Study Guide Delights 6

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Delights is the delightful book of literature full of beautiful stories, poems, myths,

legends, folklores, essays and biographies of some famous people from around the
world. These works will not only entertain you but also make you familiar with the
world and human values from different ages in time.

Unit 1: Daffodils



Enrich your word power.

the act of moving back and forth
to look at with fixed eyes
a slight wind (usually refreshing)
Match the following
a. to wander
b. to flutter
c. a breeze
d. the Milky Way
e. the margin
f. a glance

to gaze
a couch

l. solitude

words with their meanings.

____a light wind
____the edge of a place or thing
____the state of being completely alone
____done with a lot of energy
____to look at someone or something for a long time
____seeming to be thinking carefully about something
____to travel from place to place without a particular direction
or purpose
____a long, low, comfortable seat
____to move up and down or from side to side with short,
quick, light movements
____a quick look at someone or something
____looking as if you do not understand or are not paying
____a group of planets and stars that the Earth belongs to

Here you will see a model of reading poetry. You can follow this pattern to
read other poems too.
General Overview:
Daffodils praises nature using pleasant imageries. It describes the beautiful scene
of dancing daffodils beside the lake. The golden colour of the flowers shines just
like the stars in the sky. That scene fills the speaker with joy. The speaker has
nothing but happiness. The scene flashes in the mind of the speaker even after he
goes away from the scene and sits on a couch without being disturbed. The poem
has a very happy mood.

The speaker is obviously the poet himself. In the poem, the speaker shares his first
experiences of beholding a crowd of daffodils.


The poet expresses the idea that nature has lots of things to give us. It has power
to make us happy. Actually, the poet is telling us that we should love nature and
enjoy it.
Imagery means language which appeals to each of our senses.
Visual imagery appeals to our sense of sight. It is the most frequently used variety
of imagery in literature. The aural or auditory imagery appeals to our sense of
sound; olfactory imagery to our sense of smell, tactile imagery to our sense of
touch, kinaesthetic imagery to our sense of movements and organic imagery to
other human sensations like hunger, pain, anger etc.
In Daffodils, you can find lots of visual imageries. Some of the examples are
golden daffodils, sparkling waves, the stars that shine/And twinkle on the Milky
Find any two kinaesthetic imageries in the poem.
If you have read the information on page 9, you know what personification and
simile mean. They help a poet to create imageries in his/her poem.
Similes in Daffodils: ...lonely as a cloud ...continuous as the stars...
Personification in Daffodils: I saw a crowd/a host, of golden daffodils;
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance, In such a jocund company (These are
examples of personification as daffodils are treated as human beings.)
Choose the best alternative.
a. What were the daffodils doing in the poem?
fluttering and dancing
winking and laughing
wandering and sighing
b. The poem starts: "I wandered lonely as a..."
c. What is the colour of the daffodils?
d. How do the daffodils shine and twinkle beside the lake?
continuously as the stars that shine and twinkle on the Milky Way
as brightly as glowing jewels.
like a midday sun in the sky
e. In "Daffodils" the line "Fluttering and dancing in the breeze" refers to


valleys and hills.

a lake.
f. "For oft, when on my couch I lie / In vacant or in pensive mood." In this context
pensive means
g. In Daffodils, the speaker
has never seen daffodils before.
has never liked daffodils until now.
is cheered by the memory of the field of daffodils he once saw.
prefers daffodils to any other kind of flower.
h. The mood of the poem is ...........

Unit 2: Shut the Door



Where do you live, in a city or a village? Are you supposed to shut the door when
you are inside the room or before you go to bed? If yes, have you ever forgotten to
do so?
Here, W.B. Rands tells the story of Godfrey Gordon Gustavus Gore who would
never shut the door. The poet says Godfrey would not shut the door even if there
was storm or chilling cold that was enough to make one shiver. His parents
requested him to shut the door many times, but he never listened to them. They
were troubled with his behaviour. They became helpless because he was as deaf as
anything. Even, people on the street told him to shut the door at least at the time
he came out. Finally, his parents told Godfrey that they would send him to
Singapore if he continued his habit. Then, the boy begged for mercy and promised
that he would never leave the door open. His parents then warned him that plague
would catch him if he did not close the door.
This poem creates an interesting sound pattern by using alliteration. (Read page 12
of your book to know what alliteration is). The very first line is alliterative: Godfrey
Gordon Gustavus Gore-. Here every word starts with /g/ sound.


One more example: The wind might whistle, the wind might roar. Here -/w/ sound
is repeated.
Write three examples of alliteration from the poem.
Answer the following questions.
a. What was the problem with Godfrey Gordon?
b. Why did his parents want to send him to Singapore?
c. Did Godfrey agree to shut the door at the end?

Unit 3: Under Ground



Here are some compound words that start with underground. Use them in
sentences of your own.
underground railway
underground press
In Under Ground the poet says there are many wonderful things below the surface
of the earth. Now, list the name of animals and insects he mentioned in the poem.
Learn some new words.

to travel to or penetrate into

having many people settled
to enter uninvited
to work hard
big; large; huge
fantastic; extraordinarily beautiful
to step or walk

Read the summary.

Under Ground by James Reeves is a nature poem. It describes the world below the
surface of the earth where there is no light and noise. We might think that there is
nothing so special, but we can find different marvellous things there. For example,
there live the rabbit and the mole that always make holes in the earth. There live
ants which are always busy digging the earth to extend their settlement. The poet
wonders whether the ants stop working at presence of him or not. The moles and
the rabbits sleep there feeling the warmth of the earth. In addition, there are some
gigantic stones which look like the bones of the earth. The roots of the trees reach
even to the country of the dead. Actually, in the poem the country of the dead
refers to tomb.
Overall, the poet says the underground is as beautiful as the surface of the earth.

Answer the following questions.

a. What do the ants do under the green floor?
b. Why do the ants run to and fro?
c. Do all the animals living underground keep busy themselves? If not, how do
they pass their time?
d. What are the gigantic bones of the earth?
Write at least one word that rhymes with the given words.
floor toil


Unit 4: Jabberwocky



What is a nonsense poem or verse?

A nonsense poem or verse is a poem which uses many words that do not have
conventional or already existed meaning. Moreover, it is not serious. Jabberwocky
is an example. You can read the history of this poem in your book on page 17.
Read the summary.
This poem contains many words that are not easy to understand. However, we can
follow a story in it. Here, some children are playing near the woods. The main
character or the hero in the poem is a little boy whose father warns him about the
danger nearby. The boys father says Jabberwocky is a very dangerous animal. As it
has sharp claws and jaws, it may kill him. So he should be aware of it. But the
brave little boy takes a poisonous sword and waits watching for his enemy,
Jabberwocky. Without giving any sign of its coming, the terrifying monster comes
and attacks the boy. Nevertheless, the boy bravely strikes the monster with his
sword and kills him. Then, the father comes praising his brave son. He gives his
son a hug. And then, once again the children are safely playing in the woods, and
everyone lives happily ever after.
Learn the words and their meanings.
a. bandersnatch
a. a swift moving creature with snapping jaws, capable of
extending its neck
b. beamish
b. happy, cheerful
c. borogoves
c. a thin shabby-looking bird with its feathers sticking out all
d. brilling
d. four oclock in the afternoon: the time when you begin
broiling or cooking things for dinner.
e. burbled
e. possibly a mixture of bleat, murmur and warble ; (bleat
= sound of goat or sheep, murmur =low voice warble=
tremulous sound)
f. chortled
f. combination of chuckle and snort. (laugh softly)
g. frabjous
g. possible combination of fair, fabulous and joyous
h. frumious
h. combination of fuming and furious
i. galumphing
i. combination of gallop and triumphant; used to describe a
way of running in a swift pace.
j. gimble
j. to make holes in anything
k. gyre
k. to go round and round
l. jubjub
l. a bird that is restless or passionate
m.fearsome, terrifying



vorpal sword


combination of miserable and flimsy or thin and weak

a kind of green pig
(slimy+ lithe) = smooth and active
a kind of creature which make their nests under sundials
(a kind of timekeeper)
thick, dense, dark
gruffish voice + roughish voice + huffish temper
poisonous sword
grassy plot

Unit 5: Leisure by W. H. Davies

Leisure means the free time which you can spend in an activity of your choice.
Leisure by W. H. Davies is a praise song of nature. This poem has seven couplets.
A couplet means two poetic lines that rhyme. In this poem, the poet explains us the
idea of standing and staring, and he wants to know what life is about if we dont
have time to stand and stare at the beauty of nature. Then, the poet compares
human beings with sheep and cows. The sheep and cows have time to stand and
stare at the beauty of nature as long as they wish but we human beings have no
time. Humans have been so busy that they always have to run after this or that.
The poet feels sad for the lack of time for seeing, in broad daylight, / Streams full
of stars, like skies at night. From the ninth to twelfth lines, the poet talks about
Beauty. This Beauty can be a beautiful girl or personified form of the beauty of
nature. The poet says there is no time to watch Beautys dance. That means there
is no time to stop and watch a beautiful womans dance and her smile that her eyes
start and her lips complete. The last two lines of the poem tell people that it is
really pitiful or sad if human beings cannot just stand and stare at beautiful things
in nature.
The central idea of the poem is that there is more to life than rushing about and
working. One should take time to enjoy the wonders of nature.
Answer the following questions.
a. What is it that sheep and cows do for which we have no time?
b. What does the poet think we need time for in lines 5 and 6?
Tick the correct answer.
1. What does the poet mean by the phrase stand and stare?
a. looking at things unblinkingly
b. looking at the beauties of nature and enjoying them
c. lost in thought looking at nothing


2. The line till her mouth can enrich that smile her eyes began means that ...
a. a rich woman smiles with her eyes
b. eyes and mouth smile together
c. Beautys smile begins from the eyes and spreads to her lips.
Some of the words that rhyme in the poem are:
Now, list the remaining pairs of rhyming words from the poem.

Unit 6: Angry



Angry is a beautiful poem in which the speaker says how he controls his
anger or sorrow. He says when he is sad or angry, he goes behind the front
porch stairs and sits there alone putting his chin on knees and listens to
people talking and walking by him. But he makes no sound; rather draws
stick pictures on the ground. If he gets tired of it, he throws pebbles (small
stones) at the wall. After sitting there for a while, he loses his anger and
sorrow then he again begins his day.
Read the poem and list the things the speaker does when he is angry or sad.
Enrich your word power.
curl up
shape one's body into a curl
small smooth rounded rocks
Read the poem and list six pairs of rhyming words.
all wall
Write what you do when you are angry or sad.

Unit 7: Limericks
Read the information given on page 27 of your textbook and answer the
following questions.
a. How many poetic lines are there in a limerick?
b. Is a limerick sad in general? If not what then?


c. Give the rhyming pattern of a limerick.

Learn the word meanings.
make an effort
a drink mixed with lemon juice
past form of fear (got afraid)
Read the given limericks and answer the following questions.
Limerick 1
a. Where is the lady from?
b. What did she try to do?
c. What happened to her when she tried to drink lemonade?
Limerick 2
a. What did the old man from Peru dream about?
b. Was it true that he was eating shoes?
Limerick 3
a. What did the lady from Niger ride on?
b. Who was smiling at first and who was smiling at the end?
c. Where was the lady when she came back?
Limerick 4
a. What kind of birds made nest in the beard of the Old Man?

Unit 8: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz



A fantasy is an imagined story. The events that happen in a fantasy cannot really
happen in real life. It involves magic, wizards and mythical characters. The
Wonderful Wizard of Oz is an example of a fantasy.
Read and understand the word meanings.
gust of wind
a strong current of air
taken aback
surprise greatly
rain with storm
underground store (a place where our grain and vegetable are
make a dry crackling sound (the sound comes when you
walk on dry leaves
conduct an inquiry or investigation of
move back and forth very rapidly
as if struck dumb with astonishment and surprise; shocked
started suddenly


a type of precious green stone
someone who frees other
at the same time
going round
trip or an accidental misstep threatening (or
causing) a fall
knotty; covered with knots
realize better; hold dear
swing back and froth
to speak at angrily
to speak in the middle of others talk
the possibility of future success

Read the summary.

Dorothy lives in Kansas, America with her Aunt Emily, Uncle Henry and her dog
Toto. One day, a storm comes. Her aunt and uncle are not home. So she gets afraid
and goes to the cellar with Toto. Later, she finds herself with her dog in a strange
place. There is a jungle near the house. Eventually, a small man followed by more
people like him appears in the yard. The tiny man asks Dorothy twice if it is her
house. All the events make her nervous and she gets shocked. Meantime, the crowd
of the little men shouts happily that The Wicked Witch of the East is dead. They
call Dorothy the protector or saviour of Munchkinland. After a while, a beautiful
lady, the Good Witch of the North, appears there out of a rainbow. The Good Witch
takes the silver shoes off from the feet of the Wicked Witch and gives it to Dorothy.
She asks Dorothy to make a wish. Dorothy requests the Witch to send her to
Kansas, her home. Then, she performs a magic and asks Dorothy to go to the city
of Emerald to see the Wizard of Oz. The Good Witch and Munchkins take her to
Munchkinland just beyond the forest. They show her a road paved with bright
yellow bricks. On the way, Dorothy and Toto meet a sad Scarecrow. They get
amazed when the scarecrow speaks to them. The Scarecrow expresses its sorrow
that its creator did not give it its brain. So it is helpless in front of the crows that
peck it. After sometime, all of them (Dorothy, Toto and Scarecrow) move forward.
The way leads them to another forest which is not as nice as the forest of
Munchkinland. There they meet a Tin Woodman who is suffering from rusty joints.
Dorothy oils its joints. The Tin Woodman thanks Dorothy. In turn, Dorothy asks if
it can find less dangerous work that it likes. Then, it sadly replies that it has no


heart so it cannot like or love anything. Dorothy suggests it to follow them to go to

the Wizard if Mr. Tin Woodman wants a heart. On the way, a lion roars at the
strangers, but it does not attack them. Rather it says it has lost courage so it is
helpless. It cannot attack anything. Pitying it, Dorothy tells the lion to follow her
and her friends so that it can ask courage with the Wizard of Oz.
To know whether they get what they want or not, you have to read the whole novel
on your own. You may have it in your school library.
Look at the words in bold above for what each of the characters wanted from
the Wizard.
Read the characterization of the central character in the story (Dorothy) and
characterize the other characters in a similar way.
Dorothy is the protagonist or heroine of the story. She is from Kansas, America.
She has been in a strange place named Munchkinland, but she does not know how.
She happens to see strange creatures the little men of Munchkinland who praise
her as their saviour and the Good Witch of North who gives her the silver slippers
of the dead Wicked Witch of the East and the idea of seeing the Wizard of the Oz.
Later, when she is on the way to Oz, she meets other creatures like Scarecrow who
wants to have a brain; Mr. Tin Woodman who wants to have a heart and the Lion
who wants to have his courage back. Dorothy is very kind and helpful, too. She
helps all the creatures she meets on the way to Oz.
Read the story and answer the following questions.
a. Who is the main character of the story?
b. Where does the story start?
c. When did the story start?
d. Who were the other family members in Dorothys home?
Write whether the following are true or false.
a. Dorothy performed magic to reach Munchkinland.
b. The people from Munchkinland were smaller than Dorothy.
c. Dorothy was said saviour of Munchkinland because she was supposed to have
killed the Good Witch of the North.
d. On the way to Oz, there was a yellow road leading beyond the horizon.
e. The forest beyond Munchkinland looked nicer than the forest of Munchkinland.
Fantasy and fairy tales are similar in various ways. Read some of the
characteristics of fairy tales.
a. Fairy tales have good/nice characters and bad/mean characters.
b. In a fairy tale, characters are often animals or royalty.


c. Problems are often solved by magic.

d. Good is usually rewarded and evil is punished.
Fantasy and fairy tales differ, too.
For example, fairy tales often begin with Once upon a time and end with happily
ever after. But fantasy generally starts at a point of time in the modern world.
Fairy tales are often set in a town, a castle or a forest but fantasies are set in a
strange land which is very different from the real world.

Unit 9 Brer Rabbit Falls down the Well

Learn some new words.
to pull hard
if a wound is infected, it has harmful bacteria and it doesnt heal
perk up
to become more happy
to fall downwards suddenly
whip up
to cook very quickly
to hit quickly with a lash
Read the summary.
Once, Brer Rabbit and his friends were preparing a field to plant corn. After
working for some time, he thought of taking a rest. So he told there was a thorn in
his hand and went away. On the way, he saw a couple of buckets hanging inside a
well. When he jumped into one of the buckets to take a nap, it dropped down the
Later Brer Fox, a friend of Brer Rabbit came and asked what he was doing. When
Brer Rabbit said he was fishing, Brer Fox also jumped in thinking his friend was
rather counting the gold coins. When the Brer Fox jumped into the upper bucket,
another bucket in which Brer Rabbit was sitting in came up and Brer Rabbit ran
away. After some time a hunter came and pulled the bucket up. Meanwhile, Brer
Fox ran away. When they were back to the field, they looked at each other and
laughed and laughed.
Answer the following questions.
a. Who are Brer Rabbits friends?
b. Was there a thorn in Brer Rabbits hand?
c. Why were Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox looking each other and laughing?
State whether true or false.
a. Brer Rabbit and his friends were working in the field to plant corn for roasting.
b. Brer Rabbit went to the well to drink water.
c. Brer Rabbit suddenly fell into the well when he jumped into the bucket.



Brer Fox thought that Brer Rabbit was counting gold coins.
Brer Rabbit was really fishing in the well.
Brer Fox had no idea that a hunter is coming.
Brer Fox and Brer Rabbit told their friends about what had happened in the

Choose the correct answer and fill up the blanks.

a. The word debris means .............................(bush/a kind of tree/garbage).
b. The word briar means ................................(fish/something to eat/ thorn from
the bush).
c. Brer Rabbit left the work to .............................(take out the thorn form his
hand/ take a nap under the shade/ drink water from the well).

Unit 10: Galileo

Read page 45 and write what biography means.
Lets know about some scientists and their inventions.
Name of scientist
Major invention
Alexander Graham Bell
G. Marconi
Charles Babbage
Sir Isaac Newton
laws of motion and calculus (a branch of
Wright brothers
Read Galileos brief biography and pick up the dates in which the following
things happened in his life.
Galileo was a great scientist. He was born in Italy in 1564 and lived for 82
years. He is known as the father of modern astronomy, the father of modern
physics and the father of modern science.
a. Galileo started his study of pendulum ...............................................................
b. He discovered that the time in which a pendulum swings back and forth does
not depend on the arc of swing ..........................................................................
c. He made his first telescope ................................................................................
d. He published The Starry Messenger....................................................................
e. He published the Two Chief System of the World.................................................
f. He became blind ...............................................................................................
g. He died .............................................................................................................
Correct the following statements according to Galileos life if there is
anything wrong; if not, put a tick at the end of the statements.


a. Galileo proved Aristotle idea that heavier objects fall faster than lighter objects
wrong by throwing tow iron ball from the top of leaning tower of Pisa.
b. Galileos telescope could magnify objects up to fifty times.
c. Galileos house was in Pisa.
d. Galileo went blind because the Father of the Catholic Church cursed him.
e. Galileo used the method of observation and logical reasoning to find scientific
f. His theory of motion was published in The Starry Messenger
Learn these word meanings.

inner quality of matter, it helps the object to remain in motion if it is

in motion and in rest if that is in rest
to make effort to do something in a group

Unit 11: Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa was a world famous social worker. She was born in Albania in 1910.
She became nun at the age of 18. Later, she came to India and became a teacher in
a missionary school. When she saw poor people in Calcutta, she decided to get
involved in social work. For which was honoured with Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. In
1997 she died at the age of 87 as an India.
Read page 50 and write what the following words mean.
a. missionary
b. angle
c. selfless
Tick () the correct statements and cross(x) the incorrect ones.
a. Mother Teresas father died when she was seven years old. ................
b. Once Mother Teresa worked as a teacher.
c. Mother Teresa was a Catholic nun.
d. She died in Macedonia.
e. Loreto Order was an Albanian organization.
Complete the following statements with the necessary information.
a. Mother Teresa decided to be a nun when she was just ........................... old.
b. Loreto Order and its members were especially committed to .......................
c. After she started serving the poor people in the slums of Calcutta she is known
d. Recognizing her selfless work, she was awarded with
e. The word beatified in the text means ...............................................................


What inspiration did you get reading the biography of Mother Teresa? Write in
30-40 words.


Learn some new words.

unexpectedly by chance; accidently
head of an office; head of the state
dedication; be loyal to someone
goal or aim
organization a group of people with same aim

Unit 12: Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar was born in 100 B.C. in Rome. He became an absolute ruler of Rome
after the civil war around 48 BC (a correction from what is mentioned in the text).
Besides being a great ruler, he was also a great speaker and writer. He was killed
by some of his friends in 44 B.C.
Read page 55 and match the following.
a. empire
___a ruler who has complete power over a country
b. B.C.
___a nation or place where people have right to elect their rulers
c. dictator
___many lands or countries ruled by one ruler
d. republic ___Before Christ
Read the meaning of the following words and then make sentences using the
very clever often negatively; showing great talent to deceive
important; having admirable qualities
special influence
Did you know?
William Shakespeare wrote one of his most famous dramas Julius Caesar based on
the life of Julius Caesar.
Write whether the following statements are true or false.
a. Pompey the Great was killed by Julius Caesar.
b. Marius, a Roman dictator, was Julius Caesars nephew.
c. Sulla threw Marius out from the power.
d. Caesar left Rome because his family was forced to leave the city when his uncle
Marius lost his power.
e. Caesar returned Rome at the age of 22.
Put the following events that happened in Caesars lifetime in chronological
(time) order by numbering them.


_____Sulla came to power in Rome.

_____Julius was born.
_____Pompey was killed.
_____Caesar got victory over Gaul.
_____Caesar was assassinated.
You read three biographies by now. Using the ideas you have learned and
taking help of the outlines below, write a biography of Abraham Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln
Place of birth: near Hodgenville, in the United States of America
Date of birth: 1809 February
-mother died at young age, step mother took care of him
-had poor family background
-helped his father in his job of collecting woods
-did not get chance to go to school but studied at home
-saw people being sold while visiting a town and determined
to stop such system of selling human
-could not be happy for blacks being treated as lowly animals
-in 1860 was elected as sixteenth president of the U.S.A
-became very popular politician
-helped to abolish (do away with) the system of slavery
-was assassinated in 1965

Unit 13: Arrival in Lilliput



Arrival in Lilliput is a part of the book Gullivers Travels by an English writer

Jonathan Swift. Gullivers Travels describes the adventurous travel of Lemuel
Gulliver, a doctor.
Gulliver loved adventure. So he often went to sea on a ship. One day, his ship got
an accident. When he got back his consciousness, he found himself on a shore,
tied up on the ground. With great effort, he managed to raise his head. He was
surprised to see tiny people. When Gulliver rose, these tiny people ran away.
However, after sometime, they came back with bows and arrows to shoot him.
Gulliver avoided them as he could, and made a sign that he would not harm them.
Thus, they stopped shooting at him. At the same time, Gulliver signalled that he
wanted to eat something. Then, they gave him some food. The tiny people were
surprised to see Gullivers desire for food. Some of them worried that the giant man
(Gulliver) would finish whole lot of food in Lilliput. Both Gulliver and Lilliputians
did not understand each others language. So, normal talk was impossible.
Moreover, when Gulliver spoke to them, it sounded like a thunder and everyone got
scared. Anyway, Gulliver was made a prisoner. They could not decide what to do


because their king was on a voyage. Later, some children started teaching Gulliver
their language. (To know what happened next, read the book Gullivers Travels.)
Know what a narrative style is.
A narrator is a person who tells a story. The style the narrator follows while telling
a story is known as a narrative style. For example, the narrator can be one of the
characters in the story and tell the story using I or we in which case it becomes
first person narrative. If the narrator is an observer of the events and tells the story
using he, she or they then it becomes third person narrative point of view. This
third person point view can also be divided into two groups: third person limited
point of view and third person omniscient point of view. In the third person limited
point of view the narrator does not know all the things, he can say what he sees
from the distance. But in the third person omniscient point of view the narrator
can tell us what the character is thinking and feeling. For example, Arrival in
Lilliput is told from third person omniscient point of view. The narrator can say
what Gulliver was thinking and feeling.
Read about the setting.
A setting is the time and place of the story. Gulliver Travels is set in different
places. This particular part takes place in a strange place called Lilliput.
Lilliputians are tiny humans ruled by a tiny king. At the beginning of the story
Lilliputians are on the shore where Gulliver is lying after a shipwreck. They are
shocked to see such a giant man.
Learn the word meanings.
a very frightening dream
break with a sudden sharp noise
crowded, flocked
cover, protect
pierced, made a hole with a pointed thing
desire for food
frightened and excited
The following information will help answer the question 3 in your textbook.
a. arrows
b. Lilliputian
c. twenty horses
d. people from Lilliput
e.Lilliputian children
f. Gulliver
g. king of Lilliput
Here is a description of Gulliver from a Lilliputians point of view. Read it.
One day, we saw a very strange thing on the shore. A giant man was lying on the
beach. We tried to tie him up there so that we would not be harmed. Some of us were


just climbing on his body. After some time he moved his body. We were frightened for
what that giant would do. We all ran away for our life. Later, gathering our courage,
we went to the site with our arrows and bows. Although we shot our arrows to him,
he seemed to be simply avoiding them. We were still afraid of him, but he raised his
hand signalling that he would do no harm. Then, he asked for food. We gave him
piles of food. He ate so much that it would be enough for many of us for many days.
As he finished eating, we brought him in the city and kept him as a prisoner. It was
very hard for us as well as for him to talk because of language.
Once he tried to speak to us. His voice was just like a thunder and we had to run for
our lives. Besides, he was so big that we had to go to the top of the tower to talk to
him looking at his face. Nevertheless, he was there in the city. We could not decide
what to do because our king was away on a voyage. Later on, our children started
teaching him our language. He loved learning it.
By the way, he did no harm to us although he looked so frightening.
Pick up the correct answer.
1. When Gulliver awoke on the shore of Lilliput, what was his condition?
i. Lying on his back tied up by hundreds of ropes
ii. Well-rested and comfortable
iii. Healthy but without any memory
iv. Having a terrible headache form having too much drink
2. How does Gulliver learn to speak the Lilliputian language?
i. A young girl teaches him
ii. Six scholars are employed to teach him
iii. He reads their newspapers
iv. He reads their books
3. How do the Lilliputians hurt Gulliver when they first find him?
i. They let their animals bite him
ii. They hit him with stones
iii. They pull his hair
iv. They shoot tiny arrows

Unit 14: Painting the Fence



This story is a part of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, a novel by an American writer
and lecturer, Mark Twain. This is a funny story where a clever boy Tom Sawyer, the
hero of the novel, cleverly makes other people paint the fence. Actually, Tom himself
was supposed to do this job as a punishment for coming home late one night. In
reality, he hated the job. But he acted in such a way that he was doing it artfully.
He gave a challenge to all his friends to do it carefully and made them paint the
fence not once only but thrice. Besides, he earned a lot of things including different
toys and fruits.


Write the setting of the story using the given clues.

................morning .................along with the sidewalk
Write what type of narrator is there in the story. Is it similar to the narrator
of Arrival in Lilliput?
Find words from the text that have similar meaning to the given words or
at leisure
start again
turn around
taking light steps
Put the following events in order by numbering them.
______Tom saw Ben.
______Tom got a job of painting the fence as punishment.
______Tom asked Jim to exchange his job with painting the fence.
______Ben grew curious.
______Tom pretended not to have noticed Ben.
______Ben asked Tom to give him a chance to paint the fence.
______Tom started painting.
______Ben exchanged his apple with a chance of painting the fence.
Read the meaning of the following phrases.
a. sorrows multiply- become sadder ( When he thought about his plan to play
with his friends and remembered the work he had to do, he became sadder
than just for doing the work.)
b. worldly wealth- material things people have (Here worldly wealth of Tom is
his playthings)
c. to buy an exchange of workto hire somebody to work for you (here Tom
wanted to buy an exchange of work for painting the fence, which means he
wanted to hire somebody to paint the fence by giving his toys and trashes)
d. mouth watered- secrete saliva because you have sensed a tasty food
e. awful particular- very much concerned (Aunt Polly is very much concerned
about the front wall)
f. trapping more innocents- playing trick upon other innocent people (here Tom
plays tricks upon other people and makes them do his work)
g. rolling in wealth- earning a lot (by the evening Tom got a lot of toys and fruits the wealth he collected)
Read the following. It will help you to answer the questions about the lesson.


It was a pleasant Saturday morning but it was not pleasant for Tom because he
had got a boring job of painting the fence. He became ready to fetch water because
he felt painting the fence was really boring than fetching water. However, he cleverly
plays a trick. He makes Ben paint the fence by convincing him that it was not work,
rather it was a fun activity that you get once in a while. When he trickily made Ben
work he got an idea of doing so upon others too. By giving chance to paint the
fence, he was rolling in wealth by the end of the day.

Unit 15: The Riverbank



Read the story and write name of animals that you find in the story.
Enrich your word power.
grassy land
bush growing just like a fence
held spellbound
loosen the knot
shoved off
popped up
appear suddenly
very unhappy


Who said following to whom?

a. This is far better than painting.
b. I have never been in a boat before in all my life.
c. We river-bankers dont venture there very often.
d. Greedy beggars! Why didnt you invite me?
e. Please! I want to row.
Put the following in order.
The mole got jealous of rat.
The rat invited mole into his boat.
The rat and the mole rowed down the river.
The mole wanted to row the boat.
The mole grabbed the oars and tried to row.
The rat denied giving the mole rowing the boat.
They got drown.
What human-like characters do the animals in the story have?
This story has many animal characters. However, they have a lot of human
qualities. They can talk like we human beings. They have friends and foes. They
like doing adventures. They take their lunch and share it with their friends. They
row the boat. They like to experiment with new things.
Do you know where the story is set?
At first the story opens up in the moles hole. Later, main part of the story takes
place in a river where there are various types of animals and wonderfully beautiful
Do you know who the chief protagonists of the story are?
Mr. Mole and Ratty are the two chief protagonists (heroes) of the story. Ratty takes
his new friend with him in the river to have an adventure.

Unit 16: Echo and Narcissus

Myths are also stories. They have all the elements of a story like setting and
characters. Generally, myths are told in third person omniscient point of
view. However, we can change the narrative point of view. For example, here
is the story from Echos point of view:
I am Echo. I was very expressive. I could talk for hours. But, one day, I was just
passing by. Goddess Juno came on the way. She asked if I had seen her husband,
Jupiter. I naturally began to talk on and on. This made Juno angry and cursed me
that I could repeat only the last word spoken by others but I would be unable to
speak my own. I had no option. I swallowed the curse silently.


A few days later, I saw a handsome boy. I instantly fell in love with him. I followed
him everywhere. Nevertheless, I never could understand him. He was completely
heedless to me.
One day, my dream boy, Narcissus was in deep forest. He had lost his way. He
shouted for help. Although I was following him, I could not help him because I could
repeat his last word only. I came in front of him and confessed my love. He did not
listen to me. He left me heartbroken there. Then the gods became angry with him and
decided to punish him for his pride.
Later one day he was hunting in a jungle. He felt thirsty and went to a spring (source
of water) and bent to drink water. He saw his reflection in the water. To speak the
truth, only I knew the beauty of his face. When he saw his face, he also fell in love
with his own face. He wanted to pick the face that he saw in the water. Narcissus
forgot everything: food, drink, sleep. Then the gods pitied on him and turned him into
a flower that blooms in a pond. He lives there bowing his head down and I live in the
mountain only to repeat the last word spoken by others. This is the sad story I have.
Enrich your word power.
a. wish evil on
b. attractive
c. flaw, weakness
d. longing, yearning
e. bend
f. proud, conceited
g. glens
h. impatient


Fill up the blanks with appropriate words.

a. ..............................cursed Echo for talking too much.
b. Echo could repeat only the ..............................spoken by other people.
c. Narcissus means somebody who has excessive interest in..............................
d. Narcissus was turned into a ..............................
e. Echo followed ..............................everywhere.
f. The gods punished Narcissus for not listening to..............................who was
madly in love with him.

Unit 17: Hercules and the Hydra

Hercules was a Greek hero. He was given twelve dangerous tasks by Juno, the wife
of Jupiter. Killing the Lernian Hydra was the second task among the others.
According to the legend, he was extraordinarily powerful.
Learn some new words.


that will never die



in case
grab hold of


attract, tempt
dark and muddy
fog, vapour

Do you know the twelve tasks of Hercules?

1) to kill the Nemean Lion
2) to kill the Hydra of Lerna
3) to capture the Hind of Ceryneia
4) to capture the Boar of Erymanthus
5) to clean the Stables of Augeas
6) to shoot the Birds of Stymphalus
7) to capture the Cretan Bull
8) to capture the Horses of Diomedes
9) to steal the Girdle of the Amazon
10) to capture the oxen of the giant Geryon
11) to fetch the Apples of the Hesperides
12) to capture Cerberus, guardian of Hades
Write whether the followings are true or false.
a. The Hydra was a monstrous serpent.
b. The Hydra had nine immortal heads.
c. The Hydra breathed out sweet smelling vapour.
d. Hercules was Iolauss nephew.
e. Hercules chopped off all the heads of Hydra.
What is a real hydra?
Hydra is a small sea creature which has many legs called tentacles to move in the

Unit 18: Egyptian Civilization

Egypt is one of the most developed countries in Africa now. It lies in northern
Africa touching some of the Asian countries. Moreover, Egypt is the home of one of
the earliest civilizations of the world.
How did the world come into existence?
According to Egyptian myths, at the beginning, there was nothing but ocean
without any shore. Little by little, at the bottom of the ocean, mud got collected and
later it became a small island. Then, an egg appeared on the island. From this egg,
the sun god Ra got birth. Ra filled the world with his light. Then, he started
creating beings and organizing the world with the help of his children. His
daughter, Nut, the goddess of the sky, stretched her starry body above the earth.
Ras son, Shu, the god of air, filled his sisters stomach to separate the sky from the
earth. At last, Khaonsou, the god of the moon, became the ruler of the night skies
and started creating different things on earth. In this way, the world came into
How did Osiris become the king?


Ra was the ruler at first. When Ra got tired of creating earthly matters, he left the
throne to Osiris before going back to the sky. That is how Osiris became the king.
What are the contributions made by Osiris and Isis?
-prohibited people eating human flesh and taught them to live peacefully
-taught how to wave clothes and make bread form corn
-made plough and gave it to people
- showed how to cultivate crops like corn, grapes and barley and how to make food
out of them
-showed how to extract different metals like iron, copper and gold
-taught the correct way of worshiping
Match the following words with their meanings.
Here are some characteristics of myths. Tick () if you find such elements in
the stories you have just read.
Echo and
Hercules Egyptian
and the
Tries to explain elements of nature or life
Has gods and goddesses, heroes and unusual
Contains magic
Good is rewarded and evil is punished

Unit 19: Storyteller



The Storyteller is an excellent example of Hector Hugh Munros story. This story is
full of humour and it satirizes old people who try to teach moral to small children.
The Storyteller is set on an unpleasantly hot railway carriage in which a bachelor,
three active children, and their strict aunt are travelling. The aunt, who is not quite
good at disciplining the children, tells them a boring and predictable proper story
only to make them restless. The bachelor, being disturbed by the chattering of the
children, tells them an improper story which delights the children but shocks
their aunt.


The bachelors story is about Berth, a horribly good girl who was very much proud
of the various awards and favours she received for her goodness. One day, she was
honoured with a chance of walking through the princes park. Wearing the three
medals she received for obedience, punctuality, and good behaviours, Berth
proudly began her walk. In the park, a hungry and angry fox came out from the
bush looking for his meal. Then, Berth hurriedly went into the myrtle bushes and
hid there for the sake of life. The hungry fox madly searched her, but he could not
smell her because the myrtles smell was stronger than hers. Just as he was about
to give up Berth, her medals clanged. The fox heard that and it caught Berth and
ate her. Only her medals, shoes and some bones were left there.
Learn some new words.
(This will help you to do the exercise on page 93.)
unmarried man
without willing to do something
a sleeveless collarless garment worn by girls in the past over
a dress)
roaming around an area in search of prey
hot and humid
the quality of being on time
shining brightly
unacceptable, not suitable
continued to do
State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. The story took place on a summer afternoon.
b. All the children did not like the aunts story.
c. Bachelor was enjoying the children talks and noises
d. There were no sheep in the garden because all of them were eaten by the fox.
e. Fox gave up the idea of killing Bertha because he had seen a fat pig.
f. All the children liked the bachelors story.

Unit 20: The Selfish Giant



Why should we not be selfish? Write in a sentence.

The Selfish Giant is a beautiful story that tells us not to be selfish. In the story,
there was a beautiful garden. The garden belonged to a giant. In his absence, the
children used to play in the garden. Once, when the giant came back from his
friends house, he chased the children, put wall around it and forbade anyone


coming in. Then, the garden lost its flowers; the winter ruled the garden all the
time. The giant was annoyed with this. However, one day, he heard birds song and
lovely music in his bedroom. When he came out, he saw that children had crept
into the garden through a small hole in the wall and were playing in the garden.
There was spring in the garden. Every tree was giving sweet smell with its
wonderful flowers. The giant realized his mistake of forbidding children to come
into the garden. Then, he came down. All the children ran away except one small
child. The giant helped him to go up the tree. The tree became full of flowers. The
other children also noticed that the giant was not wicked any longer. So, they ran
back and spring came back with them. The children played in the garden
delightfully. On the following days, the giant saw the other children but could not
see the small boy. He asked other children but they did not answer. Later one day,
suddenly the giant saw the small boy in the garden. He saw the boy hurt. He asked
about it, but the boy said it was the wound of love. The giant asked who he was.
Then the miracle happened. The boy said he would let the giant play in his garden the paradise - for the giant had let him play in his. In the afternoon, when the
other children ran into the garden, they found the giant dead.
In the story, when the giant was selfish, his garden got covered with snow and frost
and no spring came. When he let the children play in the garden, it became
beautiful and lovely. The giant was loved by God and taken to the paradise.
Enrich your word power.
marvellousfantastic; wonderful
delicatevery fine and pleasing
(The clues below will help you to do exercises 1 and 2 in the book.)
lovely - beautiful
roaring - holler; shouting; howling
stopped - ceased

sweet delicious
friend- companion
covered- wrapped

sorry- happy
allow- forbid
sad- happy

sleep- awake
built up knock down
kind- selfish

Here is the characterization of the selfish giant. Read it.

The selfish giant is the central character in the story. He possessed a beautiful
garden. When he had been to his friends home, the children came and played in
his garden. As he noticed it at his return, he forbade children playing in the garden.
This shows his selfish behaviour. As he was very selfish, in his garden there was no
summer, no autumn and no spring; there was only winter. That made him sad.
Later, when the children crept into his garden, there were flowers everywhere and


spring came back. The giant realized his mistake. Then, he changed into a kind
person. He broke down the wall he had erected around the garden and let the
children play in the garden. He turned generous to all of them. On account of his
generosity and kindness, he was taken to the paradise by God.
Who was the giants little friend?
The giants little friend was God himself, Jesus Christ. You know Christ was
crucified or killed by hanging on a cross and putting nails on his palms and feet.
Therefore, there was wound on the little boys hand. He had been there to teach the
giant the value of kind and selfless activities at first and at the end to give reward
for his kindness.

Unit 21: Ancient Egypt

(In unit 18, you read about the Egyptian civilization. Revise that before you read
about ancient Egypt. )
State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. Egyptian civilization has history of more than 3000 years.
b. Red land means the military unit of ancient Egypt that protected their land.
c. The most fertile land of Egypt is on the bank of the Nile River.
d. The ancient Egyptians were polytheist. (polytheist = someone who worship
many gods.)
e. Anubis is the god of fertility.
f. Imhotep was a pharaoh.
g. Papyrus is the paper used in ancient Egypt.
Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.
a. The ancient Egyptian made home using ........................and ........................
b. The main division of ancient Egyptian history are
........................and ...................
c. The ancient Egyptians divided their land in two types. They
were ........................and........................
d. The red land contained valuable........................and semi-precious.....................
e. Names of any two of Egyptian gods are........................and ........................
f. The Great Pyramids is at........................, where........................remains lie.
g. Hieroglyphic is a form of ....................writing that ancient Egyptian used. There
were around ........................letter and all of them were consonants.
There were three types of writing in ancient Egypt. Each of them was used for
a different purpose. Write their names and purposes.
a. ...............................: ....................................................................................
b. ...............................: ....................................................................................
c. ...............................: ...................................................................................


Describe the life and people of Egypt using the information from Ancient
Find the words with similar meanings from the text.
very old
prayed hamlets

Unit 22: Whales

Compare whales (the largest animals on earth) and African elephants (the
largest land animals).
1. Weight: ........................
2. Size:..............................

African Elephant
1. Weight :................................
2. Size: .....................................

Answer the following questions. Write not more than two words or a number.
a. How many types of whales are there?
b. What is orca better known as?
c. Where do the pink dolphins live?
d. How does baleen look like?
e. What is called the thick fat under the skin of the whales?
f. What is the unit of measuring sound?
g. How far can the sound of the whale be heard?
h. What is the group of whales called?
i. What is the name of whales which can stay the longest time in water?
j. By how much is the sound of whales greater than a jet engine?_____________
k. What is the breathing organ of whales?
l. What is the body temperature of whales?
m. How much milk can a mother whale produce per day?
n. How thick can the blubber of a whale be?
Name two groups into which all the whales are divided.
Write the names of four toothed whales.
Whales have been hunted for their blubber and meat. The blubber used to be
used for different purposes. Find what they are and write them.


What are the threats for whales?

1. ....................................................................................................................
2. ....................................................................................................................

Unit 23: Country Profile: Greece

Read the text and note down the following points about Greece.
Neighbouring countries: ......................, ....................., ................, .................
Names of three philosophers: ............................................................................
Names of two writers: ........................................................................................
Language spoken:.............................................................................................
Read the description of the flag of Greece.
The flag of Greece is rectangular in shape and painted blue and white. At its right
corner, there is a blue square divided into four equal parts with a plus sign. Rest of
the parts have horizontal blue and white strips.
Write two things that Greece is famous for.

Unit 24: Philosophers Corner: Socrates

Ability to apply knowledge or experience or understanding or common sense and
insight in the right way is called wisdom. And common sense means a way of doing
things practically.
Read the text and answer.
Who is a philosopher?
Pick the correct word to fill in the blanks.
a. Socrates was born in about .......................(470/427/399) BC.
b. A sophist is a ...........................(teacher of philosophy/ruler of
c. Socrates always said ...................(he knew the essence of the things/ he knew
nothing/other did not know so did he).
d. Socrates had deep belief in................... (God/his friends and students/human
Learn some new words.
condemn , accuse



fatal, lethal





Who is a Sophist?
A Sophist was a teacher of philosophy and many other subjects in ancient Greece.
What is Socrates philosophy?
Socrates believed that the power of distinguishing right from wrong lies in peoples
reasoning, not in the society. He said that an unexamined life is not worth living.
He always favoured common sense and had deep faith on human reasoning. He
believed that there must be universally valid definitions of right and wrong. He said
one can live happily only if he is able to distinguish wrong from right and act
rightly against wrong.
What are the contributions of Socrates?
-brought discussion method in teaching and learning.
-taught people to use their common sense and reasoning.
-spoke against death penalty.
-he taught all his methods to his students without taking any fees.
-brought people at the centre of the study whereas the earlier philosophers were
mostly concerned about natural things.

Unit 25: The Hook



The Hook is a horror story. What qualities does a horror have? Read page 120 and
The Hook is an interesting story which is set on a dark night along a countryside
road. On the side of the road, the hero of the story, John, found a haunted house
and slept there. Later, when he realized that he had been sleeping in the haunted
house, he trembled in fear.
Learn the words and their meanings.
threatening, signalling some evil
hit on something hard suddenly
hold one's horses
to slow down or stop for a moment
a passage, hall, or room between the outer door and the
interior of a building


Read about the setting.

The Hook is set in a country side in a dark rainy night. The main event of the
story takes place in a haunted house on the side of the road.
Know the plot of the story.
One rainy night, John was walking along the country road drenched, tired and
hungry. After walking for a long time, he came to an inn and slept there. It was OK
when he first arrived there. But later, it broke into fire and he went for asking for
help. When he came back with the two brothers from another house a little far
along the road side, the house seemed to have been hundred and more years old.
In the end, he was shocked to see his bag on the hook on which he had hung it
before he slept.
Learn about the characters.
There are very few characters in the story: John, the people in the inn and two
brothers from another house.
John: John is the hero of the story. He was walking along the countryside road
alone in a rainy night. He was tired, wet and hungry. He seemed to have lost his
way. Any way, he found an inn and took rest there. Later, the inn turned out to be a
haunted house. When he realized it, he got horrified.
Man in the inn: We dont know who the person was in the inn. Was it only Johns
imagination or a ghost? This mysterious character in the story creates horror.
Two brothers: The two brothers who helped John were the people of the village
who told John that there was no other house or inn in that area. The brothers were
helpful and kind, too. They followed John to rescue people in the house in the fire.
They were the witness to see the horror.


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