Newsletter 10-6-16

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October 6, 2016

Dear Parents,
This week we learned the letter Ee. Some stories we read this week were

The Enormous Elephant Show and Let it Fall. For our arts and craft projects the
students painted with their elbows on their letter Ee paper and the students made
a picture to learn about the season of fall. And we measured all of the students to
see how many eggs tall they were.
The students have been busy using egg beaters in soap and water at the
water table to make bubbles. They have enjoyed making lots and lots of bubbles
with the egg beaters. And at the art easel we have a picture of an egg for the
students to paint. We went to the gym and had a relay race this week. We
separated the students into groups and one at a time they had to walk with a
pretend egg on their spoon. They had to walk around a chair and then walk back and
pass the spoon off to another student.
On Wednesday, October 26th Norwalk Catholic Schools and Norwalk City
Schools will be following a 2 hour delay schedule. This means on this day the
morning class will be in session from 10:00am-12:00p.m. And the Afternoon class
will be in session from 1:00p.m.- 3:00p.m.
Looking Ahead: Parent teacher Conferences will be held during the week of
Nov. 7 . I will be putting a sign-up sheet for parent teacher conferences on the
lockers in the hallway outside my classroom door on Monday, October 10 th. On
Monday, Nov. 7th there will be no preschool as I will be having conferences all
day. On Nov. 8th and 10th conferences will start after lunch time so the students
will come to school during their normal class time on those days. On Wednesday,
Nov. 9th conferences will be after school.
Next week we will be learning the Letter Ff. The students may bring
something to school on Wednesday or Thursday that begins with the letter Ff. We
will also be having picture day on Wednesday and Thursday!

Miss Bleile
Mrs. Shelley

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