1 Abc Gonzalescuevasjennings

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– Discovery
First Grade Syllabus
2019-2020 School Year
Phone: (210)-543-1111

Mrs. Bianca Gonzales Mrs. Liz Jennings Mrs. Jessica Cuevas

Ext. 110 Ext. 119 Ext. 106
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to an amazingly fun year in First Grade! This is going to be a year full of amazing
opportunities, challenges, and a time of blossoming independence. Students will build upon
their foundation in reading, writing, and math that will serve them for the rest of their
lives. We will be working with several new concepts as well as revisiting and mastering
familiar ones. We will be concentrating on SST’s academic goals: creativity, leadership,
critical thinking, problem solving, and effective learning.
I. Curriculum:
€ English Language Arts/Writing and Reading Workshops: We will be using
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt as our Reading and Writing curriculum. The learner will
be engaged in centers during guided reading, explore vocabulary and word study,
and become independent readers using the balanced literacy reading framework.
Students will expand their vocabulary and spelling/sight word banks, master reading
and writing strategies, and practice different styles of writing.
€ Mathematics: We will be using the GoMath curriculum. The GoMath curriculum
uses problem based interactive learning and visual learning to deepen conceptual
understanding. Students will be expected to use math pictorials and manipulatives
to help develop abstract mathematical thinking processes (mental math). Some of
the topics covered include students learning basic addition and subtraction facts up
to 20, counting and number patterns up to 120, solving two-digit addition and
subtraction problems, greater than/less than, geometric 2D and 3D shapes,
counting by multiples, counting money, fractional parts, financial literacy, and
continuing to build analytical skills.
€ Social Studies: We will be using Texas Studies Weekly First Grade. Students will
be learning how to be a responsible member of their classroom, school, home and
community. They will learn about “where they are in the world”, maps, directions,
landforms, the importance of a compass rose, and geographical features. This year
First Graders will also focus on American Monuments, Presidents and rights and
civic responsibilities. We will also explore the importance of families, familial roles,
goods and services, money and trade, traditions and celebrations.
€ Science: Students will investigate science concepts using the STEMscopes
curriculum created by Rice University. Every good scientist knows that they need
to start with safety rules first. Once safety rules have been learned, they will be
exploring with tools and measurement, learning discovery skills, forms of energy,
how to classify matter, animal characteristics, bodies of water, seasons, patterns
of movement, living and non-living objects, interdependency, food chains, animal
characteristics and life cycles.

II. Managing for Academic Success:

1. Take Home Binders: Students will be assigned a binder to take home every night
and bring back to school daily. In this binder there will be a daily record of
students’ behavior, agenda and any papers/notes from the teacher. Please check
binder daily and SIGN WEEKLY.
2. Materials: School supply list can be found online at sstdiscovery.org. If more
supplies are needed throughout the school year notes from your teacher will be
sent home in your child’s folder.
3. Grading Policy: Grading will be based on a weighted system where all numeric
averages on Report Cards use percentages for Mathematics, Reading/Writing,
Science, and Social Studies.

A. 90% - 100+% B – 80%-89% C- 75%-79% D- 70%-74% F- Below 70

Daily Grades (Formative Assessments) 70% (at least 9 per grading period)
Major Grades (Summative Assessments-Comprehension/Unit Tests) 25% (at least 3
per grading period)
Homework (Formative Practice) 5% (amount will vary during grading period)

Students who receive a failing grade on a Daily Grade Assignment, such as a Weekly
Sight Word Assessment, will have the opportunity to retest for a maximum grade
of 70%. Retakes on Summative Assessments will be given only if the whole class in
below the passing grade of 70%.
4. “Homefun” (Homework) Policy: Students will be given a reading assignment of 20
minutes minimum each day. Reading may be done at home, library or online. A
reading response journal will be provided for a response each day to be completed
by the student and turned in on Friday. All homework will be due on Friday. In
addition to reading, there will be math homework and occasionally science or social
studies homework sent.
5. Assignment Make-Up Policy: Following any excused absence, students will be given
opportunities in class, to make up any assignments or tests for as many days as they
are absent. If work is past due in multiple content areas, we extend the time. A
two-day extension per assignment will be given. If the absence is unexcused, the
teacher is NOT required to provide homework or give an extension.
6. Late Work Policy: Late work is to be accepted with a 10-point penalty per day for
up to three days. After the third day, your child will receive a zero.
7. Behavior Policy: Student Behavior – We will be using Parent Square to communicate
the students’ day in the classroom. Rewards for positive behavior - Positive
statements, praise, treasure box, positive notes home to parents, lunch bunch with
the teacher, and class activities earned as a class such as bubble parties at recess
and things of that sort. Consequences for negative behavior - Sitting out from
recess at teacher’s discretion, having to complete missed work during play time,
lunch detention, (the following are only for severe misbehaviors, however they must
be mentioned) In School Suspension, Half Day Suspension, Full Day Suspension, and
Reverse Suspension when parents must spend the day with their child at school.
Severe Behavior Clause: A student will be referred directly to the Dean of
Students when safety is involved or when conduct is severe. Cursing, defiance and
physical harm to themselves or others will result in such action.

Field Trips: Classes take trips to interesting and educational locations in and around the
community as a vital part of the instructional program. Parents are notified in advance and
are encouraged to help chaperone. However, due to the nature of most educational field
trips, siblings will not be permitted to attend. This frees parents to adequately supervise
groups of students and experience and enjoyable activity with their children. Parents
attending field trips may be asked to drive and supervise other students.

Excused from structured programs: If your child must be excused from PE or recess or
any other structured activity, a medical note must be provided to our office from a

We look forward to working with and watching your child grow into their greatest
potential this year. With your parent involvement and our dedication here at Discovery, we
feel that this will be an excellent year!


Mrs. Gonzales, Mrs. Jennings and Mrs. Cuevas

ATTENTION: *The contents of this syllabus are subject to change. Parents/Guardians will be notified of any changes.

If you have any questions about this syllabus, contact your child’s teacher
I have read and understand the syllabus for SST-Discovery’s First Grade
Classrooms and agree to follow the policies stated.

Student’s Name (Please Print):

Parent/Guardian’s Signature: _______________________________________

Parent/Guardian’s Email and Telephone Numbers:

Student Video Release Form

District guidelines require parental/guardian approval to show excerpts

or full length “PG” rated videos to students.

Parent or Guardian’s Signature:


Please check one:

ÿ I give my approval for _________________________ (student

name) to view these videos.

ÿ I do not approve for _________________________ (student

name) to view these videos and request an alternate experience.

Examples: Despicable Me, Frozen, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs,

Wreck it Ralph, and Ice Age

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