Canterburytalesgrade 12
Canterburytalesgrade 12
Canterburytalesgrade 12
Standard(s): Common Core, Arizona Career and College Ready Standards, ISTE Standards apply to this lesson
Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain. (1112.RL.1)
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and
connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including words
with multiple meanings or language that is particularly fresh, engaging, or beautiful. (11-12.RL.4)
Objectives (Explicit): Use Blooms verbiage and formula
By the end of the unit of this course, students will be able to summarize and explain a chosen character
in the introduction of Chaucers The Canterbury Tales.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable): An actual product /Include an explanation of how you are going to
grade/grading tool? (rubric, checklist, etc.)
Students will present a partner collaboration summarizing and explaining their chosen character of The Canterbury
Tales using a technology tool. Partners will submit electronically, either by website link or by uploading a file, which
will be available via the teachers page for the rest of the class to view and study. Grading rubric will include the
categories of participation in project, comprehension of material, effectiveness of presentation tool; the pair that
finished presenting will discuss their grade with the teacher while the next pair is prepping for their turn. Partners
will have the option of correcting any mistakes on their project and turning in the revisions before test day. The class
will use the knowledge of their peers for the cumulative unit assessment, which will be multiple choice, fill in the
blank, and short answer questions.
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex): Content and Language objectives action verbs such as
write, list, highlight, etc.)
Student will be able to interpret the meaning of words and phrases in the text The Canterbury Tales
by breaking down a description of one of the characters with a partner.
Student will be able to describe one character from The Canterbury Tales in their own words by
presenting to the class.
Student will be able to describe in their own words the characters from The Canterbury Tales by
taking notes on other pairs presentations.
Key vocabulary:
Materials/Technology Resources to be Used:
Content-specific vocabulary and translation words
Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make RELEVENT to real life) ENGAGE/ hook the
(On projector screen is the teachers favorite character of Canterbury Tales and playing is a symphony of sorts
related to the story. Instructions on the board to create a graphic organizer of their notes from my teacher page.)
Good morning! Objectives are on the board and guess whattheyre the same as when we read Macbeth, only this
time youre going to be doing all of the translating for the introduction to Chaucers The Canterbury Tales. We are
taking the lit analyses skills we just learned and putting them to the test, showing me that you can pick apart and
comprehend any literary reading thrown at you.
(Quick intro of Canterbury Tales while students are drawing graphic organizers of their notes. After five minutes,
students will partner and share their organizers while I assign groups. Then students will choose sections of reading,
launch into group work)
Instructional Input
Guided Practice
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation: While circulating, teacher will help the pairs having difficulty
comprehending their characters by explaining vocabulary not on the notes, such as explaining what a tunic
looks like or what a pike is used for. They may use online dictionaries to search for definitions of these
words as well.
Teacher Will: Allow time for pairs to work in class
reading and comprehending their character of
Canterbury Tales
Independent Practice
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation: Teacher will have worked with struggling students prior to
presentation. Teacher will ask guided questions to pairs who seem lost or disorganized.
Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections: Students will be able to analyze reading material with peers and
effectively teach it to each other, building cooperative and communicative skills.