Siting Criteria For Radar

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The document outlines requirements and considerations for siting various radar systems like ASR, SSR and ASDE.

Structures near an ASR should not protrude more than 0.25 degrees above the radar horizon and the antenna height is typically 40 feet. The site should not obstruct runway approaches or interfere with other navigation aids.

Reflections from large structures up to 12 miles away need to be avoided when siting an SSR. A monopulse SSR is easier to site than conventional SSR. Co-mounting an SSR and PSR requires meeting criteria for both systems.


Beyond 500 Meters and up to 1000M from Radar site the height of
structure may be increased at the rate of 0.005M per meter
Beyond 1000 MK large structure should ;not protrude 0.25 degrees above
the RADAR horizon. Large object means the structure subtending azimuth
angle of 0.4 degrees at RADARA antenna.
Beyond 500 Meters and up to 1000M from Radar site the height of
structure may be increased at the rate of 0.005M per meter
Beyond 1000 M large structure should ;not protrude 0.25 degrees above
the RADAR horizon. Large object means the structure subtending azimuth
angle of 0.4 degrees at RADARA antenna. It is essential that structures
within 1000 meters of SSR be constructed with non metallic materials
having low reflectivity at frequencies from 1.0 GHZ to 1.1 GHZ.
Obstructions in the elevation plane at the various azimuth angles
subtended as seen by the radar antenna should be minimum. ICAO
specifies a minimum elevation coverage of 1.5 degree with respect of the
horizontal with the desirability of reducing this to 0.5 degree. The siting
should also take into account the likelihood of future obstructions coming
u-p in the surrounding area
There must be minimum angle of obstructions to utilize to the maximum
extent, the full range capability of radar especially along the normally
used radials from the airport and for those radials envisaged in future.
The siting must be such as to present unobstructed view in the approach
cone of the runways served by the radar for PPI let down
Siting must be such that with the angular range and setting up accuracy
as specified by the manufacturers and the accuracy of presentation at the
-1 nautical mile range from the touch down, it should be within the
limits specified for making a successful radar let down. At very close
ranges and for very large incident angles the radar Blip will get tilted.
This factor ahs also to be assessed.

The height of the antenna from the ground will be determined by

considerations of the technical requirements such as lobing, low angle
coverage etc. Once the height is determined the AGA criteria with respect
to the runway is to be adhered to as far as practicable. Normally the
height of the ASR antenna can be taken as 40 feet AGL. Height of tower
(30feet) plus height of antenna (10 feet).
The site selected should not be in the critical area of the existing
navigational aid facilities . Effect of the radar and its building on the
performance of the existing navigational aid facilities has also to be
SSR antenna can either be co-mounted with a PSR antenna or
alternatively can be independently mounted.
The effects encounted due to reflections of the secondary radar main
lobe are more series than those associated with primary radar
If SSR antenna is to be on mounted to a PSR antenna it is advisable to
take in to consideration the criteria to meet for both the radar
To avoid reflections it is necessary to ensure no large vertical reflecting
surface, reflection coefficient of surface and its elevation with respect to
SSR antenna.
In addition interference may occur from large structures up to 12 miles
away from the antenna. This distance will depend on area of the
reflecting surface, reflection coefficient of surface and its elevation with
respect to SSR antenna.
If conventional SSR is to be installed, while siting, problems such as over
interrogation of transponder, un synchronous replies, interfering replies &
reflection of signals are to be considered .
However if a Monopulse SSR along with large vertical aperture antenna is
to be installed, siting is much easier as the problems mentioned above
are greatly reduced. As such siting of Monopulse SSR is much more
simpler and it is present day practice to go in for only SSR-M with LVA
antenna in lieu of SSR-C with hogtrou7gh antenna


It is important that ASDE (Airport Surface Surveillance Radar) is correctly
sited to provide a complete presentation of air field & its immediate
surrounding are at surface level, outline of runways, building and objects
together with all moving objects in the area of the airfield.
The ASDE system must permit accurate surveillance and coordination of
the movement as of air field surface traffic under all conditions of visibility
including both at night and during bad weather
The resolution of radar must be such that it would permit discrimination
on the display between all moving objects of relevant size.
Normally ASDE equipment is located on the top of the control tower, as
such one should be in a position to have a birds eye view of the entire air
field from the control tower.
In some cases on scanner on the control tower may not be possible to
cover entire area of the air field hence multiple scanner are required to
cover extensive airport areas/ difficult sites

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