HIV Prevalence, Risk Behaviors, Health Care Use, and Mental Health Status of Transgender Persons: Implications For Public Health Intervention

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HIV Prevalence, Risk Behaviors, Health

Care Use, and Mental Health Status of

Transgender Persons: Implications for
Public Health Intervention

Objectives. This study described
HIV prevalence, risk behaviors, health
care use, and mental health status of
male-to-female and female-to-male transgender persons and determined factors
associated with HIV.
Methods. We recruited transgender
persons through targeted sampling,
respondent-driven sampling, and agency
referrals; 392 male-to-female and 123
female-to-male transgender persons were
interviewed and tested for HIV.
Results. HIV prevalence among
male-to-female transgender persons was
35%. African American race (adjusted
odds ratio [OR] = 5.81; 95% confidence
interval [CI] = 2.82, 11.96), a history of
injection drug use (OR =2.69; 95% CI=
1.56, 4.62), multiple sex partners (adjusted OR = 2.64; 95% CI = 1.50, 4.62),
and low education (adjusted OR = 2.08;
95% CI=1.17, 3.68) were independently
associated with HIV. Among female-tomale transgender persons, HIV prevalence (2%) and risk behaviors were much
lower. Most male-to-female (78%) and
female-to-male (83%) transgender persons had seen a medical provider in the
past 6 months. Sixty-two percent of the
male-to-female and 55% of the femaleto-male transgender persons were depressed; 32% of each population had attempted suicide.
Conclusions. High HIV prevalence
suggests an urgent need for risk reduction
interventions for male-to-female transgender persons. Recent contact with
medical providers was observed, suggesting that medical providers could provide an important link to needed prevention, health, and social services. (Am
J Public Health. 2001;91:915921)

June 2001, Vol. 91, No. 6

Kristen Clements-Nolle, MPH, Rani Marx, PhD, MPH, Robert Guzman, BA,
and Mitchell Katz, MD
Transgender is a term used to describe
individuals who have a persistent and distressing discomfort with their assigned gender.1 Such individuals were born anatomically
as one biological sex but live their lives to
varying degrees as the opposite sex. Qualitative research suggests that male-to-female and
female-to-male transgender individuals experience severe employment, housing, and health
care discrimination, and many engage in behaviors that put them at risk for HIV.26
High HIV prevalence has been found in
small published studies of male-to-female
sex workers recruited from street locations
in Atlanta, Ga7 (68%), and Tel Aviv, Israel8
(11%); a drug treatment center in Rome,
Italy9 (46%); and a clinic in Italy10 (57%). In
addition, research comparing male-to-female
sex workers with male and female sex workers in the same neighborhoods has consistently found higher HIV prevalence in transgender samples.7,8,1114
Male-to-female transgender persons not
currently involved in sex work were included
in 4 published studies that sampled in clinics,
communities, and prison systems.1519 HIV
prevalence was lower than in studies of maleto-female sex workers, but sexual and injection drug risk behaviors were common.1517
Two of these studies compared male-to-female
transgender persons with males, females recruited in the same settings, or both, and found
a higher prevalence of risk behaviors among
male-to-female transgender persons.18,19
Studies of male-to-female transgender
individuals have relied on small convenience
samples and predominantly have reported
data on individuals seeking HIV testing or
self-reporting HIV seropositivity.9,10,1519
Three studies included street-based sampling
methods but lacked power to determine independent predictors of HIV infection.7,8,17
No studies have quantitatively assessed HIV
risk among female-to-male transgender individuals. To address these limitations, we
conducted interviews and HIV testing with

392 male-to-female and 123 female-to-male

transgender persons in San Francisco, Calif.
We describe HIV prevalence and risk behaviors among male-to-female and female-tomale individuals and assess the independent
predictors of HIV infection among male-tofemale transgender individuals. We also report on health care use and mental health status of both populations.

Subjects and Recruitment
Our targeted sampling plan20 was based
on information gathered from focus groups
with 100 transgender persons,6 30 key informant interviews, and social mapping in
neighborhoods thought to have high concentrations of transgender persons. We used participatory research strategies whereby members of the target population were involved in
development, implementation, and interpretation of the study.21,22
Three male-to-female transgender individuals (African American, Filipina, and Latina) and 3 female-to-male transgender persons (1 Vietnamese and 2 White) were hired
as interviewers. Staff received 35 training sessions, including HIV counseling, interviewThe authors are with the San Francisco Department
of Public Health, San Francisco, Calif. Mitchell
Katz is also with the University of California, San
Requests for reprints should be sent to Kristen Clements-Nolle, MPH, Epidemiology and Evaluation Section, San Francisco Department of Public Health, 25 Van Ness, #500, San Francisco, CA
94102 (e-mail: [email protected]).
This article was accepted July 29, 2000.
Note. All study protocols and materials received
approval from the Committee on Human Research
at the University of California, San Francisco, and
all participants provided informed consent. The views
expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the funding agencies.

American Journal of Public Health


ing, confidentiality, harm reduction, street outreach, suicide prevention, and referrals. From
July through December 1997, staff recruited
individuals from street settings, bars, and social
gatherings catering to transgender persons, and
agencies referred clients to the study. We also
initiated respondent-driven sampling23; each
study participant received an incentive for eligible persons recruited.
Recruited individuals called a toll-free
number and were screened for eligibility. Individuals were eligible if they (1) were 18
years or older; (2) lived, worked, or socialized in San Francisco; (3) spoke English,
Spanish, Vietnamese, or Tagalog; and (4)
stated that their primary gender was transgender, transsexual, bigender, transvestite,
cross-dresser, intersexed, or the opposite sex
of that at birth.
Eligible subjects were scheduled for an
interview at 1 of 8 community-based organizations and could request the gender or
race/ethnicity of their interviewer. Interviewers identified and prevented 3 participants from reenrolling. A composite variable of unique personal identifiers also was
created; no duplicates were identified with
this variable.
Written informed consent was obtained
before interviewing and HIV testing. Two
weeks later, participants received HIV test
results and further counseling and referrals
from the same interviewer. Missed follow-up
appointments could be rescheduled, but staff
did not try to locate participants who missed
appointments. Participants received $40 for
the interview, $10 for the follow-up appointment, and $5 for up to 5 eligible persons they

defined so as to exclude the use of dildos and

sex toys.
We measured the prevalence of lifetime
and recent (past 6 months) use of marijuana,
cocaine, crack cocaine, amyl nitrite, heroin,
hallucinogens, methamphetamine, and nonhormonal injection drugs. Among nonhormonal injection drug users, we determined the
prevalence of sharing syringes, using cookers,
and backloading (using 1 syringe to mix drugs
and load another syringe).
Measures of physical and mental health
included emergency department and outpatient
medical visits in the past 6 months (dichotomized as none vs 1 visit), recent hormone use and injection, hormone syringe sharing, and source of hormones and syringes. We
also measured history of mental health hospitalization, suicide attempts, HIV testing, and
use of HIV-related health care. The 20-item
Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression
Scale was used to screen for depression.24 This
scale has high sensitivity and specificity for
major depression among primary care patients25; we used the standard cutoff score (16)
to classify depression.26
HIV testing was performed with the OraSure HIV-1 Oral Specimen Collection Device
(Epitope, Inc, Beaverton, Ore). Specimens were
screened with the Vironostika HIV-1 Microelisa
System Kit (Organon Teknika Corp, Durham,
NC). Specimens that repeatedly tested reactive to enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
(ELISA) were confirmed with OraSure HIV1 Western Blot Kits (Epitope, Inc, Beaverton,
Ore). With confirmation, the OraSure test has
high sensitivity and specificity.27

Instrument and Measures

The 2 or the Fisher exact test was used to

determine differences in proportions; median
tests were used to assess differences in continuous variables. Unadjusted smoothing techniques (spline and loess) were used to determine whether age and lifetime number of
partners had a linear relation to HIV prevalence among male-to-female transgender persons. An inverse U-shaped curve between age
and HIV existed; cutpoints for age categories
(1829, 3039, 40) were chosen to preserve
this relationship.28 We created a dichotomous
variable for number of partners based on
smoothing techniques that indicated a nonlinear relation with HIV and a clear cutpoint
(>200 partners).
To identify factors independently associated with HIV prevalence among maleto-female transgender persons, we entered lifetime demographic and risk factors significantly
associated with HIV in the bivariate analyses
(P < .05) into a multiple logistic regression
model as simultaneous entries. Crack, cocaine,

Sociodemographic measures included

race/ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, education, incarceration (ever and past 6 months),
and current housing status (stable in a house
or apartment vs unstable in a single-roomoccupancy hotel, on the streets, in parks, in
parked cars, in shelters, or temporarily staying
with others).
We ascertained the number of lifetime sex
partners and the prevalence of unprotected (no
condom used) anal and vaginal sex (insertive
and receptive) with male, female, and transgender sex partners. The number, gender, and
type of sex partners (main, casual, and exchange) in the past 6 months and the prevalence of unprotected anal and vaginal sex by
partner type also were documented. An exchange partner was defined as a person you
had sex with in exchange for things you needed
or they needed such as money, drugs, shelter,
or food. All reported sexual behaviors were

American Journal of Public Health

Statistical Methods

and methamphetamine use were excluded from

the multivariate model because of collinearity
with one another and with injection drug use
(Pearson r0.40).
Review of the correlation matrix of the
multivariate parameter estimates identified no
serious multicollinearity. Deviance and Pearson
residuals from the logistic model were calculated and plotted; more than 99% of the deviance and more than 95% of the Pearson residuals were between 2 and 2, indicating good
model fit.29,30 Two-way interactions among
modeled variables were assessed, but none were
significant (P.20).
Factors associated with HIV were not assessed for female-to-male transgender persons
because few were HIV positive. All analyses
were conducted with SAS, Version 6.0 (SAS
Institute, Inc, Cary, NC); S-Plus, Version 4.5
Professional (Insightful Corp, Seattle, Wash),
was used to graph the relationship between age
and lifetime number of partners with HIV. All
P values were 2-sided.

We screened 645 individuals, of whom
586 (91%) were eligible for inclusion in the
study. Of the eligible participants, 523 (89%)
completed the interview and HIV test. No demographic differences were found between eligible subjects who did and did not complete
the interview. Eight intersexed individuals
(born with ambiguous or both male and female
genitalia) were excluded from this analysis,
because they could not be classified as maleto-female or female-to-male persons.The final
sample comprised 392 male-to-female and 123
female-to-male transgender individuals.
The most common (nonmutually exclusive) ways that participants were recruited
for the study were respondent-driven sampling (39%), outreach by study staff (38%),
flyer recruitment (14%), and referrals from
agencies (10%). Male-to-female transgender
persons were more likely to report respondentdriven sampling recruitment (42% vs 32%,
P=.04), and female-to-male transgender persons were more likely to be recruited by interviewers (58% vs 32%, P<.001). There were
no other differences in demographics or HIV
prevalence by recruitment type. Seventy percent of the participants returned for their HIV
test results.

Most male-to-female and female-to-male
participants self-identified as transgender, the
June 2001, Vol. 91, No. 6

TABLE 1Demographics of Male-to-Female and Female-to-Male Transgender

Persons: San Francisco, Calif, 1997
(n = 392), No. (%)
Gender identity
African American
Asian and Pacific Islander
Native American
Median age, y (range)
Sexual orientationc
<High school diploma
High school diploma
Median monthly income, $ (range)c
Current housing statusd
Incarceration, ever
Incarceration, past 6 mo
HIV positive (OraSure test result)

(n = 123), No. (%)


145 (37)
135 (34)
100 (26)
12 (3)

46 (37)
41 (33)
26 (21)
10 (8)

104 (27)
106 (27)
106 (27)
49 (13)
24 (6)
34 (1867)

12 (10)
14 (11)
82 (67)
9 (7)
5 (4)
36 (1961)

< .001

271 (69)
82 (21)
21 (5)
15 (4)

43 (35)
40 (33)
15 (12)
22 (18)

< .001

113 (29)
278 (71)
744 (557346)
207 (53)
185 (47)
255 (65)
119 (30)
137 (35)

5 (4)
118 (96)
1100 (1006000)
96 (78)
26 (21)
36 (29)
6 (5)
2 (2)



< .001
< .001
< .001
< .001
< .001

Associations between characteristics and gender (male-to-female vs female-to-male)

assessed with 2 test, Fisher exact test (for HIV prevalence), and the median test (for
income and age).
Includes transvestite, cross-dresser, bigender.
Missing data: race/ethnicity (4), sexual orientation (6), income (16).
Stable housing = owns or rents home or apartment. Unstable housing = single-roomoccupancy hotel; living on the streets, in parks, in parked cars, or in shelters; or
temporarily staying with others.

opposite gender of that at birth, or transsexual (Table 1). The median age of male-tofemale and female-to-male participants was
similar, but the 2 populations differed significantly on all other sociodemographic characteristics. Seventy-three percent of the maleto-female persons identified as non-White,
whereas two thirds of the female-to-male persons identified as White. Male-to-female transgender individuals were more likely than
female-to-male transgender individuals to
identify as heterosexual, to report prior incarceration, and to have unstable housing, low
education, and low monthly income. The most
common ways (nonmutually exclusive) that
male-to-female transgender individuals obtained money in the past 6 months included
part- or full-time employment (40%), sex work
(32%), Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability Insurance (29%), and
General Assistance (23%), whereas 81% of
the female-to-male were employed (not shown
in table).
June 2001, Vol. 91, No. 6

HIV Risk Among Male-to-Female

Thirty-five percent of the male-to-female
participants (n=137) had positive HIV test results, of whom 65% (n=89) knew they were infected, 20% (n=27) learned their status through
study participation, and 15% (n=21) did not
know their status and failed to return for test results.Fifty-twopercent(n=11)oftheparticipants
who were HIV positive but did not obtain test results thought that it was unlikely or there was
no chance that they were HIV infected. Only
50% of all the male-to-female individuals who
were HIV infected were receiving HIV-related
medical care, and 58% (n=52) were receiving
HIV antiretroviral or prophylactic therapy.
Lifetime risk factors associated with HIV
were common (Table 2). After control for other
covariates, African American race was found to
be the strongest risk factor for HIV infection

(63% of the African American male-to-female

participants were HIV positive). Other factors
independently associated with HIV prevalence
included having less than a high school degree,
having had more than 200 lifetime sexual partners, and using nonhormonal injection drugs.
We compared recent risk behaviors of the
male-to-female participants who were HIV infected and uninfected (Table 3). About one
fifth of the male-to-female participants reported
nonhormonal injection drug use in the past 6
months; this behavior was more prevalent
among individuals who were HIV positive. Almost half of the injectors shared syringes and
backloaded, and 29% shared cookers. Syringes
were typically obtained from needle exchange
sites (54%; n=39), the streets (22%; n=16),
pharmacies or clinics (15%; n=11), and friends
(8%; n=6).
Eighty percent of the male-to-female participants had had anal, vaginal, or oral sex in the
past 6 months, and 37% had had more than 10
sex partners (Table 3).Three fourths of the maleto-female participants had had sex with males,
6% with females, and 8% with other transgender persons. Participants were more likely to engage in receptive anal sex (with male or transgender persons) than insertive anal sex (with
male, female, or transgender persons) (63% vs
30%, P<.001).As shown inTable 3, unprotected
receptive anal sex was more common with main
partners, followed by casual and exchange partners. Participants who were HIV positive were
more likely than uninfected participants to report
receptive anal sex with main partners; no other
differences were seen between the 2 groups in
sexual behaviors or condom use. Only 7% of
the male-to-female transgender persons had had
vaginal construction surgery, so unprotected receptive vaginal sex with male or transgender
persons was rarely reported (2%).Two male-tofemale transgender persons reported unprotected
insertive vaginal sex with a female.

HIV Risk Among Female-to-Male

Two female-to-male participants (2%) had
positive HIV test results; both knew their status and were receiving HIV-related health care.
A history of nonhormonal injection drug use
was reported by 18% of the female-to-male
participants; 54% had injected hormones.
Female-to-male participants reported a median
of 27 lifetime sex partners. Twenty-seven percent reported unprotected receptive anal sex
with a male, whereas 6% had engaged in unprotected receptive anal sex with a transgender
person. Sixty-three percent reported unprotected receptive vaginal sex with a male; 25%
had engaged in this behavior with a transgender person. Almost one third (31%) of the female-to-male participants had a history of sex
American Journal of Public Health


TABLE 2Factors Associated With HIV Prevalence Among Male-to-Female

Transgender Persons: San Francisco, Calif, 1997
Male-to-Female HIV+
(n = 392),
(n = 137),
No. (%)
No. (%)
African American
Age, y
High school diploma
<High school diploma
History of incarceration
Lifetime risk behaviors
No. of sex partnersc
Nonhormonal injection drug use
Hormonal injection drug use
URAI with male
UIAI with male
Sex work or survival sex
Forced sex or rape

Adjusted OR
(95% CI)a
(n = 381)

106 (27)
104 (27)
106 (27)
73 (19)

23 (17)
65 (47)
31 (23)
18 (13)

5.81 (2.82, 11.96)
0.80 (0.37, 1.72)
1.10 (0.49, 2.48)


133 (34)
149 (38)
110 (28)

35 (26)
65 (47)
37 (27)

1.71 (0.95, 3.07)
0.93 (0.47, 1.84)


278 (71)
113 (29)
255 (65)

86 (63)
51 (37)
108 (79)

2.08 (1.17, 3.68)
1.12 (0.62, 2.03)


212 (54)
180 (46)
134 (34)
256 (65)
330 (84)
213 (54)
312 (80)
231 (59)

51 (37)
86 (63)
69 (50)
108 (79)
127 (93)
94 (69)
124 (91)
92 (67)

2.64 (1.50, 4.62)
2.69 (1.56, 4.62)
1.67 (0.94, 2.97)
2.34 (0.95, 5.78)
1.38 (0.82, 2.35)
0.82 (0.37, 1.82)
1.02 (0.59, 1.75)


Note. OR = odds ratio; CI = confidence interval; URAI = unprotected receptive anal

intercourse; UIAI = unprotected insertive anal intercourse.
Factors associated with HIV (P < .05) in bivariate analyses were entered in multivariate
model. Eleven subjects were deleted because of missing data.
Includes Asian and Pacific Islanders (67%) and Native Americans (33%).
Includes anal, vaginal, and oral intercourse.

TABLE 3Recent Risk Behaviors of Male-to-Female Transgender Persons Who

Were HIV Positive and HIV Negative: San Francisco, Calif, 1997
All Male-to-Female
(n = 392),
No. (%)
Injected street drugs
Shared syringesb
Shared cookersb

(n = 137),
No. (%)

Injection drug use behaviors, past 6 mo

72 (18)
40 (29)
34 (47)
17 (43)
35 (49)
18 (45)
21 (29)
11 (28)
Sexual behaviors, past 6 mo

No. of sex partnersc

RAI with main partnerd
RAI with casual partnerd
RAI with exchange partnerd

80 (20)
69 (18)
99 (25)
144 (37)
146 (37)
90 (62)
144 (37)
63 (44)
128 (33)
36 (28)

27 (20)
24 (18)
41 (30)
45 (33)
66 (48)
36 (55)
55 (40)
25 (45)
46 (34)
11 (24)

(n = 255),
No. (%)


32 (13)
17 (53)
17 (53)
10 (31)


53 (21)
45 (18)
58 (23)
99 (39)
80 (31)
54 (68)
89 (35)
38 (43)
82 (32)
25 (30)



Associations between characteristics and HIV prevalence assessed with 2 test.

Among those who injected drugs in the past 6 months.
Includes anal, vaginal, and oral sex.
RAI = receptive anal intercourse with male or transgender main, casual, or exchange
partners, respectively.
URAI = unprotected receptive anal intercourse among those who had RAI with male or
transgender main, casual, or exchange partners, respectively.


American Journal of Public Health

work or survival sex, and 59% reported forced

sex or rape.
Recent risk behaviors were uncommon
among female-to-male participants overall.
Only 5 female-to-male participants (4%) reported nonhormonal injection drug use in the
past 6 months, although 4 of these 5 individuals shared syringes and cookers and backloaded. All female-to-male injectors obtained
syringes off the streets or from friends. Twenty
percent of the female-to-male participants had
not had anal, vaginal, or oral sex in the past 6
months; 46% had 1 partner, 32% had 2 to 10
partners, and 2% had more than 10 partners.
Fifty-eight percent of the female-to-male participants had sex with females, 18% with
males, and 15% with transgender individuals.
Fifty-nine percent had sex with main partners,
41% with casual partners, and 4% with exchange partners. Ten percent of the female-tomale participants had receptive vaginal sex
with a male or transgender person, of whom
67% (n=8) did not always use condoms. Only
7% had receptive anal sex with a male or transgender person, but 56% (n=5) of this group
used condoms inconsistently. Only 2% (n=2)
of the female-to-male participants had had
penis construction surgery, so insertive anal
and vaginal sex was rare.

Health Care Use and Mental Health

Status Among Male-to-Female and
Female-to-Male Transgender Individuals
A large proportion of male-to-female and
female-to-male participants lacked health insurance (Table 4). Among those insured, maleto-female participants relied on public insurance, whereas female-to-male participants
were more likely to have private insurance.
Most male-to-female and female-to-male participants received care at a clinic or doctors
office, and about one fifth had visited an emergency department in the past 6 months. Maleto-female participants had a higher prevalence
of recent hormone use and were more likely to
obtain hormones from a nonmedical source
but were less likely to inject their hormones
than were female-to-male participants. Most
female-to-male (92%) and male-to-female
(82%) hormone injectors obtained their syringes from a medical source; only 3 individuals reported sharing hormone syringes in the
past 6 months.
Some type of sexual reassignment surgery
(typically breast augmentation for male-tofemale and reduction for female-to-male transgender individuals) was reported by 22% of the
male-to-female participants and one third of the
female-to-male participants. Most male-tofemale (72%) and female-to-male (85%) participants planned to have some type of surgery
in the future. Slightly fewer than one third of both
June 2001, Vol. 91, No. 6

TABLE 4Health Care Use and Mental Health Status of Male-to-Female and
Female-to-Male Transgender Persons: San Francisco, Calif, 1997
(n = 392), No. (%) (n = 123), No. (%)
Health care use
Health insurance, current
202 (52)
132 (34)
56 (14)
Clinic or doctor visit, past 6 mo
306 (78)
Emergency department visit, past 6 mo
98 (25)
Hormone use, past 6 mo
288 (73)
Injected hormones, past 6 mo
121 (42)
Source of hormones, past 6 mob
Medical provider
204 (71)
Streets, black market, friends
84 (29)
Mental health status
Mental health hospitalization, ever
87 (22)
Suicide attempt, ever
127 (32)
Depression: CES-D score 16c
242 (62)


51 (41)
14 (11)
58 (47)
102 (83)
22 (18)
65 (53)
63 (97)


63 (97)
2 (3)


24 (20)
39 (32)
68 (55)



Note. CES-D = Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale.24

Associations between characteristics and gender (male-to-female vs female-to-male)
assessed with 2 test.
Of those who used hormones in the past 6 months. Fisher exact test used.
Seven missing values.

male-to-female and female-to-male participants

had attempted suicide, and about one fifth of
each group had been hospitalized for a mental
health condition.Almost two thirds of the maleto-female and 55% of the female-to-male participants were classified as depressed (Table 4).

To our knowledge, this is the largest quantitative study to describe HIV risk, health care
use, and mental health status of male-to-female
and female-to-male transgender individuals.
Our data show the diversity that exists within
the transgender community. For example, gender identification does not determine sexual
orientation. Male-to-female study participants
primarily had sex with the opposite gender (males) and self-identified as heterosexual, whereas female-to-male participants were
more likely to have sex with other males and
transgender individuals and self-identified as
gay or bisexual. We also found major differences between male-to-female and female-tomale participants with respect to demographic
and HIV risk characteristics. In particular,
male-to-female transgender persons were more
socioeconomically disadvantaged and had
higher HIV prevalence.
Our estimate of HIV prevalence among
male-to-female transgender persons is higher
than estimates from studies with gay men and
injection drug users of the same age in San Francisco.3134 Half of the male-to-female transgenJune 2001, Vol. 91, No. 6

derpersons who were HIV positive in our study

were not receiving HIV-related health care, and
many individuals who were HIV positive and
did not return for their test results thought it unlikely that they were infected. These findings
highlight the importance of counseling male-tofemale transgender persons about HIV and the
benefits of early intervention.
There is a particular need to intervene
with African American male-to-female transgender persons, two thirds of whom had positive HIV test results in our study. Similar associations between African American ethnicity
and higher HIV prevalence have been found
among transgender persons in Atlanta7 and
among gay men (older and younger), injection
drug users, and heterosexual men and women
in San Francisco.31,32,3537 As with previous
studies, socioeconomic and behavioral differences did not account for the disproportionate
level of HIV infection among African Americans in our study.
We found high levels of current risk behaviors among both HIV-positive and HIVnegative male-to-female transgender persons.
We do not know, however, whether transgender
populations serve as a bridge group in the
HIV epidemic, because we did not determine
the sexual orientation and HIV status of participants sex partners. As with past research, we
found that male-to-female transgender persons
were more likely to engage in receptive rather
than insertive anal sex.3,11,16 Some researchers
have suggested that receptive anal sex is more
common because hormone use makes it diffi-

cult to maintain an erection,16 and playing the receptive role is viewed as more feminine.3
Inconsistent condom use during receptive
anal sex was commonly reported, particularly
with main partners. This finding is consistent
with past research on male-to-female transgender persons7,38 and calls for interventions
that decrease barriers to condom use with main
partners. Risk reduction interventions also are
needed for female-to-male transgender persons who have sex with men, because condom
use was infrequent.
According to qualitative research, many
male-to-female transgender persons turn to sex
work because they face severe employment
discrimination24,6; this may account for the
high number of sexual partners and prevalence
of sex work among male-to-female transgender persons in our study. Street outreach and
more intensive HIV prevention interventions,
such as prevention case management, are urgently needed for sex workers and should include education, job training, and job placement. Given the high rate of incarceration
among our participants, jails and prisons may
be good settings for HIV prevention interventions for sex workers.
We found very low levels of HIV risk associated with hormone injection, probably because several clinics in San Francisco offer hormone therapy. However, nonhormonal injection
drug use was associated with HIV, and the prevalence of sharing syringes among injectors was
higher than that in studies with out-of-treatment
injection drug users in San Francisco.34,39,40 Public health providers need to ask transgender
clients about hormonal and nonhormonal injection drug practices and refer them to harm
reduction and treatment interventions. In addition, needle exchange programs should reach
out to transgender populations and provide both
hormone needles (22 g, 11/2 in) and nonhormone needles (27 g, 5/8 in).
Our study confirms that many transgender persons enter the medical system in pursuit
of hormones.1,15,16 In addition to providing hormone therapy, health care providers should
counsel and appropriately refer transgender
clients who are in need of HIV, substance abuse,
and mental health services. There is a particular need to assess the potential for depression
and suicide and intervene appropriately.
The prevalence of suicide attempts among
male-to-female and female-to-male transgender
persons in our study was much higher than that
found in US household probability samples
and a population-based sample of adult men
reporting same-sex partners.41,42 This finding
supports a previous study of male-to-female
transgender persons in the Netherlands, which
found that the number of suicides among maleto-female transgender persons was much higher
than the expected mortality for the Dutch male
American Journal of Public Health


population.43 Although we did not assess factors associated with suicide attempts, researchers have hypothesized that higher rates
of attempted suicide among gay youths compared with heterosexual youths may partially
be the result of increased discrimination and
victimization4446tragically, common experiences for transgender individuals.24,6
The primary limitation of our research was
the use of nonprobability sampling. Our findings may not generalize to other urban areas,
and there may be threats to internal validity if
certain sampling methods were more likely to
recruit high-risk individuals. Most traditional
random sampling approaches would not produce reliable samples, however, because the
transgender population has strong privacy concerns and has never been counted, and because
many transgenderpersons are marginally housed
or homeless.
Our use of social mapping and targeted
sampling helped ensure that important subpopulations were sampled. Respondent-driven
sampling capitalizes on the ability of members
of a hidden population to recruit their peers
and reduces many biases associated with traditional snowball sampling.23 Despite the use
of such methods, female-to-male participants
were difficult to recruit. Female-to-male transgender individuals were more likely to be recruited through personal contacts with study
staff than through respondent-driven sampling.
This may partially account for the demographic
differences we observed between male-tofemale and female-to-male participants but is
unlikely to account for the large difference in
HIV prevalence.
Despite these limitations, our data describe
an important population in San Francisco with
many needs. Similar studies in other US cities
are needed to assess the role of transgender individuals in local HIV epidemics. Our ability
to recruit this hard-to-reach population was
likely the result of engaging in participatory research and hiring a diverse group of male-tofemale and female-to-male transgender staff.
Similar peer-based approaches could be used to
provide culturally appropriate HIV, substance
use, mental health, education, employment, and
other social services for transgender persons. In
addition, because transgender individuals access the health care system for hormone therapy, medical providers can provide an important link to needed services.

K. Clements-Nolle, R. Marx, and M. Katz conceived
and designed the study. K. Clements-Nolle and R.
Guzman implemented the study protocols and supervised data collection, coding, and entry. K.
Clements-Nolle analyzed the study data. R. Marx and
M. Katz assisted with data analysis and interpretation. K. Clements-Nolle conducted the literature re-


American Journal of Public Health

view and prepared the initial draft of the manuscript.

All authors contributed to the final manuscript.

This study was supported by Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention Cooperative Agreement
U62CCU902017-12 and California Department of
Health Services, Office of AIDS Grant 97-10787.
We would like to thank Ari Bachrach, Nikki
Calma, Carla Clynes, Nashanta Stanley, Matt Rice,
and Doan Thai for conducting data collection, counseling, testing, and referrals; Vince Guilin and Scott
Ikeda for field coordination; the Transgender Community Advisory Board for assistance with protocol,
survey, and materials development; the San Francisco Department of Public Health Laboratory for
HIV test result processing; Art DeGuzman, Stella
Cheung, Irene Lee, and Belinda Van for data entry
and management; Aida Flandez for assistance with
manuscript preparation; and Nancy Padian, PhD,
Mike Pendo, MPH, and Doug Sebesta, PhD, for manuscript review. We would also like to express our appreciation to the following agencies who assisted
in recruitment and provided space to conduct interviews and HIV testing: Asian & Pacific Islander
Wellness Center, Center for Special Problems, Filipino Task Force on AIDS, FTM International, GlideGoodlett HIV/AIDS Program, Instituto Familiar de
la Raza, New Village, Proyecto ContraSIDA Por
Vida, Southeast Asian Community Center, Tenderloin AIDS Resource Center, and Tom Waddell Clinic.

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