Analysis and Design of Ferrocement Panels An Experimental Study
Analysis and Design of Ferrocement Panels An Experimental Study
Analysis and Design of Ferrocement Panels An Experimental Study
A. Durability of Ferrocement
According to the ACI Committee, 'durability' is defined as
'ability to resist weathering action, chemical attack,
abrasion, or any other process of deterioration', that is,
durable concrete will retain its original form, quality and
serviceability, when exposed to its environment. The various
measures required ensuring 'durability' in conventional
reinforced concrete is also applicable to ferrocement, since,
ingredients/constituents, except, coarse aggregates and the
use of smaller fine aggregates, than conventional concrete
and a thin cross section. However, other unique factors,
which affect durability, especially, the susceptibility to
corrosion of ferrocement are:
1. The cover to the mesh reinforcement is very small;
2. The cross sectional area of the mesh reinforcement wires
is very low;
3. The surface area of the reinforcement is high because of
small wires being used
4. Mesh reinforcement are galvanized to prevent corrosion,
but the zinc coating can cause and produce hydrogen gas
bubbles during hydration.
B. History of Ferrocement
Ferrocement is the name given by Italian Professor Pier
Luigi Nervi to a thin slab of mortar reinforced with
superimposed layers of wire mesh and small diameter bars.
The result is a product with a high degree of elasticity and
resistance to cracking which can be cast without the use of
formwork. Nervi successfully proved on many jobs the
remarkable strength and lightness of this method of
construction and its great adaptability to any shape. The end
result of Nervis experiments was a medium in which the
thickness of a finished slab was only a very little greater
than that of the assembled layers of mesh, the difference
being only as much as was necessary to provide adequate
cover for the steel. This ferro-cement was found on testing
to have very little in common with normal reinforced
concrete, however, since it possesses the mechanical
characteristics of a completely homogeneous material. ACI
Committee 549, Ferrocement and Other Thin Reinforced
Products, was organized in 1974 and was given the mission
to study and report on the engineering properties,
construction practices, and practical applications of
from the mold so it has been excluded for the test results.
The panels are constructed using the conventional
ferrocement materials, which is composed of cement mortar
and square wire meshes.
Wire mesh:
The wire mesh used in the work is mild steel galvanized
welded wires of square grid having wire spacing equal to
12.5mm with a wire diameter equal to (0.65mm). Several
wires were tested under tension The average values of yield
stress (fy), ultimate stress and modulus of elasticity are
given in Table (2). The yield stress is determined
corresponding to a 0.2% offset according to ASTM standard
Concluding Remarks
Based upon the experimental test results of the folded and
flat panels the following can be stated:
The cracking load was not significantly affected by the
number of the wire mesh particularly for the folded panels.
The flexural strength of the folded panel increased by 37
and 90 percent for panels having 2 and 3 wire mesh layers
compared with that of single layer; while for the flat panel
the percentage increase in the flexural strength using 2 and 3
layers is 65% and 68% compared with that of plain mortar
panel. The gain in the flexural strength of the flat panel with
single layer, located at mid depth of the section, compared
with that of plain mortar is only marginal. But using single
layer helps in increasing the ductility of the flat panel.
The experimental and numerical results show the superiority
of the folded to the flat panel in terms of ultimate strength
and initiation of cracking.
Finally increasing the number of layers of wire mesh from 1
to 3 layers significantly increases the ductility and capability
to absorb energy of both types of the panel.
SYSTEM FOR ROOFING By Wail N. Al-Rifaie and
Muyasser M. Jomaah
(1) University of Nottingham, U.K. and Professor
Emeritus, University of Tikrit
(2) Civil Engineering Dept, Eng. College, University of
It has become necessary to seek for structural building
elements, which have the structural phenomena of
prefabricated elements in terms of ease of handling, light,
minimum Maintenance and low cost. It is with these in
mind, elements of a structural system are made from
ferrocement. Ferrocement has been developed mainly during
the past twenty five years and yet has reached a very
advanced stage in technique and design. A considerable
amount of laboratory testing research and prototype
constructions have been completed at the Building and
Construction Engineering Department of University of
Technology, Iraq for the production of ferrocement
members that would be used in the roof /floor/wall of
For slab specimens, in general, all slabs were cracked at the
middle along the width (one way action):
Slab specimen having 20 mm thick with 4 layers of wire
mesh (S2), the failure occurred on the slab specimen with a
total load of 30 N. The crack pattern is shown in Figure 5. It
was noticed before testing, cracks were exist for slab S1 (20
mm thick, with two layers of wire mesh), So that, the test
was neglected. Slab specimen S3, the ultimate load was 20
N. The crack pattern is shown in Figure 6. Slab specimen 30
mm thick with 4 layers of wire mesh (S4), the failure
occurred on the beams along the span (beam action). The
failure load was 64 N with fine cracks at slab specimen as
shown in Figure 7.
This investigation has shown that, for low cost housing, the
proposed ferrocement flooring and roofing system can be
satisfactorily used as housing components.
BUILDINGS By A. Kumar Structural Engineering Division,
Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee
A 5m x 9m size interior panel of a framed structure has been
designed as beam-slab construction, flat slab construction
and using ferrocement box sections for 5 kN/m2 live load.
The self-weight, floor/ roof height and cost of these options
have been compared. It is found that the flat slab option is
comparable in weight to the beam-slab option, about 58.2%
less in floor height and 17.7% costlier than the conventional
beam and slab construction. The ferrocement box section
alternative is found to be 56.2% less in weight, comparable
in floor height and 15.6% cheaper than the beam - slab
construction. The ferrocement box sections being light in
weight need less strong supporting structures. Being a
Beam Set up
A. For Calibration
1. Set the beam as simply supported beam.
2. Measure the unsupported length and set the dial gauge
at its midspan for deflection reading.
3. Prepare sand bags weighing 25 kg/bag.
4. Gradually load the bags into the beam at 50 kg per
batch at 5 batches.
5. Record reading to compare result with UTM Reading.
B. Data collecting procedure
1. Record time of testing.
2. Set and install the dial gauge on innovative compression
3. Set the beam into the compression testing machine to be
loaded at the midspan.
4. Gradually load the beam at every 1mm deflection and
record gauge reading.
5. Check for micro cracks and record gauge reading.
6. Continue loading until complete failure is achieved.
7. Record the force and its corresponding deflection
8. Record finishing/ending time of testing
9. Set another sample beam for another deflection testing.