Syllabus 2016-17

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History 8
Ms. Prepster
E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 841-8717


The Course: This course will cover Unites States History from the Colonial Period through Reconstruction.
We will study the American Revolution, the early republic and the Civil War. We will also spend some time
on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Students will prepare for the 8th grade Social Studies STAAR at
the end of the year.
Procedures: All assignments and homework are noted on the white board at the front of the room. Each
day, students will be directed to copy their To Dos into their planners. Students will be given 4 minutes to
copy the To Dos, to sharpen pencils, to check the make-up work bin, to have converations with me about
grades / work and to prepare for the day.
Blended Learning Class: This course will use a
blended model of instruction. Rather than
receiving lectures of content material during class
time, students will use technology as well as
traditional models (text, handouts) to take notes
and to be exposed to the content either at home
or in a lab setting. We will use our face-to-face
time for activities, discussion and re-teaching.
Students will be expected to follow directions to
learn techniques that help them best self-direct
and manage their learning. More information
about how this all will work will be explained,
demonstrated and sent home in the coming
weeks. If students do not have access to the
Internet, either at home or on a phone, they
should let me know as soon as possible.

Technology: We will use technology on a

regular basis in my class. Because Gorzycki is a
Bring Your Own Device campus, students may
have (but are not required to bring) their own
personal electrionic devices (iPads, iTouch, smart
phone, tablet, e-reader). Students are only to use
these devices as instructed and when instructed.
Please talk with your student about their data
plan. If they are on a limited data plan, please
make sure they know how to connect to the AISD
wireless network with their device (the network is
called AISD-GUEST).
If students use their devices for purposes other
than those directed in class or at a time when they
havent gotten permission to use them, their
devices will be taken up as per GMS Policy.

Our new textbooks run on a digital platform and can be accessed through the cloud. Physical textbooks
will not be issued.
Grading and Grade Reports
Summative assessments (tests, projects ) = 50%
Major formative activities (quizzes, classwork) = 40%
Minor formative activities (quick writes, skills practice, binder checks) = 10%
If you have a question about something that is seen there, talk with your student before contacting the
teacher. Students should contact the teacher, either through email or in person with questions about their

own grades. I rarely offer extra credit. If students complete all assigned work, they shouldnt need extra
credit. No extra credit will be awarded if students have zeros on assignments.
Failing Work: Students will be given the opportunity to improve/re-do failing grades on tests and
assignments when they receive a score lower than 70. The maximum score on this redone work is a 70.
Students may be required to attend tutoring or complete additional review activities before being allowed
to retake a test. Students must complete a request to re-do or re-test paper to be given this
Late Work Learning activities and homework are designed to support what is done in class on a daily basis.
It is in the students very best interest to come to class prepared and ready with all work/ preparation
complete. While late credit will be given, students run the risk of falling behind or not being able to
participate in class activities. The late work policy may be suspended with advance notice for specified
assignments. Because binders are a cumulative record of completed work, there is no late credit
awarded for not having them ready when they are due.
Work turned in late will receive 5 points off per day with a maximum of 20 points off. If it is not
turned in after 4 days the MSG in the grade book will be changed to a 0. Students must submit a late
work slip with any work turned in late. Late work will be graded once a week. You may not see your grade
change immediately.
Absent Work: Absent work is work that is assigned when a student is absent. Absent work is not previously
assigned work that was due when the student was absent. It is the students responsibility to obtain all
information, content and assignments missed during an absence. Students are responsible for turning in
work that was due while they were gone on the first day that they return. They must submit an absent work
slip with any work turned in after the original due date. If a student misses a test or quiz, they must make
arrangements to make it up within three days.
Cheating can include copying answers, allowing someone to copy your answers, plagiarism, using
unauthorized sources on a test/quiz, or having someone else complete an assignment for you.
1st offense: You will be given an alternate assignment, your parents will be notified and you will be assigned
a detention. The alternate assignment will have a maximum value of a 70.
2nd offense: You will be given an alternate assignment, your parents will be notified and you will receive
an office referral. The alternate assignment will have a maximum value of 70.
Communication: My school phone number is 841-8717. I am usually gone for the day around 4:30. My
school e-mail address is [email protected]. If you have a question this is the best way to
contact me. Please allow 48 hours to hear back.
Please visit my website at (or search for me on To receive
updates, students and parents can subscribe to my website or subscribe to my Remind account. . This will
send you text messages about upcoming assignments and announcements. To do this, send the phrase
@mprepster to 81010. You can also subscribe by visiting We will also be using
Google Classroom and the textbooks online platform. Directions for these will be coming home under
separate cover.
What You Need To HAVE to BE Successful
1.5 to 2 inch binder with 5 divider tabs
College Ruled Loose Leaf Paper

You may want: markers, ear buds

What You Need To DO to Be Successful

Follow all directions the first time they are given

Respect others and their learning
Be prepared, prompt and present for class time

Complete all assignments on time

Ask questions when you dont understand
Have fun

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