a modus vivendi with Vichy after the release of the terms of
the Franco-German treaty in October 1940. Thus in Anglo-French relations Eden
had a harder act to follow. Thanks to Churchill, Edens involvement in relations
with France began before his return to the Foreign Office. He had accompanied
Churchill to France in June 1940 to meet then Prime Minister Paul Reynaud, as
well as Ptain and General Maxime Weygand.18 During this trip Eden realised that
the end of French resistance was imminent, and there could be two French
Governments after any surrender. Even Weygand, whom he regarded very highly,
gave the impression of reserved fatalism.19 Eden shared Churchills early good
impression of de Gaulle when they met, and it seems that, unlike Churchill, he was
to find de Gaulle more manageable over the long term, and under his leadership,

Parker, R.A.C. Chamberlain and Appeasement: British Policy and the Coming of The Second World War,
(Basingstoke, 1993), p. 234.
15 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/24B, Eden to Cripps, 17 January 1941.
16 Roberts, Holy Fox, p. 258.
17 Ibid, p. 259.
18 Gilbert, M. Winston S. Churchill, Volume VI: 1939-1941, Finest Hour, (London, 1991), pp. 498-500.
19 Eden, Reckoning, p. 117.


the Foreign Office was to prove less of a block on enthusiasm for the Free French
than under Halifax.20 On this visit Eden was already thinking that de Gaulle might
be at the head of one of the French groups, most likely the one responsible for
carrying on the French resistance from the colonies.21 When he returned to the
Foreign Office, however, he found that Britain was thinking of Anglo-French
relations simply in terms of relations with the Vichy Government of Ptain, and
thus was largely ignoring the Free French Movement and de Gaulle. Whilst
holding good impressions of de Gaulle, Eden was not fully convinced he was the
man to lead France. This left Eden with a problem, as he doubted the reliability of
the Vichy government, but did not have confidence in its likely alternative.
Consequently, he was initially prepared to follow Churchills policy of talking to
all sides to try and get as much as possible from each, not entirely dissimilar to
previous British foreign policy.
But even with his keen desire to improve our relations with the Soviet
Government,22 and determination to set relations with France on a more stable
and normal footing, Eden was frustrated by current events. As he came to office
the fall-out of Soviet Foreign Minister Vaycheslav Molotovs visit to Berlin and the
Nazi-Soviet tussle over Bulgaria was in full swing, as well as the Italian war with
Greece. There was disillusionment over trade talks with Russia, with Cripps
threatening to withdraw from negotiations, frustrated with their lack of cooperation. Additionally, relations with Vichy were being strained by the varied
allegiances of its leaders, with some, such as Admiral Francois Darlan, pushing for
economic negotiations with Germany, and others stating that this was out of the
question; not to mention the increasing tension between Vichy and the Free French
Movement over de Gaulles activities, especially in North Africa.
Eden also found himself horrified at deadness of Foreign Office and its
wooliness,23 and Harvey was equally appalled by [its] anti-liberal attitude.24 It

Thomas, The French Empire at war, p. 72.

Barker, Churchill and Eden, p. 33.
22 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/24B, Eden to Cripps, 17 January 1941.
23 Gorodetsky, G. Stafford Cripps Mission to Moscow 1940-42, (Cambridge, 1984), p. 88.


is hard to see where this idea originated except, perhaps, the continued inclusion
of Vansittart, now Chief Diplomatic Advisor, though more likely this was simply
Harveys more eccentric views clouding his judgement on the personnel in the
Foreign Office, many of whom were remnants from the Munich era, a group of
people he particularly detested.25 It seems that, along with the change of Foreign
Secretary, changes in attitude and personnel were required before any significant
change could be brought to foreign policy. Thus as well as calming Cripps and
convincing him to continue negotiations, Eden had to adjust the attitude of the
Foreign Office and restrain its more anti-Soviet elements, otherwise it would
indicate to the Soviets that the new Foreign Secretary intended to initiate a policy
of toughness rather than conciliation.26 He also needed to continue Foreign Office
support for the apparently dwindling Free French Movement, as well as trying to
prevent Vichy falling to the Germans. His initial actions, therefore, were not
designed to introduce a new era of friendly relations, but principally to prevent
any deterioration from their already low ebb, to bring a steadying influence to the
Foreign Office and take it out of its policy of apparent drift.

Unfortunately, attempts to change attitudes or personnel would have to wait,

as current events were threatening to overtake the British. On 10 and 11 January
1941 Germany and Russia signed several new agreements: a Frontier Treaty
setting out the borders between the Soviet Union and Germany after the admission
of Lithuania into the USSR; a new economic agreement regulating the trade of
materials until August 1942; and an agreement concerning repatriation and
property claims in the Baltic.27 According to Pravda the negotiations were
conducted in a spirit of mutual understanding and confidence in keeping with

Kitchen, M. British Policy towards the Soviet Union during The Second World War, (London, 1986), p.
25 Carlton, Eden, p. 184-5.
26 Hanak, H. Sir Stafford Cripps as British Ambassador in Moscow May 1940 to June 1941, The
English Historical Review, Vol. 94, No. 370 (Jan. 1979), pp. 67-68.
27 Degras, Soviet Documents, pp. 479-482. Soviet-German Treaty on the Frontier between the USSR
and Germany 10 January 1941 and Statements on Soviet-German Agreements concerning
Repatriation and Property claims, and an Economic Agreement 11 January 1941.


the friendly relations existing between the USSR and Germany. This was

problematic for the British. Germany and Russia were able to come to terms over
grievances, whereas the British had comparatively little to offer the Russians in
any negotiations, a factor that had hampered the 1939 talks.29 These agreements
came into force immediately and, for the time being, heralded a closer co-operation
between Russia and Germany, making it harder for the British to achieve anything.
This did not improve Cripps mood, and during November he commented that it
looks like we are in for a long spell of negative action here, that is just ignoring
this country & vice versa and merely writing notes to one another of complaints.30
A later diary entry revealed how correct that assessment had been. It read the
only thing that looks fairly clear for the moment is that they dont want to have
anything to do with us! I still havent seen any of them since mid-November.31
This isolation, coupled with the January agreements, led Eden to conclude that
After that, and their failure to respond to any of our various approaches, there
can, I think, be no question of our making any further political or economic offers
to the Soviet Government.32
Another issue hampering British attempts to improve relations was the
outstanding question of the Russian annexation of the Baltic countries during the
summer of 1940. In their first meeting since becoming Foreign Secretary, Maisky
treated Eden to a monologue about the outstanding Baltic States dispute,33
considering this of fundamental importance, and informed Eden that a British
recognition of the Soviet absorption of the Baltic States was a prerequisite for a
significant improvement in relations.34 Maisky highlighted three key points of
conflict: the Baltic gold which Britain had seized as compensation for the
nationalization of British property; Baltic ships seized in Britain, and the fate of the

Ibid, p. 482.
Piirime, Roosevelt, Churchill and the Baltic, p. 25
30 Gorodetsky, G [Ed.]. Stafford Cripps in Moscow 1940-1942: Diaries and Papers, (London, 2007), 13
November 1940, p. 81.
31 Ibid, 15 January 1941, p. 87.
32 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/24B, Eden to Cripps, 17 January 1941.
33 Miner, S.M. Between Churchill and Stalin: The Soviet Union, Great Britain, and the Origins of the Grand
Alliance, (London, 1988), p. 108.
34 Gorodetsky, Grand Delusion, p. 92.


sailors on board the seized ships. Whilst Eden saw room to progress on the last

point, and authorised Cripps to negotiate a settlement on this issue,36 overall he felt
that Britain could not hope to gain anything in the present circumstances by
making fresh attempts to reach a settlement on the various outstanding Baltic
questions [] Maisky has approached me urging that we should make an effort,
and we have made a start with a minor point of repatriation of Soviet sailors. But,
despite his assurances, I see no sign of Russian willingness to co-operate, nor, I
think, shall we see any such signs.37 Such a statement showed that Eden, like
Cripps and Halifax before him, thought relations would not improve, as they
realised that the Baltic question, especially after the January agreements, was not
going to be easily solved.
There was the possibility, however, that Anglo-Russian relations could
improve as new opportunities arose. At the end of January, Eden, against the
advice of some in the Foreign Office who felt the British should retaliate against
Cripps poor treatment in Moscow by refusing to see Maisky, had another meeting
with the Ambassador. He complained that Molotov had not seen Cripps in several
months38 and, with Maisky providing only a feeble explanation, Eden warned that
if Cripps continued to receive such cold treatment, Maisky could expect the
same.39 This resulted in a rapid change of fortunes for Cripps, who, on 1
February, had his first meeting with Molotov since the previous summer. There
was, however, little to discuss, and Cripps noted with dejection that the talks were
unproductive.40 However, the confidence gained from this meeting prompted
him to remark to the Soviet Deputy Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Andrey
Vyshinsky, that current Soviet policies could affect Britains attitude to any
German peace proposals41 if they were along the lines that Western Europe
should be returned to its former status, while Germany should be unhampered in
Miner, Between Churchill and Stalin, p. 108.
TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/24849, Eden to Cripps, 27 December 1940.
37 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/24B, Eden to Cripps, 17 January 1941.
38 Kitchen, British Policy, p. 46.
39 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/29463, Eden to Cripps, 29 January 1940.
40 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/24856, Cripps to FO, 1 February 1941.
41 Ross, G [Ed.]. The Foreign Office and the Kremlin: British Documents on Anglo-Soviet Relations 194145, (Cambridge, 1984), p. 10.


the expansion of her 'living space' to the east. He also proposed that Eden,

whilst visiting Egypt, Greece and Turkey, should come to Moscow to meet Stalin.
This idea was unanimously rejected: Vyshinsky informed Cripps that the time
had not yet come43 for such a meeting; Churchill vetoed the idea, informing Eden
that I would hardly trust them for your personal safety or liberty.44 This was an
ironic statement considering the lack of regard shown for Chamberlains safety or
liberty in three visits to Germany in September 1938. Eden himself was disinclined
to go to Moscow without official invitation, and informed Cripps that it was bad
policy for the British to run after the Russians.45 It could also be assumed that,
had Churchill heard of Edens incident whilst flying between Cairo and Cyprus, he
wouldnt have wanted him spending any more time than necessary on a plane.46
Eden did not visit Moscow but as a compromise, he suggested that Cripps visit
him in Ankara.47
At the beginning of March Cripps went to Turkey, where he discussed the
Balkans, Turkey, Yugoslavia and the Baltic question with Eden. His diary revealed
little success in relation to Russia, though he hoped that he had persuaded Eden to
take some action over the Baltic.48 Unfortunately there is no room for a full
examination of the whole Baltic question, but Kaarel Piirimes recent study
provides and in depth discussion on the question, from the often overlooked
perspective of the Baltic powers.49 He had some success in improving RussoTurkish relations, helping to ensure a Russian declaration that, in the event of
Turkey being attacked and forced into war for the defence of its territory, it could
then, in accordance with the non-aggression pact existing between Turkey and the

Hanak, Cripps as British Ambassador, p. 68.

Gorodetsky, Stafford Cripps, 26 February 1941, p. 92.
44 TNA, Prime Ministers Papers, PREM 3/395/16, FO To Eden, 23 February 1941.
45 Gorodetsky, Stafford Cripps, p. 101.
46 Dixon, P. Double Diploma: The Life of Sir Pierson Dixon, Don and Diplomat, (London, 1968), pp. 7475. Dixon recalled the voyage being so secret the pilot didnt know the destination, and
consequently left Eden piloting the plane. This almost resulted in chaos when he accidentally
turned off the engine, almost forcing an emergency landing.
47 Gorodetsky, Stafford Cripps, Cripps diary of trip to Turkey, March 1941, p. 93.
48 Ibid, p. 94.
49 Piirime, Roosevelt, Churchill and the Baltic, (New York, 2014).


USSR, count on the complete understanding and neutrality of the USSR. This

indirectly helped Anglo-Russian relations, as it alleviated the fear of hostile

Russian designs on Turkey, and thus on the Balkans as a whole. Richard Austen
Rab Butler, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
announced that the agreement was regarded by the Government as eminently
satisfactory, and that the Government hoped that such developments would
draw closer our relations with the Soviet Government.51 It is worth noting,
however, that Butler was later forced to concede that I cannot report any progress
with these matters so far52 in relation to the hope that the Russo-Turkish
agreement would improve Anglo-Russian relations.

While relations with the Soviet Union were progressing, affairs with France
were also a key focus, and Eden wanted to have done with the whole apparatus
of backstairs diplomacy which he felt had reduced Britains policy towards
Vichy to such an unsatisfactory muddle.53 His efforts were directed towards
ending the system of diplomacy by personal relationship and opening up more
formal channels. His first step was to send a Treasury Official to France54 in an
effort to settle outstanding financial matters and to institute a formal contact with
Vichy. Next he proposed that Churchill, using his relationship with Roosevelt,
send a message to Ptain via the US ambassador in Vichy, Admiral Leahy. He
failed, however, to take into account that Leahy was sympathetic to Vichy and was
strongly suspicious of Britain, thus rendering this approach ineffective. 55 Whilst
Ptain had no intention of acting on the British suggestion that he should move the
French Government to North Africa, one positive that came from this message was
that Weygand requested supplies alongside a vague promise that Morocco would
one day resume the fight against Germany alongside the British.56 It seemed that

Degras, Soviet Documents, p. 484. Joint Soviet-Turkish statement on Neutrality, 25 March 1941.
Hansard, Series 5, Vol. 370, c. 975. Butler speaking in the House of Commons, 2 April 1941.
52 Hansard, Series 5, Vol. 371, c. 260. Butler speaking in the House of Commons, 24 April 1941.
53 Thomas, R.T. Britain and Vichy: the dilemma of Anglo-French relations, 1940-42, London, 1979, p. 81.
54 TNA, War Cabinet Minutes, CAB 65/10/30, Cabinet Conclusions, 27 December 1940.
55 Barker, Churchill and Eden, p. 37.
56 Ibid, p. 37.


this, together with the courting of Weygand that had been occurring over the past
few months under Churchills encouragement,57 was thawing the Generals
loathing of the British. Unfortunately, Weygand, who felt the idea of a continued
struggle from Africa ridiculous,58 was simply throwing out feelers in an effort to
make the British reveal their hand, and, as he suspected, it was a weak one.59
Whilst attempts to seduce Weygand were proving futile, there were other
difficulties. One of these was the post-armistice situation with Vichy regarding the
internment of British and French citizens and service personnel by the other. Vichy
had interned, at various points of its African empire, 200 British service
personnel.60 Likewise the British had detained two French submarine crews who
had surrendered to Britain, but who remained loyal to Ptain and the Vichy
regime. Although a delicate situation, Eden and the Foreign Office saw this as a
chance to take a positive step in relations with Vichy, who had proposed that the
crew of the two submarines should be exchanged for all British service personnel
held in French Africa.61 Whilst this meant Vichy would receive more personnel
than the British, the Foreign Office were happy to accept as it avoided Vichy
breaking the terms of the Armistice agreement with Germany, and it was hoped
that, in facilitating this, the British might earn some goodwill from Vichy.
Unfortunately, a delayed response from Vichy, and changing circumstances meant
that the proposal was never implemented. The Foreign Office, despite the
references in minutes and communication with Churchill, didnt count on just how
seriously the fear of the Germans,62 felt by some Vichy officials, would affect
their decision making, a feature of relations which had not been uncommon since
the armistice.

Thomas, Britain and Vichy, p. 85.

Thomas, M. The French empire at war, p. 39.
59 Thomas, Britain and Vichy, p. 85.
60 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/28264, Speights Minute on negotiations (recipient deleted), 8
January 1941.
61 Ibid, Eden to Prime Minister, 13 January 1941.
62 Ibid, Eden to Prime Minister, 13 January 1941.


This fear would also figure in another Foreign Office scheme to improve
communication with the French. This was the Lancelot mission, an attempt by
the Foreign Office to secretly contact Weygand, via an emissary acting on behalf of
General George Catroux.63 Though introduced in late 1940, Eden took an interest in
the scheme when he returned to the Foreign Office, and was particularly keen to
see Lancelots report on his return to London in January 1941. The report
suggested that Weygand was looking forward to the time when he can resume
hostilities but that the time is certainly not yet.64 This came as no surprise to Eden,
as this had always been Weygands standpoint, though he took encouragement
from Weygand's more restrained demands for support, and his assurances that
there can be no question of cession of bases in French Empire to Germany or to
Italy and that any policy of alliance between France and Germany is absolutely
out of the question.65 This could have been convincing had the report not
contained serious hints of the unwillingness to act on these assurances. It
contained numerous references to the fear of Germany felt in France, with
Lancelot commenting that Weygand did not want to commit to anything so as
not to arouse German suspicions or give the Germans a pretext to occupy the
rest of France.66 Thus the mission did not reveal anything new to the Foreign
Office, but was successful in opening up a new channel of communication with
Weygand. As this scheme was constructed under Halifaxs tenure of the Foreign
Office, Edens interest in it suggests that no fresh impetus had accompanied his
appointment, and that he was reluctant to break with current policy.
This was soon to change, however, as Eden was considering taking a firmer
line with Vichy. Cranborne wrote to Eden expressing concern at the situation with
France. He condemned what he saw as the twilight policy, and was pleased that
Eden was proposing to take a firm line.67 Whilst recognising that the situation

Lancelot Mr. Mittelman, former French Naval Liaison Officer and member of Free French
Movement, Egypt, TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/28243, W.H.B Macks minute, 5 Jan 1941.
64 Report of Lancelot mission, TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/28243, FO to Lampson, 13
January 1941.
65 Ibid.
66 Ibid.
67 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/8A, Cranborne to Eden, 29 April 1941.


was not overly promising for this change of policy, it was acknowledged that
waiting would simply allow Darlan and the pro-German elements within Vichy
time to prepare for possible action against Britain. It was also hoped that Britain
could force the pace and coerce Vichy to declare themselves, thus enabling
Britain to bring in North Africa on our side and we might finally expose
Darlan to the United States.68 This certainly seemed a good idea, as if Vichy could
be exposed to be, under Darlans influence, drifting ever closer to Germany, then it
would ease British relations with the USA over this complex issue. This would be
advantageous to the British, as American favouritism of Vichy, and disinterest in
de Gaulle, a man towards whom Roosevelt developed a visceral dislike69 made it
difficult for them to conduct their ideal strategy, which was to support de Gaulle
as the alternative to Vichy since he was willing to carry on the fight against
Germany. Thus if Britain could prove to America that Vichy was essentially hostile
to the British war effort, then they would look more favourably on British support
of de Gaulle, and British policy regarding France would not have to tip-toe around
American support for Vichy.
It was not just policy with Vichy that Eden was under pressure to change, he
also faced demands to change the way policy towards the Free French Movement,
and especially de Gaulle was conducted. A telegram from the British Governor of
Equatoria, Martin Parr, suggested that de Gaulle was extremely tired and
exceedingly depressed by the situation in France and the way he was being
treated by the British Government.70 De Gaulle considered that only Churchill fully
understood the moral importance of the Movement at that point in time, and
Parr suggested that Eden encourage Churchill to write to de Gaulle in an attempt
to allay the despair he felt of ever persuading His Majestys Government to attach
all the importance warranted to his mission. 71 It seems de Gaulle was more
fragile mentally than the Foreign Office believed, and was sensitive to the fact they
were also dealing with Vichy. This implies that de Gaulle needed plenty of

Mangold, Britain and the Defeated French, p. 12.
70 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/8A, Parr to FO, 14 May 1941.
71 Ibid.


encouragement and support just to keep going, let alone push his movement
forward or take an active part in the war, something which would become
important later.
Despite efforts from both outside and within the Foreign Office to alter their
policies, the muddle to which R.T. Thomas referred appears to have remained
unsolved. Indeed, muddle was the appropriate word, as it was the very phrase
used within the Office in May 1941. When discussing a telegram from General Sir
Edward Spears the unjustified lack of enthusiasm for the Free French Movement
was picked upon as particularly concerning, the suggested explanation being
muddled thinking on the part of British officials, both home and abroad, who
had a distinct lack of understanding of the Governments policy.72 It was felt that
if this could be solved, it could pave the way for better relations with the Free
French Movement. The solution was to be a pamphlet, created by the Spears
Mission in collaboration with the Political Intelligence Department, which could be
distributed both at home, and amongst the fighting services and Government
missions abroad. This would serve to educate on Government policy and publicise
the Free French Movement. Whilst this was despatched in large quantities, its
impact was limited, as later reports suggest that its advice was not heeded.

Eden was finding there was a muddle with regard to both the direction and
the running of foreign policy. Though other departments rarely interfered in the
business of the Foreign Office, with many department heads on good terms with
Eden and not feeling the need to challenge him in the foreign policy sphere, Eden
faced difficulties from one particular source. That, of course, was Churchill, and
this relationship would need significant management if it was to prove an
enduring partnership. For a man who resigned in 1938 due in no small part to
Chamberlains attempts to control foreign policy, it would not be a stretch to
imagine Eden having difficulty working with Churchill should a similar situation
arise. On 10 January 1941 Eden set out his position to Churchill in a strongly
TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/28546, Spears Mission to War Office, 30 April 1941, and
Morton to Mack, 3 May 1941.


worded telegram, stating that it should be made plain that the responsibility for
advising you and the War Cabinet on the conduct of foreign policy is that of the
Foreign Secretary and of the Foreign Secretary alone. This responsibility extends,
of course, to the whole sphere of foreign policy.73 Eden was apparently firing a
warning shot at Churchill, letting him know exactly where he felt both he and his
department expected to stand when it came to all things foreign policy related. He
goes on in the communication to make it clear to Churchill that we can none of us
wish to re-enter a period of divided responsibility for the conduct of foreign
policy.74 We can see how Eden felt about the idea of someone else interfering with
foreign policy, though it is not clear if this was a ploy to provoke a response from
Churchill; an attempt to look strong in the eyes of his department; a statement
born out of arrogance or over-confidence in his own importance, or a genuine
concern about the future control of policy. What ever the reason, Eden had made
his stand, and as shall be seen throughout this thesis, his position in relation to
Churchill was a concern that always sat close to the surface. Eden makes no
reference to this in his memoirs, however, stating instead that In wartime
diplomacy is strategys twin. There is a strict inter-play of interests.75 This
suggests he accepted the idea of some collaboration between himself and Churchill
with regard to foreign policy. Maybe this was a sign of a post-war mentality of
trying to explain events so as not to damage the authors credibility, maybe it was
an effort to provide a favourable picture of the role the author played in shaping
the circumstances that existed at the time of writing, or maybe he had simply
forgotten. Either way, it is interesting that it wasnt mentioned.

Since Edens appointment as Foreign Secretary, despite some positive efforts,

British foreign policy towards Russia and France appeared quite restrained.
Although Eden was decisive in preventing relations from deteriorating, most
notably ensuring that Cripps was able to continue his work in Moscow and

TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/7B, Eden to Churchill, 10 January 1941.

75 Eden, Reckoning, p. 183.


stopping de Gaulle from giving up, there was no decisive shift in policy. Eden was
reluctant to visit Moscow, and he did not want to raise the British offer regarding
the Russian annexation of the Baltic States from that given in the previous October
under Halifax. He was also reluctant, although gradually less so, to take a firm line
with Vichy, yet also to fully commit to supporting de Gaulles Free French
Movement. This would indicate that the replacement of Halifax by Eden did not,
as was hoped, provide for a direct improvement of relations, and there is no
evidence that had Halifax gone to Turkey as Foreign Secretary, rather than Eden,
the outcome would have been different. Thus it would appear that the summary
given by Gorodetsky that the change in scenery did not entail a change of
policy76 is, on the whole, accurate. It seems Eden did not bring with him a change
of policy, it could be argued that he brought a change of intentions, but that the
biggest change was simply a change of appearance and style.


Gorodetsky, Grand Delusion, p. 92.


4) An Enemy under a Very Thin Disguise

Though the initial impact of Edens return to the Foreign Office was quite
limited, it seems that as 1941 progressed, he began to bring a clearer sense of
direction to British foreign policy. Whether he needed a bedding-in period to
understand running the Foreign Office in war time, or simply needed time to
understand the diplomatic situation and the Foreign Office mindset is unclear, but
whatever the reason, it seems that during the spring Eden began to assert himself.
This was as much due to circumstance as planning, as outside events provided
new opportunities that could be exploited, though these did not always lead to
positive results. It also saw the beginnings of what could be considered post-war
thinking, particularly with Edens speech in May which looked to the future
freedom of the continent of Europe, and began to speculate how this would look
and, importantly, how this could be achieved.

April started with a good deal of promise. Russia had reached a new
agreement with Turkey, and issued statements against the entry of German troops
into Bulgaria, which warned that the German Government must understand that
it cannot count on support from the U.S.S.R. for its acts in Bulgaria.1 This
suggested a cooling of relations between Russia and Germany, and amplified the
British hope that Russia might see the German danger, and become more cooperative. This hope was increased by the Russian Non-Aggression Treaty with
Yugoslavia,2 signed after political instability had resulted first in a Yugoslav
decision to join the Axis, then a coup dtat.3 This step both rebuffed German
territorial expansion and increased Soviet security in the area, and consequently
the security of British interests in Turkey. Molotov informed Schulenburg that the

Sontag, R.J. and Beddie, J.S [Eds]. Nazi-Soviet Relations 1939-1941: Documents from the Archives of
The German Foreign Office, (Washington DC, 1948), Telegram from Schulenburg to the German
Foreign Office, 17 March 1941, p. 279.
2 Degras, Soviet Documents, Treaty of Friendship and Non-Aggression with Yugoslavia, 5 April
1941, pp. 484-485.
3 Maisky, I. Memoirs of a Soviet Ambassador: The War 1939-43, [trans. Rothstein, A.], (London, 1967),
p. 128.


Yugoslav Government had proposed to the Soviet Union the negotiation of a

treaty of friendship and nonaggression, and the Soviet Government had accepted
the proposal. In its decision . . . the Soviet Government had been actuated solely by
the desire to preserve peace.4 The agreement was meant to bring Germany back
to the negotiating table, but unfortunately resulted in the German invasion and
occupation of Yugoslavia.5 This situation created an imminent German threat to
Russia, and consequently the clear policy aim to warn Russia, and thereby
improve relations. In a meeting with Vyshinsky which Cripps described as the
most useful I have had since I came,6 he was informed of the Russian agreement
with Turkey, and felt this demonstrated a new spirit in the Kremlin,7 which was
less enthusiastically pro-German. This feeling increased with the German victory
in Yugoslavia, and Eden saw an opportunity to consider Anglo-Russian relations
It seems this new policy began to take effect, as in Moscow and London there
appeared to be new feelings towards an agreement between the two powers.
Based on the events in the Balkans, together with evidence reaching the Foreign
Office about German plans to attack Russia, Eden spoke to Maisky on 16 April,
informing him that it was our conviction that Germanys military ambitions were
boundless. Russia, I was quite sure, was threatened.9 This was the first of many
communications between Eden and Maisky along these lines, as British
intelligence gained more accurate information of German intentions, and the
Soviets appeared increasingly unwilling to act upon this. Cripps mirrored this
attitude and was firmly convinced . . . that Germany and Russia would be at war
before summer.10 Even Churchill, who had taken little interest in Russian affairs,
took it upon himself to help this cause. Upon receiving military intelligence
regarding German troop movements in Eastern Europe from Cadogan, not his
Sontag and Beddie, Nazi-Soviet Relations, Telegram from Schulenburg to the German Foreign
Office, 25 March 1941 p. 317.
5 Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 15 April 1941, p. 371.
6 Gorodetsky, Stafford Cripps, 10 March 1941, p. 98.
7 Miner, Between Churchill and Stalin, p. 117.
8 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/24B, Eden to Cripps, 16 April 1941.
9 Ibid.
10 Gorodetsky, Stafford Cripps, p. 98. Editors comments.


own intelligence briefing as he suggested in The Grand Alliance, he responded


that Stalin must be warned12 and began drafting a telegram to do just that. This
telegram, however, was to become a source of contention between Eden and
Churchill.13 It was short and cryptic to arrest his [Stalins] attention and make him
ponder.14 Unfortunately it was beaten to the punch by a telegram from Eden
which, in less cryptic terms, spelled out the issue,15 and also by an approach made
by Cripps to Vyshinsky.16 Having delivered his message, and with his inability to
see Stalin,17 Cripps felt the message from the Prime Minister would be shorter, less
detailed, less emphatic and a serious tactical mistake.18
Eden agreed with Cripps assessment and told Churchill that I think there
may be some force in Sir S. Crippss arguments against the delivery of your
message. If you agree, I would propose to tell him that he need not now deliver the
message.19 Churchill downplayed Edens actions in The Grand Alliance,
mentioning the telegram but not commenting about Eden standing against his
position.20 Churchill blamed Cripps for the failure to deliver the message, despite
Eden supporting the Ambassador, overruled them and the message was finally
delivered to Vyshinsky, as Molotov again refused to see Cripps.21 Edens trust in
Cripps judgement was well placed, as he was clearly reacting to events as they
occurred, recognising their significance, whereas Churchill was acting on the
significance of one event, and was trying to force this onto everyone else. This is
not to remove blame from Cripps, who disobeyed direct orders to deliver the
message, but it is important to see that Eden agreed with Cripps that the message

Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 28 March 1941, p. 367, Churchill, The Grand Alliance, p. 319.
Carlton, Churchill and the Soviet Union, pp. 82-83.
13 For the Telegram see TNA, Prime Ministers Papers, PREM 3/395/2, Prime Minister to Cripps, 3
April 1941.
14 Churchill, The Grand Alliance, p. 320.
15 TNA, Prime Ministers Papers, PREM 3/395/2, Eden to Cripps, 4 April 1941 and Churchill, The
Grand Alliance, p. 320.
16 Ibid, Cripps to Foreign Secretary, 12 April 1941.
17 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/29479, Cripps to Churchill, 5 April 1941.
18 TNA, Prime Ministers Papers, PREM 3/395/2, Cripps to Foreign Secretary, 12 April 1941.
19 Ibid, Eden to Churchill, 15 April 1941.
20 Churchill, The Grand Alliance, pp. 320-323.
21 FO 800/279, Memorandum by Sargent on Cripps behaviour as Ambassador in Moscow, 26 April
1941, quoted in Ross, FO and the Kremlin, p. 72.


should not be delivered, and stood up for the Ambassador against Churchill. It
also highlights that Churchills version of events cannot be taken at face value, as
investigating this incident reveals that Eden was as much at fault as Cripps, yet
Churchill lays no blame at his door. This incident shows that the Foreign Secretary
and Ambassador were on the same page, and were both acting along the lines of
the same policy, the first time this can be seen in the study so far. This also
indicates that Eden's labour to refresh the attitude of the Foreign Office was
beginning to deliver some rewards.

While there were promising developments in the situation with Russia,

relations with France were heading in the other direction. Vichy France was
drifting ever closer to Germany, to the point where it was seen by some as "an
enemy under a very thin disguise".22 This was compounded by the influence of
Darlan, who Churchill described as "a bad man, with a narrow outlook",23
especially after he visited Hitler in May to discuss renewed Franco-German cooperation, the position of the French fleet and a plan by German Foreign Minister,
Joachim von Ribbentrop, for France to attack Britain.24 Whilst not taking this threat
too seriously, the British were particularly concerned about the French Navy, and
its possible effects on their threatened Mediterranean supply-lines. Fortunately,
this concern was shared in America, and pressure was put on Vichy to resist
German demands over their fleet so as to protect the Atlantic supply lines. But,
unfortunately for Eden, the Americans saw Vichy as a regime still able to keep
some distance from Germany, and maintained diplomatic relations with it.25 Eden
and the British saw the Vichy French as German puppets. The result was an area of
long-term Anglo-American disagreement. Eden felt compelled to push for a
strengthening of the blockade to prevent supplies reaching German occupied
territory. The Americans, seeing Darlan's negotiations, felt the time was right to

ADM 199/1279, 31 October 1941, quoted in Mangold, Britain and the Defeated French, p. 67.
Gilbert, M. The Churchill War Papers, Volume III: The Ever-Widening War 1941, (London, 2000), p.
24 Mangold, Britain and the Defeated French, p. 70.
25 Thomas, Britain and Vichy, p. 109.


increase the supplies sent to Vichy as a way to bolster their opposition to

Germany. Unfortunately for Eden, his policy involved asking the Americans,
whom it was felt held greater influence at Vichy, to pressure them not to make
new agreements with Germany and to ensure supplies sent to North Africa did
not reach German occupied territory.26 Thus whilst Eden attempted to strengthen
British policy, his methods inadvertently blocked his intentions, resulting in
increased American aid to North Africa and Vichy, and Eden having to back down
from taking a firm line.
So far then it seemed that, whilst Eden and the Foreign Office were making
steps in the right direction in Anglo-Vichy relations, the complications of the
Vichy-Free French dilemma, along with the conflicting ideas coming from America
about which French group to support, meant little had been, or indeed could be
achieved in the present climate. The British policy of blockading Vichy was
continually being thwarted by American aid, and concern over American public
opinion over the plight of the French people meant that Britain could not risk
taking a firm policy against Vichy. At this time there was also little that could be
done with regard to the Free French Movement, and maintaining de Gaulle's ego
was not high on anyone's priority list, in spite of his complaints that the British
were not offering him enough support in trying to promote and facilitate the
operation of the Free French Movement. 27 Thus as summer approached there was
a distinct frostiness to relations with both the Free French and Vichy, as on the one
hand the situation meant little concern could be paid to the Free French, while at
the same time little could be done to improve the situation with Vichy. While there
were good intentions, it seems these were not born out in the early months of the

With the fall of Yugoslavia, and the failure of Britains pre-emptive

occupation28 strategy in Greece, British troops were once again involved in direct

Eden, Reckoning, p. 245.

TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/8A, Parr to FO, 14 May 1941.
28 Mangold, Britain and the Defeated French, p. 73.


fighting with German forces, though they were rapidly forced off the mainland,
and came under heavy assault in Crete and Egypt. With German influence spiking
in the Middle East, particularly with the Rashid Ali coup in Iraq, the British
position in this area looked very weak. Eden used this Middle East situation in his
Mansion House speech, given on 29 May 1941, as an example of how far the
tentacles of Hitlers New Order had spread. In this speech he considered the
unstable situation, went on to discuss some of the aims to combat this New Order,
and from this set out some aims for post-war Europe, and plans for what sort of
foreign policy would be needed to achieve these. He stated that While all our
efforts are concentrated on winning the war, His Majestys Government have
naturally been giving careful thought to this all-important matter.29 Unfortunately
he went on to say that they had decided to agree with Roosevelts message to
Congress of January 1941, where he declared his desire to create a world founded
upon four essential human freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and
expression The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own
way The third is freedom from want The fourth is freedom from fear
anywhere in the world.30
Whilst there can be no doubting that, compared to Hitlers New Order, these
were indeed very solid principles to work towards, simply agreeing to the
American ideals does not seem to have taken a great degree of thought.
Fortunately, more thought went into how to realise these ideals, and Eden went on
to discuss what was envisioned in a practical sense by freedom from want. This
vision foresaw the economic re-organisation and rebuilding of Europe, a Europe to
be helped by international finance organisations, and, most importantly, a united
Europe working with the aid of the British Empire and the USA to rebuild itself as
an entity.31 Here Eden was not thinking solely about the restoration of one or two
countries, but of the continent as a whole, as he saw this as the only way in which
any of the ideals could be achieved. It is worth noting that, whilst the measures
Eden, A. Freedom and Order, Selected Speeches 1939-1946, (London, 1947), Edens mansion House
Speech, 29 May 1941, p. 107.
30 Ibid, pp. 107-108.
31 Ibid, pp. 108-111.


would allow Germany to play its part, they, along with political and military
measures decided at the peace, would be designed to prevent a repetition of
Germanys misdeeds.32 Thus we can see that already there was some thinking
within the Foreign Office that looked towards the post-war future of Europe, and
whilst mainly following the American ideals, there was at least thought as to how
these could be practically achieved. Considering Europe was enveloped by the
Cold War in the wake of the Second World War, it is unsurprising that this is not
regarded as particularly important, barely getting a reference in his biographies or
his memoirs, but it is hard to say that the Europe that developed, the European
Economic Community and eventually the European Union, share nothing in
common with the ideas set forth in this speech.

There was little time to build on this thinking, however, as events in the
Middle East, and particularly the threat to Egypt caused by the arrival of German
aircraft in Syria, were to cause the British a diplomatic headache with the French.
So far, the Free French had been unable to take an active part in the war effort,
despite de Gaulles suggestion in April that Free French forces should occupy
Beirut, Damascus and the aerodrome at Rayak to remove the Vichy element,
prevent German support of the new regime in Iraq and use of Syrian facilities.33
Whilst his foresight was impressive, his timing was less so, as Eden decided that
they should not to go ahead with this plan at the time, though the arrival of the
German aircraft led to its reconsideration. Spears commented from the, now
threatened, Cairo that "We are surely not going to allow the Germans to take over
Syria by default",34 and Churchill noted, despite the launch of the German assault
on Crete earlier that same day, that "we must go in".35 For Eden, this meant foreign
policy concerns had become overpowered by the military necessities of the
situation, and rather than improving relations with Vichy, Britain was now

Ibid, p. 110.
Eden, Reckoning, p. 244.
34 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/27323, Spears to Morton, 18 May 1941.
35 Colville, J. The Fringes of Power: Downing Street Diaries 1939-1955, (London, 2005), 20 May 1941, p.


planning for an active military campaign against them. Despite Wavell's heavy
burden defending Crete and planning a counter offensive against Rommel, he was
tasked with assembling a force which, along with six battalions provided by the
Free French, would essentially carry out de Gaulles proposal to take Damascus
and Beirut, thus removing German and Vichy interest in the area and allowing the
Free French to gain control of an important part of the French Empire. The
offensive against Syria began on 8 June,36 and though the campaign was short, it
was politically damaging.
That the Syrian campaign involved direct fighting between British and Free
French forces on one side, and Vichy French forces on the other made it a political
nightmare. Fortunately, the campaign was short lived, as the Vichy army did little
more than slow down the British and Free French advance, thus minimising the
political fallout, but it was enough to force serious questions about the conduct of
the war, as well as cause a drop in de Gaulles prestige. That the British had made
important strategic gains deflected some of the heat from the issue, and the
recognition that the Vichy troops, stuck between a rock and a hard place, were
simply doing their duty, helped make the campaign seem less horrendous from
the British point of view. For de Gaulle, the fact that the Free French had been
involved caused a problem, as the Vichy representatives were unwilling to
negotiate with his Movement, and thus the peace was concluded between Vichy
and Britain, minimising the gains of the Free French. The involvement of the Free
French also failed as a recruiting tool as, rather than being seen to be France taking
the fight to the enemy, de Gaulle was seen as responsible for a "fratricidal French
conflict",37 pitting Frenchmen against Frenchmen. Consequently, only one in seven
French soldiers joined the Free French Movement after the campaign, the rest
being repatriated, with an increased sense of Anglophobia. Unfortunately, the
difficulties of resourcing the Syrian campaign had a cumulative effect on Wavell,
who found himself weakened in his preparations for Operation Battleaxe.38
Gilbert, Finest Hour, p. 1102.
Mangold, Britain and the Defeated French, p. 77.
38 Battleaxe was Wavell's counter offensive against Rommel, launched 15 June 1941, Gilbert, Finest
Hour, p. 1112.


Ultimately, the struggle in Syria, and the inability to defend Crete was frustrating
Churchill, and talk of replacing the General began. In fact, so frustrated was
Churchill, that he made the claim that "the Middle East had been very badly
managed. If he could be put in command there he would gladly lay down his
present office".39 The claim appears to have been serious, as his Private Secretary,
John Colville, noted in his diary that he would "even renounce the cigars and
It was the Syria campaign and its outcomes which set the scene for relations
between Britain and the Free French for the next few months. De Gaulle, having
suffered politically, had major concerns over the campaign and the terms of the
armistice. In late June, whilst the campaign was still ongoing, he criticised the
Middle East Headquarters over its conduct, believing they saw the Syrian
campaign as a "tiresome and unnecessary military commitment; whilst he
regarded it on the much higher level of international politics and the whole future
of Anglo-French relationship".41 He believed that Free French needs were being
ignored, and that the action taken was to meet British interests. This train of
thought continued after the conflict, when he was highly critical of the armistice
terms, especially as British troops were left in occupation in Syria. In a message to
Churchill de Gaulle commented that he and the Free French "consider this
convention as basically opposed to military and political interests of Free France ...
and in its form extremely painful for our dignity".42 At a meeting with Churchill in
September this criticism continued, but fortunately the personal relationship
between the two men meant Churchill was able to calm de Gaulle and reassure
him that Britain sought "no selfish advantage, pursued no Imperial ambitions in
Syria", and that they had "no desire what ever to supplant France".43 It is
interesting to note how different personnel led to different outcomes, as a few days
later de Gaulle spoke with Eden along the same lines, but was much less inclined

Colville, Fringes of Power, 25 May 1941, p. 338.

Ibid, 25 May 1941, p. 338.
41 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/15A, Lampson to FO, 29 June 1941.
42 Ibid, Lampson to FO, 21 July 1941.
43 Ibid, Meeting between Churchill and de Gaulle, 12 September 1941.


to agree with Eden, despite being told much the same as he had been by
One thing Eden took from these conversations was an admiration for the
General's spirit and tenacity, and he acknowledged that this was part of what
helped de Gaulle keep the flame of France alive. Eden also commented that "As the
war unfolded we were to have experience enough of de Gaulle's tenacity. If it
made him seem contumacious, especially to our American allies, perhaps we
should have learnt from it. Some of the faults of later years might have been
avoided if we had shown more of the same spirit".45 This was clearly Eden writing
with hindsight, but as we shall see, such ideas were also held, if not ultimately
pressed, by Eden at the time.

The replacement of Wavell by General Sir Claude Auchinleck in July46 was

accompanied by political change. Churchills old friend and liaison with de Gaulle,
Edward Spears, had complained about lack of coordination between the military
and political spheres, and it was decided to create a Minister of State in the Middle
East, with full authority to co-ordinate the activities there.47 The man selected was
Major Oliver Lyttelton, then President of the Board of Trade, whose friendship
with Churchill ensured he had his confidence, and whose hard work and
dynamism endeared him to Spears, who noted that his arrival "transformed the
whole scene".48 Other changes were also afoot, as a set of reforms, commissioned
by Eden and presented by Sir Malcolm Robertson,49 recommended the
amalgamation of the Consular Service with the Foreign Office and Diplomatic
Services, and the introduction of a broader system of entry and increased grants
and allowances.50 It was hoped that these changes, along with Eden's proposed
pension plan, would enable the Foreign Office to recruit the best people and

Ibid, Meeting between Eden and de Gaulle, 19 September 1941.

Eden, Reckoning, p. 250.
46 Ibid, pp. 250-251.
47 Spears, Fulfilment of a Mission, p. 21.
48Ibid, p. 21.
49 Malcolm Robinson was the Former Ambassador in Buenos Aries.
50 Eden, Reckoning, p. 257.


maximise their potential. Whilst some of the plans could not be implemented
during the war, they were approved, and Eden began preparations for a White
Paper on the issue, which came before Parliament in January 1943. All this, it was
hoped, would allow for the improvement in diplomatic relations by improvement
of personnel. The suggestion does not seem a bad one, as the ability to utilise the
best personnel to the best of their potential should have meant a reduction in chaos
and confusion that often hampered diplomatic relations. The necessity for this was
born out by a telegram from Lyttelton which warned that de Gaulle was playing
off the multiple parties in the Middle East as a result of the poor communications
and slow decision making process, and that, if left unchecked, "Spears and my
position becomes compromised".51
The final personnel change was the removal, by Vichy, of Weygand, who had
been used as the American justification to continue their policy of aid to North
Africa, as he was seen as a block on Vichy from within, having spoken against the
Paris Protocols, and protested about the supply of French war material from North
Africa to Germany.52 His removal suggested German pressure had finally been felt
at Vichy, and should have been the catalyst for a strong policy of support for the
Free French. Whilst the initial American response to suspend economic assistance
to North Africa gave some hope, this was short lived, and they soon made excuses
to continue the supply of aid. The Foreign Office was relatively unmoved by the
news, having "never set much hope on Weygand",53 and didn't see the situation as
being radically altered. The pro-active changes in personnel looked to be a
necessary way to try and improve the situation, though their success would only
be visible in time. The limited reaction to Weygand's dismissal in Britain suggests
that the policy of collaboration was coming to an end, and Churchills comment

TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/15A, Telegram from Lyttelton via Lampson to FO, 17 November 1941.
See Chapter 5 of Thomas, Britain and Vichy,
53 Ibid, p. 115.


that "it is now or never with the Vichy French, and their last chance of
redemption"54 supports this.
So it seems that, as the end of 1941 approached, little had been achieved in
improving Anglo-French relations. The attempts to further the Free French
Movement by involving them in the Syrian campaign backfired, as it reduced de
Gaulle's prestige, and that of the Movement, and failed both as a recruiting tool
and an attempt to increase control in North Africa for the Free French. The attempt
to negotiate with Vichy and bring them on-side had many stumbling blocks, the
most obvious one being the American insistence that supplies to Vichy were the
best way to bring them over to the allies, and unfortunately even the removal of
Weygand failed to change the American policy. The attempts to change personnel
had limited success, as some of the proposed reforms would not come into effect
until after the war, though the change of military command was supposed to
provide renewed impetus in Britain's war effort. The creation of a Minister of State
in the Middle East was the most positive personnel change, aimed at improving
the co-ordination of both political and military policy, though it appears the
practicalities of multiple people with responsibility in the Middle East was also a
downside, as it still resulted in confusion and slow communications, a situation
which could be exploited by de Gaulle. As shall be seen below, however, a
possible explanation for the limited and unsuccessful efforts to resolve the French
situation was the fact that much of Britain's political energy was being focused on
the change in the diplomatic and military alignment that came as a result of the
Russian entry into the war.

Churchill to Roosevelt, C-129x 20 November 1941 quoted in Kimball, W.F [Ed.]. Churchill &
Roosevelt, The Complete Correspondence: Volume I. Alliance emerging, October 1933-November 1942,
(Princeton, 1984), p. 269-270.


A favourable reference to the Devil

Despite their best efforts, the British initiative to warn Russia of the German
danger had thus far been met with indifference, and was considered an attempt to
embroil Russia in an unnecessary war with Germany.55 In order to hide any idea of
collaboration with the British, Russia embarked upon a period of appeasement
towards Germany in an effort to maintain peace. One such act was the SovietJapanese neutrality pact of April 1941, which provided that the two powers would
undertake to maintain peaceful and friendly relations between themselves and
mutually to respect the territorial integrity and inviolability of the other
contracting party.56 This, and the ceremony surrounding the visit of Japanese
Foreign Minister Matsuoka, was designed to show that Russia was moving closer
towards the Axis, a view confirmed by Matsuoka when meeting the German
Ambassador in Moscow, Count Friedrich von der Schulenburg, after its
conclusion.57 Conversely, Maisky attempted, unsuccessfully, to convince Eden the
pact was simply an extension of the Soviet desire not to be drawn into
hostilities58 and did not mean Russia was being drawn towards Germany, making
Eden suspect that Maisky was not fully informed of Soviet policy.59 After this, it
seems that the telegram affair and the changed attitude of Moscow meant that
Eden had, for the time being, decided to stop chasing after Russia, feeling that if
the Russians made no approach after my conversation with Maisky, this would
show that they were not yet prepared to revise their policy towards Germany.60
That Eden made this decision seems to show a degree of foresight, as the
prevailing attitude in Russia during April and May was one of conciliation
towards Germany, making it difficult for the British to improve relations. The
continuing activity of concession prompted Cripps to note that these actions seem
to point on giving in to German pressure. We all feel pretty certain this country
Roberts, Soviet Union, p. 135.
Degras, Soviet Documents, Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact and Joint Declaration, p. 486.
57 Sontag and Beddie, Nazi Soviet Relations, Telegrams from Schulenburg to the German Foreign
Office, 13 April 1941, pp. 322-324.
58 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/24B, Eden to Cripps, 16 April 1941.
59 Ibid.
60 Eden, Reckoning, p. 265.


will go to the very furthest limits possible to avoid war. After a difficult period

where Russia was solely concentrating on Germany, the increasing evidence of an

impending German attack on Russia led to the decision that a final attempt to
improve relations should be made, and that Cripps should return home for

This decision was made partly for consultation, but also because many in the
Foreign Office felt Cripps had become too inconsistent with his policy attitude,
which was seen as contradictory to the Departments view. Cadogan commented
that it cannot be good that we take one line while our Ambassador takes two or
more others in Moscow.63 Cripps returned to England in June, which caused
concern in Moscow as Rudolph Hess, Hitlers deputy, had flown to Britain in May
on an ill-fated peace mission. Stalin feared that Cripps withdrawal meant Britain
was planning to sign a peace agreement with Germany, an idea Cripps
encouraged in warnings to Vyshinsky and Molotov during April. Maisky was also
worried by this, and urgently asked to see Eden and Sir Walter Monckton,
Director-General of the Ministry of Information and a close friend of Cripps, to
discuss this issue. Eden assured him that Cripps had been asked to come home
for a brief spell for consultation . . . it was our habit to seek to maintain contact
with distant Embassies in this way64 and Monckton assured him that Cripps had
not contemplated returning finally to this country.65
Desirous of making a final attempt to improve relations, Eden held frequent
meetings with Maisky to update him on intelligence reports. On 2 June he
informed Maisky that Germany was making considerable concentrations of land
and air forces against Russia.66 Maisky accepted this, though did not believe that
Germany would actually attack Russia, suggesting it would be a very big

Gorodetsky, Stafford Cripps, 10 May 1941, p. 105.

Eden, Reckoning, p. 266, TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/24B, Eden to Cripps, 5 June 1941.
63 FO 800/279, Cadogans minute 28 April 1941 on Sargents' Memorandum on Cripps behaviour as
Ambassador in Moscow, 26 April 1941, quoted in Ross, FO and the Kremlin, p. 72.
64 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/24B, Eden to Cripps, 5 June 1941.
65 Gorodetsky, Stafford Cripps, Letter from Monckton to Lady Cripps, 6 June 1941, p. 108.
66 Eden, Reckoning, p. 266.


undertaking, the Soviet army was well equipped and would not have to fight with
sticks, as it did last time.67 He asserted that Germany had never fought large
armoured divisions, and its ten armoured divisions could face up to fifteen
Russian armoured divisions, though Eden was sceptical of this figure.68 Maisky
displayed confidence in the Russian ability to defend in the unlikely event of a
German attack, and had good reason for this, as Russian military combat strength
had seen a 280% increase since 1939.69 It had also increased its military manpower
from 2 million to over 5 million, from under 100 divisions to over 300.70 Thus on
the eve of war, the Russians were confident that Germany would not attack, but
equally confident that if they did, they would be more than capable of defending
themselves. This helps explain why, during June, the British were unsuccessful in
attempts to bring Russia closer, despite the continued presentation of intelligence
information, as Russia felt no need of an alignment which might provoke a
German attack. In a telegram to Roosevelt, Churchill informed him that From
every source at my disposal, including some most trustworthy, it looks as if a vast
German onslaught on Russia was imminent.71 Even though the two were not
allied, the British were showing a genuine concern at the German troop build-up
and honestly felt that it was important to warn Russia, not just as a sign that the
British were not out to see the Soviets destroyed, but also because it would earn
them goodwill with the Soviet leadership for making such an effort. Unfortunately
the Russians denounced the warnings as clumsy fabrications,72 still believing
Britain was trying to bring them into an unnecessary war. The one ray of light was
the conclusion of an agreement over the Baltic sailors, and by 20 June preparations
were complete for them to be dispatched to the Soviet Union. However, by the
time Maisky received his final instructions, the Soviet Union was at war with

Ibid, p. 267.
Ibid, p. 267.
69 Roberts, Soviet Union, p. 139.
70 Ibid, p. 139.
71 CCA, Churchill Papers, CHAR 20/39/127, Churchill to Roosevelt, 15 June 1941.
72 Degras, Soviet Documents, Soviet denial of reported threat, 13 June, 1941, p. 489.
73 Maisky, Memoirs, pp. 150-151.


Early on the morning of Sunday 22 June, just as Cripps had predicted the day
before,74 and with the accuracy of movement and aims he had predicted as early as
March 1941,75 Germany invaded the Soviet Union. Colville received the news, and
immediately informed the guests staying at Chequers, noting in his diary that this
produced a smile of satisfaction on the faces of the PM, Eden and [John]
Winant.76 At mid-day, Molotov made a broadcast informing Russia about the
attack, which came with no declaration of war, another Cripps prediction,77 and
placing the blame on Germany for their aggressive and bloodthirsty78 actions.
Maisky referred to the German actions as sheer banditry,79 and told Eden he
hoped there could now be an understanding between the two countries.80 That
evening Churchill made a speech that had taken so long to compose it was not
ready until twenty minutes before it was due to be delivered. This meant neither
the War Cabinet, nor Eden had reviewed it.81 The day before, Churchill had
remarked to Colville that he will go all out to help Russia,82 and later stated that
he had only one single purpose the destruction of Hitler and his life was much
simplified thereby. If Hitler invaded Hell he would at least make a favourable
reference to the Devil!83 In his speech he made several favourable references to
Russia, more so than Eden had contemplated,84 but he never referred to the
Russians as allies, a proviso given to him by Eden and the Chiefs of Staff.85 His
speech allayed the Russian fear that Britain would sign a separate peace with
Germany, and helped to boost morale in Britain and confidence in Churchills
Gorodetsky, Stafford Cripps, Extract from Maiskys Diary entry for 21 June 1941, p. 112.
TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/26518, Cripps to FO and attached minutes, 24-28 March 1941.
76 Colville, Fringes of Power, 22 June 1941, p. 351.
77 Gorodetsky, Stafford Cripps, Extract from Maiskys Diary for 18 June, 1941, p. 112.
78 Degras, Soviet Documents, Extracts from Molotovs broadcast about the German invasion, 22 June
1941, p. 491.
79 Eden, Reckoning, p. 270.
80 Maisky, Memoirs, pp. 157-158.
81 Colville, Fringes of Power, 22 June 1941, p. 351. See also Dilks, Cadogan Diary, Editors note to entry
22 June 1941, p.389.
82 Colville, Fringes of Power, 21 June 1941, p. 350.
83 Ibid, p. 350.
84 Carlton, Churchill and the Soviet Union, p. 84.
85 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/29560 N3056/3014/38, quoted in Editors text, Gorodetsky,
Stafford Cripps, p. 114.


Government. It also provided a clear and undeniable aim, to beat Germany and
support Russia. Despite the argument made by Rothwell, that never can two
countries have become allies under less amicable circumstances than Britain and
the Soviet Union in June 1941,86 allies they had become, although not yet in name,
and thanks to Edens efforts in the preceding months, the circumstances were
more amicable than Rothwell may have liked to admit.

The fact Russia had suddenly been brought in on the British side required a
major rethink in Anglo-Soviet relations. Britain had to go from viewing Russia as a
potential enemy to virtually an ally over the course of a weekend, and this
required new diplomatic, military and economic strategies. One of the first
agreements concluded was the provision of military equipment to aid Russia in
their defence against the German assault. Despite experiencing a rapid, if brutal,
technological advance under the leadership of Stalin, Russia was still behind her
western counterparts, and so the British thought they could gain cheap goodwill in
Russia by giving supplies, information about new military designs, and details of
German aerial tactics, having experienced these first hand. In July Cripps had an
interview with Molotov, and his report repeatedly stressed the need for
maintaining a stream of good quality information, noting that "we must go all out
even if we think that there is some risk involved ... if we want the Russians to fight
our battle all out".87 The fact that there was a continued supply of information,
alongside an exchange of military missions, suggests that Britain was committed to
the Russian cause after it had passed its initial danger period following the
invasion. Maisky commented to Eden that he was "very glad we had acted so
promptly in the despatch of our missions to Moscow",88 especially compared to his
experience two years previously during the negotiations for an Anglo-Soviet
alliance. The history of slow progress in relations was one that was going to be
hard to overcome, but the fact Britain had acted quickly, thus straying from their

Rothwell, V. Britain and the Cold War 1941-1947, (London, 1982), p. 74.
TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/24B, Cripps to FO, 2 July 1941.
88 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/29466, Eden to Cripps, 30 June 1941.


traditional speed of diplomacy, certainly presented the appearance that they were
sincere in their desire to assist Russia. This attitude wouldnt be surprising, as it
was in Britains best interest to maintain the Russian resistance, as the more time
and energy Germany spent fighting Russia was breathing space for Britain, but not
everyone was initially convinced that the resistance would hold out.
As part of the co-operation between the two powers, and as a method of
improving relations and testing the apparent sincerity of the British, Stalin
suggested at a meeting with Cripps in early July that a Joint Declaration should be
issued. He felt that, without this, "co-operation was not possible", and suggested
that it should be of a "purely general nature", under the two headings of mutual
help and no separate peace.89 Whilst Cripps initially thought this might be
difficult, the terms don't appear to have been that controversial and later in the
same meeting he suggested that "His majesty's Government were wholly
determined upon both these points".90 When put before the War Cabinet, this was
seen as an unobjectionable solution; not least because Churchill had decided the
night before that it should be accepted, subject to approval from the Dominions.91
Neither Churchill nor Eden made much of this in their post-war writing, but the
diaries of Cadogan and Harvey suggest this was a more contentious issue than
Eden or Churchill made out. Cadogan notes that, in a conversation with Eden, Sir
Orme Sargent, the Under-Secretary of State of the Foreign Office, and Butler, he
was "in favour of giving them all they want - no haggling. Winston wants to do the
same and to send a personal message to Stalin. A. against that".92 Interestingly,
Harvey wrote the day before that "A.E. again pressed P.M. for more support to be
given to Russia"93 but the next day wanted to restrain Churchill from sending an
impetuous message to Stalin. Harvey suggests that "A. is having some difficulty
with the P.M. who likes to take all the decisions and get all the credit!",94 a
suggestion backed up by a minute sent by Eden to Churchill on his proposed
TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/29467, Cripps to FO, 8 July 1941.
91 Harvey, War Diaries, 9 July 1941, p. 17.
92 Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 9 July 1941, p. 392.
93 Harvey, War Diaries, 8 July 1941, p.16.
94 Ibid, 9 July 1941, p.17.


personal telegram to Stalin, where Eden showed clear signs of frustration with the
meddling of the Prime Minister. He commented that "I do not want you to become
involved in the day to day details of diplomacy ... this is beneath Prime
Whilst the proposal of a joint declaration was relatively innocuous, it is
interesting that it caused a disagreement between Eden and Churchill over the
protocol and procedure of the conduct of foreign policy. Ultimately, Eden backed
down and Churchill's personal message was sent. Winston insisted, and the
sheep baa'ed in chorus"96 remarked Cadogan at his Foreign Secretarys inability to
stand against Churchill. This would not be the only time Eden and Churchill
would have such a disagreement. After a brief exchange of drafts, a satisfactory
text was achieved, and Cripps was authorised to sign it, much to his delight. The
agreement, signed on 12 July, was regarded as being the "foundation stone in the
system of Anglo-Soviet relations during the Second World War"97 and for Cripps
its signature allowed him to reflect that "I feel at last that I have accomplished
something worthwhile".98 The main terms were that neither country would sign a
separate peace treaty with Germany, and both countries would offer each other
any mutual assistance and support possible, though the wording was careful to
avoid any specific quantification of assistance. Perhaps Churchill failed to mention
this in his writing as wanting to go all out to help Russia would go against his
presentation of the importance and inevitability of the Anglo-American special
relationship, and Edens neglect possibly stems from the fact he was generally
more favourable towards Russia, and didnt want this appearance and distinction
from Churchill blighted by revelations that he tried to restrain offers of support.
The truth may never be known, but it is an interesting historical conundrum.
Whilst there was no formal quantification of assistance at this point, it was
felt that Churchills message to Stalin in his initial reaction to the German invasion

TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/29467, Eden minute to Churchill, 9 July 1941.
Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 9 July 1941, p. 392.
97 Maisky, Memoirs, p. 166.
98 Gorodetsky, Stafford Cripps, 12 July 1941, p. 125.


(codename Barbarossa) was sufficient evidence of Britains level of commitment.


Indeed the Russians took it to mean that Britain would go all out, and within a
month both Maisky and Stalin were making demands for Britain to open a Second
Front in Western or Northern Europe against Germany to relieve some of their
burden.100 This issue was one that would re-appear many times, and Churchill
noted in his memoirs that the Russian pressure for the establishment of a Second
Front was initiated at the very beginning of our correspondence, and this theme
was to recur throughout our subsequent relations.101 Whilst pressing firmly for a
Second Front, Stalin also made demands for the use of British troops on the
Russian front, but Eden had reservations about offering this level of assistance.
Not only were there severe resource and shipping limitations on the amount and
type of aid that Britain could supply, there was also a significant unwillingness,
born out of a sense of hypocrisy, to aid Russia when Britain had been left alone
during the previous year. A telegram from Cripps suggesting Russia thought
Britain was standing back and resting102 received the angry reply from Eden that
They certainly have no right to reproach us. They brought their own fate upon
themselves We were left alone for a whole year [] If we had been invaded and
destroyed in July or August 1941 [sic], or starved out this year in the Battle of the
Atlantic, they would have remained utterly indifferent We have done our very
best to help them at the cost of deranging all our plans for rearmament We will
do anything more in our power that is sensible, but it would be silly to send two or
three British or British-Indian divisions into the heart of Russia to be surrounded
and cut to pieces as a symbolic sacrifice.103 Eden was not alone in this view, as
Churchill noted that Up to the moment when the Soviet Government was set
upon by Hitler they seemed to care for no one but themselves Now, having
been deceived and taken by surprise, they were themselves under the flaming
German Sword. Their first impulse and lasting policy was to demand all possible

Churchills broadcast, 22 June 1941, quoted in Churchill, The Grand Alliance, p. 331-333.
TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/24B, Eden to Cripps, 7 July 1941 and Stalin to Churchill, 20 July 1941.
101 Churchill, The Grand Alliance, p. 343.
102 TNA, Prime Ministers Papers, PREM 3/395/6, Cripps to Prime Minister, 26 October 1941.
103 Ibid, Eden to Cripps, 28 October 1941.



succour from Great Britain and her Empire.


Whilst spiteful, it was a valid

argument for not providing the level of assistance the Soviet Government
demanded, as it would have been no concern to Russia if Britain had been
defeated in1940 or 1941, yet now they expected Britain to risk their own survival
and war effort by supplying and even fighting alongside the Russian armies.
Supply convoys and fighter squadrons were sent to Russia, as well as American
aid shipped via Britain, so clearly such sentiments had only a minor effect on the
aid sent. Churchill noted that there was little we could do, and I tried to fill the
void by civilities,105 as what little supplies could be sent due to the difficulties of
both supply and shipping were not enough to quench the Russia thirst for

The balance of international relations was about to be upset, however, as on

12 August 1941 the Atlantic Charter was signed, and this would cause significant
problems for Anglo-Soviet relations. Upon his return to the Admiralty Churchill
struck up a unique relationship and correspondence with Roosevelt, as evidenced
by three substantial volumes of Kimballs Complete Correspondence. It was possibly
as a result of this relationship that Churchill was, as Charmley suggests, a rarebird106 in British ruling circles. Unlike Eden and his Department, Churchill
showed great enthusiasm for America, and was seemingly unconcerned at the
growing British dependence on the United States and Roosevelt. It was with this
spirit that Churchill accepted the offer to meet Roosevelt in August 1941. Churchill
took with him his personal staff, military advisors and Cadogan,107 and the party
arrived at the rendezvous, Placienta Bay, on 9 August 1941. Though Cadogan
suggests much of Churchills time on the voyage involved playing Backgammon,
he does note that on one occasion he had to draft something about the Far East for
Churchill.108 After naval courtesies had been exchanged, the two parties had their

Churchill, The Grand Alliance, p. 338.

Ibid, p. 345.
106 Charmley, End of Glory, p. 458.
107 For a full list see Churchill, The Grand Alliance, pp. 380-381.
108 Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 8 August 1941, p. 397.


first meeting, and were straight to business. Churchill records that Roosevelt
wanted to draw up a joint declaration laying down certain broad principles
which should guide our policies along the same road,109 and the next morning
dictated his ideas for these in broad terms to Cadogan, who then managed to make
a draft of both, and have them approved by Churchill.110 These drafts, which
would form the basis of the joint declaration known as the Atlantic Charter, were
written by Cadogan, but in his memoirs Churchill doesnt acknowledge this,
instead suggesting the draft was my text and commenting that I am glad it
should be on record that the substance and spirit of what came to be called the
Atlantic Charter was in its first draft a British production cast in my own
words.111 Whilst Churchill amended Cadogans draft, it seems unfair that there is
no reference at all to Cadogan in Churchills records of the proceedings.
The first draft of the Charter laid out the five articles covering no territorial
aggrandisement; no territorial changes against the wishes of the people; the right
of people to choose their government; fair and equitable distribution of produce;
and peace and security free from fear and armaments.112 Roosevelt, after seeing
this, proposed the addition of two new clauses, encompassing safety of the seas
and oceans and the abandonment of force and the disarmament of nations.113 He
also proposed an amendment to the British fourth article, which was initially
unacceptable, but Churchill notes that he gave a compromise wording that would,
he hoped, be acceptable to the War Cabinet. Though they did not accept this, and
indeed offered their own draft, Churchill didnt press the matter, since Roosevelt
had accepted his other amendments, and the Cabinets insertion of an article on
social security.114 So it was that, with only a minor snag over some wording, which
was quickly overcome, the Atlantic Charter was signed on 12 August 1941.

Churchill, The Grand Alliance, p. 382.

Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 10 August 1941, p. 398.
111 Churchill, The Grand Alliance, p. 385 and p. 386.
112 Ibid, pp. 385-6 there are many detailed reproductions of the clauses, so they have been
simplified to avoid unnecessary repetition.
113 Ibid, p. 386.
114 Ibid, pp. 392-393.


That the process was not a difficult one is shown in Cadogans diary, as only
on 10 August does he mention drafting something, and only twice more does he
mention the draft Charter, one was a quick reference to the fact he had the
amended texts agreed with Sumner Welles, the U.S. Under-Secretary of State, and
a second to the fact they were confirmed before being signed.115 It could also have
been because there was nothing in the text that was seen as controversial. Harvey
felt it a terribly woolly document full of all the old clichs of the League of
Nations period,116 and Eden, although not mentioning it in his memoirs,
commented that he was chilled with Wilsonian memories.117 Charmley offers the
amusing critique that it amounted to little more than a declaration from a
conference of bishops that they were against sin.118 Whilst that may have been the
case, it was the impact of the document, rather than its content, which was to cause
concern. Churchill believed that it would herald American entry into the war, an
illusion Roosevelt did little to dispel, but also that its clause on self-determination
did not apply to the British Empire. The Foreign Office, however, were concerned
that Roosevelt was trying to put the USA on top, with a view to monopolise the
limelight of the peace.119 Whether this was the case only time would tell, but the
signature of this document was taken as evidence of the need to start thinking as a
Department when it came to foreign policy, especially in terms of long-term
policy. It also meant that they had imposed upon them a framework for the
conduct of the war and the peace, which they would have to act within, thus
further restricting their freedom of action.

These realisations were to become painfully clear over the next few months.
In what was the biggest sign of the new found Anglo-Soviet co-operation, in
September Churchill sent the Minister of Supply, Sir William Max Beaverbrook,
to Moscow for fact finding and to hold high level discussions with Stalin. He was

Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 10 and 12 August 1941, pp. 398-401.

Harvey, War Diaries, 12 August 1941, p. 31.
117 Edens diary entry, 21 July 1941, quoted in Dutton, Eden, p. 148.
118 Charmley, End of Glory, p. 460.
119 Harvey, War Diaries, 12 August 1942, p. 31.


accompanied by Averell Harriman, Roosevelts special representative in London,

and General Hastings Ismay, Chief Staff Officer to Churchill, and was tasked with
coming to an agreement with Stalin on what assistance the Soviet Union required.
Britain faced many difficulties in providing the level of assistance Russia was
expecting, and Cripps felt his limited understanding of the military situation was
hampering relations, so it was also hoped that this mission would allow for higher
level strategic discussions to take place between high ranking officials who had
up-to-date knowledge of British military resources, strategy and capability.120
Though Churchill makes no note of it in his memoirs, the idea for this originated
from a conversation between Cripps and Harry Hopkins, Roosevelts special
emissary to Churchill, with Cripps noting in his diary that we agreed upon the
way the matter was to be handled. He will see both the Prime Minister and the
President and will tell them my views as well. I have suggested that it would be a
good thing for me to go home and then come out again in the position of a
member of the cabinet with the added authority not to stay but to settle up the
future plan of help with some representative of the president.121 Thus Cripps was
achieving something else useful, as his suggestion to go home and return in a
different capacity, albeit not taken up, was followed to the extent of sending
someone, along with an American representative, with authority to discuss
Russian needs and establish ways of meeting them.122
Harriman and Beaverbrook arrived in Moscow in one piece on 29 September,
despite a close encounter with Russian anti-aircraft fire, after which Beaverbrook
joked that we do not recommend any more anti-aircraft guns for Russia!123
Despite hard bargaining and argument over specific details, an agreement was
eventually reached, though Cripps noted that the eventual lists were agreed but
that does not mean that we have promised anything like all they wanted.124
Cadogan commented on Beaverbrooks return that Max gave a light hearted

TNA, Prime Ministers Papers, PREM 3/395/6, Cripps to Eden, 26 October 1941.
Gorodetsky, Stafford Cripps, 1 August 1941, p. 138.
122 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/3A, Churchills letter to Stalin, 21/9/41.
123 Gilbert, Finest Hour, pp. 1200 and 1207.
124 Gorodetsky, Stafford Cripps, 2 October 1941, p. 176.


account of his Moscow mission which, as I know from my sources, was a complete
newspaper stunt. He is a scamp!.125 Unsurprisingly as it was his mission, and he
was one of the main exponents of aid to Russia in Government, Beaverbrook was
upbeat about the negotiations, suggesting that the entire success of the
Agreement is due to the enthusiasm which the Russians have shown as the
negotiations have turned out to their liking The Russians are deeply grateful
and absolutely confident. I am satisfied that we have a faithful friend now.126 The
agreement set out that Russia would receive monthly supplies, either from Britain
or America, of large amounts of war material. This included 1,800 British
hurricanes and spitfires, 900 American fighters and 900 American bombers, 1,500
naval guns and eight destroyers by the end of 1941, as well as a monthly supply of
1,000 tanks, 300 anti-aircraft guns, 300 anti-tank guns and 2,000 armoured cars.127 It
will be seen later in this study whether or not this planned program of supply was
a success, but its creation suggests that Britain was now planning for a longer term
Russian resistance, and the conversations acted as a good stepping stone to
improving relations.
On the political side, Cripps complained that he had not received a report
from Beaverbrook, and it seems part of the reason for this was that little was
actually discussed. The records that Beaverbrook eventually sent Cripps show that
the talks on the first and second days were largely confined to supply, though on
the first day there was a debate about peace terms which centred on the Atlantic
Charter. This was generally agreed as a basis for peace, though Stalin raised the
question of reparations from Germany, which Beaverbrook dodged by restating
Churchills rhetoric that we must win the war first.128 The most interesting political
point discussed was Stalins suggestion of extending the existing agreements to a
full alliance for the war and the post-war, Beaverbrook said he was in agreement

Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 13 October 1941, p. 408.

TNA, Avon papers, FO 954/3A, Beaverbrook to FO, 2 October 1941.
127 Secret, Moscow Conference, 1941, Naval Supply Committee, Report, 2 October 1941: CAB
99/7, quoted in Gilbert, Finest Hour, pp. 1210-1211.
128 TNA, Prime Ministers Papers, PREM 3/395/6, Beaverbrook to Cripps, 2 November 1941.


and Stalin felt that the Soviet Government favoured the proposals.


There was,

however, no formal agreement on whether this should be taken forward, and

Cripps telegram to Eden after he received Beaverbrooks report (on 2 November, a
full month after the talks concluded) suggests that they were not, as he states with
annoyance that I am amazed that these most important conversations should now
be reported to me for the first time and that apparently little notice has been taken
of them by anyone at all.130 Whilst in general this may have been true, Eden does
suggest in his memoirs that I took up Stalins mention of a treaty of alliance and
told the ambassador that I would be glad to hear any Soviet proposals.131 That
Cadogan, Harvey, Cripps and Maisky fail to mention this in their diaries and
memoirs begs the question of authenticity of this action by Eden, but the archival
documents suggest that Eden was not just adding in some credit for himself out of
hindsight, but had actually raised this issue with Maisky, and Folly notes that
Eden raised this issue with the War Cabinet on 13 October.132 That Stalin had
raised the point about the future relations between the two countries, and had only
been met with a non-committal statement about winning the war, had also
annoyed Cripps, and he was to make this issue one of the recurring themes of his
telegrams over the following months.

It can, therefore, be seen that, whilst not necessarily friendly with Russia, the
necessity of having to work together was starting to bring greater co-operation
between the two powers, as they had to put historic differences behind them in
favour of the greater aim of winning the war. Whilst it could be argued that
Churchill's rhetoric about winning the war was right as the two powers were now
working together in pursuit of the common aim of defeating Germany, it is
doubtful whether relations would have been as cordial without the background
work of the Foreign Office whilst Russia was still a neutral party. It is worth noting
though that the increase in British efforts to improve relations with the Soviet

Ibid, Cripps to Eden, 5 November 1941.
131 Eden, Reckoning, p. 278.
132 Folly, M, Churchill, Whitehall and the Soviet Union, 1940-45, (Basingstoke, 2000), p. 33.


Union was a clear sign of change, as even though the two powers needed to work
together, that alone was no guarantee that they actually would. At many points it
could be seen that, because Russia had largely ignored British needs between 1939
and 1941, the British had an argument for ignoring Russian calls for help, but the
fact they chose not to do this certainly suggests a shift in the mindset of the
Foreign Office. The sending of the military mission, the speed of which was
commended, as well as the Beaverbrook and Harriman mission, suggests a clear
change of the attitude from 1939 where they were reluctant to negotiate, and
eventually sent a delegation without any authority. As 1941 was coming to an end
it seems that Britain had gone some way to placate the Soviet Union, though there
was clearly room for improvement. It also seems that, due to the scale of the
difficulties in dealing with Russia, it is not surprising that relations with the French
may have taken a back seat.


5) An Eventful Winter

By the winter of 1941, British foreign policy was still dominated by the need
survive and, if possible, to win the war. To this end, relations with three countries
were central. If America could be persuaded to enter the war, all would be
changed. Russia had entered the war, and that had changed a great deal. Finally
France, Britains original ally, although now split between two competing groups
Vichy and the Free French remained a constant concern. All three nations
would be critical to the British war effort, and also to Foreign Office attempts to
begin shaping the post-war world. In the months surrounding the drama of Pearl
Harbour, it was Anglo-Soviet relations which occupied Edens attention; but the
credit for one of the most significant developments of this period, his mission to
Moscow, lies, in the main, elsewhere.
The CrippsHarriman idea led to Beaverbrooks mission to Moscow, and it
was this visit which served as Edens cue to step into the spotlight. During
discussions, Stalin raised the topic of future relations; questioning Beaverbrook
both on peace terms, and the possibility of extending the Anglo-Soviet agreement
into a military and political alliance, not only for war, but for post-war as well.1
This theme was to be the central pillar of Edens relationship with both Maisky
and Cripps over the following months. Cripps indignation at being kept in the
dark over this issue, a not uncommon complaint by the man regarded as a lunatic
in a country of lunatics by Churchill,2 led to Eden becoming increasingly
frustrated with his ambassador.3 That said, Cripps insistence on raising this topic,
and his lengthy telegrams detailing his views on the future shape of Anglo-Soviet
relations and post-war Europe, helped keep this item at the front of Edens mind.
Gradually this determination, with pressure from others such as Beaverbrook and
Maisky, began to influence Edens thinking. By early November he was informing

TNA, Prime Ministers Papers, PREM 3/395/6, Eden to Cripps, 2 November 1941.
Colville, Fringes of Power, 12 December 1940, p. 309.
3 For example TNA, Prime Ministers Papers, PREM 3/395/6, Cripps to Eden, 5 November 1941 and
Eden to Cripps, 10 November 1941.


Cripps that he hoped to visit Moscow in the near future, when just weeks

previously he had ruled out such a visit, stating that there was no reason for any
greater effort from Britain.5 Cripps insecurity on being left out was not
uncommon, but not always without reason, as he was often ignored by Molotov
and others in Moscow, and though thought of as a lunatic, when there was a
potential challenge to Churchills leadership in 1942 his name was raised as a
serious contender. In this case he had been kept informed, so had little reason to
protest. Gorodetsky suggests the initial idea of sending Eden to Moscow was to
keep Cripps quiet,6 a view he may have derived from Harvey's diary,7 but which
Eden scouted in his memoirs, where he wrote there had never been any
question of him going to Moscow to keep Cripps quiet and that we thought that
it would on the whole be better that Cripps should stay.8 Churchill's
contemporary message to Cripps stating that I am sure it would be a mistake
from your point of view to leave your post and abandon the Russians and the
Soviet cause with which you are so closely associated9 appears to confirm the
view that Edens visit had a wider purpose. That said, it could also have been an
indication that this wider purpose was to impose some more balanced and less
ideologically driven policy than Cripps had been able to achieve. Churchill sent a
personal telegram to Stalin, informing him of the intention to send Eden to
Moscow in the near future to discuss every question relating to the war and the
whole of this field [post-war organisation] with you.10 With the dubious
assistance of an excess of long, querulous and argumentative11 telegrams from
Cripps, the Foreign Office had already begun working on the possibility of AngloSoviet talks, and a memorandum was quickly produced detailing the likely
political and military points which could be discussed, alongside the likely

Ibid, Eden to Cripps, 10 November 1941.

Ibid, Eden to Cripps, 28 October 1941.
6 Gorodetsky, Stafford Cripps, editors text, p. 212.
7 Ibid, and Harvey, War Diaries, 21 November 1941, p. 65.
8 Eden, Reckoning, p. 282.
9 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/29471, Churchill to Cripps (unsent) 15 November 1941, and
Gilbert, Finest Hour, Churchill to Cripps, 16 November 1941, p. 1236.
10 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/29472, Churchill to Stalin, 21 November 1941.
11 Harvey, War Diaries, 21 November 1941, p. 65.


sticking points. It also included a memorandum for communication to the Soviet

Union, and a proposed joint declaration. The most interesting part of this
document is the Cabinet memorandum setting out Edens views. This suggests
Eden felt the post-war focus was to be on Germany; that it was necessary to keep
the Americans informed but at arms length; and that Britain should abide by the
Atlantic Charter and make no agreement with Russia regarding territorial
change.12 It is interesting that some of the points considered essential by Cripps in
his messages were included in this memorandum, despite being ignored or
dismissed when they were originally received.13
But by the time Eden got to the USSR, the global situation had been
transformed by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour. Against the advice of the
Cabinet, Churchill set off for America to construct a grand military alliance, a task
which would henceforth dominate his every waking moment. Eden, by contrast,
found himself with the difficult task of trying to respond to Soviet suspicions of
Britain, and the need to respond to Stalins territorial ambitions. As something of a
prima donna,14 Eden was not best pleased at his mission being upstaged, and he
was worried lest Churchill return from America with some new commitments,
made with limited or no consultation with the Cabinet.15 He was also concerned
that any agreements made with the United States could erode his control over
British foreign policy. In his memoirs, Eden reproduces a telephone conversation
with Churchill, who defended his trip by stating that the emphasis of the war
had shifted.16 Although subsequently saying Edens trip was still important
because of the need to consult our two great allies,17 it is hard not to wonder
whether the simple phrase was a signal to Eden that, no matter what happened in
Moscow, with America in the war, it would be of little consequence. Edens own

TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/29472, Edens memorandum to the War Cabinet, 29
November 1941.
13 Including the need to deal with Russias advanced ideas on the post-war settlement, their
particular interest in the Baltic and the issue of reparations/restitution from Germany. TNA,
Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/29471, Cripps to FO, 20 November 1941.
14 Carlton. Eden, p. 190, Harvey, War Diaries, 29 December 1941, p. 81.
15 Carlton, Eden, p. 191, Dutton, Eden, p. 188.
16 Eden, Reckoning, p. 286.
17 Ibid, p. 286.


comment that before, we had believed in the end but never seen the means, now
both were clear18 could also suggest his resignation to the reality that, despite his
best efforts, any results would be overshadowed by the fact America was seen as
the deciding factor in victory.

By his own admission, Eden arrived in the Soviet Union somewhat dejected.19
His past experience of negotiations with the Russians, coupled with the telegrams
from Cripps complaining of their increasingly impossible demands, did not fill
him with much hope that his visit would be satisfactory, and now he had the
added pressure that, with Churchill off to America, his visit needed to achieve
something meaningful, else it risked being eclipsed. It was in part because of this
that Eden had an idea for his visit and that was to create a so-called Volga Charter,
an Eastern equivalent of the Atlantic Charter, which would set out the principles
of Anglo-Soviet co-operation, their joint vision for the conduct of the war and for
the future peace requirements. Although an ambitious project, it was not out of
the question. Cadogan was in charge of the project, and before leaving London
had drafted a charter which was approved by Eden, though overruled by the
Cabinet and Churchill as too detailed. The eventual document was so diluted that
Cadogan considered it as thin as restaurant coffee,20 containing only simple
statements that the two Governments would work together against Germany both
during and after the war; would adhere to the Atlantic Charter; and would make
no effort to discuss post-war territorial change.21 Having weakened the Volga
Charter and restricted Edens freedom of negotiation with the Atlantic Charter,
Churchill, with the Cabinet, and the Chiefs of Staff, also made sure there would be
no offer of troops for Russia. This decision made Eden question the validity of the
trip, and almost led to its postponement, but for the influence of Beaverbrook.22

Ibid, p. 286.
Ibid, p. 287.
20 Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 28 November 1941, p. 414.
21 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/29472, Draft Joint Declaration, contained in Annex II of
Edens memorandum to the War Cabinet, 29 November 1941.
22 See Harvey, War Diaries, 2 and 3 December 1941, pp. 68-69, Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 4 December
1941, pp. 415-416 and Edens diary, 3 December 1941, quoted in Eden, Reckoning, pp. 283-284.


His friendship with Churchill made Beaverbrook a good ally for Eden, as he was
sympathetic towards Russia, and shared Edens mindset regarding the need to do
more to help them. He used the experience of his discussions with Stalin to insist
that he would much prefer23 the provision of machines to men, and, upon
Churchills agreement, this issue was re-examined. The eventual outcome gave
Eden one strong card to play in the negotiations, being allowed to offer the
placing of a strong component of the Air Force, say 10 squadrons, on the southern
flank of the Russian armies.24 Whilst this was dependent on British victory in the
ongoing operations in Libya, it proved sufficient to re-assure Eden that his mission
was worthwhile.
On top of these external restrictions, there were other limiting factors. Edens
own thinking, as seen from his Cabinet memorandum, particularly his
commitment to the Atlantic Charter, narrowed the scope of the discussions he
could hold. It was also unfortunate that the telegram, sent by Churchill to Stalin,
had been drafted by Cadogan, so his own deputy had put him in the position of
discussing a subject that had only just begun to be considered. The archive files
suggest that it was only in response to telegrams from Stalin that the Department
began to realise the need for a broader discussion. One particular telegram, noting
the need for a definite understanding on both war aims and plans for the
organisation of peace, as well as an agreement on military assistance against
Hitler,25 received comments from all ranks within the Office, with Cadogan noting
the need to discuss all these matters.26 Thus it seems that, with these limitations,
the idea of a charter on general principles was sensible, as it would not require
Eden to go beyond his remit, would put Anglo-Soviet relations on the same formal
footing as Anglo-American relations, and would, to an extent, disguise the fact

Edens diary, 3 December 1941, quoted in Eden, Reckoning, p. 284.

TNA, Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/20/21, War Cabinet Meeting, 6 December 1941, directive from
Churchill to Eden.
25 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/29471, Stalin to Churchill, 8 November 1941.
26 Ibid, Cadogans comments, 19 November 1941.


that the British had no set ideas with which to meet Stalin regarding the
organisation of peace.27
So Eden was going with a plan which seems to have fitted the small window
within which he could negotiate. He was accompanied by Cadogan, who, based
on his past success, was most likely to be able to achieve a draft charter that would
prove satisfactory to all parties. Harvey was also in the party, though Cadogan
was concerned about his influence on Eden, as he was strongly in favour of
working with the Russians, and his diary entries during the trip give clear
evidence of this.28 Cadogan was more ambivalent and, despite maintaining his
long standing opinion of the uselessness of Russia, provided balance and
grounding to the group, a quality for which he has been greatly extolled.29 The
addition of Maisky, and later Cripps, to this grouping meant that the rational
thought of Cadogan was, on paper, outnumbered by ideological impetus, though
initially this did not affect Edens judgement during the early talks. There are
many accounts of varying detail of the negotiations, so it would be superfluous to
offer another overview.30 However, an examination of the terms offered by both
parties reveals much about the areas which would cause tension between the two
unlikely allies throughout the rest of the war and beyond

A Piercing, Icy Blast

Upon arrival, the draft declaration was discussed amongst the British
delegation and, owing to the influence of Cripps, (considered an infernal
nuisance31 by Harvey) was amended into an agreement, something considered
more acceptable to Soviet sensibilities. The revised draft dropped the reference to
the July agreement, and added three new clauses concerning economic and social

Folly, Churchill, Whitehall, p. 37

Harvey, War Diaries, 7 to 29 December 1941, pp. 70-81.
29 See Neilson and Otte, The PUS, pp. 234-264, Eden, Reckoning, p. 285.
30 James, R.R. Anthony Eden, (London, 1986), pp. 256-260, Woodward, L. British Foreign Policy in the
Second World War, Volume II, (London, 1971), pp. 220-237, Thorpe, D.R. Eden: The Life and Times of
Anthony Eden, First Earl of Avon, 1897-1977, (London, 2003), pp. 267-269.
31 Harvey, War Diaries, 16 December 1941, p. 74.


post-war reconstruction, post-war economic assistance and an undertaking not to

sign any secret treaty which may affect post-war reconstruction.32 This draft seems
to have met everything the British wanted at this time, and was not dissimilar to
the terms of the Atlantic Charter, although it lacked one or two of the more
idealistic points. In agreement form it also seemed likely to satisfy Russian
requirements, save for being an actual treaty. Maiskys memoirs indicate he was
shown Stalins two proposed treaties before the first meeting, and felt they could
serve as a basis for negotiations, and that it will not be particularly difficult to
come to an agreement.33 At the first meeting, the British agreement was presented
to Stalin, who gave no reaction, but agreed that Eden could take his two draft
treaties and marry the agreement to them.34 Aside from discussion on a secret
protocol, which would have resulted in British recognition of the 1941 Soviet
frontiers, the meeting went smoothly, and there was a reasonable chance of an
agreement being reached. Despite Harveys enthusiasm for the most successful
start35 to the talks, Eden and Cadogan both had concerns over the secret protocol.
Whilst discussed, but deferred during the meeting on the grounds that Eden
couldnt agree without first consulting the Cabinet and America, Cadogan noted
that S. [Stalin] indicated his ideas of future frontiers, which would raise a lot of
questions36 and Eden felt that Stalins suggestions for this secret protocol
showed me that the hope we had held in London, of being able to confine the
discussion of frontiers to the general terms of the Atlantic Charter, had been in
vain.37 Eden was in general agreement with most of Stalins other proposals and,
when studying Stalins drafts the next day, Cadogan noted that there was
nothing much wrong with them.38 Stalins military treaty was short, and didnt
go beyond the British agreement. Its articles provided for an alliance and military

TNA, Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/20/39, Record of Edens mission to Moscow, British Draft
Declaration, 16 December 1941.
33 Maisky, Memoirs, p. 231.
34 TNA, Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/20/39, Record of Edens mission to Moscow, Record of interview
between Eden and Stalin, 16 December 1941.
35 Harvey, War Diaries, 16 December 1941, p 74.
36 Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 16 December 1941, p. 421.
37 Eden, Reckoning, p. 289.
38 Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 17 December 1941, p. 421.


assistance between the two parties; agreements that neither party would negotiate
with an aggressive German Government or sign a separate peace, and that neither
contracting party would enter into any coalition against the other. The post-war
treaty was even shorter, and its articles noted that the two powers would act by
mutual agreement on matters relating to post-war organisation, and that they
would take all steps possible to prevent Germany violating the peace.39 When
compared to the document, there was nothing in either of the Soviet treaties which
would have taken the British beyond their agreement and, aside from Eden
needing approval from the Cabinet, there looked nothing to stop the two countries
reaching an accord.
In fact, all the British needed to do was turn the treaties into agreements, and
they could have been signed there and then. This they did, with the re-drafted
military agreement differing little from Stalins treaty. The post-war agreement,
however, added a new article recognising the Atlantic Charter commitments; a
detailed article on post-war reconstruction, the principles of non-aggrandisement
and non-interference in the internal affairs of others; and an article on post-war
economic assistance, though none of these were opposed to any views Stalin had
expressed during the first conversation.40 This effort suggests the British, while
wanting an agreement with Stalin, were trying to ensure the views of America
were represented, and also attempting to ensure the post-war commitment of
Russia to maintain a balance of power in Europe.
This work had been in vain, however, as Stalin, despite initially commenting
that it was interesting,41 soon began discussing the recognition of the Soviet
frontiers, which proved to be the sticking point and main focus of the remainder
of the conversations. Whilst known before Edens visit that Stalin wanted to
discuss this,42 there was no prior indication that he had a detailed plan, and Eden
had no authority to make a fixed commitment on the issue. Stalin was insistent on
TNA, Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/20/39, Record of Edens mission to Moscow, Stalins draft political
and post-war treaties, 16 December 1941.
40 TNA, Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/20/39, Record of Edens mission to Moscow, British re-draft of
political and post-war agreements, 17 December 1941.
41 Ibid, Record of interview between Eden and Stalin, 17 December 1941.
42 See n.25.


the issue, however, and it took great effort from Eden to convince Stalin that he
couldnt give a definite answer to these questions now, but would consult the
Government and work hard to get a favourable one as soon as possible. At this
point Stalin reconsidered the British agreements, but aside from suggesting that
some reference to frontiers should be made in the post-war agreement, made no
other comment, so it is hard to tell whether or not he agreed with their content. It
was at this point that the British delegation began to realise the extent of the
difficulty that Britain would face in dealing with Russia. Both Harvey and Cripps
suggested that it would be difficult, if not impossible to continue to refuse the
Russian demands, with Cripps, in another piece of exemplary foresight, accurately
predicting the difficulties to come, commenting that We are already too late, I
fear, to get any sort of arrangement other than that which they are demanding.
This will lead to the greatest difficulties with America I dont see what we can
do but agree on the boundaries which they insist upon keeping, but before we
come to that there will be a most difficult period in our relations.43 Eden had
stated to Stalin that I would like to meet you over the territorial question, and
when Stalin suggested that the Soviet Union might soon occupy the Baltic,
responded that If you were to do so no one would be more delighted than
myself.44 These statements suggest that Eden was, at least on a personal level,
sympathetic towards the Soviet demands, and indeed he may have made the latter
remark out of a growing realisation that the Soviet Union occupying the Baltic
countries would have negated the problem of recognising the frontiers.
It is unfortunate that the remaining meetings were to hinge on the territorial
issue. The terms of the agreements were only considered towards the end of the
second meeting, but there was little objection to them, and Eden took account of
the only comment on content by Stalin, and included a reference to the frontier
question, though worded so that consultation on these would be part of the peace

Gorodetsky, Stafford Cripps, 18 December 1941, pp. 223-224.

TNA, Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/20/39, Record of Edens mission to Moscow, Record of interview
between Eden and Stalin, 17 December 1941.


settlement. To supplement this he drafted a letter to Stalin, proposing the


initiation of tripartite talks between Britain, the Soviet Union and America at the
earliest opportunity on the whole issue of the Soviet frontiers. He also
accommodated Maiskys concern over wording, removing the reference to no
aggrandisement and no interference in the internal affairs of others in the hope of
placating Stalin.46 Thus in seeking agreement, Eden was willing to sacrifice two
key principles, and go beyond his instructions by giving Stalin a reference to
frontiers and proposing a tripartite conference. For none of this, notes Carlton,
did he have authority from London.47 It was during the third meeting that real
difficulty arose, as after agreeing to some minor amendments, Stalin proposed
adding to the post-war treaty that the powers would work together after the war
with full regards to the interests of both parties in their security as well as to the
interests of the U.S.S.R. in the restoration of frontiers violated by Hitlers
aggression.48 It was this phrase, which Stalin revealed later to mean the frontiers
violated in June 1941, which was to be the nail in the coffin for the negotiations.
Despite all the previous protests from Eden, Stalin was still asking the impossible,
and was determined to gain agreement on this point, even at the expense of the
general agreements. It was consequently suggested that Eden should return to
London and carry out his promise with regard to the frontiers before there was
any further discussion. Eden noted that the meeting proved completely abortive
and I was considerably irritated at what I thought Stalins unreasonable
attitude.49 For Eden to state this about the man he had extolled in 1935 for being
well-informed at all points that were of concern to him50 and having a
remarkable knowledge and understanding of international affairs,51 suggests that
either Stalin really wasnt interested in anything other than his own frontiers, or

TNA, Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/20/39, Record of Edens mission to Moscow, Edens redraft of
Article 1, 18 December 1941.
46 Ibid, Edens redraft of Article 4, 18 December 1941.
47 Carlton, Eden, p. 192.
48 TNA, Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/20/39, Record of Edens mission to Moscow, Record of interview
between Eden and Stalin, 18 December 1941.
49 Eden, Reckoning, p. 297.
50 Eden, A. The Eden Memoirs: Facing the Dictators, (London 1962), p. 153.
51 Ibid, p. 156.


that he had, on this point at least, lost his grip on international affairs. It could also
have been that Eden was simply not very good at negotiating, though given any
agreement on any point, no matter how small, would have needed reference to the
Cabinet, any lack of ability on Edens part was probably down to having no hand
to play. The extent to which either of these assessments is correct is hard to
determine. Stalin was certainly insistent on the Soviet frontiers, but eventually
agreed that Eden was not simply obstructing, but was asking to discuss the issue
with the people who could make the decision, and he showed both an interest in
and understanding of the British military position and British restrictions
regarding a Second Front.
It is hard to know whether Stalin realised he had gone too far, or if the
complaints session in Edens room or Crippss long discussion with Molotov
actually had any effect, but at the next meeting there was considerably less
argument with regards to frontiers, and more understanding from both sides of
the others position. In an effort to get agreement, Eden proposed signing both the
documents originally drafted by Stalin and to give Stalin the letter regarding
tripartite conversations. He also proposed that they could, upon his return, be
transformed into full treaties after securing the consent of the Dominions.52
Unfortunately, Stalin rejected this idea, and suggested the postponement of the
signature until Eden could consult both the British and Dominion Governments,
feeling that if the treaty is signed in London in two or three weeks time, it will
come to much the same thing53 as if it was signed there and then, which Eden
was not authorised to do. Stalins desire for treaties forced him to concede that, to
get this wish, he had to allow Eden to proceed correctly, which Eden had
promised to do, and this concession prevented a breakdown in the negotiations.54
It also seemed like he had begun to realise the difficulty of not only Edens but
Britains position as a whole, suggesting that as regards your repeated references
to the necessity to consult the United States Government, I must confess that I
TNA, Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/20/39, Record of Edens mission to Moscow, Record of interview
between Eden and Stalin, 20 December 1941.
53 Ibid.
54 Ibid.


had overlooked this fact and had believed your Government to have more
freedom of action in these matters.55 Considering the situation in which he found
himself, Eden probably agreed whole heartedly with that sentiment.
Both parties were disappointed not to reach agreement in Moscow, though it
was Stalin, not Eden, who complained that I should perhaps have been in a
position to sign these agreements [] if we had not had these discussions about
the frontier,56 as if forgetting that it was he, not Eden, who insisted on repeatedly
raising this topic, and that his determination to discuss treaties meant Eden
couldnt sign the agreements. Had he followed Edens suggestions, the
conversations could have produced two signed agreements, whose content would
have covered virtually all the demands of both parties, with Stalin in possession of
a letter from Eden pledging his support and assistance in bringing about a positive
resolution to the frontier issue. Harvey believed that if Stalin could sign our
proposed agreements, it would be fairly easy for A.E. to move Winston to next
stage of getting the Cabinet to agree to get Roosevelt to tackle the whole
question.57 Though this idea was hopeful, it did not seem illogical, and looks to
have been the best option for Stalin to get what he wanted given Eden saw the
agreements as a first step to getting the further agreements which you want.58
The requirement to put the question to Roosevelt, however, adds weight to Edens
concern about the dependence on America, and suggests this alliance was already
preventing Britain from conducting its own foreign policy affairs.
At the end of the conversations it was decided that a communiqu would be
issued so that Eden would not leave empty handed, and recognising failure as
Cadogan put it, a short draft of usual colourless communiqu was prepared.59 It
is worth noting that this would essentially be the Volga Charter Eden had
initially hoped to sign, so whilst no further agreement had been reached, Eden
would have at least achieved his original goal. In fact, the result was better than

57 Harvey, War Diaries, 18 December 1941, p. 77.
58 TNA, Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/20/39, Record of Edens mission to Moscow, Record of interview
between Eden and Stalin, 20 December 1941.
59 Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 20 December 1941, p. 422.


the British delegation could have hoped, as Maisky had been tasked with drafting
the Soviet version of the communiqu,60 and managed to achieve a document that
was approved by Stalin, and longer and actually more satisfactory61 than the
British draft, and was quickly accepted by Eden. The British delegation were
impressed with the contents of the Soviet draft, with Cadogan commenting that it
was much better than hoped.62 The fact Edens draft does not appear to be
reproduced, even in the documents relating to the Moscow conversations, makes
it hard to tell how much longer and more satisfactory the Soviet draft was, though
as it was quite short, the British draft really must have been short and colourless.
Despite the positive response of the British delegation, it seems to have fallen
short of the credentials they imbued upon it. Those of a more ideological
persuasion, such as Harvey and Cripps, suggested that it contained all about war
and post-war collaboration which had been contained in the two agreements63
and that it goes almost all the way in binding us to post-war collaboration.64
What it actually did was state that there had been an exhaustive exchange of
views (presumably in both depth and tiresomeness), which had provided: an
identity of views relating to the conduct of the war, insofar as both parties
thought Hitler should be defeated and it would be beneficial to prevent future
German aggression; important and useful material, which will facilitate a further
elaboration of concrete proposals regarding post-war organisation of peace, to
the extent that one side had concrete proposals over which it would not budge, the
other had no proposals, and both sides realised from the material gathered that
this outcome was unlikely in the near future; and a new and important forward
step towards closer collaboration, if only because neither side had really achieved
anything from the talks, and thus there would need to be more in the future in

Maisky, Memoirs, p. 232.

TNA, Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/20/39, Record of Edens mission to Moscow, Edens overview of
the proceedings, 25 December 1941.
62 Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 20 December 1941, p. 422.
63 Harvey, War Diaries, 21 December 1941, p. 78.
64 Gorodetsky, Stafford Cripps, 24 December 1941, pp. 226-227.


order to come to a formal agreement. Nowhere did it mention that the two

parties had agreed to do anything about these points, and its only similarities to
the draft agreements were the inclusion of the statements about Germany. It seems
that, expecting failure, those in Moscow got caught up in the excitement of the
moment when they actually came away with something. Barker suggests that the
British delegation were not particularly successful in their negotiations, and were
taken in by Stalins negotiating tactics. He offered them first, a pleasing warmth
(so thawing his visitors defences); next, a piercing, icy blast; finally, a moderate
glow, so that the visitor left grateful for small mercies.66 This appears accurate, as
the first meeting was considered to have gone well; the second and third meetings
Stalin was forceful and demanding, with a strength of argument that not only
irritated the British delegation, but also saw them begin to think his views were
correct and his demands necessary; and then a final meeting where he made some
concessions which looked of greater significance than they were, followed by a
pleasant celebratory meal to make the trip appear better in hindsight than was the
case. This was a tactic he was employ in future negotiations, with both the British
and many other countries.

Stepping Stones

So does this mean the mission was a failure? This is hard to answer, though
in the broad sweep of history the fact no formal agreement was reached could be
enough evidence to condemn the visit as a failure. This is the picture given in the
secondary work, as there are more examples of works which either suggest the
mission was a failure or offer no opinion on the matter than works that felt it was
a success. When examined in closer detail, however, a different picture emerges,
and one that is significantly more flattering of Eden. To say the mission failed
because no agreement was reached disregards the serious restrictions that were

TNA, Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/20/39, Record of Edens mission to Moscow, Russian draft
communiqu, 20 December 1941.
66 Barker, Churchill and Eden, p. 235.


placed on Eden both before, and during, his visit, as even his authority to offer the
RAF squadrons was withdrawn part-way through. It also ignores Eden's own aim,
which was to achieve a Volga Charter, not an alliance or other formal agreement.
Eden had a very limited scope, both on what could be offered and what could be
accepted, so limited results were to be expected. That these limited results were
achieved should highlight Eden's diplomatic skill and ability to negotiate from a
position of weakness. Instead they are often taken to suggest the whole mission
was in vain. Dutton's suggestion that neither Edens assurance to Churchill that
his mission had been a success nor his description of the talks to the press as full,
frank and sincere reflected reality67 is too critical, and suggests that only grand
achievements are worthy of being termed successes though as there was no
grand achievement that came out of the visit by this scale it would be deemed a
failure, even if the small achievements were recognised. The talks were often
tense, heated arguments or filled with historic suspicion, though this was because
they covered many topics; both parties spoke frankly to each other; and, on Eden's
part at least, were carried out with sincerity. The communiqu pledged that the
two countries would fight on together against Germany and collaborate during
and after the war, and whilst not exactly ground-breaking, was a sign of
collaboration closer to what Eden had envisioned than Stalin, as it was not a
treaty, and did not mention the 1941 frontiers. Whilst the talks produced no
agreement, they had served a different purpose, and that they were conducted,
albeit by chance, alongside Churchills talks in Washington can be seen to
represent the importance Britain attached to Anglo-Soviet solidarity.68 Churchill
himself wrote to Eden that he was where I want him69 and later wrote that he
should not be disappointed if you are not able to bring home a joint public
declaration . . . I am sure your visit has done the utmost good.70 Other than Eden
not being able to consult Churchill, it is unlikely that this coincidence had any
effect in Moscow, though it is not beyond reason to think that, if nothing else, it
Dutton, Eden, p. 189.
Thorpe, Eden, p. 268.
69 Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 8 December 1941, p. 417.
70 Barker, Churchill and Eden, p. 235.


would show the Russians that the British were not ganging up with America and
leaving them to fend for themselves. The press reports after the mission stated the
importance of the talks in this regard, although The Daily Mail, The Telegraph and
The News Chronicle all reported that the conversations were parallel too or a part of
the conversations in Washington, which was of course not the case.71 Whilst the
British press was, to some extent, restricted in some aspects of what it could
publish regarding Anglo-Soviet relations, the Russian press was free to be as
critical of the west as it wanted, but its coverage of the talks was equally positive.
The extent of positive press coverage, both in Britain and in Russia, highlights
another success, and that was the fact that Eden's visit, despite Harvey's fears, had
not been forgotten about in the wake of Churchill's visit to Washington.
Consequently the visit was seen as a stepping stone for better things, and the
information gathered allowed the British to understand the Soviet position, both
politically and militarily, as well as their aims and requirements. Knowing what
the Russians wanted made it significantly easier to prepare for future talks, and
gave the Foreign Office a target to work towards. The delegation went to Moscow
with only sketchy ideas about any post-war aims, and came back with a fresh
outlook, and what was to become the new policy of the Foreign Office, defining
the British war and post-war aims outside of defeating Hitler. Cripps recalled that,
whilst I took rather too tragic a view of the failure to get an agreement there was
an upside, especially as far as he was concerned, that the Cabinet will have to
really get down to thinking about the post-war settlement.72 It would appear that
Cripps was, yet again, displaying a sense of foresight that probably should have
been taken more seriously than it was. Individually these were small scale results,
and thus easily overlooked. Equally, the small scale and lack of historical
significance they receive suggests that Eden and his mission had, in fact, not really
managed to achieve anything, and that perhaps it was a rather pointless
endeavour. When combined, however, they helped to significantly improve

TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/32874, Daily Mail, Telegraph and News Chronicle articles of
29 December 1941.
72 Gorodetsky, Stafford Cripps, 24 December 1941, p. 227.


Anglo-Soviet relations, to define what the Foreign Office wanted to do, and give
them a reality check on its imminent necessity. Though the achievement is still
overlooked in this respect, as it doesn't fit easily within the Churchill narrative, in
the examination of Eden's policy efforts it was significant, as it provided an
important catalyst for the bold, imaginative, and at times highly controversial
foreign policy that was to develop over the next two years.


6) Between a Rock and a Hard Place

The Moscow Conference had highlighted the tensions between Soviet and
British aims, along with the serious gaps in the British ideas, and this need to
clarify their own war aims meant the Foreign Office was set on a new footing. The
fact it almost hadn't taken place because of Churchills view that Americas entry
into the war should be the top priority, however, was a sign of things to come.
Before leaping headlong into 1942, it is worth reflecting for a moment on the other
conference that occurred at this time, and examining its impact on foreign policy.
Churchill heard the news of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour on 7
December, whilst listening to the radio with Winant and Harriman, though the
news didnt initially register. He called Roosevelt for verification, and heard the
most welcome comment that We are all in the same boat now.1 He thus set to
work re-assembling the Members of Parliament, as well as drafting an official
declaration of war to Japan. In The Grand Alliance he notes that no American will
think it wrong of me if I proclaim that to have the United States at our side was to
me the greatest joy at this very moment I knew the United States was in the
war, up to the neck and in it to the death. So we had won after all!2 As part of his
impulsive response to the news he began planning to leave for America to hold
another conference with Roosevelt. Despite the objections and efforts of Eden and
the Cabinet he informed Roosevelt of his desire to meet to review the whole war
plan in the light of reality and new facts.3 After haggling over safety concerns and
the date of the conference, Churchill set off for Washington, and the Arcadia
Conference.4 Eden was on his way to Moscow, but Churchill decided to allow
Edens mission to continue, though there would have been time to turn him back

Churchill, The Grand Alliance, p. 538.

Ibid, p. 539.
3 Churchill to Roosevelt, 9 December 1941. Churchill, The Grand Alliance, p. 541.
4 Churchill, The Grand Alliance, p. 542.


had the situation required it, feeling that his mission was all the more important
given the new circumstances.5
The details of the Arcadia Conference are covered elsewhere,6 but what
matters here are its implications for British foreign policy. The most significant
public result was the Declaration by the United Nations, issued on 1 January 1942,
and signed by the 26 allied Nations ranged against Fascism and Hitlerism. Its
clauses regarding no separate peace, co-operation between the signatories and full
employment of resources, as well as continuing adherence to the Atlantic Charter
ideals, bound the allied powers in a unity of purpose, as well as in ideals.7 Whilst
there can be no doubting the significance of this document, the most crucial result
from the conference was Churchills success in ensuring the United States did not
confine themselves to pursuing a purely Pacific policy. Admittedly Hitlers
confusing decision to declare war on America on 11 December helped matters.
Charmley suggests this not only saved Churchill from seeing Britain left high and
dry while America exacted revenge on Japan, but also avoided embarrassing
Roosevelt, who had announced that America must follow a Germany first
strategy, and would have struggled to maintain this line without any aggression
from Germany.8 Churchills success also came from his preparation during his
voyage, drawing up three detailed memoranda outlining his views. Entitled The
Atlantic Front, The Pacific Front and The Campaign of 1943, they are all fully
reproduced in The Grand Alliance, and cover pretty much any avenue the
discussions could take. From a British perspective, the key was in ensuring a
practical and helpful American focus on Europe, and Churchills Atlantic Front
memorandum appears to have achieved this, noting the importance of the
supplies and of the defeat of Germany to the overall war effort to defeat the Axis
powers.9 Roosevelt concurred, later suggesting that there might be unfortunate

Ibid, p. 553.
Ibid, Chapters 34-36, Kimball, Alliance emerging, pp. 292-325, Charmley, End of Glory, Chapter 42,
pp. 475-488.
8 Charmley, End of Glory, p. 475.
9 Churchill, The Grand Alliance, p. 574.


repercussions if they let down Russia. Unfortunately for the Foreign Office, this

feeling did not extend to territorial change. Conscious of his hosts sensibilities,
not to mention the creation of his desired Grand Alliance, the ground work for
which would be undone if accepted, Churchill refused to put the issue of the
Soviet frontiers to Roosevelt, informing Eden that it would be inexpedient to
raise this issue even informally at this time.11
The close link between Churchill and Roosevelt had ensured active American
engagement in Europe, so as far as Churchill was concerned his policy was
coming to fruition, but the cementing of ties led to further restrictions on the
freedom of action of the Foreign Office, who found this neither practical nor
helpful as they were forming a policy of their own which put British interests,
particularly in Europe, above the military interests of the Churchill-Roosevelt
alliance. Edens assessment that I accepted the fact that the United States must in
time become the dominant partner in Anglo-American councils The balance of
power between us brought its problems. How to handle our relations with Soviet
Russia, the policy to be followed towards de Gaulle, and the future of the British
Commonwealth presented varying facets almost daily With our other major
ally the path was rougher. Though Soviet Russias immediate interests in the war
were the same as ours, in the peace they might conflict with what we and much of
the world thought right. It was this contingency that I wished to guard against, if I
could12 was written with hindsight, but there is solid grounding to the words,
and they reflected the struggle he faced for the remainder of the war. These
themes were mirrored in a diary entry by Harvey which highlighted the
impotency of the British position. As between Russia on one side, who thinks she
is doing all the fighting against the Germans, and America, who thinks she can
dictate the peace on the other, poor H.M.G. are going to have a difficult time. We
shall be in trouble with both. We must take a realistic view of Russias claims, but
we must somehow avoid a collision with U.S.A. who mean so much for supplies

TNA, Cabinet Papers, CAB 120/26, Arcadia report White House Conference, 12 January 1942.
Churchill, The Grand Alliance, p. 560.
12 Eden, Reckoning, pp. 316-317.


now and post-war reconstruction after. Ever the Russophile, Harvey was clearly

emphasising this particular area to illustrate British difficulty, but his concerns
were not dissimilar to those of Eden and others. Even de Gaulle, who was as much
a hindrance as a help for the allies, recognised the British problem, and noted that
From now on, the British will do nothing without Roosevelts agreement14 This
statement would ring true in the near future. Despite comments like these, this
concern does not appear to translate into the secondary work. Only Thorpe
suggests that British thinking at the time was wary of America, stating that
Edens attitude to America was equivocal: the common language should not
delude the British into believing that the Americans also had common interest. He
was wary of the price the Americans might eventually extract from Britain for
their support.15 Since returning as Foreign Secretary Eden had experienced the
problem of differing American interests, and did not share Churchills sentiment
of comradeship in the common cause of great peoples who speak the same
language, who kneel at the same altars and, to a very large extent, pursue the
same ideals.16 It is unfortunate that the three areas Eden highlighted, France,
Russia and the future of the British Commonwealth, were the areas around which
the Foreign Office policy was based, but also where their success was to be most
restricted by the primacy given to the American alliance. A subject for a different
project, perhaps, is whether the price Britain had to pay for American support,
and as a result of American interest, was the dismantling of its Empire, and
whether Eden chose the word Commonwealth rather than Empire consciously
to reflect this.

Harvey, War Diaries, 7 January 1942, p. 85.

Mangold, Britain and the Defeated French, p. 140.
15 Thorpe, Eden, p. 270.
16 Churchills Christmas Eve speech, cited from the Presidents personal file, Franklin D Roosevelt
Library in Bercuson, D.J. and Herwig, H.H. One Christmas in Washington: Churchill and Roosevelt
forge the Grand Alliance, (London, 2006), p. 156.


Teapot Tempests

This divergence of attitudes became problematic over the teapot tempest17 the occupation of the Islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon on Christmas Eve 1941.18
The Islands, situated off the Newfoundland coast, were French territory under
Vichy control, and were of interest for their location and their powerful radio
transmitter, which could be used for hostile spying or propaganda purposes. De
Gaulle, with Foreign Office support, proposed rallying the Islands in October,19
and by early December everything was in place. Approval was granted by
Churchill, who authorised Halifax to consult the Americans.20 The Americans
rejected this plan, as they were working on their own deal with the Islands
Governor on the wider issue of neutralisation of French territory in the Western
Hemisphere.21 Despite being ordered to cancel the mission, and agreeing to do
so,22 de Gaulle ordered Admiral Muselier, the Commander-in-Chief of the Free
French Naval forces, to occupy the Islands anyway, in response to a suggestion
that Canadian technicians would take over control of the radio station, which he
saw as foreign intervention in French affairs. The occupation resulted in a Vichy
colony peacefully rallying to the Free French with a 90 percent majority vote in a
plebiscite.23 This would have passed off smoothly as a minor allied victory had it
not been for the Americans. On Christmas Day the passionately anti de Gaulle24
Cordell Hull, the U.S. Secretary of State, released an admonishing statement which
claimed the action taken by the so-called Free French was an arbitrary action
contrary to the agreement of all parties concerned [Hulls italics].25 This statement
shows the difference in policy, and how out of step Hull was with public opinion.
The British didnt see any problem with the event, and the American press led a

Kimball, Alliance emerging, editors text, p. 324.

Mangold, Britain and the Defeated French, p. 141.
19 Barker, Churchill and Eden, p. 50.
20 Ibid, p. 50.
21 Mangold, Britain and the Defeated French, pp. 141-142.
22 Churchill, The Grand Alliance, p. 591.
23 Ibid, p. 591.
24 Jenkins, R. Churchill, a Biography, (London, 2001), p. 676.
25 Hulls Christmas Statement, reproduced in Churchill, The Grand Alliance, p. 591.


wave of criticism against the treason of the so-called Secretary of State.



Halifax telegraphed Eden that There is no doubt that the State Department lost
their temper at the outset and although the temperature is now lower their
position does not alter.28 In a message to Churchill, Eden noted the difficulty of
removing de Gaulle and the likely adverse effect on British public opinion were a
settlement reached which appeared to victimise a population for its loyalty to the
Allied cause.29 Whilst Roosevelt was initially happy, as he was often want to, to
sit back and watch the State Department getting into trouble,30 with Hull
threatening resignation and the tempest close to overflowing from the teapot he
changed course, followed by Churchill, fearing damage to his new alliance.
Having sent Eden a draft statement intended to defuse the situation,31 which Eden
considered inadequate to safeguard Free French interests,32 Churchill sent further
instructions. The new statement allowed the Islands to remain French, but demilitarised them, and did not leave them directly under Free French control.33 The
message also set Eden the daunting, and personally unwelcome, task of forcing de
Gaulles acceptance. Churchill recognised that the State Departments line was
digging them a bigger hole in the face of American public opinion, and never
stated that the Free French were in the wrong or acting against British interests,
but felt that letting such a minor event obstruct the greater picture and his new
alliance was intolerable.34 Despite protests that this would be a bitter blow not
only to General de Gaulle, but also to public opinion in this country,35 Churchill
was insistent, and Eden confronted de Gaulle. As expected, he refused the
communiqu, and failed to understand why the British were following an
American policy clearly aimed at Establishing a protectorate over the Vichy
New York Post, 25 December 1941, reaction to Hulls statement, quoted in Bercuson and Herwig,
One Christmas, p. 161.
27 Jenkins, Churchill, p. 676.
28 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/31872, Halifax to FO, 2 January 1942.
29 Ibid, Eden to Churchill, 4 January 1942.
30 Barker, Churchill and Eden, p. 51.
31 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/31872, Churchill to Eden, 4 January 1942.
32 Ibid, Eden to Churchill, 4 January 1942.
33 Ibid, Churchill to Eden, 12 January 1942.
34 Ibid.
35 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/25/4, War Cabinet Conclusions, 12 January 1942.


Government. Despite Edens best efforts, de Gaulle was unwilling to


compromise to save Hull from embarrassment, but eventually agreed to examine

the communiqu with the FNC and provide a reply. At no point did Eden defend
the Americans, nor suggest de Gaulle was in the wrong or responsible for
reconciliatory action, implying he believed that there was nothing wrong with the
situation as it stood. Eventually, a revised communiqu was approved by Eden
and de Gaulle which allowed the Islands to remain French; under control of a proFree French consultative council, with the Vichy administrator removed; with a
reduction of the naval forces but not total disarmament; and receiving economic
assistance.37 This did, however, have three secret clauses, which ensured a
continuing military presence on the Islands, that the Free French Administrator
would remain and that the consultative committee would be under control of the
FNC, essentially making the main communiqu redundant.38 Churchill, upon
receiving these terms, was very angry and felt Eden had failed lamentably,39
though by the time he put the communiqu to Roosevelt he had softened, and felt
the terms were not too bad.40 When de Gaulle subsequently met Churchill,
however, he suffered a torrent of indignation41, which sparked a bitter argument
over who represented France. Eventually de Gaulle conceded to consult the FNC
about removing the secret clauses, which the Americans would not accept.42 All
this was in vain, however, as the State Department were unaware of the
compromise communiqu, and Hull, who had caused the chaos in the first place,
was on holiday recovering from illness, so the issue remained unresolved.
This incident sheds interesting light on the contrasting foreign policy views
of the British and the Americans, and also on the continued tussle between
Churchill and Eden for control of British policy. Initially, Churchill felt the issue

TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/31873, Eden's Memorandum to the Cabinet on St. Pierre and
Miquelon, 16 January 1942.
37 Ibid, 3rd Draft of communiqu, telephoned to Churchill on 14 January 1942.
38 Ibid.
39 Ibid, Edens record of his conversations with Churchill, 14 January 1942.
40 Ibid, Edens record of his conversations with Churchill, 15 January 1942.
41 Mangold, Britain and the Defeated French, p. 142.
42 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/31873, Record of conversation between Eden, Churchill and
de Gaulle, 22 January 1942.


was unimportant, explaining to de Gaulle that he had not originally himself been
against a Free French occupation of the Islands,43 a stance which had been shared
by Eden. Unlike Eden, however, Churchill was more easily swayed by the
Americans than his own colleagues, and told de Gaulle that the moment
President Roosevelt had raised strong objection it was merely foolish to hamper
the great alliance through which the war would be won.44 This statement clearly
showed that Churchill was not only willing to ignore the advice of the War
Cabinet and his Foreign Secretary, but also public opinion and his own personal
opinion so as not to risk the American alliance, in whose basket all his eggs were
placed. It is hard to see how any of this constitutes Eden failing lamentably, as
defending British foreign policy interests would not count as failing when
compared to his job description. The fact Churchill criticised Eden for standing by
British policy in a situation advantageous to the British suggests that the bigger
failing was Churchills, as he ignored existing policy commitments, and the advice
of his War Cabinet, who had based their decisions on military advice and public
opinion, in order to get Hull out of a hole of his own digging. Also concerning for
Eden was, as de Gaulle criticised, that the British attached so much importance to
giving satisfaction to the United States.45 Eden was wary of the consequences of
trying to ensure American approval of British policy, especially in areas of
particular British interest, and was uncomfortable with the amount of control over
foreign policy held by Churchill. Whilst Rothwell argues Eden was prepared to
support de Gaulle in part because America supported Vichy,46 it was a British war
aim to restore France (represented in Britains eyes by the Free French Movement),
and thus not unreasonable for the Foreign Secretary to support the party with
whom agreements were held. Another concern, raised by David Reynolds, was
that the Anglo-American alliance was not so much an alliance between countries,


45 Ibid, Eden's Memorandum to the Cabinet on St. Pierre and Miquelon, 16 January 1942.
46 Rothwell, Eden, pp 81-82.


but between Churchill and Roosevelt. Eden was apprehensive about allowing

Roosevelt to determine the foreign policy of the British Empire,48 the likely
outcome as he saw it of this style of Anglo-American alliance. Whilst difficult to
say that there was a definite idea within the Foreign Office of an independent
foreign policy, it seems clear from the attempts to back the Free French, even
against America, that they saw the need for one. The coming months would see
this policy develop, and the events outlined proved to be a microcosm of a
broader attempt to define British policy outside of American influence.

The teapot tempest was not the only source of friction with the French
during early 1942. De Gaulle continued to be a thorn in the side for the British,
especially in relation to the FNC.49 When Muselier returned to England and learnt
of the difficulties caused by the affair, he became increasingly critical towards de
Gaulle,50 and relations between the two men deteriorated. Muselier subsequently
left the Committee, though retained his command of the Free French Naval forces.
Eden, having been involved in the creation of the FNC, tried to smooth things
over, though de Gaulle responded angrily to this un-necessary intervention in
French internal affairs. The British insistence that Muselier should be reinstated
increased his frustration, and the meeting led to an impasse, with Eden
complaining that de Gaulles dictatorial nature was damaging to the British and
the Free French, and de Gaulle criticising Eden for thinking that he harboured any
greater ambitions than simply running the Free French Movement. 51 When the
two met the following day Muselier had been removed as Commander-in-Chief
by de Gaulle,52 leading Eden to inform him that the Cabinet wanted Muselier to
remain in his post, and this was a matter far more important than French internal
Reynolds, D. Britannia Overruled: British Policy and World Power in the Twentieth Century, (Harlow,
2000), p. 143.
48 Charmley, J. Churchills Grand Alliance: The Anglo American Special Relationship 1940-1957, (London,
1995), p. 49.
49 Established with British sponsorship in September 1941, it was hoped that by positioning de
Gaulle in a committee that had control over the Free French Movement, rather than having him as
the sole leader, he could be kept under closer control.
50 Mangold, Britain and the Defeated French, p. 143.
51 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/8A, Record of meeting between Eden and de Gaulle, 5 March 1942.
52 Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 7 March 1942, p. 440 and Harvey, War Diaries, 8 March 1942, p. 107.


politics. Once again, de Gaulle took offence, thinking this was an internal matter.

As he felt the matter settled he turned a cold shoulder to Edens vague threats that
certain measures might have to be taken against him.54 Another stalemate
developed, though this was broken on 19 March 1942, as the British were forced to
withdraw their support from Muselier when he called for the French Navy to go
on strike.55
Whilst again showing himself difficult to work with, de Gaulles position vis-vis France meant he could, just, get away with these actions, so long as fortune
continued to favour him. As with St. Pierre and Miquelon, de Gaulle was aided in
his efforts by Eden, who was tasked with confronting the General; on this issue,
however, he did not share the view of the Cabinet. In the meetings between the
two, Eden was trying to avoid implementing the Cabinet decisions, and gave de
Gaulle as much opportunity as possible consider the British request in its true
light, rather than assuming it an act of interference and rejecting it out of hand.56
He also indicated that whilst the Cabinet wanted immediate action from de Gaulle
or they would revise their agreements, he wished to avoid this situation and
pleaded with de Gaulle to prevent this happening.57 Eden was not alone in his
reluctance to antagonise or over-rule de Gaulle. A memorandum received from
Neville Lytton58 highlighted the position of de Gaulle relative to France, and notes
in particular that he was the man who represented all honour-loving French
people and was a courageous ally to Great Britain, yet also highlighted how
badly the British seem to treat him compared to Ptain, suggesting this was an
intolerable situation that needed to be halted.59 Harvey wrote that de Gaulle was
the only leader of the Free French despite being a most difficult man and

TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/8A, Record of meeting between Eden and de Gaulle, 6 March 1942.
55 Mangold, Britain and the Defeated French, p.144.
56 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/8A, Record of meeting between Eden and de Gaulle, 6 March 1942.
57 Ibid, Record of meeting between Eden and de Gaulle, 10 March 1942.
58 Former Major in the British Army with significant experience of France, was suggested as a
liaison between de Gaulle and Peake.
59 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/8A, Memorandum by Neville Lytton on Petain and de Gaulle, 1 April


almost intolerable to work with We cannot afford to get rid of him. This was

indicative of Foreign Office sentiment, as although de Gaulle was obstinate,

argumentative, temperamental and intolerable, there was no alternative Free
French leader, nor was the prospect of dealing solely with Vichy a palatable one.
Thus once more Eden stood by his ally, when others would have become too
frustrated and potentially cut the ties between Britain and the Free French
Movement, as indicated by the warnings and threats Eden was meant to deliver to
de Gaulle from the War Cabinet.

Policy or principle?

Whilst the Foreign Office was having one of its periodical bust-ups61 with
de Gaulle and seeing its relations with the Free French deteriorating further, it was
at least making progress in its relations with the Soviet Union. After his relatively
successful visit to Moscow, difficult though some of the conversations with Stalin
had been, with Eden now working on gaining Soviet frontier recognition as a step
towards an Anglo-Soviet treaty there looked a great deal of promise.
Unfortunately, appearances can be deceiving, as the Russians were soon to
discover. While in Moscow, Eden gave the impression that this was all just a
matter of formalities, and would quickly be resolved, but the reality was very
different. His initial impetus was for a two pronged approach, putting the subject
to Churchill and Winant in the hope that one or both would put the British case to
Roosevelt, but his enthusiasm was diminished by Cadogan, who minuted that
Churchill would quite possibly refuse to raise the issue in Washington, and thus
felt it safer for Eden not to proceed on his own without further discussion with
the P.M..62 Eden took heed of the advice, asking the Department to send the

Harvey, War Diaries, 8 March 1942, p. 107, He writes almost the exact same thing to Eden on 10
March, Ibid, p. 108.
61 Ibid, 8 March 1942, p. 107.
62 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/32874, Minute by Cadogan on proposed telegram to
Churchill and note to Winant, 4 January 1942.


telegram to Churchill, but hold the note for Winant. No indication is given as to

why he did this, so it can only be assumed that he either felt Cadogan had
proposed the most sensible course of action, or that he also thought the initial
approach to Churchill would likely fail. Having submitted his report of the
mission to the War Cabinet, no recommendation of further action was made,
despite Edens suggestion that this question of frontiers would have to be
considered by the War Cabinet.64 His reluctance to proceed without approval
from Churchill could suggest a lack of conviction to his task, but the fact he was
willing to take immediate action to deal with the issue makes this seem unlikely,
especially as he was taking his own initiative after receiving no recommendation
from the War Cabinet, and he probably suspected this was a battle that would take
more than one telegram to resolve, as indeed was the case.
His telegram to Churchill was passionate and reasonable, detailing logical
reasons for accepting the Soviet demands, noting where merit lay and not
ignoring possible difficulties. He tried to present a workable solution that could
just about be acceptable to all parties, including a means of working within the
Atlantic Charter, and earnestly appealed for Churchill to discuss the issue in
Washington.65 Churchills response, whilst accepting that some discussion was
necessary, was unequivocal in its attitude to Edens request: there must be no
mistake about the opinion of any British Government of which I am the head;
namely, that it adheres to those principles of freedom and democracy set forth in
the Atlantic Charter.66 This did not deter Eden, who began drafting a lengthy
memorandum which he produced at the War Cabinet meeting on 5 February. This
covered two main topics, how to build post-war co-operation with Russia and
how to deal with the 1941 frontier question, and recommended the War Cabinet
allow Halifax to lay out the British problem in Washington after considering what
form this presentation should take. The memorandum set out what Eden saw as

Ibid, Minute by Eden to Cadogan, 5 January 1942.

TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/29/1, Edens report on his Moscow Mission to the War
Cabinet, 1 January 1942.
65 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/32874, Eden to Churchill, 5 January 1942.
66 Ibid, Churchill to Eden, 8 January 1942.


the likely shape of post-war Europe, and suggested that co-operation with the
Soviet Union was necessary as a counterweight to a German resurgence, and to
minimise any threat from a potentially strong Russia taking advantage of a weak
Europe. In effect co-operation was necessary to ensure a post-war balance of
power in Europe, no matter how strong or weak any of the given powers may
have been. It also noted the difficulty of bringing America and Russia together on
the issue, but thought that where possible tri-partite decisions should be made.67
As to the frontiers, this was more complicated, though Eden suggested that
the Russian demands were very reasonable considering what they could have
requested; that agreement could aid the British in achieving a balance of power in
Europe (albeit one directed against Germany); that mollifying Russia on this issue
could ease her passage into the conflict with Japan, thus helping the American war
effort; and asserted that a lack of British acquiescence could not affect Russia's
post-war frontiers one way or the other: if she is in occupation of the territory
involved at the end of the war, neither we nor America will turn her out.68 He
also set out the difficulties that would be faced, specifically with the Atlantic
Charter although he suggests some ways to work round this, and of gaining
agreement by Stalin of anything less than his demands. To complete the
memorandum he included some quid pro quos which could be used as bargaining
chips with Stalin, as well as alternate plans that could be more palatable to the
United States should they be unwilling to recognise the frontiers. These included
the Soviet acquisition of bases in the Baltic countries or Soviet control of foreign
relations and defence of these states, with the suggested quid pro quos including
Soviet acquiescence in British acquisition of bases in Europe, as well as Soviet
agreement to various statements about collaboration, confederations and noninterference in the affairs of other states.69
When discussed by the War Cabinet, the proposal met with mixed opinions.
Beaverbrook championed the cause, arguing effusively for the urgent necessity of
TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/21/28, Edens memorandum on Policy Towards Russia, 28
January 1942.
68 Ibid.
69 Ibid.


accepting the Soviet demands, subject to receiving American views, and stating
that history gave many examples of times when the British had been less than
efficient at acceding to Russian requests.70 Eden, more moderately, argued that the
wider perspective of improving Anglo-Soviet relations outweighed the distaste
some may have felt at the frontier recognition, and that it was in the broader
interests of the whole war effort to put the case for accepting the demand for their
recognition to the United States.71 Herbert Morrison, the Home Secretary, and
Archibald Sinclair, Secretary of State for Air, also weighed in, suggesting the
principle of self-determination should not be too rigidly applied, that post-war
agreement with Stalin was imperative, and that, assuming the war was won,
Stalins forces would be occupying these areas anyway.72 Only Clement Attlee,
The Lord Privy Seal, spoke against the plan, suggesting it could endanger the
causes for which the British were fighting and could open the floodgates to more
unpalatable Russian demands, a course he felt was both wrong in itself and
inexpedient.73 Churchill reserved himself to stating that all these matters should
be settled at the Peace Conference, but that for now the issue was how to put the
matter to the United States, and that he preferred a balanced statement. This was
to be the eventual result, with Eden tasked with drafting a telegram to Halifax
containing the balanced statement, as well as the alternate plans. Given the
suggested action at the end of Edens memorandum, this was almost the result he
was looking for; the only point missing was, in realty, a clear indication to the
Americans that on balance the Cabinet favoured accepting the Soviet demands.
This result was not enough for Beaverbrook, who presented a paper at the
following War Cabinet meeting detailing the urgent need to agree to Stalins
demands, and thus put forward a strong case to the United States on these lines.74
This was, however, overlooked, as the draft telegrams to Halifax were approved,
and were dutifully despatched the following day.
TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/29/11, Record of the debate on Edens Policy Towards Russia
memorandum, 6 February 1942.
71 Ibid.
72 Ibid.
73 Ibid.
74 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/22/1, Beaverbrooks note on Russia, 7 February 1942.


Despite the initial objection and disapproval from Churchill, Edens

persistence, combined with his balanced, logical and wide-reaching memorandum
to the Cabinet, left little room for successful and coherent counter argument, so it
is not surprising that he received enough Cabinet support to force the pace of the
issue. Churchill had acknowledged that something should be said to Roosevelt,
but did not want a proposal submitted to America that stated Britain favoured
accepting the Soviet demands. Thus the result being a balanced statement appears
a workable compromise, allowing the Cabinet to say they had discussed the issue
whilst allowing Churchill to appear to stand by the Atlantic Charter. Eden
suggests that this was a success, and showed that the Cabinet had resolved our
differences,75 in reality, the result was actually quite disappointing. Of the sixteen
present at the meeting76 only seven made contributions worthy of being minuted.
Of these, only Attlee argued against the proposal; Churchill subtly suggested his
opposition; Eden and Beaverbrook argued the case, supported by Morrison and
Sinclair, with Bevins contribution only a question for clarity on Stalins demands.
There is also a note that several ministers favoured giving the United States
some indication of how our minds were moving,77 in other words that the United
States should be told Britain favoured accepting the proposals. The balance of
opinion, and the range of support from both Conservatives and Labour alike,
suggests the debate should have ended in something more than a draw.78 Though
Churchill fails to mention this debate in his writings, in general the fact is picked
up in the historiography that a good number of the War Cabinet supported Eden,
though this is not always represented as a success, and as seen, support was one
thing, being able to act was quite another.

Obtaining agreement to put the problem before Roosevelt was a success,

especially given Churchills earlier comments, and meant the task of resolving the
Eden, Reckoning, p. 320.
14 MPs, Cadogan and the Secretary, Edward Bridges - TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/29/11,
Cabinet Conclusions, 6 February 1942.
77 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/29/11, Record of the debate on Edens Policy Towards Russia
memorandum, 6 February 1942.
78 Barker, Churchill and Eden, p. 237.


problem had moved on to its next step. The telegrams sent to Halifax gave no
sense of Edens strong personal opinion, or that of the majority of Cabinet, but
equally gave little indication of what the British required, prompting a vague
reply from Halifax.79 After consulting Roosevelt and Welles, Halifax informed
Eden that the President thought we might both assure Stalin of our general
purpose,80 and Welles, whilst acknowledging the necessity of recognising
Stalins case for reassurance about security preferred building [the] new world
on principle.81 This response, whilst unhelpful, could have been used by Eden to
convey that no real objections had been made, save for needing to consider the
Atlantic Charter. Unfortunately, he was to receive news the next day that, after a
joint discussion between Roosevelt and Welles, Roosevelt felt the suggestions
could not be reconciled with the Atlantic Charter, and that it was premature to
attempt detailed treatment of the problem.82 To add insult to Edens injury,
Roosevelt also proposed that he should seek a direct resolution of the issue with
Stalin. The Cabinets response was not promising. Churchill suggested that it was
best to let Roosevelt proceed so as not to offend him, and the Cabinet offered no
other proposals, simply postulating that it was Britain, not America, with whom
Stalin wanted to deal.83 Edens proposal, which was accepted, was to present a
memorandum to Winant that he could discuss with Roosevelt, raising concerns
over this procedure, and pushing for tripartite discussions in London, though
accepting they would have to let Roosevelt pursue his course if he chose to do so.84
Whilst Winant did, unsuccessfully, put the British case to Roosevelt, Eden
managed to convince Churchill to move to the next step. By taking advantage of
Britains difficult political situation, its military misfortunes in the Far East, and
highlighting the danger of Britain being left out of a Soviet-American bargain,

TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/22/26, Eden to Halifax on behalf of the War Cabinet, 10
February 1942.
80 Ibid, Halifax to Eden, 19 February 1942.
81 Ibid.
82 Ibid, Halifax to Eden, 20 February 1942.
83 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/25/14, Record of debate on procedure for continued
negotiations with Stalin, 25 February 1942.
84 Ibid, and TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/25/25, Record of discussion on Edens memorandum
to Winant, 25 February 1942.


Eden persuaded Churchill to send a personal appeal to Roosevelt. Whilst this


was also unsuccessful, it was an impressive feat that Eden had finally converted
Churchill, and removed him as a barrier to acceptance of the Soviet demands. The
difficulty for Eden was resolved when Roosevelt went ahead with his direct
approach to Litvinov. The Americans were prepared to offer little more than
words, and the approach was rebuffed by Stalin, who informed Roosevelt that
they had taken note of his communication.86 The way was, therefore, clear for
Eden to proceed without the need to worry about the Americans, as the Soviets
had shown no interest in dealing through Roosevelt, and the Americans had
agreed on the need for Soviet security, just not the method being employed.87
Pressure from Maisky and increased support from the Government convinced
Eden that the time was right to risk ruffling the Anglo-American relationship in
the interests of what he saw as compelling British interests.88 Thus, on 27 March
1942, he informed Maisky and Sir Archibald Clark Kerr, who had replace Cripps
as Ambassador in Moscow, that Britain was prepared to enter negotiations with
the Soviet Government, and conclude a treaty,89 and these negotiations will be
examined in the next chapter. Edens championing of this cause will also be
explored in greater detail, and in the wider context of the thesis concerning a
broader foreign policy.

Persona Grata?

With Eden attempting to improve relations from London, there was also a
change of personnel in Russia. After many threats to return home, based on the
widening difference of his views to those of the Government, a difference not
unknown to the Russians;90 and an increasing sense of frustration at what he felt a

Dutton, Eden, p. 192, Carlton, Eden, pp. 194-195, Barker, Churchill and Eden, p. 238.
TNA, Avon papers, FO 954/25A, Eden to Clark Kerr, 23 March 1942.
87 Ibid, Eden to Clark Kerr, 17 March 1942.
88 Dutton, Eden, p. 193.
89 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/25A, Eden to Clark Kerr, Report on conversation with Maisky, 27
March 1942.
90 Gorodetsky, Stafford Cripps, editors text, p. 233.


futile task even in the best of circumstances, Cripps was finally relieved of his post
in Moscow. Having been ignored on several occasions by Molotov and Stalin, he
was left out of the Beaverbrook negotiations, generally sidelined whilst Eden was
in Moscow, and his standing was so low that Stalin made no effort to say goodbye
or see him off.91 Despite thanking the Russians for their generous and friendly
treatment in his public farewell, he had, in reality, lost his standing as persona
grata, and was looking forward to returning home. He was replaced by seasoned
diplomat Sir Archibald Clark Kerr, who had served most recently and with great
popular acclaim in China, so much so that he was elevated from KCMG to
GCMG.92 Though technically a promotion, the role of Ambassador to the Soviet
Union was one Clark Kerr found particularly isolated and dull, especially after his
experience in China, where he had plenty to do and was not surrounded entirely
by the diplomatic circus.93 He struggled to adapt to his new life of isolation,94
cut off from the world entirely by comparison to his former experience, and
initially found little to do. Despite this, and an unsuccessful appeal to Cripps for
advice on dealing with the difficulties,95 Clark Kerr soon began to leave his mark
on Anglo-Soviet relations. After a month in Russia, he was finally invited to
Moscow to meet Stalin and Molotov, who had remained there in the face of the
German assault, just as he himself had done in Chungking against the orders of
His Majesties Government.96 He proved an instant hit with Stalin, forming a bond
with him that Cripps could only have dreamt of, though as ever with Anglo-Soviet
relations, luck played its part. Clark Kerr was being taken through the Kremlin
when the air-raid warnings sounded, and clumsily accepted the invitation to join
Stalin in the air-raid bunker. Thus his first meeting was not a procedural
presentation of credentials, but a shared human experience of sheltering from a

Gorodetsky, Stafford Cripps, 27 December 1941 to 2 January 1942, pp. 230-231 and 8 January 1942,
p. 235.
93 Gillies, D. Radical Diplomat: The Life of Archibald Clark Kerr, Lord Inverchapel, 1882-1951, (London,
1999), p. 125.
94 TNA, Inverchapel Papers, FO 800/300, Letter from Clark Kerr to Eden, 27 April 1942.
95 Ibid, Clark Kerr to Cripps, 26 April 1942 and Crippss reply on 12 June 1942, which contained no
advice for Clark Kerr except to wait it out.
96 Gillies, Radical Diplomat, p. 113.


German air-raid, and consequently a more genuine and non-political meeting of

men rather than politicians or diplomats. The tone of the conversation attests to
this, with Clark Kerr and Stalin amicably discussing pipe tobacco, sex and
methods to keep ones wives in line (a rather sensitive subject for Clark Kerr).97
Whilst this was not necessarily Ambassadorial, the light hearted discussion meant
Clark Kerr and Stalin developed a bond more akin to friends than colleagues. The
same could not be said with Molotov, however, whom he referred to as
bootfaced98 and with whom he felt there was little chance for personal
harmonies.99 Vyshinsky fared better, on a personal level at least, as he was
considered to be agreeable and friendly,100 though it was felt that, through him,
nothing fundamental can be done.101 As a mark of the good personal relations
cultivated he received of a gift of tobacco from Stalin, and was honoured by
Vyshinsky holding a dinner party for the British Embassy staff, two events which
were without precedent,102 and perhaps a sign that the Russians were more willing
to deal with the new Ambassador.
It is interesting that relatively little attention has been paid to the significance
of this change. Perhaps it is felt Churchills comment that when so much was
being done by direct communication between me and Stalin the functions of an
Ambassador become increasingly separated from the scene of decisive business103
was an accurate reflection on the idleness of the post. Maybe the distance shown
by the Russians themselves to Cripps was taken to suggest distain for the post
itself. Whatever the explanation, which seems, unfortunately, hard to find, the lack
of coverage suggests that the replacement of Cripps was not significant. Eden fails
to mention Clark Kerr until July 1942, despite discussing the possibility of Cripps
joining the Government in February.104 Likewise Cadogan first mentions him in
July after receiving a telegram from the Ambassador urging a meeting between
Ibid, p. 125.
TNA, Inverchapel Papers, FO 800/300, Clark Kerr to Cripps, 26 April 1942.
99 Ibid, Clark Kerr to Warner, 11 June 1942.
100 Ibid.
101 Ibid, Clark Kerr to Cripps, 26 April 1942.
102 Ibid, Clark Kerr to Warner, 11 June 1942.
103 Churchill, W.S. The Second World War, Volume IV: The Hinge of Fate, (London, 1985), p. 56.
104 Eden, Reckoning, p. 338 and p. 321 respectively.


Stalin and Churchill.


Churchill makes a reference to the fact he was being

appointed, though made no other comment on the matter,106 and Harvey mentions
his appointment, but only after his first meeting with Molotov and Stalin.107
Maisky makes no reference to him at all. The story continues in the secondary
work. D.R. Thorpe makes a solitary and apparently incorrect reference to Clark
Kerr, stating he was appointed due to his success quelling Stalins Second Front
demand during Edens mission to Moscow, despite no reference in the documents
or any other works of him being involved.108 Other examples include Dutton and
Rothwell, whose works on Eden fail to reference the Ambassador; Carlton, who
doesnt mention him until 1944;109 and Charmley, who doesnt reference him until
Churchills meeting with Stalin in August 1942.110 Only Folly mentions the new
Ambassador with any level of regularity, and considered his appointment to be an
inspired choice by the British.111 It could be suggested that this lack of coverage
was due to the difficulties faced in the post, or that Clark Kerr was a singularly
uninspiring Ambassador and, therefore, not worthy of any discussion. What
makes these two suggestions rather unfounded are, firstly, the number of
references these same works make to Cripps;112 secondly, the widely
acknowledged support Clark Kerr held in China; and thirdly, the number of
unprecedented gestures made by the Soviets towards Clark Kerr. This suggests
that, for some unknown reason, historians have largely decided to overlook the
arrival of a man who was to play a key role in relations between two major
countries during the war, and whilst an in-depth discussion on this as a historical
phenomenon is beyond the remit of this thesis, it is important to mention to
highlight, to an extent, the neglect shown to the idea of foreign policy and
diplomatic relations during this period by 70 years of history.

Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 30 July 1942, p. 464.

Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, p. 56.
107 Harvey, War Diaries, 22 March 1942, p. 112.
108 Thorpe, Eden, p. 269.
109 Carlton, Eden, p. 233.
110 Charmley, End of Glory, p. 509.
111 Folly, Churchill, Whitehall, p. 40.
112 There are almost 30 references to Cripps between May 1940 and February 1942 in Maiskys


On the face of things, 1942 brought with it a great deal of promise.

Churchills hopes of an American entry into the war had been realised, Eden had
finally met Stalin and begun the process of treaty negotiations, and although the
French were still causing trouble, progress in two areas out of three wasnt bad.
Churchills American adventure managed to ensure a Europe first policy, as well
as the signature of the United Nations Declaration, and he had high hopes that
this would be the moment where the tide swung away from Germany. The
positive appearance was, however, a mask for more difficulties under the surface.
Relations with France were steadily declining, causing several threats of
resignation, and showed no real prospect of improving in the near future. The
only real consolation being that Eden was standing by de Gaulle in an effort to
preserve the British position in the face of American contradictions and
collaboration with Vichy. Relations with Russia were, for the first time, showing
real signs of improvement. Whilst there was annoyance on the Russian side by
British delays, the reassurances that discussions were being held, and that Edens
promise was being upheld, generally allowed for good working relations whilst
the British sought a suitable resolution, at first to everyones satisfaction, but
finally concluding that it was their own policy that should take precedence over
American idealism. The Russians also had a British Ambassador with whom they
felt they could work, so as 1942 proceeded there looked a good chance that,
having won over Churchill and largely nullified American concerns, Eden could
make progress on a treaty with Stalin. On the French side, however, he faced the
prospect of yet more difficulty with de Gaulle, and probably more arguments with
Churchill for standing by this rather irritating ally, but then nobody said
diplomacy was easy.


7) Two Steps Back, One Step Forward

In retrospect, 1942 would be the year which saw the end of the beginning,
but its early months were hard ones for the British, with defeats in the Far East and
the Middle East doing nothing to boost either morale or prestige. Churchill faced
up to mounting criticism in the House by calling for a vote of confidence, which
was conduced in euphemistic language. Rather than saying what they meant, that
they had no confidence in Churchill himself, his opponents concentrated on the
anomaly of his being Prime Minister and Minister of Defence. It was suggested
that someone of his stature, holding both these offices, could lead to something
more akin to absolute rule within the War Cabinet than was desired.1 It was also
argued that, due to the perceived failings of supply provision and distribution,
changes were required to resolve this problem, the popular suggestion being for a
Minister of Production,2 something that was already under consideration.3 After
three days of discussion, the debate wound up and the Vote of Confidence
proceeded, resulting in an overwhelming majority of four hundred and sixty four
to one being returned. Had the debate been held a few weeks later when the full
implications of the situation in the Far East were realised it could certainly have
delivered a different verdict but, as it was, confidence was bestowed upon the
Churchill Government to continue its vigorous prosecution of the War.4

Whilst changes were under consideration, the debate highlighted their

requirement, and Churchill proposed the inclusion of Cripps, who had received a
tumultuous reception5 upon his return from Russia, and whose public profile
continued to rise amidst public speeches and radio broadcasts. His inclusion in the
War Cabinet was something that the public were also coming to expect, and
Churchill, feeling him qualified for the role, offered him the post of Minister of
Hansard, Series 5, Vol. 377, cc. 569-690. Statements by various Members of the House, 27 January
2 Ibid.
3 Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, pp 54-55.
4 Hansard, Series 5, Vol. 377, c. 1019. Resolution of the Motion of Confidence, 29 January 1942.
5 Gorodetsky, Stafford Cripps, Epilogue, p. 236.


Supply, an offer that would also allow him to promote Beaverbrook to Minister of
Production.6 As the post would be subservient to Beaverbrooks, and would not
offer a War Cabinet seat, Cripps declined, thinking he would not be able to
perform the role successfully.7 Thus no change occurred, but the fall of Singapore,
which Eden noted both shocked and grieved the country,8 brought the conduct
of the war under renewed criticism, and thus changes had to be made.
Eden was summoned to see Churchill on 16 February, and after several days
of discussions a new War Cabinet was announced.9 Creating it, however, was not
straightforward. Something Churchill fails to mention, which Eden notes in his
diary, was that he was offered the Leadership of the House of Commons, but
having delayed his response to think it over for a couple of hours, found the post
had meanwhile been offered to Cripps, who wanted to accept it if Eden
approved.10 Eden was unimpressed, and when he met Churchill he put forward
the case for him being Leader of the House, particularly noting support from
Beaverbrook, but Churchill dismissed this, stating that Eden was a doer not a
talker.11 Churchill makes no reference to these discussions, instead suggesting he
talked through his idea with Attlee, who approved of Cripps becoming Lord Privy
Seal and Leader of the House in exchange for Attlees acquisition of the Dominions
Office and the role of Deputy Prime Minister.12 The important change, aside from
those outlined, was the resignation of Beaverbrook. To Churchill he cited ill
health,13 to Eden the lack of support for Russia and the failure to deal with the 1941
frontier question and, coupled to this, the promotion of Attlee (the reason, in his
eyes, Russian policy never materialised).14 His resignation was a blow to Churchill,
as he was a long time friend and political ally, and Churchill hoped to have him

Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, p. 57.

Ibid, p. 63.
8 Eden, Reckoning, p. 320.
9 Ibid, p. 321.
10 Edens diary, 18 February 1942, in Ibid, p. 321.
11 Ibid, p. 321.
12 Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, p. 70.
13 Ibid, p. 74.
14 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 954/25A Letter from Beaverbrook to Eden explaining his
resignation, 3 March 1942.


back after a stint in America to return to health. It was also a blow for Eden, as

whilst Beaverbrook could be frustrating, his support for the Russian cause made
him a useful ally in Cabinet. It was Beaverbrook who had pushed for a reconsideration of sending Eden to Moscow empty handed, and Beaverbrook who
had led the charge in Cabinet and argued alongside Eden for a positive British
decision on the frontier issue. His relationship with Churchill meant he was able to
persuade him to change course, to the benefit of both Eden for his mission to
Moscow, and his Departments attempts to consider and construct a foreign policy,
based around strong, friendly relations with the Soviet Union. His successor was
Oliver Lyttelton. The reshuffle brought in new personalities, and although reduced
in number, its political bias largely remained the same. Whilst Beaverbrook had
gone, Cripps was in, so Eden would still have one strong ally when it came to
pressing the Russian cause, and Lyttelton was a respected and loyal colleague who
had recent experience dealing with foreign policy, giving a potential ally for Eden
when discussing broader considerations, though as a right-wing Tory was unlikely
to provide much assistance where Russia was concerned.

The reshuffle was accompanied by rumours of a formal challenge to

Churchills leadership. Whilst no challenger emerged, it is interesting to examine
this because of the rumoured candidates. Maisky asked the question Who can
possibly replace Churchill if he resigns? and followed immediately with the
answer Two names are widely circulated: Eden and Cripps.16 As one of the
prominent members of the Cabinet, and leader of one of the most important
departments, it was natural that Edens name should be put forward, and his antiappeasement reputation and his popularity with the public would have made him
seem a viable candidate. Cripps was unquestionably the man of the moment,
though his support was more temporary than Churchills, he was outside party, so
would be seen as a national rather than party appointment, and was an intelligent
political thinker and good orator. Eden was unofficially regarded as Churchills

Gilbert, M. Winston S. Churchill, Volume VII: 1941-1945, Road to Victory, (London, 1989), pp. 63-64.
Maiskys unpublished diary, 18 February 1942, quoted in Gorodetsky, Stafford Cripps, p. 236.


successor, and the debate over who was to be Leader of the House could have
really been about who was being groomed to be the next Prime Minister.17 Eden
recalls dining with Churchill and Brendan Bracken, the Minister of Information,
and Winston suddenly stating that if anything happened to him I should have to
take over.18 This nomination of Eden as heir was noted by Harvey, who suggested
that Eden is now in position we want him as recognised No. 2.19 The fact that
Eden was de facto Churchills heir could certainly be a reason why there was
difficulty gaining agreement on the Cabinet, and why there was concern over
Cripps gaining the Leadership of the House. The position of Churchills number
two could also be why Eden did not put his head above the parapet and formerly
challenge Churchill, thinking in the long run the Leadership of the party and the
Government would be his if Churchill stepped down or suffered ill health. Cripps
inclusion in the new Cabinet may have prevented his threat, as he would have
appeared greedy if, after being offered Leader of the House, he held out for the
Premiership, which had recently won a Vote of Confidence in Parliament. It is
interesting that the two contenders have common features. Both were younger
than Churchill and carried popular support; both felt improved relations with and
support of Russia would be beneficial to the British war effort; both had argued for
the acceptance of the Russian frontier demands, to improve relations and out of
strategic realism; and both (although Eden only recently) were thinking about
what lay ahead for Britain, and wanted to set the groundwork for a foreign policy
that could carry Britain through the war and into the post-war world. It is pure
conjecture to state that, from a foreign policy point of view, this indicated a more
idealistic Britain and a desire to look beyond the present war effort, but it is
interesting that both these candidates shared these common perspectives, which
were at odds with Churchills but aligned to the vision Roosevelt would develop,
and the leadership of either could have produced a significantly different future
for Britain than the one Churchill was to bring about. When examined from
A concern raised by Eden that Harvey noted in his diary, Harvey, War Diaries, 18 February 1942,
p. 98.
18 Eden, Reckoning, p. 281.
19 Harvey, War Diaries, 29 November 1941, p. 67.


hindsight a case could easily be made that this was simply an ideological shift, and
one that was resigned to the fact that giving in to Stalin was easier than standing
against him. Though Cripps was undoubtedly pro Soviet, the Foreign Office as a
whole were not, despite favouring working with Russia, so Eden was unlikely to
pursuing this course on ideological grounds. Equally, it would be hard to level a
pro-soviet charge at Roosevelt, who was soon to propose similar policy lines as
Cripps and Eden had been suggesting.

In terms of policy towards the USSR, the British had decided that they were
prepared to negotiate a treaty with Russia without American backing, though they
were by no means excluding America. Alongside informing Maisky and Clark
Kerr, another telegram was despatched to Halifax, asking him to make one final
effort to get the President to understand the British position.20 Although this
yielded no change of attitude, it did suggest that America was, reluctantly,
prepared to acquiesce in the British decision to make a deal with Stalin, based on
the acceptance of the 1941 frontiers.21 Having resigned his cabinet post,
Beaverbrook had been sent to America to try and smooth out the Russian treaty
question, under the guise of recovering from his asthma.22 Though this was the
disclosed rationale for the visit, there were rumours of Beaverbrook scheming to
take over the Washington Embassy, a position he had been offered and had
accepted in September 1941, but the Americans failed to respond to the suggestion,
so there could have been more to the mission than the select few who knew of its
existence believed.23 Being a strong supporter of the Russian cause, and having
successfully dealt with the supply issue in Moscow, he was certainly suitable for
such a mission, and despite the difficult situation he was able to leverage some
flexibility in the American attitude. Having seen Roosevelt, he informed Churchill
that they had devised a suitable plan and that details would be received through
TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/23/24, Eden to Halifax, 26 March 1942, produced as part of
Edens Memorandum to the War Cabinet on Proposed Anglo-Soviet Treaty, 5 April 1942.
21 Ibid, Halifax to Eden, 1 April 1942, produced as part of Edens Memorandum to the War Cabinet
on Proposed Anglo-Soviet Treaty, 5 April 1942.
22 TNA, Prime Ministers Papers, PREM 3/399/8, Churchill to Stalin, 20 March 1942.
23 Roberts, Holy Fox, p. 290.


Halifax. This was news to the Foreign Office, with Cadogan commenting that

they had received another extraordinary telegram from the Beaver it talks of a
plan apparently in connexion with the Stalin demands. Weve had no plan.25
The plan, which followed from Halifax, was the insertion into the political treaty
of a clause allowing for the emigration of people who wanted to leave the Baltic
countries over which Russia would gain control.26 Despite any possible intrigues
surrounding the post of Ambassador, Halifax informed the Foreign Office that
Max has been most helpful and we have worked together in complete harmony.
The main question in which you have been interested here these last days would
have been much more difficult but for his independent contribution. Tell Prime
Minister.27 The telegram was unusual as Halifax and Max did not get on, the
latter was critical of the former's religion28 and was part of the intrigue to remove
Halifax from the Foreign Office in late 1940,29 not to mention that Beaverbrook was
not independent on this issue, having a very particular obsession30 for the
Russian issue. Given Halifax's good relations with the State Department and
Roosevelt it is hard to see that the more difficult personality of Beaverbrook would
make a positive difference, but a difference he made. Given his desire for a Second
Front, perhaps he convinced the President that it was better to acquiesce to the
agreement of the Russian frontiers than risk having to be part of an early Second
Front in Europe, but we may never really know what led to Roosevelts change of
stance. Clearly Churchill felt Beaverbrook had been the catalyst for this success as,
in May 1942, he again offered him the position of Ambassador. Beaverbrook
accepted, as now did Roosevelt, though the plan was never implemented, much to
the relief of the Foreign Office. Cadogans reaction was Ye Gods!!,31 whilst
Harvey described it as dreadful and calamitous.32 He also noted that Eden

TNA, Prime Ministers Papers, PREM 3/399/8, Beaverbrook to Churchill, 1 April 1942.
Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 3 April 1942, p. 445.
26 TNA, Prime Ministers Papers, PREM 3/399/8, Halifax to FO, 1 April 1942.
27 Ibid, Halifax to FO, 3 April 1942.
28 Roberts, Holy Fox, pp. 273-280.
29 Ibid, p. 192.
30 Harvey, War Diaries, 21 March 1942, p. 112.
31 Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 15 May 1942, p. 452.
32 Harvey, War Diaries, 12 May 1942, p. 123.


feared Churchills plan was for Halifax to go to India, with Beaverbrook to replace
him, and that Eden was not keen on this arrangement.33
With the American position tentatively resolved, Eden constructed a plan for
the proposed treaty, which he presented to the War Cabinet on 8 April. He
proposed to use the treaty drafts discussed in Moscow as a starting point, and
negotiate updated terms through Maisky, attempting to include the American
suggestion for population emigration.34 This was agreed by the War Cabinet, as
was the proposal to invite Molotov to visit London to conduct the signature of the
agreement.35 With the procedure agreed, Eden consulted Maisky, who was
receptive to the planned procedure and Edens requirement to make some
amendments to the drafts.36 The drafts submitted by Eden to Maisky as the
opening salvo were the ones that he had come close to signing in Moscow, but
with several alterations.37 The new political draft was both longer and broader in
scope. In addition to the Articles already contained in the draft treaty from
Moscow (on the Atlantic Charter, acting by mutual agreement in the post-war
world, and the prevention of future German aggression, all of which were subject
to minor alterations of wording), a lengthy preamble was added; the Article
covering European reconstruction was split, with an additional Article created
covering the separate nature of the Polish frontier question; a new Article was
added encompassing the American suggestion about population emigration; the
Article from the military agreement which ruled out participation in alliances or
coalitions directed against the other power was added, along with a lengthy
Article detailing the ratification process.38 Given the significance of Poland to the
Ibid, pp. 122-123.
TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/23/24, Edens Memorandum to the War Cabinet on Proposed
Anglo-Soviet Treaty, 5 April 1942.
35 Ibid.
36 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/25A, Eden to Clark Kerr, 8 April 1942. Drafts contained in TNA, War
Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/23/24, Annex II and Annex III of Edens Memorandum to the War Cabinet
on Proposed Anglo-Soviet Treaty, 5 April 1942.
37 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/32879, This file contains Memoranda by Warner, Dew and
Dixon, as well as a minute from Malkin to Warner and a telegram from Smuts to Eden, all
discussing different aspects of the treaty prior to Eden submitting the draft to Maisky. April 1942.
38 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/25A, Eden to Clark Kerr, 13 April 1942. Record of Conversation with
Maisky, and enclosures containing the treaty drafts, and notes on how they differ from the Moscow


British they were keen to make sure this remained a separate issue, so it is not
surprising that a clause was added to try and ensure this. The incorporation of the
American clause shows how much the British still wanted to appease America, as
the emigration of the population from his new territories would not have been
something Stalin would have been keen to agree to. With these clauses Britain was
trying to safeguard her own position on the one hand, whilst safeguarding
American public opinion on the other. The military draft remained essentially the
same, save for one Article being moved to the political treaty, and minor additions
recognising the United Nations declaration and an agreement not to negotiate a
separate peace with any allies of Hitler.39 Nothing controversial here, as Russia had
subscribed to the United Nations declaration, and had already agreed in principle
to the no separate peace clause. Eden noted that Maisky did not take any strong
objection to any of the modifications we suggested, nor even our new clause.40
Unfortunately, this lack of objection was not to last as Maisky returned with
what Eden called a catechism on the drafts, though the record of the
conversation sent to Clark Kerr suggests it was not too bad, and that Eden was
even able to get a pleasing response to his suggestion that everything possible
should be done to help the Poles. 41 Whilst continued negotiations made little
progress, positive news was received that, after initially declining the invitation,
Molotov would travel to London in the near future to resolve the fresh
divergencies of opinion raised by the new drafts, and dispose of all the matters
which stand in the way of the signing of the agreements.42 During April it was
discovered that Roosevelt had invited Molotov to Washington to discuss a very
important military proposal,43 and suggested that Molotov, who had accepted,
would visit Washington first, and then continue on to the United Kingdom.44
Could this have been the real plan that Beaverbrook and Roosevelt had concocted?

Ibid, Eden to Clark Kerr, 13 April 1942. Record of Conversation with Maisky.
41 Ibid, Eden to Clark Kerr, 16 April 1942. Record of Conversation with Maisky.
42 Ibid, Stalin to Churchill, 23 April 1942.
43 Roosevelt to Stalin, received 12 April 1942, in U S.S.R. Ministry of Foreign Affairs [Ed.].
Correspondence: Between Stalin, Roosevelt, Truman, Churchill & Attlee During WWII, (Hawaii, 2001), p.
44 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/25A, Roosevelt to Churchill, 23 April 1942.


Roosevelt sought Churchills opinion but Churchill was spared a confrontation

with Roosevelt by Stalin, who confirmed that Molotov would come to London
first, then go on to Washington.45 With this settled, although no date yet agreed,
Maisky presented Eden the Soviet drafts.
The military draft was the same as the British draft, though dropped the
reference to the United Nations on the grounds that the treaty would go further,
and thus the reference was unnecessary, which Eden accepted.46 It was the terms of
the political draft that were likely to cause trouble, but while there were difficulties
they appear, from studying the drafts, not to have been too severe, despite the
impression given in Llewellyn Woodwards official history.47 Although the Soviet
draft contained only a simple reference to the Atlantic Charter, and omitted the
suggestion of working in mutual agreement in concert with the other states
concerned, neither change was opposed by Eden.48 The Articles preventing future
German aggression; ruling out participation in alliances or coalitions directed
against the other powers; ensuring post-war economic assistance and ratification
were all untouched.49 So far, five of the eight articles had been agreed with relative
ease, and there is evidence to suggest that the difficulty in getting agreement on
the other, more controversial, Articles was not sufficient to prevent progress. The
Soviets wanted their original reconstruction Article, and to omit the reference to
the Polish question, preferring to deal with the issue by an exchange of notes,50 and
by mutual agreement between the two countries friendly allied relations.51
Whilst this was not objectionable to the British in one sense, it did exclude them
from determining the future of Poland, something which would become an issue
in a later meeting with Maisky. The wording changes meant the clause now
related to the restoration of Soviet frontiers, and also to Soviet interests in

Ibid, Stalin to Churchill, 23 April 1942.

Ibid, Eden to Clark Kerr, 1 May 1942, Soviet Draft Military Treaty.
47 Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, pp. 246-249.
48 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/25A, Eden to Clark Kerr, 1 May 1942, Soviet Draft political Treaty.
49 Ibid.
50 Ibid.
51 Ibid, Eden to Clark Kerr, 1 May 1942, Soviet Draft note to Eden on Poland.


territories violated by Hitlers aggression. Maisky admitted this meant a further


undertaking for Britain, and Eden commented that he would have to discuss this
issue, but did not openly reject the change.53 This just left the American clause, but
this was, predictably, rejected by the Soviets. Maisky argued that, as far as Russia
was concerned, the issue was already resolved, especially in regard to the Baltic
States, as plebiscites had already been held.54 He could also have argued that, as
this was a treaty between Britain and Russia, there was no requirement for a nonsignatory power to have any of its needs represented. Eden informed Maisky that
this was disappointing, and that it was important to take account of
American opinion, despite the fact the Americans were not in support of the
negotiations.55 He did not, however, say it was imperative that such a clause were
to be included, just that it was desirable, again not entirely closing the door on the
Soviet proposal. The discussion then turned to the duration of the treaty, which the
Russians were happy to leave up to the British to determine, and the insertion of a
secret protocol. This caused some controversy, as it called for British recognition of
Russian pacts of mutual assistance with Finland and Roumania, which guaranteed
the independence of these States, in exchange offering Russian recognition of
similar British pacts with Belgium and Holland.56 Eden noted that this was a new
proposal, though again did not reject the idea out of hand, giving further hope that
an agreement could be forthcoming. The War Cabinet were unhappy with the
Soviet drafts, however, and advised Eden to draw up a reasoned reply which
should not state, in terms, that we were not prepared to make any further
concession; but it should set out in detail the reasons why we felt unable to make
concessions beyond the position set out in the draft Treaty prepared by the Foreign
Secretary.57 Whilst Eden was open to negotiation and concession to the Soviet
Union, the Cabinet were not, and so Eden was left in the awkward position of
arguing the Cabinet line, despite not personally objecting to the Russian
Ibid, Eden to Clark Kerr, 1 May 1942, Soviet Draft political Treaty.
Ibid, Eden to Clark Kerr, 1 May 1942, Report on Conversation with Maisky.
54 Ibid.
55 Ibid.
56 Ibid.
57 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/30/8, Cabinet Conclusions, 4 May 1942.


suggestions. With the War Cabinets attitude being stiffer than his own, Eden
continued to argue unsuccessfully with Maisky throughout May, and it was not
until the arrival of Molotov that any progress was made.
During the negotiations Cadogan, who was not exactly in favour of the
Russian treaty in the form being discussed, suggested that there should be some
alternative form of Treaty - mutual guarantee, or something58 that could be put to
the Russians to save haggling over the same points in the existing treaty, a draft of
which was circulated to the War Cabinet on 22 May, though not discussed.59 This
treaty was quite clever, as it avoided anything the British or the Russians were
unhappy with in the other drafts, yet retained all the points where there had been
little or no disagreement: its Preamble covered working with the United Nations
and within the Atlantic Charter framework, preventing future German aggression
and mutual assistance if one of the signatories were to be attacked by a third
power; Part One of the treaty encompassed the main points from the military
draft, with both powers pledging military assistance and support against the Axis
powers, as well as the intention not to sign a separate peace; Part Two covered the
points of agreement from the political draft, with the parties agreeing to provide
each other post-war economic assistance, to collaborate in the post-war
reconstruction of Europe, to follow the principles of no territorial aggrandisement
and non intervention in the internal affairs of others, and that neither party would
join an alliance or coalition directed against the other.60 Additionally, Part Two
added articles covering the parties desire to associate with other like-minded Sates
and adopt common proposals to ensure the preservation of peace and the
prevention of renewed German aggression, agreement to work together if either
party became involved in another conflict, and the duration for the treaty, which
was set at twenty years.61

Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 5 May 1942, p. 450.

TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/24/28, 18 May 1942, Edens Memorandum on Negotiations,
and CAB 66/24/48, 22 May 1942, Edens revised Memorandum on Negotiations.
60 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/24/48, 22 May 1942, Draft Treaty of Mutual Assistance,
contained in Edens revised Memorandum on Negotiations.
61 Ibid.


Molotov arrived in Britain on 20 May, and took up residence at Chequers, the

country house available to Prime Ministers, which Maisky noted was a sign of
utmost respect, as only the highest of visitors stayed there.62 There are many
summaries of the negotiations between the British delegation headed by Eden and
the Russian delegation headed by Molotov, so there seems little point offering a
further one,63 especially as the disagreements were similar to those seen between
Eden and Maisky. As with the discussions with Maisky, the military draft saw
minimal amendments and swift agreement, but the political draft was where the
difficulty lay. The important point to look at here is Eden. He was not opposed to
many of the Soviet proposals for changes, but had to stand by the Cabinets
decision not to concede any further ground. This dichotomy continued while
negotiating with Molotov. When discussing the American clause on transfer of
population, Eden states that it was the position of His Majestys Government to
have such a clause, but then states that he was not bound to any particular form of
words,64 suggesting that he was happy for the article to be as vaguely defined as
the Soviets wished, so long as it was there. When discussing Poland, a similar
picture can be seen, as on the one hand Eden is noting that the position of His
Majestys Government with respect to its agreements with Poland must be
safeguarded as part of the treaty, whilst also stating that he was not opposed to the
issue being dealt with outside of the treaty. He also suggested that he would be
happy to see the proposed compensation of Poland by giving it territory from East
Prussia ,65 something that had not been discussed by the War Cabinet. Having
failed to gain agreement on a treaty in Moscow, failed to come to terms with
Maisky over the drafts, and now failing to reach agreement with Molotov, Eden
attempted to rescue the negotiations that, since his return from Moscow, he had
been trying to get the British into a position to hold, and successfully conclude, by
putting forward his alternative Treaty of Mutual Assistance. Not having been
Maisky, Memoirs, p. 265.
Works such as Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, pp. 249-254, Maisky, Memoirs, pp. 265267, Eden, Reckoning, pp. 327-330, SSW4, pp. 296-303.
64 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/24/50, Record of Second Conversation with Molotov, 21 May
1942 contained in Edens Memorandum on Treaty Negotiations with the U.S.S.R. 25 May 1942.
65 Ibid.


discussed by the War Cabinet, he had no authority to do this, making it another

example of his differing attitude and desire to reach an agreement. This new
proposal was received sceptically by Molotov, though after explanations from
Eden he conceded that the new draft could be considered, and that he would
transmit it to Moscow.66 Eden agreed to this, and impressed upon Molotov the
advantages of the new treaty, namely that it would circumnavigate the deadlock
that was being experienced, would be something that could be agreed to without
upsetting any other party and would put relations between the two powers on an
abiding footing.67 Having initially only given it sceptical consideration, Edens
insistence that the difficulties over the political draft would cease to exist meant
the Russian delegation gradually took more note of the Mutual Assistance Treaty,
and his argument that it could be signed now and no one in the world could have
the slightest grounds for objection. It would be a buttress of the future peace of
Europe and would not exclude discussion between us as allies, not only of the
problems presented by Finland and Roumania, but of the future map of Europe
and the economic problems of the post-war period. The treaty which he had
offered would afford a strong foundation on which lasting friendship between the
two countries could be built,68 seems to have converted Molotov, as a draft was
agreed the following day.69 With Molotov awaiting instructions from his
Government as to whether he could sign this new treaty, Eden informed the War
Cabinet, and it took little to persuade them of the merits of this alternative
proposal, which was greatly to be preferred to the previous drafts, and they
encouraged its signature.70 Later that evening, Molotov informed Eden of his
authority to sign the Treaty, and this was duly concluded the next day.71

TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/24/50, Record of Fourth Conversation with Molotov, 23 May
1942 contained in Edens Memorandum on Treaty Negotiations with the U.S.S.R. 25 May 1942.
67 Ibid.
68 Ibid, Record of Fifth Conversation with Molotov, 24 May 1942 contained in Edens Memorandum
on Treaty Negotiations with the U.S.S.R. 25 May 1942.
69 Ibid, Record of Sixth Conversation with Molotov, 25 May 1942 contained in Edens Memorandum
on Treaty Negotiations with the U.S.S.R. 25 May 1942.
70 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/30/14, War Cabinet Conclusions, 25 May 1942.
71 Eden, Reckoning, p. 329.



In ceremonial circumstances amidst a vast concourse of photographers

and film cameramen72 the Treaty of Mutual Assistance was signed.73 Its signature
was highly significant for several reasons. Not only had Eden brought a successful
close to negotiations that essentially began in November 1941 with Stalins
telegram about future relations and the shape of the post-war world, but he had
done so in such a manner that Britain, Russia and America were all happy with the
result. The alternative treaty contained no controversial reference to frontiers,
population movements or Poland, yet the Russians felt it was of very great
value,74 and of great importance in promoting friendly relations75 between the
two powers. Given the American disapproval discussed previously, it is
unsurprising they were relieved about the outcome, and Winant appears to have
been instrumental in making the Russian delegation realise the difficulty of the
American position had treaties been signed on the lines of the original drafts,76 for
which Eden noted in his diary that he was much relieved.77 From the British
viewpoint, congratulations were offered all around. Churchill noted that this was
a great relief to me and a far better solution than I had dared to hope78 and,
according to Eden, stated that this was much the biggest thing I [Eden] had
done.79 The records of the War Cabinet meeting on 26 May note that The Prime
Minister said that the War Cabinet were greatly indebted to the Foreign Secretary
for his skilful handling of the negotiations, and for the very satisfactory result
which had been achieved.80 Harvey noted that he and Eden dined out at the Ritz
in celebration, with Eden feeling immensely relieved and satisfied, feels a good
Maisky, Memoirs, p. 267.
The Anglo-Soviet Treaty for an Alliance and Mutual Assistance, signed 26 May 1942.
74 Maisky, Memoirs, p. 267.
75 Stalin to Churchill, 28 May 1942 in Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, p. 304.
76 Churchill to Winant, 4 June 1942, quoted in Gilbert, Road to Victory, p. 111.
77 Edens diary 24 May 1942, in Eden, Reckoning, p. 329, Winant met Molotov during the evening,
and it was after this meeting that he decided to look properly at Edens alternate treaty.
78 Churchill, The Hinge of Fate. p. 300.
79 Edens diary 24 May 1942, in Eden, Reckoning, p. 329.
80 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB/65/30/15, War Cabinet Conclusions, 26 May 1942, Confidential
Annex on U.S.S.R.


job of work done, his biggest day yet. Cadogan offers a more sober assessment,

suggesting this was A very satisfactory ending to a long and tiresome and
embarrassing exchange. Everyone pleased.82
This reaction suggests Eden was right to push the British Government to
make concessions to Russia after his visit to Moscow. Admittedly, the new Treaty
made these concessions unnecessary, but Eden would not have known that in
early 1942. His championing of the Russian cause was ultimately pointless, but it is
important to reflect on the reasoning behind this. Eden was concerned by
Churchills vision of a grand Anglo-American special relationship, believing that
this in no way guaranteed common goals, principles or policy ideas. Success in
negotiation with Russia opened up other avenues for British foreign policy. Not
only did it offer a fall-back should the American Alliance prove unworkable or too
restrictive, but it also meant that policy based on broad collaboration looked like a
realistic option to pursue. He pushed the Russian cause to such an extent that he
was able, after a few months of tough discussions, to win Churchill over so that he
was no longer an obstacle to agreeing to the Russian frontier demands. Though the
American position helped Eden with the Treaty as signed, it can be seen
throughout the negotiations that, whilst wanting to upset America as little as
possible, Eden was prepared to push on in Britains interest and come to terms
with the Russians on something that would have ultimately gone down badly in
the United States. The fact Eden ignored Churchills initial disregard for the issue,
and continued to work on the problem also suggests another reason for him
pressing this cause. This, simply, was that he was acting as Foreign Secretary, and
in that capacity was pursuing what he, and his Department on the whole, felt was
the right policy to pursue at the time. As Rab Butler put it, our interests at the
present moment lead us to come to an agreement with the Soviets that they may
attain their 1941 frontier.83 Aside from Cadogan, who is well noted as being
against this impetus by Eden,84 the Department were by and large in favour of
Harvey, War Diaries, 27 May 1942, p. 130.
Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 26 May 1942, p. 455.
83 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/25A, Butler to Eden, 13 March 1942.
84 See Neilson and Otte, The PUS, pp. 252-253.


making concessions to Russia, so it was only natural that the Foreign Secretary
should be following this policy line.
We can see that this was clearly linked to Edens wider views on the nature of
British foreign policy. In the memorandum he put to the War Cabinet, discussed in
the previous chapter, Eden had two clear thoughts. Firstly that the British wanted
a balance of power in Europe, directed against Germany, both during and after the
war, and that secondly, Britain was still to be conceptualised as a Great Power.85
These two statements suggest that, in one sense, the Department had not lost its
traditional outlook, as these terms were very much the traditional way of looking
at the British position. As Rothwell put it, there was a basic assumption that
Britain was a Great Power with legitimate interests in the future of eastern
Europe,86 and though it may appear contradictory, it could be argued that Eden
wanted to negotiate an agreement on the Soviet frontier demands as he felt this
was Britains best chance of exerting this influence, perhaps doubting Britains
capacity to do so after the war87, and the treaty, by providing for mutual
consultation, would allow Britain at least to claim a voice in the affairs of these
countries.88 Eden thought it would be sensible to settle for what was offered when
the USSR was hard-pressed as, once her armies were west of the Oder River, she
would be in a position to keep what she had seized.89 Britain was not in a strong
position at this point, however, with the reverses in North Africa, and the fall of
Singapore, so whilst agreement with the Soviet Union became necessary to ensure
the Russians didnt give up and sign a separate peace, it was also required to
convince Russia that Britain wasnt going to do likewise. Dutton and Carlton
clearly note the connection between the military situation and the Russian
agreement. Dutton states that the disasters in the Far East helped swing the
argument in Edens favour, and that the agreement on Soviet frontiers was to be

TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/21/28, Edens memorandum Policy Towards Russia, 28
January 1942.
86 Rothwell, Britain and Cold War, p. 93.
87 Dutton, Eden, p. 190.
88 Rothwell, Britain and Cold War, p. 98.
89 Dutton, Eden, p. 191.


coupled with a deal for Russian action against Japan. Carlton, meanwhile,

suggested that British weakness could lead to a potential Soviet-American bargain,

or a separate German-Soviet peace, and that Eden presented Churchill with these
two options as outcomes should Britain fail to secure agreement with Russia.91 The
military situation also concerned Churchill, who stated to Roosevelt that the
increasing gravity of the war has led me to feel the principles of the Atlantic
Charter ought not to be construed so as to deny Russia the frontiers she occupied
when Germany attacked her.92 The final point as to why Eden championed this
cause can be seen in the terms of the treaties. Whilst in favour of accepting the
Soviet frontier demands, the Foreign Office were turning their attention to the
future of Europe, and this is where the balance of power thinking came in. The
argument used repeatedly by Eden was that, assuming Germany was defeated,
Britain and Russia would be the major European powers, and thus it would be
they, along with America, who would be tasked with the reconstruction of Europe,
and maintaining the peace.93 On this basis, co-operation with the Russians was
essential to preserve not only the British position, but also the position of Europe,
and to ensure its reconstruction. This can be seen in the terms of the Treaty, with
Eden arguing for clauses embodying mutual assistance, collaboration in
organising the peace and association with likeminded states94 all aimed at bringing
long term collaboration and ensuring Britain would have some voice in the
organisation of Europe during and after the War.

Eden was not so much championing the Russian cause for its own sake, so
much as linking it to traditional balance of power ideas; if we add to it his support
for de Gaulle, we see it for what it was a kind of revised and revived Triple
Entente. He was acting, as his predecessors had, on the assumption that there was
an independent foreign policy to be had, and although the needs of allies had to be
Ibid, p. 192.
Carlton, Eden, pp. 194-195.
92 Churchill to Roosevelt, C-40, 7 March 1942, quoted in Kimball, Alliance emerging, p. 394.
93 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/21/28, Edens memorandum Policy Towards Russia, 28
January 1942.
94 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/25A, Treaty of Mutual Assistance, 26 May 1942.


taken into account, in the end British interests were paramount. His new treaty
was a step away from dependence on America in the sense that it gave some
reassurance of future collaboration with Russia, which could have been useful
were the Americans to withdraw from Europe after the war, as they had done in
1919. This episode also offers a glimpse of Edens skill, as he was initially pushing
a cause that lacked support outside his Department, but by exploiting the weak
British military situation, as well as strategically arguing his case, he was able to
convince the War Cabinet and later Churchill that his policy was correct. That the
final Treaty meant this work was without result could make it seem like it had
been in vain, but it is unlikely that any Treaty would have been agreed had the
British not moved beyond their December 1941 thinking by the time Molotov
arrived in London. Edens hard work meant the British were in a position to sign a
far stronger Treaty than they actually did, and it was only the Russian insistence
over Poland that prevented them achieving what they had originally wanted. The
Mutual Assistance Treaty was a success, but it is interesting how close the British
came to signing away large chunks of Eastern Europe in an effort to prove their
sincerity to Stalin. This quest to prove sincerity could again be attributed to British
weakness, and that they felt the need to prove themselves as loyal allies who were
going to be beneficial to the Soviet Union. The extensive history of poor relations
between the two powers, and the well documented suspicion held towards the
West by the Soviet Union would actually suggest the British were learning from
experience, and realised they had to actively show they were breaking from the
distance and hostility of past relations and were genuinely interested in cooperation. Looking back, given the historical developments, this would not be seen
as a positive, but looking at the period and the efforts to develop and build plans
for the future, co-operation with a power believed to be necessary for both victory
and sustained peace looks a lot more like common sense than weakness.


8) Towards a Foreign Policy

Eden and the Foreign Office were beginning to think in terms of future
strategy and policy, and the signature of the Anglo-Soviet Treaty had gained them
a foundation upon which this could be built. That is not to say relations became
easier after the Treaty, but it provided a more positive footing, which was to prove
beneficial when facing the strain on relations during the latter part of 1942. With
the Russian pillar established, the Department should have been able to focus on
the continuing predicament of supporting de Gaulle, despite his ego and
challenging temperament, and attempting to improve relations with the Free
French Movement. Unfortunately, military campaigns and American politics were
both to have their influence here, with some potentially disastrous consequences.
This chapter will investigate the political and military struggle for France that was
ensuing in British policy overall, and between Churchill and Eden in particular,
and examine the strains in Anglo-Soviet relations that led to an all or nothing visit
by Churchill to try and prevent the collapse of the new alliance.

Having almost severed ties with de Gaulle after a series of teapot tempests,
the last thing the Foreign Office wanted was another confrontation. Unfortunately,
the increasing strength of Japan in the Far East, coupled with British dependency
on naval convoys, meant their attention turned towards the Vichy colony of
Madagascar, which they feared might be targeted by Japan as a potential naval
base.1 The British invasion of Madagascar, [codename Ironclad], in preparation
since late 1941, intended the quick capture of key points on the island, giving
Britain access to its resources, and preventing the Japanese taking the island, in
particular Diego Suarez.2 Despite proposing such an operation after Pearl
Harbour,3 and Churchills initial enthusiasm for it,4 de Gaulle was excluded from
the planning, and Free French forces did not participate, as the British felt it
Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, p. 326.
Dilks, Cadogan Diary, editors text, p. 449.
3 Churchill, Vol IV, p. 198.
4 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/31897, Churchill to Ismay and Eden, 21 February 1942.


undesirable that Frenchmen should fight against Frenchmen. The operation


went ahead on 5 May, and by 8 May Diego Suarez had been taken after
encountering slight resistance.6 It is worth noting that this occurred without the
initial backing of the United States, who were negotiating a trade agreement with
Vichy African colonies whilst British planning for the operation was underway.7
Despite being excluded, de Gaulle met Eden to discuss the events, although waited
a week before doing so, and accepted the British justification and its associated
assurance from Eden that the Free French should play a role in the administration
of Madagascar.8
Sadly events were to delay this process, as the British contemplated halting
the military operation and reaching a modus vivendi with the pro-Vichy
Governor, which aroused de Gaulles suspicions of British designs on the French
Empire. A communiqu from the United States noting that the island would be
restored to France [i.e. the Vichy Government] if its occupation were no longer
essential to the common cause of the United Nations increased his concern, and
led him to believe that the whole raison detre of the Movement was being
undermined.9 Having been excluded from the operation, and potentially having to
swallow a British deal with Vichy, it is easy to see why de Gaulle felt he wasnt
being treated as an ally, and it is often credited to Eden that the issue did not cause
a break between the two parties.10 That said, given his previous conduct, aside
from delaying meeting Eden, de Gaulle deserves credit for acting with some of the
decorum and civility expected of someone leading an allied movement. This good
behaviour may explain why the British issued a communiqu, citing the purpose
of the operation, and acknowledging that the French National Committee should

TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/8A, Eden to Peake, 11 May 1942, Record of Conversation with de
6 Gilbert, Road to Victory, p. 104.
7 Thomas, The French empire at war, pp. 141-143.
8 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/8A, Eden to Peake, 11 May 1942, Record of Conversation with de
9 Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, p. 328.
10 Mangold, Britain and the Defeated French, p. 146, Thorpe, Eden, p. 275.


play its due part in the administration of the liberated French territory. Whilst a

break was avoided, tensions remained high.

Amazingly, de Gaulles good behaviour continued, despite Eden failing to get
his travel ban lifted. The justification that events might arise at any moment,
either political or military, in respect of which we might wish to consult him,12
was not a strong, nor the real reason for him to remain, which was that Churchill
harboured bad feelings towards de Gaulle, and believed that he would return to
his Anglophobic rhetoric once abroad.13 Whilst outwardly polite and accepting of
these decisions, in private he was angry, and suggested to Catroux that he would
contemplate breaking with the British and Americans should they again display
such a lack of confidence in the Free French.14 It was not until 13 June that the
contents of this message were discovered, and Eden requested a meeting with him
demanding an explanation. The meeting went well, with the two having a
reasonable discussion about de Gaulles message, and Anglo-Free French relations
more generally, with Eden endeavouring to reassure de Gaulle that his suspicions
were unjustified.15 De Gaulle responded that his concerns mainly centred on the
American attitude to the Movement and, interestingly, Eden did not disagree with
any of the points raised by de Gaulle, but simply suggested that he was going
about the relationship in the wrong manner.16 Eden was, despite some frustrations,
still on de Gaulles side, especially in recognising that the American attitude was a
significant problem, and the meeting concluded with de Gaulle agreeing to send a
clarifying message to Catroux. It cannot yet be argued that Eden was sympathetic
to de Gaulle because of a clear British foreign policy vision, but the developing
vision of some form of renewed triple entente, combined with a balance of power
intended to restrict Germany, certainly meant that tolerating de Gaulle was a
necessity whilst there was no alternative opposition to Vichy.
TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/31900, FO to Dominion Governments, 13 May 1942.
TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/8A, Eden to Peake, 4 June 1942, Report on conversation with de
13 Mangold, Britain and the Defeated French, p. 149.
14 Ibid, p. 149 and Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, p. 336.
15 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/8A, Eden to Peake, 13 June 1942, Record of Conversation with de
16 Ibid.


Unbeknown to de Gaulle, Eden had been attempting to improve the position

of the Free French in America, something that should have been helped by the
United States withdrawing its Ambassador to Vichy, and consequently re-thinking
its relations with France. Only Woodwards official history discusses this process,
though the documents used to support his discussion have proved impossible to
find in the archives, so it is unclear how accurate his portrayal of the process is.17 A
series of telegrams between Halifax and Eden, as well as meetings between Halifax
and Welles in Washington, resulted in a formula being reached which provided
limited American recognition for the Free French Movement. This memorandum
was given to de Gaulle on 29 June, and contained several phrases which would
undoubtedly please him: recognition that Free France was undertaking active
military measures against a common enemy; recognition of the role of de Gaulle
and the FNC in keeping alive the spirit of France; realisation that the Movement
was the symbol of French resistance and provision of assistance to the military and
naval forces of Free France.18 Eden noted that de Gaulle was clearly gratified by
the memorandum and accepted it with considerable satisfaction on 9 July.19 It
seems strange this is overlooked, as de Gaulles criticisms of the United States are
often picked up, and the Americans had essentially performed a volte-face in their
policy, having previously felt the Movement unimportant, with a leader Roosevelt
saw as tiresome and dangerous.20 For de Gaulle this must have been seen as a
step forward, not to mention a major ego boost, with the memorandum referring
to the man who already felt himself in the role of Joan of Arc21 as the spirit of
France. Unfortunately, as Eden and de Gaulle were soon to discover, American
recognition did little to change their practical approach to France.

Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, pp. 337-340. The closest estimate for these files is TNA,
Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/France/1942.
18 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/8A, Eden to Peake, 29 June 1942, Record of conversation with de
Gaulle and enclosed memorandum from Hull recognising the Free French.
19 Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, p. 340.
20 Charmley, End of Glory, p. 512.
21 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/31873, Eden to Churchill, 20 January 1942.


From a foreign policy viewpoint this was an important development, as

relations with France were a key area where the Foreign Office faced restrictions
imposed by American policy. With the United States recognising de Gaulle, the
door was open to try to strengthen the Movement as a whole, something
considered key to the aim of collaboration with France in the post-war world, and
work on their own policy ideas without having to consider Vichy or American
reactions. Lavals return to power in the Vichy suggested there was little point
attempting to pursue diplomatic relations, as He has staked everything on a
German victory, and will do all he can to bring it about,22 an attitude reinforced
by the American decision to cease formal relations with Vichy soon after. This step,
and recognition of de Gaulle, should have removed the obstacles for Eden, but a
new one had appeared - Churchill. Eden soon faced more than just a battle to
increase support for de Gaulle, as the conflict escalated into one about the whole
nature of Britains French policy. Played out through the medium of War Cabinet
memoranda and correspondence, this tactical duel was to highlight some serious
differences in views within the British Government. Edens memoranda outlined
the increasing evidence of support for de Gaulle, particularly as the recognised
head of the French resistance and as the likely leader of France after its liberation.23
Churchill saw this as an oblique attack on Roosevelt,24 however, and presented
his own memorandum praising the Vichy quislings.25
Certain phrases from Churchills paper highlight the strategic division. The
first was Churchills assertion that Vichy was the only Government which may
perhaps give us what we wanted from France, namely, the Toulon Fleet and the
entry into the French North African provinces. One has therefore to consider what,
if any, are the chances of this. They do not seem to me entirely negligible.26 This
statement indicates that Churchill was willing to sacrifice politics in order to gain

TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/25/15, Edens memorandum on Franco-German Co-operation
in North Africa, 2 June 1942.
23 Ibid, Edens memorandum on de Gaulle and French Opinion, 1 June 1942.
24 Barker, Churchill and Eden, p. 59.
25 Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, pp 299-300, Thomas, Britain and Vichy, pp 134-5.
26 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/25/19, Churchills memorandum on Franco-German cooperation in North Africa, 5 June 1942.


military advantages, however remote they may have been, but also suggests an
ignorance regarding the attitude of a Government which had, as recently as May,
ordered its troops to defend Madagascar by force against the British forces. With
Vichy unwilling to hand over an island whose main value was a naval harbour,
and American diplomacy unable to alter their attitude, it is hard to see how
Churchill thought they might hand over their diplomatic ace card of the French
fleet, not to mention also allowing allied forces entry into North Africa. Churchills
next concerning statement was that from my own personal observation of what
has happened, I do not feel that the Vichy Government have done anything more
than was absolutely necessary to avoid the installation of a German Gauleiter.27
Churchills comment implies that Vichy were the victims of the situation, and his
observation that they have borne Oran, Dakar, Syria, Madagascar, the British
blockade and British air raids with the least possible show of anger28 almost
suggests their attitude should be admired, and they should not be criticised. Such
an attitude was not conducive with British policy, since Britain had maintained
contacts with Vichy only at American insistence and had ended these when Leahy
was withdrawn, and had focussed on de Gaulle and the Free French Movement as
the preferred representatives of the French Resistance and the democratic post-war
France. According to Churchill it was a French conviction that they must not
sever the future of France from the United States,29 further evidencing his lack of
grasp on the tactical situation, as Vichy had, realistically, outplayed the United
States to gain supplies, without ceding anything in return. That Churchill
associated the future of France with the United States and Vichy was worrying for
Eden, as de Gaulle did not fit that vision, but led the French group whom Britain
were fighting alongside, and had the potential to restore France to a useful
strategic position after the war. Churchills closing statement suggested that I
look forward to a time in the war when the great change of heart which has
taken place in the French masses and the apparent certainty of an Allied victory


29 Ibid.


will produce a sudden, decisive change in the action of the Vichy Government.


This is concerning for two reasons. Firstly, it suggests Churchill thought the
masses were favourable to the Vichy regime; and secondly, he was willing to
work with Vichy provided they switched sides before the end of the war. Though
a good portion of France was under German control and there had been no mass
exodus to the Free French, this did not mean the masses were tolerant of, if not
pro-Vichy, and the evidence presented by Eden supported this. Likewise a
statement that Axis collaborators would be considered as partners if they switched
sides could have presented issues for the British Government, both with de Gaulle
and the Governments in Exile.
Eden responded by submitting a draft memorandum to Churchill,
highlighting the flaws of Vichy, the efforts they had undertaken to hinder the
allied cause, and dismissing Churchills thin hopes of a volte-face.31 Churchill took
this personally, and replied that he had been a friend of France for thirty-five
years and had a certain instinct about them.32 He felt it too easy to make a case
against Vichy, who faced unnatural conditions, and wanted to remind the
Cabinet that Roosevelt and the Chiefs of Staffs shared his views, and would thus
speak out against Eden if he brought the memorandum to Cabinet.33 Despite
attempting to soften the blow by suggesting that what really separated the two
men was the emphasis of the argument,34 it was the policy itself that caused the
divide. Eden agreed, however, and submitted a more balanced memorandum to
the Cabinet. He summed up his paper by noting that the picture is thus
exceedingly confused, and the wisest policy, as I see it, for us is to continue our
efforts to bring as much as possible of France and the French Empire back into the
war at our side; to support all the forces of French resistance, wherever they may
be, and whatever their allegiance, without binding ourselves exclusively to any; to
continue to support General de Gaulle; and at the same time to encourage him to

TNA, Prime Ministers Papers, PREM 3/186A/7, Edens Draft Memorandum on French Policy, 11
June 1942.
32 Ibid, Churchills minute to Eden, 14 June 1942.
33 Ibid.
34 Ibid.


strengthen his organisation by the enlistment of such representative Frenchmen as

he can persuade to come over and join him. By following this policy we should at
the same time be best serving the war effort and making provision for our postwar relationship with France.35 This conclusion throws up some interesting
problems. The biggest one, given Edens support of de Gaulle, was his
acknowledgement of Churchills view that any party that could bring part of
France back into the war would be welcomed, and that allegiance did not matter.
This is particularly surprising given the criticisms he had levelled at Vichy, and
that he felt the best manner of getting the French Empire back into the war was
under the Free French Movement. That he suggests Britain should not be bound to
any party is also strange, as the British were already bound to the Free French,
having recognised them as the resistance movement and, in the Foreign Office at
least, it was tacitly acknowledged that they would likely play a leading role in
post-war France. Barker notes that this was a series of tactical moves in a duel
between the two men which raised fundamental questions which were to be
hotly disputed from Torch [in late 1942] until the liberation of France.36
His determination to argue the Gaullist case against Churchills Vichy hopes
shows Eden wasnt willing to sacrifice all British policy to military strategy, and
could be viewed as a desire to see the two combined so that British strategy would
advantage both the British war effort and the French party with which Eden
envisaged future relations being conducted. This pattern can be seen throughout
the tactical duel, where Churchill leapt to the defence of American policy with an
almost glowing review of Vichy and their ability to help the allies militarily in the
future, whilst Eden stood by British declared war policy and supported the Free
French, using evidence and examples to highlight what he saw as errors in
Churchills judgement. With Churchills statements lacking logic, it is no surprise
Eden struck back to defend his corner, and it is clear that Eden was not going to
suffer quietly whilst Churchill tried to stomp all over his foreign policy. In arguing
for de Gaulle, Eden was once again acting as a British Foreign Secretary, thinking

TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/25/27, Edens Memorandum on France, 8 July 1942.
Barker, Churchill and Eden, p. 60.


about what was in Britains policy interests and trying to defend it. Eventually
Eden backed down, presenting a balanced overview of the situation to the Cabinet,
though still highlighting the importance of de Gaulle and the concerns over Vichy.
Whilst Churchill had won in one sense, that Edens campaign against Vichy never
fully reached the Cabinet, the end result was still favourable to Eden, as by
backing down he had saved the face of both men, but his arguments had
resonated, and the attitude of the Cabinet had shifted towards de Gaulle.
Unfortunately, the main issue of directing foreign policy towards France had been
swept under the table in an effort to maintain Government unity, and it was not
long until it would flare up once more.

The compact with the devil

The onset of Operation Torch returned to the fore de Gaulles suspicions of

the British carving up the French Empire, and the sacrificing of his Movements
objects and position for military gains. With the British having to undertake
further military action to secure control of Madagascar, they hoped that the
administration could be handed over to the Free French so they could prepare for
this upcoming operation.37 Unfortunately, de Gaulle had finally been allowed to
travel, and was busy breaking the assurances given to Eden that he would
behave.38 Such action was causing the British to reconsider their stance about
Fighting French39 administration, and Eden had to be creative in resolving the
situation. On 10 September he informed Ren Pleven and Maurice Dejean, the FNC
Commissioners in London for Finance and Foreign Affairs respectively, that the
British were to undertake further military action in Madagascar, and that de
Gaulles attitude meant the British were, presently, unwilling to offer the Fighting
French the role of administrating the territory.40 This news shocked the two men,

TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/8A, FO to Washington, 22 August 1942.

Ibid, Eden to Peake, 28 July 1942, Record of conversation with de Gaulle.
39 The Free French had changed their name to the Fighting French in July 1942.
40 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/8A, Eden to Rooker, 10 September 1942, Record of conversation with
Pleven and Dejean.


but despite their protests, Eden held firm, suggesting that if de Gaulle returned
immediately to London conversations could be resumed in order to proceed with
the original plan. This would remove the problem of de Gaulle causing trouble
abroad, and also minimise the disruption they would face if the Fighting French
did not assume this responsibility. Eventually, they agreed to this proposal, and de
Gaulle returned to London, to a somewhat hostile reception.
He was summoned to meet Churchill and Eden on 30 September, and was
probably quite shocked to find that, for once, the two were taking the same line.
Both were disappointed by his attitude in Syria, and his suggestion of British
attempts to gain a preponderant position in the Middle East at Frances expense,
but both expressed their views differently. Churchill was more vocal and annoyed
by the Generals actions, whilst Eden was quieter and less hostile. Churchills
comments centred on the position and attitude of de Gaulle, and he repeated
several times that the great difficulty lay in working with General de Gaulle.41
Eden, on the other hand, was less personal, talking about the position of the
movement or British attitude more generally, and whilst not blaming de Gaulle for
the difficulties in relations, suggested several times that the British had more
trouble with the Fighting French than any other ally.42 Whether by chance or by
planning, they adopted an almost carrot and stick approach, with Churchill talking
about opportunities or friendships that had been lost by de Gaulles action,43 and
Eden discussing future potential relations if they could resolve the sources of
tension. Both sides recognised that there were solutions to the problems, though as
they differed over what the problems were, agreement was never reached as to
solutions.44 Only on the subject of the representation of France was there a
difference between Churchill and Eden. Churchill openly stated that de Gaulle
only represented one part of France. Though acknowledging this was a very
honourable part of France which represented the combatant sentiments and the
main body of opinion, he noted that there were other parts and aspects of France
Ibid, Record of conversation between Churchill, Eden and de Gaulle, 30 September 1942.
43 Ibid.
44 Ibid.


which might become more prominent. On this topic Eden remained quiet,

suggesting he did not share Churchills view. De Gaulle, for his part, made no
threats of resignation or of breaking with the British, and was prepared to accept
the consequences of his action. Unfortunately, he was unwilling to do anything
about rectifying the situation, and stuck to his guns over what he saw as the
diminution of the position of France.46 The differences between Eden and
Churchill are subtle, but important. Churchill was generally looking back or being
critical, whereas Eden was being positive and looking to the future. De Gaulle was
sensitive, so Eden perhaps realised that to dwell on the past would not help, and
that de Gaulle needed support if the positive change needed was to materialise.
Churchills insistence on bringing up Vichy shows his unwillingness to stray from
American policy, and whilst suggesting he was more open-minded about strategic
possibilities, these were unlikely and narrow military advantages. Edens political
aim would have offered more military advantages for Britain, as well as ensuring
it maintained control of its foreign policy.
Whilst the meeting was tense, the record of the conversation suggests
Cadogans description of it being a pitched battle47 was somewhat embellished.
Likewise Barkers contention that Churchill vehemently rejected de Gaulles claim
to be France48 is overstated. The often repeated suggestion from de Gaulles
memoirs that Churchill was bitter and highly emotional and that Eden lost his
temper both lack accuracy when compared to the record of the conversation.49
Eden comes across as moderate and emotionally detached from the subject, and
Churchill, famed for his emotional zeal, appears to have been quite balanced and
restrained. Harveys statement that Churchill was frank but patient50 was more
accurate than the traits attributed by de Gaulle, though given the content of the
meeting, it is unsurprising he remembered it in an unfavourable light.


47 Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 30 September 1942, p. 479.
48 Barker, Churchill and Eden, p. 63.
49 De Gaulle, C. The Complete War Memoirs, (New York, 1972), pp. 341-2.
50 Harvey, War Diaries, 1 October 1942, p. 164.


The already strained relations were almost destroyed by future events.

Despite the British victory in Madagascar, the allied invasion of North Africa
[codename Torch] was now on the horizon, the details having been settled during
Churchills most recent visit to Washington in June, further staff talks in London in
July, and correspondence between Churchill and Roosevelt over the summer.51 The
Operation, intended to gain control of French North Africa, went ahead on 8
November. By 12 November serious resistance had ceased, and the allied troops
made good progress towards Tunisia, only thwarted by German reinforcements,
whose arrival was not opposed by Vichy forces.52 By December the British and
Americans had taken military control of a large portion of North Africa, but efforts
to ensure the political and administrative stability of these areas was not a
straightforward process.
At Roosevelts insistence, de Gaulle was to be kept in the dark, as he felt his
inclusion would have an adverse effect on our promising efforts to attach a
large part of the French African forces to our expedition,53 despite the desire of
General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of Allied Forces, to include
de Gaulle in the planning of operations in Europe,54 and Churchills suggestion
that he should be informed prior to the operation.55 Due to Roosevelts attitude,
Churchill abandoned this line, accepting the Presidents silly decision56 as
Cadogan put it. Given his reaction to Ironclad, de Gaulle surprisingly, took the
right line57 when he lunched with Eden and Churchill and was officially told of
the operation. Churchills explanation of the nature of the operation, the American
insistence on keeping de Gaulle in the dark, and the possible installation of
General Henri Giraud as commander in North Africa were accepted, and de
Gaulle made positive statements about the need to unify the French resistance.58

Thomas, Britain and Vichy, p. 138.

Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, p. 360, Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, Chapter 34, pp. 542564.
53 Roosevelt to Churchill, R-207, 5 November 1942, quoted in Kimball, Alliance emerging, p. 661.
54 Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, p. 350.
55 Churchill to Roosevelt, C-185, 5 November 1942, quoted in Kimball, Alliance emerging, pp. 660-1.
56 Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 6 November 1942, p. 489.
57 Ibid, 8 November 1942, p. 490.
58 Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, p. 390.


He also spoke favourably of Giraud, saying he was without reproach, and

suggested he would be willing to work under him provided he carried the mass
of the French people.59 As a sweetener, de Gaulle was encouraged by Churchill to
announce the appointment of General Paul Legentilhomme as High Commissioner
in Madagascar, an end towards which de Gaulle and Eden had been working for
some time. In light of de Gaulles positive reaction, Churchill informed Roosevelt
of the need to unify in every possible way all Frenchmen who regard Germany as
the foe you will I am sure realize that his Majestys Government are under quite
definite and solemn obligations to De Gaulle and his movement. We must see that
they have a fair deal you and I ought to avoid at all costs the creation of rival
French migr Governments each favoured by one of us.60 Though wanting to
avoid rivalry between French groups, Roosevelt was unmoved on de Gaulle: it is
still my considered opinion that any association by him with the TORCH
operation at this time would add serious difficulties to our efforts in that area.61
So whilst the need to unify French resistance was agreed, this meant little as
Roosevelt did not want one of the groups to be represented, and almost resulted in
the scenario Churchill set out coming to pass. For the time being, Eden had
Churchills support in calling for a recognition of de Gaulles position vis--vis the
British Government. This union was short-lived, however, as military concerns
overtook their political counterparts, though the two would quickly intertwine,
resulting in six weeks of diplomatic crisis.
Luck was an important factor for Eden, but with Torch, it initially went
against him. Darlan, largely by coincidence, was in Algiers at the time of the Allied
landings in North Africa.62 This was not a factor that had been part of the allied
plans, which assumed Giraud would take power, thereby unifying French
resistance and winning the loyalty of the Vichy territories, and Churchills account

Ibid, p. 390.
Churchill to Roosevelt, C-188, 11 November 1942, quoted in Kimball, Alliance emerging, p. 667.
61 Unsent draft of Roosevelt to Churchill, R-210, 11 November 1942, quoted in Kimball, Alliance
emerging, p. 669, this line was omitted from the final version.
62 Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, p. 548.


of the initial 24 hours of the operation, coupled with other accounts, suggest the


Darlan factor caused significant chaos. The defenders didnt know whose orders
they should follow, and the allies didnt know how to ensure the political stability
of the region. With Giraud receiving little support, and recognising his inability to
over-rule the Vichy Commander-in-Chief,65 he and General Mark Clark66 advised
Eisenhower that the best way to neutralise resistance was a deal with Darlan, and
negotiations began. As a result, a ceasefire was called, in the name of Ptain;
German troops occupied the hitherto unoccupied parts of France; and an
agreement was reached between Clark, Darlan and Giraud which made Darlan
High Commissioner, Giraud head of the land and air forces, and required them to
do what they could to get North Africa behind the war effort.67
Whilst this safeguarded the military aspects of the operation, this outcome
had major political consequences. Eisenhower justified the deal with Darlan on
practical military grounds, noting that the ceasefire saved allied lives and that only
Darlan could have had such an order obeyed. Churchill accepted this, informing
Eisenhower that he approved anything for the battle.68 The deal was sensible if
looked at from a military standpoint, as it had been at the time, given there was no
political consultation taken regarding it. Unfortunately, whilst Generals may not
have worried about politics, politicians worried about the Generals, and political
and public opposition quickly arose. The Foreign Office reaction is interesting, as
they initially accepted the deal to ensure a ceasefire, but as reports came in of
agreement about the administration of North Africa, attitudes quickly stiffened.
Edens memoirs suggest he didnt object to the agreement with Darlan to save
lives, but on receiving news of the deal between Giraud and Darlan he noted that
he didnt like it a bit, and said so to Churchill, with whom he was staying at

Ibid, Chapter 34, pp. 542-564.

Mangold, Britain and the Defeated French, p. 162, Thomas, Britain and Vichy, pp. 150-152,
Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, pp. 360-362.
65 Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, p. 362.
66 United States General, had been involved in the planning for Torch and was Eisenhowers
Personal Deputy.
67 Mangold, Britain and the Defeated French, p. 163, Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, p. 366,
Kimball, Vol II, editors text, p. 3.
68 Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, p. 567.


Chequers. Likewise, Harvey made no negative mention of the ceasefire deal, but

when he learnt of the GiraudDarlan deal he noted that we are horrified by this,
and that all here in the F.O. are alive to the danger of Darlan.70 He was also quick
to liken it to appeasement, a topic sure to fire up Eden.71 Cadogan seemed pleased
that an armistice had been quickly reached, even with Darlan, though this quickly
changed as he was to refer to the political deal as the compact with the devil,
and was quick to press on Eden the political dangers of the situation, feeling he
was not sufficiently horrified by it.72 This reaction continued outside the Foreign
Office. Correspondence with Clark Kerr, and a meeting between Eden and Maisky
backed up the warning from Gladwyn Jebb, the Head of the Economic and
Reconstruction Department of the Foreign Office, that the Soviets would be
disturbed by this turn of policy, which could be interpreted as being a future
Anglo-American-European quisling combination directed against the Soviet
Union.73 Attlee and Bracken also raised objection, fearing damage to the moral
aspect of the war effort, and the potential storm of public opinion this could
produce if Britain were seen to have abandoned the spirit of France,74 and some
sources also note a hostile response of the British press to the deal.75 De Gaulle, as
expected, quickly reached a negative conclusion, feeling any deal with Darlan was
despicable, and launched into a bitter tirade against American policy when he saw
Sir Charles Peake, the British representative to the FNC, on 15 November.76 In an
effort to quell de Gaulles anger, Churchill and Eden saw him the following day,
and were informed that he would not be party to any arrangement, however
temporary with a traitor, and despite Churchills assurance that his position
was unassailable, that he need not be alarmed at the course events were taking,
Eden, Reckoning, p. 349.
Harvey, War Diaries, 14 November 1942, pp. 182-183.
71 Ibid, Letter to Eden, 14 November 1942, pp. 184-5.
72 Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 15 November 1942, p. 493.
73 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/ 32139, Gladwyn Jebbs minute, and associated
correspondence, 16 November 1942, and TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/8A, Eden to Clark Kerr, 20
November 1942, record of conversation with Maisky.
74 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/8A, Attlee to Eden, 12 November 1942, and Bracken to Eden, 14
November 1942.
75 For example, Barker, Churchill and Eden, p. 65, Mangold, Britain and the Defeated French, p. 165.
76 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/31951, Peake to de Gaulle, 15 November 1942.


he was not placated. He issued a communiqu, stating that the Fighting French

had nothing to do with the negotiations in North Africa,78 and his anger had not
subsided when he saw Eden two days later.79 The widespread political opposition
prompted Churchill to inform Roosevelt of the very deep currents of feeling
stirred by it, commenting that the more he reflected, the more convinced I become
that it can only be a temporary expedient.80 It was not just the British having
misgivings about the deal. The State Department were never happy with it,81 and
Roosevelt, despite being unwilling to undermine Eisenhower, had also
experienced deep currents, and notified Churchill of a press statement where he
discussed the temporary arrangement (he used the word temporary, or similar,
nine times in the statement), and its implementation as a militarily expedient to
save lives.82 This was just the reaction to the news of the agreement. As the terms
were discovered, tensions increased, especially between Eden and Churchill.
Roosevelts statement had eased Churchills concerns,83 as he proved unwilling to
concede to further protest. When the terms were received, Eden faced a battle with
Churchill, who wanted to accept them as they had already gained Roosevelts
approval. Churchills determination not to upset the military operation with what
he viewed a minor political issue proved too strong for Eden to combat singlehandedly, despite serious efforts to do so via phone calls and telegrams,84 and even
in Cabinet on 21 November, but Eden received no support, so Churchills view
was accepted.85 Eden did not give up, however, and wrote to Churchill arguing
that the allies were being outmanoeuvred by Darlans skill; that the agreement ran
counter to Roosevelts public statement of 17 November; that they were losing the

TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/28/23, 16 November 1942.

Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, p. 392 and de Gaulle, Memoirs, pp. 56-58.
79 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/8A, Eden to Peake, 19 November 1942, record of conversation with de
Gaulle and Pleven.
80 Churchill to Roosevelt, C-193, 17 November 1942, quoted in Kimball, W.F [Ed.]. Churchill &
Roosevelt, The Complete Correspondence: Volume II. Alliance Forged, November 1942-February 1944,
(Princeton, 1984), p. 7.
81 Ibid, editors text, p. 8, Thomas, Britain and Vichy, p. 166.
82 Roosevelt to Churchill, R-214, 17 November 1942 quoted in Kimball, Alliance Forged, pp. 8-9.
83 Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, p. 569.
84 Eden, Reckoning, pp. 350-351, Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 20 and 21 November 1942, pp. 495-496.
85 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/28/26, Cabinet Conclusions, 21 November 1942.


moral high ground regarding French resistance in particular, but resistance against
the axis in general; were giving hope to the quislings of Europe; and finally that
there needed to be consultation with America to give effect to Roosevelts
statement.86 Churchill didnt react, though ultimately took Edens advice after
Darlan declared that he was acting in the name of Ptain, so Churchill approved a
telegram to Halifax calling for political consultation, and the sending of political
advisors to Eisenhower. This was eventually agreed, with Harold Macmillan being
appointed Minister Resident in Algiers in December 1942.87

These episodes demonstrate the difficulty that Eden faced in relations with de
Gaulle and Fighting France during this period. Despite events and military
operations which, in theory, should have acted to strengthen the Fighting French, a
combination of circumstances often led to more difficulties being created than
solved. They also serve to highlight the trouble with trying to plan, and conduct, a
foreign policy which had one set of aims, against a military campaign which, for
external or non political factors, had different ones. That Eden and Churchill, to a
large extent, personify this dichotomy goes some way to disprove any suggestions
that Eden was a yes-man in Cabinet or that he was unwilling to stand up to
Churchill, and likewise shows that Churchill as a whole was more concerned
about the military rather than the foreign policy aspects of the war. This was
especially true where France was concerned, as listening to Eden would have often
meant taking a different course to Roosevelt. As Thomas highlights, the deal also
brought to the fore the contradictions in American policy, as they undermined de
Gaulle and refused to support his movement because of his dictatorial leadership
and political cunning, , yet were happy to jump on board with Darlan, the apex of
and authoritarian and unreformed Vichy administration.88 This was to become
more of a factor as foreign policy planning turned towards longer term strategy, in
particular thinking about the post-war shape of Europe. Heading into 1943 the

Eden, Reckoning, pp. 353-354.

Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, p. 384.
88 Thomas, The French empire at war, p. 164.


position was particularly difficult, with a Vichy regime in North Africa behind the
allied military advances, de Gaulle having been excluded from both the military
and political side of the operation, and Eden and Churchill sharing differing views
as to the desirability of both of these facts. Edens luck was to change, however, as
the situation was suddenly simplified by Darlans assassination. He was succeeded
by Giraud,89 and Charmley suggests this was proof that Father Christmas had not
missed Churchill in 1942,90 but it seems more likely that this Christmas present was
intended for Eden, especially given the eloquence of Churchills obituary to Darlan
in The Hinge of Fate.91

No Second Front in 1942

Despite securing the Anglo-Soviet Treaty, Edens celebrations were short

lived, as the British were faced with difficulties sending supplies to Russia, and
ever increasing Russian demands for a Second Front. Whilst Churchill and Eden
were fighting their memoranda battle over France, Molotov returned to Britain
after his visit to Washington, and brought with him the unwelcome news that
Roosevelt had agreed to a communiqu stating that in the course of conversations
full understanding was reached with regard to the urgent tasks of creating a
Second Front in Europe in 1942.92 This was a major blow for the British, who had
not been consulted, and did not feel they could agree as it implied a definite
promise of a Second Front that year, something they did not believe possible.93
Though the British and Americans were still examining possible joint operations in
Europe in 1942, it was understood that such an operation should only go ahead if,
when the time came, it proved to be a practical possibility with worthwhile results.
This point Churchill made explicitly in conversation and in writing with Molotov
during his brief stop in London. The British had been forced into a corner by
Ibid, p. 385.
Charmley, End of Glory, p. 518.
91 v, pp. 579-580.
92 Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, p. 258, Sherwood, R.E. Roosevelt and Hopkins: An Intimate
History, (New York, 1950), p. 577.
93 Eden, Reckoning, p. 330.


Roosevelt, who had claimed to Molotov that it was important to open a Second
Front in 1942 and that he was ready to risk the sacrifice of 100 to 120 thousand
men in the first instance even though that might lead to another Dunkirk.94
Churchill, for once disagreeing with Roosevelt, informed Molotov that he was
certainly not prepared to contemplate such a sacrifice if the prospect was ultimate
disaster, and put the point quite plainly to Molotov that, whilst operations were
being considered, their implementation would depend on the situation at the time,
so he could not and should not be taken as promising they would go ahead.95 This
was backed up by an Aide-Mmoire, drawn up by the Chiefs of Staff, which stated
that We can therefore give no promise in the matter (Italics in original) regarding the
opening of a Second Front in 1942.96 From the available evidence, Molotov did not
object to this statement, so it can be assumed that the explanations of the document
and the British position had been accepted. The Aide-Mmoire thus safeguarded
the British position; the publication of the communiqu signalled the intent to act
as soon as possible; the inclusion of the full understanding phrase reflected the
truth that Second Front discussions were underway, and protected the appearance
of allied unity. This potential problem had, therefore, been neutralised before it
developed, and Churchill noted that Molotov sailed off into the air apparently
well satisfied with the results of his mission.97 Unfortunately, once back in
Moscow the Aide-Mmoire appears to have been quickly forgotten, and the British
in particular were to fall victim to Russian reproaches.

Before examining the implications of the Second Front situation, it is

important to mention one other item of interest from the Washington talks,
particularly from the point of view of this thesis. That is the revelation from
Molotov that, while in Washington, he exchanged ideas with Roosevelt on the

TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/25B, Record of Meeting with Soviet Delegation, 9 June 1942.
96 Churchills Aide-Mmoire to Molotov on the Second Front, quoted in Churchill, The Hinge of Fate,
p. 305.
97 Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, p. 305.


shape of the post-war world. Foreign Office attention was turning to this subject,

so this information, albeit limited and idealistic rather than policy based,
reinforced the need to look to the future in order to keep in step with their allies.
Whilst not entirely thought out, Roosevelt presented a vision, which Molotov
suggested that the Soviet Union fully endorsed, of a great power international
police system, whereby the USA, USSR, Great Britain, and possibly China, would
act to enforce the peace, with the aggressor powers being disarmed.99 Roosevelt
didnt mention this in his messages to Churchill, and thus the ground had not been
prepared for Molotov to take up this issue.100 He was, unsurprisingly, met with the
typical Churchillian reaction that the important thing was to win the victory first
rather than, before it was won, to dispute how the advantages were ultimately to
be shared.101 This event appears to have been completely overlooked in the
historiography, either missed due to the focus on the Second Front, or simply
ignored as unimportant. Whilst it may not seem that important, the fact there was
a conversation at this time about the idea of what happens next, so to speak, shows
several interesting things. Firstly, that Churchills steadfast attitude that the war
must be won before the spoils could be shared was not only out of step with his
Foreign Office, but also that of his friend and ally Roosevelt, upon whom he felt
the alliance and hence the military success rested and, according to Molotov, the
Soviet Union. Despite Roosevelts attitude, Churchill was unwilling to discuss the
issue with Molotov, and one wonders what he must have felt at being brushed
aside on this topic. Secondly, that the Foreign Office were right to be thinking
about the shape of the post-war world, as not only had they now secured the
Grand Alliance which Churchill had prophesised, and which would lead to
ultimate victory, but their counterparts and allies were beginning to think about
the peace requirements after the impending victory. Thirdly, that the thinking
shown in the last chapter of some form of renewed alliance scheme to maintain
peace, whilst perhaps slightly less advanced than the ideas outlined by Roosevelt,
Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, pp. 572-574.
TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/25B, Record of Meeting with Soviet Delegation, 9 June 1942.
100 Kimball, Alliance emerging, editors text, p. 502.
101 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/25B, Record of Meeting with Soviet Delegation, 9 June 1942.


was on the right track, and thus a worthwhile policy initiative for the Foreign
Office to pursue, and in the following chapter the pursuit of that initiative will be
examined. Though Molotov raised this topic, it did not lead to a constructive
debate about post-war ideas, but it was a signal that the Foreign Office, more so
than Churchill, were heading in the right direction. Unfortunately, the re-ignition
of the Second Front issue upon Molotovs return to Moscow meant that, for the
time being, their work on this was kept largely in the background.

Despite agreement in London, Molotov seems to have forgotten about his

talks with Churchill and Eden, and the Aide-Mmoire, as in an interview with
Clark Kerr he informed the Ambassador that he stood by the firm commitment
given in the communiqu to the creation of a Second Front later in the year.102
Perhaps he thought Clark Kerr would be unaware of the Aide-Mmoire or the
contents of his conversations in London, and that by standing by the communiqu
he could get the Ambassador to support the Soviet demands. As it was, Clark Kerr
had been sent an overview of the conversations in London and a full copy of the
Aide-Mmoire, so knew perfectly well the true state of affairs.103 Such was the
concern at Clark Kerrs report of this conversation that the issue was discussed by
the War Cabinet, with Eden being asked to instruct him to correct Molotovs
position.104 The Foreign Office were particularly anxious about the damage that
could be caused to the new alliance should a failure to open a Second Front be
incorrectly interpreted by the Soviets as a breach of a definite promise, and could
effect other issues of the war that would later be regretted by Britain, Russia and
the United States.105 Clark Kerr saw Molotov, but reported that, whilst he had
acknowledged the existence and contents of the Aide-Mmoire, he was unwilling
to act to dampen down the public expectations of an imminent Second Front

TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/32909, Clark Kerr to FO, 28 June 1942, Report on an
interview with Molotov on 26 June 1942.
103 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/25B, FO to Clark Kerr, 17 June 1942.
104 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/27/1, Cabinet Conclusions, 3 July 1942.
105 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/25B, FO to Clark Kerr, 3 July 1942.


which were being unfairly raised by the Soviet Government.


The lack of Soviet

effort to rectify the British concerns made Clark Kerr suspicious, and he wrote
home that Molotov professes to have passed on faithfully to the Soviet
Government all that was said to him in London it now looks as if he had to
some extent failed to interpret to Stalin the mind of the PM.107 Donald Gillies
attributes this situation to Molotov being afraid of informing Stalin that his visit
had not actually yielded a firm promise of a Second Front, as he had initially led
his chief to believe.108 This could have been the case, though regular mentions in
the Harvey and Cadogan diaries of the Russian military situation could offer
another explanation, that the Russians were, in fact, desperate for help, and could
do nothing else except cling to the hope that a Second Front would be forthcoming
to relieve their situation.109
As Maisky claims to have predicted when reading the Aide-Mmoire, there
was little likelihood of a Second Front being opened in 1942.110 Churchill was
against making a sacrifice just for the show, and was heavily engaged in the plans
for Torch. He was considering going to Washington before Molotovs return to
London, as Hopkins had hinted that there were certain matters of high policy
which you must come to grips with the President on and he is hopeful that you
can make a quick trip.111 Confusion surrounding the Second Front convinced
Churchill of this requirement, especially as he was unconvinced of the viability of
such an operation that year. Maisky claims this was a deliberate attempt to
sabotage the Second Front plans,112 though obviously it is hard to sabotage
something which, as far as the British were concerned, never existed. Churchill left
for Washington within a week of the Second Front communiqu being published,
and although the aim was ensuring the US did not withdraw from its Germany

TNA, Prime Ministers Papers, PREM 3/76A/1, Clark Kerr to FO, 5 July 1942.
Ibid, Clark Kerr to Cadogan, 28 July 1942.
108 Gillies, Radical Diplomat, p. 128.
109 Dilks, Cadogan Diary, various entries in July 1942, pp. 460-465, Harvey, War Diaries, various
entries in June and July 1942, pp. 134-146.
110 Maisky, Memoirs, p. 282.
111 Hopkins to Churchill, 6 June 1942, quoted in Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, p. 581.
112 Maisky, Memoirs, p. 284.


first strategy,


both Maisky and Clark Kerr saw this as closer Anglo-American

collaboration, which would further raise the suspicions of the Russians.114 The
discussions in Washington saw Churchill championing Operation Torch, though
in his own memoirs he reproduced a note on future strategy, the third point of
which discussed Torch, the first two points discussed cross-channel operations in
1942.115 The coincidence of this meeting with the fall of Tobruk could have
provided Churchill with the emotional passion which often stimulated his best
oratorical performances, thus allowing him to skilfully put the case for the North
Africa campaign, much to Maiskys annoyance, who felt Roosevelt was rather
brow beaten by Churchill into doubting the cross-channel invasion plan.116
Although this conference did not secure the go ahead for Torch and the
abandonment of plans for a cross-channel invasion of Europe [codename
Sledgehammer], it was a step in that direction, completed by Churchills lengthy
telegram to Roosevelt in early July setting out explicitly that no responsible
British General, Admiral or Air Marshall is prepared to recommend
SLEDGEHAMMER as a practicable operation in 1942 and attempted to address
Roosevelts concerns about the situation on the Russian front with Churchill
suggesting that I am sure myself that GYMNAST is by far the best chance for
effective relief to the Russian front in 1942.117 This, coupled with further military
conversations in London, largely settled that any Second Front in 1942 would not
be aimed against German forces in Europe, which was an unrealistic proposal in
the circumstances, but against Vichy French, Italian and German forces in Africa.
For Churchill, it was a victory for British military strategy and its emphasis on
imperial defence, for Eden, it was to extend the period of difficult relations caused
by the lack of a Second Front.

Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, p. 336.

Gillies, Radical Diplomat, p. 129.
115 Note of military conclusions preserved by General Ismay from a meeting between Brooke and
Hopkins, quoted in Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, pp. 344-345.
116 Maisky, Memoirs, p. 284.
117 Churchill to Roosevelt, C-107, 8 July 1942, quoted in Kimball, Alliance emerging, p. 520. Gymnast
was the original codename for Torch.


As if it wasnt bad enough that there was little prospect of a Second Front, at
least as the Russians conceived of one, in 1942, it also looked like the other method
of support to Russia from the allies, supply convoys, was under serious threat. The
Admiralty felt the northern convoys were becoming a regular millstone round
our necks118 and had considered reducing the supplies sent to Russia for some
time, but with the increasing dangers being faced, and high losses sustained, they
wrote to Churchill requesting to halt future convoys altogether.119 This was
considered by the War Cabinet, and Churchill opposed it, believing it was our
duty to fight these convoys through, whatever the cost.120 It was decided to let the
convoy scheduled for that evening depart, and inform Stalin that if the convoy
suffered severe losses, the following convoys may well be held up.121 This convoy,
PQ16, suffered minor losses so, for the time being, the convoys remained active.
The convoy and shipping situation caused the allies great difficulty, and had been
discussed several times in the conversations between Roosevelt and Molotov in
Washington.122 The issue caused tension, as Molotov requested supply convoys
continue undiminished, whilst also demanding the creation of a Second Front.
Roosevelt had to point out that ships could not be in two places at once, and that
the Russians could not eat their cake and have it too.123 Molotov was
unimpressed, and retorted that the second front would be stronger if the first
front still stood fast.124 Whilst stating that he would put the suggestion to Stalin of
reducing Russias demands under Lend-Lease, he still did not grasp the difficulty
of the shipping problem, though his implication that the Russian front would
suffer without the shipping may have worried Roosevelt, who later wrote to

Pound (First Sea Lord) to King (Chief of Naval Operations, U.S.N.) 18 May 1942, quoted in
Roskill, Capt. S.W. The War at Sea, 1939-1945: Volume II, The Period of Balance, (London, 1956), p. 115.
119 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/3A, Brooke, Pound and Portal to Churchill, 16 May 1942.
120 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/30/12, 18 May 1942, Confidential Annex on Supplies to
121 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/3A, Churchill to Stalin, 19 May 1942.
122 Record of White House Lunch, 30 May 1942 and final meeting between Roosevelt and Molotov,
1 June 1942, both by Samuel Cross, Professor of Slavonic Languages and Literature at Harvard,
quoted in SHR, pp. 568-570, 574-575.
123 Crosss record of final meeting between Roosevelt and Molotov, 1 June 1942, quoted in SHR, pp.
124 Ibid, p. 575.


Churchill that he viewed the Russian front with great concern.


For the

moment, the successful arrival of PQ16 meant that the convoy issue temporarily
abated. The following convoy, however, was to cause a sharp re-evaluation.
The ill-fated PQ17 convoy suffered some of the heaviest losses of any Russian
convoy. The 34 Merchant ships and a sizeable escort came under fierce aerial and
surface attack as it rounded the northern tip of Norway. The escort was
withdrawn, the merchant ships were ordered to scatter and, unprotected, were
picked off by German submarines and aircraft with only 11 eventually reaching
Russian ports. 130,000 tonnes of war materials, tanks, planes and other supplies
were lost.126 Churchill aptly described this as one of the most melancholy naval
episodes in the whole war.127 The consequences were significant. Eden saw
Maisky on 9 July, as the fate of the convoy was still unknown, and again on 14 July
when a clearer picture had formed. At both meetings he faced demands for action
from an anxious Maisky, whether it be a Second Front, or an operation in Norway,
and had to advise that under such severe circumstances there may not be another
convoy, as to send convoys out and have nearly all the ships sunk was of no help
to the Russians.128 Having been previously over-ruled, the Admiralty returned to
the charge, and this time the War Cabinet agreed, despite reservations from
Churchill.129 Fortunately for Eden, the task of informing Stalin fell to Churchill,
who sent a long, firm and eloquent telegram to Stalin130 setting out the background
of the convoys, the dangers faced in sending them, as well as the risk to the future
Second Front if they continued with such high attrition.131 As expected, the
response was rather bad tempered. Stalin felt the British were refusing full stop to
send further convoys, and that they were reneging on their commitment for the

Roosevelt to Churchill, R-155, 6 June 1942, quoted in Kimball, Alliance emerging, p. 508.
Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, p. 262, Gilbert, Road to Victory, pp. 141-142, Churchill,
The Hinge of Fate, pp. 234-238, Roskill, War at Sea, pp. 134-146.
127 Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, p. 237.
128 Eden, Reckoning, p. 336.
129 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 79/22, Chiefs of Staff Committee, 13 July 1942.
130 Reproduced several places, including Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, pp. 239-241, Kimball, Alliance
emerging, pp. 529-532.
131 Gilbert, Road to Victory, p. 147.


creation of a Second Front in 1942.


Neither accusation carried much weight

factually, but given the success of the most recent German military advances in the
Caucuses, Stalins severe concern and displeasure were not entirely a surprise, a
thought with which Eden concurred.133 Maisky felt the message rather mild, but
noted that it had the desired effect on Churchill, though depressing and offending
Churchill seems an odd objective to hope for in communication with the leader of
an allied Government.134 Though the interview between Churchill and Maisky was
stormy,135 it seems Churchill quickly calmed down, as the two agreed that no
response was necessary. Churchill had a change of heart, however, and sought
council about a potential reply to Stalin from Roosevelt,136 whose friendly tones
probably soothed any remaining anger, and reassured Churchill that Stalins
position was one that neither of them could understand, principally because their
countries had not been invaded.137 Churchills response, sent the following day,
had interesting political consequences, and will be examined later.

The combination of the Second Front issue and the supply crisis lead to a
particularly stormy period in Anglo-Soviet relations, perhaps more notable given
the recent Treaty, yet there appears little coverage in the historiography. Aside
from memoirs and diaries, there are few works which cover the period,138 with
most of the secondary works either noting the existence of an argument over the
Second Front but not examining it,139 or making it seem like nothing happened
between the signing of the Treaty and Churchills visit to Moscow,140 discussed in
the following section. A combination of the views of Clark Kerr and Maisky put

Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, p. 241.

Eden, Reckoning, p. 337, TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/25B, Eden to Clark Kerr, 24 July 1942, Record
of conversation with Maisky.
134 Maisky, Memoirs, p. 292.
135 Edens diary, 24 July 1942, quoted in Eden, Reckoning, p. 337.
136 Churchill to Roosevelt, C-124, 29 July 1942 quoted in Kimball, Alliance emerging, pp. 544-545.
137 Roosevelt to Churchill, R-171, 29 July 1942, quoted in Ibid, p. 544.
138 For example Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, pp. 257-265, Gilbert, Road to Victory, pp.
119-121, 141-153.
139 For example, Barker, Churchill and Eden, p. 241, Dutton, Eden, p. 196, Charmley, End of Glory, p.
140 For example, Carlton, Eden, pp. 199-206, Rothwell, Eden, pp. 66-67.


the situation best. Clark Kerr wrote that What the USSR wants is some tangible
evidence that we realise that the time will come when great and costly efforts will
have to be made As I see it they are not yet convinced that we understand this,
or that we are yet taking the war seriously. They set up their own enormous losses
against our (by comparison) trifling losses in men and material since the close of
1939.141 Maisky noted that Churchill said to me more than once: The enemy
should always be deceived. The general public may sometimes be deceived for its
own good, but an ally should never be deceived. The negotiations about a Second
Front in 1942 serve as a splendid illustration of how the bourgeois statesmen, not
in words but in deeds, conceived of their obligations to their ally.142 Both views
illustrate the Russian position, as they felt genuinely let down by the lack of a
Second Front, and one cannot dispute that they had suffered more severe losses
than the British, although the British were incurring losses fighting the Germans in
North Africa. Both views highlight the significance attached to the Second Front by
the Russians, but diminish the risks and sacrifices associated with the convoys, yet
it was only after the decision to halt the convoys that Stalin sent his rough message
to Churchill. Given it was obvious to most people, except the Russians, that there
was no British commitment to a Second Front in 1942, such a message could have
been sent any time after Molotov returned to Moscow, but it was only the
coincidence of circumstance threatening both of Russias requirements from her
allies, action and supplies, that the pressure was applied. Indeed when Eden and
Maisky discussed Stalins message, the first item raised was convoys, the last was
the Second Front, suggesting either the convoys were more important, or more
immediately concerning to the Soviet Union.143 Both were important issues, and
their combination offered a serious challenge to the morale of the Soviet Union,
and to Anglo-Soviet relations. As such, on the suggestion of Clark Kerr and urged

Clark Kerr to FO, 25 July 1942, quoted in Gillies, Radical Diplomat, p. 129.
Maisky, Memoirs, p. 289.
143 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/25B, Eden to Clark Kerr, 24 July 1942, Record of conversation with
Maisky. Interestingly Maisky acknowledges that the British were covered in terms of
documentation against Stalins Second Front charges, though forgets this in his memoirs.


on by Cadogan,


Churchill, already planning to visit Cairo to try and rectify the

military situation in North Africa, proposed to visit Stalin to discuss these issues,
and give him a first hand account of the British position.

Carrying a large lump of ice to the North Pole

Churchill was no stranger to gallivanting around the globe, so the muted

response to his suggestion was unsurprising. That the announcement came at a
Cabinet called at 1am probably did little to enliven the reactions of those in
attendance. Eden, however, was surprised by the decision, and assumed the
limited response was because others were too; only discovering later that this was
not the case. Despite being the heir, Eden was no Machiavelli, and was worried
about the risks of the journey, and the effect of such a trip on Churchills health.145
With Attlee and Ernest Bevin, the Minister of Labour, agreeing to Churchills visit,
Eden would have faced a solitary battle to prevent it were it not for a telegram
received by Cadogan from Clark Kerr, which proposed that Churchill should
endeavour to meet Stalin if possible, and that such a meeting would have a great
effect on Russian morale and improve Anglo-Soviet relations.146 With Roosevelts
council, and Edens change of heart, Churchill informed Stalin that the British were
making preliminary arrangements for another large convoy effort in September,
and that he would be willing to come to Russia, if invited, to meet him and to
survey the war together and take decisions hand-in-hand.147 Stalin warmly
accepted, inviting Churchill to Moscow at his convenience.148 After a week in
Cairo, during which Churchill solved the British Command situation, at least to his
liking, by replacing Auchinleck with General Harold Alexander and promoting
General Bernard Montgomery to Command of the Eighth Army, Churchill and his

TNA, Prime Ministers Papers, PREM 3/76A/1 Clark Kerr to Cadogan, 28 July 1942, and Dilks,
Cadogan Diary, 30 July 1942, p. 464.
145 Eden, Reckoning, p. 338.
146 TNA, Prime Ministers Papers, PREM 3/76A/1 Clark Kerr to Cadogan, 28 July 1942, and Dilks,
Cadogan Diary, 30 July 1942, p. 464.
147 Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, p. 409.
148 Ibid, p. 410.


staff began the journey to Moscow.


At least that was the plan, as shortly after

take-off from the overnight stop in Tehran the plane carrying Cadogan, Wavell
and General Sir Alan Brooke, Chief of the Imperial General Staff, was forced to
turn back with engine trouble. Thus Churchill reached Moscow accompanied only
by Harriman, and had to rely on Clark Kerr until his other aides arrived. Not that
this was a bad thing. Clark Kerr was an experienced diplomat and had established
a good relationship with Stalin, so was a useful person to impart wisdom on such
matters. That said, Cadogan had accompanied Eden to Moscow in December 1941,
and Wavell could speak Russian, so Churchill was missing some experienced and
able company. Just as Eden suffered doubts on his way to Moscow, Churchill was
not certain his visit would produce any positive results, describing it to Roosevelt
as a raw job,150 and more evocatively in his memoirs as like carrying a large
lump of ice to the North Pole.151 There was even a poem or song, composed by
Wavell, the verses of which set out the difficulties faced, and each ended with the
line No Second Front in 1942.152 Churchill was undeterred, however, and after
some customary introductory speeches at the airfield, he was whisked away to the
Dacha where he would stay during the conference. Churchill was impressed with
this residence and, after taking a bath, was ready to leap straight into the daunting
task at hand, and set off with his small party to meet Stalin at the Kremlin.

The details of the talks are covered quite sufficiently in the historiography,153
and as this visit was not strictly about foreign policy, it seems fruitless to repeat
them. What matters here is the importance of the visit as a means of improving
Anglo-Soviet relations, the role of those around Churchill, and the implications for
British foreign policy. This visit was an important political step. Churchill was by

General Gott was originally selected, but was killed when his plane was shot down en-route to
Cairo on 7 August 1942, two days after Churchill had flown this route. The change occurred just
two weeks after the first Battle of Alamein, which began to turn the tide against Rommel.
150 Churchill to Roosevelt, C-126A, 4 August 1942, quoted in Kimball, Alliance emerging, p. 553.
151 Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, p. 428.
152 Dilks, Cadogan Diary, editors text, p. 474, Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, p. 428.
153 For example, Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, pp. 426-452, Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, pp. 616622, Dilks, Cadogan Diary, editors text, pp. 470-474, Gilbert, Road to Victory, pp. 171-208, Woodward,
British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, pp. 266-272.


no means favourable to the Russians, perhaps indicated by the fact he had not yet
met Stalin, despite Britain and Russia having been allied and directly fighting
Germany since June 1941; whereas the Americans had only officially entered the
war in December 1941, but he held regular meetings with Roosevelt.
The first meeting carried almost the entire weight of the visit on its shoulders,
as Churchill not only had to meet Stalin and build a relationship, but do so when
imparting the news that there would be no Second Front, as least as the Russians
envisioned one, in 1942. Giving people the worst news they could expect is rarely a
good way to try and make friends, but it seems that the meeting, which was long
and at times heated, was in fact a success. Clark Kerrs record suggests that
Churchills frankness and his delivery of the bad news was masterful, and that he
managed to raise Stalins hopes and lower his disappointment with a prolonged
explanation of Torch.154 Perhaps Stalin found Churchills drawing of a crocodile
amusing, but more likely he saw in the spirit of Churchills oration the strength
and determination of the man who stood before him, determined to meet the same
end goal as Stalin, the destruction of Hitler. Churchill recalls how, during his
explanation of Torch, Stalin, who was glum and restless,155 became intensely
interested156 and engaged in the discussion and, ultimately, Churchill was
impressed with his swift and complete mastery of a problem hitherto novel to
him.157 Clark Kerrs report corroborated this, noting that Stalin had moved from
keen disappointment and irritation to equally keen relief and interest.158 It is
hard to know for certain, but given the disappointment Stalin displayed on
receiving the bad news from Churchill, it was probably relief as much as military
strategy that led him to pronounce his support for Torch. The meeting ended
amicably, with Churchill writing to the Cabinet that all ended cordially, and I

TNA, Avon papers, FO 954/25B, Clark Kerr to Eden, 14 August 1942, Brief report from Clark
Kerr on Churchills first meeting with Stalin.
155 Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, p. 431.
156 Ibid, p. 433.
157 Ibid, p. 434.
158 TNA, Avon papers, FO 954/25B, Clark Kerr to Eden, 14 August 1942, Brief report from Clark
Kerr on Churchills first meeting with Stalin.


expect I shall establish a solid and sincere relationship with this man.



Churchill was soon to discover, however, no amount of relief or tactical grasp

would hold off Stalins disappointment.
The second day of the conversations did not go well when considered as an
effort to improve relations between the two Powers. Churchill was in a querulous
mood despite the positive end to the talks the previous night, and Clark Kerr
found his attitude and his comments irritating.160 That Churchill was to meet
Molotov in this mood was concerning for the Ambassador, but he soon found
another gripe to occupy his mind, the conduct of his late arriving colleagues. Upon
their arrival he noted his disappointment at their rudeness and bad manners
towards the greeting party, and particularly criticised Wavell given he could
converse in Russian, though did note his pleasure at seeing the well balanced,
humorous Cadogan again.161 Clark Kerr was spared an unpleasant evening
having been dropped from Churchills party, and given the tension of the meeting
he may not have felt too badly about this on reflection, though vented in his diary
What a bloody day!162 Churchills meeting with Molotov was unfriendly, partly
because Molotov reverted to discussions about the Second Front, and party
because comments from Molotov that Mr Churchill should understand our
feelings and our desire that something should be done to relieve the situation on
our front163 aggravated Churchills bad mood.
At the meeting with Stalin that evening the Aide-Mmoire handed to
Churchill showed that Stalin had not accepted Torch as quickly as he had
supposed. Essentially, Stalin understood there to be no Second Front in 1942, and
that the British were refusing to carry out their obligation as agreed when Molotov
visited London, despite favourable conditions for such an operation.164 The
disappointment and accusations levelled in the Aide-Mmoire continued in the

Churchill to Cabinet, repeated to Roosevelt, C-129, 13 August 1942, quoted in Kimball, Alliance
emerging, p. 562.
160 TNA, Inverchapel Papers, FO 800/300, Clark Kerrs record of 13 August 1942.
161 Ibid.
162 Ibid.
163 TNA, Cabinet Papers, CAB 120/65, Record of Churchills meeting with Molotov, 13 August 1942.
164 Ibid, Translation of Soviet Aide-Mmoire, 13 August 1942.


discussion, with Churchill suffering several barbs and slights of Britain and its
military effort. On the whole Churchill maintained his poise, a credit given his
often emotional nature, though the repeated criticism left its mark, and eventually
he expressed his annoyance to Stalin, breaking into such a spirited speech about
his troubles, his long journey and how he had not received the hand of friendship
he had expected to find, that the interpreters were so spellbound they abandoned
their task. Fortunately, Stalin was equally taken aback, and noted his admiration
for the spirit with which Churchill spoke.165 This broke the ice, as Stalin opened up
and became more engaged in the conversation, discussing the sharing of
inventions, Torch and his plans for defending the Caucuses, though Harriman
noted that despite this the conversation never became friendly.166 The meeting
ended with Churchill being invited to dine with Stalin the following evening,
which he accepted in the public interest,167 suggesting both men wanted to keep
up the pretence that the visit was going well.
Back at the Dacha, however, there was serious discussion about the
performance168 of Stalin, as apparently nobody had expected such a change of
attitude to occur, despite Harriman and Cadogan commenting that the tactics
mirrored those used on their previous missions to Moscow.169 The explanation the
group arrived at, that the Council of Commissars had taken the news worse than
Stalin, said much for their ingenuity and ignorance of the Soviet system and little
for their common sense,170 though it was an explanation Churchill would often
resort too when relations soured between himself and Stalin.171 Despite his
annoyance at the change of attitude, Churchill was persuaded by Cadogan, and
later Clark Kerr, to attend the dinner, and with the aid of Cadogan and Brooke he
set to work on a response to Stalins Aide-Mmoire. The British reply stated that
Torch was the best possible Second Front, countered the broken promise claims
Gilbert, Road to Victory, p. 186, Dilks, Cadogan Diary, editors text, p. 471, Churchill, The Hinge of
Fate, p. 438, Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, p. 620.
166 Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, p. 620.
167 Gilbert, Road to Victory, p. 188.
168 TNA, Prime Ministers Papers, PREM 3/76A/9, Churchill to War Cabinet, 14 August 1942.
169 TNA, Inverchapel Papers, FO 800/300, Clark Kerrs record of 14 August 1942.
170 Charmley, End of Glory, pp. 507-508.
171 Folly, Churchill, Whitehall, pp. 83-86.


made by Stalin, and reaffirmed Britains resolve to aid its ally.



delivered this to Molotov, and informed him that Churchill was puzzled and
much disheartened173 by Stalins change of attitude. Molotov helpfully replied
that he had not noticed any such change.174 Maisky correctly assumed from
London that the proceedings and the exchange of communications meant the
atmosphere was not particularly cheerful, which was putting it mildly, and even
the big, formal dinner that evening struggled to raise the temperature.175 Though it
began well, with Churchill and Stalin conversing in a friendly manner, the barrage
of toasts irritated Churchill,176 and after the customary photographs he left without
indulging in the film screening that followed such dinners. Stalin, perhaps in an
effort to make amends for his roughness the night before, followed him to the
door, something which was without precedent.177 Clark Kerr was again
unimpressed with the British representatives, particularly Wavell, for their lack of
courtesy during the evening, but notes that Stalin went out of his way in an
attempt to be friendly.178 Day three had done little to improve the situation, or the
relations between Churchill and Stalin, and Churchill set his mind on going home
without seeing Stalin again.179 Though Cadogan managed to delay this overnight,
the next morning Churchills attitude was unchanged. He had, however, relented
to Cadogans pressure over the Soviet draft communiqu, which he initially
claimed would be calamitous.180 With Churchill in no mood for any more
meetings with Stalin, and no agreement on the wording of the communiqu, the
future of the visit, and Anglo-Soviet relations, hung dangerously in the balance.

TNA, Prime Ministers Papers, PREM 3/76A/9 Churchill to War Cabinet, 14 August 1942, copy of
Churchills written response to Stalin.
173 TNA, Prime Ministers Papers, PREM 3/76A/11 Clark Kerr to FO, 16 August 1942.
174 Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, p. 271.
175 Maisky, Memoirs, p. 304.
176 Diary of Lieutenant Colonel Jacob, quoted in Gilbert, Road to Victory, p. 191.
177 TNA, Inverchapel Papers, FO 800/300, Clark Kerrs record of 14 August 1942.
178 Ibid.
179 Dilks, Cadogan Diary, editors text, p. 472.
180 Ibid, editors text, p. 472.


Clark Kerrs finest hour

Clark Kerrs lack of coverage in the historiography thus far could be taken to
suggest he was not the most effective Ambassador, and indeed his treatment by
Churchill during his time in Moscow could imply the Prime Minister was
disapproving of his Ambassador. Clark Kerr notes on many occasions that
Churchill was rude to him, and that he bore the brunt of Churchills tempers.181
Admittedly he didnt help matters by discussing his desire for the American
Embassy with Harriman, though that did illicit from Churchill the pronouncement
that Clark Kerrs current post was the most important job in the world.182 If the
Russians were listening in, as it was assumed they were, this was a good statement
of intent from Churchill regarding the seriousness of his mission. Despite the best
efforts of Cadogan and Charles Wilson, Churchills Doctor, Churchill was already
packing, intending to leave Stalin to fight his own battles,183 it was all or nothing
for Clark Kerr, who, fed up of Churchill behaving like a spoilt child, decided to
speak to him with gloves off.184 Spurred on by Wilson, Clark Kerr asked
Churchill to join him in the garden. The resulting talk between the two men was a
masterful exercise in persuasion, and the full record of it makes very interesting
reading.185 He flattered Churchill, saying he was a great man, with great talents,
whilst simultaneously making him responsible for all the failures of the visit,
simply because his judgement had been clouded by a cold memorandum, and his
pride hurt when insulted by a peasant, but suggested that, if he set his mind to it
and used his charms and his talents, he could still bring Stalin round if he could
swallow his pride and meet him once more.186 This Churchill decided to do, and
with the aid of a new interpreter, set off to see Stalin one last time.187 The final
meeting, like Edens visit before it, was considered to be the best, and was
TNA, Inverchapel Papers, FO 800/300, Clark Kerrs records of Churchills visit to Moscow
August 1942.
182 Ibid, Clark Kerrs record of 12 August 1942.
183 Ibid, Clark Kerrs record of 15 August 1942.
184 Ibid.
185 Ibid, also reproduced in Gillies, Radical Diplomat, pp. 133-136.
186 Ibid.
187 Charmley, End of Glory, p. 510.


thoroughly enjoyed by Churchill due to the quantity of food and drink and the
intimate discussion he finally conducted with Stalin. Though not starting well, as
Churchill rose to leave Stalin invited him to his apartment for drinks. During this
more private conversation the two, later joined by Molotov and then Cadogan,
surveyed the war, discussed convoys, exchanged much chaff and banter and
agreed on the wording of the communiqu.188 Clark Kerr recalled being awoken in
the early hours by the Prime Minister, in a triumphant mood, and that the glee
of the P.M. was a pleasure to see.189
Gillies suggests that the talk between Clark Kerr and Churchill was the most
important diplomatic coup of Clark Kerrs career, and that without this the
whole course of the Second Word War could have been fundamentally altered.190
It was certainly a master stroke from the Ambassador, convincing Churchill where
the experienced Cadogan and the wise Wilson could not, and it is likely that the
course of events could have been different had Churchill left without seeing Stalin
again. That Clark Kerr produced this was also impressive, given his respect of and
faith in Churchill had suffered during the visit,191 and he was not keen on having
to shake a great leader of men out of whimsicalities.192 Churchill makes no
references to the arguments with Clark Kerr or Cadogan discussed here,
suggesting their influence was minimal, and Martin Gilberts work, drawing
mainly on Churchills account, makes similar omissions. However, Cadogan noted
that it was only after the talk with Clark Kerr that Churchill decided not to return
home early, and Churchill sent a personal message to the Ambassador after his
visit to say Thank you so much for all you did for me during the Moscow visit.
You were a constant help and wise adviser.193 This clearly suggests Clark Kerr did
something important, though Churchill again omits this from his writings. Given
the events, their frank discussion is the most likely candidate. It is also clear that
this visit was an important step in the course of the war. Churchill had, despite the
Dilks, Cadogan Diary. editors text, p. 473.
TNA, Inverchapel Papers, FO 800/300, Clark Kerrs record of 15 August 1942.
190 Gillies, Radical Diplomat, p. 133.
191 TNA, Inverchapel Papers, FO 800/300, Clark Kerrs record of 14 August 1942.
192 Ibid, Clark Kerrs record of 15 August 1942.
193 Ibid, Churchill to Clark Kerr 19 August 1942.


difficulties, managed to establish a personal relationship with Stalin, one which he

felt would be beneficial as the war progressed.194 Both Clark Kerr and Cadogan felt
that a genuine personal relationship had been established,195 a view later
confirmed by Molotov, who noted that Stalin had been impressed by Churchills
spirit and by his dynamic qualities.196 By the sheer force of his personality197
Churchill had managed to break down the boundaries between the two great men
despite bearing such bad news; and enabled the British to get away with Torch
despite the displeasure it caused the Russians; and on that score Churchill was
probably correct in reporting to the Cabinet that only he could have pulled this
off,198 though he neglected to mention the help he received along the way. The
important implication for foreign policy was that little came out of this visit,
though the knowledge that the Russians were confident of holding off any German
advances and were not contemplating a separate peace was good news for the
alliance, and the possibility of maintaining it into the future. A slightly spurious
point, but one worth mentioning, is that in accepting Torch, the Russians were
agreeing to a delay to the cross-channel invasion of Europe, something likely to aid
their cause over the 1941 frontiers, as the way the negotiations developed meant
there was no chance for lengthy discussion of topics such as this. From the Foreign
Office point of view, this could have been a particularly difficult topic to leave
Churchill to discuss, given his feelings on this issue, and so they were probably
quite glad it didnt come up.

All this shows quite clearly the difficult nature of dealing with the Soviet
Union. Despite the high point of the Anglo-Soviet treaty, where there appeared so
much promise, relations were soon deteriorating due to the lack of a Second Front
and the halting of the supply convoys. Even with the best efforts to convince the

TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/25B, Churchill to War Cabinet, 16 August 1942.

Dilks, Cadogan Diary, editors text, p. 474, Gillies, Radical Diplomat, p. 136.
196 TNA, Prime Ministers Papers, PREM 3/76A/1 Clark Kerr to Cadogan, 21 August 1942, report on
his interview with Molotov.
197 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/25B, Clark Kerr to FO, 16 August 1942, brief report on Churchills
visit to Moscow.
198 Ibid, Churchill to War Cabinet, 16 August 1942, report on final meeting with Stalin.


Russians that no Second Front had been promised, the Soviet attitude remained
unaltered, and eventually relations became so strained that the Prime Minister
himself visited Moscow to try and resolve the situation. Like Edens visit, this
started well, was pretty sour in the middle, and warmed up again towards the
end; giving further credence to the argument made by Barker about Stalins
negotiating style. Whilst the tactics were the same, this time Stalin was
unsuccessful on his key point, getting a cross-channel invasion, though in agreeing
to Torch he was at least getting some form of Second Front. Perhaps Churchills
emotional nature saved him here, as mostly he felt too insulted to consider
accepting Stalins demands, and that it took serious persuasion from his
Ambassador even to meet Stalin at the end shows how stubborn Churchill could
be. These tactics may have worked on Eden, who was more sympathetic to the
Soviet cause generally, but failed to work on Churchill, and could be argued to
have backfired given the passionate defence Churchill gave of British policy.
Eventually, a tactic more to Churchills taste, food, drink and intimate
conversation, swung the visit towards a success in terms of preserving AngloSoviet relations, but the communiqu provided little of substance except that they
would keep fighting to destroy Hitlerism and, like the one issued after the Eden
visit, displayed the conversations in a better light than had been the case.199 One
real positive for the Soviet Union was achieved though, as in September supply
convoys were resumed, using new tactics and with new agreements about the
increased provision of air cover, something which was agreed piecemeal over the
course of Churchills visit. Thus, for the time being, the two main sources of
trouble subsided, and as Churchill had returned without championing the Second
Front, or having damaged the alliance by snubbing Stalin, the Foreign Office was
quite happy with the lack of other results, as this meant there was no new
direction, limitation, or political chaos imposed on them, as often occurred after a
Churchill visit, and allowed them to continue their post-war planning work, which
shall be examined in the following chapters.
Communiqu issued on Churchills departure from Moscow, 16 August 1942, quoted in Dilks,
Cadogan Diary, editors text, pp. 473-474, Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, p. 449.


9) Shaping the Future of the World

1942 had been a challenging year for the Foreign Office in their attempt to
conduct their role in the British war effort. Whilst the difficulties and events
outlined have merit in their own right, it is important to see them in the wider
concept of foreign policy. Not only were there a series of crises to deal with whilst
conducting the countrys diplomatic relations, they were slowly trying to create an
actual foreign policy, and were particularly attempting to capitalise on the
growing realisation that a long-term foreign policy strategy was required. They
had an idea about the need for some form of plan for the future, and a sense of this
can be seen with the arguments for the Anglo-Soviet treaty. This chapter will
examine how the Foreign Office moved from having a loose idea about some form
of plan, to actively attempting to pursue and define this idea, and establishing how
it would manifest itself as an actual policy initiative. As will be seen, this was to
lead to some incredibly detailed work, and some particularly frustrating battles.

The arguments over the Russian treaty and the Second Front dilemma not
only hindered the progress in relations between two powers which should
naturally have occurred after signing an alliance, but also affected the British
perception, or at least that in the Foreign Office, of America. Having excluded the
British from the Second Front promise, America was also having a serious impact
on their attempts to deal with France, and particularly de Gaulle and the Fighting
French. This all served to increase the determination of the Foreign Office to
ensure that Britain was, as far as possible, trying to follow its own policy course,
rather than washing along with the current of other initiatives, something which, it
seems, they had been unable to do thus far. Three events during 1942 were to see
the Foreign Office stepping up its efforts in this particular area, the first was the
signing of the Anglo-Soviet Treaty; the second was the formal nomination of Eden
as the heir apparent in the Government; the third was the creation of the Economic
and Reconstruction Department.


Whilst briefly covered when examining the cabinet reshuffle in early 1942, the
issue of succession was to re-surface in light of Churchills visit to Washington in
June, and could almost be seen as opening the door to Edens policy efforts. Given
the danger of such trips, a rare event occurred prior to this visit. As Churchill
recounts, It is not customary for a Prime Minister to advise the Sovereign
officially upon his successor unless he is asked to do so.1 Yet, on 16 June,
Churchill did just that, naming Anthony Eden as the person to be entrusted with
forming a new Government in the event of Churchills death, on account of his
being the the outstanding Minister in the National Government, and the man
with the resolution, experience and capacity which these grievous times
require.2 Whilst previously named in conversation as Churchills heir, Edens
place was now made more official, and at this time he began having regular
lunches with the King, an agreeable addition to his schedule, not least because the
two often ended up discussing post-war problems.3 Though there is no obvious
evidence that this formal nomination of Eden was the trigger for what was to
follow in terms of a longer term foreign policy, the regular conversations with the
King, as well as the knowledge that he was considered the future of the
Conservative party, may have given Eden the self-confidence required to focus
more on this issue, and consider it important enough that he was willing to
challenge Churchill over it, as shall be seen later. Barker notes that self-assurance
was the key for Eden, and that this, coupled with the backing of the historically
strong, wise and experienced Foreign Office ensured he could act on his own
accord and not simply fold to Churchills demands.4 Dutton suggests that this
formal nomination made Eden more inclined to align with Churchill,5 though this
seems an incorrect judgement as far as policy was concerned, as Eden was still
inclined to act against Churchill. Though little appears to be made of this in the
secondary work, particularly works focusing on Eden, it seems that the timing,

Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, p. 337.

Ibid, p. 337.
3 Thorpe, Eden, p. 276.
4 Barker, Churchill and Eden, pp. 24-25.
5 Dutton, Eden, p. 226.


more than the event, of this historically rare occurrence is the thing that should be
considered. Eden had just secured the Anglo-Soviet treaty, a key component of
which was the twenty-year mutual assistance clause, so it would be logical for him
to be considering how this was to be implemented, especially as he had come to
the opinion that working with the Russians was going to be crucial for Britain both
during and after the war. Given he was also arguing with Churchill at this time
over relations with France, being nominated as successor and being able to discuss
ideas about the post-war world with the King could certainly have signalled to
Eden that the time was right for a more determined effort to be made in this
foreign policy direction.
The timing could also be considered important, as in August Eden sent
Richard Law, his Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, to Washington. Having
been nominated as the successor and then having a close aide make such a visit
could make it appear, if one was looking for conspiracy, that Eden was setting up
his personnel in preparation for a Governmental change. Fortunately, conspiracy
would be hard to prove, as this visit had been planned in May 1942, with Eden
discussing the initiative with both Churchill and Halifax. It is worth considering
this visit for a moment, as it shows Eden attempting to engage the Americans in
discussion over future plans, something which, given the suggestions made
throughout this thesis of annoyance over American interference, may seem
somewhat strange. What is important to note, and something which shall be
followed up later in this chapter, is that the American influence that had frustrated
the Foreign Office was mainly in areas considered traditional British interests, or
key British interests for the war effort: attempted interference in Anglo-Soviet
treaty negotiations, interference in Anglo-French relations and attempts to alter
Britains imperial policy, particularly with regard to India - though there is no
room to discuss this topic here - all spring to mind; but in this instance Eden was
trying to form a concerted and workable post-war plan, and had the sense and
League of Nations experience to realise that America needed to be party to this.
Thus it made sense to involve the Americans at an early stage, and the Law visit


was a good step in that direction. To secure support for it, however, Eden had to
showcase his political skill.
To Churchill, he wrote that this visit was to get in touch informally with
those in the State Department and elsewhere who are working on the political side
of post-war problems in Anglo-American co-operation; that conversations would
be aimed at removing suspicion of Britain in lower levels of the State Department;
and that the experience would be useful for future economic talks.6 To Halifax,
however, he wrote that he had been anxious for some time that Law, working
on post-war problems on my behalf should visit the United States to get in
touch with those in Washington similarly engaged, and that this would be
extremely helpful in dealing with this important theme in Anglo-American
relations.7 The differences are subtle, but it appears that Eden was attempting to
play down the importance he attached to this visit when discussing it with
Churchill, wary perhaps of the latters dislike of the topic at hand. The suggestion
of meeting lower level officials and removing suspicions are not found in the
telegram to Halifax, and whilst Eden talked about general conversations, the
informal clause was also dropped. Both Churchill and Halifax agreed to the visit,
though Halifax noted the Americans hoped procedural conversations would be
conducted, which could also include other countries.8 Currently, this proposal was
too formal for Eden, who hoped to test the water with the Americans, rather than
leap right in to formal discussions so the visit was postponed,9 though it went
ahead a few months later. Law reported successful conversations with Hull and
Welles; that he was making good progress with the State Department; but found
the Americans had more definite ideas on post-war problems and on the
necessity for a joint Anglo-American approach to them.10 The American position
seems to have advanced little beyond Roosevelts suggestions to Molotov,
however, as Law reported that their main plan was for a World organisation,

TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/31517, Edens minute to Churchill, 5 May 1942.
Ibid, Eden to Halifax, 14 May 1942.
8 Ibid, Halifax to FO, 16 May 1942.
9 Ibid, Eden to Halifax, 24 May 1942.
10 Ibid, Law to Eden from Washington, 27 August 1942.


headed by the four Great Powers within the United Nations framework, backed
up by American, British and Russian military power.11 It was also felt that
Germany should be disarmed and possibly broken up into a loose confederation,
to be monitored by an international police force.12 It is interesting that, looking
back, these were similar to demands made by French Prime Minister, Georges
Clemenceau after the First World War, suggesting that America was beginning to
understand the need for their involvement in Europe, an idea rejected after
Versailles and which ultimately killed the chances of success of maintaining that
peace. Thanks to the information provided by Molotov, and that gained by Law,
the Foreign Office were in a position to start to work on a general plan, based on
their own ideas, and those of the United States.

With Edens succession in place, and consultation with the Americans over
post-war co-operation underway, it now seems prudent to turn to the third event,
and the one which arguably had the most impact in terms of foreign policy. There
was already a general Ministerial Committee, operating under Sir William Jowitt,
whose remit was to study reconstruction problems, but the Foreign Office wanted
more control over this issue. It was already receiving detailed plans and
suggestions for post-war policy from many different sources, both politicians and
general correspondents, and there are several files full of these in The National
Archives,13 so it seems natural that a portion of their resources would be directed
to deal with this. In June, it was decided to create a new department to investigate
a range of post-war questions such as relief measures and armistice terms.14 This
was the Economic and Reconstruction Department, led by Jebb. Though initially
tasked to investigate a series of specific post-war issues, Jebb, seeing an
opportunity to exercise his considerable intellect, was soon attempting to make the

Woodward, L. British Foreign Policy in the Second World War, Volume V, (London, 1976), p. 2.
Ibid, p. 3.
13 For example, TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/35340 and FO 371/35341, both of which contain
many substantial submissions of post war plans, and designs for International Police Forces and
World Organisations.
14 Greenwood, S. Titan at the Foreign Office: Gladwyn Jebb and the Shaping of the Modern World,
(Leiden, 2008), p. 150.


new department his own, against the intentions of Cadogan, who had aided him in
securing the Foreign Office position. Cadogan quickly found a circular on his desk
from Jebb which appeared to throw all future foreign policy into the new
Department, and remarked that he could now see why Jebb was so happy with
his appointment.15 According to Sean Greenwood, Cadogan attempted to curb this
empire building, but was unsuccessful; save the fact the Department retained its
name. In effect, Jebb was able, in his new role, to do exactly what he had set out to
do in his circular, and it was his department that was to be the catalyst for the
formation of firm post-war foreign policy plans.16
The initial paper from the Department, on Relief Machinery, did cover the
trifling issue17 of establishing post war relief machinery, but then delved into the
broader political spectrum. Jebb recalled that this plan was heavily influenced by
what was thought to be the American mindset, and that this coloured my
subsequent thinking.18 The paper examined what was seen to be an American-led
re-working of the League of Nations concept, and looked at what Britains
responses should be. As part of this examination, alternative solutions were looked
at, but neither the British Empire and Commonwealth idea, whereby the British
would pursue an independent policy, backed by their Empire; the European Bloc
idea, where Britain would lead a Western European bloc as a counterpoise to the
United States and the Soviet Union; nor the League of Nations idea, which aimed
for a reconstitution of the League, only in Washington; were considered practical
or desirable. The ideal course was considered to be a policy based on collaboration
between the four Great Powers, who would each maintain a degree of
independence within their own sphere, but with a necessity of Britain having
American support. Whilst it considered that this might herald the start of the
American century, this was seen as necessary to ensure a lasting peace
settlement, as British power had been essential to keep the (relative) peace between
1815 and the First World War, and avoid a Europe united against Britain,
Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 18 June 1942, p. 458.
Greenwood, Titan, pp. 150-151.
17 Ibid, p. 151.
18 Jebb, G. The Memoirs of Lord Gladwyn, (London, 1972), pp. 111-112.


particularly under German leadership. It was thus concluded that the American

concept was sound, though it needed to be polished and made practicable by

Britains more advanced political sense.20 Another advantage of this plan was
that, with American and Soviet aid, Britain would maintain its status as a Great
Power, even if realistically this was no longer quite so true.21 Jebb considered that
For a first effort I do not think, in the light of hindsight, that this was too bad,22
and given the evolution this paper was to experience, his first effort proved to be
significantly more valuable to the cause of British foreign policy than he imagined.
That said, the irony must obviously be noted here. The Foreign Office, given its
concern about American influence, had wanted to try and establish its own policy.
Yet what apparently happened was that American views, instead of being
considered so British plans could allow for Anglo-American collaboration, were
used in this paper by Jebb and his Department as a blueprint. Whilst the paper
does discuss alternatives, these are dismissed as impractical or undesirable, and its
main thrust was the dominance of America, and the imposition of some global
system headed by Washington. There is thus significant irony in that, in
attempting not to be dragged along behind American policy, the Foreign Office,
through the Four Powers concept, was to champion that policy as its own.23

The Four Power Plan

It is the second paper from the Economic and Reconstruction Department, or

more accurately, the revision of the Relief Machinery paper, which is probably
the most well known of the works on post war planning. This was The Four
Power Plan. At approximately eleven thousand words,24 this was no half-hearted
effort, and, after multiple revisions, covered pretty much everything anyone who
had seen it had felt was important. It was drafted in response to comments
Ibid, p. 112.
Ibid, p. 114.
21 Greenwood, Titan, p. 152.
22 Jebb, Memoirs, p. 114.
23 Greenwood, Titan, p. 169.
24 Jebb, Memoirs, p. 116.


received on the Relief Machinery paper, and was a considerably expanded and
more detailed document than its predecessor. Most notably, despite maintaining
its American focus, there was significantly more discussion of the role of Russia,
possibly due to input from Sir Frank Roberts, Diplomat in the Northern
Department of the Foreign Office, and Sir Christopher Warner, Head of the
Northern Department of the Foreign Office. The likelihood of American
involvement was also re-examined after suggestions from Sir Neville Butler, Head
of the American Department of the Foreign Office, that the Americans desire for
widespread obligations may not be as strong as originally suggested,25 and from
William Strang, Foreign Office Assistant Under-Secretary of State, who noted that
there is no sign of this conception [of a Four Power Plan]26 in the remarks made
by Hull or Welles whilst Law was in Washington. Law consequently wrote several
minutes on the drafts to reassure American doubters that the proposal would
appeal to the Americans very much and was in line with their ideas, despite
Welles not mentioning it in discussion.27 There was also considerable discussion
over the post-war fate of Germany, and during August Jebb, Strang and Sargent in
particular exchanged a series of minutes and memoranda on the subject.28 Given
the causes of the war, and the peace imposed following the previous war,
Germany was obviously a key factor in any such plan for the post war world, and
it is unsurprising that there were strong opinions on it, and that the new plan thus
paid considerably more attention to the topic than its predecessor.

Given this evolution, by the time the Four Power Plan reached Eden for
Cabinet distribution, it was truly a Foreign Office document, and indeed Jebb
noted the need for it to be seen as foreign policy, rather than as a reconstruction
plan, to avoid control of the issue being taken outside the Department.29 However,
having created the plan, the challenge was now to get it to Cabinet. This would
Jebb, Memoirs, p. 115.
TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/31525, Minute by Strang to Jebb on Four Power Plan, 14
September 1942.
27 Ibid, Minute by Law to Jebb on Four Power Plan, 22 September 1942.
28 Ibid, various minutes by Jebb, Strang and Sargent, August 1942.
29 Ibid, Minute by Jebb to Sargent on Four Power Plan, 27 September 1942.


involve negotiating the obstacle of the Prime Minister, whose attention was
currently held by the final preparations for Torch. As early as 26 September 1942,
Jebb argued that the Cabinet needed to see the paper, and should be asked to give
a general approval of the policy line suggested. In this, Jebb was in agreement with
Sargent, and Cadogan noted that he had consequently discussed the matter with
Eden, who suggested that, as a first step, he should send a minute to the Prime
Minister, summarising the paper.30 Cadogan agreed that Churchill was unlikely to
read the full paper, and as such a summary was prepared for Eden, who liked the
paper, thinking it a good piece of work.31 The summary was composed by Jebb,
and covered the key points of the paper, and an overview of its general policy
suggestions, but looking back he felt it unconvincing, shorn of all the closely
reasoned argument and colourful phrases.32 Eden gave Churchill the summary on
16 October, hoping that the visiting Jan Smuts, the South African Prime Minister
who was close friends with Churchill but who approved of Edens foreign policy
work, would be able to lessen the Prime Ministers concern and reluctance to
discuss the issue. The summary was never discussed, but Churchill sent a minute
to Eden on the subject on 18 October. This was the now famous jugged hare
argument. Churchill believed it was more important to focus on defeating Hitler
and then to aid America in its struggle with Japan, thinking this would provide a
very good background for collaboration about the settlement of Europe; that
Any conclusions drawn now are sure to have little relation to what will happen;
that these issues should be left mainly to those on whose hands time hangs
heavy; and that we shall not overlook Mrs. Glasss Cookery Book recipe for
Jugged Hare First catch your hare.33 This was not what Eden was hoping for,
though was probably what he should have expected given Churchills reluctance
to consider post war issues. Harvey considered this foolish and noted Eden was

Ibid, Minute by Jebb on Four Power Plan, 26 September 1942 and response from Cadogan, 30
September 1942.
31 Ibid, Minute by Cadogan to Jebb on Four Power Plan, 27 September 1942 and minute by Eden on
the Summary, 3 October 1942.
32 Jebb, Memoirs, p. 118.
33 TNA, Prime Ministers Papers, PREM 4/100 Churchills minute to Eden on the Four Power Plan,
18 October 1942.


much annoyed at this further example of the P.M.s blockading of postwar

questions and [he] means to send a firm reply.34 Edens reply was not as firm as
Harvey hoped, stating he was most disappointed35 with Churchills reply. That
said, Eden put a brief but forceful case defending his departments work, and this
section of his message is worth quoting in full. I had hoped that you would not
regard this Four Power Plan as a vague project for an indefinite future. My desire
is to have the basis of a foreign policy now, which policy, if the basis is sound today, should carry us over into the peace. It is from every point of view bad
business to have to live from hand to mouth where we can avoid it, and the only
consequence of so doing is that the United States makes a policy and we follow,
which I do not regard as a satisfactory role for the British Empire.36 He went on to
give an example of when this type of forward planning was to Britains advantage
in negotiations with the United States over territorial rights in China, and finished
by reiterating his desire not for detailed discussion, but for a general approval of
policy, and noted that this was a very modest request from your Foreign
This is probably where we see Edens whole foreign policy ethos stated most
plainly. That he was prepared to take on Churchill over this issue dispels any
suggestion of being subservient or too spellbound by succession to act
independently of the great man, and, from all appearances, was acting as a strong
Foreign Secretary, not being afraid of standing up for the work of his department.
There appears no attempt to cover up his insecurities regarding America, as he
made it clear that Britain should not take a course of action just because that was
what the United States was doing, neither did he hide his belief that Britain and its
Empire should maintain a strong position post war, which he believed would be
particularly hard to achieve if Britain was having its whole foreign policy course
laid out by another power. He was clearly putting the interests of Britain and its
Empire first, and noting that, whilst peace has not yet been achieved, it was
Harvey, War Diaries, 19 October 1942, p. 170.
TNA, Prime Ministers Papers, PREM 4/100, Eden to Churchill, 19 October 1942.
36 Ibid.
37 Ibid.


important to look to the future now so that Britain could have a satisfactory role,
and one must wonder if that isnt the whole point of the role of the British Foreign
Secretary. Churchill was having none of this, and replied that whilst Eden was free
to circulate papers something that may not actually have been the case he was
inclined to believe that changes were happening, and would happen, that would
render any decisions made as premature.38 Thus, an impasse was reached, which
was only broken when a similar topic was discussed by the War Cabinet. On 3
November they discussed a Memorandum from Eden, proposing instructions to
Halifax regarding a plan for Post-War Atlantic Bases, details of which had been
received from Trygve Lie, the Norwegian Minister for Foreign Affairs, and were
said to be in line with the thoughts of the Netherlands and Belgium. This entailed
the sharing of bases by Britain and the United States along the Atlantic Coast of
Europe to help ensure security and stability after the war.39 A similar idea was
suggested by Stalin to Eden in Moscow,40 so this Norwegian plan would likely
have, or receive, Soviet backing, though Eden did not make this argument to the
Cabinet. The instructions asked Halifax to discuss the political aspects of such a
deal with the American Government, noting that he could express British support
for the political aspect of the plans, but that they were unsure of the military
advantages and sought to avoid commitment at this stage.41 The War Cabinet,
however, thought this went too far and felt that certain general conclusions as to
the broad lines on which we hoped to see international security re-established after
the war needed agreement before such a plan could be advocated.42 According to
Harvey, this resulted in a row, with Eden apparently stating that he had been
trying to circulate his general plan for weeks but the trouble was that the P.M.
disagreed with it.43 This resulted in a general demand from the Cabinet to view

Ibid, Churchill to Eden, 21 October 1942.

TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/30/10, Edens memorandum to the Cabinet on Post-War
Atlantic Bases, 22 October 1942.
40 TNA, Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/20/39, Record of Edens mission to Moscow, Record of interview
between Eden and Stalin, 16 December 1941.
41 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/30/10, Draft Despatch to Halifax, October 1942, contained in
Edens memorandum on Post-War Atlantic bases.
42 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/28/19, Cabinet Conclusions, 3 November 1942.
43 Harvey, War Diaries, 3 November 1942, p. 175.


the paper, a summary of which Eden submitted on 8 November. The Cabinet

Conclusions do not confirm the suggestion made by Harvey,44 although it is clear
from the exchanges between Eden and Churchill that Eden had been pushing to
have his plan seen by the Cabinet. Despite the request of the War Cabinet, he
would have to push for a few more weeks until his paper was finally heard, with
various minutes by Churchill on prospective Cabinet agendas stating please not
and I cannot deal with these matters now.45 Eventually, after receiving papers on
the topic from Eden, Amery and Cripps, Churchill yielded, and on 27 November
the War Cabinet received all three papers.
With the battle to bring the plan to Cabinet won, it is appropriate to examine
the document itself, to see exactly what course the Foreign Office were proposing
to pursue, and how they intended to do so. As the papers structure and central
themes remained largely unchanged throughout the many drafts, this work shall
study the final version, before it received the input from Cripps and Amery,
though their papers shall be discussed later. It should be noted that this version
was significantly longer and more detailed than the version seen by the War
Cabinet, which was only a summary, though it is intended to draw on that at
certain points to see how Jebb condensed the key ideas, and also to see if they
actually reflected the true nature of the plan. As the plan was long and very
detailed, the focus will be on its key foreign policy ideas, and the basis of the
reasoning behind them, rather than every single detail.

The plan set out by examining American proposals regarding the

organisation of the post war world, and it was these that the Foreign Office used as
their test paper essentially to set out the British position. The American ideas
outlined by the paper focused on the United Nations as a world-wide
organisation, which would have at its helm what were considered the four Great
Powers: the USA, the USSR, the United Kingdom and China; underneath which
TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/28/19, Cabinet Conclusions, 3 November 1942.
TNA, Prime Ministers Papers, PREM 4/100 Churchills comments on a request from Eden to have
the Four Power Plan put on the Cabinet Agenda, and a question from his secretary as to whether a
similar paper by Amery could join it, 16 and 17 November 1942 respectively.


would be a greater assembly of the other powers who were members of the
organisation, possibly including ex-enemy powers, and those which had been
neutral during the war.46 This would potentially be coupled with regional councils
headed by one of the powers; an internationalisation of communication, transport
and colonial resources; and was to be backed by the immense scale of American
sea and air power, supported by British air and sea power, and the Russian army
in a form of International police force.47 The question posed by the paper was
simple. What was the British attitude to this American conception, and did it fit
with Britains home and world interests?
The first, and most important, foreign policy assumption made by the paper,
as a preface to the examination of the likely positions and foreign policies of each
power, was as follows, and it is important to think about it for a moment: The
United States, the United Kingdom and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics will all,
after the war, realise their world-wide interests and responsibilities and be both able and
willing to enter into the world-wide commitments in order to prevent any other nation
from again troubling the peace [Italics in original].48 From this a few clear post-war
requirements emerge. Firstly, the need for international co-operation from what
the British considered would be the post-war Great Powers, the British did not
consider China even a potential Great Power at this point; secondly, the necessity
of these powers acknowledging that they had a world role to play, something that
may have been difficult for the USA and controversial for the Soviet Union;
thirdly, that this idea would only work if all were able and willing to participate in
this process, something the League of Nations experience should have taught
those involved. It is important to recognise that the rest of the paper was based on
the fulfilment of this assumption. Whether or not it was a reasonable assumption
to make given the differing circumstances of each power is a difficult question to
answer, though one the following sections of the plan looked to address. At this
point, the continuation of international co-operation can not really be seen as a bad
TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/31525, The Four Power Plan Cabinet paper, undated
attachment to the summary paper, dated 8 November 1942, Section 1 and 2.
47 Ibid, Section 2.
48 Ibid, Section 4.


idea given this was felt to be the precursor to victory in the war, something
obviously required to allow for any post-war plans to be put into effect. Also, the
fact that the three powers were co-operating, albeit through circumstance, and
often reluctantly, shows that it was not unreasonable to propose that this cooperation should continue.
Having set out the assumption that the great powers would need to work
together, the paper then went on to examine what were felt to be Britains crucial
foreign policy interests in the post-war period, and how they could be reconciled
with any world organisation. The paper determined that Britain had five foreign
policy objectives:
1) The development or restorations of our export trade, our overseas
investments and our merchant marine, and other invisible exports, with
the object of maintaining our imports, without which the population of these
islands could not support themselves at their present standard of living;
2) The building up of an international system designed to restrict the power
of Germany and Japan (but principally Germany) as the chief dangers to our
national independence, livelihood and prosperity;
3) The retention by us of strong forces which, even if not sufficient to protect
us without allies against all possible aggressor States, will be strong enough
to inspire respect in our former enemies and confidence in our existing allies,
so as to enable us eventually to make an adequate contribution to any
international system of collective security capable of preventing the outbreak
of further totalitarian wars;
4) The consequent maintenance of the power and influence, both political and
economic, of Great Britain in all those parts of the world where up till now
she has exercised such influence and where it has represented, and still
represents, a civilising and educative force;
5) More generally, the pursuit of policies designed to promote world peace
and world trade by means of international co-operation, provided always
that such policies do not result in our being placed at the mercy of any
foreign power or combination of Powers.49
These foreign policy statements were unsurprising from a country that had a
long history of being a Great Power, and certainly fitted Edens assumption that
the aim of British policy must be, first, that we should continue to exercise the


Ibid, Section 5A.


functions and to bear the responsibilities of a world Power. In some respects,


this was not very forward thinking. The idea that British security was most
threatened by Germany suggests Britains fear came from past experience, and
preventing a reoccurrence of past problems, and while a logical position to take,
showed no awareness of potential threats that might arise. Likewise, the
conception that Britain must maintain its empire and its international influence
shows a historic, almost romantic, vision of Britain as a world power, and failed to
take into account the political, economic and military realities of Britains position
in the world. But as several works assert, this was not a conception with which
many would disagree.51
The paper proceeded to discuss the commitments Britain had already made
in an effort to achieve its objectives, as discussed previously. It is interesting that
the paper saw the Atlantic Charter and the Anglo-Soviet Treaty as part of the
process of achieving these foreign policy objectives. Given these objectives had not
been set down at the time the commitments were made, it would be illogical to say
that they were made as part of the development of this particular foreign policy
idea, but the fact they were considered part of the wider process offers evidence
that Britain, or perhaps the Foreign Office, saw the need for close working
relationships with the other major powers as crucial for being able to deal with the
post-war problems.
Little discussion is needed from a foreign policy point of view of the next
section of the paper that weighed up the likely strengths and weaknesses of
Britains post-war position, though there are a couple of points worth noting.
Firstly, the suggestion was that Britain would have a world role simply because of
its existing commitments,52 though its ability to carry it out would depend on its
exact circumstances come the end of the war. Secondly there was a tacit
acknowledgement that Britain was no longer the global financial or military
powerhouse and, in practice, would struggle to stand up against the might of
TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/30/46, Edens Four Power Plan Summary Memorandum, 8
November 1942.
51 Charmley, Grand Alliance, p. 57, Dutton, Eden, pp. 145-146, Thorpe, Eden, p. 280.
52 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/31525, The Four Power Plan Section 7.


either America or the Soviet Union, though this appears to have been considered
insufficient reason for Britain to abandon the idea of playing a world role,
particularly if it was able to maintain key parts of its empire and its trade.53 These
ideas suggest a failure to grasp Britains true decline as a world power, as they
seem to be based in the hope and expectation that Britain could continue to fulfil a
world role because it had to, rather than having the capability to do so. This
section was largely glossed over in the summary paper to the War Cabinet, which
appeared to assume Britain would be a world power and would play a role, but
which recognised that Britain would not be able to fulfil this assumed role
unaided, but would need to be part of a larger organisation.54
What is most interesting is the final section of the examination of Britain as
part of the Four Power system. This revolved around the question of whether or
not Britain was willing to accept the responsibilities of a world power after the
war. It was predicted, or assumed depending on whether the full or summary
paper is read, that Britain would be required to fulfil a world role, and would
probably be in a position to do so, though perhaps with a little help from its allies.
There is plenty of evidence in this paper alone to suggest that Britain maintained
its sense of importance, and could thus be expected to retain its titular status of
Great Power. The Four Power Plan, however, sheds light on a trend of
liberalism which was considered to be defeatist in outlook, suggesting that
Britains time had passed, and that it was time to hand over the torch to the
younger powers, notably America and Russia.55 Whilst no evidence of the origin of
this is set out, it appears a serious concern, as the paper goes on to assert that
unless we can find some rallying cry which will inspire such doubters with the
belief in the necessity of our fulfilling our word-wide mission it is possible that,
whether we like it or not, we may sink to the level of a second-class Power, the
result of which would be an agonising collapse, from which we should emerge as
a European Soviet State, or the penurious outpost of an American PlutoIbid, Section 7.
TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/30/46, Edens Four Power Plan Summary Memorandum, 8
November 1942.
55 Ibid, Section 9.


democracy or a German Gau, as forces might dictate. This is an incredibly


evocative statement of the perils Britain could face were it not a world power, and
was not without justification. The sheer political or military might of Russia,
America or a revived Germany, could well impose itself in some way on Britain
depending on how the war proceeded, and how the peace shaped itself, and none
of the possible outcomes were felt to be acceptable or welcome for Britain or its
Empire. This point should be born in mind given the divergent nature of the
Churchill and Foreign Office foreign policies that have already been seen, and will
continue to be seen in the rest of this work, especially with regard to America. The
examination of Britains role concluded by noting that Britain, unlike the United
States or the Soviet Union, did not have the luxury of lapsing back into
isolationism, and insisted that it must, therefore, remain a world power, though
rather paradoxically suggested that this could only happen if Britain had strong
allies, but equally that Britain couldnt have strong allies without being a world
power.57 This suggested Britain might in fact be in a lose-lose situation come the
end of the war. This admission suggests good foresight from the Department,
however, to ensure this matter was considered before Britain had actually been
eclipsed in the war effort by Russia and America. At the time, Britain had not been
eclipsed, and it was thus felt that the first assumption could be viewed correct in
Britains case.

Having set out the British foreign policy objectives that were to be
considered, and outlined Britains likely position and role within the Four Power
Plan, the paper then examined the likely position of the other powers that were to
be involved, and it is worth looking at a couple of key ideas about each power to
understand Foreign Office thinking. With regard to the United States, there was
particular concern in Britain that the betrayal of the American retreat to isolation


Ibid, Section 9.
Ibid, Section 10.


would be repeated, and indeed most of the section on America was dedicated to

the potential problems around their non-involvement in Europe. Given the

precedent after the First World War, coupled with Republican gains in the
Congressional mid-terms in 1942, there was significant concern over this issue, and
a point made in the summary, though not in the full paper, was that Edens
League of Nations experience showed that it was crucial to have the key powers
involved in any large systems designed to maintain international order.59 The
paper considered that those who had discussed policy, such as Welles and Hull,
were encouraging as their ideas were all wedded in some way to American
international involvement, but there was concern over the more general public
attitude. It was hoped that the universal nature of the war would emphasise the
point to the American people that America could no longer escape the rest of the
world, and would have to play a role as it would be impossible to escape a future
conflict. The full plan does not state these ideas outright, but suggests the
desirability, in attempting to create a world organisation, to have a willing
America acting in concert with the other Powers, rather than on its own, which it
could do given its significant resources.60 Aside from this concern about American
isolationism, the plan also examined the power of America, and recognised the fact
that, come the end of the war, America would most likely be the dominant world
power, with incomparable military strength, and forces active all over the
world.61 Unlike the possible weakness of Britains post-war position, it seems
thought had gone into the growth of American power, and perhaps the plan had
been conceived to be along similar lines to current American thinking to ensure
that this power could be harnessed for what Britain felt were the right
international goals after the war, rather than some isolationist American

Reynolds, D. Roosevelt, Churchill, and the wartime Anglo-American Alliance: Towards a new synthesis,
in Louis, W.R. and Bull, H [Eds.]. The Special Relationship: Anglo-American Relations since 1945
(Oxford, 1986), p. 34.
59 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/30/46, Edens Four Power Plan Summary Memorandum, 8
November 1942.
60 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/31525, The Four Power Plan Section 14.
61 Ibid, Section 13.


imperialism. These fears aside, it was considered that the sheer power and

influence of America were coupled with sufficient positive signs that the first
assumption could be applied to post-war America.
The position regarding the Soviet Union was more complicated, as the Soviet
Union had put forward some post-war ideas, but was at the same time less
understood and more secretive than the United States. The treaty with Britain had
helped in this regard, and the plan noted it was a good step in engaging with
Russia in Europe in a political rather than military manner. The fact Stalin had
made some statements about potential Soviet goals had helped shape the plan, as
it was already known that, somehow, the frontier issue would have to be dealt
with, that the Soviet Union was principally interested in its own security, and
particularly the restraining of Germany.63 The plan was thus designed to include
the Soviet Union in the post-war world order, as Stalin had suggested would be
desirable; ensure it was put on a level footing with the other great powers,
hopefully removing some of their traditional suspicion of the Anglo-Saxon
powers; and show how it was beneficial to their search for security if they were
involved in the long term pacification of Europe.64 Given the earlier reference to
the younger powers, this could be a suggestion that, akin to a stubborn child, the
Soviet Union needing to be coaxed by its elder to play fairly with the other powers,
and could be a rather patronising thing to suggest about the power that had, up-to
this point, ensured a successful continuation of the war against Germany almost
on its own. The idea of the Soviet benefit to participation, especially the geographic
significance of participation, concerned much of the remaining Soviet section. The
restriction of German power was also one of Britains key objectives, and anyone
familiar with Europe will realise the geographic importance of co-operation
between these two powers to deal with this issue. The Plan was felt to offer the
Soviet Union a win-win situation. It would be involved with the other main
powers in the pursuit of this aim, and at the same time its involvement would also

Ibid, Section 13.

Ibid, Section 15.
64 Ibid, Sections 19 and 22.


prevent its fear of Anglo-Saxon hegemony being imposed on Europe. From


Britains viewpoint, Soviet involvement might also limit efforts to sovietise the
eastern European countries, or at least prevent them being played off against the
democratic powers in order to disrupt the post-war reconstruction.66 The plan also
offered Russia the advantage of American assistance in dealing with Japan, and
British and possibly American assistance in the Middle East, both of which were
areas of strong concern for Russia given its geographic location, and its current
war effort. It was thus felt that Russia, provided she believed Britain and America
were being fair and open with her, would eventually be willing to partake in the
Four Power system to manage the post-war world. This was a conclusion, drawn
not out of naivety, but out of a set of assumptions developed through debate and
observation over the previous year, which suggested the importance of involving
the Soviet Union, and the relatively strong possibility of co-operation with Britain
that was felt to exist at that time.67
Finally the position of China was considered, though mainly because the
Americans felt it would be a world power come the end of the war, rather than
because the British felt it an integral part in preserving the peace.68 In fact, the
British saw very little to commend China as a potential world power, feeling its
interests were not sufficiently global, its economic potential too underdeveloped,
and its unity maintained only by military necessity though these were also
largely true of the Soviet Union, though it was seen as far more relevant to the
overall war effort to the peace in Europe than China.69 These factors combined
meant that the only claims China had to being a great power were the long and
stubborn resistance to Japan and the Americans want her to be included.70 It
was thus concluded that the assumption could not be applied in the case of China,
but due to her limited value, this was not sufficient reason to abandon the plan,
which largely hinged on the other three powers.
Ibid, Section 22.
Ibid, Section 20.
67 Folly, Churchill, Whitehall, pp. 109-110
68 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/31525, The Four Power Plan Section 24.
69 Ibid, Section 24.
70 Ibid, Sections 24 and 25.


With the conclusions drawn above, the second foreign policy assumption of
the plan was put forward, and that was that the real, if not the declared, object of the
Concert of the four Powers will be to hold down Germany and Japan for as long a period as
possible and will not be based on the alternative theory that both these Powers should be
readmitted to the ranks of Great Powers [Italics in original].71 It is interesting to see
how basic this objective is, and how, in a paper about future policy, one of the key
themes is based on the past. Holding down Germany was a key demand of the
French after the First World War, and the principle of the Triple Entente, and it is
interesting to see how little peace considerations had moved beyond the ideas of
the First World War and 1919. Whilst this was a different scheme to the League of
Nations, and it was acknowledged in advance that it would need the participation
of the great powers to make it workable, it still followed a similar policy line,
suggesting those responsible for the drafting of this document were very conscious
to avoid a repeat of the inter-war years. It was considered that this assumption
might be more controversial than the first, but that it was the crux of the whole
plan, and that if it were not considered its key objective then the whole plan would
fall.72 This seemed a reasonable position to take given the whole point of planning
for the post-war was to establish how to deal with the aggressor powers, and how
to maintain peace. With this assumption in place as the goal, it is necessary to
consider how the plan might in practice be applied, though this section in reality
mainly dealt with the various problems of applying the plan, rather than
examining how it might work. The remainder of the plan was largely an exercise
in self reflection, and while not all of these reflections are relevant to this study,
there are a few points which are worth examining.
The first consideration in the application of the plan regarded the position of
France. The British had the restoration of France as a war aim, and were keen to
see the position of France restored, especially given the possibility that the
Americans could be unwilling to use their military force to help tie down

Ibid, Section 26.

Ibid, Section 27.


Germany. If France was re-established, the British would have another power to
work with, and would not have to place as heavy a reliance on Russia for the
maintenance of peace. It was, therefore, considered that, if France was restored
with some measure of greatness, the Four Powers would have to examine the
desirability of her being associated with the Great Powers in the government of the
world.73 Obviously this was a risky strategy, as the plan had not been accepted
before there was a proposal to expand it to five powers, and relations between
America and France were not exactly harmonious, nor were they likely to be if
Edens championing of de Gaulle continued. It was felt, on balance, that the claims
France could present would be sufficiently strong were she present and active in
the victory that the Russians and the Americans would have difficulty in refusing.
No reference is made to China perhaps a thinly veiled attempt to supplant them
with a more worthy great power though more likely an acknowledgement of
Chinas considered lack of interest in Europe.
The second consideration was the concept of regionalism, and there is a
lengthy examination of this process, which boiled down to the conclusion that
regionalism had two levels, Global and European. On a Global level, all powers
(except China) were considered to be interested in maintaining the peace
everywhere so there would be no limited liability, though there would be initial
liability for the power most closely associated with the region to be the initial
source of the peace-keeping effort should trouble break out.74 On a European level
it was considered that regional schemes, such as the creation of a Western bloc, or
Eastern European Confederations, should be considered as welcome, and should
be supported by the Four Powers, though they should not be forced into existence,
and their existence would not alter the responsibilities of the Four Powers.75 This
area of the plan was left open, as it was dependant on the as yet unknown geopolitical landscape of post-war Europe.

Ibid, Section 31.

Ibid, Sections 32 and 33.
75 Ibid, Section 37.


The question of armaments, however, was one where some definite

statements could be made. The main thrust of this section was its condemnation of
the impractical nature of Roosevelts idea of only the Four Great Powers having
arms. It was considered impossible that France, for example, could be made to
disarm after the war when its arms would have been involved in victory, and
when it could potentially be accepted as a great power. It was also considered that,
were the Americans unwilling to maintain significant forces in Europe, the burden
of responsibility for Western European defence would, if everyone else were
disarmed, fall to Britain, who would be unwilling to hold this responsibility alone,
and would thus require assistance from others.76
The final consideration of this section concerned the status of the colonies.
Britain, having a global Empire, had a particular vested interest in this, and had set
out by maintaining that the Empire was one of its key foreign policy objectives.
The American view, in contrast, was that empires should be treated as
trusteeships of the United Nations, and colonies should be moved towards
independence.77 As a compromise, the plan suggested that in the special
circumstances of the Far East, Britain would be open to maintaining its rights to
administer former British possessions, but treating them as trusteeships
answerable to an international body of other interested powers.78 This was not to
be used as a precedent for other British colonies, though it was suggested that they
could already be thought of as Trusteeships, with Britain, the parent state,
responsible for administering and developing them, which was beneficial to the
whole United Nations. The extent of this compromise becomes quickly apparent:
such principles, if applied, would in fact alter the present position very little,79
suggesting that Britain felt they would be able to get away with both pursuing
their own foreign policy goals, whilst in the meantime giving a minor gesture to

Ibid, Section 39.

Dimbleby, D and Reynolds, D. An Ocean Apart: The Relationship between Britain and America in the
Twentieth Century, (London, 1988), p. 146.
78 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/31525, The Four Power Plan Section 42.
79 Ibid, Four Power Plan Section 42.


the United States to secure its participation in the larger project of worldwide
This section links neatly with the following section, which put forward the
doubts that could already be viewed about the Four Power Plan, some of which
have been discussed. This section is essentially a series of critiquing questions,
such as whether the Americans were united enough to make this scheme more
workable than the League of Nations; whether the rest of the world would see the
Four Great Powers as tyrants keeping the lesser states in straight-waistcoats, and
whether the Dominions or India would go along with such a plan.80 These are, on
examination of the plan, reasonable questions to ask. The American position, as
seen, was of considerable concern. The position of the lesser states was often overlooked through the plan, so the question is pertinent, as states such as France or
Turkey might have felt they deserved a voice, rather than hoping for
representation by one of the great powers. The Dominions is an interesting
question, as maintaining the Empire was a key objective for Britain, and was in
part considered a necessity for their world power status, and thus their inclusion
in their own plan. It was, however, considered that, India aside, the majority of the
Dominions would agree to have decisions taken on their behalf so long as they
were consulted, and those decisions related to the aim of keeping down Germany
and Japan.81 The final doubt expressed in the plan was the ability of Britain to fulfil
the balancing act that was required between the irresolution of America and the
suspicion of the Soviet Union, to ensure sufficient identity of outlook to make the
plan workable.82
The depth of thought that went into the plan is further displayed by the next
section, which examined the alternative policies. Here it considered what Britain
would do if any of their worst scenarios were to occur. Firstly, it considered the
implications of American isolationism. In this event, Britain would have to look to
the Soviet Union for political and military alliances in order to preserve the peace

Ibid, Sections 43 and 44.

Ibid, Section 44.
82 Ibid, Section 44.


in Europe, as its Empire would not be sufficiently powerful to carry out this task. It
was also felt that Soviet influence in Europe would become so strong in this
situation that Britains relationship with the United States would suffer, and
Britain would have to move towards more socialist economic practices in order to
keep in step with its only major ally and compete at any level with the United
States.83 This, it should be noted, was not considered to be as bad as if Britain
were to surrender our freedom of action to an imperialistic and ill-disposed
United States of America, though that is not to say this is something anyone, save
perhaps Cripps, wanted to occur.84
The second scenario involved a Russian rejection of co-operation. It was felt
that after the war Russia would be in a position of self-sufficiency, and could
potentially abandon co-operation with the western allies. In such a situation,
Russian foreign policy could pose a significant threat to British interests in the
Middle East and Europe, and would make it particularly difficult to hold down
Germany, whose strength could become a significant factor in any anti-Soviet bloc
formed to combat the spread of communism.85 It was also suggested that, in this
situation, America would probably retreat from Europe, leaving Britain with little
option but to abandon the policy of holding down Germany and make a series of
agreements with other powers try and maintain any standing in Europe.86
The final scenario was the worst of all, where neither the United States nor
the Soviet Union accepted the Four Power Plan or were willing to play a role in the
subjugation of Germany. This was considered a highly dangerous situation as
Britain would be unable to rely on Poland or France for support, and would have
to collaborate with Germany and Italy in an attempt to appeal to their better
natures and convince them to swap their swords for ploughshares.87 The expected
result of this was another world war. In a critique of appeasement, the Plan
highlighted how history showed that Britain and France could not hope to

Ibid, Section 46.

Ibid, Section 46.
85 Ibid, Section 47.
86 Ibid, Section 47.
87 Ibid, Section 48.


subjugate Germany alone, and the humiliating years prior to the war would be
repeated unless Britain could be certain of the attitude of the United States and the
Soviet Union.88

With all this in mind the paper reached the following conclusions: That the
Four Power Plan was something which the British should support, if not indeed
advance; that the British should lead the Americans, without appearing to do so,
and take their good ideas and forge them into practical tools on the anvil of our
experience; that any agreements made with America should be in treaty form,
making it as difficult as possible for the Americans to back out later; and finally,
with more of the irony suggested earlier, that it would be the height of unwisdom
to commit ourselves forthwith and definitely to any precise American scheme
apparently forgetting that the Plan they had concocted was based on the ideas put
forward by Roosevelt.89 It was thus suggested that the British should adopt the
Four Power Plan as general policy and should encourage both the United States
and the Soviet Union to do the same. Jebb added a bit of Machiavelli, however,
suggesting that during conversations with each power, Britain should drop hints
that they were prepared to make an exclusive agreement with the other if
demands became too stiff, suggesting that if Britain played its cards right it could
be responsible for making a real world balance of power.90 The paper ended with
the following words, both vision and warning combined: Only by taking up the
vague ideas now floating about the world and expressing them boldly and even
recklessly in our own terms can we hope to play the role which is proper to us. And
irrespective of what we say, only by making up our minds as to what it is that we
really want can we hope to be the master and not the victim of events. Ducunt
volentem fata nolentem trahunt (Fates lead the willing and drag the unwilling)
[Italics in original].91 Although discussed in a manner of greater self-importance
and superiority than its military and political strength deserved, British thinking
Ibid, Section 49.
Ibid, Sections 50, 51 and 53.
90 Ibid, Section 54.
91 Ibid, Section 55, Translation form Latin taken from Google Translate.


was still that of a world power, and a former world leader, and given Britains
long history at the top of the hierarchy it is perhaps unsurprising, if slipping out of
touch with reality. As it turned out, the Cabinet made up its mind to adopt The
Four Power Plan as general policy, and it became Eden's task to try and implement
its ideas, and encourage its adoption amongst the other Great Powers.

When the Four Power Plan eventually reached the Cabinet, both Leo Amery,
and Stafford Cripps, had submitted memoranda on the subject. Amery argued in
his paper that the most serious danger to peace lay in Europe, and that to nullify
this danger the solution must also come from Europe, and be confined to Europe,
unlike the idealistic worldwide attempt at peace with the League of Nations
concept after the previous war.92 He also thought Britain would be too busy to act
as the policeman of Europe, that the United States were starting to show signs of
withdrawing from Europe, that China was not interested in playing such a role
and that Russian interest would be based more on extension of power than
keeping the peace.93 His proposed solution was for the federation of smaller states
into ones which could stand up to Germany, along with the creation of a loosely
organised Europe, using as an example the British Commonwealth, which would
allow powers to develop in an inter-related manner with regard to currency,
culture and infrastructure. Despite setting out that The first and essential
condition of any European polity, stable within and peaceful in its relation to the
outside world, is that it should not be dominated by one of its component units,
he argued that Germany should be invited into this European Commonwealth as
an outlet for its goods and to share in a combined living space, and noted that
there was a likelihood through this that Germany could eventually dominate this
union. 94 He suggested that it was either this, or a revived and re-militarised
Germany, which would unite the continent against outside interference, making
his initial statement about the condition of non-domination rather pointless, and
TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/31/4, Amerys Memorandum on Europe and the Post-War
Settlement, 12 November 1942.
93 Ibid.
94 Ibid.


his whole argument rather flawed. It is easy to see why Jebb and Dr. Hugh Dalton,
Minister of Economic Warfare, referred to it as The No-Power Plan and the
German Victory-through-Defeat Plan.95 It is clear that the paper was a direct
attack against the whole conception of the Four Power Plan, suggesting that the
Four Powers concept was not strong enough to work for the main purpose of what
was being discussed, methods to ensure peace, and that the powers would in fact
have no interest in doing so due to the other domestic and international issues they
would be faced with. The idea that Europe should be largely left alone suggests a
lack of understanding of the issues being considered by the Four Power Plan,
which was aimed at ensuring Germany could never become the master of Europe.
The plan was felt to add little to the debate or ideas for post-war planning. Eden
felt it worthy of little comment, noting simply that this is sad.96 Woodward failed
to mention it in his Official History,97 and Jebb only discussed the plan enough to
explain the extent of his indignation at it, and it seems his disappointment at the
effort from Amery, whose opposition he initially thought would be formidable.98 It
is, however, interesting to note that Amery was not far off in his vision. Firstly,
Europe is now a federal system with integrated infrastructures, a single currency
and common market, and it has, as he predicted, come to see Germany as the
dominant power. Secondly, his argument that Russian interest in Europe would be
for power rather than peace could be seen as justified in light of events during the
Cold War, and even today with Russian actions in Eastern Ukraine.
The paper from Cripps, however, attracted significantly more coverage, and
was not considered to be such a bad proposal. The fact that, unlike Amery, Cripps
opened with the line I agree with the view expressed by the Foreign Secretary
probably helped his case, as did the fact that his own conception, unlike that of
Amery, relied to an extent on the Four Powers working together in some way for

Pimlott, B [Ed.]. The Second World War Diary of Hugh Dalton, 1940-1945, (London, 1986), 6
December 1942, pp. 532-533.
96 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/31525, Edens minute on Amerys paper, 13 November 1942.
97 Woodward discusses the Four Power Plan and the paper by Cripps at some length, but Amery
does not get a mention. Harvey doesnt discuss the fact that these plans were considered by the
War Cabinet.
98 Jebb, Memoirs, p. 118.


the good of the peace process. Like Amery, Cripps felt the immediate post-war

danger lay in Europe, but in contrast to his colleague believed the best way to deal
with this was active involvement in the pacification of Europe by the United
States, Russia and Britain, particularly in the pursuit of ensuring Germany would
be economically restrained.100 His work shared other similarities with the Foreign
Office paper, acknowledging the role America would be required to play in a
successful peace settlement, and being wary of allowing America to take a
complete lead, suggesting that it would be undesirable for Britain to end up in a
situation of following the other powers instead of leading them.101
It was over ideas as to how this was to be done that Cripps diverged from the
Four Power Plan, however, and he put forward his vision of a system of
international rule based on local and world councils. His proposal was for five
smaller councils, a Council of Europe, a Pan-American Union, a Far-East Council,
the British Commonwealth, and the U.S.S.R., all of which would have
responsibility in their own sphere, and would all be represented on a Supreme
World Council.102 Only the Council of Europe was actually defined, and it had
responsibility for pacifying and policing Europe; reconstruction functions;
boundary changes; dealing with general social, economic and political issues; and
overseeing the internationalisation of Europe, particularly with regard to
transport. It is unclear exactly what some of those roles entailed, and Cripps noted
that these were rough proposals, and that the exact tasks would be defined
depending on the nature of the peace settlement. Having seen only the summary
plan at this point, Cripps did not know that the full plan contained a discussion
about regionalism, with reference to regional councils and a possible Assembly of
United Nations.103 The plan was received far more positively than that from
Amery, with the War Cabinet giving their general approval to it, alongside Edens

TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/31/12, Cripps Memorandum on the Four Power Plan, 19
November 1942.
100 Ibid.
101 Ibid.
102 Ibid.
103 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/31525, The Four Power Plan Section 38.


plan, and suggesting the Foreign Secretary work to merge the two together.


Woodwards Official History felt this was worthy of comment, considering it an

important note,105 and Jebb, who was concerned at the dangerous nature of an
assault by Cripps, was relieved to find its views were greatly preferable to those
of Leo Amery.106 That did not, however, stop him dismissing it as nave in his
memoirs,107 nor, according to Greenwood, as waffly, silly and absurd.108 The
documents in the archives show a different picture, and highlight the importance
of examining the official documents. Jebb wrote a minute in response to the Cripps
paper, highlighting the similarities and differences to the Four Power Plan, and
stated at the start that the paper was certainly encouraging almost surprisingly
so.109 Eden too was encouraged by the work, commenting to Cadogan that this
was better than usual and suggesting he ask the department to examine the
proposal.110 As a result of the more favourable nature of this paper, not to mention
the admission received from Cripps that he would not have submitted his points
had he seen the full paper,111 it was not an onerous task for the Foreign Office to
merge these two papers, and the results shall be seen in the next chapter.

Visionary or Protagonist?

Having examined the substance of the plan, it is worth taking a moment to

bring in the historiography on what is undoubtedly one of the key aspects of this
thesis, and foreign policy planning during the war to see how time and historians
have treated this paper, and also its champion. Charmleys work on the Special
Relationship is one of the few which look in detail at the Four Power Plan, and
suggests that the plan showed a great deal of vision from Eden, something for

TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/28/31, War Cabinet Conclusions, 27 November 1942.
Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. V, p. 11.
106 Jebb, Memoirs, pp. 120-121.
107 Ibid, p. 121.
108 Greenwood, Titan, p. 156.
109 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/31525, Minute by Jebb on Crippss Four Power Plan Paper,
16 November 1942.
110 Ibid, Minute by Eden to Cadogan on receipt of Cripps paper, 13 November 1942.
111 Jebb, Memoirs, p. 121.


which, in the shadow of Churchill, he receives less credit for than he perhaps
deserved.112 Charmley uses two key examples to illustrate his point. Firstly, the
passage from the summary paper that: We have to maintain our position as an
Empire and a Commonwealth. If we fail to do so we cannot exist as a world
Power. And we have to accept our full share of responsibility for the future of
Europe. If we fail to do that we shall have fought this war to no purpose, and the
mastery of Europe which we have refused to Germany by force of arms will pass
to her by natural succession as soon as the control of our arms is removed.113 He
thus suggests that Eden, not Churchill, saw most clearly the shape of Britains
future with regard to Europe, and looking at where we now stand it would be
hard to argue, that this prediction did not come to pass.
Secondly, the suggestion in the plan itself that: unless we [Britain] can find
some rallying cry which will inspire such doubters with the belief in the necessity
of our fulfilling our word-wide mission it is possible that, whether we like it or not,
we may sink to the level of a second-class Power with all that implies. It is a
process which might be painless and possibly even profitable in the short run, but
it is quite probable that, if it took place, we should sooner or later experience an
agonising collapse, from which we should emerge as a European Soviet State, or
the penurious outpost of an American Pluto-democracy or a German Gau, as forces
might dictate.114 It might be argued today, as indeed Charmley argues in
Churchills Grand Alliance that the second of these outcomes did in fact come true,
and that Britain today, shorn of its Empire, on the periphery of Europe, and bound
by its special relationship, is little more than an outpost of the United States.
Whilst this might have been the least unpleasant result, it was one that, by
circumstances and events, became fully apparent when Eden was Prime Minister
yet another ironic foreign policy twist, though an unfortunate one given Edens
vision to see this coming, and attempts to avert it during his time as Foreign

Charmley, Grand Alliance, p. 57.

Ibid, p. 57, and TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/30/46, Edens Four Power Plan Summary
Memorandum, 8 November 1942.
114 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/31525, The Four Power Plan Section 9, and Charmley,
Grand Alliance, p. 59.




Whilst Charmleys assessment certainly stands up well when

examining the contents of the plan, in examining the formation of the plan itself, it
falls down, for reasons that shall be seen in a moment.
Few other works examine the importance of the Four Power Plan, perhaps
feeling its wishful thinking was not relevant to Eden, or the course of the Second
World War, or perhaps simply because the plan was never enacted, though that is
not to say it failed.116 Those works that do deem it worthy of mention either
express no opinion on the plan, simply referencing it as a station through which
the foreign policy train was passing; fail to see in it the same merit as Charmley; or
only mention it when examining the dynamic of the Churchill-Eden relationship.
Thorpes biography is a good example of the first,117 and Duttons suggestion that,
looking back Eden was setting out to resist the inevitable. In the context of
Britains war effort, however, his stance seems more reasonable118 appears a good
example of the second. Broads biography and Barkers examination of the
Churchill-Eden relationship are both good examples of the third case.119 Dutton is
interesting, however, as when discussing the Four Power Plan in his biography, he
offers no suggestion of Eden being a visionary, and whilst acknowledging that his
attempts to create a foreign policy seemed more reasonable at the time, though
more reasonable than what is unclear, he doesnt give the impression that the
policy deserved much merit.120 The fact that in the following chapter of the same
book he forgets about it entirely also suggests he had a low opinion of the plan.121
That said, in his chapter on Eden in Thomas Ottes The Makers of British Foreign
Policy, he notes how it had been usual to criticise Eden for lack of vision, but
suggests that Eden was perfectly capable of long-term planning when time

Charmley, Grand Alliance, p. 59.

Many works on this bibliography make no reference to the plan, though the author is not
infallible and may of course have missed one. They make vague references to post-war
plans/policy, but in a generic and unclear manner.
117 Thorpe, Eden, p. 280.
118 Dutton, Eden, p. 146.
119 Barker, Churchill and Eden, pp. 211-212, Broad, Eden, pp. 164-165.
120 Dutton, Eden, p. 156.
121 Ibid, p. 197.




and when it came to post-war policy showed a greater awareness of

the need to plan for the longer-term than some of his critics have allowed.123 This
perhaps suggesting that Edens visionary efforts were time or subject specific, and
the Four Power Plan simply came at a time when Eden was too burdened with
responsibility to focus on this, but was on a subject where he was keenly aware of
the need for planning to occur.
This leads to another debate, over how involved Eden was in policy
formation at this time, especially given his additional role as Leader of the House.
There were frequent complaints by officials, particularly Cadogan, on the limited
time Eden actually spent at the Foreign Office. This is something that is picked up
in the secondary work, which somewhat weakens Charmleys argument of Edens
visionary status. It is almost a consensus that the burden of responsibility on Eden
at the end of 1942 meant that he had little time for the daily affairs of his
Department. Cadogan complained that his workload as the almost de facto head of
the Foreign Office in Edens absence had become intolerable, and that it took two
Office Keepers to carry in my boxes!.124 Indeed there are numerous references in
his diary to the working relationship between himself and Eden with Cadogan
frequently complaining at being called to Cabinet meetings in Edens absence, or
only seeing Eden for brief moments at a time to conduct any Foreign Office
The crux of the argument against Eden being a visionary, and consequently
the gap in Charmleys argument, can be found in the archives. The documents
show the significant role played by the Economic and Reconstruction Department,
but most notably Jebb, in the creative and formative stages of this plan. He was the
man responsible for writing most of the Relief Machinery paper. After some
encouragement and numerous critiques and comments from other Foreign Office
Officials he re-wrote the plan, and it became the Four Power Plan after input and

Dutton, D. Anthony Eden, in Otte, T.G. The makers of British foreign policy: from Pitt to Thatcher,
(Basingstoke, 2002), p. 221.
123 Ibid, p. 229.
124 Neilson and Otte, The PUS, p. 253.
125 Dilks, Cadogan Diary, pp. 481-500, every couple of pages there is a comment along these lines.


re-drafts from other key Officials. Undoubtedly, had Churchill been Foreign
Secretary at this time, Jebb would not have been able to put the time and effort into
the plan that he did, so Edens role was of particular importance in allowing Jebb
to create his tour de force [Italics in original],126 something noted by Greenwood in
his biography, and alluded to by Jebb in his memoirs.127 Edens actual input in the
process, however, was limited. On 3 October he commented on an early draft that
I like this paper which seems to me a good piece of work,128 and on 7 November
he commented, via Cadogan, that he approved Mr Laws amended version of the
Four Power Plan, and would like it to be circulated to the Cabinet.129 There appears
little other evidence in the file associated with the Four Power Plan, aside from a
few signatures indicating he had read minutes, that Eden was actually involved in
the creation of this policy. Whilst it was presented to the War Cabinet as a
memorandum from the Foreign Secretary and as a foreign policy plan from the
Foreign Office, this is not sufficient to claim that the ideas and visions as set out
were Edens own. Whilst he clearly agreed with the proposal, was keen to see such
a policy pursued, and indeed became the champion of the policy in the War
Cabinet, in the House of Commons and at international conferences and meetings
with allied leaders, he was in this case, as Barker asserts, the protagonist of the
ideas and policies of his department rather than their creator.130 That is not,
however, to diminish the role of the protagonist. Eden was to be a key champion
for Jebb and his departments plans, and his continued interest and belief in the
topic was to pay dividends into 1943, as shall be seen in the following chapters.

Greenwood, Titan, p. 154.

Ibid, pp. 157-158, Jebb, Memoirs, pp. 118-121.
128 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/31525, Edens comment on a draft of the Four Power Plan, 3
October 1942.
129 Ibid, Edens comment on Laws amended draft of the Four Power Plan, 7 November 1942.
130 Barker, Churchill and Eden, p. 25.


10) The Future Remains Elusive

As 1942 drew to a close, the Foreign Office were tantalisingly close to having
a fully thought out and generally approved foreign policy. Discussions had been
held with American officials by Law, the Economic and Reconstruction
Department was in full swing under Jebbs stewardship, and its brainchild, The
Four Power Plan, had finally been seen by the War Cabinet. Comments and
critiques had been raised, yet it was approved as the general line that policy
should follow, subject to some modification to include the ideas expressed in the
similar memorandum produced by Cripps. On top of this, they had seen their luck
turn in France, with the removal of Darlan and his replacement by the more
favoured, though that is not to say favourite, candidate in Giraud, and the military
operations were proceeding, if slower than hoped. They had also seen, though in
part thanks to Churchills personal diplomatic efforts, a temporary thawing in
their relations with the Soviet Union, which had allowed breathing space to focus
on developing their foreign policy idea. As the year turned, they were further
refining their ideas, and over the course of the year new plans would grow out of
the Four Power Plan initiative. This chapter will examine one of these, the United
Nations Plan, as well as its rival in the shape of Churchills foray into post-war
planning, Morning Thoughts. It will also look at the Casablanca Conference, the
attempts to resolve the French Question, and Edens visit to Washington to consult
with Roosevelt, particularly on post-war issues.

In light of this on-going progress, Eden was determined to ensure the topic of
post-war stayed at the forefront of the political agenda. With King George VI
having used his speech when opening Parliament to praise the United Nations and
emphasise its active role in the process of post war preparation,1 Eden took an
opportunity to make a speech during a related debate on International
Reconstruction to further push this policy agenda. The speech was drafted by Jebb,
and as it turned out, had not been shown to Churchill for approval, which helps

Eden, Freedom and Order, excerpt of Kings Speech opening Parliament, 11 November 1942, p. 173.


explain the strength of content it included. Whilst fully reproduced in Freedom


and Order,3 it is not picked up to a great extent by the wider historiography, which
seems a shame as there are ideas presented that are significant when examining
the development of British foreign policy. Eden notes in The Reckoning that there
were two conditions laid down by this speech for any international organisation to
work, in fact, there were three. To my mind there are three indispensible
attributes First, it must be fully representative of the powers which meant to
keep the peace Second the Powers themselves must have the unity and the
determination to arrive at agreed and positive decisions. And the third, and
perhaps the most important of all, is that they should have the force behind them
to give effect to their decisions.4 Throughout the speech Eden referred back to the
League of Nations, and suggested areas where it had failed, which appear to be in
meeting the indispensible attributes, and saying that Britain needed to learn the
lessons of the past. If it could do this, and could convince both the United States
and Russia to do the same, and be prepared to put the effort into the World
Organisation after the war, then he felt there was every opportunity that the
United Nations could succeed.5 Approximately three quarters of the speech was
dedicated to publicising the Four Power Plan, to a significantly wider audience
than just the War Cabinet. It is interesting that Eden looked to the past, both when
considering errors that needed to be avoided, and also for ideas as to how the
peace should be managed. The ideas quite clearly harked back to the era of balance
of power politics and great Power collaboration, and it certainly seems that Edens
thinking might have been influenced by this. His vision looks rather like an
evolved and modernised version of the Congress of Vienna and the Quadruple
Alliance, only with the United States and China replacing Austria and Prussia, and
the United Nations replacing the Concert of Europe.6 Indeed one only needs to
look at the opening chapter of C.J. Bartletts Peace, War and the European Powers
Pimlott, Dalton Diaries, 4 December 1942, p. 531.
Eden, Freedom and Order, Edens Speech to the House of Commons, 2 December 1942, pp. 173-183.
4 Ibid, p. 182, Eden, Reckoning, p. 365.
5 Eden, Freedom and Order, Speech the Commons, 2 December 1942, p. 182.
6 Congress of Vienna, 1814-1815. The Quadruple Alliance came into being in 1813 but was signed
on 20 November 1815, between Britain, Austria, Prussia and Russia.


1814-1914 to be able to draw comparisons between Edens ideas and diplomacy,

and those of Lord Castlereagh during his stint as Foreign Secretary.7
Eden also used the speech to re-emphasise the importance of the role of the
Foreign Office during the war, stating that Here and there there is a tendency to
suggest that foreign policy is in abeyance in war-time. If anybody would spend a
day at the Foreign Office he would learn that that is not so.8 Despite the burden
placed upon him as Leader of the House, Eden still recognised the need for a
strong Foreign Office as part of the war effort, and from what has been seen so far,
little satisfactory work would have been done had foreign policy been completely
neglected in pursuit of ultimate victory, given that the successes were often
achieved against the will of Churchill. Despite Edens assertion, however, the
occasions during the war when Churchill took over the Foreign Office do not
appear to have made him realise the importance of the department or its role in the
war effort.
On top of this Eden set out one of the key realisations that had come from the
development of the Four Power Plan, that Churchills assertion that peace could
be organised after victory was wrong, and that In fact, the manner in which and
the extent to which we succeed or fail to succeed in co-operating with our Allies
now will, to a very large extent, determine the course of post-war foreign policy.9
In December 1942, Eden would not have known just how true these words would
become, and it is important to note that it was he, not that great visionary
Churchill, who foresaw the significance of any acts, gestures, or failings, made by
any of the allies towards the others during the war, as part of the process of
developing a working peace-time Grand Alliance and World Organisation after
the War. As it turned out, even before the end of the war the allies were not fully
co-operating: there was no unified plan for the liberation of Europe, and no agreed
grand strategy, so it looked unlikely that there would be continued agreement on
working together, something which resulted from necessity rather than genuine

C.J. Bartlett, Peace, War and the European Powers 1814-1914, (London, 1996), pp. 1-23.
Eden, Freedom and Order, Speech to the Commons, 2 December 1942, pp. 176-177.
9 Ibid, p. 177.


desire. That said, at this point post-war planning was very much at a nadir, and in
the spirit of discussions in the Commons, and the earlier War Cabinet decision on
the Four Power Plan, the Foreign Office and other departments continued to work
on drafting some future strategy, and there were several plans submitted to the
War Cabinet, though it appears they were never examined.

One of these plans was the United Nations Plan. This, from Eden on behalf
of the Foreign Office, was the new, improved, and interestingly, shorter, Four
Power Plan. After the War Cabinet in November, Jebb and other officials had reexamined the plan, taking on board some suggestions encompassed in the plan by
Cripps, in an attempt to create one unified policy. They had also taken on board
feedback from the Treasury, the Admiralty, The Ministry of Labour, the Air
Ministry and Dalton, in an example of that unfortunate process when working by
committee trying to please everyone.10 In fact, the only person not pleased was
Cripps, ironically, given he retracted most of his criticisms after reading the full
Four Power Plan. But eventually, after working with David Owen, one of his
advisors, a relatively acceptable draft was reached, and it was felt that Cripps
could like it, or be told to like it by Eden.11 The new plan, comprising only 28
sections to its predecessors 55, still attempted to cover much the same ground,
though there were some notable omissions. The American sections at the start of
the plan were dropped, in favour of a simple statement of Britains aims and its
current position along the lines of those in the Four Power Plan; the in-depth
discussion of the position of the great powers was dropped in favour of a
statement that they must work together, and alongside this the assumptions of the
Four Power Plan were stated, again without the analysis of whether they could
be applied to each power; the discussion of regionalism was reduced in favour of a
greater examination of the economic problems facing allied unity after the war; the
Doubts and Alternative Policies sections were largely shelved in their entirety;
TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/31525, Folios U1507, U1796, U1797, U1798 and U 1805 all
contain suggestions and comments on the Four Power Plan.
11 Ibid, Folio U1933, Foreign Office minutes, by Jebb in particular, suggest that this is the final draft
and Cripps will have to accept it.


the Conclusions section disappeared as a distinct part of the plan, though a

couple of the clauses were altered to fit the new plan, and the Grand Strategy
section was reduced to simply stating the desire to implement the plan.12 More
emphasis was placed on the occupation and disarmament of Germany, and the
plan also included a diagram suggesting how the bureaucratic structure of the
proposed World Organisation and its associated Councils would look.13 In
essence, it suggested a similar proposition to the Four Power Plan, but with a
greater insight into how the Four Powers would work within the larger United
Nations organisation, how it might be structured, and some of the requirements
that would fall upon it. Due to the similarity of intent and policy, there is little
need to analyse it in the depth afforded to the Four Power Plan, but it is
important to have offered a brief evaluation of it as it was undoubtedly a stepping
stone in the Foreign policy process, and was to form the basis of ideas that would
arise after Eden and Jebb visited Washington a few months later.
There appears to be essentially no coverage of this plan in the historiography.
The fact the plan was a refined and updated version of two plans already
approved by the War Cabinet may be reason for this, that the plan was never
discussed by the War Cabinet is another fairly logical reason as to why it isnt
considered important. This, however, begs the question, is something unimportant
because it doesnt succeed? In this case the memorandum was a Cabinet approved
attempt to hone Foreign Office plans and allow them to plot the course that foreign
policy should follow. It was also a policy that, based on Edens aforementioned
speech, appeared to have wide support: Eden notes in The Reckoning that it was
the policy which the nation wanted;14 it was not alone in spirit either, as postwar planning was not just occurring in foreign policy. Around this time the
Beveridge report was being prepared, which, like Edens plans, proposed a set of
aims and ideals that were intended to shape the future. These things would
suggest some level of importance for this document. The fact it discussed the

TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/33/31, Edens United Nations Plan, 16 January 1943.
14 Eden, Reckoning, p. 366.


United Nations should also have made it important, as this was a concept to which
Britain had subscribed and which they were expecting to be a major party in as it
developed. The fact plans such as this have been neglected suggests there is no
significance in the topic, but given the size, scope and role of the United Nations
today, it is surprising that there is not more discussion of this topic as part of the
broader history of Second World War foreign policy. Given Eden was a potential
candidate for the role of UN Secretary General,15 it is also surprising his own
biographies fail to examine his involvement in the planning and development of a
workable United Nations in more detail, most jumping from the Four Power Plan
to the Foreign Ministers Conference, which shall be examined later. Aside from
Eden mentioning in his memoirs that he sent the paper to Cabinet for their
consideration in January, and highlighting a few of its key points,16 only Dutton
mentions Edens role in the formation of the United Nations and the submission of
this paper, and Greenwood and Barker make references to the United Nations
Plan, though these are subtle hints at best.17 Woodwards history reproduces the
plan, and in fact offers some interesting insights as to its significance. Not only was
the plan an attempt to finalise a policy before consulting with the American and
Russian Governments, but it was also considered a political necessity.18 Victory
appeared far closer in January 1943 than it had in late 1942, with the successes of
Torch, including El Alamain, and the turning tide at Stalingrad, and the Foreign
Office were concerned that no unified allied policy might have been reached by
the end of the war.19 It was this concern, linked with the urgent matters of needing
a plan to deal with Germany upon its defeat; a process to restore national
sovereignty to subjected powers; and a decision about how this transition was to
be managed, that led to the submission of this new plan.20 In reality, it was
probably that perennial problem for Eden timing that led to its limited

Thorpe, Eden p. 339.

Eden, Reckoning, pp. 365-366.
17 Dutton, Anthony Eden, in Otte, Makers of British Foreign Policy, p. 230, Greenwood, Titan, p. 160
and Barker, Churchill and Eden, p. 212.
18 Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. V, p. 14.
19 Ibid, p. 13.
20 Ibid, p. 13.


evaluation, as it was submitted on 16 January 1943, a time when the attention of

the politicians, and of the historians studying them, was turning to the meeting
between Churchill and Roosevelt at Casablanca.

To some extent, post-war planning was the big topic in early 1943, evidenced
by the fact that even Churchill became involved, though this was very much to the
annoyance of the Foreign Office. The Casablanca Conference, whilst not strictly
post-war planning, was intended to discuss key questions about future strategy,
and in light of the death of Darlan provided an opportunity to settle the dispute
over the policies towards France. It also afforded Churchill the opportunity to
examine the post-war landscape from his point of view, in what became known as
his Morning Thoughts. It should, quite importantly, be noted that Casablanca
almost didnt get off the ground. During the previous months there had been
repeated communications with Stalin about holding a tripartite conference.
Despite their best efforts, neither Roosevelt nor Churchill could persuade him to
leave Moscow; the most he would agree too was the need to meet in the future.21
Even when they hung the question of a European Second Front on the meeting, his
response was no more forthcoming.22 Roosevelt, frustrated by Stalins lack of cooperation, suggested to Churchill that the meeting should go ahead, in Stalins
absence if necessary,23 and thus, on 13 January, Churchill arrived at Casablanca,
followed by Roosevelt the following day. There are many accounts of Casablanca,
from Churchills detailed account in The Hinge of Fate, to more overview accounts
such as in Charmleys The End of Glory,24 so it seems superfluous to delve into the
details of the whole Conference. Instead, given the scope of this thesis, it seems
more prudent to examine the implications the decisions made regarding strategy
had on foreign policy, the efforts to resolve the de Gaulle situation, and Churchills
Morning Thoughts.
TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/25B, Stalin to Churchill, 5 December 1942.
Ibid, Churchill to Stalin, 12 December 1942.
23 Ibid, Roosevelt to Churchill, 9 December 1942.
24 Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, pp. 604-622, Charmley, End of Glory, pp. 520-523. Other accounts
include: Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, pp. 410-420, Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, pp.
667-697, Gilbert, Road to Victory, pp. 292-315.


With Stalin absent, it would be fair to say, given his insistence on a European
Second Front, that the decisions reached did not reflect the attitude and preferred
strategy of the Grand Alliance as a whole.25 In fact, as with his visits to
Washington, it seems it was a remarkable victory for Churchill and the British
strategists. Having successfully persuaded the Americans to follow a Germany
first strategy, then to invade North Africa, it might be presumed that the British
had used up most of their excess of wartime diplomatic nous and political
leadership, and given the continuous increase in American strength, it would not
have been a surprise had the Americans gone to Casablanca and dictated the
future military strategy to the British. The Americans were, however, disorganised
and still at odds over the Germany first strategy,26 so despite trying to present a
plan for a cross-channel invasion of Europe, they were bettered by the British, who
arrived with an array of in-depth logistical and statistical studies to show the folly
of this enterprise. As Colonel Albert Wedemeyer put it, We came, we saw, we
were conquered.27 This, coupled with the plans the British had already settled on
before the Conference, Churchills determination to press home the advantage in
North Africa, (and perhaps, though this is hard to prove, firm up British Imperial
possessions in Africa and the Middle East), and Roosevelts decision to take the
easy route by utilising the troops and equipment from Torch, led to the American
acquiescence in Operation Husky the invasion of Sicily from North Africa.28 It
was also announced at the end of the Conference that the allies would seek to
demand unconditional surrender from their enemies.29 The timing of the
announcement appears to have surprised Churchill, but the issue had been
discussed, and Churchill had consulted the War Cabinet about its inclusion in the

Wilson, T.A. Coalition: Structure, Strategy, and Statescraft, in Reynolds, D. Kimball W.F. and
Chubarian, A.O [Eds]. Allies at war: the Soviet, American, and British experience, 1939-1945,
(Basingstoke, 1994), p. 94.
26 Dimbleby and Reynolds, An Ocean Apart, pp. 144-145.
27 Ibid, p. 145. Colonel Albert Wedemeyer, Senior Army Planner to General Marshall.
28 Charmley, End of Glory, p. 522.
29 Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, p. 615.


joint statement, to which they had approved, so he should not have been as
confused or surprised as he claimed to have been.30

Although the intention of the Conference was to deal with military matters,
both leaders found themselves quickly involved in the French political squabble.
With Darlan out of the picture, there was a gap in the civil authority in North
Africa, and the Americans hoped that it could be filled by Giraud, who arrived in
Casablanca the day after Roosevelt. Eden, however, saw in the Conference a
chance to put an end to the squabbles, as it would provide an opportunity for the
two leaders to meet Giraud and de Gaulle and hopefully bring them to co-operate
with each other.31 Despite the seriousness of the French situation, and the trouble it
had caused in the preceding years, this effort became the subject of jokes between
Churchill and Roosevelt, on the need for the bride and bridegroom to have a
shot-gun wedding.32 Given his status, not to mention his considerable ego, it is
unlikely de Gaulle would have taken kindly to being cast as the bride, but, as with
any wedding, the bride turned up late, much to the annoyance of the two men to
whom, to a greater or lesser extent, he owed the existence of his movement.
Having initially not been told about Casablanca, de Gaulle was invited by
Churchill and Roosevelt to join the Conference, meet with Giraud and attempt to
negotiate an agreement with him.33 There had actually been negotiations ongoing
between de Gaulle and Giraud since the death of Darlan, aided by General
Catroux and the Foreign Office, with de Gaulle suggesting a meeting of the two
Generals, but Giraud stalling, and suggesting instead a preliminary meeting of
military officials.34 In light of this, de Gaulle showed no pleasure in the message
received from Churchill, and felt he should not be summoned to negotiate at the

Churchill to Attlee and War Cabinet, 20 January 1943, and Attlee and Eden to Churchill, 21
January 1943, both quoted in Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, pp. 612-614.
31 Charmley, End of Glory, p. 520.
32 Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, p 680, Kimball, Alliance Forged, editors text, p. 121, Eden,
Reckoning, p. 363.
33 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/8B, Record of a Conversation between Eden and de Gaulle, 17
January 1943.
34 Ibid, Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, pp. 399-403, Eden, Reckoning, p. 359.


whim of the other allies when he was dealing with the situation. He was

particularly adamant that nobody could invite him to meet anybody on French
soil.36 Despite the best efforts of Eden and Cadogan to convince de Gaulle of the
opportunity in front of him, and the potential to achieve his aim and hold talks
with Giraud, the General remained dismissive earning himself the comment that
He is a species of mule in Cadogans diary entry for the day.37 In a further
meeting with Eden that evening, he re-emphasised these points, saying he was
unwilling to negotiate under pressure from the allies, and in his reply to Churchill
noted that he would continue to communicate with Giraud in an effort to arrange
a meeting.38 Eden, who had been working behind the scenes to try and alleviate the
American suspicions of de Gaulle and the Free French must have been particularly
annoyed at this, but managed not to show it in his meetings with the General.39
It seems de Gaulle had now pushed Churchill too far, and such was his
displeasure when de Gaulle refused the invitation, that he threatened that British
support for his movement would need to be reviewed if he remained at its head,
unless he accepted the unique opportunity open to him.40 Eden was, yet again,
tasked with breaking the bad news to the General, with Churchill suggesting he
should knock him about pretty hard.41 Though the War Cabinet amended the
message before it was given to Pleven, de Gaulle having refused to receive the
response personally, its terms were quite strong.42 Churchill had suggested that
Eden could alter the message, so long as it maintained its seriousness, the War
Cabinet draft was actually stronger, suggesting that If with your eyes open you
reject this unique opportunity, the consequences to the future of the Fighting
French Movement cannot but be grave in the extreme.43 For once, we see Eden
TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/8B, Record of a conversation between Eden and de Gaulle, 17 January
36 Ibid.
37 Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 17 January 1943, p. 504.
38 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/8B, Record of a second conversation between Eden and de Gaulle, 17
January 1943, and de Gaulles response to Churchill, 17 January 1943.
39 Ibid, Eden to Halifax, 8 January 1943 and Eden to Peake, 12 January 1943.
40 Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, p. 610.
41 Ibid, p. 610.
42 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/37/3, Cabinet Conclusions, 19 January 1943.
43 Ibid.


taking a line that was as strong, if not stronger, than Churchills towards de
Gaulle, something which had not usually been the case. One potential reason for
this can be seen from Edens foreign policy plans. Thinking about the post-war,
and with France a concept that was, as far as Eden was concerned, to be included
in the peace settlement and the United Nations, he was more worried about
ensuring Britain did not lose out on one of its key war aims and foreign policy
goals rather than pushing the position of de Gaulle. Eden perhaps recognised that
it was in the interests of post-war France that agreement was reached early on
between its rival power bases, and thus felt the need to take this stronger line.
Usually, when crises occurred, Eden shared the opinion or approved of the actions
of the Fighting French, and stood up for them against Churchill. This time
Churchill was trying to enact Edens idea of a meeting to unify the French allied
forces, so Eden was not at odds with the Prime Minister. Thus, with pressure put
on de Gaulle from the man who was usually his supporter, he eventually relented
and accepted the invitation to Casablanca. This change of role for Eden makes this
an interesting episode in Anglo-French relations, as usually Eden was the mediator
between de Gaulle and Churchill or the Americans, this time he was pushing the
hard line. It could well be that his determination to see his foreign policy goal
come to fruition became his over-riding concern, rather than ensuring de Gaulle
remained friendly to the British.
Unfortunately, having ensured de Gaulle made it to Casablanca, Eden had no
control over what happened next. In a snub which still frustrated de Gaulle many
years later, he was not met by any guard of honour, or a car, upon his arrival, and
things continued to go downhill.44 When he reached the Conference, he was
greeted by an angry Churchill, who gave him a stern dressing down, but de Gaulle
was un-moved and stalked out of Churchills villa with his head held high, as if he
were Stalin, with 200 divisions behind his words.45 Despite his anger and
frustration, Churchills sense of admiration for the General still shone through,
perhaps recognising a man very much the spirit of France as Churchill had been

Mangold, Britain and the Defeated French, p. 180.

Gilbert, Road to Victory, p. 305.


the spirit of Britain during 1940 and beyond. Given Churchills stance, that he had
not become the Kings First Minister to preside over the liquidation of the British
Empire,46 it would seem hypocritical for him to chastise de Gaulle for essentially
making the same point, that he had not kept France in the war on the allied side to
see the liquidation of French sovereignty, and Churchill confided later to Wilson
that he recognised that France without an Army is not France. De Gaulle is the
spirit of that Army.47 Churchills memoirs contain a short, almost reminiscent
section, suggesting how he truly felt about de Gaulle, in spite of the angry words
in the telegrams, which lends weight to the argument that above all else he
respected de Gaulle as a great and unconquerable Frenchman.48 Despite the rough
start, Churchill endeavoured to help facilitate an agreement between de Gaulle
and Giraud over the coming days, and he and the British staff attempted to work
with de Gaulle to come up with an agreeable compromise. Roosevelt, despite
laughing when de Gaulle rejected the initial invitation, was reported to have been
kindly and paternal at his initial meeting with de Gaulle, with Churchill
suggesting they got on unexpectedly well.49 This did not help proceedings,
however, as by the press conference at the end of the Casablanca Conference no
agreement had been reached on the communiqu, let alone the fusion of the two
French groups. A cunning piece of stage management did, however, lead to
photographs of the two Generals shaking hands, though Churchill admits that
looking back, these photos cannot be viewed without laughing.50 Eventually, the
two Generals agreed to a limited joint declaration, espousing the need to reach a
union quickly and for liaison between the two groups to achieve the liberation of
France.51 Whilst this was not the best result, it was more progress than may have
been expected, especially since at one point breaking with de Gaulle entirely was
considered, and it was to be the catalyst for efforts over the following months to
achieve the union of the two Generals. Or at least, until it was discovered shortly
Charmley, End of Glory, p. 514.
Gilbert, Road to Victory, p. 306.
48 Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, p. 611.
49 Ibid, p. 611, Gilbert, Road to Victory, p. 305.
50 Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, p. 621.
51 Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, pp. 415-416.


afterwards that Roosevelt had signed documents which recognised, on behalf of

the United States and Great Britain, in the Commander-in-Chief [Giraud] the
right and duty of preserving all French interests . . . They bind themselves to aid
him by all means in their power.52 This was not well received by Harold
Macmillan, the Resident Minister at Allied Forces Headquarters in Algiers, who
informed Eden, the latter passing this information to Churchill, who had no
knowledge of the documents. After some consultation with Robert Murphy,
Roosevelts minister to French North Africa, and the Foreign Office, Churchill was
able to get the documents amended so they were essentially nullified, re-opening
the door for continued efforts towards French unity. For Eden, it was a sharp
reminder of the perils of letting America influence British foreign policy and, for
once, he managed to encourage Churchill to deal with a problem which could
have had serious implications for post-war France, not to mention British relations
with de Gaulle and the Fighting French, and Churchills own relations with

With the conference behind him, Churchill was now free, after a protracted
argument with his Cabinet,53 to travel around North Africa, and also visit Turkey
in an effort to convince them of the need to enter the war alongside the allies.
Whilst the meeting with the Turks did little to improve their willingness to enter
the combat, one thing of interest did come out of Churchills visit, and that was his
Morning Thoughts.54 Having been requested to accompany Churchill on his
travels, Cadogan noted that on 31 January Churchill had dictated his paper on the
future of the world, and intended to present it to Ismet Inn, the Turkish
President. In spite of the Foreign Offices recent work, Cadogan, noted that he
didnt see anything much wrong with it,55 perhaps showing a greater aversion

Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, p. 417.

Telegrams between Churchill and the Cabinet were discussed in several Cabinet meetings
between 20 and 27 January 1943, TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/37/4 to CAB 65/37/7.
54 Dilks, Cadogan Diary. 31 January 1943, p. 509.
55 Ibid, p. 509.


towards long term planning than his colleagues. When word of this reached the

Foreign Office, however, they were not as sanguine. Given Churchills

obstructions over post-war planning, it is unsurprising that offense was taken at
the sudden appearance of these proposals. He provided no evidence he had
caught the Hare required for the recipe to be implemented, as the Germans had
not yet surrendered at Stalingrad, and whilst the Torch landings had been
successful it would still be several months until Rommel was defeated in North
Africa. His proposals differed greatly from those produced by the Foreign Office,
and which had been loosely agreed by the War Cabinet. Harvey was displeased by
both these issues, and also that the document was not transmitted securely, so the
Germans would probably have been able to see it.57 Similar concerns were raised
by Jebb, who must have felt a particular sting given his involvement in the
development of the plans. In a lengthy minute, he criticised Churchills method
and his views, noting that they differ fundamentally and indeed in most essential
points from those of the Foreign Secretary. The only hopeful feature is that where
the Prime Ministers proposals are vague they are (like the Atlantic Charter)
capable of being adapted to almost any concrete scheme for a world system that
may eventually be approved by the Cabinet, and where they are specific are, to put
it mildly, rather impracticable.58 Not exactly a positive commentary, and one that
time did little to mellow, as in his memoirs Jebb reproduces sections of this minute
to support his critique of Churchill, using stronger language at points, though
admitting at the end that perhaps my feelings were too violent.59 After this
general criticism, Jebbs minute proceeded to tackle Morning Thoughts point by
point, arguing against each one, though mentioning the odd crumb of comfort he
found, such as the fact the victorious powers would remain armed.60 The most
troubling sections of Churchills plan, according to Jebb, were the pseudo-revival
Greenwood, Titan, p. 160.
Harvey, War Diaries, 2 February 1943, p. 216.
58 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/35363 Jebbs Minute on Churchills Morning Thoughts, 3
February 1943.
59 Jebb, Memoirs, p. 123, Rothwell suggests time did little to alter Jebbs feelings, Rothwell, Britain
and Cold War, p. 32.
60 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/35363, Jebbs minute on Churchills Morning Thoughts, 3
February 1943.


of the League of Nations, the super Versailles style peace conference at the end of
the War, and an ill-defined European Government that could include Russia and
Turkey.61 There was little contention over the contents of Jebbs minute, though
Cadogan held it up thinking it an over-reaction, and that whilst Jebb might be
right, Churchills pronouncements wouldnt do much harm.62 The idea that Jebb
was right does not come across in Cadogans diary, however, as he notes that it
was a ridiculous minute, and that even Eden did not feel it was as bad as Jebb
was making out.63 So irritated was Cadogan by this, and his rather unpleasant
return flight to England, that he suggested the little quill-drivers should go
abroad and stay there.64 This hope, or at least the first part of it, came true a
month later, when Jebb accompanied Eden to Washington, ironically in place of
Cadogan who was too ill to travel.
Whilst Jebbs outburst may have been over the top, Morning Thoughts led
to another diplomatic conundrum. Given that the Turks had the document, that
the Germans had probably seen it, and Churchill had transmitted it to Roosevelt,65
should it be communicated to the Russians? This was not controversial, but caused
more debate than should have been necessary given the clauses of the AngloSoviet Treaty, and it took several days for agreement to be reached. Warner,
particularly after a conversation with Clark Kerr, who was home on leave,
advocated showing the Russians, though ensuring they realised it was an
unofficial document.66 Likewise Jebb felt that in the spirit of co-operation the
Russians should be informed, suggesting it could be raised as part of the
discussions that Clark Kerr had been authorised to conduct on his return to
Moscow.67 Sargent, however, argued strongly that it was in the interests and spirit
of Churchills mission that the document was not shown to the Russians, as it was
specifically designed to try and bring Turkey into the war, a result felt less likely if

Jebb, Memoirs, p. 123.
63 Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 7 February 1943, p. 513.
64 Ibid, p. 513.
65 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/35363, Minute by Warner on Churchills Morning Thoughts,
4 February 1943.
66 Ibid.
67 Ibid, Minute by Jebb on Churchills Morning Thoughts, 3 February 1943.


Moscow was informed of its contents. The issue was resolved a couple of days

later, as Churchill decided to communicate Morning Thoughts to Moscow, with

suitable explanations.69 In reality, it seems the only difference between Morning
Thoughts and the Foreign Office concept was the detail of how certain things
would be achieved. Both plans, as Charmley ascertained, presented a vision of
Britain as a great power, and having achievements to show for the heavy exertions
of the war effort.70 Whilst the plans may have given Britain different roles, both
Eden and Churchill essentially saw Britain as the elder statesman, using its
wisdom to guide the up and coming powers. For Eden, it was in shaping and
running the United Nations, for Churchill it was as part of the Government of
Europe. Whilst the plans differed in specifics, in essence they shared a common
outlook and aim, that Britain would have an important role in the post-war world.
With little more being said about Morning Thoughts, the Foreign Office was able
to continue the development of its own plans, and also to prepare for Edens
upcoming trip to Washington, but first it had to deal with the Russian fall out from

On 26 January Churchill and Roosevelt sent a joint message to Stalin,

informing him of the decisions made at Casablanca. The telegram set out the
British and American strategy for the coming months, particularly forthcoming
military operations to be undertaken against the Axis. It noted that the defeat of
Germany was the priority; that every effort would be made to divert German
forces away from the Russian front whilst sending Russia the maximum possible
amount of supplies; that the allies intended to clear the Axis out of North Africa,
open up the Mediterranean, and then conduct amphibious operations in the area;
that troops would be concentrated in Britain ready to re-enter the continent of
Europe; that the allied bomber offensive against Germany would be increased and
to maintain the initiative in the Pacific against Japan.71 It also stated that both men
Ibid, Minutes by Sargent on Churchills Morning Thoughts, 5 February 1943 and 6 February 1943.
Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 9 February 1943, p. 513.
70 Charmley, End of Glory, p. 526.
71 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 120/75, Churchill and Roosevelt to Stalin, 26 January 1943.


believed that our ruling purpose is to bring to bear upon Germany and Italy the
maximum forces by land, sea and air which can be physically applied and that
these operations, together with your powerful offensive, may well bring
Germany to her knees in 1943.72 Small wonder that Stalins initial reply was
positive, as he made what appears a logical assumption, that these statements
meant the allies would be launching a European Second Front in 1943.73
Unfortunately, upon receiving the follow-up telegram74 with the additional
information he had requested, he found it less to his liking, and his response
reflected this. He bemoaned the delays both in North Africa, as well as in the
suggested cross-channel invasion of France, and felt that these decisions had
allowed Hitler to transfer more divisions to the Eastern Front.75 At the same time
Eden received an account of an interview with Maisky, in which Maisky was
critical of the Casablanca decisions, deeming them too vague, and felt Britain
needed to act soon or risk leaving the impression that they had left Russia to win
the war for them.76 Maisky had also badgered Churchill on this issue, taking him
to task for the lack of preparation for a cross-channel operation, only to find that,
to his surprise, the Americans had only transported one division to Britain since
November, and that Churchill had no idea how many they may actually send to
participate in a cross-channel operation.77 The communications between Churchill,
Roosevelt and Stalin on the Second Front question continued unsuccessfully, and
despite their best efforts to placate him, Stalin was still unsatisfied with the lack of
a Second Front. The communications were, however, overtaken by the
postponement of the supply convoys, with Churchill, alone despite Roosevelt
offering to send a supporting message,78 informed Stalin on 30 March that, owing
to German naval concentrations around Narvik, it was too risky to send any


TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 120/75, Stalin to Churchill and Roosevelt, 30 January 1943.
74 Churchill to Stalin, 9 February 1943, quoted in USSR Foreign Affairs, Correspondence: Between
Stalin, Churchill & Attlee During WWII, (Hawaii, 2003), pp 93-94.
75 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/26A, Stalin to Churchill via Clark Kerr, 25 February 1943.
76 Ibid, Boothby to Eden, account of an interview with Maisky, 25 February 1943.
77 Maisky diary, 9 February 1943, quoted in Maisky, Memoirs, p. 352. Maisky suggests Churchill was
as surprised and frustrated as he by the American failures.
78 Roosevelt to Churchill, R-265, 28 March 1942, quoted in Kimball, Alliance Forged, pp. 177.


convoys via the northern route. He also bore the bad news that they could not be
resumed until September, especially in light of the shipping required for Husky.79
As on previous occasions when supply convoys were postponed, Stalin sent an
angry telegram, complaining that the other allies were not pulling their weight,
and that this unexpected [] catastrophic cut in the delivery of strategic raw
materials [] cannot but affect the position of the Soviet troops.80 The convoy
issue proved to be only a brief distraction, however, as its significance was
reduced somewhat by the German announcement of the war graves discovered at
Katyn, in Poland, containing the bodies of thousands of Polish Officers murdered
by the NKVD.81

It was this backdrop that greeted Clark Kerr on his return to Moscow. As if
returning to an unfriendly Russia wasnt bad enough, he also had to deal with
different directives as to his actions upon his arrival. His meeting with Churchill
before he left London contained what is perhaps the most unusual directive given
to an Ambassador, as when Churchill was asked for instruction by Clark Kerr, he
responded I dont mind kissing Stalins bum, but Im damned if Ill lick his arse!,
Clark Kerr, showing his class, simply responded Thank you, Prime Minister, now
I quite understand.82 He also received detailed instructions from Eden regarding
the efforts he should make to engage the Russians in talks about the post-war
world. They suggested that he should float the idea with the Russians of
conversations on the whole field of post-war reconstruction, and particularly postwar Europe, which it was felt did not require American input, using the positive
nature of recent speeches by Stalin, particularly those referencing co-operation, as
his way into such discussions.83 Once conversations had begun he was instructed
to discuss a wide range of topics, including Germany, a Customs Union, Eastern

Churchill to Stalin, 30 March 1943, quoted in USSR, Stalin, Churchill, pp. 110-111.
Stalin to Churchill, 2 April 1943, quoted in Ibid, p. 112.
81 The graves of 4,000-10,000 Polish Officers (varying by report) were reported in April 1943, and it
is likely the Massacre occurred after the Soviet occupation of Poland following the Nazi Soviet Pact.
82 Gillies, Radical Diplomat, p. 141.
83 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/35338, Edens directions to Clark Kerr, 4 February 1943.


European Confederations and Poland. Despite the unfavourable political


situation arising from Casablanca, Clark Kerr managed to make some progress.
Very efficiently upon his return he engaged Molotov as per his instructions, and
had a relatively successful talk, though seems to have scared Molotov by pointing
out some disparity between a few of Stalins remarks towards Germany. As a
result, the conversation was brought to an end, and upon receiving Clark Kerrs
account the Foreign Office minutes expressed surprise and pity that this question
had frightened Molotov.85 That said, they expressed general approval at his
approach, and his idea to put further questions in writing for Molotov to consider,
even suggesting items that should (if not already) be covered by such written
communication.86 Clark Kerr also met Stalin a few days later, and despite the
difficult circumstances, appears to have gone on the offensive about his position as
Ambassador, and the restrictions placed upon him which completely differed to
the free role Maisky held in London. Stalin, according to the Ambassadors report,
was unimpressed by this approach, simply grunting occasionally, but was
sufficiently moved by Clark Kerrs argument to agree to help him gain greater
access to people and institutions with whom and which he wanted to engage.87 So
far, so good, and there were further positives to come, as Clark Kerr had another
meeting with Molotov after seeing Stalin, where the two worked through more
points from Edens directive, and had a discussion on three-power consultations.
Whilst Molotov was unable to answer directly, Clark Kerr suggested his reply
indicated that the Soviet Union would not be opposed to this idea, and that
Molotov was rather surprised that the Russians had been approached on this
subject before the Americans.88 Despite the positive response from the Foreign
Office to his efforts though now not to their form89 the written response from
Stalin to the letter submitted to Molotov drew Churchills attention to the

Ibid, Clark Kerr to FO, record of his conversation with Molotov, 21 February 1943.
86 Ibid, Unsent Foreign Office reply to Clark Kerrs telegram of 21 February, Undated but associated
minutes suggest circa 24 February 1943.
87 TNA, Inverchapel Papers, FO 800/301, Clark Kerr to Warner, 28 February 1943.
88 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/ 35338, Clark Kerr to FO, 25 February 1943.
89 Eden commented What do we say to this?! on Stalins written response to the letter from Clark
Kerr to Molotov, and suggested that we should have been wise to leave this alone. Ibid.


proceedings, and with that the approach quickly ground to a halt. Clark Kerr was
informed that he should stop his written correspondence on this issue, and not
mention anything further about post-war discussions.90 Although trying to
alleviate Churchills concern, Edens minute was conciliatory, apologising for the
fact Clark Kerr had gone too far, but trying to suggest that this had been rectified,
and that there had still been some positive responses.91 A letter from Warner to
Clark Kerr served to further highlight the different viewpoint of Churchill when it
came to anything beyond the war effort. He noted that whilst Eden had authorised
the instructions to Clark Kerr, he had not informed the Prime Minister, who, upon
finding out, emitted a series of vicious screams from his sickbed and ordained
that the whole subject of post-war matters should be dropped at once like the
hottest of hot bricks.92 Warner in particular felt a great opportunity has thus
been missed with the Russians.93 Gillies argues that in taking this approach, the
British actually gave the Soviets time, in the wake of their victory at Stalingrad, to
formalise their own thinking, and without the restraints of tri-partite conversations
or agreements, allowed them to exercise a relatively free hand in Eastern Europe.94
The free hand being granted to the Soviets was further evidenced by the
British attitude towards the Katyn Massacre. Whilst undoubtedly tragic, it was
also a testament to the ability of Anglo-Soviet relations to take a firm hit and carry
on. Given the close relations between Britain and Poland, especially since the
Polish Government in Exile was residing in London and Britain had gone to war
over Polish sovereignty, it would have been unsurprising had the British backed
the Poles stance upon the discovery of the mass grave. As it was, despite the
distaste at the discovery, and the general feeling that the Soviets were responsible,
Eden, Churchill, Clark Kerr and others felt that military and political necessity
made it a greater priority to maintain the Anglo-Soviet alliance than support the


TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/35338, Eden to Churchill, 1 March 1943.
92 TNA, Inverchapel Papers, FO 800/301, Warner to Clark Kerr, 16 March 1943.
93 Ibid.
94 Gillies, Radical Diplomat, p. 141.


Polish calls for a Red Cross investigation. Despite the Soviets breaking off

relations with the Sikorski Government, relations with Britain remained stable,
though for some the recognition that Britain had essentially endorsed a war crime
because it had been committed by an ally was a painful pill to swallow.96 The lack
of reference to this in Edens memoirs suggests unease at the topic as a whole,
something Carlton picks up on,97 and is unsurprising given the efforts Eden had
put into Anglo-Soviet relations. Churchill had no such qualms, it seems, as in May
he was sending Stalin jokes about trading Poles for German and Italian soldiers,
thinking it would amuse Stalin.98 This sort of interaction highlights that, despite
the seriousness of Katyn, winning the war was the priority, so friendly relations
continued. The Polish question remained unresolved, however, and would rumble
on throughout the year.

The American Mad House

With de Gaulle back in London, Clark Kerr back in Moscow, and Churchill
home and sufficiently recovered from his post-Casablanca pneumonia to take over
the Foreign Office, Eden was at last able to embark on his much delayed trip to
Washington. This would be Edens first meeting with Roosevelt since 1938, and his
first visit to Washington since becoming Foreign Secretary. That he visited
Moscow before Washington may be a telling sign of his exclusion from the AngloAmerican relationship, but it was a pleasant opportunity for him to attempt to
rekindle some of the positive feeling he held for America during his last visit, a
feeling that had been gradually replaced by suspicion during the course of the
war. The visit, long hoped for by the Foreign Office,99 was an opportunity for Eden
to discuss key issues for British relations with the United States, most notably the

Ibid, pp. 142-143, Harvey, War Diaries, 25 April 1943, p. 249, Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 27 April 1943, p.
523, Thorpe, Eden, p. 283, Rothwell, Eden, p. 68, Charmley, Grand Alliance, p. 69.
96 Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 18 June 1943, p. 537.
97 Carlton, Eden, pp. 215-216.
98 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/26A, Churchill to Clark Kerr, 2 May 1943.
99 Both Cadogan and Harvey mention this idea on 2nd November 1942, Harvey, War Diaries, p. 174,
Dilks, Cadogan Diary, p. 487.


situation with France and the field of post-war planning. As there are lots of
accounts of Edens visit undoubtedly one of the highlights of his time in office
this examination will focus on specific ideas, rather than the broad sweep of the
visit, and look particularly at the difficulty of dealing with the Americans, and the
discussions about France, Russia and post-war organisation.100 One interesting
point that will become relevant in the next chapter is that Cadogan fell ill a few
days before travelling, so Jebb was selected to replace him. Whilst in Washington
Jebb and Strang, who was also accompanying Eden, held many conversations with
members of the State Department on post-war topics, particularly armaments,
Germany, collaboration with Russia and a proposed United Nations Armistice
Commission,101 and the knowledge gained from these discussions would shape
some of Jebbs future ideas.
After an uneventful, though uncomfortable flight, the British arrived in
Washington, where they were greeted by Halifax and Sumner Welles. Notably
Winant, who had returned to Washington for Edens visit, had not met the party
upon arrival, as, in the first example of the complications of American political
dealings Welles refused to tell Winant where Eden would be landing, in revenge
for Winant being invited to the first dinner between Roosevelt and Eden.102 This
trend was to continue throughout the visit, with different people attending
different meetings, though notably Hopkins seems to have attended most of
them.103 Harvey makes reference in his diary to the role of Hopkins, seeing him as
the minence grise of the President, and states that he does everything here. He
is like the secretary to the Cabinet, the private secretary to the President and
general coordinator all in one.104 This made him a useful ally, as he was friendly
to Britain, and always encouraging of Eden during the visit. Eden also recalled the
usefulness of Hopkins, and the number of times he was involved in the various

See, for example, Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, pp. 707-721, Harvey, War Diaries, pp. 227-240,
Eden, Reckoning, pp. 371-381, Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. V, pp. 31-38.
101 Jebb, Memoirs, pp. 125-128.
102 Harvey, War Diaries, 13 March 1943, p. 229.
103 Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, pp. 707-721.
104 Harvey, War Diaries, 11 and 17 March 1943, p. 228 and p. 233.




That Hopkins carried out such a role was incredibly beneficial to the

British, especially given the divisions in the American policy process. Eden
remembered how There was a strange dichotomy in the conduct of American
foreign affairs, the President preferring to work through Sumner Welles, yet
having regard for his Secretary of States authority.106 He also noted how Welles
was not invited to parties thrown by Hull, and that he only saw them together
once, at his most formal meeting with Roosevelt, when both men were
accompanied by their advisors.107 This division led to Eden confiding in Harvey
that it is all rather like a mad house here, and he felt more at home in the
Kremlin. There at least they meant business.108 That this was the American
manner, as Thorpe suggests, goes some way to explain why the British had
difficulty dealing with the Americans when it came to something other than direct
correspondence with Roosevelt.109 As Churchill occupied this channel, the Foreign
Office almost always had to deal with the slower and far less coordinated State
Department. Harvey recalled Hopkins telling Eden that Roosevelt, Hull and
Welles would all have different viewpoints, so it is easy to see why, particularly on
difficult issues such as France, where Britain held different views to the
Americans, there was very rarely any agreement.
The mad house did have its advantages though, as Eden was able to spend
plenty of time in discussion with Roosevelt, free from the drama of the Hull
Welles relationship. It was in these conversations that the real purpose of his visit
could be discussed, and both parties could expatiate on the topic of post-war
considerations. Eden had been hoping for this visit for some time, and saw it as an
opportunity to outflank Churchill and the Cabinet by demonstrating how far
ahead the Americans were, and push them to finally allow the Foreign Office to
really set to the task of fully defining Britains post-war role.110 Eden was pleased
to find that, on many aspects, he and Roosevelt were broadly in agreement. Both
Eden, Reckoning, pp. 371-381.
Ibid, p. 380.
107 Ibid, pp. 280-281.
108 Harvey, War Diaries, 13 March 1943, p. 229.
109 Thorpe, Eden, p. 282.
110 Charmley, Grand Alliance, p. 62.


saw the necessity for an American world role after the war, both agreed in
principle to a four-power council at the head of a World Organisation, and both
agreed on the need to deal sufficiently with Germany to prevent it becoming a
threat in the future.111 There were some differences, however, as Eden still felt
China was not suitable for a role as a great power,112 and was concerned about how
the liberated countries would be run, preferring the reinstatement of the
Governments in exile or other civil authorities, rather than Roosevelts suggestion
that they should initially be run by the allied liberating forces.113 He found that
Hull and Welles were also, separately, forthcoming on the post-war topic. Hull
expressed the view that the future of the world depended on our ability to
understand each other, and to work together in collaboration with Russia and
that it was imperative to avoid another Wilson Fiasco,114 while Welles put
forward a similar idea to Roosevelts of a four power executive committee at the
head of the United Nations, with regional structures underneath, and a general
assembly where all powers could be represented.115 On reporting his visit to the
War Cabinet, Eden certainly presented a positive light when it came to outlining
the conceptions for a post-war World Organisation, suggesting that he saw little
in this lay-out in which our ideas differed from those of the President, and he was
encouraged by the fact that Roosevelt saw the need for wider discussions with
representatives of other nations on such an important topic, rather than Britain and
America simply agreeing this amongst themselves.116
Equally as encouraging for Eden were the discussions about Russia. Having
previously been averse to the idea of an agreement with Russia that incorporated a
decision on their western frontiers, Eden was pleased, and rather surprised, to find
the President willing to agree to the Soviet frontier demands, having accepted that

TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/35/30, The Foreign Secretaries visit to Washington, 30 March
112 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/35365, Eden to Churchill via FO, 16 March 1943.
113 Harvey, War Diaries, 16 March 1943, p. 232. This was particularly true in the case of France.
114 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 120/136, Eden to Churchill via FO, 15 March 1943.
115 Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. V, p. 33.
116 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/38/2, Edens report to Cabinet on his Washington visit, 13
April 1943.


there would be little that could be done to turn her out of the Baltic states,


though Hopkins records of a later conversation suggest otherwise.118 He was also

reassured by Roosevelts suggestion that proper consultation was needed between
Britain, the United States and Russia, particularly on issues such as Poland, as this
would help alleviate Russian fears of an Anglo-American conspiracy, and would
demonstrate the willingness of the powers to work together, especially as
Roosevelt seemed to have accepted the Russian idea of territorial change for
Poland.119 It seems Eden was also able to alleviate some of the American fears of
working with the Russians. He was asked by Roosevelt what he thought about the
concern that Russia intended to communise all of Europe after the war. Whilst
noting that no definite view could be given, Eden replied that even if this was the
Soviet intention, though he did not believe it was, we should make the position
no worse by trying to work with Russia120 and that one of the best ways of
avoiding this was [...] to keep on good terms with Russia.121 These ideas, Eden
reported to the Cabinet, gained general agreement, and Roosevelt suggested that
he would try and ensure better communication with Russia in the future.122
On the subject of France, however, there was significantly less agreement.
This was raised during Edens first dinner with the President, and persisted to the
press conference after he had left for Canada. Eden faced most hostility from Hull,
and recorded in a telegram to Churchill how Hull unburdened himself of his
grievances, which mostly revolved around the fact the British Press, and the Free
French, had criticised his pro-Vichy policy.123 Given that both the United States and
Britain were democracies with free speech, it is odd that Hull expected people who
opposed his view not to criticise his policy, though his complaint was largely
because the British had acquiesced, albeit reluctantly, to the American policy of

TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/35365, Eden to Churchill via FO, 16 March 1943.
Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, p. 715.
119 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/38/2, Edens report to Cabinet on his Washington visit, 13
April 1943.
120 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/35365, Eden to Churchill via FO, 16 March 1943.
121 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/38/2, Edens report to Cabinet on his Washington visit, 13
April 1943.
122 Ibid.
123 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 120/136, Eden to Churchill via FO, 15 March 1943.


maintaining contact. Eden did his best to convince Hull that the British public felt
no sympathy for Vichy and that no matter what anybody said this wouldnt
change, and while not stating the following outright, it seems the implication was
that their attitude certainly would not change because a few Americans were
unhappy about press coverage.124 He reported to the Cabinet that Hulls insistence
on this line was due to his hatred of de Gaulle, something that would certainly
explain American policy towards France. Despite the rather frustrating exchange
of views, Eden wrote in his memoirs that he liked Hull, and confided to Hopkins
that, whilst he was difficult to talk to and obsessed with the problems of the Free
French, the two men saw eye to eye on the major world problems.125 Eden was to
find similar difficulty over France when talking to Roosevelt. Here he found
British policies decidedly at odds with the views of the President, who favoured a
more opportunistic policy based on dealing with individuals, and taking different
approaches in different areas, such as the French Pacific colonies.126 This was in
conflict with the British policy, which was to work with a single, unified French
authority.127 There was also contention over the American idea to rank France as a
lower class power by treating her in much the same way as any other liberated
European power, and not allowing her a position of prominence in the World
Organisation, or even its European aspects, something which Eden felt was overly
harsh, and would raise strong opposition.128 This point in Edens telegram
prompted the response from Churchill that A proposal to rank France lower than
China even in matters affecting Europe, and to subjugate all Europe after
disarmament to the four powers, would certainly provoke lively discussion. I feel
sure that whilst listening politely you have given no countenance to such ideas.
You were quite right to protest about France.129 So Eden was, as Harvey put it,
between the hammer and the anvil on the one hand the Americans were pushing
Ibid, Eden, Reckoning, p. 372.
Eden, Reckoning, p. 380, Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, p. 719.
126 Eden, Reckoning, p. 372.
127 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/38/2, Edens report to Cabinet on his Washington visit, 13
April 1943.
128 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/35/30, The Foreign Secretaries visit to Washington, 30 March
129 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/8B, Churchill to Eden, 30 March 1943.


a multifaceted and non-committal policy towards France, on the other Churchill

was praising him for standing up for France, yet at home frustrating Eden for
trying to aid de Gaulle and the Fighting French.130 The differences over France
were strong enough that they gave Eden reason to doubt the likely success of
future Anglo-American co-operation.131 Perhaps Hulls hatred of de Gaulle caused
Roosevelt to be dismissive towards the Fighting French, or maybe Roosevelt
genuinely thought France was defeated and there was no need for de Gaulle
continuing to have a presence and act like a national hero, but either way the
American attitude hadnt to this point, and wouldnt prove to ever, really warm to
de Gaulle, or the British efforts to see a unified French organisation keeping them
in the war. Perhaps the championing of Giraud was a sign that America were
trying to ensure that post-war France had a Vichy style Government, which would
transfer its subservience to the United States.132 Whatever the reasoning, this
attitude showed a complete lack of understanding of French national feeling, and
could explain why the Americans never understood the strength and importance
of de Gaulle.
On the whole, and certainly at a personal level, the visit was considered a
success. Eden had made many useful and significant contacts, and built up good
relations with key personnel, most notably Roosevelt. Harvey commented that
Roosevelt is developing a passion for A.E. and later that Eden had made a
personal friend of the President.133 Halifax and Hopkins both sent messages to
Churchill informing him of the success of the visit, with Halifax stating that from
the first, he clicked with everyone from the president downwards, both in private
and public. He has never put a foot wrong [] I am sure that his visit, both from
the short-term and long-term point of view, has been immensely useful.134 Those
historians who have studied this visit come to similar conclusions, though make a
Harvey, War Diaries, 3 March 1943, p. 225, and Dutton, Eden, pp. 160-161.
Dutton, Eden, p. 161.
132 Thomas, Britain and Vichy, pp. 173-175, Thorpe, Eden, p. 282, Dutton, Eden, p. 152. TNA, Foreign
Office Papers, FO 371/36036, This file contains many minutes and telegrams by Officials between
February and April 1943 discussing American policy motives, the simplest was wanting a
subservient France as a second rate Power.
133 Harvey, War Diaries, 15 March and 2 April 1943, p. 231 and p. 242.
134 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/30A, Halifax to Churchill via the FO, 31 March 1943.


point of noting where there was division, and evidence Edens report to the
Cabinet, where Eden highlighted the difficulties faced as well as the political
achievements. Given the potential for Eden and Roosevelt to be working together
as Heads of State, helping run and maintain the post-war peace they were
currently trying to shape (at this point nobody knew Roosevelt would not live to
see the peace, that the Conservatives would be beaten in the 1945 election, or, for
that matter, that Churchill wouldnt relinquish the reins until 1955), it was very
important that the two developed a strong relationship.135 This must also have
given Eden confidence to return to London and press forward with his efforts to
shape the World Organisation, and bring to an early end some of the disputes
already flaring relating to post-war issues.

Whilst it can not be definitely stated that the allies would have worked
together after the war had a different course been pursued up to this point, it is not
unreasonable to suggest that, had certain decisions been different, there would
have been more goodwill and respect amongst the allied powers, and that they
could have worked together. Most notably had there been a decision at Casablanca
that the priority was a cross-channel invasion of Europe rather than Husky, the
British would have been saved some of Stalins wrath, and equally could have
been on stronger ground when it came to negotiations with the Russians over
strategic direction, and post-war issues such as the Polish frontiers. They would
also have found Stalin more co-operative, as, to put it simply, the British would be
able to quote combat figures to prove they were actually shouldering their share of
the war effort. Likewise had Churchill left the Foreign Office to develop its foreign
policy, without putting the brakes on, or leaping off on his own tangents, it is
likely that this would have been further forward by the time Eden went to
Washington, and potentially some agreements could have been reached that may
have allowed the process of fully forming the United Nations to have begun in
1943, rather than late 1944. It seems unlikely that any progress could have actually
been made on the French problems, as despite negotiations it is doubtful that de

Charmley, Grand Alliance, pp. 65-66.


Gaulle would ever have subjugated himself to Giraud. That said, had Hull been
able to let go of his vendetta against de Gaulle, and the Americans been prepared,
as they reluctantly were later in the year, to consider France as an important power
and work with a single, unified administration, a good deal of the difficulty in
Anglo-American relations could have been alleviated, allowing them to
concentrate on bigger issues, and the prosecution of the war. Likewise, some of the
difficulty of dealing with America could have been eased had Churchill not
believed so fervently in his relationship with Roosevelt, and put its maintenance
above British strategic requirements. Had he been willing to stand by de Gaulle all
the while, his uncountable persuasive oratory skill could well have helped swing
American opinion more behind de Gaulle, possibly allowing for either an earlier
French union, or even better for the British, a unified allied backing of de Gaulle
and the Fighting French. Obviously little is gained by dwelling anymore on
conjecture, but given the more limited coverage of the development of this strain
of foreign policy, it is important to see that there were alternatives to the course
that was followed, and that these alternatives could have yielded results, some of
which could have been more satisfactory than those that were actually achieved.
These what-ifs will remain apparent during the following chapter, where it can
certainly be seen that events could well have been allowed to follow a different


11) The Foreign Offices Finest Hour?

Having had success during his visit to Washington, Eden was eager to try
and build on this, though there were still many difficulties to negotiate. For the
Foreign Office, Churchills forthcoming visit to Washington to discuss military
strategy in light of Torch and early successes with Husky offered an opportunity
to make some progress on foreign policy without the interference of the Prime
Minister, or at least ensuring he was as far away as possible to make Cabinet
discussions smoother. Whilst some progress was made, most of 1943 was to be
spent dealing with the persistent French drama, which became a major headache
for the Department, particularly due to the continued interference of Roosevelt.
With Allied military success in the Mediterranean and on the Eastern Front, and
private meetings on strategy between Roosevelt and Churchill, came further
Russian demands for a second front, as well as displeasure at being left out of the
loop, making Edens calls for tripartite conversations, and the Foreign Office plans
for the future seem all the more urgent. These issues were all to come to a head
during the great conferences at the end of 1943, at Quebec, Moscow and Tehran,
each having important consequences for the war, and the peace.

Eden had taken Jebb and Strang with him to Washington in March, and
whilst he was consulting the President, they were busy holding detailed
discussions with American Officials from the State Department, and also the
American Advisory Committee on post-war foreign policy.1 Here they were able to
discover more fully American views on certain topics, particularly post-war
armaments, and the future of Germany. It seems Roosevelts suggestion that only
the Four Powers should be armed was not a widely shared view, as this was,
amongst other things, economically impractical, and that opinion was moving
towards an international police force.2 It was also discovered that the Americans
James Dunn, Ray Atherton and Norman Davis in particular, State Department Adviser on
Political Relations, State Department Head of European Division and Diplomat and Member of the
Advisory Committee respectively. Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. V, pp. 36-37.
2 Jebb, Memoirs, p. 126.


had no firm views about Germany and on certain topics, such as German
dismemberment, the range of views was quite varied. Despite the President
favouring it, as he told Eden, it seems the Chiefs of Staffs and Hull were uncertain
as to its merit,3 and there was, equally, disagreement about zones of occupation,
though discussion of this topic was ahead of the Foreign Office, who had only
moved as far as accepting that Germany would have to be occupied.4 Jebb took the
opportunity in these discussions to raise an idea he had, which was for the creation
of a United Nations Commission for Armistice and Post-Armistice Problems,5
which was received favourably and considered worthy of further study.6 The idea
was to co-ordinate the armistice work of the three powers to create unified plans
both for armistice terms and for the restoration of order in Europe. All agreed that
this would provide a strong opportunity to involve the Russians, and show them
that Britain and America were willing to continue working with them into the
peace.7 Unlike Eden, Jebb was not engaged for the entirety of the visit, and was
able to spend time working on his latest revision to his post-war planning work.
Building on the United Nations Plan, Suggestions for a Peace Settlement
took note of comments made on its predecessor, and the American views
encountered during the conversations in Washington. The plan, running at a
tangent to its predecessors, removed some of the more British focussed sections in
favour of more generalised statements, and rephrased sections so their terms were
more acceptable to the Americans.8 This appears to have occurred for two
reasons. Firstly, Jebb was easily influenced by American opinion where it was
along similar lines to his own, and thus felt this should be incorporated into the
Foreign Office work; and second, after Edens visit there seemed a strong prospect
of America being involved in some form of World Organisation. Given the Foreign

Ibid, p. 126.
TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/34/46, Edens Memorandum on the Future of Germany, 8
March 1943.
5 Also known as the United Nations Commission for Europe or the Inter-Allied Armistice
Commission for Europe.
6 Greenwood, Titan, p. 163.
7 Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. V, p. 37.
8 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/35396, Jebbs covering minute on Suggestions for a Peace
Settlement, 20 April 1943.


Offices aim was to get the Cabinet to approve a policy so Eden could begin
consultation with the Americans and the Russians, it made sense to have a draft
that was relatively acceptable to two of the powers right off the bat. Some notable
differences between the United Nations Plan and the Suggestions plan included
a new clause referencing the Atlantic Charter, the removal of statements about
British goals, the redefinition of the roles of the Executive Committee of the World
Organisation and an expanded role for the United Nations Commission for
Europe.9 There was one notable omission from Suggestions, as it contained no
reference to the Anglo-Soviet Treaty, which was a key feature of previous plans.10
Whilst these changes did little to alter the overall theme and guiding aims of the
plan, they were subtle nods to Britain ceding ground to America in post-war
planning. Given the American conception was so similar (in part as the British
Four Power conception had been borrowed from America to start with), it was felt
this was not a problem. Jebb suggested that some sections that were less aligned to
American thinking had been left vague so they could be more easily reconciled
with President Roosevelts views without the British having to make sacrifices,
and the suggestion that the organisation would be provisional until it was proved
to work offered flexibility for future changes if required.11 The paper did not make
it past draft form, as at a meeting the next month between Eden, Cadogan, Jebb,
Sargent, Strang, Harvey and Malkin, post-war thinking was overtaken by
Cadogans suggestion for the need to focus on the particular machinery required
for dealing with the practical issues that would arise after the war regarding the
agreement and implementation of armistice terms.12 Cadogan felt agreement with
the Americans and Russians on these matters was the priority, and if it were
achieved it would allow for the easier formation of other machinery.13 It was thus
agreed that the Dominions would be consulted over the Suggestions paper in an
effort to understand how they would fit into the scheme, but that attention would
Ibid, Draft of Jebbs Suggestions for a Peace Settlement, 27 March 1943.
11 Ibid, Jebbs covering minute on Suggestions for a Peace Settlement, 20 April 1943.
12 Ibid, Record of a meeting held by Eden on the Suggestions Plan, 12 May 1943. Sir William
Malkin, FO Legal Advisor.
13 Ibid, Record of a meeting held by Eden on the Suggestions Plan, 12 May 1943.



focus on the drafting of a Cabinet paper dealing with the creation of a United
Nations Commission for Europe.
The paper, rather swiftly compiled by the Economic and Reconstruction
Department, was based on the lines Jebb had discussed for such a commission in
Washington, and was circulated to the War Cabinet on 25 May, though it appears
not to have been considered until mid-June, by which time Churchill had returned
from Washington. Its central theme was that: There should be established a
supervisory body entitled "United Nations Commission for Europe," composed of
high-ranking political representatives of the three major Allies, of France and the
minor European Allies, and possibly of any Dominion prepared to contribute to
the policing of Europe. The Commission should be situated at some convenient
point on the Continent. The Commission would act as the supreme United Nations
authority in Europe to direct and co-ordinate the activities of the several Armistice
Commissions, the Allied Commanders-in-Chief and any United Nations civilian
authorities that may be established; and to deal with current problems, military,
political, and economic, connected with the maintenance of order. A "Steering
Committee," consisting of the representatives of the three major Allies and of
France, if she recovers her greatness, should be established as the directing body of
the Commission.14 It was considered that, by undertaking such a commitment,
harmony could be achieved between the three allies, the danger of Russia
concluding separate armistices would be reduced, and it would, for the time being,
avoid awkward topics such as the future of Germany being discussed, requiring
only an acceptance of great power co-operation for consultation to begin.15 The
Cabinet, including a notably quiet Churchill, agreed to the general lines of this
paper, save for the section on the Occupation of Germany which they felt required
further examination, and instructed Eden to make an informal approach to Winant
and Maisky as a first step, which he did in early July.16

TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/37/17, Edens Memorandum on Armistices and Related
Problems, 25 May 1943.
15 Ibid.
16 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/34/40, War Cabinet Conclusions, 16 June 1943, Woodward,
British Foreign Policy, Vol. V, p. 50.


With the process started on the Commission, attention turned once more to
the wider plan for peace and world organisation, made necessary by Churchills
recent trip to Washington. Despite the conference being concerned with military
strategy, Churchill hosted a lunch party at the British Embassy on 22 May where
he held forth on the structure of the post-war settlement, and later presented a
record of this conversation to the War Cabinet.17 His views, although moving
closer to those of Eden, were still further away than those of the State Department
and America more generally. Whilst there was less adverse reaction to this latest
round of interference, Jebb and Webster were put out.18 It is also interesting that
Halifax sent Eden a letter from Washington about Britains position in the future
Churchill was proposing, noting his concerns that the British outlook might
easily be swamped by the strength and dominance of America in such an AngloAmerican partnership.19 Eden and Jebb concurred, and work continued on the
World Organisation, rather than Churchills ideas, though Jebb did find time to
write a satirical paper critiquing Churchills views, entitled Early Morning
Thoughts. This paper set out the extreme of anti-Foreign Office views, with
suggestions for a merged Anglo-American Empire, run by the Combined Chiefs of
Staff from Washington, Councils of Europe, Asia and the Americas all subservient
to this, and a boycott of Russia.20 Jebb, however, makes a serious point when
looking back, and realising that the reality of Europe by 1948 was far closer to the
suggestions in this paper than any official plan, and stating that the reality of Cold
War, a world ideologically divided between its two Superpowers, was exactly
what the Foreign Office had been trying to avoid.21 Worryingly, the same
sentiments were to be found in Churchills speech, given at Harvard after the
Quebec conference later in the year, showing how out of step Churchills views
still were with those of the Foreign Office, and how little awareness he appeared to

TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/37/33, Churchills Memorandum on the Structure of the PostWar Settlement, 10 June 1943.
18 Greenwood, Titan, p. 165, Reynolds, P.A. and Hughes, E.J [Eds]. The Historian as Diplomat: Charles
Kingsley Webster and the United Nations, 1939-1946, (London, 1976), pp. 16-17 and pp. 20-21.
19 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/22A, Halifax to Eden, 28 May 1943.
20 Jebb, Memoirs, pp. 130-131.
21 Ibid, p. 131.


have of the likely impact of such a vision on the post-war world. In hindsight one

could argue that this showed Churchills greater awareness of the Russian danger,
but this ignores the fact that, if Britain sided with America and left Russia out, it
would have increased Russian concerns and their historic suspicion of the AngloSaxon powers. Given the concern Russia had shown to this point of being
excluded, such a situation would make a post-war division more likely than
attempts to work with Russia and resolve some of the concerns.
Despite this interlude, the Suggestions plan was revised once again, and retitled The United Nations Plan for Organising Peace and Welfare (though the last
two words were dropped when presented to the Cabinet). This dealt with the
suggestions made by Churchill in Washington, the concerns raised in the
Armistice and Related Problems memorandum and also took onboard advice from
Webster, whose close relationship with Jebb meant he had a strong influence on
the shape of this and future papers. His expert knowledge of Castlereagh, the
Congress of Vienna and the Paris Peace Conference made him an incredibly
suitable academic to advise the Foreign Office on post-war planning, something
which could add weight to the notion that the Department was actually being very
clever, and learning from the past how best to cope with the future. Jebb
considered it much improved from the Four Power Plan, combining the best of
the previous plans, opinions from America and Webster, and managing to vaguely
include a Council of Europe in an effort to show some compromise with
Churchills views.23 Greenwood noted how the influence of Webster, though a
Great Power man like Jebb, gave the plan a new level of innovation and
sophistication, allowing it to remain a Great Power plan, but appear to give voice
to the smaller powers through an Assembly and with a Secretariat to organise
regular meetings.24 He also proposed the need for Judicial and Arbitral machinery,
such as a World Court.25 This conclusion was also reached by Reynolds and
23 Ibid, p. 128.
24 Greenwood, Titan, p. 168.
25 Reynolds and Hughes, The Historian as Diplomat, pp. 19-20.


Hughes, whose work on Webster shows that he was actively involved in the work
of the Foreign Office before the formal creation of the Foreign Office Research
Department in April 1943, and they note that his deeper understanding of the
problems of international organizations and a greater sensitivity to the feelings of
smaller powers meant his note on Jebbs draft was taken seriously, and led to
amendments being made before the paper was presented to the Cabinet.26

The paper was circulated to the Cabinet on 7 July, though it was never
discussed. Instead, Churchill proposed that it and similar post-war memoranda,
including one of his own, should be considered by a small Cabinet Committee,
which would then report to the War Cabinet.27 Unfortunately, this never happened
as, by September, the Committee had stopped meeting, probably due to the
decisions made at Quebec, though on 5 August and 11 August it did discuss the
paper, and suggested it should be taken as the basic statement on foreign policy.28
The paper, in its new and slightly expanded form, was an incredibly detailed piece
of work, and is worth examining despite its lack of progress beyond a Cabinet subcommittee.29 Unlike previous plans, the new plan set itself against the Atlantic
Charter, and the clause relating to this is interesting, as it highlights the dichotomy
of British foreign policy planning: The principles embodied in the Charter will be
the basis of any international world order after the war. But they will need to be
applied and interpreted so as to provide definitely both for a world security
system and for world economic arrangements.30 This statement shows British
adherence to the Atlantic Charter, but also their belief that it should be interpreted
vaguely so as not to upset world security or the world economy. In other words
Reynolds and Hughes, The Historian as Diplomat, pp. 19-20, also TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO
371/36396, Note from Webster to Jebb, Some Considerations on a United Nations Organisation,
27 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/35/37, Cabinet Conclusions, 29 July 1943.
28 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/35397, Record of meeting of the Cabinet Sub-Committee on
the Post-War Settlement, 5 August 1943.
29 Full copies of the plan can be found in TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/35397, War Cabinet
Memorandum United Nations Plan for Organising Peace, 7 July 1943; Woodward, British Foreign
Policy, Vol. V, pp. 51-61; Reynolds and Hughes, The Historian as Diplomat, pp. 126-134.
30 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/35397, War Cabinet Memorandum United Nations Plan for
Organising Peace, 7 July 1943, Section A.


this is a suggestion that the British, as Churchill had asserted previously, didnt
think the Charter applied to them in its full terms, and that whilst its principles
were sound, its universal application was not considered beneficial. From this
point it followed a similar structure to the previous plans, with a General
Considerations section analysing the need for international co-operation and a
body to replace the League of Nations; the status and duties of the World Powers,
and the potential ranking of other powers including France and the Axis powers
and the structure and function of a World Organisation.31 This was followed by a
section examining the Economic and Social Considerations to be taken into
account, including relief and reconstruction and the development of backward
countries, then sections examining how the plan would be applied, firstly in
Europe but also in the Far East.32 It finished with a section espousing the ideal view
of the World Organisation, covering a discussion of regionalism and regional
defence systems, where the colonial structures would fit, representation of the
smaller states and methods for organising meetings and communications of the
The plan in this form offered new suggestions to the previous version, some
of which were courtesy of Webster, others a result of increased work on armistice
problems and responses relating to previous papers. Included in this revision was
a more detailed assessment of the functions of the World Council: which in essence
were to smooth friction between the World Powers, and to take such dispositions
as required to maintain peace within the general security system; together with a
provision for inclusion of smaller Powers both by regional elections, and for
consultation where their interests were directly involved.34 This paper also
contained a new expanded clause on armaments, which was particularly
interesting given it was designed to cover the small powers, whose allowance
would be determined by their level of usefulness during the war and in
maintaining the peace, but was also supposed to apply to the World Powers too. It

Ibid, Sections B, C and D.
33 Ibid, Section E.
34 Ibid, Section A, Paragraph 5.


is hard to imagine the Soviet Union, or some of the smaller Powers, agreeing to
have their allocations dictated too them by the World Council.35 The increased
examination of Armistice Problems meant the plan also made greater reference to
the idea of a United Nations Commission for Europe, with emphasis placed on its
role in controlling and administering Germany after the war, and even suggested
that it may eventually morph into a Council of Europe with the caveat that Britain,
the Soviet Union and the United States would have to be represented to prevent its
dominance by Germany.36 Similar considerations would also be applied to the Far
East.37 Its final section was also expanded from previous plans, offering a more
detailed idea of the whole concept of a World Organisation, and this was the area
where Websters influence was most notable. This section now allowed for
regional groupings, but was worded so as to prevent the creation of spheres of
influence by the World Powers, and also provided a clearer idea of how the
regional structures would work in the system with a general Assembly and a
World Council. The Four Power Plan would still be the heart of any system, but it
was now a broader and more open system, making it harder to criticise the World
Powers for dictating the peace, though that, in effect, was what they would be
doing, at least initially.38 On top of these major changes, there were other, smaller
ones, such as the inclusion of Judicial and Arbitral Machinery; a greater
examination of post-war Economic and Social Considerations, and a clearer
statement of post-war status of Germany, Japan and Italy.39
It is a great shame that more attention was not paid to this plan, as not only
was it detailed and thorough, it was an incredibly visionary piece, setting out a
structure and method by which peace could be maintained after the war. In fact,
given the way the United Nations would develop, many of the ideas set out in this
paper were to become part of the United Nations Charter, agreed upon in 1945 but

Ibid, Section A, Paragraph 7.

Ibid, Section C.
37 Ibid, Section D.
38 Ibid, Section E.
39 Ibid, Sections A and B.


based on proposals discussed in 1944. Jebb said of his Four Power Plan that it

served as an essential basis for the discussions at Dumbarton Oaks, out of which
emerged, largely unscathed, the eventual charter of the United Nations.41 Whilst
Greenwood notes that this was an exaggeration as the plan, at that stage,
contained barely a shadow of how any proposed organisation could function, had
Jebb made this statement about the United Nations Plan for Organising Peace,
such an accusation would be significantly harder to level.

The study of these plans is important, not least because very few others seem
to have felt this necessary or relevant to studies, either of the Second World War,
the formation of the United Nations, or the history of European integration or
collaboration. They show that important work was happening in the Foreign
Office, in collaboration with staff in the State Department, towards the
achievement of a system for preserving peace at the end of the War. Reynolds
suggests that the post-war efforts were intrinsically flawed due to the uncertain
future of the Soviet Union, but makes this statement looking back through the
medium of the Cold War.42 Taking this stand, such efforts would seem in vain and
thus unworthy of serious study, potentially explaining his comment in an earlier
work that no serious planning for peace or the future of Germany took place until
summer 1943.43 Looking from 1943, where victory had been secured in North
Africa, where Stalin had broken the German offensive, first at Stalingrad and then
at Kursk, and where Italy was close to collapse under increasing allied military
operations, these plans cannot be regarded as insignificant. Jebb noted the
difficulty of co-ordination by telegrams and indeterminable minutes, and the
concern that, without some form of integrated plan amongst the allied powers,
further difficulties would arise, such as over Italian armistice plans, hence Edens

Dumbarton Oaks Conference, October 1944, and the Charter signed in San Francisco, 25 June
41 Greenwood, Titan, p. 155.
42 Reynolds, D. From World War to Cold War: Churchill, Roosevelt, and the international history of the
1940s, (Oxford, 2006), p. 70.
43 Reynolds, D. Great Britain: Imperial Diplomacy, in Reynolds, Kimball and Chubarian, Allies at War,
p. 336.


paper to the War Cabinet in May. Roosevelt was talking about Four Powers and an
international police force, Stalin had made positive references to collaboration and
had signed the Alliance with Britain, so the prospects of continued collaboration
did not seem beyond the realms of possibility, especially as nothing in the Foreign
Office plans contradicted, to their knowledge, anything Stalin thought or had
stated on the topic.44 It was hoped that such schemes, if enacted, would also
provide a means to deal with difficult topics, such as Poland, that could hamper
allied relations, and thus they seemed like a productive method for improving
allied collaboration and co-operation during the war, and making the Grand
Alliance a genuine diplomatic alliance, rather than a militarily convenient one.
Britain had been urged in 1941 and 1942 to take the lead on post-war planning,
particularly regarding Europe,45 and these plans show that the Foreign Office
made a very good effort at making this a reality.

A Special Brand of Obstinacy

These plans were not developed in isolation, work taking place alongside the
attempted unification of the French groups into one movement, a battle that was to
occupy Eden for much of 1943, despite the promise shown at the end of the
Casablanca Conference. Negotiations between the two French Generals continued
for some time, with neither willing to make concessions. No general agreement
was reached, but in March the French National Committee presented a proposal to
Giraud, suggesting the fusion of the two movements should be based on a
repudiation of the armistice; the restoration of fundamental freedoms; the
reestablishment of republican forms of Government and an assurance that nothing
would be done to prejudice the eventual decision to be made by the French people

TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/32918. File contains several reports and memorandum from
the end of 1942 detailing Russian attitudes to the Post-War settlement, War aims, France and
confederations. TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/36992 contains similar documents from 1943.
45 Barker, Churchill and Eden, pp. 214-215, Greenwood, S. Britain and European cooperation since 1945,
(Oxford, 1992), p. 7, Eden, Reckoning, p. 341.


with regard to their elected Government. Giraud initially rejected this, though

later made a speech which essentially accepted these clauses, and followed this by
inviting de Gaulle to Algiers.47 The War Cabinet, encouraged in Edens absence by
Law, considered this a good basis for agreement, and both Hull and Churchill
made positive statements about the speech.48 Thus only issues of personality,
rather than policy, remained, but eventually, with efforts from Catroux, Macmillan
and Jean Monnet,49 the two Generals moved closer to an agreement. In April de
Gaulle reported to Eden that the French National Committee and Catroux had
reached two proposals for communication to Giraud, both of which were
acceptable to him. These would allow for a union of Giraud and de Gaulle,
whereby Giraud could maintain his role of Commander-in-Chief, but assume no
political role, or should he prefer a political role, he and de Gaulle would be coChairs of the Committee.50 De Gaulle suggested that he envisaged a reconstituted
National Committee, with Giraud and himself as equal members, and including
some of Girauds collaborators such as Monnet.51 These were considered positive
proposals by Eden, who had seen Churchill earlier that day and gained his
acquiescence to recognise a committee formed along the lines proposed by de
Gaulle.52 Cadogan remained suspicious, however, and there are several references
in his diary around this time to the notion that Catroux may have been double
crossing de Gaulle.53 After initially rejecting these proposals, Giraud changed his
mind, and was prepared to accept Cabinet collective responsibility and joint
presidency, though not the expulsion of ex-Vichy figures or the subordination of
the military to the civil structure.54 An outburst from de Gaulle quickly followed a

Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, p. 423.

Ibid, p. 424.
48 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/33/40, War Cabinet Conclusions, 15 March 1943, Woodward,
British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, p. 424.
49 Jean Monnet, French Political and Economic Advisor, former Deputy Secretary General of the
League of Nations, generally regarded as one of if not the founding father of the European Union.
50 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/8B, Eden to Peake, 16 April 1943, Record of a meeting with de Gaulle
on French Unification.
51 Ibid.
52 Ibid.
53 Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 24 March to 3 April 1943, pp. 516-518.
54 Mangold, Britain and the Defeated French, pp. 190-191.


meeting with Churchill, almost resulting in the resignations of Catroux and Ren
Massigli,55 and Giraud threatened to break off relations, but the day was saved by
Macmillan and Murphy who convinced everyone to calm down, and helped draft
a response from Giraud.56 Catroux, was, therefore, able to bring news in May that
Giraud would be happy to come to an agreement with de Gaulle.57
Unfortunately, this was timed perfectly to coincide with the arrival from
Churchill of a large and dubiously packaged American spanner, a gift courtesy of
Roosevelt and Hull, who saw de Gaulle being afforded a chance of prominence,
and thus felt the need for a dramatic over-reaction. Unlike their previous visitor,
Churchill, in Washington for strategic discussions, proved far more willing to
listen to, and more worryingly agree with, American anti-Gaullist protestations.
The unimportance of France and French policy to Churchill is demonstrated by the
singular paragraph he devotes to the American protestations and his conflict with
the Cabinet during this visit, and this is only a paraphrasing of the telegram he
sent to the War Cabinet.58 On 21 May, the day Catroux brought the news from
Giraud, Churchill gave in to the persistent nagging of the President and sent the
War Cabinet a strongly worded telegram on the de Gaulle situation. Calling de
Gaulle a marplot and mischief-maker Churchill felt he had missed his market
in North Africa, that he was absorbed in his own personal career which depends
on a vain endeavour to make himself the arbiter of the conduct of all Frenchmen
and that we should now eliminate de Gaulle as a political force.59 The telegram
suggested that he should be prevented from going to North Africa so he couldnt
squabble with Giraud or the ex-Vichyites, and also referred to several complaints
against de Gaulle, one of which was his supposed plan to assassinate Giraud.60 The
War Cabinet appear to have found this tirade, and its associated memoranda
essentially ridiculous, and the meeting spent little time discussing Churchills

Free French Commissioner for Foreign Affairs.

Mangold, Britain and the Defeated French, p. 191.
57 Eden, Reckoning, p. 386.
58 Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, p. 716. Eden devotes two whole pages to this, Eden, Reckoning, pp.
59 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/36047, Churchill to Attlee and Eden, 21 May 1943.
60 Ibid.


point of view. Contrary to Barkers suggestion that this was the first occurrence of
Eden rallying the Cabinet against Churchill in his absence (a statement she
contradicts within a few sentences),61 the Cabinet again rallied against Churchill,
and the meeting focussed on critiquing the American position, and drafting three
separate responses to Churchill dealing effectively with the odds and ends
brought up against de Gaulle.62 The telegrams addressed all the flimsy slights
Churchill and the Americans had raised, reminded them of the firm agreements in
place, and also highlighted the practical difficulties which would be experienced if
they broke with de Gaulle.63 It was the Cabinets considered opinion, they
informed him, that the American policy towards France was and had been
consistently wrong, that they were continuing to pressure for the removal of de
Gaulle to mask this fact, which was becoming more obvious in the United States,
and that taking such a course would in fact be to make a martyr of de Gaulle.64 It
seems in trying to rectify their failed policy the American efforts would only serve
to more swiftly facilitate the realisation of their fear of a strong de Gaulle.
Churchill replied that he wouldnt mar his relations with Roosevelt by arguing the
Cabinet line, and would discuss it with them when he returned, in light of the
developments between the two Generals.65 Eden was probably buoyed by a
message received the following day from Halifax which showed the folly of
Churchills indictment of de Gaulle, and that Eden had been correct in the line he
had taken. Halifax noted his concern at the Presidents attitude to de Gaulle and
the potential of Britain sacrificing its own policy to please America, furthermore,
American public opinion actually preferred the British policy to the one being
pushed on it by the White House and the State Department.66 Churchill paints the
picture in his memoirs that time and patience afforded tolerable solutions67 to

Barker, Churchill and Eden, p. 73. Barker notes in the same paragraph that Eden had used this
tactic over Churchills visit to Turkey after Casablanca.
62 Harvey, War Diaries, 24 May 1943, p. 260.
63 Three telegrams from Attlee and Eden to Churchill, contained in TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB
65/38/9 War Cabinet Conclusions, Confidential Annex, 23 May 1943.
64 Ibid.
65 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/36047, Churchill to Attlee and Eden, 25 May 1943.
66 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/8B, Halifax to FO, 26 May 1943.
67 Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, p. 716.


this problem, and whilst this was the case, he neglected to mention that time and
patience came about because the Cabinet put him in his place regarding agreed
British and Anglo-American policy, and refused to let the American influence
override British interests. Churchill, perhaps, would have been wise to consider
acting in the manner of the advice he would later give Eden: that It is a great
mistake always to want to do things. Very often they will do themselves much
better than anyone could do them.68
Time and patience on the part of the French did yield results and, in what
must have been a satisfying moment for Eden, Churchill was there to witness it.
Having finished his discussions in Washington, Churchill travelled to North
Africa, taking with him General George Marshall, Chief of Staff of the United
States Army, in an effort to convince him on the Mediterranean strategy he had
been less successful promoting in Washington. He arrived in Algiers shortly before
de Gaulle, and kept himself updated on French affairs using an old friend, General
Georges, who was working with Giraud.69 Anticipating trouble, he had summoned
Eden, on the premise that he was much better fitted than I am to be the best man
at the Giraud-de Gaulle wedding.70 No doubt this was the case, given that of the
two men Eden was in favour of French union and Churchill, in the hangover from
his Washington visit, still somewhat against. Unintentionally, Churchill had
invited Eden to be present to witness the triumph of his policy, something that
should have given Eden great satisfaction; though it seems from his memoirs to
have been lower on the scale than bathing and touring the front lines.71 After a
rocky start to negotiations, and with Eden, but more importantly Churchill,
touring the battlefields, the French were able to come to an agreement, though
some outside help was needed from Macmillan and Murphy. The first meeting
had ended abruptly, with de Gaulle storming out, mostly over a personal dispute
with Georges, though the lack of any agenda or items to discuss didnt help, and

Barker, Churchill and Eden, p. 119.

Georges had been Second in Command to the French Commander-in-Chief until the fall of
France, and had been recently smuggled out of France by the British.
70 Churchill to Attlee and Eden, 29 May 1943, reproduced in Churchill, The Hinge of Fate, p. 729.
71 Eden, Reckoning, p. 389.


Macmillan took it upon himself to provide these for the following meeting. The

tension and mutual dislike was significant, with Catroux at one point commenting
that he was stuck between a madman and an ass,73 but Macmillan and Murphy
worked hard to convince all parties that negotiations should be continued.
Unfortunately, before the next meeting, a new dispute arose over the resignation
of Marcel Peyrouton, the Governor-General of Algeria. De Gaulle, having never
favoured his appointment due to his Vichy connections, and without consulting
Giraud, quickly accepted, as did Giraud when he later received the letter of
resignation. De Gaulle later informed Giraud of his action, which, for some reason,
caused chaos. It seems bizarre that this almost led to the arrest of de Gaulle and his
associates, given both generals had been sent the letter of resignation, both had
accepted and made similar offers of a future position for Peyrouton, and both had
done so without consulting the other.74 Yet Giraud was apparently astonished that
de Gaulle had done exactly what he had done, and requested Admiral Muselier
join his Cabinet to keep order against a possible Coup. More peacemaking was
required, and Macmillan, after heroic efforts, managed to convince de Gaulle of
the folly of missing this opportunity, believing that if he acted honourably, he
would be able to acquire in due course power for himself and his supporters.75
With everyone suitably mollified, the two parties met the following day, and
agreed on the formation of the French Committee of National Liberation (FCNL),
essentially along the lines of the proposals given to Giraud by the French National
Committee in March.76 A celebratory lunch was held the following day, toasting
the new committee. Intentionally or not, but presenting a nice image of the
differing policies, this was a British event, and no Americans were invited.

Mangold, Britain and the Defeated French, p. 195.

Ibid, p. 196 (it is unclear which general was which, though, arguably, de Gaulle could have played
both roles).
74 Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II. p. 435.
75 Charmley, End of Glory, p. 541, TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 660/49, Macmillan to de Gaulle, 2
June 1943, reproduced in Mangold, Britain and the Defeated French, p. 196.
76 Formed 3 June 1943, with de Gaulle and Giraud as co-Presidents.


Roosevelt, keenly sensing this latest snub to his desire to break with de
Gaulle, sent Churchill an angry message, complaining about positive publicity and
wishing Churchill Best of luck in getting rid of our mutual headache.77 Despite
Churchills reply that things were looking more positive,78 continued squabbles
over the French military command led to Roosevelt resuming the attack, and
Churchill once more sided with his friend.79 After several telegrams from
Roosevelt, some of which Churchill requested Macmillan adhere to,80 a long,
hysterical telegram arrived on 17 June, which even Churchill could not defend.81
The repeated assertion that everyone should break with de Gaulle showed Eden
that we shall be hard put to it to keep in step with the Americans, or rather pull
them into step with us, over the French business, and not commit some folly which
will give de Gaulle a martyrs crown or control of the French army or both.
F.D.R.s mood is now that of a man who persists in error. It has all that special
brand of obstinacy, like Hitler at Stalingrad.82 Fortunately, he and Attlee secured a
compromise reply from Churchill, though this was somewhat ambiguous, praising
the Presidents instructions to Eisenhower to keep military control with Giraud,
whilst also stating that he did not favour breaking up the committee, apparently
unaware that the former would likely result in the latter.83 Cadogan considered
this a sign that Roosevelt had lost his head.84
Eden was saved a continued fight over this issue by an American who
commanded enough respect to swing even Churchills mind. This American was
not situated in Washington, however, but in North Africa, and was working with
Macmillan to resolve the French command issue, both men having decided to
interpret their instructions more as guidelines than rules. Eisenhower felt the best
method for resolving the situation was not allied dictation, but a discussion setting

Roosevelt to Churchill, R-278, 4 June 1943, in Kimball, Alliance Forged, pp. 229-230.
TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/8B, Churchill to Roosevelt, 6 June 1943.
79 Charmley, End of Glory, p. 541.
80 Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, pp. 438-441.
81 Eden, Reckoning, p. 394.
82 Edens diary entry for June 18th, quoted in Eden, Reckoning, p. 394.
83 Barker, Churchill and Eden, pp. 78-9 and Carlton, Eden, p. 219.
84 Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 18 June 1943, p. 537.


out basic military necessities, and leaving the details up to the French. Whilst de

Gaulle was unhappy at this further interference in French affairs, Eisenhower only
discussed military matters when he met the two generals, informing them that he
would not intend to interfere with any internal organisation that the French
Committee might decide upon, and appealed to them both as soldiers to accept
the military requirements of a fellow soldier.86 Shortly after, a decision was
reached that was acceptable to Eisenhower, though maybe not to Roosevelt,
whereby a permanent military committee was established, with de Gaulle as its
chair and Giraud a member, and military command split so Giraud was
Commander-in-Chief for North Africa, and de Gaulle for the rest of the French
Empire.87 Macmillan considered this satisfactory, recommended its support by the
British, and for Churchill to recommend its acceptance to Roosevelt.88 Given the
trouble de Gaulle was to cause after the war, it could be suggested that Roosevelts
demands should have been met. However, as the alternative was the generally
unpopular Giraud, and as de Gaulle proved manageable when he was treated
fairly, it is dangerous to draw a line backwards from the post-war world to the
situation in the war. This is especially the case given that de Gaulles bad
behaviour was often a result of being excluded from decisions, or from being
openly snubbed by Churchill, so to suggest he should have been excluded because
he was trouble masks the reality that he caused trouble because he was excluded,
mainly at the insistence of Roosevelt. Equally, he remained on good terms with
Eden, the latter visiting de Gaulle in Paris on several occasions after the war,
suggesting that an antagonistic de Gaulle was a symptom of the Anglo-American
special relationship, and not entirely a character defect in the General.
With the Committee unified, temporarily at least, and organised so as not to
interfere with allied military operations, there remained one final question to deal
with, and that was its formal recognition. This was initially raised because, soon

TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/8B, Macmillan to FO, 19 June 1943.

87 Barker, Churchill and Eden, p. 79, Mangold, Britain and the Defeated French, p. 201, Woodward,
British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, p. 442.
88 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/8B, Macmillan to FO, 22 June 1943.


after its formation, the FCNL sent a note to Eden asking for its formal recognition
as the qualified body to represent and defend French interests and manage the
conduct of the French war effort.89 This arrived the day after Churchill informed
Roosevelt that the formation of the committee effectively brought to an end his
formal ties to de Gaulle, and that the arrangements of the British Government
would be transferred to the new committee.90 He formally proposed this action in
the House of Commons on 8 June, including a statement about forthcoming
recognition.91 Due to continued squabbles, this idea was shelved for a few weeks,
though some background discussions with Halifax and the State Department did
occur,92 but in early July Eden felt the situation more favourable, and submitted a
paper to the War Cabinet pressing for some form of recognition as the best
means of helping build up the civil authority, something agreed in a previous
Cabinet meeting.93 Edens hand should have been strengthened by the knowledge
that the Soviet Union intended to recognise the Committee, but with no British
decision to do the same, Churchill asked Stalin to delay, and the latter, with some
confusion, acquiesced.94
Weight of opinion was building, however, as Halifax was pushing for
recognition from Washington, and Macmillan reported from Algiers that Murphy
and Eisenhower were also in favour.95 This, coupled with continued pressure from
Eden, culminated in a potential crisis between Prime Minister and Foreign
Secretary. A heated Defence Committee meeting on 8 July prompted Churchill to
ask Roosevelts advice in dealing with the sudden swell of demands for
recognition, and also a proposed Foreign Office formula for recognition,

TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/38/41, Edens Memorandum on the French Committee of
National Liberation, 2 July 1943.
90 Churchill to Roosevelt, C-300, 6 June 1943, in Kimball, Alliance Forged, p. 231.
91 Hansard, Series 5, Vol. 390, cc 560-71. Churchills report on the War situation, 8 June 1943.
92 Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, pp. 443-445.
93 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/38/41, Edens Memorandum on the French Committee of
National Liberation, 2 July 1943. This had been agreed in Cabinet on 28 June 1943.
94 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/36299, Peake to Mack, note from a conversation with Dejean,
7 June 1943. Churchill to Stalin, 23 June 1943 and Stalin to Churchill, 26 June 1943, quoted in USSR,
Stalin, Churchill, pp. 135-6 and 139-40.
95 TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/36300, Halifax to FO, 24 June 43 and Halifax to FO, 13 July
1943. TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/8B, Macmillan to FO, 6 July 1943.


essentially stating the FCNL was replacing the French National Committee, and
would ensure the continued French War effort.96 The Presidents response was to
send Churchill the directive issued to Eisenhower, that he was not to recognise the
Committee under any condition.97 Eden was growing impatient, however,
resulting in a heated dinner with Churchill on 12 July. The two reportedly argued
until the early hours, and both prepared memoranda on French policy for the War
Cabinet.98 Thus, after a thirteen month interlude, Churchill and Eden resumed
their memoranda duel over France. The two papers had similarities, with both
arguing for a strong France and the need to afford recognition to the committee
(though disagreeing on timescales), but whilst Churchills was concerned with the
American attitude, and his relationship with Roosevelt, Edens took into account
the bigger picture of British foreign policy objectives, putting particular emphasis
on the importance of France to Britain in the post-war world.99 The paper served to
further emphasise Edens post-war vision, and helps explain the continued
developments towards such a policy in the plans examined earlier. Eden set out
that Our main problem after the war will be to contain Germany. Our treaty with
the Soviet Union, which is designed to secure the collaboration of the Soviet Union
for this purpose on Germanys eastern flank, needs to be balanced by an
understanding with a powerful France in the west [] Our whole policy towards
France and Frenchmen should therefore be governed by this consideration In
dealing with European problems of the future we are likely to have to work more
closely with France even than with the United States [] Europe expects us to
have a European policy of our own, and to state it.100 In the end, fearing they were
coming to a break, Churchill invited Eden to a formal meeting. Though it is
unclear exactly what happened, neither paper went before the War Cabinet, and
the matter was resolved by a Cabinet decision that Eden should hold limited

Churchill to Roosevelt, C-348 and C-349, 8 July 1943, in Kimball, Alliance Forged, pp. 310-311.
Roosevelt to Churchill, R-306, 8 July 1943, in Ibid, pp. 311-312.
98 Carlton, Eden, pp. 219-20, Dutton, Eden, p. 163, Harvey, War Diaries, 13 July 1943, pp. 273-4.
99 Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, pp. 447-451, Eden, Reckoning, pp. 397-399, Churchill,
W.S. The Second World War, Volume V: Closing the Ring, (London, 1985). pp. 157-9, Dutton, Eden, p.
100 TNA, Prime Ministers Papers, PREM 3/181/8, Edens draft memorandum, 13 July 1943.


discussions with Winant on the issue.


Churchill subsequently informed

Roosevelt that recognition was required, and that if a formula could not be reached
Britain may have to proceed without American agreement, likely accompanied by
the Soviet Union.102 Eden had gained Churchills agreement on the need for
recognition, but was soon to find that this would not yield an easy result, as the
quickly approaching Quebec Conference was to demonstrate.
Whilst the achievement of this stand against Churchill was considered a
success by Eden, with Harvey making a particularly enthusiastic diary entry,103 it
may not be this clear cut. Eden had been trying for some time to obtain agreement
on the need for recognition, and this was eventually achieved, but his actual goal
had been to offer said recognition to the Committee, and on this basis his efforts
were unsuccessful. This has resulted in some mixed reviews of Edens efforts.
Dutton feels this episode showed Eden was no push-over against Churchill and
had in fact won him round, whereas Carlton suggests that Eden had been tactically
outplayed by Churchill, who was then magnanimous in victory.104 That this
episode is widely covered in the historiography suggests some importance is
attached to it, though this is often in terms of the Churchill-Eden relationship
rather than foreign policy direction. Although not the focus of this work, the
Churchill-Eden dynamic is undoubtedly interesting, and it seems important to
note that, whilst Churchill may have tactically out played Eden to an extent, the
Foreign Secretary had not surrendered to Churchills view, but established that
one tactic did not work, yielded and moved on to another. Realising a showdown
in Cabinet would be an embarrassment for both men and undermine the war
effort, Eden opted for sapping and mining as Harvey put it, and the subtler tactics
eventually yielded partial results.105 Although his efforts were still thwarted by
Roosevelt, Eden proved that he was no yes-man to Churchill, and was determined
to stand up and fight for the policy he believed to be right, even if, with Churchill
TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/35/9, War Cabinet Conclusions, 14 July 1943.
Churchill to Roosevelt, 21 July 1943, reproduced in Churchill, Closing the Ring, pp. 159-60 and
Kimball, Alliance Forged, pp. 334-6.
103 Harvey, War Diaries, 14 and 21 July 1943, pp. 274-5 and p. 278.
104 Dutton, Eden, p. 164, Carlton, Eden, p. 221.
105 Harvey, War Diaries, 14 July 1943, p. 274.


back in the country, the Cabinet stayed somewhat quieter than it did in his
In terms of foreign policy, this was a victory for Eden, though a smaller one
than he would have liked. The determination to have a strong France, and have
that France play a role in Europe in the future can be seen in all the post-war and
world organisation plans that have been studied, and in his July memorandum to
Churchill, so by this criteria Edens actions had prevented the collapse of this pillar
of his foreign policy. Having seen de Gaulles position threatened after Casablanca
by Roosevelt, he was determined that continued pressure from the President
would not influence British policy, consequently preventing the wider danger
Eden foresaw of Britain losing control of its foreign policy.106 Whilst he may not
have achieved formal recognition for the FCNL, he had convinced Churchill of its
political requirements, with the latter noting by the end of July that his goal was
for the recognition of the Committee [] and its eventual inclusion [] in the
array of the United Nations.107 This was not a solo victory, however, and Eden
had others to thank for the progress made. Cadogan stood by him in the Defence
Committee meeting on 8 July, and received personal criticism from Churchill as a
result.108 Macmillan worked towards Edens goal from Algiers, refusing to give
into the Prime Ministers bullying telegrams, receiving criticism from Churchill for
being too Gaullist.109 Halifax too had played his part, being surprisingly pro de
Gaulle over recognition, adding weight to arguments that the American policy was
wrong and the British one correct.110 Ultimately, it seems likely that Edens quest
would have been for nought were it not for that wise American111 Eisenhower,
who ignored his Presidents directives and worked with the British. It seems that
his willingness to discuss issues with Giraud and de Gaulle helped end their
squabbles over the military control, thus stabilising the military concerns in North
Africa, and the news that he favoured recognition finally persuaded Churchill to
Charmley, End of Glory, p. 544.
Dutton. Eden, p. 146.
108 Dilks, Cadogan Diary, editors text, p. 542 and Eden, Reckoning, p. 397.
109 Charmley, End of Glory, p. 542, Mangold, Britain and the Defeated French, pp. 199-200.
110 Barker, Churchill and Eden, pp. 76-77, Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, pp. 443-5 and 452.
111 Harvey, War Diaries, 7 July 1943, p. 272.


put the matter to Roosevelt. Eden had been helped by some powerful allies on the
French issue, which not only prevented a breach with the Prime Minister that
could have cost him his Office, but also ensured that, for the moment, Britain
retained some say in the outcome of this part of its foreign policy, and that one of
the cornerstones of the broader post-war policy the FO was trying to construct
remained intact.

Exceptional Difficulties

As if dealing with the difficulty of French Union and post-war plans wasnt
enough for the Foreign Office, they also had to contend with a further fluctuation
in British relations with the Soviet Union. Their involvement in these affairs was,
however, reduced because of the military nature of the argument that was
ensuing, meaning it was Churchill who had to suffer the wrath of Stalin and try to
diplomatically argue the British case. Having been unimpressed by the strategic
decisions of Casablanca, Stalin was unhappy to hear that Churchill would be
visiting Washington in May to discuss the next steps of allied strategy, once again
without the inclusion of any Soviet representative.112 He was, understandably,
increasingly frustrated with his fellow allies when the results of those discussions
were revealed to him in a post-conference communiqu. This set out that the
enemy submarine threat was the primary consideration; that bombing efforts
against axis targets would be intensified; that Italy was to be knocked out of the
war as soon as possible; and lastly that forces would be transferred to England for
an assault on the Continent in spring 1944.113 Though assistance to the Soviet
Union was put on a level footing with dealing with the submarine menace, this
was little consolation to Stalin. In fact, Stalin saw little to be pleased about in the
allied decisions, save for the fact they had notified him about them directly, and

Personal letter from Roosevelt to Stalin, reproduced in USSR, Stalin, Roosevelt, pp. 63-64.
Communiqu on decisions made at Trident, sent from Roosevelt to Stalin, received 4 June 1943,
reproduced in Ibid, pp. 67-69.



replied in very negative terms.


In his message he criticised the contradictions

with the decisions made at Casablanca, the further delay of the Second Front from
1942 to 1944, and the fact this had been decided without the Russians being
present.115 It would, he argued, have implications for the morale of the Soviet
Union, as well as cause quite exceptional difficulties in their ability to continue
their nearly singlehanded war effort on behalf of the allies.116 All of these were
reasonable points as far as the Soviets were concerned, if not entirely accurate. The
suggestion that they had been and would continue to be fighting almost
singlehandedly for the entire allied cause was, however, a step too far, and was
considered grossly unfair even by Harvey.117 Given that Harvey was more
sympathetic than most towards the Russia cause, if he felt this too far, Churchill,
who had a propensity for violent emotional outbursts, must have done very well
to hold himself and act in a correct manner, as the reply he sent to Stalin, delayed
by Roosevelts indecision whether or not to concur, was well measured and
reasonable.118 Churchills reply set out the allied case against launching a crosschannel invasion, the advantages in taking out Italy, and offered seemingly sincere
compassion for the exertions of the Soviet Union and its leader. He also suggested
his willingness to take any risk and go to any place in order to have a tripartite
meeting of the allied leaders.119 Stalin remained unmoved and once again treated
Churchill to a diatribe of apparent indiscretions by the allies, at the same time
criticising their lack of suffering compared to the Soviet Union, and concluding
that he could have little confidence in his allies.120 A firm rebuff from Churchill led
to a temporary suspension in correspondence between the two, and also resulted

TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/30A, Stalin to Churchill, Copy of text sent to Roosevelt in response to
the Trident Communiqu, 11 June 1943.
115 Ibid.
116 Ibid.
117 Harvey, War Diaries, 14 June 1943, p. 267.
118 Ibid, 26 June 1943, p. 269, Charmley, Grand Alliance, p. 76, Kimball, Alliance Forged, pp. 259-261,
Roosevelt made two different draft replies to Churchill, who had sent him a draft of his response to
Stalin, and then finally decided to send a message concurring with the Prime Ministers statement.
119 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/30A, Churchill to Stalin, 21 June 1943.
120 Ibid.


in the Soviet leader taking the major step of withdrawing his Ambassadors in
London and Washington to Moscow for consultation.121
It should be noted that Stalin also ceased correspondence with Roosevelt,
though for less time than with Churchill, as Roosevelt steered clear of engaging
Stalin over the Second Front, leaving Churchill to fight this battle for him. Perhaps
this approach was supposed to differentiate Roosevelt from Churchill,122 as the
former had been attempting for some time to convince Stalin of the need for a
meeting between the two, with Churchill not attending.123 Stalin responded
warmly to this approach, and agreed to a meeting during the summer, though
military conditions on the Soviet front caused the meeting to be postponed.124
Churchill was not informed of this correspondence until 24 June, and sent
Roosevelt a response resembling that of a jealous suitor who had just learnt that
the object of his affections had arranged a date with a richer, more handsome
man.125 The message suggests Churchill was seeing, though not believing, the
realities Eden had predicted about the possible decline in position of Britain
relative to the United States and the Soviet Union were it not to stand firm and act
on its own policy. Now, Churchill was watching his special relationship with
Roosevelt being replaced by Roosevelts desire to seek an understanding with
Stalin. Despite deceiving Churchill by saying that Stalin had proposed the idea,
Roosevelt still extolled its virtues and, with Stalins wrath over the Second Front
still stinging, Churchill reluctantly agreed to the merits of such a meeting.126
Maisky and Clark Kerr often complained that the British consulted the Americans
and then informed the Russians,127 but it appears the only one listening was

Gillies, Radical Diplomat, p. 143, Maisky, Memoirs, p. 365.

Kimball, Alliance Forged, Editors text, pp. 277-278.
123 Ibid, p. 233 and p. 283. Roosevelts letter to Stalin, 5 May 1943, in USSR, Stalin, Roosevelt, pp. 6364.
124 Stalin to Roosevelt, 26 May and 8 August 1943, in USSR, Stalin, Roosevelt, p. 66 and pp. 78-9.
125 Charmley, End of Glory, p. 540.
126 Roosevelt to Churchill, R-297 and Churchill to Roosevelt, C-334, 28 June 1943, in Kimball,
Alliance Forged, pp. 283-285.
127 Maisky, Memoirs, p. 363, Gillies, Radical Diplomat, p. 144, TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO
371/39596, Clark Kerr to Warner, record of a conversation with Maisky, 10 August 1943.


Roosevelt, who sought to employ this strategy with Stalin, and then invite
Churchill to a conference afterwards.128
Given the nature of the correspondence it was Clark Kerr rather than the
Foreign Office who had the most direct involvement in the flow of messages
between the two leaders. During the communication with Stalin, Churchill had
sought Clark Kerrs advice on some of his replies, trusting in the man he credited
with getting him to Moscow in 1942. These messages often contained the
frustration that he managed to leave out of the official message to Stalin, and make
for a more realistic impression of his true feelings towards the Soviets. The
responses from Clark Kerr were largely positive about the nature of Churchills
replies, and he suggested that Churchill should try to ignore the tone of the
messages from Stalin, understand the genuine pressure the Russians felt they were
under, and try to extend his patience with the bear. 129 Churchill felt this response
rather too pro-soviet, and encouraged Clark Kerr to be robust in the face of
criticism, and suggested he should drop a friendly hint to Stalin that it would be
dangerous to offend the Western powers.130 Clark Kerr was measured in his
responses, and claimed that it was his duty to report the whole picture, even when
he did not agree with all aspects of it, implying that he would not make for a very
good Ambassador if he did otherwise.131 His recommendation was that, whilst
allowing things to simmer for a few weeks, Churchill should continue the
correspondence, despite him fearing it had, perhaps, outlived its usefulness. This
advice was also given to Churchill by Maisky before the latters return to Moscow.
Having enquired if Churchill had any message for Stalin, Maisky was informed
that Churchill was tired of being scolded and did not see any point maintaining
his personal correspondence just as a means of recrimination.132 Maisky advised
him to ignore tone; that Stalins blunt messages were simply him expressing
himself under stress; and nothing more sinister should be inferred. In fact, Maisky
Roosevelt to Churchill, R-297, 28 June 1943, in Kimball, Alliance Forged, pp. 283-284.
TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 954/26A, Churchill to Clark Kerr, and Clark Kerr to Churchill,
various dates between 15 June 1943 and 1 July 1943.
130 Ibid, Churchill to Clark Kerr, 16 June 1943.
131 Ibid, Clark Kerr to Churchill, 1 July 1943.
132 Ibid, FO to Clark Kerr 5 July 1943, record of Churchills conversation with Maisky on 2 July 1943.


thought the best correspondence was that where both parties could speak bluntly
to each other without causing offence.133 The meeting ended on a friendly note,
with Churchill even offering to send Eden to Moscow once again were it felt
desirable, suggesting he had not entirely given up on Anglo-Soviet relations. It
could also have been a sign of the danger the British felt at the recall of Maisky, as
both Eden and Churchill expressed surprise and concern at his withdrawal, maybe
thinking it was a signal of a changing Russian attitude towards collaboration.134
Despite the difficulty, correspondence was resumed in early August, as the
Anglo-American conference in Quebec was approaching, and with it increased
calls for the arrangement of a tri-partite meeting. It would still be a few months
before it would occur, but the paths were beginning to wind together, and the final
part of this chapter shall examine outcomes of the Quebec, Moscow and Tehran
conferences, and their implications for British foreign policy objectives. For the
time being, it seems the British were working on a damage limitation project with
the Soviets, as relations were slowly deteriorating with each chastisement from
Stalin, but they were doing what they could to keep Soviet anger and distrust to a
minimum, though this appeared insufficient, meaning when the conferences
occurred, it looked unlikely that the Soviets would be particularly forthcoming.

The Big Three in Conference

The first of the Conferences was held in Quebec, and went ahead despite
originally being the consolation prize for Churchill after the proposed Roosevelt
Stalin meeting which never materialised.135 There was, however, still a debate as to
whether or not Stalin should be invited to attend, or to send a representative.
Eden, having initially felt they should be informed of the talks with him going to
Moscow after to explain the outcomes, appears to have been swayed by Clark

Churchill to Roosevelt, C-334, 28 June 1943, Kimball, Alliance Forged, p. 285 and Maisky, Memoirs,
p. 365.
135 Full reports of the conference can be found in Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, pp. 744-750,
Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, pp. 457-460 and 575-578, Charmley, End of Glory, p.545550, Eden, Reckoning, pp. 402-404, Gilbert, Road to Victory, pp. 462-488.


Kerrs protestations that the Russians would not accept this ruse to keep them out,
and would be highly critical of such action, so suggested to Churchill that perhaps
the lesser of all evils was to inform the Russians in advance of Quebec, and invite
them to attend.136 For Eden, who would be going to Quebec in order to discuss,
amongst other things, the recognition of the FCNL, it would have been useful to
have a Soviet representative there to help him convince the Americans that this
was a correct step to take. Unfortunately, Churchill was disinclined to acquiesce to
this suggestion, stating that hed rather the conference did not go ahead than have
the Russians involved, and told Eden to be bold and push his initial idea on
them.137 This decision seems to have been made due to Churchills assumption
that, were a Russian representative present, it would have tipped the balance on
military decisions towards the Second Front, and away from the Mediterranean.138
With this decision from Churchill, and Roosevelts apparent willingness to
continue without Stalin, the British set out for Quebec in the middle of August,
though Churchill had gone ahead having decided to travel by sea, intending to
meet Roosevelt in Washington before the conference began.
Eden and Cadogan arrived to represent the Foreign Office on 18 August, in
time for the main conversations, though work had already begun between the
Chiefs of Staff.139 Whilst Churchill, Roosevelt and the Chiefs of Staff argued over
military strategy after the successful results of Husky, Eden and Cadogan were left
to battle with Hull over recognition of the FCNL. Both make references to these
long and difficult conversations, though Edens are more diplomatic than
Cadogans, who described Hull as A dreadful old man [] and rather pig
headed.140 The impression gleaned from these references, along with messages
sent back from Quebec, is that the American, and particularly Hulls, obsession
with de Gaulle had not been abated by time or patience. After three meetings,

TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/26A, Eden to Clark Kerr, 29 July 1943, Clark Kerr to Eden, 30 July
1943 and Edens minute to Churchill, 31 July 1943.
137 Ibid, Churchills minute to Eden, 31 July 1943.
138 Ibid, Edens minute to Churchill, 31 July 1943, Churchills reply, 31 July 1943, and Dilks, Cadogan
Diary, 23 July 1943, pp. 545-546.
139 Kimball, Alliance Forged, editors text, p. 429.
140 Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 20 August 1943, p. 553.


where no progress was made, the two politicians, failing to become Statesmen
as they could not agree, decided the best course of action would be separate
proposals, with the British deciding to offer recognition with only implied limits
on its scope.141 Churchill had, however, finally been won round by Edens
persistence, and had written to Roosevelt, begging him to go as far as he could
regarding recognition, and in a later conversation with Eden he agreed with the
line his Foreign Secretary had taken over France with Hull.142 His plea appears to
have fallen on death ears, as Roosevelt didnt intervene to help the British, and
suggested afterwards that he could have made more progress on France without
Edens presence.143 Despite serious American opposition, Eden had, finally, been
successful in achieving one of his goals, and ensuring the recognition of the FCNL.
In a broader scale, this had significance, not just as a policy achievement, but as a
sign that, when an impasse was reached, Britain could, albeit at great effort, carry
out their own policy in areas of direct British interest, even against the wishes of
the United States. In terms of post-war foreign policy goals, having a unified
French committee added extra weight to Edens suggestion that they should be
associated with any post-war settlement, and for the moment at least, removed a
source of friction between the British and the Americans. That Roosevelt felt he
could more easily influence Churchill is no surprise, as Churchills emotional
investment in the special relationship brought with it greater loyalty to the
President, whereas Eden remained more remote. This being the case shows how
important Eden was for France and de Gaulle, as he was powerful enough at
home, and in diplomacy, to achieve results for their cause when it was aligned
with British foreign policy goals. It may have taken three years, but Eden had
managed to pull the Americans away from Vichy, and then Giraud, so there was
hope that they could be successful at influencing American opinion on less
controversial topics.

Eden, Reckoning, pp. 402-403, Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 20 to 24 August 1943, pp. 553-555,
Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, pp. 457-459.
142 Churchills letter to Roosevelt, C-412/4, 15 August 1943, in Kimball, Alliance Forged, p. 421. Eden,
Reckoning, p. 402.
143 Dutton, Eden, p. 165.


The other important outcomes of Quebec for foreign policy were the
decisions about Italian armistice terms and future strategy, particularly the
reaffirmation of Overlord for 1944,144 both of which necessitated further contact
with the Soviet Union. Eden had come to Quebec prepared to go on to Moscow,145
but this became unnecessary, as Stalin broke his silence, acknowledging the
Quebec meeting, and replying to joint messages sent by Churchill and Roosevelt.
Stalins responses to the messages about Quebec were both troubling and positive
in equal measure. On the one hand he criticised the decisions on Italy being made
without consulting him, and used a similar line of argument to Clark Kerr, that the
USA and Britain make a decision, then inform Russia as if it were a passive third
party.146 On the other, in light of this, and his personal difficulty attending a
tripartite meeting, he suggested it would be expedient that both an allied militarypolitical commission be set up to deal with the Italian Armistice situation, and that
a meeting of responsible representatives should take place. Given his previous
rejections of tripartite meetings, this opened the door for such meetings to occur
instead of, or possibly before, a meeting of the big three, and possibly showed that
Stalin realised he could not continue complaining about being left out whilst also
refusing to participate when invited.147 This was encouraging for Eden, who had
been pushing for some kind of inter-allied commission to discuss European
matters, and so this meeting would afford an opportunity for such consultation to
occur, but on a grander scale. Jebb particularly was pleased, as he had been
pushing for similar talks and combined planning for peace since his visit to
Washington with Eden, and was in Washington again at this time to liaise with
American post-hostilities planners, so felt the time had definitely come to involve
the Russians in such important discussions.148 It would also fit in well with an

Gilbert, Road to Victory, p. 477, Churchill agreed to Overlord despite lodging plenty of concerns
about the operation.
145 Dutton, Eden, p. 200.
146 Stalin to Churchill and Roosevelt, 22 August 1943, in USSR, Stalin Churchill, pp. 148-149.
147 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/26A, Stalin to Churchill and Roosevelt, 11 August 1943.
148 Greenwood, Titan, pp. 171-2, TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/35461, FO directive to Jebb, 9
August 1943.


American proposal, seen by Jebb and Eden, which was for a Four Power Joint
Declaration covering the allies responsibilities in war and peace.149 The draft
suggested allied agreement to: united action in the prosecution of the war and the
organisation and maintenance of peace and security; disarmament of enemies and
occupation of their territory; act against violation of requirements imposed on
enemies; establishing a World Organisation; the creation of technical commissions
to deal with military problems; no unilateral military action and finally to work
together to regulate armaments.150 This was put to the Cabinet by Eden upon his
return, and it was agreed that a slightly amended version should be put to the
Americans, with a view to their raising it at the Foreign Ministers Conference
tentatively being arranged for October.151 The contents of the declaration meant it
was highly supported by Eden, as it set out in simple terms many of the core
arguments that had found their place in the Four Power Plan and its descendents.
With one of the agenda items now agreed and the British working on more,
including a tacit agreement on Russian frontier claims that Eden had tried to
encourage Hull to accept in Quebec, there was, unfortunately, an argument over
the location of the Foreign Ministers conference. Eden and the Cabinet preferred
London, Roosevelt either preferred somewhere in Britain that wasnt London
(which Eden found insulting152) or somewhere remote in North Africa, Churchill
was happy to accept any of these suggestions, but Stalin was adamant that it
should be held in Moscow.153 This argument, as Eden recalled, was to run for much
of September as Roosevelt changed his mind, first agreeing to Moscow, then
agreeing on London after deciding Hull had to attend the conference, though by
then Stalin considered it too late to make alterations as the conference was to start
in the middle of October.154

TNA, Prime Ministers Papers, PREM 4/30/5 Documents on and relating to Four Power
Declaration including a Cabinet Paper on the topic, 4 September 1943.
150 Ibid, Draft Four Power Declaration, 4 September 1943.
151 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/35/34, War Cabinet Conclusions 6 September 1943.
152 Edens diary 10 September, quoted in Eden, Reckoning, p. 405.
153 TNA, Cabinet Papers, CAB 120/107, Preparations for Foreign Secretaries Conference, Churchill
to Eden and Eden to Churchill on 3 September 1943, Stalin to Churchill, 8 September 1943.
154 Eden, Reckoning, pp. 405-6.


So Eden found himself on his way to Moscow once more, although

apparently he almost didnt go after an argument in Cabinet, referenced in both
Harvey and Cadogans diaries; though not in the official records of the two
Cabinet meetings on the subject.155 Eden had prepared diligently, with the Cabinet
approving briefs on many topics, including the future of Germany, Russian
frontiers and the scope of Stalins proposed Politico-Military commission, and
indeed his level of preparation was often cited as one of the reasons he was able to
make the conference a success.156 The conference was, as it turned out, one of the
most successful Eden attended in an executive capacity, and was more
businesslike than any other war-time conference.157 Although a significant portion
of time was taken up by the Second Front issue, with Molotov and the Russian
delegation making this their major topic of discussion, the British military advisors
successfully answered all the questions put to them, and confirmed that Overlord
would go ahead in 1944.158 The topic came up a couple more times throughout the
conference, as Edens telegrams to Churchill demonstrate, but despite being the
dominant issue it did not affect the productivity of the conference.159 Even when
Churchill interfered, asking Eden to show Stalin documents that he felt altered the
likelihood of Overlord due to developments in Italy, Eden notes Stalin was in good
humour and did not offer any recriminations or complaints, though didnt change
his mind as to the necessity of Overlord.160 There was little agreement on the
Russians other points for discussion, as neither Britain nor the USA could see
much merit in trying to induce Sweden into the war, and neither felt able to offer

Harvey, War Diaries, 6 October 1943, p. 304, Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 5 October 1943, p. 564, TNA,
War Cabinet Papers, CAB 65/40/1 and 65/40/3, Confidential Conclusions, 5 and 8 October
156 Dutton, Eden, pp. 202-3, Thorpe, Eden, pp. 288-9, Woodward, British Foreign Policy, Vol. II, p. 594,
Keeble, Sir C. Britain, the Soviet Union and Russia, (London, 2000), pp. 183-4.
157 Thorpe, Eden, pp. 289, Dilks, Cadogan Diary, editors text, p. 571.
158 Eden, Reckoning, p. 411.
159 TNA, Cabinet Papers, CAB 120/ 113 and TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/26A both contain telegrams
from Eden noting his conversations on the Second Front, and the Soviet insistence that it be carried
160 TNA, Cabinet Papers, CAB 120/ 113, Eden to Churchill, 28 October 1943.


such assurances as would be required to try and lure Turkey into active
participation, though did agree its belligerency would be desirable.161
With the military nature of the Russian topics dealt with, the Foreign
Ministers were able to move on to political issues, though controversial subjects
such as Poland and Soviet Frontiers were not discussed, although Eden did discuss
these privately with Molotov. Here the conference made significant progress,
coming to agreement on most matters and making definite decisions on some. For
Eden, undoubtedly the highlight was the formation of the European Advisory
Commission, which would be a high level political commission based in London
to discuss the problems arising in Germany and elsewhere with the collapse of the
Nazi regime. This was the sort of body Eden and others had been suggesting as a
necessary vehicle both to improve allied co-operation, and facilitate decisions that
could be both enforced and maintained. Jebb, however, felt this fell short of his
vision for such a commission.162 Many commentators on Eden did consider this a
major achievement163 even though the commission would prove largely
unsuccessful, its adoption, not necessarily something favoured by the other allies,
was a testament to Edens abilities as a diplomat, and Eden himself felt such a
result was justification alone for holding the Foreign Ministers Conference.164 This
was not the only success of the conference. The Four Power Declaration, proposed
by Hull, also saw agreement, albeit in a rather longwinded fashion. The Russians,
prior to the conference, rejected the proposal, thinking it irrelevant given only
three powers were attending, which prompted the following minute from
Churchill to Eden: you see they do not want to be mixed up in all this rot about
China as a Great Power anymore than I do.165 Despite this objection, Hull brought
up the declaration during the conference, and it was discussed sufficiently for
Eden to send a set of amendments for Cabinet approval after the meeting on 21

Ibid, Eden to Churchill, 29 October 1943.

Greenwood, Titan, pp. 172-173.
163 For example, Barker, Churchill and Eden, p. 213, Rothwell, Eden, p. 69, Dilks, Cadogan Diary,
editors text, p. 572, Dutton, Eden, p. 167.
164 TNA, Cabinet Papers, CAB 120/113, Eden to Churchill, 24 October 1943.
165 TNA, Prime Ministers Papers, PREM 4/30/5, Churchills minute to Eden, 8 October 1943, on a
telegram from Clark Kerr to FO, 6 October 1943.


October, then an agreed text of the declaration on 26 October, only to inform them
on 27 October that the declaration had been dropped. It was signed three days
later.166 Its composition was similar to the document shown to Eden and Jebb in
August, save for the omission of the clause about technical commissions.167 The
conference had many minor achievements alongside these, including a decision
over the future of Austria it was to be independent whether it wanted to be or
not; a decision to create a commission to deal with Italy - which would include a
representative from Russia and also the FCNL; Eden raised the topic of Poland in a
private talk with Molotov and the two managed to be diplomatic enough that it
didnt torpedo the conference; Eden secured consent from Churchill to offer the
Russians a share in the captured Italian fleet as a gesture of goodwill, and he
managed to neutralise any fallout from Stalin over the supply convoys, which
Churchill had potentially caused by refusing to accept a telegram from Stalin on
the topic, much to the confusion of the new Ambassador, Fedor Gusev.168 Given
the lack of enthusiastic participation by Hull, and the relative stubbornness of
Molotov for a significant portion of the conference, it was down to Eden that the
conference was a success. It is often considered, because of his influence on the
proceedings, that this was the last major allied conference where the British not
only sat at the top table, but actively took the lead amongst the allied powers.169
Gillies implies that this was a last hurrah for British power, which came, ironically,
as Britain was rapidly sliding into decline, so this was even more, as Cadogan
commented, his [Edens] show and a very good one to maximise the use of
British influence.170 Harvey commented that Eden was carrying the Americans,
and Eden recalled Hulls lack of support, and his lack of standing with Stalin such
that Hull authorised Eden to discuss matters with the Soviet premier on his

TNA, Foreign Office Papers, FO 371/ 35399, Eden to FO, 21 October 1943, 26 October 1943, 27
October 1943 and 30 October 1943.
167 Ibid, Eden to FO, 30 October 1943.
168 TNA, Cabinet Papers, CAB 120/113, Moscow to FO, 1 November 1943, text of the communiqu
issued after the Foreign Ministers Conference, Eden, Reckoning, pp. 410-412. Fedor Gusev replaced
Maisky after the latters promotion to be Deputy Commissar for Foreign Affairs.
169 Gillies, Radical Diplomat, p. 149, Rothwell, Britain and Cold War, p. 108.
170 Gillies, Radical Diplomat, p. 149, Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 3 November 1943, p. 573.




Perhaps, under the strains of the war and working under Churchill, Eden

may have been even more successful as a diplomat, but that is a question for a
different project.

The other notable achievement from Moscow, and again something where
Eden holds a significant portion of credit, was that he convinced Stalin of the need
to personally attend a meeting of the Heads of Governments, though
unfortunately could not sway him on location.172 In his private meetings with
Stalin he was able to highlight the practical necessities of a meeting of the three
leaders, as they would be able to discuss and reach agreements on issues that even
the Foreign Ministers could not. It seems this was what swayed Stalin to agree,
though he initially suggested sending Molotov in his stead if the location was not
agreeable to him, but Eden, perhaps relying on his generally positive relations
with Stalin, told him bluntly that this would not do, and that the other leaders
would not travel so far to only meet Molotov.173 Thus, after several months of
communication, Eden had managed to gain Stalins full agreement on the need to
meet, and all that remained to be decided was the location, with Eden
understanding Stalins desire to go somewhere where he could stay in touch with
Moscow, but also noting that Stalin seemed sincerely concerned that a meeting
should happen.174 Consequently, with Churchill and Roosevelt suggesting
everywhere but Tehran, Stalins only agreeable location, Eden proposed, after a
conversation with Hull, that the President and Prime Minister base themselves
somewhere, but make a descent for a day or two on Tehran solely to meet U.J.,
and with Churchill being willing to travel anywhere this would rely on the
President, who would be responsible for the meeting failing to occur should he
reject this proposal.175 Churchill agreed, and Eden encouraged him to press the
idea on Roosevelt. Eventually this was accepted by Roosevelt, and plans were

Harvey, War Diaries, 22 October 1943, p. 311, Eden, Reckoning, pp. 414-415.
Thorpe, Eden, p. 289.
173 Eden, Reckoning, p. 415.
174 TNA, Avon Papers, FO 954/26A, Eden to Prime Minister, 22 October 1943.
175 Ibid, Eden to Prime Minister, 1 November 1943.


made for Anglo-American discussions in Cairo, to be followed by a short trip to

Tehran to meet Stalin.
Churchills desire for Anglo-American agreements before Tehran was,
however, thwarted by Roosevelt, who successfully outmanoeuvred him by
inviting the Chinese leader, Chiang Kai-shek, to Cairo, then arriving two days late,
leaving no time for combined talks, much to Churchills annoyance.176 His mood
was little improved at Tehran, where he was ignored by Roosevelt who, in
attempting to prevent the impression of ganging up on Stalin, joined with him in
mocking Churchill, causing the latter to walk out of one of the meetings.177
Roosevelts insistence on wooing Stalin led to public Anglo-American policy
arguments, and added to the impression gained by most that Tehran was a rather
haphazard conference, and one where Britain was relegated to its realistic place as
the least of the big three.178

The conferences were to serve as the turning point in relations between the
allies, as it became apparent that Britains international standing was declining,
and that the future would be decided mainly between Russian and America.
Whilst Eden had managed one last push of British influence at Moscow, this was
quickly reversed by Tehran, with Churchill largely shut out by Stalin and
Roosevelt. In fact, the first meeting of the big three was a disaster for Churchill, but
can, paradoxically, be seen as a victory for Eden. It saw the end, in one sense, of
the special relationship, as Churchill began to realise that he did not fit
Roosevelts version of the future, and began to realise how small Britain was,
likening it to a Donkey between the Buffalo and the Bear.179 It also suggested that
Edens scepticism about putting all Britains eggs in the American basket had been
correct, and that Churchills determination to base relations on his friendship with

Charmley, End of Glory, p. 552.

Kissinger, H. Diplomacy, (New York, 1994), pp. 411-412, Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, p. 790,
Dilks, Cadogan Diary, 30 November 1943, p. 580, and editors text pp. 581-2, Carlton, Eden, p. 230 and
Dimbleby and Reynolds, An Ocean Apart, p. 152-3.
178 Rothwell, Eden, p. 64, Thorpe, Eden, pp. 291-2, Dimbleby and Reynolds, An Ocean Apart, p. 152-3,
Charmley, End of Glory, p. 550.
179 Charmley, Grand Alliance, p. 80, Thorpe, Eden, p. 291.


Roosevelt did not yield political results for Britain when it mattered, notably at
Tehran but also in Moscow where Eden received little support from Hull. The key
decision of Tehran was the setting of a date for Overlord, but politically, the
decision on Poland was significant. Having made visual representations with
matches, and then argued over maps,180 it was decided that Poland was to be
moved West, a significant step given that neither Churchill nor Roosevelt had thus
far been willing to agree to any Soviet frontier demands, and was, therefore,
another point on which Eden could claim partial victory for his ideas and
arguments over those of his chief.181 He was, however, left alone by Churchill to
argue with Molotov over the specifics, such as the independence of Lvov, which
wouldnt break the heart of his chief were it ceded to the Russians, although
Carlton notes this was to have significance later.182 That Roosevelt gained Stalins
agreement to his Four Policemen idea and the United Nations183 suggests that
Eden had been correct in taking up this policy in 1942, and had its development
been less restricted and more supported by Churchill, far more progress could
have been made. Despite these successes, Eden, though minimising the negatives
in his memoirs, wont have looked back on Tehran with much fondness. Upon
arrival he was used as the decoy duck to ensure the security of Churchill, and
due to Churchills presence his involvement and role were somewhat minimised, a
trend that Rothwell and Sidney Aster note, suggesting Eden was generally a
passive witness at gatherings where Churchill was present.184 This was not so true
of Quebec, however, where Eden had lengthy discussions with Hull and also the
President over France. Eden also recalled being disturbed by Stalins policy shifts
and the American unwillingness to work with the British,185 further evidence that
British influence was declining and that America and Russia no longer needed
Britain to determine the political direction of the allies.
TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 120/113, Record of a discussion between Churchill and Stalin at
Tehran on 28 November 1943, Eden, Reckoning, p. 428.
181 Carlton, Eden, p. 231.
182 TNA, War Cabinet Papers, CAB 120/113, Prime Minister to Eden, Record of a discussion at
Tehran on 1 December 1943, Carlton, Churchill and The Soviet Union, p. 108.
183 Kissinger, Diplomacy, p. 412, Charmley, Grand Alliance, p. 79.
184 Eden, Reckoning, p. 426, Rothwell, Eden, p. 70, Aster, Eden, p. 77 and p. 80.
185 Eden, Reckoning, p. 429.


Overall the year 1943 was one of undoubted success for Eden and his policies,
highlighted perhaps by the result of his struggle ever since regaining the Foreign
Office to successfully prevent France being thrown to one side, and to ensure that
the enigmatic, if challenging, character of de Gaulle was preserved and his
position secured. This was probably Edens biggest political victory, not least
because it was pulled off, but because by this action France was to assume a role in
the post-war world which was to be created at conferences the following year.
Eden also managed success in 1943 through his vision, or more accurately in
championing the vision of his Department, which actually began in 1942, of
planning for the post-war world. Though much of this work was to get no further
than a Cabinet paper, it was clearly on the right lines, with Roosevelt also pushing
for a world organisation, and Tehran brought home the realisation that Britain had
to be part of such a system to maintain its status as a great power, which the Four
Power Plan set out in November 1942. In a historical sense, there is great irony
here, as Churchill was famed for his vision, yet he was the obstacle to British
progress on this topic, as his ideas differed from those of the Eden, Roosevelt and,
tentatively, Stalin. Over Russia, Churchill could be an asset, as his personal
correspondence with Stalin helped reduce some of the criticism coming in about
the lack of Second Front, and also helped induce a meeting of the Big Three, thus
assuring Britains involvement in the international order for a bit longer. Edens
role here should not be understated, and his efforts with the Russians in Moscow,
rather than Churchills in Tehran, were probably the last great victory for the
British in the political arena. Whilst counterfactuals never get very far, it is
interesting to look back at 1943 particularly, and wonder whether or not, had Eden
had his way, it was likely that Britain, having stood alone in 1940, would not have
had to stand aside in 1943.186


Thorpe, Eden, p. 292.


12) Conclusion

This thesis set out to study an under-examined and often ignored aspect of
the history of the Second World War, the British foreign policy that never was.
This is an inaccurate description, however, as this foreign policy did indeed exist,
and its development can be traced quite clearly through the period under
investigation. Whilst not starting life as a vision of post-war collaboration as part
of a great World Organisation, this was what was to become Foreign Office
thinking during 1942 and 1943, built on the foundations of Anglo-Soviet cooperation and alliance; support of the Free French Movement; traditional British
foreign policy; and the necessity to examine Britains own war aims to enable
discussions on the topic with other powers. This, once taking on board Roosevelts
Four Powers concept, and the sterling work of Gladwyn Jebb and the Economic
and Reconstruction Department, resulted in a series of plans designed to examine
Britains role in the post-war world, and attempt to shape that world to one of its
liking. That this was the case begs the question why this has not been studied in
any great detail before. Historians have been taken in by the Churchillian legend,
and the opening of the Second World War papers appears to have done little to
change their perspective, at least as far as foreign policy is concerned.
Two quotes illustrate the problem and apparent assumptions about foreign
policy quite nicely. Reynolds suggests that The differences of approach between
Churchill and the Foreign Office were real, but they should not be exaggerated
when it came to concrete policy,1 and Charmley asserts that Eden wanted
Britain to have a foreign policy of her own, and he would have liked to run it
himself; in neither endeavour was he successful.2 What has clearly been seen
through this thesis is that these suggestions are largely incorrect. There was a
definite difference between the approach of Churchill and the Foreign Office, not
to mention Eden, and contra to Reynolds statement this did lead to a difference in

Reynolds, D. Great Britain: Imperial Diplomacy, in Reynolds, Kimball and Chubarian, Allies at War,
p. 340.
2 Charmley, Grand Alliance, p. 48.


policy. Whilst Churchills may have been the concrete policy, as he wouldnt allow
the Foreign Office vision to come to light, the Department, under Edens
stewardship, developed its own policy, one in line with traditional British foreign
policy goals and the thinking of Britains allies, and tried very hard to make it
Britains official policy. The Four Power Plan was a key example of this, and was
actually approved by the War Cabinet, subject to some modification, and thus
should have been taken as the official principles which were to guide British
foreign policy. This also disproves Charmleys first statement, as whilst Eden may
not have had a direct hand in crafting policies such as the Four Power Plan, he
was quick to champion them, and highlighted on numerous occasions the need for
Britain to have its own policy and not become subservient to the United States. As
the Four Power Plan was approved it can be argued that Britain did have a
foreign policy of its own, just one that Churchill disapproved of and did his best to
interfere with and de-rail. Whilst this was ultimately not to be the official policy,
which was retained by the Churchill strategy, Eden was still doing his best to run
foreign policy himself. The numerous disagreements with Churchill, starting as
early as 1941, and continuing throughout the period under investigation and
beyond on topics relating to both wartime and post-war strategy, suggest that
Eden was, as best as possible, running foreign policy how he wanted. Whilst
Charmleys assertion that he was unsuccessful in running overall foreign policy is
correct, as Churchill, or the United States, regularly frustrated his efforts, it has
been seen throughout this work that Eden was not taking a back seat and willingly
letting Churchill run the show. Over France, for example, we can see Eden being
tenacious and determined in his often solitary support for de Gaulle, and through
his tactical skill he was regularly able to force Churchill to hold back on threats or
re-think demands to break with the General. The victory of this policy came in
1943 with the Union between Giraud and de Gaulle, an outcome that would have
been unlikely had Eden not been there to resist Churchill and Roosevelt.
That Tehran was in many respects to see Edens arguments and policy ideas
come out victorious highlights his under-emphasised visionary qualities, ones
which are certainly, though undeservedly, over-shadowed by Churchills in the


historiography. Churchills reluctant realisation that Britain was the least of the
big three, and would thus need to work with its allies to avoid post-war
irrelevancy, had been preached by Eden in early 1942 along with the need for an
agreement with Stalin over Soviet Frontiers, which Roosevelt had blocked, though
he subsequently agreed to it at Tehran. Although Eden was the Departments
mouthpiece, on post-war foreign policy its star visionary was Gladwyn Jebb, who
drafted some incredible papers, both serious and counterfactual, which presented
detailed visions of the future, and Britains likely part therein. In the Four Power
Plan he predicted Britains position as an American outpost, and with the Cold
War and Britains failure to integrate fully with the European Union, it is not hard
to present an argument that this is Britains position today. He was also the man
who predicted the likely result of an ideological conflict after the war, and whilst
Foreign Office efforts were not specifically directed towards preventing this, it
was hoped that one result of creating a post-war system of collaboration, either in
Europe or on a Global scale, was that such a set of circumstances could not arise.
The fact a Cold War occurred makes it almost unfashionable to suggest that
contemporary thinking was for great power collaboration and a post-war alliance
with the Soviet Union, which of course Britain held since May 1942, and could
well be one reason this sort of foreign policy thinking is not examined. Likewise
the fact the Special Relationship was to dominate British policy for decades to
come makes its explanation seem more historically relevant than the policy
examined here. Given the controversy of Suez and the creation and expansion of
the United Nations, for example, the lack of study given to this area is all the more
surprising. Many suggest Eden had lost his grip on the international situation or
was acting rashly when trying to defend British interests in Suez, but his actions
can be traced back to his post-war thinking, where we see him trying to assert and
defend Britains interests, thinking like many of his peers that Britain was and
would remain a great power with an independent foreign policy. It was
unfortunate that, when he became Prime Minister, the situation he had tried so
hard to prevent during World War Two was in full effect, and Britain did not have
the independence of action Eden felt it warranted. Had Britain been allowed,


either by Churchill or Roosevelt, to more clearly follow its own foreign policy
course during the war, Suez may not have been the historically fascinating and
controversial topic it is today, or spelled the end of Edens Premiership leaving a
black mark on his reputation, but just another episode in a long history of Britain
defending its global interests. Similarly the fact the Foreign Office drew up a plan
for a workable organisation of the United Nations in 1943 as a global body to
maintain peace is surprisingly overlooked, even in works on the history of the
United Nations, most of which start with Dumbarton Oaks in 1944. Whilst this is
in some senses logical, as the first conference to deal with this topic, Eden and Jebb
had been discussing it and pushing it since 1943, and some of the ideas in the
United Nations plan were to be incorporated into the eventual charter and
structure of the body that developed. All this clearly shows that Eden and his
Department were pursuing a policy that was more relevant to both British and
allied interests once Churchills Grand Alliance had come into being, and that the
policy of the Foreign Office, whatever the motives behind it, was ultimately the
one that would have been in Britains best interests.

This was not the initial intention of the Foreign Office, though is a testament
to its ability to adapt to the ever changing circumstances of the war. When Eden
returned, the British priority was survival and to that end diplomacy and the
maintenance of key relations was the order of the day, especially those where
military advantage may be obtained. Once Churchills Grand Alliance came into
being, the end of the beginning had arrived, and it became logical to look
forward as victory was now felt to be inevitable, and something would have to be
done with the results of that victory. Not only did the military alliance and its
likely results mean his sort of thinking became essential, but the political situation
also factored into its necessity. Having to deal with the Soviet Union from 1941
meant the Foreign Office also became involved in the subject of war aims, having
to try and establish what the British aims were so that they could have the
discussions the Russians wanted over their own. This process led them to think


about the shape of the post-war world so they could understand how the war aims
would fit with ensuring a peaceful Europe, and particularly a restrained Germany.
Coupled to this, Churchills dominance in the American sphere, and the
traditional Foreign Office antipathy towards the United States meant that this
thinking was very much tinged with an anti-American caution, with the plans
allowing for the fact the Americans may not want to be part of them. The irony
that the Foreign Office, through the Four Power concept, was to end up
championing Roosevelts vision has been discussed, but it is important to note that
this does not devalue the British project. Although cautious about American
involvement, it was hoped they would realise, as Roosevelt appeared to, that
America needed to be part of the worldwide system to ensure its own safety as
much as that of Europe, and these plans built on his loose vision to provide a
workable version of the League of Nations concept that could, if it had been
allowed to develop more fully at an earlier stage, have been in a stronger position
at the end of the war to ensure that the post-war world was one of greater stability
and balance than was experienced. That Churchill was still resisting discussion of
such topics in 1945 suggests how little conception he had about the post-war
world, and makes one wonder whether his vision of the Anglo-American alliance
was, in reality, a self-fulfilling prophecy that was sustained by the march of
events, and his efforts to curb any other thinking when he saw moves away from
the American line.
Though these external influences are undoubtedly important, internal factors
should not be discounted, most importantly, British foreign policy tradition,
which was in fact very much alive during this time. British foreign policy had a
traditional balance of power outlook, and the effect on this was often the
determining factor in British action or inaction. Edens policy bares a striking
resemblance to this. The Four Power Plan talked of the need for a balance of
power in Europe, though admittedly one directed against Germany, and it was
often argued that France was needed to aide Britain in counter-balancing the likely
post-war strength of the Soviet Union. The influence of Webster, an Historian with
a specialised knowledge of the Vienna settlement, also suggests British policy was


concerned with history. Although it could be argued that this looking back and
longing for alliance systems and great power diplomacy was out of date, and had
even been a cause of conflict in the past, it had also been one of the main features
of the relative European peace for a century since 1815. Indeed, it is not hard to
imagine that, had America been willing to play a part after Versailles, the League
of Nations system could have been far more successful than was the case. Wanting
to collaborate with allies and other powers was also in keeping with the historic
traditions of British policy, and by going down this route Eden was following in
the footsteps of another of Britains principle Foreign Secretaries, Viscount
Castlereagh. He, like Eden, believed peace could be best reached then maintained
by the co-operation of the interested powers, and had helped develop the congress
system which Webster had so extensively studied, and so there are natural links
between Britains policy in 1815 and 1942. Though this definitely suggests foreign
policy thinking had not moved very far, for a country with such a long history as
Britain, much of which had been spent as the great world power, traditions such
as these were not easily discarded, and thankfully so, as they helped influence the
shape of the policies that the Foreign Office were correctly, if unsuccessfully, to
pursue during the war.

Ultimately, as Charmley rightly asserts, Edens vision foundered on his

inability to challenge Churchill,3 though this, as demonstrated, was not for want
of trying or lack of vision. Consequently, Britain could not continue to operate as a
great power, despite Churchill believing it to be one, and was unable to maintain
an independent foreign policy. Had it been able to do so, there are some
interesting possibilities of a future that never came to pass. The Empire, or at least
a significant portion of it, could perhaps have been maintained had Britain not
been bound so closely to the Atlantic Charter and the hypocritical American
attitude towards Imperialism. The integration of Europe could, as suggested on
several occasions during the war, have occurred under the guidance and
stewardship of Britain, rather than coming about through the difficult

Ibid, p. 48.


circumstances and need to survive squashed between two Superpowers. Equally

had the United Nations been in place, and had Britain agreed to Stalins 1941
frontiers in 1942, the Soviet Union could have been far more co-operative after the
war, having gained the security it desired, and there may not have been a postwar power struggle that pushed the world to the edge of destruction through the
nuclear arms race. These are all what ifs, but are important, as the historical
picture we are presented with is the inevitability of the Anglo-American alliance
and the Cold War.

Churchills writing, an exercise in both vanity and Whig history, paints the
picture of his grand vision of the Anglo-American special relationship, a
relationship beneficial to Britain because it facilitated military victory, and which
came to pass as a result of Churchills determination and dedication to its cause. It
is presented as if there were no other options, and the lack of investigation on this
point suggests historians have believed this to be true. This thesis has argued, in
an exercise in anti-Whig history, and concludes with the argument, that there were
other options available to Britain; that Churchills vision only succeeded because
he made sure that no other vision could, not because his was inevitable; that the
lack of success of these policies does not make them historically irrelevant; and
that the effort of Eden and the Foreign Offices work was both important, a
valuable addition to Britains war effort and something worthy of historical study
in its own right. Surveying the scene in 1945 Eden wrote that Britains foreign
policy was a sad wreck.4 It was a sad wreck not because Eden and the Foreign
Office had been inactive or had no vision, but because Churchill had allowed the
Americans to steer the ship onto the rocks, apparently unconcerned at the results
as, after all, he would write the history, so he could make these up as he went

Edens diary, 23 March 1945, in Eden, Reckoning, p. 525.


List of Principal Characters


Harold, 1st Earl: Commander British 1st Corps, 1940; British

Commander in Chief Mediterranean, 1942-4


Leopold S.: Secretary for India and Burma, 1940-5.


Clement R., 1st Earl: Lord Privy Seal, 1940-2; Secretary for Dominion
Affairs, 1942-3; Lord President of the Council, 1943-5; Deputy Prime
Minister, 1942-5.

Auchinleck Sir Claude John Eyre: Commander of Land Forces in Norway, 1940;
Commander-in-Chief in India, 1940; Commander-in-Chief in Middle
East, 1941; Commander-in-Chief in India, 1943-7.
Beaverbrook Aitken, Sir William Maxwell, 1st Baron: Newspaper proprietor;
Minister for Aircraft Production, 1940-1; Minister of State, 1941;
Minister of Supply, 1941-2; Lord Privy Seal, 1943-5.

Ernest: Minister of Labour and National Service, 1940-5


Robert John Graham, Baron: Under-Secretary, Ministry of Food,



Sir Alan Francis, Viscount: Commander-in-Chief, Southern

Command, 1939-40; Commander-in-Chief, Home Forces, 1940-1;
Chief of the Imperial General Staff (C.I.G.S.), 1941-6


Sir Neville: Minister to the United States for Great Britain, 1941;
Head of North American Department, Foreign Office, 1941-4.


Richard A (Rab), 1st Baron: Parliamentary Under-Secretary at

Foreign Office, 1938-41; Minister of Education, 1941-5.


Sir Alexander George Montagu: Permanent Under-Secretary at

Foreign Office, 1938-46.

Castlereagh Stewart, Robert, Viscount: Foreign Secretary and Leader of the

House of Commons, 1812-22; Key Statesman of the Congress system
of diplomacy, and British representative at the 1815 Congress of

General Georges Albert Julien: Free French Representative in Middle

East, 1940-3; Governor-General Algeria, 1943-4; Minister for North
Africa, 1944-5


Chamberlain Arthur Neville: Prime Minister, 1937-40; Lord President of the

Council, 1940.

Sir Winston S.: First Lord of the Admiralty, 1939-40; Prime Minister
and Minister of Defence 1940-45.

Clark Kerr

Sir Archibald John Kerr, later Baron Inverchapel: Ambassador in

China, 1938-42; Ambassador in Moscow, 1942-46.


Cecil, Robert, Viscount (later 5th Marquess of Salisbury): Secretary for

the Dominions, 1940-2, 1943-5; Lord Privy Seal, 1942-3; Leader of the
House of Lords, 1942-5; Known as Bobbety.


Sir R. Stafford: Ambassador in Moscow, 1940-2; Lord Privy Seal and

Leader of the House of Commons, 1942; Minister of Aircraft
Production, 1942-5.


Edouard: Prime Minister and Minister of National Defence, 1938-40;

Minister for Foreign Affairs, 1939-40.


Dr Hugh, 1st Baron: Minister of Economic Warfare, 1940-2; President

of Board of Trade 1942-5.


Admiral Jean-Francois: Admiral of the French Fleet, 1937-40;

Minister of the Navy, 1940-1; Minister of Foreign Affairs, Defence
and of the Interior, 1941; Commander-in-Chief of French Armed
Forces and High Commissioner in North Africa, 1942.

de Gaulle

General Charles: Under-Secretary for National Defence, 1940; Chief

of Free French, then President of French National Committee,
London and Brazzaville, 1940-2; President of French Committee of
National Liberation, Algiers, 1943; President of Provisional
Government of the French Republic1944-6.


Field-Marshall Sir John: Commander I Corps in France, 1939-40;

Vice-C.I.G.S., 1940; C.I.G.S., 1940-1; principal British representative
on Combined Chiefs of Staff's Committee, Washington, 1941-4.


Sir Robert Anthony, 1st Earl of Avon: Dominions Secretary, 1939-40;

Secretary for War, 1940; Foreign Secretary, 1940-5; Leader of the
House of Commons, 1942-5.

Eisenhower General Dwight David: Commander of U.S. troops in Europe, 1942;

Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force, 1943-5.



Henri-Honore: Commander-in-Chief of the French Forces, 1942; CoPresident of French Committee of National Liberation, 1943.


Wood, Edward, Viscount, later 1st Earl: Foreign Secretary, 1938-40;

Ambassador in Washington, 1941-6.


Alexander (Alec) Henry Louis, Later Baron Hardinge of Penshurst:

Private Secretary to the Sovereign, 1936-43.


William Averell: President Roosevelt's special representative in

London, 1941; chairman of special mission to Russia, 1941; U.S.
representative in London of Combined Shipping Adjustment Board,
1942; U.S. Ambassador to U.S.S.R., 1943-6.


Oliver C., later 1st Baron: Private Secretary to Eden 1941-3; Acting
Assistant Under-Secretary of State, 1943-6.


Adolph: German Fhrer, 1934-45; Commander-in-Chief German

Fighting Forces, from 1938; Personal Commander of the Army from
1941; Supreme War Lord from 1942.


Harry: U.S. Secretary of Commerce, 1938-40; Roosevelts Personal

emissary to Churchill, then Special Adviser and Assistant to
President Roosevelt to 1945.


Cordell: U.S. Secretary of State, 1933-44.


Ismet: President of the Turkish Republic, 1939-46.


General Hastings Lionel, Baron: Chief Staff Officer to Churchill,



Gladwyn, later 1st Baron Gladwyn: CEO of Special Operations

Executive in the Ministry of Economic Warfare, 1940-2; Acting
Counsellor in Foreign Office, 1941; Head of the Economic and
Reconstruction Department, 1942; Counsellor, 1943.


William Allen, Earl: Solicitor-General, 1940-2; Paymaster General,



Philip Henry, 11th Marquess of Lothian: British Ambassador in

Washington, 1939-40.


Sir Miles Wedderburn, Baron Killearn: Ambassador in Egypt, 193746.



Pierre: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Information, 1940;

Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, 1942-4.


Richard, 1st Baron Coleraine: Financial Secretary, War Office, 1940-1;

Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Foreign Office, 1941-3;
Minister of State, 1943.


William Daniel: Ambassador to Vichy Government, 1940-2; Chief of

Staff to Roosevelt, 1942-45.

General Paul Louis Victor Marie: Commander-in-Chief Free
French forces in Sudan and Eritrea, 1940; Commander First Free
French Division and Gentforce, 1941; High Commissioner of the
French possessions in the Indian Ocean, 1942; Governor-General and
General Officer Commander-in-Chief, Madagascar, 1943-5.

Vladimir Ilich: Head of Soviet State, 1917-24.


Maksim Maksimovich: U.S.S.R. Ambassador to the United States,

1941-3; Deputy Commissar for Foreign Affairs, 1943-6.


Major Oliver: President of the Board of Trade, 1940-1; Minister of

State Resident in Cairo, 1941-2; Minister of State for War Production,


(Maurice) Harold, Earl of Stockton: Under-Secretary at the Colonial

Office,1942; Minister Resident at Allied Forces HQ, Algiers, 1942-44.


Ivan M.: Russian Ambassador in London, 1932-43; Assistant People's

Commissar for Foreign Affairs, 1943-6.


(Henry) David Reginald, Viscount: Chief Whip, 1931-40; Secretary of

State for War, 1940-2.


Vaycheslav M.: Chairman of Council of People's Commissars, 193041; Commissar, later Minister, for Foreign Affairs, 1939-49; Deputy
Chairman of Council of Ministers of U.S.S.R., 1941-57.


Walter Turner, Viscount Monckton of Brenchley: Director-General of

Ministry of Information 1940-1; Head of Propaganda and
Information Services, Cairo, 1941-2; Minister of State, February March 1942.

Montgomery Bernard Law, Viscount Montgomery of Alamein: Commander

Eighth Army, 1942-4; Commander-in-Chief, Land Forces, 1944.



Herbert Stanley, Baron Morrison of Lambeth: Home Secretary, 19405.


Robert Daniel: President Roosevelt's personal representative and

Minister to French North Africa, 1942-4.


Admiral mile Henry, Commander-in-Chief Free French Naval

forces and Commander of the Air Force, 1940-3.


Sir (Arthur) David Kemp: Personal Assistant to Sir Stafford Cripps,

1941-4; Officer in charge of League of Nations affairs, Reconstruction
department, Foreign Office, 1944-5.


Martin Willoughby: British Govenor of Equatoria, 1936-42.


Sir Charles Brinsley Pemberton: Head of News Department Foreign

Office, 1939-41; Personal Assistant to Lord Halifax, 1941-2; British
representative with French National Committee, 1942-3; Political
Adviser to Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force, 19435.


Marshal Henri-Philippe Benoni Omer Joseph: Head of Vichy

Government, 1940-4.

Rashid Ali

Rashd Al al-Gayln: Prime Minister of Iraq, 1940-1.


Paul: French Minister of Finance, 1938-40; Minister of Foreign Affairs

and Defence, 1940; interned by Vichy Government, 1940-2; interned
by Germans, 1942-5.

Ribbentrop Joachim von: German Foreign Minister, 1938-45.


Sir Frank Kenyon: Foreign Office Diplomat, Central and Northern

Departments, 1930-45.


Field Marshal Erwin Johannes Eugen: Commander 7th Panzer

Division, 1940-1; Commander of Afrika Korps, 1941-3.


Franklin D.; President of the United States, 1932-45.


Sir (Harold) Orme Garton: Under-Secretary of State Foreign Office,


Schulenburg Friedrich Werner von der: German Ambassador to the Soviet Union,
1934-41; Leader of the Russia Committee, 1941-4.



Archibald Henry Macdonald, Viscount Thurso: Secretary of State for

Air, 1940-5.


Sir Edward Louis, Baronet: Churchill's personal representative to

French Government, 1940-2; British Minister to Syria and Lebanon,


Generalissimo Joseph V: General Secretary of the Central Committee

of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 1922-1952; Chairman of
the Council of Ministers, 1941-1953; Marshal of the Soviet Union,


William, later 1st Baron: Assistant Under-Secretary of State, 1939-43;

British representative on European Advisory Commission, 1943-5.


James Purdon Lewes, Viscount Cilcennin: Dominions Office, 1939;

Government Whip, 1940-3; Financial Secretary to the Admiralty,


Sir Robert, later 1st Baron: Chief Diplomatic Adviser to H.M.G.,



Andrey: Soviet Party Central Committee member and Deputy

Commissar of Foreign Affairs, 1940-9.


Sir Christopher: Under-Secretary Foreign Office, Head of Northern

Department, 1941-6.


General Archibald Percival, Earl: Commander, Middle East, 1939-41;

Supreme Commander American, British, Dutch and Australian
(ABDA) command South-East Asia and South-West Pacific, 1941-2;
Viceroy of India, 1943-7.


Professor Sir Charles Kingsley: Head of American Section of Foreign

Research and Press Service, 1939-42; Departmental Advisor for
Economic & Reconstruction Department, 1942-44.


Benjamin Sumner: U.S. Under-Secretary of State, 1937-43.


Maxime: French Minister of National Defence, 1940; Vichy DelegateGeneral to North Africa, 1940-41.


Charles McMoran, Baron Moran: Churchill's doctor, 1940-65.


John Gilbert: U.S. Ambassador in London, 1941-6.


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BBC History page for the Anglo-Soviet Treaty, 26 May 1942:

Encyclopdia Britannica page on the Quadruple Alliance:
National Archives information page about record series CAB 117, the
Reconstruction Secretariat:
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News page for BBC 100 greatest Britons poll:
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