Leonberg HSC4572 OW 62 Fall

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Course Syllabus Fall 2016

HSC 4572 Clinical Nutrition: 3 credit hours

OW 61 & OW 62: Online
University of Central Florida

Instructor: Kristin Leonberg, MS, RD, CSR, LD/N

Contact: [email protected]
Office hours: Virtual Office using Conference Tool in Webcourses by

Course Description and Objectives

From the UCF Catalog:
Clinical Nutrition: PR: HUN 2201- Fundamentals of Human Nutrition (previously called
HUN 2002 Modern Concepts of Nutrition).
Basic principles of both normal nutrition and medical nutrition therapy associated
with health and chronic diseases of public health importance.

Definition of medical nutrition therapy (MNT):

A therapeutic approach to treating medical conditions and their associated symptoms via
the use of a specifically tailored diet devised and monitored by a registered dietitian.
MNT is the legal definition of nutrition counseling provided by a registered dietitian.

Overall Objective:
Prepare future health professionals with an overview of how nutrition therapy treats
specific disease states such that students will have a basic knowledgeof clinical nutrition
upon entering their professional disciplines.

Course Objective:
Be able to describe the mechanisms involved in the development of diseases of chronic
health importance (ie, cardiovascular, cancer, diabetes, etc) and know how specific
nutrient changes can alter the disease process.
Each chapter/module will also have specific objectives.

Required course materials:

Text:Wardlaw Smith Collene;ContemporaryNutrition:A Functional Approach, 4th

Hard Copy: ISBN: 9780078021398

Hard Copy + Connect SmartBook: ISBN: 9781259203442
Connect SmartBook (ebook): ISBN: 9780078124655

You will need to register for LearnSmart with your connect code through
Webcourses. Please click on the link in the modules page titled McGraw Hill Campus.
DO NOT directly go to the LearnSmart website from your browser.

Click the Register Now Button.

Enter your email address.
Enter your access code, select Buy Online, or you can Start Free Trial if
you dont have an access code.
Complete the registration form, click Submit

Technical Support:
If you need any Technical Support (forgotten password, wrong code, etc) please contact
McGraw-Hill Education Customer Experience Group at:
(800) 331-5094
FAQs: http://www.connectstudentsuccess.com/
I am not tech support so please use the above resource to assist you with any
issues that may occur.

Important Dates:

August 21, 2016: Course opens early in Webcourses

August 22, 2016: Classes begin
August 25, 2016: Drop/Swap Deadline
October 31, 2016: Withdrawal Deadline
December 3, 2016: Classes End

Exams & Quizzes:

1. Exams and quizzes are online on Webcourses. Grades will be posted on
2. Please refer to your course schedule for specific dates for quizzes and exams.
3. Quizzes will open on Sundays at 12 AM and will close on SATURDAYS at
11:59 PM.
4. Exams will open on Sundays at 12 AM and close SATURDAYS at 11:59 PM.
5. Exams and quizzes will not be reopened for review. This is the policy for
the College of Health and Public Affairs.

6. All scheduling concerns are to be communicated to the instructor PRIOR to the


1. Learnsmart study modules are required for this course.
2. Modules will open on SUNDAYS at 12:01 AM and will close on SATURDAYS at
11:59 pm.
3. These are designed to assist you with the material covered in each chapter.
4. I suggest reviewing this material early in the week and prior to taking your
5. Click on each chapter
6. Click on Practice (as shown below) and answer the questions

1. Fiber Log & Questions: DUE 9/7/16
2. Carbohydrate Log & Questions: DUE 9/21/16
3. Calcium Log & Questions: DUE 10/19/16

Late Assignments/Quizzes/Exams:

1. Late assignments/quizzes/exams may be considered up to 2 days after the posted

due date.
a. Your score will be reduced by 50%
b. The instructor reserves to right to make decisions on a case-by-case basis.

Discussion Extra Credit

1. You will have 2 discussion questions used as extra credit opportunities this
2. Each question will be worth a maximum of 5 points.
3. Questions will open Sunday evenings and if you choose to respond, you must do so
by THURSDAY @ 11:59 pm.
4. Please refer to the syllabus for these extra credit opportunities.
5. All posts to discussion should be spelled correctly, written in complete
grammatically correct sentences, without the use of texting shorthand. Do not
copy the question, but answer by rephrasing it into a concise, complete sentence.
Write as concisely as possible without sacrificing clarity, just as you will
do in the medical record. It is harder to write concisely with clarity than it is to

Course Evaluation Total

Exams: Three chapter exams each worth 10%
Final Exam
Quizzes:Three quizzes each worth 5%
McGraw Connect Weekly Assignments
Food Logs (3)

% of Grade


Grading Scale %
< 60

Final grades WILL

NOT be rounded
(89.9 = B)

Course Schedule





Due Sat @
11:59 pm


Ch 1 and select portions Ch 2

(2.1, 2.2, 2.4,2.5 2.6, 2.7)

Chapter 1

Review Syllabus



Chapter 2


Chapter 3 (3.8 immune,3.9

digestive, 3.11 genetics) and
'Common problems with
digestion', pg 107-113;
Chapter 4 and GI module










Chapter 12: Energy







Chapter 13: Blood health,

Chapter 15: Eating Disorders


Diabetes module
Chapter 5: Lipids & CVD,
including caffeine, Na+, K+

Chapter 3

Quiz: Ch
1, 2, 3

Chapter 4

Fiber Log Due


Chapter 5

CHO Log Due


Chapter 6: Proteins & PEM,

Chapter 6
Veg diet, kidney and liver
Chapter 7: Energy balance, wt Chapter 7
control, behavior mod, obesity
Chapter 10: Antioxidants,
phytochemicals, cancer
prevention, nutrition during
cancer tx
Chapter 11: bone health,

1:Ch 1,
parts of 2,
3, GI
module, 4
Quiz: DM

Extra Credit
Discussion # 1
Due 9/29/16
Exam 2:
DM, Ch 5,
CVD, 6, 7

Calcium Log
Due 10/19/16
Quiz: Ch
10, Ca,
11, 12

Extra Credit
Discussion # 2
Due 11/10/16



Chapter 18: Pregnancy &




Chapter 19 & 20: Infants,

Children, Older Adults


Exam 3:
Ch 10, Ca,
11, 12,
13, 15, 18

15 11/27
Review for Final Exam
16 12/4
Final Exam (cumulative) 12/6/16-12/10/16
Financial aid: Instructors are required to provide a list of students who are attending
class for financial aid purposes. Completion of the syllabus quiz will be used to
generate this list. Please complete the quiz by the assigned due date!

University Writing Center

Colbourn 105
Satellite Locations: Main Library, Rosen Library & Online
407-823-2197 http://uwc.cah.ucf.edu/
The University Writing Center (UWC) offers writing support to UCF students from firstyear to graduate in every discipline. Trained peer consultants provide help at every
stage of the writing process, including understanding assignments, researching,
drafting, revising, incorporating sources, and learning to proofread and edit. The
UWCs purpose is not merely to fix papers or to make better writers, but to teach
writers strategies to navigate complex situations for writing, both in and outside the
University. Consultations are available for individuals and small groups. To make the
best use of the UWC, visit far enough before your due date to allow yourself time to
revise after your consultation, browse the writing resources on our website, and
arrange a regular weekly appointment if youd like long-term help. You may schedule
a 45-minute appointment by phone or by using the TutorTrac scheduler on our
website; walk-in consultations are also available. In addition, the UWC seeks graduate
and undergraduate tutors from all majors; contact the UWC to learn more about peer
writing consulting and ENC 4275/5276: Theory & Practice of Tutoring Writing, our
three-credit tutor-education course.

http://www.uwc.ucf.edu/. There you'll also find a brief video, further describing the
services of the University Writing Center.
Canvas supports the last two versions of every browser release. We highly recommend
updating to the newestversion of whatever browser you are using as well as the most
up-to-date Flash plug-in.
As of June 25, 2016, we support the following desktop browsers and Flash versions:

Internet Explorer 11 and Edge

Chrome 50 and 51

Safari 8 and 9

Firefox 46 and 47 (Extended Releases are not supported)

Flash 20 and 21 (for recording or viewing audio/video and uploading files)

Respondus Lockdown Browser (supporting the latest system requirements)

Click here to learn how to clear your cache on a MAC or on a PC

Some supported browsers may still produce a banner stating "Your browser does not
meet the minimum requirements for Canvas." If you have upgraded your browser but
you are still seeing the warning banner, try logging out of Canvas and deleting your
browser cookies
Link for browser information.

Academic Honesty:Each student is expected to be in complete compliance with

University policy on academic honesty as set forth in the student handbook. Plagiarism
and cheating of any kind on an examination, quiz, or assignment will result at least in an
"F" for that assignment (and may, depending on the severity of the case, lead to an "F"
for the entire course) and may be subject to appropriate referral to the Office of Student
Conduct for further action. See the UCF Golden Rule for further information. I will assume
for this course that you will adhere to the academic creed of this University and will
maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. In other words, don't cheat by
giving answers to others or taking them from anyone else. I will also adhere to the
highest standards of academic integrity, so please do not ask me to change (or expect
me to change) your grade illegitimately or to bend or break rules for one person that will
not apply to everyone.
You may of course discuss everything with anybody in the course UNTIL you
open a quiz or exam. Then it is all you - no texting your classmates for
suggestions. No one friend in the group taking the exam first and then
relaying answers to the others. Everyone is expected to uphold this standard.
You should always assume that a lawyer is standing over your shoulder,
because this is the way you must chart when you graduate into the real world
of health professions.
You have the luxury of having your written notes and/or text available to you during the
quizzes and exams, but you will not have a lot of time to access them as the quizzes and
exams are all timed. So it therefore makes very good sense to thoroughly review the
appropriate materials prior to the assessment.

Changes in the syllabus or schedule may be made any time during the term by
announcement of the instructor. A revised syllabus may be issued at the discretion of the

UCF Polices:
Golden Rule:
Students are expected to respect others and adhere to the Rules of Conduct described in
The Golden Rule, which can be found at: http://www.goldenrule.sdes.ucf.edu

Per UCF Catalog: Plagiarism is defined as another's work that is deliberately used or
appropriated without any indication of the source, thereby attempting to convey the
impression that such work is the student's own. Any student failing to properly credit
ideas or materials taken from another has plagiarized.
In cases of cheating or plagiarism, the instructor may take appropriate academic action
ranging from loss of credit for a specific assignment, examination, or project, to removal
from the course with a grade of F. Additionally, the instructor may request disciplinary
action through the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities as outlined in The Golden

Students with Disability:

The University of Central Florida is committed to providing reasonable accommodations
for all persons with disabilities. This syllabus is available in alternate formats upon
request. Students who need accommodations must be registered with Student Disability
Services, Ferrell Commons Room 185, phone (407) 823-2371, TTY/TDD only phone (407)
823-2116, before requesting accommodations from the professor.

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