Example of Learning Scenario

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Example of Learning Scenario



: English For Math II

: Mat1223/2012
: Prof. Dr. Phil. I Gst. Putu Sudiarta, M.Si
: Ratih Ayu Apsari, S.Pd., M.Sc.

1. Activity 1 (5 minutes): Orientation on the Material and Task

Original Text: Use of Scientific Data (page 1-2, 2 paragraph)

Group 1: The use of statistical methods in manufacturing, development of food

products, computer software, energy sources, pharmaceuticals, and many other areas
involves the gathering of information or scientific data. Of course, the gathering of data is
nothing new. It has been done for well over a thousand years. Data have been collected,
summarized, reported, and stored for perusal. However, there is a profound distinction
between collection of scientific information and inferential statistics. It is the latter that
has received rightful attention in recent decades.
Group 2: The offspring of inferential statistics has been a large toolbox of
statistical methods employed by statistical practitioners. These statistical methods are
designed to contribute to the process of making scientific judgments in the face of
uncertainty and variation. The product density of a particular material from a
manufacturing process will not always be the same. Indeed, if the process involved is a
batch process rather than continuous, there will be not only variation in material density
among the batches that come off the line (batch-to-batch variation), but also within-batch
variation. Statistical methods are used to analyze data from a process such as this one in
order to gain more sense of where in the process changes may be made to improve the
quality of the process. In this process, quality may well be defined in relation to closeness
to a target density value in harmony with what portion of the time this closeness criterion
is met.
Group 3: An engineer may be concerned with a specific instrument that is used to
measure sulfur monoxide in the air during pollution studies. If the engineer has doubts
about the effectiveness of the instrument, there are two sources of variation that must be
dealt with. The first is the variation in sulfur monoxide values that are found at the same

locale on the same day. The second is the variation between values observed and the true
amount of sulfur monoxide that is in the air at the time. If either of these two sources of
variation is exceedingly large (according to some standard set by the engineer), the
instrument may need to be replaced.

Group 4: In a biomedical study of a new drug that reduces hypertension, 85% of

patients experienced relief, while it is generally recognized that the current drug, or old
drug, brings relief to 80% of patients that have chronic hypertension. However, the new
drug is more expensive to make and may result in certain side effects. Should the new
drug be adopted?

This is a problem that is encountered (often with much more

complexity) frequently by pharmaceutical firms in conjunction with the FDA (Federal

Drug Administration). Again, the consideration of variation needs to be taken into
account. The 85% value is based on a certain number of patients chosen for the study.
Perhaps if the study were repeated with new patients the observed number of successes
would be 75%! It is the natural variation from study to study that must be taken into
account in the decision process. Clearly this variation is important, since variation from
patient to patient is endemic to the problem.

2. Activity

2 (20 Minute, working in small group): Reviewing the elements of a

complete paragraph and then identify the components of each sentence of a paragraph,
construct the meaning of the paragraph, and conclude the main idea of paragraph.
a. How many sentences are in the paragraph ?
b. Rewrite correctly one by one all of the sentences
c. Observe every sentence carefully, and determine :
i. What is the subject and predicate ?
ii. Do they have simple or compound subject; simple or compound predicates;
direct or indirect object; adjective or adverbs;
iii. Is the sentence an active or passive sentence ?
iv. Is the sentence a Simple Sentences with Phrases or Compound and Complex
Sentences ?
d. Make a note of new vocabulary that you just found in the text

e. Do you know the meaning of each sentence ?

If yes, write down the meaning

carefully in Bahasa Indonesia, if not, just look at your dictionary, or check it out
in Google Translation. Then construct the best meaning of each sentences you
can imagine.
f. Please conclude what is the main idea of the paragraph

3. Activity 3 (20 Minutes in Group): Reconstructing

a new simple paragraph

representing the original paragraph

a. Create a diagram of every sentence of the original paragraph
b. Remove some of the most complex supporting sentence (subjects, predicates,
adjective, adverbs, etc. ) so that the sentence become simpler and easier to
c. Rewrite down all of the simpler sentences in the same order so that you have now
a new much simpler paragraph, then compare the meaning of the new constructed
paragraph with those of the original one.
4. Activity 4 (5 Minutes in Group): Writing narrative paragraphs using their
understanding of mathematical concepts, creativity and life experiences
a. Write down using your understanding a short simple paragraph consist of 2-3
sentences explaining mathematical concepts, creativity and life experiences.
b. Evaluate and compare your paragraph with the original paragraph

5. Activity 5 (3 x 10 Minutes) Presentation: Teach the class and explain: the result of
activity 2, 3 and4
6. Activity 6 ( 20 Minutes): Discussion and Reflection
a. All students are welcome to take part in the discussion
b. What is your best experience in activity 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 ?
c. What were the problem arose during your classroom activities
d. Do you get something new during the lecture in learning English that you belief
as useful for your further learning ?
e. Do you get a new meaningful mathematical concepts during the lecture?
f. Dou you have critics or suggestion for the better class ?

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