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Balaji et al.

, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology

E-ISSN 0976-3945

Research Paper


Venkatachalam Rajarajan Balajia, Mahalingam Murugan b, Savarimuthu Robinsonc

Address for Correspondence


Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Research scholar,St. Josephs Institute of Technology,
Chennai-600119, Tamil Nadu, India.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Valliammai Engineering College, Katakulanthur-603203,
Tamil Nadu, India.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mount Zion College of Engineering and Technology,
Pudukkottai-622507, Tamil Nadu, India.

We have proposed a four-channel dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) filter, established on two dimensional
photonic crystal square resonant nanocavity. To design the demultiplexer, it contains bus/drop waveguides and four resonant
cavities. The bus/drop waveguide designed with line defect .The square resonant cavity designed using inner pillars, outer
pillars and coupling pillars. Each and every inner pillars and coupling pillar radius proportional to four unique wavelengths
(1551nm, 1552nm, 1553nm, and 1554nm) with 1nm channel spacing which is suitable for DWDM applications. The
simulation outcomes done with Finite Difference Time domain (FDTD) process, in our proposed design an average
transmission efficiency, crosstalk, high-quality factor and spectral linewidth is about 95%,-37dB , 7770,0.2nm.The proposed
footprint dimension is about 395um2,for this reason it's more interested to work in Photonic integrated Circuits(PICs)
KEYWORDS: Photonic Crystal, filter, Quality factor, Spectral linewidth, Photonic Band Gap, Crosstalk, Wavelength
Division Multiplexing, Finite Difference Time Domain.

The demultiplexer is one the distinguished device
inside the wavelength division multiplexing (WDM)
and DWDM technology, which plays a interesting
function in optical communication networks. The
present demultiplexer has been obtained with the aid
of fiber bragg gratings [1] and arrayed waveguide
gratings [2] and prism demultiplexer [3] and many
others, are developed within the footprint of
centimeter to millimeter scale. Nevertheless, these
existing systems are limited because of its low
normalized transmission power, high crosstalk, low
quality factor and scale of centimeters and hence, it
finds limitation to adapt in PICs. Today present
engineers have an interest to design demultiplexer
within the micrometer size.
Photonic Crystals (PCs) are artificial made crystal, it
have the ability to direct hundreds of channels over a
micrometer size scales. For the earlier period few
decades, the consumption of a PCs has risen from
being a hidden away technology to important field of
research. The PCs have the facility to direct the
propagation of light owing to the photonic band gap
(PBG) [4,5], where the wavelengths of the light are
not fully permissible to pass through inside the
arrangement. Hence, in order to permit certain
wavelength to transmit, it is important to form
defects in the periodic structure. Commonly, in PCs,
the defect can be formed in two traditions, viz; line
defects and point defects. The line defects are created
by remove/varying the lattice constant, refractive
index and radius of the pillars of complete row of the
pillars in the structure. The point defects are formed
by varying parameters of the single pillar or remove a
single pillar. To design the PC based devices, it is
necessary to begin together the defects in the planned
structure. These PCs are also in use to design the
channel drop filters [6], optical splitters [7].
Today industry, research more attention towards the
DWDM device due to its distinctive features.
normally, the DWDM technology accomplish lively
attenuation components of single mode fibers. The
DWDM standard ITU.T.G.694.1 provides unique

512 distinct wavelengths with 0.2nm channel

In the literature survey, so far 2D PC based
demultiplexer is reported using line defects [8],
resonant cavity defect [8-11] .As ITU-T-G.694.1
DWDM system has many fruitful benefits, which are
very much established, the authors have measured
DWDM system and obtainable the research results
here. The DWDM demultiplexer using 2D PC is
customized with T-shape structure with line defects
resonant cavity [12], P-shaped single resonant
nanocavity with different pillar radius to drop
different wavelength [13] and hence the multi Tshaped structure with line/point defects [14-16],
hetero structure resonant cavity [17] and X-ring
cavity [18]. However, the transmission efficiency,
crosstalk, Q-factor needs improvement in order to
meeting the future requirements. Hence, in this paper,
a novel square ring resonant cavity based
demultiplexer has been proposed and designed to
provide constructive interference in order to enhance
the aforementioned functional parameters.
This paper is prepared as follows: in Section 2,
discusses photonic crystal geometry earlier than the
inducing the defects. In Section 3, describes the
design of PC based single filter, and its features. The
novel design for four-channel demultiplexer is
proposed in Section 4.The simulations outcome, and
discussion is discussed in Section 5. Sections 6
concludes the paper
2. Photonic Crystal Geometry:
The filter is the principal mechanism for the
demultiplexer, designed with the square lattice PC.
The entire number of pillars in X and Z direction
is 31 and 47. The lattice constant a=510 nm and the
radius of pillar R=110nm. The refractive index of
the dielectric pillar is 3.48, which is embedded in air.
The theoretical analysis of 2D PC is carry out by
PWE method [19] and FDTD method [20]. The PWE
method is principally used to analyze the
transmission modes and PBG of periodic and nonperiodic
electromagnetic waves in photonic crystals can be
realize by Maxwell's equations [21, 22].

Int J Adv Engg Tech/Vol. VII/Issue II/April-June,2016/1133-1137

Balaji et al., International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology


E (r) 2 E (r)

Where, the


is the dielectric function, is the

angular frequency, E (r) is the electric field of

periodic structure and 'c' is the speed of the light.
The solution of eq. (1) is represent in the form of
band structure. The spatial confinement of the light in
PC achieved by the introduction of defects. The
propagation of electromagnetic modes inside the PC
structures is studied by FDTD method The 2DFDTD method is used to obtain the normalize
transmission spectra of the proposed demultiplexer.

Fig. 1. Band diagram for 31*47 PC structures

before the introduction of defects.
As mentioned, the Fig.1, which depicts the band
diagram of the structure before the introduction of
defects, which has three TM-PBG and a TE-PBG.
The normalized frequency and its corresponding
wavelength are listed in the Table 1. From the data,
the first TM PBG over the range between 1168 nm
1730 nm is considered here as it lies in third window
of optical communication. All the simulation is
carried out for TM mode where, the electric field is
perpendicular to the rod axis.

E-ISSN 0976-3945

positioned around the cavity are denoted as outer

pillar. The coupling pillar is used to filter the signal
from the square resonant cavity to the drop
waveguide, which is positioned at the right corner of
the ring resonator.
The single channel filter is designed with L-shape
waveguide as a base structure. The radius of the outer
pillars, inner pillars and coupling pillars are 115 nm,
40 nm and 90 nm respectively, which has been
optimized through regression analysis method. The
radius of the outer pillar has been fixed with 115nm
and remains same for all the pillars except inner
pillar and coupling pillar. By the FDTD method, the
perfectly matched layer (PML) absorbing boundary
condition (ABC) utilize around the structure for
absorbing electromagnetic waves from the inner of a
computing region without reflecting them back into
the interior [19-20]. The power monitor is located at
the end of the drop waveguide in order to get the
normalized output transmission.
The Fig.3 shows that the normalized output spectra
of the proposed square ring resonant nanocavity for
single channel filter. The resonant wavelength, the
transmission efficiency and the quality factor of the
proposed filter is 1551nm, 93% and 7755
respectively. The Q factor measure the losses the
cavity [22,23].
Q = r

Where, r is the resonant wavelength, is the

spectral line width (or Full Width at
Maximum-FWHM). For example, for the spectral
line width of 0.2 nm obtained at 1551 nm, this is
sufficient to drop a channel for the DWDM.

Table 1. Photonic band gap, normalized frequency and

its corresponding wavelength of the of the proposed
Wavelength (nm)

3. Single Filter Design:

The schematic representation of single channel
square resonant cavity filter is shown in Fig.2 .

Fig. 2. Schematic view of 2D PC based square ring

resonant cavity

The proposed square ring resonant nanocavity filter

composed of inner pillars, outer pillars, coupling
pillars and waveguide. The bus/drop waveguide has
been created by introducing line defects; whereas,
line/point defects are introduce in order to create a
square shape of resonant nanocavity. The pillars,
which are positioned inside the resonant nanocavity,
are called inner pillars and the pillars that are

Fig.3. The normalized output spectrum single channel


4. Multichannel Filter Design:

As the demultiplexing function is done by filter, a
single channel filter is extended to four channels in
order to drop four distinct channels.The schematic
representation of a four port demultiplexer is shown
in Fig.4, in which each square ring resonant cavity
(R1, R2, R3 and R4) are responsible for each single
channel. The filter with distinct coupling pillar whose
radius remains as mentioned in previous paragraph
separates the channels. In addition, the refractive
index and the lattice constant have also been kept
constant for all the pillars. The detailed structural
parameters for the individual channels have been
summarize in Table 2.
To achieve high transmission efficiency, high Q
factor , and narrow spectral linewidth. The radius of
the pillars find out with simulations beneath different
conditions, like characteristics of pillars, lattice
constant, and refractive index.

Int J Adv Engg Tech/Vol. VII/Issue II/April-June,2016/1133-1137

Balaji et al., International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology

Table 2. Radius of the outer, inner and coupling pillars
of the proposed demultiplexer
Radius of
Radius of
Radius of
Inner Pillars
1551 nm
115 nm
40 nm
90 nm
1552 nm
115 nm
48 nm
75 nm
1553 nm
115 nm
56 nm
44 nm
1554 nm
115 nm
64 nm
34 nm

Fig. 4. The schematic of proposed four port

demultiplexer using PC square resonant cavity.

As shown in Fig. 4, with inverted T-shaped

waveguide and four square ring resonant
nanocavities, each resonator is responsible for
dropping different channels 1 through 4. The square
ring resonator design with inner ring pillars, outer
ring pillar, coupling pillar .The resonant cavity
localize the photons inside the nanocavity.
Constructive interference resistance with specific
color wavelength occurs and the color wavelength it
couple to drop waveguide through coupling pillar.
The inner pillars in resonate nanocavity cells works
to filter specific color wavelengths with adjusting
radius of inner pillars. The radius of coupling pillar is
varying to tune the wavelength with spectral
linewidth (0.2 nm). The radius of the inner pillars
increases, the refractive index in pillars increases due
to that change in the resonant wavelength also shift
with 1nm channel spacing for individual four
resonant cavity.

Fig.5. The 3D view of the proposed four channel


E-ISSN 0976-3945

which is very small and hence it could be easily

deploy in the PICs
5. Results and Discussion
The Gaussian input signal is functional at the input
port, and the output signal is retrieved at the output
port of the waveguide. The normalized transmission
power of each port is obtained by keeping the power
monitor at each port. In simulation, the time step is
very significant to get accurate result in order to
match with the real time environment. Similarly, to
achieve a high Q factor, the grid size in X and
Z directions are kept as 0.05a = 26 nm. The step
time should satisfy the following condition

X 2 Y 2
Where, t - is the step time, and c - is speed of light
in free space. The simulation is carried out using 2D FDTD method [19], the width of PML and PML
reflection for the design is considered as 500nm, 1e008 respectively. The FDTD grid size commonly
used in the simulation is X/20 (0.05a = 26 nm) to get
significant results for DWDM environment. Further,
the filter has been simulated with increment of
0.0001 for a 3400 minutes run time for memory
structure of 41 MB to get high Q factor output.
The output spectrum of the proposed four-channel
DWDM demultiplexer is shown in Fig.6. It is
noticed that the channel spacing is 1 nm (1551nm to
1554nm), whose corresponding spectral width is 0.2
nm. The output transmission efficiency and the
quality factor are observed to be at about 93 % - 98
% and 7770, respectively. The summary of various
parameters of the proposed four channels PC based
demultiplexer; such as the resonant wavelength, the
spectral line width, the output transmission
efficiency, and the quality factor are summarized in
Table 3 for the purpose of comparison. To analyze
the performance of the DWDM demultiplexer by its
resolution is defined by reducing crosstalk.
Alternatively, the demanding task of the DWDM
demultiplexer is to obtain a low crosstalk.Fig.7,
depicts the spectral response of the four port DWDM
demultiplexer in dB scale, which is used to calculate
the cross talk among the channels. It is further
observed that the crosstalk of the channels vary over
the range from -26 dB to -37 dB, which is deemed
much smaller than the reported demultiplexer in the
literature. The crosstalk is denoted by Iij, where i and
j are denoted by the channel number. For example, I13
gives the crosstalk between channel 1 & channel 3.
The crosstalks among the channels are listed in
Table 4

The square ring resonator with different inner pillar

radius has done the channel separation and coupling
pillar radius, however the outer pillars are remain
same as other pillars that are placed in the structure.
The counter propagation modes are suppressed by
inserting the coupling pillar at the right corner of the
ring resonator, which reduces the back reflection and
in turn enhances the coupling efficiency. The 3D
view of proposed four-channel demultiplexer is
depicted in Fig.5. As the footprint of the
demultiplexer is in the order of 16.2 m 24.4 m,

Int J Adv Engg Tech/Vol. VII/Issue II/April-June,2016/1133-1137

Fig .6 The normalized output spectra of a four channel

DWDM demultiplexer.

Balaji et al., International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology

E-ISSN 0976-3945

Fig. 7. The spectral output for the four channel DWDM demultiplexer in dB scale
Table 3. The summary of various parameters of a four channel PC based demultiplexer

Wavelength r (nm)

94 %
94 %
98 %

Spectral linewidth
r (nm)
0.2 (1.5511-1.5509)
0.2 (1.5521-1.5519)
0.2 (1.5531-1.5529)
0.2 (1.5541-1.5539)

Q Factor

Table 4. Crosstalk values (Cij) of proposed four channel PC based demultiplexer (dB).
Channels (Cij)





Table 5. The proposed Square ring resonator based DWDM demultiplexer is compared with the reported
DWDM demultiplexer in the literature.
Authors, Year, Reference no.
Rostami et al. 2009 [12]
Hamed Alipoureta et al. 2013
Nikhil Deep et al. 2014 [16]
The work report by the

No of

Efficiency (%)























Q Factor










The functional characteristics of the proposed four

port DWDM demultiplexer is compared with the
reported DWDM demultiplexers, which are listed in
Table 5 and from this, it is noticed that the proposed
square resonant cavity based demultiplexer performs
better than the reported one. The functional
parameters better than reported one. The functional
parameters are significantly enhanced with smaller
size hence the proposed demultiplexer can be
implemented in the PICS
A novel two dimensional Photonic Crystals based
square resonant nanocavity
for four channel
demultiplexer has been proposed and designed for
the DWDM system. The required wavelengths are
dropped and separated by altering the radius of the
inner pillars, which are positioned in the square ring
resonator. The spectral response of the proposed
device has been obtained with the transmission
efficiency close to 93 %, the crosstalk of - 37dB and
with the quality factor of 7700. Further, the channel
spacing and the spectral linewidth between the
channels are 1 nm and 0.2 nm respectively.
Therefore, the proposed PC based DWDM


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demultiplexer has been fulfilling the requirements of

the DWDM system and the size is in the order of 395
m2, which is very small and hence, it could be
incorporated for the integrated optics.

Int J Adv Engg Tech/Vol. VII/Issue II/April-June,2016/1133-1137

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Int J Adv Engg Tech/Vol. VII/Issue II/April-June,2016/1133-1137

E-ISSN 0976-3945

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