Service Learning: Context Statement Type of Article: Journal Entries and Epilogue Date

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Context Statement

Type of Article: Journal Entries and Epilogue


EDUC 2300

Service Learning


Journal Entries

Course: EDUC 2300

Description: These are records of what I observed during my Service Learning Project.

NAME: Olivia Johns



Here is what I want to accomplish this year:
Education: I am finishing up my Bachelors program this year. I am currently in my last
semester, and I still have a 4.0 GPA. My goal is to graduate Suma Cum Laude. I will pursue my
Masters degree next year around the summer semester.
Career: For the remainder of this year, I probably will not be working. I had to leave my
previous job due to some early pregnancy complications, so I will finish this year focusing on
school and a healthy pregnancy. I want to work in some kind of business field at the start of next
year seeing how Business is my major.
Family and Friends: Because my schedule has been so demanding, I have not had as much
time or opportunity to spend with friends and family. I am generally a family oriented person, so
this has been difficult. I look forward to the coming holidays so I can visit and spend some time
with them while off of school.
Involvement and Service to My Community: I am usually not very involved when it comes to
my community. I have donated some items this year to CEASE, which is a shelter for women
and children who face abuse. Around the holidays, I hope to gather more items for donation.
Personal Growth: Personally, I have grown a lot this year. After finding out I was expecting my
priorities shifted drastically. I also became more focused on my goals. I hope to continue this
growth in the coming year.

Service Learning Project

Name: Olivia Johns

Course Title: Education 2300
Date: November 21st, 2016
Agency Name: Walters State Community College
Agencys Mission Statement/ Grades Served/ Community Needs: Walters States mission
statement is, Walters State is a learning-centered, comprehensive, public community college
dedicated to increasing educational attainment and supporting economic development by
providing affordable, high quality educational opportunities for the residents of East Tennessee
( The school serves to offer an affordable, accredited education to its students. Walters
State is a nationally known community college that is academically competitive. I served a
freshmen level economics class at the school. This school is very sensitive to the communitys
needs by offering inexpensive tuitions, and also donating to the community.

Prologue: What do you expect to get from your service learning experience (i.e., how will this
experience help YOU develop)? How will it impact your learning and link to class materials?
How do you think the students and staff will perceive you? What goals do you have for the
semesters Service Learning experience? What fears do you have (if any) about service

I expected to gain some inside knowledge on what it is like to be a college professor. Up

until this point, I was always in a student perspective during class. Because of this service
learning project, it gave me a reason to analyze the class from a professors stance. I learned
multiple teaching methods and techniques. I also gained an opinion on what methods I witnessed
that I would like to incorporate in my teaching style, as well as some that I would not like to use.
I was not yet qualified to teach or offer advice to college students, so my position only allowed
observations. I did not get to speak with students, but I did observe their test results, their
attentiveness, and I heard questions they and discussions they had while in class.

First Agency Visit: (Overview of Events)

On my first class visit, I felt a little out of place. This was probably just because it was my
first day, so I was a little nervous. As class proceeded, I began to feel more comfortable.

Affect - Reflective:
How did the experience feel?
It was very exciting to sit in a class and observe an experienced professor teach. As I
previously mentioned, the feeling at first was uneasy and intimidating, but as class continued, I
felt much more comfortable. The more visits I made, the more I felt settled into a routine.
What did it remind you of?
This experience reminded me of a few things. The first day reminded me of my first day
of college. Everything was completely new to me, and intimidating. It also reminded me of when
I was a younger child teaching my little cousins and siblings school subjects. I have always
wanted to be a teacher, but recently decided I wanted to teach on the college level. I had never
spent much time observing class from the professors perspective, but rather from a students
view. I picked up on things that teachers do to help the retention of students. Before, I did not pay
much attention to the tricks and techniques that instructors use in class for my benefit.
How did your apprehension change or your confidence grow?
I went from being completely unconfident in the classroom setting to feeling very
confident that I could do this. The more visits I made, the more confident I became. The growth
in confidence came from the kindness of the instructor, the routine of the class, and knowing the
subject material that was being taught. The more I observed the professor, the more I understood
teaching methods and their values. I feel very confident that I can effectively instruct a class, and
before this experience, I was not so sure.
Did you feel successful, effective, and knowledgeable?
I felt knowledgeable towards the end of the service learning project. I learned multiple
teaching methods like the importance of review, technology, lecture, visuals, homework, and
quizzes. As a student, homework and quizzes seem like busy work, but they are actually there for
practice and are effective ways of learning material. I wish I could have been more involved in
class and with the students during this project, but I am not qualified to do so at the college level.
It would have been fun for me I think to be able to help students with homework questions, or
instruct for some time, but I could not.

Behavior - Objective:
What did you (student) do, observe, read, and hear?
We are in a computer lab. The instructor lectured on thesis statements and effective
writing methods. She discussed types of writing like descriptive, informative, persuasive, etc.

Who was involved, what was said?

The students interacted with the professor during lecture. They seemed to enjoy the
enthusiasm that the instructor brought to the subject.
What happened as a result of your work?
As a result of my observations, I picked up on some great ideas when instructing. It is
important to engage students and bring an exciting attitude when instructing.

Cognition - Content:
What did the experience make you think?
I loved that the instructor included me in the class. She had a great energy while lecturing
and she created a positive, comfortable learning environment.
How did it change your thinking about(learning theory, learning strategy, social/moral
I want to teach enthusiastically to make my class more enjoyable and effective for my
What did you learn?
I learned how important it is to try and involve students in lecture. Including them in
discussion by asking questions helps them focus and retain information from class.

What worked?
The professor included the use of technology, powerpoints, and humor during class. This
seemed to keep students interested, which can be hard to do with the subject of English.

What, if any, shifts have you had in knowledge, awareness, or understanding that affects
how you see things and, ultimately, how you will act.
The instructor incorporated some group activities that showed me another idea in the
classroom. I really cannot wait to begin teaching.

What decisions or opinions have you formed?

Its a little intimidating to instruct adults that are able to challenge your ideas, but I
definitely feel I can do this and do it well.
How will the experience affect your career path, your personal life choices or your use of
new information, skills or technology?
This experience made me feel more confident in my ability to instruct a class. It really
pumped me up about my career choice.

Journal Entry 2 (Questions being answered are from above format)

1. How did it feel?
a. I felt much better and more comfortable to begin this class visit. I did not feel nearly
as nervous on this second visit as I did the first.
2. What was observed?
a. Today was pretty much just a day of observation. There was not any instruction in
class. The students had an assignment to form an outline for an upcoming paper due
3. What was involved?
a. The professor went around looking at every students outline. She gave feedback on
ways to improve the outline. She spent about 5 to 10 minutes on each student.
4. What did the experience make you think?
a. I think it was great that she spent some one on one time with the students. You do not
see that much in the college classroom setting.
5. What did you learn?

a. I learned that individual feedback is very effective for students success. It helps them
learn and get specific answers to their questions. It also helps them do better on their
6. What shifts in knowledge have you had?
a. Im liking a lot of things I see from this instructor so far. I want to use the methods
she does like individual feedback for my students, group work, and enthusiasm. Ive
seen all of these aspects in this class and it seems to be very effective.
Journal Entry 3
1. Today in class, we went over some common punctuation problems for the upcoming
paper due. We also discussed how to avoid plagiarizing.
2. I think the professor did an excellent job in clearly explaining the material while also
keeping the students engaged.
3. The teachers energy and presentation kept her students actively listening the entire class.
They seemed to also understand the material.
4. The professor uses visuals in her lectures. I think thats a great idea. I will probably also
include some visual examples to help my students.
Journal Entry 4
1. With every class, I feel more confident in this type of environment. I really think I am
going to enjoy teaching.
2. We began class by going over upcoming assignments and also went over some tips on
the paper due this week. We did group work as well.
3. The instructor lectured and the students asked questions while also following along
lecture by creating their work cited page.
4. As a result of my observations, I once again saw how well group work helped the
students during class. It helped with learning and keeping the students engaged.
5. I want to make the subject Ill be teaching not only interesting, but relatable. I want
students to take something from my class.

6. Group work was very effective. Going over the assignments due at the beginning of
class took a few minutes of class time, but I think it helps make sure the students
know what is expected of them.
7. Something that added to the group work was the teacher walking around to each
group making sure they were on track and did not have any questions.
8. The article discussed today was an MLK article. With current issues happening today,
I really took his writing to heart. Todays discussion was very impactful.
Journal Entry 5
1. It felt great. I felt very comfortable and confident. There was a very productive
atmosphere in todays class.
2. Today, the class did a rough draft workshop. The students gave a copy to both the
instructor and other students.
3. Each student gave feedback on the paper. The instructor did as well.
4. After observing, I really think giving the students individual feedback is great. It helps
them learn and improve their skills as well as grades.
5. Not only does individual feedback help students, but it also helps the professor get to
know students better and allows the professor to teach based on the needs of each student.
6. I think having these workshops is very beneficial to students. They get a chance to
improve their paper before the final copy is turned in.
7. I really want to use techniques that Ive observed in this class in my career. I like the
teaching enthusiasm, group work, presentations, and feedback in this classroom.
8. This experience will definitely help me in my career. Ive gotten so many great ideas in
teaching that I will be using.
Journal Entry 6
1. Some of the content today reminded me of my high school days because we discussed
some basic grammar mistakes that appeared in some papers.
2. We began class with a grammar review. Not only did the professor lecture and show a
powerpoint, but she also utilized a great video.
3. The professor instructed while the students listened, asked questions, and took notes.

4. As a result of my observations, I saw how effective and important summarizing and

reviewing is in the classroom.
5. I really liked the video the teacher used. It added something to class, and also helped
the students-specifically the visual learners.
6. Every student learns material differently. It is very important to incorporate different
methods of teaching so all of your students can learn the material.
7. The teachers powerpoints and examples were great. They were clear and to the point.
Her videos also were awesome. Students seemed to understand the material very well.
8. When I begin to teach, I plan to use videos in my class and also I will make sure to
summarize the material I teach.
Journal Entry 7
1. Today, the entire class was devoted to editing the rough draft for an upcoming
2. The students had an opportunity to ask specific questions about their papers and
have one on one feedback.
3. I really admire how dedicated this professor is to her class. Multiple times I have
witnessed her helping students and giving her undivided attention to their success.
4. I want to work this hard for my students. I want to do everything in my power and
use every tool I have available to ensure they succeed.
Journal Entry 8
1. Today, the instructor lectured on the next paper due and gave pointers on how to do well
on the assignment.
2. The professor lectured and used powerpoints to present information while the students
observed and took notes.
3. As a result of my observations, I learned a new tool to use in class: Compare and
4. I really liked how she demonstrated the similarities and differences in the material.
5. Compare and contrast is a researched teaching method that is proven to be effective in
helping students learn.

6. I learn something new every day in this class. This instructor is always using new
teaching methods that I also want to use when I begin teaching.
Journal Entry 9
1. The experience today was very exciting and interesting.
2. Todays lesson in the class was very unique and extremely eye-opening.
3. The instructor made every student turn off all computers and cell phones. She showed a
video that talked about how sucked into technology people are.
4. We had the best discussions in class today. The students were very involved and exhibited
critical thinking. This was to prepare them for the upcoming paper.
5. The video and discussions made me think on a personal level. Technology is a great tool,
but weve become dependent slaves to our devices.
6. I want to bring subjects to the class that makes my students think critically. I want my
students to take something from my class.
7. I will discuss real life problems and open discussions about how to improve life and
world issues.
Journal Entry 10
1. Todays class felt very organized and planned out. The professor always has an up to date
schedule. I think its beneficial to students.
2. This class always feels productive. The subject is usually thought provoking and the
students are very focused. The class seems successful and effective.
3. The instructor briefly went over the schedule. There was a short reading assignment the
students did in class. We talked about tips on writing this upcoming paper.
4. The professor lectured while engaging students. She answered questions about
assignments and also presented a topic that students discussed in class.
5. The experience made me think about the importance of organization. As a professor, you
have to be organized to further the success of your students. Organization increases
6. I truly believe that giving pointers on papers and discussing assignments helps students

7. I will do my best to prepare my class to do well on assignments and tests. Thats my duty
as a professor.
8. I want to be an organized, productive, and attentive instructor. These traits are extremely
important to the success of my students.
Journal Entry 11
1. Todays experience was very refreshing. We had a visitor from the library, and it was nice
to have another point of view added to class.
2. The guest introduced some research tools to help students with finding information for
the upcoming paper.
3. The visitor pulled up the website for WS library and showed students how to use the
database to find credible research sources.
4. I think that todays class was great. I really think the guest offered some awesome writing
advice and introduced tools to help the students.
5. Having a guest in class every now and then is a good idea. It can add a lot to class and
can be very beneficial to students.
6. The instructor always tries to give her students as many tools to help them succeed as she
can. I want to do the same for my students.
7. I have gained a lot from observing this professor. Ive learned about multiple teaching
methods and also observed techniques that I cannot wait to use as a teacher.
Journal Entry 12
1. Todays class once again felt productive. We talked about how to write the next paper and
discussed new material about logic fallacies.
2. The professor did a little bit of lecturing, but also incorporated visuals for the students.
The videos demonstrated some logical fallacies.
3. The class was very involved today. They asked questions, offered feedback, and took
4. I thought the professor provided great videos. They were interesting, helpful, and

5. The teacher taught new material today in multiple ways. She lectured, provided notes,
and also gave visual examples with the videos.
6. The instructor using multiple teaching methods was very effective. It reached the entire
7. I have learned so many techniques from this instructor. This experience will definitely
influence my teaching style.
Journal Entry 13
1. Class today was eventful. The instructor put the class into groups, and the groups
discussed their topics and also presented.
2. The professor lectured, showed videos, and the students did group work, took notes, and
participated in class discussion.
3. The teacher briefly reviewed the content from last class meeting and built upon that
4. The methods that this instructor is using seem to be very effective. The students are
performing well and retaining a great amount of class material.
5. I want to have variety in my class like this professor does. She is always bringing some
new idea, video, or group activity plan to class.
Journal Entry 14
1. Today was a peer review (rough draft workshop) day that allows students to get feedback
on their papers before they turn it in.
2. Each student brought a copy of their rough draft paper. They gave one copy to a student
and another copy to the professor. The students proofread their peers papers and then
handed them back to the writer.
3. The class gets this opportunity for feedback before every paper is due. I think it is very
helpful and beneficial for the students.
4. Peer reviews are very effective and increases the grades for the papers submitted.
5. This rough draft workshop is yet another technique this professor uses that I too would
like to do when I begin teaching.

Reflect on your semesters service learning experience.
This experience overall was effective and reassuring. After doing my service learning project,
I have learned so many new things about instructing. I have picked up on ideas for when I begin
teaching, and I have learned some things that I do not want to occur in my class. I really enjoyed
doing this, and I had a great professor to observe. She was very kind, knowledgeable, and offered
great advice to me in the journey to becoming a professor.
Revisit the prologue. Have your expectations been met?
Overall, my expectations were met. I wish I was qualified to teach at the college level, but
currently am not. This restricted me in being hands on during this project.
How have you been surprised, delighted, or dismayed by the experience? Give specific
I was delighted by the teachers enthusiasm and dedication. She always brought new ideas
and techniques to the class.
How could this experience be improved?
Personally, I dont think 18 hours is necessary. I think you can get just as much from this
project in half the time required.


Here is what I want to accomplish in the next five years:
Education: In just two years, I will obtain my Masters degree in Economics. Five years from
now, I hope to have my Doctorates degree in some field of business.
Career: I really want to be settled into my career by five years. I want to start my career by age
24, which is highly likely to happen. Hopefully, by age 26 I feel comfortable as a professor and
strive in my career.

Family and Friends: I hope to have a house in five years. By this time, my little boy will be
around four. I want a stable life full of joy for all of my family, which is what Im currently
working towards. I want to be settled into a schedule that allows plenty of time for my friends
and family.
Involvement and Service to My Community: With a higher income, I should be able to
contribute more to my community. I will donate more and become more involved provided I
have the time.
Personal Growth: Five years from now, I want to have a list of accomplishments so I can be an
example. I want to feel proud of my career and schooling.

Here are the Knowledge and Skills that I have acquired as a direct result of taking part in
this Service Learning project:
I have acquired a general idea about what is needed to instruct a college level course. I
have learned multiple teaching methods to use in the classroom, and I have also observed tools
that I can use when I begin teaching.
Here is how this Service Learning project ties in with my EDUC 2300 class:
This service learning experience has tied into what I have learned in EDUC 2300. The
service learning project provides a first-hand view of what is discussed in EDUC 2300. We get to
see the different teaching styles. We get to see what instructional methods work, and which do
My Contribution to the Community
I have devoted 18 hours to my Service Learning project. Here are four lasting experiences
that are an outcome of my Service Learning project:

1. The success of my students will be my number one priority

2. I need to keep my students engaged by not doing the same thing every day
3. I want to bring enthusiasm and passion to my classroom

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