Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai: EE1402 - High Voltage Engineering PART-A (2 Marks)

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Department of Electrical and Electronics Enineerin

EE1402 High Voltage Engineering
PART-A (2 marks)
!" Dra# and define imp$lse %oltae #a%e s&ape and mention it's specification as per
(" )&at are t&e ca$ses of o%er %oltaes*
+" Mention t&e different ,inds of o%er %oltaes"
-" )&at are temporar. o%er %oltae*
/" )&at is li&tnin p&enomenon*
0" )&at is Iso,era$nic le%el*
1" )&at are meant 2. s#itc&in s$res* Mention t&e appro3imate manit$de of s#itc&in
s$res and t&eir fre4$enc."
5" State t&e different met&ods of protection aainst o%er %oltaes"
6" )&at is a s$re di%erter*
!7" )&at is a ro$nd #ire or s&ielded #ire*
!!" Define to#er footin resistance"
!(" Define s&ieldin anle"
!+" Dra# t&e 89I c&aracteristics of non linear resistor li&tnin arrester"
!-" )&at are meant 2. ro$nd rods and co$nter poise #ires*
!/" Compare s#itc&in s$res and li&tnin
!0" )rite t&e e3pression for %oltae de%eloped d$rin li&tnin"
!1" )&. a simple spar, ap cannot offer f$ll protection aainst o%er %oltaes"
!5" Define $niform and non $niform fields and i%e e3ample for eac&"
!6" )&at is meant 2. corona disc&ares*
(7" Define t&e follo#in as applied to disr$pti%e disc&ares"
:a; <las& o%er
:2; Spar, o%er
(!" )&at is meant 2. =o#nsend's disc&are* E3plain it's main feat$res"
((" Define >asc&en's La#"
(+" )&at are p$re li4$id dielectrics*
(-" Define Creepae Distance"
(/" )&at do .o$ mean 2. Disr$pti%e Disc&are 8oltae*
(0" )&at are t&e demerits of s.nt&etic testin of circ$it 2rea,ers*
(1" )&at are t&e different tests done on ins$lators*
(5" Ho# radio fre4$enc. noise is meas$red*
(6" )&at is ins$lation coordination*
+7" Define /7 ? and !77? flas& o%er %oltae"
+!" Differentiate t.pe test and ro$tine test"
PART-B (16 marks)
!" Disc$ss t&e mec&anism of li&tnin stro,es and o%er %oltaes on transmission lines" :!0;
(" Disc$ss t&e different t&eories of c&are formation of t&$nder clo$ds" :!0;
+" :a; Gi%e t&e mat&ematical models for li&tnin disc&ares and e3plain t&em :5;
-" :2; E3plain t&e different c&aracteristics of t&e li&tnin stro,es :5;
/" :a; E3plain %ario$s met&ods to control s#itc&in o%er %oltaes"
0" :2; Gi%e a 2rief note on protection of transmission lines $sin s$re di%erters" :0;
1" )rite s&ort notes on@
:a; Rod aps $sed as protecti%e de%ices :5;
:2; Gro$nd #ires for protection of o%er&ead lines" :5;
5" State t&e criteria for spar,in potential and &ence o2tain t&e relation 2et#een spar,in
potential and :pd; %al$es :>asc&en's La#;"Disc$ss on t&e nat$re of %ariations of spar,in
potential #it& :pd; %al$es" :!0;
6" :a; E3plain #&. electro neati%e ases &a%e &i& 2rea,do#n stress" 0;
!7" :2; Disc$ss mee,'s t&eor. of 2rea,do#n in ases $nder non $niform fields" !7;
!!" :a; E3plain t&e Streamer =&eor. of 2rea,do#n in air at atmosp&eric press$re" :5;
!(" :2; E3plain a2o$t time la in as 2rea,do#n" :5;
:a; )&at electrical a%alanc&e* Ho# do a%alanc&e i%e rise to an electrical 2rea,do#n
in case of =o#nsend's t.pe of disc&are" !(;
!+" :2; Ho# %ac$$m 2rea,do#n occ$rs accordin to particle e3c&ane mec&anism* :-;
!-" Disc$ss t&e %ario$s mec&anisms of %ac$$m 2rea,do#n" :!0;
!/" E3plain %ario$s t&eories #&ic& e3plains 2rea,do#n in commercial li4$id dielectrics"
!0" :a; E3plain t&e Streamer =&eor. of 2rea,do#n in air at atmosp&eric press$re" :5;
!1" :2; E3plain a2o$t time la in as 2rea,do#n" :5;
a" Dra# a neat diaram of &i& %oltae Sc&erin 2ride and descri2e %ario$s feat$res
of t&e 2ride"
2" E3plain, #it& sc&ematic diaram an. one met&od of meas$rin RI8 of transmission
!5" E3plain, #it& neat diaram t&e imp$lse testin of transformer" )&at is proced$re adopted
in location of fa$lt*
a" )&at are t&e imp$lse tests done on ins$lators* E3plain"
2" E3plain t&e s.nt&etic of circ$it 2rea,er"
!6" )&at are t&e different tests cond$cted on ca2les"
(7" E3plain ins$lation coordination*
(!" )&at are t&e different tests cond$cted on s$re di%erter" E3plain"
((" )&at are t&e different tests cond$cted on 2$s&ins" E3plain"

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