TheQuestforTheCures 11EpisodeTranscriptsEbook

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The book discusses modern medicine's approach to cancer as well as natural and alternative approaches to both preventing and treating cancer.

Some of the topics covered include your body's natural defenses against cancer, environmental toxins to avoid, lifestyle factors like diet and exercise, specific natural treatments and protocols, and advice from doctors.

Some natural approaches mentioned are avoiding toxins like chemicals and GMOs, stress management, immune boosting foods and supplements, targeted natural treatments, hyperthermia therapy, oxygen therapies, and anti-angiogenesis protocols.

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The Truth About Cancer

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Complete 11 Episode transcripts

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Each interviewee has granted TTAC Publishing, LLC a nonexclusive non-transferrable limited license to copyright, use,
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The information and statements conteained herein have not been
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This book was created for and is dedicated to

YOU, the courageous person who is seeking to
reverse cancer or prevent cancer while seeking a
natural approach to healing.
Many blessings to you and your family.

The Bollinger Family & The Truth About Cancer

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Table of Contents
EPISODE 2: YOUR FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE ................................ 27
CANCER ................................................................................................ 49
EPISODE 4: YOUR SECRET FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH......................... 71
EPISODE 5: NATURES PHARMACY .................................................. 93
TREATMENT PROTOCOLS PART 1 .................................................. 137
EPISODE 10: DOCTORS ORDERS ................................................... 201
EPISODE 11: HOW TO SURVIVE AND THRIVE ................................ 226
CONTACT INFORMATION FOR THE EXPERTS ............................... 263

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The Truth About Cancer

Ty Bollinger:
Hello everyone. Welcome to The Quest for the Cures
Continues. My name is Ty Bollinger and I am going to be your host. I am so glad
that you have tuned in tonight because this program, this docu-series, for the
next eleven days, is for you. Whether you are just trying to prevent cancer,
whether you have a loved one or a child with cancer, or whether you have been
personally diagnosed with cancer, you deserve to know all of your options. If you
remember back in the spring we aired the The Quest for the Cures in which I
traveled across the country interviewing doctors and researchers and cancer
patients to find out exactly what they are doing to treat their cancer naturally.
Because of your support I have been able to travel to Houston, to DC, to LA, to
Detroit, all across America to interview another fourteen experts on cancer.
Mostly medical doctors that I have been able to interview. And we have learned
more information about these natural treatments that mitigate cancer.
According to the World Health Organization one in three women and one in two
men that are watching this show tonight are going to be diagnosed with cancer. I
lost my entire family to cancer. In nineteen ninety-six my father, Grant Bollinger,
was diagnosed with stomach cancer. He was fifty-two years old and he died in
twenty-five days from the surgery. After that my grandfather, my uncle, my
cousin, my grandmother, another grandfather, and then eventually my mother in
two thousand four died of cancer. Now I am doing what I am doing because of
them. My passion is to share this information with you so that you can be able to
make an informed decision if you face that cancer diagnosis.
The time came where I had to leave my family and it was such a blessing because
they completely supported me in this mission. It was not my mission; it was our
mission. It was my wifes; it was my childrens. We all shared this mission. And
so while it was painful to be separated from them it was something that was
necessary in order to accomplish this goal. And so it was a bittersweet time when
I had to say goodbye to my family. But we knew that our goal, that our purpose,
was much greater than this.
When my dad was diagnosed with cancer I just did not understand how a man
that was seemingly healthy at fifty-two years old could die in twenty-five days
after the surgery. I did not understand how modern medicine could still be
operating in what seemed like the Dark Ages.
Dr. Stanislav Burzynski:
Yes, there are Dark Ages, or medicine you are beginning
to have Dark Ages unless people will take some action.
Ty Bollinger:
Why is it that we are living in the Dark Ages? Could it be
because of medical school curricul? I traveled down the road to Seguin, Texas to
talk to my college roommate, Dr. Irvin Sahni. So talk about med school. When you
went through medical school how much nutritional training did you get?
Dr. Irvin Sahni:

Pretty much none. [rewind sound] Pretty much none.

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Episode 1: Modern Medicine & The Cancer Pandemic

Ty Bollinger:
Pretty much none? How can it be that doctors receive almost
no education on nutrition and diet while in medical school? Could Dr. Sahni be
the only one with this story?
Dr. Tony Jimenez: In medical school we have like thirty minutes of nutrition where they
tell us do not give sugar to a diabetic; do not give salt to the hypertensive patient, and
give a lot of fiber to those that are constipated. And that is it.
Ty Bollinger:

That is what they taught you.

Dr. Tony Jimenez: So doctors do not know anything about nutrition.

Dr. Irvin Sahni:
No one is interested in talking to you about losing weight. No one is
interested in talking to you about quitting smoking. We do that a little bit and there are
actually codes for quitting smoking. There are some little fine nuances there. But the
bottom line is there is no real incentive to promote true health and there is an incentive
to write lots of prescription medications by the way the system is designed.
Ty Bollinger:
A common theme that I am hearing, medical doctors, while
brilliant people, are just not taught about nutrition and overall health when they
are in medical school. They are basically taught to prescribe a pill for every ill.
Why is this so? In order to get the answer to that question we are going to have to
go back in time about a hundred years for a history lesson. I had to talk to Dr.
Robert Scott Bell who is a homeopathic doctor and also an historian. It was time
to begin our history lesson. I saw you recently on Fox News; you talked about a
monopoly of modern medicine. And you went into the history of modern
Dr. Robert Scott Bell:


Ty Bollinger:
If you could for the viewers here, go into a brief five minute
history of modern medicine. How did we get to where we are today?
Dr. Robert Scott Bell:
Yes, this is an interesting thing, the history that is not
taught. And part of my interest in the subject not only because of my own health
challenges, but once I uncovered the fact that I was lied to about my health and my
body and health and medicine in general I began to question just about everything that I
was taught. And as I uncovered these different areas of inquiry I found out indeed there
is an official story about these things including the official story of modern medicine. We
are raised as if it has always been here; it has always been this way. And the only
doctors you can consult are medical doctors that prescribe patent medicines approved
by the Federal Food and Drug Administration that I often call the Fear and Death
Administration because of the promotion of products that are in fact the leading cause of
death, not the third, second, but the first, in fact, when you start taking it all into account.
So looking back at the history I became intrigued as to how did we get here. How did we
get here? And that opened a huge can of worms. Now as a homeopath eventually I
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became I learned about many things in history that we were not taught including the fact
that in the Civil War, the war between the states some described as a war of northern
aggression depending on your historical perspective, you would goeven today, you go
to a Civil War muse in the south and it is fascinating that you will find in the medical field
kits, the little field kits that they have, first aid kits, they all had homeopathic medicine in
there. I was steeped in the tradition growing up a lot of my years in the south in the Civil
War, never once did we ever [laughter] acknowledge that there was anything like that in
these kits, much less herbal medicine. And so there was a whole history that was
hidden from me.
Now eventually I was introduced to Harris Coulter, he wrote a series of books called
Divided Legacy. I mean, these are books you can work out with; you can become big
like you, Ty. And it is just incredible the history that was hidden from us about the
schism between what we call homeopathic and naturopathic thought forms versus
allopathic thought forms where they poison the body using mercury and different things.
And that is where Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, who was a physician in his day in the late
eighteenth and early nineteenth century, determined that the medicine that he was
giving his patients was more harmful than the disease. And he could not stomach that
and that is where he was motivated to develop a system that became a broad based
worldwide system called homeopathy utilizing small quantities or amounts of naturally
occurring substances from the mineral, animal, and plant kingdoms. And in this way
there was a growth around the world out of Germany of this new form of medicine.
Now eventually there was a schism because there was an emerging field of what we
call patent petrochemical medicines based on the Rockefeller type oil monopoly that
had already established in the energy sector that was growing. They started finding out
through organic chemistry that they can alter these oil based molecules into all kinds of
things. And they developed these patented drugs or drug molecules.
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Bell talked about pharmaceutical drugs and the fact that
doctors lean heavily towards prescribing drugs. Why is this? I wanted to go get
the opinion of another well-known researcher so I traveled out to California to
speak to a prominent historian, G. Edward Griffin, and get his take on the history
of modern medicine and the American Medical Association. First of all, you
mentioned the fact that we got the pharmaceutical industry, we have got a kind of
an industry driven by money. And we have got doctors that are really smart
people today, brilliant medical doctors. They are using treatments that really do
not seem to work as well as some of these natural things. Why is it? Can you go
back into the history of the medical association, the American Medical
Association, AMA, and maybe take us back a hundred years and stair step people
to current day and explain why that is? Because I have heard you talk about this
in the past and your explanation is fascinating and I want the listeners to be able
to hear this.
G. Edward Griffin: Well, thank you for that. It is a fascinating story. It is an important
story. And I suppose we do not have time to go into all of it. But maybe the best way
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Episode 1: Modern Medicine & The Cancer Pandemic

here is to kind of back into it starting with where we are and then go back and see how
we got there. Where we are today is that just as you described, these very smart
doctors, let us face it, they are a very selective process there. You just do not get into
med school unless you have got a pretty good brain on top of your shoulders there. So
yes, it is the cream of the crop. The best students go into these schools, these medical
schools, but they are not taught anything about natural cures.
They are taught only about drugs primarily and drug reactions and the chemistry of this
and the chemistry of that. And they have to become really pharmacists in a way. They
have to become chemists before they can even make it through pre-med. And so that is
not necessarily bad but it is a bias. And I have come to know a lot of doctors in the last
couple of decades since we have been working in this field, many doctors, who came
from that layer of education and who gradually and sometimes very painfully had to
break away from that and go back and reexamine some of these fundamental issues.
And many of them have made the transition and they speak quite openly about it now.
For instance, they will say, When I went to medical school we never learned anything
about vitamins except we had maybe two hours of instruction on the structures of
vitamins and minerals and so forth. Two hours compared to, you know, hundreds and
hundreds of hours about pharmacies and chemical reactions and so forth.
And I remember there was one doctor, he said, You know my wife knows more about
nutrition than I did when I came out of school. And that is not surprising when you
realizenow we start to go backward in time, how did that happen. The fact that these
great medical teachings, universities, teaching centers, are so great is because they
have had a lot of money given to them. Where did the money come from? Now we are
on the trail. You know the old saying, Follow the money, and usually [crosstalk] that
will take you right to it. Well, if you follow the money you will find out that most of it came
from the pharmaceutical industry. The pharmaceutical industry knows that if they give
large grants to these universities they have a double benefit. First of all, they have the
appearance of being philanthropists, you know, they are doing good things and that is
always good for public relations. I am not saying that they are not doing good things.
They probably think they are. But anyway, that is one advantage to giving tax exempt or
tax free deductible donations to universities.
But the other advantage is far more important because once you have financed a
research project, you now have a sort of a first right to whatever comes out of that
research. And consequently you can determine in what areas the research will go. I can
assure you that if I am a big pharmaceutical company and I give a twenty million dollar
grant to a research group I am not going to be very happy if they start to research
whether or not dandelions can be used in the control of cancer. I want to make sure
they are going to research a drug that I am working on in the laboratories right now.
That is where I want the research to go. So they realize that they can take their own
research budget and transfer it to a university or some research laboratory and get a tax
deduction for it, knowing full well that if that is what they are researching that is what the
data is going to be.
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So I do not need to go any further. You can understand when the money is coming from
a source which has a vested interest in the outcome now what is going to happen is the
outcome is going to be what the donor wants it to be generally. So this is the problem
and that goes back even further in time to the turn of the last century. When the
Rockefeller group and the Carnegie group actually came together and they decided that
they would reform medical education in America.
Ty Bollinger:
This sounded like an altruistic plan, to reform medical school
education. But could there be a more insidious purpose behind the whole thing.
Let us talk to Dr. Darrell Wolfe and get the rest of the story.
Dr. Darrell Wolfe: The year is nineteen hundred and the American Medical
Association, known as the AMA, is weak, unorganized, and has very little money, very
little respect from the majority of the population. Herbalists, homeopathy, chiropractic
was the therapy of choice at this time, and flourished while medical doctors were
struggling just to make a living. For the AMA to survive they established what was
known to be the Council on Medical Education in nineteen oh four. They stated their
mission was to upgrade medication education. This in itself was a noble goal if it were
actually true. However, the Council on Medical Education had actually devised a plan to
rank all medical schools throughout the country. Their guidelines were dubious to say
the least. For instance, just having the word homeopathic in the name of a medical
school reduced its ranking because the AMA asserted that these schools taught an
exclusive dogma. By nineteen ten the AMA was out of money and did not have the
funds to complete their takeover.
Around this time the Rockefellers had just joined forces with the Carnegie Foundation to
create an education fund. They were approached by MP Callwell, who was the
secretary of the Council of Medical Education. His request to them was to finish the
takeover of the health industry that the AMA had started. Rockefeller and Carnegie both
agreed they would finish what the AMA could not. Simon Flexner who was on the board
of directors for the Rockefeller Institute proposed that his brother, Abraham, who knew
nothing about medicine be hired for the project. Eventually Flexner submitted his report
to Carnegie Foundation and titled Medical Education in the United States and Canada
which is also known as The Flexners Report. Not surprisingly the basis of the report
was that it was far too easy to start a medical school and that most schools were not
teaching sound medicine.
Let me translate this for you. These natural health colleges were not pushing enough
chemical drugs manufactured by who? Carnegie and Rockefeller. The AMA who were
evaluating the various medical colleges made it their job to target and shut down the
larger respected homeopathic colleges. Carnegie and Rockefeller began to immediately
shower hundreds of millions of dollars on these medical schools that were teaching drug
intensive medicine.
G. Edward Griffin: Oh by the way, when they donated the money the donors would
say, now weve given you a lot of money and we-we know youre going to do the right
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Episode 1: Modern Medicine & The Cancer Pandemic

thing with it but would you object if if we had someone from our staff appointed to your
board of directors. Just to make sure that ourjust to see how our money is being
spent, you know. Well, that was really a condition of getting the money so you know the
university said, Well, that would be fine. Anybody that you would suggest would be, I
am sure, more than adequate. So they began to load up the boards of directors of
these teaching centers with people who literally were on the payroll of the donors. So
once that was in place the curricul of the universities, the teaching centers, swung
completely in the direction of pharmaceutical drugs. And it has remained that way ever
Dr. Darrell Wolfe: Predictably, those schools that had the financing churned out the
better doctors. Oh wait a minute, or should I say the more recognized doctors? In return
for the financing the schools were required to continue teaching course material that
was exclusively drug oriented with no emphasis on natural medicine. By nineteen
twenty-five over ten thousand herbalists were out of business. By nineteen forty over
fifteen hundred chiropractors would be prosecuted for practicing quackery. The twentytwo homeopathic medical schools that flourished in the nineteen hundreds dwindled
down to just two by nineteen twenty-three. By nineteen fifty all the schools teaching
homeopathy were closed. In the end if a physician did not graduate from a Flexner
approved medical school and receive an MD degree then he or she could not find a job
anywhere. This is why today MDs are so heavily biased towards synthetic drug therapy
and know little about nutrition, if anything.
G. Edward Griffin: Now this whole medical field has been skewed in the direction of
pharmaceutical drugs which can be patented and produced great profits for the
producers. And then the next step is that means that anything coming from nature is
excluded and that is where we think, some of us think, that most of the promise lies and
these very complex substances found in herbs and plants and trees and things like that,
seeds. Some of us feel that it is probably meant to be that way, you know. And so you
come out of all of this analysis and all of this history with the realization that the medical
profession is really like a lapdog of the pharmaceutical industry and most of the doctors
have no idea that that is the case. They do not understand this history.
Ty Bollinger:
Wow, what an awesome history lesson. Now we are beginning
to connect the dots, arent we, about modern medicine? It is a business. Listen to
what Dr. Patrick Quillin has to say.
Dr. Patrick Quillin: We have to admit that healthcare is a business in America. And
while we would all hope that all hospitals and all clinicians are working feverishly to get
the patient well in fact there are vested interests in this business of healthcare. It is a
two point seven trillion dollar a year medical industrial complex we have in America.
That is one out of seven healthcare dollars are spent and one might argue that a lot of
that has nothing to do with health or care or prevention. That much of it is symptom
management using drugs and surgery to manage symptoms. Patient comes in with a list
of problems and symptoms and pain. The doctor has seven minutes to review the
symptoms and prescribe a drug and move on to the next patient.
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Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy:
OK, well, here is a pill for your blood pressure, and here is
a pill for your cholesterol, and here is a pill for your back pain and I will see you in a
month and we will see if you are maintaining your disease.
And that is what doctors do, they maintain a persons illness. They are not making them
better. I mean, what iswhat are you doing? That is not OK. You are supposed to
create optimal health in people. That is your job. Doctor means to teach. Why arent you
teaching your patients how to turn their life around?
Dr. Sunil Pai:
So one other thing I would like to say is that, you know, even with
our Hippocratic Oath, which most physicians have never read, you know, first thing it
says, First do no harm, right. And we have to always go back and say well, are we
doing harm, number one. Number two, is it also says just further down in the Hippocratic
Oath, is, I will not give a poison, a deadly poison. And most of the drugs that we give,
particularly in oncological care, has a black box warning which means that more people
often end up in the black box from taking it. So you can take this sort of treatment, you
might get immediate results but you also can have another cancer or have a severe
reaction or have a life threatening illness from that treatment. So just from that itself
almost everything that we do in oncology I go back to my oath and say well, I look at
everything. Even if it is an herb, I still challenge it. I go is this going to cause harm or
not. And if it does then we have to look at other options available.
Dr. David Brownstein:
When we graduate from medical school we take the
Hippocratic Oath which says in part, Above all do no harm. And I can tell you, a lot of
conventional therapies are harmful and toxic to the body and they do not prolong life or
improve the quality of life. So I am not quite sure how we have gotten stuck into this rat
hole but I think we have gotten stuck into it from as you mentioned what I have written
about: that cancer industrial complex that is set up to sort of feed itself with more and
more money that it needs.
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Brownstein mentioned the cancer industrial complex. He
also mentioned that conventional therapies are more harmful to the body than
they are helpful. Could this be? Could it possibly be so? What were cancer rates a
hundred years ago? Do you have any idea? I wanted to talk to Burton Goldberg,
also known as the voice of alternative medicine, who was featured in Suzanne
Somers book Knockout.
Burton Goldberg: When my daddy was born in nineteen hundred one in thirty-three
Americans had cancer of any kind, shape, or form. When I was born in nineteen twentysix cancer was the tenth cause of death in children. Today it is the first cause of death,
before accidents. What is going on? There is a holocaust. It is not a question of will I
have cancer; it is a question of when. And the oncologists are keeping their mouths
shut. They use the chemo. They use radiation, and radiation causes cancer.
Mammograms cause cancer. We know that. Medical research and medical journals
prove it and yet they still do it whereas themography and ultrasound can be very
beneficial without the violent side effects of annual mammograms and squeezing the
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Episode 1: Modern Medicine & The Cancer Pandemic

breast. Guess what happens if there is a tumor there? You are squeezing it through the
body. It is insanity.
Ty Bollinger:

Spread it.

Burton Goldberg: So the medical profession, in my opinion, is as corrupt as any third

world nation. And this country is allowing it. And the reason it is allowing it is because
subsequent to the Roosevelt administration the agencies that were designed to protect
humanity are protecting the industry they are supposed to protect us from.
Ty Bollinger:
Wow, did you hear that last statement from Burton Goldberg?
The agencies that are supposed to be protecting humanity are now protecting the
industries that they should be protecting us from. What about the FDA? Are they
a member of that group that Burton is talking about? I mean, isnt the FDA
supposed to protect us from food and drugs that are tainted? I traveled to
Houston, Texas, to talk to Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski who has been heavily
persecuted by the Texas Medical Board and the FDA. In this next clip he talks
about how they retroactively changed the law to entrap him to make it appear that
he was actually breaking the law when in reality the law wasnt even in place at
the time.
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski: They went after us, OK. They began to harass us, obviously
and they wanted to get rid of us because obviously after they found that we have
something which works, it became a serious threat to Big Pharma, OK. (skip what I
say). Absolutely, they were clients of the Big Pharma. Why they would introduce a law
which would say this is only big pharmaceutical companies with unlimited resources is
allowed to do it OK, obviously is shows who they serve. They dont serve American
people, they serve Big Pharma. Perhaps some investigative reporter can really deal
with them and prove their corruption and clear this up because some things cannot
exist. They are suffocating research, they are working against medical researchers, and
because of them many people are dying. And these are the guys who really should be
the guardians of what is good in medicine, OK. So I would call it the Sovietization of
the United States. They borrowed the idea from Comrade Stalin how to really restrict
freedom of the people.
Ty Bollinger:
The sovietization of the United States? Spoken by a man who
immigrated from a communist county? I mean, the FDA should be protecting what
is good, I agree with Dr. Burzynski. But are they really? In September twenty
fourteen I was privileged to attend the Sacred Fire of Liberty Gala in Washington,
DC. And I met up with Jonathan Emord who is an attorney. Hes known as the
FDA dragon slayer. And I got his opinion on this very important topic. Now, this
was an impromptu interview, the sound is not really all that great. There was a
band playing in the background, so we have close captioned it for you.
I recently interviewed Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski and he talked about the way that he
has been just attacked by the FDA. Why is it that the FDA goes after people that
are using natural treatments for cancer but they openly admit that on their
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website that their approved drugs kill a hundred thousand people a year? What is
the disconnect?
Jonathan Emord: Well, there is nothing more disgusting, frankly, but certainly a gross
abuse of individual liberty to have the government stand in the way of your access when
you are dying to an experimental treatment that could save your life. It really is amazing
to me that in the land that was supposed to be dedicated first and foremost to individual
liberty that you could have the government, our own, standing in the way of people who
desperately need an alternative to failed conventional treatments. And that is what our
government does.
Ty Bollinger:


Jonathan Emord: It is a travesty and it is really when you think of the number of
people who have died or suffered immeasurably because of it, we want to those
responsible to account and yet they are protected by sovereign immunity and being
prosecuted despite the fact that they are very directly responsible for taking the lives of
these people by denying them the freedom to choose an alternative that works for them.
Ty Bollinger:
Right down the road from my house is a food scientist named
Mike Adams. He is also known as the health ranger. Let us see what he has to say
about the topic of censorship and the FDAs official position on supplements.
Mike Adams:
There is a system of censorship of nutritional knowledge. There is a
system that is trying to extinguish indigenous knowledge of anti-cancer herbs and
medicines, foods, and nutrition. And the predominant messages that we are told in
society today is that foods cannot be medicine. That is what they claim. That there is no
such thing as medicinal herbs. The FDAs official position is that there is no such thing
as a dietary supplement that has any effect on preventing or treating disease. Their
position is that you are not a complete human being unless you have interventionist
chemical medicine or vaccines.
Ty Bollinger:


Mike Adams:
You must be injected; you must be dosed with medications to be a
complete human being. So that message is the antithesis of the natural world. It is the
antithesis of natural living and holistic medicine, holistic healing. We, Ty, we are
spontaneous self-healing beings.
Ty Bollinger:


Mike Adams:
We are programmed from the day we are born to heal ourselves if
we give our bodies the right nutrients and do not poison ourselves with dangerous
toxins. Most of the so-called success that they would claim in radiotherapy treatments or
chemotherapy treatments is based on shrinking a tumor. Well, but most of these tumors
have cancer stem cells so you shrink the other cells in the tumor, you physically reduce
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Episode 1: Modern Medicine & The Cancer Pandemic

the size of the tumor, this is a symptomatic difference. It does not kill the stem cells that
are going to grow back and spread the cancer throughout the body.
Ty Bollinger:


Mike Adams:
You have not addressed the systemic problem. And what you have
even done is you have weakened the immune systems ability to deal with other
cancers. Chemotherapy also damages the brain. It causes chemo brain, it is a common
term. Every oncologist knows this is the case. It damages the kidneys. It damages the
liver. So what you are doing is with chemotherapy you are creating systemic damage to
the bodys ability to heal itself and to remove toxins. This is why cancer treatments
cause cancer which feeds into the profit cycle of the cancer industry.
Ty Bollinger:

It does.

Mike Adams:
Which is a for-profit industry. The cancer industry is exploding and
the GMO industry may in fact turn out to be the single best recruiting tool for the cancer
industry. So it is no wonder that they tend to operate in some of the same ways:
oppression of scientists, intimidation, oppression/censorship of scientific information,
shutting down anyone who asks questions.
Dr. Sunil Pai:
Well, the first thing I would say is follow the money, right. With any
kind of investigative journalism they would say the first thing is they follow the money.
And so if they look at, you know, what is the biggest industry right now it is the cancer
care industry, you know. So when the average one in two men and one in three women
in their lifetime in the US now will have cancer it is an epidemic. So you can watch
television tonight and you can see a commercial saying go to the Caribbean and then
go on a nice cruise or, you know, go to some, you know, resort with your child, and the
next following commercial will be go to this hospital for your treatment. And that, you
know, twenty years ago that would be absurd, almost shocking or taboo to talk about
cancer on television and now we are offering it as oh, if you get something you can go
to this place versus that place. So there is something that has gone askew. And now
since cancer is so prevalent it becomes a common aspect where people think well, I can
justwhen I get it I can just go to this place and check in for a while andbut
unfortunately most people do not check out, right. And so we have to look at why is this
occurring so commonly and why in the rest of the world it is occurring a lot less
Ty Bollinger:
Big pharma, the Flexner Report, FDA raids, censorship of
knowledge, we are starting to get the picture that not everything is as it appears
today. But let us take a step back and let us begin to ask the question what is
cancer. If you ask the common person on the street what is cancer they would
probably say it is a tumor. But is it really? So I hit the road for Amarillo, Texas to
talk to Dr. Roby Mitchell. Then I went to Atlanta to interview Dr. Vronique
Desaulniers and then to New York City to speak with Dr. Linda Isaacs. And then
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finally to Los Angeles to speak to G. Edward Griffin again. I wanted to ask them all
the same question: what is cancer?
Dr. Roby Mitchell: So cancer, when we look at it deductively and of course the
conventional paradigm in the past was that cancer or these cells that have damaged
DNA. And it is damaged in such a way that it incensed them to multiply continuously. So
normally a cell will be one cell and it will multiply into two and then it will multiple into
four so there is this exponential growth. But at some point it will shut off growth, right,
and it will just stay. So your liver grows to a certain size and it stays that size. Your
brain, your heart, all these other cells, they grow to a certain size and they stay that
size. So they have a built-in regulator that keeps those cells from growing more than a
particular number. In cancer cells that regulator is turned off and so they just keep
multiplying, multiplying, multiplying, multiplying, and because of their physiologic
makeup that they absorb sugar and they absorb sugar better than your human cells,
then they suck up everything around them and cannotpeople with cancer die of
Ty Bollinger:

So Dr. V., what is cancer?

Dr. Vronique Desaulniers: Cancer are basically rogue cells that are mutant, have
DNA damage, and they have escaped the guard, so to speak, of the immune system.
And cancer cells are very smart, you know, once they start developing they stop
communicating with other cells around them, they create their own blood flow so they
can have lots of nutrition given to them, they even secrete specific enzymes to put the
immune system to sleep, and they create a protein called survivin. It is kind of a funny
name, survivin not surviving. But survivin which prevents the cancer cell from going
through the natural cycle of death, or apoptosis. So cancer cells resist dying. They
continue to multiply. They do not die like normal cells which is why traditional treatments
are so counterproductive and counterintuitive because cancer cells resist dying and so
they are trying to use stronger poisons and more radiation to force that cell to die but
they are not getting it.
Ty Bollinger:

Let me go back to a basic question: what is cancer?

Dr. Linda Isaacs: Cancer is a condition where some cells in the body are no longer
responding to the signals that tell them when to quit. In other words, most cells that
have a purpose for developing, they develop to a certain point and then they stop.
Cancer cells keep reproducing. So they keep growing and they could spread to other
places, that is what is called a metastasis. So cancer cells have escaped the normal
controls for regulation of how big a bunch of cells is supposed to become.
G. Edward Griffin: The present orthodox view is that cancer is a lump or a bump. That
is the cancer. And if that is the assumption. Now if that is true, then to get rid of cancer
all you have to do is get rid of the lump or the bump. And hence we have surgery. Well,
that gets rid of the lump or the bump. Or we have chemotherapy which poisons the lump
or the bump, we got rid of it. Or we have radiation which burns it and got rid of it. And
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you undergo these three therapies and if they get rid of the lump or the bump the doctor
will say, It looks like we got it all. That famous line, We got it all. You know, but did
they? No, statistics show that in most cases it comes back. They did not get it all
because that was never the cancer in the first place, you know. If youre a farmer and
you see all these little black spots on your corn leaves and you just think well, those are
black spots, that is the disease. And you get the scissors out, you cut all the black spots
away, you know. [laughter] Well, you think, we got it all, right? No you did not because
that was not the disease. What caused those black spots is still present.
Ty Bollinger:
That is a great analogy by G. Edward Griffin. What caused the
black spots? So let us go back to cancer. We need to figure out what caused the
lump or the bump. We need to look at the cause and not the symptom. I wanted to
get the opinion of Dr. Rashid Buttar so I caught a plane to North Carolina.
Dr. Rashid Buttar: Cancer is not the problem. Cancer is a symptom. If you wanna look
at it from a car analogy, I dont know why everybody seems to understand analogies
when we use cars. Cancer is the flashing light on the dashboard. And the reason chemo
and radiation and surgery do not work is because everybody is taking a hammer, they
are taking a hammer to that flashing light on the dashboard and that
Ty Bollinger:

The check engine light. The check engine light you are talking

Dr. Rashid Buttar: Exactly, the check engine light, the flashing that there is a problem
with the engine. So everybody thinks they can fix that. They are hitting that light but that
is not going to fix the engine. So my question to patients is very simple: if you took your
car to a mechanic and there was a flashing check engine light on your car and the
mechanic says, Yeah, I can fix that, and takes the fuse out, OK, and says, OK, now
your problems solved. Or, Ive got a knocking in my engine. OK well here, turn up
the radio, do you hear it now? Well, I can kinda still hear it. Here, put some earmuffs
on. Yeah, no, now I dont hear it. OK perfect. You have not done anything to the
engine. What you have
Ty Bollinger:

I would fire the mechanic.

Dr. Rashid Buttar: Exactly. And that is the question that when you ask a person the
logical answer is yes, fire the mechanic. So then why arent they firing the doctors
because that is exactly what the doctors are doing. They have got a problem; they are
covering it up with a drug to cover up the symptoms so the person does not feel or
experience the negative which is the bodys own mechanism of information saying,
Hey, caution, there is a problem. And that is what cancer is.
Ty Bollinger:

Cancer is really the symptom.

Chris Wark:
Cancer is a symptom of a sick body. And you cannot cut a tumor off
or a shrink a tumor or poison a tumor and expect to stay well and stay healthy. Because
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you are not addressing the real problem, you are only addressing the symptom. And it is
like cutting off your nose to get rid of a cold. It does not solve the real underlying
Dr. Charles Majors: Every symptom is the body doing the right thing at the right time. If
right now if I put handcuffs on you and locked you up and came at you with a knife, what
happens to your blood pressure? Your blood pressure rises. What happens to your
cortisol during stress? Your cortisol rises. What happens to your gut? You start taking
away all the nutrition out of you, you cannot even absorb nutrition when you are in a
fight or flight syndrome. So all of a sudden you are nutrition deficient, your immune
system is shot, your blood pressure is rising, now your cholesterol is being affected. Are
youis that a symptom? Is that your genetics? Or is your body adapting? Is that
symptom your body adapting to the stress its put under. Its adapt
Ty Bollinger:
So cancer is a symptom of something that has gone wrong in
the body. But it is just the symptom. The tumor is not the problem but so often
now in modern oncology we smash this check engine light of our body. We cut
out the tumor but there is an underlying problem that is still going on. But did you
catch what Dr. Majors said? Every symptom is the body doing the right thing at
the right time. I was asked to speak at the Cancer Control Society convention in
Los Angeles in August. And while I was there I was fortunate enough to speak
with Dr. Brad Weeks. He said something almost identical to Dr. Majors.
Dr. Bradford Weeks: Samuel Hahnemann, who was a medical doctor who actually
was so frustrated with the standard of care in his day he gave up his medical practice,
gave up his MD. And he went into and formed a whole field of medicine called
homeopathy which is whole other topic but it is a very fruitful study about healing. And
one of his favorite quotes is that the symptom is a healing gesture. The body is no
dummy. If the body is doing something it is probably a wise thing. It is maybe not a
permanent solution. It is maybe a stopgap solution but like a fever. Fortunately if the
child has a fever, guess what? The human being can live at a high temperature or a low
temperature but certain bacteria cannot. So the fever is a naturally tremendously
beneficial symptom which can help the child get healthy. Which is why after a fever our
language says I feel better. Nobody says I had a fever and I am feeling like I felt before
the fever. It has been a cleansing detoxifying process.
Now of course too much of a symptom can be if not lethal certainly terrible. I mean,
Helen Keller is a classic example of too much of a fever. So I am not advocating for
excessive symptoms. But I am saying if the symptom happens the body should pay
attention. And often it is the, if you will, it is the autopilot telling to weetelling us
dummies, hey, you are not doing something right. So cancer can be seen as a
symptom, as a healing gesture. What Ive lectured on in the past is that where I grew
up in northern New Hampshire there was a town dump. And so we all knew we could
take our dump overour trash over to, you know, Farmer Jones back forty. And we
would put stuff there and we used to go there as kids and watch the bears and stuff. But
the fact of the matter is if God reached down with a big excavator and took all the trash
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outta Farmer Jones backyard and we could not use it anymore we would go to Farmer
Smith and we would pay him forty bucks a year to dump our trash there. And because
we can take our trash to thethese back forties we could keep our front yards pretty
So if you have a cancer in a breast, I am saying that is metaphorical, it is analogous to a
cancer being like a dump. The body is saying something is wrong here so I am going to
put everything in Farmer Jones back forty in the left breast. And there is a cancer. It is
never the problem. It is always a symptom of other diseases or imbalances. And so if
you just lop off the breast and say, Mrs. Jones, youre cancer free, you are ignoring the
fact that unless you change your behavior the cancer will manifest somewhere else. If
we can
Ty Bollinger:
So unless you change your behavior the cancer is going to
come back and manifest somewhere else. That is exactly the opposite of what we
typically hear. We hear OK, you have this disease, here is this drug and this drug
and this drug. But let me ask you a question: when you take all these drugs
together have they ever been tested for safety? Lets listen to KC Craichy.
KC Craichy:
Jeffrey Bland gave a talk this weekend and he is the founder of
functional medicine. The guy is brilliant. And he was saying that he has always been
blasted about oh, I do notyour stuff is not double blind placebo controlled and I only
practice scientific medicine. He finally says he got to the point where he says to the
doctor, Let me ask you this question, youll be honest with me, right? We will agree
that-that I am a little bit on the outskirts of what youre talking about as scientific
medicine. But let me ask you this question: have you ever prescribed a patient a drug
who was already on four other drugs? Oh of course. And could you point me to a
study that showed that a patient population on those five drugs? Well, I had this study
for this drug and this No, thats not what I said. Could you show me a patient
population that has been studied on those five drugs? And the answer is of course not.
In fact, I was told by a doctor, Dr. Scott Hannon, that about a study he sent in here
recently that there is a study out that says if you are on five or more medications it is
impossible to predict the clinical response of the five drugs. So that is why it is all a
guessing game. They give a drug for this and a drug for that and then you end up giving
drugs for the symptoms caused by drugs. And it is really an awful spiral. Now there is a
place for some drugs sometime but I generally think of them as a Band-Aid to get
people over a hump before they can figure out how to get their body responding like it is
supposed to.
Sunil Pai: Well, I think the difficulty and the problem with the conventional care that has
been given is the disease management model. And the rest of the world has a concept
of a disease resolution model. So we can manage the disease. I can always put a BandAid on it and sometimes we need Band-Aids. But by the time we see patients they look
more like mummies. They have been wrapped up with so many Band-Aids. So we treat
the symptoms very well and in western medicine the acute care is phenomenal. You
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know, Americas number one at trauma. So if you get a gunshot wound, a car accident,
you break a bone I am going to go to the local hospital here, absolutely. But outside that
emergency room which most people live we have this concept of, again, disease
management. So we treat the symptoms. We treat the symptoms and never going at
what is the underlying cause of the symptom, the imbalance, or the dysfunction.
I gave a lecture the other day at a conference and then I got a little, you know, feedback
that was a little slightly negative from the audience. But it was a bunch of physicians. I
said, you know, physicians like us physicians, we are very much like James Bond. And
they go why? It is not that we are good looking; it is that we all have a license to kill. We
have a prescription that we can give someone that either can save their life and also
can kill them. And we forget that sometimes that we give things that have actually, you
know, detrimental effects. And we have to just be more cognizant, more cautious, more
conscious of what we prescribe.
Dr. Rashid Buttar: They seem to think that taking a drug and covering up a symptom is
a better option. You got a pile of horse manure here, what are you going to do? Well,
the logical thing would be take the manure out and get rid of it. But instead they put a
carpet down, well, it is still kind of lumpy. Well, I can still smell it. And then you spray
some air freshener here. This is like one drug over another drug over another drug
trying to deal with the symptoms, side effects of the first drug, second drug, third drug.
And finally they are like the person just deteriorates. No matter what you say when you
put a carpet over that manure, you spray air freshener, you put perfume out there, you
burn a match, whatever the case is, the problem is still there. Youve only covered it up.
Ty Bollinger:
One of KC Craichys quotes really struck me. He says it is
impossible to predict the outcome of taking five drugs together. Wow. How many
people do you know that are taking at least five drugs and maybe more? And Dr.
Buttars analogy of covering up the-the manure with a carpet, that really struck
home as well. So I headed back home to the lone star state to see Irvin Sahni has
to say about the current medical system and the pervasiveness of prescription
Dr. Irvin Sahni:
The system is designed to create chronic disease. There is no
money in being healthy. There is no money in being dead. All the money is in being
chronically ill. And so the way the generation works for physicians, even with Medicare,
is that it encourages more drugs to be written, you know. So by design I feel like the
system is flawed. And that is, you know, and who do you thinks paying the congress
people, you know, money for their next election campaign? Some small town doctor
who is trying to educate people in how to lose weight or Pfizer or Merck? And I am not
picking on any specific company here. But it is just simply true. That is where the money
comes from. And that is why, you know, that is how these jobs are created and billions
of dollars are paid out to, you know, different individuals. And that is why the system is
flawed. That is my opinion; a verythat is one aspect of it that is very easy to sink your
teeth into and no one can tell me that I am wrong because it is true. It is just a fact, I
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mean, we arethis is not something thats up for discussion. This is athis is just pure
and simply a fact.
Ty Bollinger:
Very telling information from Dr. Sahni. He says that the system
is flawed. But what about the main treatments for cancer today? The chemo, the
radiation, and surgery. Is our cancer system also flawed? Let us hear what
several prominent physicians have to say about this matter.
Ty Bollinger: When youwhen it comes to cancer typically conventional
medicine will treat with either chemotherapy or radiation or surgery or a
combination thereof.
Dr. Roby Mitchell: Correct.
Ty Bollinger:

What is your opinion on the efficacy of the conventional

Dr. Roby Mitchell: So, each situation is different. And so we have to approach each
situation as different. Unfortunately a lot of conventional medicinelike I was just down
at MD Anderson, people are treated more like a feedlot situation where, you know, if
you have this, you know, colon cancer, all right, this is the protocol that we use. If youve
got breast cancer this is the protocol that we use. And obviously, you know, that has
failed. Our problem with conventional therapy is when cancer has moved from one
place to another, when there is a metastasis from the prostate into the bone or from the
breast into the brain or from the colon into the lymph nodes then conventional therapy
does not work so well, all right. So it does depend on what type of cancer there is. There
are lots of rarer types of cancers like the cancer that Lance Armstrong had, right, that
was amenable to the conventional approach, right. And he goes on to to be able to
cheat and win, you know, some races. [laughter]
Ty Bollinger:

And itthat was testicular cancer, correct, yes? [crosstalk]

Dr. Roby Mitchell: Right, testicular cancer, yes.

Ty Bollinger:

[laughter] To cheat and yescheat and win some races.

Dr. Roby Mitchell: So it doesand there are some blood cancers, some blood borne
cancers also that respond to the conventional therapy. So but for the most part the
bread and butter cancers, so when we are looking at ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer,
prostate cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, uterine cancer, once the barn door gets
opened with any of those then the conventional therapeutic model does not work.
Dr. James Forsythe:
Then went into an internal medicine residency in San
Francisco where I got my internal medicine degree. And then from there I went to an
oncology fellowship which was another two years. I kind of over trained, actually. I
finished that up in 1973 and then went into practice in San Francisco as an oncologist
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with a group of oncologists. After a couple years in San Francisco I decided I wanted to
be in a smaller town so I moved to Reno, been there ever since, forty years now. First
twenty years of my practice there I was doing everything just cookbook style, Betty
Ty Bollinger:


Dr. James Forsythe:

Conventional. Doing protocols just like the book said.
Then I began to notice that my long term survivor list was pretty short. And I began
reading in the literature that everyone was thatafter five years of chemo theyin their
own literature they recorded only two point one percent survival rate. So any adult
undergoing chemo, stage IV disease, two out of a hundred of them would be alive at
five years. You would not hire a baseball player with a two percent batting average. So I
finally realized I couldntI couldnt participate in this act for very long. So I decided to
get my homeopathic degree.
Dr. Ben Johnson: All of the drugs that you see, if you pick up the label, all of the
chemo drugs says. Causes cancer. [laughter] Think about it.
Ty Bollinger:


Dr. Ben Johnson: We are using a drug to treat cancer that causes cancer, a known
carcinogen. How crazy is that? But that is what we do every day in every institution
across America. We use radiation. What do x-rays cause? Hello, cancer. And we are
using that supposedly to treat it? So, you know, stage IV cancer in America survival
rate is about two percent. You know, that is horrific. It cannot get any worse than two
percent. So two percent success rate for stage IV cancers is beyond comprehension.
Patients would live much longer and healthier if they did nothing, if they did not take the
drugs, because the drugs are hastening their death.
Ty Bollinger:

Wow. And I, you know, I have read studies

Dr. Ben Johnson: Do not get me started. [laughter]

Ty Bollinger:
I think you are already started. I think you are already going
which I am enjoying because it is good information. I have read studies people
saying the same thing. Doctor and scientists saying that you would live longer by
doing nothing than by doing the treatment. And I cannot remember the medical
doctor that I was just talking to recently said that in all his years of treating cancer
patients that he has never actually seen one that died from the cancer. That they
always died from the treatment.
Dr. Ben Johnson: Yes, you know, primary tumors almost never kill anyone unless they
are in the brain. A primary tumor can kill you there. But if you give it long enough can
eventually get you but almost no one in America today dies of their cancer. They die of
the side effects of the chemo. And I should not call those side effects. The direct effects
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of chemo because we call them side effects because they are unwanted. But they are
direct effects of the chemo agent.
Dr. Vronique Desaulniers: It does not make sense to poison and to radiate and to cut
a body that is already sick in the first place. People do not get sick because they have
cancer. They are already sick and then they develop cancer. So if you start trying to
poison and put these horrific things into a persons body that is already weak and sick in
the first place you are not going to get very good results. And statistics show us that.
study done in Australia at the University of Sidney, Australia, where they looked at
twenty-two different cancers over a five year period and they found only two point two
percent on average success rate with chemotherapy. You know, those are not very
good odds. If you cut out an organ if it is diseased, what are you telling that patient to
prevent that from happening again. And so the traditional methods of treatment is just
not working.
Ty Bollinger:
So I headed to Memphis to talk to my friend, Chris Wark, a
cancer survivor.
Chris Wark:
What is amazing is so many cancer patients, when they are
diagnosed and they are told they need chemotherapy almost all of them do not want to
do it. Instinctively they do not want to do it. They do not want to be poisoned. They do
not want to suffer. They do not want to get sicker. But everyone tells them they have to.
And so they reluctantly agree to do it. And for most of them it does not end well. They
get a treatment or a series of treatments and there will be a very short window of time
where theirthe doctors cannot find any tumors and so they will say, Youre in
remission, youre cancer free, yeah. Right? We see celebrity headlines all the time, I
am cancer free now after having a tor cut off. Right. But the truth is you are not cancer
free. You still have cancer cells in your body. You still have a sick body. You still have a
depleted immune system. And it is just a matter of time before new tumors form.
And it is really sad to watch cancer patients go through this process of, Oh I am in
remission. And they think everything is great and they can go back to normal life and a
few months later they have another scan and there is a new spot or several. Or it has
migrated from what started as a tiny lump in one breast is now in their brain, in their
liver, spots on their bones, in their lungs, and we know that is from the chemotherapy. It
is causing it to spread. It is making it more aggressive. And it is causing secondary
cancers in the body. Radiation as well.
Ty Bollinger:
That wasyes, that was my-my next question is do you think
that it is related to the chemotherapy?
Chris Wark:
We know it is because of the industry studies. The studies that have
come from the cancer industry tell us [laughter] that chemotherapy is carcinogenic, it
causes secondary cancers. It isthere are many chemotherapy drugs that are known
carcinogens and listed by the US National Toxicology Board as carcinogens. They
cause cancer.
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Dr. Ben Johnson: So many things cause cancer from spiritual issues, yes, I said it,
spiritual issues, emotional issues, environmental toxins, to mammograms to x-rays, you
know, doctors pass out CT scans like they were candy.
Ty Bollinger:


Dr. Ben Johnson: It is estimated by twenty twenty that fifty percent of all cancer
America will be medical x-ray induced or drug induced. So we will be responsible in a
very few short years for fifty percent of all cancer in America.
Ty Bollinger:


Dr. Ben Johnson: That is staggering.

Ty Bollinger:


Dr. Ben Johnson: That is a staggeringand the medical society is doing this to us.
We are doing it to the people.
Ty Bollinger:
That is mind blowing that by twenty twenty we will be
responsible for fifty percent of the cancers.
Dr. Ben Johnson: It is staggering.
Ty Bollinger:
Wow. And especially in light of the fact that the recent statistics
from the WHO and the ACS are indicating that one in two men, one in three
women alive today will face cancer and theyre saying that half of thats caused
by the medical system.
Dr. Ben Johnson: Absolutely.
Ty Bollinger:
I am blown away and I do not get blown away easily. [laughter]
Wow, fifty percent of cancers are actually caused by the treatments? In light of
this information do you think that oncologists themselves would take these
treatments if they were diagnosed with cancer?
Dr. Tony Jimenez: Eighty-six percent of oncologists polled or so said they would not
give themselves what they give their patients.
Ty Bollinger:

They would not take chemo radiation?

Dr. Tony Jimenez: Exactly.

Ty Bollinger:

Wow, eighty-six percent.

Dr. Tony Jimenez: Eighty-six percent.

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Dr. Sunil Pai:
There is a study that came out about ninety percent of physicians
particularly in oncology would not prescribe the drug that they give to their patients to
their wife or their child. Right? So what does that tell us? Well, thats just my job. So
there is a-there is a disconnect between the patient and the physician now.
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Charles Majors is a prime example of a physician that was
diagnosed with cancer himself. He had multiple myeloma that spread to his brain.
And he did not choose the big three treatments. Lets listen to what he has to say.
Dr. Charles Majors: The most important thing in there when I am working with a cancer
patient, the first thing I want them to understand is you got to understand what cancer is.
You are walking in to talk to me or have a visit with me, you have no idea what cancer is
but you are about to do chemo radiation, right, and/or surgery but you do not even know
what you are dealing with. And so the first thing I had to do was I had to find out and
figure out exactly what cancer was. Because if I wanted to reverse this, I did not know
what it was. And so our body is made of fifty, sixty, seventy trillion cells. Those cells
grow and die every single day, they grow and die. Every one of our cells has a cell
death, have a life. They die. They grow, they die, they grow, they die, they grow, they
die. Right now as you are sitting here you will lose over a million cells in a second. And
what happens a second later? They regrow. There is an intelligence inside of you that is
more incredible than anything else that your body heals, it regulates, it kills; those cells
die and those cells regrow again. And so cancer is when those cells no longer die. It is
called apoptosis. Those cells no longer die and they begin to replicate themselves and
they grow. So what I needed to figure out is so why would those cancer cells show up,
why are they there, and why have not they gone away, right? We all get cancer every
day, you know, some of the research shows between five, ten thousand, as much as
twenty thousand cancer cells are showing up every day. We have an immune system
that takes control.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby:
Cancer is not some alien thing that was dumped in your
body from a spaceship or something. It is you. And it is your body kind of gone a bit
wrong and if you fix things your body will restore itself. It is not a runaway train that
cannot be stopped. I mean, yes, it is a runaway but, you know, you can put the brakes
on it then reverse it. And then you see that a lot of course, I mean, a number of natural
cures now, so vast you would have to be blind or dumb not to see what is going on and
not to realize that orthodox medicine is not hitting the bar at all.
Dr. Ben Johnson: I had an injury and some problems, physical problems, myself. And
just helping a friend out with his alternative clinic and all the patients kept asking about
these herbs and these nutritionals, and these homeopathics. And I would go and read
and I would go, oh there are so many ways to get people well besides drugs. [laughter]
Dr. David Brownstein:
I could not stay in the same path, Ty. It was not working. I
found I was just using more and more drugs to treat the symptoms from the other drugs.
And more importantly, people were not getting better. And it just was not working for
me. And either I was going to give up medicine or I had to find a different model to use.
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And you know, looking at things form a biochemical model and a natural model to try
and supply the body with what it needs so it can take care of itself is really a better way
to go.
Dr. Sunil Pai:
How it makes me feel is very upset. And the reason why I am angry
is because I feel that at least it is negligence that is what happening in the conventional
medical care particularly with oncological patients and cancer treatments. And if you go
further it almost could be thought of as criminal because we are letting people die
unnecessarily. We are giving people lower quality lives and lower outcomes but we are
pushing profits every day. This is not justice and I cannot be silent anymore. Everybody
has the right, right? You have a, you know, it is even like the Declaration of
Independence, you know, you have the, you know, the right for these things, you know,
the freedoms, you know, to have a pursuit of happiness. And we have to really pursue
that. And you cannot pursue happiness without health. And what makes more people
happy is just feeling healthy and you cannot put a price on that. So you know, the one
with the most toys does, you know, does not win at the end of the day. Even though we
have been driven that we have to have a lot of these extrinsic factors, the intrinsic
values that are importantmore important. And so it makes me happy when people feel
Ty Bollinger:
I know this is a lot of information. I know it is a lot of
information that is not commonly known. And I know it is a lot of information that
many people may look on it and say oh, that cannot be true. Well, the bottom line
is we have proved to you tonight that it is true. And so what we are going to do
now is we are going to show you how to take control of your health. We are going
to give you the information that you need, the knowledge that you need, so that
you can empower yourself with health. I just want you to know from the bottom of
my heart that I am here for you, that I care for you, and I want you to be healthy.
So we have taken the first step tonight. Let us continue on this journey tomorrow.
I look forward to seeing you then.

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Episode 1: Modern Medicine & The Cancer Pandemic


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The Truth About Cancer

Ty Bollinger: Welcome back everyone to The Quest for the CuresContinues. I
hope you enjoyed last nights episode and I hope that you came away empowered
with information and also convinced that not everything that we hear is true. I
hope that you understand now that we have been potentially lied to about certain
things and certain treatments and certain information has potentially been
withheld from you.
One of the things thats pretty much without dispute is that the immune system
plays a big role in the prevention of disease. As a matter of fact the immune
system is really your first line of defense against pathogens, against the bad guys
that come in and try to invade your body and make you sick. Have you ever
wondered why lets say youve got some kiddos and theyre in school and
somebody comes to school in their class and theyre sick with the flu. And the
next day maybe half the class is out with the flu but the other half is at school and
they never get sick. What was the difference? What was the difference between
those children? Were they exposed to different flu bugs? No, they were exposed
to the same flu bug. But the kids that didnt get sick had an immune system that
was functioning the way it should have been and those that got sick for some
reason that immune system was compromised.
Tonights going to be a powerful episode. You are going to understand the
immune system better than 99% of the people out there after you listen to this
information. Were going to teach you what the immune system is, what it does
and what substances might compromise that immune system and make you sick.
I hope you enjoy the information; I hope you learn from the information that were
going to share with you tonight. Tonights episode is going to be chock full of
information about the immune system. Youre going to learn how to stay healthy,
how to keep that immune system functioning so that you can stay well. Now our
first guest tonight is Dr. Rashid Buttar, hes a friend of mine and he practices
medicine in North Carolina. Hes got some valuable insight into the immune
system but I think this first quote from Dr. Buttar is going to knock your socks off.
Dr. Rashid Buttar: So cancer first and foremost is a problem with the immune system.
You cannot have cancer if you have an intact immune system. If you have cancer you
dont have an intact immune system. If people say Oh no my immune system is fine,
then you cant have cancer because you cant have two -- those two things cant live
together. If its an immune system thats compromised you could have cancer. If you
have cancer -- if you have a cancer you have to by definition have a compromised
immune system.
Ty Bollinger: I was privileged to speak at the Cancer Control Society Convention
in August 2014 in Los Angeles and while I was there I was able to interview three
medical doctors about this same issue, the immune system. Lets have a listen.

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Episode 2: Your First Line of Defense

Dr. Ben Johnson: But the first thing I get -- do when I get a new patient is one of the
things that I do is I begin to unimpeded their immune system because every cancer
patient their immune system has missed the cancer; so it has missed it and so you have
to unimpeded their immune system and then you have to stimulate it back into action.
Because at the end of the day they will not survive if their immune system is not really
stimulated. One of the many fallacies of standard cancer care is they just want to kill
cancer cells. Well thats nice, but why did you get cancer?
Ty Bollinger: Yeah what was the cause?
Dr. Ben Johnson: They never ask that question. I tell my patients -- I encourage them to
continue to see their oncologist to give them feedback so that as they get well they will
have a witness borne to them that other things work whereas they know good and well
that what theyre doing is not working. But I say two things that youll be amazed at
theyll never ask What caused this and deal with that or try to deal with it in any way.
Its just Lets kill cancer cells and then number two as you get well they will never ask
you What did you do? Because they dont want that knowledge because then theyre
responsible -- so thats two things that the doctors will never ask the patient who is
getting well from taking herbals and nutritionals or alternative medical treatment. But
you have to unimpede the immune system and then you have to stimulate it back into
action because at the end of the day without your immune system working you will not
Dr. Sunil Pai: With all our patients whether its cancer or any kind of chronic disease its
always about lowering inflammation and improving and increasing immune system
response because your immune system has to fight, fix and repair against anything,
right? So its not just suppression its about strengthening. But the nice thing about the
natural therapies is it turns on and off genes accordingly; so its not just turning off
genes always. Its also up regulation and down regulation so I mentioned I showed you
that slide today and it shows certain genes are now turned on that our body already has
its natural mechanism of fighting cancer for example. And we want to keep stimulating
that. What happens is as we get older through other things of environment, lifestyle,
stress, diet those genes and those transcription factors and those proteins turn off. So
we all are born with it, we just want to keep stimulating it. And the nice thing is that
these natural therapies can turn on the things that we want to turn on and turn off the
things we want to turn off.
Ty Bollinger: The immune system and inflammation, how are they related to
Dr. Bradford Weeks: Well itd be logical to argue that in an intact immune system there
would be no room for cancer. And the immune system which is kind of an indefinable
entity, its not like its right over here or its right over here. I mean the immune system it
wraps around the GI tract, its a nebulous, almost a vaporous process. So its hard to
say in anatomy and physiology and dissection heres the immune system. Having said
that if its functioning well its job is to enhance health and promote detoxification and so
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forth and inflammation is one of the main instruments that the immune system uses to
regulate health. So one of the things we find in cancer, which is quite interesting is that
typically the guy that says, I havent been sick a day in my life Im thinking we have to
worry about cancer here. Whereas the kid that gets a lot of fevers and has an immune
system which is always up and running and not apathetic thats a good sign. So if you
want to get a good prognosis for health its someone whos been able to have a
challenge, upregulate the immune system and have a big fever, burn through it and
come out better.
Ty Bollinger: Very similar to something that Dr. Rashid Buttar told me; he said
The people that I worry about are the people that have never gotten sick
because of the same exact reason.
Dr. Bradford Weeks: These are principles that go back; I mean Id like to say I invented
them all but they were long before any of us were alive. This is what peoples
grandmothers know which is why in the old days when kids had the Mumps you know,
youd go have Mumps parties.
Ty Bollinger: Chicken Pox parties.
Dr. Bradford Weeks: Yeah.
Ty Bollinger: I was able to interview Dr. David Brownstein in Detroit, Michigan
about this topic; lets hear what he has to say.
Dr. David Brownstein: I assume you drove a car out to my house today to do this
Ty Bollinger: Well our horses broke down so, yes we did [laughter]
Dr. David Brownstein: So I also assume that when you take that car back to the airport
youre going to put gas in that car. The car needs a certain amount -- certain kind of gas
to run optimally and just -- lets say a gas station or maybe your own personal car would
be a better analogy for this. But if there was a gas station that said $.10 a gallon gas
and you pull up there and you say Hey Im going to do a deal here; its going to cost me
less to fill up my car and then you look at it and its mud. Are you going to put that mud
in your gas tank? No, because you know its going to wreck your car. Well I say the
same thing. We need to put the right fuel in our bodies so our immune system functions
optimally. We were designed -- we have a great design in the human body to fight
infection, to stay healthy into old age, to keep brain function into old age and if we treat
the body right the immune system can work just fine. And treating that body right is
doing the basics like what were talking about, supplying it with the right nutrients,
keeping and maintaining hydration, keeping iodine levels up and you know maintaining
adequate amounts of salt intake. And the immune system can do its job survey for
foreign substances and foreign bodies and get rid of that and it can keep cancer at bay.
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Episode 2: Your First Line of Defense

Its when the immune system gets disrupted I think thats when bad things start
happening to us.
Ty Bollinger: Okay so were starting to get the full picture here. We just heard
from five medical doctors that all talked about the fact that cancer is a result of a
compromised immune system. When I visited Las Vegas I interviewed Dr. Keith
Scott Mumby who had some valuable information to share about the immune
Talk about white blood cells, the immune system as related -- and inflammation as
it all relates to cancer.
Dr. Keith Scott Mumby: Okay well you know one of the -- part of the question Ty is what
is the basic model for cancer? You know theres the stem cell model and the metabolic
model and so on but certainly at the core, if not the cause many people, and Im one of
them, see cancer as basically a disease of the immune system. Especially in our
modern world I dont think theres any way youre going to stop cells firing off and going
wrong and turning in rogue cells; its just too many toxins. But a good immune system
will pick them up very quickly and eliminate them. So in a very strong sense cancer is a
disease of the immune system. So you want to do everything in your power to help the
immune system; that means the right kind of nutrients that will help it. It also means
removing the stresses that will stop it working and theyre all inflammatory in nature.
I mentioned food and you know food -- inflammatory foods but thats chemicals,
pesticides, pollutants, all of these things, loads of those too and dont forget heavy metal
toxicity you know mercury and lead and these things are not only have their poisonous
powers but theyre highly inflammatory too. So its very important to unburden the
immune system and I got to say emotions can be pretty inflammatory too. You know the
immune system gets burdened even if a person is upset, sad, depressed or whatever
and I would like a minute to talk about that with cancer. I think its a very crucial element
in cancer. But really anything -- thats what Im saying, is anything thats inflammatory is
bad for cancer and we can get a good handle on it. You know there are ways, like you
can take antioxidants, your nutrients, omega-3s brilliant anti inflammatory. But removing
the triggers like the inflammatory foods and heavy metals is a better strategy anyway;
so thats something we should all do and its back to my saying you know any good
health measure is an anti cancer measure.
Ty Bollinger: I love that quote Any good health measure is an anti cancer
measure. And if you have a fully functioning immune system you cannot have
cancer. Now whats one of the main things that compromises the immune system
other than the conventional treatments, chemo and radiation which yes they do
compromise the immune system. They devastate the immune system, but whats
one other thing? A common thing that people eat on an every day basis? Sugar.
Lets listen to nutritionist KC Craichy discuss this very important subject.

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KC Craichy: So sugar we talk about its a big problem. Yes its a big problem. I mean
sugar is wonderful; everybody likes sugar. I like sugar but I choose not to thrive on
sugar. See sugar should have been in our fun foods, building blocks, fuel and fun. Fun
foods. Every now and then you have sugar. But sugar 100 grams of carbohydrates. I
saw a study that was either 100 grams or 200 grams recently where it said like you had
a pizza meal for instance or a pasta meal within 15 minutes of eating that meal your
leukocyte index which is basically essentially white blood cell, how many bad guys can I
eat in an hour. The study was suggesting it should be about 16 per white blood cell in
an hour. But within eating this carbohydrate meal within 15 minutes youve dropped
from 16 to 1.9 and hold that for hours.
Ty Bollinger: So you have 10% capacity that you used to?
KC Craichy: 10% capacity and basically these patients are often in an immune
compromised state to start with. Some of the treatments they are getting are taking their
immunity down to almost nothing and then theyre throwing sugar in on top of that which
directly feeds the problem but it also directly takes a whack at the immunity. Its a
terrible cycle that people need to consider. One century ago sugar was a delicacy, you
know, so youd have maybe mom would make an apple pie or youd go to the store and
get a little treat or something like that. Five pounds a year is estimated would be the
intake of sugar per year, per person on the average. Today its a whopping 150 plus
pounds per person, per year on the average and somebody is eating our sugar. So the
average is pretty high. The point is people are eating their weight in sugar a year.
Ty Bollinger: 150 pounds of sugar per person, per year, wow thats incredible.
Lets listen to a few more physicians talk about the way that sugar compromises
the immune system and also actually fuels cancer cells.
Talk about briefly the connection between sugar and cancer cells.
Dr. Rashid Buttar: Cancer is -- the certain common characteristics in all cancer cells
have one of those characteristics is that cancer is an obligate glucose metabolizer
meaning that it has an obligation to metabolize glucose, it only survives on sugar. Other
types of components that would be commonalities in all cancer, cancer is a highly
anaerobic scenario. It -- cancer likes an anaerobic scenario. Cancer does not like
oxygen. Oxygen works as a drug against cancer. Another component would be cancer
is an acidic process. So in an alkaline environment cancer does not do well; so theres
many common characteristics that cancer has. One of those is that it is an obligate
glucose metabolyzer. So if you can reduce the amount of simple sugars you are
effectively going to be reducing the food supply to the cancer.
Patrick Quillin who wrote Beating Cancer with Nutrition, a very good friend of mine in his
book says that 42 to 46% of cancer patients die of cachexia, of malnutrition. How many
oncologists are addressing malnutrition? No one. In fact what do they do? They give
people Ensure, which is sugar and you know that cancer is an obligate glucose
metabolyzer. It needs sugar to survive. In fact one of the techniques is to reduce the
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Episode 2: Your First Line of Defense

amount of sugar so that cant feed the cancer. But theyre actually giving gasoline to the
fire and then expecting to put out the fire. You cant put out a fire with gasoline.
Ty Bollinger: I wanted to get the opinion of Dr. Patrick Quillin, a nutritional expert
who wrote a book called Beating Cancer with Nutrition, about the effects of sugar
on cancer cells and their insidious relationship.
Dr. Patrick Quillin: Sugar is -- cancer is a sugar feeder. Cancer is whats called an
obligate glucose metabolizer meaning that there is a dramatic uptake of glucose in the
cells of tumor cells. If you can lower gut and blood glucose you could help to slow down
Dr. Roby Mitchell: Normal cells go through what we call oxidative phosphorylation
which means you take oxygen, you take sugar and you make 32 molecules of this ATP
which is our energy currency, right?
Ty Bollinger: You said oxidative -Dr. Roby Mitchell: Oxidative phosphorylation, right so we put -- take oxygen through
this process. We add a phosphorous to this ATP and thats our energy currency, right?
Thats how we move about. And the more ATP the better, right? So if youre a cell that
is able to undergo oxidative phosphorylation then again youre able to do that because
of a set of genes is turned on, you have to go through whats called the KREB cycle.
Then thats a happy state, right? If you have to move to this anaerobic, what we call
anaerobic metabolism for every molecule of glucose you cant get 32 ATB anymore.
You can only get two molecules of ATP, right?
Ty Bollinger: Anaerobic means?
Dr. Roby Mitchell: Anaerobic means you dont have to have oxygen.
Ty Bollinger: Okay.
Dr. Roby Mitchell: That means that I can survive without oxygen, which makes me able
to survive in a more toxic environment but it makes my energy level a lot more restricted
so then thats why cancer cells are so ravenous about having to absorb sugar. Because
they can only make two ATP per molecule.
Ty Bollinger: Because cancer cells love sugar. You hear that phrase all the time
and that explains why that phrase came about.
Dr. Roby Mitchell: Correct. You know one of the test that we use to diagnose cancer is
a PET scan; so with a PET scan we take radiated sugar, right? And we inject it in you
because cancer cells take up sugar so much more efficiently than normal cells they will
take up that radiated sugar and then were able to see on the CT scan where the sugar
is, which that tells us where the cancer is, right? So yeah, were very aware of the
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The Truth About Cancer

dependence on cancer cells for prodigious amounts of sugar and thats why again,
cancer -- I mean cancer patients die of starvation is because the cancer cells will suck
up all the sugar from human cells.
Dr. David Jockers: Sugar is a fuel for cancer cells, so basically cancer cells they have
an altered metabolism, altered physiology and theyre not able to produce energy from
aerobic metabolism and so the mitochondria itself is damaged. And so they depend on
anaerobic metabolism; so without oxygen, which is basically breaking down sugar. So
they utilize sugar and they produce a lot of waste products particularly one that were
probably all familiar with, lactic acid. And so they produce a high amount of acids and
they consume a tremendous amount of energy in our system through sugar. And so
basically when we take the sugar out were taking out the preferred fuel source for the
cancer cells. So they become weakened in that state as opposed to when were fueling
our body with a lot of sugar not only is it caused the free radical damage, which his what
actually damages the mitochondria to begin with and creates this whole process, but at
the same time were also providing the preferred fuel source for more cancel cell
development in our body.
See what most people dont realize is all of us have cancer cells, were all developing
them every single day. Typically our immune system would hunt them down and
regulate them; however when weve got immune deficiencies which is another problem
with sugar it weakens our bodies innate immune system and so when that happens now
these cancer cells will start to grow without being checked -- kept in check by our bodies
natural immune response. So we just continue to dump in the sugar, again were
weakening our immune system and were strengthening the cancer cells. Were actually
giving them an advantage in our body. So you know you can feed one or the other; you
can feed your immune system and strengthen that or you can feed the cancer and
strengthen that. And I think if we all had this understanding and this knowledge and we
really knew that obviously we want to feed our immune system.
Ty Bollinger: While I was at the Cancer Control Society Convention in Los
Angeles earlier this year I was able to speak with Bob Wright of the American
Anti-Cancer Institute.
Bob Wright: Another thing that sugar does and most people dont know about is the
average amount of sugar in one can of lets say Coca Cola, is probably 9 or 10
teaspoons of sugar in there. Thats enough sugar to effectively shut down a minimum of
50% of your immune system for four hours. One 12 ounce Coke. If youre a cancer
patient can you afford that? Since the immune system is the only thing that can heal
you, we simply cant afford that. You got to avoid all the sugar. If you take a Diet Pepsi
or Coke it ranges from 2.5 to 2.7 ph, very acidic. You know and acid if youre a cancer
patient is one of your main problems to begin with, acid and inflammation. And we know
from Dr. Weakes, weve known this before that inflammation causes metastases of
cancer as well. But it would take you 32, 12 ounce glasses of 9.5 ph water to neutralize
that one 12 ounce can of Coca Cola. Thats why were acidic and thats why were
struggling today.
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Episode 2: Your First Line of Defense

Ty Bollinger: Lets see what Suzanne Somers, one of Americas most beloved
personalities and Burton Goldberg who is actually highlighted in her best selling
book Knockout have to say about this issue.
Suzanne Somers: When I get tempted, because Ive got this ice cream shop down the
corner that I -- I love ice cream. I love ice cream and I love cake. I then envision the little
bad guys in my GI tract, Come on, you can have some. Come on give me some
because all they want is sugar. They need sugar, they thrive on sugar, they have to
have sugar. And I say to them No, I am going to starve you to death. My job is to
stamp you out so Im never giving you your Happy Meal. The oncologists office and Ive
seen where you go into their office and they have candy bowls with candy there
because cancer patients on chemotherapy are so weak and they need a little pick me
up and I have looked at that at different times in oncologists office going Are you -Ty Bollinger: What are they thinking?
Suzanne Somers: What are you thinking?
Burton Goldberg: The oncologist use sugar to carry the radiologic molecule into the
cancer cell to show up on the x-ray, the PET scan. The oncologist knows that sugar
feeds cancer because thats why he uses it as a Trojan Horse. And when you finish your
chemo in the conventional setting they give you cookies and ice cream or candy. That is
tantamount to putting gasoline on a fire. That means these oncologists are guilty of
crimes against humanity, they are killing their patients.
Ty Bollinger: Wow passionate words from a very passionate man. I think were all
starting to get the picture here about how sugar feeds cancer cells and it
compromises our immune system. But that lends the question what exactly is the
immune system? I couldnt think of a better person to answer that question than
immunologist AJ Lanigan.
AJ Lanigan: I mean Im old enough to remember Tricky Dick Nixon saying were going
to have a cure for cancer in 10 years. Well obviously he wasnt a math major. So where
is it? Is there in fact even a cure for cancer? Again Im not smart enough to tell you that
there is; I dont make no claim that I have one. But I do know this to overcome cancer,
to stop it before it begins or to reverse it once youve contracted it. Im pretty much
convinced the immune system is glad to be a major player. Your immune system is
really the only thing that stands between you and all those things in you, around you
and on you trying to get you all the time; cancer included. The largest number of
immune cells in your body are known as neutrophils. When you go get your blood work,
just standard blood work, any neu, abbreviation for neutrophils. On any given day theyll
count anywhere from 50 to 70% of your total immune army which basically your white
blood cells. Ty, they cant see cancer. Cant see it on your best day. The majority of your
immune system cannot see cancer. In fact the very narrow margin would be made up of
natural killer cells and theyre constantly surveying all the cells in your body, healthy
cell? Smiley face. Healthy cell, smiley face. Hmmm, this cell doesnt have a smiley face.
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Bada bing, bada boom thats the job of natural kills it. There may be virus hiding inside
that cell, that cell could be mutating, it could be mutating and be benign, it could be
mutating and turning cancerous. It doesnt matter, no smiley face. You got some
cytotoxic, lymphocytes; I talk about them being ninja cells.
Ty Bollinger: What does cytotoxic mean?
AJ Lanigan: Cytotoxic means -- think of cyto, cytoplasm. Thats the guts of the cell,
thats the innards. So if something is cytotoxic that means that when it hits a cell it
basically blows it up and lets the guts come out. So cells for example your NK cells.
Their job is to keep ramming into that cell that doesnt have a smiley face and every
time it rams into it it releases chemicals into the lining of that target cell until it finally
bursts open or lyse. It lyse that cell well and the juice comes out, the cytoplasm. The
same thing happens with cytotoxic lymphocytes.
Ty Bollinger: Question for you then on these -- you got T lymphocytes, youve
got neutrophils, youve got NK cells, natural killer cells, okay are the neutrophils
and the NK cells are they lymphocytes, are they leukocytes. Whats the difference
between -- people who have heard of lymphocytes -AJ Lanigan: Yeah let me try to give you a picture for that. Think of the immune system
as having two arms. And lets call one of these arms specific and the other arm is nonspecific.
Ty Bollinger: Okay.
AJ Lanigan: Now when I talk in terms of non-specific Im talking about neutrophils,
macrophages, eosinophils and these cells are basically front line and they deal with
simply one question Are you self? And if the question is not yes, then basically their
job is to you know, kick butt and get rid of whatever it is. Now on the other side the
specific immune response is going to be things like B cells. Now B cells are
lymphocytes, B cells and all the other cells by the way are born from the bone marrow.
Now unlike with cattle, horses, human children are born with maternal immunities. They
dont have to have that first belly full of colostrums like horses and cows do. A horse and
a cow they got a large chance of assuming room temperature pretty quickly.
Ty Bollinger: Wow AJ really explained the immune system in such a way that
even a child can understand it. But he mentioned the fact that most of the immune
system, the majority of the immune system I think he said cannot even see cancer
cells. What did he mean by that? I was in LA earlier this year speaking at the
Cancer Control Society Convention and I sat down with Dr. Tony Jimenez and he
shed some light on this information.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: As physicians and as practitioners or advisors or counselors we
always tell patients and people in general Lets enhance your immune system if you
have cancer because we know that the immune system takes care of a cold to cancer
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Episode 2: Your First Line of Defense

and everything in between. So thats a thought, lets optimize immune system and weve
gone a long way in addressing cancer situation. But lets think about it this way we know
that in one cubic centimeter of a tumor theres approximately one billion cancer cells
and thats billion with a B. 65% of those cells at any one time were dormant, 35% of
those cells are active. So theyre in the synthesis phase of the cell cycle, not in the
resting phase. Remember mitosis in 101 Biology, right this is what were talking about.
So of all those cells 99% of the cells are whats called non-cancer stem cells. 1% about
are cancer stem cells; so when someone has chemo radiation they are not only
suppressing the immune system but theyre making the cancer stem cells more active
and more aggressive.
Ty Bollinger: And thats the boogers you got to worry about.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: Those are the boogers you have to worry about. Why? Because
they survive in the blood stream, theyre immortal if you dont do something about them.
Not like the non-cancer stem cells that the chemo is affecting so wow, someone has the
80% reduction in tumor and now youre in remission. And thats -Ty Bollinger:

You got rid of the good cells and the bad cells you just

Dr. Tony Jimenez: Right and the non-cancer stem cells are not necessarily good cells
Ty, but theyre cells that have a finite life span and they make the bulk of the tumor, you
see so then the tumor decreases because the chemo and radiation can affect the noncancer stem cell. So the patient has a PET scan, MRI, CT scan, bone scan whatever it
is and they have a false impression by their physician that now they cant see the tumor.
So youre in remission, but the cancer stem cells were never addressed with the chemo
and never will with the chemo and radiation. So Im going to your question about -Ty Bollinger: This is fantastic information.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: Yeah so the cancer stem cells are cells that survive in the blood
stream, theyre like Five Star Generals. Theyve been tested and in battle and theyre
going to metastasize. See non-cancer stem cells cannot metastasize; only cancer stem
cells can. So when we want to address the immune system in cancer the problem is the
immune system cannot recognize cancer stem cells. Why? Because they have a protein
on the cell surface that shields them or cloaks them from the immune system. Dr.
Robert Rowan a good friend of ours, I think it was in January 2014 newsletter, second
opinion he wrote an article on cancer stem cells ability to cloak or hide themselves from
the immune system. So a cancer patient may have the best immune system according
to white blood cells, T-cells, lymphocytes, natural killer cells but is that immune system
recognizing and able to penetrate a cancer stem cell? Thats the question.
Ty Bollinger: And what youre saying is that this cancer stem cells have some
kind of a cloaking to where the immune system cant see them.
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Dr. Tony Jimenez: Exactly and thats well described in conventional scientific medical
literature. This is not an alternative but this is duly scientifically proven.
Ty Bollinger: According to Dr. Jimenez the immune system cannot see the
cancer stem cells which he calls the Five Star Generals that are directing the
invasion; so what can we do to make these cells visible to our immune system?
Dr. Tony Jimenez: There are substances that have been shown to attack cancer stem
cells, scientifically like Metformin, Ellagic acid, green tea extract but the list is very small
because first of all its very difficult to extract cancer stem cells from a human and keep
them alive in the lab for them to be studied. Theres only a few labs that do that and this
is a very, very expensive process, right in the millions of dollars to study cancer stem
AJ Lanigan: Now when we get into T-cells and T-cells are lymphocytes -- B-cells are
lymphocytes, T-cells are lymphocytes. On the blood panels you got a CV-4, thats a T-4.
You got CD-8s, thats a T-8 they got subsets. Think of the T-4 as a Four Star General.
Hes sitting up at the top of the hill and hes watching whats going on and troops are
coming back and forth and giving him information. Well hes got a couple of Two Star
Generals; theyre called T-helper cells, also lymphocytes. T-helper subset one, T-helper
subset two. Now those two generals take responsibility the TH-2 he goes over and
takes care of all those B-cell and antibody production jobs. The TH-1 hes going to stay
over here and help regulate all these cellular killing which take place with those
cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Itll also help with the lymphocytes that call for memory. See
maybe youve had the measles, maybe youve had the mumps; youre never going to
have those again. Why? Because those T-cells that carry memory.
You also need suppressor T-cells. You dont need an immune system that just fights in
wars and kills and destroys because its too much inflammation. You dont want to be
living in the middle of a war zone. So a suppressor cell says Hey cool it down man,
weve won this fight. Lets go back, set up, have a good day, have a good rest and fight
again when theres another challenge. So that TH-1 is keeping track of all of that and
largely keeps track also of those non-specific cells. Again, the macrophages, the
neutrophils, the natural killers. How do they regulate them, what we call cytokines?
Chemical messengers, think of them as chemical e-mails or faxes. And so thats very
important. Not just the cells but also cellular communication. All of this working by the
way Ty we dont give one thought to it. There is more wisdom in one of these cells than
there has been in all the libraries that have ever been, are now or ever will be. I think
thats pretty cool.
Ty Bollinger: That is very cool and this last few minutes where youve been
explaining the immune system this is something that I cant wait for my kids to
watch to learn more about the immune system because thats something, the way
that you just broke it down I think even children can understand that.

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AJ Lanigan: Theres some great graphics. Of course the internet -- when I was in
school wasnt any such thing. You actually had to go down to a place called a library.
Ty Bollinger: I heard of those.
AJ Lanigan: Pull things called books, go over to the copy machine at $.25 a throw,
education was expensive back then. And one of my most favorite lines out of any movie
I think is called Alligator and one guy was asking this real smart professor about How
do you know all this stuff? His response was very simple he said, We keep this stuff
cleverly hidden from the public inside books; I highly recommend them.
Ty Bollinger: Books are great. My kids -- we love books still but a lot of the
education has gone online and on the hand helds but I still love physical books
because if the chip in the computer goes down you may have lost that
information whereas with physical books you still got it. You just summed up the
immune system in a way that I havent heard it summed up that well before. I
heard you speak several months ago in Atlanta and you gave a similar speech so
you did it -- at that point I think what you just did for us was a little bit better than
this. So I appreciate that because thats breaking down the immune system in a
way that people need to understand that the immune system is -- you got your
generals, you got your helpers, you got all this little army of immune cells and
their main job is to protect you.
AJ Lanigan: Thats exactly right. First do self no harm. But if theres anything else well
get it out of there.
Ty Bollinger: I like it. Thats AJ Lanigans version -- tweaked version of the
Hippocratic Oath, right?
AJ Lanigan: Well thats -Ty Bollinger: First do no harm.
AJ Lanigan: That advice some human figured it out, the immune cell knew it first. Again
if you can imagine the immune cell as a guy or gal in the army and theyre dropped out
there in Timbuktu and the enemy is firing. And the enemy is advancing and theyre
doing their job fighting back and shooting and so forth. And all of a sudden here comes
the garbage truck and dumps all this rotten garbage in the fox hole with you. Well you
know are you going to fight and shoot or are you going to two the garbage? So if you
can kind of get that figure in your mind then it kind of helps you to understand this is why
I dont need to consume so much sugar. This is why I dont need to consume or be
around all these things that weve come to learn arent good for you. It wasnt just Well
my mama told me so, its because the burdens that were putting on the immune
system prevent it from digging in and fighting the fight and protecting you. If youre
immune system has got to make its living towing garbage youre not going to live very
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long. You know youre going to be constantly besieged with disease and postulants and
if thats the way you want to live, keep doing what youve been doing.
Ty Bollinger: Wow, so are you sick? If you are you probably need to look at what
youve been doing and maybe change some habits. Didnt Einstein say that the
definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over and expecting
different results? Lets listen to Dr. Vernate Dishonya (ph), Dr. V as she explains
the immune system, our first line of defense.
Dr. Vronique Desaulniers: The immune system is powerful. Its the first line of defense
that we have against bacteria, viruses, pathogens and cancer cells. And what a lot of
people dont realize is that the immune system is powerful. It has over hundreds of
functions in the body and there are billions, billions of immune cells at your disposal
every day and when I think of our immune system I think of a Star Wars galactic battle
going on because the immune system really does some incredible things. One of the
immune cells will shoot out specific particles that will blast open a virus in a cancer cell.
Other immune cells will secrete specific chemical poisons to cause those pathogens to
die. Other immune cells will sent out these long sticky gooey pods and engulf the
pathogen and the cancer cell and recycle it and use its body parts. So the immune
system is very powerful and the important thing to know about your immune system is
that 80% of your immune system is in the mucosal lining of your intestinal tract. So if
you dont have a healthy intestinal tract, if youre feeding your body a lot of junk the
typical SAD foods, sad foods, Standard American Diet food your immune system is
going to be compromised.
Ty Bollinger: Wow so you talk about 80% of the immune system being generated
in the mucosal lining. Could antibiotics have anything to do with the
compromised immune systems that were seeing now?
Dr. Vronique Desaulniers: Absolutely, I mean the antibiotics that are prescribed, the
antibiotics that are in the dairy products and the foods and the animals that people are
eating absolutely affects that and makes you much more vulnerable and have less
Bob Wright: No doctor has ever healed anyone of anything in the history of the world.
The human immune system heals. And thats the only thing that heals. True doctors
sometimes can alleviate symptoms enough so the body can go back and heal itself thus
the doctor gets the credit for the healing. Okay Im all right with that but we need to stop
dealing with symptoms and start dealing with causation.
Ty Bollinger: Bob Wright just said something very interesting, Doctors dont
heal, the immune system heals. So lets go on down the road to Amarillo, Texas
and talk to Dr. Roby Mitchell who is a doctor and get his perspective.
Dr. Roby Mitchell: With a weakened immune system then that allows cancer cells to
grow better, right? So they do work together, right? And so thats another reason why -The Quest for The CuresCONTINUES

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one of the protocols for many physicians that treat cancer is to you know bring down the
fungal load because if you bring down the fungal load then the immune system gets
stronger, right? And the one thing that does kill cancer or cure cancer is your immune
system, right? Chemotherapy, radiation, these things right, they -- if you go to cancer
101 book right, it will tell you that they cant cure cancer. The cell kinetics are just
against it; that will never happen. Its basically the same effect as when we give
antibiotics, right? Antibiotics cant cure anything. They can bring down the number, right
the cell count such that your immune system can take over but its your immune system
that does the curing. We have to understand that the thing that cures cancer is your
immune system. You know if we stay with the bacterial overgrowth analogy I might need
to give a bit of an antibiotic right, to get the number down, right so that your immune
system is just not overwhelmed, right? But then bring that number down and then your
immune system can take over. There may be a role for chemotherapy, radiation therapy
in that sense. The -- the overwhelming majority of physicians who treat cancer though
with those therapies depends solely on the radiation or the chemo and the consequence
of that is a weakened immune system. So the very system that youre depending on to
cure cancer, right we killed that off and thats why so many people with cancer they die
of the treatment rather than the cancer.
Ty Bollinger: Everyone has cancer cells in their body; the only permanent cure to
cancer is your immune system. And nutrition gives your immune system the fire
power it needs to keep you well. So without nutrition youre fighting with no
weapons. Without your immune system youre fighting with no army.
Chemotherapy destroys your army; it destroys your immune system. Not only
that it causes secondary cancers in the body, it makes existing cancer stem cells
more aggressive and it causes a host of life long, potentially life long damages to
the body from brain damage to hearing loss to neuropathy with the loss of the
use of your hands and feet to kidney and bladder damage. I mean bone damage,
heart damage, lung damage its just total collateral damage from chemotherapy.
Dr. Roby Mitchell: A lot of times you can give chemotherapy and the tumor goes away
but you also destroy the immune system and then the cancer comes back with a
vengeance; thats how you get rid of cancer through your immune system. Through
systems that are already within you that have failed. So what we have to do is get them
to work again and that difference has made a tremendous difference in the results.
Dr. Rashid Buttar: Radiation is bad for any healthy person. Why? Because it
suppresses immune system and causes cells to mutate and then you end up getting
cancer. So now if somebody has cancer what do you do? You put them into that very
same thing that you know is going to cause cancer, now radiation is supposed to kill the
cancer. Thats the philosophy but its also going to cause more mutation to the healthy
cells and cause a worsening of the fact. Just like pouring gasoline on a fire.
Ty Bollinger: Wheres the disconnect mentally that we have been brainwashed
into believing that we can cure cancer with substances that cause cancer? I dont
get that.
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Mike Adams: Yeah exactly, we live in a culture that has allowed itself to be dominated
by truly insane ideas. For example radiotherapy for cancer. Well if radiation is so good
at treating cancer then we should turn Fukushima into a global cancer treatment center.
Dr. Vronique Desaulniers: The cancer industry is really driven by greed and money
because there is a cure. People are healing from cancer every day without the use of
toxic drugs. There are literally thousands and thousands of published studies that prove
the effectiveness of natural medicine. But you cant patent a plant and you cant patent
an herb; therefore theres no money and no financial gain in teaching people about
these things. And the sad thing is that millions of people are being sacrificed and theyre
dying horrific deaths and having horrific symptoms as a result of these treatments. And
often times they die as a result of the cancer treatment itself and not so much the
Ty Bollinger: Thats sad, that actually happened to my parents, specifically my
father. He was diagnosed with cancer. He was dead 25 days later and he died
from the surgery; so I know that to be true from a personal perspective.
Chemo destroys the immune system. Radiation destroys the immune system. Its
like adding gasoline to the fire. Dr. V just mentioned the fact that there was a
cancer industry in her own words. I wanted to get more information about this
cancer industry so I headed back to Detroit to talk to Dr. David Brownstein.
Ive heard you mention the Cancer Medical Complex, what do you mean when you
talk about the Cancer Medical Complex?
Dr. David Brownstein: Ive written about this and I say the Cancer Medical Complex is
this whole monolith thats been set up to make money on cancer. And so lets take the
woman who is young woman who has been feeling a breast lump goes to her doctor.
She goes for a mammogram, they pick up something, shes going to go for a biopsy,
they pick up something. Now shes going to go for an excision. They tell her shes got
cancer, shes going to get chemo and radiation. Its this whole system set up to treat
cancer and its a multi-trillion dollar industry right now. And the problem is people arent
living longer from these therapies. Theres very few cancers that weve done well with.
Weve done well with some of the blood cancers, some of the leukemias and
lymphomas and testicular cancer. The rest of them the mortality rate has not changed
much over the last 70 to 80 years. We have one in seven women with breast cancer in
the United States, one in three men with prostate cancer. Weve got lung cancer and
colon cancer more than we know what to do with and really the conventional therapies
for most types of cancer are pretty bad. You know if you look at the cancer statistics
from 1930 which are being kept until the present day are mortality rate is really
unchanged for most of the hard tumors, which is breast, lung, prostate, colon. And its
really sad because were spending these billions and trillions of dollars on therapies that
arent working and we really need a better model. And a better model is number one
searching for whats causing all this cancer, which nobody is doing. And number two
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then supplying the body with the underlying things that it needs in order to function
normally and to fight this illness.
Ty Bollinger: Talk about the model that you use to treat cancer.
Dr. David Brownstein: Well I sort of use the model I was taught in medical school. I
mean in medical school I was taught to number one take a history and to listen to
patients and to hear their complaints. Number two to do a good physical exam, to
correlate what their complaints are and try to figure out what the problem is. And
number three order laboratory tests to confirm or deny what you think might be going on
and to guide you in a therapy. So I still follow that basic model but what I do a little
differently is what I was taught in medical school was how to diagnose pathology. That
was our first thing so we could recognize when there was a problem in your body and
then what we were taught was how to prescribe that one drug to treat that problem. That
would be a great model if that drug actually treated that problem but for 98% of the
drugs out there they dont treat the problem, they just treat the symptom of the problem
and we really need to go back to work to figure out whats the underlying cause of these
illnesses. And I can tell you the underlying cause of cancer is multi-factorial, theres not
one single cause for everybody. But I think that toxicity is part of the problem with it,
poor nutrition is part of it, poor diet is part of it, dehydration is part of it, lack of iodine is a
big part of it. Theres a whole bunch of things going in and either we start to treat these
underlying causes that are I think part of the underlying cause of the problem of cancer
or were just going to continue going on with so many people suffering from it.
Ty Bollinger: Dr. Brownstein mentioned getting to the root causes instead of just
treating symptoms of disease. So lets look at hormones in the immune system in
cancer; is there a connection between the three?
Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy: If your hormones are not working so your immune system
cant work. For example your thyroid; thyroid is the battery to your body. So the thyroid if
its not functioning it cannot take care of you and cant take care of -- it drives the
metabolism of every single cell in your body. Now unfortunately a lot more people are
low thyroid today because of wheat. Wheat is very allergenic to the thyroid and because
of radiation from the most recent Japanese nuclear power plant. So a lot more people
becoming low thyroid because of that. Then if youve got any kind of other hormonal
imbalances, for example when do guys get prostate cancer? They dont get prostate
cancer when theyre 25 when all their hormones are in great shape; they get prostate
cancer after 50 because thats when the hormones start changing.
Ty Bollinger: What is the difference between the hormones in females and males
and then I want to get to a question concerning the effect of estroges on cancers.
Dr. Roby Mitchell: Theres no difference in the molecular aspect of the hormones that
are in men and women. Women have testosterone, men have estrogen, both have
progesterone and corticosteroids and all of these. Whats different is the amount. So
women have a higher amount of estrogens, men have a higher amount of testosterone,
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women have a higher amount of estrogen receptors and men have a higher amount of
testosterone receptors. And so thats key, that marriage between the receptor and the
hormone such that a woman -- I can give a woman testosterone injections she will never
get as big as a man because she doesnt have the receptors that a man has. We can
put estrogen into a man; youre not going to turn him into a woman, right because he
doesnt have the receptors for those estrogens, right? So -- but we all produce the same
exact molecules as far as estrogens and testosterone and DHA and progesterone and
these other hormones.
Its important that we understand for these estrogens, the human ones anyway, that
again the -- one of the pharmacologic characteristics of estrogens is that they make
cells multiply, right? And this is very important in pregnancy because that fetus has to
grow so much and so during pregnancy estrogen levels go way up and we get, again
we get exponential growth of a fetus, right? Other cells if they get exposed to higher
levels of estrogen they can grow faster also. So in breast cancer, in prostate cancer
other cancers if estrogen levels are elevated or if we are exposed to a more potent
estrogen, right and so this is where we get into environmental estrogens. Then that
cancer can grow faster, right? And its not necessarily that androgynous estrogens
cause cancer, right but they can certainly like insulin, right thats the other cancer
promoting hormone. They can make the fire burn hotter.
Ty Bollinger: Okay great analogy; so its like more gasoline on the fire when you
have a higher level of estrogen then you should have.
Dr. Roby Mitchell: Correct.
Ty Bollinger: Which you know lots of articles today that were reading about the
effect of what they call xenoestrogens. Estrogens in the environment; can you
talk about that a little bit in relationship to cancer?
Dr. Roby Mitchell: Right and so thats one of the reasons you know why we see such a
proliferation of cancer in the west, right? Were seeing it more in Third World countries
now but because of our exposure to environmental and pharmaceutical estrogens right,
that has the effect of throwing more gasoline on the fire. So some of the insecticides,
pesticides, fungicides that we use they have an estrogen effect, right? These are what
we call xenoestrogens, xeno meaning foreign. So those again, long term exposures; so
we have to think about estrogen exposure in lifetime exposure as we do like with
radiation exposure. So if youre a radiation technologist, right you wear a little badge on
you that gives us a Geiger counter amount of radiation that you are getting exposed to
over life time and you get to here and we say You cant be exposed to any more
radiation. Same thing with these estrogens, right? So there is a lifetime exposure of
estrogen that dictates your risk for different cancers, right? So you are producing
estrogens as a human, as a man youre producing estrogen as a women theyre
producing estrogens, women produce more.

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So if we go adding on top of that environmental estrogens then that increases your
lifetime exposure of estrogen. If you take birth control pills that increases your life time
exposure of estrogen. If you take synthetic hormone replacement after menopause that
increases your life time exposure of estrogen. If you stay overweight with these fat cells
that are born of inflammation, these growth factors right, that is increasing your life time
exposure of estrogen.
Ty Bollinger: So its really a cumulative effect and were talking about the
exposure to estrogens. As opposed to just a one off.
Dr. Roby Mitchell: Right.
Ty Bollinger: So Im hearing hormones, estrogen, testosterone, thyroid, immune
system so naturally my thought goes to fat cells and cancer, obesity. Is there any
kind of relationship between obesity and cancer? So lets listen to Dr. Roby
Mitchell, Dr. James Forsythe and Dr. Patrick Quillin to address this issue.
Dr. Patrick Quillin: Just talk about obesity for a second. Two-thirds of Americans are
overweight. Half of them or one -third of them are medically obese. You realize that
obesity increases the risk for diabetes, hypertension, a couple of different types of
cancers, colon and breast, gall stones, Alzheimers and the list goes on and yet the
more we focus on obesity the more nutrition supplements that are available for it, it
seems the fatter America gets. And a big part of that has been some of the
misinformation that came out. In the 70s and 80s they said Dont eat fat, you wont
get fat if you dont eat fat. So they said, What can I eat? Well anything but fat. So we
loaded the food with sugar, now weve got more obesity than ever.
Dr. James Forsythe: I always tell patients every cancer dies a weight loss because any
time youre cutting out simple sugars and high glycemic foods youre going to lose
weight. Its simple as that.
Ty Bollinger: And any anti-cancer diet is low in sugar because we dont want to
fuel the cell, the cancer cells, right?
Dr. James Forsythe: The cancer cells, Otto Warberg told us in 1932 that cancer cells
only thrive on simple sugars, not complex carbohydrates, not fats or proteins and he
was right then. But conventional and conscious completely ignored that Ty. In fact if you
go into any infusion center in any hospital in the country youll see a big bowl of candy
usually and soft drinks. So they totally ignore the -- the properties of the cancer cell.
Ty Bollinger: Dr. Roby would you talk about the relationship between fat cells
and cancers?
Dr. Roby Mitchell: So fat cells we have to delineate normal fat cells from fat cells that
are fat cells because of the inflammatory process. So you know normal fat cells per say
are not necessary carcinogenic. Inflammation is carcinogenic and what inflammation is
is basically a war between your immune cells and some critter, right? It can be a virus, it
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can be a bacteria, it can be a fungus, it can be cancer, right? So if you remember back
to the beginning of the Iraqi War and that shock and awe; so thats very analogist to
what happens in the immune system when its trying to fight off bacteria, virus or fungus
to some degree. So your immune system and this is a very apropos analogy, to
compare the immune system to the military because you do have all these different
soldiers you know, T-cells and killer T-cells and macrophages and macrocytes and so
forth, kupffer cells in the liver and specialized cells in each tissue in the body that are
sentinels that are surveying the area and then if something goes right then they let
loose. And they have all these weapons of mass destruction to make things happen; so
when your temperature goes up, when you get red, when you have diarrhea, when you
have the sniffles and the watery eyes and all that; so all of that is not because of the
critter. Thats because of these chemicals that your immune system is able to release.
And these -- I was an emergency room doctor before and I can tell you that these
chemicals are so powerful that they can kill you very quickly in a process that we call
anaphylactic shock. So if you go in anaphylactic shock and again thats a consequence
of the production of these weapons of mass destruction of the immune system, you die
very quickly if youre not in my emergency room, right? So we have to respect that the
immune system has some really powerful weapons and so in a condition less benign
than anaphylactic shock where you got fever and red and that type of thing then its just
spitting out some chemicals that make the environment not so hospitable. Not so
hospitable for the bacteria, but also not so hospitable for human cells either. And so this
is what creates that toxic situation that over a long period of time the human cell will try
to protect itself from.
One of the things the chemicals that is produced during this inflammatory process are
called growth factors; so growth factors have an estrogenic effect and estrogens in
general make cells go into what hyperplasia -- we talked about before, so making one
cell faster than normal change to two, change to four, change to eight. Again
exponential growth, right? So those fat cells that are born of an inflammatory situation
right, those then are linked to the formation of cancer.
Ty Bollinger: So there is a direct relationship between fat cells and cancer, wow
thats fascinating information. Now Dr. Robert Scott Bell is a gastrointestinal
health specialist. He understands the immune system the way that its generated
in our gut and so I thought it was very important to talk to him about this subject.
A recurring theme that Im hearing from doctors that Ive interviewed is cancer
cant exist if the immune system is functioning properly so talk about that.
Dr. Robert Scott Bell: Well the toxins impact the liver, the liver is your main organ for
detoxification to bind and eliminate and excrete through the colon is solid waste or
ascending to the kidneys is a liquid waste. If the liver is not doing its job of course what
gets to the kidneys is often a form that the kidneys cant handle very well and then the
toxins then circulate through the system. The body tries to find a way to tuck it away
somewhere else. Now a big way that we interact with these toxins is through the
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gastrointestinal tract, the alimentary canal. And these toxins are going to impact on the
micro flora. The micro flora is the seed of the immune system, along with the liver but in
the intestines are 70 or so percent of the immune system is there. And when we impact
our healthy flora the good cut ecology, we impact negatively our ability to have a normal
interaction with the outside world because technically that gastrointestinal tract, that
alimentary canal from your mouth. And we get astrological, I love to do this, out through
the planet Uranus, you get it? You have this tube thats technically outside of your body,
even though its in, its the outside environment carried through and theres that barrier,
that epithelial barrier that is your -- that epithelial integrity is critical to protect you from
things that shouldnt get in including these toxic poisons or even metabolic waste. And
when that barrier is corrupted via toxins, additives, preservatives, colorings, flavorings,
pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, plasticizers, GMOs, genetically modified ingredients
now and heavy metals especially like mercury you pierce that barrier. You impact, you
create inflammation and now you have leaky gut. And the bacteria themselves are no
longer in a hospitable environment so you have dysbiotic organisms growing; you have
Candida, yeast, albikins, overgrowth and different forms of Candida. And theres so
many things that go wrong its amazing that we survive it all but thats a testament to the
creator you know that weve been created to withstand so much assault. But we have a
limit and that limit of course is when the toxins overwhelm our ability to deal with them,
the accumulation can no longer be held in check. Then we have this disregulation and
the cells proliferate and our immune system no longer has the strength and integrity to
be that barrier, to fight it off, to keep it in check. Because of all these other things that
occurred, the liver toxins, the intestinal toxins etc. So this is where the immune system
is corrupted, the gut primarily along with the liver and thats why I always start my focus
point of healing for anybody by working with the liver and the gut. And then we are not
even necessarily chasing a symptom, chasing a disease but were correcting the terrain
or the environment at its source.
Dr. Patrick Quillin: In 1908 Elie Metchnikoff won a Nobel Prize in medicine for his work
with the immune system, hes considered the Father of Modern Immunology and his
work with the bacteria that makes yogurt and he said Death Begins in the Colon. And
for many patients thats true and so what do we do? W e give them narcotics, which is
going to -- it causes a slowing down on nerve impulses, thats good, shuts down the
pain, slows down the nerve impulses that go to the muscles too, which now causes
constipation. If the patient had a problem with dysphiosis or a lack of proper organisms
in the gut its going to get worse now. So I guess modern medicine needs to look
instead of this being just a business, and its okay to make money at healthcare as long
as youre helping people. But instead of it just being a business, lets make it a business
that looks at underlying causes and instead of Mrs. Jones the new diabetic saying 20
years worth of annuities, look at this were going to -- shes worth a quarter of a million,
lets see if we can get her out of diabetes. Lets see if we can change the underlying
causes, same thing with cancer.
Ty Bollinger: Interesting perspective from Dr. Qillin he says that we need to get to
the underlying causes and not just treat symptoms when were dealing with
cancer. When I was recently in Washington D.C. I was able to connect with Dr.
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Sherry Timpani an expert on vaccines, heres what she had to say. So health is an
inside/out phenomenon
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Thats my phrase. Thats what I say all the time.
Ty Bollinger: Thats where I got it. [laughter] I read from your lectures; so health
is an inside/out phenomenon which Ive heard you say, so could you explain what
you mean by that? Is bad health a result of a lack of needles?
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: No, and the opposite side of that is health does not come through
a needle, it just cant. We just cant in any way think that were going to inject something
into a little baby or an adult that in any way is going to positively impact their health. So
health is an inside/out phenomenon. You have an intact immune system, good nutrition,
adequate detox; organs of detoxification, liver, kidney, colon, skin, all of those things
come out easily. Youve got all the appropriate nutrients in there your B vitamins,
vitamin D, vitamin C, all the appropriate things that you need that you could be
swimming in bugs. In fact sitting in this room right here how many bugs do you think are
in the air in this massive hotel and the carpeting. And if you live on a farm and youre
going out and petting animals and all of that you are not succumbing to all of these
viruses and bacteria that are around you if you are healthy from the inside/out and your
immune system does what God intended it to do and what we were humanly designed
to be.
Ty Bollinger: Well fascinating quote by Dr. Tenpenny: Health is an inside/out
phenomenon. Id have to agree with her. Weve got to be healthy on the inside
otherwise health is not going to be expressed on the outside; so how do we stay
healthy on the inside? Thats the question. While we were filming this episode
actually Im good friends with all the production team thats here with me here in
the studio and one of them asked me, he said, Ty how many of your relatives
have died of cancer do you think died from environmental toxicity? How many of
them was caused by that, by environmental toxicity? I told him I think probably
all of them; all seven close family members that Ive lost were due to
environmental toxicity. Now this is in line with the American Cancer Society
website. If you go there theres a document called Cancer Facts and Figures that
you can download and in that document says up to 95% of all cancers are caused
by environmental toxins. So it seems pretty important to learn about toxicity to
me and in light of the tact that most people that die of cancer die because the
cancer got a hole of their body because their body was toxic. So tomorrow night
were going to learn about toxins. Were going to learn about these environmental
toxins that invade your body whether it be through vaccines or genetically
modified foods or pesticides on your food, fluoride in the water, whatever the
toxin source may be that compromise that immune system that we learned about
tonight and make your body more susceptible to cancer. This is incredibly
valuable information; you dont want to miss tomorrow nights episode, it could
literally save your life. I hope you enjoyed this episode and I hope you have a
great evening. Well see you tomorrow.
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Ty Bollinger: Welcome back everyone. Ty Bollinger here. Last night we had some
amazing information that we learned about the immune system. We heard from
doctors that talked about how if you have a fully intact immune system that
cancer is almost impossible. We learned about what the immune system is. We
learned about natural killer cells and B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes and
macrophages, and maybe a whole bunch of other terms that you may have never
heard before. We learned about sugar and the effect that that has on the immune
system, not only the fact that it compromises immunity but it also feeds cancer
cells. And we also learned about the fact that the big three treatments, specifically
chemo and radiation, they devastate the immune system. How can that be a
treatment for cancer? How can that be an effective treatment for cancer in light of
the fact that it actually compromises the only system that your body has to
protect you? It doesnt make sense to me. Tonight were going to learn about
specifics that can cause compromised immune systems. Were going to learn
about vaccines, genetically modified foods, aspartame, fluoride, pesticides, and
all these things that can devastate the immune system.
I was recently at a conference in Washington D.C. and I was privileged to be able
to sit down and talk to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. Dr. Tenpenny has been researching
vaccines for over two decades. And I was really thrilled to be able to sit down and
get her opinion on vaccines and the toxicity that they can cause and the way that
they can compromise the immune system making you potentially more vulnerable
to cancer. Lets have a listen.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: I am really hoping that perhaps there is starting to be some
cracks in the dam to where we will get to the bottom of how vaccines are not safe, they
are not effective, they do not protect you, and they definitely do harm.
Ty Bollinger: Now, you mentioned that one of your goals is just to educate, and
that is our goal as well. So educate the viewers here. How are vaccines
dangerous? How are they doing harm? How are they not effective? Because if
you listen to most conventional medical doctors they will say, oh of course, you
need to get vaccinated. You are going to do your child harm if you do not. So how
is that?
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Well, it is just amazing to me how we think we can inject
something that has never been tested for carcinogenicity, never been tested to see if it's
mutagenic which means changes your DNA, never know whether or not it can cause
any autoimmune disease, but we can perfectly say that it is safe and effective and
causes no harm. If somebody died and made me health Czar tomorrow what I would do
is I would round up all the medical doctors, all of them, and I would put them in a big
football stadium, and have them read all of the package inserts particularly the
packageparticularly the pediatricians. Read their reports from the vaccine adverse
event reporting system, and then take an entire test, a written test, on immunology to
prove that they know something about the human body. And then have them with good
conscience say that what we are injecting into human beings is harmless.
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Ty Bollinger: They probably could not do it.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: It wold be impossible but that would change everything overnight,
wouldnt it, if suddenly we forced physicians to look at the truth about these injectables
because all we are really doing with these things is trying to prevent diseases that are a
fever, a cough, a rash, and some diarrhea. Really, and for what kind of harm that we are
Ty Bollinger: Well, you know, look at the HPV vaccine. One the package insert it
says it may cause other kinds of cancers.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Yes. And we have already known that it has through the VAERS
report that there have been many girls who have been fully vaccinated with the HPV
vaccine that within three months to about two years that are diagnosed with cervical
cancer, massive cases of venereal warts. We know that less than four percent of the
women in the United States have actually ever been exposed to the two viruses that are
in the vaccine. So if the vaccine did anything, which it does not, and it can cause a lot of
harm, there are at least eight strains of HPV, human papillomavirus that are supposed
to be associated with or known to be associated with cancer. But the vaccine only
covers two of them. So it gives this false sense of security to moms who think they are
protecting their girls to think they will not get cancer. And that will say to the girls, well, I
do not need to get a pap test because I have been protected. But there are other strains
that can cause the cancer.
Ty Bollinger: And of the things you said earlier about it that most vaccines or all
vaccines have not been tested for carcinogenicity.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Very good.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah. I have only got it right once. That is all I can say it today. That
is shocking in light of the fact that you are saying that they have not been tested.
The ingredients in the vaccines have not been tested to see if they could cause
cancer especially in light of the fact that you look at the ingredients in some of
these vaccines today, and I mean it is a virtual who is who of poisons.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: It is. There are several things that really, really continuewell, all
of it concerns me but to your point. Formaldehyde is used in the DPT vaccines and in
the polio vaccines. And we have said or known for years that formaldehyde can cause
all sorts of health problems and that the amounts of formaldehyde exposure either
through ambient air that you come in contact with or that you breathe in very, very small
particulate amounts have been known to cause lots of different problems including
cancer. And it was only about, what, two or three years ago now that they formally said,
yes, formaldehyde will be added to the list of known carcinogens but yet we continue to
have known carcinogens in the vaccines and have them not be removed. And they have
been injected for 50 years or more.

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Ty Bollinger: Wow! So it is worse than they have not been tested for
carcinogenicityI got it rightbut they have been tested and the formaldehyde
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: At least some of the ingredients have shown to be known
Ty Bollinger: Wow!
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: There is also stray viruses that end up in these vaccines and they
end up in the vaccines because a virus in order to replicate needs to be embedded into
a living cell. And so they use these cells to grow these large quantities of viruses for
which then they harvest and run them through a long line of chemicals to weaken them
to put them into the vaccines. Well, the polio vaccine has been known for many, many
years to have a virus in it called SV40, which stands for simian virus-40 because those
polio vaccines are made from monkey kidney cells. And so simian virus is a monkey
virus. And in 2002, the Lancet published a paper that said it was suspected that more
than half of the 55 thousand cases of non-Hodgkins lymphoma that were out there with
a very high probability could be associated with the SV40 vaccine from the polio, the
SV40 virus from the polio vaccine. So that is something in the published literature that
was in the Lancet. And that came out in 2002. There are two other stray viruses that
end up in there from avian cells, which are all the vaccines that are made from eggs
because they are passed down through the chickens and they get into their eggs. And
there are two different cells, two different viruses that are known to be associated with
breast cancer. And I have written a couple of articles about that.
Ty Bollinger: Wow! Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen yet it's still in vaccines.
Simian virus-40, SV40, which tainted the polio vaccine according to the Lancet
has caused over half of the 55 thousand cases of non-Hodgkins lymphoma.
Theres so many different toxic heavy metals and carcinogens that are still in
vaccines. Lets talk to Dr. Robert Scott Bell about that topic.
Dr. Robert Scott Bell: The other aspect of this, which is very controversial although I do
cover it, is vaccination. They sacrifice children on the alter of this church, of
pharmaceutical mysticism, with the needles of big pharma as I call it. They argue that
the only way we can survive childhood is to somehow elicit an artificial antibody
response by injecting toxic poisons that you wouldnt put in the bottle of that same baby
to make them drink. In fact, if you did you might be charged with a crime, attempted
murder, but yet they institutionalize this concept of injecting little babies with this. And so
this really, it's a cult. It's a dangerous death cult, allopathic medicine. Now, thats not to
say theyre not good at putting humpty dumpty back together again. That is where they
excel, emergency, trauma medicine. I dont take anything away from them in that regard
and their skill. But when it comes to managing chronic diseases that they create it is an
absolute disaster and you want to get out of it. We need to get out of it if were going to
not only heal cancer really but prevent it from ever having to happen. And it doesnt
have to happen.
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Ty Bollinger: Talk about some of the chemicals in the vaccines, some of the
additives, the adjuvants, and other ingredients that might be carcinogenic.
Dr. Robert Scott Bell: Sure. I think the biggest one, well the class of them, are heavy
metals. Mercury is number one. And if you look in a homeopathic materia medica there
are pages and pages and pages, almost more than any other lets say substance listed
in that materia medica of potential effects and actual effects at even minute doses,
minute exposure to mercury. And this affects every system of the body, the endocrine,
the neurological system, you name it, the digestive system, and the epithelial tissue.
Mercury is the biggest baddie of them all. And ultimately, I believe it facilitates cancer.
Ty Bollinger: And the interesting thing about these vaccines, these drugs, is that
most of the time theyre FDA approved, right.
Dr. Robert Scott Bell: Yeah, the FDA says theyre perfectly fine to take and give. And
there have never been any double blind placebo controlled crossover center studies to
determine safety or efficacy of any of these vaccines. So for them to claim that they
actually work based on what? Anecdote, they claim it and they say, well, it's good
enough for us. And you point out that the double blind placebo controlled studies have
not been done, they yell at you and scream at you and call you names and say, that
would be unscientific. Or, no, that would be unethical to do that. In the meantime, there
are thousands of families around the country that would happy to volunteer information
about the health of their children who have not been vaccinated so they can do cross
comparative studies looking back. Thats how they do these studies yet they claim they
cant do it. They dont want to do it because they find that the children who have not
been assaulted in this way by a syringe are much healthier and they have fewer and
fewer chronic diseases.
Ty Bollinger:
Wow! So mercury is in vaccines but we know that it causes
cancer. Dr. Tenpenny talked about at least a couple of ingredients that are in
other vaccines that we know have been linked to breast cancer. So lets talk to Dr.
Vronique Desaulniers who cured her own breast cancer about the environmental
toxins that can cause DNA damage and compromise our immune system and
potentially lead to cancer.
Dr. Vronique Desaulniers: An environmental toxicity plays a huge role. As a matter of
fact, and I was shocked when heard these numbers, but the EPA estimates that theres
74 billion pounds of chemicals being produced every day, every day in the United States
Ty Bollinger: Wow! 74 billion pounds
Dr. Vronique Desaulniers:
brain around that?

Per day in the United States alone, how do we wrap our

Ty Bollinger: Wow!
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Dr. Vronique Desaulniers: So when you look at environmental toxicity it's a huge
issue because many of those chemicals have infiltrated, as you mentioned, our water
supply, our food supply, the air we breath, and many of them cause cancer and many of
them mimic estrogen, which drives cancer, and many of them mimic hormone disruptors
in the body. So they cause a lot of problems. The CDC did a study about ten years ago
where they took samples of blood, urine, and saliva of over two thousand people in the
United States. And they found on average 212 chemicals in peoples bodies. So what
does the body do with that, over 212 chemicals, that the body has to process and figure
out what to do with and try to expel? So that chemical stress is really compromising the
immune system and putting a lot of stress on the excretory organs of the body, which
leads to DNA damage and more cancers.
Ty Bollinger:
Thats amazing, on average 212 chemicals in peoples bodies.
Thats really mind blowing. I cant believe that were actually as healthy as we are
being overloaded with all these chemicals. While I was in Atlanta talking to Dr. V I
was also able to interview Dr. David Jockers. So lets listen in to that
conversation. What effect do these toxicities do you believe play in the cancer
equation because if you look at a hundred years ago we didnt have these same
amounts, massive amounts of environmental toxins. What do you believe on that
Dr. David Jockers: I believe they play a huge role with this. I mean we have over 80
thousand chemicals in our society. The average individual in our society urinates out
seven pesticides every time they urinate. And then they did a study several years ago
where they took ten newborn infants and they measured their umbilical cord blood for
toxins and they found 280--the mean, the average was 287 toxic chemicals, 208 of
those were carcinogenic for the body. And this is a newborn infant.
Ty Bollinger: So this is not something that you believe. This is research has
Dr. David Jockers: Absolutely!
Ty Bollinger: that these toxins are getting into the systems and causing
Dr. David Jockers: Oh yeah. You know, its empirical evidence thats showing that these
toxins are wreaking havoc on our physiology.
Chris Wark: What we do know from all the science thats been published from the
cancer industry we know that we live in a world thats full of cancer causing toxins.
Theyre in the environment, theyre in the air we breath, theyre in the water we drink.
Theyre sprayed on the food we eat. Were eating a nutrient deficient food thats mostly
manmade, processed junk food, right. So all of these factors are all physical factors that
affect the health of your body and ultimately suppress your immune system and create
an environment where cancer cells can thrive.
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Dr. Robert Scott Bell: Youre adding more of the toxic pollutants that your body is then
having to give up the minerals to neutralize and bind and excrete and get it out of the
body. So as you deplete those minerals you have less of a defense. Youre immune
system becomes more dysregulated and now the toxins can proliferate unabated. And
at that point they impact the metabolic functioning of every cell in the body or specific
areas of you have enough strength to mobilize those toxic poisons in those cells, you
might wall it off in a tumor, but a lot of times now we see a systemic growth of cancer
because we no longer have certain minerals like silica which are critical for connective
tissue integrity. And that is what keeps a tumor, lets say, or a cancer or a cancerous
growth from metastasizing because it chews through connective tissue in this way. So
there are a lot of aspects to the toxin factor but you cant disconnect it from the nutrient
factor, the mineral factor. So they go hand in hand.
Ty Bollinger: Dr. Robert Scott Bell mentioned nutrients and minerals. Let me ask
you a question. What if your food wasnt really food and it didnt contain the
nutrients and minerals that you thought it contained? Lets listen to some jaw
dropping information from Jeffrey Smith, the worlds most renowned expert on
genetically modified foods, also known as GMO. What are GMOS?
Jeffrey Smith: Genetically modified organisms, you take genes from one species and
force it into the DNA of other species. Now the GM crops on the market, theres nine of
them, and the primary traits are either herbicide tolerance or pesticide production. So
herbicide tolerance, Round-Up ready is the most popular, Round-Up ready soy, corn,
cotton, canola, sugar beets, and alfalfa. Theyre engineered with genes from bacteria
and pieces of virus, etc. not to die. The plant doesnt die when it's sprayed with RoundUp herbicide, which normally kills plants. So it makes weeding easier for farmers. They
can simply spray over the crops and kill all of the weeds but not the Round-Up ready
crops. And the other genetically modified trait thats popular is pesticide production.
They take a gene from bacteria in the soil called bacillus thuringiensis or BT for short,
and take that gene which produces a known insecticide and put it into corn and cotton.
So when a bug, certain types of bugs, eat or try to bite the plant the toxin gets released
and then it breaks open little holes in their stomach walls and they die. So now we eat
that insecticide and we also eat the Round-Up laden crop. So were eating two types of
poisons in these GM crops. The FDA does not require a single safety study on GMOs.
Now this was determined in a policy in 1992 that was overseen by Michael Taylor.
Michael Taylor is the former attorney to Monsanto. And he was given a position that was
designed for him by the FDA when the agency was told by the White House to promote
GMOs. And Taylors policy falsely claimed that the agency wasnt aware of information
showing that GMOs were significantly different therefore no testing or labeling was
necessary. Companies like Monsanto could determine on their own if their GMOs are
safe. And Monsanto told us that Agent Orange and PCBs and DDT were safe and got
that wrong. Maybe theyll get it right with GMOs is the thinking by the FDA. Taylor then
became Monsantos vice president and chief lobbyist. Now hes back at the FDA as the
US food safety Czar.

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Ty Bollinger: It's almost like you have the fox guarding the hen house.
Jeffrey Smith: It's more than almost. We have a situation where the claims in the policy
that they werent aware of information showing that GMOs were different, was a
complete lie. It was a total fabrication. A lawsuit forced 44 thousand secret FDA memos
into the public domain and it showed that the overwhelming consensus among the
scientists working at the FDA was exactly the opposite. They said GMOs might create
allergens, toxins, new diseases and nutritional problems, urged their superiors to require
testing, complained about the drafts of the policy, and their concerns were ignored and
even denied.
Ty Bollinger: Now when you say that they are not significantly, or at least
Monsanto said they are not significantly different than what?
Jeffrey Smith: Then the normal foods.
Ty Bollinger: The normal food.
Jeffrey Smith: Right.
Ty Bollinger: Oh, so since theyre not significantly different than normal food it
doesntthey dont need to tell us that they are doing this.
Jeffrey Smith: They dont need to tell us, they dont need to test it. They can just put it
on the market and assume that it's safe. And if they want to do tests they can do tests.
And if they dont want toand the tests that they do, tobacco science, completely rigged
to avoid finding problems. We catch them red handed.
Ty Bollinger: So the only testing thats required are self-tests that they submit
and then, of course, it's going to
Jeffrey Smith: They can submit them if they want and they usuallyif they do submit
just summaries they will never give a reviewer enough information to determine safety.
And so the tests typically on animals end in 90 days. So you feed an animal a rat, for
example. Lets say 33 percent of it's diet is a genetically modified corn for 90 days, and
if it looks good after 90 days you feed it to humans for their entire lives. Now a research
team headed by Dr. Seralini decided to extend the study of 90 days to two years, the
approximate lifespan of a rat. Now Seralini had been reviewing the submissions to
France and to the European Union by Monsanto and saw that Round-Up ready corn fed
to rats showed more than 50 different statistically significant changes in the animals
compared to the control. And Monsanto said, oh, theres no problem. And Seralini says,
what do you mean theres no problem? This is very serious and published it showing
that there was very significant signs of toxicity. So he secretly extended the study using
the same type of rats, the same control group size, but many, many more parameters
that they tested for and starting after the 90 days in the next month the first rat started to
get tumors. And by the end, up to 80 percent of the female rats had tumors, almost all of
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Episode 3: Eliminate These Dirty Dozen To Prevent Cancer

them mammary gland tumors, up to 50 percent of male rats had tumors compared to far
less in the controls.
Ty Bollinger: Wow! Thats truly staggering information from Mr. Smith. The
Seralini study did show that the GMO corn was causing premature death and
cancer. Now thats important to me because Ive got four kids and I want them to
be healthy and to live a long, healthy life. Even more alarming is the fact that there
is no testing that is required for genetically modified foods because theyve been
deemed to be substantially equivalent to regular food. And so we dont need to
test them. Now who is in charge of this substantial equivalent policy? Michael
Taylor at Monsanto was the man responsible for this substantial equivalent
policy. Michael Taylor is now the deputy commission for food safety. Hes our
food safety Czar for the United States. It almost seems like the fox is guarding the
hen house. Despite the fact that there were over 44 thousand documents even
collaborated by the FDAs own scientists which said exactly the opposite, that
genetically modified foods are not substantially equivalent. So while I was in Las
Vegas I met up with Dr. Keith Scott Mumby to get his input on some of the causes
of cancer.
Dr. Keith Scott Mumby: We need to fix causes and, of course, cancer has causes. And
heres another problem. You know, its a multifactorial disease. Its not like malaria
where the cause is a mosquito bite and this plasmodium. Its not that simple. There are
many, many causes. You know, my three pillars ofI call it three pillars of healing in
canceremotions, which Ive talked about, we barely mentioned chemical overload but
our environment now is full of carcinogenic substances. Were a wash literally with
carcinogens. Some of them are choices and best not used like cosmetics. I love to see
the gals looking pretty, see my wife. Shes beautiful, right. So you like them to look good
but most of what women put on their skin is dangerous. I think the average women
would probably do less if they realized that they absorb about two pounds, around a
kilogram of cosmetics through their skin every year. Now thats two pounds of sludge
and slime, toxic sludge that your livers got to deal with. But you werent given a liver to
deal with cosmetics. Its supposed to deal with foods and environmental factors, not
manmade synthetics such as now.
Ty Bollinger: So skin absorbs the toxins from the makeups and the cosmetic
products that we wear. What about the foods that we eat, the vegetables, the
fruits that have been sprayed with pesticides and insecticides? They absorb
those toxins and then we eat them. What kind of an effect does that have on us?
Lets listen to a couple of experts chime in on this subject. Talk about pesticides
in cancer. One of the things that I have heard thus far from other doctors is that
pesticides have an estrogenic effect on the body.
Dr. Robert Scott Bell: Right.
Ty Bollinger: So can you talk about that?

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Dr. Robert Scott Bell: Yeah. We talk about disrupting endocrine integrity, endocrine
disruptors. Now the hormonal system is a brilliant system. I mean youre talking about
substances that can be found in your body at parts per million, parts per billion, parts
per 150 billion. I mean theres not a lot compared to everything else in your body. Yet
you put these pesticides in there, some of them will outright destroy a hormone, for
instance, on contact. But in many ways some of them are mimicking because thats the
way they work in the natural world to disrupt the insect reproductive system and such.
So we have that larger effect in the macro environment or in our environment. And when
we alter the endocrine function we disrupt a process, normal metabolic processes that
keep us young and functioning and vital. And so this also relates to enzymes because
these pesticides as well as being endocrine disruptors, they destroy the enzymes that
are the essential tools of life that also are found in the body at very minute levels relative
to the entire content of the bodys liquid mineral, etc. content. And so at parts per million
these pesticides not only disrupt the endocrine integrity but destroy enzymes and our
ability to break things down and bind things out. So its a corruption, a vicious
corruption, not only of the food supply but our own functional integrity that gives rise to
the very cancers that were trying to prevent, which is again why I say youve got to
clean up what goes into your body. You cannot subsist on pesticide latent foods and
overcome cancer ultimately.
Dr. Patrick Quillin: We dump two billion pounds of pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides
on our fresh produce every year and none of thats good for us. And one might argue
that it's bad for us. Some of those are neural toxins. Fungicides are poisons in general.
Ty Bollinger: Let me ask you a question. What if the foods that you were eating
were actually creating a virtual pesticide factory in your gut? Lets go back to the
interview with Jeffrey Smith and find out what he has to say about Round-Up,
which is a pesticide, and the effects that it has on your body.
Jeffrey Smith: Round-Up can promote cancer in many, many ways. First of all, it's an
antibiotic and it kills off beneficial gut bacteria causing an overgrowth of the bad gut
bacteria. Now this overgrowth of negative gut bacteria is linked to certain cancers
colorectal cancer, for example. The overgrowth of negative gut bacteria can produce
zonulin, which can create leaky gut. It opens the gaps in the cell walls on the intestines
and leaky gut is linked to cancer. Round-Up also damages a set of enzymes called the
CYP enzymes which are part of the detoxification process and CYP enzymes are linked
to cancer. And one of the problems with Round-Up is it can disable some of those
enzymes that are involved with detoxification. So any toxic influence on the environment
can be much more toxic when youre also exposed to Round-Up or its active ingredient
Through the gut bacteria overgrowth it can promote inflammation in the gut. And
inflammation is also linked to cancer. So Round-Up has all these different ways, like a
perfect storm. Now there are certain tissues that are the target tissues for Round-Up
and they accumulate. It accumulates in those tissues and those are the cancers that are
on the rise in the US population, for example, thyroid cancer, liver cancer, and kidney
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cancer. Now, the BT toxin produced by the corn, because it promotes allergic reactions
or immune system reactions, in humans and animals can create inflammation. And
again, inflammation is linked to cancer. Now the BT toxin, its interesting. They found the
BT toxin and Round-Up in the blood of pregnant women tested in Canada. In fact, 93
percent of the pregnant women had BT toxin in their blood and so too did 80 percent of
their unborn fetuses.
Now the BT toxin may have gotten into the blood through the leaky gut that it itself
created by poking holes in the cell walls. If it gets in the blood, it can be cytotoxic
damaging the red blood cells, and this was found in the case of a mouse study where
BT toxin damaged the red blood cells. If it gets into the fetus, the fetus dont have blood
brain barriers well developed so it might end up in the brains of the fetuses. So you
have a hole poking toxin in the brains of the next generation in North America. If the BT
gene transfers to gut bacteria and continues to function, it can covert our intestinal flora
into living pesticide factories producing BT toxin 24/7, which might poke holes along the
cell walls causing inflammation and all sorts of gastrointestinal disorders, possibly
creating leaky gut, which is also linked to cancer, and that might explain this production
of the BT toxin, why 93 percent of the pregnant women tested in Canada had it in their
blood, because they were producing it in their gut.
As far as the gut bacteria I mean it is now a huge source, a huge topic of study.
Everyones into the micro bio now. Its like its the new tofu. Everyones into the micro
bio. And so we have a situation where the devastation of Round-Up becomes bigger
and bigger the more they realize this because it is a potent antibiotic but it is selective. It
kills the lactobacillus and the bifidobacteria, the stuff thats good for us.
Ty Bollinger: The ones that you want in yogurt.
Jeffrey Smith: The stuff that youre buying and paying for and then you wash it down
with something with Round-Up in it and you just kill everything youve just put in there
plus more. And it allows the overgrowth of salmonella or botulism or e-coli, the negative
Ty Bollinger: Let me ask you this. So youve talked about the Round-Up ready
corn and the soy potentially thats sprayed with Round-Up. Do they use Round-Up
or glyphosate on other non-organic vegetables as well or is it just the corn and
Jeffrey Smith: Oh yeah. No, no, it's used as a ripening agent. They spray it on wheat,
on barley, on rye, on lentils, on sweet potatoes, on sugar canetheres a 160 or so
different fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, etc. that are allowed high residues because of
this now practice of using it as whats called a desiccant or ripening agent. Not every
farmer uses it but its hard to tell where it is and where it isnt because its not labeled. So
thats why buying organic is much safer.

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Ty Bollinger: Let me ask you this. One of the common arguments that you get
from those that are producing the GMO crops is that we need this to feed the
world. We have
Jeffrey Smith: No, no, they need it to pay their salaries. GMOs are so inept at feeding
the world that the biggest paper in the world, the biggest study, more than 400
scientists, sponsored by the UN and signed on by more than 58 countries concluded
that the current generation of GMOs has nothing to offer feeding the hungry world,
eradication poverty, or creating sustainable agriculture. Thats the ISTAD report. In fact,
the Union of Concerned Scientists study showed that it actually doesnt increase yields
and the USDA recent study verified that GMOs do not increase yields and in many
cases reduce yields.
Ty Bollinger: Interesting! So we actually dont need GMOs to feed the world.
They produce less yields than normal crops. Thats not something youre going to
hear from the mainstream. Now back in the spring on a Dr. Oz show I saw the
Health Ranger, Mike Adams, being interviewed about the poisons and the toxins
and the heavy metals in our food supply. So I wanted to get his take on this vitally
important issue and also about genetically modified foods.
Mike Adams: The legitimate scientific question is what is the long term implication on
humans when they eat this chemical that is a deadly chemical? The GMO biotech
industry absolutely does not want you to ask the question. They routinely intimidate and
threaten scientists that explore this question. They intimidate and threaten activists.
They engage in character assassination, all kinds of things that most of your viewers
wouldnt even believe if I told you the truth about what they do behind the scenes. They
operate like a mafia. But it's a mafia to protect the mythology that GMOs are not
Ty Bollinger: Right.
Mike Adams: But clearly, if you eat poison you might want to be concerned about what
the effects would be. But in my view thats not even the biggest risk of GMOs. The
biggest risk comes from the transgenic effects. There is interesting new research, more
needs to be done still, but theres early research now coming out that indicates that the
genetic fragments of GMO corn can change the expression of your own physiology so
that that genetic code somehow combines with your own genetic code perhaps with the
microbiology of your intestinal flora, which then alters your entire physiology. It can
change your blood pressure. It can change your risk of heart disease. It can alter your
gene expression. Some of this may also get into epigenetics, the non-physical, nonDNA factors of gene expression that are now increasingly being recognized by modern
scientists. So one thinglook, we dont have all the answers yet but thats exactly why
we should halt GMOs.
Ty Bollinger: Right.
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Mike Adams: We dont know how they might harm us. The research hasnt been done.
The real story in this is that we are the lab rats, we the people. So there is a long term
experiment being conducted now on the entire population. Do people have more tumors
now than they used to 20 years ago? Absolutely! Are they getting tumors at younger
and younger ages? Absolutely! Is there more infertility now than ever before in human
history? Absolutely! More organ damage, more people on dialysis, more people
suffering from early unexplained deaths.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah. Everyone seems to be sick.
Mike Adams: Yeah. The cancer industry is exploding and the GMO industry may, in
fact, turn out to be the single best recruiting tool for the cancer industry. So it's no
wonder that they tend to operate in some of the same ways, oppression of scientists
intimidation, oppression, and censorship of scientific information, shutting down anyone
who asks questions. Many of the foods that people eat today arent contaminated with
heavy metals.
Ty Bollinger: Would you give me an example of a few heavy metals that you
Mike Adams: Oh yeah. Okay, so lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, tungsten is one that
weve started to look at, and then there are the lighter metals such as aluminum. And
lead is so common in the food supply today because for over a century lead arsenic was
used as a pesticide. So you combine lead and arsenic, you make lead arsenate, you
spray it on all the crops. It kills the bugs, imagine that.
Ty Bollinger: But what does it do to you?
Mike Adams: Yeah. Exactly! So in agricultural lands across the world for over a
hundred years lead arsenate was sprayed on almost everything. And it was the miracle.
It was the new science of food production. For a few years food production goes up and
then your soils are contaminated. And guess how long theyre contaminated for? A
thousand years.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah, the equivalent of forever.
Mike Adams: Right. So today the food thats being grown thats feeding much of our
population is being grown in soils that were heavily, heavily contaminated with lead and
arsenic as spraying. But then weve got the coal fired power plants in China and in the
US. The US plants are much cleaner. The plants in China are spewing out tens of
thousands of tons of heavy metals into the air every year, mercury being one of the big
ones. The jet stream carries these metals across the Pacific Ocean, deposits them over
North America. They fall onto forests of the Pacific Northwest and Northern California.
They get into the soil. The tree roots take up the heavy metals into the leaves. The trees
growing there now are heavily contaminated with mercury and other heavy metals.
When those forests burn because they do catch fire from time to time, they release

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mercury back into the air, it's goes across North America, falls onto the bread basket of
America, the croplands, where our food is grown.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah. Is there a relationship between mercury and cancer that you
know of?
Mike Adams: Absolutely! To understand that you have to understand how heavy metals
really operate in the body. Heavy metals replace, they knockout other healthy minerals
and thereby replace them on cell membranes. So mercury, for example, knocks out
zinc. Zinc is crucial for immune function. And if you look, if you want to get really
scientific about it, if you look at the table of elements, mercury and zinc occupy the
same column of the table of elements. The table of elements is arranged column by
column in a way that is indicative of, say, the outer electron orbit shell of that element in
it's monatomic form. To put it simply, they have similar biochemical functions or
properties. They interact with other elements, other metals, other molecules in similar
ways. So when you have mercury youre not getting the zinc that you need. And when
mercury is in your diet it's displacing zinc. Now zinc is crucial for immune function. Zinc
helps prevent cancer in many ways. So when youre eating mercury youre not getting
the protective zinc. Now theres something thats interesting in this. Cesium, radioactive
cesium isotopes such as cesium-137, one of the most common, and most destructive
radio isotopes created in nuclear catastrophes and even from nuclear weapons, cesium137 occupies the same column on the table of elements as potassium. Potassium is in
every cell of your body. When cesium pollutes an agricultural area, your food, your diet,
your body ultimately, it displaces potassium. And you know if you know anything about
agriculture you know that every plant takes up potassium through it's roots, right. It's
one of the big three fertilizers, NPK. So potassium goes into every plant, every plant
then incorporates potassium into it's cell structure, which becomes the food that you eat
if you eat the plant, you know, the grain of the corn, the leaf of the herb, the root of the
turnip, whatever the case may be. So if you have cesium falling on that, cesium-137 or
134134 is a much shorter lived isotope. The normal non-radioactive, most common
isotope of cesium is 133. 134 will decay back in at 133 relatively quickly. But 137 has a
half life of about 30 years
Ty Bollinger: 30 years, yeah.
Mike Adams: which really pollutes agricultural lands for centuries, 200 to 300 years
really is considered how long it will contaminate land such as around Chernobyl and
Ty Bollinger: And Fukushima, yeah, sure.
Mike Adams: Right. So if a plantif an agricultural area is contaminated with cesium
then the plant will take it up, and if you eat the plantremember what we already we
talked about. You are what you eat.
Ty Bollinger: Wow!
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Mike Adams: So the radioactive cesium elements in the plant go into your body and get
taken up into your bodys cells as if they were potassium, which means you now have
radioactive cesium bound to the cell membrane of every cell in your body everywhere
that the food goes. Where does food go in your body? Everywhere the blood goes.
Where does blood go? Everywhere that you have a living cell.
Ty Bollinger: Everywhere.
Mike Adams: Everywhere.
Ty Bollinger: Wow! Wow, thats fascinating information from the Health Ranger,
Mike Adams, about the way that our bodies intake radioactive isotopes because
they mimic essential minerals. Speaking of mimicking, did you know that there
are substances that mimic estrogens? Theyre called xenoestrogens. One of the
most toxic is called BPA and it's in almost every bottle of water on the shelves.
Burton Goldberg: The head of the FDA is on the board of the Shine [ph] company, the
largest manufacturers of silver fillings which have 50 percent mercury in them.
Ty Bollinger: Conflict of interest.
Burton Goldberg: The head of the FDA, she knows that this bisphenyl A is one of the
major causes. She has the research of cancer of the breast and prostate. Plastics are
one of the major causation of cancer in this nation. She knows it and its not banned.
Every single can that you use has a liningheres a can of water that was given to me,
guaranteed bisphenol A is lining every can. It comes in plastic. Harvard just did a study.
They gave a man a can of minestrone soup. It happened to be a brand. It doesnt
matter. Theyre all the same, whether its beer or whether its water or minestrone. They
checked his body burden of bisphenol A. One week later after eating the can of
Progresso minestrone his BPA level went up 12 hundred percent. In one week it was
still 12 hundred percent. Dentistry plays an enormous role. 95 percent of females with
breast cancer have a dental involvement. A German university study, as much as 50
percent in the remission of cancer can be in the oral cavity on ordinary cancers, other
cancers, other than the breast. But in breast cancer its 95 percent. So every one of my
clients are sent to a biologic dentist.
Ty Bollinger: Wow! BPA, dental toxins, that comment by Burton Goldberg about
the dental involvement with cancer really got me to thinking. I had to interview Bill
Henderson about this issue because I knew that one of the first things that he has
cancer patients do is to clean up their dental toxins.
Bill Henderson: The thing that most people dont even think about that I found is so
common is dental toxins, okay. Whats coming out of our jaw for most people from the
dental work weve had done generally, root canals, cavitation sites, as theyre called,
where youd had wisdom teeth or other teeth removed, mercury amalgam fillings, the
metal that the dentist put in our mouth, all of this stuff effects our system dramatically
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because our jaw is intimately connected and every tooth in our mouth intimately
connected to organs in our body through the old Chinese meridian system, if you will.
For example, on each side of the jaw there are two molars, upper and lower, that are
directly connected to the mammary glands in both men and women. I mean men get
breast cancer too. But these are probably the most common cause of all breast cancers
simply because they are directly connected to a gland that brings on the breast cancer.
And when they are dealt with, what Ive found with literally thousands of my clients, once
that type of thing is cleared up the cancer disappears. It goes away. And these are
mostly people, again, theyre coming to me Ty kind of as a last resort in many cases.
Theyve been through chemo and surgery, whatever, and it hasnt worked and the
cancers recurred. And they start doing something more sensible generally. They do a
diet change. They take supplements, and what you have, that we recommend. That
doesnt seem to work either. In most cases the cancers still there. They feel better, they
get more energy, they lose some weight, but they dont get over the cancer. They finally
get their jaw cleaned up by some competent dentist and the cancer goes awaysix to
eight weeks later its gone. This study, which was completed in 1923, believe it or not,
after 60 prominent dentists tried to figure out how to do a safe root canal, and they threw
up their hands and published this 1174 pages of their study of root canals and found
that they could not be done safely. And now almost a hundred years later theyre still
done the same way.
Ty Bollinger: Isnt that the definition of insanity?
Bill Henderson: Well, it is, yesindeed it is. And why? Why would it be done? Well, if
you calculate the income of the endodontist, this is the specialist in root canals, it comes
to several billion dollars a year doing approximately 30 million root canals each year in
the United States. This is a very big money making exercise. And believe it or not the
dentists are in denial about this. Theyre union which is the American Dental Association
is in denial about it as they are about mercury. And so people listen to their dentists
down the street. Dont worry about those root canals Alice, theyre okay. You must have
some problem originating somewhere else when in almost every case 95 percent of the
time the primary cause of the cancer in my experience is coming out of their jaw.
Ty Bollinger:
Amazing information from Bill Henderson about mercury,
amalgams, and root canals, and all these dental toxins that may be leading to
cancer. But what if your drink, what if your soda was giving you cancer? Have
you ever heard of aspartame? I wanted to get the opinion of Dr. Daniel Nuzum.
And while I was in California I was able to sit down with him and to get his opinion
about aspartame thats in most diet sodas and it's effect on our health.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: If you Google aspartame and look up all the different names for
aspartame it comes under quite a few different names, and not just an artificial
sweetener. It's has other chemical names. And theyllin the labeling process theyll
label it under different things. So it doesnt always say aspartame. Okay.
Ty Bollinger: Sure. But is it toxic to us?
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Dr. Daniel Nuzum: It is very toxic. I always joke with my students that it's a preservative
because it breaks down into formaldehyde. Thats what they preserve dead bodies with.
Ty Bollinger: So what
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: It's not an antioxidant though, so.
Ty Bollinger: What is the chemical makeup of aspartame? So you said it breaks
down into formaldehyde.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: As aspartame is metabolized it ends up as formaldehyde. And
formaldehyde is a toxic chemical itself thats cancer causing. It's a corrosive chemical.
Ty Bollinger: It's embalming fluid.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: It's embalmingExactly! Thats whats in embalming fluid.
Ty Bollinger: Got it.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Thats what they use to preserve dead bodies. Okay. It's the
embalming fluid. Formaldehyde is number one a neurotoxin, okay, and it was originally
designed as a neurotoxin in biological warfare weapons. It was a nerve gas component.
Okay. So when we eat this we ingest aspartame, it converts into formaldehyde and then
starts to eat or corrode our nervous system. It's toxic to our nervous system.
Ty Bollinger:
Wow! And so were eating something that is potentially a
biological warfare agent.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Yes, agentexactly. Now the symptoms of neurotoxicity due to
aspartame are identical to the symptoms of MS, multiple sclerosis, identical. It can give
you the exact same symptomatology. And weve hadIve hadI cant tell you how
many patients that weve pulled off of aspartame, off all artificial sweeteners of any kind
and their diagnosis for MS had
Ty Bollinger: Disappeared
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Yeah, disappeared.
Ty Bollinger: Well, Ive read in the literature about the initial days of aspartame in
the late 60s, early 70s, with Judy Seral [ph]. And apparently they found that it was
eating holes in the brains of the rats, or of the monkeys they tested it on.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Exactly! It's a neurotoxin and it's corrosive. It does. It's in essence
what salt does to a car, a car body, it eats holes in it.

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Ty Bollinger: On the way, we were up in Detroit recently interviewing Dr. David
Brownstein and we drove up next to a car and one of the guys, one of our camera
guysTravis, was it you or Alan. Okay, it was Alan. Alan said, look at that car.
And the wholeit was all just rotted out. And I said it's because they salt the
roads up here.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Exactly!
Ty Bollinger: So aspartame does the same thing.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Does the exact same thing, it does what salt would do to the body of
a car, only it does it to your brain and your spinal cord.
Ty Bollinger: Are you thirsty for another diet soda now? I bet you are after
hearing that information from Dr. Nuzum. But we hear a lot of this information on
the television. I mean if you listen you probably think that sunlight is toxic. But is
it really?
Bob Wright: If you dont have enough vitamin D3 in your body your setting yourself up.
And almost all Americans dont have enough, very minimum amounts.
Ty Bollinger: And how would you get that?
Bob Wright: Well, you get it through the sunlight, of course. Sun is
Ty Bollinger: Isnt the sun bad?
Bob Wright: Well, if you listen to modern medicine it is. But it's totally a fraud too. You
know whats bad is the sunscreens you put on to keep yourself from getting the UVB
rays that work with the cholesterol in the skin to form the vitamin D3 that your body
craves and needs for so many different interactions in your body. You know, the areas
that get skin cancer youd think theyre were they see the most sun, theyre not. Theyre
up where I live in Seattle in the northern part of the hemisphere. And they actually get
skin cancer on the bottom of their feet and things like that that never see the sun. The
sun doesnt cause cancer. The lack of D3 can. The sunscreens you put on your body
can cause cancer because theyre full of carcinogens. So you need D3 and if you dont
get it from the sun we know you can get it from a good cod liver oil now. Theres not
very many good ones left because theyre taking the A & D out of them and replacing
them with synthetics or not at all. But there is one good one left I talk about in my book,
Blue Ice fermented cod liver oil from Green Pasture that is one of the last best ones and
it's wonderful. D3, iodine, both imperative. Everyones short of iodine because we eat
bread today that has bromine in it. 40 years ago we had iodine in our bread so wed get
it every day. We have bromine now. And as you know Ty, we have so muchso many
thyroid issues and thyroid cancer today and it's because the bromine and the fluoride
and the chlorine sit on the iodine receptors in the thyroid and prevent the uptake of
iodine. If you dont have iodine youre in trouble. You know, Mike Adams very well. And
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so you saw when he came out with quoting the study that said 77 percent of all cancers
can be prevented if you have enough D3. But if you had iodine into that it's probably 80
or 85 percent of all cancers can be prevented if you have enough iodine and D3.
Ty Bollinger: The sun actually doesnt cause cancer; it's the sunscreens with the
toxic chemicals that cause cancer. There was a 2009 German study that showed
that the sunlight is three to five times better than any other substance we know of
at stimulating the immune system. But what about cell phones? What about EMF?
These are things that are ubiquitous. Theyre everywhere. EMF, electromagnetic
frequencies, cell phones, everybodys carrying a cell phone and a handheld. Is
there any relationship between these and cancer?
Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy: Ill tell you an experiment. My daughter whos 19 now she was
in eighth grade and we did this experiment in the office because we had thermography
in our office. So we took a picture of someones brain and they took a picture of their
brain, their head rather, first before cell phone use. And the after one minute of cell use,
after five minutes of cell phone use, and after one hour. And four hours later the brain
was still inflamed after cell phone use. So people do not understand the power of the
cell phone and how much it affects our body. You haveand it's accumulative. And they
actually have published online rat brains exposed to cell phone and see what it does. So
like I mentioned before, theres such thing as a precautionary principle. If we have a little
bit of knowledge and thereswe have a lot of knowledge now. Theres a lot more
knowledge then you hear. You just dont hear about it because the largest industry
lobbying in Washington is the electrical lobby. So they want all these electronics. Okay,
yes, these electronics allows us to tape this interview and talk to each other and the
computer, now we can all communicate and socialize together. Yes, but we know have
to invent things to counteract all the wonderful inventions weve made.
Dr. Vronique Desaulniers: For people who dont think that EMFs are a problem I
encourage them to go to the to take a look. 27 scientists from
various countries looked at 10 years of data and their conclusion was that EMFs cause
cancer, brain tumors, disrupt the immune system, suppress the reproductive functions
of the body, affect your sleep and your memory, so EMFs are a huge problem. And its
been labeled one of the most insidious toxins on the planet because we dont see it, we
dont feel it, we dont taste it, but its affecting us 24/7. for example, in this office here you
can go to and find out how many antenna are within a four mile
radius. So I just Googled and put the address here. Theres 91 antennas, cell towers,
and a 144 antennas within a four mile radius of this location.
Ty Bollinger: Wow!
Dr. Vronique Desaulniers: Now as you move closer to big cities like Atlanta youre
looking at hundreds, like 200, 300, 400 cell towers in just a few miles. So were literally
swimming in a soup of EMFs and electro smog.

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Ty Bollinger: So when we say EMF were talking about electromagnetic
frequencies that would disrupt the bodys normal flow of energy, correct?
Dr. Vronique Desaulniers: Absolutely! Because if EMFs can go through brick walls
what do you think its doing when it goes through our body? Its causing damage and that
damage is accumulative.
Ty Bollinger: What about EMF, electromagnetic frequencies? Is there any kind of
a bearing relationship between EMF and cancer?
Dr. Darrelll Wolfe: You know, sometimes it's just like when you do that and you ask me
that question it's just like you dont even want to go there but it's just like theres this
huge evil plot. I mean if theres anything thats going to put people over the edge, like
just push them over the cliff, well you know, thatll be it. Thatll be the big one. I mean
from walking around with portable phones, right, to Wi-Fi in your house.
Ty Bollinger: And all the handhelds
Dr. Darrelll Wolfe: All the handhelds, okay, having a clock by your bed, you should
have no plug in of anything where youre sleeping. Im going to tell you something. You
want to talk about ADD, you want to talk about migraine headaches. You know, when I
was writing my book, Sick, Fat, Exhausted, this is a true story, I had three computers in
the house. And I was believe it or not, I was on Wi-Fi, okay, and even though Im a
doctor, or even though Im a health practitioner I don't know how people do it. Im a
health practitioner and I know better but I dont know better. Do you understand?
Ty Bollinger: You knew it but you didnt act on it.
Dr. Darrelll Wolfe: No, I get herded along too.
Ty Bollinger: Right.
Dr. Darrelll Wolfe:
So anyways, this is a true story. I started getting migraine
headaches. And then I couldnt get rid of them. And I needed to get the book done but I
was so focused on the book I couldnt see the forest for the trees. So I would go three to
five days with migraine headaches. As soon as I turned the Wi-Fi off in the place and I
hard lined it I havent had a migraine headache since. Then I really wake up and then
Im going, oh my gosh, then Im working on this patient and shes been losing her hair.
And she didnt realize it. And I said it's your Wi-Fi. And she said, I cant turn my Wi-Fi
off. My husband makes money that way. So I said, well, you better turn it off. So she
goes and guess what, she turned it off and the burning stopped on her scalp. And then
her kids went and turned it back on and her scalp started burning. She knew it was on
right away. So now her hair is growing back but it's not just that. It affects everything.
And if theres a weak link in you it's going to bust it. Okay. And they already know this.
Thats why theres whole towns. Theres whole schools throughout Europe that have
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banned Wi-Fi. I mean you know logic, let logic prevail. You know what we think is easy
is deadly. The microwave is easy
Ty Bollinger: Deadly.
Dr. Darrelll Wolfe: Yeah. The Wi-Fi, I mean if you allow your children to lay in bed with
their iPads, with their iPhones, they are going to be so damaged.
Ty Bollinger:
A mutual friend of ours, Im not going to mention his name,
because Im not at liberty to discuss it but you know who it, talked about Steve
Jobs. He knew Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs went for treatment in Lichtenstein, was
completely controlling his cancer naturally until several times after he would go
and he would go into remission, he came back to Apple and what happened?
Dr. Darrelll Wolfe: Well, he was forced to come back to Apple.
Ty Bollinger: But what happened to his cancer when he came back?
Dr. Darrelll Wolfe: It came back.
Ty Bollinger: All the EMFs
Dr. Darrelll Wolfe:
It came back three times when he came back into Apple because
of all the EMF, his tumor came back. And then he went for therapy and he did this three
times until but isnt that kind of ironic, three times and youre out. Yeah.
Ty Bollinger: And the main stream stories that we got was that Steve Jobs should
have gone conventional but instead he went alternative and thats what killed him.
When the reality was he was going natural in Lichtenstein and it was curing him.
And he came back and the EMFs potentially killed him.
Dr. Darrelll Wolfe:

Yeah, thats one of those and the rest of the story is Ty.

Ty Bollinger: Right. So what is it, GMO, EMF, fluoride, aspartame, vaccines,

pesticides, which of these are causing cancer? And how is all this genetic
manipulation affecting todays generation? Lets listen to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
elaborate on this subject.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: We are, in my opinion, one generation away of having very few
humans left on the planet who have non-contaminated DNA to propagate our species.
Ty Bollinger: Wow! And so not just the genetically modified foods that are getting
into our DNA but the vaccines because of the fact the albumen mounting this
immune response
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Autoimmune response
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Ty Bollinger: Wow!
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: And I think that a lot of people will say, well, how can you just say
it is the vaccines? Why is it not genetically modified food or fluoride or mercury like
dental fillings? It is all of it.
Ty Bollinger: Wow! Thats some amazing information that we learned tonight. Im
really thrilled to have been able to meet some of these people, some of these
doctors, some of these researchers that we met tonight and we learned from,
some amazing information, things that I think are going to really help you
understand about your immune system and the things that compromise that
immune system. Now we learned, of course, vaccines, genetically modified
foods, the pesticides, the herbicides, youve got the aspartame, youve got dental
toxins that we learned about. All of these different things that compromise the
immune system making you more susceptible to not only cancer but other
diseases as well. Now Im really excited about tomorrow night because tomorrow
night were going to learn about toxicities and how to detox. Weve learned about
these things that compromise the immune system tonight. Now tomorrow night
were going to learn about how to get rid of them, how to detox, how to take out
the garbage. It may be the most important piece of the cancer puzzle. So tune in
tomorrow night. Were going to learn about detoxification, how to get rid of heavy
metals, pesticides, all of these toxicities that are compromising your immune
system and making you more susceptible to disease. Thanks for tuning in tonight
and God bless you.

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Ty Bollinger: Welcome back everyone. Im so glad that you tuned back in tonight.
Now last nights episode we learned about a lot of toxicities that might be
compromising your body, making you sick, a lot of trash that might be building
up in your body, you know, the vaccines, the GMOs, the fluoride, the aspartame,
and so forth. We learned about all of that. Now let me ask you a question, if your
toilet was overflowing in your house what would you do? Well, you know what to
do, dont you, right? You call the Roto-Rooter guy and he comes out and he
unclogs your pipes. But how many of you actually know how to get those toxins
out of your body that have accumulated over the year? How many of you know
how to properly detox your organs so that you can get that trash out of your
system and so that you can be healthy like you were intended to be? Many of you
may not. So thats why Im glad that you tuned in tonight. This first interview with
Dr. Patrick Quillin is going to be some really amazing information for you. Im so
excited to be able to talk to him because he uses the analogy that detoxification is
like growing a garden. How so, you might ask. Well, he says that in order to grow
a garden properly youve got to detoxify the soil. Youve got to get rid of the
sticks. Youve got to get rid of the stones. And you got to make that soil fertile so
that the plants can grow the way that they were intended to. Youve got to do the
same thing with your body. And thats what Dr. Patrick Quillin shares here with
us. He says, youve got to detoxify your body so that you can grow and be healthy
the way you were intended to And were going to learn specifics in this episode
about how to do that. So pull up a chair, stay tuned, youre going to really enjoy
this information, first of all, with Dr. Patrick Quillin.
Ty Bollinger: Ive heard you say that heath is like growing a garden. Why do you
compare those two?
Dr. Patrick Quillin: Well, if you think about not everybody in America has access to a
garden but I hope you at least have some appreciation that I dont care if you live in
Central Park or near Central Park in New York City. Ive been to New York a dozen
times and its a beautiful, vibrant city. But go to the nearest botanical gardens and have
a look at nature and have an appreciation for it because when you find a patch of land
and say I want to grow a garden here, the first thing youre going to do is take out the
weeds and sticks and stones and detoxify that patch of land--the same thing with the
human body.
You find a body thats not well, all kinds of symptoms. We mentioned some of the
common killers in America. And from those symptoms the first thing we would do is say,
were going to take you just like that piece of land. Lets detoxify you first. Lets take out
the heavy metals, the volatile organic chemicals. Studies have been done looking at
Americans where these are legitimate labs, FDA approved labs that have looked at
urinary output from volatile organic chemicals, BPA, bisphenol A is one thats commonly
found in almost all of us. Flame retardants in almost all of us. You think, well, how did it
get there? You know, the fact is that many of us have been exposed to frightening levels
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of chemicals that in many cases are hormone disruptors. That is they affect the ability of
the body to make male or female hormones, insulin, the many hormones are now
dysregulated. So those chemicals, the heavy metals, the toxic burden in the gut, many
of those are causing whats called autotoxemia. Auto as in self, toxins in the gut.
And now you have yeast, candida albicans bacteria, yeast, virus, and other organisms
that can move into the blood stream and generate autoimmune diseases, even cancer.
Theres a whole chapter in my book, Beating Cancer with Nutrition, that talks about is
cancer in some cases actually an infection? And thats a whole fascinating subject. Back
to the business of what does a garden have to do with our body? Detoxify.
Ty Bollinger: So what is detoxification? It's heavy metals, it's parasites, it's
pesticides, it's all these kinds of toxins that are in your blood and in your body.
But what does that have to do with the immune system? Now if you remember in
episode two we talked about the immune system and the toxicities. And in this
next segment Dr. Murray Susser elaborates on the effect of heavy metals in the
immune system, and specifically talks about what is chelation therapy.
Dr. Murray Susser: The immune plays a pivotal role in cancer. It may be the reason we
get cancer when the immune system fails for whatever reason. And what is the reason
for failure, as you mentioned, toxicity and what kind of toxicity you have. Well, we all
have too much toxic metals in our body. We all have too much lead, cadmium, mercury.
And Walter Bloomer, have you heard of Walter Bloomer from Switzerland?
Ty Bollinger: Yes.
Dr. Murray Susser: He did a study where he gaveI forget the exact numbers. 50some people got chelation every month. Chelation means metal binding. It's a process
of putting a substance like EDTA in the body. It hooks onto the metal, and floats it out
the kidney. And thats a major detoxifier for heavy metal. Sweating is good too. In
Finland, they did a study with saunas and sweating and they found you could sweat
more lead in an hour than you could pee out in 24 hours.
Ty Bollinger: Wow!
Dr. Murray Susser: So sweating is good but it's still not enough in most cases to get rid
of the lead toxicity. And Walter Bloomer gavesaid that there was a 90 percent
decrease in cancer in patients who got the chelation.
Ty Bollinger: Wow!
Dr. Murray Susser: And 90 percent decrease, he had 59 patients who got treated, one
of them got cancer over an 18-year period of a 117 patients or so who didntwho were
the controls in a sense. They didnt get the chelation. And that group had 17 cancers.
The study was not a perfect study but it was a very good study and it was approved by
the Swiss government.
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Ty Bollinger: Okay. Lets talk about the heavy metal link and talk about chelation
therapy on treating specifically cancer.
Dr. Rashid Buttar: You dont use chelation to treat cancer or autism. You treat chelation
to remove heavy metals. And heavy metals cause oxidative stress and its the oxidative
stress that is the commonality in all the toxicities that lead to disease. I actually often
have said that Im nothing more than a glorified trash man because I just can take out
the trash better. Thats really what it comes down to.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: What we accomplish in western medicine is stabilization of the
patient. Okay. Their blood pressure is high we give them something to bring it down.
The blood sugar is high we give them something to bring it down. If theyre dehydrated
we hydrate them. Okay. Were not fixing any problems.
Ty Bollinger: Youre just alleviating the symptoms.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Alleviating a symptom is all were doing. Okay. But it stabilizes the
patient. Okay. That is the first step of healing. If you have a bleeding wound first step in
first aid is to stop the bleeding. Dont do anything with it till you stop the bleeding. Thats
the first rule in all first aid. If theres a bleeding wound put pressure on it and stop the
bleeding, right, number one. Well, the next rule is all dirty cuts never heal. Okay. So if
you have a dirty wound you have to clean it. You have to detoxify it. Okay. This is your
next step. Okay. Detoxification in the healing process is the second step. Once youre
stable you must detoxify in order to progress. Otherwise youre going to just spin your
wheels or spend a lot of money just trying to feel better and take a supplement or take a
medicine and youll feel better for a little while. Itll work for a day, two days, a month
maybe, and then it doesnt do anything because youre still managing toxins in your
body. Okay. You got remove the toxins. If youre going to plant a garden and theres
garbage all over the ground you dont just till the garbage into the ground, you go and
clean it up, then you plant your seeds, and you till your garden, right. So a similar thing,
we have to clean the trash
Ty Bollinger: We have to get rid of the trash.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: We got to get rid of the trash. We got to get all of thebecause all
of those toxins in your body are blocking the healing process. And that might be
amalgams in your teeth, it might be an infection, it might be a yeast overgrowth. It might
be fluoride or environmental toxins and pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, all these
different things. They have to be removed out of the way. Every one of those things is a
roadblock to your healing.
Ty Bollinger: Right. And you said earlier in the interview that if you are
nutritionally deficit youre a toxin sponge.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Right.
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Ty Bollinger: I heard you on a radio show recently, I think it was the Robert Scott
Bell Show.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Sure.
Ty Bollinger: But you were mentioning that the importance with detoxification is
thatand I wrote down the quote, you might have to make sure that the exits are
open and the filters filter quickly.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Are filteringright.
Ty Bollinger: So talk about those comments.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Okay. So my favorite analogy of that is if you had a stadium with
10 thousand people in it. Okay. Now theres a fire. And you got to empty the stadium but
you only have two exits open. Youre going to make a mess. Theres going to be a
mess. Thats the bottom line. This is not going to come outit's not going to turn out
well, you know. But you open 10 different exits it's five times better. If you open 20
different exits, it's going to be 10 times better. Okay. In the body we have four major
exits. We have the bowels. We have the respiratory system. We have the urinary tract
and we have the skin. If those four are open and able toyou know, things can exit
through those routes, detoxification isnt so bad. It doesntit's not so painful. If youve
got a cut thats scabbed over but is dirty and so it's festering and infected youre going to
have to pull that scab off. Youre going to have to get in there and wash the infection
Ty Bollinger: And it aint going to be pleasant.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Thats not going to be pleasant, okay. If it didnt have the scab on
there the exit would be a lot easier. Okay. And so in thetheres cleansing that has to
happen to open up the pathways. Then once youve opened up the exits working on the
filters, the liver, the kidneys, the lymphatic system, getting those things moving and
metabolizing as fast as possible that way they filter the toxins out of the body. In
everything you do to detox is much easier than. Thats where colon cleansing, saunas,
colonic irrigations, those types of things just flush the body, flushyou know, open the
exits. Those are initially some of the best things to start with because you can start with
working on the filters, the kidneys, the liver, the lymphatic system, if they dont have
anywhere to dump the garbage it's going to recirculate. Okay. And it just creates all
kinds of inflammation and it increases your rate of oxidation because youre just reexposing yourself to toxins.
Ty Bollinger: So according to Dr. Buttar weve got to take out the trash or in the
words of Dr. Nuzum, weve got to remove the roadblocks. But what about foods?
Can foods help us to detoxify our bodies? Lets listen to Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy
and Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, as they talk about the fact that foods can
actually bind to heavy metals and help us to detoxify our bodies.
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Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy: In the process of their job theyre dealing with mercury. So
mercury is everywhere. Arsenic, I mean Discover Magazine had the front cover, the
metals in your food. I mean there is nothe EPA says theres no safe level of any
heavy metal, toxic heavy metal, in your body. Okay. So when they put norms there,
okay, first of all, how do I know whats normal for you? Okay. What may be normal for
you may be terribly destructive to me.
Ty Bollinger: Because were individuals.
Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy: Were individuals. And so I might not be able to handle one
little anything of mercury and you might be able to, oh, I can handle this. I can manage
it. But the EPA says, the Environmental Protection Agency, says there is no safe level of
these metals, arsenic, mercury, aluminum, in your body. And so we have to eat foods
that help us detoxify.
Mike Adams: Ive done extensive research on whats the metals capturing capacity of
different type of foods. I call it the MCC where I test using a synthetic gastric acid
digestion simulator that I built in the lab, I test foods versus contaminates. And I find out
how much of the contaminate gets bound to the food and thereby carried out of your
digestive tract as insoluble fiber rather being absorbed through your intestinal walls and
going into your blood. This is a key concept to understand to answer your question.
Processed foods have very low capturing capacity because the fibers are typically
processed out of them. Theyre also structurally compromised through processing.
Theyre denatured.
Ty Bollinger: Right. Which makes them in un-food.
Mike Adams: un-food. So if you eat lets say a processed food meal or a beverage
that is contaminated with, lets say, 10 ppm of mercury you are likely to absorb the vast
majority of that mercury through your intestinal walls that goes in your blood or it could
be radioactive cesium-137. Mercury, cesium, lead, cadmium, you name it
Ty Bollinger: Whatever it might be.
Mike Adams: Right. But if you are eating a diet of unprocessed, fresh foods, this is a
plant-based diet, it doesnt have to be a 100 percent plants, what we have found is that
natural plants, fresh produce such as strawberries have very high natural metals
capturing capacity. Theyre able to bind with the metals mostly through physical
processes of absorption and adsorption as well. Some foods have selective ionic affinity
to specific metals such as lead.
Ty Bollinger: Okay. Which means they
Mike Adams: That they have a chemical reaction that binds up the metal. Yeah. Its
chemistry taking place in the acidic environment of your stomach typically with your own
gastric acid. Strawberries will bind with over 90 percent of your dietary mercury
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strawberries. And the reason this is the case is because strawberries are the only
common fruit that has seeds on the outside of the fruit. The seeds being on the outside,
how are they grown? How are they produced by the strawberry? Well, there are strands,
fibers, that send nutrients to the seeds from the center of the strawberry. The center is
where it gets its nutrition. It distributes it through the fibers to the seeds. These fibers,
which are transparent practically under a microscope, happen to be very, very tough
fibers. They will not be digested by nitric acid in the laboratory.
Ty Bollinger: Wow.
Mike Adams: I can take strawberries, I can put them, mix nitric acid. Were talking like
70 percent nitric acid, very strong oxidizer that would burn the skin right off your hand. It
will not digest the fibers in the strawberry. The fibers survive human digestion which is
far weaker than nitric acid digestion. I mean in orders of magnitude.
Ty Bollinger: Sure.
Mike Adams: The strawberries then will bind to the dietary mercury with these fibers
and that gets pushed out of your system through bowel movements. The mercury is
gone. Its out. It never gets pulled into your blood stream through intestinal walls. So
many different types of fruits and vegetables have very interesting affinities to heavy
metals. And this is what our research has really uncovered. The only thing that we found
better than strawberries, by the way, is chlorella, which is about 98 99 percent
efficacy. But chlorella doesnt work for other things such as uranium. Chlorella doesnt
absorb much uranium, Spirulina does, but not strawberries. So one of the things that
Ive done in the lab is whether its radioactive elements such as cesium-137 or
customary heavy metals like mercury, arsenic, things that cause cancerarsenic is
linked to cancer, right. Oh, and by the way, you know what tends to absorb arsenic?
Ty Bollinger: Uh-uh
Mike Adams: Fruit seeds. Which is why some fruit seeds contain arsenic naturally.
There was arsenic in apple juice, remember that scare
Ty Bollinger: Yeah, I remember that.
Mike Adams: because the apples thatapple plants, apple trees, tend to take up
arsenic in the soil which came from the lead arsenic pesticides that we already talked
about. They tend to concentrate it in the seeds because the seeds have a natural affinity
to arsenic. But if you can get apple seeds, grape seeds, raspberry seeds, blueberry
seeds--believe it or not, weve tested all these things. If you can get your hands on
these seeds, which by the way are removed from almost all the foods thats sold in the
grocery store. If you buy grape jam you dont want seeds in it. If you buy blueberry jelly
you dont want blueberry seeds in it.
Ty Bollinger: And thats where all the good stuff is.
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Mike Adams: Its the seeds that bind with the dietary arsenic and transport it out of your
body. Yeah, I havent released that information yet. Youre the first person to, I mean, to
have this conversation.
Ty Bollinger: Now Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, just shared with us about the
MCC, the metals capturing capacity of certain foods. And what about coffee? I
know certain people would swear that coffee is a food and maybe it technically is
but are there any properties of coffee that could help us to detoxify our bodies.
Lets listen to two prominent medical doctors chime in on this issue. Concerning
coffee enemas, is that something that you think would be appropriate for people
that may not have been diagnosed with cancer but just in light of the toxic
overload that we have today. Is that something that could stimulate the liver to
help secrete all of the toxins? Is that something that is good for people that dont
have cancer?
Dr. Linda Isaacs: I believe so. Now I have to put in a disclaimer when I saw something
like that since we live in a litigious world. So Ill say that Im not telling any of your
audienceIm not advising them to do it. They need to get instruction on how to do it
properly. But having said that, yes, I do think that theyre beneficial for anybody. And I
think most people find they feel better with them. And so they tend to sell themselves.
None of our patients coming in for the first time ever believe this. But I tell them it's
going to be your favorite part of the program and they come back and say youre
absolutely right. I never miss the coffee enemas because they made me feel so much
Ty Bollinger: Well, what is about the coffee in the enemas that helps to detoxify
the body?
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: Interestingly enough when you drink coffee it tends to suppress
the liver. When you take coffee as an enema rectally the caffeine stimulates a bunch of
nerves in the lower colon called a sacral parasympathetic nerves. When they are turned
on by caffeine they feed back to the liver through a reflex and within seconds cause the
liver to release all it's toxins. Nothing helps the liver clean out faster and more efficiently,
more effectively than coffee enemas. And for cancer patients when youre breaking
down a tumor quickly with the enzymes you got all this tumor debris, that can be deadly
and life threatening. It gets the liver to work better so they process this tumor waste very
effectively and then you just poop them out with the enemas. So interestingly enough
when you drink coffee it's really toxic to a cancer patient. When we take it rectally it
opens up the liver so the liver dumps into the small intestine and you get rid of all this
dead tumor waste very effectively. I have patients that when theyre breaking down
tumor you get a autoimmune reaction to the tumor and theyll get fevers of 103 104,
do an enema and literally within 20 minutes after the enema the fever goes down to
normal. We see this routinely. And indeed, conventional oncologists know today in 2014
that nothing is more toxic to the human body than dead cancer. In fact, chemotherapy
though it doesnt work for most cancers does work for some like Hodgkins and certain
leukemias. And in a Hodgkins patient, if you break a tumor down too fast with chemo
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youll kill the patient from the dead tumor and they call it tumor lysis syndrome. And it's
recognized in the textbooks. All my textbooks, conventional textbooks, talk about it.
Well, Kelly recognized that back in 1963 when he was trying to get over his own cancer.
And he started going into the literature as he always did. He was a great scholar. He
would go into the literature trying to find some technique that would help his liver and
kidney work better. The liver and the kidney are the bodys main detoxification organs.
Thats where environmental chemicals or own metabolic waste and dead cancer are
processed and neutralized and prepared for excretion. And he opens up the Merck
manual and lo and behold there are coffee enemas. The interesting thing or the sad
thing is, the iron thing, Kelly was brutalized in the media for his use of coffee enemas,
and we get attacked about it today too. But they come right out of the conventional
medical literature. He didnt learn about it from alien space beings being injected into his
brain through some mystic psychic experience. He didnt learn about it through some
alternative throw away journals and local health journal. He learned about it from the
conventional medical textbooks. The Merck Manual was a compendium of conventional
therapies and they were in the Merck Manual. Coffee enemas were in the Merck Manual
right up until the 1970s.
Ty Bollinger: So Dr. Isaacs and Dr. Gonzalez both just shared with us about the
way that coffee enemas help us to detoxify the liver. While were talking about
coffee enemas lets listen to what Suzanne Somers had to say about the time
period when she was interviewing several of Dr. Gonzalezs patients as she was
preparing to write her bestselling book, Knock Out.
Suzanne Somers: When I wrote Knock Out I interviewed 17 of his patients. I said Id
just like to talk to stage IVs. And I remember there was these two older women. When I
interviewed them I thought they were older but theyre sort of close to what my age is
now. Funny how time flies. And theyre both in their 70s and one had stage IV breast,
one had stage IV ovarian, only been treated by Nick. One had stage IV ovarian for 17
years, ovarian. The other stage IV breast at that time for 12 years. I havent asked Nick
recently but as of last year they were both still alive and thriving. And I played devils
advocate. I said really. Youre going to do coffee enemas every day. And they started
joking. The older one said, yeah, I particularly like French roast. She said it gets me kind
of all juiced up. I said, well okay, whatever. But it makes sense that if you keep cleaning
out the liver and a coffee enema goes back to Egyptian, early Egyptian, you know,
Cleopatra era, cleaning out the liver of toxins in a time in the world where our livers are
groaning from intoxication it almostyou wonder how anybody can be alive without
doing regular liver cleanse.
Ty Bollinger: Wow! Thats some great information from Suzanne Somers, one of
Americas most beloved personalities. What about water? What effect does water
have on our body and does it help us to detoxify?
Paul Barattiero: The pH of your blood is what matters and pH of urine is a grade from
an assessment perspective trying to understand whats going on from a toxin burden
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from some other things. But the pH of the blood is where we actually see the bloods
ability to carry out toxins. If we can keep the blood pH of a 7.45 which is the threshold of
blood then were going to have far more dissolved oxygen in that blood. When we have
more oxygen we carry out more toxins. For instance, patients that are suffering from
significant pathology like cancer if we can keep the blood pH at a 7.45 and have more
oxygen in the blood their energies levels are going to increase, their metabolic rates
going to increase, theyre going to carry out more toxins.
Bob Wright: You got to drink the right kind of water, and again, steeped in science.
Theres no hocus pocus here. People say, well yeah, Bob, I know. I need water. I need
to hydrate. I hear that all the time. Thats good. Thats good. Okay. But wheres the pill?
They justthey dont get it because, again, as I said previously it's too simple for them.
Waters too simple. The right diets too simple. I need something with drugs in it. I need
a pill, something that can actually knock this cancer out. And Im saying, no, no, no,
youre missing this. Each 12 ounce glass of this water hydrates the body better than
anything else you can put in it. It's reshaped water. It's reshaped hexagonal like your
cells so it goes right in. It's structured, microstructured water. Each glass has more
antioxidant capacity than all the organic fruits and vegetables you could possibly eat in
one day. . Plus, it's the fastest way to bring an acidic body back to alkalinity that we
know of today. So it is steeped in science.
We have seen reversals of end stage cancer patients with pancreatic cancer, lung
cancer, and liver cancer, all of the mostly fatal ones sent home to die with less than 90
days. These people are well today. What did they do? They changed their water. Thats
all they did. Of course, I recommend you do more than that. Youve got to change your
food. Youve got to change your water. Youve got to detoxify the body. We have a new
detoxification procedure, which is whole body detox. It's called PIOH. Thats the
acronym PIOH. I write about it in the new edition of my book. It's that important,
precision, intestinal, oxidative, hydro toning. It starts looking like colonic hydrotherapy
but way different.
Theres a hundred ways to do colonic hydrotherapy. One is shutting the person up with
a garden hose in a room. And that one is not very pretty. But this starts looking like
colon hydrotherapy but it's done with specialized equipment and perfected water. They
take water and put it through a six-stage filtration process to perfect the water and it's
really the secret. And then they utilize the water with ozone. So youve got H20, the
water, youve got ozone, O3, combining within the colon to start with to create what we
call polyatomic oxygen. So it can morph into O17 or O22 or something like that. But the
thrust of this is that it permeates not only the large intestine and the colon but also the
oxygen permeates all the cells and goes into the body. Oxygens good for a cancer
patient and for all of us. But you know cancer patients do coffee enemas because
theyre trying to stimulate the liver to purge because theres a portal, hepatic portal that
goes from the liver to the sigmoid colon. You hold a coffee enema in the sigmoid colon
and what happens is youre trying to get one purge. Youre trying to stimulate that so the
liver will dump one time. Ive done 33 of these PIOH treatments to date. Ive had an
excess of 15 liver purges in one session, one. So it is not only purging the liver, which if
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youre my age can hold 40 or 50 years of stuff that has been in there that long. If you
dont get that out, and weve seen it, if you dont get it out your chances of healing go
down. Weve seen women with ovarian cancer, with cervical cancer, with bad cases of
ascites. And they just cant get over the hump regardless of what protocol theyre on.
When they go through these PIOH treatments because they completely detoxify all the
organs in the body then that ascites goes away and it is the real missing link to turning
that around.
Ty Bollinger: So water is a vital importance in the detoxification puzzle. But, what
about emotions? Can negative emotions, feelings of despair, negative thoughts
be detrimental to your health? What about the feeling of despair, does that have
any kind of
Dr. Contreras: The bible says that the power of the tongue, that the power of life and
death is in the tongue.
Ty Bollinger: Is in the tongue
Dr. Contreras: So if you pronounce somebody dead they see the doctor as an authority
so they buy it. Im dead, no matter what. And the truth is that not only doctors are not
gods, we dont know, but nobody in this room if were going to be alive tomorrow. And
by the same token, you can never say that a cancer patient is going to die. Weve had
patients that were told that they were going to die in three months and 20 years later
theyre alive. You met one lady today - 27 years later shes still alive. Shes not cured.
But shes alive. Shes enjoying life.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah.
Dr. Contreras: And so the first thing that I impress on a patient is that victory over
cancer is a decision, not a happening. You dont have to be victorious for the tumor to
go away. There are patients that have surgery, chemo, and then the tumor goes away
and they cant sleep. Why, because they dont know when it's coming back. So theyre
tumor free but free of cancer. And there are other patients that say, you know, cancer is
the best thing that ever happened to me. Before I had cancer I took everything for
granted and now I see life is beautiful. And it's because of this cancer that I can see
that. And cancer is the best thing that ever happened to me. So that person is riddled
with cancer and is victorious over cancer.
Ty Bollinger: I know many people that fit that description.
Dr. Contreras: And so it's very important, if you have victory over cancer in your mind
everything follows. If you decide that youre going to die it's very difficult to bring you
back. Victor Frankel could determine who was going to die within 24 hours in the
concentration camp. And it was when they smoked their cigarettes. And he said, well,
cigarettes cannot cause cancer in 24 hours. No. The cigarettes were their hope and
they traded everything with cigarettes. So when they had no more hope they started
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smoking their cigarettes like you burning your money. And they would die within 24
hours. So the power of hope is incredible thats why were the voices of hope. And
weve been criticized enormously for selling false hope. And my question is, well, if false
hope is selling you are going to live, what is true hope? Youre dead.
Ty Bollinger: Right.
Dr. Contreras: No, theres no false or true hope. Theres false, there is hope, or no
Ty Bollinger: Well, you know, it reminds me Dr. Contreras of a quote from
Charlotte Gerson who was accused of spreading false hope much like yourself.
And she accused them of spreading false despair.
Dr. Contreras: Yeah. Well, really true despair.
Ty Bollinger: True despair.
Dr. Contreras: You know youre dead. And you have to start chemotherapy now and
youll live six more months with no hair, vomiting.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: A negative thought can kill you faster than a bad germ. So one of
the main things to detoxify is here.
Ty Bollinger: The mind
Dr. Tony Jimenez: The mind, the emotions, the conflicts, the traumas, going back to
what we said earlier. So detoxing those psychological, emotional, biological, conflicts
and trauma is key.
Ty Bollinger: What a telling quote, A negative thought can kill you faster than a
bad germ. We know that when youre stressed that you secrete adrenaline and
cortisol which then compromises the immune system. So that makes sense to
me. What about epigenetics? What exactly does epigenetics mean and what
about the placebo effect? You know, youve heard the stories of people that took
a sugar pill and got better. Listen up.
Bob Wright: Youre always hearing about genes and genomes now. And we know
about genetics and epigenetics. Sadly, Angelina Jolie was dealt a bad hand by doctors
who simply dont know but think they know. Why would a woman with two perfectly
good breasts who carries a BRCA1 defective gene have them prophylactically removed
because someone said her chances of cancer went up? The odds are if you live right,
and this is called the epigenetics, if you live right the cancer will never ever manifest
itself in your body. If the genetics is the computer, the epigenetics is the software that
drives it and runs it. We now have epigenetic products. We recommend now a
supplement that is the only one that is proven to be epigenetic in nature. In other words,
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it can turn off the bad genes and turn on the good genes. Were pretty excited about that
although we know that theres a lot of foods out there that do the same thing right now.
So weve already got that answer. It's already there. We just need to pay more attention
to it and actually utilize these types of things and well have much less cancer or any
Ty Bollinger: So when you mention epigenetics you are talking about things,
lifestyle choices, things that folks can do that would stop their potential genetic
predisposition from manifesting.
Bob Wright: Yes. What you can do, what you can stop doing, things that you can take,
foods that you can eat, supplements that you can take that change what people think is
that predestination that a gene or a defective gene gives you.
Dr. Robert Scott Bell: Well, we all have strengths and weaknesses and in homeopathy
we talk about miasms, inherited predispositions. So it's not like we ignore genetics
completely. But the reality is what makes them manifest is environment. This gets into
something called epigenetics. One of my favorite interviews a few times I met him and
befriended him, the cellular biologist Bruce Lipton talked about and opened my eyes to
this whole field of epigenetics that the environment impacts on genetic expression. And
that youre very belief about life and everything impacts on genetic expression so you
can literally change your genes by what you believe. And of course, if you talk to any
doctors that work with cancer holistically theyll recognize that they can do everything to
remove toxins and replenish the soil of the body, give the minerals and things but if the
patient doesnt believe he or she will get well theres not a lot you can do ultimately in
that regard.
Dr. Rashid Buttar: I will tell you this; I think that in modern medicine this demonization
of placebo effect is the most ridiculous thing. We should be harnessing it.
Ty Bollinger: If it works.
Dr. Rashid Buttar: We should be harnessing it. Exactly! I cant tell you how many times
Ive used placebo on purpose. When I was in general surgery part of our surgical
rotations you have to do trauma surgery, you have to do general surgery, different types
of surgery. And when we did trauma at Brooke Army Medical Center, a large trauma
center as well as at Baylor in Houston
Ty Bollinger: BAMC, Brooke Army and Baylor
Dr. Rashid Buttar: Yeah. So I did myI spent a lot of time in both of those hospitals.
But you know, wed have a lot of drug addicts that would come through, gunshot
wounds, knifings, drug deal gone bad, whatever. And while theyre in recovery after the
surgery and they may be in the hospital for a month, two months, three months, these
people are going through withdrawals, big time withdrawals from alcohol, from drugs,
whatever. And as an intern, as a resident, you make rounds with the senior residents
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and everything. And as an intern you make rounds before everybody else does at 5:30
in the morning. And as a first year resident you usually go over with the intern to see
what all is going on. And I got the reputation among the people that were in the hospital
that I would take care of their issue if they had an issue. Well, the reason I got this
reputation, you got a guy thats been hooked on drugs for more than half his life. Hes in
the hospital. Hes going through withdrawal. Im having pain, chest pain. And hes going,
doc, you got to do something for me. And Id look at him, okay listen, I can get kicked
out of my residency program if I do this. Alright. And you talk to the nurse and the nurse
already knows whats going on. The nurse is like; she argues like no Dr. Buttar, we cant
do this. And I go, we have to. He really needs this. It's only one time, right. You can only
ask for this one. Yeah doc, just one time. And youd give them this and you say it's
really, really some strong stuff. Okay. This isnt eventhis is like way morewhat is it?
What? Youre going to give meoh man. Thats so good. And then you give him this
thing and they go, ah oh. Im feeling better. And youre just giving then saline but the
power of belief, they believe there was something because Ill make itit's a whole
orchestrated, you know.
It was a like a soap opera we had going on there like five or six people all involved with
this. The person felt we gave him something. They were willing to not perform for you
because you did something for them. They thought that you just gave them something
that really took care of their addiction. And it was all in the mind. It was just saline. But
you madeand you know thats worked more than half the time it worked. Now youre
telling me that that was justoh, just write that off. Why? Because you know what? You
can give a person a drug and you wouldnt get that kind of effect. We should harness
that power. So if we can actually elicit that type of response in an individual where we
can get a benefit in that individual from just the power of belief without changing their
physiology it's our ethical and fiduciary responsibility as healers, as doctors to harness
that power and get that result because if we can do so with the least harm, thats the
first part of being of a doctor, right. Do no harm. And if you give somebody narcotics you
are affecting them in a negative way. Youre affecting their liver. There is harm that is
being done. So if we can get the same result without giving them a narcotic why
shouldnt we? And why is that pooh-poohed? Why is that ridiculed that, oh, you got this
result from a placebo. You should get a noble prize if you can elicit a response from
placebo as far as Im concerned at least.
Ty Bollinger: Wow! Yeah. That makes total sense. I agree because youve done
no harm.
Dr. Rashid Buttar: Exactly!
Ty Bollinger: And youve potentially healed the patient.
Dr. Rashid Buttar: Just from the power of belief.
Ty Bollinger: Wow! The power of the mind
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Dr. Rashid Buttar: The power to heal is yours. Thats how we do our radio show every
Monday, right; the power to heal is yours. And this is a perfect example of the power of
healing is that individuals. Its their right.
Ty Bollinger: I have to agree with Dr. Buttar. The power to heal is yours. Now
while I was out in California earlier this year I was able to talk to Burton Goldberg
about the lymphatic system.
Burton Goldberg: One of the systems that is the garbage removal system of our body is
the lymph system. And very few cancer physicians pay attention to the lymph system. It
is the basis of lymphocytes. These are the good guys. And it also is the garbage
removal system of the body. And I use a device myself. I have one that I use on myself
called the light beam generator. But theres few of them that fractualize the molecules.
You know women who have surgery in the breast and the lymph edema happens. As a
matter fact, thats how I earned my doctorate. A woman in Pennsylvania had a leg that
was so swollen she was about to die. Her husband who was a retired rear admiral in the
Navy buys my book and sees a doctor in Oregon. Takes his wife, Muffy Fanning, to
Argon [ph] and theyre looking through the electric thermal screening device and the
dark field microscope and they finally put her to sleep and then wake her up. Takes her
blood and they see the parasite for elephantitis. And they used conventional drug here.
See, Im not against medicine. Im againstin the emergency trauma theyre the best in
the world. But in degenerative disease there are certain drugs and heroic surgeries. I
would have been blindIm 87without these cataracts removed and I have lenses
sewn in. I can see close with one eye and its amazing what a wonderful medicine can
do. But dont confuse that with degenerative disease where they become legalized drug
pushers and paying no attention to the immune system except to cut it out when they
find cancer near the breast. So you must fractionalize the molecules and open up. Now
very few cancer clinics use it and need it and do it. But thats one of the ways you get
the immune system functioning optimally.
Dr. Darrelll Wolfe: So what we have our patients do is we have them do things like
rebounding. Rebounding is one of the best exercises against cancer and every other
disease because it moves your lymph system better than anything else and moving your
lymph is the most important thing against cancer and disease.
Ty Bollinger: Thats fasting Dr. Wolfe. Tell me why, tell us why, why is
rebounding so important?
Dr. Darrelll Wolfe: Well, let meremember what I said. I always want you to question
people. I want all my patients. I say you question me and you question everyone else. If
theyre not speaking logic, if one and one dont make two or if you go there and you go
Im confused, or if you feel fear from something I said chances are Im lying or I don't
know Im lying. Okay. So rebounding, think about it. When your children were young and
they couldnt walk and they were like little babies and they were crying, what did you for
them Ty? Do you remember? You bounced them on your knee or you rocked them on
your shoulder. Whyd you do that? Because you arent totally brainwashed. You still
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have some instinct left. So you rock the baby, right. And you rock the baby because the
only way that the lymph system can move is by up and down motion. And your lymph
system, okay, youve got eight pints of blood but youve got 12 quarts of lymph. Dont
you forget that. And when you find that youre getting all puffy and swollen thats your
lymph system and youre in big trouble. So you know, when people they swell up like a
puff ball, well, thats because theyre retaining water because theyre so bloody toxic
and theyve been backing up waste for years. So when you start cleansing out the colon
and you rebound youre moving that stuff. If you move the circulation its like if the water
doesnt move you better not drink it because its going to kill you because it has to
circulate. So rebounding also exercises every cell individually toning it.
Ty Bollinger: Excellent information from Dr. Wolfe. Rebounding stimulates the
lymphatic system better than any other exercise. But I know youre asking a
question, what is the lymphatic system? Lets listen to Dr. Irvine Sahni explain the
lymphatic system and well learn exactly why it's so important in our overall
health. Talk about the lymphatic system, what is the lymphatic system?
Dr. Irvin Sahni: Yeah. So the lymphatic system is something that I think people arent
as aware of as their lungs and their heart. The lymphatic system is basically to some
degree and overflow valve for the body. So what happens is we all know our heart
pumps blood out to our distal extremities. They go from arteries and the arteries go to
capillaries and then the capillariesso most of the blood that pumps through your body
is constantly bumping through your body goes from arteries to capillaries and passes
back into your heart through veins and goes in a circuit through your heart and your
lungs. There is some bleed off, okay, and thats what we call interstitial pressure in
tissues. And theres some bleed off where fluid, and a lot of it has to do with osmotic
forces. I don't know if you rememberpeople remember osmosis and basically tissue
pressure gradients and some of this fluid will bleed off into that interstitial pressure
because the pressure inside the vessels is greater than the pressure outside of the
vessels and theres some bleed off, some loss of fluid.
Well, that fluid doesnt jump back into your veins. It has to go somewhere. Thats why
some people get edema. Theyll get swelling in their ankles and swelling in different
parts of their bodies. Well, how does thatwhere does that fluid go? Does it just
disappear? Is goes into your lymph system so your lymph system is a system of
vessels. Theres different components to it but your lymph system is a system ofits
likeits kind of like vessels. They dont have muscular walls like bigger arteries but the
lymph system grabs this fluid and then returns it back into the system, ultimately back
into the venous system through a large duct in your chest called your thoracic duct. But
this extra fluid sort of bleeds out through these capillaries will then feed back into that
system. It also passes through other parts of your body including your spleen. Okay.
Thats also sort of considered part of your lymphatic system, your thymus, your tonsils,
and your adenoids what a lot of people have removed as a child. Theres lymph tissue
or theres lymphocytes and those lymphocytes recognize pathogens, viruses, bacteria,
or things that are considered non-self that your body builds immunity through those
lymphocytes which is whats effective when someone has an immune deficiency
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disorder whether you believe in HIV virus or not. Theres certainly immune deficiency
disorders and T4 cells and helper cells, different classes of cells are affected when the
immune system falters. And those are the little soldiers that are facing these pathogens,
these bacteria, these antigens, toxins even as they pass through the lymphatic system
and sort of as akind of like your oil filter, I guess, theyre filtering out some of the nasty
stuff. So the reason jumping on a trampoline is useful is because your lymphatic system
unlike other parts like your muscles or your heart or your skeletal muscle, it doesnt
have its own muscle. It doesnt have a muscle wrapped around it like arteries have
muscle around them. Its called the tunica, tunica media. Its what helps vascular
changes. You can actually change the pressure by those muscles clamping down or
letting go.
Well, the lymphatic system doesnt have that ability. And so it depends on the skeletal
muscles for that return. So by compressing your thighs, by just simply walking youre
actually pushing lymph through your body. Its sort of passively pushed through by the
other muscles in your body. And so by hopping on a trampoline youre basically forcing
those muscles to contract and youre helping that drainage instead of having it collect in
your ankles like you see people with swollen ankles, youre helping some of that return.
And thats why when people start having problems with blood pressure and their heart
they sometimes will get swollen ankles because that big pressure differential is pushing
all that fluid out into their interstitial tissues and their lymph system cant keep up
especially if theyre sedentary. If theyre sitting around, theyre sick, theyre hurt, they
have cardiothey have congestive heart failure and their heart has poor return so they
get dizzy quickly. Theyre not going to be able to get up and walk around to help push
that lymph back into their venous system. And so a healthy person can just constantly
contract their muscles and keep that going. It also prevents you from that constant
activity is what also helps you from getting deep vein thromboses. I don't know if you
rememberI cant remember who he was. There was a reporter who was embedded in
either Afghanistan or Iraq just kind of curled up in a ball and got dehydrated. He got
DVTs because of inactivity, okay, because he wasnt walking around. And that clot was
thrown to his heart and he died. He was 44-years-old. I know he was in his early 40s
when it happened. Very usual but, again, inactivity is bad for you. And so the converse
is true I think. Activity is good for you. And thats why that specific form of exercise helps
pushhelps assist the lymphatic system in returning that fluid back to the venous
Ty Bollinger: What a fantastic explanation of the lymphatic system from Dr. Sahni.
While I was asking him questions I wanted to get his input on the effect that heat
has on cancer cells specifically far infrared saunas. And I also got the input of Dr.
Tony Jimenez who leads the Hope for Cancer Clinic in Tijuana, Mexico on the
same issue. Dr. Sahni, talk about far infrared saunas. I know that youre a big
proponent of far infrareds. Talk about the effect that this can have on cancer.
Dr. Irvin Sahni: So far infrared saunas, the way they work is relatively simple. They
exploit or take advantage of a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that basically
increases the temperature of the body, creates hypothermia without exposing the body
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to some of the negative portion of the spectrum which we know is the ultraviolet
spectrum. Go out in the sun too much you can get skin cancer especially if you dont
wear sunscreen and youre light complected. So far infrared sauna takes a part of that
spectrum that creates heat but not necessarily damage in the way that being out in the
sun does. I think the Indians were probablyyou know, the American Indians were
people who were doing these more ritualistic heat treatments on themselves long before
far infrared saunas were around kind of. Maybe they didnt understand the science
behind it but they knew it was good for you. But basically what it does is it raises your
body temperature and then your body has to release that heat. The way we release our
heat is by sweating and that sweating helpsthe sweat helps carry the heat away from
the body. So by stimulating that mechanism people dont realize this but you excrete
just as much urea, okay, through your skin, maybe more. Id have to go back and look
up the numbers, but a significant amount of toxins are excreted through your skin as
they are in your urine or your stool. And in some cases probably specific toxins even
more. And so by exposing yourself to a reasonable timeframe and a reasonable level, a
safe level of heat you can just basically stimulate your body to sort of accelerate that
excretion of toxins and you can make that happen faster.
The other reason a far infrared sauna is so useful is that normal cells are able to
withstand heat because of their normal anatomy compared to the abnormal anatomy of
say a cancer cell especially in relation to its vascular supply. And so a cancer cell
doesnt do well in a hyper thermic situation. This has been shown in mainstream
science to be the case. And so by exposing your body to that heat youre selectively
killing or eradicating those less viable cells, those cancer cells without hurting your
normal cells. And so a far infrared sauna is useful because it can help you sweat,
excrete toxins, and in theory eliminate cancer cells which cant survive the heat as well
as the normal cells.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah, I have a question for you
Dr. Tony Jimenez: Okay.
Ty Bollinger: on hyperthermia. Hyperthermia means that you super heat the
Dr. Tony Jimenez: Exactly!
Ty Bollinger: Why is that effective at treating cancer?
Dr. Tony Jimenez:
Cancer cells are heat sensitive. Normal human cells are heat
resistant. Thats why when you and I get the flu or an infection our temperature
increases as a mechanism to get rid of that pathogen whether it's a virus or a bacteria.
But the healthy cells are not being killed because normal cells are heat resistant.
Cancer cells are very fragile to temperature. So I dont believe that we need to get the
body temperature up to a 106 107 degrees Fahrenheit. Thats just too tough and it's
causing red blood cell destruction. Oftentimes you have to give the patient blood
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transfusion. We get the overall body temperature up to about a 101.4 degrees
Fahrenheit knowing that at the core it's probably 1.5 to 2.0 degrees higher. So were
getting to about a 103 degrees Fahrenheit, which is a very good temperature to cause
that cancer killing effect of these cells that are heat sensitive.
Ty Bollinger: And so the heat damages them
Dr. Tony Jimenez: Yes.
Ty Bollinger: but doesnt hurt the normal cells that are heat resistant.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: Exactly!
Ty Bollinger: So cancer cells dont survive heat as well as normal cells. It sounds
like his should be part of everyones detoxification regimen. Ive saved the best
for last. Dr. Darrell Wolfe, the doc of detox, gives you specifics about the order by
which you can cleanse your entire body, a full body detox. Youve written a book
called, Spoiled Rotten. And in that book you go through the order by which you
should cleanse the organs. So go through that in three or four minutes, go
through the order that someone would need to go through in order to detoxify
their whole body organ by organ.
Dr. Darrelll Wolfe: Okay. So when people usually ask me this question I saythey go,
well, what should I cleanse first? And I say what sticks out the most?
Ty Bollinger: Tummy.
Dr. Darrelll Wolfe: So that would be the first thing, right.
Ty Bollinger: Right.
Dr. Darrelll Wolfe: So that would be your large intestine. So the first thing you want to
do is if you clean out the large intestine then right away youre going to reduce the toxic
load on all the other organs. If you request any of the other organs to detoxify before
you do the large intestine then what youll do is youll start backing up into the blood
stream or you will even cause further stress to that organ itself or the other organs if
they happen to be weak. So the large intestine would be the first place to go, right. So
it's kind of like this. We always work from the bottom up. Okay. So we want to do the
large intestine first and of course, then the next thing that I would do is the liver. Okay.
And then after the liver then we would be looking at doing the kidneys. And by doing
those three major organs youre already working on your lymph system. Youre already
working on your skin. So you are gettingthose are the three major ones that I would
tell people to do would be the colon, the liver, and the kidneys. And if you work on those
three then the rest come alone for the ride. Yes.

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Ty Bollinger: So one of the things that Ive heard from many of the interviewees
is coffee enemas are great for the liver detox, right. So thats one way to detox the
liver. Any other suggestions on liver detoxification?
Dr. Darrelll Wolfe: Well, if I can just say the coffee enemas absolutely great for the liver.
And they were great for the liver for the medical system up until I think probably about
15 20 years ago and then they werent great for them anymore. But theyre still great.
And what they do is they help to trigger the liver to get rid of that sludge that usually
would not come out. Okay. And then the other thing is to do like a gallbladder flush.
Thats another great thing for some people.
Ty Bollinger: And what natural substances might be used to flush the gall?
Dr. Darrelll Wolfe: Well, theres different ones but in that sometimes Epsom salts is
used, sometimes it's olive oil thats used. Okay. And it's to basically make the organs
contract. So the other thing too is when you go into a detox a lot of people get scared
when they feel pain in an organ. Thats when you need to breath and just relax because
that pain that usually you would feel is actually your organ contracting and going into
spasm. That spasm is the only way that it can get rid of it, right, because it goes out,
out, out. So thats one thing I think is really important that when people start to detox
and when they start detoxifying the colon and they start getting gas cramps or they feel
nausea, okay, thats the old waste loosening up. And sometimes when you start your
detox you might have diarrhea and if you start to get diarrhea if it lasts for more than a
day then you want to back off on that cleanse. But even diarrhea for the day is not
dangerous. And you may get diarrhea from a liver cleanse or a kidney cleanse because
everything is getting dumped to come out through that main portal. So dont let that
scare you. And like I said, diarrhea wont kill you. It might make you feel a little bit weak
so we dont want it to last too long.
Ty Bollinger: Lets go to the kidneys real quick. So we talked about the liver, the
gall, we know theres many good colon flushes. Youve talked about the master
cleanse tea. Lets go to kidneys. How do you detoxify the kidneys?
Dr. Darrelll Wolfe: Well, theresHulda Clark has a kidney cleanse, a herbal kidney
cleanse, that I really like. Okay. It takes about three weeks to do it because the kidneys
they dont react as fast, okay, in cleansing. They take more work and effort just like
when somebody comeswhen somebody says Ive got kidney disease unless theyre
really going to pull their socks up it's already too late. So you know, your kidneys have
to take a real beating before they get into that kind of trouble. So by doing a kidney
cleanse even once a year is a really wonderful thing because your kidneys do so much
work. And theyre more silent. Theyre more silent than the liver and theyre more silent
than the colon is because they just are but a lot of times low back pain, pelvic pain,
pelvic girdle pain will actuallyhip pain, that usually can be a sign that the kidneys are
overburdened, okay.

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Ty Bollinger: And what might be a substance that someone could used to get rid
of the toxins in the kidneys?
Dr. Darrelll Wolfe: Well, even just doing six to seven days of just watermelon will even
help but theres many different herbal tinctures that you can go and find. Theres a lot of
really good kidney cleanses.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah. Thats a common one that Ive read about is watermelon for
the kidneys.
Dr. Darrelll Wolfe: Yeah. I try to do that every year.
Ty Bollinger: So there is a specific order to detoxify your body and Dr. Wolfe, the
doc of detox, just shared it with us in a very understandable manner. Lets listen
to what he has to say as we conclude this episode.
Dr. Darrelll Wolfe: Do you notice how every group has a icon like a figure that they look
up to, right? For the medical system whats their icon? Their icon is Hippocrates.
Hippocrates was the father of medicine. And if you dont mind Id like to read this
because I dont want to get it wrong. So their leader who they look up to because they
took the Hippocratic Oath, right? Okay. This is what they look up. Let food by thy
medicine and medicine by thy food. I don't know. They dont talk about diet. I mean
thats the root of all life. So right there theyve failed greatly. Make a habit of two things,
to help or at least do no harm. Meanwhile weve got a war on cancer. You cant go to
war with anything Ty. You want to go to war with me. What happens?
Ty Bollinger: We both die.
Dr. Darrelll Wolfe: Thats right. Thank you. Next thingnatural forces within us are the
true healers of disease. So where have they forgotten? They have forgotten, I havent
forgotten, you havent forgotten, so we must go within and we must understand
something, that nobodys going to save your butt Ty. When you got that body and you
came down here on that planet you made a promise to somewhere somehow that you
were doing to respect and love your body and you were going to make the decisions.
Every decision, okay, has a consequence and it can be either good or bad. Now do you
let somebody else look after your finances Ty? Well, why would you let someone else
look after your body? Okay. One last thing that Hippocrates stated. Whenever a doctor
cannot do good he must be kept from doing harm. What happened to the Hippocratic
Oath? I think the only thing thats left is called the hypocrite.
Ty Bollinger: Wow! What an amazing episode folks. Tonight we learned specifics
on how you can get rid of the trash from your body, how you can detoxify. Now
theres toxicities in a lot of things. Did you know theres a lot of medicines that
have toxicities in them? Have you ever looked at the commercials on TV and seen
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the list of side effects? I mean sometimes it's more than half the commercial
listing the side effects of these drugs. Now thats an example to me of people that
are looking in the wrong place for answers. Drugs dont cure. They mitigate
symptoms but they dont cure. I mean if you have a headache is it because you
have a lack of Advil in your system? I dont think so. You got other things that are
going on in your body. Now this reminds me of a time about three or four years
ago that I was in West Virginia with a friend of mine whos actually a medical
doctor but hes also a medicine man for an Indian tribe. And he took me through
the forest. He asked me to list anything that I could see whether it be trees or bark
or herbs or weeds, anything that was growing that wasnt medicinal. And I started
point out things and he said, no, youre wrong. That does have this medicinal
effect or that medicinal effect. And in the end, I learned that everything that was
growing was medicine. It was a whole pharmacy right there in the middle of
nature. It was natures pharmacy and thats what were going to learn about
tomorrow, natures pharmacy, the way that everything that we need is growing in
nature, all the medicines that we need are natural medicines and theyre growing
out there just for you. Were going to teach you about that tomorrow.
And by the way, it's not surprising that all of nature is a pharmacy in light of the
fact that between 70 and 80 percent of every prescription drug has its basis
where. In plants and herbsIt makes sense to me. I think itll make sense to you
too tomorrow night. So please tune in. In the mean time, have a great evening and
God bless you.

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Ty Bollinger: Welcome back everyone, to The Quest for the CuresContinues.
I am so glad you joined us tonight. If you remember last night, and I hope you
tuned in, we learned about how to detoxify your body and how to get rid of all the
bad guys that may be compromising your health and making you sick. Tonight, I
am really honored to be able to talk to Dr. Patrick Quillin again. If you remember,
he led off last nights episode and he is going to lead off tonights episode as
well. I was able to sit down with him, at his house out in California. We talked
about what he calls Natures Pharmacy. As a matter of fact, he called it
Natures Pharmacy as soon as I got there. He pulled me out to the backyard and
he said, Welcome to my pharmacy. I was able to sit down with him and learn
from one of the best, if not the best, experts on nutrition. As a matter of fact, Dr.
Quillin wrote a book called Beating Cancer with Nutrition, which has been a
bestseller for the last 20 years.
It should not surprise though, about nature being a pharmacy. Maybe 150 years
ago or 200 years ago, we had the first pharmaceutical drugs. Before that, all we
had was nature. All we had was natures pharmacy. Some of that knowledge
about natures pharmacy has been lost over the years. We are going to empower
you with that knowledge tonight. You are going to learn a lot. Please sit down,
grab a cup of water, and enjoy the show.
[Music Playing]
Dr. Patrick Quillin: The planet Earth is one of the greatest pharmacies ever invented,
and we are ignoring most of it. We go down to the drugstore and spend $280 billion a
year on prescription drugs in this country. According to an article in the Journal of the
American Medical Association, there are 140,000 Americans each year who die from
the on-label use of prescription drugs. That means following doctors prescriptions,
140,000. That means it is somewhere around the third leading cause of death in
America, using drugs that may be useful and are oftentimes toxic. Try nutrition first. In
many cases, it can solve the problem.
Ty Bollinger: Thank you Dr. Quillin. You mentioned clean foods. I am going to
take a break here and eat a little bit of a clean food. This is a mulberry that you
just gave me from your yard.
Dr. Patrick Quillin:

Yes, it is rich in phytoalexins, anti-cancer to the maximum.

Ty Bollinger:
That is good. I have never had a mulberry that was that shape.
Why is it so long?
Dr. Patrick Quillin:
There are several different types of mulberry trees. That is a
Pakistan mulberry that you just had. I have Oscar mulberry too. When I was trying to
select fruit trees, first of all, I live in California. It is a desert. We have a water shortage.
We have a particular water shortage this year, with the drought. Why would you water
something if you cannot eat it? That does not make any sense to me. I am watering just
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Episode 5: Natures Pharmacy

the fruit trees and among those are fruit trees that are high in nutrients. One of the
sound bytes I mentioned is Go for the color. In the color, in those pigments, the reds,
oranges, yellows and dark colors, and that mulberry that is a dark purple color, what you
have is this.
Mother Nature has sunshine coming down and hitting the chlorophyll and the
chloroplasts. It is through photosynthesis, making sugar. From that comes all of life.
That is the beginning of all life on earth. How does the plant protect itself from the
damaging effects of sun? You have both sunlight that is mutagenic, carcinogenic and is
a damaging x-ray. How does a plant protect itself? About 20,000 different bioflavonoids
and about 800 different carotenoids are in colorful fruits and vegetables. They protect
the plant from the sun and from the effects of photosynthesis. Given that, what we are
talking about is this.
I was choosing fruits and vegetables that would not only be tasty and not readily
available in the stores, for instance, figs. Figs do not travel well. That is why most
people do not find them in the stores and for most people, including myself, the only figs
I had while living the Midwest were Fig Newtons. In fact, in figs is not just a delicious
taste, but a phytochemical, and phyto means plant and chemical is a substance in it, is
a substance called, ficin. The National Cancer Institute has been researching it, hoping
to find a synthetic analog so they can make a patented drug. Meanwhile, you have
access to that through figs. It is a powerful anti-cancer, a bioregulator.
This is where it really hits me Ty, as to how powerful nature is. I am hoping that I can
infect the viewers with a sense of respect for what God has given us in the good Mother
Earth, and in our food supply. Here is a simple sound byte. This human body, 60,000
trillion cells, is orchestrated like no other organism on earth. There is no robot or any
machine that we will build that will ever come close to what the human being does. Then
we have our food supply. No food ever has just one nutrient in it. They keep doing
mononutrient studies, studying one nutrient. That is not the way nature works. We
tamper with our food supply by slicing, dicing, chopping and blending, adding
hydrogenated fats and color flavorings, 2,800 different FDA food additives, most of
which have not really been tested for their carcinogenicity.
We tamper with the food supply. We tamper with our bodies. A child, by 30 months, has
had 30 vaccinations. Some of them have mercury in them. This is not a good idea. What
we do is tamper with the body and tamper with the food supply, and then we end up
with this incredible parade of diseases. Diabetes, 20 million diabetics in this country and
another 20 million who are pre-diabetic. Eighty million Americans have hypertension,
high blood pressure. The number is about 70 million Americans on psychotropic drugs.
That is antidepressants, anxiolytics, sleep problems, etc. We are tampering with the
food supply. We are tampering with our bodies. We end up with all of these diseases.
My simple message is, Use this body the way nature, God, intended it to be. Eat foods
in as close to their natural state, and the diet that our ancestors consumed, which was a
little bit of meat and a whole lot of fruits and vegetables.
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I am a big fan of whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, a semi-vegetarian diet,
meaning a little bit of fish and chicken, and grass-fed beef and lamb, in conjunction with
mostly plant foods. You are going to be eating a lot of relatively unprocessed food. I stay
away from gluten as much as possible, less gluten. There are many other grains that
you can consume, rice, corn and others that are far preferable to the gluten intolerance
issue that we are getting to.
The experiences I had with Cancer Treatment Centers, ten years working with
thousands of patients, showed that nutrition can have a huge impact in cancer outcome,
while they are being medically treated. Again, I am not saying nutrition is the sole
Ty Bollinger:
Wow, over 140,000 people die a year from properly prescribed
prescription drugs. That is amazing. Dr. Quillin knows what he is talking about. He
served ten years as vice-president of nutrition for the Cancer Treatment Centers
of America. He has written 17 books on health and sold over 2 million copies. He
definitely knows what he is talking about. Another expert on nutrition is KC
Craichy. Lets listen to what he has to say about superfood nutrition, coupled with
calorie restriction.
KC Craichy: Superfood nutrition is a concept that I started working on in the 1990s. I
wrote my first white paper on the subject, which I called the Four Corners of Optimum
Nutrition at that point. I now refer to it as the Four Corners of Superfood Nutrition,
because this piece of superfood nutrition is so interesting. Superfood nutrition as we
have defined it, is that we know in health that there are something on the order of 50 to
53, depending on how you slice them, and by that, I mean that some people will argue
about how many essential vitamins there are and how many essential minerals there
are. Some people will say there are nine essential amino acids when others will say
there are ten. If you add conditional essentials, it might be 12.
Depending on how you slice it, these things called essential are, in this case, dietary
essential. That means you have to get them from your diet in order to get them. The
body can do anything and make the non-essentials. Technically, they are all essential.
The dietary essentials you must consume, for the body to use that as raw material to
make the other things that your body needs. If you are not getting those 50+ essential
nutrients in your diet, then you are going to have physiological consequences as a
result. The four corners would start with calorie restriction with optimum nutrition.
Years ago, you may remember the Biosphere Project with Dr. Roy Walford at UCLA.
They were in the biosphere and the whole thing was about them growing the food that
they used. It was going to be a self-sustained environment. They were not getting
anything in or out of it. They would have to grow what they needed. They had something
go wrong and they could not grow enough food for them. They had to ration what they
ate to have less food. While they were hungry and all, they found remarkable
physiological and psychological changes that were very positive. That really spawned
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the whole calorie restriction movement, the calorie restriction/fasting movement, and so
With calorie restriction with optimum nutrition, there have now been more than 2,000
studies in virtually every single-celled organism, all the way up to primates and even in
humans now, which suggest that this is positive for physiology. It is kind of like, as you
would say, if there were a Fountain of Youth. It would be to extend life, delay disease,
enhance performance, optimize weight, increase mental clarity and start going down the
list of things that are beneficial from doing this approach. When you now take calorie
restriction and you add optimum nutrition, most people would agree that if you eat fewer
calories but you max out the nutrients and get all these 51 that we are talking about at
the same time, that it has to be better for you than either eating a lot of calorically dense
food or a little teeny bit of calorically dense food. Do you see what I am saying? That
piece is a very important piece of the puzzle.
There was a really cool study in the Journal of Nutrition in 2001. There are four groups
of mice, genetically altered mice, altered to be more susceptible to disease. The first
group of mice was the all you can eat group. They gave it all the food it could eat all the
time, so it grazed all the time. They also added corn oil to the situation. These mice lived
an average of 232 days, on the average. The second group was the same kind of mice
and the same feeding method, but instead of corn oil, they gave fish oil. They lived an
average of 100 day longer, just adding the fish oil. It is still garbage food underneath it, if
you think about it. The third group was the calorie restriction group. They took the same
food and same feeding method, but they cut the calories of the food by 40%. They lived
an average of 200 days longer than the 232-day control, just by eating less of the
unhealthy food they were eating. The last of the four groups was the calorie restriction
group, combined with fish oil. This group lived an average of 400 days longer than the
232-day control, 600-something days versus 200-something days. That is a fascinating
little study. I always say if you are a mouse, you really ought to be thinking about this
kind of nutrition. This does translate in a lot of ways. It just shows how high impact
nutrition could actually be.
Ty Bollinger: The mice that ate the buffet of GMO foods and had all they wanted
lived 232 days. The mice that were eating healthy foods with limited quantities,
the calorie restriction, lived 632 days. That is pretty amazing.
In an earlier episode about the immune system, we talked about the way that
sugar affects our bodies and the way that it affects the immune system. It
compromises it in the way that it feeds cancer cells. What about fruits and
vegetables? Dont they contain natural sugars? Dr. Tony Jimenez sheds some
light on this important question.
Dr. Jimenez: I want to tell you something about nutrition that is quite controversial. It
is a Tony concept. We are writing a paper. By we I mean my chief science officer, Dr.
Shabuto Chakravarty (those smart Indians), two Ph.D.s, and myself. This is the concept.
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Cancer cells can only assimilate R-spin molecules or R-spin sugars. Those are sugars
that rotate to the right. Ty, let me ask you. Have you taken an amino acid?
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Jimenez:
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Jimenez:
Ty Bollinger:

Like what, Ty?
I have taken L-lysine many times.
Okay, L-lysine.
Sure. Anytime I get a fever blister on my mouth, I will take a few L-

Dr. Jimenez:
The others are carnitine, methionine and proline. What is the letter in
front of that amino acid?
Ty Bollinger:


Dr. Jimenez:
L. Lets discuss what L means. L stands for levorotatory. That means
left spin. The molecules in the L-lysine that you have taken are spinning to the left.
Ty Bollinger:


Dr. Jimenez:
Remember that I said cancer cells can only assimilate right spin
molecules. That is the opposite. Human mammalian cells can only absorb left spin
molecules. That is why you take L-lysine, not an R-lysine. Okay? The difference with
cancer cells is that they could only absorb right spin molecules, right spin sugars. What
are the right spin sugars? The processed sugars, the white sugars, the enriched sugars,
the synthetic sugars. At Hope for Cancer, we allow our patients, in moderation as
everything should be, to eat organic, pesticide-free, clean and natural fruits. When God
places fruits in the Garden of Eden, they are left spin molecules. Of these, thou shalt
Ty Bollinger:


Dr. Jimenez:
They are helping our normal cells. When man fools with all this We
are in California for this interview. In California, they have something called a grapple. It
is a combination of an apple and a grape, right?
Ty Bollinger:


Dr. Jimenez:
It looks like an appel and tastes like a grape. That is not God-made,
right? For sure, that has an R-spin. Do not take that if you have cancer, but this is my
concept. Cancer patients can take, in moderation, healthy sugars. We need healthy
sugars, right? Lets think about a PET scan. We know about PET scans. What molecule
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or contrast medium are they injecting? True fluorodeoxyglucose, D-glucose, a right spin
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Jimenez:
Ty Bollinger:

The cancer cell absorbs it.

It can absorb it and the PET scan lights up, right?

Dr. Jimenez: Any right spin sugar is an unnatural sugar, okay? Cancer patients, in Dr.
Tonys opinion, and I respect what they have to say, you could have honey, maple
syrup, molasses and sugar cane, as long as it is natural, unprocessed and
unadulterated, and of course, free of pesticides and all those things. They are not going
to feed cancer cells.
Ty Bollinger:
Wow, that is fascinating. That really answers the question that I
hear a lot, and sometimes it is kind of hard to answer these questions. People
say, Okay, cancer feeds on sugar. We all know that. Is it okay to eat blueberries?
Is it okay to eat grapes? Is it okay to eat fruit, because it has natural sugar? That
explains why it would be okay to eat natural fruits, whereas the processed sugars
are right spin. The naturals are left spin. Cancer absorbs the right spin, not the
left spin.
Dr. Jimenez:
Ty Bollinger:

That is fascinating.

Dr. Jimenez:
Lets look at another viewpoint on this. Dr. Max Gerson and juicing, a
juice every hour in his therapy, five or six coffee enemas a day. I know, I worked with
him years ago. What was his main juice, one of his main juices?
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Jimenez:
Ty Bollinger:

Carrot. Isnt carrot a high glycemic index?
One of the highest.

Dr. Jimenez: One of the highest. He knew that the carrot juice and the sugar in there
was not going to feed cancer cells, because why? It is a left spin molecule. See?
Ty Bollinger:

That is fascinating.

Dr. Jimenez:
Lets think of another concept Ty. If sugar feeds cancer and it is as
simple as that, wow. We do not need hypothermia. We do not need pseudo
photodynamic therapy. We do not need anything. We know how to starve cancer cells.
It is not that easy. You think a cancer is going to say, Oh, I am not getting sugar. I am
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going to die. No. It is going to get its nutrients from proteins. Okay, do not give it sugar
and do not give it protein. What is the cancer going to do now? I am not getting sugar. I
am not getting protein. I am going to die. No. It is going to get its nutrients from fats. Do
not give it sugar. Do not give it protein. Do not give it fat. The patient will starve, right? It
is about the correct types of sugars to use, right, and always in moderation, and
balanced nutritional protocol.
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Jimenez:

And then getting rid of all of the processed sugars.

Exactly, yes.

Ty Bollinger: That would then feed the cancer and make it a lot easier for them
to get the nutrition, if you just hand it to them on a silver platter.
Dr. Jimenez:
Ty Bollinger:

It is like adding fuel to a fire, right?


That is some fascinating information from Dr. Jimenez, left spin versus right spin.
Cancer cells feed on right spin sugars. Natural sugars are left spin. I did not know
that information. I will tell you what; you learn something new every day, dont
In this next interview, Dr. Robert Scott Bell shares the importance of minerals in
the diet with us, specifically silica, chromium and selenium.
Dr. Bell:
You think about the superfoods, right? A lot of foods may contain high
calories and some minerals and vitamins. They might not be as dense, proportionally
speaking there, because we have to counteract so much in our environment. Where it
may have been simple enough to grow your own food and eat all of the food as it was
growing, I believe that right now, we are dealing with extraordinary times, maybe
catastrophic, in the devastation to the environment. Because of that, just selecting
certain foods that I think would be good I am not personally a big fan of beets. I had
an allergy to them as a child. I believe now, looking back, that I was not allergic to beets,
but because beets have such a powerful and beneficial impact to the liver, for instance,
that it was helping me to detoxify and it was misinterpreted as an allergy. That is a great
Superfoods and super greens, kale is an excellent food. It contains a lot of good things.
Sea vegetation, if you can find non-irradiated and non-contaminated forms of sea
vegetation, and there many strains of this, they create the most minerally rich and
abundant superfoods on the planet. We also need to look at the mineral content for the
connective tissue. I talked about silica. Most of the foods, unfortunately, that we eat,
have been robbed of these trace elements because industry has found it much more
profitable to take those minerals and use them for different reasons. They leave us with
the deficient foods.
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We talked about something like silica. You could go to something like the horsetail
extract, something that you could grow and make into a tea yourself, or concentrate in a
whole food form from a tea. Now you have an abundance of silica, which is one of those
trace minerals that is so critical. The only time you will find it in health food stores is in
the little beauty section for women that want to have better nails, hair or skin. Yet, we
ignore the fact that the integrity of the entire connective tissue of the body, and the
vascular system as well, is dependent upon that humble trace element that has been
removed from most foods.
We talked about foods like whole grains that used to contain abundant amounts of
chromium. They have been robbed of the chromium because the soils do not contain it,
or industry refines it out. Chromium? Why do we need that? The form that I talk about is
grown as food, because it manages what, blood sugar. It helps to deliver it successfully
into the cells and mobilize it out of the cells, should we need it, if we do not have enough
coming in from external sources.
Dr. Buttar calls it the obligate glucose metabolizer, cancer, really taking advantage of
the fact that we are chromium deficient. It has access to the sugar very readily because
we do not have the chromium necessary to bind it and help deliver it so that the cancer
cells cannot get it. That would be another aspect.
Other foods like Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, although we see, as well, lower than it
was. We need, for real metabolic benefit of selenium, higher quantities than we are
getting from Brazil nuts and other foods. Concentrating the selenium in a food grown
source or form is going to be critical, utilizing upwards of 200 micrograms a day, bare
minimum, as preventative maintenance, but upwards of 400, 600, 800 or even 1,000
micrograms of this food grown form of selenium to reverse the cancer, like no other
trace mineral can do.
Rather than believe the FDA and their corrupt study of yesteryear that says selenium
can be toxic to you, the form we are talking about is not a synthetic isolate of a food
grown form. We can take large quantities without concerning ourselves with
selenotoxicity, and it will greatly benefit the cancer patients, almost more than anything
else will.
Ty Bollinger: One of the things that Dr. Robert Scott Bell just mentioned was
minerally rich sea vegetation. Take a guess. It is seas vegetation. What would you
guess the minerals are that it is rich in? I know the first thing you are thinking.
Iodine, right? Kelp has lots of iodine.
We talked to Dr. David Brownstein about iodine and the importance of iodine in overall
health, specifically with the thyroid gland.
Ty Bollinger:

What is iodine, and do we need it to prevent cancer?

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Dr. Brownstein:
All right. Lets do the basics on people, how to supply their bodies
with the things they need to function optimally, which is how we were designed by our
Maker. If we supply the body with the right nutrients, it should do fine for a lifetime. I
consider one of the basics to be iodine. Every cell in the body needs and requires iodine
to function optimally. We cannot function optimally in an iodine deficient environment. I
have tested, along with my partners, over 6,000 patients. Over 96% were low in iodine.
The vast majority were significantly low in iodine. When I talk to clinicians around the
country who are looking at this, they find the same numbers that I am finding.
Ty Bollinger:


Dr. Brownstein: Iodines main job in the body Iodine has a lot of jobs in the body.
The immune system cannot function without it. You cannot fight infections without it.
One of its main jobs is in the endocrine glands. The endocrine glands include the
thyroid, breasts, ovaries, uterus and prostate. What are we having problems with out
there? The thyroid, the ovaries, uterus, breasts and prostate. I have mentioned the
prostate. I have mentioned the breasts. The fastest growing cancer in the United States
is thyroid cancer. We have uterine and ovarian cancer growing at epidemic rates. All of
these tissues, we are having epidemic rates of problems with.
Iodines main job is to maintain the normal architecture of those tissues. In iodine
deficiency, the first thing that happens is that you get cystic formation in the breasts, the
ovaries, uterus, thyroid and prostate. Lets throw the pancreas in here as well, which is
also increasing at epidemic rates, pancreatic cancer. Cysts start to form when iodine
deficiency is there. If it goes on longer, they become nodular and hard. If it goes on
longer, they become hyperplasia, hyperplastic tissue, which is the precursor to cancer. I
say that is the iodine deficiency continuum.
The good thing about iodine is that iodine has apoptotic properties. It can stop a cell, a
cancer cell, from just continuing to divide and divide until it kills somebody. Iodine can
stop this continuum wherever it catches it, and hopefully reverse it, but at least put the
brakes on what is happening.
Over 80% of women suffer from fibrocystic breast disease. That is a precursor to breast
cancer, which as I said, one in seven women have. I say it is an iodine deficiency
problem, period. That is what it is. We either recognize this and start treating it, or we
are still going to see one in seven women with breast cancer.
Ty Bollinger:
Wow. I knew that iodine was important. I did not know that it
creates apoptosis in the cancer cells.
Dr. Brownstein: Iodine has been shown to have apoptotic properties for cancer cells.
Iodine has been shown to be effective for treating a multitude of cancers, all those
tissues that I mentioned before, including pancreatic cancer and some brain cancers. It
is too bad that the cancer industrial complex is not studying iodine as a good therapy for
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cancer, because they should be. I think it should be studied, and I think it should be
studied as a therapy for cancer and as a preventative for cancer.
Ty Bollinger:
Okay. That makes sense, especially in light of the fact that you
have shown the way that iodine affects the endocrine system. The endocrine
glands are the ones that we are having the problems with.
Dr. Brownstein: You know Ty, I have written about this extensively in my book, Iodine,
Why You Need It, Why You Cant Live Without It. I did a study where I looked at 18
women, nine had breast cancer and nine did not have breast cancer. I measured their
iodine and bromide levels. What I did was a test where we collected the urine. What I
found was that before any therapy, the breast cancer women had half as much iodine
as the non-breast cancer women. They were all low in iodine. The breast cancer women
were lower than the non-breast cancer women were. I gave them 50 milligrams of iodine
for 30 days and then I rechecked them. What I found at the end of 30 days, and there
was one other check in the middle, was that the breast cancer women had much more
bromide and much less iodine than the non-breast cancer women did.
Iodine is part of the halide family, which includes iodine, bromide and fluoride. Out of
those three, iodine is the only essential element that has therapeutic value in the body.
Bromide and fluoride, as far as we know, have no known therapeutic value in the body.
Bromide we are getting in toxic amounts in our environment. We are getting toxic
amounts in our food supply from brominated vegetable oils. Many medicines contain
bromide as part of their chemical makeup. I have not tested every breast cancer patient,
but in the ones that I have tested, 100% have high bromide levels and low iodine levels.
I have tested over 1,000 patients in general, some with cancer and some without. They
all have high bromide levels. The cancer patients generally have higher amounts of
Animal studies have shown that bromide can push iodine out of the body. Bromide can
bind where iodine binds. Bromide gums up the cells and it does not work well. What we
need is more iodine in our bodies. The only way we are going to get it right now is
supplementation, just because we are getting too much in our food and our drink. It is in
a bunch of consumer goods, such as computers and cars. You are probably wearing it
in your clothing right now, as a fire retardant. Iodine needs to be a continual supplement
regimen for everybody.
Ty Bollinger:


Dr. Brownstein: What I am seeing right now is this. We are getting too much bromide
and not enough iodine. We are getting too much fluoride from our water supply. That is
another story too. The good thing about iodine is that iodine can kick out both of those, if
we start ingesting it again.
Ty Bollinger: Okay. Why do you think it is, that so many people are deficient in
iodine? I know one study or article that I read, and I cannot remember whom it
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was It could have been Dr. Blalock. He was writing about how in the 1970s, they
took iodine out of the bread and started putting in bromine.
Dr. Brownstein:
Ty Bollinger:

That was I who wrote about that.

Was it you? Okay.

Dr. Brownstein: That is in my iodine book. I have written a bunch of articles on that.
Before the 1970s, iodine was used in bakery products as a conditioning agent. For
some reason in the early 1970s, they substituted bromide for iodine. It is not clear why,
but we started to get all this bromide in our bakery products. Every slice of bread,
cracker, cookie or cake, now has bromide instead of iodine. If you look at the breast
cancer rates and the prostate cancer rates, when they really took off was right about
that time frame. I say that is when our iodine levels really fell off the cliff.
What has also happened lately is that our soil has become more deficient in iodine. I live
in a nice area, a suburb of Detroit. In the Great Lakes area where I live, our soil is one of
most iodine deficient areas of the world. It is not just the Great Lakes area. If you draw a
line down the center of the country between the coasts, most of it is iodine deficient,
except for the two coasts. Where you live is a very iodine deficient area of the world.
This has been going on for a long time. What has not been going on for a long time is
this exposure to bromide and fluoride, which has exacerbated this iodine deficiency
problem and I think exacerbated the breast, prostate, thyroid, ovarian, uterine and
pancreatic problems that we are seeing now.
The U.S. government recognized iodine deficiency was a big problem in the 1920s, as
goiter was at epidemic rates in women, especially in the Midwest area. I have a map of
around 1915. Goiter was around the whole country, north, south, east and west. There
was as study done and the government recommended that they could put a little bit of
iodine in salt, and take care of this goiter epidemic, which they did. It was a very
effective treatment to prevent goiter and it is still in salt now. It is refined salt, as we
know it. The problem is that only 10% of the iodine in that salt is bioavailable for the
body. It is not a great way to get iodine in. Then you couple it with this bromide and
fluoride overexposure that we are getting and it is a recipe for disaster.
Salt is not the best way to get iodine in. at this point in our lives, I think with our
overexposure to bromide and fluoride, we have to supplement with iodine. I think that
the best way to supplement with it is either to use Lugols solution, which has been
around for almost 200 years, or tablet of Lugols solution. There are forms of tablet of
Lugols. Iodorol is one of them. Iodozyme-HP is another name for a tablet of Lugols
product. I have tested all of these products. They are all fine. They are all made from
Lugols solution.
Ty Bollinger:


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Dr. Brownstein: I think that is a way to get it in. I think it is impossible to get enough in
through our diet right now, in the world we live in. the best sources of iodine in the diet
are sea vegetables, such as seaweed, or ocean fish. Ocean fish do contain iodine, the
problem is that the longer that fish has been out of the ocean, the less iodine that fish
has. It sublimates out into a gaseous phase. Fish have other problems, such as high
mercury levels, to them. I still think a better way is that we are going to need to
supplement with iodine, with the cancer epidemic that we are having right now. Average
doses I find for people are 12 to 25 milligrams for most people. If they have breast, lung,
thyroid, prostate, ovarian or uterine problems, they may need more.
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Brownstein is not the only medical doctor that knows that
iodine deficiency is a big problem in the United States. Another medical doctor
that we were able to talk to was Dr. Murray Buzz Susser. He shares his insight.
Ty Bollinger: What is a good diet that you would recommend to your patients,
that may be compromised because they have been eating crap their whole lives?
Dr. Susser: No sugar. The other thing is no sugar. The other thing is no sugar.
Ty Bollinger:


Dr. Susser: We said before that the cancer cells consume sugar about 19 times as
fast as healthy cells. Then the question is no junk, wholesome foods. You can eat
animal foods. I do not believe in the vegetarian diet. Some people do. I have seen
people who really seem to waste away on vegetarian diets.
Ty Bollinger:


Dr. Susser: I think you can do a low-meat diet, but you have to have enough protein
to rebuild your cells. You need some animal foods, I believe. You could probably do a
Diet for a Small Planet. Remember that book, Diet for a Small Planet? That was one of
the first nutritional books about cancer and about nutrition in general. If you combine
beans and grains, you can get a complete protein. Vegetarian proteins never have all
the amino acids that you need. If you combine beans and grains, then you can have
If you are going to try to do something low animal food, read Diet for a Small Planet and
be sure that you get enough of the broad spectrum of amino acids. There are 20 or 22,
depending on who you believe, amino acids that are essential to our bodies. All but
about eight of them we can make ourselves, eight or arguably ten, depending on whom
you talk to.
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Susser:

The jury is out on that still.

Yes. You would not think, in this day and age, it would be.

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Ty Bollinger:


Dr. Susser: Lets just say you need ten amino acids that are considered to be essential
because we cannot make them. We have to eat them. If we have a complete list diet of
amino acids, all the good fatty acids, the omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9, in the right
proportion, and good starches of course The good starches, you know what I am
saying? One of the best foods is watercress.
Ty Bollinger:


Dr. Susser: Yes. It is high in sulforaphanes. Sulforaphanes are plant hormones that
fight infection, and fight damage. When you crush a plant, it releases sulforaphanes.
Sulfur is one of the best ways to fight invaders like cancer or infection.
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Susser:
Ty Bollinger:

Got it. Watercress?

Watercress is like arugula.

Dr. Susser: Those are the cruciferous vegetables. I like those. You can overdo those
also, because then they start binding iodine and your thyroid gets depleted. By the way,
iodine is another important item that we are very neglectful of. I treat almost every one
of my patients with iodine. The recommended daily allowance of iodine is 160
micrograms. I have a product that has 20 milligrams per drop, SSKI.
Ty Bollinger: Okay. That is what Dr. Brownstein said, anywhere from 12 to 25
milligrams a day.
Dr. Susser:
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Susser:
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Susser:
Ty Bollinger:

Yes. He is from UCLA?

I do not know where he went to school. I do not know.
He is smarter than most of those guys.
He is a smart fellow. You are too.
I did not go to UCLA.
You went to Pittsburgh.

UCLA versus Pittsburgh, that would be a good football game, wouldnt it? We are
not talking about football here. We are talking about cancer. Dr. Sunil Pai is
another conventionally trained medical doctor that has stepped outside of the
box, and is now using nutrition to help people get healthy. Lets listen to what he
has to say.
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Dr. Pai:
My background? I am an MD, so I am conventionally trained in family
medicine. I did a fellowship with Andrew Wild 14 years ago in integrated medicine.
Further than that, I then went to India and studied a little bit more of ayurvedic medicine.
Ayurvedic medicine is the traditional medicine of India that dates back almost 5,000
years. Many of the things that I spoke about in my lecture today are rooted in that old
history of using food as medicine. Although people think of Hippocrates saying let
medicine by thy food and thy food be thy medicine, it goes further back than that.
Ty Bollinger:

He snagged it from someone else.

Dr. Pai: Everybody thinks that the history started with the Greeks and Romans. There
is a lot more history than that, right, depending on what school you went to.
We look at a variety of things, and one of the natural therapies that has been very
effective, and now that we have a preponderance of data in terms of clinical efficacy,
cell culture and studies in human clinical trials, is many of the ingredients I spoke about
today, such as curcumin. Curcumin is an ingredient that comes from turmeric. Turmeric
is a root, okay? We use it in cooking. We think of curry. It is a spice, but it is not spicy. A
lot of people have the misconception that it is spices or something. It is a spice, but it is
not spicy. It does not have the heat component, like a chili for example.
Yellow curry, if you went to a Thai restaurant, or when people have mustard, what
makes it yellow, is turmeric powder. Unfortunately, in American cooking, it is used as a
colorant. It does have that yellow color. It is a natural colorant. It is a variety of other
benefits. One of the benefits is that it is a strong anti-inflammatory. It has now been
shown to block over 97 different mechanisms of inflammation. Eating it as a food, or
even taking it as a supplement, has a variety of benefits. We can see a lot of data
showing the support and use, of why we have used this historically in our past and also
now, what we use now in clinical trials, as a supplement. Many companies are looking
at how to do it pharmaceutically as well.
Most of the data right now There are 5,000 published studies on the benefits of
curcuminoids. Now in the last ten years, there is a lot of data on how that affects cancer
cell growth. Through these mechanisms of inflammation, like NF-kappaB, which I talked
about today, one of the major switches of the immune system, COX enzymes, LOX
enzymes, these are things that we take certain drugs like ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil and
Celebrex for. The nice thing with the curcumin is that we have no GI, kidney or liver side
effects. We can take this in higher doses or lower doses.
I did not mention it today. I forgot to mention that India, for example, has the lowest
dementia rates in the world. One of the issues that we are looking at is why. As a
culture, it is not that they are smarter people. We are finding out that they consume
about 25 to 50 milligrams of turmeric daily, over their lifetime. That prevents
inflammation of the brain.

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Ty Bollinger: Wow. That is very interesting. One of the things that I heard you
say earlier in your lecture was that for the gold, frankincense and myrrh in the
bible, the gold could have been turmeric.
Dr. Pai:
Yes. From what we are looking at historically, the gold may be referencing
turmeric, turmeric or curcumin, specifically the part of the turmeric. Turmeric was sold
and cost more than gold at the time. This is during the spice trade, or the trade route.
We always nicknamed it golden spice, we would say. There is a lot of reference that
Myrrh is guggel, which is not the website but the G-U-G-G-E-L. Some people hear
guggel and think it is a product or products out there. Guggel is an ayurvedic herb. It
has anti-inflammatory effects and cardiovascular benefits, like lowering cholesterol.
Finally, there is frankincense, which is boswellia. The three main herbs that were
brought, the gift of the magi, they came from wise men.
Ty Bollinger: Can you go into a few of the mechanisms of action for boswellia,
the way that it might reduce inflammation?
Dr. Pai: Sure. Boswellia also blocks NF-kappaB. It is also a five-LOX enzyme. There
are two main pathways in the arachidonic acid pathway, in terms of when we get
omega-6s from our diet, which I talked about. We should be eating a plant based protein
diet, meaning less animal protein as possible, and less highly refined oil, right? Too
much of those trigger more inflammation. Then the people take pills that are blocking
inflammation. Boswellia does that naturally on the one of the main pathways, called fiveLOX. It also has certain blocking aspects of what we call VEGF. These are vascular
endothelial growth factors for cancer cells to grow. It also blocks a variety of
transcription factors and enzyme processes.
The nice thing is that it has also been tested in many tissues, breast and bone. Brain,
for example, is one of the areas that we study a lot, where brain tumors like
glioblastomas have been shown to actually shrink. We have a handful of patients now
that are the longest surviving glioblastoma recurrent patients in one of the big hospitals
in New York State, of your state history.
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Pai:

Yes, we all know.

Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Pai:

I am sure I know which one.

Yes. That is with boswellia.


Ty Bollinger:
Wow. The gold that the magi gave to the Baby Jesus may have
actually been curcumin, the golden spice. I have never heard that before, but it is
definitely in the realm of possibility. It makes sense.

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Episode 5: Natures Pharmacy

Another conventionally trained medical doctor who has stepped outside of the
box is Dr. Roby Mitchell. Lets listen to what he has to say about the importance
of antifungal diet in treating disease.
What would be a general diet that you could recommend, that would keep the
immune system strong and prevent cancer?
Dr. Mitchell: When I started working with Dr. Wright, one of the things that I had been
involved with was treating people for the fungal overgrowth that happens in our bodies.
One of the things that I realized years before that was that the common denominator of
any of these natural, herbal, plant, exotic, fruit, superfood remedies that worked The
common denominator with them was that they had some powerful antifungal in them,
right? That is with garlic, with aspirin and with the polyphenolic compounds in the skin of
red grapes, the resveratrol.
I went into the lab and I started investigating which foods are the highest in these. Not
necessarily which foods were the highest, but which foods had the most impact on
controlling candida overgrowth. I set up petri dishes right there in the lab, and we
inoculated them with candida. Then we just went about inoculating them with extracts
from different fruits, vegetables and so forth, to see which ones made the biggest zone
of exclusion in the petri dishes, right? We had the petri control down here with a
medication called Diflucan, that we know kills yeast, right? We knew that it was going to
leave a big clear space in there, where it did not allow yeast to grow. Down here, we
had water, right? That plate just grew white with yeast overgrowth, because there was
nothing to inhibit it. Then with all these other plates, I was able to see which ones
worked better or worse at keeping yeast under control.
With that, that was the springboard for what is now called the BALI Eating Plan, B-A-L-I,
BALI or an acronym for Basic Antioxidant/Antifungal Low Insulin. We want to
Regardless of the name that you call it, whether it is the Gerson Therapy, the paleo diet,
Mediterranean diet or whatever, what is going to work a as far as keeping cells out of an
environment that incents them to pleomorph into cancer cells. It is one that keeps the
yeast under control, right? It keeps you from developing fungal overgrowth, because
when that fungus gets up to a certain level, then your immune system is going to
respond with the weapons of mass destruction and it is going to create a toxic
environment. Your cells are going to cough and choke, and they are going to start
changing into a cellular form that will allow them to survive that toxic environment.
Regardless of what you call it, the food that you eat has to be food that keeps fungal
growth under control and does not throw gasoline on the fire. When we eat foods that
have what we call a high glycemic index, the grains and sugars, corn, wheat, rice and
those things, then we are creating an environment that promotes fungal overgrowth.
That is going to cause inflammation and that is going to incent cells to turn to cancer
cells. We have just seen that more and more, as our diets have gotten more and more
refined. That started over here in the Western world. Now we see it as we have
outsourced all of our computer jobs and the manufacturing jobs over to these third
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worlds. They get money in their pockets and then we send Coke and McDonalds over
there. Now we are seeing breast cancer, for instance, in women that we did not see
breast cancer in before. We are seeing prostate cancer in men that we did not see
prostate cancer in before, in these third world countries. It is because they are eating
the same foods that gave us the problem over here.
Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy:
You have to get food that is close to nature. Lots of
vegetables. Fruits are okay, but you have to be careful about fruits, because fruits can
have a high sugar index. Fruits have lots of wonderful nutrients also. I do have people
who eat protein, some protein. You should not be eating more than 60 grams of protein
a day, because it overwhelms the system and creates inflammation. There are lots of
sources for protein now. There are probably ten wonderful vegetables that have protein
sources. If people have to have meat, it should be grass fed, a couple of ounces. If they
have chicken, it is free range. Unfortunately, all the fish is tainted with mercury and
radiation, so it is hard to recommend that anymore. It used to be a great protein source,
but it is not now.
We have to eat foods that help us detoxify. We have to have foods that provide the
energy. We put all of our patients on wheatgrass. Wheatgrass is the most powerful food
that people can eat. All of our cancer patients, whether they are at home or in our clinic,
they get wheatgrass every single day.
Ty Bollinger:

I love wheatgrass shots.

Dr. Connealy:
Yes. Wheatgrass is wonderful. Juicing A lot of people, they have
undergone chemotherapy and the gastrointestinal system is not working. We have to do
the work for them. We give them juices so they quickly absorb the nutrients they need
to. Some people need to put on weight. I have people that need to put on weight. I put
them on a special program. It depends.
One thing is that most of your plate is going to be vegetables, and a little protein. Seeds
are great, all different kinds of seeds, from pomegranate seeds to pumpkin seeds to
sunflower seeds. God, it is amazing. It is amazing what is going on in the food industry.
They are making food taste so wonderful. Grapefruit tastes so wonderful. People cannot
tell me they cannot go. Every year, a couple of times a year, they have the natural
products expo. It is absolutely fabulous how we are reinventing food.
Ty Bollinger: I agree with Dr. Connealy. Food that is good for us does not have
to taste bad. It should actually taste good. In todays world, we have a ton of
choices of good foods that are actually healthy for us, that taste good as well.
One of the things that Dr. Connealy mentioned was seeds. Lets go and talk to Dr.
Brad Weeks and find out the importance of seeds in our daily diet.
What are the most important foods, in your opinion, that have medicinal value,
that can help to prevent disease, cancer?
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Episode 5: Natures Pharmacy

Dr. Bradford Weeks: The first thing there is to be well hydrated, good quality water. I am
against fluoride in water. I am against chlorine if possible. I am fortunate. We have an
artesian well. I like mineral water and spring water. I am not a big fan of the alkaline
water process, but the body has to be well hydrated. What is important about that Ty,
you may not know this, but any addictive process, whether it is cocaine, heroin, coffee
or cigarettes, is tougher to break if the person is dehydrated. The first thing I do with
someone who is an addict is rehydrate and stabilize blood sugar.
What is interesting about nicotine, for example, is it clears the system quicker if you are
dehydrated. The patient is reaching for another cigarette. If you are well hydrated, they
are not quite sure when the nicotine left their system. It is the same thing. Cancer, all
the illnesses we pay attention to are less problematic if the person is well hydrated.
Water is a tremendous anti-inflammatory, of course.
I am a fan of anti-inflammatory diets. I am a fan of eating real food, eating living food. It
is astonishing to me that we even have this category called junk food. I like to tell my
patients that there is no such thing as junk food. There is food and there is junk. Even
though the junk can taste like food, it is not food. It is really not going to do what food
should do, which is to nourish you.
Ty Bollinger:

It is kind of an oxymoron, isnt it?

Dr. Weeks: Indeed it is. The thing I have paid a lot of attention to recently is eating
seeds. I am going to use that term generally. Seeds would include nuts, beans and
anything that you can put in the ground and will grow. A pea would be a seed in that
regard. Eggs, something like that, caviar in particular, are fabulous. Seeds are
tremendously valuable because the seed is such a wise little packet. It concentrates
nutrients about 20-fold and 30-fold more than the rest of the fruit. It is this fabulous
packet of concentrated nutrition. What we know is that it has all sorts of genetic spare
parts. If it is not going to be a seed, it grows into a plant that is available for you and me,
to repair our DNA and our RNA with. It also has tremendous stem cell precursors,
especially in the husks of seeds.
Ty Bollinger: After that information from Dr. Weeks, I think I am going to start
incorporating more seeds into my diet.
This is the end of the episode, Natures Pharmacy. I am going to shift gears a
little bit. We have all heard the phrase laughter is the best medicine. Lets find
out some information about laughter and about music, and how these things can
impact our health. We are going to talk to Dr. Patrick Quillin and we are going to
talk to Dr. Francisco Contreras about this very important issue.
What kind of a role does music have in the overall health equation, treating
cancer or other diseases?

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Dr. Quillin: Good question. I started playing guitar at age 17, and it was enjoyable and
fun. It was a stress reliever and an emotional life raft, if you will. Then I put it away when
my career got busy, thinking I did not have time for this nonsense. There were other
things I should be doing, higher priorities. I found a textbook from the New York
Academy of Sciences, called The Biological Foundations of Music. This is a $100
textbook from all these academically affiliated MDs and Ph.Ds.
What they found is this. They showed that when you play music, and you can show
things when you sing too, music in general is therapeutic. Singing and playing is even
more therapeutic. Just listening to music that relaxes you is good for you, and it can
have extraordinary healing capacities. The studies are beyond argument now, that the
music you are listening to, making, singing or playing, actually changes the way the
brain works. Hans Selye, in his incredible work, Dr. Selye was the grandfather of stress.
There are many others in the field who have clearly proven that stress is a killer, and
music is a healer.
Ty Bollinger: Fascinating. In the same line of thought, here is a quote by former
president John F. Kennedy. Humor is the balancing stick that allows us to walk
the tightrope of life. So you have talked about music. Talk about humor.
Dr. Quillin: Absolutely. We were given this funny bone for a good reason. I realize that
there are many people who say, You think this is funny? This is not funny. Look at my
life. I can tell you things about my life that you could easily get very discouraged about,
and yet John Kennedys quote is absolutely true. We are all walking this tightrope of life,
and that humor is the balancing stick that allows us to manage it well.
Let me give you a couple of examples. What do the following longevity experts have in
common? Bob Hope lived to be 100. George Burns lived to be 99. Art Linkletter lived to
be 97. Jack Lalanne lived to be 95, I believe. Phyllis Diller is in her early 90s. Betty
White is still alive and doing great in her early 90s. What do they all have in common? A
great sense of humor. What happens is that we are all exposed to a certain amount of
stress. Some of us, not me, but some of us God bless you combat veterans who are
returning with a lot of stress mentally and physically, more than I could handle.
Somehow, we have to be able to take that stress and use humor to try and dissipate the
What happens is that here is this big ugly balloon that is blocking our view of the beauty
of life. Humor says, Pop the balloon, or at least slowly let the air out of it. A great
metaphor would be that it is the shock absorbers that allow us to ride that rocky, bumpy
back road of life. It says, I can tolerate this because of humor. I can dissipate the
energy because if you can get a sense of humor about things Bob Hope, of course,
had so many great lines. He traveled the world many times with the troops. How can
you go into a combat scene where people are dying and suffering, afraid and
depressed, and offer humor? Not only how can you, but you have to.

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Episode 5: Natures Pharmacy

Ty Bollinger: One of the things, Dr. Contreras, that you mentioned was laughter
and music. It is so ironic. The reason that I am able to interview you today is
because of Dr. Patrick Quillin. He spoke to you earlier today and said you should
go and interview with me.
Dr. Contreras:


Ty Bollinger:
He mentioned two important facets of any cancer treatment are
music and laughter.
Dr. Contreras: They are the most potent immunostimulating agents available. There
is no drug and there is no vaccine that is more potent to stimulate the immune system.
There is a study, a very interesting study, which shows that for every minute of anger,
you will depress significantly and measurably of course, the quality and quantity of your
immune system. One minute of anger, six hours of depression.
One minute of laughter will boost significantly, your immune system for 24 hours. That is
why children, up to the age of five, laugh around 400 times a day. Adults only laugh
about 40. The reason why children can eat dirt and be dirty all the time is because they
are laughing.
Ty Bollinger:

Laughter is the best medicine.

Dr. Contreras: They are protected. At the Oasis of Hope, we have laughter sessions
every day. Every time we get together with them, no matter how serious the thing is, we
try to put in several jokes for them. They do not have to be good. We laugh. Sometimes
we laugh at the people telling the joke, not because
Ty Bollinger:

Sometimes you are laughing at how bad the jokes were [laughter]

Dr. Contreras:
Exactly. It is amazing how powerful things that cost nothing are,
meditation and colors. There are studies that show that the most immune depressing
colors are white and blue, the typical hospital colors, imagine that. We painted all our
walls in mauve, because there are studies that show that it is the most immune lifting
color. We take into account all of those things. Those little things sometimes account for
a lot.
Ty Bollinger: Those little things do sometimes account for a lot. I totally agree.
Music and laughter are two things that are free. They stimulate the immune
system and they help us to be healthy. They are part of natures natural
pharmacy. Laughter is the best medicine. We can access them 24/7. I recommend
that you do.
Wow, that is some amazing information that we learned tonight about Natures
Pharmacy. You know, food is so important and a lot of people do not understand
the importance of food, the nutrition of your diet, in preventing disease. That is
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something I did not really understand as much as I do now, several years ago,
that I have learned over the years. We are all continually learning. I hope you
learned a lot from tonights episode.
One of the really fond memories that I am going to have of this time in my life, this
period, is that I have four kids and a beautiful wife. We cook together on a daily
basis. We cook clean foods. When I say clean foods, I do not mean foods that you
necessarily wash well, which you should wash them. I mean foods that are
healthy for our bodies and give us life. We do this all the time, even my little fouryear-old Charity. She gets up with me and she helps me make foods. Tabatha, my
eight-year-old, she helps me cook. Of course, Brianna and Bryce are older. They
help cook. I mean, we all do. It is a family affair in the kitchen, and we love it.
I cannot stop at one episode with the importance of food. We talked about some
food and some of natures pharmacy tonight. We are going to talk about it again
tomorrow night. You are really going to learn more about nutrition. It was such an
important topic that we had to do two episodes. We are going to teach you
tomorrow night, how to eat foods that give you life and that can give your body
what it needs so that you can stay healthy. I am so glad you tuned in tonight, and
I hope we see you tomorrow night. God bless.

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Episode 5: Natures Pharmacy


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Ty Bollinger:
Welcome back to The Quest for the CuresContinues folks.
Im so glad that you joined us tonight. I hope that in last nights episode, Natures
Pharmacy, you learned a lot about herbs and vitamins and foods that can give
you health. Were going to learn more about that tonight. The importance of
nutrition just cant be stressed enough, in light of the fact that even many medical
doctors dont understand. Case in point, a good friend of mine, whos in The
Quest for the Cures Continues, Dr. Irvin Sahni, I actually went to college with Dr.
Sahni, he has texted me pictures over the last couple of years of the doctors
lounge at the hospital where he works. And in the doctor lounge the foods that
are available for these doctors who are supposed to be helping us to get healthy,
the foods that are available are Cheetos, chips, candies, and theyve even got a
whole refrigerator full of sodas, diet sodas, that are full of aspartame. The chips
are full of genetically modified foods, which weve already learned about cause
cancer. So these are the health professionals that are supposed to be teaching
us. There is a disconnect. I was able to travel to Austin, Texas and hook up with
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, the founder of, which is
the second most visited natural health website in the entire world. Mike shared
with us some amazing information about this disconnect. He elaborated further
about how it is that these medical professionals that are supposed to be keeping
us healthy really dont understand the importance of good nutrition on our health.
I know youre going to learn a lot from tonights show, so pull up a chair, grab a
pen and paper and take some notes. I hope you enjoy the show.
Mike Adams:
Well, and its also a great example of the astonishing disconnect
that exists in the mainstream medical system. They think that your body is somehow
disconnected from what you feed your body. Which is astonishing.
Ty Bollinger:

Isnt that bizarre?

Mike Adams:

Completely irrational. Illogical, unscientific, right?

Ty Bollinger:


Mike Adams:
So the good news is that it becomes very easy to start waking
people up and start educating people about whats real in terms of nutrition and health,
because people can understand this, we live in a materialistic type of society. So if you
start with a material metaphor, or a material explanation, you can make good progress
in this. You can say, Well look. What you eat and drink is digested, right? And it
becomes your blood composition. Your blood is made of what you eat and drink. And
people say, Yeah, I get that. Okay, great. Unless you think your blood is made
magically, which doesnt happen.
Ty Bollinger:


Mike Adams:
So then your blood circulates throughout your body, your blood
brings the materials that then become your organs, that fuel your brain, your cognitive
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Episode 6: Clean Foods & The Cancer-Free Diet

function, that fuel the function of all of your organs, and that replenish and rebuild all the
cells of your body. As you lose cells you build new cells. You replace cells. So clearly
whats in your blood becomes your physical body, right? And they say, Yeah. Right. I
get that. So then you literally are what you eat physically. Its an inescapable
conclusion. So if youre eating junk, if youre eating toxins, if youre eating heavy metals,
your body, your brain, your organs, your skin, everything thats in your physical body
becomes junk, becomes toxic. Becomes processed.
Ty Bollinger:


Mike Adams:
Not natural. That idea is not yet recognized by the entire system of
modern medicine with all of its claimed advances, with all the billions of dollars that have
gone into the cancer research industry. They still cannot yet grasp a simple concept that
a five-year-old understands almost automatically, You are what you eat.
Ty Bollinger:
A five-year-old understands this, What you eat becomes your
blood. It becomes your organs, and that fuels your brain and eventually
replenishes the cells. It seems pretty basic to me. You are what you eat. So if we
want to be healthy, we need to eat health foods. Ive heard it said that cancer is a
disease of malnutrition. So lets see what Dr. Patrick Quillin, who wrote the
bestselling definitive book on cancer nutrition, has to say about this ever so
important issue.
Beautiful fruit trees. Youve already given me a small tour. Were going to take
another one later around your yard. Youve at least a couple dozen different types
of fruits. So I can see from the place that you live that you understand the impact
of nutrition. And so talk about the impact of nutrition specifically on cancer. What
is cancer? What does nutrition have to do with cancer?
Dr. Patrick Quillin: A broad expansive sort of global question here Ty. So forgive me if
we take a couple of side spurs. My book, Beating Cancer with Nutrition, which has sold
a half million copies and is considered the definitive work in that area. Its been
translated into five languages. I organized three international symposia on the subject of
adjuvant or helpful nutrition in cancer treatment. And then a textbook came out of that
adjuvant nutrition and cancer treatment. So all of this is not just hearsay and innuendo,
but essentially there are five main reasons why all cancer patients need to use nutrition
as a part of their comprehensive cancer treatment. Im forewarning I would not use
nutrition as sole therapy against cancer. Its insufficient, but it is irreplaceable. So given
that, lets think of the five main reasons why every cancer patient needs to include
nutrition as a part of their comprehensive therapy.
Number one, nutrition actually is a big part of the malnutrition. Forty percent of cancer
patients die of malnutrition, not of the cancer. Cancer is a wasting disease. Appetite is
affected. You end up in the hospital with food that youre unfamiliar with. Chemo and
radiation can induce cachexia, or lean tissue loss. So malnutrition kills forty percent of
cancer patients. The only therapy for that is proper nutrition. It sometimes needs to be
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aggressive with the metabolic support team such as total parenteral nutrition and other
things. Number two is that nutrition can help to make chemo, radiation, and surgery
more of a selective therapy. In other words, chemo and radiation are non-selective
toxins. Theyre cytotoxic poisons. They kill everything in their pathway, and there is what
they call collateral damage. So a patient who is receiving chemo is going to have a
certain amount of hair loss, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, all as a part of the chemo,
but nutrition can make chemo, radiation, and surgery more selectively toxic to the tumor
and less toxic to the patient. This is where a very important part of my message is to get
the oncologists and the nutritionists and the cancer patient in the same room together
and they all have the goal of beating this cancer in the fact that a well-nourished cancer
patient can better manage the disease and the therapies that are used for it. So number
two is nutrition makes chemo more of a rifle rather than a hand grenade.
Number three, we find that cancer is a sugar feeder. Cancer is whats called an obligate
glucose metabolizer, meaning that theres a dramatic uptake of glucose in the cells of
tumor cells. If you can lower gut and blood glucose, you can help to slow down cancer.
There are a number of therapies now that target this whole unique Achilles heel of the
cancer cells. Number four, we find that your immune system is supposed to recognize
and destroy cancer cells. In a cancer patient, the immune system has failed its duties.
There has to be some ways of upregulating the immune system. Thats a whole study in
itself. Number five is that nutrients can become biological response modifiers. Back in
1971 when Richard Nixon launched the war on cancer he said, We will have the cure
for a major cancer within five years, by the bicentennial, 1976. We dont. We dont have
the cure for any major cancer today either. We have some better treatments, but
essentially launching the war on cancer and we have now spent in the neighborhood of
fifty billion dollars in research at the National Cancer Institute, and over a trillion dollars
in therapies. We now have forty percent of men born today can expect to develop
cancer in their lifetime. In the year 1900, three percent could expect to develop cancer
in their lifetime. Weve got a problem there. But one of the things that we know from
cancer research and nutrition research is that nutrients can become biological response
modifiers. They change the way the body works.
A blatant example of that would be that every fall in America, August, September, about
thirty young men athletes will die from heat stroke. Theyre big people. Theyre not
properly hydrated. Theyre out in eighty, ninety, a hundred, a hundred and ten degree
heat. Theyre practicing twice a day. They dont hydrate properly, and they can die from
dehydration. The only cure for heat stroke or dehydration is water. And so water
becomes a biological response modifier in those patients. There are many cancer
patients for who fish oil, coenzyme Q, lipoic acid, curcumin, theres just a long list of
nutrients, vitamins, minerals, probiotics, glandular extracts, many different substances
that can become powerful therapeutic aides for the cancer patient to restore their host
defensive mechanisms. Heres the beauty, a healthy human body is self-regulating and
self-repairing. The cancer patient has lost that ability for some reason. The job of
everyone in the hospital and everyone in the clinic should be to restore that patient back
to their self-regulating and self-repairing ability, which is what nutrition does as a part of
the package.
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Episode 6: Clean Foods & The Cancer-Free Diet

Ty Bollinger:
So nutrients can change the way that a body works. Theyre
biological response modifiers. And healthy bodies should be self-regulating and
self-healing. Lets listen to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny as she discusses the relationship
of nutrition to cervical cancer and the HPV vaccine.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny:
And that brings up another point, Does the virus cause
the cancer, or is the cervix which is an exposed organ, have a nutritional deficiency?
The organ starts to break down and deteriorate, and then the virus gets imbedded into
that decaying and sick organ. The medical communities say that the HPV caused the
cancer, when in actuality I believe that a lot of cervical dysfunction and cervical
dysplasias are nutritional deficiency diseases. And weve treated many of them in our
office with Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, natural progesterone, get them to stop
smoking, get off of the birth control pill, and it clears up and goes away. In more than
ninety percent of the people that we have kept track of.
Ty Bollinger: So when you give the body what it needs to run properly, it runs
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny:

Imagine that.

Dr. David Brownstein: So I suggest number one, lets go back to the basics. I think
one of my jobs as a doctor is to counsel people on how to eat appropriately. And I can
guarantee that most people are not eating appropriately. The standard American diet is
nutrient depleting for people. It supplies them with toxic chemicals that set the stage for
a chronic illness like cancer, arthritis, and other illnesses to appear. And unless they
learn to number one eat appropriately or eat better, I think that were going to still suffer
this cancer problem. Basic number one is, Lets eat a better diet. When we were
growing up we learned in elementary school the food pyramid.
Ty Bollinger:


Dr. David Brownstein:

And the food pyramid showed that the majority of our food
is grains. I remember there was a big loaf of bread there and crackers. Grains were
down in that big part of the pyramid and fats and oils were up on top and said, Use
sparingly. I could tell you weve followed that food pyramid since it was introduced in
the early 1970s or late 1960s. The consequences of us, the American people, following
this food pyramid was that we ate more grains. We limited our fats and oils in our diet.
We switched our fat intake from primarily animal fat products to using polyunsaturated
vegetable oils like corn oil and soybean oil, and some other oils that are commonly sold
in grocery stores. The consequence of that is weve become the most obese people on
the face of the planet. We have more diabetes than we know what to do with. We have
more metabolic syndrome than we know what to do with, and I say its a direct result of
the USDAs recommendation of following the food pyramid.
Ty Bollinger:

Following the SAD American diet.

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Dr. David Brownstein:
It makes people sad and it makes people fat and it makes
people diabetic. And certainly once diabetes comes out into play, cancer and other
illnesses follow suit as the blood sugar goes up since cancer cells require blood sugar to
function, to rev their metabolic rate.
Ty Bollinger:
So Dr. B you just mentioned the SAD American diet, the fact
that weve got the pyramid with the grains and the oils at the top with use
sparingly. What should a healthy food pyramid look like?
Dr. David Brownstein:
In one sense maybe we could flip the food pyramid on its
axis and make the grains, use sparingly, because grains turn into sugar very quickly. I
frequently tell my patients to limit grains in their diets and to use a lot more fats in their
diets, because fats slowly releases into the body. So what should it look like? I say
people should eat whole foods free of pesticides, free of hormones.
Ty Bollinger:


Dr. David Brownstein:

Organic food, absolute. Organic animal products can be
very healthy for people such as organic eggs, organic meats, and any organic product.
It definetely needs to be free of pesticides, because we know that pesticides are not
metabolized well in the body. There are carcinogenic studies with pesticides if we get
enough of them in our body. And certainly with the hormones theyre feeding the
conventionally-raised animal thats a big problem. I think thats one of the things causing
one in seven women to have breast cancer, and one in three men to have prostate
Ty Bollinger:
Also just off the top of my head Im thinking that the hormones
in the meats, the chickens, could that be one of the reasons that so many young
girls are going into puberty so early?
Dr. David Brownstein:
Theres no question thats one of the reasons girls are
going into puberty so early. Theres no question thats why breast size has increased
over the years, and theres no question thats why breast cancer has increased. For
men its prostate cancer. Theres no reason they need to feed these hormones to the
animals. They should be limited. And since they are going to feed them to the
conventionally-raised animals, the only thing that we can do is to eat a better diet.
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. B I know youve written several books on diet and food and
nutrition. Can you talk about those a little bit?
Dr. David Brownstein:
Ive written these books trying to teach people not to eat
that sad diet and to eat a better diet. The first book that I wrote was The Guide to
Healthy Eating. It just gives an overview about how to eat better like with what were
talking about. My latest book is The Skinny on Fats. I try and dispel the myths of eating
fat and why we need to eat good fats in our diet, why we cant go on these low fat diets.
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I think it stresses the body out and causes more problems, particularly more problems
with people with chronic disorders like cancer.
Ty Bollinger:
Can you talk about good fats? When you say we need to be
eating good fats, what are good fats?
Dr. David Brownstein:
raised and organically fed.
Ty Bollinger:

Good fats can be from animal sources that are organically


Dr. David Brownstein:

Absolutely, butter is a very good fat for the body. Organic
eggs are the best pure protein source for the body.
Ty Bollinger:
I live on five acres in Texas and we have laying hens. So we get
fresh eggs every day from our hens that free range. Im with you. I love organic
Dr. David Brownstein:

Thats the best way to do it, no question.

Ty Bollinger:
What about other kinds of oils to cook with? What oils should
we cook with? What oils should we be intaking? I know one of the oils thats a
staple in our diet is coconut oil.
Dr. David Brownstein: We were taught in elementary school on the top of that food
pyramid that you use fats and oils sparingly. We were also taught to switch to
polyunsaturated vegetable oils like corn oil and soybean oil. Those things are a disaster
for the body. They are nutrient-depleted. Theyre full of trans fatty acids. They gum up
the bodys receptors. I think the single best cooking oil is coconut oil; palm oil is a good
choice. These things survive high heat cooking very well. Olive oil is okay for low heat
cooking or just in cool foods. For high heat cooking theres nothing better than coconut
Ty Bollinger:
Okay. We love to cook up organic popcorn in coconut oil. The
kids get popcorn that way.
Dr. David Brownstein:
and good unrefined salt.

Nothing better with using coconut oil, organic corn seeds,

Ty Bollinger:
While were on the subject of fats you mentioned good oils, you
mentioned the butter, the eggs, what about nuts? What are some good sources of
fats, because I know that nuts are almost all fat?
Dr. David Brownstein:
I think nuts make a great snack. They supply the right fatty
acids for our bodies, both Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids. That can be a healthy
snack. Its much better than a cracker or some kind of grain-based product.
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Ty Bollinger:
Would you recommend that the nuts be raw? Roasted are okay,
but not roasted in bad oils.
Dr. David Brownstein:
What I tell my patients is that nuts do have some
chemicals in them to inhibit some of the absorption of minerals in our body. Theyre
called phytates. You can minimize that or disrupt that phytates formation my slow
roasting the nuts. In my book The Guide to Healthy Eating, we describe how to slow
roast nuts. Basically you just put them on a tray and cook them at a low heat for a few
hours. It makes them much more tastier and much more healthier for our body, but I do
think that raw nuts can be an okay snack as well.
Ty Bollinger:

Okay, but just watch out for the bad oils.

Dr. David Brownstein:

Oh yeah with the nuts. If you look on the container of the
nuts theyll tell you when theyre made with soybean oil or theyre roasted. If theyre
roasted in soybean oil or corn oil or something like that theyre not going to be healthy
because the oils been hydrogenated at that point.
Ty Bollinger:

And now the GMO factor as well with soy and corn, right?

Dr. David Brownstein:

for that as well.

Thats been a whole disaster and were paying the price

Ty Bollinger:
So Dr. Brownstein just elaborated on good oils and healthy
fats. Lets listen to Bob Wright and Suzanne Somers expound on this subject.
Talk about the good oils like coconut oil.
Bob Wright:
Well first of all you go into a supermarket and you see all the oils
there, the sunflower, the safflower, the canola oil. Folks, canola oil is rapeseed oil. Its
used as a pesticide. Its poison. But most of these bottles of oils sitting on the shelves in
there are already rancid before you buy them. They put in industrial perfumes in them to
make them smell good. Dont eat them. The good oils of course are olive oil, extra virgin
olive oil particularly. I also like extra virgin because its the least processed, but youve
got to be careful today. Fifty percent of the extra virgin olive oils out there have other oils
in them. So youve got to know what youre choosing. I like extra virgin coconut oil. I
have a couple tablespoons every day, because were seeing remarkable things with
people with neurodegenerative diseases like ALS and Parkinsons and Alzheimers.
Were seeing almost immediate results with people that use these. The folks that are
listening to this can go up on the internet and Google this. You can find the stories.
Theyre just rife on the internet now about how these people are utilizing these oils, two
to six tablespoons a day, and theyre seeing results in twenty minutes. Of course you
need to do more than one day to get results in twenty minutes, but were finding that
many people are getting incredible results all the way to almost reversing their sickness
and disease. This is a great start, because there are no drugs out there that as we know
help these people. They may ameliorate a few symptoms for a little while, but these
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diseases progress. Also we need to detox. We need to get those heavy metals out of
the body. The brain in these diseases stops utilizing glucose. The brain starts to
struggle and suffer for energy. So the medium-chain triglycerides, these good fats that
we talk about in the coconut oil are processed in the liver and sent into the bloodstream.
They go to the brain and they become that fuel for the brain so that the brain starts to
function again.
Suzanne Somers: I probably have four spoons of coconut oil just on its own during the
day, because thats so healing to the intestines. And then I use it in my cooking.
Coconut oil is incredible. In my SUZANNE Organic Skincare line we have coconut oil in
so many of the products. My products are certified toxic-free. I dont know of anybody
else who has that organic. So certified toxic-free means it has to be grown organically,
extracted organically and nothing upwind or downwind of the product can be toxic to
contaminate it. Im developing a nice little business of people who want high quality
cosmetics and skincare and makeup and dont want any chemicals. I think of all of the
lead women have taken in through lipstick over the years. I make lead-free lipstick.
Ty Bollinger:

Thats phenomenal.

So coconut oil is not just great to eat, its also good for your skin as Suzanne just
talked about, because your skin absorbs whatever touches it. And so if youre
putting toxic makeups and perfumes on your skin, youre going to absorb them
as well. While were on the subject of healthy fats I wanted to talk to Dr. David
Jockers, whos an expert on the ketogenic diet, which really relies on healthy fats
to help the body work the way that its supposed to.
You had mentioned the ketosis and the ketogenic diet and to me it sounds almost
like the Atkins diet, if you remember from twenty years ago when the Atkins diet
was real popular. Is it the same thing as the Atkins diet? What is different? When
you hear about the ketogenic diet versus the old Atkins diet where a lot of body
builders that I knew back in the 90s went from the low fat diet to the Atkins diet.
They were literally guys at the gym working out eating cheese and bacon and
peanut butter in between sets. Whats the difference between these two types of
Dr. David Jockers: Thats a great question. Im really glad that you brought that up,
because in general the Atkins diet is a ketogenic diet. It does stimulate ketone
development. And the way that some individuals teach it theyre almost identical.
However, when were really trying to promote optimal health, weve got to make some
differentiations from the Atkins diet. Where Atkins went right was his approach with a
low carbohydrate diet, getting our body running off the ketones, so Im in total
agreement with him about that. Keeping our body very sensitive to insulin is very, very
important. However, where I disagree with him was he really had no regulation on the
kind of fats that you put into your body. We want to focus on good fats, as opposed to
bad fats. Most people in our society assume that saturated fat is a bad fat. What we
know is actually saturated fat is one of the most healthiest fats we can be putting into
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our body. The fats we really want to avoid are high Omega 6 fats from refined vegetable
oils and also from factory-farmed animal meats. Thats a big one, and then of course
trans fats or manmade fats. So we certainly want to make sure were avoiding those
things. Were going to load up on good fats, things like avocados, things like coconut oil
and butter from grass-fed cows. Individuals that can tolerate dairy protein were going to
use things like cheese, raw cheese from grass-fed cows, fermented dairy drinks from
grass-fed cows. The huge difference between when a cow is fed grass and grains, a
grain-fed cow actually grows much larger and produces a lot more dairy. In fact a grainfed cow produces about twenty to thirty thousand pounds of dairy in a year. A grass-fed
cow produces about three to five thousand pounds. Theres a huge difference in yield.
The grains themselves in a grain-fed cow are high in this Omega 6 fat. Omega 6 fat
causes inflation in our body.
The dairy thats coming from grain-fed cow is very high in Omega 6, and very low in
Omega 3. Thats going to be inflammatory. And that inflammatory process, high Omega
6 and low Omega 3, provides a ripe environment for cancer cell development in our
bodies. So we definetely want to stay away from commercially-raised animal products
and animals that were fed grains. But we do want the grass-fed animal products,
because they have a lot of Omega 3s, an ideal ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3s. Also,
grass-fed dairy has a molecule called CLA, Conjugated Linoleic Acid, which many
researchers are finding is a potent anticarcinogen. There are also other great nutrients
in there. For example, the major fat thats in grass-fed dairy is called butyric acid. Butyric
acid is a preferred fuel source for healthy gut microbes in your system, and it helps your
intestinal cells to develop and actually to strengthen. So that way we dont develop
problems like leaky gut syndrome and ulcerations in our gut. Its extremely important for
helping our immune system. Seventy percent of our immune system is in our gut, and if
we have damage to our gut, were going to have a lot of immune system disorders,
which could include cancer and other autoimmune diseases. So this grass-fed raw dairy
can have an incredible effect at helping the gut to heal and seal and to control itself well.
Thats why its such a good fat source we want to include. We also want to include
things like extra virgin olive oil, healthy seeds like flax seed, hemp seeds, and chia
seeds. We talked about coconut products. That should be an absolute staple. Coconut
is a super food. Its very anti-inflammatory and just powerful for our body.
So these are the kinds of good fats we want to focus on. Again, Atkins never
differentiated between grass-fed and grain-fed, so it was a lot of commercial animal
products using lard and bacon and things like that. Im really not a big fan of bacon, just
from the perspective that it is cooked at very high temperatures. It may be nitrate-free,
which is certainly a better one to go with, but when you cook meat at a very high
temperature, youre going to produce a lot of carcinogenic products. Things like
heterocyclic amines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, acrylamide. These are known to
cause cancer growth in our body. And so high heat, or highly processed animal
products even if its properly raised, can also be a factor with cancer cell development.
We want to look for animal products that have been minimally processed, and when we
cook them we want to cook them more medium rare, so at a lower temperature and just
cooking them for less time. That way we produce less of those heterocyclic amines.
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There are a lot of different strategies that people can apply with marinades and things
like that to utilize the animal products and minimize the production of carcinogenic
Ty Bollinger: Do you ever recommend fasting for health and for cancer patients?
Dr. David Jockers: Oh yeah. Absolutely. You just brought that up and so just talking
about the ketogenic cleanse, it is a fast. Im a big fan of intermittent fasting. Its
something I do every single day. I think its a critical piece of a cancer killing diet. When
we break down fasting I want all of our listeners to understand this, I look at a building
phase and a cleansing phase. Our building phase is a time between our first meal of the
day and our last meal of the day. The typical American might eat at eight a.m. and finish
eating at eight p.m. Thats about a twelve-hour building phase. And then the cleansing
phase would be the time from our last meal to our first meal. Thats like a one-to-one
ratio. In our society today weve got so much toxicity that its that much more important
that we have a greater cleansing phase than a building phase. On top of that, the great
thing is when were on this ketogenic diet, our hormones become balanced. Insulin and
leptin, which is our satiety hormone, it helps us to say that were no longer hungry.
Were satisfied. They become very balanced. Our body becomes very sensitive to it. So
were really not as hungry. For myself, I like to have anywhere between a sixteen to an
eighteen-hour, and sometimes even a twenty-four hour cleansing phase on a regular
basis. Were doing this interview here. Its eleven thirty, twelve oclock. I havent eaten
anything yet today. I worked out this morning and my blood sugar is extremely stable. I
feel really good. I feel really mentally clear.
Ill typically eat around one oclock or so and then finish eating lets say six, seven
oclock. Thats my building phase. Ive gotten all of the nutrients I need, but my body has
also been able to cleanse and detoxify as Ive gone through this cleansing phase. On
the cleaning phase, for example the fasting this morning, Ive drank probably about a
half-gallon of water so far today. Water is key because I want to move toxins out of my
body. I dont want them to just recirculate as theyre being released, as my bodys
breaking down fat cells. So intermittent fasting is a very, very powerful strategy thats
been shown to improve brain function, improve lean body tissue, so your percentage of
muscle to body fat. Its been shown to improve almost every aspect of your health. So
its very, very profound when it comes to killing off cancer cells in your body too.
Sometimes well recommend longer fasts and longer cleanses, but I think something
that most people can do unless you have a state of adrenal exhaustion or extreme
adrenal fatigue, which some people do, unless thats the case I always highly
recommend going on a ketogenic intermittent fasting lifestyle, because of the profound
effects it has on destroying cancer cells in your body, regulating your hormones and
improving overall brain function. So there are very profound effects with that.
Ty Bollinger:
Interesting information on fasting from Dr. Jockers, and he
mentioned grass-fed meat several times. Why is that important? Because you are
what you eat. Animals are what they eat. Lets listen to Dr. Ben Johnson describe
why its so important that animals are properly raised.
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What does your diet look like?
Dr. Ben Johnson: My diet that I want my patients to eat looks green, very green with
vegetables, lots of vegetables, all kinds of vegetables in all forms. But key to that is the
fresher the better, so from cutting to you the less time the better. If you have your own
garden thats awesome. Then secondly is organic, because you dont want those
pesticides and chemicals and artificial fertilizers and things working against you. So
fresh, raw and organic is the key. Vegetables and then nuts and fruits and I do allow my
patients to eat small portions of meat. I want it to be organic, free-range, or wild caught
Ty Bollinger:

So the way that the animals are raised effects the meat.

Dr. Ben Johnson: We have all of these studies showing that two eggs a week causes
an increase in prostate cancer, and red meat causes colon cancer. But you dont see
anybody comparing organic free-range eggs against pen-fed chickens. I would love to
see those studies done. Of course no drug company is going to fund those and no
independent farmer has the money to do that. I dont think the meat, the eggs, the
things are the problem. I think its what we do to them. We put a chicken or a cow or a
hog in a pen and we fed them genetically modified corn. Thats not their diet. Theyre
out there eating grass, including the chickens and crickets. Theyre out there eating
things that when we raise them commercially, thats not what were feeding them. So
now they have concentrated genetically modified corn and other chemicals in their body,
and then we ate that and concentrated it into ours. Im not a vegetarian. I have no
problem with vegetarians as long as they get adequate amounts of protein, which is
sometimes difficult to do unless theyre educated as to how to get that. There are certain
amino acids that you just dont find in vegetables at all, but we have nice supplements
these days, so you can go to a supplement store and get those. So I dont have a
problem with a patient being a vegetarian, but I certainly dont have a problem with them
being omnivarian because we need protein. Especially our immune systems need
protein. I just want it to be healthy protein.
Ty Bollinger:
I dont know about you, but when I eat some good grass-fed
meat or some pasture poultry, I like to put some spices on it. One of the spices
that I like to include is sodium. Weve heard a lot of bad things about sodium. Its
gotten a bad rap. Its been demonized, You should not include sodium in your
diet, but is that true? Lets listen to a man whos written a book on sodium, Dr.
David Brownstein.
Dr. B I know youve written a book about salt. What bearing does that have on our
conversation here?
Dr. David Brownstein:
Well Ty weve been talking about doing the basics, eating
a better diet. One of the other basics is making sure you maintain adequate hydration,
drink enough water. Taking iodine I consider one of the basics and salt is one of the four
basic things people need. Our bodies need and require adequate amounts of salt daily.
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Salt is the second major constituent next to water in our body. The immune system cant
function well without salt. The hormonal system cant function well without salt, and
iodine cant work in the body without adequate amounts of salt. I consider salt one of the
basics. I check salt levels on every patient that comes into the door. I can tell you the
vast majority are salt deficient. When I talk about salt as I write about in my book Salt
Your Way to Health, theres good and bad salt. I would say an inadequate form of salt is
refined salt. Its the little white crystals that were all used to. They fit in the salt shaker
and theyre real fine. They contain a little bit of iodine, but they only contain sodium and
chloride, a little bit of iodine and then you have toxic chemicals such as ferrocyanide,
they have some bleach properties, bleach chemicals in them to make it white. Thats not
a good product. A better product is unrefined salt, which has over eighty minerals in it,
lesser amounts of sodium and chloride. It doesnt have a lot of iodine in it, so therefore
you need to supplement with iodine. But this is a staple that people need in their diets.
The adrenal system cant function well without salt. The thyroid system cant function
well without salt, and the immune system cant function well without salt. And iodine
works much better in the body with salt, as salt helps to usher out bromide and fluoride
in the body while you take iodine.
Ty Bollinger:
So many diets that Ive heard about people that think that
theyre getting healthy say, Okay, Im not eating anymore salt. Not a good idea?
Dr. David Brownstein:
Not only is it not a good idea, its a disastrous idea.
Eventually the adrenal is going to overstress from this and dont function well. But its
not good for the immune system and its not good for fighting cancer. People need salt
in their diet. Its a staple. Human beings have needed salt since the beginning of time.
We were designed by our maker to need salt. How much salt, about a teaspoon a day
for most people? The latest studies that have just come out in the New England Journal
of Medicine verified what Ive been saying for the last fifteen years, I blog about this and
I write about it in my newsletter as those studies came out. You can look at the curves.
Its very easy to look at them. You see high mortality rate on the low end of salt intake,
and then it goes down. It doesnt really matter how much salt you use. Maybe at very
high rates there are problems so people arent going to eat that amount of salt. They
just need the right kind of salt, which is unrefined salt such as Celtic brand Sea Salt,
Redmonds Real Salt, the Himalayan Salt. Ive tested all three versions of those four
times. I didnt find toxic agents and I found adequate amounts of minerals in all of those
kinds. I think those are very healthy forms of salt.
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Brownstein mentions that one of his four pillars is that you
drink plenty of water, which only makes sense since your body is seventy-five
percent water. So you technically are what you drink, arent you?
Paul Barattiero:
If we really look at our bodies, three quarters of our body is water if
were properly hydrated. Most people are not. We know that seventy to eighty percent of
America is chronically dehydrated, so thats another whole problem. Why is water
important? Water believe it or not functions in every system from joints, to the brain, to
the blood. Blood is ninety-three percent water. Even down to the bones are thirteen to
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twenty-two percent water. So water is everywhere in our system and its critical to health
that we are properly hydrated. When we are not properly hydrated, our metabolic rate is
reduced, our thought processes are reduced, the toxins that we eat are supposed to be
moving, are not happening. So our bodies are taxed and burdened with having to do
that in other ways. We end up with skin issues. We end up with a lot of different
pathology just as a result of chronical dehydration, because were not putting water in. I
call water our filtration system for our body. When we bring water into our system, we
want to void out that same amount of water, but take some things with it that we didnt
want in our body in the first place. Thats the way I look at water. And if water is
structured properly it will do that. Free radicals are missing an electron. Our cells
function electrically. Our bodies are electric and we have a lot of electricity and electrons
that are flowing in our system. Ultimately without electrons cells dont function properly.
And the way the free radicals harm us is they go and steal electrons from healthy cells.
Ty Bollinger:

So the free radical is what? Its what is missing an electron.

Paul Barattiero:
Its oxygen. If a free radical is oxygen, its missing one of its eight
electrons, so it only has seven electrons.
Ty Bollinger:

So typically oxygen has eight electrons.

Paul Barattiero:

Uh-huh. Yeah.

Ty Bollinger:
of them?

Okay and the free radical is an oxygen atom that is missing one

Paul Barattiero:
Thats right. So what itll do is it will go throughout the body and
steal electrons from healthy cells that are weaker than the oxygen itself and take it from
it. But when it does that cell no longer functions appropriately or cant function at all
depending on what kind of a cell it is. So thats why free radicals harm our system. If we
take out a percentage of ourselves not functioning, we lessen the entire effectiveness of
our system. Its like taking a part of your engine away in a vehicle; its not going to go.
So in our body being taxed and taxed and taxed not only toxins, but were actually
oxidizing ourselves. Thats what free radicals do is theyre stealing electrons and
electrons are the fuel. Its got to function electrically. Youve got to have those electrons.
So when we have water that is properly structured with a negative electrical charge, for
instance if theres a net gain or an increase of one electron, which can be donated to
complete those free radicals. Its basically with antioxidants. Antioxidants that people
are choosing have an extra electron, and thats how antioxidants function with the
cellular system.
Ty Bollinger:
So they donate that extra electron to the oxygen atom thats
missing the electron.
Paul Barattiero:

Yeah, to the free radicals.

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Episode 6: Clean Foods & The Cancer-Free Diet

Ty Bollinger:

And then it basically completes the oxygen atom?

Paul Barattiero:

Thats right.

Ty Bollinger:
So your blood is ninety-three percent water. Wow. And properly
structured water acts as an antioxidant and is rich in minerals delivering them to
your body. Minerals are important. Lets listen to some experts talk about the
difference between the old diet, the primitive diet, and our modern diet full of fast
foods and virtually worthless foods.
Dr. Patrick Quillin: There are over three hundred studies showing that a diet rich in
fruits and vegetables can dramatically lower the risk for most cancers. That should be
enough evidence. In the meanwhile the United States Department of Agriculture claims
that the top three most commonly consumed vegetables in America is ketchup, French
fries, and onion rings. I know that sounds humorous because those are not vegetables
in my opinion. Theyre highly processed. Ketchup is mostly sugar, corn syrup, and the
others are high in hydrogenated fats. So there are very few vegetables and fruits being
consumed. The Government sort of bends rules to basically accommodate big
Dr. Keith Scott Mumby:
If you look at every simple, Im using the word simple
rather than primitive, or an Aboriginal society, cancer is unknown. There was a famous
Harvard researcher called Vilhjalmur Stefansson. Im not sure how to pronounce his
name. Its obviously a Norwegian or a Swedish name. My best shot is Vilhjalmur
Stefansson. He lived with Eskimos for about thirty years. I shouldnt say Eskimos, Inuit,
but you know what I mean. He lived with them and he ate their food and he lived their
lifestyle. At first he couldnt tolerate the diet. It was about fifty percent fat. It was just
slopping with grease in the dish. He said that he couldnt take it and that he would eat
more of the western way. Within a few weeks he was pretty sick, and he had to eat that
way. As soon as he did his body recovered enormously. He was fit and well. He was out
on the ice, and he could walk fifty miles in a day. He was a really fit man for his age and
he brought back an interesting story. He wrote a book. But basically in all of that time in
that territory he never saw a case of cancer. Its pretty well unknown among the Inuits.
Its only when they came onto the bases and started eating the burgers and the colas
that they started to get diabetes and disease and cancer, the same as the rest of us.
Thats a picture that repeats itself all over the world. Do you know Albert Schweitzer, the
famous humanitarian? He went to work in the Gabon in Africa, and he said he never
saw a case of cancer in anyone that was living the natural lifestyle. He directly attributed
it to food. He was pretty sure that was the reason. They just eat differently. Its tempting
to think that its genetic; its just strong against cancer. They do eat a lot of selenium
from the seafood, and we know how thats protected. But the real killer in the story Ty is
that if they go and move into a different environment and eat somebody elses diet, they
get sick as dogs just the same as the rest of us. So its not really a genetic factor. But
thats pretty stark epidemiological evidence. You almost dont need any other cause of
cancer if you know that people living the natural lifestyle in the Stone Age or in an
Aboriginal way like a hunter/gatherer and keeping their lifestyle pure never gets cancer.
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Mike Adams:
A whole food predominantly plant-based diet is an anticancer diet.
There are more anticancer medicines in a diverse whole food diet than the cancer
industry will ever come up with, regardless of how many billions of dollars they spend on
research. There are anticancer compounds in celery, anticancer compounds in beets,
and anticancer compounds in the white stuff inside of the orange peel. When you peel
the orange peeling off you should leave that white layer on the orange, on the pieces,
and eat as much of that as possible because its anticancer. We talked about anticancer
elements in red wine and red grapes. We talked about anticancer elements in seeds
and nuts. There are so many that it would take modern science hundreds of years to
even begin to understand the anticancer potential thats found in a grocery store right
Ty Bollinger:
Yeah, I honestly believe that it would be harder to find the
whole foods that dont contain cancer fighting properties than it would be to just
pick one. You could just pick any of them. They all have some kind of different
methods by which they would help prevent cancer or treat cancer.
Mike Adams:
It reminds me of a question a Traditional Chinese Medicine Master
once asked me when we were having discussions in nature about whats healing. He
asked me this very powerful but simple question. We were in a forest and he said, Look
around. Find me something around here in the forest that is not medicine. And I
Ty Bollinger:

You couldnt do it.

Mike Adams:
I couldnt. Everything around us was medicine in one form or
another, even the soil beneath our feet; the microbes in the soil are medicine. The
minerals in the stones are medicine. The chemical constituents in the tree bark are
traditional Chinese medicine. A lot of those are tree barks. The herbs, the plants,
everything had a medicinal component, even the sky, the sunlight was medicinal. The
water in the plants is medicinal. I couldnt find anything that wasnt medicine. And so
when people come up to me like, I dont know what to do about cancer. Ive tried
everything, have you tried nature. I bet you on the way to your Cancer Clinic you
walked by nature, you walked by some plants that probably have anticancer medicines
in them.
Ty Bollinger:

I guarantee they did.

Mike Adams:
I used to live in the desert in Arizona, and there were anticancer
treatment centers there where in the parking lots had anticancer plants that were very
Ty Bollinger: And they probably were better treatments than what were inside.
Mike Adams:
Absolutely. So people would park their cars, ignoring the medicine
right there for free, and they would walk inside the cancer treatment center and get
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Episode 6: Clean Foods & The Cancer-Free Diet

poisoned and pay for it and wonder why they were still sick. Thats how messed up the
cancer industry is today.
Suzanne Somers: Our food has been hijacked. Our food has been degraded to the
point where it no longer holds the nutrition that a human body needs for support.
Nutrition is the fuel of the body, so the higher quality of food you put in, the more your
body will operate at max. Its all kind of simple.
Ty Bollinger:

It makes too much sense doesnt it?

Suzanne Somers: Right. I was doing a radio interview the other day and they were
talking about the obesity epidemic with children. I said, Lets just stop for a minute. Do
you really think by giving kids smaller sodas and less French fries that thats going to
tackle the obesity issue? I said, No one wants to call it what it is. The kids are eating
chemicals, processed foods, and packaged foods. I remembered when I was
interviewing Dr. Russell Blalock, he said, They design chemicals to taste scrumptious.
He said, So if thats the first food the kid gets you have to bribe them to get Florida
broccoli in them and a piece of chicken, so that they can have the foods they really
love. Thats what needs to happen in schools is education about, There are no safe
levels of chemicals for any human body. That needs to just be known.
Ty Bollinger:
I agree with Suzanne Somers. We are what we eat, and if we eat
chemicals were going to become chemicals. Lets listen to cancer survivor Chris
Wark share how he cured his cancer changing only his nutrition.
Chris Wark:
So what did my diet look like? It was very simple. I think a hardcore
nutritional approach to cancer needs to be very simple, because there are a lot of
options out there. It can get very complicated. A lot of people are seeing so many
different directions that they dont even know where to go and they get paralyzed. And
so I realized, Okay. What is the most fundamental foundational part of my healing
approach, and thats food? Ive got to get as much nutrition in my body as I can from
the earth. And so I started juicing and I drank about sixty-four ounces of vegetable juice
every day, mostly carrot juice. I ate giant salads full of cruciferous and allium
vegetables. Thats broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, onions, garlic, peppers, spinach,
and all of that good stuff.
Ty Bollinger:

It sounds good. Youre making me hungry.

Chris Wark: Yeah, I just made amazing giant salads. We shared one at Jasons Deli
Ty Bollinger:


Chris Wark:
Just a giant salad full of all of this really amazing food from the earth
that was put here for us, and I ate that twice a day. Then I would make fruit smoothies
with a fresh coconut and berries, two cups of blueberries, blackberries, raspberries,
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strawberries. Berries are very potent anticancer fruits. That was it. That was the daily
diet. It was every day, and I did that for ninety days. There was a hundred percent raw
food for ninety days.
Ty Bollinger:

What does an anti-cancer diet look like in your office?

Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy:

Im not the nutritionist, but I do instruct patients. First of all
you have to eat foods, mostly vegetables. I dont care if they eat fruits, but you have to
eat a low sugar diet because cancer feeds off of sugar. Dr. Otto Warburg won a Nobel
Prize. He said that cancer cells thrive in a fermentative energy source, which is sugar.
On the cancer cells the receptor sites for sugar. Thats how we do a PET scan. When
you give a PET scan you give it radio traced glucose and the cancer cells light up or
they dont light up. They light up because theyre eating the sugar, or they dont. Youve
got to get people off sugar. People are addicted to sugar. Sugar is a poison. Its a toxin,
and it paralyzes the cell from doing their job. We have this blood test called the
Hemoglobin A1C, which is the reflection of your blood sugar over ninety days. It is an
aging marker. Your body has what they call glycosylation taking place. We know that at
a certain number with the electron microscopy, John Hopkins has written on this, that
the cells change after a Hemoglobin A1C greater than five point zero, which is
considered ideal. So you have to get off sugar. I dont care how you slice it. Yeah, there
are people that can eat sugar and they have great blood sugars. Luckily theyre blessed.
But most people are not. If you look at the statistics, seventy, eighty million people are
pre-diabetic. So that means theyre already at a very increased risk of cancer, and then
you have the diabetics. Then if you look at children, one in three children after the year
2000 have diabetes. The complications of diabetes are everything, your eyes, your
circulation, your heart, your immune system, everything is nonfunctional. Probably the
number one reason for the amputation of limbs is from high blood sugar. So youve got
to get off sugar and then youve got to get off the things that turn into sugar. The things
that turn into sugar are bread, rice, pasta, and potatoes.
Dr. Bradford S. Weeks:
Its illogical, because most cancer patients will say, I went
for chemo and the doctor and the nurse told me any calorie is a good calorie. Eat this
cake. Eat this cookie. Eat this donut. Just keep the weight on. Theyre totally oblivious
to the very well-articulated, clearly demonstrated, biochemical truths about, Dont eat
sugar. Dont feed the cancer. So Im not a fan of the current standard of care for
cancer, and I can assure you that most oncologists if they were honest with you would
say the same thing. They might say its the best they have, but theyre not happy with it.
I dont think anybodys happy with two point one or two point three percent benefit over
five years, which is what the research shows chemotherapy will give to an adult.
Ty Bollinger:
Again, Dr. Brad Weeks shared the five-year success rate of
chemotherapy, two point one percent. Its not very good is it? What about
processed foods? You know the foods that are on the shelves that have fifty plus
ingredients where you cant pronounce most of the words. Should we eat those?
Lets listen to Dr. Rashid Buttar.
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I have a question for you. You mentioned earlier one of the toxicities involves
food toxicities. You mentioned genetically modified foods. Lets talk about that. If
youve got a patient thats a cancer patient, what do you recommend as far as
their diet and whether or not they should eat genetically modified foods? What
kind of a cancer diet would you recommend for somebody to lets say to prevent
cancer as opposed to treat it, just a cancer preventative type diet?
Dr. Rashid Buttar: Clean.
Ty Bollinger:

So they should wash their food, is that what youre saying by

Dr. Rashid Buttar: Clean as clean as possible, meaning that it should be organic range
fed. In my book, The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away, I specifically talk about food.
People have asked me many times, When are you going to write a more detailed book
on food? And I said, Ive actually got one written on that too, but Im never going to put
that out. Why, because I want people to become empowered rather than becoming
dependent on a book? So its a very, very simple rule. G stands for God. M stands for
man. If God made it its good, and if man made it its madness. Simply follow that rule.
So if its butter and the doctor says, Dont eat butter because of the fat, its not
manmade. Its God made and eat it. If its margarine its manmade, use it for lubrication
on your cars axel, but dont use it for anything else. Thats my general rule. High protein
and lower carbohydrates, because protein is a part of how the body regenerates itself,
whereas carbohydrates is fuel. We have too much fuel in our diet nowadays. We
needed more fuel going back into our Paleolithic ancestry because we had to hunt our
food. We dont hunt our hamburgers now. And so we dont really need as much fuel
anymore. So you need more of a rebuilder protein component, and you need less of the
carbohydrate fuel component. So my general rule is manmade, madness, and God
made, good. Eat as clean as you can, meaning organic range fed, fruits and vegetables.
If youre going to eat meat then eat range-fed meat, and eat as healthy as possible. Ill
start explaining that to them and theyll say, What about reading ingredients? Read the
ingredients, Well how do I know whats good for me and whats bad for me? If there
are two things in the food that youre eating that you dont know what they are, thats
enough to say, Im not going to eat it. I happen to know a little bit more than the
average bear so when Im reading it I understand more of those things. If theres EDTA,
if it says Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid Ill still eat it, because thats what I infuse into
patients anyway. Its a chelator, so Im not worried about it. Its a preservative. But my
rule for general people is, If you dont know more than two ingredients, dont eat it.
Mike Adams:
The other big aha moment of this is that it gets us back to the
amazing power of a common sense whole food diet. When you look at there might be
toxins in some of these foods, but if you actually eat whole foods there are natural
things in there that will absorb the toxins without you even knowing about it. So as I
have done this research, what it has really done is given me more and more respect for
Mother Nature, and more amazement at how nature achieves balance and protects your
body from toxins in the environment through things that you never were even aware of.
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Whoever knew that eating strawberries as a kid that strawberries were blocking the
Ty Bollinger:

We just thought they tasted good.

Mike Adams:


Dr. Irvin Sahni:

I believe that in fifty years were going to look back at food now the
way we look at smoking fifty years ago. There were commercials with doctors with
cigarettes in their hands saying that cigarettes are good for you, and we would all agree
that thats laughable now. Its absolutely insanity and criminal. I think thats probably
what were going to be saying about processed foods and McDonalds and sodas and
things fifty years from now, how crazy it was that wed really put that stuff into our body
and build up a level of toxicity. Its probably similar in some ways, and maybe even
worse in some ways from smoking cigarettes.
Ty Bollinger:
I agree with Dr. Sahni. The standard American diet today will
one day be looked upon as ridiculous as smoking cigarettes, literally giving us
Dr. Robert Scott Bell:
For me its very important what goes in, that also means
purifying and cleaning the water, and talk about structuring the water as well because
theres an energy to water. Thats why homeopathy is so amazing. That goes beyond
merely filtering it and cleaning it. So there are other nuances to protecting ourselves
from cancer. Theres always something more to do, but at the proverbial end of the day,
just do what you have genuine control over. Then you can turn it over to God, pray on it.
But that which you have control over we are asked to do. We cant slack off on that
which we have genuine control over to choose cleaner foods, to choose cleaner water;
to not do certain things that we know are self-destructive. These are within our power
and were asked to do that. We cant abuse the privilege of life and say, Well nah I
dont want to do that one. Ultimately we have to take control over that which we have
been granted and given control over.
Ty Bollinger:
And one of the things that we have been given control over is
the quality and the amount of food that we put into our mouths. This next quick
interview with Dr. Irvin Sahni is an excellent example of putting to practice the
knowledge that youve been given.
Im here in Austin, Texas tonight with Dr. Irvin Sahni. Dr. Sahni. Thanks for joining
Dr. Irvin Sahni:

Thank you. Thanks for having me.

Ty Bollinger:
Now you look a lot different than you did about five months
ago. You were a participant in the Quest for the Cures and you shared a lot of
valuable information with us, but youve lost a lot of weight since then.
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Episode 6: Clean Foods & The Cancer-Free Diet

Dr. Irvin Sahni:

I think its the goatee. [laughter]

Ty Bollinger:
Well you do have a goatee that you didnt have before, but can
you tell us what else has happened between last May and the current day?
Dr. Irvin Sahni:
Yeah, the whole project really inspired me. I probably was a little
less than completely satisfied with the way I looked on camera, but I was also inspired
and interested in improving my overall health and that resulted in some pretty significant
weight loss. So a lot of it I got from the Quest for the Cures and some of it I got from
some research that I did on my own, primarily some intermittent fasting.
Ty Bollinger:
What was it specifically in The Quest for the Cures that you
learned about that got you on that road?
Dr. Irvin Sahni:
ketogenic diet.

I cant remember which speaker it was, but I heard about the

Ty Bollinger:

Dr. David Jockers.

Dr. Irvin Sahni:

Yes, Dr. Jockers. I implemented something called intermittent
fasting. Basically in my case I chose to use a window of about six hours. Those six
hours can slide a little bit, but for me it was between noon and six oclock. So I would
only eat in between twelve and six, and outside of that I only drank water. Conceptually
separate from that, I also minimized, eliminated is probably a little too difficult, but I
minimized dramatically sugars and carbohydrates from my diet down to about twentyfive grams a day and in some cases even fifteen grams a day. Thats pretty tough if
youre eating some vegetables to go much lower than that.
Ty Bollinger:

And so whats the purpose in eliminating the carbohydrates?

Dr. Irvin Sahni:

Carbohydrates have a number of affects, and I think some of this
was covered in the Quest for the Cures. It spikes your insulin. So when you get up in the
morning and you have a big bowl of cereal you spike your insulin, and then youre
hungry as your insulin comes back down very quickly. So if you have a bowl of fruit
loops at eight oclock in the morning and now youre ready for lunch by ten-thirty or
eleven, and that has a lot to do with the insulin. Sugar has an addictive effect for some
people. It makes them want to keep eating. And the other thing I did was I also
eliminated gluten from my diet. I eliminated any form of wheat, breads, pasta, any form
of wheat. At that point I wasnt eating much rice, so I dont eat any rice either. So I
eliminated carbohydrates, sugar, and went on an intermittent fasting diet. I didnt
actually exercise, because I wanted to separate diet from exercise so I could figure out
how much I could eat, or the way I could eat in the absence of exercise. And now of
course Ive added exercise in for the last couple of months and seen an even more
dramatic affects. But yeah, Ive lost about fifty pounds.
Ty Bollinger:

Which is like a third to a half of a person?

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Dr. Irvin Sahni:
Its a lot. I had a big drop in my body fat, an increase in my energy. I
look better and feel better and I think Ive also increased my insulin and leptin sensitivity.
I probably was pre-diabetic. I dont know that for sure, but I imagine that I probably was.
I was overweight. I think also there are obviously some benefits for cancer prevention,
boosting my immune system and also reversing any sort of inflammatory. Sugar is very
inflammatory. I reduced my propensity to have a lot of different diseases, including
cardiac disease. I believe now after the research that Ive done that cholesterol is not
the major issue in cardiac disease. It is an issue, but I think sugar is an even more
important issue. Im not saying that your cholesterol is not important, but when you
minimize or eliminate sugar from your diet, the cholesterol becomes much less of an
Ty Bollinger:
So you a medical doctor learned from the Quest for the Cures,
you implemented that knowledge and now you lost fifty pounds. You were my
college roommate, so you look as good as you did in college, just as healthy as
you did in college.
Dr. Irvin Sahni:


Ty Bollinger:
So its great to see you this way. Its great to see you healthy
again, and I really appreciate you joining us tonight to share your story.
Dr. Irvin Sahni:

Thanks a lot. Thanks for having me.

Ty Bollinger:
Wow, thats an amazingly powerful story from Dr. Irvin Sahni.
The Quest for the Cures back in the spring influenced him to such an extent as a
medical doctor that he totally changed his diet and now hes lost fifty pounds. I
went to college with Dr. Sahni. He looks as good as he did back in college, maybe
even better. What a great story to hear. What a great encouraging story for you,
because you now understand coming from a medical doctors story that you are
what you eat. Did you know that certain diagnostics that are used today to detect
cancer actually cause cancer? They increase your risk of cancer. Do you know
what tests are good, which tests are bad? There are many tests that are noninvasive tests that do not increase your risk of cancer, but many of them as I said
do. Tomorrow night, youre going to learn which ones do. Youre going to learn
about the good tests and youre going to learn about the tests that you should
stay away from. And not only that, were going to begin to teach you about natural
treatments for cancer. As a matter of fact, there are so many natural treatments
for cancer that the next three episodes are dedicated to that topic. I hope you
learned a lot tonight, and I know youre going to learn a lot in tomorrow nights
episode. So I hope to see you back tomorrow night. In the meantime, enjoy your
evening and God bless you all.

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Episode 6: Clean Foods & The Cancer-Free Diet


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Ty Bollinger: Welcome back everyone. Im so glad that you tuned back into The
Quest for the CuresContinues tonight. In last nights episode, I hope you were
watching. We got some powerful information about the fact that you are what you
eat, and the importance of good nutrition. And at the very end we got a very
important testimonial from Dr. Irvine Sahni who actually applied the knowledge
that he learned in the last Quest for the Cures and dropped 50 pounds. Hes a
heathier man today because of it. And I hope that some of the knowledge that you
gained last night youre going to be able to use and apply in your own life. Now
tonights episode Im really excited about this episode because we are going to
learn about diagnostics and treatments for cancer. What would you feel like if you
went to a restaurant and the only thing on the menu was the French fries and the
chicken nuggets and the burgers? Theyve left off all the good stuff for you. They
left off the salad and the fruit and the salmon. Thats really whats going on with
conventional cancer treatments. So you go in, youre diagnosed with cancer, what
do you have as an option? You got the chemo, radiation, and surgery. But youre
not going to learn about the other natural things that are actually better for you
that might heal your cancer quicker and with less side effects than the big 3.
Thats what were talking about here and thats what were going to learn tonight.
Were going to teach you some of these natural cancer treatments that dont have
the side effects that are more effective than what we call the big 3.
The first interview tonight is Dr. Ben Johnson. Now Dr. Johnson was the only
medical doctor that was included in the best selling movie, The Secret. And he
has a lot to share with us in this first clip about mammograms, right, the number
one breast cancer detection method and how they actually cause cancer. And
then he shares some alternatives for those of you that want to be tested because
were not saying you shouldnt be tested for cancer, what were saying is that a
lot of the tests actually cause cancer. Youre going to learn a lot from Dr.
Johnsons interview. So enjoy the show.
Dr. Ben Johnson: We as a medical society are giving women breast cancer with our
demanding that they get mammograms. Mammograms cause breast cancer, period. So
mammograms are not healthy for women and women should not be getting routine
mammograms. Thats crystal clear published in the peer review literature and yet today
if a woman went to her gynecologist, her family doc, she would have this shoved down
her throat extreme coercion to go get this mammogram thats causing breast cancer. It's
not saving lives. You have a four percent increased risk of dying if you get
mammograms, period.
Ty Bollinger: So the detection technique that were using, the primary technique
that we use to detect breast cancer is causing breast cancer.
Dr. Ben Johnson: Absolutely! It's a terrible test, you know, smashing womens breasts
and then eradiating with cancer causing radiation, and then it's so insensitive for women
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Episode 7: Diagnostic Dos & Donts Proven Treatment Protocols Part 1

under 50. It's like 52 percent effective, sensitive. That means 52 is pretty close to 50,
right, so about half. That means that half the women that half breast cancer it would not
detect their cancer. Thats a terrible test. And so there are much better tests and yet this
is whats still being crammed down womens throats today, a terrible test that causes
breast cancer.
Ty Bollinger: And it doesnt detectit detects 50 percent and causes cancer.
You said there are better options. What better options are there for detecting
breast cancer?
Dr. Ben Johnson: Well, theres two better options if youve got a lump, if you think
youve got something ultrasound is great. It's a test of anatomy. Mammograms are tests
of anatomy. Ultrasounds are tests of anatomy. MRIs are tests of anatomy. So if youve
already got a lump you want a test of anatomy. So that would be like an ultrasound
because they can see the lump, they can see its consistency. They can see whether
theres calcium in it. And they can look at blood flow because tumors are going to have
increased blood flow. So, for instance, the sensitivity of ultrasound is up around 80
percent. It's much higher than mammograms. And the sensitivity is higher too. But if
youre looking about prevention, youre talking about a screening theres really only one
device out there and that is thermography, an infrared thermal camera. Nothing touches
the lady, nothing smashes her breasts. Theres no cancer causing radiation. As we sit
here we are emitting heat in the spectrum called infrared. Theres infrared visual and
ultraviolent. So this is the infrared spectrum of light which our eyes dont see but which
is very detectable by the cancer. The military developed this so that they could see
people sneaking at them at night time and so that they could shoot down missiles and
things because theyre producing heat.
Ty Bollinger: Sure, like the night vision goggles.
Dr. Ben Johnson: There you go; night vision goggles are infrared goggles. So we use
this as a medical application to detect hot spots in the breast. Well, long before there
was a tumor there there were cancer cells. Probably eight to ten years before there was
a tumor there were cancer cells starting to grow; two cells, four cells, sixteen cells, a
hundred and forty-four cells, etc., etc. And it takes about eight years until you get to
about a sonometer in size for a mammogram or an ultrasound to detect it. Well, thats
too late because that one sonometer tumor, about five-sixteenths of an inch, less than
half an inch, is about one billion cells. When you get to one billion cells the cancer has
already eroded into the lymphatic system and the venous system and its shedding
cancer cells all through the body. So thats why mammograms, one of the many
reasons mammograms, dont save lives. It is not early detection. And thats one of the
little lies that they propagated along. Early detection saves lives. Get your mammogram
Ty Bollinger: Right.

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Dr. Ben Johnson: Well, that statements true. Early detection does save lives. It's just
that mammography is not early detection; it's too late, and then the cancer causing
radiation. So the long and the short is youre causing much more breast cancer with
mammograms than you are detecting it.
Ty Bollinger: So you mentioned early detection. The phrase that you hear all
month this month, October 2014, early detection is your best protection.
Dr. Ben Johnson: Thermography is the only early detection because as years before
that became a tumor those cells were growing, growing, growing. They were increasing
their blood supply. Some of them are dying off creating nitrous oxide and other debris
that dilates the blood vessels and the skin above it. So that reflex is a heat pattern on
the thermogram. So thermograms are the only early detection out there. All the rest
and thats because thermography is a test of physiology. It's looking at whats
happening in the breast as opposed to the other tests are anatomy. Something already
has to be big enough to see. And when it's big enough to see it's virtually too late.
Ty Bollinger: It's already beginning to spread. So you hear all month this month,
its breast cancer awareness month, about early detection. Youre saying they
should be using thermography instead of mammography. It's a better early
detection technique. Why in your opinion are they not using it if it works so much
Dr. Ben Johnson: There are things that you just want to shoot yourself over that the
medical standard medicine does not do. Im not much of a conspiracy theory type
person but Ive come to believe that American medicine is not about helping people get
well. It's about managing disease and selling drugs and creating money through the
paradigm patient treatment. So you cant talk about cure. You cant look at getting
people well from cancer. They just want to treat them and then watch them die. It's
really a pretty pathetic state of affairs.
Mike Adams: Mammography releases ionizing radiation that causes genetic mutations
in your bodys cells. And if you get enough mammograms eventually they will find
cancer because the mammograms cause it.
Ty Bollinger: Cause the cancer, yeah. And I think it was Dr. Russell Blaylock a
few years ago came out with a study that each mammogram increases the
womens risk of cancer by two percent. So if you look at the period from the age
of 40 to the age of 50, where women are now by the American Cancer Society
recommended to start getting your mammograms at 40 to the age of 50, thats ten
years times two percent. Their risk is increased by 20 percent. And a recent study
that just was released last year showed that mammograms from the age of 40 to
50 do not help detect cancer.
Mike Adams: Exactly!
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Ty Bollinger:
And the ACS knows that but they have not changed their
Mike Adams: No, because mammography is the recruitment method for the cancer
industry. The cancer industry is a multi-billion dollar for-profit industry. Anyone who
thinks that the cancer industry is primarily motivated by compassionate love for
womens health is kidding themselves. This is an industry that is insidiously engaged in
routine, systemic censorship of information about natural cancer cures, treatments, and
prevention methodologies that really work. This is an industry that uses mammography
as a way to scare woman to use fear-based tactics, fear medicine, into receiving
treatments that most of the time are not necessary and dont help them.
Dr. Ben Johnson: What is tamoxifen? So on a cancer cell, especially a breast cancer
cell; it has receptor sites, tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of receptor
sites. And some of those receptor sites are for estrogen. And so tamoxifen is a drug that
hooks to the estrogen receptor site and occupies it. Now you want that site occupied.
There are three natural female estrogens, estrone, estriol, and estradiol, estradiol being
the more potent, naturally cancer causing one. So you want to occupy that receptor site
to keep estradiol from docking there but you could be giving that patient, and I do give
my breast cancer patients, estriol, and a normal hormone that their body makes and is
used to. I just give it in abundance to block those receptor sites. You can block those
receptor sites with soy. You can block those receptor sites with many non-stimulating
things. You want those estrogen receptor sites blocked but not with tamoxifen.
Ty Bollinger: Well, I know youre not a conspiracy theorist but nothing better to
create repeat business than to perpetuate the disease that youre supposedly
trying to treat.
Dr. Ben Johnson: Mammograms, tamoxifen, you got a built-in clientele. Youre going to
get that patient back. Theyre going to getif they dont have breast cancer you take
enough mammograms and they will have breast cancer. You give them tamoxifen you
know youre going to get that patient back. It's good repeat business. It's a good
business model.
Ty Bollinger:

It's a good business model if you dont very many moralsor a

Dr. David Brownstein: I see medical students; they come in and train at our office. They
are two to three hundred thousand dollars in debt. And what are they going to do out
there? Wheres the money going to be? The money is in diagnosis and treatment. And
unfortunately thats where weve gone with things. But I always tell people they should
look twice before donating to charities like Komen Foundation or the American Cancer
Society and really look, are they really searching for an underlying cause of these
problems or are they just perpetuating the same old model thats not working.
Ty Bollinger: Right. We should be running for the cause.
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Dr. David Brownstein: Absolutely!
Ty Bollinger: This month is October 2014. Weve got breast cancer awareness
month, run for the cure, or maybe we should be running for the prevention.
Bob Wright: Well, we absolutely should. You know, I dont fault mostly women, all those
women, and some men who go out and run and walk and try and raise money because
they have issues like you and I had. Our parents, whoever, died of cancer. So theyre
trying to raise money for something that they feel or theyve been told is the answer. But
talk to those people and say why are you doing this? And theyll tell you the reasons.
And you say where does the money go. Whats the answer? The answer is always
cancer research. Excuse me. And the fact is that they dont know where that money
goes. And they need to know because the majority of that money goes into, what I call
the dark black sucking hole that is called cancer research but it's never going to be seen
or heard from again, those research dollars. Why not put it into prevention? Why not put
it into things that actually work for cancer? Why not have clinical trials actually on foods
and supplements? But the FDA, one of the former FDA directors said in my tenure, we
will never ever do a clinical trial on a natural substance. We wont allow it.
Ty Bollinger: Right.
Bob Wright: Thats the problem we have in our country today. The actual things that
keep us healthy and heal us when were not healthy are not allowed to see the light of
day ever. And theyre not even considered when this is what God put on this planet and
on this earth to prevent these sicknesses and diseases that are largely manmade, and
to heal us when and if we get these sicknesses and diseases. And yet theyre given no
consideration today.
Ty Bollinger: Tamoxifen, the top drug for treating breast cancer actually causes
cancer. Mammograms cause cancer. Thermography is a much better option. Yes,
this month is breast cancer awareness month but shouldnt we run for the cause
instead of for the cure? Shouldnt we try to prevent breast cancer instead of
continually treating it? Now I agree with Bob Wright. Im not blaming the good
people that are running for the cure. Those people that are out there doing their
best to find an answer to cancer, the problem is about 80 percent of that money
that youre donating is not going to research. Less than 20 percent of the money
thats donated to these cancer charities actually goes to research. It goes to
administrative overhead. It goes to their fat cat salaries of the administrators and
the board of directors. It goes to travel and entertainment expenses. But it does
not go to research. And, what about prostate cancer? Is the PSA is the best
diagnostic test for prostate cancer? Lets find out.
Dr. David Brownstein: The founder of the PSA test has come up with a couple of
articles recently saying that he didnt design that test for everybody to get it to get
diagnosed prostate cancer. And he think it's a wrong therapy that were doing. 80
percent false-positives with the PSA testing. So here were doing the American Cancer
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Society and the powers that be recommend doing yearly PSA screenings. They backed
off a little bit from that recently. But basically they recommending yearly PSA testing for
men over the age of 50. And what happens is when the PSA elevates which it can
elevate from a lot of reasons besides cancer, prostatitis, if the prostates been stimulated
within 24 hours of the blood testing.
Ty Bollinger: Inflammation, right?
Dr. David Brownstein: Anything that causes inflammation, and then they go into the
whole cancer industrial complex themselves where theyre getting ultrasounds, biopsies,
chemotherapy surgery, radiation, and most people, most men with prostate cancer can
outlive it if they dont do anything. Theyll end up dying of something else. So weve got
a whole mess on that and, again, we need to search for the underlying cause of why
one in three men have it. And we need to certainly do a lot less therapy on men with
prostate cancer. Were not saving enough men for it and putting way too many men
through too many toxic and traumatic therapies for it. I think the numbers are if youre
over 80-years-old about 88 percent of men will have prostate cancer at the time of death
if they do an autopsy. Three percent will die from it, eight percent are affected by it, the
rest are dying of something else, and they have prostate cancer.
Ty Bollinger: They with it and may not even know.
Dr. David Brownstein: And were treating every man as if it's the same thing. And it's
just a disaster. It's sad.
Ty Bollinger: Wow! 80 percent false-positives with the PSA tests. So then what
happens? You go in for chemo, you go in for radiation, and they actually
perpetuate a disease that you might have never even had. Theres better options,
the AMAS test stands for antimalignant antibody and serum, the Navarro urine
test, which measures the amount of HCG in the blood. Those are two very noninvasive tests, very effective tests as well. In this next clip Dr. Tony Jimenez a
conventionally trained medical doctor shares the story of how is father was
diagnosed with prostate cancer and how he went to natural methods to treat it.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: My dad who lived in Texas developed prostate cancer. So he went
to MD Anderson, right. And of course, they wanted to do the surgery, the radiation, the
Lupron, and all that, and I said there has to be a better way. So that was the impetus
that drove me into seeking better ways of treating my dad. And thankfully he was cured,
totally free of cancer even though he had already external metastasis beyond the
prostate to lymph nodes, and a little bit on bone. So it was a fabulous result. Based on
that there was no turning back.
Ty Bollinger: So what treatments did he use then to turn around his cancer that
had already metastasized?

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Dr. Tony Jimenez: Yeah, back then we used some intravenous anticancer therapies
like poly MVA, vitamin C. At that time, you know, were talking 30 years ago, 25 years
ago, we used shark cartilage that was around rectally in implants, and just some
different things that were there at that time. Of course, throughout these years theres
been a lot of advancement and not only in treatment but also in the knowledge of what
really are the hallmarks of cancer. So when a patient calls me and they say Dr. Tony,
have you treated osteosarcoma or rhabdomyosarcoma, or rare cancers, the answers
always it's not about the cancer type. It's about treating the characteristics of cancer
which are common in all cancers such angiogenesis, blood flow, increases increasing in
vascularity. A tumor or a mass cannot grow beyond two millimeters in size without
increasing blood flow. So all the patients that come to Hope for Cancer where they have
a tumor lets say in the breast, in the liver or prostate, we check for blood flow,
vascularity. And we have excellent results in decreasing blood flow. Current statistics at
Hope for Cancer say that within the three weeks that the patients are in the clinic we
have an average of about 45 to 51 percent decrease in blood flow to the tumors.
Ty Bollinger: So youre stopping the nutrient flow to the tumors.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: Exactly, and the ability of that tumor to excrete the byproducts of
metabolism, the waste.
Ty Bollinger: Okay. Which a lot of times the toxic waste is what will then further
compromise the body, correct?
Dr. Tony Jimenez: Exactly! Yes.
Ty Bollinger: It's funny that you mentioned shark cartilage because our mutual
friend, Dr. Rashid Buttar, I interviewed him for The Quest for the Cures. He
mentioned that he used to use shark cartilage in his protocol as well. He doesnt
anymore because as you mentioned things have advanced, the treatments have
advanced but he did 15 20 years ago...
Dr. Tony Jimenez: And one of the things that I put together in my 25 years working in
cancer is what we call the seven key principles to cancer therapy, this was actually
recently published Ty in a peer reviewed medical journal out of UCLA. It was amazing
because it was an alternative mind frame and thought about how to treat cancer. And
these seven principles that we adhere to with all of our patients are non-toxic cancer
therapies, stimulating or optimizing the immune system, of course, detoxification,
nutrition, antimicrobial therapy. We have to realize more and more that not only in
cancer but in chronic disease microbes whether it's parasites as Hulda Clark says,
whether it's fungus as Dr. Simoncini says, or viruses or bacteria play a key role in the
onset or the progression of cancer in chronic disease. The other one, of course, is
having to do with the emotional, biological aspect of disease. In this we spend a
significant amount of time with our patients because unless you get at the core root of
the emotional, biological reasons, or these are like the conflicts, the traumas, what is the
baggage that were carrying? What are our secrets, right. Until we address that and let
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them go thats when the true healing can take place because remember buried feelings
never die. And we can suppress it. We can say Ive put it in the back burner but it's
always there having an impact on your immune system and everything else, right. And
number seven is the oxygen therapies or oxygenation and were well aware of the
reason for why oxygen therapy is so important. So I say if we adhere to these seven key
principles we will have the best possibility of not only placing a patient or helping a
patient go into remission but ultimately affecting a resolution of disease.
Ty Bollinger: You just listed these seven and it's amazing the similarities
between those seven and then Dr. Buttar has the seven toxicities.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: After a lot of research and dialogue I believe that hyperthermia, sono
photo dynamic therapy, which is another big therapy that we do at Hope for Cancer.
Theres actually three clinics in the world doing sono photo dynamic therapy and were
the one with the most experience in this using sound and light to affect cancer cells. So
hyperthermia, sono photo dynamic therapy, oxygen therapy, and our latest addition to
our arsenal at Hope for Cancer is viral therapy. And this is called Rigvir. You know,
maybe in the news recently Ty that someone with multiple myeloma had an injection
with measles vaccine and they were pronounced cured of multiple myeloma. So
vaccines have been used in medicine to try to attack cancer. And Amgen Oncology, Am-g-e-n Oncology in the US is in phase III clinical trials of a genetically
biotechnologically engineered virus that will attack cancer cells. But would you ever,
would I, want to administer this to ourselves, right, genetically modified bioengineered
virus? Forget it, right?
Ty Bollinger: Right
Dr. Tony Jimenez: So this is where viral therapy in the form of Rigvir comes into play at
Hope for Cancer. This is a virus that is non-pathogenic meaning it cannot cause disease
in humans. It's non-genetically modified. It's a wild string. That means it's found in
nature in the healthy gut of children between seven and eleven years of age.
Ty Bollinger: So it's part of your microflora.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: Part of your microflora So in the mid-60s in the old Soviet Union
they were really focusing on viruses. And theyre the ones that developed the polio
vaccine thats used all around the world. So the same team found a virus, as I just
describe, non-pathogenic, that has two mechanisms of action. Once as it migrates
towards cancer cells. The scientific word for that is oncotropism.
Ty Bollinger: I like that.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: Oncotropism
Ty Bollinger: Big, fancy word.

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Dr. Tony Jimenez: Yeah, right. Sounds good. Yeah. So it migrates and recognizes
cancer cells. The second part of all this is that it invades the cancer cells, penetrates it,
and causes, a big fancy word, oncolysis, breaking up of that cancer cell. So now the
viruses migrate through oncotropism and infect other cancer cells.
Ty Bollinger: So theyit appears that they are selectively toxic or they head for
those cancer cells like a magnet would.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: Exactly! And then the next big part of all this Ty is that it has the
ability, guess what, and Im addressing your question about the immune system. The
Rigvir virus has the ability to bind to those proteins on the cell surface that cloaks the
cancer cells from immune recognition. So now enhancing the immune system with
whatever we use will have the effect that we want.
Ty Bollinger: Because now they can see the cells.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: Now they can see it, yes.
Ty Bollinger: Wow! And so when people hear this they say, oh, using a virus
thats bad. But people dont really understand sometimes that we havetheres
good viruses and bad viruses. Theres good bacteria and bad bacteria in your
gut. So you got your microflora that has all kinds of good guys and bad guys that
are always fighting.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: Exactly!
Ty Bollinger: And so what youve done is youve taken one of the good guys that
has natural propensity to look at cancer cells to remove that cloak. Thats
fascinating. Im not familiar with that treatment. I wasnt, now I am.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: And guess what Ty? I have six kids. I would never give myself
something that would be detrimental to my health obviously. And one of the differences
between a healer and an oncologist or a physician is that a healer will give himself or
herself anything that they would prescribe a patient, right. On the contrary, 86 percent
of oncologists polled themselves said they wouldnt give themselves what they give their
Ty Bollinger: They would not take chemo or radiation.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: Exactly!
Ty Bollinger: Wow!
Dr. Tony Jimenez: 86 percent.
Ty Bollinger: 86 percent.
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Dr. Tony Jimenez: The other 14 percent I think maybe when they would extend their
arm and start the drip of the chemo they will pull it back but you know. So I took an
injection of the viral therapy, Rigvir because I know it's not pathogenic. My dad had
prostate cancer as I said so I want an optimal immune system. I want an immune
system that has the ability to recognize any developing cancer cells in my body and
youll be hearing a lot more about viral therapy in the months and years to come.
Ty Bollinger: The second treatment that you mentioned sono photo
Dr. Tony Jimenez: Sono photo dynamic therapy
Ty Bollinger: I cant even say it.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: Yes. It took me a couple of months to.
Ty Bollinger: Can you describe what that is?
Dr. Tony Jimenez:
Yes. We know in conventional medicine that photodynamic
therapy, PDT, has been used for many, many years and decades to treat skin cancers.
You use a sensitizer thats absorbed by the cancer cells, and you use light thats
phototherapy. It could be in the form of lasers. It could be in the form of LEDs, light
emitting diodes, and thats been proven without a doubt that kills cancer cells. And
Cancer Treatment Centers of America in the US, they do photodynamic therapy, PDT,
to treat skin cancer as I just mentioned but they also do it to treat esophagus and
stomach cancer because they go through an endoscopy. They put in a laser and target
the esophagus or cancer tumor. Okay. So thats photodynamic therapy. Photodynamic
therapy has a depth of penetration limitation because as you know light has a
penetration limit, right, the thicker the membrane the light wont go through. So if youre
behind a wall and you shine a light you cant see it on the other side of the wall.
Ty Bollinger: Thats why I have curtains on the windows.
Dr. Tony Jimenez:
Thats why we have curtains on the windows. But what about
sound Ty? Sound travels much further, right.
Ty Bollinger: Especially when youre in New York City.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: Yeah, and dolphins love that, right, the sound. So we know that
sound travels in water. If our body is 70 75 percent water then we can have good
effect of sound therapy. This is where the sono part of this therapy comes together. So
sono photodynamic therapy is using sound and light or photo to affect cancer cells. So
the sono part is we use an ultrasound emitting sound frequencies at specific amplitude,
intensity, wavelength, and we know that the substance that is used, the photosensitizer,
is absorbed by cancer cells. This is a chlorophyll derivative so totally non-toxic.
Ty Bollinger: Lots of oxygen too.
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Dr. Tony Jimenez: Yes. Cancer cells absorb it, 70 to one, 70 cancer cells for one
normal cell. We wait 24 hours for maximum absorption within the cancer cells. Normal
cells for some God-given reason will excrete whatever they absorb, the normal cells will.
So after 24 hours the sensitizer, the chlorophyll derivative is only absorbed and retained
within cancer cells. But it does nothing by itself. It has no physical, chemical,
biochemical, biological action until we wake it up like a sleeping bear, right. How do we
wake it up? Using the sound and using the phototherapy, the light therapy at proven
specific frequencies, intensity, wavelength, and amplitude. Once this happens this
molecule which I mean I dont want to get too technical but it's a porphyrin ring
molecule. So it's very known to the human body because in our blood we have
something called hematoporphyrin. And so this sensitizer, chlorophyll derivative is not
foreign to the body. So at this time when we do the sound and the light therapy, and the
sensitizers within the cancer cells, now we stimulate its activity. And that is to release
oxygen radicals, which are toxic to cancer cells. Every treatment must take into
consideration detoxification as you well know, right. So when patients have side effects
or Herxheimers reaction thats because were not doing our due diligence to make sure
the skin is detoxing the liver, the kidneys, or respiration, so detoxing is a must.
Ty Bollinger: So what processes do you use to make sure that the patients are
detoxifying properly?
Dr. Tony Jimenez: The first thing, nutrition, right, proper nutrition and juicing. We do
coffee enemas. Coffee enemas was in the Merck Manual, the bible of medicine before
any laxative or any detox there was. But drugs came into existence so coffee is now not
appropriate, right. So we use a specific type of coffee so you can drink this type. This
Ty Bollinger: It's the dark roast. Folgers dark roast [laughter]
Dr. Tony Jimenez: It is organic, caffeinated because see coffee enemas is not to clean
the colon. Coffee enemas is to detox the liver and the gallbladder as you know. So we
use a specific coffee. Actually it comes from Canada and it meets certain characteristics
to do that, yes.
Ty Bollinger: Okay. So thats a biggie.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: Im sorry. I didntthats just two, right, nutrition and juicing, coffee
enema. Of course, exercise, lymphatic drainage formulas, or bouncing, rebounding, a
negative thought can kill you faster than a bad germ. So one of the main things to
detoxify is here.
Ty Bollinger: The mind.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: The mind, the emotions, the conflicts, the traumas, going back to
what we said earlier.
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Ty Bollinger: Sure.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: So detoxing those psychological, emotional, biological conflicts and
trauma is key. And then we could talk about other things to detoxify. The list is extensive
but I would say these are the primary basic ones.
Ty Bollinger: Those are the keys.
Dr. Tony Jimenez:
Those are the keys, yeah. So for cancer patients my big
recommendation is faith in God, be strong with your spiritual aspect of your life, the
emotional, and then the physical as it was in the ancient times when someone went to
Hope for Cancer Institute the first person they saw was the spiritual advisor. The second
person they saw was an emotional/psychological counselor, and then they saw us the
Ty Bollinger: So Dr. Jimenez just shared with us his seven key principles in
treating cancer. And in this next clip Dr. Rashid Buttar shares with us what he
calls the seven toxicities that he tries to remove when treating cancer.
Dr. Rashid Buttar: Again, , all disease, not just cancer, is a deficiency of some type of a
nutrient or its a toxicity and its dissolved as a toxicity. It can be a toxicity plus a
deficiency, or it can just be the toxicity but if you can address those two things then
youve got a chance of actually resolving the situation. And of those toxicities we have
defined seven different toxicities. And those seven toxicities are heavy metals, second
one is persistent organic food, the third one is opportunistics of bacteria, virus,
spirochete, microplasma, yeast, those type of things meaning something that needs,
and it needs an opportunity to set up house. So a yeast, for example, a fungus would
not affect you unless youre immunocompromised. So the first toxicity, heavy metals, or
the second toxicity persistent organic food, just the chemicals, will suppress the immune
system that allows for that third toxicity, the opportunistics to actually set up house.
Then the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh toxicities, theyre a little bit more esoteric. The
fourth one is energetic, ambient cellphone radiation, electromagnetic radiation, that type
of stuff, fifth one emotional psychological, sixth one, food, not what is in the food that we
eat but whats done to the food, the genetic modification, the eradiation, the
homogenization, pasteurization, that type of stuff, and then the seventh one is spiritual.
Ty Bollinger: Ive read about your cancer protocol, and you have something that
you call AARSOTA. Can you talk about what your AARSOTA is? Is it a vaccine?
What is AASOTA?
Dr. Rashid Buttar: AARSOTA is an acronym that stands for autogenous antigen
receptor specific oncogenic target acquisition.
Ty Bollinger: Im glad you called it AARSOTA.

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Dr. Rashid Buttar: Thats right, AARSOTA, A-A-R-S-O-T-AExactly! So autogenous
means your bodys own. Antigen receptor specific means it's specific to an antigen
receptor site that were collecting that we isolate from the urine similar to what Burzynski
does except hes coming up with antineoplastons at a universal across the board and
were saying that the antigen receptor sites in everybodys tumor is unique as just as
their DNA is unique, specific to them. So it's an autogenous bodys own antigen receptor
specific, specific to the DNA of that individualautogenous antigen receptor specific
oncogenic meaning cancer target acquisition meaning it's acquiescing the target. It
helps the bodys immune system to identify whats being foreign. So cancer first and
foremost is a problem with the immune system. You cannot have cancer if you have an
intact immune system. If you have cancer you dont have an intact immune system. If
people say, oh no, my immune system is fine then you cant have cancer. You cant
have two. Okay, those two things cant live together. If it's an immune system thats
compromised you can have cancer. If you have cancer you have to by definition have a
compromised immune system. So part of this is we have to stimulate the immune
system and repair the immune system.
So theres five phases that we use when we deal with cancer patients. The first is
systemic detoxification as weve talked about. The second is physiological optimization.
So we want to optimize the entire physiology to that of the highest possible level that we
can. In quantum physics lingo this would be achieving zero point. So were trying to get
maximum benefit, maximum output, with minimal expenditure of energy. The third
phase is immune modulation. We want to repair the immune system, train the immune
system to start working again. The fourth one is target acquisition or to acquiesce a
target meaning, again, Im prior military. So you have to first identify the target and the
problem is the immune system many times doesnt identify the cancers being formed
because the cancer mimics a fetus, alpha-fetoprotein, human chorionic gonadotropin,
these are non-specific markers of cancer, but theyre also markers of pregnancy. When
you do a pregnancy test youre looking for HCG. When you do alpha-fetoprotein for
women for amniocentesis thats a market of pregnancy but it's also a marker, nonspecific marker for cancer. So the cancer mimics the fetus so the body doesnt respond
to it.
So we have to now show the body that this is not natural. This thing thats growing in
here it's not supposed to be left alone. It's not supposed to be left alone. It's actually
supposed to be attacked. And so we have to train the body to acquiesce that target. So
we basicallyis like flipping on night goggles and all of a sudden you realize whos
foreign and should bewhich are the aliens that need to be eliminated and which are
not if you believe in science fiction movies like that. I think the aliens are all friendly if
there are aliens out there, so. But anyway, you understand what Im saying. Thats a
different part. You dont want to know that part about Dr. Buttar, right?
Ty Bollinger: Yeah. I want to know everything.
Dr. Rashid Buttar: Were going to go out and see our UFO buddies next week, right
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Ty Bollinger: That sounds good. [laughter]

Dr. Rashid Buttar: And so thats the fourth part. And then the fifth part is maintenance.
So youve got the first one, systemic detoxification, the second one, the physiological
optimization, the third one, immune modulation, fourth one, target acquisition, and the
fifth one, fifth step is maintenance. And thats how we deal with cancer.
Ty Bollinger: Dr. Buttar just mentioned antineoplastons and Dr. Burzynski. So
you know I had to head down to Houston to talk to Dr. Burzynski about this
treatment, antineoplastons, which has been very effective at treating brain cancer.
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski: We proved that in a certain area which is the most difficult
areas of oncology, which is the treatment of incurable brain tumors, we can have very
good responses in various types of tumors, and we can increase survival of the patient
Ty Bollinger: Yeah, you know, your wife showed me pictures of brain tumor
patients after it that are alive.
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski: Its scientifically documented and its presented in research
articles and presented at first class oncology congresses. So there is no doubt, if the
patient was diagnosed at some of the best centers in the world with an incurable brain
tumor and has survived 20 years, it means something works.
Ty Bollinger: I saw a picture of a young buy that was diagnosed at two and now
hes married with kids.
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski: Thats right. Hes a fireman. He must be in good condition.
Ty Bollinger: He must be. So you talked about brain tumors. Are there specific
types of cancer that the antineoplaston treatment works better on than others?
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski: Well, we concentrate on brain tumors, because brain tumors
have the opinion of being very difficult, so basically you dont hear about spontaneous
regression of brain tumors, and thats why we selected brain tumors, because we knew
if we prove that we can have people who are surviving for a very long time, tumor free,
over 10 years, or 15 years, or 20 years, this means that it works, ultimately. You can
probably convince most of the critics that it works, OK, because there is no argument
about survival. You can have argument about seeing the tumors shrinking, OK. Some of
them will say, OK, it shrunk 20%. Some of them It shrunk 50%. Some of them, I
dont see this anymore. But there are guys who always will see something and say,
No, its not in remission. But if the patient who was supposed to be dead within 2
months survives over 20 years, it means that something works. This year was quite
special because within the last year, we were invited to 3 weddings of our patients who
recovered completely and got married.

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Ty Bollinger: I saw the pictures.
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski: You mentioned one of them, and we have some others.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah.
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski: We had one patient who recovered completely and she was a
young woman who was given up at University of California for brain stem glioma
DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma) she failed completely, she came to us, we got
rid of her tumor, she got married, shes got children, and now this year she got her first
grandchild. She is living a perfectly normal life 26 years later.
Ty Bollinger: Wow! Talk about the epigenetics, the way that, you know, youre
looking at the genome but there are certain things that you can do that would
influence the way that your genes express themselves.
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski: Absolutely, so epigenetics is a science which studies the
factors which influence the activity of the genes. Basically, they turn on and off the
activity of the genes. Thats what we studied extensively, and we found this is the
mechanism of action of antineoplastons. They dont really change the structure of the
genes, they work on the genes from the outside. They turn on and off the activity of the
genes. And basically we are trying to turn off the activity of the genes which cause
cancer and turn on the activity of the genes which fight cancer. And these are our genes
in our body, so once this happens, then the rest is done by the body. So we dont really
kill malignant cells like chemotherapy, simply we trigger the body mechanism to do the
Ty Bollinger: So the antineoplastons work kind of like a light switch turning on or
off certain genes.
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski: Absolutely, and the rest is done by the body itself. So thats
why the treatment can be done with relatively limited toxicity. We can tell this because
obviously we are not really damaging the structure of the body, we only influence. We
are working with the switches more or less.
Ty Bollinger: Right. And so thats where your treatment
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski: But Im not permitted even to say switched because now I am
sued by Texas Medical Board for saying that antineoplastons work as switches.
Ty Bollinger: Really?
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski: Yes, because they say that this is a false advertisement,
despite the fact that this was introduced first (ingredients of antineoplastons) by
researchers from Johns Hopkins Medical School. But I am now facing the lawsuit,
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probably they will make another announcement that I am making false advertisement.
So what we do now will be part of false advertisement.
Ty Bollinger: False advertisement.
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski: Thats right, yes.
Ty Bollinger: Even though it's completely 100 percent true
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski: Yes. Well, the other thing which I can say publicly is the
address of the clinic. Okay. Yes, thats it. Well, thats the state of freedom of speech in
the state of Texas these days. According to Texas Medical Board, of course, but this is
somewhat distorted view of America, I believe.
Ty Bollinger: It seems like the dark ages.
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski: Yes, they are Dark Ages of Medicine. We are beginning to
have Dark Ages unless people will take some action.
Ty Bollinger: Talk about the way that the antineoplastons act sort of like an
epigenetic trigger and the way thatwhat would cause certain cancer cells to
map incorrectly and become cancerous? What are cancer cells and what causes
these genetic switches to map incorrectly that you would be diagnosed with
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski: Well, cancer cells have their own genome, which is an
abnormal genome. And this genome is directed to rapidly multiply cells, create a lot of
new cells, which do not play a normal function in the body. They are pretty much
useless for the body. And because of this they spread, they take away nutrients from
normal cells, they exhaust the body, they invade vital organs, and finally they kill the
body. So, basically, these are the cells which have their own genome, the cancerous
genome. And its not a single gene which can cause such problems. Initially, it can start
with some abnormality in a single gene which can be inherited or which can be caused
by exposure to radiation, by virus infection, by lack of sleep, by exposure to
electromagnetic waves, by thousands of different factors. And most of these changes
will come and go, and the body is able to protect itself and eliminate this. So then
cancer is not so easy to really start because the body has a very good protective
system. We believe that antineoplastons play a very good line of defense. They
immediately switch off these abnormal genes and they get rid of cancer cells. They all
die out, and there are no new cells which contain this problem. If you dont have enough
antineoplastons, then obviously these changes will get established. And then there will
be some more changes, so its not just single changes that cause the problem. Its a
number of different changes in various genes to build a network which will cause
malignant transformation. And then once this gets going, it gets worse and worse and is
changing all the time, and it is becoming more and more malignant, and finally the body
is unable to control it. So that is pretty much what happens. It is a multitude of factors at
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the beginning, and later once it comes to start, then obviously it is very difficult to get rid
of this. So you need to boost your own defense. The immune system in most cases is
not able to recognize these cells because they are very similar to normal cells and if you
do not have enough antineoplastons in your body, then you are not able to redirect
these cells, and then the cancer begins developing.
Ty Bollinger: So the antineoplastons as opposed to the traditional treatments for
cancer or the chemo or the radiation, the antineoplastons dont harm the body.
The chemo works by destroying indiscriminately and the radiation destroys
indiscriminately, but the antineoplastons really switch on your genes in your
body that would selectively target the cancer.
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski: Yeah the idea is to simply mount the bodys mechanism which
should get rid of cancer. Because normally the body is equipped to do it, OK, but there
is something in the body which went wrong and turned off the mechanism which is
protection against cancer. Otherwise, everybody will get cancer early and die from it.
Ty Bollinger: According to Dr. Burzynski the antineoplastons act as selectively
toxic switches targeting only the cancer cells but not the normal cells.
In these next few clips were going to learn about using herbs and herbal tonics to
successfully treat cancer. So youve seen good results with Essiac tea.
Dr. Murray Susser: Yeah, Ive seen some really excellent results with that.
Ty Bollinger: My grandmother, who died of cancer in 98 was diagnosed in the
late 80s and she was supposedly terminal and she used Essiac tea for ten years
and it gave her another decade.
Dr. Susser: Yeah. I had a patient who had bowel obstruction and they opened it up and
he had a cancer of the cecum where is appendix was. And they cut it out but he hadit
had already spread to his liver. And so, he was kind of doomed by conventional things.
And instead of taking chemotherapy, he took Essiac tea. And he went for years under
my care and the tumor never came back.
Ty Bollinger: Awesome. So youve seen good results with Essiac. Anything else
that youre using currently when youre treating cancer patients?
Dr. Susser: Well, theres a lot of possibilities. Sometimes mega doses of things like
vitamin A. Ramsberger in Germany used vitamin A in giant doses. Vitamin A is
considered toxic above 25 thousand units a day. He just for experimental sake went up
to half a million units a day of vitamin A. His skin kind of fell off but as soon as he
stopped taking the vitamin A he got all better. But sometimes mega doses of things like
A, vitamin C mega doses, vitamin D now has been shown to have value.
Ty Bollinger: Lots of vitamin D out today.
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Dr. Susser: Yes, vitamin D

Dr. Keith Scott Mumby: The most famous one is called Iscador and Im sure youve
heard of that on your travels. Somebodys gone and talked about it. Suzanne Sommers
made it famous. In fact, she took it. Its basically viscum, well, mistletoe, viscum album
its called.
Ty Bollinger: But what is the action though in the mistletoe to treat cancer.
Dr. Keith Scott Mumby: Mistletoe is highly toxic. Now listen, this isyou got me going
on another thing. But we dont want too much in alternative or holistic treatments of a
toxic stuff. You know, thats what I call chemotherapy thinking, you know, Ill take stuff
and itll kill the cancer and I dont even have to change my diet. Thats not going to work.
You got to do all the good things Ive been talking about. But mistletoe, you cant say its
safe and natural and holistic, its extremely poisonous, right. But if you take it the right
dose, and its got a tradition of hundreds of years now. Iscador itself was developed by
Rudolf Steiner. That went back in Victorian times. And it containedyou know, theres a
few things. So its a mixture. One of the important ones is mercury iodide. And the
iodine is great for the thyroid because thats something else I havent got time to
elaborate on. But 20 years ago I noticed that and then it surfaced in all the literature. I
keep seeing it. But I noticed it that because I use those EAV testing machines and it
would tell you hidden signals. And time and again with cancer you get a signal on
thyroid. The thyroid wasnt performing and the underperforming thyroid is one of the
biggest reasons why the immune system goes down. You cannot afford to have an
inefficient, anthats tongue twister. You cannot afford to have an inefficient thyroid if
youve got cancer. So you need to beef it up and you need to have your thyroid
checked. So theres another hot tip for the viewers. All thats built in to the Iscador
remedy. And if you take it as it should be its very safe. And Ive got to tell you that
something like 60 percent, its the most prescribed oncological treatment in Germany
now, right. You wouldnt believe that but 60 percent of cancer patients will take it
whether their doctor says to or not. They will. Its got a very strong tradition. And as I
said over here if you dont think German means it could be good then Suzanne
Sommers is your reference, right. She liked it and she claims it really, really helped her.
And Ive used it a lot, of course.
Suzanne Somers: So I was looking around at that time for what could I do. And I read
some books about Rudolf Steiner and back in the 1920s he was doing something called
anthroposcopic medicine. And one of the medicines that jumped out at me was Iscador.
It was said that it builds up your immune system to be so strong that nothing can invade
or attack. And that kind of made sense because clearly I had cancer because there was
some flaw in my immune system. So I injected Iscador forI started to do it for two
years. I got it from Wellita in Switzerland. It's legal to bring it into this country but at that
time at least they werent selling in America. Maybe they are now. And then I kept on
taking it. I took it forI took it up until the time that, and Im sure well get there, I ended
up in the hospital again being diagnosed with cancer which was a misdiagnosis.

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Ty Bollinger: Let me ask you also about another combination of herbs thats
called the Hoxsey tonic. It was a tea that was formulated by a man named Harry
Hoxsey. Actually it was formulated by his grandfather and was passed down to
Harry. And it contains red clover. I wanted to speak with you specifically about
red clover because one of the later combinations of the Essiac tea contained red
clover and the Hoxsey tea also did. Talk about red clover in treating cancer.
Wendy Wilson: Yeah, red clover is a blood purifier. And so basically your blood system
is going to be the cancer highway. It's going to help spread the cancer cells. So red
clover is a nice way to sweep those cancer cells out of the blood system. If you layer it
with blood root and burdock and yellow dock they get even more power in doing that. So
it's like a blood cleanser if you will. And blood when it's laden down with impurities cant
carry enough oxygen and nutrition to the cells to help them power up and defend
themselves and get rid of cancer. So red clover is an excellent herb. Most people have it
in their yards but they usually spray it with Round-Up or something. But if you have
some dont spray it with Round-Up. And if you do decide to collect it it's usually going to
be at the fall in September when the buds turn bright red.
Ty Bollinger: Wow! Some really powerful information that we learned tonight
about the diagnostics for cancer, the dangers of the diagnostics, how they
actually might increase cancer risk, and how they tend to give false-positives.
And then we got into so many different natural treatments. And then tomorrow
night well do the same thing. Why? Because there are so many natural
treatments for cancer.
One thing that you may not know is that Ive personally had skin cancer several
times. I developed a spot on my face, didnt know what it was and it turns out it
was basal cell carcinoma. At that point, I was faced with a decision. What do I do
about it? Do I go under the knife, which is your typical treatment for skin cancer,
or do I stick to the guns, stick to my guns, and do what Ive learned over the
years? What I did I took this natural salve and I put it on the spot on my face that
was the basal cell carcinoma. And honestly when I first put it on I wasnt really
quite sure what to expect. But within about five or six days the spot actually fell
out and the skin healed over it. And no more cancer at that spot.
These treatments really work folks. I know from a personal perspective and I also
know because Ive been literally contacted by thousands of people over the years
that have shared with me their personal stories of cancer victory using these
treatments. I know you learned a lot from tonights show and youre going to learn
a lot from tomorrow nights show. I look forward to seeing you then.

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Ty Bollinger: Welcome back everyone. I am so glad that you decided to join us
again for another episode of The Quest for the CuresContinues. If you tuned
in last night, and I hope you did, you learned a lot about diagnostics for cancer,
which ones are good and which ones are not so good. And you began to learn
about natural treatments for cancer. If you enjoyed that then you are really going
to enjoy tonights episode because it is totally dedicated to natural treatments for
cancer. The first interview is with Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez. He is a medial doctor. He
has an office in New York City, and he specializes in pancreatic enzymes and
detoxification as well as a structured diet to treat cancer. He has had tremendous
success with many types of cancer that are considered to be untreatable with
conventional oncology, for instance, pancreatic cancer. If you were diagnosed
with pancreatic cancer, it is the equivalent of a death sentence if you go with
conventional treatments. They do not even claim to have a treatment for
pancreatic cancer. Almost no one lives past five years. Well, Dr. Gonzalez shared
with me a story of one of his patients that is 32 years out from diagnosis. She was
diagnosed 32 years ago with pancreatic cancer and she is still alive. She was
given the gift of life because of Dr. Gonzalezs treatment. I only wish that maybe I
had known about this treatment back when my father was diagnosed in 1996
because I would have loved to have had him with me these last 18 years.
Fortunately, for this lady she has been with her family for the last 32 years and
they have been able to enjoy her. It is just so amazing to me these natural
treatments for cancer. They really work and people are alive because of them. It is
an encouraging story and this is going to be an encouraging episode because
you are going to see that there is hope and that cancer does not have to be a
death sentence. So I hope you enjoy the show.
Ty Bollinger: Dr. Gonzalez, talk about the protocol you are using. If you could go
back and kind of give a few details about what protocol Dr. Kelly was using and
then how you have adopted that into your practice now. What are you using?
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: Kellys program and our program have three basic components.
In our therapy today 25 27 years later is really a derivation of Kelly. We follow his
model pretty closely. It involves three basic componentsindividualized diet;
individualized supplement programs with for cancer patients large doses of pancreatic
enzymes and detoxification routines like the coffee enemas. Now unlike a lot of
alternative practitioners who use one diet for everybody like Atkins told everyone should
be on a meat diet. The Gerson people think everyone should be vegetarian. Kelly
realized early on different people need different diets. And some people do well with a
plant-based diet; other patients need fatty red meat two or three times a day. He had 10
basic diets and 94 variations. An investigative journalist that I was at heart when I first
met him, I challenged him and he showed me on his computer the 10 basic diets and 94
variations. And even then, he would individualize the diet. So he doesnt have and he
didnt have and we dont have one diet. We follow that traditionally of 10 diets and
dozens of variation. Secondly, large doses of nutritional supplementsvitamins,
minerals, trace elements, glandular extracts from animals like liver, thymus, lung,
pancreas, heart, these glandular parts that are made for us in New Zealand.
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Now we dont believe the vitamins and minerals and trace elements and glandular
products are going to cure or reverse cancer. What they do provide is nutritional
support. You know, were doing two things. Were trying to attack the cancer directly but
were also trying to rebuild your average body. A lot of the patients that came to Kelly, a
lot of the patients that we see, not only have advanced cancer, which wrecks the body,
but also had been treated with aggressive chemo, radiation, all kinds of combinations
that also ravaged the body. So were trying to rebuild their body and also attack the
cancer and you can attack the cancer better if you rebuild the body. So the vitamins,
minerals, trace elements, glandular products, help restore the normal equilibrium and
homeostasis of the body. And even then the socialthe supplement programs are very
individualized. Kelly did and we do individualize all these supplement programs. So no
two patients are in exactly the same protocol and some of them, of course, are similar.
Now in addition to the vitamins, minerals, trace elements, etc. designed specifically for
each patient, we use for cancer patients large doses of pancreatic enzymes. Now this
was Kellys great innovation and the tradition we follow, of course. Now pancreatic
enzymes have been known since the 1850s and 1860s, and theyre known as digestive
enzymes. They help us break down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. In addition, Dr.
John Beard was the great professor at the University of Edinburg, English by birth and
Scottish by profession. He taught at Edinburg all his professional life. He was a very
brilliant embryologist, got his doctorate in 1884 from the University of Freiburg in
Germany. And he was one of the great embryologists. His work in embryology is still
quoted today on the literature. But his work in embryology led him on a side tangent into
pancreatic enzymes and cancer. He was not trained as a cancer researcher but he was
a brilliant man like a lot of brilliant men like Linus Pauling that become experts in a lot of
different fields. And in 1902 he wrote the first paper claiming pancreatic enzymes in
addition to the digestive capability which had been well documented by that point,
theyre the bodys main defense against cancer and would be useful as a cancer
And the brilliant man that he was he did animal studies. We think of 110 years ago as a
primitive time in science or scientists worked out of caves with candles. Well actually, it
was very sophisticated. By 1902 pathologistsand Sloan-Kettering already existed by
that pointbrilliant pathologists in the US and Europe had already evaluated and
diagnosed and defined the hundred different types of cancer. They knew what cancer
was, they knew what it looked like. They knew it how it behaved. They knew how to
examine it, how to do a biopsy under the microscope. So Beard took an animal model,
which they had at that time for cancer and used his enzymes as a first study of the
enzymes in history and got a 100 percent regression of cancer in the animals that he
treated. Whereas the control group died very quickly. Then physicians inhe was not a
physician. He was an SCD. He had a doctorate degree so he wasnt able to treat
patients directly. But physicians working under him began using enzymes. The first case
was 1905 a case of head and neck cancer. And the person who administered it, Dr.
Clarence Rice, had an office about five blocks from this office where were sitting now
right on Madison Avenue. So its kind of a historic place to be in terms of enzymes. And
the tumor completely regressed.
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And it was published in the conventional medical literature. Ive collected dozens of
articles in the peer reviewed conventional literature from the peer in 1905 to 1911 where
physicians under Beards guidance treated advanced cancer, colon cancer, rectal
cancer, breast cancer, endometrial cancer, lung cancer successfully with the enzymes.
He wrote a book in 1911, The Enzyme Treatment of Cancer. We actually had
photographs of patients, sequential photographs of patients with head and neck cancer
where the tumors actually disappear and the skin heals normally 100 years ago, more
than 100 years ago. But the work then as it is today was considered too controversial
but there was another footnote I often talk about in my lectures. At the same time Beard
was showing the enzymes reverse cancer Madam Curies, the great Frenchwell, she
was Polish by birth but she was working at the University of Parisshe was
investigating radiation. And radiation x-rays had been discovered in 1895. By 1900, they
were used diagnostically. It was miraculous. You do an x-ray and you can see the inside
of the chest and see the lungs. By 1905, Madam Curies was saying that radiation would
be a simple, easy, non-toxic way of treating all cancer. And she had two noble prizes
alreadyone of the few people that--Linus Pauling also had tofew people that ever
won one, let alone two, and she was well loved by the media. She was the first great
media star. She knew how to use the media. She knew how to call press conferences.
And she announced radiation is the cure to cancer to the media. Beard was this nerdy,
ivory tower scientist who thought the media was a bunch of morons, had no use for
them and no use for his critics. He wasnt maybe the most diplomatic person who ever
lived. Madam Curies knew how to nurture the media.
So all over the world Madam Curies, the great belovedyou know, she was the first
woman to get a PhD in theoretical physics at the University of Paris. So she had this
extraordinary history and movies had been made about her. And the press loved her.
Who cared about Dr. Beard and pancreatic enzymes? Well, nobody apparently, so it
was book one unheated. Radiation came into the forefront of cancer treatment. Of
course, Madam Curies was completely wrong on all counts. It isnt non-toxic. In fact, she
herself died as a result of radiation exposure. She died of aplastic anemia caused by
radiation. Most tumors that regress come back very quickly, more deadly. And it was
only a few cancers actually responded to it. So radiation was not the simple, easy, nontoxic way of treating all cancers. She was wrong. But by that point by the time scientists
realized that, you know, hundreds of them died. Hundreds of scientists involved with
radiation died because of their cavalier exposure to radiation thinking, you know, its
invisible so its safe.
To answer your original question the three components, individualized diet,
individualized supplements, large doses of pancreatic enzymes, the third component is
detoxification, which is often the proponentthe component of the therapy that elicits
the most grins and mockery from conventional doctors. But its really very simple. When
Kelly was treating himself he was taking the pancreatic enzymes and tumors were
breaking down and thats when he got really sick, almost life threateningly sick. First,
they thought the enzymes werent working anymore but then he realized the tumors are
shrinking. Im getting sick. And then he realized Im reacting to the tumor waste. And
indeed conventional oncologists know today in 2014 that nothing is more toxic to the
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human than dead cancer. In fact, chemotherapy, though it doesnt work for most
cancers, does work for some like Hodgkins and certain leukemias. And in a Hodgkins
patient, if you break a tumor down too fast with chemo youll kill the patient from the
dead tumor. And they call it tumor lysis syndrome. Its recognized in the textbooks, all
my textbooks, conventional textbooks, talk about it. Well, Kelly recognized that back in
1963 when he was trying to get over his own cancer. And he started going into the
literature as he always did. He was a great scholar. He would go into the literature trying
to find some technique that would help his liver and kidney work better. The liver and
the kidney are the bodys main detoxification organs. Thats for environmental
chemicals, our own metabolic waste and in the dead cancer process neutralize and
prepare for excretion.
And he opens up the Merck manual and lo and behold, there are coffee enemas. You
know, the interesting thing or the sad thing is, the ironic thing, Kelly was brutalized in the
media for his use of coffee enemas and we get attacked about it today too. But they
come right out of the conventional medical literature. He didnt learn about it from alien
space beings, you know, injected into his brain through some mystic psychic
experience. He didnt learn about them through some alternative throw away journals or
something else. He learned about them from the conventional medical textbooks. The
Merck manuals is a compendium of most conventional therapies. And they were in the
Merck manual. Coffee enemas were in the Merck manual right up until the 1970s. And
when I was doing my investigation of Kelly, the trained investigative reporter that I was, I
called up the editor of the Merck manual then and had a talk with him. And he said the
only reason they were taken out is we get kind of folksy and we had all this high tech
stuff to use. And he had files on coffee enemas, which he sent me. And dozens of
studies from the 20s and the 1930s and 40s at major institutions where theyre using
coffee enemas for a variety of things--arthritis, mental illness. I have a study from the
New England Journal of Medicine, the preeminent medical journal in the US, 1932 from
Harvard Medical School, a good of research psychiatrists successfully treatable, what
we today call bipolar illness, in those days they call it manic-depressive, with enemas.
And theyre hypothesis was that they were toxins from the intestinal track that were
polluting the mind and thats what was causing the mental illness. And they put these
people on enemas and colonics and they got well and they got them off medication and
out of the hospital. It was in the New England Journal. I have a copy, 1932.
I have a study from Uruguay, just because its Uruguay doesnt mean they werent
serious scientists and people downplay it. It was not from Boston. It was a good study of
patients with septic shock, in those days septic shock occurs because of gram negative
bacteria produce a polysaccharide kind of a carbohydrate thats toxic to the human and
people die from that. The death rate today is still in the range of 40 to 50 percent with
septic shock. In those days, it was like 90 percent. Well, these people in Uruguay at an
intensive care, what we would call an intensive care unit today, had learned about
coffee enemas from the conventional medical world, started treating their patients with
coffee enemas and had great success. We published it in a peer review journal. We
have a translation that was originally published in Spanish, almost like 90 percent
reversal with septic shock. That should have changed the way hospitalists treat septic
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shock all over the world was ignored because it was folksy. It wasnt high tech even
then in 1941 42. So we have dozens of articles. Kelly collected them, dozens of
articles from the mainstream, peer reviewed medical literature and discussing the use of
enemas, coffee enemas, other types of colonics, and the successful treatment of all
kinds of illnesses. So he incorporated them into his practice and it helped and he added
other things like liver flushes and colon cleanses and juice fasts and skin brushing which
is an all naturopathic technique to get them the lymphatics to work better, kidney
flushes, all kinds of techniques that we still use today.
I went through over 10 thousand of Kellys records, interviewed over a thousand of his
patients, evaluated 455 of his advanced cancer patients who had done well, evaluated
50 at great length representing 26 different types of cancer. Some of these patients we
actually saw in our own immunology clinic. Well doctor, thats really amazing. I wish we
had film of this of Dr. Good examining these Kelly patients, writing notes in the official
hospital records with his white coat and a stethoscope. We put it together in monograph
form. I did the writing. I did the research. He was my mentor. So I evaluated 50 patients
with 26 different types of cancer all poor prognosis or terminal or advanced who enjoyed
extraordinary responses that could only be attributed to Dr. Kellys nutritional program,
put this together in monograph form 1986, finished my immunology fellow. Now here I
have Dr. Good as my mentor, the most published author in the history of medicine50
books to his credit. He was either editor or co-writer of 50 books, over two thousand
papers, couldnt get it published. The general response were one of two. First, a lot of
the editors didnt believe it. In fact, I have some letters in my office from editors who
warned Dr. Good this had to be a scam, fraudulent and I had conned him or something
like that even though we saw the patients in our own clinic and Dr. Good knew they
were real.
The other thing is editors would say this is real but if its real, its the most extraordinary
thing in medicine but its also the most controversial, a nutritional approach to cancer.
This is 1986 where to mention nutrition and cancer in the same sentence was
tantamount to a felony. And the editor said this would be the end of my publishing
careerThe American Cancer Society, the National Institute of Health, the National
Cancer Institute will make sure that I cant feed my children so they would pass. We
triedI tried for two years, couldnt get it published, eventually put it away, but finally in
2010 we published it, updated, rewritten with a long introduction by me updating it to
2010. Now at that point Dr. Good was not at Sloan-Kettering. I finished my immunology
fellowship. We had a long talk, went out to dinner. And he said something very
interesting. I dont have it on tape so I cant confirm it. But he said, you know, some of
these cases are so extraordinary like five-year survivor of pancreatic cancer, which he
had never seen. His own second wife, or firstone of this former wiveshes been
married three timeshad died of pancreatic cancer within two months when he was
president of Sloan-Kettering. He couldnt save his own wife. She died quickly. He said
youre showing me these cases. He said I dont know how Kellys doing this. Ive never
seen anything like this and Im president of Sloan-Kettering. I mean, he said, people
come from all over the world for my advice about cancer. You know, the whole Iranian
crisis began because of Dr. Good. The shah [ph] of Iran got sick so he wanted the best
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physician in the world to come evaluate him so he picked Robert Good and flew Robert
Good in his private jet, the shahs private jet, to Iran. Dr. Good examined him and
withinhe was a brilliant clinician as well as researcher. Within 10 minutes made the
diagnosis. He said you got gallbladder cancer. He said you got to come to New York. So
he came to New York and New York Hospital and thats when the Iranian revolution
began. So it actually
Ty Bollinger: I had no idea.
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: No one knows this at all. No one knows that the Iranian
revolution began because of Robert Good, president of Sloan-Kettering, my mentor.
Kelly himself had cancer and when he was trying to fight his own battleyou know, he
was an orthodontist by training
Ty Bollinger: What type of cancer did he have?
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: He had pancreatic cancer. Now I spoke to his doctor and said
when I first did my research 30 years ago they were still alive. They never biopsied.
They said he was too unstable. They couldntthey didnt want to bring him to surgery.
And this is before CAT scans. It was in the early 1960s. But they did x-rays. He had
tumors in both lungs, fluid in his lungs, and tumor in his hip. In fact, he always walked
with a limp because the tumor had eaten through his hipbone. He had a tumor in his
heart, which is rare for pancreatic cancer. It was in his bone. And they said there was
nothing we could do. They gave him two months to live and he had four young kids, all
of them adopted. He had mumps as a teenager so--mumps can make you sterile. So he
couldnt have kids so he adopted four kids out of the orphanages. And he was afraid if
he died, theyd end up back in the orphanage. Hes like I cant die. He just made that
Kelly was a very determined guy. He also had an IQ twice of most of us. He said Im not
going to die. So he went through the literature startinghe realized the only thing he
could do is change is diet. Then he learned about Beards work fromat that point, it
was like 60 years earlier, add in an enzyme and got well. And then the local doctors
you know, Kelly was very well known in the town where he lived. He lived in Grapevine,
Texas, which is a suburb of Texasyoure a Texas boya suburb of Dallas/Fort Worth.
In those days, it was a pokey professional suburb. Now its, you know, like Dallas is like
taking over the world but it was a pokey town, you know, Grapevine. And all the
doctorshe was in the country club and did bible study on Sundays and he was in the
church and the school board, everyone knew him. There wasnt a country club. And the
doctors saw him rise from the dead like Lazarus. So they started quietlythis is 1964
65sending their cancer patients to Kelly because they knew him, they trusted him. He
was in the same country club, the same church.
Ty Bollinger: So the medical doctors were sending their patients to a dentist.
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: Thats right and they were sending them to a dentist. Well,
legally he didnt have the right to treat cancer. Dentists cant. But they would send them
and they would get well. That was the good news and the bad news. The good news is
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a word of mouth network started to spread, you know, someones cousin in Houston
heard about my cousin got well. And they would come to Kelly and then it was the
person in New Mexico. And pretty soon, people were coming from all over the country to
Kelly to his dentist office on that side of Dallas getting well. Well, guess what? The
medical board wasnt too happy about it because sooner or later they heard about it.
Kelly once told me at one time 14 government agencies were investigating him. And you
know, I saidthe investigative reporter that I am, I said, you know people tend to
exaggerate. And I looked through the data, indeed, 14 government agencies from the
local county attorney to the state medical board to the dental board because the dental
board actually took away his license for practicing medicine without a license. He didnt
care because he just said hes doing nutrition, kept doing it, seeing patients anyway.
The state attorneys, the attorneythe state attorney general, federal attorneys, the IRS,
they all colluded like going after tea party groups together. They all colluded to try and
get Kelly. You think heres a guy giving cancer patients nutrition. This isnt like he
committed the holocaust. Hes just given patients with nothing else to do who you cant
treat them successfully with any conventional therapy. Hes giving them nutrition.
And lo and behold, the problem was a lot of them were getting well, which started to
upset the medical authorities. And its interesting too, and these are stories that as far
as I know have never been told before. Heat one point he was arrested at gunpoint
kind of like a typical, get 14the equivalent of a SWAT team in those days, arresting
them. And they always do those things to try and embarrass you so they came at
midnight in front of his kids in pajamas dragging him away. Well, there was a very
prominent Washington politician high up in the justice department. I mean really high up
in the justice department, who the next day called the local sheriff and said you let Kelly
out or Im going to have the entire federal government investigate every one of you from
youryoull be audited on your income tax for the last 25 years. And he said you dont
want to mess with me. He was let out of jail within five minutes of that phone call. And
they never went after him again. He continued to practice. He just had patients sign a
form saying Im not a medical doctor. Im doing nutrition and they left him alone. So all
these incredible stories. And I would interview patients who would confirm all this, his
family. I knew three of his four kids. And they didnt have an easy time because they
were the kids of this crazy cancer quack doctor, the Dallas morning newspapers would
carry it and the local radio show. Again, this is pre-internet. And it was tough. They
would go to school and be laughed at. Youre the crazy quack doctor. So it was tough
for them.
Ty Bollinger: Wow! I had no idea why the Iranian crisis really started. What an
interesting nugget of information from Dr. Gonzalez. Lets listen up because he
continues to explain why pancreatic enzymes are so effective at treating cancer.
What is it about Dr. Gonzalez in the pancreatic enzymes that is so successful at
reversing the cancer?
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: No ones ever had the financing to do the work. Now Beard did
animal studies 100 years ago. Weve done animal studies too. We were fortunate that
weve had funding from two major international corporations. People laugh when I say it
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but Proctor & Gamble gave us millions of dollars to help perfect the enzymes and
Nestles. The chief of research at Nestle, Pierre Gassier [ph] was the former medical
director of the Pasteur Institute and Nestle had lured him away to run the research
division. Nestle in those days had a 600 million dollar scientific, basic science, research
division. They have a campus in Switzerland off of Lake Geneva that rivals the NIH. Its
unbelievable. And Ive lectured there several times. And Gassier was a real scientist. He
was a physician by training and was head of the Pasteur Institute, one of the preeminent
research institutions in the world. And he had heard about my work back in 1992. Its
like this is pre-internet. I don't know how people heard about me. Actually, I do know so
Im actually kind of exaggerating. Pierre wasishes still alive, lives in Moulton [ph],
now retired and has a sailboat and sails around the Mediterranean. He set up a
research group to travel the world looking for alternative therapies that might be useful.
This is genius people. They dont tend to have prejudices. They just want to see what
works. I dont care if its moon dust or spooky stuff or radioactive waves. They dont care
as long as it works. So they actually set up a division very quietly, highly funded, and
they sent a team around the world from jungles of New Guinea to New York to me.
Ty Bollinger: A division within Nestle
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: Within Nestle to look into alternative therapies, unknown, never
was publicized. And they traveled the world. And one day I got a phone call. Im going
off on a tangent about enzymes. But you can edit this down.
Ty Bollinger: No, this is great stuff.
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: I get a call from the research director at Nestle. I said what the
heck does the research director at Nestle want to do with me? And I didnt, you know.
And then they told me his name was Pierre Gassier. I said that rings a bell. And so this
is before internet so you couldnt Google but you know, I found a way. And I said, oh,
this is the guy who ran the Pasteur Institute. So I called him back. He said I want to
come to New York and meet with you. I go; you want to meet with me, why? I said I
dont eat chocolate. He said, no. He laughednothing to do with chocolate. He
explained that they had been looking to do alternative therapies and my name kept
coming up. And he wanted to meet with me. And so he met with me and the end result
is Nestle agreed to fund studies. They funded our first clinical study that was very
successful with pancreatic cancer in humans but also animal studies back in 2002
2004 that were done at the University of Nebraska by Parviz PourP-o-u-rwhos one
of the preeminent researchers in the molecular biology of pancreatic cancer. And Dr.
Pour developed an animal model for pancreatic cancer that they used in our study. And
he used the most aggressive animal model at his disposal and Nestle funded him to do
this. They were going to really put my enzymes to the test. And it was extremely
successful and Pour told me that this is the first time in his lifetime that he saw this
particular model respond to anything. It didnt respond to chemo, anything. So he was
very impressed and published it in a peer reviewed journal, pancreas. I think it was in
2004. We have copies around.
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So we know from animal models they worked for my first clinical study and we know that
it works but we dont know the molecular biology to answer to your question. We dont
know how it actually kills cancer cells. What we think is the proteolytic, which are the
protein digesting pancreatic enzymes like trypsin and chymotrypsin actually tear apart
the cell membranes. You know, cell membranes are lipid, fatty, but they also have
protein molecules that are receptors and pores that allow nutrients to get in and waste
products to get out. Thats how cells survive with these protein pores in the membrane.
And these are proteins like any other protein. We think the enzymes chew them up.
Now they dont affect normal tissue and Beard said a hundredin his book, a 100in
2011, more than 100 years ago, that theres a reason that cancer cells have the
opposite electrical charge than normal cells. Everyone laughed at him at that time. We
now know that its true. And normal cells repulse the pancreatic enzymes in the blood
stream but cancer cells attract them. And the enzymes go right to the cancer cell and
we believe chew up the proteins on the cell membrane the cell does. So we think its
that simple. We havent had the trillions of dollars of funding to substantiate that. I mean
Pour wanted to do that but Nestle was willing to fund more but the key with Nestle is I
would have had to turnover my intellectual property. It would have been a co-ownership.
They wantedthey had their patent lawyers in the US filing patents but it would have
been Nestle and me as co-owners. The problem with that is Pierre retires and the next
person may think its all quackery. And then Nestle owns my work and I cant do
anything with it. So I said no thank you, gracious, were still friends, Pierre and I. And he
understood why.
Ty Bollinger: Mr. Griffin tell us a little bit about the role that pancreatic enzymes
might play in prevention and/or treatment of cancer.
G. Edward Griffin: Yeah, very important. Thanks for asking that. A moment ago, I said
there were two factors, the extrinsic factor and the intrinsic factor. And weve been
talking about the extrinsic factor so far, the food that comes in from outside but there are
certain things that are generated within the body that are very, very important. And one
of those happens to be the pancreatic enzymes. Weve got trypsin and chymotrypsin
and other digestive enzymes that have a special mission of digesting meat protein. Why
is that important? Its a fascinating story. They had known for a long time that thelet
me back up a little bit by saying one of the questions that puzzled scientists for a long
time is why doesnt the immune system attack cancer cells? If youre working on the
assumption that cancer is something thats foreign to the body, which is not our
assumption, of course. Our assumption is that cancer is natural to the body thats gone
array. But the orthodox view of cancer is something foreign to the body. Its not
supposed to be there. Why doesnt the immune system attack it and destroy it? And the
answer is that cancer cells have a protein coating around them, a protein coating. And
that has a negative electrostatic charge. Its amazing the more I learn about how much
electricity plays a role inside the body. Now I used to think it was all chemistry. Well,
chemistry is basically electricity; the little valiances and youll see the pluses and
minuses on the charts and so forth. Its all electricity or the chemistry doesnt work.

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But anyway, this protein coating around the cancer cells, one of its unique qualities, has
a negative electrostatic charge. Well, the immune cells, the lymphocytes, the
leukocytes, the monocytes, all these white blood cells that are supposed to attack the
foreign invaders they have a negative electrostatic charge also. Well, everyone knows
that common polarities repel each other so the cancer cell is well protected against the
white blood cell. And I believe the reason is because the cancer cell is not foreign to the
body. Its part of the natural protections. Hey, Im a friend, not a foe. So now, if you are
eating foods that have a lot of meat protein in them youre probably going to use-to-use
most if not all of that digestive enzyme produced by your pancreas to digest the meat.
Thats what its meant to do.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah makes sense.
G. Edward Griffin: And theres very little left over, if anything left over, to do anything
else. But if your diet is low in meat protein and if your pancreas is normal, functioning
okay, you should have plenty of digestive enzymes to take care of the meat and still be
plenty in the blood stream. Now, when these digestive enzymes come to the cancer cell
they say, ah, protein, meat, and they will actually digest away that coating. Now the
underlying cancer cell is exposed. And it has a positive electrostatic charge and now
here come the white blood cells and they do literally attack the cancer cell once its been
stripped of its electrical protection. So all of the physicians that I have ever met that are
following this alternative therapy, this concept, one of the things they focus on is making
sure that the patient changes the diet to either eliminate meat altogether or make sure
its very, very low. And a lot of people dont understand that. They think, well, what is it?
Just some kind of a vegetarian nut, you know, or something. Do we have to eat
vegetables too to go along with it? Well yeah, you do. If you want to have the full
mechanism working your favor you definitely at least if you have clinical cancer, you
definitely want to make sure that whatever your pancreas is producing in the way of
these digestive enzymes is completely available to do that job.
Ty Bollinger: And that would explain then why many physicians, part of their
protocol to treat cancer add pancreatic enzymes to the protocol.
G. Edward Griffin: Thats exactly it.
Ty Bollinger: So trypsin and chymotrypsin, they tear apart the cell membrane.
They digest the protein coating around the cancer cell making it visible to your
immune system. Fascinating info. Lets hear from G. Edward Griffin as he
explains about a substance that is selectively toxic to cancer cells but doesnt
harm any normal cells.
G. Edward Griffin: There is a substance in nature, again, cant be patented. Its in
nature. And its aboutin about 14 hundred edible plants. Its ubiquitous. Its everywhere
except on the plates of modern man because it has a bitter taste to it. And if you have a
choice, if youre not just living in a primitive society and you can choose what foods you
want you normally dont choose bitter.
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Ty Bollinger: We like sweet.
G. Edward Griffin: We like sweet. And that is the beginning of the problem or at least
the answer to the question, why does modern man have cancer and primitive man does
not? Theres a part of the answer. Well, anyway, this substance is called amygdalin. Its
well known. Its been in the pharmacopedia for almost 100 years. I think it was first
isolated and described in Germany. And its been used for medicinal purposes for a
long, long time. Amygdalin is a substance that is bitter and its found in grasses and in
seeds primarily. And they have found that in those cultures, those places in the world
where the diet, the native diet, is rich in amygdalin foods the cancer rate is very low if
not zero. And you compare the diet to the same foodor you compare that diet to the
diet of the people in modern societies where cancer rates are high and you find theres
practically no Amygdalin at all. Its just a completeits an eye opener. And what are
those cultures? Well, the Hunzas [ph] I think you mentioned a moment ago are probably
the best-known little kingdom up in Northwest Pakistan and its a very idyllic place Im
told. The story Shangri-La they say was actually written based upon Hunza as the
model. Everybody knows the story of Shangri-La. Well, Hunza is pretty much like that.
Its very remote. You risk your life getting into it. And I always thought I wanted to go
visit Hunza after I read about it until I saw some photographs of these deep ravines that
you have to walk across on a rope bridge and about its about a mile and a half straight
down. You go along the cliffs like this. I was like, no; I think Ill just read a book about it.
But anyway. That is really the way it was. I guess they have a road in now.
The people in Hunza never had cancer. But afterwards when they come out of Hunza
and they go into other countries and they start eating the same foods that those people
eat they come down with cancer live everyone else. In Hunza, at least in the beginning
when all this research was done there was no such thing as money. Its kind of a
primitive society. And a mans wealth was measured by the number of apricot trees he
owns. And people apricot seeds there, a little sweeter than the ones in California but still
loaded with amygdalin and they eat them like candy. It was like a delicacy there. Well,
theyre just one example. There are other cultures, the Vilcabambas, the Navajo and the
Hopi Indians, the aboriginal Eskimos. All of those cultures had zero or very low cancer
rates. And if you look at the native diet in every case their foods are at least 200 times, if
not more, rich in amygdalin than anything that you would find in a major city or even in
the countryside in our western world. So thats a clue. And so then, the next question is,
well, what is this thing, amygdalin, how does it work? Its very simple. Amygdalin is a
molecule that has four components in it locked together. Theyre two components of
sugar or glucose. Theres one component of cyanide. And theres the world that scares
people. Well come back to that in a minuteand one component of benzaldehyde.
Now people say, wow, cyanide. You want to take cyanide to treat cancer.
Ty Bollinger: Right.
G. Edward Griffin: And the answer is yes, of course. Well, doesnt cyanide kill you?
Well, yes, if its real pure, gaseous cyanide. If its pure cyanide, yes. But when its in a
molecule with other components its not cyanide. Its something else. Its like vitamin BThe Quest for The CuresCONTINUES

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12. Its called cyanocobalamin. We would be dead if we didnt have cyanide in our
bodies in that form. In cyanocobalamin its not cyanide. Its cyanocobalamin. Its a
molecule thats made up of one of the components being cyanide. Well, theres a big
difference between free cyanide which is gaseous or when its locked with other
components or elements. And so thats the key to understanding why were not worried
about cyanide being part of the molecule. The real question is, well, what is it that would
release the cyanide? And by the way, the benzaldehyde is toxic too. Most people dont
know that. And the two together are even more toxic than two times each. So itsif you
release the cyanide and the benzaldehyde youve released a very toxic component so
you have to be very careful about that. And then the next question is, well, what
releases it? And Im glad youre sitting down for this. Of course, I think you already know
this. But I hope everybody watching this is sitting down because the thing that released
the cyanide and the benzaldehyde is an enzyme called beta glucosidase. Its an
enzyme. And where is that found? In cancer cells and only in cancer cells.
Ty Bollinger: Wow!
G. Edward Griffin: Its a beautiful mechanism of nature that could not have been
accidental. If the bodys natural method of controlling overgrowth, over healing because
once you get one cell that is an over healing cell it contains this unlocking enzyme as
we call it. And the unlocking enzyme comes in contact with amygdalin if you are eating
food with amygdalin in it.
Ty Bollinger: Thats the big if
G. Edward Griffin: Thats the big if, yeah. If youre not eating food with amygdalin in it
then it doesnt work. But if you are eatingit doesnt take much. Just a little bit. And if
you are eating it and its in your blood stream, it comes in contact with that over growth
cell, the over growth cell releases the toxic components and commits harry carry and
you dont even know that anything happened. You come to the conclusion that
everybody has cancer all the time but its continually being controlled and eliminated by
a natural mechanism of the body. Its nothing to worry about. Its part of nature. Its part
of the healing process. The only time you need to worry about it is if youve messed up
your body in some way then youve not given it the fuel. You havent given it the
components it needs to do its job. And so thats the big difference between the
alternative view of cancer and the orthodox view of cancer.
Ty Bollinger: Talk about the California report of 1953. Ive heard youIve read
some of your writings about the California report and its a very interesting topic.
G. Edward Griffin: It is and its a clear example of the degree to whichI guess theres
no other word but fraud, the degree to which fraud, deliberate, conscious fraud can be
injected into what we would normally think is a scientific process. Early in the days of
development of laetrile there were stories circulating that people were getting well.
Theyre being treated and theyre coming back from the edge of the grave and so forth.
And so naturally, the pharmaceutical industry wanted to put an end to this. And so they
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set up a deal where they wanted to have it tested. The idea is, okay, none of this
discussion about people getting saved, none of these little stories. Lets do a scientific
test. Well, everybody was in favor of that except they insisted that only those who were
opponents of laetrile do the tests because nobody else could do the tests you see, and
it had to be the oncologists and the people on the staff of the pharmaceutical industry
and so forth. Well anyway, to make a long story short, and it is a long story, the
California branch of the AMA, the California Medical Association was given the task of
doing a test on laetrile. And the people who were in charge of this were all in the cancer
industry. The two men, as I remember their names correctly, that wrote the analysis of
the report were Dr. McFarland and Garland I think. And McFarland I think was a
surgeon. And Garland I think was a radiologist or maybe it was the other way around.
But they werethere was a surgeon and a radiologist and the other members of the
panel were all in similar positions. Most of them were radiologists interestingly enough I
So anyway, they all had kind of a vested interested in not finding something that would
interfere with their businesses you see. So there was sort of a bias built in. anyway, they
did this very fine scientific study using mice and so forth. They spent a lot of money and
they produced the report and McFarland and Garland announced that there was no
evidence whatsoever that laetrile had any effect whatsoever in the control of cancer. So
that was all anybody needed to hear. There was something done by the California
Medical Association and two fine upstanding doctors. Well, these doctors, just to give
you an idea of how fine and scientifically astute they were, these were the guys that
both of them said that there was no connection at all between cigarette smoking and
lung cancerthe same doctors, yeah, before they got involved in this report. But they
had already been bought and paid for by the tobacco industry, of course. In fact, I think
it was McFarlane that even made this fantastic quote, a pack a day keeps cancer
Ty Bollinger: Ive seen the newspaper ads that they used to run that had that
exact quote. That was from him.
G. Edward Griffin: That was from him. He was one of the guys. Incidentally, he died in
bed some years later in a fire started by his cigarette in bed.
Ty Bollinger: Wow!
G. Edward Griffin: It burnt him up. I mean Im sorry that anybody died especially from
fire but I thought it was a certain irony
Ty Bollinger: Poetic justice
G. Edward Griffin: poetic justice or something. And the other guy died of cancer of
the lung. Theyre both heavy smokers. So anyway, that gives you a little idea of the
scientific expertise of these guys. Well, as far as most doctors are concerned if they see
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a report from the California Medical Association and its accepted by the teaching
institutions, theres no question that that isthats science, right. Thats authentic.
Ty Bollinger: Thats gospel truth.
G. Edward Griffin: That is gospel truth. Well, and it was accepted as gospel truth for
quite a while. and then we got a hold of a copy of the full report. Ive forgotten how we
did it but we did and it was a big thick report. All anybody ever read was that cover page
where McDonald and FarlandMcFarland and Garland, Ill get it straight. It sounds like
a comedy routine, doesnt it?
Ty Bollinger: Whos on first? [laughter]
G. Edward Griffin: Whos on first? Anyway, all anybody ever saw was that little
summary that they wrote. And it turns out that these guys never use laetrile themselves.
They were just sort of analyzing the laboratory results of the study and this was their
summary. Well, when you go back and read the actual pages of the report the summary
was a lie, an absolute lie.
Ty Bollinger: Kind of like the Cliff notes being incorrect.
G. Edward Griffin: The Cliff notes were incorrect, yeah. Nobody ever went back to look
at it. There was plenty of evidence in the laboratory work that it did retard the growth of
cancer. In spite of the fact that it was a high question about the quality of the laetrile
they were using. In fact, it was pretty sureit was pretty obvious that they did not have
a good quality laetrile. It was also obvious they were using lower dosages than was
being used in the clinics. And in spite of those two handicaps, the laboratory results
were reporting case after case after case where these mice were recovering from
cancer right in the body of the report. And yet, the summary was there was absolutely
no evidence that theresyou know, etc. etc. This was sort of the flagship of what had
been repeated many times since then. The Sloan-Kettering report did pretty much the
same thing and it goes on and on and on. And once people realized that not only is
there just ineptitude or bias in the cancer industry, bias against natural therapies, but
also deliberate fraud. Now were dealing with a different animal because when you
consider the number of people who die from cancer this amounts to genocide.
Ty Bollinger: Wow! Unbelievable information from G. Edward Griffin about the
suppression of laetrile back in the 1950s and how this information could have
saved peoples lives. He equates this to genocide. It sounds like something that
would have happened in Soviet Russia but not in the good ole USA.
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski: So I would call this the Sovietization of the United States. Its
up to central Soviet to approve the doctor to treat patient, OK. And its up to local Soviet
to do the rest. So they borrowed the idea from Comrade Stalin, how to really restrict
freedom of the people, OK. And thats what they do without any punishment. Some
brave doctors are writing about it. But this is one committee after another committee,
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and you cant go against committee because in the committee, they say Well, this is the
committee which really decided what you should do. OK, so like in the Communist
country, there is a committee who is telling the engineers, Well, we dont like the design
of your bridge. Do it a different way because it does not conform to Marxist Leninist
Ty Bollinger: Even though they might not have known anything about a bridge.
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski: Yeah. It doesnt conform to Marxist Leninist principle. Period.
Thats what it is. And thats the deal with Texas Medical Board. It does not conform to
our policy, so forget it. Patients may die and you should not use it, OK.
Ty Bollinger: And Im sure patients have died.
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski: Oh, many of them have died. Okay. Many of them have died;
many of them have deteriorated because it took months to really approve a single
patient. So this country obviously has the finest regulations in the world. In the other
countries, it takes simply a telephone call of the doctor to the central agency notifying
them, OK, look, I have such and such patient and I would like to treat them with
antineoplastons. Can I do it? Sure. You can do it. Do it, OK. Thats it. So thats
what is done, say in Japan, in Australia, in some other countries. And in European
Union countries, they dont even need to ask the government if this is a patient who
does not have any other ways to be helped; they can use it, OK. In the United States,
you need to file tons of papers, go through various committees, ask the guys in
Washington for permission, and recently we got some cases where permission came
but the next day the child died because it was too late, because brain tumors they dont
wait, OK.
Ty Bollinger: They dont wait for the clerks.
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski: No, they may multiply five times in one month, OK. So they
are extremely deadly. Which obviously is a part of medical science which is away from
the knowledge of the clerks in Washington. You see, the times are changing very
rapidly. Just two weeks ago, the second war with the FDA was finished. They were
trying to get rid of us for a couple of years. Initially it started with a smear campaign,
which is typical for Soviet Russia. They typically use KGB to start with some little
reporter with some unknown newspaper to begin a smear campaign. And then it
spreads to the largest newspaper in the country. And thats what has happened, OK.
Ty Bollinger: Thats what theyre doing here now.
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski: Yeah. It spread to USA Today, whatever, OK. They hired a
bunch of bloggers to continuously smear us everywhere. Its nothing unusual. It was
practiced by Communists, it was practiced by Nazis. Thats normally what is done by big
totalitarian agencies.
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Ty Bollinger: Coming from a man who left communist Poland to immigrate to the
United States those statements from Dr. Burzynski are quite telling. Lets hear a
little bit about the history of one of the most well known clinics in Mexico, the
Oasis of Hope, by the founders son, Dr. Francisco Contreras.
Dr. Francisco Contreras: In the 60s my father was the director of one of the biggest
oncology centers in Mexico City. He was an army doctor. And he went on a tour on
vacation and visited one of the hospitals of the time of Hippocrates, around 300 years
before Christ. And they gave him a tour. And the tour guide told them this hospital at
that time was divided into three areas. And the patients would come to the first area and
be evaluated physically. In the second area, they would be evaluated emotionally. And
the third area was more or less a spiritual thing. There was a tunnel and they would go
through the tunnel and somebody outside would be telling the guy that was going
through the tunnel unbeknownst to them youll be healed, youll be healed. And they
thought that was the gods. And after that experience, my father said, well, the reason
why were failing in oncology so much is that weve become mechanics of the human
body. And were not paying attention to the emotional and spiritual needs of our
patients. So Im going to go back and change that. He went back, told the staff what
they were going to do, the next day they kicked him out.
Ty Bollinger: Really?
Dr. Francisco Contreras: Yes. And that was the genesis of the Oasis of Hope. My father
said, well, if the system doesnt want to do it Im going to do it. And so he began his
work of caring for the patients not only physically but emotionally and spiritually. He
began singing with them, giving them bible studies, laughter therapy. And about three or
four years later a lady from San Diego that went to Canada to do a study with laetrile, a
clinical trial with laetrile, came back to San Diego and my father at the time was the only
pathologist in Mexico and in San Diego. So everyone, all of the oncologists in San
Diego knew him. And when she wantedshe came back and she wanted to continue
with laetrile nobody wanted to give it to here. So theyone oncologist said, well, I know
an oncologist in Mexico. Theyre less stringent there. Why dont you go and see him?
She came to my dad and told him her problem. My father said, well, I don't know
anything about this but she was riddled with cancer. So he says I see no problem. Ill
give it to you. So he started giving it to her. Six months later, she was still alive. A year
later no tumor activity. And so my father said, well, theres something to this. And this
lady knew everybody that was going to Canada for the trial, brought everybody to my
dad. And just a few years later the Oasis of Hope, that was a holistic approach to
cancer, now also had alternative therapies. And so our aim has always been to integrate
whatever therapies are available to us from the conventional and from the alternative
that we can use to improve the quality of life of our patients. And we have been very
successful. You can check our statistics on our website, And our
five-year survival rates in the most common tumors are between and two and five times
better than the national average in the United States of America.

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But laetrile has been our golden therapy for the last 50 years. It's a very innocuous
antitumor agent that works for most common cancers. Then for patients that do not
respond well to laetrile we have high-dose vitamin C in a very special way, given in a
very special way, that actually converts the vitamin C virtually into chemotherapy without
any of the side effects. We have hyperthermia available. We have all kinds of vaccines.
Another major part of the therapy is signaling transduction with foods to block the
production of enzymes and proteins that are absolutely necessary for the tumors to
grow. That is the combination of all of this is what we call the Contreras metabolic
therapy or integrative therapy. We also use a number of immune simulation agents, not
only the laughter therapy and the emotional uplifting music, all of the things that we
mentioned before but we have a product from Japan that has proven to be very
effective. And theres at least 70 publications, AHCC, and has proven to improve
significantly the quality and quantity of the immune system. So our therapeutic approach
really has about 25 different things that well integrate depending on the patients needs
and on the patients status.
Ty Bollinger: I honestly dont know another medical doctor that uses this many
different approaches all under one roof.
Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy: Right. Theres probably no other clinic in North America that
houses the staff and the equipment and the array of treatments that we have because
we dontwere not just interested in whats available in the United States. We reach
outside of the United States in the world to find all the treatments like GC MAF is not
even made in the United States so we get our GC MAF from another country. And so
Ty Bollinger: What do you mean? What does that stand for?
Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy: GC MAF is a macrophage-activating factor. Macrophages are
a depactment of your immune system. And so when you have an illness, and Im not
just talking about cancer, but many chronic illnesses, we make an enzyme called
nagalase and nagalase poisons the macrophages inhibiting/prohibiting them from doing
their job. And so that macrophage-activating factor is a substance that you can give
internally either injection form, inhalation form, oral form, from everything from autism to
Ty Bollinger: And so that wouldthe macrophages areyou call them the pacman. So they eatwhat do they eat?
Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy: They eat the things that your body doesnt like. So, for
example, viruses and bacteria and fungi and chemicals and toxins, everything that is
attacking the body that is unable to do its job and have a functioning immune system.
Ty Bollinger: I love that quote by Dr. Connealy. The macrophages are the pacmen of the immune system. I mean just picture that in your head. You can see the
pac-men chomping down the bad guys almost like a military invasion. Speaking
of military, one of my favorite military movies is a World War II movie with Steve
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McQueen, the Great Escape. Remember when he died in 1980 of mesothelioma
and remember the story that you heard. Were going to learn the rest of the story
from Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez.
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: The Steve McQueen story has never been properly told. Thats
another big thing. There are all kinds of biographies about Steve McQueen. As I
mentioned, Kelly, the crazy guy. Ive talked to some of these authors. They never really
investigated it properly. I know the whole story. In fact, in this office about 25 feet from
where were sitting I have Steve McQueens complete medical records even when he
use to assume names. Ive got all his records here. I got them from Kelly. So theyre in
this office. I know the whole story. I know it like nobody else has because no one else
has ever had his complete medical file. McQueen was kind of a reckless guy,
motorcycle racer, smoker, drinker, lived a hard life as hes famous for. He started getting
sick in 1978 1979 and went to his fancy Los Angeles doctors and they kind of blew it
off. You live too hard. You got to cut down on the smoking. No one took him seriously.
Finally, he was so debilitated he went to his doctor and he says you got to do
something. Finally, the genius said yeah, lets do a chest x-ray. Hes got tumors in both
lungs. They work him up. Hes got metastatic mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is
associated with asbestos exposure. Well, he was a motor fanatic. And in those days,
the pipes in motorcycles were line with asbestos. And he would work on his ownhe
was a great mechanic and worked on his own motorcycles. So he was exposed to a
huge amount of asbestos and ended up with mesothelioma. In those days, 35 years ago
and today, mesothelioma is completely incurable once it spreads. The only hope is to
get it early and do surgery. Well, his brilliant doctors had completely missed the
diagnosis for a year so by the time it was diagnosed it was metastatic.
Then the geniuses decided to give him immunotherapy. Theres never been a study in
the history of the world showing immunotherapy has any effect on mesothelioma. Talk
about quackery. And theyd give it to him. It didnt work. So then, they decided to give
him radiation or maybe they gave him the radiation first. Ill have to pull out my notes.
Theres never been a study in the history of the world showing radiation works on
mesothelioma. Guess what? It didnt work. So he ends up with stage IV advancing
cancer, weeks from death, goes to see Kelly. Kelly made one fatal mistake in the
treatment of Steve McQueen. He took him on as a patient. He was too advanced and he
was a reckless guy. He was still smoking, still drinking, but he pleaded and Kelly was a
very compassionate guy. He said Ill treat you but youre too weak. I cant do this at
home the way most of my patients do it. There was a hospital in Mexico at the time that
was administering parts of Kellys therapy. He says go down to that hospital in Mexico
and Ill kind of direct them. And he did. And he wasnt a 100 percent compliant. He still
had the Haagan Das Ice Cream smuggled in from his friends and cigarettes. But he did
enough of it so he started getting better. And then one of the doctors in Mexico gets the
brilliant idea, lets open him up because they think the tumor in hishe had a tumor in
his abdomen as well as in his chest. Lets take it out. I think it's a dead tumor. They do
the surgery the next day he dies of a pulmonary embolus, which is a blood clot in the
lungs. He did not die of mesothelioma. In fact, the tumor was a dead tumor. Kelly used
to have it in his office in formaldehyde, a dead tumor that had shrunk down from a huge
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tumor down to nothing. It was dead. He didnt die fromyou know, the way the media
reports read, which I have, it's like Kelly took a gun and shot McQueen, you know, this
crazy, quack doctor.
The true story has never been told. First, his brilliant conventional doctors missed the
diagnosis for a year. Then they give him immunotherapy, which is worthless, then they
give him radiation, which is worthless. When all that fails then he goes to see Kelly who
keeps him alive, kills the tumor, and then gets blamed for killing Steve McQueen. So it's
a bizarre story. In none of the media reports did they mention the fact that the diagnosis
had been missed and the conventional doctors had done everything they can do. And
even today, 2014, metastatic mesothelioma is universally a 100 percent incurable by
standard therapies. Now we have patients who have done beautifully without. So Kelly
got blamed for that. he was absolutely devastated by that. It really threw him off. And he
never really recovered.
Ty Bollinger: Wow! What an amazing story that Dr. Gonzalez just shared with us
about Steve McQueen. And if you remember, and Im a big Steve McQueen fan.
One of the best war movies I think ever was the Great Escape. And Steve
McQueen, one of my heros, he died of mesothelioma as Dr. Gonzalez just shared.
The interesting thing was, as you just heard, that Dr. Kelly actually didnt kill him.
He was known as the quack that killed Steve McQueen. But in reality, the tumors
were necrotic. Dr. Kelly was actually curing Steve McQueen of his mesothelioma
which is an incurable form of cancer, by the way, according to traditional
oncologists. And actually, the surgery killed him. It's interesting the way that
these things are spun so that the general public now believes that Dr. Kelly, who
is now deceased, murdered Steve McQueen when in reality he was healing him.
Wow! What a powerful story. Now I want to make it clear here folks. Were not
telling you not to go with traditional treatments. We are not trying to make a
decision for you. Our goal is to educate, and the fact of the matter is there are
many options to treat cancer. And so we want you to know that information so
that you can make an informed decision if that diagnosis ever comes. Thats our
goal. It's not to persuade you one way or the other. And while were talking about
other options there are more options that you still havent learned about that we
have not shared with you and were going to share with you in tomorrow nights
show. So I know you learned tonight about a lot of natural treatments for cancer,
and tomorrow night youre going to learn about even more of them. I know youre
going to want to join us again tomorrow night. I look forward to seeing you then.

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Ty Bollinger:
Hello everyone. Welcome back to The Quest for the
CuresContinues. In last nights episode, we concluded with a story from Dr.
Nicholas Gonzalez about Steve McQueen, the store of the Great Escape who died
of mesothelioma. Most of us have heard that he died from some quack doctor
using a natural cancer treatment but in reality, and Dr. Gonzalez shared this with
us, he has the medical records in his office now in New York City. Steve McQueen
actually died from the surgery, not from the treatment. In tonights episode, we
are going to learn about more suppressed information and more disinformation.
And, it is going to lead off with an interview with Dr. Sunil Pai. I was thrilled to be
able to meet Dr. Sunil Pai at the first of September in 2014. We both spoke at a
cancer conference in Los Angeles. And I was able to sit down with him and I
learned about his protocols for treating cancer. Now he is a conventionally
trained doctor. In other words, hes a medical doctor conventionally trained but
he has decided to integrate a lot of these natural herbal therapies including
cannabis into his protocols. You are going to learn a lot from this episode. So
grab a chair, get a pen and paper to take some notes, and enjoy the show. Earlier
this year I spoke at the Cancer Control Society convention in L.A. and while I was
there, I met up with an amazing integrative medical named Sunil Pai.
Dr. Sunil Pai: As an integrative physician, right, as an MD my job is to offer all the
opportunities and options. And unfortunately, you know, many people go conventional. It
may be my personal option that I wouldnt if I was them but I still have to present them
with their options depending on their socioeconomics, if they have insurance or not.
Unfortunately, a lot of people today are going to opt for conventional because it is
covered, right. And I heard a lot of people say, oh; I had to get my chemotherapy
because it was covered. And I would rather go to this clinic, say, here in Mexico or in
California but I cannot afford it, right. As an integrative physician, what I would look at is
how to improve outcomes. So to me I would present all the data and I look at whether
you go conventional, whether you go alternative, or for me as an integrative physician
we are trying to look at the best of everything. I always look at how can we always
improve the outcome? How do we take a toxic therapy and make it more targeted and
less side effects?
Ty Bollinger: So you say toxic therapy more targeted like IPTLD. Do you ever
Dr. Sunil Pai: Yeah, even then, you know, even now it's like, for example, even though
IPT has a lot of benefits, right, were still giving chemo even at a low dose. And so now
theres certain clinics or certain people who are saying, well, maybe thats evenyou
know, that one-tenth is one-tenth too much. Is it better than 90 percent that most
absolutely, right?
Ty Bollinger: Right.
Dr. Sunil Pai: And now we have the studies, which I showed today, and further data we
will have, but almost all the 13 or 14 major chemotherapy agents that is used in all
cancers with the animal studies and the human studies will show that they always do
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better with those other products like curcumin. So if people go for conventional therapy
or even doing IPT we still should be using these other therapies to help, again, lower the
toxicity and kind of sensitize the tumor to those targeted effects.
I also use Ginger and also black pepper. And so, when we put those in combination
Gingers alsonot onlymost people think of it just for nausea or vomiting. And
actually, the ginger has also been shown to block NF-kappa beta, LOX enzymes, COX
enzymes, and it has a synergistic effect with the curcumin and the Boswellia. So in
ayurvedic medicine we have formulas. And when I was conventionally trained, you
know, we are always thinking of a single magic bullet effect and we just gave one
product at high doses and when we look at traditional cultures like ayurvedic medicine
or Chinese medicine, they have formulas. And the reason is there is a word called
synergy. And what that means that when they use different ingredients they work
together to have a larger beneficial effect. And also, sometimes they can even mitigate
certain side effects even of each other.
Ty Bollinger: The synergy.
Dr. Sunil Pai: The synergy, and so it's hard because it's like multiple drugs in one thing
but when we use it as food or spices we never just use one spice in a meal. We are
putting multiple things. And the fourth ingredient is black pepper. And we use something
called piperine or BioPerine is the patented form of that. And that absorbs your product
30 to 60 percent better. So when we put pepper on our food it is not only an anticancer
blocks NF-kappa beta, LOX enzymes as well, it is also an antioxidant and also helps
bioavailable enhance the digestion.
Ty Bollinger: So thats why a lot of times Ive seen people mix in black pepper
with other ingredients because it helps all of them become more bioavailable to
your system.
Dr. Sunil Pai: Right. And traditionally in every ayurvedic formula, we would always put
that in, right.
Ty Bollinger: Black pepper.
Dr. Sunil Pai: Right. But also, every meal at every restaurant you go to. Tonight we are
going to have something and we are going to crush some pepper to improve that
absorption to the body.
Ty Bollinger: I have always done it just because I like the taste.
Dr. Sunil Pai: I love the taste.
Ty Bollinger: But I guess I was doing a good thing and did not know it.
Dr. Sunil Pai: A good thing, right, it is a very good thing.
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Ty Bollinger: One of the natural treatments that Dr. Pai has researched is
medicinal hemp or cannabis. He cleared up some of the misconceptions about
this plant.
Dr. Sunil Pai: There is a lot of misunderstanding and misuse of cannabis. And so
people think of marijuana. Now with the legalization and a lot of things in the news of
different states turning over to have more open legal use of marijuana. Now in my state,
for example, we have medical marijuana that can be useful for patients who have
cancer or intractable pain. It is still very difficult for the patient to get that. And the history
goes with the medical cannabis or just cannabis in general is that we have been able to
breed the plant so it has higher THC. THC is the psychogenic component, the part that
makes people high. Okay. And CBD is a part of the medical marijuana or the marijuana.
I am not calling it medical marijuana because we use it more medically now. But CBD is
a part of the plant that has actually more of the health benefits. Unfortunately, since it
was an illegal drug than as most things that are legal the higher that you make the high
or, for example, in alcohol if they have a beer thats 80 percent alcohol but if I sell you
Ever Clear it costs more, youll get drunk faster so they can charge you more for that,
Ty Bollinger: Yeah.
Dr. Sunil Pai: So the same thing with the marijuana. The more that the person gets
more stoned or high the better they thought it was. And so, because there is a market of
people who want to do it for that. But the rest of the world was looking at the CBD, the
cannabidiol components. Okay. And there are hundreds of these families of these
compounds called cannabidiols. And THC unfortunately got mixed up because it is
coming from the marijuana plant. Now the interesting thing is we can find it separately
from the hemp plant. Okay. And industrial hemp unfortunately got mixed up with the
marijuana plant even though they are from the same family but legally it got mixed up
because of political reasons in the 30s. Okay. And we can talk about that if you want to
in a minute. But the nice thing is that interestingly enough when they grow the hemp
plant it predominantly has CBD only and traces of THC, okay. And therefore, people
cannot get high off of taking the cannabidiols. And some people are unhappy about that,
but we like it because now we can use it to treat a variety of people particularly patients
that have seizures, children with these seizure syndromes that you have seen many
documentary films recently, very helpful. Cancer patients can use it or just as an
antiinflammatory without the high effect. Most of my patients want to drive, they want to
go to work, they operate machinery, they do not want to be laying down sleeping or tired
all day or stoned for that matter.
Ty Bollinger: Right.
Dr. Sunil Pai: And so the nice thing is we can get the CBD from that natural source.
Ty Bollinger: Right and so they can get the medicinal effect without the high.
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Dr. Sunil Pai: Absolutely! We say get the healthy without the high. CBD now is legal in
all 50 states as long as the source is coming from a reputable manufacturer that makes
sure that there are low amounts of THC, right. So you cannot get high. Now with the
advent of the internet and now access is everywhere, and there are certain states that
you can grow it. You know, there are people that are selling things on the internet, which
again is not tested batch per batch. So there is a variance and a problem that will occur
over time. But when we look at it through reputable manufacturers like the ones that we
use in our clinic then each batch is tested but not only for the amount of CBD and how
much THC so we can make sure it's still legal, but we also look for heavy metals,
pesticides, contaminants like molds and bacteria. We have seen a lot of those kind of
contaminants coming in from industrial hemp oil that comes from China, which is the
largest production right now. Our sources, for example, come from Europe. Eventually
most of this will be grown in the United Statesyaywhich is good because it is a
sustainable crop. We can then not only use the CBD for health but we can use the
hemp for paper products, for clothing
Ty Bollinger: Declaration of Independence.
Dr. Sunil Pai: for rope, Bibles were printed on it.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah.
Dr. Sunil Pai: So, you know, there is a lot of historical use of hemp in this country. It
grows four times the amount in one-fourth the space and use of water. So it'sjust like I
showed the slide on Kentuckys now growing industrial hemp instead of tobacco. So it's
putting the farmers, keeping them working, but not growing a crop that causes cancer
but actually treats cancer.
Ian Jacklin: And the new thing is cannabis hemp oil. I don't know how much youve
heard about that but you basically take marijuana and boil it down to two ounces of the
essential oil preferably with Ever Clear or some kind of food grade solvent. And boom,
you got yourself not only possibly the cancer cure but the Crohns cure, the AIDS cure,
the diabetes cure. And I use the word cure lightly because there is no such thing. I
mean sure you can cure it but theres no silver bullet and I dont want to get anybody too
excited because there is no silver bullet from what Ive seen. Cannabis hemp oil would
definitely be in my arsenal for the CBDs and the THC. The THC, theyre both
cannabinoids. The THC will get you high but that is more for the cancer. So for the
cancer patients I would recommend getting the higher THC but the CBDs are very, very
important too for healing. Those are the ones that Dr. Sanjay Gupta brought out that are
Ty Bollinger: On CNN.
Ian Jacklin: curing the seizures on the children, right. Hes the guy that said, oh no,
marijuana is bad years ago and now has come back and said, oops, I was wrong. Hes
a nice guy for doing that because not a lot of them do that; admit theyre wrong. And so
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many children are being saved because of that guy coming out with CNN. And God
bless CNN too. I don't know how you guys are doing it. How are you guys telling the
Ty Bollinger: So would you call hemp an evil weed or a miracle plant?
Ian Jacklin: I call it Gods gift.
Ty Bollinger: I would have to agree with Ian Jacklin, hemp is Gods gift. In this
next clip Dr. James Forsythe, whos a traditionally trained oncologist describes
some of the treatments that they use at his clinic in Reno, Nevada from vitamin C
to hydrogen peroxide to what he calls the FIP, Forsythe immune protocol.
Dr. James Forsythe: So over the years and since the early 2000s Ive done studies on
pawpaw from the pawpaw tree, which thats the natural sunshine product and that
causes cancer cells to go into program cell death. And then I did a study for the
Sanchez family on poly MVA, which is a complex of lipoic acid and palladium. And that
also hyper-energized the cancer cell and triggers through the mitochondria the process
of apoptosis. So the cancer cells which dont know how to die and they dont have
enough energy to go into a death spiral they basically now can die off. And so that was
effective. Then I did the Forsythe immune protocol, FIP, which is a number of agents
and started to use some genomic testing then and some IPT. And that program lasted
about five years. And I got about a 45 percent survival rate, which was 22 percent
higher than the conventional guys. Not 22 percent but 22 times higher I should say.
Ty Bollinger: 22 times higher
Dr. James Forsythe: And then the last study Ive engaged in started in June of 2010
and it's now 50 months. Thats when my paper was presented to hear at the conference
was 50 months, 650 patients showing 67 percent higher which is now making the
survival rate 33 times higher.
Ty Bollinger: And what is that protocol that youve been testing?
Dr. James Forsythe: That protocol basically is one in which we do genomic testing,
gene testing on every patient. We send their blood off. We look for circulating tumor
cells. And thanks to the Human Genome Project, were able to tell the patient what that
result, what drugs, what hormones, and what supplements work best. So now, if, God
forbid, you had a prostate cancer and you can to me with stage IV disease Id be able to
give you a report showing what are the best hormones for you, what are the best
supplements, and what are the best drugs. And thats unique to you in your genes Ty.
It's not for every patient with prostate cancer as somethingbecause your genes are
only yours and no one elses. Youre going to respond differently to different drugs.
Before on the other side of the fence, it was a guessing game. I would be guessing what
would help you. And as I tell all my patients, if I guess wrong Im giving you a poison, or
hurting you. And it's as simple as that. I dont want to do that anymore.
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Ty Bollinger: Well, that would be violating the Hippocratic Oath
Dr. James Forsythe: Yes, thats right.
Ty Bollinger: to be harming the patients.
Dr. James Forsythe: So basically by getting a blueprint I run and trackthats why our
survival rate is better than most. We compared ourselves with the NCI, National Cancer
Institute, and Cancer Treatment Centers of America for in breast cancer. Her survival
rate after two years stage IV disease was 43 percent. Cancer Treatment Centers was
64 percent and ours was 85 percent. So you know, we beat them both significantly.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah. Now you said one of the treatments that I guess youve
studied is, or youve been using is, the FIP, the immune protocol.
Dr. James Forsythe: Forsythe immune
Ty Bollinger: Forsythe immune protocol
Dr. James Forsythe: protocol, yeah.
Ty Bollinger: Can you describe that a little bit?
Dr. James Forsythe: Well, it's like what we call a Meyers cocktail, so an immune
stimulant. It has DMSO in it, it has selenium, and it has important immune stimulants,
vitamins, minerals, amino acids. And thats one of the immune therapies. We use high
dose C. We go from 50 to 75 grams on C twice a week.
Ty Bollinger: Intravenous.
Dr. James Forsythe: Intravenous
Ty Bollinger: Okay.
Dr. James Forsythe: Oh yeah. You cant give that much orally.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah. I thought itd probably cause severe intestinal problems.
Dr. James Forsythe:
Yeah. Youre not going to handle that very well. Hydrogen
peroxide, which is a bio-oxidative therapy, thats given intravenously. And then poly
MVA which is the lipoic acid/palladium complex which is very effective, and then the Lglutathione amino acid IV. So basically, what happens Ty is theyre getting immune
therapies three days a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Theyre getting IPT and
Ive modified the IPT program from what was originally started 40 years ago in South
America by putting the insulin right in with the chemo right from the start so youd get
less severe reactions. So youre not going to get the severe hypoglycemic reactions.
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Ty Bollinger: And youre using the IPT. Its low-dose chemo coupled with that. So
you have very little side effects with that, right?
Dr. James Forsythe: Our patients dont lose hair. They dont get sick. They dont have
rashes, dont organ toxicity, chemo brain. None of that happens.
Ty Bollinger: One of the treatments that Dr. Forsythe just mentioned is IPTLD,
insulin potentiated target low-dose chemotherapy. In this next clip, Dr. Murray
Buzz Susser sheds some more light on this treatment.
Dr. Susser: IPT is a good option.
Ty Bollinger: Okay.
Dr. Susser: Ive seen people who had exhausted everything in conventional medicine
and conventional chemotherapy, conventional everything, and they always give that
little phrase, go home and get your things in order.
Ty Bollinger: Sure.
Dr. Susser: You know thats a real doctor thing.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah.
Dr. Susser: And with the IPT, a lot of these people instead of getting their things in
order took IPT and got a lot of good results and a good quality of life. IPT is insulinpotentiation therapy. Now theyre calling it low dose chemotherapy.
Ty Bollinger: IPTLD, sure. Can you kind of describe what is IPTLD, what is the
low dose IPT?
Dr. Susser: Well, the low dose IPT, the low dose therapy, has to do with getting the
cancer cells, fooling the cancer cells. Cancer cells eat sugar at about 19 times the
speed of healthy cells. And cancer cells are veracious for sugar, which you should say
thats one of the good management aspects of treating cancer patients is take them off
every drop of sugar, not a spec. But with IPT, what you do is you give insulin and insulin
lowers the blood sugar. And you just get the right amount of insulin and you give it, and
you lower the blood sugar below its normal range of about 90 or 100-mg percent. And
when it gets down to 40 range, you get really sick. I mean you getyou feel sick. It's not
dangerous but it feels terrible. It gets dangerous when you get down to around 20 or 10
or zero. But at 40, it's not dangerous but it's quite unpleasant. And whats happening is
it's unpleasant for the cancer cells. It's more because theyre starving. And cancer cells
are really good at selecting out chemotherapy. They wont take chemotherapy but they
will take sugar. And when you take away all the sugar then the cancer cells will take
anything. Thats kind of like someone dying of thirst on the ocean in an ocean raft and
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they drink salt water. They know it's not good for them and it kills them. But the cancer
cells then will take the chemotherapy instead because they cant get sugar.
Ty Bollinger: Okay.
Dr. Susser: And that gives a tremendous benefit therapeutically. And the numbers are
really fantastic on that because the IPT gives you 200 percent, 200 or 300 percent,
therapy with 10 percent of the toxicity. You give a tiny dose of chemotherapy at the
therapeutic moment when the blood sugar reaches 40. And you give the IV
Ty Bollinger: And so thats more of a selectivity toxic treatment towards the
cancer cells than just blasting the whole body with chemo.
Dr. Susser: Veryexactly, thats exactly the way to put it.
Ty Bollinger: So then you can use a smaller dose, you can lessen the side effects
because youre using, what you said, and one-tenth of a dose of normal chemo
and get better results.
Dr. Susser: You use 10 percent of the dose.
Ty Bollinger: Okay.
Dr. Susser: And these are people, many of them, most of them perhaps, have already
failed at all the conventional methods. And so, theres nothing left. But the conventional
methods are growing now and theyand some of these people wind up getting deeper
and deeper radiation. So it's really frying them and they need larger and larger doses of
chemo. So thats frying them.
Ty Bollinger: Sure.
Dr. Susser: And the surgery becomes imponderable because the tumor invades things
that you cant cut out.
Ty Bollinger: Right. I have heardI cant remember who it was, said that IPTLD
turns chemo, it changes chemo from a shotgun into a rifle, so.
Dr. Susser: A sniper rifle.
Ty Bollinger: A sniper rifle, there you go.
Dr. Susser: And I watch the military channel.
Ty Bollinger: Okay. There you go. We got a sniper rifle, chemotherapy treatment
with IPTLD thats able to
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Dr. Susser: Yeah. And I used to fire missiles and rockets from fighter planes.
Ty Bollinger: Did you?
Dr. Susser: Yeah. That was my Disneyland stuff.
Ty Bollinger: That was pre-med school days.
Dr. Susser: Pre-med school, yeah. I was a trained killer.
Ty Bollinger: Were you? And now youre a trained healer.
Dr. Susser: Yeah.
Ty Bollinger: Youre on the other side of the coin.
Dr. Susser: Yeah. Id rather do healing than killing.
Dr. Bradford Weeks: So Im one of I think four doctors now that is qualified to teach
insulin-potentiated chemotherapy, IPT. And that is a fabulous way to do chemotherapy,
so fabulous that I just think it's illogical for anyone whos going to get chemotherapy. If
they want to do chemo, they should do IPT, a couple quick reasons, and this might be
included in other people discussing it. But you have to know that when you give insulin it
shifts the cancer cells to whats called the S phase or the synthesis phase or the active
phase. And thats the only phase that chemotherapy can be effective. So you have
really four phases that the cancer cell can be in. So you got a 25 percent chance that if
you give chemo it's going to kill the cancer cell. Well, if you give insulin beforehand it
pushes them into about 70 percent S phase. So now, youve got almost a three out of
four chance to kill the cancer cells. Well, if youre going to give chemo lets kill the
cancer cells. Just giving a little insulin, it pushes the cells into the vulnerable phase. The
second thing I like about insulin-potentiated chemotherapy is that when you give the
insulin it makes the cell membranes not only more permeable to chemotherapy
selectively compared to your other healthy cells but it also inhibits the cancer cell from
kicking out the toxic chemotherapy.
Ty Bollinger:
So then really what were looking at is sort of like insulin
potentiation, low-dose chemo as a treatment that Ive become familiar with.
People have mentioned this in this interview series, this docu-series that were
doing, that they use the insulin as a potentiator to kind of trick the cancer cells
into opening up and then the chemo kills them.
Webster Kehr: Right.
Ty Bollinger: So the same basic principle.

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Webster Kehr: Im glad you brought that up because when I first got started into cancer
research there was a clinic down in the southeast, I cant remember which exactly which
state it was in, and one of the cancer patients I was working with was going to that
clinic. It used DMSO and low dose chemotherapy. I call it DMSO potentiation therapy . It
doesnt really have a name. Thats just my name. But DMSO and MSM are not glucose
products but they have a propensity to target cancer cells by themselves. And they open
the ports of the cancer cells. And so DMSO and low dose chemotherapyI mean there
are four different types of chemotherapy that actually bind to the DMSO. And so DMSO
and low dose chemotherapy, the right kind of low dose chemotherapy was being used in
one of the clinics down there. I never got around to contacting them because they were
shut down by the FDA, so. But that would be even a better than insulin potentiation
Ty Bollinger: Fascinating information from Webster Kehr, the Cancer Tutor,
about using substances such as DMSO to bind to the chemotherapy so that much
smaller doses can be used. By the way, Webster Kehr was one of the first ones
that I began to learn from as I began to research cancer treatments over 15 years
ago. Listen to Webster in this next clip as he describes the Royal Raymond Rife
treatment using frequency generators.
Webster Kehr: In the 1930s Royal Rife, Dr. Royal Rife, who was a microbiologist knew
that there were microbes inside the cancer cells. And he came up with an electromedicine device, a couple of them actually, which was designed to do nothing but kill
the microbes inside the cancer cells. When he did that, of course, the cancer cells
reverted into normal cells. Now one of his major contributions, aside from finding the
right frequencies, was that he also determined that you needed a carrier wave to get the
cancer, the microbe killing, the cancer microbe killing frequency, all the way through the
body so it would kill all the microbes in the cancer cells, would not harm natural cells
because natural cells, healthy cells, dont have these microbes in them. They would only
affect the microbes in the blood stream, which are good to kill. There are very few
microbes that are good. There are a few that are good but its not going to bother them.
Even if you kill them its not really going to have a lot of effect. So he developed this
technology. The American Medical Association tried to buy him out and he refused
because he did not trust them. Good for him. And so the Food and Drug Administration
went down and destroyed his laboratory, his equipment, destroyed all of his inventory.
Ty Bollinger: What other treatments would you recommend for cancer patients
that may be a non-toxic treatment that dont create cancer, that dont cause
cancer but that would be able to get cancer under control, that wouldnt have the
direct effects that the chemo might?
Dr. Ben Johnson: You know, Im actually currently working on the most phenomenal
herbal nutritional natural agent that Ive seen to date. It's beyond my belief system right
that it is that good. But Im under strict confidentiality that I cant share that. But there
are good herbals and nutrition thats out there. Salvestrol is a great nutritional bond that
anyone can get. You can mail order it. Go on line and get it. You have to take it with
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biotin to help it workArtemisinin, it's the number one anti-malaria drug in the world,
great anti-parasitic. But it's a good anticancer, natural anticancer agent. You have to
take it with iron. So you have to know the nuances of a lot of these natural agents to get
them to work. And you want a coach, someone knowledgeable and understanding
because with Artemisinin you cant take resveratrol because itsactually thats
Salvestrol because it neutralizes it. So you dont want to just, oh, this is good, this is
good, this is good, and do the
Ty Bollinger: You dont want to jell-o at the wall and see if it sticks.
Dr. Ben Johnson: There you go. You dont want to stir it in the pot. You want someone
who knows how these things go together, whats working here, whats working here,
whats working, so thatI am an orchestra director. I tell the oboes when to play and
the flutes and the drums. And thats my job is to orchestrate a patients treatment back
to health. And so thats what I have is knowledge. And knowledge is very empowering
so you know what fits together, you know when to give what, and where, and how these
things work together so that the patient becomes healthy again.
Ty Bollinger: You talked about this herbal product that you cant mention. I
appreciate that. But what are the characteristics, the methods of action of a good
herbal product, a good natural product? How do they control the cancer and what
kind of effect do they have on the immune system, the detoxification processes?
Share with us the typical methods of action.
Dr. Ben Johnson: There are so many good, non-toxic ways to treat cancer that it's
laughable what standard medicine is doing. But they all work in different ways. For
instance, Salvestrol works on an enzyme system. CYP1B1 is the enzyme system that it
works on. Well, this is a natural product found in fruits and vegetables that CYP1B1
enzyme converts into a toxic product. So this fruit extract, vegetable extract, acts as a
pro-drug. It's not a drug. Your normal cells dont have that enzyme system so it cant
convert it. So it doesnt hurt normal cells. But the cancer cells have the CYP1B1 so it
converts it into a toxic substance killing the cancer cells. So thats just an instance of
how a particular natural therapy might work. It was found becauseand why dont we
have Salvestrol today in our body? Well, natural fruits and vegetables produce it just in
the last day or two right as they become ripe because thats when theyre higher in
sugars and thats when fungi tend to attack the fruits and vegetables. So thats when
they make Salvestrol. Who eats vine-ripened fruit today?
Ty Bollinger: Unless you have your own garden, you dont.
Dr. Ben Johnson: Thats it. Nobody because it's all picked green. I dont care if youre
eating it in a natural foods store or an organic food store, it was still picked green to ship
to you because thats the only way they can get it there and not lose half their produce
to spoil it. So were eating all this food that Salvestrol depleted, one of the very agents
that Mother Nature uses to kill cancer cells, which ma and pa got back on the farm. But
in the city buying it from the store we dont get.
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Ty Bollinger: Dr. Johnson just described two of the treatments the he uses,
Salvestrol and Artemisinin. In this next clip, lets listen to Bob Wright talk about
Protandim, a supplement that he uses, and also organic sulfur.
Bob Wright: When you think about Protandim it's a concoction of five different basically
herbs. Youve got herbs and plants, green tea leaf, youve got turmeric, and youve got
several other things that are actually very efficacious against cancer and theyre
extreme antioxidants all by themselves.
But you put them together and they appear to form some kind of a synergism. And
synergism is kind of an overused word nowadays but it's used to say that when you put
things together they work better like a plant. Wed be better off to eat the virgin plants
and organic plants than any type of supplements but we cant eat enough of them. I
mean you cant sit down and eat six pounds of broccoli and six pounds of cauliflower
and six pounds of spinach and on and on every day especially if you have cancer. But
you need that kind of nutrition. And so theres a synergism in the Protandim, especially
for people whove undergone chemotherapy because it's just a tremendous antioxidant
and someone whos undergone chemo or radiation become oxidized. They start to rust,
you know, internally and acidify internally, inflamed. And the Protandim helps that
dramatically. And it's a very anticancer product in itself. Weve actually heard reports
and Ive written about a few of them in my newsletters, and I think in the book as well,
about people who only use Protandim for their cancer and theyve had great results.
MSM, it's really an amazing thing when you thinkit's truly organic sulfur. And when
you think of sulfur in the body, most people dont know this but we talk about the body
being 70 75 percent water, you know, and all of that. But people dont know that by
weight, by weight volume in the body, sulfur is 25 percent of the body by weight. It's in
your bones. It's in your muscles. It's everywhere. And people simply dont have enough
of it nor the right kind of it. So we highly recommend this and actually, we see MSM and
organic sulfur as being an integral part of the cancer healing process. And I wont go
deep into that because it goes back to this new plant extract that were developing thats
based on a sulfur medium as well. And this isit's not time for that yet but it's a very
interesting thing that well talk about in the future.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah.
Bob Wright: But sulfur is incredibly important and Im working with a guy right here that
Im going to see here tomorrow. He is a former big time celebrity and still is. Hes still
performing at 80-years-old. I wont mention his name today but youll be able to meet
him tomorrow. He has prostate cancer. He got on the MSM because he had a lot of
pain. [Snaps fingers] Pain gone.
Ty Bollinger: Really?
Bob Wright: Pain gone! And no one can guarantee that but we see that. And we see
that it's an effective and essential nutrient within the body. So yeah, I recommend it
highly. You know, people do theand Bill Henderson sits on our advisory board, one of
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the best cancer coaches, you know, in the United States. Hes affected radical change
in cancer patients and helped them, thousands and thousands, maybe tens of
thousands now. He does the Budwig protocol, which is a good protocol for oxygenation
of the cells to kill the cancer. It'sI mean Johanna Budwig proved that, you know, how
many years ago. She was effecting that change in end stage cancer patients. 90
percent of them were getting well. Theres no drug that can do that. Nothing that can do
Ty Bollinger: Well, youve got the sulfur rich proteins in that Budwig protocol.
Bob Wright: Yeah. And you know, that normally comes out of an organic cottage
cheese or an organic kefir thats the sulfurated proteins. Exactly! And it's combined with
the omega-3s and the flax oil that make that change, that reaction that takes place that
allows it to enter the cell and oxygenate, yeah, the sulfur, you know, spot on with that.
Ty Bollinger: Now Dr. Budwig discovered that when she combined flaxseed oil
with it's powerful heal nature of essential electron rich unsaturated fats and
cottage cheese, which is rich in sulfur protein the chemical reaction produced
makes the oil water soluble and easily absorbed in the cell membrane. She was a
brilliant doctor. Now speaking of brilliant doctors, earlier this year I was privileged
to meet and interview a doctor named Daniel Nuzum. Dr. Nuzum has seven
doctorates. He teaches at four different medical schools. Hes a toxicologist and
also an osteopath. Some of this information that hes about to share is going to
blow your socks off. Check it out.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Fluorine and chlorine are a group ofon the periodic table, theyre a
group of halogens, chemicals called halogens. Iodine is your largest halogen. Its the
most important. Iodine is an essential element. If youre iodine deficient, youll have
thyroid problems. If youre iodine deficient, youll have blood sugar metabolization
problems. It's been said that you cannot become type II diabetic unless youre iodine
deficient. So theres a whole vastiodine keeps your kidneys from being infected, it
keeps your liver from being infected. It's a disinfectant. Iodines an absolutely essential
nutrient. But it's the largest of the halogens. Okay. So the iodine receptor site is a big
receptor site, okay, on the cell. If something else gets into that receptor site, which we
have bromine, fluorine and chlorine are fluoride and chloride, okay. Those are smaller
halogens. Those molecules are smaller, okay. They can fit into that same receptor site,
and when they do, they block iodine from being absorbed. Okay. And it's not until your
body has a surplus of iodine that it starts to release the fluorine and chloride and
bromine and things like that. Okay. So the iodine can then fit into that receptor site.
So when I teach toxicology in the universities the first thing I tell people is if youre
nutrient deficient, youre a toxin sponge. Okay. Just like Im showing you here, if youre
missing iodine in that receptor site, okay, and you come into contact with fluoride, okay,
in the water, chlorine in the water. Bromine is a preservative in breads and all kinds of
anything baked has bromine as a preservative. So if youre coming into contact with
these other toxic elements, okay, and youre missing that iodine theyre getting stuffed
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into that receptor site. So literally, youre absorbing these. Youre just readily absorbing
these nutrients. Now fluoride toxicity causes the bones to dissolve. It actually causes the
teeth to dissolve, believe it or not.
Ty Bollinger: But isnt fluoride supposed to be good for our teeth.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Thats what they tell us. I dont believe them but thats what they tell
us. If you get enough fluoride into your teeth, your teeth will rot and fall out.
Ty Bollinger:


Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Thats one of the toxic reactions to fluoride. Thats one of the signs
of fluoride toxicity actually.
Ty Bollinger: Okay.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Rotten teeth
Ty Bollinger: Your teeth fall out.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Right.
Ty Bollinger: Okay.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: It does the same thing with your bones, it rots your bones. It causes
the bones to become soft and brittle.
Ty Bollinger: Is that whyI read a study within the last couple of years that
fluoride has been linked to osteosarcoma.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Yes.
Ty Bollinger:

Thats why.

Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Absolutely!

Ty Bollinger: Bone cancer.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Absolutely! Bone cancer
Ty Bollinger: Okay.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Absolutely! Absolutely! It weakens the bone. It weakens the teeth,
weakens the jaw, and weakens the bones, long bones, femurs. Look at all the hip
replacements that have to happen. We have weakened bones. Okay. And you know,
bones weaken as we becomebones become harder and less flexible as we get older.
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They dontthey shouldnt get more brittle. Okay. If we have a decent diet, were getting
plenty of minerals and we mineralize our bones they should become stiffer, not more
Ty Bollinger: But almost inevitably in most elderlyI remember my grandma
before she died, I think she broke her hip.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: You couldnt even give her a hug.
Ty Bollinger: She broke her hip one time just walking.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Sure. Absolutely! Absolutely! Terribly brittle bonesweve been
fluorinated in the United States for about 70 years, heavily fluorinated. And osteoporosis
is rampant. It's rampant in men, elderly men. And testosterone, which is our boy
hormone, should keep our bones strong. And despite that, the fluoride is still eating
away at our bones.
Ty Bollinger: Talk about the relationship of fulvic acid in treating cancer.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Okay, very good. Fulvic acid is the end product of decomposition of
organic matter. Okay. Asthink of compost, okay. As compost breaks down, okay, it
ends up in this black soil. Okay.
Ty Bollinger: Good stuff.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Good stuff. And the reason it's good stuff is that decomposition, you
took 50 pounds of waste, okay, and it decomposed down to five pounds of soil. What
you have there in that soil is the nutrition of 50 pounds of waste, all concentrated down
into that soil. Well, theres things called humic shale that are deposits all around the
world. And what they are is deposits ofwell, somehow at some point in history there
were massive forests that got thousands of tons of dirt dumped on them followed by
thousand of gallons of water. And in certain places they got so much dirt dumped on
them that they get pushed lower into the crust and the amount of pressure, they were
under caused that biomass to convert in petroleum. Other places it's much closer to the
surface and the microbes in the soil, the bacteria and the different microbes in the soil
acted on that biomass, all this covered forest, okay, and decomposed it. And what we
have left over from that is humic shale. And it's basically the compost soil. Okay. What
we do is we take that and we extract fulvic acid. Now fulvic acid is the absolute smallest
particle of that compost, if you will. Okay. It has all the genetic information, all of the
nutrition, all of the antioxidant capacity, okay. Fulvic acid, the molecule of fulvic acid has
14 tetra trillion electrons it can donate.
Ty Bollinger: Tetra trillion
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Tetrathats 21 zeros behind 14.
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Ty Bollinger: Thats a number you cant fathom.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum:

It's unfathomable that one molecule has that many electrons to

Ty Bollinger: And thats one of the problems with free radicals.

Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Sure. It is a free radical quencher. And it's so tiny that it works on
the outside of the cell, works on the inside of the cell, and works on the various
components of the cell. Most importantly, it works in the mitochondria, the generator, of
the cell, the power generator for the cell. Okay. In the Krebs cycle, the energy cycle that
the mitochondria has to go through to produce cellular energy,. ATP carbohydrate is
split. Okay. You have a carbon and hydrogen bond that is split. Okay. And when that
happens, energy is released and the mitochondria produce ATP. ATP goes up to the
rest of the cell. The cell does it's job. The problem is when that happens you have a
carbon fragment and a hydrogen fragment. And those are called free radicals. We call
them cellular debris, free radicals. In essence, it's kind of like if you had a wood stove
and you burnt wood in there for a week and never cleaned the ash out, eventually the
wood is full of ash and you cant burn anything. Thats what happens with our cells and
causes them to die. Okay. They have so many fragments of nutrients floating around in
them that it snuffs the cell out. It cant burn anymore. Okay. You cant metabolize
anymore. Fulvic acid goes into the cell and can convert all of those fragments of
nutrients back into nutrition.
Ty Bollinger: Wow!
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: It's some cool stuff.
Ty Bollinger: Thats very cool stuff.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Very cool stuff
Ty Bollinger: Ive never heard of that before.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: And nothing else does that is the thing. So we canit's an
antiaging agent. Okay. It's an antioxidant agent. It's a molecule that will carry electricity.
Okay. So it acts as an electrolyte in your cell without minerals. It's one of theit's a
Ty Bollinger: It is.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Its a phenomenon. And when youre feeling tired, okay, when
youre tired and youre just ran down, you just dont have a lot of energy on a cellular
level your cells arent carrying an electrical charge very well. So if we can recharge the
battery, quote/unquote, all of a sudden you have energy again. Things start functioning
the way they should. They have the electricity to operate. Okay.
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Ty Bollinger: And our bodies are electric.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: They are electric. Exactly! Now this whole function here of
enhancing the electrical capacity, converting free radicals back into nutrition is all
wonderful but fulvic acid also acts as a delivery system. Okay. When--you can bond
nutrients to fulvic acid and it will deliver those nutrients. It's a nano molecule. It's a micro
nano molecule actually. It's smaller than nano and therefore it crosses all barriers in the
body, the blood-brain barrier, everything. And it can carry nutrients to whatever tissue,
whatever cells, wherever you need them to go, and deliver the nutrients. The interesting
thing about it though is once it delivers the nutrients it will take the waste or heavy
metals or pesticides or, you name it, anything that the cell doesnt want or anything
thats harming the cell, picks that up, itll bond that, lets say, mercury to fulvic acid and
carry it out of the system. Okay. So you get this exchange that happens there so I tell
everybody that it acts as the UPS man and the garbage man at the same time.
Ty Bollinger: Wow!
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: It delivers it's package, picks up the garbage and takes it out. So
when it comes to cancer, cancer cells are veryhave very low electrical activity. So if
we can raise their electrical activity, which fulvic acid does, we kill them. We killhigh
electrical activity kills cancer cells. If everyone in history that had cancer at the moment
they were hit by lightning everyone that survived lightning strikes that had had cancer
didnt have cancer after they were hit by lightning.
Ty Bollinger: No kidding.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: No kidding, across the board. Every cancer patient that
Ty Bollinger: Because that electrical energy killed the cancer.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: The electrical energy killed the cancer.
Ty Bollinger: And so thats what fulvic acid does.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Fulvic acid has that electricalthat electrolyte capacity to raise the
electrical activity in the cells and it destroys cancer cells that way. We also have the
capacity of removing the waste, delivering the nutrition. Okay. Thats not to mention
depending on the fulvic acid youre getting our fulvic acid is high in carbon, high in
hydrogen and high in oxygen. And so we go back to what I first started talking about.
And this is how we use fulvic acid for balancing that 96.3 percent of our bodys
Ty Bollinger: Wow!
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: We use that in conjunction with diet, with water, with all these other
things, and everything just happens faster. We can get them well faster with the fulvic
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acid. I believe God knew we were going to mess up things here. And he preprogrammed into the mix this humic shale that is so rich in fulvic acid and was just
waiting for us to discover it so we could use it to fix things. And my family, my wife has
taken fulvic acid through every pregnancy. We have extremely healthy children. Ive
been using and researching fulvic acid since 1996. Ive had upwards of eight thousand
patients take this. And weve only had good results.
Ty Bollinger: Eight thousand patients.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Never had any trouble. My children take it every day. They arewe
live on this planet so were going to be exposed to this environment. And for me, for my
children, I want to protect them as much as possible. And so my children usewe give
them the fulvic every day, every day.
Ty Bollinger: Well, why is it that more people havent heard about these natural
treatments for cancer?
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: First off, the practitioners have beenthe doctors have been
persecuted so horribly theyre afraid to advertise. Theyre afraid to put their hands up
saying, okay, were over here. It's working. Theyre afraid to do that for fear of being
squashed or attacked. That isfirst and foremost, I mean they dont advertise because
theyre afraid of getting attacked, number one. So therefore people dont hear about it.
Number two, the media does not cover it. The media has no coverage of whats
happening there.
Ty Bollinger: Not to interrupt you here but a perfect example is that a while back
we had the CDC story of the vaccines, the MMR vaccine being a definitive link, the
whistle blower, to autism.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Right.
Ty Bollinger: And where was the media coverage?
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Zero. Those folks trying to get the story out or evenI mean theyre
even under fire forwere even under fire for doing that.
Ty Bollinger: Right.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Thats the problem. The politics of medicine are keeping people
from getting better is the problem.
Ty Bollinger: When you say the politics of cancer, kind of elaborate on that.
What do you mean by that?
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: How do we make the maximum amount of money on cancer? Thats
the politics. The bottom line is money. The bottom line, if they cantif the
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pharmaceutical companies cannot patent a treatment, okay, they cant maximize their
income on it. They cant maximize their profit shares. Okay. Therefore, it doesnt
behoove them to use those types of remedies. And if you could sell the medication to a
patient to keep them alive, okay, maybe extend their life, keep them alive, not make
them healthy but extend their life, every month that they have to buy their medication is
another sale you made. Okay. This is the business of medicine. Thats how it works. It's
unfortunate. I mean medicine is as much a business as it is a practice anymore. And it's
a shame.
Ty Bollinger: So why havent more people heard about these treatments? It's all
about selling more drugs and maximizing revenues. This is the cancer industry.
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers: The cancer industry is a multibillion-dollar industry.
And the doctors that are graduating from med school are funded by
pharmaceutical industries. So what theyre learning in school is how to use drugs
to mask the symptoms and how to cut out specific body parts. Now dont get me
wrong, there may be times in a crisis situation where you have to cut out a body
part or fix a broken bone or help somebody through a heart attack. But theyre not
being taught on how to get sick people well. Theyre driving the symptoms deeper
by giving people medication. And the cancer industry is really driven by greed
and money because there is a cure. People are healing from cancer every day
without the use of toxic drugs. There are literally thousands and thousands of
published studies that prove the effectiveness of natural medicine but you cant
patent a plant and you cant patent an herb. Therefore, theres no money and no
financial gain in teaching people about these things.
Dr. Sunil Pai: The average cancer care for a person from stage I to stage IV will range
anywhere from 350 thousand dollars to 1.4 by the end of stage IV, million dollars. Okay.
So the thing is they make money on that. And now with the recurrence rate being
anywhere between 50 and 80 percent within five years from conventional treatment then
we get you twice. So I tell my patients, you know, even though you have insurance,
even when people have great insurance, okay, which is helpful for some catastrophic
care they still have to pay a co-pay. They still have to pay 10 20 percent of the
hospitalization. So unless you have a hundred thousand or more extra dollars in the
bank thats cash to be giventhe second most common cause of foreclosure in
America are healthcare costs. So not only are we bankrupting them on one side, were
bankrupting their health as well. And we have to look at now what can we do thats
cheaper, thats effective, and has access to everybody regardless of whether they have
an insurance card or not.
Dr. Robert Scott Bell: Managing symptoms, managing disease it's very profitable as is
the oncological field because of it's monopoly status. But healing is a whole different
paradigm. And thats why sometimes never the tween shall meet when you try to talk to
some folks that are programmed in a way that I was growing up. It's like a completely
different language to learn that the symptoms are actually good. You welcome them
even though they may be unpleasant but theyre very focused on telling you something
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about whats happening. And if you learn the language and listen you can change your
Ty Bollinger: Wow! Fascinating information folks. In tonights episode weve
heard from many medical doctors that are using natural treatments in their
practices to heal cancer. Tomorrow night, were going to actually be able to
interview some doctors that have used these treatments on themselves when
they were diagnosed with cancer. So youre going to get this information straight
from the doctors that have treated themselves successfully when they were
diagnosed. This is going to be an episode that you dont want to miss. And I hope
you tell your friends information that can save your life or the life of a loved one. I
hope you enjoyed tonights show. Tomorrows night show is going to be even
better. God bless you and have a great evening.
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Ty Bollinger: So Im here with Chris Walsh today. Were at the Center for
Advanced Medicine and Clinical Research, Dr. Rashid Buttars office in North
Carolina. Thanks for being with us here today Chris.
Chris Walsh: Its good to be here. Thanks for having me.
Ty Bollinger: And were sitting in front of the fish. So tell me about the fish. What
do they remind you of?
Chris Walsh: It reminds me of being here four years ago when I started my treatment
here and I used to stare at them while I was waiting in the waiting in the waiting room
lost not knowing what my future was going to be
Ty Bollinger: Right.
Chris Walsh: .kind of diving into a whole new world of alternative medicine and
finding a way to help.
Ty Bollinger: So you were here for what reason? You were here because you had
been diagnosed with what?
Chris Walsh: I had a Clarks level IV melanoma which was thesupposedly the work
kind of melanoma in the deepest layer of the skin.
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Ty Bollinger: Skin cancer
Chris Walsh: Yes, skin cancer.
Ty Bollinger: Okay.
Chris Walsh: That was four years ago almost today I was diagnosed and from what we
found out it hadit kind of had made its tentacles inside of my leg. So they thought that
I probably wouldnt have a leg from here. And then obviously you know the conventional
treatments would have made it worse. I wouldnt have had a leg and Id probably be
dead now anyway, so. At that point I was really scrambling. And so I went just kind of
did as much research as I could. I actually went and found your book, Cancer-Step
Outside of the Box, which really opened my eyes to a lot of things. I mean I had no idea
about any of this. I went and bought Patrick Quillins book, Beating Cancer with
Nutrition, started following that immediately. And I saw Dr. Buttar speak at ahe had
did a little seminar at his old office and I didnt know what he did. But I remember
thinking that place seems really interesting. And so I called my buddy up and I couldnt
remember his name. And he said, oh, its Dr. Buttar and I looked him up and he just so
happens to treat cancer. So I said I dont like my options now. I already talked to
supposedly the best guy in Cleveland and thats not what I was going to do. So I called
Dr. Buttar. I got a consultation and within the first 15 minutes I knew was going to do it. I
mean I didnt know anything about traditional or holistic or alternative medicine. What he
said to me just made so much sense. I mean it just kind oflike why isnt everybody
doing this? You know what I mean? It seemed like such common sense to me but I
guess its not.
Ive played golf professionally for the last ten years and so I was in the sun every day
and just lathering on sunscreen thinking that I was doing myself a favor but since then
Ive come to learn that thatI think that was probably one of the causes of the skin
cancer just bathing in those chemicals every day. So I got to Dr. Buttars, they do all the
tests. I wasI had high levels of mercury, lead, barium, some just really strange heavy
metals. I had parasites. I had viruses. My immune system was really weak. The strength
in my immune system was weak. I had amalgams in my mouth. I mean I was justI had
a lot of mercury, which really disrupts the immune system.
Ty Bollinger: So did he put you on a protocol to remove the mercury?
Chris Walsh: Yep, pretty serious detoxification. I went through chelation therapy for 20
weeks. I was taking about a 100 supplements a day to kind of rebalance everything.
The terrain my body was pretty ripe for cancer to grow rather than for health. So we had
to change a lot of those things. I had a lot of gut issues. The bacteria in my gut was not
working properly. It wasnt what it was supposed to be.
Ty Bollinger: The good bacteria
Chris Walsh: The balance was way off.
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Ty Bollinger: Okay.
Chris Walsh: You know, I wasnt eating properly at the time. I completely changed my
diet. I completely changed, you know, using the cook ware I use, the soap I use, the
detergent, everything. I mean I changed everything in my life fromyou know,
everythings so toxic and everything that most people use thats mainstream is toxic and
they all lead to cancer. So I just changed everything.
Ty Bollinger: And apparently it worked.
Chris Walsh: It worked wellyep.
Ty Bollinger: Im seeing two legs.
Chris Walsh: I have two legs. Im feeling great. My healths never been better. I never
get sick. I mean I just feel totally different.
Ty Bollinger: Thats awesome man!
Chris Walsh: Its been a good learning experience.
Ty Bollinger: So the cancers completely gone now?
Chris Walsh: Completely gone, yep. My immune system is back functioning perfectly.
Im as healthy as a newborn baby I guess.
Ty Bollinger: Thats awesome. And I know this isthe testing that hes done now
I know Dr. Buttars level of impeccable records. And so I know that by talking to
you here that hes done a test to show that theres no cancer.
Chris Walsh: Absolutely!
Ty Bollinger: That it cant be detected in the body.
Chris Walsh: Absolutely! We did the test when I started throughout the protocol. And
when I was done everything came back great, you know. I was healthy. The metals
were gone, the parasites, the viruses were gone, and my immune system and the
immune function came back to normal.
Ty Bollinger: Which is so vital in treating cancer.
Chris Walsh: Absolutely!
Ty Bollinger: The immune system is actually what does the work.
Chris Walsh: Absolutely!
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Ty Bollinger: The body kills the cancer.
Chris Walsh: A good doctor aids the immune system in fighting it off. I mean you go
and get radiation or chemotherapy and the cancer is gone, the environment is still there
for the cancer to grow. Your immune system doesnt work. I mean itll come back. Thats
what happens all the time. It happened to both my parents unfortunately, so. Ive seen it.
Ty Bollinger: Mine too.
Chris Walsh: Yeah, so.
Ty Bollinger: Well, this is really encouraging Chris. Youre here four years later.
Chris Walsh: Four years later.
Ty Bollinger: You were told you wouldnt have six months or youd have a leg
Chris Walsh: Almost four years to the dayI mean its about four years to the day.
Ty Bollinger: So were back at the fish four years later.
Chris Walsh: Four years
Ty Bollinger: Chris, your story is an inspiration to me. I know it's an inspiration to
everybody thats watching it right now. Thank you Chris.
Chris Walsh: No problem. Im happy to be here.

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Ty Bollinger: Welcome back to The Quest for the CuresContinues. If you
watched last nights episode, and I hope you did, you learned about some natural,
non-toxic cancer therapies that are being used in clinics across the United States
to effectively treat cancer. Now tonight, we are going to find out from actual
physicians that have been diagnosed with cancer themselves what they did to
treat their cancer. Now that was something that I wanted to know when my mom
and dad were diagnosed. I remember vividly both of them being in the operating
room and asking the surgeons what should we do. What would you do if you were
diagnosed with cancer? We wanted that expert opinion in order to make our
decision. Now if you remember the episode, a few episodes ago, Dr. Tony
Jimenez from the Hope for Cancer Clinic down in Tijuana. He mentioned the fact
that upwards of 80 percent of oncologists when they were surveyed said that they
or their family would not use chemotherapy if they were diagnosed with cancer.
And, that blew me away, the fact that the professionals that are prescribing these
treatments would not use them themselves. That is a pretty telling statistic to me.
So tonight, we are going to learn about what these physicians actually did to treat
their cancer in a natural way. And these physicians are still alive to give us their
story so we know that the treatments must have been pretty successful because
they are here to tell them to us. This is going to be an encouraging show to you. I
know it was to me. We are going to learn from actual cancer patients that cured
their cancer naturally and they happen to be doctors. Enjoy the show and we will
see you at the end.
You are sitting here today. You look like a picture of health. But that was not the
case four or five years ago.
Dr. Charles Majors: No, not at all.
Ty Bollinger: Tell us your personal story.
Dr. Charles Majors: I wouldit has been almost five, five and a half, six years ago I
started having severe headaches. And obviously what I do I am taking care of people
every day with headaches. You know, so I am thinking, okay, its probably just coming
from my spine and my nerves. And I was getting adjusted. The headaches were doing
phenomenal but it kept coming back. I then finally started getting weak. I was losing
weight. I did some blood work and the blood, my white blood cells. I was anemic and
things were going on. At that point, we knew something was going on. I was diagnosed
with Lyme disease at that time. So we started taking care of the Lyme. I ran another
test, still not feeling good, but ran another Lyme test. The Lyme was clear. They cleared
out the Lyme. And so at that point, I knew that it was time for an MRI. So I had one of
my doctors, who is a friend of mine, whose wife is a nurse, said its time to get an MRI.
And I knew it. I knew I did not want an MRI. I got an MRI about 3:30 in the afternoon,
and I say the timing for a reason. About 3:30 in the afternoon, I had my MRI. They told
me they would let me know the next day the results. I went home and I slept pretty
much 18 hours a day, 19 hours a day. I could barely stand up. I was lying on the couch.
And at that time, I woke up to my wife and my oldest son on top of me crying. And it
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Episode 10: Doctors Orders

literally was like someone died. And I knew something was wrong at that time and my
wife is crying and she said they already called for the MRI. And I am thinking I must
have slept tillI am thinking is the next day already. It was an hour and a half, two
hours later. They literally, the radiologist held my x-ray up to the light, or my MRI up to
the light, looked at it and immediately saw two huge tumors on my brain stem and I two
small ones by the eyes. He said I needed to get to Northwestern Hospital immediately.
They did not even want me to go through the night. They thought I literally would not
wake up in the morning. It was just that severe.
So I rushed to Northwestern immediately. It was about 5:30, got to Northwestern around
6:30. When I got therethey assumed that this was benign. You know, they had no
they did no other test yet but they assumed this is going to benign. We are going to go
up there. You are young. You are healthy. It is going towe are not going to have any
issues with the surgery, so. But I had so much cerebral spinal fluid in the brain because
there wasthe tumors were putting so much pressure on the spinal cord. Like literally
the spinal fluid could not go down my spinal cord. So all the spinal fluid would stay up
here so that is what would create my headaches. So if I would lie down for a while and
relax the spinal fluid would be able to settle back down. And so they came in, I walked
into the room; my mother had driven about two hours quickly to be there. I walked into
the room; my mother and my wife were in there. And they looked atthe doctor looked
at my wife and my mother and they said you do not want to see this. At that time is they
had to take a drill and drill down the top of my head here to put a tube down there to
start draining the fluid there was so much fluid in my brain.
Ty Bollinger: And you still got a scar there.
Dr. Charles Majors: Yeah, I got a scar here and I have a scar here but if they went
down this way to take the fluid out of my brain literallyand they cant usethey dont
use medication when they put a hole in your head. So they literally, no medication at all
they have to drill a hole down through my head to put a tube into there. And it literally
people say what did it feel like or sound like. It sounded like somebody was going
through tile or porcelain like they were drilling through the head and then pulling back
up. Its like a little saw it looks like. So they put the tube in there and I will tell you at that
point you are like thank God for modern medicine. Headaches went away immediately.
They got the fluid out of there. And that is what medicines there for. Medicines crisis
care. I was in a crisis, you know, but there was no way they were going to get me back
to health again but it was definitely there for a crisis. They got the fluid out of there. I
could function. The next day the neurosurgeon came in and said, you know, this here is
going to be easy. We are going to go through about a week of preparation to get you
ready making sure you can handle the surgery. They are going to do a brain surgery. So
they are going to have to go right up inside of there and they are just going to go in and
cut out the tumors. And so they did not do any other blood work. They did not test
anything else but basic stuff for the surgery. About a week later, it was a Tuesday
morning I went in for surgery they said it would be about eight to twelve hour surgery.
And Dr. Ben Lerner who wrote the book with me, my wife, we had tons of the Maximized
Living doctors and family and friends all in the room waiting for me to come out of
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surgery. And instead of being eight or twelve hour surgery, it was pretty quick. They
literallyit was over and theyand I did not know this. They went into the room to tell
my wife. They said we have bad news. It was not benign tumors. It was cancerous. And
when I went to cut on the first onewhen you cut on cancer or you mess with it at all it
swells. And the cancer began to swell and it started to bleed. And obviously what does
the blood carry? More cancer. So they said that the chances are that I may not wake up
in the morning because the swelling was so big in the brain now and the cancer was
spreading worse.
And so I woke up the next morning and I have tube down my throat because I could not
breathe, tubes coming out of my stomach, tubes coming out of my head. And I am
thinking the tumors are gone. I have no clue what is going on. No one is telling me
anything. And finally they told me that it was not benign. That this was cancer. And I
could not speak at all to anyone else. And then they said we need to do more testing. It
is worse than that. So what could be worse than cancer already in your brain and
spreading? They said its worse than that. It is the secondary. Its coming from
somewhere in the body. So then they went and did CAT scans and PET scans and did
everything they could for the next three or four days. They could not find any cancer
anywhere else. They could not figure it out. So finally they had to do a bone marrow
test. They went in, they drill your bone marrow and they take out some bone marrow.
They test it. About 37 to 40 percent of my blood was making cancer. And so I was
diagnosed at that time with a multiple myeloma which is the myelocytes were reacting.
So I had all this myeloma and the myelocytes. I had bone marrow cancer and because it
was made in the blood it spread. What was interesting is because of the way I was living
it never went to any other organ. Almost every single myeloma patient it goes to their
spine, their bones crack, and it is a horrible death where mine only went up to my brain.
So whatever I was doing they said how I was living at least kept it out of the rest of my
body because they figured it should have been all through my bones. It should have
been everywhere else. At that time the two oncologists, they walked into the room with
me to give me the bad news. And they said, you know, the bad news is its incurable. It
is already in your brain. The only thing we could do is bone marrow transplant, high
dose chemo, and some radiation. And that would only buy you time.
Ty Bollinger: So incurable and not really any kind of a positive, long-term
prognosis, just basically making
Dr. Charles Majors: No, and they were absolutely correct. In their model, they are
absolutely correct.
Ty Bollinger: Making you comfortable.
Dr. Charles Majors: Yes. They would have made me comfortable. They said, no matter
what, get things in order. And they understood that the chances of me making it. Now
here is the mostwhat a lot of people do not know is I walked in the hospital 155
pounds. At the time of diagnosis I was 118 pounds in a wheelchair. So through all the
surgeries, laying the hospital bed, going through everything I had to go through, I mean I
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could not function. I could not eat because I had the tube gong down my throat. So what
do you think they were feeding me the whole time, sugar?
Ty Bollinger: Sugar
Dr. Charles Majors: You know, luckily we worked with a nutritionist and as soon as he
found out what was going on is we got off the sugar, got to bring our own stuff in, and
started working on all that stuff. But in that moment they walked in and most people say,
what was going through your mind when they tell you it is incurable, there is nothing
they can do, and you have months to live? At the time it was weeks but with chemo and
radiation they said it may give me a few months. I literally said to myself if I cut myself
right now in this room, if I cut my arm what would happen the next three or four days. It
would heal. So if my brain can heal this cut my brain can heal this cancer. My heart is
working. My stomach is working. My lungs are working. The other trillions of processes
are working in my body. So my brain does not havethere is nothing wrong with my
brain. There is nothing wrong with healing; it is just not healing the cancer. So
something had to cause this. It was not an accident. It was not genetic. It was not bad
luck. They kept saying, oh, it is just genetic. No, no, the body is too smart to go into
something that is so negative, right, that it had to be positive. I was lying there and as
hard as it was I had to see that what is going on in my body was the right thing at the
right time. Every symptom is the body doing the right thing at the right time.
If right now if I put handcuffs on you and locked you up and came at you with a knife
what happens to your blood pressure? Your blood pressure rises. What happens to your
cortisol during stress? Your cortisol rises. What happens to your gut? You start taking
away all the nutrition out of your body. You cannot even absorb nutrition when you are
in a fight or flight syndrome. So all of a sudden you are nutritionally deficient. Your
immune system is shot. Your blood pressure is rising. Now your cholesterol is being
affected. Are youis that a symptom? Is that your genetics or is your body adapting? Is
that symptom your body adapting to the stress it is put under? It is adapting. Cancer is
the same thing. I knew at that moment. Luckily I knew what I was supposed to know,
which is most important thing is I knew my body was only adapting to the environment I
had it in. I had to go in and change the environment.
Ty Bollinger: So what did you do? What were your treatments?
Dr. Charles Majors: So at that moment I literally, that was a Thursday morning I was let
out. I literally got on a plane at 5:00 in the afternoon and flew to Reno, Nevada to see
Dr. James Forsyth. He is one of the premiere oncologists in the world. But I went there; I
literally started treatments there on Friday, literally within days. I knew that I was not
waiting on this. And then at that point what he was using there was IV vitamin C, poly
MVA, he had his own Forsyth immune therapies. I was doing all different stuff. I was
doing all the diet stuff, which I knew how to do working on all the supplementation, all
the exercise work. I was doing all that. And they were killing it. And just like I teach now
that the number one thing that has to be done when someone has cancer is you have to
get to the cause. The second step is now killing it. But if you do not get to the cause,
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stop creating it, and stop making it, it does not matter if I kill it or not. I could have killed
all this cancer. It would have bought me some time, thank God, like chemo and radiation
may do. But if I do not stop making it, if I do not get to the cause it is going to come back
anyway. So when I was in Reno with Dr. Forsythe I was there so he could help kill it
because it was spreading. It was in my brain. I could barely function. So he was helping
kill the cancer. I was working on stopping making it, changing my lifestyle, changing the
environment. I was there about three weeks.
I left there, came home, began all myall the protocols at home. I had ozone machine,
which rectal ozone, PEMF, positron electronic magnification frequencies. I was doing
infrared saunas. I was doing a high dose proteolytic therapies, poly MVAs, I wasI
mean I was doing probably a 100 to 120 supplements a day throughout. And then my
blood work was being read at that time by Dr. Hilu in Spain who is another top cancer
doctor there. And he would read my blood and then I went out there about four months
later. I spent two weeks there, amazing, following him, watching him do what he does.
And now I send my blood over there every three to six months to him. I do my blood
work here. And now itsobviously its going on almost four years now that Im feeling
good, doing better than ever. Blood work looks clear. Dr. Hilu even said to me, stop
sending your blood to me, and send it next year. But I still send it all the time because
for me medicine is there tothank God. I could run every medical test on you, every
cancer test on you, I could do every medical test there is, one would not find cancer
after you have it, right? Thank God we have those tests but I do not want to wait for a
test. Medicine is early detection of a disease that already exists. It is not healthcare. Its
not preventative care. The disease is already there. And thank God we have those
things but those things are not going to get me back to health again.
Ty Bollinger: Right. So really what you are stressing, and I am seeing this as a
common thread among a lot of the interviewees for this miniseries is that
prevention is the key. And also changing the environment of the body that makes
it inhospitable to cancer because cancer does not live in certain environments or
it does not do well in certain environments. So the focus is really prevention and
to change that internal terrain so that cancer does not feel like it is at home.
Dr. Charles Majors: Absolutely! Again, we look under the normal healthy cell uses
oxygen as its respiration. We know a cancer cell hates oxygen. So we know that we
need to get more oxygen into the body and that is what ozone is doing. You know, I do
a lot of vitamin C. Most people do not realize that vitamin is helping bring more oxygen
into the body. I do IV hydrogen peroxide and I still do these things. I do IV H2O2. And so
I am doing things that are also bringing in lots of oxygen into my body, into my cells,
giving it the environment that this cancer cannot live. I do my high intensity, short
duration workouts six days a week still. So I do all my protocols still to this day to make
sure I am creating an environment where that cancer can never come back. Changing
your environment changes the possibility of getting cancer.
Ty Bollinger: So let me ask you this, Dr. J. If you were diagnosed with colon
cancer, let us say, what would you do?
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Dr. David Jockers: Well, I will tell you I mean this does hit home. I did not talk about this
in the beginning but early on in my practice I was 28 years old. And all of a sudden I had
this big red spot on my nose right here. And the cancer actually that my grandfather had
was a melanoma, a metastatic melanoma, so a skin cancer. And so I knew I was
susceptible to something along those lines. I grew up surfing on the beach. So I have
had a lot of intense sun exposure, probably been burnt way more than I would naturally
recommend just really because I did not know any better. And so I knew I was
susceptible and at that period of time in my life I was living, number one, with a lot of
fear. I had just opened a business. I was in a tremendous amount of debt. I had a lot of
people counting on me. There was lots ofyou know when you run a business there is
confrontation. There are all different types of issues and you know my nutrition was not
excellent. It was great. I would say it was a lot better than most people. It was not
excellent. There were a lot of things in my life that were issues. And so I looked at
myself in the mirror and I could see exactly what was developing. And I knew enough to
know that that was not normal. And certainly I could have gone to a dermatologist or
somebody for a more advanced diagnosis of it but I really did not need that. To me it
was a wakeup call. And I think really for all of us we have got to have eyes to see and
ears to hear in our own life because ultimately if we are living in a way that is just not
beneficial to us and the people around us theres going to be wakeup calls. And I just
took inventory of where I was in my life and I realized that fear was my dominating
thoughtfear of failure, fear of letting people down, and I knew I needed to work on
myself mentally, emotionally, spiritually. I looked at my nutrition. I realized you know
what. There was probably way too many carbohydrates in there than there should be.
Okay. And so I took out the carbohydrates and went ketoketogenic. I was over
training. I was actually exercising too much. So I really focused on rest, really, really
resting my body well because I was in a state of adrenal fatigue.
And so I really needed to rest effectively. And I just took inventory of all the different
areas in my life sort of doing more detox, really trying to detoxify my liver, utilizing some
different supplements, some different advanced strategies. In a matter of two months it
completely went away. And so to me it was justit was really just a message that, hey,
my body can heal itself. I just need to line up with the right principles. And certainly, I
would not say I was in an advanced state of cancer but I was looking at something that
had the potential to kill me. And you know, by just heeding that warning, taking inventory
of my life, really getting it under check I was able to heal myself naturally. And so I
would take the same approach. You know, I would just look at my
Ty Bollinger: Question for you
Wendy Wilson: Okay.
Ty Bollinger: If you were diagnosed with cervical cancer, what would you do?
What would yourgive your steps to treat cervical cancer.

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Wendy Wilson: Well, I would go through the organ cleanses. I do them twice a year. I
do them twice a year. You can do them as often as every three months if you want.
Most people are able to get them in twice a year. They pick a seasonspring or fall.
Ty Bollinger: What do you mean organ cleansing?
Wendy Wilson: Organ cleanses, you want to do the five major ones. And this is to make
sure you have toxin removal, free flow of toxins coming out of the body. So when you
have too many toxins it compromises the system and becomes a weakened chain, link
in the chain and you can develop a problem. So you do your bowel cleansing. You do it
in this order because you want to open the last stage of toxin removal first. So normally
the blood would be filtering toxins to the liver and then the liver will neutralize those
impurities with an enzyme called P450. And then the residues go to the gallbladder and
the gallbladder will dump those through the bowel, through the duodenum and the
urinary tract to leave the body. So you want to open the bowel and the urinary tract first.
So those are the colon cleanse and the urinary tract cleanse you want to do. Then you
can move to the liver, gallbladder, and then blood system. So once you have got the
system purified make sure you do not put anything in there that would compromise and
decongest the system is usually how I put it. So do your green vegetables. You may
want to do some juice therapy. Do some Spirulina and chlorella protein in your juicing,
and just get some organic whole foods into the system and get away from the
processed foods, no processed foods. Now there are even some herbal boluses that we
instruct folks that they can use to get to the area a little quickly. They can do castor oil
packs to draw more cancer out through the skin. You can do a combination of things,
not just one thing when it comes to cancer. You can kind of pound it from different areas
and just get it to leave the body faster.
Ty Bollinger: Well, that is consistent with your cleanse and nourish.
Wendy Wilson: It is.
Ty Bollinger: Is that a cleanse?
Wendy Wilson: Its real basic but its an old therapy. I mean its hundreds of years old if
not thousands of years old and it seems to be very basic and its doable. People can do
it. And it is not going to cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars like they would for
medical treatment in a hospital.
Ty Bollinger: Right, so. So let me ask you this Mike, what would you do if you were
diagnosed today with prostate cancer? What would be your protocol that you would
and I am not asking you to recommend this to anybody.
Mike Adams: Right
Ty Bollinger: Okay. We do not do that.
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Mike Adams: Yeah
Ty Bollinger: But what would you do personally if your doctor said you got
prostate cancer?
Mike Adams: Well, the first thing I would do is try to understand whywhere did this
prostate cancer come from. And a guy like myself who eats very healthy foods and
super foods and leads an anti-cancer lifestyle. This news would be a shock and the
most likely culprit would be an environmental cause, probably a hormone disruption
chemical. So I would immediately start to think maybe I am being exposed to BPA,
which is probably true. Im sure I have some level of BPA in my blood because its
almost impossible to get rid of.
Ty Bollinger: And real quickly what is BPA?
Mike Adams: Oh, bisphenol Aa hormone mimicker.
Ty Bollinger: Which is a hormone mimicker that is in what?
Mike Adams: It is a plasticizer.
Ty Bollinger: Okay. Its in plastic.
Mike Adams: And its in receipts. See, this is the thing. When I take a receipt from a
place of purchase I am touching that receipt and I am getting BPA from that receipt. I
have not yet made the leap
Ty Bollinger: Because it stops the ink from dissolving after time.
Mike Adams: Coating
Ty Bollinger: Right. It stops.
Mike Adams: Right. So we would figure BPA.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah.
Mike Adams: So then in that case you would want to get hormone sensitive super foods
or super foods that interact with that metabolic pathway which would be, for example,
I3C, indole-3-carbinole, which is one of the medicinal phytonutrient constituents of
broccoli, yeah, the cruciferous vegetable. So I would immediately start doing that. If it
were prostate cancer I would also really up my dosage of resveratrol and zincboth of
those things are very, very useful for prostate cancer prevention. You can get zinc in
pumpkin seeds. So I would probably intake myincrease my intake of pumpkin seeds.
There are also pumpkin seed proteins out there that maintain many of the
phytonutrients of the pumpkin seed. So I would start to become a pumpkin seed,
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protein, smoothie guy with a lot of resveratrol. I would also eat red grapes with their
seeds and I would specifically chew on the seeds to release the many beneficial
nutrients that the seeds contained.
Ty Bollinger: I am glad you mentioned that because one of the frequent
questions that I hear from people is if there is all this nutrition in the seeds should
I chew them? Absolutely!
Mike Adams: You should chew them. Absolutely!
Ty Bollinger: Otherwise they just pass right through you.
Mike Adams: Of course! One of the things that I learned being a lab scientist is that
human digestion is very, very weak. When I built the gastric acid digestion simulator at
first I thought I had made a mistake because most of the foods that I ran through the
simulator were not well digested. It turns out that chewing is the single most important
step in the digestion process. We actually now have to pre-chew with a chewer, a
chewing device before we put foods into the gastric acid simulation. It is a gastric acid
it is a synthetic gastric acid I should say. It is not a computer simulation.
Ty Bollinger: Physical, yeah, sure.
Mike Adams: But if you just take, for example, beef jerky and you put it into gastric acid
that is the same pH as human digestion is, it barely gets digested at all.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah. I am glad you mentioned that because chewing is so
important. Not only does it help you to digest the food but it also releases
Mike Adams: Yes.
Ty Bollinger: You know, as you chew the food in your mouth it releases enzymes
that you to digest the foods as well.
Mike Adams: You are right. And as a detox technique chewing the foods also increases
the surface area of the insoluble fibers. Many of the fibers in a chunk of food are locked
inside the food. And if you want those fibers to be beneficial to you, to bind with all the
things we have been talking about, whatever, arsenic, you need those fibers to be
available, physically available, to the digestion liquids. Chewing is what allows that to
happen. The other big ah ha in all of this is that it gets us back to the amazing power of
a commonsense whole food diet that when you look at, hey, there might be toxins in
some of these foods, but if you actually eat whole foods, there are natural things in there
that will absorb the toxins without you even knowing about it.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah.
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Mike Adams: So as I have done this research what it has really done is given me more
and more respect from Mother Nature, and more amazement at how nature achieves
balance and protects your body from toxins in the environment through things that you
never were even aware of. I mean who ever
Ty Bollinger: So Dr. Quillin, last question for this interview. If you were personally
diagnosed with stomach cancer, colon cancer, what would you do?
Dr. Patrick Quillin: Good question! First of all, I would hope that my lifestyle gives me
that 90 percent protection that we can cut your risk by 90 percent of getting cancer if
you do things right. However, there is still that 10 percent. And what I would do is I
would work with the brightest medical staff that I could. I would look for good
diagnostics. Theres reasons for these diagnostic equipmentyou know, MRIs, CAT
scans, PET scans, find out how invasive is the tumor, find out how much time do we
have? There are some people who you better get in there and do something aggressive
right now or you could be dead within hours or days. I would hope that I would have
some time to look at non-toxic therapiesvery important for me is do not burn bridges.
Too often the medical therapies that are used for cancer patients, surgery, to take out
20 lymph nodes in breast cancer. Now the patients going to have lymph edema, swollen
lymph in their arm for the rest of their lifepain. Maybe they need narcotics. They have
burned a bridge. Was it necessary? Radiation therapy, you know, you can damage the
esophagus to the point of where its like parchment paper from radiation. Was it
necessary? Using targeted therapyso for instance, instead of a whole body radiation I
might think about using IMRT or intensity modulated radiation therapy, which is more of
a rifle than a hand grenade.
But the first thing I would do is I would say I would like to have some information about
why I got it. What is the underlying cause here? And here are many very bright
physicians in this country who look at etiology, toxic burden, stress, malnutrition, take
blood samples and look at what is the level of everything from vitamins and minerals to
what is the pH of your body. Look at saliva samples, fecal samples, looking for
parasites. So an aggressive look at etiology, what caused this and a second aggressive
look at what is the stage, how invasive and aggressive is it? And from that make some
decisions that hopefully would lean towards a relatively non-toxic therapy. For instance,
intravenous vitamin C helps many, hurts none, infrared therapy, far infrared, cooking the
cancer, fever therapy helps some, hurts none. So I always look at a risk to benefit to
cost ratio saying I do not want to do any damage. Thats what Hippocrates said. And the
oath that all physicians give is first do no harm. I would look at IV vitamin C,
hyperthermia. I would look atthere are some relatively non-toxic therapies to modulate
blood glucose lower blood glucose to try and starve the tumor. There are some herbs
that are extremely powerful. I mentioned everything from this modified citrus pectin to
there is an extract that is a fermented version of wheat germ. Not to mention too many
names but there is a pharmacy. There is a list of therapies that are effective, clinically
proven, relatively non-toxic, and relatively inexpensive. If you think about treating a
cancer patient one year is going to cost about a quarter of a million average. There are
cheaper, more effective, more humane and scientific ways of doing cancer treatment.
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Ty Bollinger: the doctor comes to you and says Robert Scott Bell, your last blood
work shows that you have lung cancer. What do you do?
Dr. Robert Scott Bell: Well, I am going to nebulize silver. Silver has shown to have
profound oncolytic properties. This is something we can do. We talk about a pH issue
sometimes. I do not know if you have covered the use of the baking soda in this way.
You can actually do a lavage within the lungs to nebulize that into certain tissue of the
lungs. It is a little more difficult to do. But the silver alone is profound because the
cancer cells do not have an antioxidant defense mechanism. And the silver brings with it
as much as ten times its atomic weight in with every particle of silver at a micro level.
We are talking a nano scale level. And you can overwhelm and devastate cancer cells
in that area within the alveoli if you can inhale that deeply into your lungs.
Ty Bollinger: And that is what nebulize means.
Dr. Robert Scott Bell: Yeah. To take a liquid into a vaporized state for safe inhalation.
And so this is one of the most profound, most radical and direct ways you can neutralize
cancer within the lungs. And most people do not know about it.
Ty Bollinger: Any other steps that you might take at that point?
Dr. Robert Scott Bell: Well, connective tissue integrity, we come back to silica, we come
back to metabolic sufficiency meaning selenium and chromium in the ways we talk
about it. I would do homeopathic medicines that directly impact on lung tissue and even
SAR codes, homeopathic dilutions of cancerous tissue, cancerous cells from the lungs
themselves. And that also mobilizes the immune system to attack and hold and check
those cancerous cells. So there is a number of factors, a number of things that you can
do in that case.
Ty Bollinger: So KC, last question. If you were diagnosed with prostate cancer
what would you do?
KC Craichy: Well, that is a scary thought for anyone because people when they hear it
directed at them is a very scary thing. So if it were directed at me, first of all, you have to
understand that the cancer, the diagnosis oftentimes is made on a test like prostate
specific antigen that really has no bearing on whether it is real or not. So if I were ever
diagnosed with that I would say doctor, thank you for your medical opinion but I am
going to go find out the truth. Okay. So first of all, is it really prostate cancer because
that is really the bigit is a big question because it has not been answered? So do I
have inflammatory markers that look like that? Is the PSA out of whack? Are there other
things that look like this? I will not rush to a biopsy because when you think about it the
biopsy goes through the anus, through to the prostate and the chance of getting
infection as a result of just doing that test is a very real possibility. You know, so there
are other scans like thermal scans, and things like that where you can get a thermal
scan and see if the heat produced there is indicative of disease or something like that,
so. And I have these seven things, which I advise people all the time. People call me up
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and say I have just been diagnosed with this kind of cancer. What should I do? And I will
go through these seven. And it goes through something like this.
First of all, of all stop all sugar and starch carbohydrates. I say if its a carbohydrate, if its
white it aint right. So the net of it is, okay, first stop that, stop feeding the problem and
whacking your immunity like we have talked about. So it is a double edge sword. It is a
terrible thing. So get your vegetables and eat tons of them, vegetables primarily, fruits
not so much, but vegetables, eat a lot of fibrous vegetables. So if you are going to get a
carbohydrate it should come from a fibrous vegetable. Okay. And then follow the four
corners of super food nutrition I talked about. Get all the nutrients that you body needs
and get the four cornerslow calorie, nutrient dense, high broad spectrum antioxidant,
take in all five classes of antioxidants, as I talked about reducing the sugar and the
glycemic response, and then increasing the healthy fats, the fish oil fats. Now again, I
go to antioxidant fish oil. We have a lot of people out there touting shellfish oils like krill
oil or mussel oil, that sort of thing. I mean its still omega-3 and so it does have omega-3
benefit but the touting of that instead of fish oil is not appropriate according to the
literature, or the way I have reviewed it. And so yes, you can get benefit from those
things but you talk about that this krill oil has a lot of astaxanthin in it therefore it can
keep it from spoiling, some of the things we talked about in keeping the oils from
spoiling. But when I looked at how much astaxanthin was actually in a krill pill it was so
minute it was unbelievable. So you want to try to get 1-mg of astaxanthin in addition to
all the tocotrienols and so on to get the fish oils because its really important that we talk
about it. So all these things that I have talked about already are reducing inflammation
and reducing glycation and oxidation and angiogenesis.
So I personally would go on a fuel fast. I would have a fuel, a living fuel, for breakfast
lunch and dinner for until I decided what path I was going to take to deal with this
diagnosis and whether it was real or not. And then things like resveratrol, it is a very
powerful antioxidant but that is one of the ones that you ought to be taking and then
curcumin. Curcumin has been shown to be so anticancer. There is a lot of research on
that now. And very recently a doctor sent me a photo, which I showed you about this
squamous cell carcinoma on the lip of this patient that was just terrible. And he put this
paste with curcumin and coconut oil and in two weeks it was gone. And I do not know
what the biopsies look like that but the point is just this, is that nutrition is powerful. Its
extraordinarily powerful and if you start pointed in the right direction and doing some of
the things that the research suggests it has to be good for you. And another thing that is
critically important is vitamin D, vitamin D levels. I would sayI would make sure that
mine already are. But if I was in that particular situation I would make sure that my
vitamin D, 25-hydroxy vitamin D level was in the 70 90 range in a test. And so that is
one of the first tests I would get. I would get all the tests including the inflammatory
markers, and so on. But I would get a vitamin D3 test or vitamin D, 25-hydroxy vitamin D
test to see where it is because vitamin D is the immune modulator of the body. So
having your vitamin D levels at the right level is imperative in this particular case. And
then another thing I would do is I would take significant amounts of vitamin A because it
is also an immune enhancer. And there is some well-known mushroom extracts that
enhance immunity too.
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Now I am saying this is not a treatment protocol I am giving anybody. What Im saying
this is what I tell people, do these things while youre figuring out what it is that youre
going to do because see this business called medicine or business called cancer care it
does a lot of fear to patients. You have this problem; we need to deal with it now. But
the truth is that it most likely is not that level of emergency. Now it can be. But most
likely you have some time to get a second opinion, to get your bearings, get your brain
working and to go somebody like Ralph Moss or somebody else and buy a report
because he has a great report, which I always send people to get this report. It tells you
what are the types of care used for that particular kind of cancer out there and what are
the success rates of the various ones, and who are the practitioners that are doing it
and what are the alternatives? That kind of information is incredibly powerful because its
put in a way that you can literally hand that to the doctor and theres scientific
documentation. They have to go, oh yeah; I guess that does make sense. And if your
doctor refuses to work with you or tells you that you should not take antioxidants during
cancer care, you might want to consider a different doctor because the literature is not
backing that up.
Drugs to bring down cholesterol levels, cholesterol is really not a difficult thing to bring
down nutritionally if you understand the nutrition, how nutrition works and how the blood
sugar works and so on. There is a lot of ways to deal withthe problem with cholesterol
to start with is people are not eatingthey think that they are not eating cholesterol
because they are trying to keep their cholesterol from going up.
Ty Bollinger: So could you please share with us your own breast cancer
conquerer story.
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers: Well, fast forward, I had been in practice 24 years and a
typical morning, rushing to the office, jump in the shower, and I felt a lump on my left
breast. And I knew innately at that point it was not fibrocystic. It was an unhealthy lump.
So I had it diagnosed with unconventional methods and it was diagnosed as breast
cancer. I had seen in my practice that patients, who chose traditional methods of cut,
poison, burn, did not fare well at all. I mean they suffered so much from the side effects
from those treatments and many of them died as a result of the treatments, not so much
the cancer. And on the flip side I saw patients who were using gentler methods of
healing following the anticancer protocols that I was recommending. And they were
getting amazing results. So there was no doubt in my mind what I was going to do and
which path I was going to follow. So my protocol consisted of specific homeopathic
remedies, herbal tinctures to weaken the cancer, to boost the immune system,
proteolytic enzymes, some dietary changes, some detoxification, colonics, and those
sorts of things. And I also used a paste or a salve on my breast to help the body expel
the tumor. In the paste there is an herb called bloodroot and bloodroot had an alkaloid
or a plant compound called sanguinarine and that particular compound goes after
cancer cells and kills cancer cells without touching healthy tissue or healthy cells. So
you can actually take bloodroot internally or you can apply it superficially to very
superficial tumors like skin cancers and breast cancers and that sort of thing.
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So my journey lasted from 2004 through 2006. And I have been happy and healthy ever
since. But as I was going through that journey there was one thing that was gnawing in
my gut is was why would somebody like me develop breast cancer? I had done
everything right. I was under chiropractic care. I was eating organic before organic was
in style. I had home births, breast-fed all my children. I had massage, I exercised, and I
ate well. I thought I was doing everything right. But as I started studying more and
researching more I realized that there were some components that I was missing. And
that is what led me to create what I call the seven essentials or seven basic steps that if
people follow they never have to fear cancer again.
Ty Bollinger: Tell us a little bit about the seven essentials then.
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers: Okay, seven essentials, seven basic steps, you know, one
of the things thatone of the complaints that I hear from people is that they are
confused, they are frustrated, and they are overwhelmed because they do not know
where to start. Who do they believe and what do they believe on the internet because
there is so much information. And I can relate to that because I had some of that
overwhelmed feeling at times. So I created seven basic steps. Now essential number
one is let food be your medicine; Hippocrates, founder of modern medicine. He looked
at food as a prescription for our health and that is what we should do as well. Essential
number two is to reduce our toxic exposure. We live in an extremely toxic world from a
macro to a micro level and so it is very important to learn to reduce that as much as you
can. Essential number three is to balance your energy. We are electrical beings and we
run on energy so it is very important to balance that energy through chiropractic care,
through acupuncture, massage, exercise, proper sleep, all of these things keep your
body in balance. Number four is to look at the emotional wounds, heal the emotional
wounds. And this is something that a lot of people kind of like to skim over. They do not
want to think about the hurts and the childhood wounds. But unless you heal those past
relationships, you learn to love yourself, you connect with your creator, and you are not
going to truly heal the body because healing is not just physical but it is also emotional
and spiritual as well.
Essential number five is to embrace biological dentistry. Look at what is in your mouth
because we know that the metals in your mouth, the root canals can affect your body
from a chemical point of view by the toxins that they are giving off but also from an
energetic point of view. If there is a root canal or a heavy metal in a tooth the
corresponds to a specific organ that in time is going to weaken that organ because of
the acupuncture meridian system is being compromised there. So biological dentistry is
extremely important for true health. And then number six is to repair your body with
therapeutic plants. There are literally thousands of published studies, as you know, that
prove the power of natural medicine. I mean there is everything from every herb, every
type of food that has shown the benefits of boosting the immune system and weakening
the cancer and preventing cancer, so. Learning about those plants and those
supplements are extremely important for a healing journey. And lastly, number seven is
early detection through thermography and through specific blood work. Now
thermography is a technology that reads the infrared heat that is coming off the body so
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it can detect physiological changes happening at a very early stage. We cannot say that
it diagnoses cancer but it can detect some changes on a cellular level. By the time a
person finds a lump or a bump in cancer that tumor has been there five to eight years. It
takes that long for cancer to develop and show up. And then there is also specific blood
work that most people do not know about. Traditional medicine does not use them and
does not recommend them. But there are ways to measure hormone production and
enzyme production of cancer cells at a very early stage, again, years before they
develop, and years before they are seen on a regular blood test. So those are it, the
seven essentials, and one through seven. Follow those things and you never have to
fear cancer again or any type of disease for that matter.
Ty Bollinger: I am impressed. You got through all seven. So A.J. let me ask you a
question. If you were personally diagnosed with, say, prostate cancer like your
grandfather had, what would be the steps that you would take to treat it?
AJ Lanigan: You know, I have been asked that question many times. You know who
William Delakeli [ph] is. I am a tremendous believer in what he has done, not only
because of what I have read in his book but I have probably over the years met close to
a hundred survivors. I am talking about not three year survivors, five year. I am talking
about 10, 15, 20 plus year survivors. One of my closest friends, Dr. John L. Tate, up in
Spartanburg, South Carolina, he is a 40 plus year cancer survivor from prostate cancer.
I have met woman with breast cancer. I actually met somebody, a 15 plus year survivor
of pancreatic cancer. I have
Ty Bollinger: 15 years
AJ Lanigan: Yeah. And to me anecdotal, if thats all youve got, if all youve got is, well,
Johnny was sick, Johnny showed up, Johnny got these pills, now Johnnys better thats
when I talk about an anecdotal. But when you got the medical records, you got the
pictures of the tumors, you got the before and after and spades. As a doctor told me one
time, Mr. Lanigan you cannot argue with results. You do not have to explain it, I see the
pictures. And I am inclined not to believe one doctor who told me one time, well, you
know, cancer sometimes cures itself. There is a reason. And after 15, 16, 17 years in
enhancing the immune system using beta glucan I have seen tumors disappear. I have
seen doctors in amazement. Are these the right records? Is this my patient? I mean
because this cannot be because we have not treated you yet with chemo and radiation.
Your cancer cannot be getting better. Your cancer cannot be gone. People who have
embraced certain diets, coffee enema is one of my favorites. As Dr. Tate used to always
tell me, man, that coffee is good but you are putting it the wrong end. I actually tried a
few coffee enemas. Ill be honest with you Id probably be in aId probably enjoy being
in a fist fight but if I had cancer Id figure out a way.
Ty Bollinger: So if you could tell us a little bit about your personal experience.
You mentioned prostate cancer. What did you do to treat your own cancer?

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Dr. Roby Mitchell: So I had been vigilant about prostate cancer because my dad had
prostate cancer. And I saw what he went through. So he had the prostatectomy. And I
saw the results of that. So I started evaluating or started being vigilant about my PSA as
most men should around aboutwell, probably in my 40s, mid 40s. And so I would go
every year and have aI did a rectal exam, again, as all men should and a PSA. At
around age 49 I think I saw my PSA go from one point something up to three point
something, right, which was a fairly dramatic increase. And that got my attention. So I
did not do anything initially but then when I went the next year it had gone up to four.
And four is kind of the cutoff point in conventional medicine for when you need to do
something, so kind of the, what I now call, the boiling point. So in medicine we treat
boiling points, right. So Ill give you this little analogy that if you were to take a pot of
cold water and put it on the stove and then stick your hand in it, and then turn the heat
on high, at some point you would take your hand out of that water because its getting so
hot, right. And that may be a 130 degrees, it may be a 140 degrees depending on your
pain tolerance. One you take your hand out of that water and it stays under there, once
it gets to 212 degrees, right, if were talking about solute-free water at sea level then at
212 degrees its going to boil, right. Now if you stick your hand in that water at 212
degrees, right, you are going to get burned, right. If you stick your hand in there at 211
degrees its going to burn, 210 or 200. So its not a good idea to wait till the boiling point,
right, to make that an actionable time for you to intervene. But that is what we do in
conventional medicine, right.
So youthat water is getting hotter and hotter and hotter here and your A1C gets up to
5.7 or 6.0 or whatever the number is and that is the boiling point. Now all of a sudden
you have diabetes, right. Let us say your hemoglobin A1C is at 6.0. Well, what were you
at 5.9, right? You were not boiling but you were still hot enough that you are getting
burnt, right. The same thing with high blood pressure. So with the PSA the boiling point
is four, right. So that is when they say you need to get a biopsy or whatever. Well, what
was it at 3.9, right? We should be looking or investigating why PSAs are elevating when
they get anything above 2.0, right, so above 2.0 youve either got some type of infection
or you haveor you got cancer, right, if you havent had trauma or some of these other
things. So when it got to a 4.0 I approached actually one of my instructors hereyou
know, I have lived here, I went to medical school here, finished up medical school here
in Amarillo so I know many of the doctors and many of them had been my teachers in
medical school. And Mike Wilkerson is a local urologist that I had studied under, really
good guy. So I went to him. And I was only 50-years-old and very good-looking. And so
its hard to believe looking at me that Ive got cancer. So he did not believe that I had
cancer and told me most likely this was an infection, you know. Let us take some
antibiotics and then we will check it again. And so I went with his recommendation and
we did that and the number had went up. And so I said, Mike, I think its time for us to do
a biopsy. He agreed. And there was cancer and there was, not just cancer, I mean it
was widespread cancer as you will see on the documentation.
So I had taken care of my mother. She had been diagnosed with colon cancer back in
2000 and we did the natural immune boosting therapies on her. They had given her six
months to live and she lived for six years. And so I started doing the same thing with
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myself. At this time I was headed on my way actually up to be with Dr. Jonathan Wright
to work with him in the clinic up there in Renton, Washington. And so he and I put our
heads togetherwere able to put our heads together and to start to do some things in
order to boost the one, boost up the immune system, two, maybe to kill off some of the
cells because there will be some cells that refuse to change. And so we started doing
those things. And you know, made the numbers come down. One of the things that we
did out thereI was able to do it out there because of the laws out there, medical
marijuana is legal. So we did the medical marijuana, we did high dose vitamin D. We did
this immune therapy called the universal oral vaccine, of course, the diet was very
important so did the juicing and away from any kind of grains, sugars, and that type of
thing. And you know, and I saw that I had symptoms that let me know that my cancer
had progressed. So I saw those symptoms reverse.
But it really had gotten up to a point, you know, where I had said my good-byes to
everybody and let people know that this is were in kind of in a no win situation here. But
then things turned around and long story short, you know, went and had a repeat PET
scan here back in, I guess, November that well be able to get a shot of also that, again,
showed no cancer, so. And I have done this with person after person after person if they
are willing to do what it takes to get off this toxic diet, right. That is usually kind of the
stumbling block for a lot of people. They are just so addicted to the sugar and the wheat
and so forth. You know, they just cannot get off of it. But when people do we certainly
do see, again, a reversal of his pleomorphism and cancers not there anymore. I mean
the cells are still there but they have just chosen that they do not need to be cancer cells
Ty Bollinger: Right, so
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: Something that you could teach it to other people and you get
the same results. One of my first patients is a wonderful lady. She lives in New Jersey.
And she came to me, I will never forget this, December 3rd, 1987. She is so memorable I
even remember the day. I had only been in practice a couple months. She had stage IV
breast cancervery interesting story. In 1985 she developed a mass in her right breast,
the breast turns red, the doctor thinks its mastitis, which is an infected breast, puts her
on antibiotics, doesnt get better, gives her more antibiotics, doesnt get better. The
breast gets bigger, redder, looks nasty so he sends her to a surgeon, biopsys it, comes
back inflammatory breast cancer. As physicians know, inflammatory breast cancer is the
most aggressive type of breast cancer there is. Its virtually incurable by standard
approaches. It was huge at that point. So big that when she was sent to the surgeon for
surgery, he said it was too big. I cannot operate on you. What you need to do is have
radiation first to shrink it down. She goes through five weeks of radiation; the tumor
shrinks down enough so the surgeon said I will try to take it out. Takes it out. It was
eight centimeters, which for a breast cancer after radiation is huge. But more importantly
17 of 17 lymph nodes were involved with cancer. All the lymph nodes that were
evaluated had cancer, which is a dire prognosis. The way it works in cancer medicine
whenever you have more than nine lymph nodes involved it is a death sentence. They
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did a bone scan but they did not see anything in the bone. But when you have 17 out of
17 lymph nodes positive you are dealing with deadly disease.
Her oncologist decides that they are going to give her aggressive chemotherapy, a triple
agent regimen, very aggressive. In those days it was the standard for metastatic
diseaseCMF, cytotoxin, methotrexate those were the three drugs that were developed
in Italy. They tell her that this will not cure her but it might prolong her life. So she starts
doing it. Two years into it, August 1987, she develops pain in her sternum. They do a
bone scan. She has got multiple lesions in her ribs consistent with metastaticthere is
a huge tumor in her sternum. They do an x-ray that confirms the tumor. The guy, the
oncologist, honest guy, throws his hands in the air and says nothing else we can do.
Now I had only been in practice two months. Its not like I had this kind of international
reputation. I was like as well known as dog poop. No one knew who I was. I happen to
be on the Bob Atkins Show. Bob Atkins is an old friend from my journalism days. I had
included him in a couple of my articles. So we remained personal friends. He had a very
well listened to national radio show back in those days and he knew about my Kelly
study. I had given a copy, which I could not get published. And he had me on his show
and this patients social worker that she was consulting with because of the stress of
cancer happened to have an interest in alternative medicine. She actually ironically she
worked for the American Cancer Society. She kept her interest in alternative medicine
secret. Its like pornography. You have to keep it a secret. You have to hide it because
they might do something. She might lose her job and end up in jail. So she had a secret
interest in alternative medicine, heard me on the show, and she tells the patient you got
to see Gonzalez. Even though I had only been in practice two months there was
something on the radio show, and Bob gave me like an hour that resonated with a social
worker. And the patient believed what the social workers who had came to see me. That
was interesting in 1987, been in practice two months. Why would anyone trust me when
we are dealing with stage IV cancer but she did?
And we have learned often the difference between success and failure is the attitude of
the patient. Yeah, we treat people biochemically, yeah. My goal is life once I adopted
science is my new lifestyle was to spend my life at Sloan-Kettering doing basic science
research. I never even thought I would see patients. But I have learned I have to change
that. I have learned a lot of this from Kelly that the attitude and the mind of the patient
are the single most important determinants. Patients that are at peace with their
situation are facing the practitioner always do the best. I always tell patients if you dont
trust your practitioner whether its me, Joe Schmo down the street, Sloan-Kettering,
leave. Find someone you believe in because your lack of belief, your lack of faith or lack
of trust will undermine your treatment, whatever it is, chemo, radiation. She trusted me
from the beginning, did the program. I do not know why she did but there was
something that resonated. We got along great, did the program, did not want scans, and
said what is the point. They told me I am going to be dead so why do scans? Why
expose myself to the radiation? Even back in the 1980s she was thinking like that.
Finally, 2001, 14 years later. I said look, I am trained as an academician. Humor me. Do
a bone scan. We will not do CAT scans. Okay. I do not want you getting the radiation.
Let me do a bone scan. She didall the tumors were gone. And she is alive and well
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now. It 26 and a half years since her diagnosis with stage IV metastatic inflammatory
breast cancer developing metastases while on aggressive chemotherapy with total
regression of disease on my treatment 26 and a half years out.
Im trained as kind ofyou know, having been a journalist its so funny its like I have a
different personality now. I am obsessed with the conventional medical literature. Friday
evenings I am reading medical literature. And I study the literature because it helps me
in my own work. I know of no case in history of medicine of a 26 and a half-year survivor
of metastatic inflammatory breast cancer into the bone developing metastases while on
chemo who had total regression on a nutritional program. I do not know of any other
Ty Bollinger: What was the name of your 2010 book that you finally I guess got
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: One Man Alone, an Investigation of Nutrition and Cancer, and
William Donald Kelly, and in there we had the 50 case reports. Now initially the patients
actually gave us permission not only to use their medical records but to use their name.
But with the internet we did not want these peopleand a lot of them are still alive.
They are still in like their 80s, some of them 90s. So we did not want them being
harassed and reporters tracking them down. So we blacked out their names with one
exception. Arlene, I can use her name because she is a good friend. In fact, she called
today. She saidI got to give her a call. Arlene Van Stratton, she was one of Kellys
great patients. I now follow here. 1982, Appleton, Wisconsin, typical American success
story. She and her husband ran a gas station seven days a week, worked their tail
feathers off, added a store to it, they were later bought out by a big chain and became
they were able to putlet us put it this way, they put their kids and their grandkids
through college. She starts getting gallbladder pain. Her doctors says, you got a
gallbladder problem. This is 1982 before they would routinely do CAT scans. They take
her to surgery and take out her gallbladder. Okay. Well, she has got a tumor in her
pancreas, tumor in the liver. The biopsy of the liver lesion its adenocarcinoma,
metastatic pancreatic, close her up, meets with her oncologist. Chemo was going to do
nothing to this in 1982, still does anything today in 2014. Goes to the Mayo Clinic, and I
have the note from the Mayo Clinic guy who said I am not going to give you chemo. It
will just ruin your quality of life. Enjoy your life. Well, she went to the best of the best.
They said they cannot do anythinglearns about Kelly from his 32-page book, One
Answer to Cancer, 1969, on a whim, reads it, calls Kelly. He goes, well, I trained this
chiropractor locally, and he trained some people, who does it really well. He is near your
town. Why dont you go see him? She does. Under Kellys direction goes onto the
program. Well, she never went back to another doctor. Never had a scan done.
Well, the fact is here it is 2014, shes alive and well. Interestingly enough, paradoxically,
ironically, today she called so she wants to chat. Usually it's about her family. Shes 32
years out. In August itll be 32 yearsstage IV pancreatic cancer, biopsy proven liver
metastases confirmed at the Mayo Clinic. To put it in perspective and to give Kelly his
credit, I knowand I search the literature religiously, I know of no patient in the history
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of medicine with stage IV pancreatic cancer, adenocarcinoma, the worst kind, biopsy
proven liver metastases confirmed at the Mayo Clinic, no, not some local hospital in
Guatemala but by the Mayo Clinic whos alive 32 years later. Ive never found a case
like that. Ive challenged doctors at conferences when I lecture to match it and theyve
been unable to do it.
Ty Bollinger: 32 years
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: 32 years, August 1982 she was diagnosed stage IV pancreatic
Ty Bollinger: Pancreatic cancer
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: alive 32 years later. Now technically I cannot say the tumors
went away because shes refused to do the scans for 32 years.
Ty Bollinger: But shes alive.
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: Shes alive, yeah. thats all you need to know. You dont need
to do anything else. The average survival for stage IV cancer, pancreatic cancer, in
those days and today is like three, to four, five months. Nobody lives beyond about 18
months with that kind of disease once its in the liver.
Ty Bollinger: Right. And this is 32 years.
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: 32 years later. Now if she had been a conventional patient and
treated at a conventional institution the American Cancer Society would have held a
press conference. It would have been on the cover of Time Magazine
Ty Bollinger: Oh yeah.
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: All the news storiesI remember about 10 years ago there
was one of these new chemo drugs that was being touted in a group at Harvard that
were pushing it. They ended up on Good Morning America and ABC, CBS, all the
morning shows. One patient who had a regression of disease at six months and she got
all eightthe patient was being like a show horse being shown around on all the TV
shows. Well, that drug was later taken off the market because it did absolutely nothing.
But that didnt stop the Harvard team fromno, they have a good publicity machine and
theyre Harvard Medical School. So if they have a Chihuahua that lives two months
longer they get on national TV. We have a patient with stage IV pancreatic cancer and
they challenge anyone who watches this to match the case. Critics can criticize.
Criticism is easy. Any critic out there matched the case. Ill be impressed.
Ty Bollinger: 32 years.
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: Yeah.
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Ty Bollinger: So Dr. Isaacs, in I guess September of this last year we both had the
privilege of speaking at a conference in Atlanta and I was able to speak to a
patient of yours that is a pancreatic cancer survivor of 13 years.
Dr. Linda Isaacs: Thats right.
Ty Bollinger: Can you talk a little bit about her? Ill mention her name Sarah
Cooper. And talk about the treatment protocol that youve used with Sarah to be
out 13 years with pancreatic cancer, which is supposed to be a death sentence.
Dr. Linda Isaacs: Right. Well, she was originally diagnosed in the fall of 2000. She had
been having some digestive issues, and then she started losing a lot of weight and she
wasnt trying to lose weight. So she lost the weight. She was having these digestive
issues and she went to see her primary care physician whom I have to give a lot of
credit to for instantly doing a CAT scan. And then she was found to have a mass in the
pancreas. So a few months later, it took a little time, I think people were telling her she
should get surgery and thats what they were advocating. But she wasnt too keen on
that idea. So eventually she did though get a needle biopsy, which showed that she had
poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, which is another way of saying it was really bad
news. And there are different types of pancreatic cancer. So just to be absolutely sure
the hospital sent the slides onto an expert at the Mayo Clinic who also looked at them
and said, yes, this is pancreatic cancer. Its the adenocarcinoma, the nasty kind. So they
once again suggested that she really should have surgery but she had done her
research. Shes a very smart woman and she had checked into how well surgery works
for pancreatic cancer. Now surgery can be curative but even when they think they can
cure it, in other words, when they do all the scans and theres no evidence of spread in
terms of CAT scans and the like, and they go in and they do the surgery it's a big
procedure. Some people die from the procedure itself. And only 25 percent of the
people that have that operation are, in fact, cured by it. The other 75 percent wind up
having a recurrence. So Sarahs gut feeling was this is not a good idea. She didnt want
to have this surgery.
Ty Bollinger: Webster, let me ask you a question. Lets say you went to the
doctor and he diagnosed you with pancreatic cancer.
Webster Kehr: Okay.
Ty Bollinger: What would you do personally?
Webster Kehr: Well, the first thing I would think about was, yes, now I can experiment
on myself. I would probably experiment on myself and if it didnt work then I would use
something thats proven to work. I would notI have absolutely no fear of cancer. And I
doubt you have a fear of cancer either.
Ty Bollinger: Wow! I don't know about you but I am so encouraged from this
show tonight. Im so encouraged every time I hear about somebody thats alive
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today because of using a natural cancer treatment. Well, I mean heck. Im
encouraged anytime anybodys alive that has been diagnosed with cancer even if
it's from the conventional treatments. Ive got nothing against them. But doing
what I do I advocate natural cancer treatments. And it seems everywhere I go,
everywhere I speak, Im getting constantly bombarded by people that are sending
me emails or coming to shake my hand letting me know that thank you for the
information that youve shared. Im alive today because of some of that
information that I used, that I implemented into my treatment protocol. And
although I was given a death sentence Im alive today. I mean theres nothing that
will bring a tear to my eye quicker than to be introduced to somebody thats alive
today because of implementing some of these treatments that weve been sharing
with you. And it really reaffirms to me that cancer does not have to be a death
sentence. There always is hope. And as long as you have this information that
were sharing, as long as youre being empowered with this information you can
make an informed decision and you can treat your cancer the way that you decide
to. So I want you to keep that in mind tonight. Go to bed, get some rest. This has
been an encouraging show. Tomorrow its going to be even more encouraging.
Were going to hear from more cancer survivors and thrivers that are alive today
to tell their story that have been given that gift of life. And so I know youre going
to be encouraged. I thank you for joining us tonight. And I look forward to
tomorrow night.
Help support our mission, join the movement, and save lives. When you choose
to own the 11 part docu-series, The Quest for Cures Continues, today youll help
us to achieve our goal to eradicate cancer once and for all. And a portion of the
proceeds from each and every sale goes to one of three cancer charities that are
actually researching real effective non-toxic treatments for cancer. Plus youll
receive a second digital set absolutely free that you can share with your friends
and your family. Be a hero and choose to support our mission today. Youll be
glad you did.
I hope that one message is coming through loud and clear throughout the Quest
for the Cures Continues is that freedom does matter. Not only our freedom to
choose treatments for cancer but also our free access to nutritional supplements.
One person whos fighting for our freedom to choose worldwide is Dr. Rob
Verkerk, whos the founder and director for the Alliance for Natural Health
Ty Bollinger: Im here with Rob Verkerk with the Alliance for National Health
International. Rob, thank you for being with us tonight.
Dr. Robert Verkerk: Hey, it's fantastic to be with you too.
Ty Bollinger: And what I want to do is get you, first of all, to tell our listeners
exactly who you are and what youre doing with the ANH and then I got a couple
other questions for you. So first of all, just kind of give us a background on you.
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Dr. Robert Verkerk: ANH is all about working very hard to protect sovereignty over
bodies in order to be able to manage our health, have freedom of choice, ensure that
there is informed choice to make those choices, and allow people to managed their
health in the way that we have already been doing for many hundreds of thousands of
years. And of course, modern science comes along now and coupled with what we
already know from traditional systems most of the solutions to most of the big diseases
that are there that are creating a huge burden on healthcare systems around the world,
the information is available. But it's not getting to people. And theres a whole regulatory
movement that is being developed by very large corporations in cahoots with
governments that is increasingly impinging our ability to choose products that can really
transform lives, transform the quality of lives, and eliminate the burden of disease that is
really crippling society today.
Ty Bollinger: So you mentioned regulatory agencies. Now here in the United
States we think of the FDA. But youre working with ANH International. Is the FDA
the only regulatory agency that we need to worry about?
Dr. Robert Verkerk: Not at all. The FDA exists in different forms in all other countries. In
some cases you have authorities like the FDA that deal both with food and with drugs,
and other pastwell, youve got specific food authorities and other drug authorities that
are somewhat separated. The difficulty when you have the same people dealing both
with food and drugs or sharing offices within similar buildings is that they inevitably
develop a system of regulation that works for the corporations that supply the largest
amount of money to those governments. And these people are bureaucrats so theyre
not necessarily looking at the big picture. Theyre certainly not looking at how they can
resolve the disease burden in any particular country or part of the world. And the
system, the intricate system that is being developed by these authorities working
globally, these groups and bureaucrats working globally is already being mapped out.
So if we look say at the development over the last 40 years of Codex Alimentarius this is
how corporations and governments have come together in order to manage the global
food trade.
So the increasing availability of processed foods or preserved foods or foods that have
been eradicated or that have relatively high levels of pesticide residues, all of that has
been agreed at an international level through Codex. And it is been 100 percent
supported by the FDA and also by the European Commission that interestingly stands
as a body that represents the trading block of the 28 member states that comprises
Europe which actually supports now our population of close to half a billion people. And
again, in this system at Codex there is a consensus approach to decision making and
there are a number of countries such as the USA, Canada, Europe, and Australia, and
New Zealand that play a dominant role. If smaller countries say a Sub-Saharan and
Africa nation disagrees with any of these issues. And as a result you get a system of
trade that is meant to be all about free trade but it's actually expanding trade in products
thatparticularly food productsthat are right at the nub of the key health problems
that we have. So if we look at the prevalence of American style foods that are maybe
typified by say McDonalds or other processed foods or the products of Pepsi, for
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example, or Coca-Cola of which there are many associated products or products from
Nestle that cover many, many different brands. These are the companies that play the
dominant role so that their products can be available in more or less the same form in
supermarkets all over the world.
When it comes to healthcare products that we choose to use such as vitamins and
herbs, Codex is now directing it's attention to these kinds of products initially. It's been
dealing with vitamins. It's also dealing centrally with the issue of claims. And claims is a
very important area because it's what you can say about the benefit of a product. And
essentially since 1997 it's been developing a system of guidelines about how you should
look at the science that describes the benefits of a product. And this system has now
been put into effect through a sophisticated regulatory regime in Europe. And what its
done is it's initially banned thousands, actually around two thousand health claims that
were commonly used for a very wide range of vitamins, amino acids, products that are
essential to life. I gave an example yesterday that if you look in at the nine essential
amino acids for which are essential in the diet, not a single approved health claim is
allowed because something as important as coenzyme Q10 or resveratrol, health claims
have not been allowed for those. So the implications is that future generations that are
never able to receive positive information about these nutrients. They will slowly believe
that they are harmful. If you look at that coupled to very proactive media campaigns that
the pharmaceutical industry is engaged in deliberately work to disincentivize people
from buying these products, youll have a recipe for disaster.
So we are working specifically using what we call the tools of good science and good
law because we believe that both science and law can be very much part of the solution
although they have been distorted in order to create the regime that currently is
prevalent in most societies today. And by using good science and using good law,
targeted legal challenges, for example, were able to make very strategic changes to the
system coupling that with advocacy so that you can use what is left of crumbling
democratic systems, and also using most importantly grass roots support by educating
people about the benefits of these sorts of products and also the importance of them
becoming politically active so that we can all work together to make change. Thats how
we can hopefully work together to bring things back on track.
Ty Bollinger: Well Rob, thank you for your time today. What youre doing is
invaluable, the efforts that youre making and the impact that youre making on
the world to educate and to keep us free. And thats what were all about. And so I
really appreciate your input today. Thank you so much.
Dr. Robert Verkerk: Thank you so much to you. Thank you.

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Episode 11: How to Survive and Thrive

Ty Bollinger: Welcome back everyone to the Quest for the Cures Continues. This
is the eleventh and final episode of this docu-series. I want to thank you for
tuning these last 10 days. And, we have saved the best for last because tonight
we are going to learn the exact protocols that several cancer patients have used
to treat their cancer naturally. And when I say they treat their cancer naturally,
what they have really done is they have provided their body with what it needs so
that it functions properly, so that that immune system works. And when the
immune system is working, we know that cancer is not an issue. You are going to
really enjoy this show and you are going to really benefit from this show. You are
going to learn information that is vital and might save your life or the life of a
loved one. So grab a pen and a paper and enjoy the show. I will see you
I am sitting here tonight in Motown, Detroit, Michigan. And I am sitting with a
good friend of mine. I have known Kevin Irish for several years now and I am
honored to be able to interview you for the first time tonight Kevin. Thanks for
being with us.
Kevin Irish: Thank you Ty. It is my pleasure to be here.
Ty Bollinger: So we are going to get your story. We are going to get your story
tonight of being diagnosed with cancer and the treatments that you have used.
But, first of all, just tell everyone that is watching here a little bit about yourself.
Where did you grow up? What did you do? What do you do now? Tell us about
Kevin Irish.
Kevin Irish: Up till about five and a half years ago, I was a senior design engineer for
the automotive business. I designed a lot of car parts, did a lot of analyzing, and stuff
like that. I am also an artist and I am a published author.
Ty Bollinger: A fantastic artist, by the way. I have seen a lot of your artwork.
Kevin Irish: Thank you. But ever since right up until my diagnosis I had a pretty
much normal life, just doing my thing, working, and going about my life. And that all
changed on January 24th, 2009. I had noticed I had a little back pain in 2008 and I had
just taken up golf. And I figured I had just overdone it. Now I was in very good shape
prior to all this until I noticed my left lid started to droop. That caused me concern. I went
and saw my doctor on the 24th of January. And the first thing he said is Kev, thats
Horners Syndrome. He said that is a sign of advanced lung cancer. And that is when I
first heard my name and the word cancer, advanced lung cancer, in the same sentence.
Ty Bollinger: And were you a smoker before that?
Kevin Irish: Yes, I was about a pack and a half a day. And so it is self-inflicted. I did
not want any pity but nonetheless we are human. It is the only vice I had so now it is
gone. But the terror and the fear were immediate. And yeah, I broke down in tears. And
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my doctor had ordered CAT scans that were order stat. He says you are going to go
right to the hospital and have this done. Needless to say, I was terrified and I cried the
whole time there. So later that evening about 9:00 at night my doctor had called me at
home and he said, Kev, he says it is stage IV inoperable. And I collapsed on my kitchen
floor and I cried. But I got my composure back real quick and I said, well, what do I do?
He said, Kev, we are going to try and get you as much time as possible. He said
tomorrow morning you are scheduled to go in for a biopsy. He said just be there and
they will take you the minute you go in. And that is what I did.
Ty Bollinger: So thats five years ago, stage IV, inoperable lung cancer. What was
the prognosis at that point? What was the prognosis foryou are five years out
Kevin Irish: Over five years.
Ty Bollinger: Okay, over five years. So what was the prognosis for you lasting
five years from that point?
Kevin Irish: The prognosis from my research because the first thing I did was I wanted
to research what was going on. And I looked at one of the popular websites that people
go to for medical advice and I saw the identical diagnosis. Now it is important that
people know that each diagnosis might be the same but it is different on every patient.
Ty Bollinger: Because every patient is unique.
Kevin Irish: Exactly! And so is their treatment plan. But this website had said I had a
five percent chance of making it five years.
Ty Bollinger: Five percent
Kevin Irish: So much for that.
Ty Bollinger: Well, you are alive and kicking five years later and you are really
healthy. Obviously, you are in good shape.
Kevin Irish: I have been working out. It has been a very, very long hard road. And I was
single at the time, and I did it all by myself.
Ty Bollinger: Well, what did you? What was the treatment recommendation by
your oncologist? I assume that you went to a traditional oncologist.
Kevin Irish: Well, my doctor who I have known for many years prior to that he took the
ball and he made calls to radiology/oncology, to chemotherapy, and to the thoracic
surgeon. He even called about getting me health insurance because I did not have any.
So I was afraid I was going to die because I could not afford the treatments. He said, do
not worry about it. And I did not know anything about alternative treatments. I just was in
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shock and I did not want to die. So within just a few days, I did have the biopsy. And it
came back stage IIIA, small cell or non-small cell carcinoma, which is the good news.
Now when you have cancer how can it be good news. Well, non-small cell cancer
moves very, very slowly.
Ty Bollinger: Slower growing.
Kevin Irish: And what I was told was is that the tumor I had, I had for approximately
two years. And it was massive. It was five and a half centimeters by four centimeters
and it was lying on the outside of my lung. It was called a Pancoast tumor. And it was
growing in directly into my spinal column, which is right next to my heart. And it was just
wreaking havoc. So stage IIIA lung cancer is bad enough, the treatments, because I
have lost relatives to cancer. I know what they went through and I saw what they went
through. So, of course, I was terrified. The following Monday I went in and I had a
surgical port put into my chest because I was going to be receiving massive amounts of
Ty Bollinger: Chemo, okay.
Kevin Irish: And I was going to be getting double dosed. I would have a six and a half
hour infusion five days a week followed by 15-minute session with the radiation. That
was murder. That was the most terrifying thing in the world to be sitting in a room having
this poison pumped into me and I could feel it from the very first infusion. And within two
or three days, I started losing hair. And I was losing weight like crazy. I could not eat.
Just the whole myriad of the horror stories you hear about chemo they are true.
Ty Bollinger: You had chemical poisoning.
Kevin Irish: Big time and it was the worst thing ever. I honestly would not wish this on
my worst enemy. I cannot tell you how bad it was. There were all through it because I
know the stories of chemo, the majority of cancer death is not from cancer killing the
patients. It is the chemo. I would go to bed at night and I did not know if I was going to
wake up in the morning. Post-operative chemo lasted another three months. And in that
time, I started investigating alternative treatments. And I was blown away, absolutely
blown away; those natural substances that come out of the planet can cure and prevent
cancer. That is when I started really nuts.
Ty Bollinger: So when you went nuts and you learned about these natural
treatments which ones caught your eye and which ones did you eventually
implement in your own treatment protocol.
Kevin Irish: Well actually, I have implemented several and these are all prevention
because I am cancer free and I am going to keep that way and I am going to keep
anybody I talk to cancer free. And I have talked to a lot of cancer patients and a lot of
survivors since then. The first one that I came across was vitamin B17, which was
known a laetrile back in the late 60s and 70s, and then it disappeared for some political
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reason we will say. But it was a derivative from apricot pits. It is the most natural thing
you can think of. But an apricot pit, that cures cancer and helps maintain regulated
blood pressure and it has a natural pain reliever in it. I am down with that. My dad at 95years-old he had three nasty skin tumors on his back. My doctor identified them as
basal cell carcinoma. His treating doctor had an ointment put on there, which made the
tumors bleed. She said stop using it for a week and try it again. As soon as he did, they
started bleeding. Then she put him on purified Vaseline, which has absolutely no
medicinal use except for keeping the tumors moist. That was the moment I
Ty Bollinger: Petroleum jelly.
Kevin Irish: Petroleum jellyI looked at the label.
Ty Bollinger: You do not want that on your skin.
Kevin Irish: I know that and you know that but my dad was following his doctors
orders. But I said dad that is nonsense. So I got him B17, 100 mg tabs. I got him 2000
IU of D3 and I put him on that regimen. And in six weeks I looked at his back and
instead of putting the ointment on there, I took pictures because it was nice, pink,
healthy scar tissue where each one of his tumors was. And what got me so big on the
D3 was the following year of January of 2010, the following treatment; I needed to get
out of town. So I visited my best friend out in Arizona to do some golfing. Before I left I
saw it on the news, it was here in Southeast Michigan. I do not know what hospital it
was. But in a hospital, setting a woman had stage III breast cancer. She was being
treated with massive doses of vitamin D3 in a hospital setting. Her tumors reduced by
50 percent in 10 days and no harm to the rest of her body. I was sold. And further
research found even more amazing news regarding cannabis and CBD, cannabidiol.
There was a woman who had stage IIIB cancer, lung cancer, a little bit worse than mine.
And it is documented. She was out of San Francisco General and her oncologist who
had been there for 25 years, I do not recall his name, but the crux of it was she was
facing two lumpectomies, three super enlarged lymph nodes. She was cancer ridden.
And this is the fun part. She was taking CBD oil, just little tiny amounts in a capsule
every day for the first three and half months, the same protocol I went under, the chemo
and the radiation. At the end of it, they did the CT scan to see if surgery was viable.
Here is where it gets real fun. The surgeons called her up and said we need you to
come in and you need to have the surgery. Something is going on in there. We need to
find out what it is. They opened her up and they found that the cancer on one lung was
just scar tissue. They left that lung alone. The three super enlarged lymph nodes were
necrotic. They were dead. They were eating themselves. And all the tissue around them
was healthy. Here is the fun part. The main tumor on her other lung, it was necrotic. It
was eating itself to nothing. They took out about a little larger than a golf ball size out of
her lung, they removed those three lymph nodes, and that is all they did to her. And she
is fine. They told her doctor immediately there and he said this is amazing. He had other
patients going through the same treatment. They did not have those results.
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Ty Bollinger: That was the only difference was the CBD oil.
Kevin Irish: The only variable was the CBD oil. This stuff has been proven to not only
cure cancer but also eliminate epileptic seizures by 99 percent. It is written down. It is
documented. Two years ago, the front page of our Detroit news the youngest Michigan
medical marijuana patient was epileptic. He was taking CBD oil. His seizures were
reduced by 99 percent in severity and frequency. Another case of a little five-year-old
girl, and this is what really breaks a persons heart, she had over 300 seizures a day.
They were terrible. She was always wearing headgear. She could not go out. She was
always bruised. And she was always doped to the max. Her parents were tired of that.
They went to Colorado. They got CBD oil for her. Within the first few days, her
symptoms were gone. She had had maybe one or two seizures a week and she could
goa year later, they did a follow-up. She was outside playing, laughing. She did not
wear the headgear, did not have to take all this stuff. She was a normal, little, six-yearold girl. And it made you cry to see that a simple little extract could give this girl her life
back. It is just amazing.
Ty Bollinger: So tell me; kind of summarize your protocol. So you went through a
couple rounds of chemo. You talked about how they made you feel like you were
going to die from the treatment.
Kevin Irish: Absolutely!
Ty Bollinger: But so, tell me. Kind of, itemize your treatment protocol that you
used once you said I am not doing these toxic treatments anymore. I am going to
go back to nature. What did that treatment protocol look like to you personally?
Kevin Irish:
To me that meant getting away from anything that has additives,
preservatives, anything that is artificial. I went back to more natural food, more
homegrown food. Nothing with GMOs, and I had to start getting myself back together.
There was a huge physical and psychological damage that happens from having
advanced stage cancer. But I was not going to sit there in a chair and veg and say whoa
is me. Cancer retired me but that is okay because I am above ground and I am still
here. And now it is my mission. I have always liked to be a little help monkey. I like to do
snow blowing for my seniors and just help people out. But now I got a bigger mission. I
beat cancer. I beat late stage cancer. So that means other people can beat it too.
Ty Bollinger: You have written a book. I want you to talk about it briefly.
Kevin Irish: This is book, Im Still Here; a Cancer Survivor Story. It is available on
Barnes & Noble,, and whole other online book resellers and five dollars for
every book sold online goes into my charity, which is called Kevs Cause. And last year I
was able to raise 900 dollars and I gave this money to my oncologist who gave it to
patients who were having financial problems. But the book was basically what my
cancer was. It was the story you just heard, how I got through it, some of the cruel
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things that happen to people afterwards. But again, living a better life is the best
Ty Bollinger: It is.
Kevin Irish: Yeah. Cancer got me, it almost killed me. My revenge against cancer is
living a better life and help other people do the same thing. And that is my reward. That
is where I get my kicks.
Ty Bollinger: Final question, if you had one thing to tell cancer patients, one word
of encouragement, one work of advice to them, what would it be because you got
a big audience right now. We got tens of thousands, potentially hundreds of
thousands of people watching.
Kevin Irish: Ty, the first thing I would tell them is never give up. Do not ever quit. And
remember the cancer does not have to be a death sentence. I am living proof.
Ty Bollinger: Tell me what happened in 2005.
Shannon Knight: In 2005 I found a lump under my left breast and it scared me. You
know, we are told to do breast exams when we are in the shower and I felt it. And I went
to the doctors. And when I was seen in the examining room and the doctor felt for the
lump he said, well, you have cystic breasts. And I said but this is different. This one is
getting a little bit bigger and it is harder. And he said, well, I think your concern is a little
bit too much. You do not need to be worrying about this. It is probably caffeine. You just
need to cut back on caffeine. I said I only have a cup a day of coffee. I said can we just
biopsy it and test it and see what it is or something? He goes, well, you have cystic
breasts. I would have to biopsy both breasts and you would look like Swiss cheese. I am
not going to do it. So I left feeling really embarrassed. I would say almost exactly a year
later it was the size of, like I said, a martini olive and I went in and waited. They did
biopsy it. And I got the news. And I got the phone call and they said to bring a support
person. They wanted me to come in and have me talk to the doctor personally face-toface. They said to bring someone with me for support. And I just knew. And it was a
long drive.
So when I got there, there was no one in the office except a nurse and a doctor. And I
knew that there was something wrong. They handed me a bottle of water. It had a pink
label on it, a ribbon. And I justI could already start feeling the blood leaving, draining
to my feet. I just did not feel good and they told me it was cancer. I had breast cancer.
And they immediately sent me to another doctor. And it was dark. It was nighttime. And I
did not understand. And I said, well, can I make an appointment? They said no, we
called them for you. He is waiting for you. So in that aspect I really appreciated the
urgency of rushing and getting me to the next doctor. I went there and he said you are
going to have to go and get a lumpectomy and pretty much this is when everything
started to change in my life.
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So they wanted three types of chemotherapy, two intravenous through a port, one by
mouth. It was an estrogen positive cancer and bilateral mastectomy and radiation. And I
needed to hurry. There was a sense of urgency. So my sister was with me and my
boyfriend at the time was with me. So I went ahead with the mastectomy, I had
remembered what my grandmother looked like when she was doing chemotherapy, and
she lost a lot of weight. And I was terrified. And I just did not want to go through what
she went through, losing all that weight and dying eventually.
Ty Bollinger: It sounds like they just threw almost everything including the
kitchen sink at you as far as recommended treatments.
Shannon Knight: They did. And I was in a hospital where I saw patients in the waiting
room and they were missing hair, they were wearing scarves. They werethey looked
like they were from a concentration camp. It was terrifying.
Ty Bollinger: You mentioned that they gave you, I think, a bottle of water with
pink on it. Whenwas it during breast cancer awareness month, was it during
Shannon Knight: Yes. It was absolutely during October, Breast Cancer Awareness
Month and they gave meeverything was pink. The pamphlets were pink. The wig book
was pink. So I could start looking at wigs ahead of time preparing me to lose my hair,
even the scarves if I did not want wigs. It was all these information packets. They gave
me a bag with a bunch of stuff in it, support groups pamphlets, everything. So when I
got through with the mastectomy that is when they were able to tell me by taking the
lymph nodes out that it had gotten into my lymph nodes it was stage III. So they needed
to do everything and they needed me to do it fast. Well, I got a staph infection from the
surgery and this bought me time. And this is when I started researching. I did go through
with the mastectomy. I had my family saying just do it, just do it. And that part I regret.
And I have got my own reason why. I do not know if it is something that has been
scientifically researched. It just my own commonsense, Shannon Knight commonsense,
but I got cancer again. I never got that vitamin D checked out. And I never got to
address it. And when you have got that vitamin D deficiency you are still at risk. So I feel
if I had left that mastectomy out and had not done it the cancer would have had a harder
time getting to my ribs and getting to my lungs. And I could have just had a better
chance. Plus the scar tissue, they are finding research that says scar tissue can cause
cancer. You know, I read that in January of 2014. So I justif I had to do it all over
again I would not have done that surgery.
Ty Bollinger: Now you talked about getting to your ribs and your lungs. So are
you saying that eventually the cancer spread to other organs?
Shannon Knight: Yeah.
Ty Bollinger: Talk about that.
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Shannon Knight: I went through that nightmare of getting diagnosed with it again. I had
a recurrence in July, the same month, of 2010. It had spread into my lungs and my
lymph nodes. We have other lymph nodes around this area so it was underneath my
collarbone in the bone, my ribs, behind my trachea. And the doctor told my familywe
were all sitting in infusion chairs. We had an early appointment. My best friend flew out.
And we had two appointments. I had to meet with a radiation oncologist and with my
regular doctor. He was wonderful, very kind through everything, told me when asked
how long does she have to live. Everyone was concerned. And he said, well, if she does
treatment maybe a little bit longer but if she does not three months, a year. It is an
aggressive cancer.
Ty Bollinger: So it is not an encouraging prognosis at that point.
Shannon Knight: No, it was terrifying. And he wanted me to start treatment. He was
encouraging me to be sensible this time around, be sensible.
Ty Bollinger: And what exactly does that mean? What did that mean according to
him? What was being sensible?
Shannon Knight:
Being sensiblethe first time when we met he said that getting
vitamin C and doing these other things was like, going to his words exactly, the
sunshine farm and laughed. He laughed. And that is okay. I understand that they are not
learning about this in medical school. So it probably is pretty funny to them. But I told
him I did not even want the Tamoxifen and I am still not on it, so. And I have been in
remission two and a half years. So I allowed radiation on one area because he did say
that this was so aggressive it was going to paralyze me. So let us try to shrink this
because that is not a good thing to happen either. Let us try to shrink this. I made it
through 22 rounds and I could not complete it. I ended up with staph infection,
pneumonia. So it got worse. My cancer got worse and after we quit the radiation it was
really sad. That is when he said unless I do one of the treatments he is recommending
there is nothing else he can do. And its spreading, so. I went to the beach that day and I
justthat is when angels for Shannon came into my mind. I wanted to live. I wanted
other patients. I wanted to do the healthier treatments and I wanted other patients to
have that opportunity. I prayed to God to let me live and let me beat this the natural way.
Ty Bollinger: So Shannon tell us about the natural treatments that you pursued.
Shannon Knight: There is a list. So I am going to let you know what they were. It was
high dose vitamin C intravenous. It was laetrile intravenous. It was ozone therapy. It was
dendritic cell therapy. It wad dendritic cell cancer vaccine made with your own blood. It
was hyperthermia. It was hyperbaric chamber. It was treatments that are going to boost
your immune system, the thymus gland, magnetic therapy, and biofeedback. We have
all heard of rife. There is SCIO, which I did with my friend Cindy Jones. Quantum
physics is big. We all need to be taking a look at that. We have energy within our body,
we cannot ignore that, and we need to balance that too. So it is a compilation of things
and it was a very comprehensive treatment program that I did. I got my treatment in
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February of 2011 and I was symptom free. You know when itsit had infiltrated my air
passages and that is like a knife. So I was symptom free in August, late August, and I
got it confirmed with a PET scan in October. So I can say it took six months. I know
when my body is healthy.
Ty Bollinger: What did your oncologist say when he saw the new scans, the new
Shannon Knight: He was very happy and he asked my permission to have my medical
records to take to show to his colleagues. And of course, I said yeah, take them. He was
very happy. He said I wish I had done some treatment on you so I could take the credit.
He was being silly. He is a good man.
Ty Bollinger: He sounds like a good man.
Shannon Knight: Yeah. I like him. I cannot wait to show him when I am in three years
remission so I can walk in there give him a hug.
Ty Bollinger: Now you mentioned stage IV, did thisthe cancer eventually was
stage IV.
Shannon Knight: Yeah.
Ty Bollinger: Okay, eventually stage IV.
Shannon Knight: Stage IV, it was scary. My family was preparing for me to die. My kids
were crying and calling me scared, not my son. He is tough, a paramedic, but my
daughter was.
Ty Bollinger: She is not crying anymore.
Shannon Knight: No. And both my kids definitely believe now, which makes me feel
good because I want them to know there is another way. This is not a time to be afraid. I
am not afraid of cancer anymore.
Ty Bollinger: I am really happy today to be here in front of the Hollywood Hills out
here in the background with Kev Murray. Kev is a cancer survivor and today we
are going to get his story. So Kev, thank you for being with us here today.
Kev Murray: It is a pleasure to be here.
Ty Bollinger: So let me start with this. So eight years ago you were in college in
San Antonio, Texas, real close to where I live. And so take it away from there. You
have beenyou are feeling kind of odd. Something is going on in your body, and
what happens eight years ago.
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Kev Murray: Right. I knew something was going on. The symptoms were pretty
obvious because I had athe tumor was about that big, maybe a little less than that,
about that big, and it was testicular cancer. So as you can imagine the signs were pretty
obvious. But I did not know what to expect. I was inyou could say I was in denial
about it. I never expected cancer whatsoever.
Ty Bollinger: Well, I mean you were in college at the time, right?
Kev Murray: Right.
Ty Bollinger: You were in college. How old were you?
Kev Murray: I was 22.
Ty Bollinger: You were 22. So you do not expect testicular cancer at 22.
Kev Murray: Uh-uh.
Ty Bollinger: Alright, so youve got tumors, testicular cancer. So what happened
from St. Marys there in San Antonio?
Kev Murray:
Well, I quickly went into surgery. within a few days I had the tumor
removed and it was diagnosed as terminal testicular cancer, which means it had
metastasized. I had three tumors in my abdomen. They wanted to split me open from
chest to naval remove any infected lymph nodes, and also douse, so to speak, with
chemo and radiation. And they said that would be successful treatment.
Ty Bollinger: But you said that it was diagnosed as terminal, which means they
said you dont do any treatment they give you how many months or years to live?
Kev Murray: Right, they gave me six months to live.
Ty Bollinger: Okay, which is a pretty big slap in the face when youre 22.
Kev Murray: Yeah. It'sI mean it's ultimately a death sentence. I didntI found out
second hand years later, about three years after that they gave me that six months to
Ty Bollinger: Oh, you didnt know at that point
Kev Murray: I didnt know at the time.
Ty Bollinger: that they had given you six months.
Kev Murray: Yeah.
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Ty Bollinger: Okay. Alright, so then they wanted to douse you with chemo. They
wanted to do radiation. They had removed some of the tumors with surgery. So
what standard or what protocol did you use at that point when youre 22-years-old
diagnosed with terminal testicular cancer?
Kev Murray: Right Well, immediately I flew back to South Caroline where my mother
lives and got involved with the hospitals and everything. I had the scan card for chemo
and everything. I was totally lined up to do it. And I justI believe I had a dream or I
think it was really a vision of an angel and she was just telling me everything was going
to be fine. But I felt totally against that, against chemo and radiation. So what I did, I
went with the Gerson therapy, which is based out of San Diego, the Institute, the
Gerson Institute.
Ty Bollinger: What are the particulars of the Gerson therapy, the protocol that
you used? As opposed to chemo and radiation you chose Gerson.
Kev Murray: Right. What other
Ty Bollinger: No, what are the particulars of the Gerson therapy?
Kev Murray: Oh, I see. Okay. It's 12 to 13 juices a day. One every hour.
Ty Bollinger: So are you talking about like not juice on the shelves but you
actually juiced vegetables and fruits and whatnot, right. So it's fresh juice.
Kev Murray: Exactly! It has to be fresh. It has to be organic. I only used organic, fresh
carrots. Theres essentially carrot and granny smith apple juice. It's approximately half of
them. The other half are green vegetable juice with granny smith. And they have certain
vegetables that you know
Ty Bollinger: So you said 12 to 13 times a day. So what are you juicing once an
Kev Murray: Once an hour, yeah
Ty Bollinger: Wow.
Kev Murray: starting around 7:00 or 8:00 in the morning.
Ty Bollinger: Okay. Thats almost a full time job sometimes.
Kev Murray: It is, yeah. Yeah, you feel like, or at least I felt like I was chained to the
juicer. You know, the first two years, the first one and a half to two years you dont really
go outside the house very much because you got to be constantly there and resting.
Rest is very important. Around a year and a half, I started to play tennis because I was
very active. It was hard for me rest for that long.
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Ty Bollinger: Yeah, you look like an athlete.

Kev Murray: Yeah. Thank you. Im currently training for a triathlon.
Ty Bollinger: Okay.
Kev Murray: But yeah. I mean Im used to playing basketball, baseball, tennis,
swimming, all that. So after a year and a half I started to introduce that to the protocol.
Ty Bollinger: So alright. So youve got juicing 12 13 times a day. What else?
What are the other components of the Gerson therapy?
Kev Murray: Very good question. It's essentially in the first year and a half its three
organic vegan meals, a lot of essentially for lunch and dinner it's salad, organic salad,
organic Hippocrates soup, and then essentially theres a whole menu of items you can
cook. But it's heavy, a lot of intake, and a lot of caloric intake.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah. It sure seems like it. So youre juicing 12 13 times plus three
Kev Murray: Uh-huh.
Ty Bollinger: So youre getting all kinds of good nutrients to fuel your body.
Kev Murray: Right. Exactly!
Ty Bollinger: So what else is part of the Gerson therapy?
Kev Murray:
Well, the morning, of course, it was organic oatmeal, slow-cooked
organic oatmeal so thats important. A part from that the coffee enema is very important
because all the juicing and all the healthy eating breaks down cancer toxins, breaks
down tumors, breaks down cancer cells. It eliminateswell, it essentially when it's
broken down it goes to the liver, most of it. And when that happens theres a danger of
developing, I believe it's called, a liver coma thats just too much for the liver to do.
Ty Bollinger: It shuts down, sure.
Kev Murray:
Right. And so thats where the coffee enema comes in. The coffee
enema essentially stimulates the bile ducts of the liver to excrete the toxins. So without
that, as you can imagine, when theres a heavy tumor load such as in my case it's hard
to imagine how that would be excreted without it when youre constantly breaking it
down and breaking it down. And part of the process of healing is the healing reaction or
also called a flare up where it feels like youre getting worse, maybe it looks like youre
getting worse and the process is it could be a fever. It could be a lot of things. There are
a lot of signs of it. But it's very important for the, as I call it a Gerson thriver. It's very
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important for a Gerson thriver to understand the signs of these flare ups so that they
dont go running to conventional treatment because thats not good for the body.
Ty Bollinger: How did you feel when you were going through this? You know,
youre going through a year and a half of juicing. You felt like you were chained to
the juicer. But on the flipside of the coin people are going through chemo and
radiation, they may be throwing up for a year and a half. I mean Id say even
though youre chained to the juicer how are you feeling overall as far as your
health is concerned?
Kev Murray: Yeah. Even though I say that it's like being chained to a juicer. Its
complete gratitude, you know, complete gratitude because theres nowhere I would
rather be than chained to a juicer. And really I felt better than Ive ever felt internally.
You know, it's just glowing, it's just a glowing wellness to be blessed to be able to
consume that many juices especially organic juices. It's really a blessing. I like to juice
every day. And that consiststoday that consists of organic carrots, organic spinach,
kale, and chard. And I like to drink about a 30 ounce of that every day. You know,
dealing with cancer it's similar to diabetes I believe in that it's a constantyouve got to
constantly be surveying what youre eating, what youre putting into your body so that
you stay healthy. My message is that eight years out, the body of evidence is there, the
body of evidence.
Ty Bollinger: Right.
Kev Murray: And the verdict is in. The Gerson therapy heals cancer.
Ty Bollinger: Clearly it's worked well.
Kev Murray: Uh-huh.
Ty Bollinger: What would be your message to cancer patients that are watching
this? What is your message to them about being diagnosed with cancer? So often
youll hear from an oncologist your terminal.
Kev Murray: Right.
Ty Bollinger: You know, get your affairs in order. Whats your message to cancer
patients Kev?
Kev Murray: Yeah. I would say if youre given that diagnosis that it is an opinion. It's an
opinion from someone who has been trained in cancer terminology, cancer as they
know it, but not to be swayed, not to be swayed in that direction because that whole
system is a failure. Anyone dying of cancer is a failure. That should not happen.
Chris Wark: Well, I was 26, okay, so I was a newlywed, been married two years. I was
working in the real estate business buying a rental property and renovating houses. And
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I had been doing that just a couple years. So you know, I really had just kind of felt like I
was just being an adult, you know what I mean, like out of college a couple years,
working, newlywed. And I started having abdominal pain.
Ty Bollinger: And this was what year?
Chris Wark: This was 2003.
Ty Bollinger: Okay.
Chris Wark: And I thought I had an ulcer. You know, Id never had any illness before,
never had any majorthe flu when I was a kid or something but nothing major. And I
thought, I don't know, is this an ulcer? Like whats going on? And I had this pain that
would come and go and it was kind of like Ground Hog Day because every morning I
would wake up and Id immediately think like how do I feel? And Id be like, oh, I feel
good. Okay. No pain. And then Id go throughout the day but then I would get these
twinges of pain, you know, most days and Id be like, oh, there is it again. And then Id
go to sleep, kind of worried about it, and then Id wake up and, well, no pain, right. And
so that kind of went on for many months. And I kept thinking maybe my body would get
better because my body had always healed in the past and I believe that that body is
designed to heal. And sobut the problem was I didnt make any changes in my life,
right. I didnt understand cancer at the time and so I just kept living my life the way I was
living it which was in a very unhealthy way. And this pain got worse and worse and
eventually I went to a doctor and they thought I had an ulcer and gave me some
medication that didnt help. And then Ithrough a series of doctors appointments
eventually ended up at a gastroenterologist who did a colonoscopy and found a golf ball
size tumor in my large intestine. And you know, I came out of the procedure. They had
put me under and I woke up. And you know, I was still medicated. You know, it was like
where am I? Whats happening? And the doctor came in and he washe basically said,
you know, we found this tumor. You might have cancer. We have to send it to the lab.
And my wife started crying on the nurses shoulder and I was just like whatwhats
going on? That wasnt even
Ty Bollinger: You were at that time how old were you?
Chris Wark: I was 26.
Ty Bollinger: 26-years-old.
Chris Wark: And so at that moment I wasnt even sober, you know what I mean. So it
didnt even really make sense. It just felt like a dream that I didnt understand. But a
couple days later I got the call from the doctor and he said, listen, you know the lab
report came back. You have colon cancer. And so that was heavy. And you know, thats
kind of when my life came to a grinding halt. You know they took out the tumor. They
took out a bunch of lymph nodes. The surgeon said, look, I took out everything I could
see. We got clear margins but youre going to need to nine to twelve months of
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chemotherapy. So they brought an oncologist into my hospital room to introduce me to
him. And I thought, okay. well, this is my life now and I guess I have toIm a cancer
patient an di have to do what that entails. But there were a few things that happened in
the hospital that were very serendipitous that really started the wheels turning. And one
of them was the first meal that they served me.
Ty Bollinger: And this is after you wereafter your operation.
Chris Wark: After my operation
Ty Bollinger: Okay, where they had removed 18 inches.
Chris Wark: Yes. They cut out 18 inches of my large intestine18 centimeters.
Ty Bollinger: 18 centimeters
Chris Wark: A third, right, and the first meal they served me was this sloppy Joe. And
Im kind of famous for the sloppy Joe story because its the most ridiculous food that you
could serve a sick person, right. Its the best example of the worst cafeteria food, you
know what I mean? What is the worst cafeteria food you can think of? Its a sloppy Joe.
And thats what they gave me first meal after cutting my abdomen open and removing
part of my guts. And they set it front of me and I was just looking at it going this doesnt
seem like the best thing for me right now.
Ty Bollinger: Just innately you knew.
Chris Wark: Yeah, right. I mean I wouldnt even eat thatI wouldnt want to eat that any
time. Okay. It wasIm never in the mood for a sloppy Joe. And so not only was I not
really happy about that as a food choice but I just thought like this is like a hospital. This
is like full of sick people. Shouldnt we be feeding them better than this? Like shouldnt I
be eating like some applesauce or something. You know, I eatand at that time I really
didnt know anything about nutrition but just my instincts, the red flag kind of went up.
The next thing that happened was the day I was checking out from the hospital the
surgeon came in to check on me and I said, hey, you know, is there anything I need to
eat or avoid or whatever? Andbecause I was a little concerned. I didnt want to go
home and like eat something like some Doritos and like screw it up. And he was like,
nah, just dont lift anything heavier than a beer.
Ty Bollinger: That was the nutritional advice you got.
Chris Wark: Yep. That was it. And so I reluctantly agreed to go see an oncologist. And
we go in thewere sitting in the clinic in Memphis. Well, first of all, the parking lots
packed. You couldnt even get a parking place. And the waiting room is packed. I sit
down. Im looking around and theres no one in there even remotely near my age. Im
26. I got long, shaggy hair, a handle bar mustache like rock dude and Im just kind of
checking it out. And who else is in the cancer club. It was me and a bunch of seniors,
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senior citizens, not high school or college seniors. And I just thought, God, I dont
belong here. The television was on and out comes Jack Lalanne right as Im sitting in
the cancer clinic couch and he starts going off about nutrition and fruits and vegetables
and the reason were sick is because were all eating junk food, right. And you needif
man made it dont eat it. And I was like, oh man, hes just speaking to me through the
television right now. Like this is exactlyhes reaffirming everything that I had just
started to understand. And we go into see the oncologist finally. You know, its like you
wait in a waiting room for an hour and then they put you in a smaller waiting room for
another hour. And then you get in another little room. Eventually the oncologist comes
in. It was just very robotic. You know, they see 20 patients, 30 40 patients a day and
he just comes in and he looked at my chart Im sure for two minutes. Whats this guy
got? Comes in and gives me the standard pitch. He said look, you know, youve got
stage III colon cancer. You havewith therapies you have a 60 percent chance of living
five years. And I thought
Ty Bollinger: At the age of the 26
Chris Wark: Yeah
Ty Bollinger: what did you think of those odds?
Chris Wark: Yeah, I mean I was not impressed by those odds. And I thought, gee,
thats not much better than a coin toss.
Ty Bollinger: Thats true.
Chris Wark: You know, just
Ty Bollinger: 50/50
Chris Wark: not much. And I asked him if there were any alternative therapies
available. And he said, no. There arent none. If you dont chemotherapy youre insane.
Ty Bollinger: He literally said youre insane.
Chris Wark: Yeah. Yep. I asked him about the raw food diet, he said, no you cant do
that itll fight the chemo.
Ty Bollinger: Why would it fight the chemo?
Chris Wark: At the time I was like, what does that mean? Well, later I realizedI found
out that the raw food diet is a very aggressive detoxification diet. And when youre on a
raw food diet your body starts kicking out chemotherapy and it doesnt do what they
want it to do. It doesnt destroy your body. And it doesnt do the damage they want it to
do. And so they dont want you to be on a raw food diet. The other reason is because
chemotherapy is also very destructive on your immune system and bacteria thats
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normally harmless on an apple, lets say, could pose a potential problem in your body
because your immune system is so weak from chemo. So they wont let youthey dont
want you to do raw food. I was already on the raw food diet. Id been on it for a week. I
was like hard core. I just adopted it, right. I was excited about it. I felt going into the clinic
I felt very confident about what I was doing. And everything else hes told me,
everything else the oncologist said to me is really a blur because he really scared me so
bad that I kind of shut down. And I walked into the clinic confident and I walked out
terrified. And I went to the desk and I made an appointment to get a port put in to start
chemotherapy. And my wife and I walked out into the parking lot and we sat in her car
and we held hands, and we cried and we prayed, and we were just terrified. And I
believe that was on a Friday because I had a few days before they were supposed to
put this port in. I think it might have been like on Monday or Tuesday or something.
Ty Bollinger: And when you say a port thatstheyre putting in a port so they
canthey dont have to inject you with chemo. They can just put it directly into
the port each time.
Chris Wark: Thats right. They put a port in your chest. Its basically a direct line into
your arteries or whatever, your veins or arteries, so they canits easier than giving you
Ty Bollinger: An IV
Chris Wark: It destroys your veins so a port is a better way to do it because
chemotherapy is so toxic that it destroys your veins. So yeah. They just scared me so
bad that I agreed to chemotherapy even though I had originally decided not to. And
but over that weekend I kind of came to my senses again and I thought about my life
and I thought about this book and I thought about Jack LaLanne and I thought about the
weird stuff the oncologist said to me. One other thing he said, I forgot, he said, and sort
of in the middle of his pitch, he said, look man. Hes like, look, and Im not telling you
this because I need your business. And I just thought why in the world would you say
that? What does business have to do with it, right? And then I realized wait a minute,
this is a business. This is his business. He needs patients to make money.
Ty Bollinger: And this is the same oncologist that told you were insane if you
didnt do chemo.
Chris Wark: Thats right, the same guy.
Ty Bollinger: Okay.
Chris Wark: And it was like a Freudian slip. You know what I mean? Either that or it
was the push away, which is a sales technique. And where you kind of give someone
like I dont really need your business and it kind of makes them want to do business with
you. You know what I mean?
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Ty Bollinger: Yeah.
Chris Wark: Andbut I thought about everything and I thought, you know what, nutrition
makes more sense to me. I would rather overdose on nutrition and give my body
everything that it can use to repair and regenerate and detoxify and heal and trust God
to lead me in the process than let someone who doesnt even know me at all, probably
has already forgotten my name, poison me, and experiment on me with a 60 percent
chance of living five years. I found out later that he was lying. What he told me was that
I had a 60 percent chance of living five years. But thats the average for all cancer
patients. So if take every cancer patient lump them in one group and average it out you
get 60 percent of them make it to the five-year mark. It doesnt mean theyre cancer free
in five years. It just means they have a beating heart. Some of them are on life support,
right. Some of them are knock, knock, knocking on heavens door. They are dying. But
they still are counted as a success toward five-year survival. Well, the odds for stage III
colon cancer, stage IIIC, were about 30 percent make it to five years and only 16
percent make it 10 years.
Ty Bollinger: Wow! So
Chris Wark: Here I am10 years without their therapies.
Ty Bollinger: Okay. So 10 years out and cancer free withoutand you said you
decided not to do chemotherapy.
Chris Wark: Thats right.
Ty Bollinger: So but before you got the port put in I assume.
Chris Wark: I was a no show for the port.
Ty Bollinger: Okay.
Chris Wark: After that they sent me a certified letter. They were calling my house. They
were after me to try to get me to do chemotherapy. And I just was avoiding their calls.
Im like leave me alone. Like Ive made up my mind. This is what Im doing.
Ty Bollinger: Did you ever talk to the oncologist about the phony statistics or the
incorrect statistics that he gave you because clearly that was not accurate.
Chris Wark: No, I never went back. And I know why he did it. He did it because he knew
the truth was extremely discouraging. You know, if he had come in and said, look, with
the therapies we have available youve got about at 30 percent chance of living five
years. I would have been out the door in five seconds. See ya! But he told me 60
percent because he thought, well, you know, maybe this will sound better. This will be
more encouraging. Maybe itll give him more hope, right? Itll make the treatment sound
more appealing, right. 60s way better than 30. So thats why he did it. Thats why he did
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it. Its just basic economics. They need a steady supply of patients to make money and
you know, doctors arent bad people but theyre trained. They go to med school and
they go tothey have residency and it takes 15 20 years for a doctor to go through all
the training and actually go through enough practice before they realize that everything
theyve been trained to do doesnt really work and that most of their patients end up
dying. And by that time its too late to change careers and theyre making a high sixfigure income. The average oncologist makes almost 300 thousand dollars a year. And
yet in a survey that just came out about a month ago on Medscape, 52 percent of
oncologists reported that they were unsatisfied with their income.
Ty Bollinger: Wow! And theyre makingthe average makes over
Chris Wark: 290 thousand a year.
Ty Bollinger: Thats a lot of money.
Chris Wark: Thats a lot of money to be unsatisfied about.
Ty Bollinger: Its not enough apparently.
Chris Wark: I guess its not enough. So you know, from there basically it was I was
totally trusting in God to lead me at that point because its like, alright, everybody thinks
Im crazy. Im alone. I was very much alone.
Ty Bollinger: So once you made the decision to avoid chemo and to overdose on
nutrition as you put it you told your family. What was their reaction like?
Chris Wark: Well, they werent comfortable with it. They thought I was being stubborn
and hardheaded and foolish. My mom was big supporter of me. Shes always been
my moms always been into health food. Shes always been sort of a health junkie. And
so she was a huge, huge ally for me at that time. And I love my wife. Were still married.
Weve been together 18 years but she was terrified.
Ty Bollinger: Congratulations!
Chris Wark: Yeah, thank you. She didnt know what to do. She didnt know how to help
me. And she really thought I was making a mistake and a lot of other people did too. But
I had to trust that God was leading me, that he had answered my prayer and if so that I
could trust that that was the route that would lead me ultimately to health. So I had very
little support. I was very much alone in the beginning. But whats neat is my mom had a
bunch of books about alternative cancer therapy and a bunch of books about health and
stuff written by Paul Bragg and all kinds of these just great health books that she had
collected over the years for no real reason. And as soon as I started reading and
researching and found out about different authors and books and health leaders and
experts and I would mention them to her. Shed say, oh, I have that book. And Im like
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youve got this library of books like for me, you know. There was no other reason. She
was like saving them up for me and didnt realize it.
Ty Bollinger: She was collecting them for you over the years and didnt know
what the purpose was until now.
Chris Wark: Yeah, and it was stuffobviously she was interested in them but she had
saved them all. And so that was amazing. I mean I just knew God was in control. I knew
he was working. And so fromso what did my diet look like? It was very simple. And I
think a hard-core nutritional approach to cancer needs to be very simple because there
are a lot of options out there. It can get very complicated and a lot of people have
theyre seeing so many different directions they dont even know where to go and they
get paralyzed. And so I realized, okay, what is the most fundamental foundational part
of my healing approach and thats food. Ive got to get as much nutrition in my body as I
can from the earth. And so I started juicing. And I drank about 64 ounces of vegetable
juice every day, mostly carrot juice. I ate giant salads full of cruciferous and allium
vegetables. Thats broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, onions, garlic, peppers, right,
just spinachall that good stuff.
Ty Bollinger: Sounds good.
Chris Wark: Yeah
Ty Bollinger: Youre making me hungry.
Chris Wark: Just the amazing giant salad. We shared one at Jasons Deli recently.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah.
Chris Wark: Yeah, just a giant salad full of like all this really amazing food from the
earth that was put here for us. And I ate that twice a day and then I would make fruit
smoothies with the fresh coconut and berriestwo cups of blueberries, blackberries,
raspberries, strawberries. Berries are very potent anticancer fruits. And that was it. That
was the daily diet. And it was every day and I did that for 90 days. It was a 100 percent
raw food for 90 days. I was working with a naturopath and he checked my blood work
and my urine and my hair samples and all kinds of stuff, and he helped me modify the
diet. He had me on different supplements that he thought would help boost my immune
system, help deal with any parasites or help detoxify, just sort of address those things
that are common to a lot of cancer patients. Cancer is the product of a sick body. You
know, youre sick, you have cancer because youre sick. Not the other way around,
Ty Bollinger: So cancers really the symptom.
Chris Wark: Cancer is the symptom of a sick body. And you cannot cut a tumor off or
shrink a tumor or poison a tumor and expect to stay well and stay healthy because
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youre not addressing the real problem. Youre only addressing the symptom. And its
like cutting off your nose to get rid of a cold. It doesnt solve the real underlying problem.
Ty Bollinger:
Cortney Campbell: In 2008 when I was 26 we had been married for almost three
months I was diagnosed with nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkins lymphoma
stage II. I had a mass in my armpit and another in my neck. And yeah, it was definitely a
time where I was very afraid and after they gave us our initial protocol that they were
going to suggest, which was six rounds of chemo and radiation to follow that. And they
removed the lymph node, the largest one, which is about the size of a lemon from my
armpit. And you did not have peace about that. You want to saytell that part of the
Kevin Campbell: She went in and she got the lymph node removed and it came back
Cortney Campbell: Two weeks
Kevin Campbell: went to several different hospitals because they couldnt quite
figure out whatthey knew it was cancer but they couldnt pin point exactly what kind of
cancer it was. And so after about three weeks of waiting and then hoping that it was
something else, somehow something else, it came back. And.
Cortney Campbell: And it was a very rare cancer and they werent quite sure how to
treat it because it wasone doctor said the extreme chemo, another doctor said, well,
we might be able to give you a monoclonal antibody called Rituxan and see how you do
first. And then if it doesnt respond then maybe well go towards theour top chemo,
which was what the first doctor suggested.
Kevin Campbell: Yes and then see, of course, being a newlywed family and facing
cancer youre up for the most non-toxic route possible. So for us we were keeping our
fingers crossed that there was some sort of clinical trial or some other option that we
could pursue. And after it came back positive for stage IIA or B. I cant even remember
Cortney Campbell: A
Kevin Campbell: Aso we were given the tour of the hospital. We were in getting sort
of the amenities of the chemotherapy suite like we had just
Cortney Campbell: The wig shop
Kevin Campbell: Yeah. And this was all very quick. It was very quick.
Cortney Campbell: The plush recliners and the view of the forest.
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Kevin Campbell: Uh-huh, the upper level sort of penthouse view of the nice forests of
Atlanta and
Cortney Campbell: But when youre walking through that chemo room and theres
these people receiving their chemotherapy you dont see the forest and the plush chairs
and the personal television
Kevin Campbell: Right. Youre having this sort of out of body experience.
Cortney Campbell: Yeah. You see these sick, sick, sick people
Kevin Campbell: And people that just almost look like a shell or a ghost of themselves.
And your mind is just beside itself and in the midst of all the chaos as we were going
through this room, and again, this is only, what, our third appointment.
Cortney Campbell: Uh-huh, yeah, something like that.
Kevin Campbell: She was in front of me and I waswe were both getting the tour and I
just remember sitting there just having this crazy, this cannot be happening to us. What
are we going to do? All this sort of panicky thoughts like one moment at a time, one
breath at a time.
Cortney Campbell: Right, this is right after they had told us about the 30 to 70 percent
chance of infertility because of the RCHOP, which is a very , very harsh chemotherapy.
Kevin Campbell: Well, our doctor, our oncologist, his residency was it
Cortney Campbell: At MD Anderson
Kevin Campbell: Was it at MD Anderson?
Cortney Campbell: Yeah
Kevin Campbell: I don't know if thats what its called residency
Cortney Campbell: And they were the ones to say
Kevin Campbell: He wasyeah, he had not had a lot of experience with this type of
cancer so he referred his colleagues back at MD Anderson and so the best
recommendation from one of the best cancer hospitals in the world came backchemo,
radiation, surgery. So
Cortney Campbell: And because of thatthey gave us that 30 to 70 percent chance,
giant window, of infertility he actually referred us
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Kevin Campbell: Right, he was like your hair is going to fall out, your nails are going
tohow about your stomach is going to have all these issues, and by the way, your
ovaries will shut down. But dont worry, theres a
Cortney Campbell: They may or may not. Your fertility may or may not return and they
wanted to refer us to a fertility specialist to get eggs frozen or embryos frozen which we
were likeI mean were getting all thiswere having to make all these decisions.
Were newlyweds.
Kevin Campbell: So in the midst of all of that we immediately were whisked away to
the chemotherapy suite tour and I just remember thisthe best I can describe it is, its
almost like a voice but it was Stephen Furtick describes it, if youve ever heard the voice
of God it doesnt sound like a voice. And that mayI know it sounds totally crazy when
somebody hears that. But this is the truth. It was an unshakeable impression that came
through my left ear, perpendicular to the thoughts I was having, this is what my like
like this is what my mind was doing, and then the most calm simplistic statement came
into my head from this sort of 90-degrees offset and said this is not for you.
Cortney Campbell: We came home and after calling relatives and Iwhat I cried the
most over and the only thing I lost sleep about through this whole ordeal was I felt like I
was mourning the children I never had. And I cant explain it except for those words. I
justthere were these children that I hadnt had yet that I wasin my heart I knew I
was supposed to have but I had this huge barrier and this huge wall. And I keptevery
time Id say lets just go make the appointment. And at that point we had the
appointment to get the port put in. And I justI was more afraid of the treatment than I
was of the actual cancer.
Kevin Campbell: I remember I found a video online while researching clinical trials and,
of course, I started at MD Anderson because theyre supposed to be the best, right. So
I found a video of the director of clinical trials or the head, the guy whos over. I dont
remember he was the director or head researcher or what but he was in charge of that.
His name was Dr. Anas Younes. And he was on video stating at the end of one of these
videos about MD Anderson and their trials. He was at the end of it talking in his office
about how he believes strongly in clinical trials because he believes that in 10 years
from now were going toand this was in like 2006 they made this video but 10 years
from now were going to regard chemotherapy as a barbaric form of treatment.
Periodically she would just have these emotional outbursts where she would just want to
do the chemo and want to get.
Cortney Campbell: Just get it out of me.
Kevin Campbell: Just get it out of me, just get it out. I just want it out of me. Its like a
scene from aliens or something.
Cortney Campbell: I just didnt know any better. I thought it was just this one place.
Cancers only here
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Kevin Campbell: The cancers inside of her and we just want to get it out.
Cortney Campbell: Yeah, just get it out of me.
Kevin Campbell: And that was not
Cortney Campbell: Thats not reality.
Kevin Campbell: Thats not reality. Its not an option. And being highly sensitive as it is,
Cortneys the sweetest person in the world, and so now shes got this cancer and so her
emotions are running high. Im like buckling down. Shes going more into an emotional
state and Im going more into the Im going to be the
Cortney Campbell: The protector
Kevin Campbell: the protector and the
Cortney Campbell: and save her.
Kevin Campbell:
Yeah and just do my part to logically make sure this doesnt
anyway. So yeah, I just remember it was some really hard times and family didnt
understand and we were trying to
Cortney Campbell: Oh yeah, that was hard.
Kevin Campbell: come up quickly with answers to the questions that we didnt know
the answers to.
Cortney Campbell:
Why were you notwhy are you not already going through
treatment. Its been three weeks or its been four weeks or its beenit eventually
became six weeks orand on and on from there. The real turning point for me was one
day I got home and Bill Hendersons book arrived at the door and I actually started
fishing through it.
Kevin Campbell: What was it called?
Cortney Campbell: Its called Cancer Free; Your Guide to Gentle Non-Toxic Healing.
And it just made sense to me. It was just like a meant to be kind of thing because it was
simply written. It was in simple terms and he also lays out a protocol in it. And I actually
read through it in probably two or three days and I decided that I was going to give itI
don't knowI think I decided three months. Ill give this three months and Im going to
try it and Im going to hard core. And if anyone knows me I go hard-core on things if I
put my mind to it. I accomplish it whether its running or natural child birth or a cancer
treatment. And soor whether its eating. And this wasit was a huge change for me
because I ate diet coke and Cheez-its. Im not joking. I didnt eat salads. I didnt eat
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vegetables. Bill recommended a completely organic raw vegan diet with the Budwig
protocol, which is the cottage cheese, flax seed oil, and quite a few supplements, beta
glucan and vitamin C and green tea extract and a complete multivitamin that was more
pills than I ever took in probably my whole life. It just seemed like every day I was taking
I think 26 supplements in the morning, and 16 at lunch, and 26 at night. It was just crazy
how much I ended up taking.
Kevin Campbell: And we were going to a local
Cortney Campbell: Essiac tea and
Kevin Campbell: Yep Essiac tea. And were going to a local practice here that ishas
almost like an alternative or integrated approach to treatments for different things
including cancer. And were seeing a doctor there who spent, I don't know, an hour and
a half with us. And it was in the lobby of that office that we found a natural awakenings
magazine, which led us to a raw, and living foods institute here in Atlanta called the
Living Foods Institute. And we went there and did a 12-day detox program and learned
a lot
Cortney Campbell: Met a lot of people who were of the similar belief
Kevin Campbell: of people and it was justit was one of those blessings along the
way for us. And in the aisles of Whole Foods where we had begun shopping exclusively
for nutrient dense foods and organic foods and so forth. We would meet people whos
stories would just come out as we were talking to them in the aisle about having their
brother or their cousin that cured themselves of stomach cancer or whatever form of
cancer, etc. And it was just like God kept just giving us these reassurances along the
way that we were doing the right thing and that were going to be okay.
Cortney Campbell:
About four months after I started my protocol, my anticancer
protocol, I found out I was pregnant. And I felt honestly a little irresponsible because
Kevin Campbell: It was a big deal.
Cortney Campbell: and pregnancy dont really blend.
Kevin Campbell: I was like we just gotten sort of our minds wrapped around this whole
situation with cancer and now we found out were pregnant. And you know, it was one of
those things of having peace in the chaos. I mean it was just like, okay, heres this
situation we were told we wouldnt get to be in or to enjoy and now here it is, you know.
Cortney Campbell:
Yeah. And so after the morning sicknessthat was very
challengingpassed I really stayed a 100 percent on my protocol.
Kevin Campbell: With the addition of some crackers.
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Cortney Campbell: With the addition of lots of saltines. I reallyI lived for about three
or four weeks on saltorganic saltines, almond butter and apples because I just
couldnt hold anything else down. But on May 4th it was exactly six months. I was
diagnosed on Novemberor I started my alternative protocol on November 4th and on
May 4th I found out I was in clinical remission from the cancer. And five months later or
six months later our daughter was born perfectly healthy and eats better than any child I
know because thats all shes known is vegetables and more vegetables and juice and
smoothies. And here we are five years later weve actually had another daughter.
Kevin Campbell: Oh yeah.
Cortney Campbell: So shes a year old now, so. Were very blessed and I just want to
shout to the rooftops that this should definitely be part of anybodys just to consider and
to research and to research into there are other options besides chemotherapy and
radiation. And you have to go where you find that peace. And dont act out of fear.
Ty Bollinger: So Im here in New York City at Mangia Organics, a restaurant with
my friend Jason Vale. Jason it is a pleasure to finally meet you face-to-face.
Weve done interviews onI dont thinkI think youll beat me if we arm wrestle.
Jason Vale: Yeah, its got to be like
Ty Bollinger: Hes the arm wrestling champion here.
Jason Vale: Thats good. Right there. Okay.
Ty Bollinger: But Im not going to arm wrestle you because youll probably flip
me over.
Jason Vale: Youre blushing.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah. Im embarrassed man because you would probably knock me
Jason Vale: No, no, no
Ty Bollinger: But anyway, Jason and I have never met before but weve
interviewed on the radio several times. And Im so excited to interview tonight
because this is the reason that I got involved with alternative cancer research
almost 20 years ago when my dad was diagnosed with cancer. The first thing that
I did was do some research and I found Jasons video. He was on a show called
Extra. And they interviewed him on the show about the protocol you had used to
cure your own cancer, so. What I want to do is just get your story tonight man.
Howtalk about being diagnosed and the treatments that you used and then
eventually the time that you spent in jail. So Jason take it away my friend.
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Jason Vale: See, please interject whenever you want to keep me on track or whatever.
But when I was 18-years-oldactually when I was 15-years-old, honest truth, I felt a
pain in my back. Later on when we did research we saw that everybody that had my
type of cancer, which was called the Askins tumor, it started at 15-years-old. Like there
was only like 15 people diagnosed. So at 15 I remember I had smoked pot. Excuse me.
But this is a New York thing. And I remember going home and being real sensitive to my
body and I felt something on my back. And I actually saidIll never forget the words. I
said, Lord, if this is a tumor please dont let it come out now because my lifeyou know,
at 15 youre in ninth grade its like your life is likeyou feel great. Youre the best. And
then nothing happened. At 18-years-old I remember I got really sick at 18-years-old.
Actually I was in a lot of pain. I was playing handball. That was my thing, hand ball
every day, eight hours a day, six hours a dayexcuse meand hitting that ball. And
then all of a sudden, I had come home at night and I couldnt lay down anymore. I had
to actually sit up when I was sleeping or my mother would just rub my back. And that
was the only thing that gave me any relief. We didnt know what it was and you know, I
was coughing some. And I went to camp. I actually had to leave camp from like Upstate
New York. I had to leave in the middle of the sleep away camp. And I had an x-ray done
and they said you have pneumonia. Now, I don't know if you know but when you have
pneumonia your whole lung is white, and thats what it was. It was white. And if you
have a tumor in your lung, the tumors white.
So they didnt see this huge tumor, which actually was a grapefruit size. So about two
months later I still have pneumonia and mythe doctor, my personal doctor, Mr.
Rabinowicz [ph] said, listen, Im going to put him in for exploratory surgery because this
is not going away. I went in for exploratory surgery because they said they thought I
might have empyema, which isempyema is like a pus pocket outside of the lung,
which causes pneumonia to stay an extra few months and they have to kind of go in and
get that out. And you get a chest tube and all that stuff. So anyway, they operated on
me and I woke up eight hours later because it wasnt a normal operation. Actually when
they went in they found a tumor the size of a grapefruit, a connecting tumor the size of a
lemon next to it. And when I woke up they told me that. and I didnt realize the
seriousness of it because Im justI didntI really didnt realize anything. And my
mother and father they know, you know, they have to bring it to theget a pathology
report and were going to know in a week or two if its cancer or not. And I wasnt even
thinking along those lines yet. So it turns out that Im sittingstill in the hospital and they
came back with the diagnosis that was cancer. And it was a very, very rare cancer, it
was a very deadly cancer. Everybody had died from it in one year.
Ty Bollinger: Less than 20 people in the world with that kind of cancer.
Jason Vale: That had it diagnosed and actuallyright. Theres probably much more
than that but not on the books, so. Peopleso you know, mywe were in the hospital
and they were really nervous, my mother and my father, like I said, on the Inside Edition
and Extra show they were at the foot of the bed and they were like just about crying.
And I just didntI felt very confident. And I was brought upnot that I was brought up
so much in the church, which I was, but I really had a deep relationship. I was praying
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every day like on Halloween. We didnt go trick or treating. We actually had a 24-hour
prayer meeting at night with the kids. So I just told them listen, theres a reason for this I
told my mother and my father and I believe its going to be okay. So over that year after I
got out of the hospital at 18 my father took me to the medical library. And its a good
thing he did because we saw that everybody that had this type of tumor, didnt do the
chemo or radiation. Never did chemo and radiation but they did either chemo or
radiation and they still died within like six months. The one person lived like eight years.
But other than that everybody had died right away and they all had the tumor originally
like at 15, 16 years when it came out originally. Now theres more cases of it. But back
then thats all that was there. So I said Im not going to do chemo-radiation. Theres no
way Im going to do this because everybody died. So I just went right back, got my
hockey equipment out and just went right back to playing hockey again. And literally 12
months later to the day about I was in tremendous pain again. I went and got a CAT
scan. And by that time I knew how to read the CAT scans because not that I knew how
to read it so much except that I knew that in this spot if theres any light you have a
tumor there.
Ty Bollinger: Thats not good.
Jason Vale: I knew that, right? So I went in the other room after they did the CAT scan
and normally they dont let youthe technicians dont let youthey dont give you any
diagnosis. Theyre not allowed. They get in trouble. And they dont really let you look at
the stuff but they let me look. I begged them. I said, listen, please. This is my life, my
body. And I want to know before I get a call. Who wants to get a call from the hospital
saying we have news for you please. Hey. So anyway, yeah, it was there. I saw it. The
same thingtumor, the same like the other time. It was just as big already.
Ty Bollinger: Within a year.
Jason Vale: Within a year it was big, it was huge. It was very aggressive. It wasnt like
just starting out or anything. So
Ty Bollinger: And by this time you were how old, 18 or so?
Jason Vale: 19 now
Ty Bollinger: 19okay.
Jason Vale: 19already had it once. They did the thoracotomy on me. They took it out.
And now it came back. And this time I remember I was getting pretty sick. I was at
home. I was actually laying in my mothers and fathers bed. They were sleeping on the
couch. And I couldnt walk. I didnt know it but the tumor hadthe tumor and then
thatremember before I said there was a lemon piece. Well, there was a tumor and
then like this trail that went over to my spine and ate into my spine and was just about to
eat my spinal column and I couldnt really walk. I was having a hard time. Actually I was
stepping before I hit the ground. And my mother said, dont worry. We have an
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appointment next week. My father immediately called the hospital and said we have to
come in now. So because of my father I can walk. My mother was listening to what they
said. My father just steam rolled right over her and said we have to get him to the
hospital now. So thats what we did we went to the hospital and they said, listen, were
going towere not going to do it now because its like 12:00 at night, whatever. Were
going to have a fresh team in the morning and were going to operate on you in the
morning. So the morning comes and all I remember from that day is that they laid me
down on the bedDr. Collinsgrove [ph], Dr. Beattythis was Sloan-Kettering and Beth
Israel, and Dr. Berglund. He was he nerve doctor that was going to take over when they
got to the cancer that was near the spine. And Dr. Beatty was the chest doctor. He was
going to take it out from there. Dr. Collinsgrove turned out to be a friend to this day. Im
a good friend of his. He was like an intern at the time or resident, whatever, you know.
So they told me, okay, count back from ten and by the time you get to one youre going
to be asleep. So I remember saying let me play a trick on them. Ill never forget this. I
said, alright, ten, nine, eight [snores] and I went like this and the whole team you heard
them just starting to get their stuff together and going on. And in about three seconds
later I went just kidding. And they allto this day they all say that that really brightened
the whole attitude of the operating room because they were laughing hysterically.
Another second I was out cold though. They told me afterwards that that really gave
them a good outlook because they dont like seeing a 18-year-old kid with a deadly
uncurable cancer in his body. So anyway, they did an amazing operation and so forth
and that time I said to them I didnt know better. I didnt know. And I still dont know to
this day what did what. But I do know that I said to them, listen, if Im going to do any of
this chemo-radiation, everybody died with the chemo, everybody died with the radiation.
And I was strong. I felt I was strong as an ox even though I had had the cancer the year
before. I said let me do the chemo and the radiation. So they gave me the most poison
you can possibly take in the world without dying and I almost did die but thats when I
stopped doing the chemo.
About five years later they found something in myit might have been six years they
found something in my kidney. And I think the size of it was 3.5 when they found it
originally. I think I was going for a scan every like year or so, or at first it was every six
months and then it was every year. And then they found something that was 3.5
centimeters in my kidney and they said it parallels renal cell carcinoma. And I said I
dont want to get a biopsy because if you get a biopsy of it. Youre going to spread it.
Ty Bollinger: Spread the cancer
Jason Vale: Right. I mean doctors say that, right. Other people say that.
Ty Bollinger: Sure
Jason Vale: Biopsies do that.
Ty Bollinger: Many doctors that weve interviewed have said the same thing.
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Jason Vale: Good, yeah, because the needle aspiration when they pull the needle out it
canI don't know. So some doctors believe that, some doctors actually dont believe
that. but so over the years I could never get someone that would explain why I have to
get a biopsy because I wanted to know for sure if it was cancer. Because at this point is
when I found out about the apricot seeds. It seemed like the tumor kept shrinking. And
every time we went to the doctors we sawthe first time I went it only went down from
3.5 to 3.2 and I was discouraged. But kidney cancers are verycan be very slow
growing or slow shrinking also. So I didnt let it discourage me much but every time I
went it was going down a little bit more, 3.5, 2.8, 2.5, 2.0
Ty Bollinger: All the while youre eating the apricot seeds.
Jason Vale: Well, Im eating the seeds, yes. Well, at aboutlets see, I was like 26 or
27, I was arm wrestling and I was starting to become the New York State champion and
I was US champion at one point. And I was the world champion at one point. But before
I was the world champion the show Extra they called me up and they wanted to do an
interview. And I said, sure, you know, Ill do an interview because they saw that this guy
that was a really good arm wrestler also had cancer and beat the worst cancer.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah. Thats got fodder for TV.
Jason Vale: Right. They came over. We did the interview and the next thing you know
they were calling me up saying, listen, Jason we have hundreds and hundreds of people
calling the show. They want to know your phone number. They want to know how they
can get in touch with you and talk to you and blah, blah, blah. They said is it okay if we
give your phone number out? I said sure. Give my phone number out. So immediately
people started calling me and I put together a business package. I found a way to get
the seeds, which I could only find a place that had like five or ten pounds at a time. Like
the video says a world without cancer about this whole thing thats going on
Ty Bollinger: I still remember. It was a videotape that I got, World Without Cancer.
Jason Vale: Oh you got one.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah.
Jason Vale: Right. All the people, the health food stores in the past, you know, the FDA
would break the windows, shut the stores down because they had these seeds. So to
this day a lot of health food stores, or to that day what Im talking about, when I was 26.
Im 46 now. They didnt carry them so you couldnt find then anywhere. If I did find them
somewhere it was like an underground Chinese health food store in the city that had like
five pounds in the back somewhere.
Ty Bollinger: Right

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Jason Vale: So anyway, I got the seeds and I gotI made someI got a duplicating
machine and I put the seedsfor like 50 dollars I sold the seeds and the DVD. It was
probably cheaper than that. And the seeds are only like 15 dollars. Anyway, I put it
together and I got a credit card account and put up a quick website and I just started
selling tons of these things. And I would tell each person, now listen, I dont want to
beif this isnt true I dont want to be touting something thats not true. Call me back if
you getif theres any success stories. I started getting calls immediately of people
saying, listen, I had a tumor on my skin. It shrunk down. Or I had a tumor on my arm
and it got bigger, it swelled up and then shrunk down. It started itching. I got every story
in the book and I asked the people, look, I can put your phone on the website. Can I put
your email address on the website because people dont believe this. So they said okay.
So the FTC sends me a letter and they spelled my name wrong. So I should have stuck
with them. But I said listen, I don't know who youre talking about. Theres nothis
name at this address. So we went back and forth and they sent a letter saying you got
proof of this happening and proof fromshow me the proof.
Ty Bollinger: So theyre saying that youre making unapproved claims for curing
or what was it?
Jason Vale: They kicked it over to the FDA. And the FDA started saying that. So at that
point they had my right name and right address and I just had a lawyer, Mr. Dilling, and I
don't know if hes a lawyer to this day but Mr. Dilling was in the middle of this fight 40
years ago when this whole thing was going on. And he told me, listen, we just have to
change the labeling, which I did, and then the FDA said, no good. And then we changed
it again. The FDA kept saying no good, no good, no good. So everything we did they
kept saying no good. And then I realized like theres nothing we can do.
Ty Bollinger: Its a stacked deck.
Jason Vale: It sure was and thats when they got a temporary injunction against me and
the injunction was not to sellthe whole crux of it was they said you cant sell seedsat
first they were saying you cant sell them as a cure. You cant sell them according to
FDA law, which only means I cant sell them as a cure. It doesnt mean I cant sell them,
period, because then I cant have them in a grocery store.
Ty Bollinger: You cant say that they cure anything.
Jason Vale: Right.
Ty Bollinger: Okay.
Jason Vale: In the end of them adjusting and marking things down and didacting things
from the injunction it read a lot more to say you cant sell seeds period. And this is what
I said, you cant tell me I cant sell seeds. You cant tell me I cant sell apples because
thats the same thing, isnt it? And they stuck to that and the judgeit was a veryit
was a stacked trial. Actually I hadthen I had a permanent injunction against me and
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they said I violated both but I was saying, listen, you got to prove that I sold them as a
cure, which I stopped. I didnt do that anymore. I told peopleI gave the FDA warning at
the bottom and I also told people it was third party information. And I just said, I just
never told people its going to cure you. I would never say that to people even if it does.
So I had a trial basically. At the initial hearing I left. I actually was on my way but a
bunch of friends who were all dressed up, and I justIm not kidding. This sounds
weird. But a flock of birdslike as Im headed this way a flock of birds came like right
over the cover going this way. And I was like Im sorry. Im not superstitious like that but
I was just like I am not going. I was like this has got to be sign that Im not going.
Anyway, I left. I went to my other apartment for three months. They were looking for me
and I was talking to the marshals and finally I turned myself in. And there was a million
dollar bail they gave me.
Ty Bollinger: A million dollars
Jason Vale: Yeah, 883 thousand dollars. I almost won the trial. I actually was pro se
where my lawyer who was telling me, oh, Ill get you eight years. What do you mean
youll get me eight years? This is contempt of court. Contempt of court is like a sixmonth thing at the most if youre guilty. I wasnt even guilty and theyre sayingso it
was a trial but there was no statutory maximum and no minimum. So its a verythey
were saying, hey, we got 20 years and you know. And I said, listen, if Im going to go to
prison its going to be Im doing my own trial then. So I kicked them out and the judge
wouldnt let them completely get off. The judge made them sit at the table. Ill never
forget the one question I asked that the lawyer jumped up on my side and said dont ask
that question. And I was going to askthe FDA agent was up at thehe was on the
witness stand and I was redirecting. And I was doing my cross examinationexcuse
meand the question was so did you have like 40 or 50 complaints about me? And the
lawyer got up and said, hold on, wait, time out. Keep talking. He said dont answer that
question. I said, listen, Im asking this question. So I was going to come down to the end
saying did you ever get a complaint against me? So I made him sit there and I said did
you have 30 or 40 claims? He said, no. Did you have 20 or 30? Did you have 10? Did
you have five? Did you ever have one complaint about me with the seeds about being
about me defrauding people? And he had to say no. And I have those transcripts at the
website actually but he had to actually admit no.
So whowhy was I on trial? Whats the point? Theres nobody that was injured. There
has to be an injured party for there to be a trial. This should be maybe a civil thing.
Anyway, it was a big kangaroo court. It was a big farce. At that point he said right away,
youre in contempt. I want to-you have to show me why you should not be held in
contempt by the end of this day or else they were going to detain me anyway that day. I
was guilty that day and that was it. They held me from that day. I didnt come out for five
years from that day.
Ty Bollinger: Five years.
Jason Vale: Five yearsfour years, eleven months.
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Ty Bollinger: County jailwhered you go?
Jason Vale: I went to MDC I think. It was not county. It was federal.
Ty Bollinger: Federal prison.
Jason Vale: Oh yeah.
Ty Bollinger: So you did five years and then you got outwas it 2008 that you got
out of prison?
Jason Vale: 2008, yeah, in May, yeah.
Ty Bollinger: Well Jason, I want to thank you for sharing your story with us
tonight and I just want to thank you personally. This miniseries, The Truth about
Cancer, would not be happening if it wasnt for you because you are the first
person that I woke upthat woke me up to natural cancer treatments back in
1996, a long time ago. So it was 18 years ago.
Jason Vale: 1986 it was
Ty Bollinger: It was 96 that I saw.
Jason Vale: I think I started in 94.
Ty Bollinger: I think in 94, maybe its when you filmed the show, 96 was when my
dad died and thats when I first saw the video. So I just want to thank you
personally man. This wouldnt even happen without you and its
Jason Vale: Great man! Ty, everybody mentions you. I love it. So many people that
called up my company, they all say Ty, I mean I wish there was a way I could haveI
mean I owe you a lot too because a lot of peoplethey owe you a lot too because a lot
of people read your book the way you market it and a lot of people read it and they got
better. They got better or people that lived an extra five, ten years, which all counts.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah, with quality of life. But hey, were all in the same fight. Were
all here to spread the truth and to spread knowledge about this, so. Its my honor
to interview you tonight man. And well arm wrestle in a second but off camera.
Jason Vale: Yeah sure.
Ty Bollinger: Wow! You know, I don't know about you but Im a little bit happy
and Im sad at the same time. Im going to miss this every night but Im happy that
weve been able to share this information with you and weve been able to share
these cancer survivor and thriver testimonials with you. Ill tell you, one of the
things thats interesting about this is that you heard in the last episode about the
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medical doctors that treated their own cancer. But what we heard tonight are
actual cancer patients that arent doctors. They dont have that medical education
but they were diagnosed with cancer and then potentially they went in for
treatment and the oncologist said you got to do chemo, radiation, and surgery,
and just something about that didnt resonate with them. And they listened to that
inner voice that said this is not the way for me. And so thats really encouraging
to me and thats really impressive to me that these people that are not doctors
that probably had a lot of pressure from family and friends to go the traditional
route of chemo, radiation, and surgery but they opted for something else, thats
just impressive to me that they had that intestinal fortitude to do that and to step
outside the box and to do what they felt was right. And theyre alive today so that
you could hear their story. So what a great show. It's been a great series folks. I
really am so thankful for all of you out there that have been watching and
listening and supporting our cause.
Over the last 11 days weve learned about the history of the American Medical
Association and the suppressed treatments, and genetically modified foods and
toxins and vaccines, all these things that compromise our immune system, which
is our first line of defense against disease. Weve learned about foods that we can
eat to fortify that immune system and which foods to stay away from and which
foods to eat. Weve learned about the treatments for cancer, the natural
treatments for cancer. Weve learned about how to detoxify the body. Ill tell you
what, at this point if youve been paying attention over the last 11 days you
probably got a better education on how your body works, how to achieve true
health than 99 percent of the people out there including a lot of medical doctors.
So thank you for tuning in to the Quest for the Cures Continues. I really hope that
youve benefited from it. I hope that youve shared it with your friends and family.
And I hope that you live a healthy and long life because of it. It's been our
privilege to spend this time with you over this last couple of weeks and we wish
you all the best. May God bless each and every one of you.
Help support our mission, join the movement, and save lives. When you choose
to own the 11 part docu-series, The Quest for Cures Continues, today youll help
us to achieve our goal to eradicate cancer once and for all. And a portion of the
proceeds from each and every sale goes to one of three cancer charities that are
actually researching real effective non-toxic treatments for cancer. Plus youll
receive a second digital set absolutely free that you can share with your friends
and your family. Be a hero and choose to support our mission today. Youll be
glad you did.
Dr. David Nuzum: The beautiful thing is when theyre at the point theyre losing their life
and they turnaround, they get better and then all of a sudden they either have their life
back or they even have a better life afterwards. It's wonderful. This whole natural
medicine thing is pretty cool. I mean thats like being the coach of the winning team. Itll
ruin the championship. Thats what it feels like. I mean thats reallyI don't know how
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else to describe that. Thats howthats what that feels like. You won. They won but
through them you won. You were the coach and the team won.
People thatI have patients that were given as little as six weeks left. They were
hospice had been called in. They were getting all their affairs in order, really bad
situations. And they have responded, have turned around. Many of these cases, here
we are 10 years later and theyve won. Cancer is a thing in the past for them. They are
better. Theyve maintained their health. Theyre in good health. They keep following the
healthy principles that they have to follow in order to be healthy, and they havetheyre
startingsome of these people are starting families. Some of these people are able to
spend time with their grandchildren. Other people aretheyre re-birthed their
businesses and theyre flourishing and theyre doing very well. And for me everyone of
them. I mean it's like my team won the championship. It's just the most awesome feeling
when somebodyyou actually get to participate and be the guide to help someone go
from a death sentence to living a whole new life, a healthy life, a good life. I mean I cant
think of anything more rewarding than that. It's just amazing.
Charlene Bollinger: Humanly speaking you look at this and think what is the hope in
this? Youve lost so many people, not the mother and the father and all these
grandparents, cousins, uncles, all these people in a pretty short span of time, six
months after we were married one after the other. What is the hope? Well, the first one
was Tys father. And when he was in the hospital he never complained, he knew where
his hope was. He knew where he was going. And he was a good man just like when you
look at Ty thats who his father was, just a good, good man. Well, God was really
working in my heart as well as Tys during the time that his father was ill showing us that
the things that we were pursuing that so many in the world pursue are transient, theyre
temporary, and one day theyll be gone. Just poof gone. And we saw that Tys father
was living for what really mattered for eternity. And I was sharing these things. Theres
so much more. But I was sharing these things with Tys father. Hes a big, tall, strong
man, beautiful smile. We were walking around the hospital and hes getting his exercise
hooked up to all these machines, and he looks down at me after I tell him how God is
really using him in my life and in my heart for good. And he just smiled that brilliant smile
he has that you see in Ty and said if thats all that God does is work in your heart with
my cancer then it's all worth it for you. If he could only see today all of the lives that have
been spared, all of the souls that are still here enjoying their families and their families
enjoying them he just couldnt believe it. Maybe he knows in heaven. I don't know. But
he said it was worth for me and to look at all the lives that we have been able to touch
just simply by bringing this information into the mainstream. It's criminal that this
information has been hidden from the mainstream media, the information flow has been
And so thats why we feel it's justit is a matter of life and death, this message. The
truth about cancer has got to be known. There are people out there today that are alive
and cancer free because of this information. And it's a joy. It's the purpose for which
God placed us here on this earth and Tys parents, those precious souls, well see them
again. We know that. Theres a lot of other families enjoying their family members, their
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fathers, or their mothers because of this information. So when we heard about cancer or
hear the word cancer thats what we think. We just live to help people. I mean this is just
a passion that we both have. And it's a joy. We desire to help others not to have to
suffer as we saw his father suffer and as we had to suffer when we said good-bye. That
was very difficult. And our lives were forever changed.
Because they were so loving and these children are so sweet. It'swe take turns.
Sometimes we say, oh, if they were only here. If they were only here they would be
beating down our door to get to these children. Yeah. Thats still difficult. We still both
have a difficult time with that and we have to remind each other that there is purpose,
there is a reason. And we get to tell the children the wonderful stories that Im telling you
now about their amazing grandparents. And they miss them. They say all the time how
they miss them as if they know them. So that is a consolation to be able to give them
these beautiful stories, to have it written in a book, in many articles, and interviews.
They do have a connection. So thats a consolation and it's also a consolation that
others get to have grandparents. Thats a blessing. Not having our parents,
grandparents, for our children and we get into moments, like today the amazing filming,
the beautiful pictures that we got of Ty with the children in our family. Of course, we
think, wow, if grammy could only see this, you know, Tys parents. But theyre not here.
And who knows what they can see in heaven. We dont know that. We like to think that
there may be some glimpses, something thatthey probably know more than we do.
But we dont know. We dont have that physical connection. But yes, there are families
out there that because of this information have been able to their grandchildren grow up
or will be able to see their grandchildren grow up or their children, or their parents,
whatever the case may be. For us, it was parents and grandparents.
The Quest for the Cures now The Quest for the CuresContinues, is reaching so
many people. So many people are able to wake up to the beautiful truth that cancer
does not have to be a death sentence. So all of our suffering[crying]
Ty Bollinger: Is worth it, and thats what dad told you. [hugsmusic playing]

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Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski,

M.D., Ph.D
Scientist and Biochemist

Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy, M.D.

Lecturer and Integrative Physician

Suzanne Somers
Cancer Survivor, Author, and Actress

Dr. Bradford S. Weeks, M.D.

Lecturer, Scientist and Researcher

Mike Adams
Mike Adams aka The Health Ranger,
Food Scientist, Author, and Lecturer

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Contact Information for the Experts

Dr. Roby Mitchell, M.D.

aka Dr. Fitt

Dr. Ben Johnson, M.D.,

N.M.D., D.O.

Orthomolecular Medicine Specialist

Author, Lecturer, and Researcher

Jonathan Emord
Constitutional Attorney
The FDA Dragonslayer

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, D.O.

Author, Lecturer, Consultant, and
Vaccine Expert

Dr. Sunil Pai, M.D.

Integrative Medicine Physician, Lecturer
and Researcher

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Dr. James Forsythe, M.D.

Oncologist and Homeopath

Dr. Vronique Desaulniers, D.C.

Author, Lecturer, Cancer Survivor

Dr. Robert Scott Bell, D.A. Hom.

Author, Lecturer, & Syndicated Radio Host

Burton Goldberg
aka The Voice of Alternative Medicine
Best-selling Author and Lecturer

Dr. David Jockers, D.C.

Maximized Living Doctor, Author and

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Contact Information for the Experts

Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D.

Chris Wark

Scientist, Physician, and Author

Cancer Survivor, Author, and Lecturer

AJ Lanigan

G. Edward Griffin

Scientist and Immunologist

Author, Lecturer, and Filmmaker

Dr. Rashid Buttar, D.O.

Bill Henderson

Bestselling Author and Lecturer

Cancer Coach, Lecturer, and Author

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K.C. Craichy
Author and Nutritional Expert
CEO of LivingFuel

Dr. Keith Scott Mumby, M.D., Ph.D

Author and Lecturer

Dr. Darrelll Wolfe, Ac., Ph.D

Dr. Linda Isaacs, M.D.

The Doc of Detox

Scientist, Physician, and Author

Author and Lecturer

R. Webster Kehr

Jason Vale

aka The Cancer Tutor

Cancer Survivor

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Contact Information for the Experts

Charlene Bollinger
Researcher & Health Freedom
Advocate, Co-Founder of

Dr. Daniel Nuzum, D.O., N.M.D.

Toxicologist, Professor, Scientist and

Jeffrey M. Smith
GMO Expert, Filmmaker, Researcher,
and Lecturer

Wendy Wilson
Master Herbalist

Dr. Charles Majors, D.C.

Dr. Irvin Sahni M.D.

Maximized Living Doctor, Cancer

Physician, Lecturer, and Scientist

Survivor, Author, and Lecturer

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The Truth About Cancer

Paul Barattiero, C.Ped

Hydration Specialist

Dr. Murray Buzz Susser,

Integrative Physician and Lecturer

Shannon Knight

Dr. Tony Jimenez, M.D.

Cancer Survivor

Scientist, Lecturer and Researcher

Founder/CEO of Angels For Shannon

Dr. Patrick Quillin, Ph.D,

R.D., C.N.S.
Author, Lecturer, and Nutritional Expert

Dr. Francisco Contreras, M.D.

Oncologist and Surgeon

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Contact Information for the Experts

Dr. David Brownstein, M.D.

Kevin Irish

Best-selling Author, Lecturer, and

Cancer Survivor


Author of Im Still Here

Staci Marshall
Kevil Murray

Cancer Survivor

Cancer Survivor

Founder of Operation Blueberry Melt

Chris Walsh
Cancer Survivor

Dr. W. Lee Cowden, M.D.

Scientist, Author, and Lecturer

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The Truth About Cancer

Dr. Robert Verkerk, Ph.D

Bob Wright

Executive Director of Alliance for

Author and Researcher, Founder of the

Natural Health-International

AACI (American Anti-Cancer Institute)

Peter Starr

Cortney Campbell

Documentary Film Maker & Cancer

Cancer Survivor


Frank Cousineau

Ian Jacklin

Author and President of the Cancer

Filmmaker and Researcher

Control Society

Former World Kickboxing Champion

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Contact Information for the Experts

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