Optimal Control of Load Frequency Control Power System Based On Particle Swarm Optimization Technique

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The International Journal Of Engineering And Science (IJES)

|| Volume || 5 || Issue || 9 || Pages || PP 73-86 || 2016 ||

ISSN (e): 2319 1813 ISSN (p): 2319 1805

Natural Convection from Heated Rough Surface at the Bottom of

Vented Rectangular Enclosure
Saud M. Alhajeri
Vocational Institute, Public authority of applied education and training, Kuwait
-------------------------------------------------------- ABSTRACT----------------------------------------------------------Natural convection heat transfer from tilted rectangular enclosure heated at the bottom rough surfaces wall and
vented by uniform slots opening at top wall experimentally investigated. Rough surfaces of roughness 0.002 m
are used to study their effect on the heat transfer characteristics. The experiments are carried out to study the
effects of venting ratio, enclosure's tilt angle and Rayleigh number on the cooling of rough surface inside the
enclosure. The experiments are carried out at a Rayleigh number ranging from 2 108 to 1.52 109 for
enclosure tilt angles ranging from 0 to 90. Top venting arrangement is studied at different venting ratios of 1,
0.75, 0.5 and 0.25. Roughness shows a large effect on heat transfer for the rectangular enclosure where the
average Nusselt number increases with the increase of venting ratio and decrease enclosure's tilt angle at the
same Rayleigh number. This can be attributed to the roughness may increase the blockage effect on the flow that
can cause the buoyancy force to decrease, but on the other hand it increases the turbulence intensity resulting in
a higher heat transfer. The results are compared with a smooth rectangular enclosure of the same surface area to
study the effect of roughness on heat transfer. The average Nu of rough surface in rectangular enclosure is
higher than that of smooth surface by the range from 12 % to 21% depending on Ra. Correlations are developed
for the top venting arrangement to predict the average Nusselt number of the enclosure in terms of the Rayleigh
number, venting ratio and enclosure tilt angle.
Keyword: Natural convection; Enclosure; Rough surface; venting arrangement.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date of Submission: 17 September 2016
Date of Accepted: 03 October 2016
input heat flux, W/m2
modified Rayleigh number based on the
input heat flux
local temperature of the heated surface, C
average surface temperature of the heated
surface, C
ambient temperature, C

thickness of enclosure's wall, m

temperature difference across enclosure
wall thickness, C
tilt angle of enclosure.

diffusivity, m2/s


expansion at constant pressure, 1/K


Stefan-Boltzman constant.




W/m2 K

area of a wall of the enclosure, m2

area of the heated surface, m2
view factor, dimensionless
acceleration of gravity, m/s2
depth of the enclosure, m
local value of heat transfer coefficient,

average value of heat transfer coefficient,

W/m2 K

electric current, amp.

thermal conductivity of air, W/m K
thermal conductivity of wall, W/m K
length of enclosure, m
local Nusselt number, dimensionless.


average Nusselt number, dimensionless.

venting ratio, dimensionless.
rate of heat transfer by free convection, W
rate of heat losses by conduction,W
rate of heat losses by radiation, W


Natural convection from heated surface inside rectangular enclosure with different parameters was receiving
growing interest in the last few decades because of its employment in many practical fields in the areas of
energy conservation. Natural convection in open cavities or vented enclosures is getting more attention due to
the importance of such geometry in solar thermal central receiver system, where heat losses affect the
performance of the system. Further, applications of cavities include aircraft-brake housing system, pipes



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connecting reservoirs of fluids with different temperatures, refrigerators, electronic cooling, energy saving
household refrigerators, energy conservation in building micro electronic equipment, and many others.
Roughness surfaces are proven to be a good technique to increase the heat transfer mechanism. However, in free
convection blockage effect induced by the existence of rough surface is essential since the convection
mechanism is weaker than that of forced convection. Roughness also increases the turbulent intensity on the
surface, which causes heat transfer to increase.
Experimental and numerical works were carried out to better understand the heat transfer mechanism inside
cavities. The studies are classified according to the type of the enclosure whether it was with or without venting.
Adams et al. [1] and Yu and Joshi [2] studied numerically and experimentally the process of passive cooling of
discretely heated enclosures by combined conduction, convection and radiation. They found that both
conduction and radiation affect the rate of cooling of the enclosure, and neither can be neglected. Nada [3]
studied natural convection heat transfer in horizontal and vertical closed narrow enclosures with heated
rectangular finned base plate. The study was experimentally investigated at a wide range of Rayleigh number
(Ra) for different fin spacing and fin length values. The results show that increasing fin length increases
Average Nusselt number and finned surface effectiveness (); also increasing Ra increases Average Nusselt
number for any fin-array geometry. Mahmoud et al [4] studied natural convection heat transfer inside smooth
and rough surfaces of vertical and inclined equilateral triangular channels of different inclination angles with a
uniformly heated surface are performed. The inclination angle is changed from 15 to 90. Smooth and rough
surface of average roughness (0.02mm) are used and their effect on the heat transfer characteristics are studied.
The results show that The average Nusselt number of rough channel is higher than that of smooth channel by
about 8.1% for inclined case at = 45 and 10% for vertical case. Showole and Tarasuk [5] studied numerically
the heat transfer from fully open (OR=1) square cavities at different tilt angles. In these studies the four walls of
the enclosure were at the same temperature. The studies were carried out for different ranges of Grashof number
(Gr) between 103 and 107 and at different aspect ratios. The studies showed that the aspect ratio and the tilt angle
affect the flow field within the cavity and the heat transfer coefficient.
Chan and Tien [6, 7], Angirasa et al. [8], Mohamad [9], Balaji and Venkateshan [10] and Lin and Xin [11]
investigated numerically the heat transfer from fully open square horizontal cavities. In these studies the bottom
horizontal wall of the cavity was isothermal at high temperature and the other walls were adiabatically insulated.
Different ranges of Grashof number were studied. Miyamoto et al. [12] presented a two dimensional numerical
study of the natural convection heat transfer from fully and partially open tilted cavities. Two opening ratios, 0.5
and 1, were studied. All the walls of the cavity were isothermal at the same temperature. Chakroun et al. [13]
investigated experimentally the effect of the opening ratio of the cavity on the heat transfer coefficient in a tilted
partially open square cavity. In this study the bottom surface of the cavity was heated with a constant heat flux,
and the other side walls were adiabatically insulated. The opening in the cavity was one opening at the center of
the top wall. The study showed the increase of the heat transfer coefficient with increasing the opening ratio.
Elsayed and Chakroun [14] studied experimentally the effect of the place of the opening on the passive cooling
process of tilted partially open square cavities. The bottom surface of the cavity was heated at a fixed constant
heat flux and the other four side walls were adiabatically insulated. Four positions (centered slit, high wall slit,
low wall slit and uniform wall slots) of the opening slit, which was at the top wall, were studied. Stasiek [15]
carried out experimental studies on the heat transfer and fluid flow across corrugated-undulated heat exchanger
surfaces. Piao et al. [16, 17] investigated experimentally natural forced and mixed convection heat transfer in a
cross-corrugated channel solar air-heater.
Ruhul [18] studied the effect of placing adiabatic roughness elements at the bottom of an enclosure cooled at the
top and heated at the bottom. It was found that the presence of roughness elements on the hot horizontal wall
increases heat transfer rate across the enclosure in comparison with a corresponding smooth walled enclosure.
Most of the previous studies were carried out on rectangular cavities with different heating wall configurations
and at different inclination angles. Shakerin et al. [19] have observed that the influence of the roughness is
mainly localized to within about two roughness heights above and below the roughness location. Nevertheless
they have not observed from dye visualization the presence of a flow-separation bubble inside the cavities
between the ribs. The effects the influence of transverse roughness elements on transient natural convection
from both dynamical and thermal viewpoints studied by Guillaume and Jacques [20]. Three different ribbed
geometries have been tested. Both flow visualizations and heat transfer distributions indicate that the flow and
heat transfer characteristics in the vicinity of the roughness are significantly affected by the protrusions. The
flow features show that the separation of the viscous layer occurs in the ribbed region with the generation of
complex eddy structures. The effects of roughness on heat transfer for semi-cylindrical cavity studied by Walid
et al. [21]. Heat transfer measurements are performed on smooth and rough surfaces for different tilt angles.
Roughness shows a large effect on heat transfer for the semi-cylindrical cavities. Roughness may increase the
blockage effect on the flow that can cause the buoyancy force to decrease, but on the other hand it increases the
turbulence intensity resulting in a higher heat transfer. Roughness elements may significantly affect the free



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convection heat transfer but how this modification is generated has not been fully examined. Yousaf and Usman
[22] presented a study on natural convection heat transfer in a square cavity with sinusoidal roughness elements.
Two-dimensional square cavity in the presence of roughness on vertical walls was studied numerically.
Numerical study was performed for a range of the Rayleigh number from 10 3 to 106 for a Newtonian uid of the
Prandtl number 1.0. The sinusoidal roughness elements were located on a hot, and both the hot and cold walls
simultaneously with varying number of elements and the dimensionless amplitude. Hydrodynamic and thermal
behavior of uid in the presence of roughness was analyzed in form of isotherms, velocity streamlines, and the
average heat transfer. Results based on this numerical study showed that the sinusoidal roughness considerably
affect the hydrodynamic and thermal behavior of uid in a square cavity. Dwesh and Singh [23] studied the
combined free convection and surface radiation in tilted open cavity. A numerical investigation has been
performed for steady, incompressible, laminar, free convection with surface radiation in a tilted 2D open cavity
in which the wall facing the opening is heated by a constant heat ux source. The effects of emissivity, tilt angle
and Rayleigh number on the heat transfer in the tilted open cavity are analyzed. The results showed that the heat
transfer increased rst and then decreased with decreasing the cavity tilt angle for all Rayleigh number and
It is seen from the literature that there is a short of the data on natural convection within a rectangular enclosure
for the roughness bottom heated wall at varies venting ratio. Therefore, the present work aims to present
experimental investigation to the heat transfer characteristics in a rectangular enclosure heated at the roughness
bottom wall at varies venting ratio and enclosure tilt angles. The experiments are carried out at tilt angle
(measured from the vertical axis) that varies from 0 to 90, at venting ratio from 0.25 to 1.



The schematic diagram of the experimental setup is shown in Fig.1. The rectangular enclosure is mounted on a
stand and supported by two arms. The arms and the stand are designed to minimize the disturbance to the air
flow and to ensure good physical stability. The rectangular enclosure can be tilted about its longitudinal axis.
The tilt angle is measured with respect to the vertical axis and can be read from a protractor. The rectangular
enclosure has an internal dimensions of W=200 mm, H=160 mm and L=320 mm. Bottom side of the enclosure,
where the heat source is made of copper sheet (320 mm x 200 mm) of 1 mm thickness. The cross sectional view
of the test section and the distribution of thermocouple along the tested surface are shown in Figs. 2 (a) and (b).
The tested surface plate is heated electrically by means of the heater, which consisted of nickel-chromium
heating wire wound around a threaded sheet of mica and sandwiched, also between two sheets of mica. Each
mica sheet has a 0.5 mm thickness as shown in Fig. 2(c). The rough surface composed of 0.002 m diameter
copper rods placed 0.01 m apart along the heated sheet length as shown in Fig. 2(c). The rods are xed to the
surface such that they are in full contact with the surface along the upper heated surface. The test plate is
insulated from down surface by three layers of glass wool.
The other walls of the enclosure are made of Plexiglass of 8 mm thick and having emittance of 0.9. All walls of
the enclosure, except the upper wall having the slots venting, are thermally insulated with a 5-cm thick glass
wool to minimize heat losses from the enclosure.
The electric heater is connected with a DC power supply to control the power input to the heater. The voltage
and the current supplied to the heater are measured by a digital voltmeter and an ammeter of accuracy 0.025
percent. The surface temperature distribution of the heated surface is measured using 11 thermocouples (type k)
distributed equally spaced along the axes of the heated surface as shown in Fig 2 (b). The thermocouples are
fixed on the heat surface using fine tin solders. To estimate the heat losses across the walls of the enclosure, two
thermocouples (type k) are fixed across the thickness of each blind wall of the enclosure. The ambient
temperature outside the enclosure is measured by a separate thermocouple (type k) placed at the bottom of the
plastic box containing the set up. All the thermocouples are calibrated in a constant temperature path and a
measurement accuracy of 0 .2 oC is obtained.



The uncertainty Nu in the value of Nu is estimated based on the procedure of Holman and Gajda [24] and is
expressed as follows

( Nu )

i 1


xi )

where x i is the uncertainty in the x i variable. The uncertainty in the various variables used in the
determination of the Nusselt number are: 0.23 % for the electric current I, 0.2% for the electric volt V, 0.2 C for
any temperature measurement, 0.001 m for any distance measurement, 0.45% for the thermal conductivity of



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Natural Convection From Heated Rough Surface At The Bottom Of Vented Rectangular Enclosure
air, 2% for the thermal conductivity of plexiglass, and 5% for the emittance of the wiring board and the
plexiglass. It is found that the uncertainty for the data of Nu ranges from 6 percent to 10 percent.
The average Nusslet number from the rectangular enclosure is defined as:




where H is the height of the enclosure and ka is the thermal conductivity of the air taken at ( T s T ) / 2 .
Where the local Nusselt number is given by the equation:

A (T S T )



where A is the area of the board, q is the rate of heat transfer by convection from the heated surface, Ts is the
local temperature of the surface and T is the ambient temperature measured at the bottom of the surface
containing the experimental set up. Temperature measurements showed that the variation of the temperature of
the heated surface was very negligible along the x-axis and varies slightly along the y-axis in a manner
depending on the top venting arrangement and the tilt angle. Therefore, in calculating the average heat transfer
coefficient the heated surface was divided into 7-equal sections along the y-axis as shown in Fig. 2. The average
heat transfer coefficient can be expressed as:



i 1


( T s ,i T )

To calculate q, an average energy balance for the heated plate gives:

IV q q c q r
Where I and V are the electric current and the voltage input to the electric surface, q is the heat transfer by free
convection from the heated surface through the venting of the enclosure, qc is the heat losses by conduction
through the walls of the enclosure and qr is the heat transfer by radiation from the electric surface to the
surroundings as seen through the venting of the enclosure. The conduction heat losses through the walls of the
enclosure are the sum of the heat losses through the bottom heated wall of the enclosure and the heat losses
through the other blind walls of the enclosure. This is expressed as:


k w A j T j / t

where j is the wall identification number, k w is the thermal conductivity of the wall of the enclosure, A is the
area of a side wall of the enclosure, t is the thickness of the walls of the enclosure, and T j is the temperature
difference between the inner and outer surfaces of the j the wall, respectively.
The radiation was incorporated in the losses based on the radiosity /irradiation formulation. The six interior
surfaces of the enclosure are assumed to be opaque, diffuse, isothermal and gray. The surfaces containing the
venting were assumed to be black at the ambient temperature. The radiation heat loss q r from the cavity is the
net rate at which radiation leaves the surfaces containing the venting ( q i ) and is given by
q r q i i A i ( T i G i )

where the irradiation



is given by


F ij J


j 1

where F ij is the view factor and J is the radiosity given by

j N

J i i T i (1 i ) F ij J


j 1

The view factors Fij between parallel and perpendicular surfaces are calculated based on the graphs and
expressions given by Incropera and De Witt [25] and Suryanarayana [26]. For each venting arrangement Eqns.
6-8 are solved together to find the radiation heat losses in terms of the surfaces temperatures of the enclosure.



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The conduction heat losses through the enclosure walls and the radiation heat losses are within 11% and 5 %
of the input heat, respectively.
The dimensionless Rayleigh number (Ra) is calculated from the measured quantities using the definition:


H q


Where q is the input heat flux, H is the height of the enclosure, g is the acceleration of gravity and , , ,
k a are the coefficient of volume expansion, kinematics viscosity, thermal diffusivity, and thermal conductivity

of the air, respectively. All the properties of the air in the last equation are taken at ( T s


T ) / 2


Figures 3 to 6 show, the effect of the tilt angle () on the local Nusselt number (Nu) vs x/L at varies of Rayleigh
number (Ra) at constant venting ratio (VR = 0.25) from roughened heated surface. All the figures give
approximately the same general shape. The Nu increase with the increase of Ra and there is symmetry of data
around the center of roughened heated surface. The Nu increases with the increase of Ra because of the increase
of the buoyancy force acting on the air with the increase of the Ra. Increasing the buoyancy force increases flow
driving force and consequently causes an increase of flow intensity and enhances the mixing within the air layer
which leads to higher heat transfer rate. The Nu number at the ends of roughened heated surface is higher than
that of the middle. This can be attributed to the ends effects and the natural circulation of air due to buoyancy
force which make a hotter zone near the center of roughened heated surface more than that at the ends. Also, the
same results and the same general shape are shown in Figs from 7 to 18 which show the variation of local Nu
with X/L at different of each Ra, tilt angle () and venting ratio (VR).
Figure 19 and 20 show the effect of changing and VR on the average Nusselt number ( Nu ) at Ra = 3.7108.
The Nu increases with increase of VR but it decreases with the increase of . The increase of VR leads to
increase of circulation of quantity of air due to buoyancy effect and causes more cooling to the heated surface.
When the VR increases, the resistance to the circulation motion of the air in the enclosure (i.e. the resistance to
the convection currents to escape from the enclosure) decreases, and this leads to faster replacement of the hot
air by cold air. On the other hand increase of makes the top venting face changed from vertical to incline and
then to horizontal which leads to decrease the quantity of circulating air due to buoyancy effect which causes a
less cooling of heated surface.



To the authors knowledge, there are no previous studies on natural convection heat transfer in a tilted
rectangular enclosure heated at the bottom rough surfaces wall and vented by uniform slots venting at top wall.
The only available studies that can be compared with the present work are those established by Nada and
Moawed [27] for a similar enclosure with a smooth surface as shown in Fig 21. As can be seen from this figure,
there is a fair agreement between present Nu of smooth surface results in the rectangular enclosure with that of
smooth surface of Ref. [27] but the present results of roughness surface shows higher values for Nu than that of
smooth surface in the rectangular enclosure. The increases in Nu for the rectangular enclosure with roughness
surface over the smooth surface ranges from 12% to 21% depending on Ra. Highest values for the heat transfer
for the rough surface in rectangular enclosure is believed to be caused by the presence of roughness. Roughness
surface effects via vortices generation and flow instability are not present in the smooth surface in rectangular
enclosure. Roughness helps to trip the boundary layer and adds more turbulence to the flow resulting in increase
in heat transfer.



Empirical correlations are developed to fit the experimental data for top venting arrangements. The expression
for the correlation is as follows:
= 16.13 (Ra/108) 0.64 (VR) 0.103 (1+ COS ) 0.0114
2108 Ra 1.52109 ; 0 90 and 0.25 VR 1



The calculated average Nusselt number ( Nu cal) from Eq. 10 is plotted against experimental average Nusselt
number ( Nu exp) as shown in Fig. 22. As shown from this figure the maximum deviation between the
experimental data and the correlation is 10 %.



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Fig.1. Schematic diagram of the experimental set up.

Fig. 2 Test section arrangement



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Natural Convection From Heated Rough Surface At The Bottom Of Vented Rectangular Enclosure

Fig.3. Variation of Nusslet number with X/L at VR = 0.25 and

Fig.4. Variation of Nusslet number with X/L at VR = 0.25 and

Fig.5. Variation of Nusslet number with X/L at VR = 0.25 and = 60



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Fig.6. Variation of Nusslet number with X/L VR = 0.25 and

Fig.7. Variation of Nusslet number with X/L at VR= 0.5 and

Fig.8. Variation of Nusslet number with X/L at VR = 0.5 and = 30



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Natural Convection From Heated Rough Surface At The Bottom Of Vented Rectangular Enclosure

Fig.9. Variation of Nusslet number with X/L VR = 0.5 and = 60

Fig.10. Variation of Nusslet number with X/L at OR = 0.5 and = 30

Fig.11. Variation of Nusslet number with X/L at VR=0.75 and



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Natural Convection From Heated Rough Surface At The Bottom Of Vented Rectangular Enclosure

Fig.12. Variation of Nusslet number with X/L at VR = 0.75 and =30

Fig.13. Variation of Nusslet number with X/L at VR=0.75 and

Fig.14. Variation of Nusslet number with X/L at VR= 0.75 and



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Fig.15. Variation of Nusslet number with X/L at VR= 1 and

Fig.16. Variation of Nusslet number with X/L at VR = 1 and = 30

Fig.17. Variation of Nusslet number with X/L and VR = 1 and



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Natural Convection From Heated Rough Surface At The Bottom Of Vented Rectangular Enclosure

Fig.18. Variation of Nusslet number with X/L and VR = 1 and = 90

Fig.19. Variation of Nu with at Ra = 3.7108 and different VR

Fig.20. Variation of Nu with VR at different and Ra = 3.7108.



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Fig.21. Comparison between present experimental data and Ref.[26] at = 0 and VR=1

Fig.22. Nu



from Eq. 10 against Nu



The study of natural convection heat transfer from tilted rectangular enclosure heated at the bottom rough
surfaces wall and vented by uniform slots opening at top wall is investigated experimentally. Rough surfaces of
roughness 0.002m are used to study their effect on the heat transfer characteristics. The effects of venting ratio,
enclosure's tilt angle and Rayleigh number on the cooling of rough surface inside the enclosure are investigated.
The experiments are carried out at a Rayleigh number ranging from 2 10 8 to 1.52 109 for enclosure tilt angles
ranging from 0 to 90 and venting ratios of 1, 0.75, 0.5 and 0.25. The results showed that:
1- Local Nu increase with the increase Ra and VR but it decreases with the increase of tilting angle.
2- Roughness shows a large effect on heat transfer for the rectangular enclosure where the average Nusselt
number increases with the increase of venting ratio and decrease enclosure's tilt angle at the same Rayleigh
3- The results are compared with a smooth rectangular enclosure of the same surface area to study the effect
of roughness on heat transfer.
4- The increase of Nusselt number of rough surface in rectangular enclosure over smooth surface in ranges
from 12% to 21% depending on Ra.
5- Correlations are developed to predict the average Nusselt number of the enclosure in terms of the Rayleigh
number, venting ratio and enclosure tilt angle.



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