Crabs Engineering Effects On Soil Organic Matter and Nutrients Flow in Subtropical Mangroves Forest

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Journal of Global Biosciences

Vol. 2(1), 2013, pp. 10-16

ISSN 2320-1355


Mchenga, I.S.S1 and M. Tsuchiya2

Society for Environmental Research and Conservation,

P.O. Box 2477, Zanzibar, Tanzania
Laboratory of Ecology and Systematic,
Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus, Senbaru, Japan
Burrowing activities of crabs has potential effect on biogeochemical cycles in sediments. A field study
was conducted in the Sashiki Bay (Okinawa Island, southern Japan) to compare engineering impact of
ocypodid Uca vocans and sesarma crabs Perisesarma bidens on the distribution of organic matter and
nutrients processes in intertidal sediments. The organic carbon content tended to be higher in burrows
than adjacent surface sediments of both crab species. Burrowing by U. vocans resulted in a massive
release of NO3- to the burrow sediments as compared to that of P. bidens. In contrast, an opposite effect
on the NH4+ concentration was observed in both crab burrows and their adjacent surface sediments.
These results suggest that physical structures and activities of ocypodid and sesarmid crabs may lead to
a significantly contrasting influence on the organic matter and nutrient distribution in the subtropical
mangrove forest.
Keywords: Burrow, Nutrients, Ocypodid crabs, Sediments, Sesarma crabs

Burrowing ocypodid and grapsid crabs are
among the most abundant macrofauna inhabiting
the mangrove forests. Most of the sesarmid
crabs (family: Grapsidae) and fiddler crabs
(Ocypodidae) construct and maintain burrow
structures in mangrove sediments with a
significant engineering effect on their habitats
and associated fauna and flora. Burrowing
activities by these crabs potentially affect
biogeochemical sediment cycles by modifying
particle size distribution, affecting the
topography, improving aeration, reducing pore
water salinity, providing microhabitats for other
fauna and contributing to secondary production,
thus controlling nutrient release and affecting
mangrove productivity [1,2,3].
In mangrove forest, burrow construction by
crabs creates unique habitats for bacteria that in
turn, provide nutrients for primary production.
In addition, they enhance the exportation of
nutrients into the coastal zone. Burrows allow
rapid water flow and the transportation of
dissolved materials such as oxygen through the
sediment. The availability of oxygen to the
deeper sediments (anoxic-zone) creates a
favorable environment for certain bacteria
responsible for nutrient cycling. The benthic
nitrogen cycle and the mineralization of organic
matter are among the microbial processes that
are stimulated by bioturbation [4]. Nitrification
processes can be stimulated in burrow walls that
are periodically aerated by ventilation and

exposure to the NH4+ excreted by the inhabiting

animal [5]. On the other hand, denitrification can
be promoted by the facilitated NO3- penetration
into deep sediment layers that become anoxic
periodically [6]. Crab burrows in particular,
create ideal conditions for both nitrification and
denitrification processes. Through these
interactions crab burrows can effectively remove
nitrogen loads from aquatic ecosystem [7].
Ecosystem engineers are organisms which
directly or indirectly modulate the availability of
resources (other than themselves) to other
species, by changing the physical state in biotic
or abiotic materials [8]. Crab bioturbation has
been recognized as a typical example of
ecosystem engineering as it modifies
biogeochemical gradients, redistributes food
resources and bacteria [9]. Therefore this study
examined the burrowing ecosystem engineering
effect of ocypodid and grapsid crabs on
sediment organic matter distribution and nutrient
dynamics, under mangrove forest. I compared
nutrients (NH4+, NO3-,) and organic matter
(TOC, TN and CN ratio) in: 1) surface
sediments of the ocypodid (U. Vocans and U.
dissumieri) and sesarmid crabs (H. formosensis
and P. bidens); 2) their burrow wall sediments
and 3) Upper and lower intertidal sediments.
Study site
The study was conducted in Sashiki Bay, in the
southern part of Okinawa Island, Japan (26N,
128E), during autumn, 2006. The dominant

Journal of Global Biosciences

mangrove species is Kandelia obovata which

occurs in the muddy upper tidal zone, and to a
lesser extent, on the sandy middle and lower
tidal flats. The mangrove forest grows in the
small river/stream originating from the main
bay. The watercourse depth is less than 80 cm at
low tide and the salinity ranges from 24.5 to
30.1. This area is characterized by a subtropical
climate with an average annual air temperature
of 23.2C. The highest temperatures occur from
July (28.6oC) to August (28.5C) and lowest
from December (18.5oC) to February (16.8C).
The annual precipitation exceeds 100mm month1
throughout the year and the average rainfall is
2127 mm year-1. In the Sashiki Bay, U. vocans is
the dominant crab species which often
constructs less permanent burrows in the open
lower and mid-intertidal sandy flat. In contrast,
P. bidens is abundant along the upper tidal
muddy zone under the mangrove canopy where
they occasionally construct burrows but appear
to have preference for natural refuges in
interstices of mangrove roots buttresses.
Sample collection
Surface sediments (~ 0.5 cm) of crab areas in the
upper and lower intertidal zones during low tide
were sampled in triplicate. Burrow wall
sediments of ocypodid crabs (U. vocans) and the
grapsid (P. bidens ) were collected from each
habitat. Sediments was carefully scraped off of
the opening shafts (to ~ 10 cm depth) during
burrow wall sampling using sterile spatulas
rinsed with methanol (99.7%). Since only a thin
layer of the burrow was collected, three burrow
samples were pooled in order to obtain enough
samples for each replicate. All sediment samples
were placed into polyethylene bags, and were
temporarily stored in a cooler at -20oC in the
laboratory until analyses for total organic matter
(TOC), total nitrogen (TN), and inorganic
nitrogen forms of NH4+ and NO3-.
Analytical methods
Sediment samples were first dried at 80C to a
constant weight and TOC and TN contents were
analysed using a high-sensitivity C/N analyser
(Shimadzu NC 80). Prior to analysis, 1 g of each
sediment sample was treated with 20 ml of a 1 N
HCl solution for 24 h to remove carbonates and
For the measurement of sediment inorganic
nitrogen (NH4+ and NO3-), extractions were
performed in triplicate for each sediment type
using the alkaline reagent, 2 M KCl. Freezedried sediment samples (2.5 g; < 1 mm) were
shaken with 25 ml of Milli-Q water solution

Vol. 2(1), 2013 pp. 10-16

(1:10 w/v soil to solution ratio) for 1 h in 50-ml

bottles on a reciprocating shaker at 200 rev min1. The soil extracts were then centrifuged at
2500 rpm for 15 min to obtain a clear
supernatant liquid before filtering through a
GF/C filter. The filtrate was stored in a small
glass bottles in a 40C freezer prior to analysis.
All extracts were analysed using a QuAAtro
automatic water analyser (Bran+Luebbe GmbH,
Norderstedt, Germany). Nutrient measurements
are presented as mol g1 dry weight sediments.
Data analysis
conducted based on a Bray-Curtis similarity
coefficient using the PRIMER software (version
6). No transformation was performed on the
data. The significance of differences in nutrients
between crab habitats (upper and lower intertidal
areas), burrow and surface sediments of each
species were determined using a one-way
analysis of similarity (ANOSIM).
Students t-tests and one-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA) were used to test for
differences in TOC, TN, NH4+, NO3- between
burrow wall sediment, surface sediments at
different habitats (upper and lower intertidal
areas). Probabilities (p) of <0.05 were
considered to be significant.
Crab burrow sediments of U. vocans and P.
bidens were characterized by a significantly
higher TOC than adjacent surface sediments
(ANOVA, F = 404.0, df =3, 8; p < 0.001). TOC
in U. vocans burrows was nearly double those of
surface sediments (38.1 and 22.1 mg g-1 of dry
wt sediments, respectively), however no
difference was found between the surface
sediments of U. vocans and P. bidens (Figure
1a). The TN contents significantly varied
between crab species burrows and surface
sediments (ANOVA, F = 449.6, df =3, 8; p <
0.001; Figure 1b). While TN was higher in the
burrows of P. bidens than surface sediments (1.9
and 1.8 mg g-1 of dry wt sediments,
respectively), U. vocans burrows revealed an
opposite pattern. Surface sediments of P. bidens
had a significantly higher TN content than that
of U. vocans.
The levels of NH4+ were recognizably higher in
all sediment categories as compared to NO3levels. There were significant differences in
NH4+ concentrations between the surface
sediments of both crabs species. However,
significantly lower concentration of NH4+ was

Journal of Global Biosciences

recorded in the burrows of U. vocans and P.

bidens than surface sediments of their
surroundings (ANOVA, F = 140, df =3, 13; p <
0.001; Figure 2a). The concentration of NO3significantly varies in an opposite manner
between burrow and surface sediments of both
crabs (ANOVA, F = 59, df =3, 13; p < 0.001,
Figure 2b). The highest concentration was
recorded in the surface sediments of P. bidens
(1.7 mol g-1 of dry wt) and the lowest in the
surface sediments of U. vocans (0.3 mol g-1 of
dry wt).
Results of MDS and ANOSIM from sediment
nutrients revealed significant groupings of the
crab habitat (ANOSIM, R = 0.95, p < 0.01). The
stress value for the MDS analysis was 0.03,
indicating a clear separation between the crab
burrows and surface sediments of each crab
species (Figure 3). The distribution of nutrients
showed a significant difference between
sediments of burrows, surface for both crab
species and the upper and lower intertidal zone
(ANOVA, F = 2650.1, df =2, 6; p < 0.0001).
There was no significant difference in amount of
total carbon between the upper and lower zone
sediments (Figure 4a). In contrary, total nitrogen
contents were significantly higher in the upper
area of P. bidens than the lower area of U.
vacans (1.8 and 1.0 mg g-1 of dry wt sediments
respectively; Figure 4b) Similar trends were
observed for NH4+ and NO3- with higher
concentrations recorded in the upper intertidal
areas (Figure 5a and b).
Burrowing and feeding by benthic invertebrates
biogeochemistry [9,10]. Such bioengineering is
reported to occur in crab species [11, 12], and is
particularly associated with the release of
nutrients and sediment nutrient regulations under
mangrove forests [2, 3, 7, 13]. In the present
study, burrows of both U. vocans and P. bidens
are characterized by a significantly higher TOC
than adjacent surface sediments. This result is in
agreement with other reports on the contribution
of crab burrows to sedimentary organic matter
content (14, 15]. Ocypodid crabs are typical
deposit-feeders consuming primarily detritus
materials rich in nitrogen content by sorting
diatoms, algae and bacteria [16]. As they scrape
up the upper few centimeter of the surface
sediments U. vocans probably removes some
portions of organic materials, and in particular,
nitrogen rich resources. This could explain the

Vol. 2(1), 2013 pp. 10-16

higher C/N ratios in the burrow and surface

sediments of U. vocans than P. bidens as they
mostly rely on mangrove leaves (detailed
discussion see FA profile section 4.2).
Overall total nitrogen and NH4+ concentrations
showed similar patterns of increase within the
upper and lower intertidal zones, which showed
that NH4+ is the dominant form of inorganic
nitrogen in this area [7]. Both crab species
showed a significant impact of burrowing by a
lowered NH4+ concentration, as reported for the
Helice formosensis [7] and other grapsid crabs
[2]. Interestingly, U. vocans burrows were the
most efficient in releasing NO3- forms of
nitrogen (3.5x more than surface sediments).
Because of their selective habits to consume
nitrogen rich sources, it is expected that they
will deplete high quality carbon (algae), thus
limiting the better substrates for competitive,
heterotrophic bacteria, while providing a
favourable environment for nitrifying bacteria
which would increase nitrification [17]. On the
other hand, ocypodids are active burrowing
crabs which can improve oxygen content in a
few centimeter of their burrow wall (11, 12, 18],
thereby improving nitrification processes. In
contrast, continuous increase in organic matter
in the upper muddy area of the mangrove
inhabited by P. bidens could stimulate a higher
release of NH4+. In addition, sediment oxygen
consumption increases in autumn due to higher
temperatures and the decomposition of
mangrove detritus, leading to a low redox
condition and consequently, a reduction of NH4+
via the oxygen dependent process of nitrification
becomes considerable lower [19].
These results demonstrate a contrasting impact
of burrowing ocypodid and sesarmid crabs. Our
field observation revealed that burrowing
activities these crabs and passive deposition of
materials in their burrows have a significant
impact on the organic matter and nutrient
distributions in subtropical mangrove sediments.
Both groups have accumulated higher organic
matter in their burrows via the active and
passive input of detritus materials as indicated
by an increase in total carbon contents. They
have the tendency to enhance the release of NO3or decrease NH4+ levels. However, U. vocans
burrows exhibited a higher potential release of
NO3- and decrease NH4+ levels in their sediment
than P. bidens.

Journal of Global Biosciences

Vol. 2(1), 2013 pp. 10-16

We thank all members of the Laboratory of

Ecology and Systematic for constructive
comments on the manuscript. Mr. Hamad B.
Khamis is thanked for help in the field. This
study was partially supported by 21st Century

COE Program (University of the Ryukyus,

Okinawa, Japan) and Japan Gasoline Company Saneyoshi Scholarship Foundation to the first



Total nitrogen (mg g )


Total organic carbon (mg g )



U. vocans

P. bidens


P. bidens


U. vocans

P. bidens

P. bidens

Figure1: Comparison of the total organic carbon (a) and total nitrogen (b) in crab burrow and surface
sediments. Values are mean SE (n = 3).

NO3- ( mol g-1)


NH4 ( mol g )




U.vocans U. vocans P. bidens


P. bidens

U.vocans U. vocans P. bidens P. bidens


Figure 2. Comparison of the inorganic forms of nitrogen, a) NH4+ and b) NO3- crab burrow and
surface sediments. Values are mean SE (n = 3).


Journal of Global Biosciences

Vol. 2(1), 2013 pp. 10-16

Figure 3: MDS ordination of Bray-Curtis similarities of nutrients in sediments of the U. vocans

burrow (), U. vocans surface (), P. bidens burrow (), P. bidens surface (+) and surface without
crabs (x).



Total nitrogen (mg g )


Total carbon (mg g )



Lower intertidal Upper intertidal

Lower intertidal Upper intertidal

Figure4: Comparison of the total organic carbon a) and b) total nitrogen contents in sediments of
upper and lower intertidal areas. Values are mean SE (n = 3).


Journal of Global Biosciences

Vol. 2(1), 2013 pp. 10-16



NO3- ( mol g -1)

NH4+ ( mol g-1)




Lower intertidal

Upper intertidal

Lower intertidal

Upper intertidal

Figure 5: Comparison of the inorganic forms of nitrogen, a) NH4+ and b) NO3- concentrations in
sediments of upper and lower intertidal areas. Values are mean SE (n = 3).

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