High-Power Machine Drive, Using Nonredundant 27-Level Inverters and Active Front End Rectifiers
High-Power Machine Drive, Using Nonredundant 27-Level Inverters and Active Front End Rectifiers
High-Power Machine Drive, Using Nonredundant 27-Level Inverters and Active Front End Rectifiers
6, NOVEMBER 2007
AbstractA nonredundant 27-level inverter using H converters is being analyzed for high power machine drive applications. The main advantage of this kind of converter is the minimum
harmonic distortion obtained at the machine side. The drawbacks
are the large number of isolated dc power supplies required for
each one of the three stages of the multistage converter. In this
paper this problem has been overcome in two ways: 1) by using
independent windings for each phase of the motor and 2) by
using independent input transformers. Special configurations and
combinations of diode rectifiers and active front end rectifiers
for one of the stages of the drive are used to eliminate input harmonics. The topology can also keep high power factor at the input
terminals. Simulation results are shown and some experiments
with small three-stage prototype are displayed. The control of this
multiconverter is being implemented using DSP controllers, which
give flexibility to the system.
Index TermsHigh-power applications, multilevel inverters,
power drives.
Manuscript received December 13, 2006; revised March 16, 2007. This work
was supported by CONICYT under Projects Fondecyt 1050683 and Fondecyt
1070751, and MIDEPLAN, Chile, under Project Millennium Nucleus Industrial
Electronics and Mechatronics. Recommended for publication by Associate Editor B. Wu.
J. Dixon, A. A. Bretn, and F. E. Ros are with the Department of Electrical
Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile, Santiago, Chile (e-mail:
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]).
J. Rodrguez, J. Pontt, and M. A. Prez are with the Department of Electronics, Universidad Tcnica Federico Santa Mara, Valparaso, Chile (e-mail:
[email protected]).
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2007.909276
A. Basic Principle
The circuit of Fig. 1 shows the basic topology of one converter
used for the implementation of multistage converters. It is based
on the simple, four switches converter, used for single phase
inverters or for dual converters. These converters are able to
, and
produce three levels of voltage in the load:
Fig. 2 displays the main components of a three-stage converter which is being analyzed in this work. The figure only
ters from the mains point of view, making allowance for almost
perfect current waveforms at the supply side.
Finally, the second aux. (Aux. 2 A, B, and C in Fig. 5),
are fed with simple Graetz bridges with dissipative resistors,
which are necessary when the machine operates with very low
voltage (less than 15%) during starting. However, they can also
be implemented with PWM rectifiers like Aux. 1.
The drawback of the NC topology is that the power rectifiers
of the mains need a good filter at the dc link, because each main
represents a single-phase load. To avoid this problem, the three
mains can be fed in parallel, keeping the transformer configuration with the rectifiers connected in series as shown in Fig. 6.
Using this parallel configuration the dc voltage ripple is reduced
because the load fed by the main rectifiers is a three-phase load
instead of standard single-phase load. The smaller dc voltage
ripple improve the quality of output voltage and input current
and requires a smaller dc capacitor. However, the three windings
of the machine have to be fed independently (no electrical connection between them). This is not uncommon because many
machines are built with three independent windings because this
characteristics allow to connect the motor in delta or wye connection.
The following simulations were performed using PSIM, a
special simulator for power electronics circuits [15]. The ma-
Fig. 9. Input currents for both topologies (a) NC topology and (b) IW topology.
Fig. 7. NC topology (a) converter voltage and output current, (b) phase-tophase voltage and output current, and (c) phase-to-motor neutral voltage and
output current.
Fig. 10. Output voltage THD in terms of modulation index for three-stage converter.
The output voltage presents a very low Total Harmonic Distortion, but when the modulation index is decreased the distortion grows. Fig. 10 shows the output voltage THD of a threestage converters in terms of modulation index. The THD is less
than 5% at 50% of modulation. It can be noticed that the current remains almost sinusoidal even with 25% voltage amplitude, without the need of PWM modulation.
Interestingly, THD produced by low modulation index (i.e.,
) has low frequency components like shows Fig. 11.
This feature is characteristic of round modulation, instead of
PWM modulation where the frequency components are mainly
at the switching frequency.
It is also important to show the power distribution in each
stage of the power converter, particularly in some cases where
the power is reversed with the voltage variations. Fig. 12 shows
when both Aux. 1 and Aux. 2 are
the particular case
returning power from the motor to the system. This reason justifies the fact of using active front end rectifiers at the first Aux.
level and dissipative rectifiers at the second Aux., otherwise,
the power could not be returned to the mains charging the dc
capacitors and increasing the dc voltage. These higher dc voltages does not have the power of three relationship reducing the
output voltage quality and also they can cause damage to the
Fig. 11. Machine at 10% of output voltage (a) output voltage and load current
waveform and (b) frequency components of output voltage
load current
(THD = 28%)
(THD = 5%)
m = 0 62
An experimental converter prototype feed a 5 kW, 4-pole induction machine load with 0.84 power factor, the phase to neutral voltage is 110 V and the nominal current is 10 A. Fig. 13
shows the output voltage steps waveforms obtained with experimental prototype.
Fig. 14 shows the voltages of the three phases, and the current
in one of them. It is noticed that the current is almost sinusoidal.
issues to be solved, which in the authors opinion are well compensated with the better reliability and performance needed for
medium and high-power drives.
A three-stage inverter for high-power machine drive applications, using H converters has been analyzed. As this converter generates 27 levels of voltage, the machine current becomes almost perfectly sinusoidal. However, the need of isolated and bidirectional dc power supplies, required for each one
of the three stages of the multistage converter, represent the
main drawback. To overcome this problem, the paper has proposed three associated solutions: a) passive rectifiers at the Main
level (which manages more than 80% of the power), b) active
front-end PWM rectifiers at the Aux. 1 level (which manage
around 15% of the power and act as power filter and var compensator), and c) passive rectifiers with dissipative power resistors
during very low voltage operation at the Aux. 2 level (only 3%
of the total power). Some computer simulations were performed
and some experiments, with a small three-stage prototype, were
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Juan Dixon (SM95) was born in Santiago, Chile. He
received the Degree in electrical engineering from the
Universidad de Chile, Santiago, in 1977. He also received the Ms.Eng. and the Ph.D. degreed, both from
McGill University, Montreal, PQ, Canada, in 1986,
and 1988, respectively.
In 1976, he was working with the State Transportation Company in charge of trolleybuses operation.
In 1977 and 1978, he worked at the Chilean Railways Company. Since 1979, he has been with the
Electrical Engineering Department, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, where he is presently Professor. He has presented
more than 70 works in International Conferences and has published more than
30 papers related to power electronics in IEEE Transactions and IEE Proceedings. His main areas of interests are in electric traction, power converters, PWM
rectifiers, active power filters, power factor compensators, and multilevel and
multistage converters. He has done consulting work related with trolleybuses,
traction substations, machine drives, hybrid electric vehicles, and electric
railways. He has created an Electric Vehicle Laboratory where he has built
state-of-the-art vehicles using brushless-dc machines with ultracapacitors and
high specific energy batteries. Recently, he has started research in distributed
generation and power generation using renewable energy sources.
Alberto A. Bretn received the electrical engineering degree from Pontificia Universidad Catlica
de Chile, Santiago, Chile, in 2003.
Felipe E. Ros received the electrical engineering degree from Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile,
Santiago, Chile, in 2003.