GH-311 Circular Measure

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Mathematics Revision Guides Circular Measure

Author: Mark Kudlowski

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Mathematics Revision Guides
Level: GCSE Higher Tier



Version: 3.2

Date: 28-10-2014

Mathematics Revision Guides Circular Measure

Author: Mark Kudlowski

Page 2 of 7

Recall the following formulae:
Area of a circle is A = r2 where r is the radius.
Circumference of a circle is C = 2r where r is the radius (or d where d is the diameter).
For revision of simpler examples, check out Circles on the Foundation Tier study notes.
Example (1): A bicycle has a rev counter on its front wheel counting the number of revolutions made
from a starting point.
A cyclist resets the rev counter to zero before a trial race of 4km. The rev counter reads 1852 at the end
of the trial. What is the diameter of the front cycle wheel ? (Use the key on your calculator).
Here, 1852 revolutions = 4000m, so one revolution = 1 circumference =
Diameter of wheel =



m or 2.160m

m = 0.687m = 69cm to nearest cm.

Example (2): A circular ornamental lake in a park has a diameter of 38m. Work out its area, using the
key on your calculator.
We are given the diameter here, so we need to halve it first to obtain the radius, namely 19m.
The area is r2 , or 192 , or 361m2 or 1130 m2 to 3 s.f.

Example (3): The park authorities in Example (2) have

decided to lay a gravelled path 2 metres wide all around
the circumference of the lake.
i) Show that the total area of the gravelled path is 80
square metres.
ii) Given that the depth of gravel in the path is 10 cm,
and that the material and labour costs are 179 per cubic
metre, what is the cost of laying the path ?
(Use exact amounts, without rounding to the nearest
cubic metre above. Give the answer to the nearest .)

i) The area of the lake is 361m2 from the previous question.

Adding the width of the path to the lakes radius, we have a larger circle with a radius of 21 m.
The area of this larger circle is 212 , or 441m2, so, by subtraction, the area of the path is
(441 361) m2, or 80 m2.
Hint: Whenever a circle of radius r is entirely inside a larger circle of radius R, the area of the ring so
formed is R2r2).
ii) If the depth of gravel in the path is 10 cm, or 0.1 m , then the volume of gravel used is
80 0.1 m3 or 8m3.
The cost of laying the gravel path is (179 8) = 4499.

Mathematics Revision Guides Circular Measure

Author: Mark Kudlowski

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Areas and arc lengths of sectors and segments.

Recall the definitions of a sector and a segment.
The sector.
A sector is a part of a circle bounded by two radii
and an arc. In the diagram, OA and OB are radii
and AB is the corresponding arc.
The shaded region is the sector AOB.
In addition, the region is a minor sector because its
area is less than half that of the circle, and the
clockwise arc AB is a minor arc.
The unshaded region is a major sector since its
area is more than half that of the circle, and the
anticlockwise arc AB is a major arc.
A whole circle can be said to be a sector with an
angle of 360, and its area is
A = r2.
It can be seen that if a sector has an angle , this
angle is


of a circle.

We can therefore find the area of the sector by multiplying the area of the circle by

The area of a sector of angle and radius r is therefore

r 2

Similarly, the arc length of a sector

can be obtained from the formula for the circumference and multiplying it by
arc length of a sector of angle and radius r is given by




Example (4): Find the area of a 54 sector of a circle of radius 35 cm.

We substitute = 54 and r = 35 cm into the formula

1225 54

cm2 or 577cm2.

r 2

to obtain an area of the sector of

Mathematics Revision Guides Circular Measure

Author: Mark Kudlowski

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Example (5): A semicircular table top has a straight edge of 1.26 m. Calculate its area and perimeter,
giving answers to 3 significant figures.
A semicircle can be said to be a sector whose angle is 180, or half a circle, so the formula for the area
simplifies to

r 2

and, for the arc length, r.

The straight edge of the table top is its diameter, so the radius is 0.63 m.
The area is

r 2

(0.632 )

= 0.623 m2.

The perimeter is r + 2r = (0.63+ 1.26) m = 3.24 m .

Example (6): A schools playing field has the following
plan, where the section in the top right-hand corner is a
quarter-circle. Find its area to the nearest square metre and
perimeter to the nearest metre.
The playing field is basically a rectangle measuring 60 m by
50 m, but with a square of side 20 m removed and replaced
with a quarter-circle of radius 20 m.
A quarter-circle is a sector whose angle is 90, so its
simplified area formula is

r 2

and, for the arc length,


Therefore, area of original rectangle = 60 m 50 m = 3000 m2.

Area of square (to be subtracted)
= 20 2 m2 = 400 m2.
Area of quarter-circle (to be added) =

(20) 2

= 100 m2 = 314 m2.

Hence the area of the playing field = (3000 2600 + 314) m2 = 2914 m2.
The straight line sections of the playing field total 60 + 50 + (60 20) + (50 20) m, or 180 m.
The quarter-circular arc is


= 10 m, or 31 m to the nearest metre.

The perimeter of the playing field is 180 + 31 = 211 m .

Example (7): An enclosure is in the shape of a 72 sector of

a circle of radius 80m.
Find the cost of fencing the enclosure, where fencing costs
16 per metre.
We need to find the perimeter here; it is twice the radius plus
the arc length.
The arc length is

80 72

m or 100.5m.

Twice the radius is 160m, so the perimeter is 261m to the

next metre above.
The cost of fencing the enclosure is 16 261, or 4176.

Mathematics Revision Guides Circular Measure

Author: Mark Kudlowski

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The segment.
A segment is a part of a circle bounded by a chord and an arc.
In the diagram, the line AB is the chord, and the curve AB is the
corresponding arc. (The chord is not a diameter, since it does
not pass through the centre O.)
The shaded region is the segment A, and it is a minor segment
because its area is less than half that of the circle. Conversely,
the unshaded region is a major segment since its area is more
than half that of the circle.

Finding the area and arc length of a segment.

Segments are a little more awkward to work with than sectors, usually requiring the use of trig.

Example (8): Find the perimeter and area of the segment shown.
We are given the length of the chord AB and the radius, but not
the angle AOB.
To find this angle, we need to construct the isosceles triangle
AOB and use trig methods.

The midpoint M of the chord AB divides the isosceles triangle

AOB into two congruent right-angled triangles AMO and BMO.
Using trig, sin AOM

AM 4
, giving AOM = 53.1.
OA 5

Since AOM = BOM , AOB = 2( AOM) = 106.3.

The length of arc AB is therefore

5 106.3

cm or 9.3 cm,

hence the perimeter of the segment is 8 + 9.3 cm, or 17.3 cm.

Mathematics Revision Guides Circular Measure

Author: Mark Kudlowski
The best way of working out the area of a segment is to
treat it as a sector with a triangle removed.
To find the area of the triangle AOB, we know that the
base AB = 8 cm, but we need to find the height OM.
For that, we use Pythagoras on the triangle AMO,
whereby (OM)2 = (AO)2 - (AM)2 , giving OM = 3 cm.
The area of triangle AMO is 8 3, or 12 cm2.
From the earlier result, the area of the sector AOB is

r 2


25 106.26

cm2 or 23.2 cm2.

Area of sector =
Area of isosceles triangle =

23.2 cm2

Area of segment by subtraction =

11.2 cm2.

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Mathematics Revision Guides Circular Measure

Author: Mark Kudlowski

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Example (9): Find the area and perimeter of the segment shown on the right.

The example is considerably simpler than the previous one

as we are already given the angle subtended by the segment.
The area of the sector can be worked out at once as

r 2

64 98

cm2 or 54.7 cm2.

To find the area of the isosceles triangle, we recall the

formula A = ab sin C, where a and b are two sides and C
the included angle.
The two sides are both radii at 8 cm and the included angle is
98, so the area of the triangle is 82 sin 98 cm2,
or 31.7 cm2.
The area of the segment (by subtraction) = (54.7 31.7) cm2 = 23.0 cm2.

Finding the perimeter is a little more tricky.

The length of the arc is easy enough to find, it is



5 98

cm, or 8.55cm.

We need to use trig to find the length of the chord AB.

The isosceles triangle AOB can be split into two rightangled ones, where M is the midpoint of the chord AB.
The length of the half-chord AM = 8 sin 49 by trig, The
full chord AB is therefore 16 sin 49 cm or 12.08 cm.
If a chord subtends an angle at the centre, its length is
given by 2r (sin ) where r is the radius of the circle.
(Or, to find the length of a chord, find the sine of half the
subtended angle, and multiply it by twice the radius.)
The perimeter of the segment is therefore (8.55 + 12.08) cm, or 20.6 cm.
(We could also have found the length of the chord c by applying a modified form of the cosine formula
to the isosceles triangle, where r = 8 and C = 98.

c 2 a 2 b 2 2ab cos C
Because a and b are both radii, we can simplify the formula to

c 2 2r 2 (1 cos C ) .

c 2 128(1 cos 98) = 145.8 c = 12.08 cm. )

c 2 2r 2 2r 2 cos C

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