Physics Exp 8 GRP 10

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Some key takeaways from the experiment are that resistance is higher in a series circuit than a parallel circuit, and Ohm's law was verified for both series and parallel circuits.

In a series circuit, the current is the same through each component and the voltage drops across each component add up to the total voltage. In a parallel circuit, the voltage is the same across each branch and the total current is the sum of the currents in each branch.

When the skin is wet, the resistance drops significantly to around 1000 ohms or less because water is a good conductor and forms a parallel circuit with the body, lowering the overall resistance according to Ohm's law for parallel circuits.

EXPERIMENT #8: Series/Parallel Circuit Elements

Laboratory Report
Jerard Sio, Aleziz Tan, Angelie Trinidad, Jade Vicera, Grace Wenceslao
Department of Mathematics and Physics
College of Science
University of Santo Tomas
The purpose of the experiment is to
determine the resistance of resistors based
on the color and the total resistance of
resistor combinations by using a device that
measures currents and volts. This was done
on a parallel and series type of circuit. The
internal resistance of a cell was also
determined using the ammeter/voltmeter in
a series and parallel circuit. In activity one,
the resistors were connected to the power
source in a series type circuit and the total
resistance was solved by acquiring the volts
and current from the voltmeter/ammeter. In
the second activity, the same was done but
this time, on a parallel circuit. In activity
three and four, the electromotive force and
internal resistance of a cell was determined
in a parallel and series circuit. In
conclusion, resistance is higher in a series
circuit than parallel circuit.

Christmas lights wherein each bulb is

connected to one another and to the power
source and the lights cannot be switched on
and off independently.
Terms and Concepts

1. Introduction

The aim of the experiment is to

determine the resistance of each resistor
based on the color and to determine the total
resistance of resistor combinations in a
parallel and series circuit. Parallel and series
circuits are very important in our modern
lifestyle and in the era where electricity is a
requirement therefore, understanding them is
essential. An application of a parallel circuit
is lights wherein each lamp could be
switched on and off independently of one
another. An application of a series circuit is a

Resistance the measure of the

difficulty of electricity to pass through
an object
Resistor a component in circuits that is
used to inhibit the flow of electricity
Parallel circuit a circuit wherein
electricity can flow on two or more paths
and loads are parallel to one another
Series Circuit circuit wherein
electricity could only flow on one path
through all loads
Voltage the electric potential difference
between two points
Current flow of electric charge or
Voltmeter a device used to measure
voltage in volts
Ammeter a device that is used to
measure currents in ampere

2. Theory
Eq. 1 Total Resistance

RT =


Where VT is the total voltage drop and

IT is the total current which flows
between them.
Eq. 2 Total Resistance


Activity 2


Where E is the Electromotive Force of

Cell, I is the current, and R is the
known resistance
Eq. 3 Total Internal Resistance of the


also measured. The total resistance was

computed. The % error was also computed.


Where ET is the Electromotive Force of

Cells, IT is the current, and R is the
known resistance.

3. Methodology
Activity 1

Figure 1. Series Circuit

The value of the two resistors that

will be used in this experiment based on the
color code was determined. These were
recorded as R1 and R2. The resistors were
connected in series to a DC source. The
current and the voltage drop across each
resistor were measured using an ammeter
and a voltmeter. The total current and the
total voltage across the combination were

The procedures in activity 1 were

repeated but this time the resistors were
in parallel.
Figure 2. Parallel
Activity 3
The electromotive force of a cell
was determined by connecting a voltmeter
directly across its terminals. A known
resistance (R) was connected in series with
the cell. The current (I) delivered to the
circuit by means of an ammeter was
measured. The internal resistance (r) of a
cell was solved.
Activity 4
The electromotive force was determined
as well as the total internal resistance of two
identical cells connected in series using the
method given in activity 3. The
electromotive force was determined as well
as the total internal resistance of two
identical cells connected in parallel using the
method given in activity 3. Some
generalization was made regarding cells in
series and parallel.
4. Results and Discussion
For the first activity, a box with resistors
attached to it was given. We were asked to
choose two resistors with a resistance less
than 500. A resistor with a color code of
orange-orange-brown-gold was labelled to
be R1, having a resistance of 330 5. The
resistor labelled R2 has a color code of

resistance of 470 5. Using alligator clips,

the resistors were connected in series with a
5V power source. A multimeter was used to
get the voltage first of the resistors, then the
total voltage of the circuit. The voltage of R1
and R2 were recorded to be 2.085V and
2.933V, respectively. The total voltage of the
circuit was recorded to be 5.018V. Changing
the function of the multimeter, the current of
each resistor and the circuit was recorded. R1
and R2 were both recorded to have a current
of 6.25mA, while the circuit has a current of
6.25mA. Using the eq. 1, the circuit was
recorded to have an experimental resistance
of 802.88.
R1 = 330 5
R2 = 470 5
Theoretical RT
Experimental RT
Table 1: Data for Series Circuit under 5V
Power Source
For the second activity, using again the
alligator clips, the resistors were connected
in parallel with the same 5V power source.
Using the multimeter, the voltage for each of
the resistors and the circuit was recorded.
R1, R2 and the circuit were recorded have a
voltage of 4.72V, 4.82V, and 4.77V,
respectively. The function of the multimeter
was changed so that the current will be
recorded. R1, R2, and the circuit were
recorded to have a current of 0.01405A,
0.00984A, and 0.02399A, respectively.
Using the eq. 1, the parallel circuit was
recorded to have an experimental resistance
of 198.83.
R1 = 330 5
R2 = 470 5
Theoretical RT
Experimental RT


Table 2: Data for Parallel Circuit under

5V Power Source
For the third activity, a cell was used as
the power source. Using the multimeter, the
voltage of the cell was recorded. The cell
had a voltage of 9.59V. Only one resistor
was used, the one with a resistance of 330
5. The resistor was connected in series
with the cell. Using a multimeter, the current
of the circuit was recorded to be 0.02663A.
Using eq. 2, the internal resistance of the
cell was computed to be 30.12.
Electromotive Force of the
Cell (E)
Known Resistance (R)
330 5
Current (I)
Internal Resistance of Cell (r)
Table 3: Data for Series Circuit under a
Cell Power Source
For the last activity, two cells were used
as a power source. Using the same resistor,
the circuit was connected in series. The
voltage recorded for the cells in series circuit
was 17.65V, and using the multimeter, the
current of the series circuit was recorded.
The current flowing was 0.0514A. Using eq.
4, the total internal resistance was computed
to be 13.39. Rearranging the connections,
the resistor was connected in parallel with
the same power source. The voltage of the
cells was recorded again for the parallel
circuit. The cells have a voltage of 8.34V.
Using the multimeter and setting it to an
ammeter, the current of the parallel series
was recorded to be 0.025A. The total
internal resistance of the cells were resulted
to be 3.6, using eq. 3.
Electromotive Force
of the Cells (E)
Known Resistance






330 5

Current (I)
Total Internal
Resistance of the
Cells (r)
Table 4: Data for Series and Parallel
Circuits under Two-Cell Power Source
Errors were encountered, like getting a
negative value, which is related to the
polarity of the circuit. Also, sometimes,
students forget to change the connection for
the red probe to mA, which gives off no
readings for the ammeter or the current.
Another common error is the misuse of the
battery, since the voltage of the battery may
change as the activity progresses.
5. Conclusion
In line with the objectives, we have
concluded that the resistance of the resistors
can be determined through the pattern of the
color bands in it, just like what we did in the
first activity. We have also concluded that
the current flowing in a series circuit is the
same as that of the current flowing through
the resistors, therefore, the whole circuit has
only one amount of current. The voltage for
each of the resistors and as for the circuit
varies. As compared with the parallel circuit,
the current flowing in each of the resistors
varies since they are oriented in a parallel
fashion, which results to the division of the
current through the circuit. The voltage also
varies within the whole circuit. In a single
cell power source, the internal resistance is
much larger compared to the two-cell power
source. Also, looking at the series
connection, the current in the two-cell power
is larger than the single cell power source.
Errors were encountered in the
experiment, and these were resolved by
carefully checking if the components were
correctly attached to its place before putting
the probe in the circuit. Also, batteries were

changed every class as to not dry out the

cells since the voltage decreases whenever it
was used in the activities.
6. Application Questions
1. State the laws for series and parallel
combination of resistances. Were these laws
verified in your experiments?
Ohms law for series: R(total) = R1 + R2 + R3
For parallel: R(total) = 1/(1/R1 + 1/R2 +
Yes, our experiments managed to confirm
these laws.
2. You have 4 identical resistors, each with a
resistance of 5 ohms. Determine all possible
resistances that you may get using all four
a. All in series: 5+5+5+5 = 20 ohms
b. All in parallel: (1/(1/5 + 1/5 + 1/5 + 1/5) =
5/4 = 1.25 ohms
c. 3 parallel, 1 series: (5/3) + 5 = 6.67 ohms
d. 2 parallel, 2 series = (5/2) + 10 =12.5
e. 2 strings of 2 in strings in parallel: (5/2) +
(5/2) = 5 ohms
f. 1 string of 3 in parallel, 1 in parallel: 1/
( 1/5 + 1/15) = 3.75 ohms
3. The human body is a good conductor,
being almost 70% water. A dry skin has as
high as 10^4 10^6 ohms. However, when
the skin is wet, the resistance drops to 1000
ohms or less. Why? Relate this fact the
operation of a lie detector.
The resistance drops because of the presence
of water itself. The water and body became a
parallel circuit of sorts and due to ohms law
for parallel circuit (1/ (1/R1 +1/R2 ) the
resistances drops.

4. Compare the human circulatory system to

an electric circuit.

cture/parallel_circuits.htm, retrieved on 1st

December 2015.

The human body is similar to an electric

circuit, particularly a parallel circuit. Both
gains energy usually from an outside source
and how the blood circulates the body is
similar to how a current circulates a parallel
circuit, meaning if energy/blood does not
reach a particular part of the circuit/body, it
will not shut down and may continue

No author, Series Circuits, from, retrieved
on 1st December 2015.

5. Are household circuits normally wired in

series or parallel? Why?
Household circuits are wired in parallel.
Each appliance should run independently of
one another and thus would not work in
series where each circuit should be on at
6. Biomedical Application. Discuss the
working principal of ventricular defibrillator.
Ventricular fibrillation is the most common
electrical mechanism in cardiac arrests. It
manifests through chaotic and irregular
heartbeats. The ventricular defibrillator
prevents this through an increase in voltage,
or by electrical shocks, as therapy to restore
a normal heartbeat.
7. References
Silverio, Angelino A., Selected Physics
Experiments for BS Biology and BS Applied
Math Students, Cengage Learning Asia Pte
Ltd, Pasig City, Philippines, 2015.
Hoffman, P. (2006). Parallel Circuits, from

No author, Resistor, from,
retrieved on 1st December 2015.
No author, Voltage, from,
retrieved on 1st December 2015.
No author, Electrical resistance and
conductance, from
tance_and_conductance, retrieved on 1st
December 2015.
No author, Applications of series and
parallel circuits, from
pv4/revision, retrieved on 1st December
No author, Correct use of Ohms Law, from
rect-current/chpt-5/correct-use-of-ohmslaw/, retrieved on 7th December 2015.
No author, Analysis Technique, from
retrieved on 7th December 2015.
No author, (2015). Implantable Cardioverter
Defibrillator, from
hmia/Implantable-CardioverterDefibrillatorICD_UCM_448478_Article.jsp# retrieved
on 8th December 2015.

No author. History and Science of

Defibrillation, from

ation/history-science/ retrived on 8th

December 2015.

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