October 2019 Newsletter

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Mrs. Julian’s News!

October 2019
Contact Information:
Phone: (508)758-2521
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://mrsjulianskindergarten.weebly.com/

Important Dates
Oct 8th – Scholastic order due
Little Things That Help Oct 11th- No school (Professional Day)
Please ask your child to try to use the bathroom Oct. 14th Columbus Day-No School
before boarding the school bus each day. If your Oct. 21st Parent/Teacher Conferences
child attends a childcare center before school, Oct. 24th and Oct. 25th
please have the center ask as well. Parent/Teacher Conferences
(early release days)
Please make sure your child knows what is for Oct 31st - Halloween Party
lunch and what is for snack. Many children have
been eating everything at lunch and end up with
nothing left for snack in the afternoon. Snack Weather
time is only 10-15 minutes, so please limit As the weather becomes cooler, please
snack to one snack and one drink. have your child wear/bring a jacket or
sweatshirt to school. It is helpful for
Parent/Teacher Conferences your child to practice putting his/her coat
Conferences will be scheduled on Monday Oct. 21st, on at home so he/she will be able to
Thurs. October 24th and Friday October 25th. I button, zip or snap the coat
will be sending home a Bloomz reminder the day independently. Also, please be sure your
before your scheduled time. If you did not sign up child’s name or initials are written in all
for a conference on Bloomz, please log in to his/her clothing, hat, snack bag and/or
schedule one. backpack brought to school.

Fall/ Halloween Party

We will be celebrating with a small “Halloween/Fall Celebration” on Wed, October 31st. Students
can wear costumes to school this year. My three suggestions are
• The costume is easy to take off to go to the bathroom
• Your child can do this independently!
• He/she can run safely on the playground with the outfit.

Masks, ‘scary’ costumes and accompanying weapons are NOT allowed. Preferred costumes:
dressing as a community helper, a favorite book character, or a sports figure for school, and
saving special costumes for the Mattapoisett Halloween Parade.

Our room parent is Colleen Kennefick. She will help organize special parties and events for our
classroom and ask other parents to join in the fun! I thank her for volunteering for this job!!
She will be contacting parents to donate some special items. If you do not get to volunteer this
time, please don’t worry, as the room parent will keep you in mind for future celebrations.
Just a reminder, if you would like to volunteer, you must fill out a CORI form annually at the
Center school office.
In October, we will be focusing the
Field Trip!
following letters/sounds: Mm, Tt, Aa, Ss
Fire Prevention Week is in October. Our class will
be taking a walking field trip to the Mattapoisett & Pp. There is a focus letter and word
Fire Station sometime during the week of wall words to learn each week.
October 7th-11th. More details to come once we Week of Sept. 30th -letter Mm & to, a
finalize a date. Week of Oct 8th Tt & to, a
Week of Oct. 15th Aa & have, is
Classroom Volunteers Week of Oct. 21st - Ss & have, is
Classroom volunteers will begin in late October or Week of Oct. 28th- Pp & we, my, like
early November. Each person who signed up, and
has received his or her CORI check back, will be Be sure to practice the student
contacted to volunteer. If you have not yet readers that come home each week,
returned this form (available at the Center and try to keep them all in a special
School Office), please do so ASAP so you can be place! Remind your child to point
scheduled. underneath each word as he/she reads
to family, and friends.
Early Release Days
Thurs. Oct 24th and Fri. Oct. 25th will be early
release days. Dismissal will be at 12:20. We will
still have lunch at school, but we will not be having Math
snack on these days. If you have any dismissal In Chapter 1, the students began
changes on these days please send in a note with exploring the numbers 0-5. This month
your child. we will be working on Chapters 2, and 3.
In Chapter 2 the students will learn
Book Clubs
how to build and compare sets to help
October Scholastic Book Club orders are due by compare numbers. In Chapter 3 we will
Tuesday October 8th. If placing an order, you can
begin exploring the numbers 6-9.
pay by a check made out to Scholastic or you can
order online at https://clubs2.scholastic.com/
Our class code is HXCJR
Science As I mentioned in a letter to parents in
Our class will be exploring various science the Open House folder, handwriting is
concepts with pumpkins this month- introduced at school and practiced in
sinking/floating, observation, measurement, etc. many ways during the year. Each week
Small pumpkins and gourds of any shape and I plan to send home a letter-writing
size will gladly be accepted! You can donate the practice sheet. Please remember to
pumpkins during the second week of October. refer to the information sheet that was
(Oct 7th- Oct. 10th) sent home with your child at Open
House. This is NOT homework and it
does not have to be returned to school.
However, your child may refer to it as
their homework, and all papers returned
to school are reviewed and returned
with a sticker and lots of
encouragement and praise!
Sharing Topics for October
For the phonics component of our reading Wish List
series, we will have a sharing each week we I want to thank all the families who
introduce a new letter. Each sharing item have donated items to our class in the
should be a picture or a drawing that starts last month from our wish list! Your
with the focus letter of the week. (For donations are such a great asset to our
example a drawing of a mouse for the week classroom, and we truly appreciate
of letter M) your kindness. Any donations to the
THESE ARE ALL TUESDAYS... class are greatly appreciated. THANK
Oct. 1st - Mm
Oct. 8th - Tt • Lysol Wipes
Oct. 15th - Aa • pumpkins & gourds
Oct 22nd - Ss • paper towels
Oct. 29th - Pp • hand sanitizer

Happy Fall!!

Mrs. Julian J

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