Courseoutline 2016

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Mastery ELA 8 Syllabus

Welcome to 8th Grade English!

The eighth grade curriculum will follow the New York State Common Core Learning Standards for
English Language Arts and Literacy. The goal of the Mastery ELA 8 course is to continue the exploration of
the language arts by providing varied speaking, listening, reading, and writing experiences with differentiated
instruction. The emphasis of the common core is college and career readiness. There are five strands of
standards: reading for literature, reading for information, writing, speaking and listening, and language. A
greater emphasis is placed on reading and writing for information students will see more non-fiction pieces
connected to social studies/history and science. Students are encouraged to develop higher-level thinking
skills through analysis and synthesis of their writing, to participate in class daily in preparation for the state
ELA assessment, and to prepare themselves for the high school program by developing strong study and
organizational skills. Students who maintain an 85% grade point average for the first three quarters of the
school year will be recommended for Honors in Ninth grade.
Each quarter will focus on an Essential Question. This question will guide our study of literature
through reading, writing, and class discussions. These questions are meant to help you not only understand
these texts but also to gain a deeper understanding of the world around you and your own personal views.
Quarter 1: Are our choices a product of nature or nurture? Are humans essentially good or
Quarter 2: What is the American Dream? Is the American Dream attainable for everyone?
Quarter 3: How does technology shape an individuals life?
Quarter 4: When an individuals choices are in direct conflict with society, what are the
We will be reading the following full-length texts:
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
The Secret Lives of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

Summative Assessments - 40%

Formative Assessment - 55%

Summative Assessments are

any major assignment that
demonstrates student
understanding or their analysis
and synthesis of a units
objective. (Full-length essays,
end of unit writing, end of unit
exam, quarterly project, etc.)

Formative Assessments are any

assignment that evaluates
student knowledge of a
concept taught or discussed
within a larger unit.


Quizzes & Tests 25%

End of Unit Assessments

Essays/Formal Writing 15%

Classwork/Homework 15%

Cumulative Assessment - 5%
To continually assess the skills
and strategies being taught in
the ELA classroom, you will be
given a cumulative assessment
each quarter.

Mrs. Famiglietti

Mastery ELA 8 Syllabus

Please Note
It is suggested that students have the opportunity to work independently on a written assignment or to
read independently for one class period each week. During this time teachers may conference with
students to discuss their writing or reading progress.
Students are expected to arrive to class with the following items every day!
- Agenda Book (provided by the school)
- Pens (blue or black ink), pencils, and red (or colored) pens for self-correcting
- Highlighters
- 3-ring Binder with loose-leaf paper (FOR ENGLISH ONLY)
- 2 - two Pocket folders (1 will be collected; the other will be kept in binder and will store
returned tests and quizzes)
- Post-its (any color, shape, or size)
- 3x5 index cards (recommended)
- box of tissues (optional)
Binders may be checked for completeness and neatness periodically.
Classroom Rules and Procedures
Punctuality & Seating: Arrive to class on time, take your assigned seat, and check the board for the Do
Now and the homework. Please ask permission before getting up from your seat.
Leaving the Classroom: Try your best to remain inside of the classroom for the entire period. Please limit
requests to leave the classroom (bathroom, locker, etc.) to emergencies and observe the ten-minute-rule
no leaving for the first or last ten minutes of class!
Respect: All members of the classroom will treat each other at all times with civility and respect. Be a serious
student. Respect yourself, teacher and others by raising your hand before speaking and by listening to your
classmates. Act responsibly in class. Inappropriate behavior will NOT be tolerated. It is expected and
required that all students will follow the school rules in our classroom.
Homework & Assignments
Students should write their homework in their agenda books each day. Parents are encouraged to check the
agenda book often. An organized student will check off finished assignments. A parent who needs to closely
monitor homework can match the assignments written in the agenda book to the heading on a finished
Assignments will also be available on my website Classwork and homework
will be posted daily on the calendar. Therefore, all homework is expected to be submitted the day it is due.
Students may turn in homework one day late for half credit. No work will be accepted if it is more than one day
late. No parent notes will be accepted. Special considerations may be made for students with extended
absences because of sickness (coupled with a doctor's note) or family tragedy.

Mrs. Famiglietti

Mastery ELA 8 Syllabus

Students will be penalized 5 points per day for any Summative Assessment that is submitted late. No
Summative Assessments will be accepted more than four days late.
Heading: Take pride in your work! All homework and classwork assignments must be completed on
looseleaf (with no messy edges) and include the proper heading in order to earn full credit.
Your Name

Date ________




Students are responsible to get the missed assignments and to make up classroom activities. Made-up
assignments must be submitted within two days of returning to school. Again, all classwork and homework
will be available on my website. Having an in-class partner who can get assignments, practice sheets, etc., is
highly recommended.
Extra Credit
In the effort to limit grade inflation and legitimize student academic performance, no teacher can offer
students extra credit. The work assigned each quarter must be the evaluative tools that assess student
learning and function as the appropriate measures to decide if the student is recommended for Honors
The best way to reach me is by e-mail. Most emails with be answered within 24 hours. Also, please join our class along with your children, so you can get reminders about upcoming assignments, etc.
e-mail: [email protected]
Please visit and familiarize yourself with This site will provide you with a
calendar, handouts, and a variety of important information related to our class. All students are expected to
have access to this site.
I am looking forward to a successful year! :)
Student Signature

Parent Signature

*This handout should remain in your binder for the entire school year.

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