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Journal of Hydrology 625 (2023) 130132

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Research papers

Analysis of the suitable ecological flow of benthic animals in the lower

reaches of Xiangjiaba Reservoir in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River
based on the physical habitat model
Dingxin Chen a, b, Zefan Yang b, *, Qinghui Zeng b, *, Weize Wang c, Long Yan b, Pu Zhang b,
Xinyu Li b, Peng Hu b, Hao Wang b
Tianjin Univ, State Key Lab Hydraul Engn Simulat & Safety, Tianjin 300350, Peoples R China
State Key Laboratory of Simulation and Regulation of Water Cycle in River Basin, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100038, China
State Key Laboratory of Eco-hydraulics in Northwest Arid Region, Xi’an University of Technology, 710048, China


Keywords: Abundant water resources have facilitated the completion and operation of numerous large-scale water con­
Water Environmental Model servation projects. However, the operation of cascade hydropower stations has changed the natural hydrological
Decision-making Model regime of rivers, thereby affecting the integrity and stability of downstream benthic animal habitats. To quan­
Model coupling
titatively evaluate the impact of infrastructure development, we proposed a coupling of hydrodynamic and
Ecology, Hydroelectricity
habitat models, with benthic animals as indicator species (because they are highly sensitive to hydrological
changes). This study established a physical habitat model of benthic animals in the upper reaches of the Yangtze
River, from the Xiangjiaba to Zhutuo sections by coupling the MIKE21 hydrodynamic model with a habitat
model. This model coupled the changes in hydrological conditions and ecological processes to quantitatively
reflect the effects of flow changes on river habitat quality, which can be used to predict the effects of hydrological
changes on water ecosystems and provide fundamental information for ecological flow and scheduling decisions.
Our results showed that by jointly regulating the suitable outflow of the Xiangjiaba Reservoir and the inflow of
the Tuojiang, Minjiang, and Hengjiang rivers (three tributaries with water conservancy projects), the minimum
flow in the non-flood season and the maximum flow in the flood season could be controlled more precisely. This
increases the suitable habitat area for benthic animals as well as improves the stability of their habitat. This study
fills the gap in the physical habitat model of benthic animals in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River as well as
enriches the research ideas of ecological flow regulation. Moreover, this indicates the first application of the
physical habitat model to the joint ecological flow regulation of the main tributaries, thus opening new directions
for the application of the physical habitat model.

1. Introduction Yangtze River is fed by large tributaries with a basin area of 50,000 km2,
including the Jialing, Minjiang, Yalong, and Wujiang rivers. In addition,
Hydroelectric stations, which convert hydropower to electricity, can the Yangtze River flows through the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Hengduan
yield many socioeconomic benefits; however, they can also transform Mountains, Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Sichuan Basin, and other areas
rivers into lake-like reservoirs, change downstream hydrological con­ with complex topographies and geomorphologies (Xu, 2006). Overall,
ditions, and threaten the availability of suitable habitats for various because of its widespread and connected nature, the ecological integrity
aquatic organisms (Eloranta et al., 2018). The upstream section of of the water in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River is affected by its
China’s Yangtze River hosts the richest hydropower resources in the associated water conservancy projects as well as by the hydrological
entire Yangtze River Basin and has four giant cascade hydropower sta­ conditions and topography of its tributaries (Chen et al., 2019). To
tions (Wudongde, Baihetan, Xiluodu, and Xiangjiaba) that have already further reduce the impact of hydropower projects on the ecological
impounded water for power generation (Dai et al., 2020). The upper integrity of habitats in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, the

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (Q. Zeng).


Available online 11 September 2023

0022-1694/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D. Chen et al. Journal of Hydrology 625 (2023) 130132

impacts of these projects on downstream hydrological conditions and determining the ecological flow of a species at a particular life stage and
water ecology should be accurately assessed and forecasted. the common methods include the PHABSIM, River2D, and physical
Habitat area is an ecological indicator that reflects the living space of habitat models. Based on river ecological systems theory, the overall
benthic animals. Owing to the construction of hydroelectric projects, the analysis method integrates the aforementioned methods to analyze
areas encompassing these habitats have begun to shrink, weakening the ecological flow from various perspectives, such as the BBM, DRFT, and
continuity and integrity of the surrounding habitat (Takada et al., 2019). ELOHA methods. Among these methods, habitat simulation can simu­
Regarding habitat suitability, benthic animals are the most sensitive to late the complexity of river ecosystems with the highest level of accuracy
changes in hydrological factors. The flow demand of benthic animals is and has become a critical tool for river management (Armour and
approximately 20% greater than that of fish (Li et al., 2011). The role of Taylor, 1991; Bockelmann et al., 2004).
benthic animals in rivers and lake ecological networks has recently Among the various methods of habitat simulation, the PHABSIM
garnered more attention within the context of research (Pešić et al., model (Bovee, 1986) was the first fish habitat model and is currently
2018).As the natural food for various fish, the benthic animals can widely used worldwide. However, these models cannot be combined
effectively reflect the changes in the habitat of fish and other species in with habitat and hydraulic models. The RIVER 2D model, a commonly
the river through the flow and material circulation of the food web, used commercial model, can perform detailed hydraulic analyses of
However, few studies have applied these insights to river ecological flow habitat units at the micro-level (Steffler and Waddle, 2002); however, it
decision-making(Sharapova et al., 2019). Therefore, studying the cannot target benthic species. In contrast, physical habitat models can
interrelationship between hydrological parameters and the habitat area establish ecological flow targets for various target species, maximizing
of benthic animals will allow for a quantitative assessment of the effects habitat suitability (Byungwoong Choi et al., 2015). Consequently,
of hydrological changes on the ecological integrity of their habitat as considering various factors, we chose the physical habitat model method
well as enrich our understanding of joint ecological flow decisions in the for ecological flow analysis in this study.
mainstream and its associated tributaries. The physical habitat model is rooted in an In-stream Flow Incre­
The water flow required to maintain the ecological integrity of an mental Methodology (IFIM). This framework allows the accurate eluci­
aquatic habitat is known as the ecological flow. The maintenance of dation of habitat area dynamics within the context of a target species
ecological flow, as the term suggests, requires the continuous flow of under different ecological flow conditions, primarily by coupling the
water as well as a fluctuation in the flow amount across different sea­ hydrodynamic model with the habitat model (Volchek et al., 2019). This
sons. The protection of ecological flow is the basis for protecting the method entails the use of a target species’ habitat preferences (within
river’s habitat area (Tang et al., 2018; Yang et al., 2019). Calculation the context of flow rate, water depth, substrate, and cover) and then
methods for ecological flow can be divided into four categories: characterizes the required ecological flow of a target species as the
ecological hydrology, ecological hydraulics, habitat simulation, and relationship between flow and the weighted suitable habitat area (Cai
overall analysis. The ecological hydrology method is based on measured et al., 2010). The accuracy of the physical habitat model lies in its ability
hydrological data combined with a specific proportion or percentage to consider both the physical habitat and ecological flow requirements
quantile to determine the minimum or appropriate ecological flow. of the target species across different timescales (Oyague et al., 2020);
Commonly used methods include the Tennant, 7Q10, annual distribu­ this is the main reason for the widespread use of this analytical approach
tion, and flow duration curve (FDC) methods, which combine aquatic in the assessment of the ecological health of rivers (Choi et al., 2018;
biological data with river flow and judge the characteristic flow of a Kim et al., 2015; Sedighkia et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2019). However,
river by building a relationship between hydraulic parameters and flow. most studies on ecological flow target only a single river segment;
Common methods include the wet perimeter and R2CROSS methods, therefore, studies considering the joint decision-making of the main­
which combine hydrodynamic models with the life history of specific stream and its associated tributaries are not common, limiting our
aquatic organisms at different stages and quantitatively describe the ability to integrate the regulation of the mainstream and its tributaries
relationship between flow and habitat area to determine the ecological based on the consideration of ecological factors (Nestler et al., 2019).
flow of a species at a specific life stage. Furthermore, PHABSIM, Riv­ The region from the Xiangjiaba Dam to Zhutuo Town in the upper
er2D, and physical habitat models are based on river ecological systems reaches of the Yangtze River in China consists of the Minjiang, Heng­
theory to analyze the ecological flow from different angles by inte­ jiang, Chishui, and Tuojiang rivers. This region lies in the Yunnan-
grating the above methods, such as the BBM, DRFT, and ELOHA Guizhou Plateau, Sichuan Basin, and its combined area. Focusing on a
methods. Among various methods for calculating ecological flow, typical river section from the Xiangjiaba Dam to Zhutuo Town, this
habitat simulation can simulate the complexity of river ecosystems with study aimed to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the relationship
the highest accuracy among all types of methods and has become an between ecological flow and habitat suitability. This was performed to
important tool for river management (Armour and Taylor, 1991; Bock­ generate a system that could assess the ecological integrity of water
elmann et al., 2004). Ecological flow is the volume of water required to based on the “quantification of the target species’ demand, habitat
maintain the ecological integrity of an aquatic habitat. This mainte­ simulation assessment, and ecological flow decision optimization” using
nance necessitates continuous water flow and fluctuations in the flow a physical habitat model (Cai et al., 2010). First, to achieve these aims, a
amount across different seasons. Protecting the ecological flow is crucial suitability index was applied to analyze the monitoring data of benthic
for safeguarding river habitats (Tang et al., 2018; Yang et al., 2019). animals in several sections of the mainstream and tributaries of the
Methods for calculating ecological flow can be classified into four cat­ Yangtze River. This was performed to characterize the habitat prefer­
egories: ecological hydrology, ecological hydraulics, habitat simulation, ences of the target species. Second, a two-dimensional hydrodynamic
and overall analysis. Ecological hydrology uses measured hydrological model was established to simulate the spatiotemporal distributions of
data combined with specific proportions or percentage quantiles to habitat flow velocity and water depth. Finally, the distribution of suit­
determine the minimum or appropriate ecological flow. Commonly used able habitats for the target species across the different flow rates was
methods include the Tennant, 7Q10, annual distribution, and flow determined. Based on these findings, the relationship between discharge
duration curve (FDC). Ecological hydraulics combines aquatic biological and suitable habitat areas was analyzed. Additionally, through the lens
data with river flow to establish a relationship between hydraulic pa­ of tributary confluence and topography, we simulated changes in the
rameters and flow and determine the characteristic flow a river should suitable habitat area of the target species after the impoundment of
have. The wet perimeter and R2CROSS methods are the most common. cascade dams across different watershed sections. Finally, we combined
Habitat simulation methods employ hydrodynamic models and the life the joint regulation of the ecological flow of the mainstream and trib­
histories of specific aquatic organisms at various stages to quantitatively utaries to facilitate ecological flow decision-making.
describe the relationship between the flow and habitat area, thereby

D. Chen et al. Journal of Hydrology 625 (2023) 130132

2. Materials and methods sampling efforts was 6 m2.

Water temperature was recorded at each sampling point. The
2.1. Overview of the study area maximum difference in water temperatures between the two samples of
the five river sections was only 2.1 ◦ C, and the temperatures between the
The study area extends from the Xiangjiaba Dam to Zhutuo in the two samples were highly consistent. Therefore, the effect of temperature
mainstream of the Yangtze River, where the Xiangjiaba Dam is the last on the biomass of benthic animals was not considered in this study. The
hydropower station dam. Xiangjiaba is a humid region with annual collected samples were washed at the collection site to remove impu­
rainfall above 897.1 mm. From 1951 to 2021, the annual runoff near rities. After repeated washing, the samples were placed in collection
Xiangjiaba was 147 billion m3, with a multi-year average flow rate of bottles containing 5 mL formalin. All samples were then taken to the
4661 m3/s. The highest and lowest navigable downstream water level of Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences laboratory for
Xiangjiaba was 277.25 and 265.8 m, with corresponding flow rates of identification, counting, and weighing (the wet weight of the benthic
12,000 (outflow) and 1200 m3/s (outgoing flow), respectively. The animals was converted to dry weight).
study area was divided into five river sections: Section 1 was from the In order to eliminate the interference of water quality factors, a 5L
Xiangjiaba Dam to the Hengjiang River; Section 2 was from the Heng­ water sampler was used in the study. Three bottles of water were taken
jiang River to the Minjiang River; Section 3 was from the Minjiang River repeatedly at each sampling point, and the water samples were collected
to the Tuojiang River; Section 4 was from the Tuojiang River to the and sealed before being sent to the Beijing Institute of Analytical
Chishui River; and Section 5 was from the Chishui River to Zhutuo Town Technology for water quality analysis. The analysis results showed that
(shown in Fig. 1). Three sampling sites were established in each section the water quality status at each sampling point was above Class II, and
as follows: the downstream side of the Xiangjiaba Dam, Yibin, Lizhuang the impact of water quality on benthic animal habitats could be ignored.
Town, Luzhou, and Zhutuo Town. Six sets of data were collected twice, The flow boundary and topographic data used in the hydrodynamic
culminating in a total of 180 sets. (see Fig. 2.). model were obtained from the Institute of Water Resources of the China
Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research; the survey was
conducted in 2020. Benthic animals and their preferred environmental
2.2. Sampling methods and data collection parameters (water depth, flow velocity, and substrate) must be moni­
tored simultaneously. For example, the water depth can be determined
This study collected and monitored data on benthic animals and the using a HY.HSW-1000 digital portable ultrasonic sounder (Weifang
environmental parameters associated with their preferred habitats Jinshui Huayu Information Technology Co., Ltd., Weifang, Shandong
across five river sections before the 2021 flood season (June) and at the province, China), whereas the flow velocity can be determined using the
end of the 2021 flood season (October). The collected data were then HOH-L-01 Doppler flow profiler (Beijing Jinshuizhongke Technology,
quantitatively analyzed to determine the habitat preferences of the Beijing, China). Once acquired, these data were used to model the
target organisms. The benthic animals were collected using a Surber net. suitability indices for the target species. These indices were used to
Six samples were randomly collected within a 50-m radius of the construct hydrodynamic models and determine the ideal ecological flow
respective river sections. Although the sampling was random, we for the target organisms.
ensured that these samples accurately represented a wide array of
habitats occupied by benthic animals in this region; the collection area
for each sample was 1 m2, whereas the total area representing all the

Fig. 1. Benthic animals samples in the downstream section of Xiangjiaba Dam.

D. Chen et al. Journal of Hydrology 625 (2023) 130132

Fig. 2. Hydrodynamic model calibration and verification results (Lizhuang).

2.3. Physical habitat modeling 2.3.3. Physical habitat model coupling

According to the simulation results of the hydrodynamic model, the
The physical habitat model consisted of hydrodynamic and habitat water depth (D) and flow velocity (V) of each unit can be derived, and
models. The main premise of this model is that aquatic organisms in these values correspond to the habitat suitability index (HSI) on the
river ecosystems can be characterized based on hydrodynamic factors, suitability curve of the habitat model (Dabin, 2019; Ban, X, 2020). The
as their habitat preferences are primarily rooted in seeking habitats comprehensive habitat suitability index (CHSI) was calculated based on
within the best hydrological conditions (Shan et al., 2022; Zhang et al., the comprehensive impact of various environmental parameters. The
2021). calculation formula is as follows(Yang et al., 2020):
2.3.1. Build the hydrodynamic model CHSI = HSI1 × HSI2 ( 2 )
Habitat environmental parameters were simulated by applying the where HSI1 is the suitability index corresponding to the water depth,
MIKE21FM module in the Danish DHIMIKE software to build a two- and HSI2 is the fitness index corresponding to each flow rate.
dimensional hydrodynamic model of the river section below the The distribution of the habitat HSI corresponding to each environ­
Xiangjiaba Dam (Krylenko et al., 2018). This was performed to simulate mental parameter can be obtained.
the spatiotemporal distribution of environmental conditions, such as Habitat ecological flow decisions are based on the relationship be­
habitat flow velocity and water depth. In this study, the Manning coef­ tween flow (Q) and the Weighted Usable Area (WUA), which provides a
ficient parameter (Abdi and Saghebian, 2021) of the model was deter­ quantifiable method for making decisions on water ecological sched­
mined to be 0.2789 using water level data from Lizhuang, which was uling by instantly and visually reflecting changes in the WUA of target
obtained in the field in 2020. The average error of the average water species at different flows in the form of curves and tables. The WUA can
level was 0.276 m, whereas that of the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coeffi­ be programmed using the following equation(Jianhua L et al., 2023):
cient was 0.967 m. These results demonstrate the high quality and

reliability of the model. WUA = ΔMi × CHSIi ( 3 )
2.3.2. Build habitat model
Where ΔMi is the area of each grid cell, and CHSIi is the composite
In this study, the Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) was used to quantify
suitability index corresponding to that grid cell.
the data collected on biomass and environmental parameters to derive
This process was repeated for each simulated flow, and the rela­
the HSI and suitability levels for different ranges of environmental pa­
tionship curve between the target Q and the WUA was obtained. Com­
rameters. The underlying assumption of the HSI is that species select
bined with the Q-duration curve (Q-t), a corresponding WUA value was
sites that best meet their habitat needs, with the highest quality habitats
found from the Q-WUA relationship curve for each Q, and the suitable
being the most frequently used sites. Therefore, the HSI is calculated as
habitat area duration curve (WUA-t) was finally obtained. Based on the
follows(Ban et al., 2020):
assumption of higher species biomass for larger suitable areas, a link
HSI = mi /m ( 1 ) between the measured target species biomass and the potential impact
of flow change processes on the target species habitat can be established.
where mi represents the total biomass of benthic animals observed
within different environmental parameter ranges, and m represents the
3. Results
total biomass of benthic animals in the study area.
This study synthesized the habitat needs of different genera and
3.1. Habitat biological demand analysis
species of benthic animals and drew a habitat suitability curve based on
the HSI value of the total biomass of benthic animals under changes in
3.1.1. Sampling results of benthic animals
environmental parameters. The exponent of the curve ranged from 0 to
Correlations between the biomass of the target organisms (benthic
1, with 0 and 1 representing habitat conditions that are completely
animals) and the environmental parameters associated with their
unsuitable for the target species and the most suitable ones, respectively.
preferred habitats across the five river sections were analyzed. Benthic
animals are diverse, their habits vary greatly, and their responses to

D. Chen et al. Journal of Hydrology 625 (2023) 130132

hydrology and other environmental parameters are highly variable With increased flow rate and water depth, floodplains on both banks and
(Shen et al., 2022). According to the analysis of the 60 sample sites in river islands gradually merged, gradually expanding suitable habitats.
this study, benthic animals in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River Additionally, as the water depths of the riverbanks and banks of the river
were divided into four phyla: Platyhelminthes, Annelida, Mollusca, and islands gradually increased, the original suitable areas for benthic ani­
Arthropoda. This study collected and recorded 42 genera and species of mals disappeared as the flow rate increased. When the flow reached
benthic animals belonging to four phyla and seven classes. 8000 m3/s, the habitat area of the benthic animals gradually shifted to
the bank. Finally, when the flow reached 15000 m3/s, the habitat area
3.1.2. Determining the suitability index of sensitive environmental gradually disappeared with increasing flow, and this disappearance was
parameters (water depth and velocity) largely because the beaches and floodplains of the river islands were
Using Equation (1), the HSI values of the sensitive environmental mostly covered by river water.
parameters (water depth and flow rate) of the target species were
calculated, and the results are shown in Fig. 3. The correlation analysis
3.3. Decision-making of habitat ecological flow
between the total biomass of benthic animals and their associated and
environmental parameters (water depth and flow rate) showed that the
3.3.1. Discharge scenario settings
correlation coefficient between the total biomass and flow rate was − 0.
The simulated discharge range was determined with reference to the
62. This indicates a significant negative correlation between the total
actual discharge range in Xiangjiaba, China. The relationship between
biomass of benthic animals and flow rate. Furthermore, the results
the discharge Q and water level E (Q–E) was plotted according to the
showed that benthic animals distributed within the flow rate range of
discharge and water levels at the Xiangjiaba hydrological station from
0–0.3 m/s occupied a habitat whose suitability index was 0.72, corre­
2018 to 2021. The simulated discharge range was set at 500–25000 m3/
sponding to high suitability. Those in the flow rate range of 0.3–0.6 m/s
s. The flow rate within the range of 500–2000 m3 /s was low; therefore,
occupied a habitat with a suitability index of 0.2, corresponding to
we used 500 m3/s as the flow rate step size to set the simulated flow rate
moderate suitability. When the flow rate exceeded 0.6 m/s, the suit­
in the hydrodynamic model. Because the flow rate was high at
ability index was 0.08, corresponding to low suitability. In the water
2000–25000 m3/s, we used 1000 m3/s as the flow rate step size to set the
depth range of 0–3 m, the suitability index was 0.54, corresponding to
simulated flow rate in the hydrodynamic model.
high suitability. In the water depth range of 3–9 m, the suitability index
was 0.32, corresponding to moderate suitability. In the water depth
3.3.2. Overall analysis of ecological flow
range of 6–9 m, the suitability index was 0.09, indicating low suitability.
See Fig. 5(a)–(e) show the relationship between the habitat area of
At depths greater than 9 m, the suitability index was 0.05, indicating low
benthic animals and discharge in the following sections of the upper
suitability. Overall, these results indicate that benthic animals prefer
Yangtze River: Xiangjiaba–Hengjiang River, Hengjiang River–Minjiang
shallow habitats with low flow rates (Ban et al., 2020). The habitat
River, Minjiang River–Tuojiang River, Tuojiang River–Chishui River,
comprehensive suitability index, which combines water temperature
and Chishui River–Zhutuo Town. The total habitat area of each section
and flow velocity, was calculated using formula (2) above.
first increased and then decreased as the discharge from Xiangjiaba
increased. The maximum discharges of the Xiangjiaba–Hengjiang River,
3.2. Simulation of habitat suitability range Hengjiang River–Minjiang River, Minjiang River–Tuojiang River, Tuo­
jiang River–Chishui River, and Chishui River–Zhutuo Town were 2000,
In this study, based on the hydrodynamic module of the MIKE-21 4000, 16000, 11000, and 15000 m3/s, respectively, and the corre­
model coupled with the habitat model, three typical flow rates in the sponding maximum habitat areas of each section were 3117, 19971,
study area (across the dry, normal, and flood seasons) were selected to 190968, 94214, and 39227 m2, respectively. There were variations in
simulate the distribution of habitat suitable for benthic animals in the the discharge values corresponding to extreme values in the respective
Xiangjiaba–Zhutuo section of the upper Yangtze river. As shown in river sections. The flow rate corresponding to an extreme value up­
Fig. 4, when the flow rate was 1500 m3/s, the most suitable habitat for stream of the Xiangjiaba–Minjiang River section was relatively small.
benthic animals was concentrated along the river overbank and islands. This is because this section flows through the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau,

Fig. 3. (a) Relationship between the habit suitability indices of benthic animals and water depth. (b) Relationship between the habitat suitability indices of benthic
animals and flow rate.

D. Chen et al. Journal of Hydrology 625 (2023) 130132

Fig. 4. Area of the suitable habitat of benthic animals under different discharge flows of Xiangjiaba.

where the river valley is deep with high mountains on both banks, mainstream section cannot be considered. When the total habitat area of
culminating in a floodplain and a riverbank with a small area. Simul­ each section is greater than 85% of the maximum value, the flow of all
taneously, the extreme flow of the river section from the Minjiang River sections of the mainstream can be considered to be in the range of
to Zhutuo was relatively large. This is because after the Yangtze River 5000–13000 m3/s. However, when the total habitat area of each section
enters the hilly area of southern Sichuan in the Sichuan Basin, the width was greater than 80% of the maximum value, the discharge range of all
of the river section gradually increases, increasing the areas of the sections of the mainstream could be considered to be 3000–23000 m3/s.
floodplain and riverbank. The actual annual discharge in the lower reaches of Xiangjiaba was
Fig. 5(f) shows the relationship between the total habitat area and 4661 m3/s; During the flood season, the actual maximum discharge
discharge in the Xiangjiaba–Zhutuo Town section. As shown in Fig. 5 could reach 25000 m3/s. In the non-flood season, the actual discharge
(a)–(f), when the discharge of the river section was 16000 m2, the total capacity of Xiangjiaba barely reached 4000 m3/s. Therefore, when the
habitat area of benthic animals was the largest, with a maximum value total habitat area of each section was greater than 83% of the maximum
of 339362 m2. Therefore, based on the current hydrodynamics of the value, the habitat area of all sections of the mainstream could be
tributaries, the most suitable ecological flow for the mainstream was considered stable. Furthermore, the ecological discharge in the non-
16000 m3/s. In this study, the measured flow of the mainstream and its flood season was suggested to be 4000 m3/s; additionally, the habitat
tributaries was processed as a comparative working condition, and the area of the mainstream can be guaranteed to be above 297180 m2 (5.7%
average habitat area of each river section was 281115 m2 under the more than the natural state).
current flow rate recorded in 2021. As a result, the maximum habitat To ensure the stability of the habitat area in each river section, we
area increased by 20.7% when the ideal discharge was adopted. How­ suggest that Xiangjiaba be discharged as early as possible during the
ever, at that time, only the most suitable flow rate for benthic animals flood season, and the maximum discharge should be kept under 13000
from the Tuojiang River to the Chishui River was close to this value. m3/s. During the flood season, the habitat area from Xiangjiaba to
Therefore, when the Xiangjiaba Reservoir is discharged at the most Zhutuo was maintained above 85% of the maximum value, minimizing
suitable flow rate, although the total habitat area of benthic animals the impact of the flood season on the population dynamics of benthic
from Xiangjiaba to the Zhutuo River is the largest, comprehensively animals.
considering the suitable benthic area for each river section is difficult.
4. Discussions
3.3.3. Analysis of ecological flow balance
To ensure that the decision-making of ecological flow is based on the 4.1. Joint regulation of ecological flow in mainstream and tributaries
simultaneous consideration of all associated river sections (and there­
fore is more accurate), this study proposed controlling the maximum Based on the study of ecological discharge in the Xiangjiaba Reser­
habitat area ratio of each river section when making decisions within the voir, this study assumed that the three tributaries with hydraulic pro­
context of ecological flow. Three scenarios were considered, as shown in jects, namely, the Hengjiang, Minjiang, and Tuojiang rivers, were driven
Fig. 6(a)–(f). Specifically, when the total habitat area of each section is by ecological regulatory mechanisms similar to those of the Xiangjiaba
greater than 90% of the maximum value, the ecological flow of each Reservoir. Joint regulation and control schemes of the mainstream and

D. Chen et al. Journal of Hydrology 625 (2023) 130132

Fig. 5. Habitat area in relation to the discharge flow at Xiangjiaba for each studied river section: (a) Xiangjiaba-Hengjiang River, (b) Hengjiang River-Minjiang River,
(c) Minjiang River-Tuojiang River, (d) Tuojiang River-Chishui River, (e) Chishui River-Zhutuo Town, and (f) Xiangjiaba-Zhutuo Town.

tributaries are also discussed. Fig. 7 shows the relationship between conditions above. The proposed non-flood control flow rates for the
habitat area and mainstream discharge from Xiangjiaba to Zhutuo. The downstream sections of the Xiangjiaba, Hengjiang, Minjiang, and Tuo­
habitat area of each river section first increased and then decreased as jiang rivers were 4000, 200, 2400, and 400 m3/s, respectively, resulting
total discharge increased. Additionally, the maximum discharges cor­ in the ecological flow rate of each section reaching more than 86% of the
responding to each section were 2000, 4000, 18000, 13000, and 20000 optimum habitat area, corresponding to a habitat area of 313316 m2.
m3/s, respectively. The theoretical maximum habitat area was 344401 Compared to the area of 297180 m2, when only the discharge flow of
m2 under the condition that the flow rate could be regulated freely. (See Xiangjiaba was controlled, it was further increased by 5.4%. By ensuring
Fig. 8.). ecological flow during the non-flood season, the habitat area of each
The actual annual average discharges in the lower reaches of the section could be increased from 83% to 86% of the most suitable habitat,
Xiangjiaba, Hengjiang, Minjiang, Tuojiang, and Chishui rivers were and the stability of the habitat area of each mainstream section could be
4661, 242, 3017, 521, and 283 m3/s, respectively. The actual annual further considered.
flow of the mainstream Xiangjiaba section and each tributary section During the flood season, to ensure the stability of the habitat area of
does not reach the ideal flow, and in this study, we assumed that the each river section, we assumed that the habitat area of each river section
amount of water in each river section could be freely allocated and that reached the standard of the guaranteed habitat area in the non-flood
the maximum discharge could reach the annual average discharge. season, and we suggest a flow of 86% of the optimum habitat as the
When the total habitat area was at its greatest, the discharges in the standard. We also suggest that the maximum control flows during the
lower reaches of the Xiangjiaba, Hengjiang, Minjiang, Tuojiang, and flood season in the lower reaches of the Xiangjiaba, Hengjiang, Min­
Chishui Rivers were 4661, 242, 3017, 521, and 283 m3/s, respectively. jiang, and Tuojiang River sections should be 10000, 1000, 14000, and
Additionally, the total habitat area required to reach the most suitable 9000 m3/s, respectively. These conditions are intended to maximize
habitat area was 87% greater than the ecological flow rate of each habitat stability across the entire study area.
section, corresponding to a maximum area of 319130 m2.
It is important to note Considering the following is important: it is
difficult for the actual discharge capacity to reach its theoretical opti­ 4.2. Comparison of research results and sensitivity analysis
mum during the non-flood season; controlling the discharge in the
Chishui River is difficult; and finally, the stability of the habitat area is Few studies have been conducted on applying physical habitat
considered on a section-by-section basis. In this study, the proposed models for benthic animals in aquatic environments. Among them,
scheme for the non-flood flow rate for each section considered the Blettler et al. analyzed the impact of hydrological changes on the living
environment of benthic animals in plain systems with large river floods

D. Chen et al. Journal of Hydrology 625 (2023) 130132

Fig. 6. Schematic diagram of the range of discharge flows corresponding to different percentages of habitat area extremes in each river section in the study area
(Only control the flow towards Jiaba, with each tributary having an average annual flow rate): (a) Xiangjiaba-Hengjiang River, (b) Hengjiang River-Minjiang
River, (c) Minjiang River-Tuojiang River, (d) Tuojiang River-Chishui River, (e) Chishui River-Zhutuo Town, and (f) Xiangjiaba-Zhutuo Town.

(Blettler, M. C. M., et al. 2016). During floods, the habitat of benthic this study only provided the ecological flow range for a single river
animals in the main tributaries is greatly affected. Maria et al studied the section. Compared to the results of this study, this study did not consider
sensitivity of benthic animals to water pressure (Maria et al. 2021), the changes in suitable ecological flow between the upstream and
revealing the reasons why benthic animals are more sensitive to the downstream sections of the river, nor did it consider the joint regulation
influence of water depth and watershed.In a study of ecological flow, of the main river and its tributaries. Therefore, this study conducted a
Ban Xuan et al. used the physical habitat of benthic animals to analyze segmented ecological flow analysis and joint regulation of the main
the suitable ecological flow range for benthic animals in the Jianli sec­ tributaries in the study area, and the study results have more practical
tion of the Yangtze River, ranging from 12,000 to 36000 m3/s. However, significance than those of previous studies. Research on the application

D. Chen et al. Journal of Hydrology 625 (2023) 130132

Fig. 7. Relationship between ecological flow and habitat area: (a) Xiangjiaba-Hengjiang River, (b) Hengjiang River-Minjiang River, (c) Minjiang River-Tuojiang
River, (d) Tuojiang River-Chishui River, and (e) Chishui River-Zhutuo Town.

of physical habitat models for benthic animals in aquatic environments Based on an analysis of the degree of habitat area change (i.e., degree
is limited. However, this study only provided the ecological flow range of habitat area change maximum habitat area / minimum habitat area)
for a single river section. In contrast to the results of this study, Ban Xuan and the actual discharge flow range under the Xiangjiaba Dam from
et al. did not consider the changes in suitable ecological flow between 2018 to 2021, the degree of change was more apparent in the Minjiang
the upstream and downstream of the river section or the joint regulation River–Zhutuo Town section compared to that observed in the Xiang­
of the main river and tributaries. Therefore, this study conducted a jiaba–Minjiang River section (Table 1). These trends indicate the
segmented ecological flow analysis and joint regulation of the main sensitivity of changes in the area of suitable habitat to distance as well as
tributaries in the study area, with results that have practical significance to the topography and geomorphology of each river section (Durden
compared to those of previous studies. et al., 2015). Specifically, the Minjiang River–Zhutuo Town section
In addition to the above studies, Yiwen Z et al analyzed the mainly flows through the Sichuan Basin, where the riverbed is relatively
comprehensive habitat quality index of urban rivers by quantitative wide, and the area of the floodplain and river island beaches is relatively
analysis of zooplankton (Yiwen Z et al. 2022). This study is similar to the large, resulting in greater sensitivity to changes in the area of suitable
idea of this paper, but the index species used are different. This also habitat. In contrast, the Xiangjiaba–Minjiang River section mainly flows
validates the rationality of using benthic animals which are most sen­ through the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, characterized by high mountains
sitive to the change of hydrological regime as ecological flow decision- and deep valleys. In this section, the river was V-shaped, and the impact
making. of flow variation on the habitat area was limited. Therefore, under
Although this study has made many breakthroughs compared with similar topographical and geomorphological conditions, the overall
previous studies, it has three overall limitations: 1. There was a slight degree of variation in suitable habitat areas tended to decrease with
lack of selection of environmental factors. Owing to the limitations of increasing distance.
the research area and time period, the impact of environmental factors,
such as temperature and substrate, on habitats was not considered in this 5. Conclusions
study; 2. This study only selected benthic animals as the target species
for research without considering the impact of environmental factors on This study coupled the MIKE21 hydrodynamic and habitat ecology
other types of biological habitats, such as fish, zooplankton, phyto­ models to establish a physical habitat model for benthic animals in the
plankton, and benthic diatoms; 3. In the comprehensive impact analysis upper reaches of the Yangtze River, specifically from Xiangjiaba to
of environmental factors, the analysis method used in this study is still Zhutuo Town. This study assessed the effects of two environmental pa­
slightly conventional. In future research, expanding the scope of the rameters (flow velocity and water depth) on the habitats of benthic
research area, research period, and types of target species is necessary. animals. We focused on the river section from Xiangjiaba to Zhutuo
Other environmental factors, such as substrate and temperature, and Town to study changes in the range of habitats suitable for benthic an­
various biological types, such as fish, zooplankton, phytoplankton, and imals. We studied these habitat area dynamics under changing flow rates
benthic diatoms, must be added to the construction of physical habitat and suggested recommendations for decision-making regarding collab­
models, and a more comprehensive approach should be adopted to orative ecological discharge of the mainstream and its associated trib­
construct the relationship between environmental factors and various utaries. This study addresses the gap in the physical habitat model of
biological habitats. benthic animals in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River as well as

D. Chen et al. Journal of Hydrology 625 (2023) 130132

Fig. 8. Schematic diagram of the range of flows corresponding to different percentages of habitat area extremes in each river section of the study area(Simulta­
neously controlling the flow rate towards Jiaba and the flow rate of each tributary): (a) Xiangjiaba-Hengjiang River, (b) Hengjiang River-Minjiang River, (c)
Minjiang River-Tuojiang River, (d) Tuojiang River-Chishui River, and (e) Chishui River-Zhutuo Town.

indicates the first application of the physical habitat model to the joint suitability index (HSI) was used to quantify the collected biomass and
ecological water use scheduling of main and tributaries, thus paving the environmental parameter data. The results showed that the environ­
way for a new direction in the application of the physical habitat model. mental parameters associated with the total biomass were water depth
The main conclusions of this study are as follows: and flow rate. The total benthic animal biomass was negatively corre­
1. Based on 180 sets of data from five sampling sites, which include lated with water depth and flow rate. Benthic animals tend to prefer
Xiangjiaba Dam, Yibin, Lizhuang, Luzhou, and Zhutuo Town, the habitat habitats with low flow rates and shallow waters. A flow velocity within

D. Chen et al. Journal of Hydrology 625 (2023) 130132

Table 1 CRediT authorship contribution statement

Data of habitat area change degree in each river section.
Actual flow River reach Change degree of Distance from Dingxin Chen: Writing – review & editing, Conceptualization,
range (m3/s) habitat area (m2) Xiangjiaba to river Methodology. Zefan Yang: Supervision. Qinghui Zeng: Investigation,
reach (km) Data curation. Weize Wang: Methodology. Long Yan: Investigation,
0–25000 Xiangjiaba- 1.325 2.81 Supervision, Validation. Pu Zhang: Investigation, Supervision, Soft­
Hengjiang River ware. Xinyu Li: . Peng Hu: Supervision. Hao Wang: Conceptualization,
0–25000 Hengjiang River- 1.233 19.35 Methodology, Supervision.
Minjiang River
0–25000 Minjiang River- 1.397 96.30
Tuojiang River
0–25000 Tuojiang River- 1.293 194.30 Declaration of Competing Interest
Chishui River
0–25000 Chishui River- 1.283 245.95 The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
Zhutuo Town
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
Correlation coefficient between the degree of change in the 0.080
area of the habitat and the distance from Xiangjiaba to the work reported in this paper.
river reach
Data availability

the 0–0.3 m/s range was associated with the highest biomass and cor­ Data will be made available on request.
responded to a suitability index of 0.72. Water depths in the 0–3 m range
had a high suitability index (0.54).
2. By coupling the hydrodynamic and habitat models, a physical
habitat model was established, and three typical flows were selected
This work was supported by the National Key Research Program of
with the actual flow discharge range to simulate a suitable habitat area
China (No. 2022YFC3202003), the National Natural Science Foundation
distribution in the Xiangjiaba-Zhutuo section during the dry, normal,
of China [No. U2240202, 52122902, 52009146], and the Independent
and flood seasons. As the flow and water depth increased, there was a
Research Project of the State Key Laboratory of Simulation and Regu­
gradual expansion in the suitable habitat area, and the original suitable
lation of Water Cycle in River Basin (No. SKL2022TS07, SKL2022ZD01).
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