Hydrodynamics of Aquatic Ecosystems: Current State, Challenges, and Prospects

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17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference

Auckland, New Zealand

5-9 December 2010

Hydrodynamics of Aquatic Ecosystems:

Current State, Challenges, and Prospects
V. Nikora1

School of Engineering
University of Aberdeen, Scotland, AB24 3UE, United Kingdom
The paper endorses a recently emerged interdisciplinary research
subject Hydrodynamics of Aquatic Ecosystems, defined as a study
of flow-organism interactions in running waters with particular
focus on relevant transport processes and mutual physical
impacts occurring at multiple scales from the sub-organism scale
to the organism patch mosaic scale (comparable to the flow
width). This new research area emerges at the interfaces between
environmental fluid mechanics, biomechanics, and aquatic
ecology, bridging these disciplines together and offering new
promising research avenues. After a brief review of the current
state, the paper focuses on the challenges that this subject area
currently faces, and then outlines research directions to pursue
for resolving the highlighted challenges.
Sixteen years ago a prominent aquatic ecologist B. Statzner
stressed that a broader incorporation of aspects of fluid
dynamics into studies of various ecosystems will advance general
ecological theory faster than past or current research routes,
which largely ignore(d) the physical principles of moving air or
water [26]. Since then, the situation has not changed much [27],
reflecting a slow progress in the implementation of fluid
mechanical concepts into ecological theories. There are at least
three reasons for such a slow progress in the current knowledge.
First, measurements at the organism scales still represent great
challenges and thus data related to these scales remain very
limited. Second, most studies of flow-organism interactions pay
little attention to the biomechanical properties of organisms,
which change significantly across species, scales, and
environments and are poorly understood. Third, the subject of
flow-organism interactions lies at the borders between fluid
mechanics, ecology, and biomechanics, i.e., at the discipline
interfaces which are typically avoided by researchers. Another
problem that has also to be addressed is how to integrate fluid
mechanical, biomechanical, and ecological processes together
and how to upscale the effects of these processes from the suborganism scale to the patch mosaic scale. Because of these
knowledge gaps, the progress in studies of flow-biota interactions
is slow and a solid unifying interdisciplinary platform is urgently
required to accelerate it and to enhance current ecological
This paper and talk are an attempt to further enhance and
promote such a platform as an emerging research area at the
interfaces between environmental fluid mechanics, aquatic
ecology, and biomechanics. This new area, Hydrodynamics of
Aquatic Ecosystems, bridges these disciplines together and can be
defined as a study of flow-organism interactions in running
waters with particular focus on relevant transport processes and
mutual physical impacts occurring at multiple scales from the
sub-organism scale to the organism patch mosaic scale
comparable to the flow width [19]. Being an important part of its
mother disciplines, Hydrodynamics of Aquatic Ecosystems deals

with two key interconnected issues: (i) physical interactions

between flow and organisms (e.g., due to an interplay between
flow-induced forces and reaction forces generated by organisms);
and (ii) ecologically relevant mass-transfer processes (e.g., due to
molecular and turbulent diffusion). The focus of Hydrodynamics
of Aquatic Ecosystems on the interfaces between fluid mechanics,
ecology and biomechanics should help with elimination of
existing knowledge gaps in the least studied areas.
Hydrodynamics of Aquatic Ecosystems as a subject covers both
marine and freshwater environments and therefore should
include, as equal branches, Hydrodynamics of Freshwater
Ecosystems (i.e., streams, rivers) and Hydrodynamics of Marine
Ecosystems. The centre of attention of this paper is on freshwater
systems (i.e., streams and rivers) where, compared to marine
systems, development of Hydrodynamics of Aquatic Ecosystems
is deferred and thus this talk may help in its enhancement. Key
concepts of Hydrodynamics of Aquatic Ecosystems and current
challenges will be outlined first and then future research
directions will be listed.
Scale Range of Hydrodynamics of Aquatic Ecosystems
in Relation to Streams and Rivers
Flow variability in streams and rivers covers wide ranges of
temporal and spatial scales, from milliseconds to many years and
from sub-millimetres to tens of kilometres (figure 1, [18]). The
low frequency (large periods) range in the frequency spectrum is
formed by intra-annual and inter-annual hydrological variability
while the high-frequency (small periods) range is formed by flow
turbulence (figure 1a). The low wave-number (large spatial scale)
range in the wave-number spectrum is formed by morphological
variability along the flow such as bars and/or meanders (figure.
1b). At smaller spatial scales (comparable to and less than the
flow width) velocity fluctuations are due to turbulence. This
turbulence range of scales is most relevant to organisms as their
own scales (including patchiness) typically fall within this range.
In addition, turbulence is often the main mechanism controlling
drag forces acting on the organisms as well as driving transport
processes in biological communities. Thus, the main focus of
Hydrodynamics of Aquatic Ecosystems in relation to streams and
rivers is on the turbulent range of scales as sketched in figure 1
[18, 19].
Tools and Concepts of Hydrodynamics of Aquatic
Research methods, tools and concepts of Hydrodynamics of
Aquatic Ecosystems come from its mother disciplines and are still
emerging. On one hand, they gradually become interconnected
and adjusted to address common goals and research questions.
On the other hand, they feed back to the original disciplines
providing new challenges and making these disciplines
conceptually richer. Hence, the methodological suit of
Hydrodynamics of Aquatic Ecosystems is likely to be always
strongly linked to the original mother disciplines. Fluid



T i m e

/U 0.5
U (/)


s c a l e






S p a t i a l




S (k ) k 0

forms (e.g., bars)

Large forms
(e.g., meanders)

S (k ) k 1


The current studies of flow-biota interactions in streams and

rivers encounter a number of challenges related to fluid
mechanical, biological, and ecological aspects which slows down
the knowledge advancement in this area. These challenges,
discipline-grouped for convenience, are highlighted below.
Research Challenges







communities. Recent ecological studies suggest that organism

functioning, morphology, and the role in aquatic ecosystems are
largely driven by transport processes and mutual physical
impacts and their interactions, i.e., remits of Hydrodynamics of
Aquatic Ecosystems) [7, 9, 11, 15, 16, 25, 28, 30].

Fluid mechanical challenges




Velocity Wave-number Spectrum

Turbu lence




Velocity Frequency Spectrum

Mechanics contributes to Hydrodynamics of Aquatic Ecosystems

with concepts of boundary layers (BL), mixing layers (ML),
wakes, and jets. Depending on the specific conditions these flow
types may exhibit properties of two turbulence phenomena:
coherent structures (CS) and/or eddy cascades (EC). These
canonical flow types and concepts can be both actively utilised
and significantly altered by biological communities. Furthermore,
these communities, in principle, may also create unconventional
flow configurations which are still unidentified in Fluid

S ( k ) k 5 / 3


s c a l e

Figure 1. Schematised velocity spectra in rivers: (a)

frequency spectrum; and (b) wave-number spectrum (Wo and
W = river valley and river channel widths, H = depth, Z =
distance from the bed, = roughness height, U = flow
velocity, = turbulence micro-scale [18].
In a similar way, biomechanics, which stems from mechanics of
materials and structural mechanics, provides a range of methods
and concepts that help in describing biological communities at
multiple scales and linking them to their fluid environments.
Indeed, reactions of organisms to physical forces imposed by
flow patterns described above largely depend on their
biomechanical properties. This dependence has been recognised
long ago and some progress has been made for terrestrial
ecosystems (e.g., trees, vertebrates, and insects) and partially for
marine ecosystems [2, 3, 14, 20, 22, 30, 31] while biomechanics
of freshwater organisms is still largely unknown and is
represented by very few studies (e.g., [10, 32]). Combined
consideration of flow-induced, organism-induced, and organismreaction forces leads to a set of similarity numbers that describe
interplay between gravity, buoyancy, drag, and elastic forces.
The flow-organism similarity numbers may be helpful in data
interpretation and in identifying specific regimes of flow-biota
interactions. They can also be introduced in a more formal way
considering coupled flow-organism equations of motion, where
the flow equations provide drag terms that are used in organism
motion equations as external forcing. A wide expansion of this
approach, however, is slowed down by very limited information
on organism material parameters and their variability across
species, scales, and environments. Combined together, fluid
mechanical and biomechanical concepts should explain a number
of ecological issues related to design, spatial and temporal
patterns, and performance of aquatic organisms and their

In aquatic ecosystems, the canonical flow types (BL, ML, wakes,

jets) are fundamental for characterisation of both (1) hydraulic
habitats, as most aquatic communities live within BLs, MLs, etc;
and (2) flow patterns around individual organisms that are often
surrounded by BLs, MLs, or wakes generated at organism
surfaces or within/around organism communities. The occurrence
of these flow types in aquatic ecosystems, however, often
deviates from their canonical forms, thus leading to Challenge
#1: What are the manifestations of the canonical flow types in
aquatic ecosystems? Figure 2 may illustrate this challenge for the
case of aquatic plants which typically span a wide range of scales
from a leaf scale to individual plant to the plant patch mosaic
(i.e., an assemblage of plant patches of different shapes and
sizes). As an example, biological communities quite often are
embedded in a superposition of interacting multi-scale BLs
generated by a variety of boundaries including those introduced
by the organisms themselves (e.g., flow-depth BL and leaf/stem
BLs in figure 2a). As a rule, these BLs have limited thicknesses
and small relative submergence of roughness elements, being
often organised as a cascade of internal boundary layers (e.g.,
[11, 15]). As a result, the conventional concepts and descriptions
may not be always applicable and may require refinements (e.g.,
applicability of the log velocity profile in low-submergence BLs
is questionable). The flow patterns, schematically summarised in
figure 2 for the case of aquatic plants, include: (1) conventional
depth-scale shear-generated turbulence which may be
significantly altered by the vegetation; (2) canopy-height-scale
turbulence resulting from the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI)
at the upper boundary of the vegetation canopy (known as the
mixing-layer analogy [23]); (3) generation of small-scale
turbulence associated with flow separation from stems (i.e., von
Karman vortices); (4) generation of small-scale turbulence within
local boundary layers attached to leaf/stem surfaces; (5)
generation of small-scale turbulence behind plant leaves serving
as small splitter plates that generate local leeward mixing
layers, with subsequent turbulence production through the
Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (most likely occurring when the leaf
surface roughness differs between sides); (6) turbulence
generation due to plant waviness at a range of scales (if
biomechanical properties allow this); (7) generation of largescale 3D and 2D turbulence associated with wakes and flow
separation at a patch scale; (8) generation of 3D and 2D boundary
layer and mixing layer turbulence at patch sides aligned with the
flow; and (9) generation of interacting vertical and horizontal
internal boundary layers at the patch mosaic scale (figure 2).
Among these patterns, only studies of patterns 1, 2, and 3 have
been carried out [6, 12, 13, 21] while other patterns are
hypothesised in figure 2 based on conceptual consideration and
our preliminary results from laboratory and field studies ([1, 15,
16, 19], figure 3). The identification and quantification of
interrelationships between these patterns, as well as detection of
their individual and combined roles in transport processes and
drag generation for a range of biomechanical parameters

represent Challenge #2: What are the combined effects of

canonical flow types in aquatic ecosystems?
Figure 2 also highlights a possibility that biological communities
may create unique flow types with specific properties making
them distinctly different from the canonical flow types or their
combinations, leading to Challenge 3: Do flow-biota interactions
create new unconventional flow types or patterns which are still
waiting for identification?

properties absent in canonical flows. Examples include (1) the

existence of a detached logarithmic BL above a ML at the
canopy top (i.e., ML may block access of BL eddies to the
canopy layer thus detaching BL eddies from the bed and
destroying the conventional conditions for BL formation); (2) big
difference between the convection velocity of large eddies at the
canopy top and a local mean velocity, reported for both terrestrial
and aquatic canopies [4, 12, 13, 23], although for conventional
mixing layers these two velocities should be equal or very close
(e.g., [8]); and (3) monami effect, i.e., wavy motions of a canopy
top often observed in natural aquatic canopies, known as
honami for terrestrial canopies [6, 12, 20].

u 1




Figure 2. Hypothesised flow patterns in vegetated channels:

side view at a patch scale (a); plan view at a patch scale (b);
side view at a patch mosaic scale (c); and plan view at a
patch mosaic scale (d).
To illustrate this point, one may look into a mixing layer
analogy originally proposed for terrestrial canopies by Raupach
et al. [23] and further advanced in Finnigan [4] and Finnigan et
al. [5]. For the case of submerged aquatic vegetation, this analogy
was first implemented by H. Nepfs Group (e.g., [6, 12]) and then
used in a number of follow-up studies of flow-vegetation
interactions (e.g., [13, 21]). These studies showed that large-scale
ML eddies formed as a result of KHI at the canopy top may play
a crucial role in mass and momentum exchange between canopy
region and flow region above the canopy. Although the mixing
layer analogy for aquatic vegetation has already been explored
(see citations above), there is still a number of issues that require
clarification. Some of them suggest that the mixing layer analogy
may be a manifestation of a new flow type that exhibits unique

Figure 3. Examples of a laboratory PIV study of freshwater

mussels Margaritifera margaritifera (2d/2c PIV; velocity
vectors on the downstream side of a mussel are shown; the
experiment was conducted in the Aberdeen Open Channel
Facility, AOCF), (a); and a field PIV study of a freshwater
macrophyte Myriophyllum alterniflorum in the Urie River,
Scotland (stereoscopic 2d/3c PIV, velocity vectors are
shown), (b). Custom-made 4-camera 100Hz multi-modular
PIV system and associated software have been designed and
developed by Dr Stuart Cameron at the University of
Aberdeen, http://www.abdn.ac.uk/engineering/ research/

Biomechanical challenges
Biomechanics of freshwater organisms is still in its infancy and
poses significant challenges for studies of flow-biota interactions.
They can be illustrated using aquatic plants in streams as an
example. Aquatic plants in streams and rivers exhibit a great
variety of morphological forms and encounter complex loads due
to a mixture of tension, compression, bending, torsion, and shear.
These complexities take place at multiple scales, from sub-cell
scale to cell scale, sub-leaf scale, leaf scale, shoot (leaves + stem)
scale, individual plant (sum of shoots), plant patch (aggregation
of plants) scale, and plant patch mosaic (aggregation of plant
patches) scale. Biomechanical characteristics at larger scales
represent some integration of properties at smaller scales and,
thus, at each of these scales the plants should be treated as
structures rather than simple materials. Preliminary studies (e.g.,
[10, 32]) suggest that the plants can be defined as composite,
anisotropic, viscoelastic, highly heterogeneous materials or
structures. Thus the primary key challenge to address on this
front is Challenge 4: What are the most appropriate structural
models of biota? Indeed, it is not even clear how accurately the
Hookean model (i.e., linear stress strain relation) and the
associated elasticity modulus E represent aquatic plants at
different scales.
The mentioned complexities may explain why, until now, we do
not have a set of widely accepted quantitative characteristics of
plant geometry and mechanical properties. There are at least
three groups of parameters that may be required: (1) plant
morphology characteristics; (2) plant material characteristics; and
(3) plant-flow interaction characteristics. The translation of
biomechanical properties from one scale to another may involve
techniques of spatial-averaging and homogenisation similar to
those developed for modelling composite materials and material
microstructure (e.g., [29]). The definition of these parameters and
recipes for their estimates represent Challenge 5: How can
morphological and biomechanical properties of biota be defined,
measured and/or quantified at different scales?
Assuming that suitable measures of biomechanical properties are
found then the next significant issue to resolve is Challenge 6:
How can hydrodynamic and biomechanical properties be linked
together? In principle, coupling fluid mechanical and
biomechanical processes can be done at different levels of rigour,
from consideration of joint similarity numbers to spatiallyaveraged coupled differential equations. Examples of the first
approach are given in [2, 19] while the second approach will be
briefly described in the next section.
Ecological challenges
Traditional approaches in aquatic ecology are largely descriptive
and are mainly based on bulk parameters such as community
composition, biomass, population size, and other measures. The
effects of hydraulic habitat on these parameters are typically
studied using a variety of statistical techniques that link
ecological parameters to bulk flow properties such as flow rate,
depth-averaged velocity, surface velocity, or stream power.
Hydrodynamics of Aquatic Ecosystems provides a process-based
alternative to these approaches which are essentially empirical in
nature. Indeed, preliminary considerations (e.g., [7, 9, 19, 20, 2628] and references therein) suggest that organism functioning,
morphology, and role in river ecosystems are largely driven by
the interplay of two key groups of environmental processes: (i)
physical interactions between flow and organisms (e.g., due to
flow-induced forces and reaction forces generated by organisms);
and (ii) ecologically relevant mass-transfer-uptake processes
(e.g., due to molecular/turbulent diffusion), including
photosynthesis aspects when relevant. This primary hypothesis
leads to a number of secondary hypotheses that may further

advance understanding of flow-biota interactions. Specifically,

the following hypothesis can be explored:
Secondary hypothesis #1: within a wide range of scales (from
the sub-organism scale to the patch mosaic scale comparable to
the lateral flow size) there are distinct scales where floworganism interactions and transport processes are scale-specific
and interconnected. There are at least four such scales: suborganism scale, organism scale, patch scale, and patch mosaic
Secondary hypothesis #2: to enhance adaptation to river
environments, the organisms effectively control and optimise
hydrodynamic drag forces at multiple scales by adjusting their
own shape, flexibility, and the flow itself.
Secondary hypothesis #3: to enhance adaptation to river
environments, the organisms effectively control and optimise
transport processes at multiple scales by modifying existing
flow patterns and creating new turbulence-generation
mechanisms (as illustrated in figure 2 for the case of aquatic
Altogether, these hypotheses represent Challenge 7: How are
organism functioning, morphology, and role in aquatic
ecosystems controlled by the interplay of drag forces and
transport processes? To address this challenge one also needs to
define measurable ecological parameters and how they can be
measured simultaneously with fluid mechanical and
biomechanical parameters, tasks that constitute Challenge 8.
Unifying framework
The integration of fluid mechanical, biomechanical, and
ecological processes together and upscaling the effects of these
processes from the sub-organism scale to the patch mosaic scale
constitute another task awaiting to be completed. This task,
Challenge #9, should lead to the development of the unifying
framework expected to be (1) quantitative by nature; (2) capable
of coupling fluid mechanical, ecological, and biomechanical
processes in a reasonably rigorous way; (3) a convenient and
rigorous tool for upscaling small-scale flow-organism
interactions to a larger scale (e.g., from the organism scale to
patch or patch mosaic scale); (4) suitable as a basis for
mathematical modelling and computer simulations; and (5)
appropriate for guiding field and laboratory studies and data
interpretation and generalisation.
The spatially averaged (but instantaneous in time domain)
hydrodynamic, transport, and biomechanical equations, which
couple flow and organisms together through a rigorous spatial
averaging operation (over local volume or area in the plane
parallel to the mean bed surface, figure 4) may serve as a
potential candidate for such a framework. The coupled spatially
averaged equations can be derived for both fluid (considering
organisms as embedded media) and organisms (considering fluid
as embedded media). The flow and organism equations are
linked by the interface terms describing physical interactions
and/or exchange of substances (e.g., the same term describing
transport of nutrients through organisms surfaces will be
included in both flow and organism equations, but with
opposite signs). The instantaneous equations can also be
simultaneously spatially- and time-averaged to produce the
double-averaged (in time and space) coupled equations for fluid
and organisms. The double-averaged equations for the fluid
phase have been originally proposed to describe flow properties
within and above terrestrial canopies (e.g., [4] and references
Hence, the operation of spatial averaging allows, in principle, the
integration of biomechanical and fluid mechanical processes
together. On the other hand, the spatial averaging essentially
serves as a scaling-up procedure that changes the scale of

consideration from one level in time-space-probability domain to

another level. Detailed derivation and discussion of the spatially
averaged equations can be found in [4, 17]. The instantaneous
spatially averaged equations and double-averaged equations
explicitly contain important (although still unconventional) terms
such as form-induced stresses and fluxes, and for the flow region
with embedded organisms, form and viscous drag terms, wake
and waving production terms (e.g., energy production due to the
wake effects behind mussels or due to mobile interfaces such as
plants), and source/sink terms describing interface transport and
heterogeneous reactions (e.g., sediment breathing or nutrient
uptake by aquatic organisms). In addition, the spatial averaging
methodology is conceptually close to the Large-Eddy Simulation
(LES) philosophy, which is currently actively used in turbulence
research. In relation to organisms, the spatial averaging approach
can be supplemented with the homogenisation techniques such as
those developed in composite materials mechanics (e.g., [29]).

Area and volume averaging domains

developing process-based models, to replace current approaches

such as diffusion-type approximations, often operating with
coefficients disconnected to the underlying processes and actual
organisms [20]. The knowledge on specific mechanisms of flowbiota interactions will also enhance capabilities of large-scale
models based on complex systems approaches which are
currently under active development (e.g., [24]) and may have
significant practical relevance. Thus, Hydrodynamics of Aquatic
Ecosystems promises not only step changes in the current
understanding of our aquatic environments but also responds to
the growing demands for advanced knowledge in numerous
applications, including civil and environmental engineering (e.g.,
stream restoration design), resource management (e.g., definition
and determination of environmental flows for regulated rivers),
aquaculture (e.g., optimal design for aqua-farms), and biosecurity (e.g., control of invasive species or transport of
pathogens). It will also provide a solid biophysical basis for ecohydraulics which has been formed as an applied research area
based on largely empirical or semi-empirical approaches.
Finally, the integration of methodologies of fluid mechanics,
ecology and biomechanics and the focus on the interfaces
between these disciplines creates the strong possibility of major
breakthroughs not only in the understanding of aquatic
ecosystems but also beyond it, with benefits for as diverse fields
as design of bio-mimicking devices, fluid-structure interactions,
and the adaptive evolution concept, among others.

Figure 4. An example of the spatial averaging volume for

the case of a mussels bed [15].
The key challenges of Hydrodynamics of Aquatic Ecosystems
outlined above set up priorities for the forthcoming studies.
Among them are:

The author is grateful to the Organizing Committee of the 17th

Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference for its kind invitation
to give this paper. Stimulating discussions of this topic with I.
Albayrak, J. Aberle, B. Biggs, S. Coleman, S. Cameron, J.
Finnigan, D. Goring, D. Hart, C. Howard-Williams, I. Jowett, N.
Lamouroux, S. Larned, S. McLean, O. Miler, N. Nikora, M.
OHare, G. Parker, S. Rice, T. Riis, M. Righetti, P. Sagnes, B.
Statzner, A. Sukhodolov, A. Suren, and S. Thrush are greatly
acknowledged. The work was partly supported by the
Leverhulme Trust, Grant F/00 152/Z Biophysics of flow-plants
interactions in aquatic systems.

Integration of the canonical flow concepts into realities of

natural aquatic systems.
Identification of biota-induced flow types and patterns, which
are still unknown.

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Identification of appropriate models of biota biomechanics.

Development and implementation of biomechanical
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Identification and implementation of ecological parameters

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Quantification of organisms responses to physical
Identification of a conceptual framework for coupling
hydrodynamic, biomechanical, and ecological processes.
Development of up-scaling and down-scaling approaches.
Addressing the described challenges should help in eliminating
multiple knowledge gaps at the borders between fluid mechanics,
ecology and biomechanics, i.e., areas where the probability of
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