Apostolic Constitutions

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Apostolic constitutions (apostolicae constitutiones): solemn, formal documents

on matters of highest consequence concerning doctrinal or disciplinary matters,

issued by the pope in his own name. They are published as either universal or
particular law of the Church. (Examples: the Constitution on the Liturgy,
Sacrosanctum Concilium; Constitution on the Catechism of the Catholic Church.)

Apostolic exhortation (apostolica exhortatio): a papal reflection on a particular

topic that does not contain dogmatic definitions or policy directives, addressed to
bishops, clergy and all the faithful of the entire Catholic Church. Apostolic
exhortations are not legislative documents. (Example: Familiaris Consortio, on
the Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World.)

Apostolic letter (apostolica epistola): a formal papal teaching document, not used
for dogmatic definitions of doctrine, but to give counsel to the Church on points
of doctrine that require deeper explanation in the light of particular
circumstances or situations in various parts of the world.

Declaration (declamatio): may be a simple statement of the law, which must be

interpreted according to the existing law; or an authoritative declaration that is
retroactive and does not require further promulgation; or an extensive
declaration, which modifies the law, is not retroactive and must be promulgated
according to the law.

Decree (decretum): a statement involving Church law, precepts or judicial

decisions on a specific matter. It is an ordinance given by one having the power
of jurisdiction (such as a bishop within his particular diocese, the head of an
office of the Roman Curia, or the pope), acting administratively to promote
compliance with the law. A decree announces that a given document or
legislative text is in effect.

Encyclical (encyclica epistola - literally, "circular letter"): a formal apostolic letter

issued by the pope usually addressed to the bishops, clergy and faithful of the
entire Church. Example, Humanae vitae, concerning the Church's teaching on
birth control issued in 1968 by Pope Paul VI.

Instruction (instructio): explains or amplifies a document that has legislative

force, such as apostolic constitutions, and states how its precepts are to be
applied. (e.g., Liturgiam authenticam, on liturgical translation, an Instruction on

the correct implementation of the Constitution on the Liturgy, Sacrosanctum


Institutio: instituted arrangement or regular method, rules (as in Institutio

Generalis Missalis Romani).

Motu proprio (literally, by one's own initiative): a legislative document or decree

issued by the pope on his own initiative, not in response to a request. (Examples:
Apostolos Suos; Misericordia Dei.)

Promulgation (promulgatio): the process whereby the lawmaker communicates

the law to those to whom the law has been given. (The official effective date on
which a document is promulgated may or may not coincide with the date on
which a document is actually published.)

Recognitio: confirms the review of documents that are submitted by a conference

of bishops to the relevant office (dicastery) of the Holy See. Recognitio is
required before the provisions of documents that modify universal law may come
into effect. Recognitio thus signals acceptance of a document that may have
legislative force. (Recognitio is required for all documents that modify universal
liturgical norms, for example.)

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