Informed Consent Document Format Guide
Informed Consent Document Format Guide
Informed Consent Document Format Guide
This guide is intended to be used as a model for consent forms for adults and parents or
guardians of older children. Please present all information clearly and in lay language. For
information being distributed to the general public, a 6th grade language level is recommended.
Consent documents should be written in second person.
Project Title:
List all investigators and key personnel, including their degrees, responsible for
obtaining informed consent or that will have contact with participants.
A brief general description of the purpose of the study that includes:
a statement that study involves research;
why they are being asked to participate;
the type of information sought.
Clearly, and in lay language, explain what the subjects will be asked to do,
the topic areas of any instruments or tests;
medical procedures;
physical exercises;
any other activities that the subjects will be asked to complete;
audio or video taping;
identification of any procedures or products that are experimental;
any possible discomforts or inconveniences that the subject might experience;
expected duration of the subjects participation including the number of
individual interactions.
Risks of Participation:
Inform subjects about any expected risks:
Describe any procedures that will be made available to reduce risks (i.e. counseling
services, CPR trained personnel, informational contacts, etc.) For research that involves
Describe any benefits to the participants and others which may be reasonably
expected from the research. (Do not include payments or other types of direct
compensation.) Inform the subject if there is no expected benefit.
Provide a full explanation of confidentiality protections the investigator plans to
use, including:
where the data will be stored;
who will have access to the stored data;
how long the data will be kept;
how the data will be reported.
Describe any foreseeable risks to maintaining confidentiality and how these will be
For applications requiring Expedited, Expedited Special Population or Full
Board review, please include the following statement;
The records of this study will be kept private. Any written results will discuss
group findings and will not include information that will identify you (or your
child, if applicable). Research records will be stored securely and only researchers
and individuals responsible for research oversight will have access to the records.
It is possible that the consent process and data collection will be observed by
research oversight staff responsible for safeguarding the rights and wellbeing of
people who participate in research.
Researchers are not prevented from voluntarily disclosing certain information about
research participants, such as evidence of child abuse or a participants threatened
violence to self or others. However, if a researcher intends to make such disclosures, it
should be clearly indicated in the consent form.
Describe any compensation to be offered for participation, when it will be given and any
conditions of full or partial payment. (It is considered coercive to make completion of the
study the basis for compensation).
Appropriate alternatives to participating in the research must be clearly stated.
Participant Rights:
Include a statement emphasizing that participation is voluntary and that subjects can
discontinue the research activity at any time without reprisal or penalty. Any risks to
subjects that might occur due to withdrawal must be made clear. Explain any reason the
subjects participation may be terminated.
Preface the signature lines with the following statement (expand if appropriate):
I have read and fully understand the consent form. I sign it freely and voluntarily. A copy of
this form has been given to me.
Signature of Participant
I certify that I have personally explained this document before requesting that the participant
sign it.
Signature of Researcher
Use the following signature block only if the consent form is for an older child and
parental/guardian permission is required.
Parental Signature for Minor
I have read and fully understand the consent form. As parent or guardian I authorize
____________________________(print name) to participate in the described research.
Parent/Guardian Name (printed)
Signature of Parent/Guardian
I certify that I have personally explained this document before requesting that the participant
sign it.
Signature of Researcher