Problem Analysis of Geotechnical Well Drilling in Complex Environment

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Problem analysis of geotechnical well drilling in complex environment

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2015 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 24 012026
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Scientific and Technical Challenges in the Well Drilling Progress

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 24 (2015) 012026

IOP Publishing

Problem analysis of geotechnical well drilling in complex

A K Kasenov1, M T Biletskiy2, B T Ratov3 and T V Korotchenko4

Kazakh National Technical University after K.I. Satpaev, Almaty, the Republic of
E-mail:[email protected]
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. The article examines primary causes of problems occurring during the drilling of
geotechnical wells (injection, production and monitoring wells) for in-situ leaching to extract
uranium in South Kazakhstan. Such a drilling problem as hole caving which is basically caused
by various chemical and physical factors (hydraulic, mechanical, etc.) has been thoroughly
investigated. The analysis of packing causes has revealed that this problem usually occurs
because of insufficient amount of drilling mud being associated with small cross section
downward flow and relatively large cross section upward flow. This is explained by the fact
that when spear bores are used to drill clay rocks, cutting size is usually rather big and there is
a risk for clay particles to coagulate.

1. Introduction
Based on the analysis of geological environment as well as the methods and technology used to drill
both exploration and geotechnical wells (injection, production and monitoring wells) at uranium sites
owned by Volkovgeologiya JSC, the most common drilling problems caused by various factors have
been revealed. The present article examines the most serious drilling problems hole caving and
Hole cave-in and hole collapse can be caused by any borehole instabilities stemming from in-situ
rock stress. Therefore, in order to select an appropriate drilling technology involving well design and
development of preventive measures and adequate emergency response plans, it is essential to evaluate
mechanical behavior of subsurface rocks.
2. Materials and methods
In accordance with the rock classification based on the mechanical behavior modes [1], the rock
formations which comprise the geological cross-section of Khorasan-2 and South Karamurun uranium
deposits are classified as poorly stable or unstable and presented by the following rock types: weak
unconsolidated rocks, plastic, soft and loose rocks related to the corresponding drillability categories
from 1 to 1Y. As is shown in figures 1 and 2, hole caves are formed while drilling sand and clay
Apart from the above-mentioned, the rock stability can be estimated by cavernosity ratio proposed
by K.F. Paus [1]:
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Scientific and Technical Challenges in the Well Drilling Progress

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 24 (2015) 012026

IOP Publishing

Va d a2
Vc d c2


where, - cavernosity ratio;

Va and Vc actual and calculated hole volumes;
da and dc hole diameter and the diameter of applied cutting tool.
The rocks are considered stable, if =1, temporary stable rocks if 1< K < 3 and unstable if K 3.
When K < 1, forces acting within the formation push the wall of the hole inward, for example while
drilling swelling clays.
While drilling the sand formations in Khorasan-2 uranium deposit, the calculated diameter is 132
mm and actual one is 230 mm (figure 1). Under these conditions, cavernosity ratio is assumed to be
3.04, which means that these rocks are referred to as unstable.

Figure 1. Caliper logs of wells 5-6-17-18

While drilling the sand formations in South Karamurun uranium deposit (figure 2), the diameter of
applied cutting tool is 161 mm and the actual diameter is up to 311 mm. In this case, cavernosity ratio
is assumed to be 3.74, which characterizes the rock formation being drilled as very unstable.

Scientific and Technical Challenges in the Well Drilling Progress

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 24 (2015) 012026

IOP Publishing

Figure 2. Caliper log fragment of well 3-109B, North Karamurun uranium deposit
It is worth noting that dry heavy clays are considered to be stable rock. That air-rotary drilling is
primarily used for drilling in such formations proves the above-mentioned fact [2]. Under these
conditions, hole cave is formed due to different reasons which will be further discussed.
As previously mentioned, in-situ overburden stress directly affects hole cave formation, which in
its turn may lead to borehole collapse. Because of the in-situ overburden stress, soft loose,
unconsolidated, fractured and broken rocks push the hole wall outward. The value of overburden stress
is defined by the following formula [3]:
P g ,
where overburden stress value, Pa;
- rock density, t / m ;
- formation depth, m;
g - gravity acceleration, m/s 2 .
Here, it is essential to consider horizontal stress value which is obviously dependent on overburden
The value of horizontal stress is determined by [ 3]:


where - horizontal stress value, Pa;

- Poisson ratio (for clays = 0.2 0.4).
Besides, mud hydrostatic forces are also used to prevent formation collapse. The value of
hydrostatic head can be calculated by the following formula [3]:
P g ,
where mud hydrostatic head value, Pa;
- drilling mud weight, t / m ;
the depth where hydrostatic head is measured, m;

g - gravity acceleration, m/s .

Generally, borehole fails when horizontal stress exceeds the tensile strength of the rock and
hydrostatic mud head, which is expressed as follows:

Scientific and Technical Challenges in the Well Drilling Progress

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 24 (2015) 012026

IOP Publishing


where, - rock tensile strength, Pa.

Thus, in order to ensure borehole stability, it is required to observe the following conditions:


The above-mentioned formula fully describes hole cave development and represents almost all
factors which influence this process, i.e. overburden stress value, rock mechanical properties and
hydrostatic head of mud.
Mud-circulating drilling can also alter rock properties through the interaction with fluid, which in
its turn influences borehole stability parameters. Under these conditions, the stability of the borehole is
directly dependent on the moisture content.
Drilling mud/clay rock interaction occurs through adsorbing fluid filtrate. Depending on the
moisture content, i.e. swelling potential, some authors [2] distinguish the following types of rocks:
slightly swelling rock, medium swelling rock and strongly swelling rock.
When the rock moisture content is low, the boreholes are rather stable and there are no serious
drilling problems.
While drilling medium swelling clay, the drilling mud/clay interaction causes the clay to swell,
weaken, and eventually fall into the wellbore, which can cause tight hole conditions, however, without
cave development. If the borehole diameter is small, the drilling mud/clay interaction can lead to total
collapse and loss of the hole.
Drilling of strongly swelling clays presents the greatest engineering challenge in terms of cave
development. In this case, pressure decreases the strength of clay by destroying cement bond between
the clay platelets (clay dispersion). The clay becomes ductile and is pushed by the overburden stress to
the wellbore developing the caves.
To illustrate the above-mentioned borehole stability parameters, the example of cave development
while drilling wells 3-109b is provided. In accordance with the caliper log shown in figure 2 caves
basically develop while drilling through clays and siltstone. The largest cave was found at the depth of
328-460 m, with cave diameter being 311 mm.
Let us define the overburden stress value by the dependence (2) if the conditions are as follows:

well depth - 382 m, clay density - 2500 kg/m3 and gravity acceleration - 9.81 m/s . It can be
expressed as follows:
= 9,81 * 2500 * 382 = 9368550 Pa = 9,4 MPa.
Then, it is necessary to define the value of horizontal stress by the following dependence (3):


1 0,25


3,14 .

The hydrostatic head of the mud column is determined by the dependence (4), with the density
being 1030 kg/m3. At this depth, hydrostatic head is as follows:

= 9,81* 1030 * 382 = 3859843 Pa = 3,9 MPa.

Thus, with the clay yield point being 2-14MPa and hydrostatic head being 3.9 MPa, borehole
walls should have been stable as the sum of all the factors mentioned above exceeds the horizontal
stress by 3,1 MPa. This conclusion is especially relevant for dry clays; however, even in case when
clay strength equals zero, borehole walls should have remained stable as hydrostatic head exceeds the

Scientific and Technical Challenges in the Well Drilling Progress

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 24 (2015) 012026

IOP Publishing

horizontal stress. Therefore, these caves developed due to chemical reactions caused by the exposure
of the rock to the drilling mud, which altered physico-mechanical properties of rocks.
When humidified, the strength of clays characterized by high porosity significantly decreases as
they are the most water-saturated rocks. Increasing water content weakens clay rocks. It is explained
by the alteration of rock physico-mechanical properties, precisely, the dissolution of grain-to-grain
cement bond.
In addition to the above-mentioned causes, the development of the caves of large diameter while
drilling geotechnical well 3-109b can be explained by other reasons as well. In accordance with the
selected drilling technology, hard rock formations were drilled by PDC bits being 132 mm in
diameter, while soft rock formations were drilled by spear borers and roller bits 161 mm in diameter.
Figure 3 illustrates the principle of large cave development while drilling the above-mentioned

Figure 3. Cave development principle

In our opinion, due to the fact that there is great difference in drilling rate for soft rocks and hard
rocks (soft rocks 15-20 m/hr; hard rocks -0.20-0.30m/hr ), the penetration rate drastically decreases
when a drill bit penetrates into hard rock formation, which in its turn increases mudflow intensity near
the drill bit. This leads to hole washout problems and large cave formation. The development of small
caves while drilling the overlying soft formations can be explained by the presence of hard streaks
where the drilling rate also decreases which results in washout enlargement due to by excessive bit jet
3. Results and discussion
Based on the above-mentioned facts, it is possible to conclude that while drilling geotechnical wells at
uranium sites in South Kazakhstan, hole cave development is caused by the mud filtrate invasion in
clay rocks (clays, siltstone, etc.) and excessive bit jet velocity.
Packing is another typical drilling problem which is related to borehole instability and poor hole
cleaning. As mentioned above, packing leads to excessive torque and drag on drill string, as well as
difficulties in logging, particularly in running logging tools into the borehole, and cementing. All this
increases mud and cementing costs. For example, the injection well 3-109b in North Karamurun
uranium deposit was drilled according to the following procedure: spear borers of 161 mm in diameter
were used up to the depth of 460 m, then the rock formations were drilled by PDC bits being 132 mm
in diameter up to the target depth 550 m. When well logging was being performed, logging tool got
stuck at the depth of 397.3 m. To find out the reason, caliper log was examined.

Scientific and Technical Challenges in the Well Drilling Progress

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 24 (2015) 012026

IOP Publishing

4. Conclusion
The caliper log analysis has revealed that a large cave occurs at the depth of 378 m-460 m, being 311
mm in diameter and 80 m in thickness.
It is obvious that such a cave negatively influences hole cleaning performance due to the sharp
decrease in drilling mud return velocity, which in its turn results in cutting accumulation. When the
pump is stopped, cuttings fall back into the well bore causing pack-off in tight section of the hole
(change in diameter from 161 mm to 132 mm) and, thus, preventing a logging tool from running into
the wellbore.
Besides, in order to prevent clay rock dispersion, chemical reagent coagulator -ION has been
introduced into the drilling mud. This reagent forces the cutting particles to coagulate forming clay
balls or packing. A further core drilling of packing has revealed that it mostly consists of clay rocks
and is of plastic character.
It should be also mentioned that suspending clay platelets, i.e. packing, usually accumulate on bit
surface (above the cutting tool or in place of drill pipe connections), which leads to hole drag with
corresponding negative effects: stuck pipe and drill string failures, increased power consumption, etc.
Thus, packing results in significant operational problems, most of them being related to well design
and drilling. The liquidation of these drilling problems leads substantial financial losses. As it became
apparent, packing is basically caused by hole caves and insufficient amount of drilling mud which
ensures the required velocity of mud returns in caves.


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