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Eur J Appl Physiol (1997) 75: 233–238  Springer-Verlag 1997


Paul Berthon · Nicole Fellmann · Mario Bedu · Bruno Beaune

Michel Dabonneville · Jean Coudert · Alain Chamoux

A 5-min running field test as a measurement

of maximal aerobic velocity

Accepted: 27 August 1996

Abstract Based on a theoretical approach from world apply, provided precise information on vamax and to a
record running data, we have previously calculated that lesser degree on V̇O2max.
the most suitable duration for measuring maximal aero-
bic velocity (vamax) by a field test was 5 min (vamax(5)).
Key words Maximal oxygen consumption · Running
The aim of this study was, therefore, to check this hy-
performances · Léger test · Blood lactate · Energy cost of
pothesis on 48 men of various levels of physical fitness
by comparing (vmax(5)) with (vamax) determined at the last
step of a progressive treadmill exercise test when the
subject felt exhausted (vamax(t)) and during a test on a
running track, behind a cyclist (following an established Introduction
protocol) (vamax(c)). For each test, (V̇O2max) was also
measured by a direct method on a treadmill (V̇O2max(t)) Performance in many sports has been shown to depend
and calculated by an equation for field tests (V̇O2max(5) largely on aerobic qualities including maximal oxygen
and V̇O2max(c)). The Vamax(5) [17.1 (SD 2.2) km · h–1] and consumption (V̇O2max), economy of running and the
(vamax(c)) [(18.2 (SD 2.4) km · h–1] were significantly fractional utilisation of V̇O2max (di Prampero et al.
higher than (vamx(t)) [16.9 (SD 2.6) km · h–1; P < 0.001]. 1986), which are determinants for training and during
The (vamax(t)) was strongly correlated with (vamax(5)) recovery. Performance cannot indeed be explained only
(r = 0.94) and (vamax(c)) (r = 0.95) (P < 0.001). The best in terms of (V̇O2max). In the laboratory, during direct
identity and correlation between (vamax(5)) and track V̇O2max measurements, maximal aerobic velocity (vamax)
performances were found in the runners (n = 9) with (di Prampero 1987) has been defined as the speed reached
experience over a distance of 3,000 m. The V̇O2max(5) and by the subject on a treadmill at the last stage corrected by
(V̇O2max(c)) were higher than V̇O2max(t) (+ 5.0% the time spent at this stage (Lacour et al. 1989). On the
and + 13.7%, respectively; P < 0.001) and V̇O2max(t) was track, coaches and physical education instructors must
highly correlated with vamax(5) (r = 0.90; P < 0.001). take vamax into account to establish training pro-
These results suggest that the 5-min field test, easy to grammes. Various field tests have been proposed, con-
sisting of maximal running tests of different durations,
distances and stages and they can be continuous or dis-
continuous. All these tests evaluate physical fitness but
P. Berthon (&) · M. Dabonneville few of them attempt to measure vamax.
Laboratoire Performance Motrice,
UFR STAPS, Université Blaise Pascal, Léger and Boucher (1980) have developed and vali-
B.P. 104, F-63172 Aubière Cédex, dated an indirect continuous running multistage field
France test providing an indirect determination of V̇O2max
A. Chamoux (Université de Montréal Track Test, UMTT). This test is
Laboratoire de Médecine du Travail, based on the assumption that the subjects will reach
Université d’Auvergne, their V̇O2max during the last stage of the test. More re-
F-63000 Clermont Ferrand, cently, Lacour et al. (1991) have demonstrated with
runners from regional to international level that the
N. Fellmann · M. Bedu · B. Beaune · J. Coudert UMTT provides a value of vamax as accurately as a
Laboratoire de Physiologie-Biologie du Sport,
Université d’Auvergne,
treadmill measurement. Moreover vamax has been shown
F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand, to correlate well with the best performance maintained
France over 1,000 m (Montmayeur and Villaret 1990), 1,500

and 3,000 m (Lacour et al. 1989). However, this test is their written consent to participate. All the subjects had a medical
not valid for V̇O2max estimation from vamax using the examination including an electrocardiogram and a complete med-
ical history was taken. This examination led us to exclude three
equation of Léger and Mercier (1983). The V̇O2max has subjects from the experimental programme. Finally 48 men [mean
been shown to be overestimated when compared with age 27.9 (SD 6.9) years, range 18.2–46.1 years; mean height 178.0
V̇O2max measured by a direct method on a treadmill, and (SD 5.2) cm, range 169–190 cm; mean body mass 71.2 (SD 7.4) kg,
this difference was more marked in the less fit subjects range 56.5–85.5 kg] performed the three tests in random order
within a maximal period of 2 weeks. They had different physical
(Lacour et al. 1989). This discrepancy may result from fitness levels varying from sedentary subjects to sportsmen in in-
several factors. Firstly, an energy cost of running which dividual or collective sports, and runners at local or national level.
is different from the value used by Léger and Mercier
(1983) (210 ml O2 · kg–1 · km–1) for establishing their Measurement of V̇O2max by a direct method and of vamax
equation, would introduce an error. Secondly, vamax
measured by UMTT could be overestimated because the The V̇O2max was measured during a graded continuous treadmill
velocity sustained during the last stage of this field test test (Gymrol Super 2500) (V̇O2amx(t)). The duration of each step
was 3 min with a gradient of 1%. The magnitude of the gradient
could exceed the actual vamax corresponding to the was chosen for two reasons:
maximal aerobic capacity. In fact the time duration of
the stages is different in laboratory and field tests. In the 1. It is easier to maintain a running posture on a treadmill with a
slight gradient and
Brue protocol (Brue et al. 1986), vamax corresponds to 2. To compensate for the wind resistance during running which
the last wholly completed stage maintained for only 30 s occurs on the track but not on a motor driven treadmill (Davies
(time duration of each step), whereas the time of the 1980).
running period is 3 or 4 min during treadmill measure- The speed increment was 1.5 km · h–1. Each subject performed
ments. Depending on the studies, the duration of the five or six steps until he felt exhausted. The first step lasted 5 min as
running performance which is maintained at 100% vamax, a warm-up and the corresponding speed was fixed according to the
a concept of ‘‘Tlim at MAS’’ developed by Billat physical fitness of the subject [70% of the theoritical maximal heart
rate (220- age in years) as defined by Astrand and Rythming 1954].
(1994a,b), varies from 5 min to 8 min (4.95 min – Mont- Expired gas was collected in a Douglas bag for the last 30 s of each
mayeur et Villaret 1990; 5 min – Londeree 1986; 5.12 running stage. Subsequent volume determination was carried out in
min – Billat et al. 1994a; 5.23 min – Billat et al. 1994b; a Tissot spirometer. The mean O2 and CO2 fractions of expired air
7 min – Costill and Fox 1969; Peronnet and Thibault were determined by Morgan analysers.
The V̇O2max measurement was considered valid if three of the
1989; 4.6 min – Léger et al. 1986). These values have following criteria were satisfied: exhaustion of the subject, re-
been shown to correspond to the best track performance spiratory exchange ratio equal to or greater than 1.10, blood lactate
over 1,500 to 3,000 m. According to Katch et al. (1973), concentration equal to or greater than 8 mmol · 1–1 or actual
it is not necessary to run for more than 5 min at a steady maximal heart rate (HRmax greater than at 95% of the maximal
pace to improve significantly the correlation between theoretical heart rate) (Astrand et al. 1973; Lacour and Flandrois
V̇O2max measured in the laboratory and running per- The maximal aerobic velocity on the treadmill (vamax(t)) was
formance. Brikci and Dekkar (1989) have demonstrated calculated using the equation proposed by Kuipers et al. (1985):
a significant correlation between the 5-min running test vamax(t) = v + a. n/b where v (in kilometres per hour) is the velocity
and V̇O2max (r = 0.93; n = 38), but these authors did not maintained before the last stage, a (kilometres per hour) is the value
of the speed increment between two stages, n is the number of
compare the field test performance to vamax because the seconds run in the last stage and b the theoretical number of sec-
laboratory tests were performed on a cycle ergometer. onds of the last stage.
More recently, we have demonstrated by a critical ap- The running energy cost was calculated using the equation
proach to world record running data that a 5-min long proposed by Lacour et al. (1991) at submaximal velocity just before
the last stage: running energy cost (mlO2 · kg–1 · km–1) = [oxygen
maximal test is the most suitable duration for measuring uptake (V̇O2) at the stage (ml · kg–1 · min–1) )5(ml · kg–1 · min–1)/
vamax (Chamoux et al. 1996). velocity (km · min–1). The 5 ml · kg)1 · min–1 value corresponded to
Therefore, in order to check whether a 5-min max- resting V̇O2 (Medbo et al. 1988).
imal continuous running test allows the accurate mea-
surement of vamax and correlates with V̇O2max, the results Université de Montréal track test
of this field test were compared with vamax and V̇O2max
determined in the laboratory on a treadmill and during The UMTT was performed within the week preceeding or follow-
the UMTT (Léger and Boucher 1980, modified by Brue ing the other two tests. On the track, without warm-up, the athletes
(5 maximum) followed a cyclist whose pedalling rate was paced by
et al. 1986). In addition, these field velocities were a tape recorder. This technique, proposed by Brue et al. (1986),
compared to the athlete’s best performances of the provided a regular increase in velocity (v). The v of the first stage
corresponding track season over 800 m, 1,500 m, was approximately 6.4 km · h–1 and it increased about 0.30 km · h–1
3,000 m, 5,000 m, 10,000 m and half-marathon. every 30 s. The cyclist was informed by a whistle blast about the
right intermediate time. The v maintained during the last wholly
completed stage was considered as the subject’s vamax in the test
Methods The vamax(c) was converted into theoretical V̇O2max (V̇O2max(c))
using the equation of Léger and Mercier (1983) which has been
Subjects established for treadmill and track performances obtained from
data in the literature as follows:
A group of 51 men, who volunteered for the study were informed V̇O2max(c) = 1.353 + 3.163 v + 0.0122586 v2 where V̇O2max is in
before the tests about the risks and constraints involved and gave millilitres per minute per kilogram and v in kilometres per hour.

A 5-min maximal running test

The procedure was as follows:

1. A 5–10 min warmup at 70% HRmax which allowed the subject

Data from treadmill and track measurements are listed
to start at his maximal potential in Table 1. The [La–]b and HRmax were no different be-
2. A constant pace which was necessary to obtain maximal per- tween the three tests.
3. No rests during the test to avoid the effect of the recovery
process on physiological responses
4. The shuttle-run technique was excluded because this method
introduces additional factors (muscle strength, nervous re-
activity) which modify performance.

After a 10-min warm-up at approximately 70% HRmax eval-

uated from heart rate monitoring, the subjects were asked to run
the maximal distance in 5 min on the track. The subjects were
informed that steady running was needed for the best performance.
A sound signal was given every minute. A count down was given
for the last 10 s. Intermediate times were written down every 100 m.
The maximal aerobic velocity [vamax(5) (in kilometres per hour)]
was calculated by multiplying the running distance (d) by 12
(1 h = 5 min × 12): vamax(5) (km · h–1) = 12 d (km run in 5 min).
As for UMTT, the equation of Léger and Mercier (1983) was
used to estimate V̇O2max(5).
Throughout the three tests, heart rate (HR) was recorded with a
heart rate monitor (Sport Tester TM PE 4000, Polar Electro), and
blood samples for lactate concentration measurement ([La)]b) were
obtained by micropuncture of the ear lobe within the 3 min fol-
lowing the completion of the tests. The ([La)]b) were measured with
a lactate analyser (Analox LM5).

Track performances

Out of the 48 subjects, the best performances (expressed as a ve-

locity, metres per second) achieved by the experienced runners of
the group studied during the track season (over a period of 6
months before and after the tests) were obtained over 800 m
(n = 8), 1,500 m (n = 12), 3,000 m (n = 9), 10,000 m (n = 12) and
half-marathon (n = 13). Each subject could run from one to five
different distances.


The ANOVA was used for overall comparisons of (HR), [La)]b,

V̇O2max and vamax for all the three tests (Stat View 4.02). Sub- Fig. 1 Relationships between the maximal aerobic velocity, as
sequent post-hoc analysis by using a Scheffé test was performed to measured on a treadmill vamax(t) and the running velocity maintained
identify the location of significant differences. The relationships during the 5-min field test vamax(5) a between vamax(5) and the running
between variables V̇O2max, vamax, track performances) were ana- velocity maintained during the last completed stage of the Université
lysed using linear regression analysis. The significant level was fixed de Montréal Track Test with Brue protocol vamax(c) b Dotted line line
at P < 0.05. of identity

Table 1 Maximal parameters obtained during laboratory test (treadmill) and field tests: Université de Montréal Track Test with Brue
protocol (UMTT) and 5-min test. HRmax Maximal heart rate, vamax maximal aerobic velocity, V_ O2max maximal oxygen consumption
Test HRmax Lactate vamax V_ O2max
(beats · min–1) (mmol · l–1) (km · h–1) ml · min–1 · kg–1

Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

Treadmill 192.0 7.5 9.1 2.2 16.9 2.5 55.6 8.2
Range 175–208 5.8–14.9 10.0–21.4 33.5–71.0
UMTT 192.6 7.7 9.2 2.6 18.2 2.3*** 63.1 8.4***
Range 177–210 5.2–14.6 13.1–22.3 45.8–78.1
5-min 191.8 8.1 9.9 2.1 17.1 2.3*** 59.2 8.3***
Range 175–210 5.6–14.8 11.7–20.9 40.0–72.9
P < 0.001 Significantly different from treadmill test

Maximal aerobic velocity

The vamax(c) and vamax(5) were significantly higher than

vamax(t). The mean differences were + 1.4 km · h–1
( + 8.3%) (P < 0.001) and + 0.3 km · h–1 ( + 1.8%)
(P < 0.001), respectively. The three vamax were sig-
nificantly correlated with each other (P < 0.001): vamax(t)
and vamax(5) (r = 0.94) (Fig. 1a); vamax(c) and vamax(5)
(r = 0.97) (Fig. 1b) and vamax(t) and vamax(c) (r = 0.95).

Maximal oxygen uptake

The calculated V̇O2amx(c) and V̇O2max(5) were both signi-

ficantly higher than direct V̇O2max(t): + 7.6 ml · min–1 · Fig. 2 Relationships between maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2max)
kg–1 (+ 13.7%) and + 2.8 ml · min–1 · kg–1 (+ 5.0%) measured on treadmill V̇O2max(t), and Vamax(5). For other definitions
see Fig. 1
(P < 0.001), respectively. There were significant correla-
tions between V̇O2max(t) and vamax(5) (r = 0.90,
P < 0.001) (Fig. 2) and between V̇O2max(t) and vamax(c)
(r = 0.92, P < 0.001). Consequently, significant re-
lationships were also found between V̇O2max(t) and
V̇O2max(5) (V̇O2max(t) = 0.88 V̇O2max(5) + 3.35, r = 0.90
P < 0.001) and V̇O2max(t) and V̇O2max(c) (V̇O2max(t)
= 0.89 V̇O2max(c) – 0.54, r = 0.92 P < 0.001).
The energy cost of running calculated from the
treadmil data was 182 (SD 14) ml O2 · kg · km–1 (range
166–221 ml O2 · kg–1 · km–1).

Track performances

Strong correlations between vamax(5) and track perfor-

mance were found over all distances except for 800 m for
which the linear regression line was not significant
(Table 2). The best relationship with vamax(5) was ob-
tained for 3,000 m (Fig. 3). Whatever the runner’s level, Fig. 3 Relationships between the average velocity maintained during
the velocity at 1,500 m was systematically higher than the best performances of the season over 1,500 m (n = 12), 3,000 m
(n = 9), 5,000 m (n = 9), 10,000 m (n = 12), half-marathon (n = 13)
vamax(5) whereas the velocity corresponding to 5,000 m, and vamax(5), maximal aerobic velocity determined during the 5-min
10,000 m and half-marathon were lower (Fig. 3). field test. Dotted line, line of identity. For other definitions see Fig. 1

Table 2 Relationships between vamax(5) and vamax(c), and the velo- last stage of the Université de Montréal Track Test with Brue
city achieved during the best track performances (vtrack performance) protocol, v (in metres per second) velocity corresponding to the best
over various distances. vamax(5) ( in metres per second) Maximal vtrack performances in competitions over 800m, 1,500m, 3,000m,
aerobic velocity determined during the 5-min field test, vamax(c) ( in 5,000m, 10,000m and half-marathon
metres per second) maximal aerobic velocity determined during the

Distances Relationships vamax(5) vtrack performance Relationships vamax(c) vtrack performance

800 m NS v800 = +1.02 + 0.98 vamax(c)

n=8 r = 0.64; P < 0.01
1,500 m v1,500 = –0.92 + 1.26 vamax(5) v1,500 = –0.32 + 1.08 vamax(c)
n = 12 r = 0.97; P < 0.0001 r = 0.93; P < 0.01
3,000 m v3,000 = +0.21 + 0.97 vamax(5) v3,000 = +0.63 + 0.85 vamax(c)
n=9 r = 0.97; P < 0.0001 r = 0.94; P < 0.01
5,000 m v5,000 = +0.10 + 0.96 vamax(5) v5,000 = –1.27 + 1.13 vamax(c)
n=9 r = 0.95; P < 0.0001 r = 0.81; P < 0.001
10,000 m v10,000 = –0.74 + 1.07 vamax(5) v10,000 = +0.33 + 0.82 vamax(c)
n = 12 r = 0.95; P < 0.0001 r = 0.78; P < 0.05
half-marathon vhalf-marathon = –1.73 + 1.20 vamax(5) vhalf-marathon = –0.23 + 0.87 vamax(c)
n = 13 r = 0.96; P < 0.0001 r = 0.80; P < 0.05

test was easier to achieve than the UMTT because it did

Discussion not need an experienced cyclist to regulate speed accu-
rately. In contrast, the 5-min test could disadvantage less
If vamax(t) is considered as the reference for analysing the fit subjects who do not know how to choose the maximal
runner’s performance (Lacour et al. 1991), the 5-min velocity that they can maintain as regularly as possible
field test provides a good assessment of vamax. Although throughout the test.
the mean vamax(5) value was significantly higher than The correlation coefficients between track perfor-
vamax(t) (+ 0.30 km · h–1, + 1.8%), this differences was mances and vamax(5) were better than those obtained with
smaller than that observed between vamax(c) and vamax(t) vamax(c) (Table 2). The best relationships were found with
(+ 1.4 km · h–1, + 8.3%). Moreover, a strong relation- 1,500 m (vamax(c)) and 3,000 m (vamax(5)) and confirm
ship existed between vamax(t) and vamax(5) (Fig. 1a). previous results obtained by Lacour and Candau (1990)
These results could have been due to the specific and Lacour et al. (1991) using UMTT. A high fraction
procedure of the 5-min test. Firstly, the duration of 5 min of vamax, close to 100%, is involved when performing
would seem quite satisfactory for evaluating vamax. Since over longer distances. It would be surprising if the 5-min
velocity is closely linked to duration, vamax varies ac- field test provided the most accurate assessment for ve-
cording to the protocol used. The minimal duration locity sustained over 3,000 m. The fastest runner needed
depends on the time necessary to elicit the maximal 8.14 min to cover this distance whereas 5 min is closer to
aerobic component with a reduced anaerobic participa- the 1,500-m performance which varied from 3.80 to 4.79
tion. But the total duration of the test which itself gen- min in this study. This unexpected result could be ex-
erates fatigue, must not exceed a certain limit. When plained by two factors. Firstly, the runners were prob-
velocity calculated from performance ranging from ably more motivated during competition than during the
100 m to the marathon (42,195 m) is related to the field test evaluation. Consequently, they could exceed
logarithm of the time, the intersection of ‘‘anaerobic and vamax in these particular running conditions. Secondly,
aerobic lines’’ has been found to result in a duration of the 5-min field test was performed during the period
4.97 min (Chamoux et al. 1996). This mathematical corresponding to the resumption of training. Thus, the
approach is close to the experimental results of Mon- physical fitness level was probably lower than that dur-
tmayeur and Villaret (1990) who have determined a ing the competition period. Nevertheless, in spite of high
4.95-min duration as the optimal time for vamax mea- correlation coefficients between vamax(5) and track per-
surement corresponding to 100% V̇O2max behind a cy- formance, the 5-min field test was not precise enough to
clist. This time corresponded to the performance over differentiate among runners over a small range of per-
1,500–2,000 m. Secondly, running was performed at a formances.
constant pace and the duration was the same for all The 5-min test provides also an indirect estimation of
subjects. V̇O2max from vamax using the equation proposed by Lé-
When the speed increment is fixed from the first step ger and Mercier (1983). The V̇O2max(5) were well corre-
until exhaustion as has been proposed by Léger and lated with V̇O2max(t). The same result has been found by
Boucher (1980) and modified by Brue et al. (1986), a Bricki and Dekkar (1989) between 5-min test perfor-
well-trained subject can run more than 25 min while a mance and V̇O2max measured by a direct method on a
less fit one runs less than 10 min. Consequently, duration cycle ergometer. But V̇O2max(5) was also significantly
and intensity of the warm-up which corresponds to the higher than V̇O2max(t), and as for V̇amax(5), this difference
first stages of the UMTT vary with physical fitness. The was smaller than that found between V̇O2max(c) and
less trained a subject, the shorter and more intense the V̇O2max(t) (Table 1). It is unlikely that these results could
warming-up. Moreover the step duration of 30 s pro- be due to an underestimation of V̇O2max on the tread-
posed by Brue et al. (1986) is too short: some athletes mill. The [La–]b and HRmax were no different from the
have been found to exceed the speed corresponding to levels reached at the end of the 5-min test and UMTT.
their V̇O2max during the completion of the last stage The better V̇O2max estimation by the 5-min test than
(Montmayeur and Villaret 1990). This could explain the UMTT was partly due to a more accurate vamax assess-
higher vamax reached during the UMTT compared with ment which is taken into account in the V̇O2max calcu-
the treadmill protocol. However, the lack of significance lation. Moreover, this is all the more interesting since the
between [La–]b after the treadmill running, the 5-min-test runners studied exhibited a wide range of physical fitness
and the UMTT did not support this assumption. The (33.5–71.0 ml · min–1 · kg–1) and running energy cost
same observation has also been reported by Lacour et al. (166–221 ml O2 · kg–1 · km–1, ie. 33% difference). When
(1991) between the laboratory test and UMTT. It has we used the equations proposed by Bricki and Dekkar
also been suggested that when the athletes run grouped (1989) established on 38 athletes [V̇O2max (ml · min–1 ·
closely together following the cyclist while performing kg–1) = 2.27 v (km · h–1) + 13.3 for a velocity lower than
the UMTT, their motivation is enhanced and air re- 20 km · h–1 and V̇O2max (ml · min–1 · kg–1) = 8.67 v (km ·
sistance is reduced and this leads to an overestimate of h–1) – 113 for a velocity higher than 20 km · h–1], we
vamax. In contrast, running at a constant pace without found an underestimation of V̇O2max(5) compared with
the stimulation of a cyclist simulates normal race strat- V̇O2max(t) (– 2.8 ml · min–1 · kg–1). From our own values
egy more accurately. Finally, the procedure of the 5-min of V̇amax(5) and V̇O2max(t), we established a predictive

equation for V̇O2max from V̇amax(5): V̇O2max (ml · min–1 · étude de faisabilité en unités en vue du remplacement du test de
kg–1) = 3.23 vamax(5) + 0.123. This could be simplified as Cooper. Centre d’Etude et de Recherche Biophysiologique
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Acknowledgements This study was supported by the Direction Lacour JR, Candau R (1990) Vitesse maximale aérobie et perfor-
Régionale Jeunesse et Sports d’Auvergne, the Institut de Forma- mance en course à pied. Sci Sports 5:183–189
tion et de Recherche en Santé, the Comité Régional Olympique et Lacour JR, Flandrois R (1977) Le rôle du métabolisme aérobie
Sportif d’Auvergne and the Association Sportive Montferrandaise. dans l’exercice intense de longue durée. J Physiol (Paris) 73:89–
The investigators would like to thank the sportsmen whose co- 130
operation made the study possible and Gisèle Pickering for her help Lacour JR, Montmayeur A, Dormois D, Gacon G, Padilla S, Viale
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