Succeed in B1-1 Exams - AUDIOSCRIPT

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The document discusses passages about Edinburgh, whales making a recovery, a boy having nightmares, and two children discussing a carnival they attended.

The dialogue is about a boy named Jimmy filling out a registration form for a school trip.

Jimmy saw a lion and an elephant. His sister Claire saw a lion, a tiger, and a bear at the carnival.

Succeed in B1.

1 - Self -Study

Unit 1


Section A

Beep (Extract repeated).

Unit 3

Listen to this dialogue and then answer the questions

that follow.

Listen to this dialogue and then answer the questions

that follow.

Miss Lee: Who is going to present this week's project work

now?... Wendy?...
Wendy: Yes, Miss Lee. I have written about Edinburgh.
Miss Lee: Fine! Put your poster up on the wall, first... That's right!
Now you can start!
Wendy: People think that Edinburgh, Scotland's historic capital, is
one of the most beautiful cities in the world. In the first place, its
castles, museums, galleries, the festivals which take place during
the year and the sound of bagpipes, make you forget that you are
in a modern, busy city. You feel that they all take you centuries
back into the past... Secondly, it is a perfect holiday city. A visitor
has so many things to see. One can walk round in comfort and it
is large enough to entertain people of all ages and with all kinds
of interests. Lastly, Edinburgh is in the heart of the countryside
and the green hills of Scotland are only a few minutes' drive away
from the city centre. Edinburgh also has the characteristics of a
modern city. Firstly, you can see eight-storey, modern buildings
near classical town houses and avenues next to small, cobbled
streets. Secondly, there are department stores, heavy traffic and
traffic jams as in any other big city. Lastly, crowded restaurants
and cafes with people enjoying good meals of traditional dishes,
all of which make you feel that you really are in a modern city.
The contrast of old and modern does not make this beautiful city
of the North less attractive.
Miss Lee: Well done, Wendy! Have you ever been to Edinburgh?
Wendy: Yes, Miss Lee. Several times!
Miss Lee: Fine! Well... is there anyone who wants to say something about this city?

Mum: Martin! Wake up! Martin?

Martin: Hmm! What? What's going on?
Mum: Martin, dear. Look, you are sweating and your pillow is on
the floor!
Martin: Oh, yes!... It was that nightmare again!... It was really terrible... Thanks, Mum for waking me up!... If you hadn't, I would have
been eaten by...
Mum: By what, Martin? You were shouting in your sleep. You
seemed to be saying something like... "Go away, you terrible dino.
I'll make you regret it if you..." and then I couldn't understand what
else you were saying. Your shouting woke me up.
Martin: I remember now. It was that ghost first which came into
my room. It came through the window and ordered me to follow it.
Mum: A ghost? You must have eaten too much last night. That's
why you were having nightmares!
Martin: ...And then I followed it and we flew high in the sky, but
suddenly I lost it and I started falling..., and I found myself in a
dark cave. I started walking quickly in it trying to find a way out.
It was so dark and scary!
Mum: Why on earth did you have such a dream, Martin?
Martin: I don't know why, but as I was walking in the cave, I
heard that terrible noise and then a terrible monster appeared in
front of me!
Mum: Oh, dear! How terrible!
Martin: It was a dinosaur, Mum. A Tyrannosaurus Rex. And just
behind it was...
Mum: What Martin?
Martin: Mr Taylor. My school teacher! He was wearing big, thick
glasses and he was looking at me.
Mum: Mr Taylor! I see...
Martin: The dino opened its mouth and was coming towards me.
So I started shouting at it. It was then, that you woke me up. I
wish I hadn't had this terrible nightmare!
Mum: Yes, Martin. But I think that once again, you haven't done
your homework. That's why you had this nightmare.
Martin: Mmm... well... It might be so! But... you know...

You will now hear the extract again.
Beep (Extract repeated).

Unit 2
Listen to this dialogue and then answer the questions
that follow.

You will now hear the extract again.
Beep (Extract repeated).

Newscaster: Good news for ecologists. Endangered whales are

back! Protection from hunting has allowed endangered species to
start a slow process of recovery. Scientists report that even the
blue whale, the largest mammal and one of the most endangered
species in the world is likely to survive. Blue whales which grow up
to 100ft long and weigh 150 tonnes, are increasing by 5% a year
in the northeast Atlantic. A series of studies collected by the International Whaling Commission in Cambridge suggest that right
whales, the most threatened of all, are making the greatest advances. Off western Australia their numbers are increasing by up
to 13% a year. Here in the studio with us today is Dr. Ian Page, a
distinguished authority on whales, who has found a 7.6% increase
in 60ft right whales round the coast of Argentina. Dr. Page, can
you tell us about the results?
Dr. Ian Page: Well... it's a wonderful piece of news like hearing a
friend has died and then discovering it's not true. I hope the recovery of whales will go on. The other day I was lucky enough to be
walking down a beach and see a whale just a few feet from me. It
was so close to shore... I've always thought that nature's power
will finally win but I also feared that people wouldn't allow that
power to be exercised...
Newscaster: What has caused the recovery to take so long?
Dr. Ian Page: I believe that water pollution, trapping in fishing
nets and collision with ships have always been against recovery in
some areas. Norwegian and Japanese whales continue ...

Unit 4
Listen to this dialogue and then answer the questions
that follow.
Martin: Dad, What's the matter? You look terrible. Did you have a
car accident?
Dad: Well... not exactly... but this morning... It was that...
Martin: What? You look as if you've been beaten up. Did anyone
try to rob you?
Dad: Oh, no!... You know... This morning I went to deliver milk in
Green Lane and the garden gate of No. 12 was locked. There was
a note on the door of the house and I thought I couldn't read it
from where I was.
Martin: And then? What happened next?
Dad: I jumped over the fence and went towards the door and,
suddenly... as I was...
Martin: And suddenly what? Did you slip or something?
Dad: No, but I was trying to read that note when I heard an awful
bark and a huge dog rushed at me. You know... it was really big!
Martin: Oh, dear! It must have been one of those fierce, ugly
dogs... A bulldog I suppose...
Dad: Exactly! It was a bulldog. A terrible dog!
Martin: And what did you do?

You will now hear the extract again.

Succeed in B1.1 - Self -Study


Dad: I started running as fast as I could, but I didn't see that...

Martin: What?
Dad: The big branch of the tree near the garden gate. I bumped
into it... At that moment, that terrible dog tried to bite my leg and
so it tore my trousers...
Martin: How awful! Then... Couldn't you run faster?
Dad: That's what I did but, just my bad luck, when I reached the
garden gate and jumped over the fence I slipped and fell into a
Martin: A puddle? I see... . That's why your clothes are in such a
mess. And what about the dog?
Dad: Thank God! It didn't jump over the fence but stayed in the
garden barking loudly.
Martin: It reminds me of a cartoon... a dog running after someone and...
Dad: Stop it, Martin... and get my towel. It isn't funny!

Jack: I am glad to hear that. Listen, are you very busy next week?
Elizabeth: No, not really, why?
Jack: Well, my cousin Lilas coming over to visit. I was wondering
if you would like to help me show her the sights of London?
Elizabeth: Oh, that would be great! Id love to. Where does Lila
come from, somewhere in Europe?
Jack: Yes, shes from a town called Kranidi, in Greece.
Elizabeth: So, tell me about Lila. Has she been to London before?
Jack: Yes, she came to visit me last year for a month.
Elizabeth: Is she staying for a month again?
Jack: No, shes just here for a fortnight; she has to go back and
start her college course.
Elizabeth: When does she arrive?
Jack: Let me just check my diary.... . She lands at ... Heathrow airport, terminal two on the 23rd of July. Her flight number is OA248.
I need to check the internet to see what time she lands.
Elizabeth: I know! Lets take her to see the London Eye, or the
Beefeaters, first. We could even go to Madame Tussaud's to see
the wax works.
Jack: Well, Lila told me she should arrive at my house around
three thirty in the afternoon. I was thinking of taking her to a
show at the Broadway theatre that evening.
Elizabeth: What a great idea! I know theres a new musical show
called Darkness opening on the 23rd. Ill call and book some tickets for the evening show.
Jack: Would you? That would be a real help. I saw in the newspaper that the theatre had tickets for 25 pounds.
Elizabeth: Jack, remind me again how to get to the theatre.
Jack: Ok, catch the tube to Piccadilly Circus. Walk down Georges
street, turn left at the traffic lights. The theatre is on your left between the bank and the King Arms pub.
Elizabeth: Oh, yes. I remember now. We could always go to the
King Arms for something to eat and drink after the show.
Jack: What a good idea! Im sure Lila will be very hungry after all
that travelling.
Elizabeth: Does Lila have any other relatives in London? Or in Liverpool, maybe?
Jack: No, but her grandparents live in Leeds. In fact, we might
catch the train and visit.

You will now hear the extract again.
Beep (Extract repeated).

Unit 5
Listen to this dialogue and then answer the questions
that follow.
Sandy: Sam, you are leaving for Vienna tomorrow, aren't you?
Sam: Yes, Mum. And then I am off to Stockholm.
Sandy: Well, you should listen to the weather forecast around Europe! I think it's after Britain's District Forecast.
Speaker: That was Britain's District Forecast. Now, here is the
forecast for the rest of Europe for tomorrow Friday, April 15... The
Mediterranean will remain sunny and dry but elsewhere it will be
variable. In Athens it will be sunny with a maximum of 31C. Showers during the day in Geneva and the temperature will rise to 27C.
In Madrid there will be heavy and perhaps thundery rain and maximum temperature will be 27C. Bright at first in Milan becoming
cloudy with some rain later. The maximum temperature will be
28C. In Moscow there will be thunderstorms. Visibility will be poor
and the temperature will drop to 19C. Showery weather in Paris
all day long. The temperature will drop to 20C. In Rome it will be
sunny and the maximum temperature will be 32C. And finally, in
Vienna, it will be cloudy at first with some outbreaks of heavy and
perhaps, thundery rain moving northwards. The temperature will
drop to 22C.
Sam: Mm! Good! It won't be very cold...
Sandy: To tell the truth, Sam, you should take warm clothes with
you. Stockholm will be very cold...

You will now hear the extract again.
Beep (Extract repeated).
That is the end of activity 1. Now go to activity 2.

Lilas visit
A few days later Jack calls his cousin Lila to organise her visit. Listen to their conversation and answer the questions below. You
need to complete the diagram or write a short answer to the
questions in each space. The first one is an example. You will hear
the conversation twice.

You will now hear the extract again.
Beep (Extract repeated).

Section C

Listen carefully. We are going to join the conversation now.

Unit 1
A friend comes to visit!
Jack is talking on the telephone to his friend Elizabeth. Listen to an
extract from the conversation and look at the questions and pictures. Put a cross in the box under the correct answer. The first
one is an example. You will hear the extract from the conversation
Listen carefully. We are going to join the conversation now.
Elizabeth: 812547, Elizabeth speaking.
Jack: Hi Elizabeth, its Jack. How was Italy?
Elizabeth: Oh Jack, I had a fantastic time in Rome. It was better
than Florence.

Anna: Hello.
Jack: Hello, is this Lila?
Anna: No, sorry. This is Anna, Lilas friend. Just a second, Ill get
her. Lila, phone!
Lila: Hello.
Jack: Hi Lila, its Jack. How are you?
Lila: Hi Jack, Im fine. Im very excited about coming to London
next week.
Jack: I know, it will be great to see you! You remember the map I
sent you a couple of weeks ago?
Lila: Yes, I have it right here in front of me, actually.
Jack: Well, there are two very important landmarks missing from
it. Would you like me to tell you where they are so you can draw
them on your map?
Lila: Yes, that would be great Jack.
Jack: Ok, the first which is missing is the London Eye. Can you

Succeed in B1.1 - Self -Study


see the River Thames, the County Hall and Jubilee Gardens marked
on it?
Lila: Ummm, yes. Ive found the County Hall and Jubilee Gardens.
Jack: Right, the London Eye is just in front of them. It is on the
very edge of the River Thames. Its about a ten minute walk from
Waterloo tube station. Draw a circle with a cross in it to mark the
London Eye.
Lila: Ok, right. Ive done that. Whats the second landmark thats
Jack: Ah yes. Its the Houses of Parliament. This is on the opposite side of the River Thames to the London Eye. Its just below
the Westminster Bridge. Draw a box with a cross in it to mark the
Houses of Parliament.
Lila: Right, thats done. Jack, what tube line do I need to catch to
get to your house?
Jack: Ok, catch the red line and get off at Tottenham Court Road
station. From there, catch the 11B bus. Remember the B as there
is also an 11A and 11C bus.
Lila: Ok, thats fine. I should arrive at your house around
three thirty if Im not delayed.
Jack: Im really pleased you are coming to stay! I have planned a
night out at the Broadway theatre when you arrive.
Lila: I love going to the theatre. What time does the show start?
Jack: I think at 8:30pm. But we need to meet my friend Elizabeth
at 7:45.
Lila: Do I need to dress formally for the theatre?
Jack: No, not really. Just something smart but casual.
Lila: Like a skirt and a blouse?
Jack: Yeah! Im sure that will be fine. What other sights would you
like to see?
Lila: I have always wanted to go to the Tate Modern. I love art
galleries; it will really help me with my college course.

clouds. Saturday it will be cooler, less sun and cloudy. Sunday it

will be cold and wet.
W: Great Jack. Thanks for the report, see you in an hour. (Fade)
Lucys father: So, kids, we have heard the weather forecast for
today. What do you want to do first at the beach? Swim or have an
ice cream?
Lucy: Ice cream.
Charlie: Swim.
Lucy: What else is at the beach Dad?
Lucys father: Well, theres a fun fair, a nice restaurant and a cinema.
Charlie: Great! I love fun fairs, lets go there in the afternoon.
Lucys father: Ok Charlie. Now Lucy! Look at the map and tell
me how to get to the car park.
Lucy: Right, ummm ok. Turn right at the traffic lights, turn left at
the bank and it is opposite the ice cream parlour.
Charlie: Dad, Im bored. How far is it to the beach?
Lucys father: Its about 50 miles.
Lucy: Will it take more than 60 minutes?
Lucys father: Not really, no. Only about 45 minutes if we dont
get stuck in a traffic jam.
Lucy: Can we go and visit grandma and grandad? Dont they live
very close to the beach?
Lucys father: Of course! It was going to be a surprise. After
lunch we are going to the Fun Fair with them.
You will now hear the extract again.
Beep (Extract repeated)
That is the end of activity 1. Now go to activity 2.

Meeting grandma
A few hours later Lucy is at the Fun Fair with her grandma. You
will hear the conversation twice.

You will now hear the extract again.
Beep (Extract repeated).
That is the end of activity 2.

Listen to the conversation and complete the missing information in
the menu below. The first one is an example.
Listen carefully. We are going to join the conversation now.

Unit 2
On the way to the beach!
Lucy is in the car with her parents and younger brother Charlie.
They are listening to a traffic report on the radio. Listen to an extract from the traffic report and then the conversation between
Lucy, her father and her brother Charlie and look at the questions
and pictures. Put a cross in the box under the correct answer. The
first one is an example. You will hear the extract twice.
Listen carefully. We are going to join the traffic report and the
conversation now.
Traffic report
W: This is Maggie May. Next coming up we have the hourly traffic
and weather report.
M: This is Jumping Jack reporting for e-zee radio traffic and
W: Jack, whats the current situation on the roads out there?
M: Well, on the A52 we have a big traffic jam and on the A64 we
have a broken down lorry blocking the exits for the M1.
W: So we should advise all our listeners to avoid these roads if
they can?
M: Yes! As it is a national holiday theres a lot of people wanting
to travel. All road users should try and use alternative routes.
W: Which roads do you suggest they use? Or should we advise
our listeners to take the train instead?
M: Umm, no. Although the motorway certainly looks very busy, I
think those travelling west to the beach should be ok.
W: Right; so, if any of our listeners out there are travelling to the
beach, they should take the motorway west.
M: Yes, Maggie, thats right.
W: Can you tell our listeners what the weather will be like over
the weekend?
M: On Friday it will be hot, hot, HOT! Lots of sunshine with no

Grandma: Hello Lucy, My! Havent you grown!

Lucy: Hello Grandma, Ive really missed you!
Grandma: Ive missed you too dear. What would you like to do
Lucy: Im very hungry. Can we go and get something to eat?
Grandma: Of course, dear! Do you want to go to Big Fat burgers
or maybe to the Mamas chicken house?
Lucy: Lets go to Big Fat burgers. I would like large fries and the
super chef special burger.
Grandma: And Im going to have a chicken salad with potatoes.
Waiter: Welcome to Big Fat burgers. May I take your order?
Grandma: Yes, I would like large fries, the super chef special
burger and a chicken salad with potatoes.
Waiter: Right, the fries are two pounds, the chef special burger
is four pounds fifty, and the chicken salad with potatoes is five
fifty, so... thats twelve pounds please.
Grandma: Twelve pounds you say, ok, here you are.
Waiter: Sorry madam, I made a mistake. On Sundays theres a
two pound discount, so the total cost is actually ten pounds. Enjoy
your meal.
Grandma: Great. Thank you very much!
You will now hear the extract again.
Beep (Extract repeated).
That is the end of activity 2(a). Now go to activity 2(b).

Listen to the conversation and answer the questions below.

Listen carefully. We are going to join the conversation now.

Succeed in B1.1 - Self -Study

Teacher: 077-89-23-76-43. Right. And does she have her own
Jimmy: Yes, she has a car.
Teacher: When did she pass her driving test? Do you know
Jimmy: Two years ago when she was 17.
Teacher: Thanks Jimmy. You can get back to class now. Weve
Jimmy: OK Miss. Bye.

Lucy: Grandma! After this can we go on the ghost train?

Grandma: If you would like to, dear. Would Charlie like to come
Lucy: No, Charlie is frightened of ghosts. Anyway, hes on the
boating lake with dad and grandad.
Grandma: Would you like to go and look at the animals in the
petting zoo?
Lucy: Oh yes! What animals do they have?
Grandma: Well, they have sheep, goats, chickens, a pig, and I
think they have some rabbits, too.
Lucy: I love rabbits! I think they are my favourite animals!
Grandma: Let me check the Fun Fairs booklet with opening and
closing times... right! The petting zoo is open from 1.30pm till
4.30pm. And the park closes at 5.00pm
Lucy: Great! We can go there just before we leave. Charlie will really like it.
Grandma: I know, Charlie loves animals. He wants to be a vet
when he grows up!
Lucy: And I want to be a nurse when Im older.

You will now hear the extract again.
Beep (Extract repeated)
That is the end of activity 1. Now go to activity 2.

The day after the carnival!
The day after the carnival, Jimmy calls his friend Suzie to tell her
about the carnival. Listen to their conversation and answer the
questions below. For questions 1-10, you need first to complete
the table putting a cross in the correct boxes and then circle the
correct answer or write a short answer to the questions in each
space. You will hear the conversation twice.

You will now hear the extract again.
Beep (Extract repeated)
That is the end of activity 2(b).

Unit 3

Listen carefully. We are going to join the conversation now.

Getting ready for the carnival!

Jimmy is going on a school trip to the carnival. Listen to Jimmys
conversation with a teacher. Listen to an extract from the conversation and look at the questions on the registration form. Complete the information on the registration form. For some questions
you will need to put a cross in the box next to the correct answer. The first one is an example. You will hear the extract from
the conversation twice.

Suzies Father: Hello, the Henderson household.

Jimmy: Hi, is Suzie there please?
Suzies Father: Yes, Ill just get her. Suzie! Telephone.
Suzie: Hello.
Jimmy: Hi Suzie, its Jimmy.
Suzie: Hello Jimmy! How was the carnival?
Jimmy: Oh, it was great! I saw lots of animals. I saw a lion, and
an elephant.
Suzie: Wow! Id love to see a lion. What did your sister Claire see?
Jimmy: She also saw a lion and then she saw a tiger and a bear!
Suzie: I didnt know that the carnival had animals!
Jimmy: Yes, they are from the local zoo. The zoo had a tent full
of animals to show children how beautiful the animals, that are in
danger, are.
Suzie: Thats a really good idea! I would have loved to have gone
to the carnival.
Jimmy: They are staying an extra day because it was so popular.
So, we could go tomorrow if you would like to.
Suzie: Yeah! We could go with my parents.
Jimmy: That would be nice. What time shall I come over to your
Suzie: Around 10:30, so we can get there early to see everything.
We could even have lunch there.
Jimmy: Yes, theres a food tent with lots of different burger and
hot dog stands and sweets stalls.
Suzie: I love candyfloss. I know that all the sugar in it is very bad
for your teeth, but I always have it at carnivals.
Jimmy: I dont like candyfloss. I prefer hot dogs with lots of
tomato sauce on them!
Suzie: Ok, Ill have candyfloss and you can have a hot dog. Do
they have clowns there, too?
Jimmy: Yes, we saw a really funny clown called Jumbo. He also
did tricks!
Suzie: Great! What time does the carnival close?
Jimmy: I think it closes at 8:30, umm no sorry 7:45. The zoo closes
at 8:30.
Suzie: How much does it cost Jimmy?
Jimmy: Its five pounds for adults and half that price for children.
Suzie: Thanks Jimmy, see you tomorrow.

Listen carefully. We are going to join the conversation now.
Teacher: Hello Jimmy. Do you want to come on the school trip
to the carnival on Friday?
Jimmy: Yes Miss. Im really looking forward to it.
Teacher: Ok then Jimmy. I need to ask you some questions as
we need to fill in the Registration Form.
Jimmy: Ok Miss. I already have my permission slip from my parents.
Teacher: Good. First of all, whats your surname, Jimmy?
Jimmy: Its Williams.
Teacher: And, your address, Jimmy?
Jimmy: 22, Nightingale Road.
Teacher: Sorry Jimmy, 22?
Jimmy: Nightingale Road, N-I-G-H-T-I-N-G-A-L-E. Its in a town
called Gateshead.
Teacher: Great! And how do you get to and from school each
day? Have you got a bicycle?
Jimmy: Yes, but I get the school bus, to school.
Teacher: Right, Jimmy. We have nearly finished. Just a few more
questions. Whos your form tutor?
Jimmy: Mrs Sally Gregson, Im in year seven.
Teacher: So thats, ... 7SG. And how are you going to pay for the
trip? Have you got the money with you?
Jimmy: I have a cheque. Is that OK Miss?
Teacher: Yes, thats fine Jimmy. Thank you. Will either of your
parents be joining us on the trip? We need more adults to help us
with supervision.
Jimmy: Well, my mum and dad are both at work; but if you would
like, my sister said she could come.
Teacher: How old is your sister?
Jimmy: Shes 19.
Teacher: Good! We need people aged 18 and over. How can I
contact her to arrange the details? Shall I call her at home?
Jimmy: Umm, no. Shes at work. You could call her mobile phone,
Teacher: Could you give me her number?
Jimmy: Yes, its 077-89-23-76-43.

You will now hear the extract again.
Beep (Extract repeated)
That is the end of activity 2.

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