Lab Report 3

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Lab #3

Anaerobic and Aerobic Power Test

Samantha C. Munoz

Kin 4312

Lab Section: Friday 2-4

Fall 206

For any athlete preparing to compete in their associated sport, a proper measure of VO2max
(Maximal oxygen uptake) is needed to generate a fitness program that will allow for a maximal
performance. Using different forms of testing allows for the recording of different systems needs
to achieve certain performance levels. It is said that power produced under anaerobic conditions
is typically three times that of the power produced under oxidative conditions (Margaria et al.,
1966). To understand which system is being used, an understanding that ATP-PC (anaerobic
system) can only be used for about ten minutes and is powered by glycolysis during a 30 -60
second duration (King, 2016).
Scientist have established a variety of criteria to help determine if the subject has really
achieved maximal oxygen uptake (King, 2016). To begin these criteria, include a plateau in
oxygen uptake reaching the end of the test. It also looks at a respiratory exchange ratio of equal
value or higher then 1.0 (King, 2016). Lastly the criteria that could be met are a blood lactate
level higher than eight or nine following exercise, and a heart rate (HR) within 10 beats per
minute (BPM) of age- predicted maximal heart rate (HRmax) (King, 2016). Each criterion does
not need to be met during exercise, only one must be met. As soon as one of the following
criteria are met, the subjects chances of reaching VO2max increases drastically and is met almost
To conduct an examination of oxygen consumption during anaerobic and aerobic consumption,
multiple test where conducted. VE, (Pulmonary Ventilation), FEO2 (Fractional expired oxygen),
and FECO2 (Fractional expired Carbon Dioxide), heart rate, and work rate where recorded during
each test. VO2max was tested while on a cycle ergometer, treadmill, Wingate, Balke run, stair run,
and sprint test. The purpose of this study was to become acquainted with maximal anaerobic and

aerobic power and can relate VO2max values to the potential for an endurance performance. It was
hypothesized that using the three criteria methods for assessing if a subject reached VO2max would
be a sufficient way of determining if a subject did reach maximal oxygen uptake.

Monark cycle ergometer and Treadmill
Breathing valve, hose, nose clip, mouth-piecing, and headpiece.
Heart watch (chest strap and wrist monitor)
Automated Metabolic System
Weights and Hand-held counter
Weather watch
Borgs Rate of Perceived Exertion Scale (RPE scale)
Marked football field
Set of stairs
Measured Running Track
Cycle test for measuring VO2max:
1. Identified peopled to perform tasks for test (subject, time-keeper, work load, heart
2. Had subjects sit on cycle ergometer while connected to equipment apparatus.
3. When subject was ready and equipment was ready, test begun by collecting three minutes
of resting data.
4. When the resting period was reached, subject began exercise. Pedal rate was set at 60
revolutions per minute (rpm), and initial resistance was set to 0.5 kp for the first minute
of exercise. The load on the flywheel was increased 0.5 kp each minute until volitional
exhaustion was reached.
5. Heart rate and RPE where recorded at the end of each minute 30 seconds before the work
rate was increased.
6. The computer recorded VE, (Pulmonary Ventilation), FEO2 (Fractional expired oxygen),
and FECO2 (Fractional expired Carbon Dioxide).
7. VO2 (oxygen consumption), VCO2 (carbon dioxide consumption) and R (Respiratory
exchange ratio) was calculated.

Treadmill test for measurement of VO2max:

1. Identified people to perform tasks for testing (subject, time-keeper, work load, and heart
2. Subject straddled the treadmill belt while connected to the equipment apparatus.
3. Once subject and equipment was ready, test begun by collecting three minutes of resting
4. While subject was straddling treadmill belt, treadmill was started at 1.2 mph.
5. Subjects stepped on treadmill and began walking. Treadmill speed was increase to three
mph allowing subject to warm-up for 3 minutes at zero percent grade.
6. After the three-minute warm-up, treadmill speed was increased to a comfortable running
speed at an initial grade of zero percent. Treadmill speed was kept constant throughout
the test.
7. Grade was increased by one percent each minute until volitional exhaustion was reached.
8. HR and RPE (Borgs Rate of Perceived Exertion Scale) was recorded at the end of each
minute, before work rate was increased.
9. The computer recorded VE, FEO2, and FECO2.
10. VO2, VCO2 and R was calculated.
Wingate Anaerobic Test
1. Measured height and weight of subject.
2. Calculated resistance for testing.
a. Males: Resistance=Body mass(kg) x .092
b. Female: Resistance= Body mass (kg) x .075
3. Allowed 2-3 minutes warm up on the cycle at low resistance.
4. Allowed short rest interval following warm-warm.
5. Subject began pedaling with no resistance for as fast as possible for 15 seconds.
6. Resistance was applied to the fly wheel for 30 seconds.
7. Number of revolutions where counted for each five second interval.
8. 30 seconds where reached and resistance was removed to allow subjects too cool down.


Margaria Stair Run

1. Subject stretched and prepared for test.
2. Subject took some practice test up the stairs at less than maximal speed.
3. The subject then began test four to six meters from the steps, allowing the subject to
reach maximal speed.
4. Cones where placed on third and ninth step, allowing for time to be measured between
5. Best values where recorded for data summary.
6. Maximal anaerobic power was calculated.

40 Yard Dash
1. Subject warmed up and stretched prior to testing.
2. When subject was ready, runner lined up at start line and sprinted 40 yards.
3. Watch was started as soon as subject took off and was stopped when subjected reached
the finish line.
4. Estimated relative horizontal power was calculated.
Balke 15-minute run test
1. Subjects are informed that they will run as far as they can for 12 to 15 minutes.
2. Laboratory instructor stood at the finish line and called out minutes and seconds as laps
where completed.
3. Any lap completed prior to 12 minutes required another lap, all laps completed after 12
minutes allowed for test to be completed.
4. Distance covered and velocity was calculated.


Table 1. Subject 1
Height: 177.8 cm
Room Temp: 24
Humidity: 18%

Age: 22
Weight:127 kg
Barometric Temp: 669 mmHg
Pedal rate at 60 revolutions/min

Table 1. cycle protocol data sheet displays heart rate, VE, FEO2, and FECO2, R, and RPE.
(1LB=.45Kg) 282 LB= 127 KG
FrO2 is always equal to .2093
FrCO2 is always equal to .0003
Work: (kpm x 60 min ) 6 Rev

Table 2. Subject 2

Room Temp:23

Weight: 100 Kg

Barometric Temp: 669 mmHg

Humidity: 17%

Table 2. cycle protocol data sheet displays heart rate, VE, FEO2, and FECO2, R, and RPE.
(1LB=.45Kg) 282 LB= 127 KG
FrO2 is always equal to .2093
FrCO2 is always equal to .0003
Work: weight x speed x grade

Table 3. Wingate anaerobic test

Time interval


Revolutions per




Relative Power


Table 3. Wingate anaerobic test, shows results for revolutions and power
Ergometer Resistance ( kg ) x ( Revolutions per interval x 6 m )
Power (kpm/30s)=
30 s
Power (w/kg)=

Body mass (kg)

(1LB=.45Kg) 173lb=78.3 kg

Table 4. Margaria Anaerobic test

Table 4. Data summary for Margaria anaerobic test on mechanical power, vertical distance,
vertical velocity, metabolic energy production, time and weight
Vertical distance= Step distance x amount of steps=9 x .13
Vertical velocity= distance

Mechanical Power=

60 sec
427 kgm min

Metabolic energy production= mechanical power x 4

4 being if there is a 25% efficiency
(1LB=.45Kg) 173lb=78.3 kg


Table 5. 40-yard sprint

Table 5. Data summary for the 40-yard sprint with results for time, velocity, weight, and
estimated relative horizontal power.
Velocity= distance timeminuteshundreths of min
Horizontal power= Weight x speed x grade
(1LB=.45Kg) 173lb=78.3 kg
13.37=13 +

60 sec/min


Distance covered
Velocity= time minuteshundreths of min
Distance covered= 6 laps x

323 meters
= 1938 meters

Table 6. 12- 15-minute Run

Table 6. Data summary for a 12- 15 minute run to calculate VO2max

Distance covered
Velocity= time minuteshundreths of min


Figure 1. Displays a correlation between VO2 and work rate for subject one.

Figure 2. Displays a correlation between VO2 and work rate for subject two.

Figures 3. correlation between VO2 and velocity

The purpose of this study was to become acquainted with maximal anaerobic and aerobic
power to better understand the relation of VO2max values to the potential for an endurance
performance. It was hypothesized that using the three criteria methods for assessing if a subject
reached VO2max would be a sufficient way of determining if a subject did reach maximal oxygen
uptake. The hypothesis is proven to be right by when testing subjects for anaerobic and aerobic
power under different physical stress levels.
Referring to table one, subject one reaches the criteria of a respiratory exchange ratio of
higher then 1.10. None of the other criteria were met by the subject, but following the
completion of one criteria, the subject reached their maximal oxygen uptake and needed to stop
the testing. All other values measured steadily increased until exhaustion was met. To further
elaborate, a comparison of subject one and a norm chart was made to better understand where the
subject fell amongst others. Subject one was average to normal age related oxygen consumption
values (King, 016).
Subject two on the other hand reached a different criterion and still reached maximal
oxygen consumption. Subject one VO2 plateaued and had a drastically higher respiratory
exchange ratio higher than 1.10. Referring to table two it is easily able to determine that subject
one was about to reach maximal oxygen uptake right before the subject did. The difference in
criterion reached helps allow the hypothesis to be proven to be true, that any criteria reached
signifies that the subjects will meet VO2max almost immediately following.
In summary, both subjects tested reached if not one but two of the criteria needed to
evaluate if VO2max would be reached. The hypothesis was proven to be correct in using the three
criteria methods for assessing if a subject reached VO2max would be a sufficient way of

determining if a subject did reach maximal oxygen uptake. Testing VO2max will also significantly
improve the endurance and performance of an individual if given a fitness program considering
the VO2max.

Create a graph for each protocol which shows the change in VO2 with an increased work
Refer to Figure 1 and Figure 2

Using the three criteria, plateau in VO2 , HR 220-age, and R 1.10, did your subject
achieve maximal oxygen uptake on the bike? On the Treadmill?
For subject one they did not meet all criteria, the only criteria the subject met was a
respiratory exchange ratio greater than 1.10. the subject reached a ratio of 1.09 before
reaching maximal oxygen uptake. On the treadmill, subject twos VO2 plateaued and the
respiratory exchange ratio dramatically increased above 1.10 as soon as the subject
reached maximal oxygen uptake. Both subjects did reach maximal oxygen uptake.

3. Express the subjects VO2max relative to body weight and compare the value with norms
to classify the subjects cardiovascular fitness.
VO2max = # (L/min) x 1000 (mL/min)/ weight (kg)
VO2max = # (L/min) x 1000 (mL/kg)/ weight (kg)
Cycle ergometer: 33.8 ml/kg/min is not shown on chart and is shown below average
Treadmill subject: 51.4 ml/kg/min shows to be well above average

4. What is the VO2max value in METs?

1 MET=3.5 mL/kg/min
Cycle ergometer: 3.5 = 9.66 METs

3.5 =14.7 METs

Discussion questions for Maximal Anaerobic test

1. What is your peak power output?
My peak power output was 5.75 W/Kg and it was achieved twice during the Wingate test.
2. Calculate your relative peak power output.
peak power
=realtive power output ( )
body mass

78.3 = .07 W/kg
3. Calculate your mean power output for the entire 30-s test.
11.74 +35.22+35.22+0+ 0+0
Power (Watts) =
= 13.70 Watts
4. Calculate your anaerobic capacity
(kpm/30s)= Resistance (kg) x (total pedal revolutions in 30s(rpm) x 6)
1 watt=6.12 kpm
5.87 x 5 x 6 = 176.1
=28.77 Watts
5. Calculate your rate of fatigue (% decrement in power)
peak powerlowest power
x 100
peak power
x 100=66.67
6. How does each value from above compare with the norms for your age and gender?
For the oxygen consumption values my percentage is below average for my age group
but does not fall below average. My power norm is well above average as well and is not
shown on the table. For Fatigue index norm the tables say that Im not even on the norm
Im way below it for women.

Estimation of VO2max
1. Create a graph with the following pairs of values.
Refer to Figure 3
2. Locate your average velocity on the x-axis, go up to the line and over to the y-axis t
identify your estimated VO2max.
VO2max = 35 ml* kg-1*min-1
1. Compare your metabolic energy production on the Margaria anaerobic power test with
your maximal aerobic power measured with the Balke run test. Explain why you think
the values were as different as they were.

2. Based on the various methods of energy production, why do you think a run of 12-15
minutes duration was chosen to estimate maximal oxygen uptake?
Because we do not start using our aerobic system until at least 10 min of a semi intense
work out, so the 12-15-minute test allows for the aerobic system to be used and allows
for proper calculations.
3. What would happen to your estimate of maximal aerobic power if an all- out 2- minute
run where used instead of the 12- 15-minute run? What would happen to your estimate of
VO2max if a marathon distance was chosen for the test.
If the test was changed to a 2-minute test, the subject would become fatigued but never
reach the real maximal oxygen uptake because they would have not worked out long
enough for aerobic systems to act. If a marathon runner was used, they would never
achieve maximal oxygen uptake because they subject would be used to the intensity of
the work out.


King, G. A. (2016). Kinesiology 4312 exercise physiology laboratory Manuel (Fall 2016).
El Paso, TX: Paper Chase.

Maron, B. J., & Pelliccia, A. (2006). The heart of trained athletes: Cardiac remodeling and
the risks of sports, including sudden death. 114(15), 16331644.

Powers, S.K., & Howley, E.T. (2012). Exercise physiology: Theory and application to fitness
and performance (8th ed.). New York; McGraw-Hill Education- Europe.

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