A. All Areas

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All Areas
The All Areas section of this safety audit was given an average score of 4 or Better
than Minimal Standard. Some ceiling tiles in the storage rooms have somehow disintegrated
specifically the insulators in the roof. Book cases in the offices are in good conditions. No
overloading were observed and no additional items are placed on top of shelves. Chemicals are
stored with minimum elevation and no heavy items are stored in an elevated area.
In the MultiPly Production Area, we have observed that there are slipping hazards. There
are some areas that are wet and no signage was seen near the wet surface.
All emergency phone numbers, such as the safety department, Mabalacat Fire
Department and Clinic, and calling procedures are visibly posted near the telephones. Food and
beverages are strictly prohibited in the production area and storage areas.

B. Shops
According to Ms. Guevarra, all machines and belt guards are in good conditions.
Regular inspections are conducted to ensure that these machines and belt guards are in good
conditions. We have observed that equipment have a specific location to be stored at marked by
a yellow paint. All equipment that have defect are covered with a tarpaulin and are properly
The number three item is graded as 3 since an accident had occurred last September
due to negligence of the temperature rise in the bearing.
All piping follows the ASME color coding and this was seen during the safety audit.
Arrows are also seen along the pipeline indicating the direction of flow of the fluid stream. Hot
pipes are labeled with proper signage. In the production area, signage are seen telling the
workers to wear the proper PPEs. However, in the MultiPly production area, we have seen 3
employees not wearing ear plugs, which are required in that area since the level of noise are up
to 95 decibels (according to Ms. Guevarra). Damaged or malfunctioning equipment are labeled
with OUT OF SERVICE and also they are covered with tarpaulins.
The Shops section of this safety audit is graded with an average of 4.5 or that is in the
middle of Better than Minimal Standard and Best Practice.

C. Exits/Corridors
All corridors are unobstructed and there are proper indication of the pathway. All exit
doors in all the areas we have visited are unobstructed. In addition, there are also proper exit
signs visibly posted. In the production area, exits have no doors so that employees can exit
easily. Exits and Corridors section of this safety audit are graded as 5 or Best Practice.

G. Storage Fire Protection

The fire protection was satisfactory (3) from the parameter used. The company obviously
gives more importance to the control of fire hazard and risk due to tons of paper stored in their
storage and manufacturing area which are, as we know combustible materials. TIPCO has 157
extinguishers and hydrants. According to ISO, these should be inspected monthly. However,
according to MS. Guevarra, the Health and Safety Department Head of the company, they
usually do the monitoring and inspection weekly to ensure that they are ready in case the fire
occurs. But, they are more certain of practices that can totally avoid fire.
Aside from the parameters checked in the checklist, it was also observed that the exit
signage and fire evaluation plan were blocked of papers. Also, it is very noticeable that Dirty Fire
Evacuation plan are too high to use as reference/guide. The hydrants were also observed to be
blocked with paper rolls. These observations may cause delay of extinguishing fire since
hydrants are not readily available, and the people have to pass by numbers of tons of papers.
Also, the signage seems to be useless since it is not put in a level that can be read by all.
Perhaps, it may be better if all the signage is placed in an area accessible by many where it
cant be blocked by rolls of papers. A total of 24 out of 40 is given for this part.

H. Compressed Gas Cylinder

This part was graded better than minimal standard (4) in average. At TIPCO, cylinders
are segregated for storage type of gas and empty cylinders are stored apart from charged
cylinders. The hazards associated with compressed gases include oxygen displacement,
explosion hazards, toxic effect of some gases, as well as the physical hazards of a ruptured
cylinder. In every area where there is storage of chemicals, hazardous chemical signs are
visible, but not specifically for Compressed Gases. A review should be done here to know if the
words Hazardous Chemicals is enough or it should be DANGER: Compressed Gas Storage
as in 1178.06. A score of 28 out of 35 is totaled for this part.


Personal Protective Equipment

As observed during our visit and audit, PPE being the resort of hazard control is very well
implemented at TIPCO not just with the employees, but also with the visitors. The employees,
even those who are in the office were observed to be wearing safety materials even when not in
plants. And those employees working with the machines and equipment, they completely wear
safety shoes and hard hat where there are overheads. Ear plugs were also worn to tolerate the
noise in the paper production part. Also, when PPEs are not in used, they have a cabinet where
they put and maintain the protective equipment.
At TIPCO, they inspect the harness and safety belts used to assure that they work well and
will not cause any danger to the workers. With that, their PPE is graded to be better than the
minimal standard (4) as an average with a total score of 29 out of 40.

J. Railing/Elevated Work Areas

The Railings/Elevated Work Areas are well inspected and guarded to
prevent future incidences like falling from a height. Though there was an
incident in the past regarding a gardener that falls from the side of the
primary clarifier to the ground, actions were properly done, and guard rails
were provided instantly, to prevent the same situation from happening again.
With regards to the other concerns like drain openings/pits in the floor or
walking surfaces are well guarded to prevent tripping/slipping , but water
puddles can be found around the place and should be taken action to
prevent slipping and future incidences from happening. And with that a
weekly inspection was done and checking of railings together with the safe
access to elevated machinery/equipment was properly conducted. Together,
a total of 24 out of 25 was given for this section.

K. Ladders
The ladders from different departments were all in good conditions
provided that they are safe to use at specific heights. Faulty ladders are
change in no time, once it is discarded. In addition, standard guardrails are
also provided on elevated platforms and every stairway. And with that, a
weekly inspection was done on checking every ladders and guardrails that
will be used for elevated heights to make sure everything is in proper
condition and is safe to use in case of emergencies. Together, a perfect score
of 20 out of 20 was given for this section.

L. Forklifts

The Forklifts are well inspected and are all in good working condition
whereas, defective forklifts are taken out of service and was tagged DO NOT
USE and all operating rules are clearly posted around the area of operation.
Also, seatbelts were also checked to make sure that they are in a good
working condition and is available to every worker to ensure their safety in
driving the Forklifts provided that only authorized workers are only allowed to
drive the forklifts around the area with a maximum speed of 10kph. And with
that, a weekly inspection was done on checking every forklift together with
its accessories including the seatbelt that will be used for every operation to
make sure everything is in proper condition and is safe to use anytime.
Together, a perfect score of 25 out of 25 was given for this section.

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