Q7 Lab
Q7 Lab
Q7 Lab
Elaborately explain the essential features of the consumer protection act 1986. Also briefly
discuss unfair trade practice and restrictive trade practice as discussed under consumer protection
(i)Features of Consumer Protection Act 1986
1. This Act is applicable on both goods and services. Goods are manufactured by the
manufacturer and consumer buys them from manufacturer or seller. Services include transport,
electricity, water; roads, etc. are under this Act.
2. Consumer Redressal Forum-Under Consumer Protection Act, the three judicial systems has
been set up to provide relief to consumers. In this system, consumer forums have been set up at
various levels which are functioning to safeguard the interests of consumers.
Under this system, many forums and commissions have been set up at various levels where
consumers can lodge their complaints.
Unfair Trade Practice-it is unfair and deceptive procedure used to promote sale or
supply of goods and services like lottery, chit fund, conducting competitions, etc.
IV. Restricted trade practices.