Analysis and Design of Ferrocement Panels An Experimental Study

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International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES)

ISSN: 23199598, Volume-1, Issue-5, April 2013

Analysis and Design of Ferrocement Panels an

Experimental Study
Nagesh M. Kulkarni, D.G.Gaidhankar
Abstract-Ferrocement is a form of reinforced concrete that
differs from conventional reinforced or prestressed concrete
primarily by the manner in which the reinforcing elements are
dispersed and arranged. It consists of closely spaced, multiple
layers of mesh or fine rods completely embedded in cement
mortar. This paper describes the various experiments conducted
on ferrocement panels in literature review and the conclusions
and remarks drawn by the authors. The results obtained are
going to help in the project work to investigate the behavior of
ferrocement panels for various parameters and loading. This is
useful to find solutions by searching new design techniques and
method of constructions.

Ferrocement is an environment friendly sound technology

and possesses excellent unique properties such as good
tensile strength, improved toughness, water tightness,
liglitness, fire resistance, resistance to cracking and cost,
time and material effective construction technology.
The following definition was adopted by the ACI
Committee: Ferrocement is a type of thin wall reinforced
concrete commonly constructed of hydraulic cement mortar
reinforced with closely spaced layers of continuous and
relatively small size wire mesh. The mesh may be made of
metallic or other suitable materials.

Keywords:- Cement mortar, Ferrocement, Mesh, Panels

A. Durability of Ferrocement
According to the ACI Committee, 'durability' is defined as
'ability to resist weathering action, chemical attack,
abrasion, or any other process of deterioration', that is,
durable concrete will retain its original form, quality and
serviceability, when exposed to its environment. The various
measures required ensuring 'durability' in conventional
reinforced concrete is also applicable to ferrocement, since,
ingredients/constituents, except, coarse aggregates and the
use of smaller fine aggregates, than conventional concrete
and a thin cross section. However, other unique factors,
which affect durability, especially, the susceptibility to
corrosion of ferrocement are:
1. The cover to the mesh reinforcement is very small;
2. The cross sectional area of the mesh reinforcement wires
is very low;
3. The surface area of the reinforcement is high because of
small wires being used
4. Mesh reinforcement are galvanized to prevent corrosion,
but the zinc coating can cause and produce hydrogen gas
bubbles during hydration.



Ferrocement is a highly versatile form of reinforced

concrete made up of wire mesh, sand, water, and cement,
which possesses unique qualities of strength and
serviceability. It can be constructed with a minimum of
skilled labor and utilizes readily available materials. There
are several applications of Ferro cement which include
building industry, irrigation sector, water supply and
sanitation areas. Studies indicate that it appears to be an
excellent composite in the case of seismic resistant
Ferrocement is a building material composed of a relatively
thin layer of concrete, covering such reinforcing material as
steel wire mesh. Because the building techniques are simple
enough to be done by unskilled labor, ferrocement is an
attractive construction method in areas where labor costs are
low. There is no need for the complicated formwork of
reinforced cement concrete (RCC) construction, or for the
welding needed for steel construction, everything can be
done by hand, and no expensive machinery is needed.
The main difference between ferrocement and reinforced
concrete is ferrocement is a thin composite made of cement
matrix reinforced with closely spaced small diameter wire
meshes instead of larger diameter rods and large size
aggregates. The thickness of ferrocement generally ranges
from 25 - 50 mm. The latest ACI Code encourages the use
of non - metallic reinforcement and fibres.

B. History of Ferrocement
Ferrocement is the name given by Italian Professor Pier
Luigi Nervi to a thin slab of mortar reinforced with
superimposed layers of wire mesh and small diameter bars.
The result is a product with a high degree of elasticity and
resistance to cracking which can be cast without the use of
formwork. Nervi successfully proved on many jobs the
remarkable strength and lightness of this method of
construction and its great adaptability to any shape. The end
result of Nervis experiments was a medium in which the
thickness of a finished slab was only a very little greater
than that of the assembled layers of mesh, the difference
being only as much as was necessary to provide adequate
cover for the steel. This ferro-cement was found on testing
to have very little in common with normal reinforced
concrete, however, since it possesses the mechanical
characteristics of a completely homogeneous material. ACI
Committee 549, Ferrocement and Other Thin Reinforced
Products, was organized in 1974 and was given the mission
to study and report on the engineering properties,
construction practices, and practical applications of

Manuscript received April, 2013.

Nagesh M Kulkarni, Student, M.E.Civil-Structure, Applied Mechanics
Department, Maharashtra Institute Of Technology, Pune, India.
Prof.D.G.Gaidhankar, Assistant Professor, Applied Mechanics
Department, Maharashtra Institute Of Technology, Pune, India.

Analysis and Design of Ferrocement Panels an Experimental Study

ferrocement and to develop guidelines for ferrocement

from the mold so it has been excluded for the test results.
The panels are constructed using the conventional
ferrocement materials, which is composed of cement mortar
and square wire meshes.


BUILDINGS By Dr.T.S.Thandavamoorty and S.Durairaj
A hollow cored ferrocement floor panel of size 900 mm X
600 mm was precast with cement mortar 1:2 and cured for 7
days. Then it was arranged in a loading frame and tested
under gradually increasing static loading till failure. The
ultimate load sustained by the panel was 85 kN.
Experimental Program
A welded mesh was prepared with two layers of chicken
mesh. The specimen was casted with cement mortar 1:2 and
reinforcement mesh as prescribed. The finished specimen
was cured for 7 days. The specimen was arranged on a
loading frame. Load was applied in increment and dial
reading for each in increment was recorded. Load was
increased till failure of the panel.
The ultimate load observed was 85 kN. This load was
distributed on the panel with the intensity of 78.7 kN/m2. As
per IS 875 part 2 the live load recommended on floor is only
2 kN/m2. Going by this consideration ferrocement floor
panel is suitable, realistic and feasible.

Wire mesh:
The wire mesh used in the work is mild steel galvanized
welded wires of square grid having wire spacing equal to
12.5mm with a wire diameter equal to (0.65mm). Several
wires were tested under tension The average values of yield
stress (fy), ultimate stress and modulus of elasticity are
given in Table (2). The yield stress is determined
corresponding to a 0.2% offset according to ASTM standard


FERROCEMENT PANELS by Mohamad Mahmood Civil
Engineering department Mosul University Iraq
The paper describes the results of testing folded and flat
ferrocement panels reinforced with different number of wire
mesh layers. The main objective of these experimental tests
is to study the effect of using different numbers of wire
mesh layers on the flexural strength of folded and flat
ferrocement panels and to compare the effect of varying the
number of wire mesh layers on the ductility and the ultimate
strength of these types of
ferrocement structure. Seven ferrocement elements were
constructed and tested each having (600x380mm) horizontal
projection and 20mm thick, consisting of four flat panels
and three folded panels. The used number of wire mesh
layers is one, two and three layers. The experimental results
show that flexural strength of the folded panels increased by
37% and 90% for panels having 2 and 3 wire mesh layers
respectively, compared with that having single layer, while
for flat panel the increase in flexural strength compared with
panel of plan mortar is 4.5%, 65% and 68% for panels
having 1, 2 and 3 wire mesh layers respectively. The
strength capacity of the folded panels, having the particular
geometry used in the present study, is in the order of 3.5 to 5
times that of the corresponding flat panels having the same
number of wire mesh layers.
Experimental Program
Geometry of the specimens:
The tested ferrocement elements consist of three folded
panels and four flat panels. The dimensions of the folded
and flat panels are shown in Fig. (1) which depicts that the
horizontal projection of the folded panel is equal to
(380x600mm) which is equal to the dimensions of the flat
panel. The thickness of all the elements is equal to 20mm.
The number and designation of the tested elements are given
in Table (1). In handling the folded panel without wire
mesh, it failed along the longitudinal folds after removing it

Preparation and testing:

A simple rectangular mold having 20mm depth with
600x380mm dimensions is made for the flat panels; while a
special mold for the folded panels is made to match the
required geometry of the folded panel shown in Fig. (1).
Each sample is molded after fixing the required wire mesh
(or meshes) in its proper position through the thickness of
the sample. Although it is not easy, particularly for the
folded panels, special care and effort has been taken to
maintain a uniform distribution of the wire meshes
throughout the thickness of the panels, this was achieved by
using small stone spacer. For the panels with single wire
mesh, the mesh was placed at mid depth of the panels. The
samples are removed from the mold 24 hours after casting
and the elements are cured in water for 28 days at
temperature ranges 20 - 25C. Six samples of standard
cubes (50x50x50mm) as per the ASTM C 109 specification,
are molded to determine the compressive strength of the
mortar, three are tested at the age of 7 days and 3 at the age
of 28 days. Also three standard prisms for testing the
modulus of rupture of the mortar, as per the ASTM C348-02
[12] specification, are also prepared to measure the modulus

International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES)

ISSN: 23199598, Volume-1, Issue-5, April 2013
of rupture of the used mortar. Properties of the mortar and
wire mesh are summarized in Table (2). All the panels are
tested under two line loads located at the third points of the
500mm supported span. The setup of the tested folded and
flat panels is shown in Fig. (2). Load is applied in small
increments and simultaneously the deflection at the center of
the panel was recorded during the loading process up to
failure. The deflection at midspan is measured by a dial gage
having accuracy equal to 0.01mm. Cracking was carefully
checked throughout the loading process and the
corresponding cracking load is also noted.

building/housing. By using the unique properties of

ferrocement with a relatively low Amount of reinforcement,
be composite floor and wall panels can assembled into an
effective multi-purpose panel system. The major advantages
of this system over current construction methods are mainly
due to the reduction in structural dead load and the use of
fewer building elements, which are much easier to handle.
In the present investigation, four ferrocement plates are cast
and tested due to flexural loading. The Structural behavior
was monitored by reading the deflection and by observing
the crack Patterns. The measured values of deflections and
the observations made indicated that ferrocement can be
used in construction of buildings.
Experimental work: Slab specimens S1 to S4, are square having overall
dimensions of 500x500 mm. Specimens S1 and S2 are 20
mm thick, whereas S3 and S4 are 30 mm thick. Specimens
S1 and S3 have two mesh layers while specimens S2 and S4
have four mesh layers. Hexagonal wire mesh with diameter
of 0.7mm is used for both slab specimens and beam models.
The moulds of slab specimens consists of a flat steel plate of
which angle iron pieces having out-standing leg of 20 mm
or 30 mm have been bolted to get square inside dimensions
of 500x500 mm. Ink markings have been made all-round the
inside periphery of the mould to indicate location of the
mesh layers. The top surface has been leveled off by a
Ordinary Portland cement and sand passing through BS
Sieve No.7 and conforming to Building Code
Recommendations for ferrocement (IFS 10-01)1 were used
throughout. The mix proportion of sand: cement used in
casting the ferrocement slab specimens and beam models
was 2:1 by weight with water: cement ratio of 0.45. All the
materials required were weighed carefully, and then mixed
in a mechanical mixer. Sand and cement were first mixed
for 1 min, then water was added and mixed for 2 min. The
mortar was forced into the mesh reinforcement with trowels.
No mechanical vibrators have been used during casting. The
slab specimens and beam models have been air dried for 24
hours, then in a water tank 28 days at room temperature of
about 30oC and finally taken out of the water tank and kept
in the open at room temperature before testing them.
Testing program
Test program was carried out by applying central patch
loads to the ferrocement slab specimens. Each slab specimen
has been tested with its two edges simply supported over a
span of 300 mm as shown in Figure 2. Ferrocement beams
which are rotated by 180 degrees are used as simply
supports. The load from a universal testing machine has
been applied over patch load of square size 100 mm. The
central dial gauge was fixed and the initial reading of dial
gauge was recorded at the beginning of the test. The load
was applied in increment of 10 N and central slab
deflections were measured. The applying load was
continued until failure occurred.

Concluding Remarks
Based upon the experimental test results of the folded and
flat panels the following can be stated:
The cracking load was not significantly affected by the
number of the wire mesh particularly for the folded panels.
The flexural strength of the folded panel increased by 37
and 90 percent for panels having 2 and 3 wire mesh layers
compared with that of single layer; while for the flat panel
the percentage increase in the flexural strength using 2 and 3
layers is 65% and 68% compared with that of plain mortar
panel. The gain in the flexural strength of the flat panel with
single layer, located at mid depth of the section, compared
with that of plain mortar is only marginal. But using single
layer helps in increasing the ductility of the flat panel.
The experimental and numerical results show the superiority
of the folded to the flat panel in terms of ultimate strength
and initiation of cracking.
Finally increasing the number of layers of wire mesh from 1
to 3 layers significantly increases the ductility and capability
to absorb energy of both types of the panel.
SYSTEM FOR ROOFING By Wail N. Al-Rifaie and
Muyasser M. Jomaah
(1) University of Nottingham, U.K. and Professor
Emeritus, University of Tikrit
(2) Civil Engineering Dept, Eng. College, University of
It has become necessary to seek for structural building
elements, which have the structural phenomena of
prefabricated elements in terms of ease of handling, light,
minimum Maintenance and low cost. It is with these in
mind, elements of a structural system are made from
ferrocement. Ferrocement has been developed mainly during
the past twenty five years and yet has reached a very
advanced stage in technique and design. A considerable
amount of laboratory testing research and prototype
constructions have been completed at the Building and
Construction Engineering Department of University of
Technology, Iraq for the production of ferrocement
members that would be used in the roof /floor/wall of

Fig.(5):The crack pattern (S2).

Analysis and Design of Ferrocement Panels an Experimental Study

precast product, they also increase speed of construction and
can be used in bad weather conditions.
Comparison of Design
On the basis of costs for all the three options it is found that
the flat slab option and the ferrocement box section option
are costlier and cheaper than the beam-slab construction by
17.7% and 15.6% respectively. It also shows the dead
weight of the three options. A comparison of weights shows
the relative values are to be 100%, 101.1% and 43.8% for
the beam-slab option, flat slab and ferrocement box sections
option respectively. A comparison also shows the depth of
the beam-slab and ferrocement box section options have
comparable floor depths (910mm), while the flat slab option
is thinner than the previous two options (380mm). In beamslab type construction and flat slab type option, the cost of
formwork varies from 12 to 18 percent of the material cost
while very nominal formwork is required for ferrocement
precast box sections. Also repeated use of the formwork
reduces the cost of the formwork. The small cost of
formwork, makes the adoption of ferrocement box sections a
financially attractive option. This has been included in the
cost comparison. In conventional reinforced concrete
construction, the dead weight of a floor varies from 80 to
100% of the live loads on the floors. In case of ferrocement
box sections the weight varies from 35 to 50% of the
conventional floor weight. Hence the use of ferrocement box
sections lead to an economy in the supporting structures
Cracking of the RCC and ferrocement elements is necessary
for effective use of the reinforcement provided. The
cracking depends on the distribution of the reinforcement in
the tension zone. Closer placement of reinforcement reduces
the distance between the cracks. Cracking is also related
with the cover provided to the reinforcement. An increase in
the cover thickness leads to an increase in the spacing of the
cracks and also the crack-widths. In case of cyclic and
sustained loading, the time effect further increases the crackwidths but does not change the spacing between the cracks.
The time dependent deformations are mainly due to creep
and to a much smaller extent shrinkage. At service loads, the
ferrocement products display a higher number of cracks of
smaller crack-width compared to few wider cracks in
reinforced concrete construction. Ferrocement box sections
are precast products and have a better finish and quality.
Also the material is used efficiently and economically.
Mostly, the material is used in the flanges to resist the
bending stresses, making the product efficient. Precast
products save money and time. Prefabrication technology is
better than cast-in-situ option at places with adverse climatic
and weather conditions like sub-zero temperatures,
inclement weather in rainy season and hot and dry condition
as obtained in the deserts.
1. The ferrocement box sections supported on R.C.C.
beams are found to be 15.6% cheaper than the beam
and slab construction, while the flat slab option is
17.7% costlier.
2. The ferrocement box section is found to be 56.2%
lighter than the beam and slab construction, while the
two reinforced concrete options are comparable in
weight. The use of ferrocement box sections will
economize on the supporting structure also due to their
lower self weight.
3. The ferrocement box sections supported on R.C.C.
beams and the beam slab construction have

For slab specimens, in general, all slabs were cracked at the
middle along the width (one way action):
Slab specimen having 20 mm thick with 4 layers of wire
mesh (S2), the failure occurred on the slab specimen with a
total load of 30 N. The crack pattern is shown in Figure 5. It
was noticed before testing, cracks were exist for slab S1 (20
mm thick, with two layers of wire mesh), So that, the test
was neglected. Slab specimen S3, the ultimate load was 20
N. The crack pattern is shown in Figure 6. Slab specimen 30
mm thick with 4 layers of wire mesh (S4), the failure
occurred on the beams along the span (beam action). The
failure load was 64 N with fine cracks at slab specimen as
shown in Figure 7.
This investigation has shown that, for low cost housing, the
proposed ferrocement flooring and roofing system can be
satisfactorily used as housing components.
BUILDINGS By A. Kumar Structural Engineering Division,
Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee
A 5m x 9m size interior panel of a framed structure has been
designed as beam-slab construction, flat slab construction
and using ferrocement box sections for 5 kN/m2 live load.
The self-weight, floor/ roof height and cost of these options
have been compared. It is found that the flat slab option is
comparable in weight to the beam-slab option, about 58.2%
less in floor height and 17.7% costlier than the conventional
beam and slab construction. The ferrocement box section
alternative is found to be 56.2% less in weight, comparable
in floor height and 15.6% cheaper than the beam - slab
construction. The ferrocement box sections being light in
weight need less strong supporting structures. Being a

International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES)

ISSN: 23199598, Volume-1, Issue-5, April 2013




comparable floor depths (910mm), while the flat slab

option is smallest in floor depth (380mm).
At service loads, ferrocement shows a large number of
cracks of smaller crack-width compared to few wide
cracks in reinforced concrete.
Being a precast product, use of ferrocement box section
will increase the speed of construction and also make
the construction of buildings feasible in bad weather
The use of ferrocement box sections with higher
ductility will make the structure less prone to seismic

square wire mesh of 0.9 mm diameter and 12 mm openings.

The tensile strength of the mesh was found 321 N/mm.


FERROCEMENT ELEMENT by Dr. S.K. Kaushik Professor
and Head, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute
of Technology, Roorkee
The experiment investigated the efficiency of mesh overlaps
of ferrocement elements by varying the length of overlap in
square woven meshes with different wire diameter and mesh
openings. The number of mesh layers has also been varied
and tested under flexure. Cement-sand mortar mixes of 1:
1.5 and 1:2 were used for the above investigations. They
developed an analytical expression for the lap length (Lp)
based on the concept that the mesh overlap must be suficient
to develop full bond strength around the surface w that there
is no slippage while taking the stress allowed to it. They cast
350 test specimens having 400x200 mm dimensions, with 5
mm cover on all the four sides, with w/c-0.4. All the
specimens were tested under central point loading on a
simply supported span of 300 mm. Based on the above, they
concluded that (i) the mortar strength, diameter of
reinforcing wire and mesh opening influence the overlap
length; (ii) bond failure occurs due to slippage at overlap.
when length of mesh overlap is insufficient, with the
cracking load much lower than that of a continuous mesh
reinforcement; (iii) a minimum overlap of 100 mm to be
Y. Yardim, Universiti Putra Malaysia
This study investigates the performance of inverted two-way
ribs precast ferrocement thin panel. The two-way inverted
ribs in the ferrocement panel enhanced its flexural stiffness,
as well as providing link between the precast layer and the
in situ elements. Flexural behaviors of two precast panels
and two composite slabs are investigated under two line load
and distributed load. Test results indicate that the thin panel
with suitable ribs layout and support distance can be used as
permanent formwork. Typical load from construction
worker and in situ elements could be sustained by the panel.
The panel also acts as good composite component with in
situ brick and concrete. Composite full slab can sustain
typical design loads for residential buildings and until
ultimate load and no separation or any horizontal cracks
between the layers were observed.
Test Setup
Ordinary Portland cement and natural sand were used for
concrete in the ratio 1:3 with water/cement ratio of 0.5. The
mortar mix was designed to give 28-day cube strength of 30
N/mm. The ferrocement reinforcement used in all slabs
consisted of high tensile steel bars and galvanized welded

This study introduces a new invert ribbed precast

ferrocement slab system for composite slab. Tests were
complied for precast layer of composite slab system and
composite slab system under two line loads and uniformly
distributed loads. System shows excellent connection
between two layers of slab until ultimate load. Integrity of
structure was sustained until ultimate load and no separation
observed. The results show that integrity of slab is well
established with interlocking mechanism. Precast layer
achieves its required tasks which are working as formwork,
forming interlocking connection and carrying temporary
loads such as toping and construction loads. System was
carried out the load which was more then theoretical
estimation. Test results shows that the precast layer is able
to carry temporary loads and light enough to handle with
simple crane. Ferrocement layer creates high modulus of
rupture so that first crack load was observed at 40% of
ultimate loading, provides strong protection against spalling
and most of others surface distress and Eliminate cost of

Analysis and Design of Ferrocement Panels an Experimental Study


height of the specimens. Strain gage (or gages) was attached

in a direction parallel to loading as shown in Fig. 2.

The load carrying capacity, ductility and serviceability of

unreinforced masonry columns can substantially be
improved if encased by ferrocement. The parameters such as
cement mortar thickness, gage-wire spacing and bond at the
interface of ferrocement and brick columns have effects on
overall behavior. In the present experimental study, it was
found that the first crack load and ultimate load of a
ferrocement encased masonry column was increased by
119% and 121% respectively. Cracks developed in
ferrocement encased column were finer and well distributed
as compared to plain specimen. However, premature failure
is possible when bond at the interface of brick masonry
column and ferrocement is poor. At higher reinforcement
ratio, severe spalling and delamination is expected.
Brick masonry columns are commonly used in rural and
urban areas. Because of improper structural design and no
maintenance over a period of time, they have lost a major
portion of strength and stiffness. Many masonry columns
require strengthening due to increase in their share of
building loads. Severe cracks due to repeated earthquakes
are also very common in these masonry elements. These
factors make brick masonry columns unsafe and they
require economical, safe and easy remedial measures.
Experimental study was made on burnt clay brick column
specimens. Locally available burnt clay bricks of 221 mm x
110 mm x 55 mm were used. Ordinary Portland cement and
alkaline free sand were mixed together to cast cement
mortar joint of 4.6 mm. In addition, locally available 24
gage steel wire having tensile strength of 276 MPa was used
in the ferrocement. Masonry columns of 221 mm x 221 mm
x 784 mm, were prepared (see Fig. 1).

This experimental study was made on burnt clay brick

column specimens. Locally available burnt clay bricks of
221 mm x 110 mm x 55 mm were used. Ordinary Portland
cement and alkaline free sand were mixed together to cast
cement mortar joint of 4.6 mm. In addition, locally available
24 gage steel wire having tensile strength of 276 MPa was
used in the ferrocement. Masonry columns of 221 mm x 221
mm x 784 mm, were prepared. The test results analysis led
to the following conclusions.
1. Encasement of unreinforced brick masonry columns by
ferrocement doubles the failure load.
2. Average crack spacing reduces with reduction in
spacing of wire.
3. Premature failure is possible if mesh is not properly
wrapped and plaster does not fully penetrate into it.
4. Mortar strength has comparatively smaller influence on
failure load.
BUILDING MEMBER (Applied as a Hollow Box Joist) By R
Abasolo, C Bandivs, Civil Engineering department College
of Engineering Xavier University-Philippines
This study focuses on the fabrication and the Maximum
Moment Capacity of a Ferrocement beam. There were three
batches with 3 specimens each. The beams were casted
vertically by plastering. This study used a cement to sand
ratio of 1:3 by volume, and a water to cement ratio of 0.5:1
by weight. It also used two layers of # 16 gage wire mesh
kept constant on each batch. Tension bars of 8 mm dia. were
used, the number of which increases by one on each batch.
Nine specimens of 200mm x 200mm x 3000mm hollow box
beam with a 25 mm thickness were casted. The Standards
and Procedure for each of the beams were based on the
ASTM Standards and on the article by J.P. Hartog. The
testing of the beam was done after the 28th curing day
period, and was conducted to failure in order to determine
the Actual Moment Capacity of the design beam. The results
show that Maximum Moment Capacity or Flexural Strength
of the fabricated Ferrocement beams did not go below the
calculated ultimate moment capacity for office occupancy of
5.3792 KN-m. This means that the beams are safe for use as
floor joist beams in residential and commercial structures.

After a period of one week of wet curing, steel wire was

manually wrapped around column in both directions.
Cement mortar was then applied and cured for minimum of
10 days before testing in compression. The type of mortar
for brick masonry joint was same for all specimens.
Specimens without ferrocement application were also
constructed for comparison. All specimens were tested
under axial compression using a Structural Testing Frame at
the structural concrete laboratory End conditions for each of
the test specimen were kept similar. For the uniform
distribution of load, rubber pads of 245 mm x 245 mm x
6.125 mm in size were placed at both ends of specimen and
were covered with steel plates of dimensions 392 mm x 392
mm x 6.125 mm. Ferrocement encased specimen was
instrumented with electrical resistance strain gages at mid

International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES)

ISSN: 23199598, Volume-1, Issue-5, April 2013
its dial reading available is 500 pounds per tread. Such
machine error may affect the reading of the actual moment
capacity or flexural strength of the Ferrocement beam.
However, the researchers can check the accuracy of the
machine through calibration using the point loading at the
midspan with the corresponding deflection of the
Ferrocement beam.

Beam Set up
A. For Calibration
1. Set the beam as simply supported beam.
2. Measure the unsupported length and set the dial gauge
at its midspan for deflection reading.
3. Prepare sand bags weighing 25 kg/bag.
4. Gradually load the bags into the beam at 50 kg per
batch at 5 batches.
5. Record reading to compare result with UTM Reading.
B. Data collecting procedure
1. Record time of testing.
2. Set and install the dial gauge on innovative compression
3. Set the beam into the compression testing machine to be
loaded at the midspan.
4. Gradually load the beam at every 1mm deflection and
record gauge reading.
5. Check for micro cracks and record gauge reading.
6. Continue loading until complete failure is achieved.
7. Record the force and its corresponding deflection
8. Record finishing/ending time of testing
9. Set another sample beam for another deflection testing.


Structural Consultant, Pune
A simple system of precasting with ferrocement elements
was developed for the construction of Engineering college at
Talegaon. Three elements namely column boxes, channel
beams, and a deck slab were used for the entire section. The
aim was to crate light weight elements for lifting, eliminate
formwork totally and reduce member propping during
construction to an absolute minimum. All the three aims
have been fulfilled.
An engineering college building was under construction for
D.Y. Patil Engineering college at Ambi village, Talegaon.
The G+4 structure has been constructed by the conventional
method of in situ R.C. construction. The column spacing are
7m X 7.5 m. Each floor is about 3000 sq.m. built up area.
The foundation and columns were designed for G+8 upper
floor building. At this stage of construction it was decided to
add the balance 4 floors with member element made with
Ferrocement.The structural frame had to be the same as that
used on lower floor. The principal idea was to eliminate
formwork and the slab and beam units shall be able to carry
all dead loads. The slab and beam had to span between
supports without propping. The members therefore
eliminated formwork and propping at site. The design of
members was also done with ease of construction and lifting
to its position as primary consideration. Slab elements span
between channel beams. The panels are 3m X 1m wide. The
design of panels is done as suggested by ACI.
The project has been saving in material cost and significant
saving in time. The main advantages seen in the system are:1. No formwork and minimal scaffolding.
2. Elements casted on ground at site or yard
3. Very fast erection and reduction in time of construction.
4. Saving in overall cost compared to R.C. system.

The study was successful in fabricating and determining the

flexural strength of the Ferrocement box beam. Even though
the Ferrocement beam was supposedly designed for
sustainable housing, the results showed that the calculated
actual moment of the Ferrocement Beams is good for use as
floor joist beams for residential, office and commercial
occupancy. The Ferrocement box joist can be applied on
residential and commercial occupancy with a one meter
spacing base on the minimum live load for residential and
commercial occupancy as stated in the National Structural
Building Code of the Philippines.The Ferrocement box joist
has an average of 11 kgs, which is lighter compared to the
designed reinforced concrete beam. The strength to weight
ratio of the Ferrocement box joist is greater compared to that
of the conventional beam.
Based on the material cost comparison between the
Ferrocement box joist and the designed conventional beam,
the Ferrocement is less expensive. Its use can save on gravel
and scaffolding costs. Using Ferrocement materials adds an
economic advantage in saving general costs in construction.
Its light weight feature would mean an increase in
workability and transportation, resulting in a fast-paced
construction. The researchers acknowledge the possibility of
incurring errors such as machine errors since the machine
used for testing has not been calibrated for a long time and


After studying the literatures the various results and
conclusions obtained are going to help in the project work to
investigate the behavior of ferrocement panels for various
parameters and loading. The study is primarily aimed at
investigating experimentally and analytically
1. The behavior of ferrocement panels under flexure with
following parameters.
- Change in wire mesh size
- Change in wire mesh orientation
- Change in panel size
- Providing ribs
2. The yield line pattern for ferrocement panels.
The results obtained will aid the designer and manufacturer
the design procedure, method of construction for slabs that
is consistent with the level of risk specified or intended.
As newer applications of ferrocement are introduced in
market, many interesting problems will be posed so we will

Analysis and Design of Ferrocement Panels an Experimental Study

have to find solutions to these problems by searching new
design techniques and method of constructions.
I hereby acknowledge the extensive help provided by Prof.
D.G.Gaidhankar (Assistant Professor, Applied Mechanics
Dept. MIT, Pune) for his support and timely advice to
complete the Project work.

Ferrocement floor and roof system for buildings By

[2] Flexural Behavior of Flat and Folded Ferrocement Panels by
Mohamad Mahmood Civil Engineering department Mosul University
[3] Structural behavior of ferrocement system for roofing By Wail N. AlRifaie University of Nottingham
[4] Research Needs in Ferrocement Technology by Dr.P.N.Divekar,
President, Ferrocement society, Pune
[5] Effect Of Wire Mesh Orientation On Ferrocement element by Dr.
S.K. Kaushik Professor and Head, Department of Civil Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
[6] Performance of Precast Ferrocement Panel for Composite Masonry
Slab System by Y. Yardim, Universiti Putra Malaysia
[7] Applications of Ferrocement in Strengthening of Unreinforced
Masonry Columns By Abid A. Shah
[8] Utilization of Ferrocement as Flexural Building Member (Applied as
a Hollow Box Joist)By R Abasolo, C Bandivs, Civil Engineering
department College of Engineering Xavier University-Philippines
[9] Design of College Building with Ferrocement Element By Arun
Purandare, Structural Consultant, Pune
[10] ACI
ferrocement, ACI549-R97, in Manual of Concrete Practice, ACI,
Detroit, 1997, 26 pp
[11] ACI committee 549-1R-88, Guide for design construction and repair
of ferrocement, ACI 549-1R-88 and 1R-93, in Manual of Concrete
Practice, ACI, Detroit, 1993, 27 pp.
[12]. Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines,Inc. (2001).
National structural code of the Philippines (NSCP) 2001,
Volume1.Structural Concrete. Philippines.

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