FC Grammar w2016

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Foundations C Grammar Winter 2016

Juan Escalante
Office: 358
Hours: by appointment
Email: [email protected]

Required Materials
o TEXTBOOK: Fundamentals of English Grammar, Fourth Edition only, 2011, by Betty S. Azar and Stacy A.
o WORKBOOK: Fundamentals of English Grammar, Fourth Edition only, 2011, by Betty S. Azar, Rachel Spack
Koch and Stacy A. Hagen
**** You must buy the books new or make sure that you erase all the writings from the previous owner.
Other Materials:
o Packet: Principles of Self-regulated Learning: Developing Language Learning Plans (Available in Room
o Blue Learners Notebook (buy in UPC Room 103 or at the BYU Store.
o Pen/pencil, eraser, paper, binder/folder to keep work in.

Class Description
This course will cover the following fundamentals of English grammar: present time, past time, future time, present perfect
and past perfect, asking questions, nouns, pronouns, and more, if possible.

Course Goal
A student learns and accurately applies the grammatical structures necessary for basic interpersonal communication,
focusing on accurate production in both speaking and writing.

Our long-term objectives for this course are:
You will receive a general overview of basic grammar structures of English.
You will develop familiarity with level-appropriate core grammatical terms and incorporate them into your
You will regularly evaluate your language through accuracy-focused speaking and writing activities.
You will keep a grammar learners notebook.

Your responsibilities related to this are:

Do all assigned homework.

Participate well in class.
Actively work to learn the appropriate grammar structures and principles.
Practice grammar structures outside of class.
Take all tests and quizzes in a timely manner.

During the semester you will:

Study each chapter before we work on it in class.
Do workbook assignments outside of class almost every day.
Keep a learners notebook in and outside of class.
Do accuracy-focused speaking and writing activities in class.
Take quizzes in class on Thursdays and possibly other days.
Take 6 tests, including a final comprehensive test, on Fridays.
Grades are something you earn, not something I give you! That said, you get two separate grades in the class:

Citizenship (Effort)- Am I a good student?

A citizenship grade at the ELC is representative of your effort. A citizenship grade less than 3.0 or 84% will disqualify you
from attending the ELC next semester. Your citizenship grade will be determined by the following:
50% Homework completing homework assignments on time (you lose 10% for each day an assignment is
turned in late) AND completing tests on the days that they should be completed
50% Participationparticipating actively in classroom activities, trying to speak in English, coming prepared,
being on time to class, following classroom rules.

Proficiency (Ability)-Am I good at English?

A proficiency grade at the ELC is representative of your language ability. In order to get a passing grade, you must have
74% or higher. Be sure not to miss a test or quiz because you cannot make up a missed quiz or test without a doctors note
excusing you from classes the day of the test. If you know you will be absent, speak to the teacher in advance so that
arrangements can be made for you to take quizzes or tests at another time. Your proficiency grade will be determined by
the following:

45% Tests 20% Accuracy-focused 35% Quizzes

speaking & writing

Major Assignments
Category % Overview of Assignments
Participating actively in classroom activities, speaking in English, coming prepared, being in class and
Citizenship -
50 on time. You can earn a total of 5 points for each class period. See below for a breakdown of how
the points are tallied.

Citizenship - Your homework is due at the beginning of class each day. Have your workbook open to the assigned
Homework practices. Your Grammar Learners Notebook will be due every Thursday on Canvas by 11:59 pm.

In addition to an ELC sponsored Mid-Term and LATS (required if you wish to continue at the
45 ELC), I will give 6 Grammar Tests during the semester. These tests will be given on Fridays in the
testing center. See the calendar for dates.

Proficiency Quizzes 35 You will take several in class quizzes on materials covered in class. See calendar for dates.

You will provide writing and/or speaking samples designed to help you demonstrate your ability to
20 use target grammar structures in communicative contexts. You will receive feedback regarding
speaking & writing
accuracy and frequency of the target structure. These will be done in class and during Friday tests.

I will pass out 3 Grace cards to each student at the beginning of the semester to be used on any assignment at any time
throughout the semester. The Grace card will give you an extra class period to submit an assignment. In order to use the
Grace card, it must be submitted to me on or before the original due date, and I will open up that particular assignment
for you in Canvas for an additional day. I recommend you use them wisely. This is a safety measure for when unforeseen
things come up, and should be reserved for emergencies. And remember to do your best, because it is by grace that we are
saved after all we can do (2 Nephi 25:23).
If you miss a class, it is YOUR responsibility to find out what you missed and come prepared to the following class with
any assigned work completed. You may contact a classmate to find out what you missed (or see the modules on Canvas).
Write down the contact information of 2 of your classmates. (Right now choose someone you know or who is sitting close
to you. You may change this later as you make new friends in class.)

Classmate # 1: Name _________________________ Phone __________________ Email __________________________

Classmate # 2: Name _________________________ Phone __________________ Email __________________________

Level Achievement Tests (LATs) April 13th & 14th

Level Achievement Tests (LATs) are given at the end of each semester. They are used to test your progress in English in
each skill area. If you plan to continue studying at the ELC, you must take the LATs.

Class Rules
Not following class rules will result in the loss of participation points. A total of five participation points are given each day.
1. Be honorable. Maintain a high-quality relationship of trust with your teacher, ELC staff, and other students.
2. Be excellent. Speak English in the classroom (before, during, and after class). English is the language that you have
come to learn, so try your hardest to communicate in English. It will help you progress in your language abilities and
show respect for those around you.
3. Be positive. Maintain a positive and grateful attitude and give your best effort in class.
4. Be on time. Come to class on time. If you are not in the classroom at the time class starts, you are late. If you miss
more than 10 minutes of class at the beginning, middle or end of class, you are considered absent.
5. Be responsible. Bring the required books everyday to class and participate in class. Turn in your homework on time.
When you are absent, contact a classmate to find out what you missed and what the homework is. Check your email
and grades regularly. Read the student handbook (at elc.byu.edu under students/student handbook/English) and follow
the guidelines there, especially the Honor Code.
6. Be respectful. Show respect for class time. Your teachers come prepared, and so should you. Go to the bathroom before
class; dont work on other things during class time. If you absolutely must leave, ask the teacher first. Do not use
electronic devices unless given permission to do so. Do not bring food into the classroom (water in a water bottle is ok).
If you know youre going to be absent ahead of time, talk with the teacher and make arrangements for your homework.
7. Be honest. Your integrity is more important than a grade (ELC Policy). Maintain a high quality relationship of trust
with your teacher, classmates, and the ELC staff. Do not cheat or plagiarize in any way for any assignment, quiz, or

Participation Points

5 participation points are available for each class day. If you are absent from class and your absence is not
excused, you will lose all 5 participation points for that day. You may receive 3 participation points for the first 2
excused absences you have (you will only lose 2 points instead of 5). For every day you are absent after that,
even if your absences are excused, you will lose all 5 participation points (Please see the Student Handbook for
information about excused absences). Full participation points cannot be restored even if your absence is
excused, since you cannot participate if you are not present. If you miss more than 10 minutes of class any time
during the class you will be considered absent for that class period.You can lose participation points for being late
to class, for not trying to speak English in class, for being disruptive, for using your cell phone inappropriately,
for taking long breaks during class, for not being prepared (for example, not having your book with you in
class),and for not participating actively in a class activity. You will not always know immediately when you lose
participation points.
5 = On time, fully engaged, no cell phone usage, no internet surfing on laptop, no talking on the side, no
homework for other classes, no extended breaks from class, no intentional sleeping.
4 = If one of the following occurred one time: late, not fully engaged, cell phone usage, surfed the internet
on laptop, talked on the side, did homework for another class, took an extended break from
class, intentional sleeping, not having all your materials.
3 = If one or more of the following occurred more than once: late, excessively late, not fully engaged, cell
phone usage, surfed the internet on laptop, talked on the side, did homework for another class, took an
extended break from class, intentional sleeping, not having all your materials.
2 = If multiple of the following occurred multiple times: late, excessively late, not fully engaged, cell
phone usage, surfed the internet on laptop, talked on the side, did homework for another class, took an
extended break from class, intentional sleeping, not having all your materials.
1 = No real effort was made today in class and was disruptive in class.
0 = Absent and did not do assignments or contact teacher. (If you have an excused absence and contact
the teacher and submit any assignments due, you can earn 2.5 points).

Attendance Policy (from Student Handbook)

You are expected to attend class every day. Excessive absences decrease your chances of passing this class, and could lead
to your dismissal from the ELC.

Consistently attending class is a central part of learning and improving your English. When you are absent from class, you
miss important information and practice opportunities that you need to improve your English.

The US Government allows each English program to establish its own attendance policy. The following requirements
reflect the ELCs commitment to create the right environment to help you improve your English.

ELC students must maintain 80% attendance in each and every class at all times. As soon as your attendance drops below
80% in any one of your four classes, you will receive a warning letter. If you have any unexcused absences before raising
your attendance back to 80%, you will be dismissed.
If your attendance drops below 80% a second time in any one of your four classes, you will be dismissed from the ELC.
Once you receive your attendance dismissal letter, you must go to Anna Baileys office (4056 JFSB) immediately.

The US Government states that if a student is dismissed for violation of a school's attendance policy, then their student visa
is immediately terminated and the student will need to leave the US within two weeks. If students want to transfer to
another school, they will have to reapply to be reinstated. However, attempts to be reinstated rarely successful.

Academic Honesty (from Student Handbook)

ELC students should seek to be totally honest with others. You should complete your own assignments and be evaluated
based on your work. You should avoid academic dishonesty in all forms, including cheating, falsification, and plagiarism.

Sexual Discrimination & Harassment (from Student Handbook)

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is intended to eliminate sex discrimination and sexual harassment in
educational contexts. Any ELC student, teacher, staff member, or administrator who becomes aware of sexual harassment,
discrimination, or misconduct of any kind, directed toward them or any other member of the ELC community should
immediately contact Dr. James Hartshorn (801-422-4034, [email protected]) or Dr. Norman Evans (801-422-8472,
[email protected]). If they are unavailable, please leave a message and then contact the Equal Employment Office
(801-422-5895, 1-888-238-1062, http://www.ethicspoint.com) or the Honor Code Office (801-422-2847).

Week 1: Introduction to Course Diagnostic Tests(Tues

Jan. 11-15 Tuesday: Diagnostics in Lab)

Week 2: MONDAY NO CLASS (Martin Luther King Day) Chapter Quiz (Thursday
Jan. 18-22 Chapter 1 Present Time in class - Lab)
Self-Regulation Lesson 1 (Tuesday)
o Irregular Verb Quiz 1 (Wednesday)
o Irregular Verb Quiz 2 (Thursday)
o Grammar Learners Notebook Due (Thursday)
Week 3: Chapter 1 Present Time TEST Chapter 1
Jan. 25-29 Self-Regulation Lesson 5 (Tuesday) (Friday @ 9am in Lab)
o Irregular Verb Quiz 3 (Monday)
o Irregular Verb Quiz 4 (Thursday)
o Grammar Learners Notebook Due (Thursday)
Week 4: Chapter 2 Past Time Chapter Quiz (Thursday
Feb. 1-5 o Lab (Monday) in class - Lab)
o Irregular Verb Quiz 5 (Tuesday)
o Grammar Learners Notebook Due (Thursday)
Week 5: Chapter 2 Past Time TEST Chapter 2
Feb. 8-12 o Irregular Verb Quiz 6 (Monday) (Friday @ 9am Lab)
o English Etiquette Video (Tuesday)
o Irregular Verb Quiz 7 (Thursday)
o Grammar Learners Notebook Due (Thursday)
Week 6: MONDAY NO CLASS (Presidents Day) Chapter Quiz (Thursday
Feb. 15-19 Chapter 3 Future Time in class - Lab)
o Irregular Verb Quiz 8 (Tuesday)
o Grammar Learners Notebook Due (Thursday)
Week 7: Chapter 3 Future Time TEST Chapter 3
Feb. 22-26 o Irregular Verb Quiz 9 (Monday) (Friday @ 9am in Lab)
o Irregular Verb Quiz 10 (Thursday)
o SGID (Thursday)
o Grammar Learners Notebook Due (Thursday)
Week 8: Chapter 4 Present Perfect and Past Perfect Chapter Quiz (Thursday
Feb. 29-Mar. 4 o Irregular Verb Quiz 11 (Tuesday) in class - Lab)
o Irregular Verb Quiz 12 (Thursday)
o Grammar Learners Notebook Due (Thursday)
Week 9: Chapter 4 Present Perfect and Past Perfect TEST Chapter 4
Mar. 7-11 o Irregular Verb Quiz 13 (Monday) (Friday @ 9am in Lab)
o Irregular Verb Quiz 14 (Thursday)
o Grammar Learners Notebook Due (Thursday)
Week 10: Chapter 5 Asking Questions Chapter Quiz (Thursday
Mar. 14-18 o Irregular Verb Quiz 15 (Tuesday) in class - Lab)
o Grammar Learners Notebook Due (Thursday)
Week 11: Chapter 5 Asking Questions TEST Chapter 5
Mar. 21-25 o Irregular Verb Quiz 16 (Monday) (Friday @ 9am in Lab)
o Irregular Verb Quiz 17 (Thursday)
o Grammar Learners Notebook Due (Thursday)
Week 12: Chapter 6 Nouns and Pronouns Chapter Quiz (Thursday
Mar. 28-Apr. 1 o Irregular Verb Quiz 18 (Tuesday) in class Lab)
o Grammar Learners Notebook Due (Tuesday)
Week 13: Chapter 6 Nouns and Pronouns
Apr. 4-8 o Final Diagnostic Tests (Monday-Thursday)
Irregular Verb Test (Monday)
Comprehensive Grammar Assessment TEST Chapter 6
(Wednesday) (Friday @ 11am in Lab)
Accuracy-based Contextual Assessment
o Grammar Learners Notebook Due (Thursday)
Week 14: Review for LATs LATs (Final Exams)
Apr. 11-15 (Wednesday & Thursday)

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