Invited Paper: The Excitation Mechanism of Rare-Earth Ions in Silicon Nanocrystals

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Appl. Phys. A 69, 3–12 (1999) / Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.

Applied Physics A
Science & Processing
 Springer-Verlag 1999

Invited paper

The excitation mechanism of rare-earth ions in silicon nanocrystals

G. Franzò1 , V. Vinciguerra2 , F. Priolo2
1 CNR-IMETEM, Stradale Primosole 50, I-95121 Catania, Italy
(Fax: 39-095/713-9154, E-mail: [email protected])
2 INFM and Dipartimento di Fisica dell’Università, Corso Italia 57, I-95129 Catania, Italy
(Fax: 39-095/383-023, E-mail: [email protected])

Received: 9 April 1999/Accepted: 10 April 1999/Published online: 2 June 1999

Abstract. A detailed investigation on the excitation mechan- process is extremely efficient. Furthermore, the non-radiative
isms of rare-earth (RE) ions introduced in Si nanocrystals (nc) decay processes typically limiting rare-earth luminescence in
is reported. Silicon nanocrystals were produced by high-dose Si (namely back-transfer and Auger) are demonstrated to be
80-keV Si implantation in thermally grown SiO2 followed by absent in Si nc further improving the overall efficiency of
1100 ◦ C annealing for 1 h. Subsequently some of the samples the process. These data are reported and their implications
were implanted by 300-keV Er, Yb, Nd, or Tm at doses in discussed.
the range 2 × 1012 –3 × 1015 /cm2 . The energy was chosen in
such a way to locate the RE ions at the same depth where PACS: 76.30.Kg; 7.55.-m; 61.72.Tt
nanocrystals are. Finally an annealing at 900 ◦ C for 5 min
was performed in order to eliminate the implantation dam-
age. These samples show intense room-temperature lumines- Silicon, the leading semiconductor in the microelectronics in-
cence due to internal 4 f shell transitions within the RE ions. dustry, has for a long time been considered unsuitable for
For instance, luminescence at 1.54 µm and 0.98 µm is ob- optoelectronic applications which remained the domain of
served in Er-doped nc, at 0.98 µm in Yb-doped nc, at 0.92 µm III-V semiconductors and glass fibers. This is mainly due to
in Nd-doped nc and two lines at 0.78 µm and 1.65 µm in the silicon indirect band gap, which makes it a poor emitter,
Tm-doped nc. Furthermore, these signals are much more and to the absence of linear electro-optic effects. The enor-
intense than those observed when RE ions are introduced mous progress in communication technologies in recent years
in pure SiO2 in the absence of nanocrystals, demonstrating resulted in an increased demand for optoelectronic functions
the important role of nanocrystals in efficiently exciting the integrated with electronic circuits. This would allow us to
REs. It is shown that the intense nc-related luminescence at couple the information processing capabilities of microelec-
around 0.85 µm decreases with increasing RE concentration tronics with the efficient interconnection properties of op-
and the energy is preferentially transferred from excitons in toelectronics. In principle, silicon would be the material of
the nc to the RE ions which, subsequently, emit radiatively. choice, due to its mature processing technology and to its
The exact mechanism of energy transfer has been studied unrivaled domain in microelectronics, the main limiting step
in detail by excitation spectroscopy measurements and time- being the absence of efficient Si-based light sources.
resolved photoluminescence. On the basis of the obtained Recently a strong effort has hence been devoted to study
results a plausible phenomenological model for the energy all of those processes able to circumvent the physical inability
transfer mechanism emerges. The pumping laser generates of silicon to emit light [1]. Since the discovery of light emis-
excitons within the Si nanocrystals. Excitons confined in the sion from porous silicon made in 1990 by Canham [2] a lot of
nc can either give their energy to an intrinsic luminescent cen- work has been performed in studying silicon nanostructures.
ter emitting at around 0.85 µm nor pass this energy to the RE These comprise not only porous silicon but also nanocrystals
4 f shell, thus exciting the ion. The shape of the luminescence produced by several techniques [3–10], as well as silicon-
spectra suggests that excited rare-earth ions are not incorpo- insulator multilayers [11, 12]. The initial problems related to
rated within the nanocrystals and the energy is transferred the instability of the luminescence yield have finally been
at a distance while they are embedded within SiO2 . Rare- solved and today reliable, stable structures, compatible with
earth excitation can quantitatively be described by an effect- the silicon technology have been fabricated. In particular, the
ive cross section σeff taking into account all the intermediate group at Rochester University has now produced silicon-rich
steps leading to excitation. We have directly measured σeff for silicon dioxide electroluminescent devices integrated with sil-
Er in Si nc obtaining a value of ≈ 2 × 10−17 cm2 . This value is icon microelectronic circuitry [13]. Alternative approaches
much higher than the cross section for excitation through dir- comprise the doping of silicon with rare earths [14–22]. In
ect photon absorption (8 × 10−21 cm2 ) demonstrating that this this case the luminescence is due to an internal 4 f shell

transition of the rare-earth ion excited through electron–hole 1 Experimental

recombinations within the silicon matrix. Among rare earths
Er ions have been most widely studied since they emit light Silicon nanocrystals were formed by 80-keV Si implantation
at 1.54 µm, a wavelength that is strategic in the telecommuni- to a dose of 1 × 1017 /cm2 into a 400-nm-thick Si dioxide
cation technology matching the window of maximum trans- layer thermally grown onto crystalline Si. This implantation
mission for the optical fibers. The initial problems related energy locates the Si atoms at around 110 nm from the sample
to erbium incorporation and luminescence quenching have surface. Nanocrystal formation was induced by precipitation
been now understood. In particular, it has been shown that of the Si atoms during an 1100 ◦ C annealing for 1 h under ni-
Er excitation occurs very efficiently in Si (with a cross sec- trogen atmosphere. Nanocrystals were subsequently observed
tion of 3 × 10−15 cm2 , to be compared with the cross section by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy showing
for direct photon absorption of 8 × 10−21 cm2 ) demonstrating that their maximum size was ≈ 3 nm. Some of the samples
that, in principle, Er luminescence in Si can be very effi- were also implanted by 300-keV Er, Yb, Nd, or Tm at dif-
cient [17]. The main limiting step has been recognized in the ferent doses in the range 2 × 1012 –3 × 1015 /cm2 . The energy
non-radiative decay channels, back-transfer (with the energy of these implants was chosen in such a way to have a pro-
transferred back from excited Er to electron–hole couples) jected range of ≈ 110 nm, in order to locate the rare earths at
and Auger (with the energy released to free carriers) [16, 17]. the same depth where the nanocrystals are. Finally samples
Nevertheless Er:Si devices operating at room temperature, were further annealed at high temperature to remove the dam-
with efficiencies of 0.1% and modulation speed of 10 MHz, age of these latter implants. Several treatments were used but
have been fabricated [18–22]. 900 ◦ C/5 min in nitrogen flux showed to be the one giving the
In these last years an increasing interest has been dedi- best luminescence performances.
cated to rare-earth-doped nanocrystals [23–26]. Si nanocrys- Photoluminescence (PL) measurements were performed
tals embedded within Si dioxide emit light in the visible due by pumping with the 488-nm line of an Ar-ion laser. The
to the recombination of confined excitons within the nanos- pump power was varied between 0.5 and 500 mW over a cir-
tructure [3–10]. When rare-earth ions are also introduced in cular area of ≈ 1 mm in diameter and the laser beam was
the matrix by a co-sputtering technique an interaction can mechanically chopped at a frequency of 10 Hz. The lumines-
occur between the nanocrystal and the rare earth with the cence signal was collected with two lenses focusing it on the
energy preferentially transferred from the nanocrystal to the entrance slit of a single-grating monochromator and it was de-
rare earth, which subsequently de-excites radiatively [23– tected either by a photomultiplier tube or by a liquid-nitrogen-
26]. Many points appear of extreme interest in this process. cooled Ge detector. Spectra were recorded with a lock-in
First of all the nanocrystals seem to act as efficient sensitiz- amplifier with the chopper frequency as a reference. All spec-
ers for the rare earth which is excited much more efficiently tra have been corrected for the detector response. Lumines-
than in pure silicon dioxide. Indeed, room-temperature lumi- cence lifetime measurements were performed by monitoring
nescence yields two orders of magnitude higher are observed the decay of the PL signal after pumping to steady state and
for Er-doped SiO2 in the presence of nanocrystals than in mechanically switching off the laser beam. The overall time
pure SiO2 [23]. Moreover, since Er is now embedded within resolution of our system is 30 µs. Low-temperature meas-
a larger gap matrix the non-radiative decay channels typic- urements were performed by using a closed-cycle liquid He
ally limiting Er luminescence in Si, back-transfer and Auger cooler system with the samples kept in vacuum.
de-excitations, might be absent in this case. This further im-
proves the luminescence yield. This system holds high poten-
tial since it is possible to think of applications where an am- 2 Results and discussion
plifier is made by waveguides containing Er-doped nanocrys-
tals with an Er excitation enhanced with respect to typical 2.1 Photoluminescence
waveguides. Indeed, amplification properties have recently
been verified [26]. A lot of interest exists also from a funda- Figure 1 shows the room-temperature PL spectra of Er-
mental point of view since little is known on the nanocrystal– implanted Si nanocrystals at different Er doses and at a pump
rare-earth interaction and on the mechanisms leading to the power of 50 mW. In the absence of Er a well-known signal at
energy exchange. around 0.85 µm is observed coming from the Si nanocrystals
In this paper we study in some detail the interaction be- (dashed line) as a result of confined exciton recombination, in
tween nanocrystals and rare earths co-introduced in a SiO2 agreement with literature data [3–10]. As soon as Er is intro-
matrix by ion implantation. Several different cases are ex- duced, also at doses as small as 2 × 1012 /cm2 , the signal from
plored both in terms of concentration and atomic species Si nanocrystals at 0.85 µm is seen to decrease, while a new
(namely Er, Yb, Tm, and Nd). It is shown that intense, sharp, peak at around 1.54 µm, coming from the 4I13/2 → 4I15/2 intra
room-temperature luminescence, whose wavelength can be 4 f shell Er transition, appears. With increasing Er dose this
properly tuned by changing the rare-earth ion, can be ob- phenomenon becomes particularly evident with a quench-
tained in all cases. The non-radiative de-excitation processes ing of the visible nanocrystal luminescence corresponding to
are demonstrated to be absent, while the energy transfer a simultaneous enhancement in the Er-related luminescence.
mechanisms are investigated. Though the interaction depends This effect is a demonstration of an energy transfer from the
on the particular rare earth, many general features are present. excitons confined in the nanocrystals to the erbium ions.
On the basis of the experimental data a plausible phenomeno- In order to properly tune the luminescence wavelength
logical model on the energy exchange between rare earths and and understand the exact mechanism of energy transfer we
nanocrystals is proposed. The impact of these results will be have also analyzed the effect of several other rare earths on
eventually discussed. nanocrystal luminescence, namely Nd, Tm, and Yb. First of

between the Stark-split 4F3/2 and 4I9/2 4 f shell multiplets,

appear at around 0.92 µm. These peaks can also be observed
in Nd-doped pure SiO2 , however in that case the intensity is
more than a factor of 5 less. Moreover, in SiO2 no signal is
observed by pumping with the 488 nm line and, with an Ar-
ion pumping laser, a signal can be observed only with the
514.5 nm line, which is in resonance with the direct absorp-
tion of the Nd3+ 4 f shell. In contrast, in Nd-doped nanocrys-
tals only a weak dependence on the excitation wavelength
is observed, demonstrating, once more, that excitation is not
a direct photon absorption process (as in insulator hosts) but
is mediated by excitons in the nanocrystals. In the case of
Tm (Fig. 2c) two different peaks at 0.78-µm ( 3F4 → 3H6) and
1.65-µm ( 3H4→ 3H6) appear, and finally for Yb (Fig. 2d)
a typical peak (coming from the 2F5/2 → 2F7/2 transition)
emerges at 0.98 µm.
The temperature dependence of all of these rare-earth-
related peaks (excluding those Tm-related) is very weak
Fig. 1. Room-temperature PL spectra of Er-implanted Si nanocrystals at (Fig. 3). In fact, the PL intensity decreases by less than a fac-
different Er doses. The pump power of the laser beam was 50 mW tor of three in the temperature range 17 K – 300 K in all cases,
excluding Yb where a slightly stronger quenching (a factor
of 8) is observed. This behavior is very different from what
all, the decrease in the visible nanocrystal luminescence with occurs in a Si host (in which strong temperature quenching
increasing rare earth dose (shown in Fig. 1 for Er), appears occurs) and suggests that non-radiative decay processes play
to be a general feature and is present in all cases. Moreover, a minor role in the present case. Totally different is the case
rare-earth-related luminescence peaks are observed to emerge of Tm. The temperature dependence of the two Tm-related
in all the luminescence spectra. Figure 2 shows the room- peaks is reported in Fig. 4 and shows quite interesting fea-
temperature PL spectra of Si nanocrystals doped at a dose of tures. Whereas the 0.78-µm signal intensity increases with
3 × 1015 /cm2 with Er (a), Nd (b), Tm (c), and Yb (d). At decreasing temperature, the peak at 1.65 µm has an opposite
this higher Er dose (Fig. 2a) the nanocrystal-related lumines- temperature dependence: it has its highest value at 300 K, de-
cence has been almost completely quenched. Together with creases with decreasing temperature, and it disappears below
the 1.54-µm peak, however, a luminescence peak at around 100 K. These data are plotted against the temperature in Fig. 5
0.98 µm due to the transition 4I11/2 → 4I15/2 emerges. Note where it is clear that the PL intensities of the two lines have
that in pure SiO2 the luminescence intensity at 1.54 µm is two just opposite dependencies. Whereas a decrease in PL inten-
orders of magnitude smaller, whereas the peak at 0.98 µm is sity with increasing temperature is a typical result, the oppo-
totally absent. This further demonstrates the efficiency of Er site behavior of the 1.65-µm line is quite surprising and might
luminescence in the presence of Si nanocrystals. In the case be due to one of three different processes: (i) a reflection of
of Nd (Fig. 2b) two clear Nd-related peaks, due to transitions a peculiar temperature dependence of Tm excitation, with Tm
excited preferentially at higher temperatures, (ii) a reverse
temperature dependence of the non-radiative de-excitation
processes, with higher rates of non-radiative processes at
lower temperatures, (iii) a temperature-dependent internal

Fig. 2a–d. Room-temperature PL spectra of Er (a), Nd (b), Tm (c), and

Yb (d) implanted Si nanocrystals. In all cases the rare-earth dose was
3 × 1015 /cm2 . Spectra were taken at a pump power of 200 mW. The rare Fig. 3. PL intensity vs. reciprocal temperature for Er-doped (at λ = 1.54 µm
earths internal 4 f shell transitions leading to the observed luminescence and λ = 0.98 µm), Yb-doped (at λ = 0.98 µm), and Nd-doped (at λ =
peaks are also reported 0.92 µm) nanocrystals. Data are normalized to their value at 17 K

Fig. 4a,b. Tm-related luminescence spectra in Si nanocrystals at around

0.78 µm (a) and 1.65 µm (b) at different temperatures. The Tm dose was
3 × 1015 /cm2 and the laser pump power 200 mW Fig. 6. Dependence of the PL intensity on the pumping laser excitation
wavelength. Data are shown for undoped Si nanocrystals (at λ = 0.85 µm),
and for Er-doped (at λ = 1.54 µm and λ = 0.98 µm), Yb-doped (at λ =
0.98 µm), Nd-doped (at λ = 0.92 µm), and Tm-doped (at λ = 0.78 µm and
λ = 1.6 µm) Si nanocrystals. All data are taken at room temperature and at
a pump power of 50 mW. The different sets of data are normalized among
themselves in order to compare the trends. The continuous line is a guide
to the eye

of Tm cannot be observed in crystalline Si since their en-

ergy is greater than the Si band gap and therefore they cannot
be excited. The observation we have just reported here is an
effect of the band gap enlargement due to quantum confine-
ment. Most of these signals can also be observed in pure SiO2
without nanocrystals (excluding the 0.98-µm peak of Er and
those of Tm that are observed only in presence of nanocrys-
tals), but their intensities are much smaller (a factor of 50 less
Fig. 5. Temperature dependence of the Tm-related luminescence peaks in in the case of the 1.54-µm line of Er, a factor of 5 for Nd, and
Tm-doped Si nanocrystals a factor of 4 for Yb). This demonstrates that the nanocrystal
mediated excitation is in all cases much more efficient than
pure photon absorption. Indeed, the dependence on excita-
balance between different competitive radiative decay routes tion wavelength is quite instructive. In Fig. 6 we show on the
within the Tm 4 f shell. Process (i) can be excluded since same plot the variation of excitation wavelength of several
a temperature-dependent excitation should have had a simi- PL intensities measured on different samples. All intensities
lar effect also on the 3F4 → 3H6 decay leading to the 0.78 µm are taken at room temperature, at a pump power of 50 mW,
line. Process (ii) can be experimentally tested by measuring and are normalized among the different samples in order to
the temperature dependence of the decay time of the 1.65 µm compare the trends. Data for pure Si nanocrystals (at λ =
luminescence. We have performed these measurements and 0.85 µm), for Er-doped nanocrystals (at λ = 1.54 µm and λ =
obtained a value of 300 µs, independent of temperature in 0.98 µm), for Yb-doped nanocrystals (at λ = 0.98 µm), for
the range 180–300 K. Since in this range the luminescence Nd-doped nanocrystals (at λ = 0.92 µm), and for Tm-doped
intensity varies, these results prove that such variations are nanocrystals (at both λ = 0.78 µm and λ = 1.65 µm) are re-
not associated with the presence of non-radiative processes. ported. It is extremely interesting to note that the general
The last remaining possibility is process (iii). Since this pro- trend is similar in all cases and resemble the excitation wave-
cess is related to the internal configuration of the Tm 4 f length dependence of the nanocrystal signal. This is a clear
shell it should be almost independent of the host material. We evidence that in all cases excitation is mediated by excitons in
have therefore studied Tm luminescence in a different host. the nanocrystals. The increase in PL intensity with decreasing
Since no Tm signal can be obtained in either Si and SiO2 , excitation wavelength is the result of the fact that at shorter
we have analyzed the Tm signal directly from Tm2 O3 pow- wavelengths also smaller nanocrystals (with larger gap) can
der. Indeed, also in this case, the 0.78-µm line decreases with be excited and therefore the number of centers able to transfer
increasing temperature whereas the 1.65-µm line has just the energy to the rare earths increases.
opposite behavior. The anomalous temperature dependence
of Tm is therefore an effect of an internal redistribution within
the Tm 4 f shell which favours the 3F4 → 3H6 transition (at 2.2 Energy transfer mechanism
0.78 µm) at low temperatures and the 3H4→ 3H6 transition
(at 1.65 µm) at high temperatures. A few questions arise on the basis of the results reported
A few general observation need to be done. First of all it above. First of all it is interesting to understand where the
should be noted that the 0.98-µm peak of Er, the 0.92-µm rare earths are located. The shape of the rare-earth-related
peak of Nd, the 0.98-µm peak of Yb, and the 0.78-µm peak PL spectra is very similar to that observed in Si dioxide and

clearly differs from the shape in Si (for Er which is the only

one showing PL in Si). Since this shape depends on the Stark
splitting which, in turn, reflects the crystal field around Er
and hence its chemical surrounding, these data suggest that
the emitting rare earths are indeed within SiO2 . As a mat-
ter of fact, the excited rare earths do not need to be within
the nanocrystals since they can be excited also if they are
close to the nanocrystals. We have estimated that the average
distance between nanocrystals is ≈ 1–2 nm. Hence, the dis-
tance between a rare earth and a nanocrystal is, in any case,
smaller. It is well known that in rare earths energy can be
transferred from one another at a distance. For instance, in
Er-doped SiO2 , Er ions transfer their energy between them-
selves at concentrations above 3 × 1020 /cm3 [27], corres- Fig. 8. Plausible scenario for the energy transfer process. An exciton within
ponding to a mutual Er–Er distance of ≈ 1.5 nm. A similar a Si nanocrystal can transfer its energy either to an intrinsic luminescent
energy transfer among different nanocrystals has also been center or to the rare earth. The two processes are in competition with one
proposed [28]. It is therefore plausible to think that an exci-
ton in a nanocrystal recombines giving its energy to a rare
earth close by (embedded in silicon dioxide or at the Si/SiO2 time is observed (see Fig. 7). This result has been confirmed
interface). by measuring the nanocrystal luminescence lifetime also in
A second issue concerns the actual mechanism of energy the presence of other rare earths and it therefore demonstrates
transfer. Indeed, in Fig. 1 the nanocrystal luminescence at that the energy transfer has general characteristics. The be-
around 0.85 µm decreases as the Er concentration increases. havior is however very different from what is expected.
This behavior suggests that the two processes are in competi- Recently several authors have proposed [9, 10] that
tion: in the absence of Er the exciton recombines radiatively, nanocrystal luminescence is not due to direct exciton recom-
in the presence of Er the energy transfer to the Er 4 f shell bination. According to their model the laser energy is ab-
takes over. If this picture is correct one might expect that, sorbed by electron–hole pairs confined within the nanocrys-
as the Er concentration increases, not only the nanocrystal tal, this energy is subsequently transferred to a luminescent
PL signal decreases, but also its decay time. In fact, if the center that they proposed being located at the interface be-
energy is preferentially transferred to Er, the energy trans- tween the nanocrystal and SiO2 . Therefore, although the
fer process should be faster than the radiative recombination absorption depends on pumping wavelength (the shorter the
of the exciton. The exciton lifetime then decreases. The de- wavelength the more nanocrystals can be excited), the radia-
cay time of the signal at 0.85 µm should reflect the exciton tive emission occurs at smaller energy with respect to the
lifetime and one can expect its decrease with increasing Er theoretically predicted nanocrystal band gap and is due to
content. In this way, in principle, one should be also able to an intrinsic luminescent center. This picture clearly explains
measure the average time of energy transfer to the rare earth. the decay time data of Fig. 7. In fact, the process depicted in
We have therefore performed lifetime measurements of the Fig. 8 emerges as a plausible mechanism. Confined excitons
0.85-µm nanocrystal signal in the absence of Er and with in- within the nanocrystals are excited by the pumping laser. Ex-
creasing Er concentration. The results are reported in Fig. 7. citons can transfer their energy to the intrinsic luminescent
In the absence of Er the lifetime is around 130 µs. Surpris- centers. The presence of rare-earths provides an alternative
ingly, with increasing Er content, in spite of the decrease of route for the energy transfer and, as the rare-earth concentra-
the luminescence at 0.85 µm (see Fig. 1), no change in life- tion increases, it becomes the main transfer route. This is the
reason for the decrease of the 0.85-µm nanocrystal lumines-
cence (intrinsic center-related). However, there is no need for
a change in lifetime: in fact, fewer luminescent centers are ex-
cited, but those being excited can decay with an unchanged
decay time, in agreement with the experimental data.

2.3 Quantitative description

Based on the experimental data we have just presented we can

propose a quantitative phenomenological model of the exci-
tation processes leading to nanocrystal and rare-earth (RE)
excitations. According to this model the overall process can
be described by the following three rate equations:

dNexc Nexc
= σφN − , (1)
Fig. 7. Time decay curves of the nanocrystal-related luminescence at dt τ
0.85 µm in the absence of Er and for different Er contents. The system dNc∗ Nexc N ∗
response is also reported. Data were taken by pumping to steady state at = c − cc , (2)
50 mW and mechanically switching off the laser beam at t = 0 dt τtr τd
∗ ∗
= R∗ − RE . (3) In this formula NRE is the total RE concentration and we
dt τd describe the exciton rare-earth interaction through an interac-
tion volume Λ. Only those RE ions being inside the volume
Equation (1) describes the formation of excitons (Nexc ) within Λ can absorb energy from the exciton with a transfer time
the nanocrystals. Here the first term is the generation rate per ion of τtrRE . Hence NRE Λ represents the average number
proportional to a generation cross section σ, to the pumping of RE ions contained within the volume Λ. Note that all the
laser photon flux φ and to the nanocrystal concentration N. rare-earth ions can be excited and those that are already in
The second term represents the exciton recombination with an excited state can be further excited to a higher state. The
a characteristic recombination time τ whose dependencies exciton recombination time τ will then be given by:
will be discussed later on. Equation 2 describes the excitation
of the luminescent center (Nc∗ ) leading to the nanocrystal- 1 1 1
related luminescence at around 0.85 µm. The first term rep- = eff + c . (8)
τ τtr τtr
resents the excitation of the center (depicted in Fig. 8) pro-
portional to the exciton concentration through a character- The steady-state exciton concentration of (6) can hence be
istic energy transfer time τtrc , whereas the second term de- written as:
scribes its de-excitation with a typical time τdc (taking into
account both radiative and non-radiative de-excitation pro- τtreff τtrc
Nexc = σφN . (9)
cesses). Finally, (3) describes the RE excitation through ex- τtreff + τtrc
citon recombination and the de-excitation processes of the
∗ Clearly the steady-state exciton concentration decreases
excited RE ions. Here NRE represents the excited RE con-

centration, R is the effective increase of the excited rare- as τtreff decreases, i.e. as the RE concentration increases, as
earth population through energy transfer from an exciton to a result of a new possible recombination route. This effect,
the appropriate excited state of the RE 4 f shell (for in- in turn, affects the steady-state population of excited lumines-
stance, in the case of the 1.54-µm line of Er the first ex- cent centers Nc∗ . In fact, the steady-state solution to (2) is:
cited state 4I13/2 ) and τdRE is the decay time of excited RE
τdc τtreff τdc
taking into account both radiative and non-radiative pro- Nc∗ = Nexc c = σφN eff , (10)
cesses. The luminescence intensity from the luminescent cen- τtr τtr + τtrc
ters at 0.85 µm and from the RE will be given repectively
by: where we have used the results of (9). From the data shown
in Fig. 1 we know that as the RE concentration increases the
Nc∗ transfer of energy from the exciton to the RE ions (in a time
Ic ∝ c , (4)
τrad τtreff ) becomes the dominant mechanism with respect to the

NRE transfer from the exciton to the luminescent center at 0.85 µm
IRE ∝ RE , (5) (with a time τtrc ). Therefore, as NRE increases, τtreff becomes
τrad much smaller than τtrc . In this regime the luminescence inten-
sity of the centers at steady steady is described by:
and τrad
being the radiative decay time of the center
and of the excited RE, respectively. The determination of Nc∗ 1 τtreff τdc
the luminescence intensities, therefore, consists in the deter- Ic ∝ = σφN (11)
mination of the concentration of excited centers (Nc∗ ) and τrad
τtreff + τtrc
excited RE ions (NRE ∗
) through the resolution of the rate (1)– τ c τ eff τc τ RE
≈ σφN dc tr c = σφN c d c tr ,
(3). τrad τtr τrad τtr NRE Λ
Let’s first find the steady-state solutions for these equa-
tions. As far as (1) is concerned the solution is simply: where we have used (4), (7), and (10). It is interesting to note
that the nanocrystal luminescence intensity decreases with
Nexc = σφNτ. (6) increasing RE concentration in agreement with the experi-
mental data.
Therefore the steady-state exciton population is propor- Let’s now analyze the RE luminescence intensity. In order
tional to the concentration of nanograins, to the generation to do that, according to (5), we should first solve the rate (3)
cross section, to the photon flux, and to the recombination and find a solution for the RE population in the appropriate
time τ. A question arises on what are the processes affecting excited state from which luminescence occurs (NRE ∗
; for in-
the value of τ. Following our description reported in Fig. 7 4
stance in the case of the 1.54-µm line of Er the I13/2 state).
we assume that an exciton can recombine either by giving In order to solve (3) a plausible hypothesis should be made
its energy to the luminescent center (associated with each for R∗ . This term represents the effective number of RE ex-
nanograin) with the characteristic transfer time τtrc or by ex- citations into the appropriate excited state (for example an Er
citing a RE ion. These two processes are in competition one ion on the first excited state) per unit volume and time. It dif-
another. Of course the transfer of energy to a RE ion depends fers from Nexc /τtreff in that this latter rate takes into account all
on the availability of such an ion close to the exciton in the excitations bringing the RE ion to one of the several excited
nanograin. We can describe this transfer through an effective states. Of course, if a RE ion is excited into a highly excited
interaction time τtreff equal to: state it can subsequently decay to the appropriate excited state
(the first excited state in the case of Er). This process has how-
τtreff = . (7) ever a certain probability to occur and not all of the excited
NRE Λ ions will do so. Moreover, we can also have that some of the

excitons will excite to a higher state a RE ion that is already in We have now calculated the main features of the present

the appropriate level thus decreasing the population NRE . We description. In the following section we will make a direct
can then assume that the effective excitation rate R∗ has the comparison with the experimental data.
following expression:
∗ ∗
Nexc (NRE − NRE )Λη Nexc NRE Λ 2.4 Comparison with the experiment
R∗ = − (1 − η) (12)
∗ We have measured the room-temperature pump power depen-
Nexc (ηNRE − NRE )Λ
= . dence of the 1.54-µm luminescence in Er-doped Si nanocrys-
tals and the data, normalized to the maximum intensity, are
reported in Fig. 9. These data can be fitted by means of (15)
The first term in this expression represents the filling rate
using, as a unique fitting parameter, the product σeff τdRE . The
of the appropriate excited state. This will clearly be propor-
fit is also reported in the figure as a continuous line yielding
tional to the exciton population Nexc , to the concentration
∗ a value σeff τdRE = 5 × 10−20 cm2 s. An independent measure
of RE ions that are not already in that level (NRE − NRE ),
of the decay time of the Er luminescence in Si nanocrystals
to the volume of interaction Λ, divided by the transfer time
(τdRE ) would allow us to obtain σeff . We have indeed meas-
τtrRE , and multiplied by the probability η that, once excited,
ured this decay time by pumping the system to steady state
the RE will then decay populating the appropriate level. Note
and mechanically shutting the pump laser. The results are
that not all of the RE ions within the volume Λ can be
shown in Fig. 10 for both 17 K and 300 K and show a de-
excited to the appropriate state but only those that are not
∗ cay time of ≈ 3 ms. It is interesting to note that this decay
already in that state (i.e. (NRE − NRE )). Moreover, only a frac-
time of the luminescence at 1.54 µm is almost temperature
tion η (with η ≤ 1) of the excited ions will then decay to
the metastable appropriate excited state hence increasing the

excited population NRE . The second term in (12) describes

a decrease of NRE due to the fact that also a RE ion in
the appropriate level can be excited to a higher state, thus
depopulating that level. Of course a fraction η of these ex-
citations will then return to the initial metastable level thus
producing no net change in the rate, while a fraction (1 − η)
will be lost forever thus decreasing the effective excitation
The steady-state solution of (3), under the conditions de-
scribed in (12), and using the result of (6), will be:

∗ σeff τdRE φ
NRE = ηNRE , (13)
σeff τdRE φ + 1

where we have defined:

ΛNτ Fig. 9. PL intensity at 1.54 µm as a function of the pumping laser pho-
σeff = σ. (14) ton flux. Data are taken at room temperature in Er-doped Si nanocrystals
τtrRE implanted with 3 × 1015 Er/cm2 . Data are normalized to the maximum PL
intensity. Also shown, as a continuous line, a fit to the data with the model
σeff is the effective cross section for the excitation to the ap- described in the text
propriate level (the 4I13/2 level for erbium). It is the product
of several parameters since excitation of RE requires sev-
eral steps and represents the cross section for the overall

process. The shape of the excited RE population (NRE ) as ob-
tained from (13) is quite interesting since it demonstrates that
the excited RE concentration increases with increasing pump
power φ. For small values of φ the increase is linear whereas
for high values of φ the excited concentration tends to satu-
rate towards the total amount of RE ions NRE multiplied by
the factor η
A similar behavior should be observed for the lumines-
cence intensity versus pump power (through (5)). In fact, the
luminescence intensity should behave according to the fol-
lowing expression:

IRE σeff τdRE φ

= , (15)
IRE σeff τdRE φ + 1
Fig. 10. Time decay of the PL intensity at 1.54 µm in Er-doped Si nanocrys-
MAX tals. Data are shown for both room temperature and 17 K
IRE being the saturation value.

independent. This demonstrates once more that non-radiative

processes, typically limiting Er luminescence in Si, are al-
most absent in the present case. Moreover, the small decrease
in PL intensity reported in the Fig. 3 (a factor of 3 between
17 K and 300 K) cannot be ascribed to non-radiative pro-
cesses and is hence a result of a small reduction in excita-
tion efficiency. Finally, by using the measured lifetime it is
therefore possible to obtain an independent estimate for σeff
of ≈ 1.7 × 10−17 cm2 . This is an extremely important value.
In spite of the fact that excitation requires several differ-
ent sequential steps (photon absorption from the nanocrystals
with exciton formation and transfer of the energy to the Er
4 f shell), the overall cross section for this process is three
orders of magnitude higher than the cross section for excita-
tion through direct photon absorption typically occurring for
Er in insulating hosts (8 × 10−21 cm2 [29]). This clearly ex-
Fig. 11. Time-resolved PL intensity at 1.54 µm when switching on the
plains why this process is so efficient. As a consequence of pumping laser at t = 0. Data are taken at room temperature and at different
this efficiency, saturation of the luminescence intensity is ob- pump powers. The sample is the same as in Fig. 8. Data are normalized to
served in Fig. 9 even at room temperature, demonstrating that the maximum intensity
most of the Er ions can indeed be excited thus achieving pop-
ulation inversion. It should be noted also that Er in Si has
a high excitation cross section (3 × 10−15 cm2 [17]); in that
case, however, this efficient excitation is counterbalanced by
the strong non-radiative processes absent in the present case.
Another interesting point to be addressed is the transient
behavior of the excited Er population. In particular, it is inter-
esting to verify the increase of the excited population as the
pumping laser is switched on. In order to calculate this it is
necessary to solve the rate (3). Though the general solution
can be obtained, we can gain important information by mak-
ing the further assumption that the exciton population reaches
its steady state much before the excited Er population. This
assumption is quite plausible. Under these conditions (3) can
be easily solved by inserting for Nexc its steady state value.
We hence obtain:
Fig. 12. Reciprocal of the τon time as obtained from the data in Fig. 9 as
∗ σeff τdRE φ a function of the pump laser photon flux. The slope gives the effective cross
NRE (t) = ηNRE (16) section for Er excitation
σeff τdRE φ + 1
× 1 − exp − σeff φ + RE × t . to the vertical axis should correspond to the reciprocal of the
lifetime and indeed yields a value for τdRE of 2.7 ms, in agree-
The excited Er population (and hence the luminescence ment with the data of Fig. 10. It is noteworthy that we have
intensity through (5)) should increase with a characteristic measured very similar σeff values with totally independent
time τon given by: methods. These results give confidence on the applied pro-
cedure and demonstrate the high efficiency of Er excitation
1 1 through energy transfer by Si nanocrystals.
= σeff φ + RE . (17)
τon τd We would like to make a few more comments. The cross
section we have just determined is the probability of Er ex-
Therefore the increase in PL intensity should become citation mediated by Si nanocrystals and hence it represents
faster and faster as the pump power is increased. Moreover, a lower limit for the cross section of the nanocrystal ex-
from such a measurement we can obtain an independent esti- citation itself. Though this last cross section is not known
mate of the effective cross section of excitation. one can make a very rough estimate. In fact, for a spher-
We have therefore measured the time-resolved increase of ical nanograin of diameter d = 3 nm, the area exposed to
the 1.54-µm PL intensity at different pump powers. These the photon beam is A = π(d/2)2. Within a single nanograin
signals, normalized to the steady state population at each a photon will travel for a depth d, hence if α is the absorption
pump power, are reported in Fig. 11. The τon time decreases coefficient, the cross section for a photon to be absorbed gen-
with increasing pump power in agreement with the predic- erating an exciton will simply be σ ≈ A × [1 − exp(−αd)].
tions of (17). From these data we have measured the τon We have no hint on the value of α in a Si nanograin but,
time at each pump power and reported its reciprocal value as as a first approximation, we can use the absorption coeffi-
a function of the pumping photon flux φ. These data are re- cient of bulk crystalline silicon at the pump wavelength of
ported in Fig. 12. The slope gives a value for the effective 488 nm. Doing so we obtain σ ≈ 4 × 10−16 cm2 . At an Er
cross section σeff of ≈ 2 × 10−17 cm2 . Moreover the intercept dose of 3 × 1015 /cm2 (corresponding to that used in the ex-

periments of Figs. 9–12) we have estimated that there are of the band gap due to confinement. These lines cannot
≈ 20 Er ions per nanocrystal. The effective cross section for be observed in crystalline Si;
Er excitation through nanocrystal absorption should there- (v) the rare-earth-related luminescence temperature depen-
fore be, at maximum, 20 times less than the nanocrystal dence is generally weak as a result of reduced non-
excitation cross section, i.e. 2 × 10−17 cm2 . It is quite inter- radiative de-excitations. The only different case is Tm
esting and instructive to note that this number, in spite of in which, as result of an internal redistribution, the
the rough estimates made, is similar to that experimentally 1.65-µm line is seen to increase in intensity with in-
determined. creasing temperature, whereas the 0.78-µm line has just
A last observation: in the process we are describing a pa- the opposite behavior;
rameter that matters of course is the ratio between Er ions (vi) the temperature dependence of the rare-earth-related lu-
and nanocrystals. At low Er doses there are more nanocrys- minescence lifetime is very weak confirming the ab-
tals than Er ions and, within each interaction volume Λ, sence of non-radiative de-excitations;
there is, at most, only one Er ion. In this regime the lu- (vii) with increasing rare-earth concentration the nanocrystal-
minescence intensity is limited by the Er concentration. related luminescence at 0.85 µm decreases while the
More complicated is the regime in which several rare-earth rare-earth-related luminescence increases demonstrat-
ions need to be excited by the same nanocrystal. In this ing the presence of an energy transfer. The decrease in
regime, once the nanocrystal is excited, it can transfer the the 0.85-µm luminescence, however, is not associated
energy only to one Er ion. However, if the photon flux is with a decrease in its decay time;
high enough, the nanocrystal can be excited again while (viii) the excitation wavelength dependence of rare-earth-
the first Er is still in the excited state and hence a sec- related luminescence peaks follows exactly the de-
ond ion can be excited. In principle, if the photon flux is pendence of the nanocrystals related luminescence at
sufficiently high, all of the ions within Λ can be brought 0.85 µm demonstrating, once more, that the energy is
to the excited state by the same nanocrystal. The time be- transferred from the nanocrystals to the 4 f shell.
tween two different exciton formation in the same nanocrystal
will be 1/σφ. Using, as a first approximation, the esti- On the basis of these results a phenomenological model
mated value for σ we have that 1/σφ equals the Er lifetime on the excitation mechanisms has been proposed. The pump-
(≈ 3 ms) at a flux of ≈ 8 × 1017 photons/cm2s (corresponding ing laser generates excitons within the Si nanocrystals. These
to ≈ 10 mW). Therefore, at pump powers below this pho- excitons can transfer their energy either to an intrinsic lumi-
ton flux one nanocrystal can have only one excited Er ion nescent center emitting at around 0.85 µm or to a rare earth
at a time within its interaction volume. In this regime lumi- close by, the two processes being in competition one another.
nescence is limited by the concentration of the nanocrystals. With increasing rare-earth concentration the 0.85-µm lumi-
However, with increasing photon flux, the situation changes nescence is hence quenched. The process leading to rare-earth
and, eventually, several ions can be excited by the same excitation needs several intermediate steps, it can however
nanocrystal. be described by an effective cross section σeff taking into
These observations support the idea that nanocrystals are account all of the different effects. Through time-resolved
extremely efficient in acting as sensitizers in rare-earth lumi- measurements we have experimentally determined σeff in the
nescence since many rare-earth ions can indeed be excited by case of Er obtaining a value of ≈ 2 × 10−17 cm2 . This value
a single excitation centre. is much higher than the cross section for excitation through
direct photon absorption (8 × 10−21 cm2 ) typically present in
insulating hosts. This demonstrates that indeed nanocrystals
act as very efficient sensitizers for rare-earth ions embed-
3 Summary ded within silicon dioxide. Moreover, since Auger and back-
transfer non-radiative de-excitations are absent, the overall
In conclusion, we have reported a detailed investigation on process is also much more efficient than rare-earth lumines-
the rare-earth luminescence in Si nanocrystals. We have cence within bulk crystalline silicon. These data demonstrate
shown that rare-earth ions are excited very efficiently through that applications such as light amplification in waveguides
an energy transfer process from excitons confined within the simultaneously containing nanocrystals and rare earths hold
nanocrystals. Several general features can be recognized: great potentialities.
(i) the rare-earth luminescence in Si nanocrystals is much
Acknowledgements. This work has been supported in part by the Project
more intense than that observed in pure SiO2 as a result LUNA by INFM, by the Project MADESS II by CNR and by the ESPRIT
of a very efficient excitation process; Project SCOOP financed by the European Community.
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