Indingenous Game

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African dance
Indigenous: produce by or naturally belonging to, a particular region or race. These games
have been played for many years in different counties and regions. People make their own
versions of the games they grow up playing with their friends. Knowledge of these traditional
or indigenous games gets passed from one generation to the next.

These games are: traditional dance, dibeke, ntimo, juku and others These games are played
for fun and are also played for competition.

Here is an indigenous game from South Africa that you may already know how to play. But
maybe you don’t, so look on it and have a fun playing.
More about indigenous games:
Dibeke is a running ball game played by two teams of six boys and six girls each. The
attacking team tries to kick the ball away from the defenders, while the defenders can use
their hands to get the ball away from them.
The attackers score when they have moved the ball down the entire length of the field.
However, if one of the defenders tags an attacker with the ball, that player is out. When all
the attackers are out, the defenders get a chance to try and score.
Kho-kho has its origin in the Indian community. It is played by two teams of twelve.
Eight players from the chasing team kneel, facing the each other. The ninth player is the
chaser. Three players from the other team are sent on as defenders.
The chaser runs around the sitters chasing the defender, trying to touch them so that they
would be out. The chaser can tag a sitter, shouting "kho", making that player the new chaser.
When the first three are caught, the next three are sent on.
Kgati is a ropeskipping game from three. Two swing the skipping rope and the third jumps in
a variety of way, usually while singing or chanting.
Jukskei is a traditionally Afrikaner game that originated with early Afrikaner travellers that
made use of ox wagons. In the game the players try to knock over an upright stick with
jukskei - the wooden pin used in an ox's yoke.
Ncuvu/Morula and Morabaraba
Morabaraba is a boardgame in some ways resembling chess or checkers.


Intonga is a stick fighting. The player that can hit the other with the stick the most in this
play-fighting, wins.


Dibeke is also known as diwiki,sinuka,skununu or umabhorisha, is a game in which you run

and kick a ball on a field. Usually young people play the game. It requires a high level of
fitness as there is great deal of running in dibeke. It is usually last 80 minutes with a 10
minite after 40 minutes. The players can, however, decide when they want to finish the game.

The main aim of these games is to attracting team to score as may points as possible. They do
this by kicking the ball past the half way line defended by the other team. The attacker who
has kicked the ball must then run to the other side of the pitch. This will give the attacker one

You will need to develop the following skills:

Speed, coordination, Accuracy, Ability to strategise, Ability to hide a ball and increased level
of fetness

You will need the following equipment and players:

Two teams of 12 persons each-normally there are six boys and six girls in each team, but this
is not compulsory

Two score keepers who count all the runs of each player or team

One match facilitator to control play

An open field

A captain in each team

Any ball that you can kick

A watch

12 numbers for the player in each team to ware


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