Risktec Essence of The Accuracy and Acceptability of Failure Rate Data

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SreeRaj R Nair of Risktec Solutions

Riverside Drive, Riverside House, Aberdeen AB11 7LH

Essence of accuracy and acceptability of failure rate data in risk assessment

Challenges and the necessity to overcome the uncertainty in the use of
failure rate data.
A number of sources are available for data on incident rate, equipment
failure rate and equipment reliability e.g. UKs Health and Safety Executive,
US Center for Chemical Process Safety. Most of these databases are
generic, based on a range of industries, operating modes and failure
modes; limitations of some of the databases are - specific to one industrial
sector, based over a defined period of years, applicable for particular
geographical location of interest, specific to one hazardous material etc.

Risk a mathematical combination of an accident's event probability of
occurrence and the consequence of that event should it occur.
Severity how severe an event could be, is evaluated based on the
receptors that could be harmed, considering the potential consequences
like thermal radiation, overpressure, toxic effects, reaction, deposition,
contamination etc.
Frequency how frequently an event (release of hazardous
substance/energy) could happen and the probability it will result in harm
(i.e. the potential consequence).

Challenges in using the data for risk assessment

Finding the appropriate database suitable for the specific application
Issues related to the statistical basis of the dataset,
Issues related to the differences; e.g. like the type of industry
Understanding the technicalities of the database:
Criteria to classify and define the sources, failures, failure modes, observation period
Using the database
Unknown factors and underlying assumptions
The need to, and how to, calibrate the available data
Account for site/industry/corporate specific factors
F re q u en c y
p e r ye a r

Significance of the use of appropriate data

F a il ure ra t e
(p e r y e a r)

A ) R as m us een report

I m pr ob a bl e
( 1 0 - 2 < x < 1 0 -3 )

B ) U K A E A:

U n li k e l y
( 1 0 - 3 < x < 1 0 -5 )


C ) S m it h

1 . 8 E -4

D ) P ag e & N us s ey

4 .0 E- 5

V e ry u nl ik e l y
(10 < x < 10 )

E ) U K Land U s e
P la n n i n g

5 . 0 E -6

P ro ba b le (>1 0

Affects the risk estimated: The difference is risk estimated for a gasket
failure resulting in few injuries using incident rate from five independent
data sources is illustrated in the risk matrix :


D a ta s o u r ce

C o n s e q u e n ce / S e ve ri t y

2 . 6 E -2
4. 4E -3 pe r
y ear

E x t re m e ly un li k e l y
(< 10 )
R is k of
i nj ury /f a t a l it y

M i no r
inj ur y

Fe w
s e r io us
i nj uri e s

L os t ti m e
in c id e nt

Fe w f a t a l it i e s ,
m a ny i nj uri e s

M u lt i ple
f a t a l it i e s

G a s k e t f a i lu re da t a

Use of failure rate data in risk assessment

The process involved in risk assessment and how the failure rate data is used in the assessment is illustrated in the flowchart:

Consequence assessment

Risk assessment
and analysis

Frequency estimation




Specific (FTA, FMEA, LOPA)

Generic (database)
Good practice

Failure rate data

Historical data /
sample statistics

institutes database

Calculated / statistical

HAZID: Hazard Identification
FMEA: Failure Mode Effect Analysis
FTA: Fault Tree Analysis
LOPA: Layer of Protection Analysis

Comparing risk estimation for one installation using different set of failure data
Hole size: Risk estimated using three sets of release hole size distributions and illustrated in the graph.
3-10-30-100 => 3mm, 10mm, 30mm, 100mm
5-20-50-100 => 5mm, 20mm, 50mm, 100mm
10-25-50 => 10mm, 25mm, 50mm

Risk estimated for an offshore installation and is compared in terms of

Potential Loss of Life and
Individual Risk per Annum
Risk estimation from process related hazards only

Individual Risk per Annum (IRPA): The chance of an individual becoming a fatality. An IRPA of 1 x 10-3 would mean for each
individual, every year, there is a 1 in 1000 chance of a fatal accident. Estimated for two different types of workers
Process worker near to process hazards
Office worker away from process hazards

Potential Loss of Life (PLL): A measure for societal risk, expected value of the number of fatalities within a specified population (or
within a specified area) per annum.

Highest IRPA estimated for office staff using 10-25-50

Highest IRPA estimated for process worker using 3-10-30-100

PLL estimated using 10-25-50 distribution is an order of magnitude less compared to other
Highest PLL is for estimation using 3-10-30-100

FN curve comparison: Risk estimated using failure rate data from two independent sources is used to plot societal risk (FN Curve) for
an offshore installation is compared and illustrated below.

Risk estimated for an offshore installation and has used failure rate data from
Hydrocarbon Release Database (HCR) System
Failure Rate and Event Data (FRED)

HCR Database system based on all offshore releases of hydrocarbons reported to the UK HSE

FRED UK HSE recommended data for Land Use Planning risk assessment applications

Most of the FN curve remains below criteria limit

This database is more appropriate for Offshore installations

Estimated risk exceeds criteria limits for up to five fatalities

This database is more appropriate for offsite risk estimation from onshore hazardous installations

The above examples illustrate that for a hazardous installation, the estimated risk could be different if different sets of failure
ure data is used for frequency estimation.
While performing risk assessment the assessor needs to check the following to ensure that failure rate data are suitable for the
Database is current (most up-to-date) and auditable
Database is suitable and relevant for the particular analysis application.
Database is developed and maintained from an extensive population (large sample)
Sensitivity analysis shall be performed to identify which data or assumptions are contributing most to the risks. Adequate techniques
and data have never been available to produce accurate estimates of absolute risk. Risk analysis efforts should be with the objective
of identifying and eliminating or moderating the greatest contributors to risk.


two hole size distributions

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